Acquisitions entre Avril et septembre 2022 POP-ROCK

EnécoutantceduodeLiverpool,onpenseimmédiatementàlaDreampopde Mazzy Star etàladouceurdutimbrede Hope Sandoval, maiscedisquerappellesurtout lessonoritésTrip-Hopde Portishead. Undisquequitourneactuellementenbouclesurmesappareils.
D30 364 614 9
I'm not sorry, I was just being me King Hanna cesontdesriffssimples,incisifs,répétitifs,hypnotiquesquiconfèrent uneatmosphèreoniriqueauxteintesclair obscur King Hannah,c'estlavoixd’ Hannah Merrick,douceetlancinantequivient déchirerl'obscurité. King Hannah cesontaussidessolosdeguitarevenusdenullepart,auxsonorités vintages,planantesetinattendues,quirappellentparinstantsletoucherd’un certain David Gilmour.Cettesonoritéonladoità Craig Whittle

A ANTHOLOGIE Inrockuptibles (Les) no 11 avril 2022 D30 339 504 8 Sampler
5 CD – POP-ROCK (76)
A ANTHOLOGIE Inrockuptibles (Les) no 07 février 2022 D30 339 561 X Sampler
A ANTHOLOGIE Inrockuptibles (Les) no 08 mars 2022 D30 339 563 3 Sampler
A ANTHOLOGIE Inrockuptibles (Les) no 09 avril 2022 D30 339 560 8 Sampler A ANTHOLOGIE Inrockuptibles (Les) no 10 mai 2022 D30 339 506 1 Sampler
BILLY TALENT Crisis of faith D30 438 214 6 Revival punk BLACK COUNTRY, NEW ROAD Ants from up there D30 455 036 4 British indie Rock BLACK KEYS (The) Dropout boogie D30 364 611 3 Garage
BLACK SABBATH Master of reality D30 455 028 3 Hard rock BLACK SABBATH Paranoid D30 453 011 5 Hard rock BLOC PARTY Alpha games D30 364 586 1 Indie rock BLUES TRAVELER Traveler's blues D30 339 526 0 BLUNT, James Afterlove (The) D30 456 651 6 Folk pop (MTV) BLUNT, James All the lost souls D30 456 632 9 Folk pop (MTV) BOO RADLEYS (The) Keep on with falling D30 453 962 4 BOWIE, David Outside D30 339 541 0
A ANTHOLOGIE NRJ 300% hits 2022 D30 439 656 4 Pop A ANTHOLOGIE NRJ hits 2022 D30 437 774 1 Pop AC/DC Back in black D30 339 302 9 Heavy metal ALT-J Dream (The) D30 438 251 9
AMAMI Soleil D30 456 439 6 Rock suisse ASHCROFT, Richard Acoustic hymns vol. 1 D30 450 002 6 Pop ASHWORTH, Sasami Squeeze D30 452 775 3 Dream pop
AURORA Gods we can touch (The) D30 439 629 6 Pop norvégienne BAKER, Bastian Stories of the XXI D30 450 162 6 Rock suisse BAND OF HORSES Things are great D30 364 610 1 Indie rock Seattle BASTILLE Give me the future D30 452 999 5 BEACH HOUSE Once twice melody D30 364 618 6 Rock psychedelique BEAU LAC DE BALE (Le) Baignades strictement interdites et 2ème service D30 456 466 4 Rock suisse (Genève) BELLE SEBASTIANAND Bit of previous (A) D30 459 167 4 Pop BERRY, Chuck Live from Blueberry Hill D30 450 012 0 Rock BERURIER NOIR Concerto pour détraqués ! D30 450 010 7 Punk français BERURIER NOIR Viva Bertaga D30 450 005 1 Punk français BEYOND Awakening D30 339 509 7 Groupe fémin "suisse" BIFFY CLYRO Myth of the happily ever after D30 453 003 4 BIG THIEF Dragon new warm mountain I believe in you D30 453 007 1
BRIGHTMAN, Sarah Very best of (The) : 1990 2000 D30 454 110 1 Rock new age BROODS Space island D30 364 605 6 Pop BUSH, Kate Whole story (The) D30 456 096 7 Pop / rock CABELLO, Camila Familia D30 364 601 9 CALEXICO Mirador (El) D30 457 688 8 Folk rock CALLAHAN, Bill Blind date party D30 453 030 2 Membre de Smog CAPALDI, Lewis Divinely uninspired to a hellish extent D30 457 673 4 Pop genre Keane ou James Blunt CAREY, S. Break me open D30 456 659 0 CHARLI XCX Crash D30 452 779 0 Pop COIL Musick to play in the dark D30 450 169 9 New Wave COIL Musick to play in the dark 2 D30 457 656 0 New Wave COLONIE VACANCESDE Echt D30 453 035 1 Projet sonore avec notamment Greg Saunier (Deerhof) COSTELLO, Elvis Boy named If (The) D30 339 524 7 Rock COWBOY JUNKIES Songs of the recollection D30 456 482 6 CROSBY, David For free D30 439 640 9 CROW, Sheryl Sheryl : music from the feature documentary D30 339 847 X Musique documentairedu CURSE OF LONO People in cars D30 437 744 8 DEAFHEAVEN Sunbather D30 450 158 2 Metal DESTROYER Labyrinthitis D30 364 598 X Projet pop/folk de Daniel Bejar Pornographer)(New DISTRICTS (The) Great american painting D30 453 031 4 Rock DOHERTY, Pete Fantasy life of poetry & crime (The) D30 456 486 3 Brit pop DOOBIE BROTHERS (The) Minute by minute D30 339 511 7 Rock 60's EAGLES OF DEATH METAL Death by sexy D30 456 084 9 Homme & co EELS Extreme witchcraft D30 438 219 5 Pop / rock ELEVENTH DREAM DAY Since grazed D30 455 032 7 ELYSIAN FIELDS Bleed your cedar D30 456 431 1 Indie rock ELYSIAN FIELDS Bum raps and love taps D30 450 009 9 Indie rock EMERSON, LAKE AND PALMER Ultimate collection (The) D30 450 006 3 Rock progressif ENYA Amarantine D30 449 990 3 New Age ENYA Dark sky island D30 455 483 2 New Age ETTEN, Sharon van We've been going about this all wrong D30 456 475 7 Folk EURYTHMICS Revenge D30 339 520 X EVANESCENCE Bitter truth (The) D30 456 663 4 Metal EVANESCENCE Fallen D30 456 667 1 Metal
FALL OUT BOY From under the cork tree D30 438 231 X
EVERLY BROTHERS (The) Everly Brothers sing their greatest hits D30 449 994 0 Rock MarianneFAITHFULL, Vagabond ways D30 453 034 X
GODSPEED YOU BLACK EMPEROR Luciferian towers D30 339 878 5 Post rock GOTTHARD Steve Lee : the eyes of a tideger : in memory of our unforgotten friend D30 453 018 8 Hommage à Steve Lee GREEN DAY BBC SESSIONS D30 339 523 5 Punk
FAUST So far D30 452 991 0 Rock expérimental
FOREIGNER [S.t.] : (Feels like the first time) D30 457 684 0 FOREIGNER 4 D30 455 024 6 FOREIGNER Double vision D30 456 080 1 FRANZ FERDINAND Hits to the head D30 459 119 5 Indi rock écossais
FLAMIN' GROOVIES Groovies' greatest grooves D30 450 001 4
FATHER JOHN MISTY Chloë and the next 20th century D30 457 676 X
FLEETWOOD MAC Bare trees D30 439 636 5 FLEETWOOD MAC English rose D30 450 004 X
FINN, Craig Legacy of rentals (A) D30 363 683 3
FAUST [S.t.] : (Why don't you eat carrots ?) D30 452 987 7 Rock expérimental FAUST IV D30 453 966 1 Rock expérimental FAUST Punkt. D30 366 268 9 Rock expérimental
GENTLE GIANT Octopus/Three friends D30 455 025 8 Rock progressif GHOST Impera D30 459 147 5 Metal suédois GILMOUR, David On an island D30 450 008 7 Rock planant
GUIDED BY VOICES Crystal nuns cathedral D30 459 174 3 HALL, Daryl Before after D30 364 590 5 HARDING, Aldous Warm Chris D30 452 774 1 Folk HART, Beth Tribute to Led Zeppelin D30 454 115 0 Tribute to Led Zeppelin HARVEY, Mick Autralian rules D30 339 547 1 BO HARVEY, Mick Waves of Anzac / The Journey D30 438 215 8 Bande sonore de films HARVEY, P.J. Hope six demolition project (The) Demos D30 459 170 6 HEAD, Michael Dear Scott D30 364 578 0 HEAVY TRASH [S.t.] : (Dark hair'd rider) D30 449 998 8 Rockabilly HENLEY, Don Actual miles : Henley's greatest hits D30 455 486 8 Batteur, chanteur Eagles HENRY, Joe Gospel according to water (The) D30 363 520 8 HOMESHAKE Under the weather D30 437 747 3 aka Peter Sagar Membre de Mac Demarco HONEY FOR PETZI Man's race for black ham D30 459 138 2 Post rock suisse HOODOO GURUS Chariot of the gods D30 459 143 8 HOOVERPHONIC Hidden stories D30 454 119 8 Trip hop
FLORENCE + THE MACHINE Dance fever D30 339 870 0 FOO FIGHTERS In your honor D30 456 066 3 Grunge
FREE Classic : the masters collection D30 456 097 9 Blues rock 70's GARCIA PEOPLES Dodging dues D30 453 023 3 Fans de Jerry GAVANSKI, Dana When it comes D30 456 050 8 Folk canadiennenéopsychedelique
Top 40 : their ultimate collection D30 454 123 1 Trip hop HVAL, Jenny Classic objects D30 459 162 5 INXS Listen like thieves D30 339 555 2 Pop/rock JAZZ BUTCHER (The) Highest in the land (The) D30 364 558 1 JESUS AND MARY CHAIN (The) Automatic D30 339 527 2 Noisy pop JESUS AND MARY CHAIN (The) Stoned & Dethroned D30 339 530 4 Noisy pop JEWEL Freewheelin' woman D30 364 583 6 JOHN, Elton Songs from the West coast D30 450 157 0 JON, Robert Shine a light on me brother D30 437 745 X Rock KAISER CHIEFS Education, education, education & war D30 456 471 X Rock KAISER CHIEFS Employment D30 450 164 X Rock KANE, Miles Change the show D30 455 490 1 Rock KEANE Under the iron sea D30 437 743 6 Brit pop KGB [S.t.] : (Let me love you D30 456 093 1 Supergroupe composé de Rich Reich (Family / Blind Faith…), Carmine appice (Vanilla Fudge), Ray Kennedy, Barry Goldberg et Mike Bloomfield KHRUANGBIN Texas moon D30 454 111 3 Smoothie slide guitar KING CRIMSON Beat D30 453 022 1 Rock progressif KING CRIMSON Discipline D30 453 026 9 Rock progressif KING CRIMSON Thrak D30 455 033 9 Rock progressif KING HANNA I'm not sorry, I was just being me D30 364 614 9 DreamPop Liverpool KNOPFLER, Mark All the road running D30 456 086 2 KNOPFLER Mark / HARRIS Emmylou KNOPFLER, Mark Private investigations : the best of Dire Straits & Mark Knopfler D30 457 953 3 Mark Knopfler + Dire Straits KNOPFLER, Mark Wag the dog D30 456 078 1 KOOKS (The) Inside in, inside out D30 364 602 0 Indie rock KORN Requiem D30 437 746 1 Metal LANOIS, Daniel For the beauty of Wynona D30 364 587 3 LAVIGNE, Avril Love sux D30 457 648 X Pop/Rock LAY, Shannon Geist D30 439 652 7 Punk Folk, accompagnénotammenta Ty Segall & Ezra Furman LE BON, Cate Pompeii D30 438 211 0 LED ZEPPELIN Complete BBC sessions (The) D30 364 579 2 Hard rock LEFT BANKE Strangers on a train D30 457 644 2 LET'S GRANDMAEAT Let's eat grandma D30 457 680 3 LIARS Apple drop (The) D30 456 666 X Indie rock LIARS Drums not dead D30 365 248 4 Indie rock LIARS TFCF D30 456 443 X Indie rock LIARS They were wrongs so we drowned D30 339 835 1 Indie rock
LOW C'mon D30 364 575 5 Sadcore LOW Great destroyer (The) D30 339 863 1 Sadcore LUMINEERS (The) Brightside D30 438 202 8 Country LYKKE LI Eyeye D30 364 562 5 Electro pop LYNYRD SKYNYRD Endangered species D30 339 871 2 Rock 70's / blues rock MacLACHLAN, Sarah Essential (The) D30 459 163 7 MADONNA Like a prayer D30 456 068 7 Pop MAGMA K.A. D30 457 668 9 Rock progressif MAGMA Theusz hamtaahk trilogy D30 364 582 4 Rock progressif MANASSAS Manassas D30 457 696 9 MANN, Manfred Mannthology : 50 years of Manfred Mann's Earth Band 1971 2021 D30 364 595 4 Rock progressif MARILLION Afraid of sunlight D30 456 463 9 Rock progressif MARILLION Brave D30 457 946 4 Rock progressif MARILLION Clutching at straws D30 457 949 X Rock progressif MARILLION Sounds taht can't be made D30 456 435 9 Rock progressif MARR, Johnny Fever dreams pts 1 4 D30 457 652 3 Rock MATTHEWS, Dave Under the table and the dreaming D30 339 874 8 MELLENCAMP, John Cougar Strictly a one eyed jack D30 438 227 6 Folk MELODY'S ECHO CHAMBER Emotional eternal D30 364 609 3 MESHUGGAH Immutable D30 457 664 1 Metal MIDLAKE For the sake of Bethel woods D30 459 135 7 Sadcore MIKA Life in cartoon motion D30 437 742 4 pop légère MINISTRY Greatest fits D30 365 252 8 Metal MITCHELL, Joni Clouds D30 456 092 X Pop / folk MITSKI Laurel Hell D30 438 191 4 MONOCHROME SET Allhallowride D30 452 767 2 New Wave/Punk MOORE, Mandy In real life D30 365 236 6 Pop MORBY, Kevin This is a photograph D30 457 672 2 MORPHINE Yes D30 339 826 9 Pop MORRISON, Van Into the music D30 459 159 3 MORRISON, Van Keep me singing D30 456 447 7 MORRISSEY Viva hate D30 339 514 2 Pop MUFFS (The) Really really happy D30 365 246 0 MY ROMANCECHEMICAL Danger days D30 457 700 X Metal MY ROMANCECHEMICAL May death never stop you : the greatest hits 2001 2013 D30 457 954 5 Metal NASHVILLE PUSSY From hell to Texas D30 365 258 9 Rock NASHVILLE PUSSY Let them eat pussy D30 364 607 X Rock NEUROSIS Neurosis Jarboe D30 365 232 9 Metal industriel NIRVANA In utero D30 459 142 6 Grunge rock NIRVANA With the lights out D30 365 196 0 Grunge rock NITS (The) Giant normal dwarf D30 456 459 5 Pop
RUBETTES (The) Very best of the Rubettes (The) D30 339 522 3 RUSH Moving pictures D30 456 455 8 Rock progressif SANTANA, Carlos Blues for Salvador D30 365 242 3
SATRIANI, Joe Electric Joe Satriani (The) : an anthology D30 364 566 2 SATRIANI, Joe Elephants of mars (The) D30 456 655 3 SATRIANI, Joe Time machine D30 364 571 8 Hard rock SAVAGE, Anna B. Common turn (A) D30 364 599 1
10 NITS (The) Ting D30 456 088 6 Pop hollandaise
NUDE PARTY (The) [S.t.] : (Water on mars) D30 457 945 2 Pop/rock OLDFIELD, Mike Return to Ommadawn D30 456 432 3 ORTON, Beth Pass in time D30 339 861 8 Folk ORTON, Beth Trailer Park D30 364 619 8 Pop PANTERA Cowboys from hell D30 339 873 6 Hard rock américain PAVEMENT Terror twilight D30 456 062 6 PEARL JAM [S.t.] : (Life wasted) D30 339 875 X Grunge PET SHOP BOYS Very D30 339 517 8 Electropop PHILLIPS, Grant Lee All that you can dream D30 339 858 6 Folk pop PLACE TO STRANGERSBURY(A) See through you D30 455 479 9 Noise
SAVOY BROWN Best of D30 364 617 4 SAVOY BROWN Blue matter / A step further D30 364 613 7 SAVOY BROWN Raw Sienna / Looking in D30 364 574 3 SCORPIONS Crazy world D30 339 866 7 SCORPIONS Virgin killer D30 339 877 3 Hard rock SHAKIRA Oral fixation, vol. 2 D30 456 428 X Variété / pop SHINS (The) Oh, inverted world D30 365 250 4 Indie Rock SHOVELS & ROPE Manticore D30 459 139 4
NORTH ALLSTARSMISSISSIPPI Set sail D30 456 046 4 Southern rock, blues rock
PLACEBO Never let me go D30 459 179 2 Rock POLICA Madness D30 365 216 7 Electro pop PRETENDERS (The) Learning to crawl D30 339 862 X Rock PUP Unraveling of Puptheband (The) D30 339 857 4 QUEEN Greatest hits I, II and III (The platinum collection) D30 456 076 8 RACONTEURS (The) Broken boy soldiers D30 366 222 X RAITT, Bonnie Just like that… D30 339 838 7 RAMMSTEIN Volkerball D30 364 594 2 Metal / goth rock RAVE UPS (The) Tomorrow D30 438 194 X Punk RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS (The) Stadium arcadium D30 339 883 0
REED, Lou Growing up in public D30 339 533 X Rock REED, Lou Rock 'n' roll heart D30 339 528 4 Rock COASTALBLACKOUTSROLLINGFEVER Endless rooms D30 457 692 1 Rock Melbourne
SLAYER Christ illusion D30 366 224 3 Trash metal SMITH, Patti Horses D30 339 501 2 Rock
SUPERTRAMP Very best of (The) D30 339 503 6 SUSANNA Elevation D30 339 850 1 TALK TALK It’s my life D30 456 451 0
TAME IMPALA Lonerism D30 364 603 2 TEARS FOR FEARS Tipping point (The) D30 457 947 6 Pop
TEDESCHI TRUCKS BAND I am the moon : I. Crescent D30 364 559 3 Blues rock
SPOON Lucifer on the sofa D30 339 540 9 STARS From Capelton Hill D30 339 842 0
URBAN DANCE SQUAD Mental floss for the globe D30 339 510 5 Crossover
TINDERSTICKS Past imperfect : the best of Tindersticks '92 '21 D30 456 483 8 Pop / Sadcore
VILLAGERS Fever dreams D30 438 199 9
VOIVOD Synchro anarchy D30 438 239 4 Metal progressif VOLBEAT Servant of the mind D30 339 516 6 Hard rock danois Radiate like this D30 366 270 9 Punk rock féminin GRAHAM Joy ! D30 363 524 5 Groupe composé de Kenny et Hayden Miles WEATHER STATION (The) How is it that I should look at the stars D30 450 165 1 Paul Orchestrated songbook (An) D30 438 203 X Pop/rock WHITE LIES As I try not to fall apart D30 364 606 8 Pop / new wave WILLIAMS, Robbie Intensive care D30 339 544 6 Pop WILSON, Brian At my piano D30 339 513 0 Pop WOMBATS (The) Fix yourself, not the world D30 438 247 5 Punk anglais YANYA, Nilüfer Painless D30 450 160 2 Chanteuse Pop/rock Londres YOUNG, Neil Barn D30 339 518 X Neil Rust never sleeps D30 339 543 4 Songwriter
TOMBERLIN I don't know who needs to hear this… D30 366 257 2 TOUT BLEU Otium D30 364 615 0 Projet de Simone Aubert (Hyperculte)
URGE OVERKILL Oui D30 452 983 X VEDDER, Eddie Earthling D30 438 195 1
SPANDAU BALLET 40 years : the greatest hits D30 365 254 1 SPENCER, Jon Spencer gets is lit D30 457 669 0 SPIRITUALIZED Everything was beautiful D30 452 766 0
VILE, Kurt Watch my moves D30 456 082 5
SILVER MOUNT ZION ORCHESTRAMEMORIAL Horses in the sky D30 366 221 8 Post rock
SONIC YOUTH SYR 3 : invito al cielo D30 339 854 9 Rock expérimental SONICS (The) Boom D30 339 882 9 SONICS (The) Here are the Sonics D30 339 859 8 SONICS (The) Psycho sonic D30 364 563 7
CEUX MARCHENTQUI DEBOUT Check that funk D30 339 525 9 Funk CEUX MARCHENTQUI DEBOUT From blues to funk D30 339 851 3 Funk CROOKES, Joy Skin D30 439 628 4 R&B
Acid jazz, R&B, Disco…
CAREY, Mariah Greatest hits D30 339 467 8 R'n'B
JACKSON FIVE (The) Best of Michael Jackson & Jackson 5ive : the Motown years D30 453 019 X Soul KEYS, Alicia Keys D30 455 494 9 R'n'B LADY WRAY Piece of me D30 438 207 7 R'n'B LAMARR, Delvon Cold as weiss D30 438 235 7 Soul / Funk / Jazz MF ROBOTS Break the wall D30 456 467 6 Anciens du Brand New Heavies PRINCE Sign O the times D30 339 534 1 Funk REED, Eli "Paperboy" Down every road D30 456 470 8 Soul SILK SONIC Evening with Silk Sonic (An) D30 456 074 4 Bruno Mars & Anderson. Paak STAPLES, Mavis Carry me home D30 339 855 0 Soul
A ANTHOLOGIE Journey into paradise : the Larry Levan story D30 339 531 6 BIMENI, J.P. Give me hope D30 457 657 2 Soul BLIGE, Mary J. Good morning gorgeous D30 438 198 7 R'n'B
ZEAL & Solve/Coagula D30 363 516 4 Metal suisse (Manuel Gagneux) SOUL – FUNK (76.1)
FUNKADELIC One nation under a groove D30 450 000 2 Funk HUNTER, James With love D30 452 773 X Soul INCOGNITO Always there (1981 2021) : 40 years & still groovin' D30 455 021 0 Acid Jazz
A ANTHOLOGIE Café del Mar : best of D30 339 539 0 Chill out
13 ELECTRO (76.2) Techno, Trip-hop, House, Drum n’ bass
PAN AMERICAN Patience fader D30 365 257 7 Post rock PRINS THOMAS 8 & 9 D30 452 770 4 ROYKSOPP Profound mysteries D30 339 830 2 Electronica Downtempo/ SCRATCH MASSIVE Nuit de rêve D30 365 249 6 françaiseElectronica TEJADA, John Year of the living dead D30 449 982 2 TORO Y MOI Mahal D30 456 479 4 UFFIE Sunshine factory D30 363 699 9 ZOMBIE ZOMBIE Vae vobis D30 457 704 7
A ANTHOLOGIE Everything but the girl : adapt or die : ten years of remixes D30 339 532 8 Electro pop BON ORGANISATIONVOYAGE (Loin des) Rivages D30 457 661 6 BONOBO Fragments D30 453 015 2 Ambient CARAVAN PALACE Chronologic D30 455 566 1 Electro gypsy COLDCUT @0 D30 339 515 4 Electronica / Electro pop FEHLMANN, Thomas Böser Herbst D30 339 521 1 Ambient IBEYI Spell 31 D30 364 570 6 KAVINSKY Reborn D30 363 528 2 KING KRULE You heat me up you cool me down D30 439 648 3 KREIDLER Spell and daubs D30 438 243 8 Electro MATMOS Chance to cut is a chance to cure (A) D30 438 210 9 Electronica METRONOMY Small world D30 459 166 2 Electronica MOBY Reprise remixes D30 366 265 3 Electropop MODERAT More d4ta D30 339 879 7 Electro berlinois NILSSON, Molly Extreme D30 456 474 5 Pop (suède)synthétique
RAP – HIP-HOP (76.3) BUSTA RHYMES Big bang (The) D30 339 537 7 Rap US BUSTA RHYMES Genesis D30 339 542 2 Rap US COMMON Beautiful revolution (A), pt. 2 D30 453 010 3 Rap US FUGEES Score (The) D30 339 538 9 Political rap GANG STARR Full clip : a decade of Gang Starr D30 439 634 1 Rap US LITTLE SIMZ Sometimes I might be introvert D30 452 979 6 Rapeuse anglaise MOBB DEEP Hell on earth D30 339 553 9 Rap US N.W.A. N.W.A legacy (The), vol. 2 D30 339 558 8 Rap américain N.W.A. Niggaz4life D30 339 556 4 Rap américain ORELSAN Civilisation D30 438 223 9 Rap français ROCKIN' SQUAT Too hot for TV D30 339 512 9 Rap français RUN DMC King of rock D30 339 471 1 Rap américain SEXION D'ASSAUT Ecrasement de tête D30 455 475 1 Rap français SMITH, Will Greatest hits D30 339 545 8 Rap US SWEATSHIRT, Earl Sick ! D30 459 146 3 TEMPEST, Kae Line is a cure (The) D30 456 487 5 Rap anglais / Spoken words TWO PAC [2PAC] Loyal to the game D30 339 548 3 Rap US WEEKND (The) Dawn FM D30 452 995 8 Rap canadien WEST, Kanye Donda D30 339 508 5 Rap US REGGAE (76.4) Reggae – Ragga – Ska – Dub A ANTHOLOGIE Bass culture : a Zenzile mix D30 339 550 3 ANDY, Horace Midnight rocker D30 366 223 1 SKATALITES From Paris with love D30 339 536 5
Circle is unbroken : live and studio 1967 1972 D30 437 740 0 Folk psychedelique (The)STRINGINCREDIBLEBAND Hangman's beautiful daughter (The) D30 437 741 2 Folk psychedelique KITT, Eartha Singles collection (1952 1962 (The) D30 364 591 7 KRAUSS, Alison I've got that old feeling D30 439 644 6 Country KRAUSS, Alison Lonely runs both ways D30 456 070 7 Country KRAUSS, Alison Two highways D30 459 178 0 Country LAFARGE, Pokey In the blossom of teir shade D30 455 471 4 Ol' country intemporelle LAMBERT, Miranda Palomino D30 459 123 9 LEE, Amos Dreamland D30 455 029 5 Folk LEE, Brenda Little Miss Dynamite D30 438 206 5 LEMPER, Ute Rendezvous with Marlene D30 339 867 9 Music hall LOVETT, Lyle 12th of June D30 339 822 1 NELSON, Willie Beautiful time (A) D30 457 660 4 Country PAISLEY, Brad Hits alive D30 456 054 5 Country PAISLEY, Brad Time well wasted D30 456 058 2 Country PARTON, Dolly Run Rose, run D30 452 771 6 Country PAUL, Les Very best of Les Paul & Mary Ford D30 459 127 6 Country PUNCH BROTHERS Hell on Church Street D30 439 633 X Progressive bluegrass SINATRA, Frank Watertown D30 363 675 2 Ladies & crooners WILLIAMS, Lucinda [S.t.] : (I just wanted to see you so bad) D30 453 027 0 Folk WILLIAMS, Lucinda Essence D30 364 567 4 Folk WILLIAMS, Lucinda Happy woman blues D30 456 478 2 Folk WRIGHT, Lizz Dreaming wide awake D30 456 072 0 Folk jazz / smooth jazz
Folk trad. Country, Music-hall, Chansons, etc. BUBLE, Michael Higher D30 450 156 9 Crooner CASH, Rosanne Black Cadillac D30 339 865 5 Country CASH, Rosanne Seven year ache D30 452 777 7 Country DAY, Doris Girl next door (The) D30 339 519 1 Crooners & ladies EVANS, Sara Greatest hits D30 363 679 X Country rock / rock FOSTER, Josephine Godmother D30 453 014 0 HOLLAND, Jolie Springtime can kill you D30 454 106 8 Folk HURRAY FOR THE RIFF RAFF Life on earth D30 459 150 7
DVD DVD - Pop/Rock (76) COHEN, Leonard I'm your man D30 365 127 0 Hommage LENNON, John U.S.A contre John Lennon (Les) D30 365 131 4 Docu de ScheinfeldJohn PINK FLOYD Pulse D30 456 090 6 Rock psychedelic DVD SOUL FUNK (76.1) A ANTHOLOGIE Soul kids / Hugo Sobelman D30 454 114 9 Soul PRINCE Rave un2 the year 2000 : In concert D30 364 589 7 Funk