The PatronsFirst™ Mobile Library
Publisher MORGAN JAMES pg. 2
self-help & personal development Available on BiblioBoard
Trying to be a better friend? A better partner? A better you? Want to improve your business? The quality of your work? Your productivity? Learn from the advice and stories of others with the Self-Help books on BiblioBoard. From finance to marriage, readers will find answers to nearly all of life’s questions.
The PatronsFirst™ Mobile Library
BiblioBoard is the PatronsFirst mobile library. Digital collections of books, images, articles, documents, audio and video from leading publishers around the world are curated by subject and accessible from anywhere with no checkouts, returns or multi-user limits. BiblioBoard is transforming access to information by providing a world-class user experience for both mobile devices and the web that thrills library patrons and is sustainable for publishers. To learn more, visit • No multi-user limits or turnaways • No checkouts or returns • Single-tap reading
• Available on all mobile platforms • Free and fantastic Patron Technical Support • A world-class patron media experience
Articles BY:
Jonah Canter
Allie McKinney
Callisto Media
CCB Publishing With over 350 books in an ever-growing collection, the Self-Help content on BiblioBoard covers a vast range of topics. Readers with a variety of qualms can turn to these offerings to find guidance, confidence and even a few laughs. BiblioBoard is available on all major tablet devices and the web, so patrons can read anytime, anywhere.
Table of Contents Featured Publisher: Morgan James 2 Morgan James Favorites 3 Spring Cleaning: How to Become a Newer, Better Self 4 Atlantic Publishing 5 berrett-koehler business and how-to 6 berrett-koehler awards and honors 7 berrett-koehler bestsellers 8
Morgan James
Whether you’re seeking advice for yourself or your business, Morgan James has the book for you. Their selection on BiblioBoard covers topics like homeownership, publishing, online businesses, parenting and personal development.
Recognized by Publishers Weekly as one of the fastest-growing publishers in the industry two years in a row, Morgan James presents highquality content that all readers love.
• 300+ Titles • Award-Winning Volumes • Attractive and Engulfing Books
Featured IN: 2 BiblioBoard Catalog
morgan james
The Business and Financial Success Anthology from the Morgan James Module offers over 150 books about practical economic topics. The seven curated collections make it easy to access information about the specific topics you need, whether it is advice for your business’ finances or information on how to publish your own book. All of the high-quality books are available with unlimited, multi-user access, so it is easy to share your favorite read with a friend. Read more about some of our favorite finds from this collection below.
1. Homeownership
As a homeowner who also runs a contracting business, I was excited to get my hands on the books in the Homeowning Collection. These books let me see real estate from a different perspective. I’ve recommended these books to friends of mine who are looking to buy or sell their homes.
2. Money Solutions for You
Personal finance is an important but intimidating topic. Luckily, Morgan James provides over 30 books on the topic. As a father of a growing family, the advice found in these pages was integral to my outlook on how to manage our money. There are even books that discuss how to handle money when it comes to parenting that my wife and I read together.
3. Bettering Your Work
I’m always looking for ways to be a better employee. This collection had a plethora of books to scour, with nearly 80 titles full of ideas on marketing, on leadership, on confidence, on sales and more. Whether you’re just starting out in your professional life, or you’re a seasoned veteran of your field, there’s something to be learned from these books. Jonah Canter is currently the Product Manager for BiblioBoard. He has over 15 years experience managing global publishing operations and content distribution products at companies such as BookSurge and Amazon.
self-help &Comics personal & Graphic development Novels 3
WASH scrub polish Cleaning
How to Become a Newer, Better Self BY ALLIE McKINNEY
Reinventing yourself is no easy task. In grade school, a simple change in clothing style or sitting at a different lunch table was enough to radically change the external and internal perception of who you are. It’s a lot more difficult to create change without the closet social structure of school. However, these books provide fantastic tips on how to weed the negativity out of your life so you can become the best version of you. One thing I particularly enjoy about the Morgan James SelfHelp Anthology is the diversity of approaches to changing oneself. There’s at least one book for the struggling alcoholic, one for the struggling romantic, one for the survivor of
trauma and one for the dieting foodie. No matter how you approach personal change, there’s a title to help you take the next step.
One of my favorite books is Behavior Change: A View From the Inside Out. This book offers simple, practical advice on how to make change. The advice focuses on getting to the root of the problem, so whether you want to change your appearance or your emotions, the process outlined will be helpful. It makes it easy to recommend this book to a friend in search of change, even if our problems are different.
Allie McKinney is currently on BiblioBoard’s Editorial Team. She graduated with her B.A. in Literature and Creative Writing from Centre College in Kentucky. In her free time, she enjoys reading literary fiction, exploring the Charleston beaches via boat, writing and watching Netflix.
4 BiblioBoard Catalog
Atlantic publishing • 280+ High-Quality Books • Award-winning titles and authors • Topics include: business, cooking, finance and more
Our Favorite Books: The First-Time Homeowner’s Handbook
The Atlantic Publishing Module includes over 280 highquality books that offer readers advice on business ventures and issues of personal development. These books cover virtually every subject to provide readers with the best guides; these topics include business management, writing, farming, real estate, gardening, personal finance and much more. For over 25 years, Atlantic Publishing has been providing millions of readers information to jumpstart their careers, start businesses, manage employees, invest, plan for retirement, learn technologies, build relationships and live rewarding, fulfilling lives.
The procedure of buying a home can be a scary experience. Learn how to navigate the paperwork, realtors and more with this handy guide.
The Complete Guide to Project Management for New Managers and New Assistants Less than half of all projects assigned are completed, done correctly, and finished on time. Learn about proper Project Management training to rise above.
Self-help & personal development 5
berrett-koehler publishers Business & How-to books
• Four Business-Related Anthologies • 375+ books • Personal and Societal Success
Our Favorite Books: Invisible Capital: How Unseen Forces Shape Entrepreneurial Opportunity Unexpected yet effective, Chris Rabb suggests ways to be entrepreneurially viable when hard work isn’t enough, without sacrificing your ideals.
The Improvisation Edge: Secrets to Building Trust and Radical Collaboration at Work Learn how to be more efficient with your neverending “to do” list from this award-winning read.
6 BiblioBoard Catalog
With hundreds of books on business topics, BerrettKoehler Publishers provides a fresh outlook on taking on the corporate world for optimal success and fulfillment. The four Anthologies in this Module— Management and Leadership, Personal Development, Business Strategies and Economics and Politics— all contain thematic collections for easy browsing. Whether patrons want to become better leaders, examine the American Dream, start a successful startup or become more productive, there are books to satisfy their needs.
Awards & Honors
Berrett-Koehler provides a fresh outlook on the business world. Their books aim to create a world that works for all—at the individual, organizational and societal levels. For over 20 years, their books have been earning awards, recognizing the high quality and esteemed nature of their works. Check out just a few of their winnings.
1. Axiom Business Book Awards
The largest critical award in business publishing, Axiom Business Book Awards are given to prestigious books in over 20 categories to recognize new, cutting-edge works.
2. Independent Publisher Book Awards
The Independent Publisher Book Awards annually commend the year’s best work from independent publishers. For nearly 20 years, this award has enjoyed widespread respect for spotting quality writing.
3. Nautilus Book Awards
This award seeks out “Better Books for a Better World.” Judging books based on literary merit and quality, the Nautilus Book Award promotes worthy authors to the greater community.
Self-help & personal development Comics & Graphic Novels 7 9
berrett-koehler publishers Bestsellers
• Dozens of bestsellers • Four curated collections • Leadership, politics, business and more
Our Favorite Books: Deepening Community: Finding Joy Together in Chaotic Times Enjoy these tips for coping with and thriving in a hectic lifestyle.
Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time Learn how to be more efficient with your neverending “to do” list.
8 BiblioBoard Catalog
Berrett-Koehler is known for their high-quality business books, and this Anthology contains the best of the best. This one-stop shop for bestselling content from the esteemed publisher holds thousands of pages of informational and inspirational advice, techniques and ideas. The four Collections—Business Strategies, Leadership & Management, Personal Development and Economics & Politics—provide easy browsing options, so your patrons can find what they’re looking for with a few simple clicks.
callisto Media • Over 80 high-quality books • Paleo, 5:2 and DASH diet cookbooks • Vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free recipes
Our Favorite Books: Coconut Oil for Beginners It’s a moisturizer, a cooking ingredient, a weight loss miracle—it’s coconut oil. Learn all about it.
Callisto Media gathers dozens and dozens of invaluable resources for people looking to get healthy without sacrificing a pleasant meal. There’s a collection for every diet: traditional diets, paleo, 5:2/fast diet or DASH diet. If the dieter has an allergy or is vegan or vegetarian, entire sections are dedicated to meeting those needs. Further, Healthy Living & Cooking: A Callisto Media Collection dedicates itself to sharing books about a healthy lifestyle that extends beyond the kitchen.
Diet Shakes Want to lose weight, but can’t stop drinking delicious shakes? Fear not; this book lets you have the shake and get healthy, too.
Self-help & personal development 9
ccb Publishing • Over 50 Self-Help Books • Personal Development, Spiritual Growth and More • Award-Winning Authors
Our Favorite Books: Guaranteed Formula for Public Speaking Success
CCB Publishing focuses on the author’s rights, so the author is free to focus on making a good book—and it’s working. This collection of self-help books comes from dozens of authors who all have something to say, from how to understand autism to how to interview for a job to how to change the world! With English and Chinese translations and workbooks paired with certain books, the CCB self-help offering on BiblioBoard is robust and practical.
10 BiblioBoard Catalog
In every class, community, country, or even continent, men and women who can express themselves well in public, find themselves on the fast-track to success. Learn more with this book.
Two on a Bridge Two on a Bridge picks up where “self help” leaves off. Through guided discussion, you and someone you choose will begin to explore the ancient powers and energy sources that surround us today.
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BiblioBoard Mission: To help libraries stay relevant in the digital age by providing the best patron experience at a sustainable cost to the library.
Check out our other great product catalogs contemporary Nonfiction Including: Purdue University Press, UNC Press, Morgan James and more!
innovative fiction Including: Raw Dog Screaming Press, BQB Publishing, Bancroft Press, Barrallier Books, MarJim Books, CCB Publishing and more!
Religious, Spiritual & Inspirational Including: David C. Cook, Kingstone Media, Morgan James, Pelican Ventures Book Group, Red Wheel/Weiser and more!
for more information on pricing, contact 14 BiblioBoard Catalog