COE The rain before it falls
Jonathan Coe (Birmingham, 19 August 1961)
Jonathan Coe was born in 1961 in a suburb of south-west Birmingham. His father worked in the motor industry as a research physicist; his mother was a music and PE teacher. He went to King Edward's school in Birmingham, and from there to Trinity College, Cambridge. While at Cambridge he wrote numerous short stories and the novel, The Sunset Bell. He then went on to Warwick University where he was awarded a doctorate for his thesis on Henry Fielding's Tom Jones. In the late 1980s Jonathan moved to London to pursue his literary and musical enthusiasms, writing songs for his short-lived band The Peer Group and an even shorter-lived feminist cabaret group called Wanda and the Willy Warmers. When it became obvious that his talents did not lie in a musical direction, he decided to concentrate exclusively on writing, He has published seven novels: The Accidental Woman, A Touch of Love, The Dwarves of Death, What a Carve Up!, which won the 1995 John Llewellyn Rhys Prize, The House of Sleep, which won the 1998 Prix Medicis Etranger, The Rotter's Club, winner of the Everyman Wodehouse Prize and The Closed Circle. He lives in London with his wife and two children. More info http://www.jonathancoewriter.com/
SELECTED WORKS Novels The Accidental Woman, Duckworth, 1987 A Touch of Love, Duckworth, 1989 The Dwarves of Death, Fourth Estate, 1990 What a Carve Up! or The Winshaw Legacy, 1994 (winner of the 1994 John Llewellyn Rhys Prize) The House of Sleep, 1997 (winner of the Prix Médicis) The Rotters' Club, 2001 (winner of the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize) The Closed Circle, 2004 The Rain Before It Falls,2007 The Terrible Privacy of Maxwell Sim, 2010 Expo 58, 2013 Number 11, 2015
Books for children La storia di Gulliver, 2011 Lo specchio dei desideri, 2012
Non-fiction Humphrey Bogart: Take It and Like It, 1991 James Stewart: Leading Man, 1994 Like a Fiery Elephant: The Story of B. S. Johnson, 2005
The rain before it falls (2007) The book is about the story of three generations of women whose destinies reach from the English countryside in World War II to London, Toronto, and southern France at the turn of the new century. Evacuated to Shropshire during the Blitz, eight-year-old Rosamond forged a bond with her cousin Beatrix that augured the most treasured and devastating moments of her life. She recorded these memories sixty years later, just before her death, on cassettes she bequeathed to a woman she hadn't seen in dècade. Biblioteca Antonio Martín Plaça Catalunya, 39-41 08820 El Prat de Llobregat Telèfon: 93.370.51.52 b.prat.am@diba.cat www.biblioteca.elprat.cat
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Dilluns de 15.30 a 21 hores. De dimarts a divendres de 10 a 21 hores Dissabtes de 10 a 14 hores
Dilluns a divendres de 15.30 a 21 hores. Dissabtes de 10 a 14 hores