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FENCING By: Maria Camila Campuzano, Emilia Pardo, Julieta Garcia, Luciana Campos and Maria Jose Gaona.

DEFINITION It is a sport in which two people protected from a mask and a special suit which they face while handling a sword, whoever manages to touch the opponent of an adversary number twice wins.

google .co dictionary

EQUIPMENT There are 3 types of dress sword: 1. Swords: 2. Saber: 3. Foils: They also have some espacial suit:

WEIGHT MATERIALS A sword of fencing would weight about : 17.5 ounces

In modern fencing, three weapons are used: foil, sword and saber.

Weight:770 grams , maximum. Made of tempered steel, each has a maximum blade length of about 89 cm; the maximum weight of a foil and saber is 500 g and about 750 g for the sword.

HISTORY AND EVOLUTION RULES OF FENCING https://animoto.com/play/G3rT44huAj1fh1mwG1q1Xw

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7zx pDW8nb0

Equipment transport - Fencing. Weapon sack Weight: 0,77 kg. Size: 117 x 26 x 15 cm holds: swords, masks and uniforms They take 2 swords of each type to the competitions

CSM Mathematics Department Problem Solving Template Step 1: What am I being asked to do? How much Renault Kangoo Z.E are needed to transportate a sword of fencing to The Olympics Tokyo 2020? Step 2: What information am I given? The # of people are going to O.T 2020 The # of swords each player need. The 3 types of swords of fencing. The weight of 1 fencing sword. The # kg that fit in a RENAULT KANGOO

Step #3: What will my strategy be? First: Multiply 3x2 because each player need two of each sword.(6) Second: Multiply 12x6 because our answer was 6 and 12 because that is the number of players are going to O.T 2020.(72) Third: Multiply 77 x 72 because the weight of 1 sword of fencing is 77 kg and 72 because is the number of swords that will be transported. Fourth: Divide the weight of all of sword of fencing needed by the weight that a RENAULT KANGOO Z.E can carry that is 625 kilograms. Step #4 :Use math to solve 3 X2 6

12 X6 72

72 X77 504 5040 5.544

5.544 6255 -5000 8.8704 05440 -5000 0400 -4375 002500 -2500 0000

Step 5: Write my answer using correct vocabulary They need 8.8704 Renault Kangoo Z.E to transport the swords to the Olympics Tokyo 2020 Step 6: Does my answer make sense? Why? Yes, because first we multiply 3X2 to find the total number of swords that they need per competitor.Then, we multiply the number of swords per competitor times the number of competitor that are going. Next, we multiply the total of swords times the weight of each sword and finally we divided the answer of the last multiplication divided by the weight of the Renault Kangoo Z.E and the total was 8.8704.

Thank you!

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