Catálogo-Guia da Exposição Bibliográfica Abraham Lincoln - Bicentenário

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NOTAS 1. As referências bibliográficas constantes neste catálogo estão ordenadas pela respectiva ordem alfabética. 2. Referências Bibliográficas de acordo com a Norma Portuguesa 405.

SIGLAS UTILIZADAS [B.F.L.U.L. ] – Biblioteca da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa [B.FLUL-CAM] - Biblioteca da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa – Cultura Americana

Catálogo Bibliográfico da Exposição Abraham Lincoln - Bicentenário Monografias 1. CARWARDINE, Richard – Lincoln: a life of purpose and power. New York: Vintagebooks, 2007. 2. FLEMING, Thomas J. - The living land of Lincoln: a celebration of our 16th president and his abiding photographs. New York: Reader's Digest, cop. 1980. [COTA B.FLUL: 929 LIN,A/FLE,T] 3. GREENSTONE, J. David – The Lincoln persuasion: remaking American liberalism. Princeton: University Press, cop. 1993. [COTA B.FLUL-CAM: 94(73)"18" GRE,J-CAM]

4. HERNDON, William H. - Herndon's life of Lincoln: the history and personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. Greenwich: Fawcett, [1965]. [COTA B.FLUL: BIO 75 P] 5. HOWE, Daniel Walker - Making the American self: Jonathan Edwards to Abraham Lincoln. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997. [COTA B.FLUL-CAM: 930.85(73)"17/18" HOW,D-CAM] 6. JAFFA, Harry V. - Crisis of the house divided: an interpretation of the issues in the Lincoln-Douglas debates. New York: Doubleday, 1959. [COTA B.FLUL: HG 2192 V]

7. JAFFA, Harry V. - Crisis of the house divided: an interpretation of the issues in the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1982. [COTA B.FLUL-CAM: 94(73)"18" JAF,H-CAM] 8. LINCOLN, Abraham - Abraham Lincoln: a documentary portrait through his speechs and writings. New York: New American Library, 1964. [COTA B.FLUL: 94(73)"18" LIN,A]

9. LINCOLN, Abraham - The Gettysburg speech and other papers; Lowells's essay on Lincoln and Lowell's essay on Lincoln and Whitman's O captain! my captain!: with notes and programmes for Lincoln's birthday. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, cop.1913. [COTA B.FLUL: LAM 230 P]


Catálogo Bibliográfico da Exposição Abraham Lincoln - Bicentenário 10. LINCOLN, Abraham - Lincoln on democracy: his own words, with essays by America's foremost historians. [New York: HarperCollins, 1991]. [COTA B.FLUL: 94(73)"18" LIN,A] 11. LINCOLN, Abraham - Speeches and writings 1832-1858: speeches, letters, and miscellaneous writings; the Lincoln-Douglas debates. New York: Literary Classics of the United States, cop. 1989. [COTA B.FLUL-CAM: 94(73) LIN,A-CAM] 12. LORANT, Stefan - The life of Abraham Lincoln: a short, illustrated biography. New York: New American Library, 1955. [COTA B.FLUL: BIO 76 P]

13. LORANT, Stefan - Lincoln: a picture story of his life. Rev. and enlarged ed. . New York: Harper, cop.1957. [COTA B.FLUL: BIO 73 A] 14. MEREDITH, Roy - Mr. Lincoln's contemporaries: an album of portraits by Mathew B. Brady. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1951. [COTA B.FLUL: BIO 365 V]

15. OATES, Stephen B. - With malice toward none: a life of Abraham Lincoln. [New York]: Harper Perennial, 1994. [COTA B.FLUL-CAM: 929 LIN,A/OAT,S – CAM] 16. PALUDAN, Phillip Shaw - The presidency of Abraham Lincoln. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, cop. 1994. [COTA B.FLUL-CAM: 94(73)"18" PAL,P-CAM]

17. QUARLES, Benjamin - Lincoln and the negro. New York: Oxford University, 1962. [COTA B.FLUL: HG 2244 V]

18. SANDBURG, Carl - Abraham Lincoln: the prairie years. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, cop.1926. [COTA B.FLUL: HG 2289 V]


Catálogo Bibliográfico da Exposição Abraham Lincoln - Bicentenário 19. SANDBURG, Carl - Abraham Lincoln: the prairie years. New York: Harcourt, Brace, cop.1929. [COTA B.FLUL: HG 2274 V] 20. THOMAS, Benjamin P. - Abraham Lincoln: a biography. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1952. [COTA B.FLUL: BIO 371 V] 21. VIDAL, Gore - Lincoln. New York: Modern Library, 1993. [COTA B.FLUL-CAM: 821.111(73) VID,G-CAM]


FICHA TÉCNICA Organização Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa Linha de Investigação de Estudos Americanos Execução Biblioteca da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

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