Bibliografía COLSAMUN

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Bibliografía Colsamun 2019

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Crisis PolĂ­tica en Venezuela Trata de personas Siria LegislaciĂłn sobre salud reproductiva

Colaborador Norma Gauna González Eduardo Cardoso Flores José Luis Castro Prado Comentarios y sugerencias Escríbenos a:

Bibliografía Colsamun. Crisis Política en Venezuela EBSCO (Notas periodísticas, tesis, videos, artículos, etc.) •BARRON, C. (2019, January 31). American imperialism, not socialism is the root cause of the economic and political crisis in Venezuela. New York Amsterdam News, p. 12. Retrieved from •Bremmer, I. (2019). The Quick Read on Venezuela’s Political Crisis. Time.Com, N.PAG. Retrieved from •Buxton, J. (2005). Venezuela’s Contemporary Political Crisis in Historical Context. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 24(3), 328–347. •Cáceres-Péfaur, B. (2005). Imágenes mediáticas en tiempos de crisis: Televisión y propaganda politica en Venezuela. Espacio Abierto. Cuaderno Venezolano de Sociología, 14(3), 439–457. Retrieved from •CANNON, B., & BROWN, J. (2017). Venezuela 2016: The Year of Living Dangerously. Revista de Ciencia Politica, 37(2), 613–633. Retrieved from •Editorial Board. (1AD, October 2019). Venezuela’s crisis deepens. Washington Post, The. Retrieved from

“Presentaciónes de Libros” •HERNÁNDEZ, A. (2016). Venezuela: Economic Indicators Improve but Conflict Rages on. Caribbean Business, 2(23), 29–30. Retrieved from •Joshua Partlow. (5AD 2014). Kerry warns of sanctions on Venezuela if political crisis continues. Washington Post, The. Retrieved from •Nugent, C. (2019). Venezuela’s Crossroads. Time International (South Pacific Edition), 193(6/7), 42–47. Retrieved from •Quackenbush, C. (2019). A Political Crisis Is Sweeping Venezuela. Here’s What to Know. Time. Com, N.PAG. Retrieved from aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=134301032&site=ehost-live •Venezuela in crisis. (2017). New Statesman, 146(5379), 3. Retrieved from •Venezuela on the Verge. (2016). America, 215(3), 4. Retrieved from •Venezuela: Country Risk Report Includes 10-year forecasts to 2027. (2018). Venezuela Country Risk Report (pp. 1–47). Retrieved from •Venezuela: Country Risk Report: Includes 10-year forecasts to 2027. (2018). Venezuela Country Risk Report (pp. 1–47). Retrieved from

Web of science Nota: para acceder a estos recursos, es necesario ingresar a la base Web of Science (disponible en la pagína de la biblioteca). •Angosto-Ferrandez, L. F. (2017). Indigenous Peoples, Social Movements, and the Legacy of Hugo Chavez’s Governments. LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES, 44(1), 180–198.

•Anselmi, M. (2017). Post-populism in Latin America: On Venezuela after Chavez. CHINESE POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW, 2(3, SI), 410–426. •Ayala, M., & Rojas Mira, C. (2017). The reception of the coups d’etat of Chile and Argentina in Venezuela: press, political actors and governments (1973/1976). IZQUIERDAS, 33, 1–20. •Azzellini, D. (2018). Building concrete utopias: the communards movement in Venezuela. CONVERGENCIA-REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES, (76), 191–214. •Balderacchi, C. (2017). Participatory Mechanisms in Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela: Deepening or Undermining Democracy? GOVERNMENT AND OPPOSITION, 52(1), 131–161. •Basabe-Serrano, S. (2017). The Different Faces of Presidentialism: Conceptual Debate and Empirical Findings in Eighteen Latin American Countries. REVISTA ESPANOLA DE INVESTIGACIONES SOCIOLOGICAS, (157), 3–21. •Bentancur, N., & Mancebo, M. E. (2017). How are political scientists educated in Ibero- America? Analysis of undergraduate programs in Political Science in twelve countries. REVISTA ESPANOLA DE CIENCIA POLITICA-RECP, (43), 161–185. •Bernal-Meza, R. (2017). The ideas in the foreign policy thinking of Venezuela under the Bolivarian revolution. Continuities and ruptures: 1990-2016. IZQUIERDAS, 32, 235–262. •Boscan Carrasquero, G., & Biderbost Moyano, P. (2018). Venezuela’s Polarized Politics.The paradox of direct democracy under Chavez. AMERICA LATINA HOY-REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES, 79, 204–205. •Buxton, J. (2018). VENEZUELA: DEEPER INTO THE ABYSS. REVISTA DE CIENCIA POLITICA, 38(2), 409–428. •Cannon, B., & Brown, J. (2017). VENEZUELA 2016: THE YEAR OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY. REVISTA DE CIENCIA POLITICA, 37(2), 613–633. •Cantillana Pena, C., Contreras Aguirre, G., Morales Quiroga, M., Oliva, D., & Pere, L. (2017). The Malaise with Democratic Representation in Latin America. POLITICA Y GOBIERNO, 24(2), 245–274.

•Corrales, J., & Hidalgo, M. (2017). THE QUALITY OF THE VENEZUELAN DEMOCRACY UNDER HUGO CHAVEZ (1999-2013). PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO, 10(1, SI), 89–118. •Daniel Serrafero, M., & Laura Eberhardt, M. (2017). Presidentialism and Recall in Latin America. POLITICA Y SOCIEDAD, 54(2), 497–519. •Gill, T. M. (2018). From Promoting Political Polyarchy to Defeating Participatory Democracy: U.S. Foreign Policy towards the Far Left in Latin America. JOURNAL OF WORLD-SYSTEMS RESEARCH, 24(1), 72–95. •Gratius, S., & Puente, J. M. (2018). The end of the alternative project ALBA? A political and economic perspective. REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS POLITICOS, (180), 229–252. •Hellinger, D. (2017). Oil and the Chavez Legacy. LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES, 44(1), 54–77. •Hetland, G. (2018). The Promise and Perils of Radica Left Populism: The Case of Venezuela. JOURNAL OF WORLD-SYSTEMS RESEARCH, 24(2), 278–293. •Miranda, R. (2017). What has become of the Democracies of the Second Wave? Historical Study Compared between Costa Rica, Colombia and Venezuela. CIENCIA POLITICA, 12(24), 281–304. •Quiroga, H. (2018). The ways of democracy in the 21st century. The scenarios in Latin America. SOCIETAMUTAMENTOPOLITICA-RIVISTA ITALIANA DI SOCIOLOGIA, 9(17), 69–85. •Rozov, N. S. (2018). DYNAMICS OF HYBRID REGIMES AND SUSTAINABILITY/FRAGILITY OF NEO-TOTALITARIANISM. POLITEIA- JOURNAL OF POLITICAL THEORY POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIOLOGY OF POLITICS, 88(1), 30–46. •Sagarzazu, I., & Mouron, F. (2017). HUGO CHAVEZ’S POLARIZING LEGACY: CHAVISMO, MEDIA, AND PUBLIC OPINION IN ARGENTINA’S DOMESTIC POLITICS. REVISTA DE CIENCIA POLITICA, 37(1), 147–175.

•Stronen, I. A. (2018). Political Polarisation, Colonial Inequalities and the Crisis of Modernity in Venezuela. In Ystanes, M and Stronen, IA (Ed.), SOCIAL LIFE OF ECONOMIC INEQUALITIES IN CONTEMPORARY LATIN AMERICA: DECADES OF CHANGE (pp. 153–181). •Vidal Molina, P., Ansaldo Roloff, M., & Cea Madrid, J. C. (2018). Hugo Chavez and the principles of Socialism of the 21st Century: a discursive inquiry (2005-2013). IZQUIERDAS, 42, 224–250. •Weyland, K. (2018). Limits of US Influence: The Promotion o Regime Change in Latin America. JOURNAL OF POLITICS IN LATIN AMERICA, 10(3), 135–164. •Wilde, M. (2017). Contested Spaces The Communal Councils and Participatory Democracy in Chavez’s Venezuela. LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES, 44(1), 140–158.

Trata de personas EBSCO •Bowersox, Z. (2018). Natural Disasters and Human Trafficking: Do Disasters Affect State Anti‐Trafficking Performance? International Migration, 56(1), 196–212. •Dandurand, Y. (2017). Human trafficking and police governance. Police Practice & Research, 18(3), 322–336. •Goor, Y. (2018). Ransom Kidnapping and Human Trafficking: The Case of the Sinai Torture Camps. Berkeley Journal of International Law, 36(1), 111–165. •Goswami, S. (2018). Human Trafficking: A Sociological Study on Tribal Women of Jharkhand. European Researcher, 9(1), 9–13. •HARRAL, P. K. (2019). Change the culture to end human trafficking. Fort Worth Business Press, 31(11), 18. Retrieved from •Jiang, B., & LaFree, G. (2017). Social Control, Trade Openness and Human Trafficking. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 33(4), 887–913. •Kenny, C., & Malik, N. (2019). Trafficking Terror and Sexual Violence: Accountability for Human Trafficking and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence by Terrorist Groups under the Rome Statute. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 52(1), 43–74. Retrieved from •Kiss, L., & Zimmerman, C. (2019). Human trafficking and labor exploitation: Toward identifying, implementing, and evaluating effective responses. PLoS Medicine, 16(1), 1–4. •Mo, C. H. (2018). Perceived Relative Deprivation and Risk: An Aspiration-Based Model of Human Trafficking Vulnerability. Political Behavior, 40(1), 247–277.

•Mutaqin, Z. Z. (2018). Modern-day Slavery at Sea: Human Trafficking in the Thai Fishing Industry. Journal of East Asia & International Law, 11(1), 75–97. •Perry, M. (2018). “The Tip of the Iceberg”: Human Trafficking, Borders and the Canada-U.S. North. Canada-United States Law Journal, 42, 204–226. Retrieved from •Richmond, J. C. (2017). Federal Human Trafficking Review: An Analysis & Recommendations from the 2016 Legal Developments. Wake Forest Law Review, 52(2), 293–358. Retrieved from •WILLIAMS, B. A. (2018). Efforts to Stop Human Trafficking. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 41(2), 623–629. Retrieved from

Web of science Nota: para acceder a estos recursos, es necesario ingresar a la base Web of Science (disponible en la pagína de la biblioteca). •Agnew, E., & Elliott, J. (2018). The Role of Consent in Human Trafficking ( 2015). JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 16(2), 499. •Anderson, J., & Li, A. (2018). Refugees or Aims of Human Trafficking? The case of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong. ANTI-TRAFFICKING REVIEW, (11, SI), 52–68. •Bachro, R. S., & Rukmini, M. (2018). Human Trafficking in Accordance with Prosperity and National Economic Development. JOURNAL CITA HUKUM-INDONESIAN LAW JOURNAL, 6(1), 1–18. •Bell, S. R., & Banks, V. (2018). Women’s Rights Organizations and Human Trafficking. SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY, 99(1), 362–376. •Blouin, C., & Button, E. (2018). Addressing Overlapping Migratory Categories within New Patterns of Mobility in Peru. ANTI-TRAFFICKING REVIEW, (11, SI), 69–84.

•Cockbain, E., & Brayley-Morris, H. (2018). Human Trafficking and Labour Exploitation in the Casual Construction Industry: An Analysis of Three Major Investigations in the UK Involving Irish Traveller Offending Groups. POLICING-A JOURNAL OF POLICY AND PRACTICE, 12(2), 129–149. •Cockbain, E., Bowers, K., & Dimitrova, G. (2018). Human trafficking for labour exploitation: the results of a two-phase systematic review mapping the European evidence base and synthesising key scientific research evidence. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CRIMINOLOGY, 14(3), 319–360. •Correa-Cabrera, G., & Montandon, A. S. (2018). REFORMING MEXICO’S ANTI- TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS LEGISLATION. MEXICAN LAW REVIEW, 11(1), 3–30. •Cusveller, J., & Kleemans, E. (2018). Fair compensation for victims of human trafficking? A case study of the Dutch injured party claim. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF VICTIMOLOGY, 24(3), 297–311. •Donger, E., & Bhabha, J. (2018). Dilemmas in Rescue and Reintegration: A critical assessment of India’s policies for children trafficked for labour exploitation. ANTI- TRAFFICKING REVIEW, (10, SI), 52–69. •Foot, K., Sworn, H., & Alejano-Steele, A. (2019). Structures and Practices of Cross-Sector Engagement in Counter-Human Trafficking Coalitions in the Global South. COSMOPOLITAN CIVIL SOCIETIES-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 11(1), 27–45. •Friberg, J. H., & Tyldum, G. (2019). Migration for begging from Romania to Norway. A human trafficking perspective. TIDSSKRIFT FOR SAMFUNNSFORSKNING, 60(1), 30–49. •Henriksen, S. (2018). Consuming Life after Anti-Trafficking. ANTI-TRAFFICKING REVIEW, (10, SI), 14–33. •Jahnsen, S., & Skilbrei, M.-L. (2018). LEAVING NO STONE UNTURNED: THE BORDERS AND ORDERS OF TRANSNATIONAL PROSTITUTION. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CRIMINOLOGY, 58(2), 255–272. •Kapur, R. (2018). Gender, Alterity and Human Rights: Freedom in a Fishbowl. In GENDER, ALTERITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS: FREEDOM IN A FISHBOWL (pp. 1–307).

•Langhorn, M. (2018). Human Trafficking and Sexual Servitude: Organised Crime’s Involvement in Australia. SALUS JOURNAL, 6(1), 1–25. •Melgar Manzanilla, P., & Marquez Gomez, D. (2018). THE MERIDA INITIATIVE AND THE TORT CLAIMS ACT: HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AND FOREIGN NON- CONTRACTUAL CIVIL LIABILITY IN THE UNITED STATES. MEXICAN LAW REVIEW, 11(1), 31–55. •Meneses, C., Rua, A., & Uroz, J. (2018). EXPLORING MOTIVES TO PAY FOR SEXUAL SERVICES FROM OPINIONS ABOUT PROSTITUTION. REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE SOCIOLOGIA, 76(2). •Milano, V. (2018). HUMAN TRAFFICKING BY REGIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COURTS: AN ANALYSIS IN LIGHT OF HACIENDA BRASIL VERDE, THE FIRST INTER-AMERICAN COURT’S RULING IN THIS AREA. REVISTA ELECTRONICA DE ESTUDIOS INTERNACIONALES, (36). •O’Brien, E. (2018). Human Trafficking and Heroic Consumerism. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR CRIME JUSTICE AND SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, 7(4), 51–66. •Paasche, E., Skilbrei, M.-L., & Plambech, S. (2018). Vulnerable Here or There? Examining the vulnerability of victims of human trafficking before and after return. ANTI- TRAFFICKING REVIEW, (10, SI), 34–51. •Planitzer, J., & Katona, N. (2017). Criminal Liability of Corporations for Trafficking in Human Beings for Labour Exploitation. GLOBAL POLICY, 8(4), 505–511. •Ruiz Herrera, A. L., Ruiz Guevara, S. M., & Lopez Cantero, E. J. (2018). Mass media role in the comprehension of the human trafficking phenomenon. REVISTA CRIMINALIDAD, 60(2), 25–39. •Sanchez, G. (2018). `Circuit Children’: The experiences and perspectives of children engaged in migrant smuggling facilitation on the US-Mexico border. ANTI- TRAFFICKING REVIEW, (11, SI), 103–119. •Serughetti, G. (2018). Smuggled or Trafficked? Refugee or job seeker? Deconstructing rigid classifications by rethinking women’s vulnerability. ANTI-TRAFFICKING REVIEW, (11, SI), 16–35. •Soltis, K., & Walters, R. (2018). `What’s in a Name?’: Mislabelling, misidentification, and the US government’s failure to protect human trafficking survivors in the Central American refugee crisis. ANTI-TRAFFICKING REVIEW, (11, SI), 85–102.

•Surtees, R. (2018). At Home: Family reintegration of trafficked Indonesian men. ANTITRAFFICKING REVIEW, (10, SI), 70–87. •van Liempt, I. (2018). Human smuggling: a global migration industry. In Triandafyllidou, A (Ed.), HANDBOOK OF MIGRATION AND GLOBALISATION (pp. 140–154). •Wahab, A. A. (2018). The Colours of Exploitation: Smuggling of Rohingyas from Myanmar to Malaysia. AKADEMIKA, 88(1), 5–16.


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Web of science Nota: para acceder a estos recursos, es necesario ingresar a la base Web of Science (disponible en la pagína de la biblioteca). •Al Hallak, L., Ayoubi, R. M., Moscardini, A., & Loutfi, M. (2019). A system dynamic model of student enrolment at the private higher education sector in Syria. STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 44(4), 663–682. •Birdthistle, N., Flynn, A., & Rushworth, S. (2019). From Syria to the Land Down Under - the Land of Opportunity? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MINORITY AND GROUP RIGHTS, 26(1), 116–137. •Cragin, R. K., & Stipanovich, S. (2019). Metastases: Exploring the impact of foreign fighters in conflicts abroad. JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC STUDIES, 42(3–4), 395–424. •Danis, D., & Nazli, D. (2019). A Faithful Alliance Between the Civil Society and the State: Actors and Mechanisms of Accommodating Syrian Refugees in Istanbul. INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION, 57(2), 143–157. •Dionigi, F. (2019). The Syrian Refugee Crisis in the Kurdish Region of Iraq: Explaining the Role of Borders in Situations of Forced Displacement. INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION, 57(2), 10–31. •Douedari, Y., & Howard, N. (2019). Perspectives on Rebuilding Health System Governance in Opposition-Controlled Syria: A Qualitative Study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLICY AND MANAGEMENT, 8(4), 233–244. •Geyer, B., Braemer, F., Davtian, G., & Philip, G. (2019). A geo-archaeological approach to the study of hydro-agricultural systems in arid areas of Western Syria. JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS, 163, 99–113. •Langroudi, K. F., & Skinta, M. D. (2019). Working with gender and sexual minorities in the context of Islamic culture: a queer Muslim behavioural approach. COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPIST, 12.

•Mellado Dominguez, A. (2019). Humanitarianism, war, and politics: Solferino to Syria and beyond. INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING, 26(2), 240–244. •Muhammad, S. S., & Baig, M. A. (2019). Exceptionalism in US Foreign Policy: A Case Study of ISIS. IPRI JOURNAL, 19(1), 128–146. •Oztig, L. I. (2019). Syria and Turkey: Border-Security Priorities. MIDDLE EAST POLICY, 26(1), 117–126. •Peterson, J. H. (2019). Resisting securitized and militarized understandings of protection: aesthetics as counterpower. INTERNATIONAL POLITICS, 56(2, SI), 194–211. •Sassmannshausen, C. (2019). Educated with Distinction Educational Decisions and Girls’ Schooling in Late Ottoman Syria. JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE ORIENT, 62(1), 222–256.

Legislación sobre salud reproductiva EBSCO •Benhura, A. (2016). Displaced and Dispossessed: Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights for Women in Hopley, Zimbabwe. Oriental Anthropologists, 16(2), 215–227. Retrieved from •Broadhurst, K., Shaw, M., Kershaw, S., Harwin, J., Alrouh, B., Mason, C., & Pilling, M. (2015). Vulnerable birth mothers and repeat losses of infants to public care: is targeted reproductive health care ethically defensible? Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law, 37(1), 84–98. •DEUTSCH, E. B. (2015). Expanding Conscience, Shrinking Care: The Crisis in Access to Reproductive Care and the Affordable Care Act’s Nondiscrimination Mandate. Yale Law Journal, 124(7), 2470–2514. Retrieved from •IANCU, C. F., FURTUNESCU, F. L., & ARMEAN, P. (2018). Analysis of Reproductive Health Policies in Romania: Evolution from the Perspective of Access and Addressability to Family Planning Services. Acta Medica Transilvanica, 23(3), 1–4. Retrieved from •Lalthapersad-Pillay, P. (2015). The State of Maternal Mortality in South Africa. Gender & Behaviour, 13(1), 6471–6481. Retrieved from •Luczon, C. A. P., & Francisco, J. S. (2015). Commentary: Sustained advocacy produces success in the Philippines. Global Public Health, 10(2), 271–272. •Montiel, C. J., Umel, A., & de Leon, M. (2016). Discursive Construction of Political Categories and Moral Fields: God Versus Rights and Access in a Reproductive Health Legislative Debate. Political Psychology, 37(6), 853–866.

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WEB OF SCIENCE Nota: para acceder a estos recursos, es necesario ingresar a la base Web of Science (disponible en la pagína de la biblioteca). •Aiken, A. R. A., & Scott, J. G. (2016). Family planning policy in the United States: the converging politics of abortion and contraception. CONTRACEPTION, 93(5), 412–420. •Leal, I., Luttges, C., Troncoso, P., Leyton, C., Molina, T., & Eguiguren, P. (2016). The legal framework to prevent teenage pregnancies. REVISTA MEDICA DE CHILE, 144(5), 577–584. •Essack, Z., Toohey, J., & Strode, A. (2016). Reflecting on adolescents’ evolving sexual and reproductive health rights: canvassing the opinion of social workers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH MATTERS, 24(47), 195–204.

•Cernigliaro, A., Tavormina, E., Dardanoni, G., & Scondotto, S. (2016). Reproductive health in high environmental risk areas in Sicily Region (Southern Italy) in the period 2007-2013. Epidemiologia & Prevenzione, 40(3–4), 197–204.

•Myhre, S. L., Kaye, J., Bygrave, L. A., Aanestad, M., Ghanem, B., Mechael, P., & Froen, J. F. (2016). eRegistries: governance for electronic maternal and child health registries. BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH, 16. •Provenzano-Castro, B., Oizerovich, S., & Stray-Pedersen, B. (2017). Health care students at an Argentinean school of medicine: are they well prepared to provide quality sexual and reproductive health services? EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTRACEPTION AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE, 22(3), 233–241. •Akpinar-Elci, M., Nguyen, M., Randall, M., Bidaisee, S., Elci, O., Olayinka, O., & Guzman, J. R. (2017). Assessment of current occupational safety and health regulations and legislation in the Caribbean. REVISTA PANAMERICANA DE SALUD PUBLICA- PAN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 41. •Forster, C., & Jivan, V. (2017). Abortion Law in New South Wales: Shifting from Criminalisation to the Recognition of the Reproductive Rights of Women and Girls. JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE, 24(4), 850–863. •Siller, H., & Hochleitner, M. (2017). Abortion as one aspect of Women’s Health. HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL, 38(9), 907–912. •Lorena Cordova-Pozo, K., Cordova-Pozo, G., Monza, A., Piriz, G., Moreno-Lopez, D., & Cardenas, I. (2017). Sexual and reproductive rights regarding contraception in a human rights framework in Bolivia, Colombia, and Uruguay. REVISTA PANAMERICANA DE SALUD PUBLICA-PAN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 41. •Campana, M. N. (2017). Sexual and reproductive rights in Argentina: New legislative trends and physician opinions. REVISTA DE DIREITO SANITARIO-JOURNAL OF HEALTH LAW, 18(1), 75–95. •Spagnoletti, B. R. M., Bennett, L. R., Kermode, M., & Wilopo, S. A. (2018). Moralising Rhetoric and Imperfect Realities: Breastfeeding Promotions and the Experiences of Recently Delivered Mothers in Urban Yogyakarta, Indonesia. ASIAN STUDIES REVIEW, 42(1, SI), 17–38.

•Garrett, G. S., & Bailey, L. B. (2018). A public health approach for preventing neural tube defects: folic acid fortification and beyond. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 1414(1, SI), 47–58. •Schapiro, N. A., & Mejia, J. (2018). Adolescent Confidentiality and Women’s Health History, Rationale, and Current Threats. NURSING CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA, 53(2), 145+. •Mandal, R. C., Mandi, D., Bhar, D., Mahapatra, C., & Singh, K. (2018). SELF- MEDICATION OF ABORTIFACIENT AGENT AND ITS IMPACT ON WOMEN’S HEALTH- AN EXPERIENCE IN A GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE OF WEST BENGAL. JOURNAL OF EVOLUTION OF MEDICAL AND DENTAL SCIENCES-JEMDS, 7(25), 2954–2956. •Neal, S., Harvey, C., Chandra-Mouli, V., Caffe, S., & Camacho, A. V. (2018). Trends in adolescent first births in five countries in Latin America and the Caribbean: disaggregated data from demographic and health surveys. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, 15. •Kippen, R., Gray, E., & Evans, A. (2018). High and growing disapproval of sex-selection technology in Australia. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, 15. •Fischer, S., Royer, H., & White, C. (2018). The impacts of reduced access to abortion and family planning services on abortions, births, and contraceptive purchases. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, 167, 43–68. •Probst, I., Zellweger, A., Mercier, M.-P. P., Danuser, B., & Krief, P. (2018). Implementation, mechanisms and effects of maternity protection legislation: a realist narrative review of the literature. INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, 91(8), 901–922. •Penovic, T., & Sifris, R. (2018). Expanding the feminisation dimension of international law: targeted anti-abortion protest as violence against women. CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL, 7(2), 241–267. •Torres, G., Shapiro, A., & Mackey, T. K. (2019). A review of surrogate motherhood regulation in south American countries: pointing to a need for an international legal framework. BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH, 19.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.