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El Colegio de San Luis, A. C. Biblioteca “Rafael Montejano y Aguinaga” Servicios y Consulta Especializada


Does Intra-household Contagion Cause an Increase in Prescription Opioid Use? Mathijs de Vaan, Toby Stuart The Cognitive Dimension of Household Labor. Allison Daminger Al Data Collection as Disruption: Insights from a Longitudinal Study of Young Adulthood lison Daminger. Jeong Hyun Oh , Sara Yeatman, Jenny Trinitapoli Between Tolerant Containment and Concerted Constraint: Managing Madness for the City and the Privileged Family Neil Gong

American Sociological Review. v. 84 Issue 3, June 2019

Rhetorics of Radicalism Daniel Karell

, Michael Freedman

Does Immigration Reduce the Support for Welfare Spending? A Cautionary Tale on Spatial Panel Data Analysis Katrin Auspurg, Josef BrĂźderl, Thomas WĂśhler

Immigration and Welfare Support in Germany: Methodological Reevaluations and Substantive Conclusions. Alexander W. Schmidt-Catran

, Dennis C. Spies

Risk, Crisis, and Disaster in Governance and Public Management Brian J. Cook Disaster Response in Turkey: Conditions Promoting Cross-Sectoral Collaboration and Implications for Effectiveness Helena Hermansson Taming Deep Uncertainty: The Potential of Pragmatist Principles for Understanding and Improving Strategic Crisis Management Chris Ansell, Arjen Boin

Administration & Society (AAS) Vol. 51 Issue 6, July 2019

Risk Shift: An Institutional Logics Perspective Saheli Nath On Frontline Workers as Bureau-Political Actors: The Case of Civil–Military Crisis Management Jori Pascal Kalkman , Peter Groenewegen Tensions and Dilemmas in Crisis Governance: Responding to Citizen Volunteers Arjen Schmidt

Editors’ Introduction Brian Bow, Jack Cunningham

The origins of Canada’s feminist foreign policy Adam Chapnick Canada, the International Criminal Court, and the intersection of international politics and finances Kirsten J. Fisher , Laszlo Sarkany Preparing for the next Arctic sovereignty crisis: The Northwest Passage in the age of Donald Trump Adam Lajeunesse, Rob Huebert Critical realism: A better way to think about middle powers Monica S Jeong

International Journal: Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis Volume 74 Issue 2, June 2019

External forces and Russian foreign policy: Simulation of identity narratives inside Putin’s regime Tomas Janeliūnas, Linas Kojala Western Europe and the collapse of Bretton Woods Michael De Groot There and back again: What the Cold War for Southeast Asia can teach us about Sino-US competition in the region today Wen-Qing Ngoei A surprising spat: The causes and consequences of the Saudi–Canadian dispute Thomas Juneau

The developments in ethnographic studies of organising: Towards objects of ignorance and objects of concern Damian O’Doherty, Daniel Neyland Blood’s ontologies-entangled: Qualitative inquiry into the enactment, representation, and organizational modes of coordination of blood’s multiplicity in a Belgian blood establishment Nathan Wittock , Michiel P. M. M. De Krom, Lesley Hustinx The ethno-graphy of prices: On the fingers of the invisible hand (1922-1947) Franck Cochoy , Johan Hagberg, Hans Kjellberg The Bitcoin game: Ethno-resonance as method Donncha Kavanagh , Gianluca Miscione, PJ Ennis Data warehousing organization: Infrastructural experimentation with educational governance Helene Ratner, Christopher Gad

Organization Volume 26 Issue 3, May 2019

Finance as ‘bizarre bazaar’: Using documents as a source of ethnographic knowledge Daniel Tischer, Bill Maurer, Adam Leaver Visible objects of concern: Issues and challenges for workplace ethnographies in complex environments Paul K. Luff, Christian Heath On studying algorithms ethnographically: Making sense of objects of ignorance Ann-Christina Lange, Marc Lenglet , Robert Seyfert

New Roles of Government in the Governance of Business Conduct: Implications for Management and Organizational Research Arno Kourula , Jeremy Moon, Marie-Laure Salles-Djelic, Christopher Wickert Who Fills the Global Governance Gap? Rethinking the Roles of Business and Government in Global Governance Burkard Eberlein State Governance Beyond the ‘Shadow of Hierarchy’: A social mechanisms perspective on governmental CSR policies Anselm Schneider, Andreas Georg Scherer The Enduring State: An analysis of governance-making in three mining conflicts Rajiv Maher, Francisco Valenzuela, Steffen Böhm

Organization Studies Volume 40 Issue 8, August 2019

Dynamic De-responsibilization in Business–Government Interactions Ralph Hamann Dynamics and Limits of Regulatory Privatization: Reorganizing audit oversight in Russia Anna Alon, Andrea Mennicken, Anna Samsonova-Taddei Saving the Canadian Fur Industry’s Hide: Government’s strategic use of private authority to constrain radical activism Johnny Boghossian, José Carlos Marques

Sore losers? The costs of intra-party democracy William Cross, Scott Pruysers Assessing the ideological extremism of American party activists Nathaniel A Birkhead, Marjorie Randon Hershey Issue reframing by parties: The effect of issue salience and ownership Jonas Lefevere, Julie Sevenans, Stefaan Walgrave, Christophe Lesschaeve

Political identities: The missing link in the study of populism Carlos Meléndez, Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser The limits of organizational innovation and multi-speed membership: Podemos and its new forms of party membership Raul Gomez, Luis Ramiro

Party Politics

Committee chair selection under high informational and organizational constraints Volume 25 Issue 4, July 2019 Mihail Chiru, Sergiu Gherghina

Party collapse and new party entry Denise Laroze Hoist on their own petards? The reinvention and collapse of authoritarian successor parties Anna Grzymala-Busse The impact of contextual factors on party responsiveness regarding immigration issues Alina Vrânceanu Parties as an organizational force on nonpartisan city councils Craig M Burnett

Manuel Bessler Siéntete lo suficientemente seguro como para poder aprender en una zona de conflicto. Desarrollo de la primera infancia y apoyo psicosocial en Siria. Fatima Khaddour Educación en emergencias e igualdad de género. Eva Iversen y Else Oestergaard Rompiendo el silencio: coerción y violencia sexual en la educación posconflicto Sophie Bray-Watkins Fatima Khaddour Fortalecer los sistemas educativos para las intervenciones educativas a largo plazo. Thea Lacey y Marcello Viola Jordania: una política educativa en transición

Migraciones Forzadas No. 60 marzo 2019

Julie Chinnery Aplicación de una teoría del aprendizaje para dar forma al "buen aprendizaje" en emergencias: la experiencia Dadaab en Kenia Allyson Krupar y Marina L Anselme Espacios amigables para los niños: fortalecer su papel en la mejora de los resultados del aprendizaje Gurvinder Singh y Charlotte Tocchio Educación de refugiados en Grecia: ¿integración o segregación? Giorgos Simopoulos y Antonios Alexandridis Escuelas de calle y autobuses escolares: propuestas para la educación informal en Francia Maria Hagan Alfabetización de adultos: un componente esencial del Marco de acción mundial para los refugiados

Introducción Cristina Alvizo Carranza Celia del Palacio Las publicaciones satíricas y literarias de Guadalajara (siglo XIX) Cristina Alvizo Carranza El Gato: prensa satírica y anticlerical en Guadalajara Rebeca Viridiana Mercado González El Hijo del Gato, periódico anticlerical y de combate (1932-1935)

Estudios Jaliscienses

Liliana Castañeda Rentería. Karla Contreras Tinoco Prensa y construcción social de la maternidad en Guadalajara

No. 116 mayo 2019 Identidades emergentes y territorialidades amenazadas. Reivindicaciones múltiples en torno a los pueblos del Gran Nayar Victor Gayol Sección temática ¿“Forjando Patria”? Indigenismo, agrarismo, y el ocaso de los vínculos intercomunales coras en la Sierra del Nayar Nathaniel Morris Los llamados “lugares sagrados”: territorialidad, identidad y alteridad entre los tepehuanos del sur Jorge Antonio Reyes Valdez Historias, cronotopos y geografías wixaritari

Paul Liffman

Relaciones Estudios de Historia y Sociedad Vol. 39, Núm. 156 (2018)

Una lectura de la defensa territorial wixárika desde la complejidad ritual Regina Lira Larios Verde y plata. Mineros ambientalistas en Wirikuta Irene María Álvarez Rodríguez Fricciones ontológicas en las colaboraciones entre huicholes y ambientalistas. Johannes Neurath Recursos hídricos y cosmografía wixarika Héctor Manuel Medina Miranda Sección general Cuerpo y música en la descripción de Sonora de Ignaz Pfefferkorn Diana Brenscheidt genannt Jost Espacios agrarios en conflicto en La Meseta Purhépecha. CapacuaroPomacuarán y Ocumicho-Tangancícuaro María del Carmen Ventura Patiño

Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales Comentarios y sugerencias El Colegio de San Luis, A. C., Biblioteca Rafael Montejano y Aguiñaga. Parque de Macul # 155 Fracc. Colinas del Parque C.P. 78294, San Luis Potosí, S. L. P, Tel. (444) 8-11-01- 01 ext. 7012 y 7016. Web:

Coordinación Virginia Cruz Ceballos. Agosto 2019

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