Boletín Hemerográfico No. 205 agosto 2016

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Boletín Hemerográfico No. 205 agosto 2016

La biblioteca “Rafael Montejano y Aguiñaga” presenta contenidos de algunas revistas en sus últimos números, en esta ocasión dirigido al programa de investigación Programa de Estudios Políticos Internacionales Table of Contents Pag. Glossary


Introduction Chapter One Predatory companies in fragile states


Brian Ganson & Achim Wennmann Chapter Two Business and peaceful development in fragile states


Brian Ganson & Achim Wennmann

ADELPHI PAPERS Se publica 8 veces al año.

Chapter Three The changing landscape of business and conflict in fragile states Brian Ganson & Achim Wennmann


Chapter Four The limits of state-building Brian Ganson & Achim Wennmann


No.457-458 junio 2016.

Chapter Five Responses to conflict that work Brian Ganson & Achim Wennmann

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Conclusion The case for pragmatic solutions Brian Ganson & Achim Wennmann




Business and Conflict in Fragile States: the Case for Pragmatic Solutions, by Brian Ganson and Achim Wennmann


Table of Contents June 2016; 81 (3) Cristobal Young, Charles Varner, Ithai Z. Lurie, and Richard Prisinzano Millionaire Migration and Taxation of the Elite: Evidence from Administrative Data


Ho-fung Hung and Daniel Thompson Money Supply, Class Power, and Inflation: Monetarism Reassessed John C. Dencker and Chichun Fang Rent Seeking and the Transformation of Employment Relationships: The Effect of Corporate Restructuring on Wage Patterns, Determinants, and Inequality

Barry Eidlin Why Is There No Labor Party in the United States? Political Articulation and the Canadian Comparison, 1932 to 1948 Dan J. Wang and Sarah A. Soule Bimensual Tactical Innovation in Social Movements: The Effects of Peripheral and MultiVol 81 No. 3 June 2016. Issue Protest /be Ann Owens Inequality in Children’s Contexts: Income Segregation of Households with and without Children r

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Frank Edwards Saving Children, Controlling Families: Punishment, Redistribution, and Child Protection

Table of Contents



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INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION REVIEW Trimestral Vol 50 No. 2 Summer 2016

GOVERNAMENTAL ACTORS Alternative Approaches to the Governance of Transnational Labor Recruitment(pages 269–314) Patricia Pittman The Politics of Migration, Church, and State: A Case Study of the Catholic Church in Ireland (pages 315–351) Breda Gray Sorting or Shaping? The Gendered Economic Outcomes of Immigration Policy in Canada (pages 352–384) Jennifer Elrick and Naomi Lightman 2. IMMIGRANT INTEGRATION ACROSS SPACE AND TIME The Reverse Gender Gap in Ethnic Discrimination: Employer Stereotypes of Men and Women with Arabic Names (pages 385–412) Mahmood Arai, Moa Bursell and Lena Nekby Does Cultural Recognition Obstruct Immigrant Integration? Evidence From Two Historic Case Studies (pages 413–444) Melanie Kolbe Migration, Household Tasks, and Gender: Evidence from the Republic of Georgia(pages 445–474)

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Karine Torosyan, Theodore P. Gerber and Pilar Goñalons-Pons The Fertility of Married Immigrant Women to Canada (pages 475–505) Alícia Adserà and Ana Ferrer Negative Assimilation: How Immigrants Experience Economic Mobility in Japan(pages 506–533) Ayumi Takenaka, Makiko Nakamuro and Kenji Ishid. Articles Re-election isn't everything: legislators’ goal-seeking and committee activity in Japan Naofumi Fujimura

Engaging the demand dynamic: promoting internal forces for reform through targeted legislative strengthening support David E. Guinn

The executive on the battlefield: government amendments and cartel theory in the Chilean Congress Sergio Toro-Maureira & Nicolás Hurtado

THE JOURNAL LEGISLATIVE STUDIES Trimestral Vol 22 No. 2 June 2016

Shadowing the elected: mixed-member incentives to locally oriented parliamentary questioning Zsófia Papp

An information network of officials? Dissecting the role and nature of the network of parliamentary representatives in the European Parliament Christine Neuhold & Anna-Lena Högenauer 20/current Is the label ‘minimal legislature’ still appropriate? The role of the National People's Congress in China's political system Wenbo Chen

The electoral connection of ministerial selection in the UK Elad Klein & Resul Umit


Articles Russia’s local government in the process of authoritarian regime transformation: incentives for the survival of local democracy Grigorii V. Golosov, Kristina Gushchina & Pavel Kononenko

The communicative policy maker revisited: public administration in a twentyfirst century cultural-choice framework Amir Hefetz

Variants of transparency: an analysis of the English Local Government Transparency Code 2015 Abdullah Abid Oztoprak & Erna Ruijer

LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDIES Trimestral Vol 42 No. 4 August 2016 20#.V21pY_nhCUk

The ‘shared workplace’ agenda in Northern Ireland: lessons from local government Gary Brown & Michael Cole

Declining partisan representation at the sub-national level: assessing and explaining the strengthening of local listsin Italian municipalities (1995–2014) Davide Vampa

Why do voters forgive corrupt mayors? Implicit exchange, credibility of information and clean alternatives Jordi Muñoz, Eva Anduiza & Aina Gallego

The impact of associational life on trust in local institutions: a comparison of 57 Swiss municipalities Markus Freitag & Maya Ackermann

Public services and local government: the end of the principle of ‘funding following duties’ Mark Sandford


Table of Contents May 2016; 23 (3) Special Issue: Animals and Organization Julie Labatut, Iain Munro, and John Desmond Animals and organizations Articles Lindsay Hamilton and Darren McCabe ‘It’s just a job’: Understanding emotion work, de-animalization and the compartmentalization of organized animal slaughter Benjamin E. Baran, Steven G. Rogelberg, and Thomas Clausen


Routinized killing of animals: Going beyond dirty work and prestige to understand the well-being of slaughterhouse workers Janet Grace Sayers A report to an academy: On carnophallogocentrism, pigs and meat-writing Jean Hillier and Jason Byrne Is extermination to be the legacy of Mary Gilbert’s cat? Damian P. O’Doherty Feline politics in organization: The nine lives of Olly the cat Daniel Sage, Lise Justesen, Andrew Dainty, Kjell Tryggestad, and Jan Mouritsen year Organizing space and time through relational human–animal boundary work: Exclusion, invitation and disturbance

Table of Contents June 2016; 37 (6) Special Issue: Misfits, Mavericks and Mainstreams: Drivers of Innovation in the Creative Industries Guest editors: Candace Jones, Silviya Svejenova, Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen and Barbara Townley Candace Jones, Silviya Svejenova, Jesper Strandgaard Pedersen, and Barbara Townley Misfits, Mavericks and Mainstreams: Drivers of Innovation in the Creative Industries Articles Gazi Islam, Nada Endrissat, and Claus Noppeney


ORGANIZATION STUDIES mensual Vol 37 No. 6 June 2016

Beyond ‘the Eye’ of the Beholder: Scent innovation through analogical reconfiguration Fabrizio Montanari, Annachiara Scapolan, and Martina Gianecchini ‘Absolutely free’? The role of relational work in sustaining artistic innovation Barbara Slavich and Fabrizio Castellucci Wishing Upon a Star: How apprentice-master similarity, status and career stage affect critics’ evaluations of former apprentices in the haute cuisine industry Mukti Khaire and Erika V. Hall Medium and Message: Globalization and innovation in the production field of Indian fashion Gerardo Patriotta and Paul M. Hirsch Mainstreaming Innovation in Art Worlds: Cooperative links, conventions and amphibious artists

Table of Contents

PARTY POLITICS Bimestral May 2016 Vol 22 No. 3.

Fernando Casal Bértoa and Zsolt Enyedi Party system closure and openness: Conceptualization, operationalization and validation Grigorii V Golosov Party system nationalization: The problems of measurement with an application to federal states Osnat Akirav What do representatives produce? Work profiles of representatives Gijs Schumacher and Kees van Kersbergen Do mainstream parties adapt to the welfare chauvinism of populist parties? Christopher D Raymond and L Marvin Overby What’s in a (Party) name? Examining preferences, discipline, and social identity in a parliamentary free vote Elisabeth Gidengil and Ekrem Karakoç Which matters more in the electoral success of Islamist (successor) parties – religion or performance? The Turkish case Daniel M Smith and Hidenori Tsutsumi Candidate selection methods and policy cohesion in parties: The impact of open recruitment in Japan Aksel Sundström and Lena Wängnerud Corruption as an obstacle to women’s political representation: Evidence from local councils in 18 European countries Ashley Thornton How does ideology influence welfare retrenchment proposals? Application of a new methodology Zachary Greene and Christian B Jensen Manifestos, salience and junior ministerial appointments Nicklas Håkansson and Elin Naurin


Promising ever more: An empirical account of Swedish parties’ pledge making during 20 years Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, and Heike Klüver Bicameralism, intra-party bargaining, and the formation of party policy positions: Evidence from the German federal system

Las publicaciones mencionadas en el boletín se encuentran físicamente en la sección de Publicaciones Periódicas nivel 1. Atención a comentarios y recomendaciones para mejorar el boletín enviar notas a: José Luis Castro Prado Araceli Carrillo Martinez Virginia Cruz Ceballos SCE/VCC ago/2016

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