Programaci贸 2014/2015
October 9th John Lennon and the rise of
February 12th
youth culture
women in power
Biblioteca Roca Umbert
November 13
Queen Elizabeth I and
March 12th
Diana, Princess of Wales
Winston Churchill and the
and the modern media
power of words
December 11th
Abril 9th
Margaret Thatcher and
Boudicca and the romance of
the limits of the state
national myths
January 22nd
May 14th
Alan Turing and the
William Shakespeare and
computing revolution of national myths
the evolution of the theatre
Biblioteca Roca Umbert Prat de la Riba, 77. 08401 Granollers Tel. 93 860 44 50 Horari Matins: dimecres i divendres, de 10 h a 14 h Tardes: de dilluns a divendres, de 15 h a 20 h Dissabte, de 15.30 h a 20 h
Laboratori de lletres i imatges Biblioteques de Granollers @bibliotequesgr Bibliotequesdegranollers Biblioteques de Granollers