T'escric des de Granada, Adolfo Osta, Carles Rebassa, Ester Formosa...canten Jordi Guardans Tugores, Jaume Anche lui è qui
Al Andaluz Project AlÂmaraya Cantautores aragoneses, el concierto!
Espaldamaceta Miedo al silencio
Beginner's guide to African funk
Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars Living like a refugee
Orchestre National de Barbes Rendezvous Barbès
Beginner's guide to India
Butterfield Blues Band EastWest Filthy Habits Ensemble King Kong Holland, Dave Hands
Jarrett, Keith余 Haden, Charlie Jasmine Hamilton, Chico Twelve tones of love Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra Vitoria Magic Sam West side soul Williams, Larry Here's Larry Williams: the specialty rock'n'roll recordings Whitefield Brothers Earthology
The Black Keys, Junkera, Kepa Brothers Delco Sophomore
Drums The Drums Merchant, Natalie Selections from the album Leave your sleep Big Echo The morning benders Nitoniko Selva de mar Nutid Nutid The Pinker tones Modular La troba Kungfú A la panxa del bou Zaz Zaz
Händel, Georg Friedrich Berenice
Dhomont, Francis Études pour Kafka Zorn, John In search of the miraculous : hymns, prayers and sacred dances
Biblioteca Roca Umber t P rat d e l a Ri b a, 77. 08401 G ran o l l ers Tel. 93 860 44 50 b r u @ a j u n ta m e n t. g r a n o l l e r s . c a t
HORARI De d i l l u n s a d i ven d res, d e 15. 30 a 20. 30 h Di mecres i d i ven d res, d e 10 a 14 h D i s s a b te , d e 1 6 a 2 0 . 3 0 h