Cobla Contemporània Sardaxou 5 Cor Sarabanda Cançons de paper fi
Deolinda Dois selos e um carimbo
Afrocubism Lô, Cheikh
Charles Lloyd Quartet Mirror
Formanek, Michael The Rub and Spare Change Staples, Mavis You are not alone Valdés, Chucho Chucho's steps
Atlas, Natacha Mounqaliba Caravan In the land of grey and pink Darkstar North Delinqüentes y Tomasito Los Hombres de las praderas y sus bordones calientes Devo Something for everybody Dexy's Midnight Runners Searching for the young soul rebels (reedició 2010)
Hawkins, Dale Oh! SuzyQ John, Elton, Leon Russell The Union Smoke Fairies Through low light and trees West, Kayne My beautiful dark twisted fantasy
Dam, José van 30 years at La Monnaie, De Munt Ensemble Gilles Binchois L'Amor de Lonh: medieval songs of love and loss Händel, Georg Friedrich Ombra cara Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Gran Partita ; El rapto en el Serrallo Savall, Arianna Peiwoh
Vivaldi, Antonio Sulle sei corde
Daft Punk Tron : legacy Disney Pixar greatest
Reznor, Trent The Social network
Cabo San Roque Ball de pistons Casassas, Enric N'ix Ebtekar, Ata Ata Ebtekar and the Iranian Orchestra for new music preforming works of Alireza Mashayeki Wah! Maa
B i b l i o t e c a R o c a Um b e r t Prat de la Riba, 77. 08401 Granollers Tel. 93 860 44 50 HORARI De dilluns a divendres, de 15.30 a 20.30 h Dimecres i divendres, de 10 a 14 h D i s s a bte , de 1 6 a 2 0 . 3 0 h