INTRODUCTION This handbook is for students and parents/carers to read, think about and to discuss with others. It should help everyone to make up their mind about which subjects students will study in Years 10 and 11. Most courses are offered at GCSE level or equivalent. Some students will have the opportunity to do vocational or applied GCSE or similar courses. We want to ensure students are able to make the choices that are right for them, having been given as much guidance and support as possible.
MAKING THE RIGHT 'CHOICES' The National Curriculum allows schools some flexibility in the subjects that are offered to students entering Year 10. There is still a compulsory 'core' of subjects, and this takes up a large part of the week. The remaining time is allocated to other subjects which are grouped together in ‘columns’. You will see these on the Form (at the back of this booklet) students will need to choose a subject from each column according to their recommended route (see below). Subjects in each of the columns are timetabled at the same time so it is impossible for students to do more than one subject in each column. Some courses are mainly assessed through coursework and portfolio work rather than external examinations. These courses vary in their GCSE equivalence; this information is provided for each subject under “What Qualification will I get?”. The part of the fortnightly timetable that falls outside of the options columns will look like this: English 7 lessons 2 GCSEs ( Language and Literature for most students) Maths 7 lessons 2 GCSEs Science 10 lessons 2 or 3 GCSEs PSHE 1 lesson Citizenship 1 lesson Including Philosophy & Ethics (full or short course GCSE qualification) PE 4 lessons Each student is encouraged to select a broad and balanced range of subjects in order to avoid limiting their career or higher education choices in the future. For example, those students wishing to progress to Level 3 courses in the Sixth Form will need at least 5 GCSEs at grade C or above. Whilst there is a wide range of courses available, there are actually three possible ‘routes’ that students may take. Based on their performance during Years 7, 8 and 9 and their particular needs, we have recommended which route each student should follow. Further information will be given into which courses best suit individual students. Some students will be confident of success in nine (plus) GCSE areas and will be advised to follow Route X. These students should choose a subject from each column. For some students, that route may be too wide ranging and they will be advised to follow one of the applied/vocational GCSE courses which offer multiple awards in single subjects. They should also choose other option subjects. The advantage of this for the student is that they could finish with the same number of qualifications, but they haven’t had to “get their head around” another different subject. This is Route V. The final route is aimed at students for whom the core 5 GCSEs together with PHSE, PE and Citizenship will prove sufficient challenge. Route L will focus on life skills and work related activities, including the possible opportunity for work placements in Year 11, and study support on coursework to help with their GCSE subjects. Most of this will be covered through Work Related opportunities within the Integrated Course. Some Route L students will also want to study a maximum of two optional subjects for GCSE. If this is the case, they should write it on their form so that it can be discussed.
PROCEDURE All students will be involved in making a choice of subjects from each of the columns according to their recommended Route X, V or L. Heads of subject departments, tutors and other teachers will talk to Year 9 students during the time in which they are making their choices, either in lessons, tutor time or in assembly time. The process involves students, parents/carers and teachers communicating throughout and arriving at a choice of subjects appropriate to the needs and interests of each student. This handbook provides the relevant information about each of the courses to inform the discussion and to help guide students towards their final choices.
All students need to talk to their teachers and tutors about their choices to find out what might be the best courses for them. Some students will be guided to take particular courses for a variety of reasons. Others will need to take particular subjects because of their likely career choice. Not all of us have the same strengths and we realise that some students will be more suited to a different mixture of subject choices. The process is about students telling us their initial preferences which will then form the basis of our planning for next year’s timetable. Each student will need to have their final choices agreed by a member of staff before they will be accepted. Interviews will take place on Thursday 9 February 2012 to help both students and parents/carers through the process. This will be a central part of the Progress Day interview with the form tutor. Although we will try to provide everyone with the subjects they choose, we cannot guarantee this as there are some limiting factors including staff availability, the timetable, the previous work ethic of a student in a subject and the number of students that we can put in a group. In order to make this process as fair as possible, we ask all students to provide at least one choice that would be acceptable as an alternative. When we do have to consider alternative choices each student involved will be contacted to discuss the situation. The College takes a very active role in ensuring the students are on the right courses for their ability and needs.
HOW ARE THE CHOICES ALLOCATED? Students must hand in their choices by Monday 27 February 2012. After that date we will attempt to match the choices to available places and to meet the needs of the student. Inevitably, it will not be possible to offer all students their first choices and some of you may be offered your reserve choice. In some cases this may not be possible and then we will have to talk about alternatives. This can take a considerable amount of time and we cannot be precise about the final date when all allocations will be known. The final list of subjects will be confirmed during the Summer Term, probably in June.
CAREERS EDUCATION & GUIDANCE YEARS 10/11 The Careers Education and Guidance programme has the following broad aims to help you to: • know yourself better • be aware of education, training and career opportunities • make choices about your own continuing education and training, and about career paths • manage transition to new roles and situations The programme is delivered in various ways: • as part of the PSHE programme • in assemblies, and tutor time • through other National Curriculum subjects The College works closely with the local CareersSW Service. A CareersSW Officer is attached to the College and makes regular visits to provide guidance and information for groups and for individual students. Individual guidance interviews are available for all Year 11 students. The College Careers Library, held in the CareersSW Office has a full and comprehensive stock of guidance and information materials. The most up-to-date computer-based careers guidance packages are fully networked across the College. An important element of the Careers Education Programme is the work experience week in March of Year 10.
WHO DO YOU GO TO FOR HELP? In the first instance you should talk to your Form Tutor/Subject teacher, but there are other people who will be able to offer specialist advice and guidance: Head of Year 9 SENCO Mr D Munro Mr A May HSLO Assistant Principal Mrs J Eastman Ms A Pollok
KEY DATES January 2012 Tuesday 31 January 2012 Thursday 9 February 2012 Friday 24 February 2012 June 2012 September 2012
Subject choices discussed in PSHE lessons KS4 Information Evening for parents of students in Year 9 Progress Day interviews for students and parents/cares – reports issued Hand in choices Letters to parents confirming subjects to be followed in Year 10 Year 10 timetable starts 4
ENGLISH LANGUAGE, ENGLISH LITERATURE “English is the dominant international language in communications, science, business, aviation, entertainment, diplomacy and the Internet" Communication is a key aspect of human society; it goes on around us all day, every day. We listen to the radio, watch TV, read magazines, newspapers, books, instructions, web pages and signs, and we converse on a daily basis. We write frequently, whether we are writing notes in class, filling out forms or writing an e-mail. Language, and the ability to understand it and use it well, is the key to success. The English department aims to provide you with the necessary skills to communicate effectively in today’s modern environment. This is a core subject and is not optional. However, the skills you will learn in English are all transferable, and will help you to succeed in your other subjects too. There are two current routes that students take in the Edexcel English GCSE specifications. This is either an English only course or an English Language and English Literature combined course. The choice of route for students is made based on ability demonstrated in prior years and their expected final grade at GCSE. Both routes develop a variety of essential communication skills in three key areas: Writing, Reading and Speaking and Listening.
Course Content
Unit 1: English Today • Developing reading skills to analyse contemporary non-fiction texts • Developing writing skills to express ideas and information clearly and accurately • Selection of pre-release non-fiction texts to read on screen or on paper • Choice of two themes that are both meaningful to students • Assessment based on two texts from the selection provided • Two tasks: o Reading to analyse key points such as the writer’s choice of presentation and language o Writing for identified purpose and audience Unit 2: The Writer’s Voice • Two questions: o One reading response to either an extract from a Different Cultures prose text or an extract from a non-fiction text o One writing task for a specified audience expressing opinions and analysing ideas on a topic relevant to students’ experiences Unit 3: Spoken Language • Three speaking and listening tasks: o One spoken language study: a commentary on two examples of spoken language that students have listened to during their study o One writing task: from a choice of speeches, stories with a focus on dialogue and scripts
How is the course assessed?
Examination and controlled assessment. Unit 1: 20% (Controlled Assessment – taken in spring term of Year 10) Unit 2: 40% (Exam: 1 hour and 45 minutes, available in Year 11) Unit 3: 40% (Controlled assessment – Available in Year 10/11)
What qualification will I get?
GCSE English Language You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression Useful for many courses and employment. Where can I get more information?
English Department
Course Title
Course Content
Unit 1: Understanding Prose • Two questions: o One on a’ Literary Heritage’ text o One on a ‘Different Cultures’ text. • Two question styles: o Four part question based on an extract from ‘Literary Heritage’ text o Essay question for ‘Different Cultures’ text Unit 2: Understanding Poetry • Two questions: o Response to one unseen poem o Response to two poems based on the collection chosen from the Edexcel GCSE Poetry Anthology Unit 3: Shakespeare and Contemporary Drama • Choice of tasks set by Edexcel focused on character, theme, relationship or performance
How is the course assessed?
Unit 1: 50% (Exam: 1 hour and 45 minutes, available in January and June of Year 11) Unit 2: 25% (Exam: 1 hour and 45 minutes, available in January and June of Year 11) Unit 3: 25% (Controlled Assessment: available in Year 10)
What qualification will I get?
GCSE English Literature You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression Useful for many courses and employment. Where can I get more information?
English Department
Course Title
Course Content
Unit 1: English Today • Developing reading skills to analyse contemporary non-fiction texts • Developing writing skills to express ideas and information clearly and accurately • Selection of pre-release non-fiction texts to read on screen or on paper • Choice of two themes that are both meaningful to students • Assessment based on two texts from the selection provided • Two tasks: o Reading to analyse key points such as the writer’s choice of presentation and language o Writing for identified purpose and audience
Unit 2: The Writer’s Voice • Two questions: o One reading response to either an extract from a Different Cultures prose text or an extract from a non-fiction text o One writing task for a specified audience expressing opinions and analysing ideas on a topic relevant to students’ experiences Unit 3: Spoken Language • Three speaking and listening tasks: o One spoken language study: a commentary on two examples of spoken language that students have listened to during their study o One writing task: from a choice of speeches, stories with a focus on dialogue and scripts How is the course assessed?
Examination and controlled assessment. Unit 1: 20% (Controlled Assessment – taken in spring term of Year 10) Unit 2: 40% (Exam: 1 hour and 45 minutes, available in Year 11) Unit 3: 40% (Controlled assessment – Available in Year 10/11) 7
What qualification will I get?
GCSE English Language You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE. ENTRY LEVEL An entry level course is also available if it is deemed the most appropriate qualification. Controlled Assessment is an essential aspect of all of these courses and must be taken seriously and completed to the best of the student’s ability. In addition, all students will be expected to complete speaking and listening assessments.
Future progression Useful for many courses and employment. Where can I get more information?
English Department
Course Content
Mathematics is a core subject in the National Curriculum and all students in Years 10 and 11 continue with the study of this subject. Students at Bideford College are now studying for a 'linked pair' of GCSE Mathematics qualifications provided by the OCR examination board. The qualifications are called 'Methods in Mathematics' and 'Applications of Mathematics'. Each one requires knowledge and understanding of aspects of number, algebra, shape, space and measure, and data handling. The Methods in Mathematics syllabus focuses on knowledge, skills and mathematical routines whereas the Applications of Mathematics syllabus provides students with opportunities to apply what they have learnt to real life problems. Students need to provide their own equipment to use in school and for homework. This should include a ruler, protractor, compasses and a calculator as well as the equipment required for use in most subjects – pens, pencils and coloured pens or pencils. Students are provided with practice books for use at home and opportunities exist to purchase additional revision guides, workbooks and CD’s. Every student also has login details to access the lessons, homework and booster materials on www.mymaths.co.uk
How is the course assessed?
Students are entered for two papers for each qualification contributing 40% and 60% respectively towards their final GCSE grade.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course with 2 GCSE passes at the end of Year 10. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE. There are two levels of entry, foundation and higher. Grade C is the highest grade that a student can attain on the Foundation Tier and the Higher Tier targets grades A* to E. Students are set in two populations of equal ability and commence the course at a stage that depends on their previous work and attainment. In the event of students being unable to access this course there is an alternative Certificate of Achievement course available.
Future progression Many students enjoy mathematics and strive to achieve good grades. Our more gifted students are entered into the Maths Challenge run by UKMT, and also participate in the Devon Maths Challenges run by the Further Maths Support Programme. Where can I get more information?
Contact J Hensby Head of Mathematics
SCIENCE Your Science teachers will give you advice as to which is the most suitable course for you. Each Year 9 student must have a conversation with their Science teacher about which course they should take in Years 9, 10 and 11. The GCSE courses in Science are changing again for September 2012 and at the time of printing, have not been finally approved by the Government. Below is the likely combination of courses we will offer and the rules through these courses with assessment values. Course Title
Course Content
Every student must be taught the content of Core Science but may do this through the BTEC course (see below). For most students this will be done by following the AQA Science specification.
How is the course assessed?
This is a modular course and the three modules (each worth 25%) are examined by written tests in January and June of Year 10, although teaching of the course is beginning from January of Year 9. There is also a practical assessment worth 25% of the total mark. At least 40% of the final mark must be completed at the end of the course, in one sitting eg one exam and the practical assessment.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE. This is a single GCSE. Students that find Science difficult can be assessed at Entry Level instead of GCSE.
Future progression All students will be required to follow a second course in Science from the list below: Where can I get more information?
Course Title
Course Content
Some students will follow this course in Year 11, it is taught as AQA Additional Science.
How is the course assessed?
It is examined with three written papers and has a practical assessment element work 25% of the total mark. At least 40% of the final mark must be completed at the end of the course, in one sitting eg one exam and the practical assessment.
What qualification will I get?
The course is equivalent to one GCSE and when taken with Core Science, it is the nearest equivalent to the old Double Science course. You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression This is suitable grounding for A levels in the Sciences but a B grade as a minimum is the requirement if you wish to study A Level Chemistry and Physics. Where can I get more information?
Course Title
Course Content
A number of students will be entered for Biology, Chemistry and Physics as three separate GCSEs. This still involves following all of the Core and Additional material as well as an extra module and practical for each subject. Any student obtaining Level 6 or above in their end of Key Stage 3 Assessment can choose this course. It will, however, be taught in the time normally used for Core and Additional Science. This means that students must be ready for a lot of hard work. It will not take up one of their option choices. Students who do not obtain at least a Level 6 will NOT be considered for this course.
How is the course assessed?
Each science has an exam in Year 10 and two exams in Year 11 and a practical assessment worth 25%.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression This would be the desired route into A Level sciences. Where can I get more information?
Course Title
APPLIED SCIENCE – BTEC First Certificate (Edexcel)
Course Content
Many classes will follow this course. Science is taught in vocational contexts and requires students to undertake 30 assignments to complete the course. These are marked and moderated internally.
How is the course assessed?
There are no exams.
What qualification will I get?
Passing this course is equivalent to a double C grade at GCSE. There are opportunities for Merit (BB) and Distinction (AA or A*A*) This course is therefore, completely independent of the Core Science course.
Future progression Science BTEC Level 3 Where can I get more information?
PERSONAL, SOCIAL & HEALTH EDUCATION (PSHE) The Personal, Social and Health Education department run modular courses in Year 10 and Year 11. These are structured courses covering a variety of life issues and are delivered by experienced teachers. The aim of the department is to provide students with a constructive personal development programme, in order to help them become informed and responsible members of society. These courses will provide students with an opportunity to formulate their own views and opinions and help develop skills to cope with problems that arise in life. The Areas of Study Include: • Personal Development • Careers Education • Health Education • Parenting • Leaving Home and budgeting • You and the Law • Stress Management and Mental Health • World Citizenship The learning objectives of the PSHE “Passport Framework” from the DfE are contained within six broad statements: • Develop confidence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities. • Develop a healthy, safer lifestyle. • Develop good relationships and respect the differences between people. • Know and understand about becoming informed citizens. • Develop skills of inquiry and communication. • Develop skills of participation and responsible action. • Personal well being. • Economic well being and financial capability. These aims are followed in all units of work connected to the areas of study. Students are offered opportunities during these courses to: • Develop a sense of their own identity, know the roles they have and want to have. • Express rational arguments having researched social, moral and environmental issues. • Respect and value the environment and other living things. • Work as part of a team. • Understand what prejudice and discrimination mean. • Have concern for human rights. Citizenship, Philosophy and Ethics is taught by a small team of specialist staff. This is a compulsory subject, and all students will have one 50 minute lesson a week.
Course Content
This is a fantastic subject for students who enjoy heated discussions, and are able to express strong opinions about topical and moral issues! Students will have opportunities to discuss their own views and also listen to and respect the opinions of other students and religions. This enables them to develop vital life skills, and allows them to tackle many thought provoking, spiritual and relevant issues. Students will study and discuss their views on some of the following issues: • Religion and Human Relationships • Religion and Medical Ethics • Religion and Equality • Religion, Poverty and Wealth • Religion and The Media • Religion, Peace and Justice • Religion and Science • Good and Evil • Belief about Deity • The End of Life
How is the course assessed?
This subject follows the OCR short course, and works in conjunction with the Devon Agreed Syllabus. This is 100% exam, with no coursework. The short course exam (core) consists of 2 x 1 hour papers (taken at the end of Year 10), with the option to complete 2 more papers through after-school lessons in Year 11.
What qualification will I get?
The Short GCSE course has been started in Year 9 and the exam will be taken at the end of Year 10. There is the option to complete the full GCSE course in Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Where can I get more information?
Please see Mrs Vowles for further information.
Art GCSE Applied Art & Design OCR National Business Studies GCSE Business Studies BTEC First Child Development GCSE Design & Technology: Construction BTEC First Design & Technology: Electronic Products GCSE Design & Technology: Graphic Products GCSE Design & Technology: Product Design GCSE Design & Technology: Catering GCSE Design & Technology: Food Technology GCSE Design & Technology: Hospitality & Catering Double Award GCSE Design & Technology: Textiles Technology GCSE Drama GCSE Performing Arts (Acting) BTEC Extended Certificate Geography GCSE Health & Social Care Vocational GCSE Health & Social Care Vocational Double Award GCSE Health & Social Care Vocational BTEC First Diploma History GCSE Information & Communication Technology GCSE Information & Communication Technology OCR National Media Studies Double Award GCSE Modern Foreign Languages (French / German / Spanish) GCSE Music GCSE Physical Education GCSE Sport BTEC Extended Certificate Sociology GCSE Travel & Tourism OCR National 14
ART Course Title
Course Content
Art GCSE is open to all students; it is practical subject that allows students to work in an expressive and individual way. In all Art courses students will be building on the skills developed in Key Stage 3. The course is project based and is designed to encourage students to work with growing independence as the course progresses. In all projects students would be expected to draw research and develop their ideas through to a final piece by using a variety of materials, techniques and approaches. Students will continue to develop their understanding of Art, Craft and Design from the past and present as well as from different cultures. Our main requirement is that students are willing to work hard and have an enthusiasm for making Art!
How is the course assessed?
The Coursework Folder (60% of total mark) Projects produced throughout the course as class work and homework. The Controlled Test (40% of total mark) Students respond to a question paper set by the examination board, there will be a preparatory period of four weeks followed by 10 hours of supervised time.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression Remember Art is a very rewarding subject and has the added bonus of being useful for many careers including, Architecture, Textile Design, Ceramics, Fashion, Interior Design, Illustration, Web Design, Chef, Animator, Garden Designer, Photographer, Hairdresser, Graphic Designer and many more. Where can I get more information?
For more information see Mrs Cumiskey or Ms Bradley
APPLIED ART & DESIGN – OCR National Level 2
Course Content
This qualification specifically aims to: • Develop student's knowledge, experience and understanding of art and design. • Develop student's ability to work effectively in different art and design environments. • Encourage progression by assisting in the development of skills, knowledge and understanding which students will need to undertake further education opportunities or enter employment. Units include: • Unit 01: Planning and researching for art and design briefs. • Unit 02: Exploring media, materials and techniques. • Unit 03: Realising art and design ideas. • Unit 04: Presenting and displaying work. • Unit 05: Exploring photography. • Unit 06: Exploring fashion and textiles. • Unit 07: Exploring graphic design. • Unit 08: Exploring the work of others. • Unit 09: Exploring 3D design. • Unit 10: Exploring Fine Art. • Unit 11: Introduction to career planning for the art and design industry. • Unit 12: Work experience in the art and design industry.
How is the course assessed?
Both courses are assessed through the coursework units, there are no exams.
What qualification will I get?
2 GCSE equivalent = 3 units (to include units 1 and 2 plus one optional unit). 4 GCSE equivalent = 6 units (to include units 1, 2, 3 and 4 plus two optional units). You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. Pass, Merit and Distinction are the grades available for this course. Pass is equivalent to 2/4 C grades, a Merit to 2/4 B grades and a Distinction is 2/4 A grades.
Future progression Remember Art is a very rewarding subject and has the added bonus of being useful for many careers including, Architecture, Textile Design, Ceramics, Fashion, Interior Design, Illustration, Web Design, Chef, Animator, Garden Designer, Photographer, Hairdresser, Graphic Designer and many more. Where can I get more information?
For more information see Mrs Cumiskey or Ms Bradley
Course Content
This course aims to give students opportunities to: • make effective use of relevant terminology, concepts and methods and recognise the strengths and limitations of the ideas used; • apply knowledge and critical understanding to current issues in a wide range of appropriate contexts; • distinguish between facts and opinions and evaluate qualitative and quantitative data in order to help build arguments and make informed judgements; • appreciate the perspectives of a range of stakeholders in relation to the environment, individuals, society, government and enterprise; • have an understanding of the dynamics of business activity; • understand the practical side of running a business and appreciate the necessary skills involved. Structure: The course is divided into units of varying length covering the following topics: • Introduction to Small Business – this covers the key issues and skills involved in enterprise. The emphasis is on starting and running small businesses - spotting a business opportunity, showing enterprise, putting a business idea into practice, making the start-up effective, understanding the economic context. • Investigating Small Business – this builds on the above knowledge and looks at the key functions within small businesses. • Building a Business - this looks at the key issues in developing understanding of life in medium and large sized businesses. We look at external factors such as the environment, ethical behaviour as well as marketing, meeting customer needs, effective financial management, effective people management, the wider world affecting business. At Bideford College we teach Business Studies by: • emphasising current issues which affect businesses, their operation and their success; • focus on current business practice; • using real business examples whenever possible; • providing content that is firmly rooted in current business practice; • helping students to understand the importance of seeing business problems and situations through different perspectives; • emphasising that ICT is essential to business decision making processes and success, and affects all functional areas of business. Students should understand that the efficient use of information communication technology depends upon the establishment of effective IT-based management information system; • enabling students to identify business problems, plan appropriate investigations into such problems, and make justifiable decisions consistent with their analysis of primary and/or secondary material in order to suggest solutions to those problems. Will I enjoy this course? You will enjoy this course if you: • Have a keen interest in studying businesses and how money is made • Want to focus on the real world of work, jobs and business • Want to investigate how local and international businesses work • Have aspirations to run your own business • Like programmes such as Dragon’s Den and The Apprentice What skills do I need? Business Studies requires students who have a range of skills and want to develop these and others during the course. • You will enjoy researching information from a range of sources and present it in a variety of ways. • You will need good experience of using data, statistics and ICT software such as word processors and spreadsheets. • You will need good skills in communication and numeracy which will be useful in the world of work and are valued by employers. • You will enjoy the use and meaning of words and have good literacy skills. 17
How is the course assessed?
The assessment grid below shows the breakdown of the course. There is no coursework. Unit 1 Introduction to Business
% 25
Unit 2 Investigating Small Business
Unit 3 Building a Business
What qualification will I get?
Time/pre-release Compulsory unit externally assessed 45 minutes (exam)
Compulsory unit controlled assessment. Recommended time: 6 hours maximum for research, 3 hours maximum for write up
Compulsory unit externally assessed (exam)
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression A good grade at GCSE will help you move onto a range of AS and A levels. You might want to continue with Business Studies Level 3 in Year 12, and/or study an area such as ICT. The subject is very useful if you are looking for employment and/or going to university. Where can I get more information?
To find out more about the course, please see Mrs Riva or visit www.edexcel.com
Course Content
This course aims to give students opportunities to: • make effective use of relevant terminology, concepts and methods and recognise the strengths and limitations of the ideas used; • BTEC’s are work-related qualifications suitable for a wide range of students, built to accommodate the needs of employers and allow progression to university • they provide a practical, real-world approach to the world of business • apply their knowledge and critical understanding to current issues and problems in a wide range of appropriate contexts; • distinguish between facts and opinions and evaluate qualitative and quantitative data in order to help build arguments and make informed judgements; • appreciate the perspectives of a range of stakeholders in relation to the environment, individuals, society, government and enterprise; • understand the practical side of running a business and appreciate the necessary skills involved. Structure: The course is divided into coursework elements of varying length making up to a total of 30 Credits (which is equivalent to 2 GCSE’s). The first 2 are compulsory units and a choice from 18 others. Some of the areas that could be studied include: Unit Number Unit Title Number of Credits 1 Business Purposes 5 2 Business Organisations 5 4 People in Organisations 5 10 Personal Selling in Business 5 12 Business Online 10 16 Business Enterprise 10 20 Managing Personal Finances 5 At Bideford College we teach Business Studies by: • emphasising current issues which affect businesses, their operation and their success; • focus on current business practice; • using real business examples whenever possible; • providing content that is firmly rooted in current business practice; • helping students to understand the importance of seeing business problems and situations through different perspectives; • emphasising that ICT is essential to business decision making processes and success, and affects all functional areas of business. Students should understand that the efficient use of information communication technology depends upon the establishment of effective IT management information system; • enabling students to identify business problems, plan appropriate investigations into such problems, and make justifiable decisions consistent with their analysis of primary and/or secondary material in order to suggest solutions to those problems. Will I enjoy this course? You will enjoy this course if you: • Have a keen interest in studying businesses and how money is made • Want to focus on the real world of work, jobs and business • Want to investigate how local and international businesses work • Have aspirations to run your own business • Like programmes such as Dragon’s Den and The Apprentice • Enjoy doing coursework and working independently • Can work to set deadlines • All coursework is word-processed What skills do I need? Business Studies requires students who have a range of skills and want to develop these and others during the course. • You will enjoy researching information from a range of sources and present it in a variety 19
of ways • You will need good experience of using data, statistics and ICT software such as word processors and spreadsheets. • You will need good skills in communication and numeracy which will be useful in the world of work and are valued by employers. • You will enjoy the use and meaning of words and have good literacy skills. How is the course assessed?
What about assessment and exams? Continuous assessment takes place throughout the course with students knowing what level they are working at, and what they need to do to move to the next level. There are NO exams. Is there any coursework and how is it graded? Yes – the course is 100% coursework. Your coursework is graded pass, merit or distinction which is equivalent to 2 GCSE grades CC, BB or AA provided the 30 credits are completed.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE. This course provides the equivalent of 2 GCSE’s.
Future progression A Level 2 BTEC in Business will help you move onto a range of AS and A levels. You might want to continue with Business Studies AS in Year 12, and/or study an area such as ICT. The subject is very useful if you are looking for employment and/or going to university. Where can I get more information?
To find out more about the course, please see Mrs Riva or visit www.edexcel.com
Course Content
This GCSE course offers students the opportunity to develop an awareness of the needs of children and to increase their knowledge and understanding of how children develop from birth to 5 years. The course covers the family, pregnancy and birth, care of the newborn baby, care of children to 5 years old, including nutrition and health. The four areas of development are explored: physical development, intellectual development, social and emotional development. Students will study play and toys, childcare provision and safety and accident prevention. Please note that this course is not a child-care course and it involves a lot of written work.
How is the course Assessment is through two pieces of coursework – 60% and a final written exam – 40%. assessed? The main coursework involves studying the progress and development of a child under the age of 5 years over a period of time. It is essential that students have regular contact with this child for the duration of the course. A second piece of coursework is a research task based on one aspect of the course. What qualification You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades will I get? available at GCSE. Future progression Students of Child Development may wish to gain access to a range of childcare courses at Petroc. Students gaining 5 GCSEs at grade A* - C will be eligible for Level 3 courses. Child Development also overlaps with a number of Health and Social Care related courses at both Levels 2 and 3. Where can I get Visit the College website. Go to the Health & Social Care department section and click on more information? Child Development. Also visit the AQA website to see the specification materials and past exam papers. http://web.aqa.org.uk/qual/newgcses/dandt/new/home_cd_materials.php?id=06&prev=06
DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY Students are expected to choose at least one of the technology subjects and have the opportunity to choose to study a second technology subject. The department is pleased to be able to offer eight different choices as detailed on the following pages. Students are welcome to discuss any of their choices with the Heads of Technology (Miss Dyer or Mr Gilbert) or indeed any of the Technology teachers. Students will learn the practical ability to apply knowledge and skills when designing and making good quality products with materials and components. They will learn the knowledge and skills required to design and make products, and to evaluate and to improve their products until they are fit for their intended purpose. During the course, students will develop technological capability by systematic application of knowledge, concepts and skills. They will also look at the impact of technology on everyday life. Students will be expected to: • identify and state clearly the needs and opportunities for design and technological activities through investigation in a variety of contexts, • generate a design specification, explore ideas to produce a design proposal and develop it into a realistic, appropriate and achievable design, • make artefacts, systems and environments, preparing and working to a plan and identifying, managing and using appropriate resources, including knowledge and processes, • develop, communicate and act upon an evaluation of the processes, products and effects of their design and technological activities and those of others. The emphasis throughout the whole course will be on designing and making. Whilst much of the work is practical, students can expect to spend a proportion of their time taking notes and recording their ideas both graphically and in a written form by hand and computer. All Technology subjects are of equal complexity and difficulty. All have equal amounts of practical work and written and design work.
Course Content
Construction is one of the most important job sectors offering a wide choice of careers. Working in the construction industry involves learning a large number of practical skills. Why should students choose this course? You will: • Be learning in both classroom and practical environments • Have an opportunity to learn in a practical way and apply your skills in work related situations • Develop key skills that are highly valued by employers and further education • Carry out a range of activities including investigations into different aspects of construction industries • Gain a good understanding of the main principals of construction and an insight into how companies operate • Learn about manufacturing practices and processes What will students do on the course? The emphasis of this course is learning about a job in construction. They will learn about the different job roles in the construction industry and health and safety aspect of the job. Students will spend a large amount of time on practical work studying different skills and techniques. Students will not always be making individual items but will be learning the skills they require for different aspects of the construction industry. Students may visit various different companies to see how manufacturing companies run their production and outside speakers will talk to students about differing aspects of the industry. Students will have the opportunity to not only work in an industrial way but hopefully to have related work experience. Students will use hand and power equipment including ICT and CAD/CAM equipment where appropriate.
How is the course assessed?
The course is assessed in three ways depending on the amount of modules undertaken: Level 2 Certificate in Construction Level 2 Extended Certificate in Construction Level 2 Diploma in Construction Each module will be assessed and successfully completed modules will go toward the final outcome.
What qualification will I get?
The qualification is depending on the completion of the different units. A certificate translates to 1 GCSE, the Extended Certificate to 2 GCSEs, and the Diploma translates to 4 GCSEs.
Future progression Students can go on to work as apprentices, in most sectors of the Construction industry. Where can I get more information?
For more information see Mr Gilbert or visit the website below: Edexcel – http://www.edexcel.com/Pages/Home.aspx
Course Content
There is hardly an industry you can’t work in without an Electronics background. Car Mechanic, Military (Design/Electronics Technician), Electrical Engineer, Computer Technician, Electronic Repair Engineer, Electronic/Software Design Engineer … the list goes on! This course will help you acquire the basics of electronics: handy for all engineering sectors and industrial design work. Will complement physics, ICT and engineering interests as well as being useful for technician roles or further education. It will be fun, hard work and rewarding. WHAT WILL I STUDY DURING THE COURSE? Year 10 • Learn about existing electronic products that you use everyday • Build your own circuits using computer simulation programs • Build real circuits using a wide range of components • Program your own Integrated Circuit • Design your own electronic products Year 11 • Major Coursework Project – This involves researching, designing, developing and making an electronic product. Recent students have designed BB Gun Targets, Automatic Cat Flaps, Surf prediction systems, Windsurfing Aids, Fish Bite Alarms, Baby Monitors, Motor Cross Start Gates and more. ….. The choice is yours! • Preparation for exam
How is the course assessed?
Coursework Folder (60% of total mark). A coursework project based around a design brief of your choice will be produced during class work and homework. Written Exam (40% of total mark).
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression Students wishing to take up a career in electronic engineering, electronic manufacture or to further their education in this area would be advised to student Electronic products. Where can I get more information?
For more information see Mr Fordham AQA – www.aqa.org.uk Design Technology/Electronic Products
Course Content
Graphic Designers create ideas for a vast range of products that surround us in everyday life such as books, magazines, TV graphics, posters, packaging and displays. Graphic Products involves the study and development of 3D products including aspects of Graphic Design. The study of Graphic Products offers exciting opportunities to develop ideas and communicate these through a variety of drawing and modelling techniques. You will learn how to design products using CAD (Computer Aided Design), as well as some traditional drawing techniques. You will model ideas in 3D using materials such as paper, board and plastics. In the making of final prototypes a variety of materials is encouraged, including smart materials, if appropriate. WHAT WILL I STUDY DURING THE COURSE? Year 10 - Study includes the following areas: • The design process, following the way in which designers work in industry • The use of a variety of graphic media and equipment • Sketching & enhancement techniques • A variety of drawing techniques • The application of range of graphic materials (papers, boards, plastics and smart materials) • The use of CAD for development of ideas and modelling • Packaging – design and production • Industrial processes such as printing and finishing techniques Single lessons will often cover theory, and you will undertake two designs and make assignments mostly in double lessons. Current Year 10 projects include designing a 3D item to promote an exhibition (this includes a CSD/Cam process) and a ‘corporate identity’ for a new cafe. Year 11 - Controlled Assessment task This involves designing and making a graphic product that will fulfil the requirements of a design brief. You will be able to choose from a selection of Controlled Assessment tasks given by the exam board, each giving opportunity to attain your target grade. Examples include: • Designing a logo, packaging and menus, for a new Pizza restaurant. • Design an activity pack • Music promotion including items such as CD folding sleeves and Point of Sale display • Olympic 2012 Promotions • Pop-up book You will be expected to complete the coursework in 45 hours, so you will need to work hard in lessons. Opportunities will be given to do some practical work after school as necessary.
How is the course assessed?
Coursework Folder (60% of total mark). Written Exam (40% of total mark). Three months before the written exam the students will receive a Preparation paper that will set the theme for the exam. Revision lessons will then be structured around the focus. Students will need to buy an A3 folder for their design work and equipment such as a fine liner and colour pencils is recommended.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression Students wishing to take up a career in design, manufacturing, advertising or marketing would benefit from studying this subject. Where can I get more information?
AQA – www.aqa.org.uk - Design Technology/Graphic Products.
Course Content
All major companies have a product development team. They create the fantastic new products that appear on the shelves in the shops. This course offers an exciting opportunity for students to develop their knowledge and skills within the product design industry. It is an ideal course is for anyone who has a passion for design and practical making skills. It will be fun, hard work and rewarding, developing all types of problem solving skills. WHAT WILL I STUDY DURING THE COURSE? Year 10 • The design process • Basic Skills • Material areas such as woods, metals, plastics, smart materials and electronics • How to design products for a required purpose or need • Production methods and Industrial Processes • Design history, iconic products and design movements Year 11 • Major Coursework Project – This is split into two major projects. One involves designing and developing products in answer to a design brief and presenting a design folder. Recent students have designed products based on a problem of their choosing. Some examples are skateboarding breaking systems to learn how to skateboard, a clip system to prevent the strap from coming free from guitars, a golfing product to prefect the technique of putting. Students are encouraged to use ICT as much as possible. The second is a Making project where students will produce a final outcome and think about how it will be packaged and promoted. • Preparation for exams. • There is also the opportunity to enter national design competitions; in fact in 2007 Rob Jeffery a Bideford College Year 11 student was crowned Young Designer of the Year.
How is the course assessed?
Coursework Folder (60% of total mark) A coursework project based around a design brief of your choice will be produced during class work and homework, of which this is split 60% in favour of making the actual product itself. Written Exams (40% of total mark) Design exam (20%) Students will be given a specific theme in which they will have to spend six hour designing and making a product under exam conditions. Theory exam (20%) Students will be tested on all aspects of design and material areas. They will be expected to know about design eras, movements and iconic products.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression You can go on to study Product Design at Level 3 (AS/A2) here at Bideford College. Where can I get more information?
For more information see Mr Gilbert or the Product Design blog, OCR – www.ocr.org.uk Design Technology/Product Design Technology
Course Content
This course offers an exciting opportunity for students to develop their knowledge and skills within the catering industry. It is an ideal course is for anyone who has a passion for preparing and cooking food and wants to learn more about food and the industry. It will be fun, hard work and rewarding. This course gives students a suitable basis for further study at 16+.It also provides a satisfying and worthwhile course of study for students with an interest in Food but who may choose not to progress to further study in the subject. The course covers the following areas: • The industry – food and drink • Job roles, employment opportunities and relevant training • Health, safety and hygiene • Food preparation, cooking and presentation • Nutrition and menu planning • Costing and portion control • Specialist equipment • Communication and record keeping • Environmental considerations As part of the GCSE course students will take the Level 2 Food Safety Certificate in Catering which has replaced the Food Hygiene Certificate and is a recognized qualification for all who work in commercial food preparation. Only students with a love of cooking should choose this course since practical work is an essential part and students will need to provide ingredients and cook on a weekly basis. Students will be required to dress in a catering uniform for all practical work. Students will work using a large selection of equipment and techniques. They will develop practical catering abilities by making a wide range of foods to include: stocks, sauces, starters, egg dishes, rice pasta, fish, meat, poultry, pastry, cakes, desserts and yeast mixtures.
How is the course assessed?
The Scheme of Assessment consists of: • Final Examination 40% • Practical Assessment Year 10 30% • Practical Assessment Year 11 30% Students will need to bring ingredients from home most weeks. This is essential if students are to be able to follow this course.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression This qualification can lead to getting a job in a catering environment. Where can I get more information?
For more information see Miss Dyer, www.wjec.co.uk GCSE catering
Course Content
All food companies have a product development team. They create the fantastic new products that appear on the shelves in the shops and supermarkets. This course offers an exciting opportunity for students to combine their designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding in order to create a quality product. It will also encourage student’s critical and aesthetic abilities thus allowing them to evaluate existing products. It is an ideal course for anyone who has a passion for designing and developing food ideas. WHAT WILL I STUDY DURING THE COURSE? Year 10 • Level 2 Food Safety in Catering Certificate (replaces Food Hygiene Certificate) • Food product design, development and production • The composition, structure and properties of food • Food manufacture and processing • Students will be given the opportunity to apply ICT skills to a range of design and make activities • Students will participate in a range of investigative, experimental and practical activities Year 11 • Major Coursework Project – this involves designing, making and developing food products to meet a design brief and presenting a design folder. Recent students have designed products inspired by different countries, new ides for desserts and tasty savoury snacks. • Preparation for exam
How is the course assessed?
Controlled Task (60% of total mark) A coursework project based around a design brief chosen from a given selection will be produced during classwork and homework. Written Exam (40% of total mark) Three months before the final exam the students will receive a ‘Preparation paper’ that will set the theme for the exam. Revision lessons will be structured around this. Students will need to bring ingredients from home most weeks. students are to be able to follow this course.
What qualification will I get?
This is essential if
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression If you are thinking about a career in the catering industry, dietetics, nutrition, advertising, reaching food design, hoteliers, hotel management and food research this course could be the right direction. Where can I get more information?
For more information see Miss Dyer AQA 3542 www.aqa.org.uk GCSE Food Technology
Course Content
The course is worth two GCSE’s and expands on what is offered in the single Catering GCSE by investigating the Hospitality Industry in more depth. You will use this information to help you to organise and host an event. What will I study during the course? • The industry – hospitality and food and drink • Job roles, employment opportunities and relevant training • Health, safety and hygiene • Food preparation, cooking and presentation • Nutrition and menu planning • Communication, teamwork and record keeping • Types of service provided and the related client groups • Planning for functions and events • Costing menus and events • Customer care
How is the course assessed?
UNIT 1: Catering skills related to food prep and service Practical Assessment Controlled Task - 30% of final mark UNIT 2: Catering, food and the customer Written Paper 1 ¼ hours - 20% of final mark UNIT 3: Hospitality skills related to events and functions Event Based Task - 30% of final mark UNIT 4: Hospitality and the customer Written Paper 1 ¼ hours - 20% of final mark As part of the GCSE course students will also take the Level 2 Food Safety Certificate in Catering which is a recognized qualification for all who work in commercial food preparation.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression This qualification can lead to getting a job in a catering environment or further study in a business related/hospitality course. Where can I get more information?
If you think this is the course for you please see Miss Dyer www.wjec.co.uk 4730 GCSE Hospitality and Catering Double Award
So are you up to the challenge? Do you want to be the next Jamie, Gordon or Nigella?
Course Content
This course offers an exciting opportunity for students to combine their designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding in order to create a quality product. It is an ideal course for anyone who has a passion for designing and making textile produces either fashion or furnishings. WHAT WILL I STUDY DURING THE COURSE? Year 10 • The composition, structure and properties of fabrics and fibres. • Textile manufacture and processes. • Task 1 – Students will undertake a fashion project examining current trends and design and make a piece of clothing for themselves. • Task 2 – Students will experiment with different decorative techniques eg. Silk painting, transfer paints, quilting and appliqué. They will then design and make an item using these techniques. Year 11 • Major Coursework Project – this involves designing, developing and making a textile product either fashion or furnishing to meet a design brief and presenting a design folder. Recent students have designed products inspired by different designers, different cultures and artists.
How is the course assessed?
Coursework Folder - 60% of total mark A coursework project based around a design brief of your choice will be produced during class work and homework. Written Exam - 40% of total mark Three months before the written exam the students will receive a ‘Preparation paper’ that will set the theme for the exam. Revision lessons will then be structured around this. Students will need to supply fabric and components for both the Year 10 tasks and the GCSE
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression For interested students the department offers A Level Design & Technology Textiles in Years 12 and 13. Where can I get more information?
For more information see Mss Dyer AQA 3547 www.aqa.org.uk GCSE Textiles Technology
DRAMA & PERFORMING ARTS With the purpose built Drama Studio, the Drama and Theatre Arts course offers a challenging and very exciting opportunity for those students who are interested in Performance and producing drama. There are very few careers today that do not require the ability to work with other people. The ability to express ourselves in words is an important skill in the modern world. Students following either Drama or Performing Arts will develop creative and transferable skills within the practical Drama lesson. Being involved in a theatrical performance brings together many personal qualities and capabilities. The work demands sensitivity, discipline, commitment, confidence, trust, understanding and sincerity. The work also brings the excitement and enthusiasm unique to theatre to those taking part. The Drama and Performing Arts courses offer a wealth of skill and opportunities to students. They offer skills suitable for careers in theatre, television, radio, teaching, design, music, fashion and any career where the ability to work with people and express oneself is an important part. What do you do during the two years? A large amount of time is devoted to practical work. Students must be aware that homework can take the form of practical rehearsals after school and in your own time. During the Drama lessons students explore all aspects of theatrical presentation. The skills and discipline of performer and actor are explored together with how roles and characters are created and developed.
DRAMA Course Title
Course Content
The course also involves the learning of a theatrical vocabulary so that students become adept at selecting the most effective means of expression for their piece of Theatre. Practical and Written Coursework – 25% Written 35% Practical Unit 1: Using Drama to explore ideas and issues within workshops Unit 2: Interpretation of a complete play within workshops Each unit of practical work is supported by the written portfolio which involves evaluation and recording of your practical work. Notes will be made during class and for homework but will be completed in class under controlled conditions The year 10 course is begins by studying skills and techniques used within this explorative practical work, during the Summer Term assessed work will begin. Unit 3: Practical Performance – 40% of the marks The performance of either: • a devised performance, or • a scripted performance The paper has the technical option or performance support, here you choose from one of the following: Costumes, masks/make-up, stage design, lighting or sound. This performance is presented in the evening to a visiting examiner with an invited audience. During the two-year course you will be taking part in a number of performances in class and during the evenings. These will be assessed as part of this GCSE examination. There is no written examination in this GCSE examination. As part of the course Year 10 and 11 students have the opportunity to take part in theatre workshops and visit theatre performances at Plymouth, Bristol or London.
How is the course assessed?
Units 1 and 2 are assessed both practically and through written tasks. The grades will be awarded by your teacher and then moderated by an external examiner. Unit 3 is assessed by an external examiner.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression We would strongly advise students wishing to take Level 3 Drama in the Sixth Form to follow GCSE Drama course in Years 10 and 11. Where can I get more information?
College Website/Edexcel Website or by speaking to Mrs Rossiter/Miss Brimacombe.
Course Content
A BTEC Extended Certificate is a practical, work related course. You will learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations and activities. The First Certificate in Performing Arts is made up of 1 Core Unit and 2 Specialist Units, outlined below: Core Unit - Acting Skills and Techniques The skills developed in this unit are vital in the development of confidence and understanding of the role of the actor. The Development of Drama Provides an overview to the field of drama allowing both theoretical and practical exploration of drama forms and the process of creating drama. Performing Scripted Plays Learners will develop the skills required to interpret a role as written by a playwright and will rehearse a role within a group and perform it before an audience.
How is the course assessed?
This course is 100% coursework and performance based pieces. There are no external written exams for this course.
What qualification will I get?
BTEC First Certificate is equivalent to 2 GCSEs grades A*-C.
Future progression Advantages • Prepares you for careers in the performing arts industry. • Will provide a broad educational base for further training, further education or for employment within the performing arts sector. • Motivates learners via applied learning and assessment. • BTEC qualifications are recognised by employers and education institutions. • Provides a good progression route to more advanced qualifications e.g. BTEC Nationals. • Esteem of working in a sector of choice What can I do at the end of this course? • Go on to study A Levels or BTEC National/Higher in Performing Arts. • Further train in the Performing Arts industry. • Go on to work in the Performing Arts business Where can I get more information?
College Website or by speaking to Mrs Rossiter/Miss Brimacombe.
GEOGRAPHY Course Title
Course Content
The aim of KS3 Geography is to engage and stimulate students into the world around them – both locally and globally. If you have enjoyed it so far – keep going, it only gets better! This course is brilliant because: • It is only 50% final exam • You have another exam which you don’t have to revise for! You just have to make sure you have a good understanding about the topic the exam is on • There will be field trips • You are taught interesting, up to date and varied topics • We help you to get proper exam practice all the way through the course so you really know how to achieve in the exam at the end of the course • We have very good results • Lots of students enjoy it so much they go on to do Geography related jobs, Level 3 Geography or to do Geography related courses at University • It teaches you a range of skills, which can be improved at A Level or easily transferred to help in other subjects. Theme 1 - Rivers and Coasts • Hydrological cycle and drainage basins • River process and landforms • River flooding • Coastal processes and landforms • Coastal management Theme 2 - Population and Settlement • Population distribution, structure and change • Migration • Changing land use within settlements • Goods and retail provision in settlements Theme 3 - Natural Hazards and People • The nature and distribution of natural hazards (what and where? Earthquakes, volcanoes, tropical storms, floods, droughts). • Processes responsible for these natural hazards (physical processes and people’s activities). • Effects of natural hazards on people (comparison of effects on rich/poor, urban/rural) • Protection from natural hazards Theme 4 - Economic Development • Measuring wealth • Countries and different stages of development • Aid • The economies of other countries and how they are linked to ours • Location of industries • Climate change
How is the course assessed?
Below is a list of what you need to study to prepare thoroughly for the exam together with a quick break down of what the exam will be like. Assessment % of your final mark Duration Decision Making Exercise (DME) 25% 1 hour Terminal exam 50% 1 hour 30 minutes Controlled assessment 25% Pay attention to what your teacher tells you as the exam can be taken at different times. Controlled Assessment During the course students will complete two pieces of work done under controlled assessment conditions: • Fieldwork focus. This is usually done in the summer term of Year 10, following a field trp. 33
It is 1200 words long and worth 15% • Geographical investigation. This is produced in Year 11 following a short period of research. It is 800 words long and is worth 10%. What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE. There are two tiers of entry to the final exam enabling all students to achieve success within a wide ability range: • Foundation Paper is designed for grades C to G • Higher Paper for grades A* to D.
Future progression Students considering further study will find that the successful A Level course has been designed to allow a smooth transition the GCSE programme. Where can I get more information?
Speak to Dr Ankers, Mrs Street, Mrs Bourke or Mr Nias
HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE Health and Social Care is an ideal subject for students who feel they may be interested in a career in healthcare, child care or social care. In Year 10 we offer several courses: Course Title
Course Content
Over two years you will study: Health, Social Care and Early Years Provision: a study of a local service and the people who use it and work there. Understanding Personal development and Relationships: an examined unit that looks at how we grow and develop, what makes us tick and why we are all unique individuals. Promoting Health and Well-Being: a study of an individual’s health and planning how to improve it. Safeguarding and Protecting Individuals: an examined unit that studies health and safety, first aid and keeping people safe.
How is the course assessed?
You will complete two pieces of coursework which are 30% each and two exams which are 20% reach.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE. A double award is equal to two GCSEs grade A*-G
Future progression Students are awarded 2 GCSEs which can count towards their 5 A*-Cs and means they can then access level 3 courses such as A levels. Where can I get more information?
For more details please see the Bideford College web site or visit http://www.ocr.org.uk
Course Title
Course Content
You will complete two units: • Health, Social Care and Early Years Provision: a study of a local service and the people who use it and work there. • Understanding Personal development and Relationships: an examined unit that looks at how we grow and develop, what makes us tick and why we are all unique individuals.
How is the course assessed?
The coursework is 60% and the examined unit is worth 40%.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE. A single award leads to one GCSE grade A*-G.
Future progression
This can lead to level 3 courses in Health and Social Care.
Where can I get more information?
For more details please see the Bideford College web site or visit http://www.ocr.org.uk
Course Title
Course Content
This is ideal for students who prefer to be assessed practically and through role-play and presentations. Students complete eight pieces of coursework covering subjects such as Practical Caring, Communication Skills, Working in Health and Social Care and Health and Safety.
How is the course assessed?
Entirely by coursework.
What qualification will I get?
This course involves no exams and is equivalent to four GCSEs grades A-C.
Future progression Students are eligible to use the course to gain access to further level 2 courses if they pass the courses. Students gaining a Merit or Distinction can use this towards their 5 A*-C grades to gain access to level 3 courses such as A levels. Where can I get more information?
This course is studied with the Edexcel Examination Board
HISTORY Course Title
Course Content
Ever wanted to know why Hitler was allowed to get away with what he did, or why he even got into power in the first place? Did you know that blood-letting using leeches and trepanning (drilling holes in the head) were common forms of medical treatment in the past? Or that a surgeon’s skill in the 19th century was based on how quickly he could cut a person’s leg off before they fainted with the pain? If you opt to study GCSE History you can learn all this and more: • The Work of the Historian - Students will study how historians examine evidence and investigate the past, as well as the issues that they encounter with trying to reconstruct the past. In other words, the nuts and bolts of History. We will look at different events from the past whilst studying this unit. There is no content to revise for the exam. It is skills-based. • Germany 1918-1945 - In this unit, students will examine a study in depth. We will look at the impact of World War One on Germany and how the Treaty of Versailles changed Germany. We will then look at the rise of Hitler and examine aspects of life under the Third Reich. • Medicine and Public Health 1350-2000 - Students will look at medicine and health from the medieval period and consider the development of medicine over time. They will then examine the history of medicine focusing on aspects such as the development of the medical profession, surgery, medical theories and important individuals. They will consider factors of change and how these helped or hindered development, such as war, technology or religion. • Controlled Assessment (on the Vietnam War) - For this unit, we examine how and why the USA got involved, and the social and political impact of the war in Vietnam. We will look at representations of the Vietnam War and evaluate their validity. All students are welcome to study GCSE History, although we do expect a positive attitude and commitment.
How is the course assessed?
History GCSE as a Modular Course. The Students are able to sit an exam after each unit studied throughout the two years of the GCSE. This means that the work to be examined is fresher in the student’s minds; revision is easier and more immediate and allows for the chance of resits if necessary. The three units of the Work of the Historian and Germany and Medicine and Public Heath– each have an exam of 1 hour 15 minutes at the end of the unit which is worth 25% of the final mark. The Vietnam War - controlled assessment. Students investigate and analyse three different sources and produce a written assignment. There are three questions, completed over 2 hours and 30 minutes which is worth 25% of the final mark.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression History is not just about taking you back to the past - it can take you places in your future as well! The skills acquired by studying history include: an ability for clear oral and written expression; putting forward ideas/arguments in a concise manner; gathering, investigating and assessing material; condensing facts, ideas and arguments; basing conclusions on research; synthesising ideas; organising material in a logical and coherent way. Jobs that benefit from studying History include: Archaeologist, Archivist, Museum work, Historical Researcher, University Lecturer, History Teacher, Lawyer, Barrister, Politician, Journalist, Civil Service, Intelligence, Librarian, Publishing, Recruitment, Travel, Heritage work, Tourism, Project Management, Risk Analysis, Banking, Advertising, Marketing... the list goes on. Where can I get more information?
The syllabus offered is the Schools History Project GCSE B (SHP) run by the Edexcel Examination Board.
Course Content
This course is intended for those students who are intending to progress to Level 3 in this subject or related areas. There is less emphasis on coursework and practical skills that the OCR National course and more emphasis on theoretical understanding and linking this understanding to practical activities. The first half of the course will focus on general ICT applications and general theory. The second half will focus on digital interactive tools such as website design, computer games design and databases. UNIT 1: Living in a Digital World In this unit, students explore how digital technology impacts on the lives of individuals, organisations and society. Students learn about current and emerging digital technologies and the issues raised by their use in a range of contexts (learning and earning, leisure, shopping and money management, health and well-being, on the move). They develop awareness of the risks that are inherent in using ICT and the features of safe, secure and responsible practice. UNIT 2: Using Digital Tools This is a practical unit. Students broaden and enhance their ICT skills and capability. They work with a range of digital tools and techniques to produce effective ICT solutions in a range of contexts. Students learn to reflect critically on their own and others’ use of ICT and to adopt safe, secure and responsible practice. They put into practice what they learned about digital technology UNIT 3: Exploring Digital Design In this unit, students explore the design of interactive digital products such as websites, computer games and databases. They learn how to interpret and produce design documentation. Students investigate the properties of different types of digital content and features of the user interface. They develop knowledge and understanding of legal and other constraints affecting the production and use of digital content. UNIT 4: Creating Digital Products This is a practical unit. Students apply the knowledge and understanding of digital design they acquired in Unit 3 to produce an interactive digital product for others to use. They can choose what sort of product to design and make, but it must include an appropriate user interface and user input must determine the outputs that are produced.
How is the course assessed?
Unit 1: Examination (1½ hours) – 20% of final mark Unit 2: Controlled Assessment Brief (Practical task set by the board) – 40% of final mark. Unit 3: Examination (1½ hours) – 20% of final mark Unit 4: Controlled Assessment Brief (Practical task set by the board) – 40% of final mark.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression Students have the opportunity to continue and study Level 3 ICT in the Sixth Form. Students can utilise the knowledge and insight gained in ICT to inform and guide their use of such technologies in support of their academic, vocational and future personal development. Where can I get more information?
Any questions to Mrs Riva. Also on the Edexcel website: www.edexcel.com/quals/gcse/gcse10/ict/Pages/default.aspx
Course Title
Course Content
If you enjoy using ICT creatively in a range of software applications then you would enjoy the OCR Nationals course. OCR National is an optional course selected in one option column, consisting three lessons per week over two years, the same amount of time as a single GCSE course. There is the potential for students who want to work hard for at least two GCSE (A* to C) equivalent in ICT. It is a different approach to that adopted by the GCSE ICT course and would suit those students with practical interest and ability in ICT who achieved at least a Level 5 in ICT at Key Stage 3. These qualifications aim to: • Develop your knowledge and understanding of the Information and Communication Technology sector • Develop your skills, knowledge and understanding in contexts that are directly relevant to employment situations, thereby enhancing your employability within the Information and Communication Technology sector • Develop your ability to work autonomously and effectively in an Information and Communication Technology context • Enable you to develop knowledge and understanding in specialist areas of Information and Communication Technology, and demonstrate the skills required in an IT specific or non-IT specific organisations • Encourage progression by assisting in the development of skills, knowledge and understanding that you will need to access further or higher education programmes or occupational training on a full-time or part-time basis Key features of the assessment of these qualifications are: • Assessment of all units can take place at a time to suit candidates and centres. There are no timetabled exams required. • Tutors and assessors can draw on real work-based opportunities for candidates to generate evidence. This approach has been found to motivate candidates and increase the likelihood of them staying on the programme. Even where work-based activities are limited; these qualifications are designed to enable candidates to generate assessment evidence in a vocationally-relevant context. • Performance at unit level is graded holistically, as Pass, Merit or Distinction, recognising that candidates may perform better in meeting the requirements of some objectives more than others. • All units are centre-assessed and externally moderated by an OCR Visiting Moderator.
How is the course assessed?
Assessment is made in a range of topic areas divided into units. The course is made up of a series of units which when assessed together total a specific amount of guided learning hours. First Award: ICT Skills for Business unit worth 60 glh. Creating Animation unit worth 30 glh Award: Web Page Creation unit worth 60 glh Creating Computer Graphics unit worth 30 glh
What qualification will I get?
The intention is for all students to achieve the OCR Nationals Award in ICT (equivalent to 2 GCSE’s at A*-C). The Award is made up of units totalling 180 guided learning hours (glh). Certification GCSE Equivalence Guided Learning Units Hours First Award One GCSE 90 Max of one 30 hour unit Award Two GCSEs 180 Max of two 30 hour units
Future progression Students have the opportunity to continue and study Level 3 ICT in the Sixth Form. Students can enter employment at operative or trainee level within a wide range of business environments, normally through a work-related training programme. Where can I get more information?
OCR website by searching: Qualifications / OCR Nationals / ICT Level 2. Alternatively please speak to Mrs Riva.
Course Content
The Integrated Course is designed for those students who would benefit from working in smaller groups with short achievable goals leading to the final qualification. The course offers students the opportunity to achieve in a vocational qualification at a level that is equivalent to GCSE’s. The main part of the course is based around the ASDAN qualification which allows the students to study a variety of areas and gain an award after each year. The areas studied include topics such as managing an allotment, learning how to live independently, working as a team and looking at the environment amongst others. These studies also allow them to learn extra skills such as giving presentations, leading a team and also dealing with finances. The other parts of the course are based around a work skills based curriculum which contains topics such as: Carrying out and learning from practical tasks set in a work context: students will need to understand individual responsibility when engaging in group tasks, with particular emphasis on health and safety, hazard and emergency considerations. Learning to be financially capable: students will be expected to understand issues surrounding debt, and the impact of debt and how to manage their money and finances Preparing for and learning from a work placement: candidates will explore the behaviours expected within the workplace, including consideration for colleagues, their attitude to time keeping, and working safely and sensibly. Preparing for and learning from interviews: students will need to think about how they portray themselves in an interview situation, plus some of the various skills and techniques of social interaction which are used in this formal situation. Presenting personal information effectively: students have the opportunity to explore the different methods of presenting personal information; and the various contexts in which it is required – including when the disclosure of information might not be appropriate. Learning about workplace practices and values: students will have to understand that in their interaction with others in the workplace, they will need to demonstrate qualities and values such as respect for others and good customer service. They will also consider employee and employer rights and responsibilities. Learning about the range of opportunities in work: students will consider different types of work in their local area, the main employers. Learning about workplace values and practices: students explore employer and employee rights and responsibilities and these can include the Health and Safety at Work Act, and legal implications such as the minimum wage. There is also strong emphasis on the importance of safe working practices. The remainder of the course is based around the Integrated curriculum where the group study subjects such as Safety in the Home, You and the Law, Teenage Issues, Getting ready to drive, Europe and also studying the local area.
How is the course assessed?
The ASDAN qualifications are designed around the principle that learners will build evidence towards the achievement of a level over a period of time. Evidence is assessed on an ongoing basis. Once all assessment criteria have been met the evidence is then submitted to ASDAN for external moderation.
What qualification will I get?
Students will follow an ASDAN course in the Award of Personal Effectiveness at Levels 1 and 2. These awards also include individual certificates such as a basic first aid qualification and food hygiene certificate.
Future progression Students will have the opportunity to follow vocational courses at either Bideford College or Petroc depending on the suitability of the course and the students’ needs. These are at Level 1 or 2 and can be run alongside an apprenticeship or also where the student would have on the job training. This is where the student would work or part of the week in a business of their choice and spend the remainder in college studying towards a qualification. There is also the possibility of the Leap course at Petroc which allows students to work on an individualised programme focussed on their needs and interests. Where can I get more information?
For more information contact Mr Boyne.
Course Content
WHAT IS MEDIA STUDIES? Remember the work you did at the beginning of Year 9 – doing your quiz shows or looking at advertising? Well, that was a sample of what goes on in media studies. Media Studies is a Double Award – that means it’s the equivalent of two GCSE’s. WHAT WILL I HAVE TO DO? The course is divided into four units over the two years, with two externally assessed exams. The units are: YEAR 1 Unit 1: Investigating the Media Written Paper – 1 hour 30mins – 60 marks – 20% External Assessment Based on pre-released topic with guidance and stimulus. Unit 2: Understanding the Media Controlled Assessment taken from banks of set assignments – 90 marks – 30% Three Assignments: Introductory assignment; Cross-media assignment; Practical Production and Evaluation. YEAR 2 Unit 3: Exploring Media Industries Written Paper – 1 hour 30mins – 60 marks – 20% External Assessment Section A: 10 short answer questions. Section B: 5 longer responses to a media stimulus. Unit 4: Responding to a Media Brief Controlled Assessment – set brief (changed annually) – 90 marks – 30% Research, Planning and Presentation to a ‘client’. Fully Realised Production and Evaluation. Media studies is not an easy option. It’s a steep learning curve, and you will be expected to work independently as well as receiving support from your teacher. Access to a computer at home is very important, as is a pen drive for data storage, and a pair of in-ear headphones. You have to be able to work as part of a team, as well as work on your own, so you need to be able to communicate with others. You will be expected to take responsibility for your own work, and the work of any group you are part of. And of course you have to be reliable as well as responsible, as will be working with expensive equipment and will not always be supervised. It’s hard, but fun!
How is the course assessed?
40% your marks will come from two exams, the remaining 60% from coursework.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression This course provides skills and training for further pathways into Level 3 Media Studies or those who are interested in a career in the media industry. Where can I get more information?
For more information, contact Miss Hewitt.
Course Content
Most young people today should study at least one foreign language at least to GCSE level. A GCSE in a language will earn you a lot of respect and increase your chances of finding employment in many areas. Many companies are finding it increasingly difficult to find young people with the language skills they need and are having to employ people of different nationalities to fill the jobs because their language skills are so much better. Also many of the better universities are now requiring a language as a standard entry requirement to all courses. Apart from these very good reasons for continuing with your languages, the skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking which we teach will help you do better in all your subjects. GCSE Languages Topics - the same for all languages • Personal and Social Life - To include Self, family and friends, home life, shopping, meals, healthy living, illness and accidents, free time, fashion, relationships and future plans. • Local Community - To include Home town, school, education, local environment, pollution, recycling, local facilities, weather and seasons. • The World of Work - To include Work experience, part-time jobs, future careers, technology. • The Wider World - To include Travel and holidays, media, social issues, life in French speaking countries.
How is the course assessed?
This year we are offering two types of courses: • GCSE in French or German as a continuation of the language you are studying now. • GCSE Spanish from scratch.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression A good GCSE pass grade of A or B will enable the student to consider taking an A level in a language. Almost all universities now offer a language as part of any degree subject. A GCSE in a language can help you in any career choice. Where can I get more information?
Please speak to your language teacher or Mrs Day HOD MFL WJEC website Good Luck! Bonne Chance! Viel Glück! Buena Suerte! “It’s your world – communicate with it”
MUSIC Course Title
Course Content
The GCSE course in Music is open to students who have a genuine interest in the subject and a willingness to perform on an instrument or sing. All students receive regular tuition on the instrument (including voice) of their choice and specialist teachers will help students reach the standard required at GCSE – but a great deal of dedication and hard work is required. One of the aims of GCSE Music is to develop your performing skills throughout the course. It would be difficult to achieve success without developing performance skills. Students practice composing exercises that help to develop ideas and experiment with many different methods of composing music. During the course, all students study music they are most interested in, but many different musical styles are introduced and considered with which they may be less familiar. Students are required to be open to all types of music covered through three Strands of Learning: The Western Classical Tradition Popular Music of the 20th and 21st centuries World Music. In GCSE Music students take the following units of study: • Unit 1 Listening to and Appraising Music • Unit 2 Composition and Appraisal • Unit 3 Performance – one solo and one group • Unit 4 Composing It is a flexible course based upon the following 5 themes: • Aos1: Rhythm and Metre • Aos2: Harmony and Tonality • Aos3: Texture and Melody • Aos4: Timbre and Dynamics • Aos5: Structure and Form
How is the course assessed?
Performance is 40% (one individual and one group) Composition is 40% (one with score and detailed appraisal and one with score) Listening Paper is 20% (Written exam)
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression Students have the opportunity to continue and study Level 3 Music or Music Technology in the Sixth Form. Where can I get more information?
If you are thinking about taking music and have any further questions, please see Mr James.
Course Content
This course offers students the opportunity to gain a qualification in Physical Education and includes practical and classroom based theory lessons. Those who choose PE will either take GCSE PE or the BTEC First Certificate in Sport. Which course they take will be decided after discussion with their PE teachers and after their practical and theory ability has been assessed. Students who take PE as a qualification will also have their normal core PE lessons with the rest of their year group.
How is the course assessed?
Practical (60%) Students must take 4 practical assessments which cannot all be from the same activity group. At least 2 of these must be as a player/performer. There is some written work within the practical. Students will take part in a number of sports which may be team games and/or individual activities. It is an advantage if they are playing/performing at a high standard in at least one sport. It is possible for students to be assessed in a sport which they do not cover in lessons e.g. golf, swimming, trampolining, rowing, sailing, surfing, horse riding, boxing. Most sports are accepted, but this must be negotiated with their PE teachers and students should be playing/performing regularly. DVD evidence must be provided. Taking part in or helping at extra curricular activities is an advantage. Theory (40%) The subject content of the theory includes the range of physical activities and roles that people can participate in, individual differences, injury prevention, aerobic/anaerobic, health and fitness, types of fitness, training, diet, school policies, social and cultural factors, media, sponsorship, the Olympics and sports science and ICT. The theory is assessed in a one and a half hour exam in the May of year 11. There is no coursework. Homework – will be set regularly in theory lessons and may also be set in the practical.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression Students have the opportunity to study Level 3 Physical Education or Sport. Further education opportunities include courses in Sports & Exercise Science, Sports management, Physiotherapy, coaching and teaching. Where can I get more information?
For more details – visit the AQA website www.aqa.org
SPORT Course Title
Course Content
The BTEC Extended Certificate in Sport is a vocational qualification. It is assessed purely on coursework throughout years 10 and 11 and the deadlines for these have to be strictly adhered to. There are no exams. Homework will be set regularly. It will usually be writing up coursework but students will be given the opportunity to do this in lessons with support.
How is the course assessed?
Assessment will be made on 4 units of work. There are 20 units available for study but it is very likely that students will cover: • Anatomy and Physiology • Planning and leading sports activities • Practical Sport • Fitness Testing and Training There is a practical element to 50% of this course but it must be emphasised that everything covered; even the practical work has to be written up in coursework. The unit of practical sport has to be one team game and one individual sport and it is impossible to say at this point what this sport will be. It may not be their favourite or best. When the lesson is of a practical nature, students must wear full and correct Bideford College kit.
What qualification will I get?
This qualification is the equivalent of 1 GCSE but it is more of a vocational qualification and will be viewed as such by employers.
Future progression Students have the opportunity to study Level 3 Physical Education or Sport. Further education opportunities include courses in Sports & Exercise Science, Sports management, Physiotherapy, coaching and teaching. Where can I get more information?
For more details visit www.edexcel.org.uk/btec
SOCIOLOGY Course Title
Course Content
Sociology is the study of society. At GCSE, this involves looking at the different groups within society, such as the family, religious and ethnic groups, males and females. We ask how we fit into these groups ourselves, and how they influence our life chances. Sociology will be of interest to those students who are interested in inequality, that is, how our society is not a fair place for some people, perhaps because of their gender or their ethnic group or religion. Much use is made of students’ own knowledge and experience, and they are encouraged to read newspapers and listen to the news regularly. Sociology also involves the study of theories and ideas, and students need to be able to read and understand the writings of Sociologists. THE TOPICS STUDIED IN YEAR 10 AND 11 ARE: What is Sociology? • How sociologists do research • The social roles of people in society and role conflicts • How we are socialised into behaving in certain ways • Which skills do children fail to develop if they are not socialised in the normal way The family: • changes in the typical family since the 1950’s • Changes in the rate of divorce and cohabitation and reasons for these • Differences in family life for people of different ethnic groups and different social classes • How family life can be difficult for some children and adults • Who does most of the housework and child care in different types of household Education • Changes in the education system since the 1960s and how the Government is trying to raise standards in schools • Who is most likely to do well in schools and why, for example, girls or boys, Indian or African Caribbean Crime and deviance • How our behaviour is controlled by our family and friends, the law and the police • How much crime there really is in Britain • What are the age and gender of the typical offender and the typical victim • Why people are thought to commit crimes Social Inequality • How your gender, your social class and your ethnic group can affect your chances in life • Does social class still matter?
How is the course assessed?
Assessment of students is by one examination at the end of Year 10 (giving a half GCSE) and one at the end of Year 11 making a whole GCSE.
What qualification will I get?
You should complete the GCSE course at the end of Year 11. A* to G are the pass grades available at GCSE.
Future progression Sociology is available to study at A Level. Where can I get more information?
Please see Mrs Neill in B13.
Course Content
This exciting new course which is being offered by the Geography Department offers you an opportunity to follow a two year vocational programme in Travel and Tourism. It is designed for students who have an interest in the tourism industry and will be considering it as a possible career path Being a vocational course there is a focus on gaining practical skills, such as report writing, customer service and presentation skills that will be beneficial in the work place. During the course students will study a range of topics including: • Exploring travel and tourism • Dealing with customers in travel and tourism • Investigating tourist destinations • Promoting travel and tourism This course will include a variety of approaches such as: assignment planning and preparation; presentations; group work and the development of research skills. The course is entirely portfolio based and there are no examinations.
How is the course assessed?
Assessment is by portfolio which are marked by your teachers and moderated externally. It will include a range of written and practical work. It should be noted that due to the portfolio nature of the course, you would be required to work independently on your coursework. A focused attitude is essential for this course, together with commitment, dedication and the ability to plan your time effectively.
What qualification will I get?
This course is being offered at two levels: • Award = equivalent to 2 GCSE’s (A*-C) • Certificate = equivalent to 4 GCSE’s (A*-C)
Future progression Students taking this course will be able to continue with similar level 3 courses. It is also good preparation for apprenticeships or jobs in this widespread, local industry. Where can I get more information?
Any member of the geography department.
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