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CRM: new experience, more utilities
To improve customer service, BIDV has recently implemented a CRM system (Cash Recycling Machine) with superior features compared to conventional ATMs. The service helps to reduce cash transactions at the counter, bringing a faster, more convenient and safer cash handling option for customers during the pandemic.
CRM is the nextgeneration automated teller machine that integrates many advanced technologies, and is widely used by institutions around the world. In addition to the functions of cash withdrawal, transfer, bill payments, etc. which are similar to regular ATMs, CRM is added with the feature of "cash deposit", which is like an electronic teller, providing customers with 24/7 seamless service.
Not only increasing transaction safety and convenience, BIDV’s CRMs also offer customers more promotions than traditional transactions at the counter. Accordingly, customers can deposit and create savings accounts completely free on CRM. Savings interest rate at CRM is 0.2 percent higher than that of the same term deposited over the counter (equivalent to the interest rate for online savings conducted on BIDV Smart Banking). Moreover, BIDV also offers attractive gifts for the first 50 customers who open new saving accounts from VND10 million (USD435) or above at each CRM transaction point in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. BIDV has installed CRMs in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
CRM allows customers to deposit up to VND100 million (USD4,345)/time (up to 200 notes) with unlimited number of replenishment per day. The "electronic teller" also has the function of classifying note denominations (from VND50,000 to VND500,000) and distinguishing counterfeit money, poor quality money that is unqualified for circulation, helping to eliminate operational risks when counting cash manually.
Additionally, when customers deposit their savings online at CRM, account information is digitized and managed on the bank's electronic banking system, helping to avoid the risk of losing and damaging books compared to traditional savings accounts opened at the counters. Customers can also look up information and close their savings books easily on CRM with just a few simple steps.
A customer conducting a transaction via BIDV's CRM machine