18th Biennale of Sydney (2012) Exhibition Guide

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all our

rela tio ns

A world of Art. HErE. Now.

welcome to the 18th Biennale of Sydney Since 1973, Sydney has hosted one of the world’s most respected and renowned festivals of contemporary art. The Biennale of Sydney continues to break new ground with each edition by introducing audiences to prescient ideas from around the globe, earning a reputation for exhibitions distinguished by their innovation and pioneering presentations of artworks. As we celebrate the organisation’s 39th anniversary, for the first time we present the vision of two Artistic Directors. Over the past two years, Catherine de Zegher and Gerald McMaster have worked together to curate an exhibition that will engage audiences in new ways and on many levels, offering opportunities for visitors to be active participants in the creation of artworks and of meaning. The 18th Biennale of Sydney, entitled all our relations, offers audiences an inspiring combination of works by artists from all over the world in five beautiful spaces, including the Art Gallery of New South Wales, the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, iconic Pier 2/3, and World Heritage-listed Cockatoo Island. For the first time, the Biennale is collaborating with Redfern-based Carriageworks, a contemporary arts institution that will present two international dance performances and an art installation as part of the exhibition. Significantly, of more than 100 artists and collaborators from over 40 countries, nearly half the artists in the 18th Biennale of Sydney have created new works specifically for all our relations, including many substantial collaborative installations. Many works are interactive, others require direct engagement with artists and still others will have artists performing throughout the entire course of the Biennale. Once again, we continue our strong tradition of presenting works in alternative spaces, which take the audience’s experiences of art

out of the traditional museum and gallery spaces and into special environments. For the seventh time since 1986, the 18th exhibition will use Pier 2/3 to present works best experienced in the cavernous expanses of this waterfront pier. The legendary Cockatoo Island returns for a third time – an island in the middle of Sydney Harbour that has by turns been a convict prison and a dockyard for shipbuilding and repair. Once again, we have made it easy for you to reach Cockatoo Island. Throughout the exhibition (27 June – 16 September) there is a Biennale Free Ferry service for the short trip, generously supported by The Balnaves Foundation. (See the ferry transport information on pages 38–39.) The Biennale of Sydney exhibition and public programs are also presented free, thanks to the generous support of our partners, and grants from Australian and foreign governments, in addition to a network of visionary sponsors, benefactors and supporters. Be sure not to miss unique opportunities to hear artists speak about their works and ideas during the opening week, as well as regular public events, talks and tours throughout the exhibition. We encourage you to take the Vittoria Biennale Art Walk (see the map on page 10). Most venues are open seven days a week and are within easy walking distance of each other. For updates on Biennale artists, special events, public transport tips or how to book for a Mystery Tour on Cockatoo Island, please visit bos18.com on your desktop or mobile device. We extend boundless thanks to the artists for their extraordinary vision, generosity and creativity, and we hope that visitors to the exhibition will be inspired to experience the world with a reinvigorated perspective as they immerse themselves in the many possibilities of all our relations. Marah Braye Chief Executive Officer Biennale of Sydney

Contents all our relations


Artist Index

3 4–5 6

Cultural funding


Artist thanks


Biennale Board and Staff


Vittoria Biennale Art walk Map


Biennale of Sydney Merchandise and Catalogue


Art Gallery of New South Wales Information and Access Map Artists at the Art Gallery of NSW

12 13 14–15 16–17

Museum of Contemporary Art Australia Information and Access Map Artists at the MCA

18 19 20–21 22–23

Pier 2/3 Information and Access Map Artists at Pier 2/3

24 25 26 27

Cockatoo Island Information and Access Map Artists at Cockatoo Island

28 29 30–31 32–35





Artist talks


Artist Performances and Participatory Projects


Special Events


opening week Symposium


forums and lectures




Kids and families Access Education Programs Students Educators Event Calendar


49 50–51 52 52 53 54–61





Cover and ribbon graphics within: Journey Lines by Zoe Keramea, as part of the 18 th Biennale of Sydney creative campaign Copyright © 2012 the Biennale of Sydney ltd Copyright of all images is held by the individual artists. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Every attempt has been made to contact copyright holders of the extracts and images reproduced in this publication. Production Editors Neall Kriete and Annika Kristensen Design CollIdEr | collider.com.au Printer rural Press Pty ltd Biennale of Sydney 43–51 Cowper wharf road woolloomooloo NSw 2011 T +61 2 8484 8700 | F +61 2 9368 1617 E art@biennaleofsydney.com.au bos18.com

all our relations We are moving on from a century in which the radical in the arts largely adopted principles of separation, negativity and disruption as strategies of change. Based on oppositional thinking, such modernist principles proved tenacious and acted as a default criticality in a world in which the drive to progress became more complicated and the consequences more ambiguous.

All oUr rElAtIoNS

A changing reality is apparent in a renewed attention to how things connect – how we relate to each other and to the world we inhabit. Art is a part of this growing awareness. Where once there was an emphasis on alienation and distance, there are now concurrent shifts of thinking that are informing the work of artists and writers across the world. These shifts – incipient and partly unformed – are only now beginning to be acknowledged, but are of real significance.

all our r ela tio ns


In the arts, as elsewhere, analytical reflection has led to an understanding that human beings are highly dependent upon our often overlooked relationships with others and with our common world. While this connective model is still embedded in a few societies, established western cultural patterns have tended to emphasise the fragmentation and isolation of the individual. As a result, there are relatively few remaining models of participatory forms of perception and sensibility. A reciprocal relation calls for a profound re-evaluation and the development of new models of working together within our changing reality. One of the things that art can do is to allow us a space for such attention – for thinking together that is open-ended. The 18th Biennale of Sydney focuses on inclusionary practices of generative thinking, such as collaboration, conversation and compassion, in the face of coercion and destruction. With the creation of conditions for an encounter in consonance with our surrounding world, this event brings emphasis to what is already happening at large. Drawing on the possibility of the present, the Biennale emerges from the engagement of all participants by using a model that begins with two curators in dialogue. This matrix of conversation extends to both artists and audiences in a multi-vocal correspondence.

all our relations relies on these various exchanges, affinities and empathies as its dynamic structure, the vascular and cellular structure and sinew of a kind of living, breathing organism, from which the Biennale’s meanings grow. Artists work in a context that allows for mutual recognition and audiences from differing backgrounds are part of this continual development, finding their own direction in these connections. It is in this altered attention to one another, in the meeting and making of ideas together, that constructive consequence can follow. In seeking conjunctive energies, this collaboration has taken place on many different levels: in co-existence, conversation and juxtaposition but also in purposeful connectivity. Within this framework of mutuality, recognition and thoughtfulness, disparate ideas – some distantly and some closely related – are brought together in an exhibition process of composition; much akin to the process of thought itself. Artists, who can often feel isolated in their practice, come together with neighbouring artists. Rather than one work appearing to link to one or two other works, an attunement between all creative impulses takes place in time. Projects correspond as if evolving from each other and progress through the sequence of venues and buildings. This interconnection and interdependency occurs in the knowledge that audiences will take elements from the exhibition and connect them with their own experiences. In this shared space, the meaning and consequence of the artists’ works is engendered. all our relations has its roots in storytelling as it is currently being re-imagined, as a coming-into-being in relation. In the reciprocity that is storytelling, both teller and listener inhabit the space of the story. Telling stories connects us and allows us to care, to be: it fosters collaboration; it aggregates knowledge and generates new ideas; it ignites change; and, ultimately, it builds community. In this matrix, the different projects can be compared to a set of storylines, which artists, curators and audiences relate and translate. Through this process, a collective composition or new Gesamtkunstwerk is accomplished in the active generation of meanings realised by all those who take part, each taking their stories home and beyond ... Catherine de Zegher and Gerald McMaster Artistic directors, 18th Biennale of Sydney

Artist Index

• 30–31 • 20–21 • 30–31 • 14–15 • 30–31 • 30–31 • 30–31 • 30–31 • 14–15 • 30–31 • 26 • 14–15 • 36–37 • 14–15 • 30–31 • 14–15 • 30–31 • 30–31 • 20–21 • 14–15 • 30–31 • 30–31 • 14–15 • 30–31 • 30–31 • 20–21 • 30–31 • 30–31 • 20–21 • 30–31 • 36–37 • 14–15 • 30–31 • 14–15 • 20–21 • 30–31 • 30–31 • 30–31 • 20–21 • 14–15 • 30–31 • 14–15 • 20–21 • 30–31 • 14–15 • 30–31


• Art Gallery

of New South Wales

• Museum of

Contemporary Art Australia

• Pier 2/3 • Cockatoo Island

• Carriageworks

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations


Khadija Baker Alwar Balasubramaniam Subhankar Banerjee Philip Beesley Bahar Behbahani and Almagul Menlibayeva Nina Canell and Robin Watkins Maria Fernanda Cardoso and Ross Rudesch Harley Adam Cvijanovic Honoré ∂’O Binh Danh Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker Alexis Destoop Latifa Echakhch Juan Manuel Echavarría Alec Finlay Gade Gao Rong Carlos Garaicoa Monika Grzymala and Euraba Artists and Papermakers Phil Hastings Iris Häussler Susan Hefuna Nicholas Hlobo Cristina Iglesias Mit Jai Inn Ann Veronica Janssens Yun-Fei Ji Jin Nü Jin Shi Tim Johnson Jonathan Jones Lyndal Jones Junling Yang Zoe Keramea Bouchra Khalili Eva Kot’átková Maria Laet Cal Lane Ricardo Lanzarini

• 14–15 • 20–21 • 20–21 • 30–31 • 20–21 Mark Licari • 30–31 Liu Zhuoquan • 20–21 Jorge Macchi • 14–15 Jess MacNeil • 30–31 Gabriella Mangano and Silvana Mangano • 20–21 Erin Manning • 30–31 Alan Michelson • 14–15 • 30–31 Nadia Myre • 30–31 Fujiko Nakaya • 30–31 Makinti Napanangka • 20–21 Dorothy Napangardi • 14–15 Everlyn Nicodemus • 30–31 Nipan Oranniwesna • 14–15 Yeesookyung and Park Young-Sook • 20–21 Ewa Partum • 30–31 Ed Pien with Tanya Tagaq • 30–31 Postcommodity • 14–15 Sudsiri Pui-Ock • 14–15 Jon Pylypchuk • 30–31 Imran Qureshi • 30–31 Robin Rhode • 30–31 Reinier Rietveld and Craigie Horsfield • 30–31 Peter Robinson • 30–31 Daan Roosegaarde • 30–31 Arin Rungjang • 20–21 Khaled Sabsabi • 20–21 • 30–31 Pinaree Sanpitak • 20–21 Hassan Sharif • 14–15 Tiffany Singh • 26 • 30–31 Sriwhana Spong • 30–31 Yoshihiro Suda • 20–21 • 30–31 Phaptawan Suwannakudt • 20–21 Yuken Teruya • 14–15 Alick Tipoti • 20–21 Guido van der Werve • 14–15 Sarah Vanagt and Katrien Vermeire • 14–15 Ria Verhaeghe • 30–31 Cecilia Vicuña • 30–31 Judy Watson • 14–15 John Wolseley • 14–15 Judith Wright • 20–21 • 30–31 Nyapanyapa Yunupingu • 20–21 Farideh Lashai Lee Mingwei Kamin Lertchaiprasert Li Hongbo Liang Quan


Sachiko Abe • 30–31 Jananne Al-Ani • 14–15 • 30–31 El Anatsui • 20–21 Shuvinai Ashoona and John Noestheden • 26 David Aspden • 20–21


the Biennale of Sydney is supported by the NSw Government through Arts NSw and gratefully acknowledges the assistance provided through the NSw Government Exhibition Indemnification Scheme.

the Biennale of Sydney is supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and territory Governments.












Special Thanks: Copyright Agency Cultural Fund, MSS Security


the Biennale of Sydney is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.











18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations

With Thanks Founding Governor Franco Belgiorno-Nettis AC CBE Governors Amina Belgiorno-Nettis Luca and Anita Belgiorno-Nettis Andrew and Cathy Cameron Neilson Foundation


Ambassadors Geoff Ainsworth AM Rick and Jan Frolich Amanda and Andrew Love Roslyn and Tony Oxley Penelope Seidler AM Turnbull Foundation Ivan and Karel Wheen Michael Whitworth and Dr Candice Bruce


Project Patrons Anonymous The Balnaves Foundation Anita Luca Belgiorno-Nettis Foundation Andrew Cameron Family Foundation The Hansen Family The Keir Foundation Amanda Love Simon and Catriona Mordant Neilson Foundation Penelope Seidler AM Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull Associates Dirty Films Ginny and Leslie Green Robyn and Mitchel Martin-Weber Elizabeth Ramsden Westfield Group

Benefactors Susan Acret and James Roth Claire Armstrong and John Sharpe Martin Browne and Alexander Gasko Chartwell Trust Paul and Vicki Clitheroe Judy and Robin Crawford Ari and Lisa Droga Helen Eager and Christopher Hodges Jim and Lynda Eager Ross and Jill Gavin GRANTPIRRIE | Private Giovanna Gromo and Ian Cavit Julian and Stephanie Grose Stephanie and Ian Hardy Amanda Harkness Simon and Jane Hayman Dr Ian Hill and Morna Seres Debra Jensen and Geoff Cohen David and Angela Kent Julian and Lizanne Knights Dr Colin and Mrs Elizabeth Laverty Walter and Elizabeth Lewin LSH Charitable Foundation Mark and Louise Nelson Dr Clinton Ng Lisa and Egil Paulsen Dr Dick Quan and John McGrath Sherman Foundation Dr Michael Welch Ray Wilson oAM and James Agapitos oAM Project Contributors ART50 Trust Chartwell Trust James Cohan Gallery Galleria Continua Gordon Darling Foundation DETACHED, Hobart Paul and Saadia Durham Galeria Elba Benitez Susan and Michael Harte Julian and Lizanne Knights Marian Goodman Gallery, New York and Paris PIFO Gallery SCANLAN&THEODORE Gene and Brian Sherman Galeria Luisa Strina Irene Sutton, Sutton Gallery

Companions Antoinette Albert Arc One Gallery Kyp and Luisa Bosci Lizzie Buxton Mr Stephen Fergus Annette Larkin R. Martin Dominik Mersch Sarah Morgan Daniela Shannon Vivienne Sharpe Ezekiel Solomon AM Nick and Miranda Tobias Anna Waldmann Project Companions Kriselle Baker and Richard Douglas The Bijou Collection Jane and Mike Browne Sarah and Warren Couillault Sue Crockford Gallery Kate Darrow Dean Endowment Trust Alison Ewing Jo Ferrier and Roger Wall Dame Jenny Gibbs Caffe L’affare Keitha and Connel McLaren Peter McLeavey Milani Gallery Random Art Group David and Lisa Roberton Talwar Gallery Miriam van Wezel and Pete Bossley Canadian Friends of the 18th Biennale of Sydney Barry Appleton Sara Diamond Yvonne and David Fleck with Macquarie Canada Pierre-François Ouellette The Herb and Cece Schreiber Family Foundation

With Thanks The Biennale of Sydney is pleased to acknowledge the generous support of the following participating governments and organisations, which have assisted in the presentation of the exhibition.

Australia Arts NT Arts Queensland Australia–China Council Australia–Korea Foundation Australia–Thailand Institute Council for Australian–Arab Relations Queensland Indigenous Arts Marketing and Export Agency (QIAMEA)

Japan The Japan Foundation Shiseido Co., Ltd

Belgium Flemish Government Wallonie–Bruxelles International

New Zealand Creative New Zealand

Finland FRAME Foundation France Embassy of France in Australia Institut Français Germany Institute for foreign cultural relations (ifa) Stiftung Kunstfonds

The Netherlands Mondriaan Fund Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development

Spain Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) Sweden Moderna Museet 7

Switzerland Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia Taiwan Council for Cultural Affairs Republic of China (Taiwan) Thailand Office of Contemporary Art and Culture, Ministry of Culture, Thailand United Kingdom British Council

Greece Stavros Niarchos Foundation

United States of America U.S. Department of State Arts Envoy Program

India Indian Council for Cultural Relations

Uruguay Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Uruguay

Ireland Culture Ireland

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations


Canada Canada Council for the Arts Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec Consulate General of Canada, Sydney Ontario Arts Council Toronto Arts Council

Korea The Korea Foundation

With Thanks Artists in the 18 th Biennale of Sydney wish to thank the following organisations and individuals, who have also supported their projects:


Adam Mickiewicz Institute After-A-Fashion AIR Antwerpen Arizona State University Art Museum Arizona State University Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts Australia Council for the Arts Beursschouwburg Campbelltown Arts Centre Canada Council for the Arts Centre du Cinéma de la Fédération Wallonie–Bruxelles China Arts Projects City of Sydney Libraries Consulate of the Czech Republic in Sydney Creative New Zealand Elam School of Fine Arts, The University of Auckland Embassy of the Czech Republic in Australia Flanders Audiovisual Fund Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre, a facility of Sutherland Shire Council Hannanprint McAsh Oysters Michigan Films Ministry of External Relations of Brazil Mosman Art Gallery, a cultural facility of Mosman Council Museum of Contemporary Native Arts National Art School National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution Newington College NSW Government through Arts NSW Ontario Arts Council Open Society Institute Budapest, Art and Culture Network Program Parramatta Artist Studios, an initiative of Parramatta City Council The Partridge Group, Sydney Presbyterian Ladies’ College, Sydney School of Architecture and Design, and the Design Research Institute, RMIT University School of Design, University of Technology, Sydney Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada STEVENSON, Johannesburg Sydney College of the Arts, The University of Sydney Toronto Arts Council Transat Video Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie Vooruit White Rabbit WXY Studio

Biennale Board and Staff Board of Directors


Luca Belgiorno-Nettis AM, Chairman Andrew Cameron, Deputy Chairman Richard Frolich Phillip Keir Danielle Keighery Paris Neilson Penelope Seidler AM Lucy Turnbull Ao, Deputy Chair Michael Whitworth

Marah Braye, Chief Executive Officer Catherine de Zegher and Gerald McMaster, Artistic Directors, 18th Biennale of Sydney Gina Hall, Head of Exhibition Danielle Earp, Head of Exhibition (to August 2011) William Cottam, Head of Finance and Administration Ashley de Silva, Head of Marketing and Sponsorship Virginia Mitchell, Head of Public Program and Education Barbara Moore, Head of Benefaction Meg Gold, Sponsorship Manager Gerry McLaughlin, Turbine Precinct Project Manager Phil McNaughton, Pier 2/3 Project Manager Morgan Randall, Technical and Production Manager Travis Rice, Exhibition and Venue Manager Dara Vongsonephet, Marketing Manager

Neall Kriete, Executive Assistant Haitian Liu, Bookkeeper Yvonne Abela, Marketing and Sponsorship Assistant Lucy Baer, Assistant Venue Coordinator Alexandra Bassett, Guest Relations Assistant Ashley Collis, Administration Assistant Courtney Rogers, Benefaction Assistant Leanne Rogers, Assistant Volunteer Coordinator Eleanor Zeichner, Cockatoo Island Office Administrator

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations


Rebecca da Silva, Web and New Media Coordinator Todd Fuller, Education, Events and Online Learning Coordinator Jessica Haly, Public Program and Education Coordinator Miriyan Kidson, Venue Coordinator Annika Kristensen, Nick Waterlow OAM Curatorial Fellow Emily McDaniel, Aboriginal Emerging Curator Amelia Ramsden, Grants and Applications Coordinator Frances Robinson, Volunteer Coordinator Romy Sedman, Marketing and Sponsorship Coordinator Tai Spruyt, Curatorial Research Coordinator Meredith Todd, Installation Coordinator Gotaro Uematsu, AV Coordinator Samantha Williams, Exhibition and Venue Coordinator


Lauren Parker, Registrar

Art wAlK MAP Take the Vittoria Biennale Art Walk and visit all our venues

Sydney Ferri es (paid ser arrival vice)





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Biennale Art Shop The Biennale of Sydney has teamed up with Melbourne’s Third Drawer Down to present the Biennale Art Shop on Cockatoo Island, a veritable treasure trove of delightful products. Open daily, the Biennale Art Shop is located in Building 92 on Cockatoo Island, stocking select items by Biennale artists, objects made by Third Drawer Down for leading museums around the world, and hand-picked products from various popular culture contexts. The shop also stocks the complete range of limited edition 18th Biennale of Sydney merchandise, including the official all our relations catalogue, umbrella, tote bag, notebook and badge set.

ns tio ela rr



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Find out more about Third Drawer Down at thirddrawerdown.com


The exhibition catalogue and select Biennale of Sydney items are also available at the Art Gallery of NSW and the MCA or online at bos18.com

Limited Edition Badge Set

Exhibition Catalogue all our relations, 400 pages, RRP $45 (incl. GST) Limited-edition catalogue, designed by Collider Edited by Artistic Directors Catherine de Zegher and Gerald McMaster, all our relations includes essays by Bruno Latour (Science Po), Michael Hardt (Duke University) and Thomas Seeley (Cornell University), with commissioned contributions by Jean Fisher (Royal College of Art), David Abram (The Spell of the Sensuous), Brian Massumi (University of Montreal), Erin Manning (Concordia University), Roger Maaka (EIT, New Zealand), and poet Lionel Fogarty, as well as contributions from Subhankar Banerjee, Everlyn Nicodemus, Alwar Balasubramaniam and Philip Beesley.

All items available online at bos18.com!

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations

of N


Art Ga lle ry ew s ale w h ut o S

Art GAllErY of NEw SoUtH wAlES In Finite Blue Planet

Beginning with aerial views from afar and gradually zooming to a close-up of the everyday, with its cycle of life and death, In Finite Blue Planet announces a new consciousness of the finite – rather than infinite – nature of our blue planet and its resources. the artworks present alternative perspectives for a globalised world, while facing the challenges of living on a finite planet in an endangered environment, with war, displacement and migration as consequences. Major Exhibitions Gallery and Yiribana Gallery Art Gallery Road, The Domain Open daily 10 am–5 pm, Wednesdays 10 am–9 pm 1800 679 278 artgallery.nsw.gov.au

18Th BIENNAlE of SYdNEY: all our relations

Art Gallery of New South Wales Lower Level 1: Major Exhibitions Gallery





1 13




Art GAllErY of NEw SoUtH wAlES


To CafĂŠ








2 23



2 22


4 1 Centenary Auditorium

3 18



22 Stairs to Ground Floor

Artist legend




Artist Name


Jorge Macchi


Bouchra Khalili


Subhankar Banerjee


Jananne Al-Ani


Maria laet



Judy watson

Sarah Vanagt and Katrien Vermeire


Yuken teruya


Juan Manuel EchavarrĂ­a


Binh danh


farideh lashai


dorothy Napangardi




Nipan oranniwesna


John wolseley


ricardo lanzarini


Alexis destoop


Yun-fei Ji


Guido van der werve


Sudsiri Pui-ock


Phil Hastings


Jin Shi


Alan Michelson


Gao rong


Adam Cvijanovic


Hassan Sharif




Art Gallery of New South Wales Lower Level 3: Yiribana Gallery

20 21 21

Yiribana Gallery

Art GAllErY of NEw SoUtH wAlES


Domain Theatre

Escalator to Upper Levels

Amenities Information lift Stairs toilets CafĂŠ Escalators

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations




Jorge Macchi, Blue Planet, 2003. Courtesy Centro Gallego de Arte ContemporĂĄneo, Santiago de Compostela. Photograph: Mark ritchie

Art GAllErY of NEw SoUtH wAlES

4 Subhankar Banerjee, Caribou Migration I, 2002. Courtesy the artist


Maria laet, Untitled (Line and Snow), 2010. Courtesy of the artist and A Gentil Carioca Gallery, rio de Janeiro. Photograph: Evangelia Kranioti


Judy watson, burnt vessels, 2009 (installation view). Courtesy the artist and Milani Gallery, Brisbane


Yuken teruya, Notice-Forest: Six Jewels, 2010. Courtesy the artist and Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong



Binh danh, Ancestral Altar #22, 2008. Courtesy the artist and lisa Sette Gallery, Scottsdale. Photograph: Binh danh Nipan oranniwesna, City of Ghost, 2007–12 (detail). Courtesy the artist. Photograph: Nipan oranniwesna



ricardo lanzarini, Untitled, 2011. Courtesy the artist. Photograph: ricardo lanzarini

12 dorothy Napangardi, Untitled, 2004 (detail). Moree Plains Gallery Collection; gift of dr Ann lewis Ao


Yun-fei Ji, The Three Gorge Dam Migration, 2009 (detail). Courtesy the artist and the Museum of Modern Art library, New York. Photograph: Ellen watson

Sudsiri Pui-ock, The Farmer, 2009. Courtesy the artist

Jin Shi, Small Business: Karaoke, 2009 (installation view). Courtesy Gao Magee Gallery, Beijing




Bouchra Khalili, The Mapping Journey Project, 2008–11 (installation view). Courtesy the artist and Galerie Polaris, Paris

Gao rong, Level – 112, Unit 6, Building 5, Hua Jiaai Bei Li, 2010 (detail). Courtesy the artist


Hassan Sharif, Plastic Funnel – Aluminium Foil, 2006. Courtesy the artist and the flying House, dubai



Jananne Al-Ani, Shadow Sites I, 2010 (location still). Courtesy the artist and rose Issa Projects, london


Sarah Vanagt and Katrien Vermeire, THE WAVE, 2012. Courtesy the artists and Balthasar, Brussels © Sarah Vanagt / Katrien Vermeire Juan Manuel Echavarría, Requiem NN 2, 2006–11 (detail). Courtesy the artist and Josée Bienvenu Gallery


farideh lashai, El Amal, 2011 (detail). Courtesy the artist and leila Heller Gallery, New York

John wolseley, Flight of Ventifacts: Mallee 20062012 (Ventifact 117), 2009 (detail). Courtesy the artist and Australian Galleries, Melbourne. Photograph: louis Porter



Postcommodity, Do You Remember When?, 2009 (installation view). Courtesy the artists. Photograph: Jason Grubb


Phil Hastings, Steadfast, 2009 (detail). Courtesy the artist

Alexis destoop, KAIROS – disappearance, 2010. Photograph: Vincent Pinackaers and Alexis destoop


Guido van der werve, Nummer Acht, everything is going to be alright, 2007 (detail). Courtesy the artist and luhring Augustine, New York. Photograph: Ben Geraerts


Alan Michelson, Frontier Land--Home in the Woods, Adam Cvijanovic, Paradise, 2012 (artist model). Courtesy the artist 2011. Courtesy the artist th 18Th Biennale BIENNAlE of Sydney: SYdNEY: all our relations

Art GAllErY of NEw SoUtH wAlES




us eu m

of Co nt em po ra r


Ar t

Au s t r ali a

MUSEUM of CoNtEMPorArY Art AUStrAlIA Possible Composition

In Possible Composition artists made works by bringing together disparate elements, or reassembling disjointed parts, to create a new heterogeneous whole from what was broken and scattered. where there has been separation and fragmentation in all aspects of life, there is now a profound desire for composing and recomposing together – an aesthetic co-composition paralleling the need for collaborative and meaningful solutions in today’s world. Levels 1 and 3 140 George Street, The Rocks (Entry via Circular Quay West or George Street) Open daily 10 am–5 pm Thursdays until 9pm (02) 9245 2400 mca.com.au

18Th BIENNAlE of SYdNEY: all our relations

Museum of Contemporary Art Australia Level 1 (Entry)


George Street Entrance


8 5 7

5 6







20 Ferries to Cockatoo Island



22 24







Artist legend 11

Circular Quay Entrance



8 22





Artist Name


Pinaree Sanpitak


Nicholas Hlobo


Alwar Balasubramaniam


El Anatsui


Yoshihiro Suda


Arin rungjang


Khaled Sabsabi


Judith wright


david Aspden




Mit Jai Inn


Park Young-Sook


lee Mingwei


Phaptawan Suwannakudt


Gabriella Mangano and Silvana Mangano


liang Quan


Kamin lertchaiprasert


Maria laet


tim Johnson


Makinti Napanangka


liu Zhuoquan


Zoe Keramea


Alick tipoti


Nyapanyapa Yunupingu




14 11

10 13 15

National Centre for Creative Learning

George Street Entrance

Museum of Contemporary Art Australia 3


Level 3

5 7

5 6







Ferries to Cockatoo Island



22 24

25 11

9 18






8 22




14 11

10 13 15

National Centre for Creative Learning




Circular Quay Entrance

Amenities Information lift Stairs toilets MCA Shop

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations



Alwar Balasubramaniam, Nothing From My Hands, 2011 (detail). Courtesy the artist and talwar Gallery, New York and New delhi


Pinaree Sanpitak, Anything Can Break, 2011 (installation view). Courtesy the artist. Photograph: Aroon Permpoonsopol




Khaled Sabsabi, Air Land, 2011. Courtesy the artist

7 Yoshihiro Suda, Rose, 2008. Courtesy the artist david Aspden, Zahir, 1971. Courtesy Karen Aspden and Gallery Koyanagi, and Utopia Art Sydney, Sydney tokyo



22 lee Mingwei, The Mending Project, 2009 (installation view). Courtesy the artist and lombard-freid Projects, New York. Photograph: Anita Kan


Mit Jai Inn, NO. 112, 2002–12. Courtesy oida Art, Bangkok. Photograph: tinnakorn Nugul


Maria laet, Untitled (Dialogue Series. Balloon and Body), 2007 (detail). Courtesy the artist. Photograph: Allan Chiu

12 Gabriella Mangano and Silvana Mangano, Neon, 2010. Courtesy the artists and Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne and Sydney


Makinti Napanangka, Untitled, 2008. Courtesy the artist and Papunya tula Artists, Alice Springs

Zoe Keramea, Leopard Moth, 2010. Courtesy the artist


Nicholas Hlobo, Tyaphaka, 2011 (detail). Courtesy the artist and Stevenson, Cape town and Johannesburg

Nyapanyapa Yunupingu, Light Painting, 2011 (detail). Courtesy the artist; Buku-larrnggay Mulka Centre, Yirrkala; and roslyn oxley9 Gallery, Sydney



El Anatsui, Anonymous Creature, 2009 (installation view). Courtesy the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York Arin rungjang, The Living Are Few But The Dead Are Many, 2012. Courtesy the artist




Judith wright, A Journey, 2011 (installation view). Courtesy the artist; Sophie Gannon Gallery, Melbourne; and Jan Manton Art, Brisbane; JENSEN, Sydney; and foX/JENSEN, Auckland. Photograph: Carl warner

20 Yeesookyung, Translated Vase-the Moon, 2012. Courtesy the artist and GAllErY HYUNdAI, Seoul




Park Young-Sook, White Porcelain Moon Jar, 2006; White Porcelain, 2008; White Porcelain Moon Jar, 2008; White Porcelain Moon Jar, 2006. Courtesy the artist and GAllErY HYUNdAI, Seoul



Phaptawan Suwannakudt, Not for Sure, 2012 (detail). Courtesy the artist


Kamin lertchaiprasert, The bird has feathers. the man has friends, 2004–06. Courtesy liang Quan, Ancestor’s Sea, 2010 the artist. Photograph: (detail). Courtesy the artist and PIfo Sompong Pinhom and Gallery, Beijing. Photograph: Yang Chao Nakarin Kulkanlayadee


Gade, Ice Buddha, 2006. Courtesy the artist and red Gate Gallery, Beijing

liu Zhuoquan, Two-Headed Snake, 2011 (detail). Courtesy the artist and China Art Projects, Beijing. Photograph: liu Zhuoquan

tim Johnson, Rainbow Serpent, Water and Possum Dreaming, 1986. Peter rothnie Collection. Photograph: Stephen oxenbury


Alick tipoti, Girelal, 2011. Courtesy the artist and the Australian Art Print Network, Cairns. Photograph: Michael Marzik 18Th BIENNAlE of SYdNEY: all our relations

Pier 2/3

PIEr 2/3

as above as below

Presenting the link between earth and sky, between public and private, the art projects in as above as below visualise the interconnection and interdependency of all: how the macrocosmos both affects and is a reflection of the microcosmos of our daily life experience. Ground and Level 1 13 hickson Road, Walsh Bay Open daily 10 am–5 pm bos18.com

Biennale Free Ferries travel to Cockatoo Island via Wharf 6, Circular Quay See pages 38–39 for more information

18Th BIENNAlE of SYdNEY: all our relations

Pier 2/3 Level 1


Ground Level (entry) PIEr 2/3


26 Biennale Free Ferry to Cockatoo Island via Circular Quay


Main Entrance (Hickson Road)

To Hickson Road

Artist legend


Artist Name



Shuvinai Ashoona and John Noestheden



Honoré ∂’o tiffany Singh



Stairs toilets


Shuvinai Ashoona and John Noestheden, Earth and Sky, 2008. Courtesy the artists. Photograph: Scotiabank Nuit Blanche


honoré ∂’O, Air and Inner, 1996–12. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Nadja Vilenne, Liège

Biennale Bar @ Pier 2/3 Over 18s only Fridays: 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 August 6.30–9.30 pm FREE For five nights only, the Biennale of Sydney is opening up Pier 2/3 for unexpected evenings of art after dark. Mingle among large-scale installations, enjoy a drink from the bar and relax to entertainment from FBi Radio, The Thousands or an augmented reality experience with dLux MediaArts. Participate in Tiffany Singh’s Knock On The Sky Listen To The Sound From Tuesday, 7 August until chimes run out 12.30–1.30 pm FREE Pier 2/3 to Cockatoo Island bos18.com

Tiffany Singh, Knock On The Sky Listen To The Sound, 2011 (detail). Courtesy the artist and The Dowse Art Museum, Lower hutt. Photograph: Tom Teutenberg

Tiffany Singh invites you to become a part of her artwork Knock On The Sky Listen To The Sound (2012). Collect one of her wind chimes from Pier 2/3 and take it on a personal pilgramage home to decorate as you like. Once you’ve finished you can return the chime to a dedicated space on Cockatoo Island. 18Th BIENNAlE of SYdNEY: all our relations

PIEr 2/3



Isl an d Co cka too

Access by Biennale Free Ferry or Sydney Ferries from Circular Quay See pages 38–39 for more transport information

CoCKAtoo ISlANd Stories, Senses and Spheres

Stories, Senses and Spheres continues many of the ideas explored in other Biennale venues by opening up the senses to water, wind, earth, and their embedded meanings, in collaborative and interactive projects that have shared storytelling and caring at their core. Upper and lower Island Managed by Sydney Harbour federation trust Sydney Harbour Exhibition open daily 10 am–5 pm (02) 8969 2100 cockatooisland.gov.au Cockatoo Island is a World Heritage-listed island in the middle of Sydney Harbour, just 20 minutes by ferry from Circular Quay. A former prison and shipyard, this unique destination retains many remnants of its past. Spend a few hours or the day exploring the exhibition at this wonderful location, allowing time for a picnic or a visit to the one of the island’s broad range of food and beverage outlets. SAFETY ON ThE ISLAND Cockatoo Island is a former industrial site. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Visitors are requested to wear appropriate enclosed footwear and to comply with all signage on the island. We ask that you mind your step and beware of hazards. Please do not walk backwards – there are occasional uneven surfaces, voids, trip hazards and cliffs. A number of buildings are darkened and require extra vigilance. Please take care at all times. There is no smoking in buildings on Cockatoo Island, and animals are not allowed on the island. Unless otherwise notified, please do not touch the artworks.

Image courtesy destination NSw Photograph: Ethan rohloff

18Th BIENNAlE of SYdNEY: all our relations


Cockatoo Island

Northern Apron Park

Northern Stair

Hi Res Pre

Slipways 30

Tunnel 1 26

aR oa d Bu rm


41 39



24 58


Powerhouse Area


Convict Precinct



35 4 36






42 10



el nn


33 3

Ship Design Precinct







35 28


18 Weekend Only



Southern Stair



Tunnel 1 18


82 78






72 73


69 22 64


20 81


Docks Precinct



Artist legend Artist Legend X

MAP MAP Artist Name (Location Reference and/or Building Number) X Artist Name (Location Reference and/or Building Number) rEf REF

Artists are listed herehere in the art art walk order. follow thethe order Artists are listed in curated the curated walk order. Follow order for the view, or explore on your own andand create your own journey. forcurated the curated view, or explore on your own create your own journey.


7 8 9 10 11 12


13 Monika Grzymala Adam Cvijanovic (143) and Euraba Artists and Sachiko Abe (101) 1 Jon Pylypchuk Papermakers (138) Jon Pylypchuk (Dog-Leg Tunnel) 16 Maria fernanda Cardoso (in Dog-Leg Tunnel) 14 Adam Cvijanovic (143) daan roosegaarde and ross rudesch Harley (123) 2 Daan Roosegaarde (Dog-Leg Tunnel) 15 Abe (101) (Dog-Leg Tunnel) 17 EvaSachiko Kot’átková (123, 124) fujiko Nakaya (Chasm) 16 Maria Fernanda Cardoso 3 Fujiko Nakaya (Chasm) 18 Jonathan Jones (84, Tunnel 1) Ann Veronica Janssens (153) and Ross Rudesch Harley (123) 4 Ann Veronica Janssens (153) DOCKS PRECINCT 17 Eva Kot’átková (123, 124) reinier rietveld and 5 Reinier Rietveld and 19 robin rhode (93) Craigie Horsfield (150) 18 Jonathan Jones (84, Tunnel 1) Craigie Horsfield (150) 20 Nicholas Hlobo (81) Peter robinsonSuda (139, 140) 6 Yoshihiro 21 Susan Hefuna (74) Cal 7 lane DOCKS PRECINCT Peter(140) Robinson (139, 140) 22 Bahar Behbahani and Jess MacNeil (146) 19 Robin Rhode (93) 8 Cal Lane (140) Almagul Menlibayeva (69) 20 Nicholas Hlobo (81) Cristina 9 JessIglesias MacNeil(144, (146)106) 23 Alan Michelson (64) 21 Susan Hefuna (74) Philip Beesley (142) 10 Cristina Iglesias (144, 106) POWERhOUSE AREA 22 Bahar Behbahani and 11 Pien Ed with Philip Beesley (142) AND NORThERN APRON tanya (138) Almagul Menlibayeva (69) 12 Edtagaq Pien with 24 Nina Canell and 23 Alan Michelson (64) Monika Grzymala and Tanya Tagaq (138) robin watkins (57, 58) Euraba Artists and 25 tiffany Singh (60) Papermakers (138)

14 15

AREA 26 POWERHOUSE Imran Qureshi (Slipway 1)

AND NORTHERN APRON Khaled Sabsabi (11, 34) 24 Nina Canell and UPPER ISLAND Robin Watkins (57, 58) CONVICT PRECINCT 25 Tiffany Singh (60) 28 Iris Häussler (2, Cave: Independent 26 Imran Qureshi (Slipway 1) Pest Control Sydney) 27


Khaled Sabsabi (11, 34) 29 Alec finlay (Upper Island Lawn)

Mark licari (Water Tower, Exterior of 140) UPPER ISLAND 31 Alwar Balasubramaniam (1) CONVICT PRECINCT 32 28 riaIris Verhaeghe Häussler (3)


33 34 35 36 37 38 39

(2, Cave: Independent Pest Control Sydney) Khadija Baker (3A) Alec Finlay (Upper Island Lawn) Jananne Al-Ani (5)


ShIP DESIGN PRECINCT 36 Nadia Myre (4) 4037li Hongbo (6) Everlyn Nicodemus (4) 4138Erin Manning (6) Ewa Partum (Convict Courtyard) 4239Carlos Garaicoa (10) Ricardo Lanzarini (5) 43

Sriwhana Spong (15)

44 lyndal Jones (12) SHIP DESIGN PRECINCT 4540Cecilia Vicuña Li Hongbo (6) (19) 6 41Yoshihiro Suda (6) (17) Erin Manning 42 CarlosRESIDENCE hISTORIC Garaicoa (10) PRECINCT 43 Sriwhana Spong (15)

4644Judith wright (22) Lyndal Jones (12)

4745Jin Nü (22) Cecilia Vicuña (19) Mark Licari (Water Tower, Exterior of 140) latifa Echakhch (4, 5) 48 Junling Yang (22) 31 Alwar Balasubramaniam (1) Nadia Myre (4) 49 Juan Manuel Echavarría (22) HISTORIC RESIDENCE 32 Ria Verhaeghe (3) Everlyn Nicodemus (4) PRECINCT 33 Khadija Baker (3A) 46 Judith Wright (22) Ewa Partum (Convict Courtyard) 34 Jananne Al-Ani (5) 47 Jin Nü (22) ricardo lanzarini (5) 35 Latifa Echakhch (4, 5) 48 Junling Yang (22) 30


Juan Manuel Echavarría (22)

Weekend Only

ey Ferries

(paid servic e)

Parramatta Wharf

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to Circular



Information Area

27 34 1


Dog-Leg Tunnel

Eastern Apron


istoric sidence ecinct

49 22


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48 46

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20 19





Industrial Precinct









142 141


9 145


120 138


Dog-Leg Tunnel








5 150


144 143



147 148

101 102


15 10




91 92


Camber Wharf



to Ryda lmere


Circ Bie and nna r 2/3 le Fre e Ferry to/from Pie


y Qua


Access through buildings and tunnels


Biennale Information Hub

Accessible Toilets

Biennale Art Shop


Convict Precinct, minimum 1 hour Ship Design Precinct, minimum 1 hour Historic Residence Precinct, minimum 30 minutes

Art Lounge and Learning Zone



Cockatoo Island Information Island Office Island Bar Café

Camber Wharf Biennale Free Ferry and private boat parking

Parramatta Wharf Scheduled (paid) ferry services and water taxi drop-off

Emergency Assembly Point

Industrial Precinct (including tunnels), minimum 2 hours Docks Precinct, minimum 1 hour Powerhouse Area and Northern Apron, minimum 45 minutes Map provided by:

Vittoria Docks Café, between Buildings 82 and 83 Gateway Café, Building 135a, on the Eastern Apron Asahi Super Dry Noodle Bar, Building 137 Cottage Lawn, on the lawn in front of Building 9 Yering Station Wine Bar, front lawn of Biloela House, Building 22

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations




Jon Pylypchuk, spend the rest of your life mining this death and it will only bring you despair, 2012 (artist daan roosegaarde, Dune, 2007–11 (detail). Courtesy fujiko Nakaya, “Cloud Parking in Linz”, Cloud sketch). Courtesy the artist and friedrich Petzel Studio roosegaarde. Photograph: Installation #11060, 2011. Courtesy oK offenes Gallery, New York Studio roosegaarde Kulturhaus, linz




reinier rietveld and Craigie Horsfield, Confusion, 2012. Courtesy the artists



Peter robinson, Snow Ball Blind Time, 2008 (detail). Courtesy the artist and Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth. Photograph: Bryan James


32 Ann Veronica Janssens, Blue, Red and Yellow, 2001 (detail). Courtesy the artist; Air de Paris, Paris; 1301PE Gallery, los Angeles; Galerie Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp; and Alfonso Artiaco, Naples. Photograph © Pascual Mercé/EACC


Yoshihiro Suda, Morning Glory, 2009. Courtesy the artist and Gallery Koyanagi, tokyo

Cal lane, Sand Lace, 2012. Courtesy the artist



Jess MacNeil, The Shape of Between, 2006. Courtesy the artist and Gallery Barry Keldoulis, Sydney. Sound: Marcus Kaiser Cristina Iglesias, Vers la terre, 2011 (detail). Courtesy the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery, New York and Paris. Photograph: Marc domage

12 13

Philip Beesley, Hylozoic Series, 2011 (detail). Copyright © PBAI

Ed Pien, Source: Corridor of Rain, 2012 (artist model). Courtesy the artist; Pierre-françois ouellette Art Contemporain, Montreal; and Musée d’art de Joliette, Québec. Photograph: Ed Pien

Monika Grzymala, The River – Preliminary Sketch, 2011. Courtesy the artist. Photograph: Monika Grzymala



Adam Cvijanovic, The River, 2012 (artist model). Courtesy the artist


Eva Koťt’átková, Theatre of Speaking Objects, 2012 (detail). Courtesy the artist, Meyer riegger, Berlin and Karlsruhe; and Hunt Kastner, Prague. Photograph: Eva Koťt’átková

Sachiko Abe, Cut Papers #11, 2010 (installation view). Courtesy the artist and A foundation, liverpool Biennial, 2010, liverpool. Photograph: Julia waugh



Jonathan Jones, untitled (oysters and tea cups), 2011 (artist model). Courtesy the artist. Photograph: Jonathan Jones


robin rhode, Arm Chair, 2011. Courtesy the artist and white Cube, london

Maria fernanda Cardoso, Intromitent organs of Tasmanian harvestman modelled after electronic microscope scans, 2008–09. Courtesy Arc one Gallery, Melbourne and GrANtPIrrIE, Sydney. Copyright © the artist. Photograph: Penelope Clay. Computer modelling Matt Booth, Vert design, Sydney

Nicholas Hlobo, Ingubo Yesizwe, 2009 (installation view). Courtesy the artist and Stevenson, Cape town and Johannesburg. Photograph: Mario todeschini


Bahar Behbahani and Almagul Menlibayeva, Ride the Caspian, 2011 (detail). Courtesy the artists and Priska C. Juschka fine Art, New York


Susan Hefuna, Celebrate Life: I Love Egypt, 2011 (detail). Courtesy the artist; Serpentine Gallery, london; and townhouse Gallery, Cairo. Commissioned by the Serpentine Gallery, london in partnership with the townhouse Gallery, Cairo as part of the Edgware road Project, 2011. Photograph: Graham waite


Alan Michelson, Mespat, 2001. Courtesy the National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, washington. Photograph: Gwendolyn Cates


Nina Canell, Heat Sculpture, 2007. Private Collection, Germany. Photograph: Nina Canell and robin watkins 18Th BIENNAlE of SYdNEY: all our relations







Khaled Sabsabi, Nonabel, 2011. Courtesy the artist

29 Imran Qureshi, Blessings upon the land of my love, 2011 (detail). Courtesy Sharjah Art foundation, Sharjah and Corvi Mora, london

28 tiffany Singh, Knock On The Sky Listen To The Sound, 2011 (detail). Courtesy the artist and the dowse Art Museum, lower Hutt. Photograph: tom teutenberg



Alec finlay, solitary bee nest, the bee library (Cockatoo Island), 2012 (detail). Courtesy the artist and Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh



Mark licari, La Mirada: Flows To Bay, 2009 (detail). Courtesy Monterey Museum of Art, Monterey. Photograph: rick Pharaoh


Iris Häussler, He Dreamed Overtime, 2012. Courtesy the artist. Photograph: Iris Häussler


Khadija Baker, Coffin-Nest, 2007 (installation view). Courtesy the artist


Alwar Balasubramaniam, Unfolded Sky, 2012 (artist model). Courtesy the artist

ria Verhaeghe, LIVING WITH CUDDLES, 2012 (artist model). Courtesy the artist


latifa Echakhch, TKAF, 2011 (installation view). Courtesy kamel mennour, Paris. Copyright © the artist


Jananne Al-Ani, Aerial IV, 2011. Courtesy the artist, Abraaj Capital Art Prize, dubai and rose Issa Projects, london. Photograph: Adrian warren

Nadia Myre, The Scar Project, 2005–ongoing (detail). Courtesy the artist and Art Mûr, Montreal. Photograph: Alan wiener



Ewa Partum, Ways to Roverto, 2006. Courtesy the artist and Manifesta 7, trentino-Alto Adige/ Südtirol (2008)



ricardo lanzarini, ... cómo llegar a las masas?, 2010 (installation view). Courtesy the artist. Photograph: ricardo lanzarini


Everlyn Nicodemus, Bystander on Probation No 14, 2007. Courtesy the artist. Photograph: Isabelle Pateer


li Hongbo, Ocean of Flowers, 2012 (detail). Courtesy the artist


Erin Manning, Slow Clothes, Society for Art and Technology, Montreal, 2007. Courtesy the artist. Photograph: Sandra Bélanger



Carlos Garaicoa, Project Fragile (Cockatoo Island), 2012 (detail). Courtesy the artist; Galleria Continua, Sriwhana Spong, Learning Duets, 2012. Courtesy San Gimignano, Beijing and le Moulin; Galería the artist and Michael lett, Auckland Elba Benítez, Madrid; and Galeria luisa Strina, Sao Paulo

Cecilia Vicuña, Quipu Austral, (Niña en el fuego), 2011. Courtesy the artist


Judith wright, The Stager, 2008. Courtesy the artist; Sophie Gannon Gallery, Melbourne; and Jan Manton Art, Brisbane; JENSEN, Sydney; and foX/JENSEN, Auckland. Photograph: Peter wright

lyndal Jones, REHEARSING CATASTROPHE: THE ARK IN AVOCA: study, 2010. Courtesy the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne and Sydney. Photograph: Christopher Knowles


Jin Nü, Exuviate 2 – Where Have All The Children Gone?, 2005. Courtesy the artist and white rabbit Gallery, Sydney


Junling Yang, ‹Class in the Class›, 2011 (detail). Courtesy the artist

Juan Manuel Echavarría, La “O”, 2010. Courtesy the artist and Josée Bienvenu Gallery, New York 18Th BIENNAlE of SYdNEY: all our relations


46 45


Carriageworks and the Biennale of Sydney present the Australian premieres of En Atendant (tuesday, 11 and wednesday, 12 September) and Cesena (friday, 14 and Saturday, 15 September), two exciting performances by choreographer Anne teresa de Keersmaeker’s dance ensemble rosas.

Also at Carriageworks as part of the 18th Biennale of Sydney, from 27 June to 16 September, is an installation by Ann Veronica Janssens. FREE 245 Wilson Street, Eveleigh Open weekdays 10 am–6 pm (02) 8571 9099 carriageworks.com.au

Tickets for En Atendant and Cesena are on sale now from carriageworks. com.au

En Atendant performance: Cloître des Célestins, Avignon. Image: Herman Sorgeloos

Anne teresa de Keersmaeker and Björn Schmelzer, Cesena, 2010–12. Courtesy rosas, Brussels. Photograph: Anne Van Aerschot

En Atendant Tuesday, 11 and Wednesday, 12 September

Cesena Friday, 14 and Saturday, 15 September

In En Atendant (2010–12), a collaboration with Michel François, Bart Coen and his ensemble Cour et Coeur, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker is taking a new step in her exploration of the combination of music and dance. Here her starting point is the ars subtilior – a complex and intellectual form of polyphonic music from the fourteenth century that is based on dissonance and contrast. Ars subtilior developed on the ruins of the plague and the Church at a time when the social, political and religious pillars of mediaeval society were fragmenting. Nowadays this upheaval seems more relevant than ever. In the light of today’s increasingly confusing events and the complexity of the choices we face, the question of our mortality and physicality is becoming ever more crucial.

For Cesena (2011–12), De Keersmaeker and Rosas worked closely with Björn Schmelzer and his graindelavoix ensemble. This new production might almost be called the counterpart to its predecessor, En Atendant, with this piece heralding the start of the day. The stage is shared by 19 dancers and singers who explore the limits of their ability. Dancers sing and singers dance, once again in dialogue with the wilful scores of ars subtilior. For the third time, Ann Veronica Janssens has collaborated with Rosas on set design, providing a sculpture of passing time, of the constant transformation of what is around us and of what only becomes visible in the course of time. The start of a new day, or a newlook at a distant past.

For tickets and more information visit carriageworks.com.au

18Th BIENNAlE of SYdNEY: all our relations



Ann Veronica Janssens and Michel françois, Golden section, 2009. Courtesy the artists. Photograph: PH degobert

rt spo n tra

Biennale Free Ferry

trANSPort 38

Take a Biennale Free Ferry to Cockatoo Island or Pier 2/3 and see a world of amazing art. The Biennale Free Ferry to Camber Wharf, Cockatoo Island departs from Wharf 6 in Circular Quay, travelling to Cockatoo Island on Sydney Harbour. This service returns from Camber Wharf on Cockatoo Island via Pier 2/3 in Walsh Bay. On weekdays, the first ferry departs from Wharf 6, Circular Quay at 10.00 am, with a looping service operating approximately every 45 minutes. On weekends, a regular looping service operates approximately every 30 minutes. The last departure from Wharf 6, Circular Quay is 4.00 pm daily. Both Circular Quay and Walsh Bay provide ramp access. During peak periods, the Biennale Free Ferry may be delayed while we allow passengers to board and disembark safely. Delays may also be caused by wharf congestion in Circular Quay. Please see Biennale staff or signs at the wharves for approximate departure times. For up-to-date information on the Biennale Free Ferry service, visit bos18.com on your smart phone or mobile device. You can also follow @biennaleferry for updates on twitter.

Photograph: Captain Cook Cruises


Paid transport options


Sydney Ferries (paid service) depart from Circular Quay, Wharves 4 and 5. Subject to change

Sydney Ferries (paid service) depart from Parramatta Wharf, Cockatoo Island. Subject to change





9.52 am 10.10 am 10.52 am 11.10 am 11.52 am 12.10 pm 12.52 pm 1.10 pm 1.52 pm 2.10 pm 3.10 pm 4.00 pm

9.52 am 10.10 am 11.10 am 12.10 pm 13.10 pm 14.10 pm 15.10 pm 16.10 pm

10.42 am 10.45 am 11.42 am 11.45 am 12.42 pm 12.45 pm 1.42 pm 1.45 pm 2.42 pm 2.45 pm 3.42 pm 3.45 pm 4.39 pm 5.32 pm 6.02 pm 6.47 pm

10.44 am 11.44 am 12.44 am 1.44 pm 2.44 pm 2.45 pm 3.44 pm 3.45 pm 4.44 pm 5.05 pm 5.44 pm 6.05 pm 6.44 pm

Parramatta River Woolwich/Balmain Parramatta River Woolwich/Balmain Parramatta River Woolwich/Balmain Parramatta River Woolwich/Balmain Parramatta River Woolwich/Balmain Woolwich/Balmain Woolwich/Balmain

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Woolwich/Balmain Woolwich/Balmain Woolwich/Balmain Woolwich/Balmain Woolwich/Balmain Parramatta River Woolwich/Balmain Parramatta River Woolwich/Balmain Parramatta River Woolwich/Balmain Parramatta River Woolwich/Balmain

For paid services from Parramatta Wharf, Cockatoo Island to Parramatta and Rydalmere, please visit 131500.com.au or see signs at the wharf

WATER TAXIS Cockatoo Island is also accessible by water taxi. Water taxis can pick up from most jetties or wharves on Sydney Harbour. The Biennale recommends the following water taxi companies:

Aussie Water Taxis 02 9211 7730 info@aussiewatertaxis.com aussiewatertaxis.com

Yellow Water Taxis 02 9299 0199 info@yellowwatertaxis.com.au yellowwatertaxis.com.au

Plan your trip and get the latest timetable and fare information on the go by using the free Transport Info App for iPhones and Android devices. Visit 131500.com.au for more information

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations




Cockatoo Island and Circular Quay are also accessible via the Sydney Ferries Woolwich/Balmain and the Parramatta River services.

Artist Talks Come and listen to a variety of Biennale artists speak informally about their work. Talks will take place in the vicinity of the artist’s exhibited work. Each talk lasts approximately 20 minutes. ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTh WALES Thursday, 28 June 1 pm Alan Michelson 1.30 pm Jananne Al-Ani

ArtISt tAlKS

Friday, 29 June 1 pm Sarah Vanagt and Katrien Vermeire 1.30 pm Ricardo Lanzarini


Saturday, 30 June 1 pm Judy Watson 1.30 pm Yun-Fei Ji 3 pm Gao Rong 3.30 pm Nipan Oranniwesna

Art ist

ta lk


Sunday, 1 July 1 pm Phil Hastings 1.30 pm Binh Danh 3 pm John Wolseley 3.30 pm Postcommodity Artist Film Screenings Daily, 3–5 pm, FREE Centenary Theatre, Art Gallery of New South Wales Alexis Destoop, Kairos, 2009–12 Sarah Vanagt and Katrien Vermeire, Boulevard d’Ypres / leperlaan, 2010 Juan Manuel Echavarría, Bocas de Ceniza/Mouths of Ash, 2003–04

PIER 2/3 Saturday, 30 June 10.30 am Tiffany Singh Sunday, 1 July 10.30 am Honoré ∂’O

MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART AUSTRALIA Wednesday, 27 June 12 pm Pinaree Sanpitak 12.30 pm Park Young-Sook Thursday, 28 June 12 pm Nyapanyapa Yunupingu with Will Stubbs and Keith Munro 12.30 pm Liu Zhuoquan Friday, 29 June 12 pm Arin Rungjang 12.30 pm Phaptawan Suwannakudt Saturday, 30 June 12 pm Alick Tipoti 12.30 pm Judith Wright Sunday, 1 July 12 pm Zoe Keramea 12.30 pm Alwar Balasubramaniam

OThER EVENTS Chinese Artists Talk Sunday, 8 July 2.30 pm White Rabbit Gallery 30 Balfour Street, Chippendale FREE Gao Rong and Junling Yang talk about their artistic practice, their artworks and their experience of all our relations.

COCKATOO ISLAND Wednesday, 27 June 12 pm Robin Rhode 12.30 pm Susan Hefuna 1 pm Daan Roosegaarde 1.30 pm Jon Pylypchuk 2 pm Sachiko Abe

Saturday, 30 June 11.30 am Euraba Artists and Papermakers 12 pm Fujiko Nakaya 12.30 pm Peter Robinson 1 pm Philip Beesley 1.30 pm Adam Cvijanovic 2.30 pm Maria Fernanda Cardoso 3 pm Mark Licari 4 pm Lyndal Jones Sunday, 1 July 11.30 am Cal Lane 12 pm Jonathan Jones 12.30 pm Iris Häussler 1 pm Nadia Myre 1.30 pm Ewa Partum 2 pm Erin Manning 2.30 pm Li Hongbo 3 pm Junling Yang

Nyapanyapa Yunupingu, Light Painting, 2011 (detail). Courtesy the artist; Buku-larrnggay Mulka Centre, Yirrkala; and roslyn oxley9 Gallery, Sydney

Spanish and Latin American Artists Panel Discussion Saturday, 30 June 11 am–12.30 pm FREE Building 30, Cockatoo Island Spanish-speaking artists from all our relations – Maria Fernanda Cardoso and Cecilia Vicuña – discuss their art in Spanish. Presented with the Instituto Cervantes en Sídney Tour of Maria Fernanda Cardoso’s Museum of Copulatory Organs Saturdays: 7 and 21 July; 4 and 18 August 2 pm FREE Building 123, Lower Island, Cockatoo Island

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations

ArtISt tAlKS

Friday, 29 June 12 pm Ed Pien 12.30 pm Monika Grzymala with Euraba Artists and Papermakers 1 pm Eva Kot’átková 1.30 pm Jess MacNeil 2 pm Nina Canell and Robin Watkins


Thursday, 28 June 12 pm Ria Verhaeghe 12.30 pm Alec Finlay 1.30 pm Sriwhana Spong 2 pm Cecilia Vicuña

Artist Performances and Participatory Projects ArtISt PErforMANCES ANd PArtICIPAtorY ProJECtS

PARTICIPATE IN THE MENDING PROJECT Museum of Contemporary Art Australia Daily 10 am–5 pm, Thursdays 10 am–9 pm FREE Lee Mingwei’s The Mending Project (2009) invites the visitor to participate in the creation of the artwork. Bring along a garment or object that requires mending and experience a conversation and connection you will never have encountered before with the artist or his assistant while your piece is repaired. Participants are asked to leave their mended items in the gallery for the duration of the exhibition.

lee Mingwei, The Mending Project, 2009 (installation view). Courtesy the artist and lombard-freid Projects, New York. Photograph: Anita Kan

PARTICIPATE IN KNOCK ON THE SKy LISTEN TO THE SOUND From Tuesday, 7 August until chimes run out FREE Pier 2/3 to Cockatoo Island bos18.com


Pick up a chime from Tiffany Singh’s installation in Pier 2/3 from 7 August, take it home and decorate it as you like, then return it to a special location on Cockatoo Island. left: tiffany Singh, Knock On The Sky Listen To The Sound, 2011 (detail). Courtesy the artist and the dowse Art Museum, lower Hutt. Photograph: tom teutenberg

PERFORMANCES BY SAChIKO ABE Wednesdays–Sundays 11 am–12.30 pm, 1–2.30 pm and 3–4.30 pm FREE Building 101, Lower Island, Cockatoo Island Cut Papers #13 is an ongoing performance and installation by Sachiko Abe that runs for the duration of the exhibition. right: Sachiko Abe, Cut Papers #11, 2010. Courtesy the artist and A foundation, liverpool Biennial, 2010, liverpool. Photograph: Julia waugh

PARTICIPATE IN STITCHING TIME FREE Building 6, Upper Island, Cockatoo Island

Erin Manning, Slow Clothes, Haus der Kulturen der welt, 2008 (detail). Photograph: Brian Massumi

Stitching Time is a relational architecture, a textile proposition, a sewing circle, a tea party, an environment for emergent collectivity. Join us to design a garment, craft an environment, take a nap, sew a button, have a conversation. Come make time with Erin Manning and her collaborators.

PERFORMANCE BY ALEC FINLAY AND CECILIA VICUñA Saturday, 30 June 3 pm FREE Building 30, Lower Island, Cockatoo Island Alec Finlay and Cecilia Vicuña come together for a poetry reading. left: Alec finlay, solitary bee nest, the bee library (Cockatoo Island), 2012 (detail). Courtesy the artist and Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh


Eva Kot ’átková, Theatre of Speaking Objects, 2012 (detail). Courtesy the artist; Meyer riegger, Berlin and Karlsruhe; and Hunt Kastner, Prague. Photograph: Eva Kot ’átková

PERFORMANCE AS PART OF REHEARSING CATASTROPHE: THE ARK IN SyDNEy FREE Building 12, Upper Island, Cockatoo Island Impromptu performances as part of Lyndal Jones’ ongoing installation Rehearsing Catastrophe: The Ark in Sydney will occur throughout the exhibition. left: lyndal Jones, REHEARSING CATASTROPHE: THE ARK IN AVOCA: study, 2010. Courtesy the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne and Sydney. Photograph: Christopher Knowles

FUJIKO NAKAYA’S LIVING CHASM – COCKATOO ISLAND Daily 11 am, 12 pm, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm and 4 pm Chasm, Lower Island, Cockatoo Island Experience Fujiko Nakaya’s immersive installation on Cockatoo Island at 15-minute intervals throughout the day. The artwork is weather dependant.

fujiko Nakaya, Living Chasm – Cockatoo Island, 2012. Courtesy the artist. Photograph: Sebastian Kriete 18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations


Fortnightly performances by a volunteer theatre group from Sydney constitute part of Eva Kot’átková’s installation, Theatre of Speaking Objects.


Saturdays, 30 June, 14 and 28 July, 11 and 25 August, and 8 September 12 pm FREE Building 124 (upstairs), Lower Island, Cockatoo Island



Wednesday, 27 June; Saturday, 30 June; Sunday, 1 July; Monday, 2 July and Tuesday, 3 July 1–4 pm FREE Building 4, Upper Island, Cockatoo Island Nadia Myre’s work The Scar Project offers visitors the opportunity to participate: work with the artist to tell, and mend, your own stories. right: Nadia Myre, The Scar Project, 2005–ongoing (installation view). Courtesy the artist and Art Mûr, Montreal. Photograph: Alan wiener

PERFORMANCE BY EWA PARTUM Wednesday, 27 June; Friday, 29 June; Sunday, 1 July and Tuesday, 3 July 12–12.30 pm FREE Convict Precinct Courtyard, Upper Island, Cockatoo Island


Ewa Partum invites visitors to participate in her opening week performances as part of her work Installation Metapoetry “A la recherche du temps perdu” according to Marcel Proust. left: Ewa Partum, Metapoetry, 1972. Courtesy the artist



Wednesday, 27 June 3 pm FREE Building 3A, Upper Island, Cockatoo Island

Wednesday, 27 June: 12–2 pm Thursday 28 June– Sunday, 1 July: 12–3 pm FREE Free Ferry from Wharf 6, Circular Quay, to Cockatoo Island

Khadija Baker pays homage to the Syrian Revolution and to all the mothers who experience the loss of their loved ones.

Khadija Baker, Equal-Space ‘My Little Voice Can’t Lie’, 2009. Courtesy the artist. Photograph: Ulysse lemerise-Bouchard

Khadija Baker presents her work My Little Voice Can’t Lie on the Free Ferry to Cockatoo Island.

PERFORMANCE OF AND SO ENTANgLED IN ThEIr NEIghbOur’S bOughS Wednesday, 27 June and Saturday, 30 June 10 am–5 pm FREE Free Ferry from Wharf 6, Circular Quay to Cockatoo Island

Nina Canell and robin watkins, Cockatoo Island ferry, 2012. Photograph: Nina Canell and robin watkins

Nina Canell and Robin Watkins stage an event titled And So Entangled in their Neighbour’s Boughs on the Free Ferry to and from Cockatoo Island departing from Wharf 6 at Circular Quay.

Special Events

On Wednesdays, the Art Gallery of NSW stays open late for Art After Hours, extending the 18th Biennale of Sydney into the night. Exhibition Talks Wednesdays, 5.30–6 pm FREE 27 June

Alexis Destoop, artist

4 July

Phil Hastings, artist

11 July

Virginia Mitchell, Head of Public Program and Education, Biennale of Sydney

18 July

Annika Kristensen, Nick Waterlow OAM Curatorial Fellow, Biennale of Sydney

25 July

Katrien Vermeire, artist

Thursday Lates Thursday until 9pm FREE mca.com.au/series/thursday-lates/ The MCA’s extended opening hours every Thursday during the Biennale give visitors the opportunity to experience the exhibition into the evening. In Conversation: Catherine de Zegher and Gerald McMaster Thursday, 5 July, 6–7 pm FREE Veolia Lecture Theatre The Artistic Directors discuss their vision for all our relations. Bookings required: (02) 9245 2484 or learning@mca.com.au Artist in Focus: Lee Mingwei Thursday, 5 July 7–7.30 pm FREE


Art After Hours Wednesdays, 5–9 pm FREE artgallery.nsw.gov.au/art-after-hours


Celebrity Talks Wednesdays, 6.30–7 pm FREE

Hear Lee Mingwei talk about his performative artistic practice and The Mending Project.

27 June

Interview with artist collective Postcommodity


4 July

Catherine de Zegher and Gerald McMaster, Artistic Directors, 18th Biennale of Sydney

11 July

Artist Binh Danh interviewed by Scott Bevan


Canvas Presents: Music, Art and You! Over 18s only Tuesdays, 3 and 31 July, 7 pm Kings Cross hotel, Level 2, 248 William Street FREE FBi Radio’s arts and culture show ‘Canvas’ hosts a Biennale-focused night at FBi Social. This is a chance to get to know Biennale artists a little better, through conversation, drinks and music.

Saturday Sketch Saturdays from 7 July 10.30 am–12 pm FREE Meet at Building 137, Lower Island Whether it’s your first time drawing or you are an experienced professional, Saturday Sketch offers a chance to engage with the exhibition through drawing sessions. BYO sketchbook and drawing materials.

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations



Opening Week Symposium ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTh WALES Opening Week Symposium: all our relations Thursday, 28 June and Friday, 29 June, 9.30 am–5 pm FREE Domain Theatre Bookings required: (02) 8484 8718 or bookings@biennaleofsydney.com.au oPENING wEEK SYMPoSIUM

The 18th Biennale of Sydney proposes that we reconsider some central artworld concepts and explore instead a relational paradigm that foregrounds conversational, collaborative, empathic and ephemeral aspects of arts practice. It asks us to essentially re-think and re-invent the social functions of art. Day One: Thursday, 28 June Arrive for early entry at 9.30 am for prompt 10 am start


10.00 am Welcome to Country and Introduction Session I: 10.30 am–12 pm A Biennale in Post-Capitalist Times Keynote Address: Pascal Gielen, University of Groningen, The Netherlands Panel discussion: Co-Artistic Director Gerald McMaster with Felicity Fenner, Chief Curator, National Institute for Experimental Arts, University of New South Wales; Professor John Clark, University of Sydney; and Tan Boon Hui, Director, Singapore Art Museum. Chair: Tony Bond, Director, Curatorial, Art Gallery of New South Wales 12–2 pm Break Session II: 2–3.30 pm Art as Relation Keynote Address: Dr Susan Best, University of New South Wales, Sydney Panel discussion: Co-Artistic Director Catherine de Zegher with Professor Brian Massumi, University of Montréal, Canada; and artists Craigie Horsfield and Erin Manning. Chair: Elizabeth Ann Macgregor, Director, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia Session III: 3.30–4.30 pm Postcommodity and John Wolseley in conversation with Co-Artistic Director Gerald McMaster.

Day Two: Friday, 29 June Arrive for early entry at 9.30 am for prompt 10 am start Session I: 10.00–11.30 am In Finite Blue Planet Professor Roger Maaka, Eastern Institute of Technology, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand; Professor Roger Benjamin, University of Sydney; artists Jananne Al-Ani, Alan Michelson, Binh Danh, Judy Watson and writer Moira Roth explore notions of relational and cyclic understandings of existence, issues of geopolitics and ecology. Session II: 11.30 am–1.00pm Possible Composition Artistic Directors Catherine de Zegher and Gerald McMaster; Will Stubbs, and artists Alwar Balasubramaniam, Lee Mingwei, Judith Wright and Zoe Keramea open up themes central to the exhibition at the MCA – collaboration, participation and co-composition, and embedded issues of indigeneity, migration and belonging. 1.00–1.45 pm Break Session III: 1.45–3.15 pm as above as below Natalie King, Director of Utopia@Asialink at The University of Melbourne; Yusaku Imamura, Director, Tokyo Wonder Site; and Tan Boon Hui, Director, Singapore Art Museum address notions of harmony, collaboration, dialogue, reciprocity and ‘the space between’ with artists Tiffany Singh, Honoré ∂’O and Yun-Fei Ji. Session IV: 3.15–4. 45 pm Stories, Senses and Spheres Anthony Burke, Professor of Architecture, University of Technology, Sydney and artists Philip Beesley, Ann Veronica Janssens, Jonathan Jones and Fujiko Nakaya discuss the key thematic ideas underpinning the exhibition and notions of empathy and healing that pervade the artworks on Cockatoo Island.

Forums and Lectures CITY RECITAL hALL


Keynote Address Saturday, 30 June, 6–7.30 pm FREE General Admission

Art Association of Australia and New Zealand 2012 Conference: Together < > Apart Thursday, 12 July – Saturday, 14 July The University of Sydney

Speaker: Philip Beesley Canadian artist and architect Philip Beesley is best known for creating responsive environments that blur the boundaries between art and life. Beesley is Professor of Architecture at the University of Waterloo, and Director for the Integrated Centre for Visualization, Design and Manufacturing. Beesley has earned several prestigious awards including the Prix de Rome for Architecture in 1995. He represented Canada with Hyzoloic Ground (2010) at the 12th Venice Biennale for Architecture and his new installation work, Hylozoic Series: Sibyl (2012), is presented in the 18th Biennale of Sydney.

For further information and to register your interest: conf@aaanz.info The 2012 conference highlights major debates and issues raised by the 18th Biennale of Sydney.

CARRIAGEWORKS Closing Week Symposium Friday, 14 and Saturday, 15 September 10 am–5 pm FREE

Nick Waterlow OAM Memorial Lecture Wednesday, 11 July 7.15–9 pm FREE

In conjunction with Sydney College of the Arts and Carriageworks, the Biennale of Sydney presents the opportunity to discuss all our fo relations at its close. r

Bookings required: (02) 8484 8718 or bookings@biennaleofsydney.com.au Domain Theatre Speaker: Bruce W. Ferguson The Nick Waterlow OAM Memorial Lecture is presented biannually by a leading international curator to mark the unique contribution made by Nick Waterlow to the arts and academia. The event will also showcase the film A Curator’s Last Will and Testament by Juliet Darling and is supported by the University Art Museums Association in conjunction with the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand.

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Björn Schmelzer: Post-Show Talk Friday, 14 September, TBC


Bookings required: (02) 8484 8718 or bookings@biennaleofsydney.com.au


nd le ct ur es

Rosas Masterclass Saturday, 15 September, TBC Bookings required: (02) 8484 8718 or bookings@biennaleofsydney.com.au A one-off opportunity for dancers to engage with performers from the internationally acclaimed Rosas dance company.

Bruce W. Ferguson is Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the American University in Cairo. He previously served as Dean of the School of Arts at Columbia University, as well as President and Executive Director of the New York Academy of Art and founding Director and curator of SITE Santa Fe, in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations



Bookings required: (02) 8484 8718 or bookings@biennaleofsydney.com.au 47

Sydney College of the Arts and Carriageworks

Mystery tour of Cockatoo Island with Marah Braye, CEo, Biennale of Sydney

Tours The 18th Biennale of Sydney program of free Daily Tours is presented in partnership with the College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales. ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTh WALES toUrS 48

Daily Tours Daily: 12 pm Wednesdays: 12 pm and 7.15 pm FREE Meet at the Information Desk Guided contemporary art tours, including the 18th Biennale of Sydney exhibition. Art Walk Talks Saturdays from 7 July, 10.30 am FREE

MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART AUSTRALIA Daily Tours Weekdays: 11 am and 1 pm Thursdays: 11 am, 1 pm and 7 pm Weekends: 11 am, 1 pm and 3 pm FREE Meet in the foyer Guided tours with volunteer guides, including the 18th Biennale of Sydney exhibition. On alternate Sundays the 11 am tour will be guided by teenagers.

Meet at the entrance to the exhibition


Art Gallery of NSW staff provide an overview of the Biennale, introduce the Art Gallery of NSW exhibition and offer tips for exploring the other Biennale sites.

Daily Tours 2 July – 16 September Weekdays: 11.30 am and 1.00 pm Weekends: 11.30 am, 1 pm and 2.30 pm FREE

Foreign Language Tours Korean: Fridays, 11 am Mandarin: First and second Thursdays of each month, 11 am FREE Meet at the Information Desk

PIER 2/3 Spotlight Talks Daily from 2 July, 12 pm FREE Biennale staff give talks on key works in the exhibition.

Meet at the Biennale Art Shop near the Biennale Free Ferry at Camber Wharf These hour-long tours highlight key works in the exhibition. Mystery Tours From 7 July Saturdays: 11.30 am FREE Bookings required: (02) 8484 8718 or bookings@biennaleofsydney.com.au Mystery Tours offer unique journeys around Cockatoo Island, conducted by a diverse group of art enthusiasts including celebrities, chefs and writers.



Biennale of Sydney Holiday Workshops For ages 5–8 Monday, 2 July – Friday, 6 July 10.30 am–12 pm $

School’s Out Program For ages 5–12 years Monday, 9 July – Friday, 13 July Drop in 10.30 am–12 pm and 1–3 pm FREE

Tours for Tots For ages 3–5 Tuesday, 31 July 10.30 am, 1.30 pm


Presented in association with The Sunday Telegraph These are days for families to look, engage and create. Come along to our special family days, see the artworks with the Kids Trail, and create an artwork at one of the many artmaking stations.

Bookings required: (02) 9225 1740 or artgallery.nsw.gov.au/discover-art/gallery-kids/

MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART AUSTRALIA Contemporary Kids For ages 4+ Tuesday, 3 July – Saturday, 7 July Drop in 10.30 am–1 pm, 2–4 pm FREE Creative Studios Fun family activities happen at Contemporary Kids, including art games and collaborative installation-making inspired by the exhibition. Sunday Family Fun Day For ages 4+ Sundays, 29 July and 26 August Drop in 10.30 am–1 pm, 2–4 pm FREE Experience a family-friendly exhibition tour: stories, performances, art games and creative activities. Other Events Bookings required: (02) 9245 2484 or mca.com.au/learn/kids-families Art Baby, For ages 0–12 months, Tuesday, 10 July, and Saturday, 8 September, 10 am $ Art Safari, For ages 3–5 years, Thursdays, 19 July, 16 August and 13 September, 10.30 am $

Baby Biennale For ages 0–3 years Wednesdays: 18 July – 12 September 10.30 am–12 pm FREE Bookings required: (02) 8484 8718 or bookings@biennaleofsydney.com.au Baby Biennale allows our youngest visitors and their parents or carers to explore the exhibition with specially designed hands-on activities. Download Now: Kids Audio Tour FREE bos.18.com Produced with the support of the Australian Institute of Music Narrated by Rhys Muldoon, this tour highlights key works on Cockatoo Island providing kid-friendly descriptions of artworks and audio activities to discover the exhibition’s hidden stories. Kids Trail FREE The Kids Trail provides a self-guided tour of Cockatoo Island, as well as activities and questions for younger visitors to complete as they go exploring. Collect the Kids Trail from the Information Hubs on Cockatoo Island or download from bos18.com.

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations


Bookings required: (02) 9225 1740 or artgallery.nsw.gov.au/calendar/biennale-sydneyholiday-workshop

Biennale Family Sundays For all ages Sundays, 15 July, 12 August and 2 September Drop in 10.30 am–4 pm FREE


Be inspired by contemporary art and create your own masterpiece.



Drop in for artmaking activities and workshops and help create a giant collaborative work.

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Family Session Thursday, 5 July, 2–3 pm


Kid s

For ages 9–13 Wednesday, 4 July, 2–4 pm



The main entrance, at the front of the Art Gallery of NSW, is wheelchair accessible via a ramp on the left-hand side of the external stairs. A portable ramp is available for interior stairs as required and is put into place by Art Gallery of NSW staff. All public areas of the museum and galleries are accessible via ramps and lifts.

The Biennale holds three separate Access Days, which open up the exhibition’s key themes and artworks in the different venues for people living with disabilities and their carers. The Lord Mayor Community Access Days celebrate the Biennale of Sydney access program with an official introduction by The Hon Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP.


Audio Description Tours are offered for people who are blind or vision impaired, and Auslan Interpreted Tours are offered for those who are deaf or hearing impaired.

Visitors can access the MCA via the George Street entrance or via a lift from Circular Quay West. All public areas of the museum, including galleries and function areas, can be enjoyed by visitors with restricted mobility. ACCESS

PIER 2/3


Pier 2/3 is wheelchair accessible. There are areas of uneven surface, including cracks in floorboards. It is recommended that visitors with low vision are accompanied by a carer to assist with negotiating the space.

COCKATOO ISLAND Cockatoo Island is a former industrial site. There are occasional uneven surfaces, voids, trip hazards and cliffs. A number of buildings are not accessible by wheelchair. Both Circular Quay and Walsh Bay provide ramp access. Tours and programs for children and adults with special needs available by request. Bookings required: 02 8484 8718 or bookings@biennaleofsydney.com.au

CARRIAGEWORKS Carriageworks has a wheelchair ramp and level access at all entrances. There is level access and disabled seating available in all venues.

Cockatoo Island Saturday, 21 July 10.30 am 1 pm 2.30 pm

Audio Description Tour Auslan Interpreted Tour Auslan Interpreted Tour

Bookings required: (02) 8484 8718 or bookings@biennaleofsydney.com Meet at the Biennale Art Shop near the Biennale Free Ferry at Camber Wharf Museum of Contemporary Art Australia Saturday, 4 August 10 am 10 am

Audio Description Tour Auslan Interpreted Tour

Bookings required: (02) 9245 2484 or mca.com.au/events Meet in the foyer Art Gallery of New South Wales Saturday, 8 September 10.30 am 11.30 am 1.30 pm

Open Access Tour of the exhibition followed by an artmaking activity Audio Description Tour Auslan Interpreted Tour

Bookings required: (02) 9225 1740 or artgallery.nsw.gov.au/visit-us/specific-requirements/ visit-with-disability/access-programs/ Meet at the Information Desk

Access OThER EVENTS Art Gallery of New South Wales Community Access Workshop Thursday, 6 September, 11 am FREE Bookings required: (02) 9225 1740 or artgallery.nsw.gov.au/visit-us/specificrequirements/visit-with-disability/accessprograms/ Meet at the Information Desk The access program allows individuals and groups living with disabilities to explore the exhibition and participate in an artmaking activity.

Museum of Contemporary Art Australia Workshop for Youth with Hearing Impairment For ages 12–18 Saturday, 1 September, 10 am–12 pm FREE Bookings required: (02) 9245 2484 or mca.com.au/events The workshop explores key artworks in the exhibition and allows participants to connect and create with others, facilitated by an Auslan interpreter and artist educators.

Museum of Contemporary Art Australia Workshop for Adults with Vision Impairment Saturday, 18 August, 10 am–12 pm FREE Bookings required: (02) 9245 2484 or mca.com.au/events This event surveys key works from the 18th Biennale of Sydney using an Audio Described Tour and then gets creative with artmaking activities.

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations



Philip Beesley, Hylozoic Series, 2011 (detail). Copyright © PBAI

Education Programs Students ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTh WALES


Sydney’s Students Speak 1 August – 12 September Wednesdays: 6 pm FREE

Youth Mystery Tours Sundays, 22 July and 26 August, 2 pm FREE

Meet at the entrance to the exhibition Sydney’s art students present short talks about their favourite Biennale works.


Art Adventure Tours For years K–6 Tuesdays–Fridays 10 am, 11 am, 12 pm or 1 pm FREE Bookings required: (02) 9225 1740 or artgallery.nsw.gov.au/education/booking-your-visit


Unpacking the Biennale Study Mornings For years 10–12 Wednesday, 25 July; Thursday, 26 July; and Tuesday, 31 July 10.30–11.30 am $

at uc Ed

Bookings required: (02) 9225 1740 or artgallery.nsw.gov.au/education/booking-your-visit





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generationext: Celebrating the Biennale of Sydney For ages 12–18 Sunday, 12 August, 6–8 pm FREE Bookings required: mca.com.au/generationext Embrace the theme of the exhibition and collaborate creatively with other young people. generationext includes live music, great food, artmaking and artists. Supported by The Balnaves Foundation HSC Study Mornings For years 11–12 Monday, 23 and Tuesday, 24 July 10 am $ Bookings required: (02) 9245 2484 or learning@mca.com.au

Bookings required: (02) 8484 8718 or bos18.com Young or emerging celebrity guides, including artists, actors, musicians, DJs and chefs, present unique tours of the exhibition on Cockatoo Island

RESOURCES Student Newspaper The 18th Biennale of Sydney Student Newspaper includes articles, facts, quotes, a zine liftout and information on youth events and programs. Collect a Student Newspaper from any of the major venues or download from bos18.com/ education-resources. Watch and Listen On the Biennale website (bos18.com/educationresources) you will find video interviews with Biennale artists, compilations of time-lapse images of artworks taken during installation, and recordings of artists’ Opening Week talks about their artworks and practices – all great resources for students. Student Online Platform The collaborize space (biennale-student. wecollaborize.com) is an online area designed to allow students from across the country to share opinions and ideas, start dialogues with other art-focused students and access high-calibre click-friendly resources. The space is monitored for your safety. Tertiary Education Kit The 18th Biennale of Sydney Tertiary Education Kit (bos18.com/education-resources) is a comprehensive resource which delves into the exhibition’s curatorial premise and themes, and provides case studies on selected artists.



Showcase for Teachers Saturday, 30 June, 9 am–12 pm

Combined Educator Event Saturday, 21 July, 10 am–3 pm MCA and Cockatoo Island $

MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART AUSTRALIA Educator Exclusive Thursday, 28 June, 5.30–7.30 pm FREE Bookings required: (02) 9245 2484 or learning@mca.com.au Digital Excursions: Biennale Exposed Wednesday, 27 June and Tuesday, 31 July 10 am $ Bookings required: (02) 9245 2484 or learning@mca.com.au

COCKATOO ISLAND Cockatoo Island Teacher Professional Development Day Monday, 16 July 10.30 am–3 pm FREE Bookings required: (02) 8484 8718 or bookings@biennaleofsydney.com.au The Biennale of Sydney team gives a behind-thescenes presentation on the exhibition, recounting how the festival was constructed and delivered – giving valuable insights into the artists, artworks and exhibition process. Light refreshments and resources provided; BYO lunch.

Bookings required: (02) 9245 2484 or learning@mca.com.au This event provides educators with the opportunity to explore two of the major venues of the 18th Biennale of Sydney – the MCA and Cockatoo Island – while hearing from artists, education professionals and museum staff. Association of Independent Schools Conference Wednesday, 25 July and Thursday, 26 July 9 am–3.30 pm MCA $ Bookings required: aisnsw.edu.au/CoursesEvents/



Bookings required: (02) 9225 1740 or artgallery.nsw.gov.au/education/k-6/professionaldevelopment/special-teachers-events/

Artist Packages The comprehensive Artist Packages (bos18.com/education-resources) focus on selected artists in case-study format. Education Kit The 18th Biennale of Sydney Education Kit (bos18.com/education-resources) provides insights into the exhibition’s themes, artists and artworks. Educator Online Platform The 18th Biennale of Sydney’s secure social online environment (biennale-educators.ning.com) connects educators of all kinds with the dialogue around the exhibition. Educators can share and distribute new and innovative resources and ways to implement these in the classroom. All visits by education groups, including self-guided visits, must be booked in advance: Art Gallery of New South Wales (02) 9225 1740 or pp@ag.nsw.gov.au Museum of Contemporary Art Australia (02) 9245 2484 or learning@mca.com.au Cockatoo Island (02) 8484 8718 or bookings@biennaleofsydney.com.au For information on all Education Programs, please contact the venue. 18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations



Event Calendar

WEDNESDAY, 27 JUNE 10 am 10 am–5 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 12 pm 12 pm 12 pm 12–2 pm 12.30 pm 12.30 pm 1 pm 1–4 pm 1.30 pm 2 pm 3 pm 5–9 pm 5.30–6 pm 6.30–7 pm

digital Excursion: Biennale Exposed Artist Performance: Nina Canell and robin watkins Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Artist Performance: Ewa Partum Artist talk: robin rhode Artist talk: Pinaree Sanpitak Artist Performance: Khadija Baker Artist talk: Susan Hefuna Artist talk: Park Young-Sook Artist talk: daan roosegaarde Artist workshop: Nadia Myre Artist talk: Jon Pylypchuk Artist talk: Sachiko Abe Artist Performance: Khadija Baker Art After Hours Exhibition talk: Alexis destoop Celebrity talk: Postcommodity

MCA free ferry Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo MCA free ferry Cockatoo MCA Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo AGNSw AGNSw AGNSw

p. 53 p. 44 p. 42 p. 44 p. 41 p. 40 p. 44 p. 41 p. 40 p. 41 p. 44 p. 41 p. 41 p. 44 p. 45 p. 45 p. 45

opening week Symposium: day 1 Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Artist talk: ria Verhaeghe Artist talk: Nyapanyapa Yunupingu with will Stubbs and Keith Munro Artist Performance: Khadija Baker Artist talk: liu Zhuoquan Artist talk: Alec finlay Artist talk: Alan Michelson Artist talk: Jananne Al-Ani Artist talk: Sriwhana Spong Artist talk: Cecilia Vicuña thursday lates Educator Exclusive

AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo MCA

p. 46 p. 42 p. 41 p. 40

free ferry MCA Cockatoo AGNSw AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo MCA MCA

p. 44 p. 40 p. 41 p. 40 p. 40 p. 41 p. 41 p. 45 p. 53

opening week Symposium: day 2 foreign language tour: Korean Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Artist Performance: Ewa Partum Artist talk: Arin rungjang Artist talk: Ed Pien Artist Performance: Khadija Baker Artist talk: Phaptawan Suwannakudt Artist talk: Monika Grzymala with Euraba Artists and Papermakers Artist talk: Sarah Vanagt and Katrien Vermeire Artist talk: Eva Kot’átková Artist talk: ricardo lanzarini Artist talk: Jess MacNeil Artist talk: Nina Canell and robin watkins

AGNSw AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo MCA Cockatoo free ferry MCA Cockatoo

p. 46 p. 48 p. 42 p. 44 p. 40 p. 41 p. 44 p. 40 p. 41

AGNSw Cockatoo AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo

p. 40 p. 41 p. 40 p. 41 p. 41

Showcase for teachers Artist Performance: Nina Canell and robin watkins Artist talk: tiffany Singh Spanish and latin American Artists Panel Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Artist talk: Euraba Artists and Papermakers Artist talk: Alick tipoti Artist talk: fujiko Nakaya Artist Performance: Eva Kot’átková Artist Performance: Khadija Baker Artist talk: Judith wright Artist talk: Peter robinson

AGNSw free ferry Pier 2/3 Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo MCA Cockatoo Cockatoo free ferry MCA Cockatoo

p. 53 p. 44 p. 40 p. 41 p. 42 p. 41 p. 40 p. 41 p. 43 p. 44 p. 40 p. 41



9.30 am–5 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 12 pm 12 pm


12–3 pm 12.30 pm 12.30 pm 1 pm 1.30 pm 1.30 pm 2 pm 5–9 pm 5.30–7.30 pm FRIDAY, 29 JUNE 9.30 am–5 pm 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 12 pm 12 pm 12 pm 12–3 pm 12.30 pm 12.30 pm 1 pm 1 pm 1.30 pm 1.30 pm 2 pm SATURDAY, 30 JUNE 9 am–12 pm 10 am–5 pm 10.30 am 11 am–12.30 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am 12 pm 12 pm 12 pm 12–3 pm 12.30 pm 12.30 pm

LEGEND AGNSW MCA Pier 2/3 Cockatoo

Art Gallery of New South Wales Museum of Contemporary Art Australia Pier 2/3 Cockatoo Island

Program details are correct at time of printing but may be subject to change where necessary and without notice. for the latest information, please visit bos18.com

SATURDAY, 30 JUNE (cont.) 1 pm 1 pm 1–4 pm 1.30 pm 1.30 pm 2.30 pm 3 pm 3 pm 3 pm 3.30 pm 4 pm 6–7.30 pm

Artist talk: Judy watson Artist talk: Philip Beesley Artist workshop: Nadia Myre Artist talk: Yun-fei Ji Artist talk: Adam Cvijanovic Artist talk: Maria fernanda Cardoso Artist talk: Gao rong Artist talk: Mark licari Artist Performance: Alec finlay and Cecilia Vicuña Artist talk: Nipan oranniwesna Artist talk: lyndal Jones Keynote Address: Philip Beesley

AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo AGNSw Cockatoo City recital Hall

p. 40 p. 41 p. 44 p. 40 p. 41 p. 41 p. 40 p. 41 p. 43 p. 40 p. 41 p. 47

Artist talk: Honoré ∂ ť ’o Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Artist talk: Cal lane Artist talk: Zoe Keramea Artist Performance: Ewa Partum Artist talk: Jonathan Jones Artist Performance: Khadija Baker Artist talk: Alwar Balasubramaniam Artist talk: Iris Häussler Artist talk: Phil Hastings Artist talk: Nadia Myre Artist workshop: Nadia Myre Artist talk: Binh danh Artist talk: Ewa Partum Artist talk: Erin Manning Artist talk: li Hongbo Artist talk: John wolseley Artist talk: Junling Yang Artist talk: Postcommodity

Pier 2/3 Cockatoo Cockatoo MCA Cockatoo Cockatoo free ferry MCA Cockatoo AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo AGNSw Cockatoo AGNSw

p. 40 p. 42 p. 41 p. 40 p. 44 p. 41 p. 44 p. 40 p. 41 p. 40 p. 41 p. 44 p. 40 p. 41 p. 41 p. 41 p. 40 p. 41 p. 40

Biennale of Sydney Holiday workshop (5–8 years) daily tours Spotlight talk Artist workshop: Nadia Myre

AGNSw Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Cockatoo

p. 49 p. 48 p. 48 p. 44

Biennale of Sydney Holiday workshop (5–8 years) Contemporary Kids daily tours Artist Performance: Ewa Partum Spotlight talk Artist workshop: Nadia Myre Canvas Presents: Music, Art and You!

AGNSw MCA Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Cockatoo Kings Cross Hotel

p. 49 p. 49 p. 48 p. 44 p. 48 p. 44 p. 45

Biennale of Sydney Holiday workshop (5–8 years) Contemporary Kids Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Biennale of Sydney Holiday workshop (9–13 years) Art After Hours Exhibition talk: Phil Hastings Celebrity talk: Catherine de Zegher and Gerald McMaster

AGNSw MCA Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 AGNSw AGNSw AGNSw AGNSw

p. 49 p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 49 p. 45 p. 45 p. 45

Biennale of Sydney Holiday workshop (5–8 years) Contemporary Kids foreign language tour: Mandarin Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Biennale of Sydney Holiday workshop (Family Session) thursday lates In Conversation: Catherine de Zegher and Gerald McMaster Artist in focus: lee Mingwei

AGNSw MCA AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 AGNSw MCA MCA MCA

p. 49 p. 49 p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 49 p. 45 p. 45 p. 45

Biennale of Sydney Holiday workshop(5–8 years) Contemporary Kids foreign language tour: Korean Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

AGNSw MCA AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 49 p. 49 p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

SUNDAY, 1 JULY 10.30 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am 12 pm 12 pm 12 pm 12–3 pm 12.30 pm 12.30 pm 1 pm 1 pm 1–4 pm 1.30 pm 1.30 pm 2 pm 2.30 pm 3 pm 3 pm 3.30 pm 10.30 am–12 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 1–4 pm



10.30 am–12 pm 10.30 am–1 pm, 2–4 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 12 pm 1–4 pm 7 pm WEDNESDAY, 4 JULY 10.30 am–12 pm 10.30 am–1 pm, 2–4 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 2–4 pm 5–9 pm 5.30–6 pm 6.30–7 pm ThURSDAY, 5 JULY 10.30 am–12 pm 10.30 am–1 pm, 2–4 pm 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 2–4 pm 5–9 pm 6–7 pm 7–7.30 pm FRIDAY, 6 JULY 10.30 am–12 pm 10.30 am–1 pm, 2–4 pm 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations



SATURDAY, 7 JULY 10.30 am–12 pm 10.30 am–1 pm, 2–4 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm 2 pm

Saturday Sketch Cockatoo Contemporary Kids MCA Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Cockatoo Mystery tour Cockatoo daily tours Cockatoo Spotlight talk Pier 2/3 tour of Maria fernanda Cardoso’s Museum of Copulatory Organs Cockatoo

p. 45 p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 48 p. 41

Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Chinese Artists talk

Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 white rabbit

p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 40

School’s out Program (5–12 years) daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 49 p. 48 p. 48

Art Baby: Biennale focus School’s out Program (5–12 years) daily tours Spotlight talk

MCA Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 49 p. 49 p. 48 p. 48

School’s out Program (5–12 years) Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Art After Hours Exhibition talk: Virginia Mitchell Celebrity talk: Binh danh Nick waterlow oAM Memorial lecture: Bruce w. ferguson

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 AGNSw AGNSw AGNSw AGNSw

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 45 p. 45 p. 45 p. 47

AAANZ Conference School’s out Program (5–12 years) foreign language tour: Mandarin Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

University of Sydney Cockatoo AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 47 p. 49 p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

AAANZ Conference School’s out Program (5–12 years) foreign language tour: Korean Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

University of Sydney Cockatoo AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 47 p. 49 p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

AAANZ Conference Saturday Sketch Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Mystery tour daily tours Spotlight talk Artist Performance: Eva Kot’átková

University of Sydney Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Cockatoo

p. 47 p. 45 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 48 p. 43

Biennale family Sunday Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

Cockatoo Island teacher Professional development day daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 53 p. 48 p. 48

daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 48

Baby Biennale Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo

p. 49 p. 92 p. 48

SUNDAY, 8 JULY 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm 2.30 pm MONDAY, 9 JULY 10.30 am–12 pm, 1–3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm TUESDAY, 10 JULY 10 am 10.30 am–12 pm, 1–3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm WEDNESDAY, 11 JULY


10.30 am–12 pm, 1–3 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 5–9 pm 5.30–6 pm 6.30–7 pm 7.15–9 pm ThURSDAY, 12 JULY


All dAY 10.30 am–12 pm, 1–3 pm 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm FRIDAY, 13 JULY All dAY 10.30 am–12 pm, 1–3 pm 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm SATURDAY, 14 JULY All dAY 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm 12 pm SUNDAY, 15 JULY 10.30 am–4 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm MONDAY, 16 JULY 10.30 am–3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm TUESDAY, 17 JULY 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm WEDNESDAY, 18 JULY 10.30 am–12 pm 11.00 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm

WEDNESDAY, 18 JULY (cont.) 12 pm 5–9 pm 5.30–6 pm

Spotlight talk Art After Hours Exhibition talk: Annika Kristensen

Pier 2/3 AGNSw AGNSw

p. 48 p. 45 p. 45

Art Safari (3–5 years) Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

MCA Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

foreign language tour: Korean Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

Combined Educator Event lord Mayor Community Access day: Audio description tour Saturday Sketch Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Mystery tour daily tours Spotlight talk lord Mayor Community Access day: Auslan Interpreted tour tour of Maria fernanda Cardoso’s Museum of Copulatory Organs

MCA/Cockatoo Cockatoo

p. 53 p. 50

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Cockatoo

p. 45 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 48 p. 50


p. 41

Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Youth Mystery tour

Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Cockatoo

p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 52

HSC Study Morning daily tours Spotlight talk

MCA Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 52 p. 48 p. 48

HSC Study Morning daily tours Spotlight talk

MCA Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 52 p. 48 p. 48

Association of Independent Schools Conference Unpacking the Biennale Study Morning (Years 10–12) Baby Biennale Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Art After Hours Exhibition talk: Katrien Vermiere

MCA AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 AGNSw AGNSw

p. 53 p. 52 p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 45 p. 45

Association of Independent Schools Conference Unpacking the Biennale Study Morning (Years 10–12) Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

MCA AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 53 p. 52 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

foreign language tour: Korean Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

Saturday Sketch Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Mystery tour daily tours Spotlight talk Artist Performance: Eva Kot’átková

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Cockatoo

p. 45 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 48 p. 43

Sunday family fun day Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe

MCA Cockatoo

p. 49 p. 42

ThURSDAY, 19 JULY 10.30 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm FRIDAY, 20 JULY 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm SATURDAY, 21 JULY 10 am–3 pm 10.30 am 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm 1 pm, 2.30 pm 2 pm SUNDAY, 22 JULY 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm 2 pm

TUESDAY, 24 JULY 10 am 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm WEDNESDAY, 25 JULY 9 am–3.30 pm 10.30–11.30 am 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 5–9 pm 5.30–6 pm ThURSDAY, 26 JULY 9 am–3.30 pm 10.30–11.30 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm FRIDAY, 27 JULY 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm SATURDAY, 28 JULY 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm 12 pm SUNDAY, 29 JULY 10.30 am–1 pm, 2–4 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations


10 am 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm



SUNDAY, 29 JULY (cont.) 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm

daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 48

daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 48

digital Excursion: Biennale Exposed Unpacking the Biennale Study Morning (Years 10–12) tours for tots (3–5 years) daily tours Spotlight talk Canvas Presents: Music, Art and You!

MCA AGNSw AGNSw Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Kings Cross Hotel

p. 53 p. 52 p. 49 p. 48 p. 48 p. 45

Baby Biennale (0–3 years) Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Sydney’s Students Speak

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 AGNSw

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 52

foreign language tour: Mandarin Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

foreign language tour: Korean Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Biennale Bar @ Pier 2/3

AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 27

lord Mayor Community Access day: Audio description tour lord Mayor Community Access day: Auslan Interpreted tour Saturday Sketch Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Mystery tour daily tours Spotlight talk tour of Maria fernanda Cardoso’s Museum of Copulatory Organs


p. 50


p. 50

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Cockatoo

p. 45 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 48 p. 41

Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 48

daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 48

Baby Biennale (0–3 years) Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Sydney’s Students Speak

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 AGNSw

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 52

foreign language tour: Mandarin Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

foreign language tour: Korean Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Biennale Bar @ Pier 2/3

AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 27

MONDAY, 30 JULY 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm TUESDAY, 31 JULY 10 am 10.30–11.30 am 10.30 am, 1.30 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 7 pm WEDNESDAY, 1 AUGUST 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 6 pm ThURSDAY, 2 AUGUST 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm FRIDAY, 3 AUGUST EVENt CAlENdAr

11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 6.30–9.30 pm SATURDAY, 4 AUGUST 10 am 10 am


10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm 2 pm SUNDAY, 5 AUGUST 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm MONDAY, 6 AUGUST 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm TUESDAY, 7 AUGUST 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm WEDNESDAY, 8 AUGUST 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 6 pm ThURSDAY, 9 AUGUST 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm FRIDAY, 10 AUGUST 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 6.30–9.30 pm

SATURDAY, 11 AUGUST 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm 12 pm

Saturday Sketch Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Mystery tour daily tours Artist Performance: Eva Kot’átková Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 45 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 43 p. 48

Biennale family Sundays Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk generationext: Celebrating the Biennale of Sydney

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 MCA

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 52

daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 48

Baby Biennale (0–3 years) Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Sydney’s Students Speak

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 AGNSw

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 52

Art Safari (3–5 years) Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

MCA Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

foreign language tour: Korean Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Biennale Bar @ Pier 2/3

AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 27

workshop for Adults with Vision Impairment Saturday Sketch Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Mystery tour daily tours Spotlight talk tour of Maria fernanda Cardoso’s Museum of Copulatory Organs

MCA Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Cockatoo

p. 51 p. 45 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 48 p. 41

Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 48

Baby Biennale (0–3 years) Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Sydney’s Students Speak

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 AGNSw

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 52

Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

foreign language tour: Korean Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Biennale Bar @ Pier 2/3

AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 27

Saturday Sketch Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Mystery tour

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo

p. 45 p. 42 p. 48

SUNDAY, 12 AUGUST 10.30 am–4 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm 6–8 pm

MONDAY, 13 AUGUST – TUESDAY, 14 AUGUST 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm WEDNESDAY, 15 AUGUST 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 6 pm ThURSDAY, 16 AUGUST 10.30 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm

SATURDAY, 18 AUGUST 10 am–12 pm 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm 2 pm SUNDAY, 19 AUGUST 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm

MONDAY, 20 AUGUST – TUESDAY, 21 AUGUST 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm WEDNESDAY, 22 AUGUST 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 6 pm ThURSDAY, 23 AUGUST 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm FRIDAY, 24 AUGUST 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 6.30–9.30 pm SATURDAY, 25 AUGUST 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations


11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 6.30–9.30 pm



SATURDAY, 25 AUGUST (cont.) 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm 12 pm

daily tours Artist Performance: Eva Kot’átková Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 43 p. 48

Sunday family fun day Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Youth Mystery tour

MCA Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Cockatoo

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 52

daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 48

Baby Biennale (0–3 years) Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Sydney’s Students Speak

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 AGNSw

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 52

Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

foreign language tour: Korean Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Biennale Bar @ Pier 2/3

AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 27

workshop for Youth with Hearing Impairment Saturday Sketch Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Mystery tour daily tours Spotlight talk

MCA Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 51 p. 45 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 48

Biennale family fun day Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 48

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 AGNSw

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 52

foreign language tour: Mandarin Community Access workshop Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

AGNSw AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 51 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

foreign language tour: Korean Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

MCA AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo

p. 49 p. 50 p. 45 p. 42 p. 50 p. 48 p. 48

SUNDAY, 26 AUGUST 10.30 am–1 pm, 2–4 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm 2 pm

MONDAY, 27 AUGUST – TUESDAY, 28 AUGUST 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm WEDNESDAY, 29 AUGUST 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 6 pm ThURSDAY, 30 AUGUST 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm FRIDAY, 31 AUGUST EVENt CAlENdAr

11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 6.30–9.30 pm



10 am–12 pm 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm SUNDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER 10.30 am–4 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm

MONDAY, 3 SEPTEMBER – TUESDAY, 4 SEPTEMBER 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm

daily tours Spotlight talk

WEDNESDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 6 pm

Baby Biennale (0–3 years) Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Sydney’s Students Speak

ThURSDAY, 6 SEPTEMBER 11 am 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm FRIDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm

SATURDAY, 8 SEPTEMBER 10 am 10.30 am 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am 11.30 am 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm

Art Baby: Biennale focus (0–12 months) lord Mayor Community Access day: open Access tour Saturday Sketch Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe lord Mayor Access day: Audio description tour Mystery tour daily tours

SATURDAY, 8 SEPTEMBER (cont.) 12 pm 12 pm 1.30 pm

Artist Performance: Eva Kot’átková Cockatoo Spotlight talk Pier 2/3 lord Mayor Community Access day: Auslan Interpreted tour AGNSw

p. 43 p. 48 p. 50

Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 48 p. 48

daily tours Spotlight talk Anne teresa de Keersmaeker and rosas present En Atendant

Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Carriageworks

p. 48 p. 48 p. 37

Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 AGNSw Carriageworks

p. 49 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 52 p. 37

MCA AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 49 p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

SUNDAY, 9 SEPTEMBER 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm MONDAY, 10 SEPTEMBER 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm TUESDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 8 pm

WEDNESDAY, 12 SEPTEMBER 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 6 pm 8 pm

Baby Biennale (0–3 years) Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Sydney’s Students Speak Anne teresa de Keersmaeker and rosas present En Atendant

ThURSDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 10.30 am 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm

Art Safari (3–5 years) foreign language tour: Mandarin Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Closing Symposium foreign language tour: Korean Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk Anne teresa de Keersmaeker and rosas present Cesena

Carriageworks AGNSw Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Carriageworks Post-Show talk: Anne teresa de Keersmaeker and Björn Schmelzer Carriageworks

p. 47 p. 48 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 37 p. 47

SATURDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER 10 am–5 pm 10.30 am–12 pm 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm 8 pm tBC

Closing Symposium Saturday Sketch Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe Mystery tour daily tours Spotlight talk Anne teresa de Keersmaeker and rosas present Cesena rosas Masterclass

SCA Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3 Carriageworks Carriageworks

p. 47 p. 45 p. 42 p. 48 p. 48 p. 48 p. 37 p. 47

Artist Performance: Sachiko Abe daily tours Spotlight talk

Cockatoo Cockatoo Pier 2/3

p. 42 p. 48 p. 48

SUNDAY, 16 SEPTEMBER 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm, 2.30 pm 12 pm

18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations


10 am–5 pm 11 am 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm 11.30 am, 1 pm 12 pm 8 pm tBC



BIENNAlE BAr @ PIEr 2/3 Presented by Asahi Super Dry

for five nights only, the Biennale of Sydney is opening up Pier 2/3 for unexpected evenings of art after dark. Mingle among large-scale installations, enjoy a drink from the bar and relax to entertainment from fBi radio, the thousands or an augmented reality experience with dlux MediaArts. Limited capacity; arrive early to avoid disappointment

Over 18s only Pier 2/3 fridays: 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 August 6.30–9.30 pm FREE For the latest news on this pop-up event: bos18.com

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