The FORUM offers stimulating lectures and engaging conversations with some of the most important thought leaders of our time. If you prefer, you can purchase a livestream ticket and enjoy the FORUM from the comfort of your own home. All lectures are at 7:30 PM in BIG ARTS Christensen Performance Hall.
FEBRUARY 21 DR. STEPHANIE EDGERLY “The End of News? How Media Audiences Are Changing” Dr. Stephanie Edgerly is a Professor and Associate Dean of Research at the Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications, Northwestern University. As a premier researcher of U.S. media who specializes in audience insight and focus, Stephanie Edgerly examines today’s media environment and the risks it poses to an informed citizenry. In an age of endless news and current-events information, Edgerly sheds light on the power of the media to manipulate perception and guides attendees to consider their own media decisions.
FEBRUARY 28 ADMIRAL HARRY HARRIS, JR. “The Indo-Pacific: Challenges and Opportunities” Admiral Harry Harris, after retiring from the US Navy served as Ambassador to South Korea where he experienced firsthand the tensions in the Asian Pacific and the difficult position that the allied military faces in that region of the world. It’s a complicated situation that most Americans know little about, with multiple avenues for misunderstandings between the many interests in the region. The critical question confronting the US in Asia is how to best confront the aggressive moves of the Chinese throughout the Pacific. Admiral Harris addresses this complex region with expertise.
MARCH 6 ROBERT KAGAN “America’s Role in Establishing a New and Stable World Order” Robert Kagan is the Stephen & Barbara Friedman Senior Fellow with the Project on International Order and Strategy in the Foreign Policy program at the Brookings Institution. He is a graduate of Yale University’s School of Government and holds a PhD in American History from American University. He is a contributing columnist at The Washington Post; and his latest book, The Ghost at the Feast: America and Collapse of World Order, 1900-1941, released in January 2023, is a comprehensive, sweeping history of America’s rise to global superpower – from the Spanish-American War to World War II.”
MARCH 13 DARYL JOHNSON “How the Domestic Terrorism Threat is Being Ignored” Daryl Johnson is one of the foremost experts on domestic terrorism in the U.S. Beginning his career as a civilian in the U.S. Army, Johnson was also senior analyst at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), and, more recently, as lead analyst for domestic terrorism at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). He is the Owner of DT Analytics, a private consulting firm for law enforcement, academia, and other organizations. In 2022, he accepted a position as Senior Strategic Advisor with Clear and Present Strategic Solutions based in Los Angeles, California. Johnson is regularly cited, featured, and quoted in the media, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, National Public Radio, MSNBC, CNN, and NBC Nightly News, among many others.
Our deep appreciation to the 2024 BIG ARTS FORUM sponsors:
& Patricia Thurber and Sue Pick
Great communities create great organizations – not the other way around. In 1979, BIG ARTS was created, by, and for the community, and owes its rich history to a small band of dedicated artists who drew inspiration from each other and from the breathtaking island beauty that infused their work with grace and authenticity. They set out to create a special gathering place where artistic and educational experiences were accessible to all. Today that vision is alive and well. With the help of our loyal donors and supporters, BIG ARTS will carry that vision forward – providing joy, inspiration and a sense of community for generations to come.
To create great arts, entertainment and learning experiences that always inspire, enrich and delight.
Provide an array of quality entertainment, arts and education programs that enrich and nurture the lives of Sanibel and Captiva residents and visitors through: • professionally led arts and enrichment classes and workshops for students of all ages • stimulating and informative lectures and group discussions with renowned national thought leaders and educators • dynamic visual and performing arts presentations of the highest caliber
In Person: 900 Dunlop Road I Sanibel, Florida 33957 I 239.395.0900 Online: Call for box office hours.
BIG ARTS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible. See website for ticket purchase policy.
Create a lasting legacy at BIG ARTS by considering a gift in your estate planning. Gifts can be made in many forms. For information on how to support BIG ARTS and all its programs, call (239) 395-0900.