Considered one of the most cost effective surface preparation tools on the market, the Dustless Blaster removes virtually any type of surface coating quickly. As an added bonus, it does this without creating heat, a cloud of dust, or emitting harmful byproducts. Equally important, the preparation and work space required is minimal.
A Dustless Blaster is a machine that uses water, rust inhibitor, recycled glass, and a compressor. The blaster works as a substitute for hand tools such as grinders and sanders and is available in a range of sizes to meet the needs of any project, from low volume to commercial to industrial.
The Dustless Blaster works by mixing water and abrasive inside the blast tank. The water is used to increase the energy output of the machine. To understand the effectiveness of this better, consider the difference of surface impact when blowing dust versus throwing a handful of wet sand. The wet sand hits the target harder because it doesn’t disintegrate into dust as dry sand does.
Big A’s Place LLC is your convenient provider for all your blasting supply needs, including helmets, hoses, gear, parts and accessories. Order by phone or online for all of the latest products on the market. (616) 741-9237
SUMMARY With so many applications and clear advantages over other tools on the market, the Dustless Sandblaster has earned its reputation. The sandblaster and sodablaster pale in comparison to the performance, environmental impact, and efficiency benefits of the Dustless Blaster.