BigBrother - Corporate brochure petrol (ENG)

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Security is not about watching, but about opening your eyes

We are BigBrother, we are eye-opening

‘Our solutions have a positive impact on your business.’

Our mission




BigBrother gives entrepreneurs grip on their primary processes. By securing risk-sensitive products and activities and giving innovation a role in achieving operational excellence.

With every new step, we challenge the next innovation At BigBrother, innovation is a continuous process - it is unstoppable. Since 1995 we have been developing our own systems, and looking back we see that each innovation formed the basis for the next one. It’s like reaching the top of a hill and seeing a wider vista. That’s something you can’t ignore. With each QHZ LQYHQWLRQ ZH DUH HQWKXVLDVWLF DERXW WKH SRVVLELOLWLHV LW RƪHUV %XW DW WKH same time, we ask ourselves: if we can do that, surely we can do even more? Our customers are also a constant stimulus for new questions, and we are more than happy to answer them.

We deliver knowledge you don’t want to ignore insight Our security solutions are now so advanced that the information they provide can be used in many other areas. They can give information about theft, fraud, WKH SHUIRUPDQFH RI \RXU VWDƪ KRZ PXFK WLPH WUDQVDFWLRQV WDNH SURGXFW presentation, tidiness and customer behaviour. BigBrother can collect and deliver this data to make it relevant for you. It gives you insights that form the key to successful operation.

We don’t sell systems, we sell better performance impact Even though we are technology experts, even the nicest innovation is useless to us if it does not have an impact on your organisation. Our commitment goes further than simply implementing a system that does what it should. Does it PDNH WKLQJV EHWWHU IRU \RX" 7KDW LV ZKDW FRXQWV 7KHUHIRUH ZH RƪHU \RX QRW only the technology, but also the related services and a team of specialists who ensure that this wealth of data is correctly interpreted. The insights you obtain this way add a new dimension to your enterprise. After all, we regard security as more than just looking – what really matters is seeing.

3XPS:DWFK Rƪ HUV a wealth of options :DQW WR LQFUHDVH UHWXUQ WKURXJK knowledge of your FXVWRPHUVo QHHGV"

Don’t want to give GULYH Rƪ V D FKDQFH"

AutoAlert warns and informs the till DWWHQGDQW RI UHJLVWHUHG GULYH Rƪ GULYHUV DQG fake number plates.

By linking number plates, cameras, till and car wash with PumpWatch intelligence, you obtain insight into customer loyalty and behaviour at your petrol station. This provides unique opportunities for your marketing promotions.

Want to keep an eye on your petrol VWDWLRQ "


Our people keep an eye on your location with the AuditCentre. A BigBrother specialist watches and you are immediately QRWLƬ HG LQ WKH HYHQW RI DQ\ LUUHJXODULWLHV This saves you time and increases the Hƪ HFWLYHQHVV DQG HƯ FLHQF\ RI \RXU business operations.

With the BigBrother Portal, you are in contact with your station 24/7, no matter where you are.

You make your petrol station as smart as you like :DQW D QRQ VWRS view – and proof – RI ZKDWoV JRLQJ RQ"

Want to work in VHFXULW\ LQ WKH VKRS"

The intelligent camera system PumpWatch makes potential thieves think twice. Should there be a robbery or other calamity, the live pictures are shared with the police.

PumpWatch allows camera pictures to be linked to shop transactions. Countless smart search functions make the pictures instantly retrievable. This enables rapid visual monitoring of the sales process. In the even of uncertainties, you quickly get an accurate view of what’s going on.



With PumpWatch, you can quickly check to see if the petrol station is properly locked up or still open. You can easily check the alarms via the camera pictures. It is even possible to give your employee remote assistance for locking up the petrol station. Safe and sound.

With PumpCheck, it no longer matters whether or not customers know their pump number. No more confusion, meaning a faster transaction settlement.


Existing customer systems & situation

Technology applications

In-house technology

CCTV protection

Integration & availability

Burglar alarm

Fire detection

Baseline determination

Maintenance & management contracts

Access control

Merchandise protection

Gas detection

Audit centre

Project plan


Organisation & operation

Maintenance & management contracts

Business intelligence Integration & network support


Listen, solve, keep a close watch We don’t sell cameras, we sell insight. Insight into what is going on in a shop or petrol station. That’s why our organisation must work GLƪHUHQWO\ ZLWK VSHFLƏF RSHUDWLRQDO SURFHVVHV $OO IDFHWV RI RXU business operations (technology, organisation & operations and services) are fully geared to providing insight with an impact on your business.


Intelligent protection and relevant insight BigBrother delivers security technology applications with clear and tangible output. Data becomes relevant when CCTV imagery is used WR FRPEDW VSHFLĆŹF LVVXHV VXFK DV SUHYHQWLQJ GULYH RĆŞV DW \RXU petrol station or reducing fraud in your shop or petrol station. You get direct access to the pictures that matter to you, enabling you to WDNH HĆŞHFWLYH DFWLRQ :H DGG LQWHOOLJHQFH WR RXU V\VWHPV WR FUHDWH eye-opening insight with impact on your organisation.

In-house technology

Technology applications

Existing customer Integration & systems & situation availability

Organisation and operation

Making protection systems useful and keeping them that way BigBrother is totally committed to making protection solutions useful and keeping them that way. In this never-ending process, we DOZD\V VWULYH IRU HFRQRPLF DQG IXQFWLRQDO HĆŞHFWLYHQHVV E\ XVLQJ DQG integrating existing systems, making things easier for the customer, and being transparent about our own processes. Our processes enable XV WR RĆŞHU DGGHG YDOXH LQ HYHU\ VLWXDWLRQ IURP D VLQJOH VKRS RU SHWURO station to monitoring several hundred stations in the same network.

Baseline determination

Project plan


Maintenance & management contracts


Utilising knowledge and expertise Our services are designed to coordinate the intelligence of our systems, because our customers are not just looking for systems that give them more control over their businesses. They also want WR RĆ°RDG WKH DFWLYLWLHV QHFHVVDU\ WR WUDFN GRZQ DQG UHVROYH VHFXULW\ issues. With every step we take, we look for ways to provide service that goes a step further.

Integration & network support

Business intelligence

Audit centre

Maintenance & management contracts

‘We don’t just help you ORRN Ƭ UVW DQG foremost we help you see.’

BigBrother The Netherlands Galvanistraat 14-2 6716 AE Ede P.O. Box 183 6710 BD Ede The Netherlands T +31 (0)318 66 66 99 F +31 (0)318 66 66 98 — Belgium Terbekehofdreef 6-8, unit A2 2610 Wilrijk Belgium T +32 (0)3 87 08 888 F +32 (0)3 87 08 889

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