The site for great holidays in a great community; now gives the accommodation, holiday activities, many useful links and maps.
Now features community events and dates. Send any ideas for the site to
Front Cover: by Alice Taylor
What’s on and Dates for your Diary
Editors Page News, Views & letters
Church Services Service times for Bigbury, Kingston and Ringmore
Message from the Minister from Rev. Neil Barker
Parish Council Notes from the Parish Council monthly meeting
The 19th Hole Report from the Golf Club
Where’s Alfie ?? Your handy pull-out Guide to Local Business
He’s hiding somewhere in the pages!!
Bigbury Memorial Hall Reports and Diary of events
Neighbourhood Watch Report from Anthony Singleton
Shack Splash News from the Oyster Shack
News from all your Regular Social Meetings
Musings from Weekend Wendie
National Trust A report from Marc Hoskins
Bigbury News is published monthly at Lucerne Ringmore Drive Bigbury-on-Sea Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 4AU Tel: 01548 810815 email: Editor - Rose Owen All contributions and requests for advertising to the Editor DISCLAIMER - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure adverts and articles appear correctly, Bigbury News cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor.
Dates for your Diary April … 1st 8th 15th 15th 16th 17th
Korniloff Coffee Morning (supporting Hope Cove Lifeboat) 10.30am - 12.00 Parish Council Meeting - Memorial Hall at 7.30pm Bigbury Girls - Mount Edgcumbe, meet at 10.00am History Society’s trip to the Royal Citadel at Plymouth (see poster below) Film & Fish ‘n Chip Night - “Sunshine on Leith” Modbury Gospel Singers at the White Hart Inn, Modbury - 7pm see poster p.24
May… 9th SKIP - Warren Car Park, BoS 10.00am - 4.00pm 25th Bank Holiday Monday… BAZAAR at Memorial Hall June... 3rd Victorian Tea Party, - the Old Rectory at 3pm (see p.19) Look out for other dates of events in and around Kingsbridge also mentioned in articles in this magazine.
Modbury Gospel Singers
The White Heart, Modbury
WEDNESDAY 15th APRIL 2015 AT 10.00 a.m.
Friday 17th April
guest Geraldine Latty
The charge will depend on the size of our party but is likely to be £6
see p.24
If you’d like to go, please contact Charles Harrington on 810023.
I would like to send my heart-felt condolences to the families of Keith Pink and John Friend, so sad to say goodbye to two such lovely gentlemen, they will both be sadly missed. Keith had been Treasurer of Bigbury News for nearly 16 years, over seven with me and eight with David Gay, my predecessor. Personally I will miss Keith very much, he was a tremendous support with BN , my right-hand man, I will miss our monthly ‘committee’ meetings over a cup of tea. I have really appreciated all the hard work he did ‘behind the scenes’ … My love, thoughts and prayers go to Carol at this difficult time. On a brighter note - I expect you have all noticed that the old Bigbury Stores shop has had a complete makeover and is now called UNWIND (Beauty Salon) for ladies who want to do just that. Go on ladies, treat yourself to a pamper session, just what we all need! Wishing Louise success in her new venture. If any of you have any news, views or interesting articles that you would like to share, please send them to me at the Bigbury News. Either drop them into me at Lucerne, Bigbury on Sea or hand them into Holywell Stores or phone me on 01548 810815 or email: You can now find each months issue on
in ‘The Community’ section.
ELECTION FEVER IN BIGBURY??? CALLING ALL CANDIDATES Thursday 7th May 2015 will be Polling Day in Bigbury, as elsewhere. All serving parish councillors will need to stand for re-election and Bigbury will need at least 3 new councillors due to retirements. Beyond that, we’d like to see more competition for all 7 of the councillor positions not just for the empty seats. If you think you could serve your community as a parish councillor, this could be the opportunity for which you have been waiting! For various reasons it is preferable that our councillors are elected rather than being co-opted after the election process. The deadline for receipt of nomination papers at Follaton House is 4.00pm on Thursday 9th April. If you are interested in standing, you will need to obtain a NOMINATION PAPER PACK from the Clerk, Pam Trundle (Deben Reach, Parker Road, Bigbury-on-Sea: tel 01548 810719). The timetable and protocol are very precise so don’t delay and risk disqualification. If you’d like more information about what is involved, please contact the current chairman of the council, Stuart Watts (tel. 01548 810373 or e-mail: Alternatively, examine the descriptions of councillors' duties on the community website - All candidates are, hereby, invited to submit a brief resumé of 200-300 words, with or without a photograph, in time for printing in May's Bigbury News.
Easter Sunday 5th
Easter Communion
Sunday Worship
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion*
ST. JAMES THE LESS - KINGSTON All services start at 9.30 a.m. (unless otherwise stated) Good Friday 3rd Easter Sunday 5th
Meditation (2.00 pm) Easter Communion (10.00 am)
Sunday Worship
Family Communion
ALL HALLOWS - RINGMORE All services start at 9.30 a.m. (unless otherwise stated) Good Friday 3rd
Evening Music (6.30pm)
Easter Sunday 5th
Easter Communion
Holy Communion*
Village Service
Family Communion
* Service in traditional language Korniloff Communion - Tuesday 17th at 2.30 p.m.
Happy Easter!
Message from the Minister
What progress are you making as a pilgrim? Have you ever tried reading John Bunyan’s book – Pilgrim’s Progress? It is quite a hard read unless you find a version in modern English, but it is a wonderful story of how the character, Christian, faces all sorts of difficulties on his journey to the celestial city (heaven). The journey of faith is often described as pilgrimage. Our new Bishop of Exeter, Robert Atwell is part of a team who have produced a series of booklets: “Pilgrim – a course for the Christian journey”. We will be using the first booklet for a course for preparation for Confirmation. Bishop Robert Atwell will lead the local Confirmation service at: All Saints Church Malborough at 6.30pm on Sunday May 24th Please contact me on 01548 830260 or as soon as possible if you would like to join the course and make progress in your pilgrimage and perhaps decide to be confirmed. We will probably be meeting on Sunday afternoons at 4.30pm in the Vicarage, Modbury (if that is convenient) on April 12th , May 3rd, 10th 17th It would be good to book a ticket to the Passover meal at 7pm on Thursday 2 nd April at St. Andrew’s Aveton Gifford, which gives a deeper insight into Holy Communion. We welcome everyone to share the joy of the resurrection as we celebrate Easter in the churches of our Team. We trust that God will continue to bless the parishes of Loddiswell and Woodleigh as their pilgrimage leads them to become part of the Aune Valley benefice. He who would valiant be ‘gainst all disaster, Let him in constancy follow the Master. There’s no discouragement shall make him once relent, His first avowed intent to be a pilgrim.
John Bunyan
Neil Barker
Team Rector: The Revd Neil Barker (830260: any day except Mondays) Team Readers: Chris Lally (521587), Michael Tagent (810520) Website: Dear all Just to let you know that we will be having a revision of the Electoral Roll this month. For those of you on this there is nothing to do, no form filling etc. as it is just a revision. If there is anyone who would like to become a member then let me know or there are forms at the back of the church Remember that as it is Lent there are meetings and various services in the team that may be of interest so have a look. All the best Cathy Harrington
PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE NOTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING. If you wish to read the minutes in full, please look on the Bigbury Community website at or read them on the notice boards. A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Memorial Hall on WEDNESDAY 11th MARCH 2015 at 7.30 p.m. Cllr B Carson (Chairman), Cllrs P. Cook, A. Klidjian and R. Owen together with D.Cllr Lyndsey Ward. 5 residents also attended Apologies for absence: Cllrs M Baker (sick), T.Boys (sick) and S.Watts (attending funeral) Matters arising from the minutes - Seagulls: It was reported that SHDC are not interested in placing notices on bins in the car park but the parish council can do so. Alan Klidjian will select some posters and will liaise with Bryan Carson for approval at SHDC. - SWW reported they will examine the trees for which they are responsible on the side of the treatment works at the top of Warren Road. (UPDATE: my contact has come back to me since the meeting stating that their Area Manager has agreed that they are in a bad state and they will take action in the matter.) - Horse trough – Peter Cook reported that a resident living at the Green would prefer the trough to be sited under the Bigbury sign outside Bigbury Court Farmhouse, but Peter stated that other residents around the green are happy with the current proposal. However, it was realised that holes will need to be drilled in the bottom of the trough for drainage purposes if it is used for planting out and this could badly damage the trough. It was therefore agreed that it will be filled with water instead - Dog mess – Stuart Watts’ letter on the matter had been printed in the Gazette. - Notice boards – there still had not been a response from Neil Stone who had built the noticeboards. Sedgwell, Ringmore Drive: Peter Cook reported that he had learnt from SHDC that although the owner had been advised by SHDC to apply for retrospective planning permission for dormer windows on the northern elevation of the property, he had not done so. It was agreed that a further letter would be sent to SHDC requesting action. A letter had also been sent to the same owner requesting that he removed foliage overhanging the roadway outside his property and to also take action about the bright lights on the side of Southway which shines up Folly Hill. Open Session - A resident reported that a fingerpost at Bigbury on Sea indicating the Post Office is still on display which confuses strangers to the area. - John Simes expressed his appreciation to Carol and Malcolm Findlay for planting trees and also thanked Steve Radford (manager of Park Dean) for taking action to reduce the level of lighting in the caravan site. A letter of appreciation will be sent to them from the Parish Council. John stated he has also asked DCC to put more money into Badgers’ Walk, BoS for necessary improvements. - It was reported that a parking restriction post was leaning against the hedge of a Ringmore Drive property. The owner had notified SHDC. - Jim Bennett asked why there is so much discussion on the seagulls at BoS. He was told that besides spreading diseases, they nest on properties especially those
which are not permanently occupied, and also attack people especially during the breeding season. John Tucker reported that he often collects Venus Café coffee plastic beakers from the roadside and had also collected a vast amount of litter from Tapfield Cross. A resident reported that she will be writing to SHDC to object to the Venus Café kiosk application and asked what progress is being made on the Royal Oak application. (UPDATE: there is a fresh application in for the Royal Oak car park showing 4 houses instead of 6, doing away with the original proposal for 2 affordable homes.) The same resident felt that it is difficult for drivers to find the access slip-road down to the lower Venus Café level of the car park. Planning (all applications have 05/ prefix) Plans considered: 383/15: Venus Café: installation of kiosk at top of Tom Crocker slipway during peak season. Councillors considered this to be unnecessary and would constitute a danger with the traffic travelling over to the island. Agreed to recommend refusal. Recent SHDC decision notices received. Burgh Island Causeway: sea defence work. GRANTED Financial Cheques were drawn as follows:- £900 to St Lawrence Church for burial ground upkeep; £15.75 to S.Watts for travelling expenses; £1910 to Ringmore Parish Council for share of TAP fund; £385.85 to parish clerk for quarterly fee and expenses; £168 to Allwood of Totnes for 2 years maintenance work to War Memorial; £144 to SHDC for new basketball hoop in children’s playground; £50 to Modbury Caring for grant. District Councillor’s Report: Bryan Carson reported that there are 2 new directors at SHDC. Interviews are taking place where people are applying for jobs where there is overlapping. He had managed to secure a good number of trees for planting around Bigbury Golf Course. He was asked if SHDC are doing anything about wheelie bins being left outside homes for a number of days. This is a problem at BoS where holiday home changeovers take place on Fridays or Saturdays and cleaners leave the bins out on those days, and sometimes they are left out for a week unless a neighbour or new holidaymakers take them in. Other matters Parish council elections Thursday 8th May: We need residents to come forward and stand for election. Date of next meeting WEDNESDAY 8th APRIL with a shortened Parish Council meeting at 7.30 pm to be followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at approx. 8.00pm in the Memorial Hall. Meeting closed 9.30 pm.
Please note that all items of correspondence should be addressed to the Parish Clerk: Mrs P. Trundle, Deben Reach, Parker Road, Bigbury on Sea, Kingsbridge, TQ7 4AT Tel: 810 719 Email:
ROAD WARDENS Are you willing to be a parish Road Warden? DCC are cutting back on services and parish councils will have to undertake some work themselves so it will be necessary to take on volunteers to carry out light duties. If you are interested please contact the parish clerk.
SEAGULL NUISANCE The parish council request:Please DO NOT FEED the seagulls. Homeowners – please take all steps possible to prevent seagulls nesting on your rooftops. If you let out your property, please ask your guests not to put food out for the seagulls.
SKIP The Parish Council has arranged for a skip at The Warren car park, Bigbury on Sea, on SATURDAY 9th MAY. from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm The skip will be manned and there are certain items which the skip provider is unable to accept, so please abide by any decision he makes. Pam Trundle: Parish Clerk MOBILE LIBRARY Our librarian is Steve and he will be at:BoS - Cleveland Drive 12.40 – 1.25 p.m. Bigbury Green 2.00 – 2.30 p.m. Ringmore Church 11.50 – 12.20 a.m. Kingston Fire Station 11.00 – 11.40 a.m. Dates; 21 April; 19 May; 16 June; 14 July; 11 Aug; 8 Sept.
Please note the library now only visits once a month and especially note new times. PLEASE, PLEASE do use our mobile library. We are very lucky to have the service and don’t want to lose it through lack of support. DCC have made many cuts and libraries are one of them. We must retain this service so please use it. Some people are under the misconception you can only keep books a month – but Steve is very good, we do not have to pay fines. Pam Trundle - Parish Clerk: Tel: 810719 Email:
News and ‘What’s New?’ By Liz Playle
Membership renewals, due on 31st March 2015, can now be achieved simply by BACS transfer or the more traditional cheque method. For this year, applications forms will still be required to be completed by everyone in order to check any detail changes. This may not be necessary in future years if everyone remembers to update the membership secretary with any phone, address, email changes etc News from the Groups – now 29 groups! (more information on the website) Short Mat Bowls group will now meet every alternate Saturday morning at Charleton Village hall, next dates 14th and 28th March Following a successful trial Skittles evening in January, the Fishermans Rest, Aveton Gifford, has been rebooked for a repeat session on Tuesday 31 st March @ 1830 Walk and Pub Lunch group - next meeting on March 24th at Hope and Anchor pub, Hope Cove, for coast path and Galmpton walk and lunch Monthly Meetings
These are held every month except August and December at the Methodist Church, Fore St, Kingsbridge, from 1000 –midday. News from branch and groups is followed by refreshments, with a speaker from 11 -1200. Members, guests and potential members are all very welcome to attend. Entry £1 The speaker in February was Brian Freeland, “Around the World in 80 Plays” – a lively and informative talk of his experiences taking so many plays to so many world theatres! Friday 27th March 2015
Win Scutt; “New Perspectives on the Stonehenge Landscape” This expert archaeologist and popular broadcaster (BBC Radio Devon and BBC Five Live) is likely to be telling us how every new and fascinating discovery opens up more and more questions at this ancient temple aligned on the movements of the sun.
Friday 24th April 2015
Nick Powe: “Kents Cavern and the English Riviera Geopark” Nick is the 5th generation owner of Kents Cavern and chairs the English Riviera Geopark organization. He explains the geology of Torbay; UNESCO Geopark; the Cavern excavations; and his family’s history as curators of one of Europe’s important prehistoric human settlements
Friday 26th June 2015
Watch this space!
Friday 24th July 2015
Allen Chubb: “Learn to sail a tall-ship with people who will change your life” – The Jubilee Sailing Trust Have you seen the majestic tallships “Lord Nelson” or “Tenacious” in a harbour near you? Maybe you never realised the very special part they play as the mainstay of the Jubilee Sailing Trust where every aspect of life on board is available to people of every physical ability – setting the sails, helming the ship, and even going aloft. Sign up for a JST voyage or this talk and you will know how by working together we can achieve great things.
Some future visits for 2015 5th May 2nd-5th June 23rd June ? July
Eden Project coach trip and tour following wonderful talk last October. Salisbury Cathedral & Wilton House (1st residential trip/holiday) Rosemoor Gardens – coach trip initiated by Garden group Ugbrook House (Home of Lord Clifford) and Gardens (landscaped by Lancelot Brown)
Membership Sec: Judy Tyler
01548 842217
Secretary: Sylvia Griffin,, 01548 856956 Website: THANK YOU I would like to say a really big thank you to everyone who sent me cards, emails, letters and flowers that I received following my unfortunate accident. They were very much appreciated and gave me so much pleasure. Also a huge thank you to Elise and Tony for their enormous help, I could not have managed otherwise. My hip is improving daily and the ribs recovering. Having been away for 3 months I can not tell you how good is to be back home in Bigbury and amongst so many wonderful friends. Thank you, Jo Dudmesh
I would like to send love and hugs with congratulations to my daughter Lauren as she celebrates her 21st birthday on 1st April Paula Green I would also like to say how very sorry I was to hear of the death of John Friend, such a lovely gentleman, I send my condolences to his family.
KEITH PINK Carol would like to say a great big Thank You to all the friends and neighbours who have been so very kind and helpful since my dear Keith passed away so suddenly on March 5th; I have been overwhelmed by all the beautiful cards, letters, phone calls, visits, gifts of flowers, offers of help and lifts etc. which I have really appreciated. I would also like to thank all those who came to the service of thanksgiving. To finish on a humorous note (which I know would have tickled Keith pink!) he was due to have his ‘summer’ hair cut (the short one) on March 7th and he remarked to Carole (the hairdresser) the week before, that he would do anything to get out of having his hair cut… Famous last words!! May God Bless you all
The 19th Hole Every month there will now be a news section about what's been happening and what's coming up at Bigbury Golf Club. I am Daniel Ough and have just taken on the new role as events coordinator. You will sometimes see me behind the bar and helping out in Jen's kitchen, if you can't see me around I am most probably playing golf! Bigbury Golf Club is opening its doors to the local community and offering a special promotion this year for social membership, please make sure to take a look at our insert for more details. Our refurbishment programme is well under way with the outside of the building all but finished and the new windows making the Clubhouse seem larger. The new tables and chairs are now in the dining room giving it a more modern feel and our next phase will be updating the Clubhouse with new furniture and carpets. Phase 3 will take place this winter with a complete refit of the bar. Many thanks to our members whilst this process has taken place, your patience has been greatly appreciated. The end of February has seen our last quiz until the winter, they are always a sell out and much fun was had by all. It just so happened that I wrote the quiz questions for February and I must say one thing that did make me chuckle is there was a slight argument within a team, something about the Cornish flag or was it the Senegal Flag? You will have to speak to Sharon or Terry Edgcombe to find out the whole story! March saw just over 1300 trees planted out in our course, so playing on the course is becoming more interesting - and there was me thinking I could get my handicap down to 10 this year, oh well not to worry. We have had our 10 th hole redeveloped and its now ready to play, no more temporary green, do I hear all the golfers cheer?! The course is in magnificent condition and always a joy to play. It’s a great social game and if you've ever thought to join why not give it a go, there are so many membership options to suit all lifestyles, those with lots of time and those with only a little. In early March our Lady Captain for 2015 Caroline Hallett and helpers raised just over £300 for the A-T (Ataxia Telangiectasia) charity. A-T is a degenerative condition, which causes increasingly severe disability and premature death. Currently there is no cure and only limited treatment options. For more information please visit their website, Well done to Caroline and all her helpers, a great amount raised over just a few days. March the 18th saw an evening with Nigel. Nigel Blenkarne our Director of Golf hosted a Q & A evening about his past and current career. Many interesting questions and answers were heard and a jolly evening was had. He also bought up some very interesting memorabilia about different Ryder Cups that he helped with and a lot of other fascinating articles. Jen & Martin put on a fantastic chicken curry with all the trimmings, quite a few went up for seconds, including myself. April the 1st sees the first match in the Babbage Trophy. Being April Fools Day myself and Gordon Phillips have put our names down to play against Nigel Blenkarne our Director of Golf and Mick Gates our Captain 2015. I will let you all know the result in next month’s issue. I must say a quick ditty about 8th - 10th May.
We are hosting the Devon Ladies
County Championship which we last hosted back in 2008. It’s a big event for us, so lots going on. The first day 36 holes are played, then the best 32 scores will go through to knock out stages over the weekend. Bigbury GC member/Bigbury on Sea resident and former winner of the title Joanne Shorrocks (nee Hurley) will be playing in this year’s event. Spectators welcome. As you can also see with our insert we are now going into weddings and parties. Bigbury Golf Club, like many other Clubs, is diversifying. Golf is still our main subject, but with so many great views up here we want to give people the opportunity to enjoy them whilst celebrating their special occasion. If you have that special day coming up why not give me a call or pop in for a chat to discuss this further. All the details are on the weddings insert provided. Just a quick update about Annie. She has had a few issues with her knee and has been signed off for at least 2 weeks. We wish her well and hope to see Annie back behind the bar very soon. Chin Chin and hope to see you soon in the 19th.
Dan Salcombe Neighbourhood Development Plan The Plan is not in black and white yet, but now is the time for those who live or work or visit Salcombe, or would like to at some time in the future, to HAVE YOUR SAY! Government has empowered our community with the opportunity to create a neighbourhood development plan. It’s our chance to guide how Salcombe develops from 2017, for generations to come. ACT NOW. Go to and complete the online survey. If you prefer to complete the questionnaire on paper go to the Salcombe Information Office, the Library, or Salcombe Coffee Shop. It only takes a few minutes to complete and it’s important if you want to have your say about the issues to be addressed by the Salcombe Neighbourhood Development Plan. If you want to help in any way, or for more information, email the Steering Group at or visit the website:
Douglas Baker Garden Services Reliable gardener working in Ringmore, Bigbury & Kingston. No job too small (even that pesky weeding!) Larger jobs also undertaken. References available. Competitive rates, Call Doug on
01548 550491
For a free quote on plans for your build project contact Matthew on 01761 436861 or mobile 07843 286857
Self contained, self-catering, ground floor apartment adjoining private home. Well presented, peaceful escape just for two! Conservatory with lovely sea view of Bigbury Bay. Living/dining room, TV + DVD. Well equipped kitchen. Bedroom with double bed and en-suite shower room. Linen, towels, electricity and heating included. Patio, garden use. Off road parking. Short walk to beach. Friday change-over. Open all year. Short breaks out of season possible. Regret no under-18s, smokers or pets.
Guests coming … … need extra space? Available in Bigbury for short lets of 2+ nights A delightful two-bedroom apartment (sleeps 4 / 5)
Please Contact: Angela - 078 34825738 01453 873318
Local Trustworthy couple offering a first class Management / Maintenance Service. Services Offered: Changeovers and laundry - Key Holding / Property checks Deep Clean - Window Cleaning - Garden Services
We also offer: Complete property maintenance from decorating to a new bathroom. We will liaise with local tradesmen for plumbing, heating and electrical problems. Holiday / Second Home and Residential. Contact Elaine or Andy to discuss your requirements
Collection and Delivery Service with Courtesy Cars Available
Mechanical Repairs that include
Servicing, Tyres, Exhausts, Brakes, Batteries, Clutches, Cam Belts, Diagnostics, Safety Checks, Full Bodyshop, Air Conditioning, MOT’s arranged … to all makes and models of cars
t 01752 898632 f 01752898659 W Strashleigh View, Lee Mill Industrial Estate, nr. Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9GS
Open: Mon - Sat 8.30-5.30 - Sun 10.30-2.00 (Sun car sales only)
Every car that passes through our doors receives a complementary wash and vac
3 Comfortable bedrooms available all year round, with stunning views overlooking Dartmoor and surrounding countryside. Dane & Hilary Vanstone St. Ann’s Chapel, Kingsbridge, TQ& 4HQ T: 01548 810308
Unit 6, Erme Bridge Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9DU
Tel: 01752 893139 Mob: 07749 454039
BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Bringing the Community Together
Last month saw another Villages in Action event staged at the Hall when the Ronnie Jones Jazz Quartet entertained over seventy people in stunning style. This was a great evening. Although the Quartet had appeared at many bigger and more prestigious venues, they really seemed to enjoy the intimacy of the Hall and the appreciation of the audience. Huge thanks go to Dane and Hilary at Holywell Stores for a delicious cheese platter. Many thanks also to Kate Snook for the attached sketch, done on the evening. This month’s main event is the latest in our popular Film and Fish’n Chip Nights on April 16th. As mentioned in last month’s issue, Ashley will be making a welcome return to the village to do the fish and chips and the film is “Sunshine on Leith”, starring George McKay, Peter Mullan and Jane Horrocks. This is an entertaining feel good movie about two soldiers just returned from Afghanistan to Edinburgh, featuring great music from the Proclaimers. Tickets are great value at only £7 and can be obtained from Holywell Stores (see poster). On Bank Holiday Monday, May 25th, the annual Spring Bazaar is taking place, held jointly with St. Lawrence Church. There will be the usual great variety of stalls and it’s an event well worth supporting. Looking further ahead, local wine expert Richard Taylor, ably assisted by Alice, will be putting on another of his hugely popular Wine Tasting Evenings shortly. At the time of writing the precise date is still to be confirmed but it will probably be a Friday in June or possibly early May. Charles Harrington. Tel. 810023. Email
Bigbury Memorial Hall Calendar of Events April 2015 Day & Time
Contact name
Tel. no
9.30 – 10.15 10.30 – 11.30 19.00 - 20.15
Body Boost Pilates Yoga
*Jill Gubbins *Jill Gubbins Fi Baker
810651 810651 831599
# South Hams Shrimps
Kylie Worden
07845 280734
Body Conditioning Pilates Strong & Steady (plus tea & chat)
*Jill Gubbins *Jill Gubbins *Jill Gubbins
810651 810651 810651
9.30 – 11.45
9.15 – 10.00 10.05 – 11.05 11.15 – 12.00
# French Conversation classes with Vic Gubbins (810651) take place between 5.00 and 6.00pm on Tuesdays in the Pickwick. These will restart after Easter on Tuesday 14th April. *Jill’s last exercise class before Easter will be on Thursday 26 th March classes will restart on Monday 13th April.
and the
April Events: Thursday April 16th: Fish ‘n Chip and Film Night: Sunshine on Leith;. Tickets only £7 from Holywell Stores Future Events: Bank Holiday Monday 25th May: Bazaar jointly with St Lawrence Church. Details to follow. 50:100 Club (Promoted by Dane Vanstone). Tickets for the monthly draws from October 2014 – July 2015 are on sale from Holywell Stores and Bigbury Village Shop and now cost £4. Buy now for your chance to win. 50% of the money goes in prizes and 50% to the Memorial Hall. Winners of the March draw were Robbie McCarthy (£20) and Dawn Brown (£10).
W.P.C. Rachal Ward has been moved to Ivybridge for a spell of duty as Acting Sergeant. In her absence Paul O'Dwyer has supplied the following information. He tells us that Operation Fardel is running at the moment and is dealing with the thorny question of Scams particularly those with false banking connections. As I have said before, these people are expert at what they do and will try ever more sophisticated methods of parting you from your money. As we all know there are very few big return schemes so if you are tempted check, check and check again. As regards crime matters. He tells me that since 8th January 2015 there have been two crimes recorded. The first is theft by finding and the second is theft of a rowing boat from the estuary. Police are expecting a spike in this sort of crime as the holiday season warms up. As much care should be taken to secure boats and connected items as possible but because of the nature of the property this is sometimes difficult. We have a new Neighbourhood Watch officer being transferred from Paignton to cover our area shortly His name is Warren Palmer so I'm sure he'll settle in very well and as duties permit get around to meet us all. Police have received reports of two or three men in their late twenties to early thirties knocking door to door in the South Hams area. They are attempting to arrange surveys for Energy Performance Certificates (EPC's) They have ID cards but these are believed to be home made. They have been employing aggressive techniques saying that it is a legal requirement for each house to have one. This is not the case - it is only required when you are selling a property and would be discussed with you by your agent. If you have a sighting of these men please call police on the 101 no: quoting Log 354 of the 15th January 2015 or Crime stoppers on 0800 555111. For advice on these certificates please contact Citizens Advice Consumer Services. Thank you Finally several people have reported to me that person(s) are firing air weapons at birds in the village area. At least one knows an 'identity' but at this stage hopes that a mention in the Magazine will bring an end to it. Proof of this was the finding of a beautiful Buzzard obviously killed with such a weapon. These particular birds are a protected species with the possibility of a fine and / or prison sentence being imposed. Carrying a loaded air weapon in a public place is also held to be an 'arrestable offence' so a trip to the cells in handcuffs could be on the cards. Such air weapon pellets very rarely kill cleanly and the bird will die a painful death. As far as I am concerned I can not abide cruelty to animals in any shape or form and would have no hesitation in reporting the matter to the Police to name and shame (if that were possible with some people) and get action taken. All the information obtained so far has been given to Police who will be looking into the matter. I sincerely hope that most people will wish that those responsible will cease from this activity from now on.
Anthony Singleton.
Hello Shackers! We hope you have managed to get out and about and enjoy the recent bit of sunshine we’ve had! More on the way very soon we hope which will mean we can go outside again! As ever we have lots to tell you about, we’ve been busy planning lots of exciting offers and events! Firstly for April we are incredibly excited to be welcoming The Mighty Quinns Flower Emporium to The Oyster Shack over the Easter weekend with a pop up flower stand! Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th April 11am - 6pm. There will be a beautiful array of flowers for sale including the most stunning flower crowns, spring pots and much much more. Please feel free to stop by and have a look! On which note we're ways looking out for local crafts and artisans to work with and help promote within our shack, if you are interested we'd love to hear from you. Back by popular demand our incredible ‘Steak & Lobster £16’ offer will be back from Monday 20th April until Friday 22nd May, Monday – Friday (excluding Monday 4th May) all day. Enjoy steak with Salcombe lobster tail, skinny fries, grilled tomato & garlic butter for £16! New to The Oyster Shack we’ll be serving Afternoon Tea from Monday 20th April until Friday 22nd May, (excluding Monday 4th May). Pop down and enjoy homemade cakes, tea and sandwiches Monday – Friday between 3 & 6pm. We’ll be holding our last Live Cookery Demonstration until the winter at 3pm on Sunday 26th April. This demo will be based around Seafood BBQ Dishes in which Andy will show you how to prepare the perfect seafood BBQ. The afternoon will include a glass of wine, the demo with recipes to take home, nibbles of the dishes being created and a two course meal from our set menu. Tickets are £40 per person, spaces are limited. Gift vouchers available call the team to arrange your place. On Thursday 30th April we’ll be teaming up with Le Vignoble at The Royal William Yard for a Seafood & Wine Evening. Yannick will be hosting an wine tasting evening with seafood pairings. Enjoy tasters of delicious local English wines that have been matched expertly with our local seafood. If you’d like to attend please contact Le Vignoble directly on 01752 222892 or email at On Saturday 9th May we’ll be doing an oyster bar at the Modbury May Fair Street Market from 9am – 12noon. The market will be held in the Poundwell Street car park, pop along for an oyster or to take them away, we’d love to see you! On Tuesday 5th June we’ll be holding a Seafood & Wine Tasting Menu Evening here at The Oyster Shack . We’ve devised the most delectable menu and have invited Yannick owner of Le Vignoble to match our wines with the tasting menu. The evening will start with canapés at 7pm with 6 course tasting menu at 7.30pm please make sure you make a reservation to avoid disappointment. This summer we’ll be hosting a Shack Fishing Trip this is going to be a fantastic fully packed day (8.30am-5.30pm) for those that are keen to learn how to fish, shuck oysters and prepare fresh fish. On the backdrop of the beautiful waters and bays of the Devon coastline you will equip yourself with all of the knowledge that you could need to know about seafood preparation from catching to serving up a delicious meal on the plate! This will take place on Saturday June 20th with only 10 places available so early booking is essential tickets are £195 per person and will include breakfast, lunch, drinks and prizes for the biggest and smallest catch!
Our fantastic value set menu is available daily for lunch and dinner until 22nd May, 1 course £10, 2 for £12 and 3 for £14 featuring a whole host of scrumptious local seafood. Unfortunately we do have to exclude some dates which are the Easter Holidays (25.03.15-19.04.15) and May Bank Holiday Monday 4th May. That’s it from us for the moment, if you would like any more information on our events please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of the team, we hope to see you all at The Shack soon! Love Chris & the crew 01548 810876 | | Twitter @theoystershack | Facebook The Oyster Shack Bigbury | Instagram @theoystershack Open 12-9pm
Friends of St Lawrence’s - Future dates for your Diary
Friends of St Lawrence’s, Bigbury Invite you to attend
A VICTORIAN TEA PARTY Thursday 3 June 2015 £10.00 8.00)
3 pm £
At The Old Rectory, Bigbury RSVP 01548 810864 (Alice)
Thursday 3 June 2015 - Victorian Tea Party 3 pm at The Old Rectory Friday 9 October 2015 - Quiz and Curry Night at The Memorial Hall November - date to be confirmed - Musical Evening in the Church SOUTH HAMS SOCIETY – WHAT PRICE OUR MILK? Make a note in your dairy: The South Hams Society AGM will be held at 6.30pm on Thursday 23 April at the Crabshell Inn, Kingsbridge. Then, at 7.15pm, our guest speaker is well known farmer Richard Haddock, Chairman of the Conservative Rural Affairs Group. Mary Fish will also be present with samples of local organic milk, cream and yoghurt produced by her farm, Challon’s Combe Organics. Entrance to this event is free, but donations are always welcome. The talk and questions will finish at about 8.30pm. If you would like to eat afterwards, please book direct with the Crabshell, t: 01548 852345 e:
Thank you for supporting our first coffee morning, it raised £185 for St Luke’s Hospice. We welcomed Jeanette from Pheonix Cards who will be joining us each month and Hazel with her books. On the 1st April we are supporting the Hope Cove Inshore Lifeboat and on 6th May we are raising funds for Modbury Caring. Yvonne and I hope that you will be able to support these local charities and we look forward to seeing you between 10.30 and 12 noon. We would like to give our grateful thanks to Gina and Gordon, their staff and the residents of the Korniloff for welcoming us into their lovely home and for their support. Jean
At our February Meeting we discussed the debut book of Jessie Burton - The Miniaturist. This story was set in Amsterdam in the 1600's and was a very atmospheric and unusual page-turner which we all agreed was well written, interesting and enthralling. Our small group differ greatly in the type of books we like and this makes for interesting discussions but on this occasion, without exception, we all enjoyed and would thoroughly recommend this book. Our choice of book for March is The Watcher in the Shadows by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and our Meeting on April 1st will be at Julia's house. New Members are always welcome for further details phone Iris on 810365.
Another glorious day the Bigbury Girls had at Dartington. It was good to see all the spring flowers in the hedgerows, lambs playing in the fields and hear the birds singing, enjoying the warm sunshine. We all enjoyed coffee in the Venus Café - a surprise as we did not realise there was one at Dartington! Then we had a leisurely wander around the shops, studio and recycling outlet, appreciating the artistic skills. Meeting up for lunch at Crank’s restaurant. Next month it was decided to go to Mount Edgcumbe, meeting at the Old Rectory at 10.00 am. Everyone welcome to come and join us. Jean.
Bigbury History Society In March we hosted an interesting talk from Kingsbridge History Society member Tim Bass on “Pleasure Boating on the Kingsbridge Estuary”. Tim is a former Chair of Salcombe Museum and illustrated his talk (once we had ironed out a few gremlins with the projector !) with various fascinating slides. Over the summer, we don’t usually have any visiting speakers but instead organise several outings. These are open to anyone who wishes to come; you don’t have to be a member. The first one of these is on Wednesday 15th April, when we have arranged an exclusive guided tour around the Royal Citadel at Plymouth. This iconic fortress dates back to the 17th century and is still in use by the Ministry of Defence today. The tour starts at 10.00 a.m. and will last for one and a half to two hours. The majority of it is outside. The charge is £6 per person. If you’d like to go please contact me (see details below) or any member of the committee. Later in the summer we hope to arrange a visit to Overbecks, including a light meal, and also a tour round the Soar Mill Cove bunker. Watch out for details in Bigbury news. We look forward to seeing you there. Charles Harrington. Tel. 810023 Email Here is a recipe for Savoury Cheese and Leek Bread Pudding as served at Crank’s, Dartington. Serve as a vegetarian meal with a salad or add bacon for meat lovers!! What to do: You will need: 2 medium leeks, sliced Loaf of bread sliced and cut into triangles 150g grated cheddar cheese 40g butter 600ml milk 3 medium eggs Freshly ground black pepper 1/2 tsp sea salt
Grease a 1.5 litre baking dish with a little butter. Melt the remaining butter in a frying pan & gentle fry the sliced leeks for about 5mins, until softened. Put a layer of bread in the base of the baking dish. Scatter half the leeks and cherry tomatoes on top, then sprinkle with half the grated cheese. Arrange the remaining bread triangles over the surface, followed by the rest of the leeks & cherry tomatoes. Beat the milk and eggs together and season to taste. Pour evenly over the bread, then sprinkle with the remaining cheese. Leave to stand for 20 - 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 190C, fan oven 170C, Gas Mark 5. Bakes the pudding for 30-35 minutes, until puffed up and golden brown.
Weekend Wendie March/April 2015 In the spirit of spring cleaning, I write this month from the highly charged atmosphere of mission control for our local Community Clear Up day! I sit at event headquarters (my kitchen) amid the collected paraphernalia (short pause while I look that up in the dictionary) associated with our forthcoming ‘mega’ litter pick. Witness - a box of litter pickers, hi-viz jackets, gloves and plastic bags. My friends and I have ‘adopted’ our street and have been going out on a litter pick once a week for 2-3 years. We do this to supplement the excellent efforts made by the professional council litter pickers. Sadly there is more than enough litter to go round. My LLT (Low Litter Tolerance – a condition sharing many similarities with OCD) has been bred-in. My dad (hmmm… new character… let us call him Wilfred Weekend) also picks up litter and is the proud custodian of an extra-long picker especially issued to him so that he is able to extract cans and crisp packets from the local stream without having to get his feet wet. Truth be told, our litter pick is really just a good excuse to get out of the house (with a virtuous reason to escape washing up/ironing/hovering) have a quick walk and then a drink (and maybe a cake-let) in the local café where we exchange tasty morsels of gossip over a hot chocolate. Naturally we are able to order this with guilt-free whipped cream and marshmallows given our afore-mentioned exercise and general glow of having done a ‘good deed’. This week, to coincide with Community Clear Up day, an event sponsored by Keep Britain Tidy, I very foolishly thought it would be a good idea to jazz things up a bit. I say ‘foolishly’ as I drown in emails from the local supermarket and other businesses who are helping us out but I hope it will be worth it in the end. In my moment of enthusiasm I have had t-shirts made for our little band of ‘litter bunnies’. In keeping with the season, the local supermarket has sponsored us to wear bunny ears while we do our round and we will be distributing litter pickers to local businesses courtesy of the borough council so that they can help keep their ‘patch’ tidy. I hope this will generate some good press and raise the issue of litter in a fun way. We briefly contemplated dressing up as Playboy bunnies but wisely decided that this might generate quite the wrong sort of attention, not to mention general ridicule. Luckily for you, because Weekend Wendie is my secret identity you will not be exposed to the no doubt hilarious photographic evidence of my attempts to look eco-warriorcool in a yellow t-shirt, bunny ears and a fluffy tail. In comparison to ‘Community Clear Up’ central, Bigbury-on-Sea is usually mercifully free of litter (except for the delightful ‘presents’ left by a minority of owners of our canine friends) but sadly it does build up on the beach and in the car park in the summer. I will come armed with litter picker but will probably leave the bunny ears behind. I don’t want to get a reputation. With the season in Bigbury about to start in earnest, let us hope that the many visitors who come to enjoy our lovely village and beach will remember to leave behind nothing but happy memories and the odd sandcastle. Much love, WW (-:
Hello from the National Trust South Devon Ranger team. I would like to give a massive thank you to everyone who helped out with the Ringmore Orchard work on the 15th March, we had a great turnout of volunteers and a huge amount of work was completed on the day. We were also supported by the South Devon National Trust volunteer group who helped with the planting of the new trees and also focused their skills into improving the path leading to the orchard. Spearheading the improvement work is local volunteer John Reynolds who has once again done a great job in bringing local people together to help reinstate the orchard and make use of its full potential. The orchard improvement work began with some landscaping which has made the site more usable and accessible, plus the added space made it possible to then plant 34 new West Country heritage apple trees. The newly planted varieties are a mix of dessert and cider apples and we hope that in the future we will have bountiful amounts of apples for juicing and possibly some local Ringmore cider. The team would also like to thank all those who helped out with the Ayrmer Cove and South Milton beach cleans on the weekend of the 21 st/22nd March. We were pleased to see so many people getting involved in the national beach clean event and we hope that all the volunteers enjoyed their free ice creams that were kindly donated by Salcombe Dairy. Visit to find out more about other coastal events that will be happening across South Devon during 2015. Please stop and have a chat to the team if you see us out working or if you have any comments about the work of the National Trust. For further information please call Marc Hoskins on 01548 562344 or email Marc Hoskins Area Ranger Follow us on Twitter: @NTSouthDevon and Facebook: National Trust South Devon Countryside.
The Kingsbridge Estuary Decorative and Fine Arts Society. What did the Egyptians ever do for Bolton? Jacqueline Hyman Methodist Church, 100, Fore Street, Kingsbridge. 29th April - 7 for 7.30pm 30th April - 10 for 10.30am No need to be a member – all welcome – Donation £8 including a coffee or tea