Bigbury News December 2015

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The site for great holidays in a great community; now gives the accommodation, holiday activities, many useful links and maps.

Now features community events and dates. Send any ideas for the site to

Front Cover: by Carol Pink 2

What’s on and Dates for your Diary


Editors Page News, Views & letters


Church Service times for Bigbury, Kingston and Ringmore


Message from the Minister from Neil Barker


Parish Council Notes from the Parish Council monthly meeting


The 19th Hole Report from the Golf Club

Your handy pull-out Guide to Local Business


Musings from Weekend Wendy


Bigbury Memorial Hall Reports and Diary of events


Shack Splash News from the Oyster Shack


News from all your Regular Social Meetings


Neighbourhood Watch Anthony Singleton Reporting

Where’s Alfie ?? He’s hiding somewhere in the pages!!

Bigbury News is published monthly at Lucerne Ringmore Drive Bigbury-on-Sea Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 4AU Tel: 01548 810815 email: Editor - Rose Owen Treasurer - Margaret Hawes, Blue Waters, Marine Drive, BoS, TQ7 4AS All contributions and requests for advertising to the Editor Bigbury News is a voluntary run publication which is supported by donations from readers, advertising rates and a grant from the Parish Council DISCLAIMER - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure adverts and articles appear correctly, Bigbury News cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor.

Dates for your Diary December… 2nd 4th 5th 8th 9th 12th 16th 24th

Korniloff Coffee Morning (supporting St. Lawrence Church) 10.30 - 12pm Christmas Wine Tasting - Memorial Hall at 7pm (see p.17) NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Meeting Bigbury Memorial Hall at 2pm (see p.9) History Society Meeting - Memorial Hall at 7.30pm (details below) Parish Council Meeting - Memorial Hall at 7.30pm Christmas Barrow Market - Oyster Shack between 10am - 4pm Bigbury Ladies Christmas Lunch at the California Country Inn Carols on Bigbury Green starting 6.30pm

January… 8th

Quiz Night - memorial Hall at 7.30pm

N.B. The ‘Friday’ bus to Plymouth over Christmas weeks will run on WEDS. 23RD Dec and WEDS. 30th Dec. (See p.21) Look out for other dates of events in and around Modbury and Kingsbridge also mentioned in articles in this magazine.

CHRISTMAS WINE TASTING by Richard Taylor Friday 4 December 2015 7.00 pm

The Master

His Assistant

BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Tickets £10.00 per person From Holywell Stores



There are some new adverts and changes to others, so be sure to check them out! Remember, where possible use local! Bigbury News would like to wish all our readers A very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful 2016 If any of you have any news, views or interesting articles that you would like to share, please send them to me at the Bigbury News. Either drop them into me at Lucerne, Bigbury on Sea or hand them into Holywell Stores or phone me on 01548 810815 or email: You can now find each months issue at

in ‘The Community’ section and also on the Bigbury Community website in the documents section of the Bigbury News Group.

Tally Ho’s Christmas Carol Ding Dong Merrily on High It’s off to town we go, Riding in the bus. Hooray for Tally Ho! Gloria in excelsis deo We old folks don’t have to pay-o. Ding Dong coming home once more, We’ve done some Christmas shopping, But the bus comes to a halt We wonder why it’s stopping! Gloria in excelsis deo We old folks don’t have to pay-o.


Can’t you Guess??!

Modbury’s a lovely place With shops and church and schoo-el. But we’re there because our bus Is lacking precious fue-el. Gloria in excelsis deo We old folks don’t have to pay-o. Wise men we could do with one... A scholar or a sage. Or maybe Santa Claus could bring A modern fuel gauge! Gloria in excelsis deo We old folks don’t have to pay-o.


CHURCH SERVICES FOR DECEMBER & JANUARY BIGBURY - KINGSTON - RINGMORE ST. LAWRENCE - BIGBURY All services start at 11.00 a.m. DECEMBER - 6th 13th 20th Christmas Day - 25th JANUARY - 3rd 10th 17th 24th

Family Communion Sunday Worship Nativity & Carols Christmas Communion* Family Communion Christingle Morning Prayer Holy Communion*

ST. JAMES THE LESS - KINGSTON All services start at 9.30 a.m. (unless otherwise stated) DECEMBER - 6th 13th 20th Christmas Day - 25th JANUARY - 3rd 10th 17th 24th

Family Communion Christingle Service (4.30pm) Carol Service (6.30pm) Christmas Communion (10.00am) Family Communion Sunday Worship Holy Communion Village Service

ALL HALLOWS - RINGMORE All services start at 9.30 a.m. (unless otherwise stated) DECEMBER - 6th 13th 20th Christmas Day - 25th JANUARY - 3rd 10th 17th 24th

Sunday Worship Holy Communion* Carol Service (6.00pm) Christmas Communion by Extension (10.30am) Sunday Worship Sunday Worship Village Service Family Communion *Service in Traditional Language

27th December - Joint Holy Communion in Aveton Gifford - 10.30am 31st January - Joint Holy Communion in Modbury - 10.30am


Message from the Minister GOING AWAY “Are you going away for Christmas?” People still ask my wife and me that question although I have been responsible for leading Christmas worship for nearly forty years, But, of course, many people do go away for Christmas, and perhaps you will be doing so this year. That’s exactly what Mary and Joseph did at the first Christmas: they had to leave their home in Nazareth and make their way to their family home town of Bethlehem. They were both leaving home and coming home. The story reminds us of other travellers too: shepherds from nearby hills, and wise men from far away all found themselves “going away for Christmas” in one way or another. Not long after, they found themselves travelling again. This time they were running away from danger as refugees finding their way to Egypt which they made their home for a while.

We are seeing pictures in the news of people in similar

situations today. Leaving home and looking for a home. I suppose Jesus himself went away for Christmas. In the bigger picture that the Bible reveals we see that Jesus left heaven in order to be at home among us on earth, making his way to us so that we might find our way to Him. In all the coming and going over Christmas, whether the travelling is your own or that of visitors, thank God for your home; pray for safety in the travelling and remember the faith journey that can lead you home. Happy Christmas at home or away!

Neil Barker

Team Rector: The Revd Neil Barker (830260: any day except Mondays) Team Readers: Joyce Howitt (01364 73093), Chris Lally (521587), Michael Tagent (810520) Website:


PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING. If you wish minutes in full, please look on the Bigbury website at or on the notice boards.

NOTES OF to read the Community read them

A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Memorial Hall on WEDNESDAY 11 NOVEMBER 2015 at 7.30 p.m. Cllrs. B Carson, G.Rosevear, S.Smith and D.Cllr L.Ward attended together with 10 residents. C.Cllr R.Hosking attended for part of the meeting. Open session - Resident A. asked if any progress had been made about the many signs in BoS car park. The clerk had met with SHDC Charlie Storer who had taken photos of the signs throughout the car park and he will be referring back to Cathy Aubertin (SHDC) - Resident B asked if details of precepts of all the local councils in SHDC had been obtained. These had been received. Bryan Carson disagreed with the resident’s view that Bigbury PC was one of the lowest in the district. The resident asked if the subject of the Warren could be considered when discussing the precept for 2016/17. It was noted that sums could be drawn on from Section 106 funding but anything relating to the Warren would have to be with the authority of SHDC who rent it. It was suggested that residents may like to put forward ideas for areas they would like to see improved within the parish. - At the request of Resident C councillors agreed to meet at BoS where he had alleged that a fence had been placed approx. 6 ft within an area of ‘noman’s land’. - Resident D asked if any information had been received regarding an appeal against SHDC decision on an application for Seafront, Marine Drive. None yet received. - Resident E asked if there was any information regarding housing on the Ringmore side of properties at St Ann’s Chapel. D.Cllr Lindsay Ward reported that plans had been refused. Minutes of October meeting were approved and signed Matters arising - Mount Folly Farm Certificate of Lawfulness for camping facilities – a resident had asked why this matter had not been discussed in public. The clerk had spoken with Helen Smart (SHDC) who agreed to defer her decision in order to allow the councillors to discuss it at the December meeting. - Footpaths – John Simes (Parish Footpath Warden) had taken action to alleviate problems on the footpath to Hexdown following an exchange of correspondence from a resident who had contacted him. - Large hoardings advertising a new development of houses at Challaborough – Dan Taylor (SHDC Locality Officer) has informed the clerk that the estate agents are being given notice to remove these signs. - Warren Rd – a resident had complained that he had waited half an hour to access his property due to a delivery to Westridge. The clerk saw the site foreman who will inform the resident in advance if he knows of any other likely delays. The same resident had queried what the parish council is doing to stop traffic ignoring








the sign on the corner of Cleveland Drive/Warren Rd. The clerk had explained to him that this is impossible to police. Harraton Cross/Kitterford Cross road – DCC stated there is a backlog of £700m worth of repairs needed to bring roads up to a good standard. They had suggested that caravan sites using this road could pay for passing places. TAP Fund – Modbury Council has been notified that Bigbury would be willing to support their application for flashing speed sign in the hope that it would be made available for Bigbury to use. However, it has been learned that such signs cost between £3,000 and £12,000. It was suggested that a meeting be held with representatives of Aveton Gifford, Bigbury, Kingston, Modbury and Ringmore to discuss TAP Fund application. Planning (planning applications for Bigbury parish have 05 prefix) 2274/15/F Mr D Miles: demolition of Southway, Marine Drive, BoS and replace with 2 x 2 semi-detached houses. Councillors present had no objections provided DCC Highways recommendations are adhered to. District Councillor’s Report Lindsay Ward reported that the purpose of Universal Credit is to make the welfare system easier. SHDC has created a webpage: http:// Information will also be available on Facebook and Twitter. A newsletter for businesses will be launched in the new year. She will attend the Dev.Control meeting at which The Old Vineyard plans are to be discussed and suggested the parish council should send a representative. (Sharon Smith declared an interest). Lindsay has a Locality Budget of £500 available to the parish council to use on application for specifying a project costing between £100 and £500. Neighbourhood Plan Val Scott, who is leading the Plan, had suggested a small meeting at Follaton House with about 4 representatives from Bigbury parish attending. However Lindsay Ward reported that she will be attending a meeting in London on 25 November on the subject and said that if Phil Baker (SHDC) is not available for a public meeting, she would be willing to speak to such a meeting on the subject. It was agreed to have a public meeting on Saturday 5 th December at 2.00 pm with refreshments Parish Council Website Sharon Smith reported that when she had looked up the website and found it had shown a London property consultant holding the domain. Stuart Watts, who runs the current site, said the correct name is Bigbury Community Website, but he stated that he is disappointed with the poor use. Kingsbridge Websites had set up the current version and they had asked if the Parish Council would be interested in upgrading it to enable smart phones etc. to be able to access it. Permission was given to Stuart to upgrade up to a cost of £150. It was suggested that Wii-fi should be available in the Memorial Hall. Bryan Carson will speak with the chairman of the Hall Committee County Councillor’s Report Richard Hosking reported on Ch.8 funding from DCC but currently there are no spaces available on current training dates. There are 4 people from the parish who have indicated their willingness to do the training and Richard will advise John Tucker when a new course is planned. He has 2 more volunteers willing to drive on the F7 Car Scheme. Richard will check on the legality of DCC operatives being allowed onto private property to access buddle holes and he will obtain a map of them to supply to the clerk. He said that DCC is limited to a 2% increase in council tax.







Financial: It was agreed to pay cheques as follows: £20 to Memorial Hall for July and September hire. £100 to Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal, £44.36 to Viking for stationery; £84 to S. Allwood for maintenance to War Memorial; £97 to T. Edgcombe for repairs to seat on Bigbury Village Green. It was agreed to sign a further contract with Allwoods for the continuation of the War Memorial maintenance. Correspondence: Local Gov. Boundary Commission – final recommendations delayed until 12 January 2016. Dan Taylor had notified dates he will be on mobile library in New Year. Reports of meetings attended by councillors and clerk George Rosevear had attended a meeting of the Ivybridge & District Asscn of Local Councils – during that meeting some representatives had expressed their despair at the failure of SHDC Planning Dept to acknowledge recommendations on planning applications and form a decision based on the local councils’ views. Kingston PC had indicated they did not wish to participate in a mobile traffic control system. George had also attended a meeting on a Review of Section 106 agreements at Follaton House. Such funding can be used for Sport, Open Spaces and Recreation. Access to the funding will go more favourable to areas with a Neighbourhood Plan. It is vital that Bigbury Parish proceeds with such a Plan. Resignations: Councillor: Nina Stanesby had tendered her resignation due to an increase in her workload. Councillors were appreciative of Nina’s contribution during her term of office. A Casual Vacancy will be declared. Snow Warden – Stuart Watts had taken on this role at the outset but is now resigning – a new warden is required. Grateful thanks are expressed to Stuart for the work he has done in the role. Parish Clerk: Pam Trundle announced her resignation after 42 years as a parish clerk. It will take effect from 1st January but she expressed her willingness to proceed on a monthly basis until a new clerk is appointed. Date of next meeting WEDNESDAY 9th DECEMBER at 7.30 pm

Please note that all items of correspondence should be addressed to the Parish Clerk: Mrs P. Trundle, Deben Reach, Parker Road, Bigbury on Sea, Kingsbridge, TQ7 4AT Tel: 810 719 Email: PARISH CLERK Following the resignation of the Parish Clerk, councillors ask that if you are interested in taking on this position, you contact the Parish Clerk for details (contact details as above) The vacancy will also have been advertised in Kingsbridge Gazette.

CASUAL VACANCY A vacancy has arisen on the Parish Council. If ten or more residents do not request an election, then the Parish Council will take steps to co-opt a new councillor.


SNOW WARDEN A vacancy has occurred for a Snow Warden to cover the Parish and to liaise with DCC for distribution of salt in the parish. Please apply to the clerk.

PARISH TREE WARDEN The Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Tree Warden. If you are interested in carrying out this duty, please contact the parish clerk on 810719 or


The parish council request:- Please DO NOT FEED the seagulls. Homeowners – please take all steps possible to prevent seagulls nesting on your rooftops. If you let out your property, please ask your guests not to put food out for the seagulls.

A Meeting is to be held on

in Bigbury Memorial Hall at 12.00 noon It is vital that Bigbury proceeds with a Neighbourhood Plan so please ALL of you come along and hear all about such a Plan. District Councillor Lindsay Ward will be there to guide us through the details. Refreshments will be served at the meeting.


RESIGNATION If you have read the Parish Council notes, you will have learnt that I have now resigned as Parish Clerk with effect from 1st January 2016. I began as Parish Clerk in Kingston in March 1974 and after I had been their clerk for 10 years, I was asked to apply for the vacancy here in Bigbury and started here immediately. I have now done 42 continuous years as a Parish Clerk and feel it is time to give up. The job has become far more arduous than it used to be and there are time lines to meet and I feel now that I do really want to properly retire. I have enjoyed the time and working with some wonderful local residents who give up their time voluntarily to be councillors but I shall enjoy the freedom away from the computer every day. I had already decided to retire at the end of March 2016 which meant I would have done 42 full years of service to the local communities but having had a vitreous haemorrhage behind my left eye, I am finding the computer work and paperwork very irksome. Royal Eye Infirmary have told me it should clear in time but if it is more than 12 weeks they can give treatment, and am waiting for an appointment at the Retina Clinic there but there is a 2 month waiting list even though they tell me I am at the top of the Urgency List. So this has really decided me to leave the clerkship now. I have said I will continue on a monthly basis if nobody has been appointed before 31 December. So – here’s me – hanging up my hat and wishing you all well. Pam Trundle

Bigbury Parish Council

- Job vacancy

Part time Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to the council Due to the retirement of Pam Trundle after many years of service, Bigbury Parish Council seeks a reliable, self motivated, adaptable person to work as Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to the council. The post is for approx. 15 hrs. hours per month, with an hourly salary from £8.61 per hour, depending upon qualifications and experience. (NALC salary scale) Candidates will need to be organized and independent, able to work to deadlines, exercise diplomacy, and preserve confidentiality. Excellent IT skills, and competency at minute taking, agenda preparation, letter and report writing, payment of accounts and preparation of accounts for annual audit are essential. Sound local knowledge is desirable, and candidates will need to be able to work at home. The work involves attendance and preparation for the monthly Parish Council meetings plus occasional other meetings; minute taking, liaising with local residents, governing bodies, District and County Council officials; organizing parish documentation; ensuring that statutory and other provisions relating to the running of the Parish Council are complied with; updating parish council information on the community website as required; and monitoring, balancing and preparing the council’s accounts for audit and budget setting. Relevant training will be given as necessary. Please send CV and covering letter outlining your experience and interest to the Parish Clerk. Email:- or by post to Mrs. P Trundle, Deben Reach, Parker Road, Bigbury on Sea, TQ7 4AT


HOST FAMILIES REQUIRED! Would you like to host two lively ten-year-olds from Belarus in the summer? The Totnes and South Hams Link of national charity Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline is once again inviting a group of youngsters from the area most affected by the explosion at the nuclear power plant 30 years ago to spend a month in the Devon countryside in a healthy and loving environment. Hosts have the children for two weeks, after which they spend a further two weeks with another family. Two or three activities a week are arranged for the group (e.g. visits to Woodlands) so they are not with their families the whole time. If you are interested in hosting or would like to help in any other way please contact Link chairman Sue Wyeth on 01548-821201. We are always looking for relief drivers, donations of clothes and offers of gardens for picnics and parties! More information about the work of Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline can be found on our website Ian McClure Vice Chairman & Publicity Officer Totnes & South Hams Link Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline

Operation Christmas Child A big thank you to all those in Ringmore, Challaborough and Bigbury who contributed to this appeal. Your very generous support enabled me to send 46 shoe boxes on their way. I will let you know their final destination at a later date. Thank you very much Alison Wynne-Powell

K E D F A S - Kingsbridge Estuary Decorative and Fine Art Society has NO talk in December, our first illustrated talk of the New Year will be The Technology of Ancient Egypt. Peter Brooke Venue: Methodist Church, 100, Fore Street, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1AW January 27th 2016 - 7 for 7.30pm January 28th 2016 -10 for 10.30am Everybody welcome – no need to be a member. £8 donation includes coffee/tea and biscuits. Registered Charity number 1158965



Our congratulations and love go to Harry and Ellen Bardens who celebrated their Diamond Wedding on November 10th. Harry and Ellen were married at St. Lawrence's Church 60 year's ago and have lived in Bigbury ever since. Happy Birthday Greetings go to former Bigbury on Sea resident Joan Smith who was 95 on 1st November. Joan is at present living in Quay Court, Kingsbridge and would love to hear from any of her former friends and neighbours. Also reaching the wonderful age of 95 is Joan Hannaford of Challaborough, who still regularly walks her black Labrador - well done Joan, and many congratulations! On November 1st Bigbury Church was full for the Baptism of Juliette, daughter of Cathy and Gordon Case. The Revd. Neil Barker took the Service and it was a real family affair with Cathy's elder daughter Coral reading the lessons, Sally, Cathy's sister, played the organ and Helen, Cathy's other sister led the prayers. Brian, who celebrated his 80th birthday last month, has written to tell us how well his ‘Birthday Bash’ went……. Huge thanks to everyone who came to Bryan’s ‘Birthday Bash’. We hope you all enjoyed yourselves. We were very grateful to Chris and Sally for letting us use their lovely home as the venue - it was perfect, and the bonus we had was some lovely weather. As you know Bryan wanted to use the occasion to raise money for the restoration of the church tower and bells rather than receiving personal presents. We are delighted to be able to report that the party itself raised just over £4,000.00 including the money from the raffle which raised £515-00. We would also like to thank all those who gave such nice prizes for the raffle. Thank you ALL for your wonderful generosity. We also want to thank the regulars at the Dolphin pub in Kingston who raised a further £200-00 at their quiz night the following week. We were so touched by so many generous donations, both at the party and in the following weeks. With regard to the restoration of the bells, we have had some quotes for the work of between £50,000.00 and £60,00.00 which involves complete refurbishment and rehanging. However the spire and tower has big problems with water ingress, so this will need to be fixed before the bells are refurbished. In order to obtain grants to do the work, (and there are many available from different sources) we need to show community support for the project. Your generosity, together with the money raised by Harry and Ellen Bardens at their diamond wedding celebrations has certainly raised the profile of the project and shown genuine support. The Friends of St Lawrence Church are also constantly holding events to raise money for the church which are supported by you, the parishioners of Bigbury - keep up the good work! We will endeavour to keep you updated regarding the progress of the project, In the meantime we wish you all a merry Christmas! Bryan and Angie Carson


The Nineteenth Hole December. Exciting times at Bigbury Golf Club At the beginning of November the main part of the Clubhouse – the lounge and restaurant closed for a total refurbishment. All the old furniture, carpets, bar, lighting and fittings were removed in readiness for the complete makeover. A fantastic team of club member volunteers have worked extremely hard this month and walls have been made good, pipes boxed in, everything has been decorated. Professional fitters have been necessary for electrics, plumbing, some carpentry, bar services and carpet fitting of course.

This picture shows the lounge almost ready for the carpet and furniture coming in next week. The overall look will be contemporary, light and comfortable – in keeping with the new exterior, completed last year. On Saturday 5th December the Club awards and prize night, one of the highlights of the year is held and everyone is holding their breath that all is completed by then! It will be assures Director of Golf Nigel Blenkarne. It will be a fabulous facility for golfers and the many local Bigbury residents who are currently social members. To celebrate the superb new facilities, Bigbury have decided to continue SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP for 2016 at the special rate of only £15 for the whole year. Anyone joining will be given a membership card which gives them 15% discount on all drinks and of course full use of the new restaurant too. Please call in to the Club, speak to Annie, Nigel or Andrea who will be pleased to help you join.


01548 810557

What’s on at December/ January Every Lunch and Early Bird Dinner till 7.00 Come and enjoy a winter warmer meal with a crumble for pudding (excluding Sunday) *Cassoulet Confit Duck Leg, Tender stem, French Bread Or Beef Cheek Bourguignon, Colcannon Mash Or *Moroccan Lamb, Marinated Prunes, Jasmine Rice £12.50

Come and Join us Christmas Eve for Carols and Mince Pies We are closed Christmas Day for Food but open from 12.00 till 2.30 for drinks Boxing Day close at 4.00 th

Bookings for Sunday the 27

of December are filling up fast so please book early

We will be open on Monday 28th of December Come and Celebrate New Year with us

New Years Eve Menu Celeriac, Apple Soup, Candied Walnuts Or Soft Hens Egg, Black Pudding Pastry, Masala Chicken Liver Or Smoked Haddock, Prawn Cake, Buttered Curry Cream ~~~~~ Jerusalem Artichoke, Leek Soubise, Pappadella Pasta Or Slow Roast Beef Rump, Almondine Potato, Roscoff Onion, Pancetta, Madeira Gravy Or Buttered Partridge, Scallion Mash, Crisp Prosciutto, Seared Radicchio, Redcurrant Jelly ~~~~~~~~ Tart Tatin, Apple Pie Ice cream Or Lemon Meringue Pie, Lemon Sherbet Or ‘Cashel’ Blue Cheese, Poached Quince, Soda Bread £25 per Head Then party the night away to 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and 2000 Disco sounds

We will be closed from the 4th of January until the 20th of January Tracy & Conor wish all of you a happy Christmas & New year



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We also offer: Complete property maintenance from decorating to a new bathroom. We will liaise with local tradesmen for plumbing, heating and electrical problems. Holiday / Second Home and Residential. Contact Elaine or Andy to discuss your requirements


The Dolphin Inn 01548 810314 We welcome Craig to The Dolphin as our new Chef. Craig will be known by most of you from his many successful years at The Bay View Cafe at Bigbury on Sea and we are delighted that he has agreed to join us. He will be offering a varied menu based on good pub grub and Roast dinners on Sunday. There will also be theme nights to add to our entertainment. We will operate Tuesday to Sunday lunchtime but will close in Winter on Sunday evenings and on Monday except for drinks in the evening. We will also be offering a Winter Warmer Menu Tue - Thurs which will be a 2 Course meal for £10.00 and 3 Courses for £12.50 starting on the 1st December. Events for your diary in November/December are :Sunday 30th Nov Cogs will be playing from 3.00pm Friday 4th December Open Mic Night and Curry Night or "Curryoke " Wednesday 16th December Secret Santa Xmas Quiz Friday 18th December Iona & Quinn Acoustic Themed Xmas songs Wednesday 23rd December Christmas Draw Tuesday 29th December Viv's Bash with Hogwash

We will be open Christmas Day 12.00 until 2.00 pm for Drinks only and normal hours for Lunch on Boxing Day.

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December 2015 I had all sorts of ideas about what I was going to write this month… all the usual excitement and anticipation of the run up to the Christmas… my increasingly fevered efforts to finish my thesis before a festive season in Bigbury… considering whether to mount a mini defence of visitors to Devon (some of us are quite nice and don’t leave dog hairs in the oven although I hold my hand up on the 4x4 bit)… writing in support and praise of the people who help clean our house and mow the tiny patch of grass that passes as our lawn when we’re not there… remembering to remind myself to bring the Xmas tree we had carefully chosen but forgotten to bring last year and which has stood for a whole twelve months in front of my car in the garage so that I see it every day and will not forget it this year… my determination not to be poorly for Xmas this year… However, I’m writing this a few days after the terrible events in Paris and that has given me pause to think. Indeed, like all sudden shocking events, it should give us all pause for thought. These can seem like uncertain frightening times and, for the people directly involved, they must be. All we can do is stand next to our fellow man, whoever that is, and try our best to be considerate, kind and compassionate this festive season. Be grateful for friends and family. Be good to each other. Be thankful for the good things that happen and enjoy them, especially the small things like a smile from a stranger or the offer of a cup of tea. Embrace life and live every moment to the full. Everyday life can seem hard sometimes and can be full of frustrations, big and small. Things can go wrong and seem very important at the time but really we are all incredibly lucky. Let us hope that we can all spread and share a bit of joy this Christmas, in Bigbury or wherever we are. Much love and very best wishes for a peaceful Christmas. WW (-:


BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Bringing the Community Together At the end of October we had a return visit from Angel Heart


Theatre, who

entertained a large

turnout – over 60 people - with their latest show, “Cirkus Spektakular”. This amazing mix of humour, tricks and audience participation was ideal fare for a half term audience of all ages. It was the first of two events that we managed to book through the Villages in Action scheme. The other is coming up on April 15th next year when Spilt Milk, a contemporary and fun dance group, will be coming to the Hall. More details about this in future editions of Bigbury News. November’s event was the latest in our series of Film Nights. This time the film was the award winning “Theory of Everything”, starring Eddie Redmayne. Instead of the usual fish and chips, we were treated to an excellent chicken casserole, kindly provided by the Pickwick Inn – many thanks to them - so, at only £7 a ticket, it was a great evening’s entertainment for the 28 people who attended. Next up is another regular favourite, a Wine Tasting Evening hosted by local wine expert Richard Taylor, ably assisted as always by Alice. The theme this time is Italian and there will be the usual assortment of delicious nibbles appropriate to the country. The date is Friday 4th December at 7.00 p.m. and tickets are available from Holywell Stores. The New Year kicks off in great style with our annual Quiz Night on Friday 8th January – see poster. Again, this is super value – only £6 including a pasty each and a bottle of wine per table of six. This tends to be one of our most popular events of the year, so waste no time in buying your tickets from Holywell Stores. Finally, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all at the Hall. Charles Harrington. Tel. 810023. Email


Bigbury Memorial Hall Calendar of Events November 201

Day & Time


Contact name

Tel. no


Body Boost

*Jill Gubbins


10.30 – 11.30


*Jill Gubbins


19.00 – 20.15


Fi Baker


Kylie Worden

9.30 – 10.15


9.30 – 11.45

South Hams Shrimps

07845 280734


9.15 – 10.00

Body Conditioning *Jill Gubbins


10.05 – 11.05


*Jill Gubbins


11.15 – 12.00

Strong & Steady

*Jill Gubbins


(plus tea & chat) th

Fri. 4 December: 7.00pm. Wine tasting with an Italian theme. Tickets £10 from Holywell Stores. Fri. 8th January: Quiz Night. See poster below. Future Events: Spilt Milk - a Villages in Action event; Friday 16th April. Details in February’s Bigbury News. 50:100 Club (Promoted by Dane Vanstone). The next draw for the 50:100 Club will take place at the Wine tasting in December. Tickets (£8 for the 8 monthly draws) are available from Holywell Stores. Buy now for your chance to win. 50% of the money goes in prizes and 50% to the Memorial Hall. October’s lucky winners were Fiona Dukes (£15) and Brian Parnell (£7).


We’ll supply the questions, a pasty each and one bottle of wine per table of 6 people; you provide the glasses, brain power and any extra drink required.

Bigbury Memorial Hall 7.30pm Friday 8th January 2016 Tickets £6 from Holywell Stores


Latest News By Liz Playle

The next few Monthly Speaker meetings at the Methodist Church Hall, Kingsbridge (1000-1200) are:December

Friday January

No Monthly Meeting with speaker in December. The th Christmas Lunch on Friday 11 December takes its place, at Buckland Tout Saints Hotel at 1200, travelling in own cars. A few places are still available. To book, please fill out the application form in the Autumn Newsletter, and send it to Joyce Drummond, together with you cheque for £25 pp.

22nd Sharon Anniss – TV & Film Make-up Artist Sharon has worked on a wide range of TV programmes such as “Waking the Dead”, “Spooks”, “Holby City” and her film credits include “Anna Karenina” and “Warhorse”. Living locally she was delighted that her latest project, “The Coroner”, was filmed right here in Kingsbridge. It is scheduled to be shown nationwide, from Monday 16th November on BBC1 @ 1415 for 2 weeks. It will be great to now be able to watch it before Sharon’s talk!

Many more trips are in the planning stage for next year, such as Gardens of Heligan; Ladies Day at Newton Abbot Racecourse; and Devonport. Member’s suggestions always welcome! Do not forget to look at the Kingsbridge Estuary U3A website for all the latest information on events and groups. Also, the deadline for sending articles (and/or photos) for inclusion in the next, new year, Newsletter is 15th November. Send as attachments to emails to Judy Tyler (see below) The next Friday meeting is 27th November 1000 at the Methodist Church Hall, Kingsbridge. Hope to see you there! Contacts:Membership Sec: Judy Tyler, 01548 842217 Secretary: Sylvia Griffin,, 01548 856956 Visits Organiser: Tony Westlake,, 01548531562 Groups Organiser: Anthea McWatt, 01548581399 Parish Magazines contact: Liz Playle, 07859391791 Website:


Come and enjoy the festive fun at The Oyster Shack this winter… Stop by and warm your cockles by our roaring fire, learn new skills in one of our Master Class Cookery Demonstrations, revel in one of our fantastic Shack offers, get festive at our Christmas Barrow Market, bring the family and pick your Christmas tree or plan a festive Christmas or New Year's Eve get together like no other......

Wreath Making Master Class Friday 11th December Join local floristry artist Jan Meredith for a festive Wreath Making Master Class. The day will include a morning tutorial, three-course lunch and wreath making in the afternoon.

CHRISTMAS BARROW MARKET LOCAL ARTS & CRAFTS SATURDAY 12TH DECEMBER 10.00 am – 4.00 pm There will be barrows full of fantastic Christmas gifts from local crafters and artists, as well as Christmas trees for sale, mulled wine, hot seafood treats, a raffle with amazing prizes from some of the stall holders and live cookery demonstrations throughout the day from Head Chef Andy. All in aid of The Fishermen’s Mission and The National Lobster Hatchery!s, a

FESTIVE NIBBLES & CANAPÈS 9th & 16th Dec Impress your guests with home-made festive nibbles this Christmas time. Learn how to make a selection of delicious canapés and delightful treats. For £40 per person, you can enjoy the demo with mouth watering tasters, a drink on arrival followed by a twocourse set menu.

Christmas Trees for Sale Our beautiful noble fir Christmas trees will be on sale here at The Shack from 29th November. Receive 10% off your tree if you dine with us on the same day.


A Cracking Christmas Party With Christmas just around the corner, can you think of a more magical and cosy place to celebrate than with us? This year we've introduced our bespoke Christmas Cookery Demos, where our Head Chef will teach your party how to master their culinary skills. Fantastic for families or team building for groups of 6+. Prices start at £19 per head for the demo followed by a 3-course set menu.

STOCKING FILLERS? What could be more of a treat than a shack gift voucher or a place at one of our spring masterclass demos? Contact the team for personalised vouchers. This year we’ll be open as usual until Sunday 3rd January for lunch, followed by our annual January break. We’ll be back and serving delicious seafood on Wednesday 3rd February 2016.

Winter Opening Times: Monday - Saturday 12 - 3pm / 6 - 9pm Sunday 12 - 3pm

Christmas Eve:12 - 3pm Christmas Day: closed Boxing Day:12 - 3pm

New Years Eve: 12 - 3pm / 6 - 10pm New Years Day: 12 - 9pm

Everyone at The Oyster Shack wish all Shackers a very happy Christmas and New Year and we look forward to seeing you in 2016!


Bigbury Coastguard Search and Rescue Team 12 month summary Firstly allow me to introduce myself, I am Craig Hudson, I have been a member of the Bigbury Coastguard Search and Rescue Team for the last 5 years. We are an extremely dedicated group of local volunteers on call 24/7 caring for our coastline, its surrounding area and the safety of those who use it. We are at the moment a team of 10 local individuals who all live and mainly work in the area surrounding Bigbury and its neighbouring parishes and we are classed as a Category 1 Emergency Service, specialising in Cliff Rescue, Swift Water Rescue, Missing Persons, radio communication etc., we are often called upon to help the police, ambulance service, bomb disposal unit (EOD), we are all trained and qualified first aiders, including the use of the neck braces and defibrillators. Our team covers the stretch of coastline between the River Erme and the Avon Estuary however due to declining numbers of volunteers and high safety requirements we are very often called to assist our flank teams based at Hope Cove, Prawle, Newton Ferrers (Yealm team) and Plymouth. We can also be called to any part of the UK at any time to assist in the event of flooding, snow, large scale searches and other emergency situations which may occur like 9/11. This parish and our neighbouring parishes are very lucky to have a great number of these life saving defibrillators and I would strongly urge everyone to learn how to use one. Bigbury Coastguard has been in service for well in excess of 60 years & up until the later part of 2011 we had the privilege of having one of the HM Coastguards longest serving rescue officers, our local legend, that I’m sure we all know or have at least come across Mr John Tucker of Folly Farm, Bigbury on Sea. John served the coastguards for just over 50 years but unfortunately was asked to retire due to red tape from service, he is very much missed but often turns up just to help or offer advice. Our leading lady Sandy Hammond of Ringmore has also, in the last month decided to hang up her blue overalls, boots, radio and helmet after 15 years of service, she has been through a great deal with us as a team member, both good times and bad times, she has been a great asset and backbone to the team, she will be missed a great deal by every team member. Sandy has been nothing short of superb, just like John Tucker. We would like to say a big thank you to both of you for all of your time and hard work that you have dedicated to the saving of countless lives, and we wish you all the best for the future. Now as this year draws to a close I would like to say that fortunately our patch seems to be a rather safe one, we have only been called to approximately 20 rescues ranging from searching for missing persons, first aid, rescuing dogs that decided to take a walk on the wild side, sea related incidents, to the unfortunate recovery of deceased persons, granted it’s not very pleasant however we are a professional team and it is required of us to cover everything from rescue to recovery. Of course we have also helped our flank teams and other emergency services. As a team we tend to have official training sessions at night, these usually take place on the first Tuesday of each month starting at 6pm, weather permitting, because to


be honest nobody likes to get wet unless totally necessary, we carry out cliff training exercises at Clematon Hill, Bigbury-On-Sea so if your passing please don’t hesitate to come over and say hello or ask us what we are doing, none of us bite (well most of us!!) or, we maybe training in our wonderful station that is located in the Memorial Hall Car Park at St Ann's Chapel. We are a team at the moment of 10 local volunteers, we do have, as a team the capacity for 12 members, so we have 2 spare places which need filling please. If anybody, that lives and or works in Bigbury, Ringmore, Kingston or at least within the local area, between the ages of 18-60 that would like to find out more about becoming a member of the Bigbury Coastguard Search and Rescue Team and / or joining our very close team to contact our station officer Jeremy Gilbert on 07850804327 or e mail Finally we would all like to wish you all a very happy /safe Christmas and a Happy New Year.

WEEKLY FRIDAY BUS over the Christmas Period Please note that for Christmas and New Year weeks, the normal Friday bus to Plymouth is running on Wednesday 23rd and Wednesday 30th December at the usual times. i.e. Bigbury on Sea 9.30, Bigbury Village about 9.35, Pickwick, Challaborough 9.40ish, Kingston about 10.0ish – Plymouth about 10.45. Return leaving the bus station at 1.30. It would be really good to have more locals using this bus. We fought very hard to stop DCC adding Ivybridge to the journey and with the caravan sites at Challaborough closed for the winter months, it does mean fewer people on the bus so why don’t you come along and join us? It is far cheaper than using your own petrol, paying car parking charges etc. and you don’t have the hassle of driving.

Christmas Barrow Market at The Oyster Shack Saturday 12th December 11am – 4pm

We’ll have a wonderful array of barrows with local arts, crafts and Christmas gifts with cookery demonstrations throughout the day. There will be Christmas trees for sale and delicious seafood treats including a raffle with some fantastic prizes all in aid of The Fishermen’s Mission and The National Lobster Hatchery. Local crafts and artists . Christmas gifts Charity raffle with amazing prizes Live cookery demonstrations Beautiful noble fir Christmas trees Delicious Shack treats Home made bramble gin . Ashridge mulled cider Warming crab soup . Seafood bar . Paella Hope to see you there Love Chris & the crew


On Wednesday 4th December the Korniloff Coffee Morning raised ÂŁ150 for our local South Hams Shrimps. It was lovely to have the children, Halli, Caleb, Verity, Juliet, Kira and Juno plus their parents who came down to join us for the raffle and cheer us all up on a wet and dreary morning. It was lovely to see the two spectra of life together and a delighted Caleb win the jar of sweets which he duly shared with us all. Thankyou to all those who helped, supported and gave so generously. On Wednesday the 2nd December we will be fundraising for the restoration of the bells and tower of St Lawrence Church. Like last year, the Twelve Days of Christmas, on sale will be homemade chutneys, jams, marmalade, Christmas Logs, cakes, puddings, biscuits and festive fare. Please come and support our last coffee morning for this year, between 10.30 and noon. We would like to give our grateful thanks to Gina & Gordon, their staff, who are so helpful and of course, the residents of the Korniloff for welcoming us into their lovely home and for their continuing support. Jean

Our November Meeting was at Erica's home - thank you chael for the delicious cakes!!


We discussed our book of the month "The Hare With the Amber Eyes" which is a true story about the Jewish Community in Austria both before and after the war. The "Hare" in the title is a Netsuke and the book tells us a lot about Japanese Art which was widely collected by the wealthy Jews at this period in history. Some of our members thought the book was wonderful, others found it hard-going and a couple gave up on it but, after our discussion, decided to try again to finish it. The story was, at times, harrowing but is fascinating and very informative. Our next chosen book is "The Accidental Tourist" by Anne Tyler. Next month, instead of our usual meeting, we are going to have lunch together at The White Hart in Modbury. Hazel Osborne.

Seichem Reiki Reconnective Bengsten Method

My house or at yours Contact: Beth 01548 810385 22

The November meeting of the Bigbury Ladies was on Wednesday 18th when a party of us went to Le Bistrot Pierre in the Royal William Yard in Plymouth. Some of the party had left in advance in order to look at a few little shops within the Yard whilst the rest of us joined them at the bistro at 12.30. Car parking is very good there and the setting, of course, is so wonderful and historic. The bistro is beautifully done and, as the name implies, very French. There were 12 of us altogether – Hazel, Jane, Cathy, Chrissie, Lynn, Gill (suffering, again, but this time with a broken wrist), Helen, Rita, Rose, Jo, Maureen and myself. Considering its very large size, the establishment was extremely busy with virtually every table taken. We thought the prices were very reasonable with one course at £8.95, two courses £10.95 and 3 courses at £12.95. Unusually, in small print at the bottom of the menu it says “there is a 10% discretionary service charge for parties of six or more”. Luckily for us our waitress treated us as two parties of six and didn’t surcharge us. However, we did all put in a tip on top of our bill anyway!!! That seemed unusual – usually discounts are given for parties not a surcharge!! Anyway, the food was absolutely delicious – I think that we all thoroughly enjoyed our meal. We all had two courses – with some having starter and main, and the rest having main and dessert. Now – you’ve heard about the one locked in the lavatory!!!! Fortunately, it wasn’t one of our party but one poor soul really had managed to get locked in one of the toilets and various members of staff were trying to get the lock off the door – initially using knives, spoons etc. until one good male employee found a toolkit. We assume he got the unfortunate lady or gent out but we didn’t stop to find out. Many thanks to Chrissie Curgenven for organising this trip and to the good ladies who volunteered to drive. December meeting – We are repeating an earlier visit to California Inn where we had an excellent Christmas dinner there with lots of good company two years ago. We will need to inform “the Cali” in advance of numbers and again, we are welcoming partners along to join us for this Christmas dinner. Please let Helen Smith know in advance if you wish to join us on Wednesday 16th December – 810386 Pam Trundle

The tree will be up on the green soon! Preparations are going well so please do come along and join us for some traditional carols, mulled wine and mince pies on Christmas Eve on the green in Bigbury. We have specifically ordered a lovely balmy dry evening. We’re still looking for musicians to help us so if you play any musical instrument please could you contact me or Angie Carson who will pass on your details to me. Otherwise you might get me on the recorder… you have been warned! Hope to see you all there on Christmas Eve in good voice and good heart! Fiona Barker, at or on my mobile on 0780 858 6430.


Bigbury History Society It was a rainy evening on the 4th November as 22 Bigbury residents waited for the school doors to open. But these were not schoolchildren (far from it!) – it was the BHS who were given a private viewing of the Cookworthy Museum in Kingsbrige’s Old Grammar School. Our host was Holly Trubshaw, the Curator. We began in the schoolroom with its atmospheric woodwork carved initials of Kingsbridge boys since the 18th Century. The room is full of artifacts from the town’s tradesmen, but the star exhibition is pottery from the Plymouth Works of William Cookworthy – the chemist and pottery businessman who was born in the town. Other highlights include hundreds of photographs from the 1870’s to the present day, showing how people of the area have lived, worked and played over many generations. In the outside barn is a magnificent collection of farming implements – which several of our members could recall, and in some cases used, from their youth. We finished with a visit to the Heritage Resource Centre, which gives access to archives and local records – including many exhibits specific to Bigbury. After the meeting the majority of members moved on for an evening of comradery and good food at The Old Bakery. As you will see in this month’s BN poster, our next event follows the local theme – a long awaited presentation from Norman Botton on what previous Bigbury inhabitants achieved in WW1 - on Tuesday 8th December. Peter Cook

MOBILE LIBRARY Our librarian is Steve and he will be at:BoS - Cleveland Drive 12.40 –

1.25 p.m.

Bigbury Green

2.00 –

2.30 p.m.

Ringmore Church

11.50 – 12.20 a.m.

Kingston Fire Station

11.00 – 11.40 a.m.

Dates; 1 December; - NB this is the last library for 8 weeks – the next one will be Jan 26th then 23rd February. Please note the library now only visits once a month and especially note new times. PLEASE, PLEASE do use our mobile library. We are very lucky to have the service and don’t want to lose it through lack of support. DCC have made many cuts and libraries are one of them. We must retain this service so please use it. Some people are under the misconception you can only keep books a month – but Steve is very good, we do not have to pay fines. Pam Trundle - Parish Clerk: Tel: 810719 Email:


As I sit here typing this update the wind is howling and rain pouring down as we are hit by one of the winter storms. However just because it is wet outside, this does not stop our Ranger work. After auditing the Ringmore site it was noted that a few of the benches along Toby’s path had seriously deteriorated. Seasonal Ranger Ricky Callan recycled wood from furniture removed from other sites to create the benches. With help from our volunteers Anna, Rachel and Vicky the benches were replaced in mid November. Our Tuesday volunteer group went out with the Ranger team for a day in November and laid a section of hedge down Smugglers Lane. This is a traditional way of managing hedgerows and is more sustainable than flailing the hedge. Once layed the hedgerow regrows to create a thick barrier which will then be layed again in another 7 to 10 years. At our Noss Mayo site we are replacing the old information boards with new updated panels and looking at a complete overhaul of the deteriorating signage around Revelstoke Drive and Stoke Point. This should give a real lift to the area and make the visits and walks around that stunning section of coast even more enjoyable. If you fancy a bit of festive fun why not join the Ranger team at East Soar Outdoor Experience, East Soar Farm near Malborough on Sunday 20th December between 12noon and 3pm for their free Festive Fun event. You can get creative and make your own wreath from natural materials or make your own festive lantern to take away and have a go at campfire cooking and ‘50 Things to do before you’re 11 ¾’ activities. All with the warmth of a camp fire and café for refreshments (charge applies for refreshments). For further information please look http:// or call 01752 346585. The South Devon Ranger team would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy Healthy New year. Please stop and have a chat to the team if you see us out working or if you have any comments about the work of the National Trust. For further information please call Lorna Sherriff on 01548 562344 or email Lorna Sherriff Area Ranger Follow us on Twitter: @NTSouthDevon and Facebook: National Trust South Devon

HOUSE CLEARANCE In the New Year various household and furniture items, suitable for holiday lets, guest accommodation, etc, will be available for reasonable offers. Please contact Jill Gubbins on 810651 for further details in January, leaving a clear name and number for a return call if no answer. Also possibility of 'open day', please look out for posters. Tumble Dryer …. Free to a good home! We have available a drying machine, same size as a washing machine, works well. Creda ‘reversair sensadry’ system. White colour. Give me a call … 810385


Warren Palmer has contacted me with some details of recent events such as they are. The items referred to as the 'usual' occurrences are minor matters such as rowdyism etc. His report is shown below. As he says there has been little to report as regards crime and other Police matters so once again we can count ourselves as lucky that we live in such a relatively crime free area. There has been no crime in Bigbury apart from the theft of fuel and a bucket to a small digger which I have already informed you about. We had the usual crimes over the holiday period at Challabrough plus one caravan owner had his pipes to his gas bottles cut and stolen. Theft off two trailers from Aveton Gifford and a dingy from the tidal path. Plus Richard Crafer (swan man) has been given a location banning order not to be on certain places on the tidal path he is allowed to park in the small private car park at the end of the tidal path but only to check on his boat. Plus we have had theft of fuel twice from R.J Farm Industrials at the bottom of Aveton Gifford on the bridge . The following are matters of interest that we need to be aware of. These telephone scams in particular are very nasty and by the nature of the offence could affect all of us if we do not take care. Once again remember that if something appears to be too good to be true then it probably isn't and banks and such organisations continue to advise us that they do not do business over the phone except in very rare circumstances and even then would never ask for account numbers, pin numbers etc. 1.Devon and Cornwall Police have received reports relating to a professionally run national scam. This has led to many vulnerable people, who are often elderly, being ruthlessly defrauded out of thousands of pounds. There have been a considerable number of victims nationwide, including many locally in the Devon and Cornwall area. The average age of victim appears to be 70 years old, with losses ranging between ÂŁ4000 - ÂŁ100 000 +. The offenders call unsuspecting victims pretending to be an official body, such as the police or bank. At present the common theme is for the caller to claim to be a Metropolitan police detective. The offenders then convince the victim that there has been some form of fraudulent activity with their bank account. They sometimes claim to have someone in police custody who was found with the victims bank details, or that their account has, or is being used, to withdraw substantial sums of money. The caller requests bank account details, PIN numbers and other details as a matter of urgency to prevent further substantial losses. The caller often invites the victim to hang up the phone and call their bank or local police to confirm events. What the victim is unaware of is that the caller has maintained an open phone line, so on re-dialing the victim is actually connected to and conversing with the same offenders throughout the whole process. Once having attained all bank details the caller eventually tries to convince the victim to package their bank cards, seal them in an envelope and wait for a courier to arrive and collect. On occasion the caller also convinces the victim to visit their bank and withdraw substantial sums of cash from their accounts and await further instructions; usually involving a courier as described. The offenders sound


professional, use decoding electronic devices as part of the process and even have automated messages and background music if on hold; it is a sophisticated and well planned operation which gives the impression of being genuine If you believe a member of the public is in the process of being defrauded or has been the victim of this type of incident, please contact Devon and Cornwall Police on 101 immediately. 2. Police have been advised that a resident in Totnes received a call from a male claiming to be a Police Officer from the Metropolitan Police Serious Fraud Squad. This call sounded plausible and the bogus officer also mentioned using a password. This male then requested the resident to withdraw a large sum of money from her bank account which she did and later a female called and collected this money. We would urge people to be aware of this scam and not to go along with it. Please note that police officers will never ask you for your bank details or ask you to send money to them. The Police would not phone members of the public in this way and we would ask anyone who is contacted by these people to phone the police and report it straight away on 101. 3. Residents are receiving phone calls from abroad, in particular, India, reference the owners computers needing urgent repair and that they need to accept software on their computer called Team Viewer which gives the caller remote access to control the computer. They are targeting elderly residents and requesting bank transfers in the region of ÂŁ9500 to fix the problem and only when the money has been transferred. Local banks have stated that the fraudsters are aware that anything under ÂŁ10,000 will not be raised as an issue by the bank. The callers purport to be calling from Micro Tech in India using the name of John or Michael WATSON or Windows Technical Support using the name of Frederick calling on number 0208 2621858. Please be aware of such calls, do not enter into any transactions or provide any personal details. Please advise any elderly neighbours, family or friends regarding this scam. I've been asked to finish with the usual warning concerning care with property and personal belongings. Always make sure your property, garage, shed etc. are made secure especially if you are away and always take care with your car and leave no temptations on view to tempt the would be thief. Anthony Singleton.

Lyndale Studio Unique one off oil paintings especially for you, produced from a supplied photograph. Painted on top quality canvas textured paper, and supplied in mount, ready for your choice of frame. Each painting signed. Wedding venues, Properties, pubs etc. Prices available on request. Telephone 01548 810165

27 Our bronze free-range turkeys are traditionally reared and prepared in the time-honoured way to give a moist, flavoursome meat for the centrepiece of your Christmas table. They meet the Golden Promise standard with welfare a top priority. For further information or to place your order please ring the Walters family in Kingston on (01548) 810259 or order online. Home-reared sausages, bacon, hams and other meats also available to order. Potatoes now available SOUTH HAMS SOCIETY Why not join members of the South Hams Society for the final beach clean of 2015? You will be made very welcome. Saturday 12 December beach clean at Gara Beach. Meet at 12 noon. Last winter, the weather was truly spectacular and we sat in the Lookout Cafe admiring the dramatic view and wondering if it was wise to tackle the difficult decent. Snug and warm, we spent a long time thinking ... LW 12.30 GMT For more information, please contact Vivien Napper, t: 01548 842405 e: or visit the South Hams Society website at http://

Please help fund our growing Transport and Befriending services





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