Bigbury News July 2017

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The site for great holidays in a great community; now gives the accommodation, holiday activities, many useful links and maps.

Now features community events and dates.

Send any ideas for the site to

Front Cover: Hare & Hounds - 1905 2

What’s on and Dates for your Diary


Editors Page News, Views & letters


Church Service times for A.G. Bigbury, Kingston, Modbury & Ringmore


Message from the Minister


Pickwick Inn - 1950

Parish Council Draft Minutes from the monthly meeting

Your handy pull-out Guide to Local Business

Where’s Alfie ?? 13

Musings from Weekend Wendy


Bigbury Memorial Hall Reports and Diary of events


News from all your Regular Social Meetings

He’s hiding somewhere in the pages!!

Bigbury News is published monthly by Editor - Rose Owen at Lucerne Ringmore Drive Bigbury-on-Sea Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 4AU Tel: 01548 810815 email: Treasurer: Trudy Smith, 20 Hilltop, St Ann's Chapel, TQ7 4HG Tel: 810185 All contributions and requests for advertising to the Editor Bigbury News is a voluntary run publication which is supported by a grant from the Parish Council, advertising rates and donations from readers

DISCLAIMER - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure adverts and articles appear correctly, Bigbury News cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor.

Dates for your Diary July… 1st

Modbury Gospel Singers, Afterglow Performance - Bigbury Mem. Hall 5.30 - 7pm...see p.15


Korniloff Coffee Morning - supporting Bigbury Bay Beach Wheelchairs held at Korniloff Care Home, Bigbury on Sea from 10.30 - noon


A Victorian Tea Party - The Old Rectory, Bigbury @ 3pm…see below


Memorial Hall AGM at the Hall @ 7pm


Proms Charity Concert at Fleet House….see p.19


Filling Station - Bigbury Memorial Hall

August… 2nd

Korniloff Coffee Morning - supporting Modbury Caring - from 10.30 - noon

September… 3rd

BIGBURY PRODUCE SHOW - Memorial Hall - presentation of prizes @ 3pm

Look out for other dates of events in and around Bigbury, Modbury and Kingsbridge also mentioned in articles in this magazine.

Friends of St Lawrence’s, Bigbury Invite you to attend


Wednesday 5 July 2017 at 3 pm £ 10.00 (Friends £ 8.00) At The Old Rectory, Bigbury RSVP 01548 810864 (Alice)


Please don’t forget….. Bigbury News will need a New Editor for 2018

01548 810815 email: You can now find each months issue at

PARISH CLERK. The Parish Clerk is Richard Matthews of 10 Lower Brook Park, Ivybridge, Devon, PL21 9TZ; Tel: 07987 130599.



2nd 11.00 am

Family Service

Trinity 4

9th 11.00 am

Songs of Praise

Trinity 5

16th 11.00 am

Holy Communion

Trinity 6

23rd 11.00 am

Family Communion

ST. LAWRENCE - BIGBURY 2nd 11.00 am

Sunday Worship

9th 11.00 am

Sunday Worship

16th 11.00 am

Holy Communion*

23th 11.00 am

Family Communion & Baptism


Trinity 7

2nd 9.30 am

Communion by Extention

9th 9.30 am

Sunday Worship

16th 9.30 am

Holy Communion

23rd 9.30 am

Village Service

30th 10.30 am

Joint Family Service


9.30 am

Holy Communion


9.30 am

Family Service


9.30 am

Family Communion


9.30 am

Sunday Worship

ALL HALLOWS - RINGMORE 2nd 9.30 am 9th 9.30 am

Sunday Worship Family Communion

16th 9.30 am

Village Service

23rd 9.30 am

Sunday Worship

* Service in traditional language - The “Village Service” is led by members of the congregation


Korniloff (Bigbury on Sea) Holy Communion by Extension - Tues 18th at 2.30 p.m.

Message from the Minister THE RHYTHM OF LIFE I wonder what your summer memories will be this year? The bright summer sunshine? Church Fetes, family gatherings, holidays? The consequences of the General Election and Brexit negotiations? It may even have been memories of a drought as forecast just a while ago but now thankfully we’ve had a plentiful supply of sunshine and rain. As a gardener, I marvel at the way things thrive with a little of each – and under these conditions, my how the lawns and churchyards grow! It’s time to revel in these days of summer in this glorious part of the world, to rejoice in the warm mornings and long days for all too soon they will be replaced by those which herald that autumn is on its way. For the cycle of the year moves on. Each season passing to make way for the next in the rhythm of life and death and resurrection. Yet the changing of the seasons are comforting and refreshing. We anticipate the coming of each as we interpret the signs around us and experience each period of change with our senses. Rhythms of the seasons, rhythms of life. Our human appreciation of rhythm inclines us to form habits. We look forward to the harvesting of vegetables and fruit in their own season, growing and ripening in the summer sun. Like the rhythm of the seasons in the wonder of God’s creation around us, there are things in the rhythm of our daily routines that we might not want to be without. Reading the paper or news on the internet, doing the crossword at a certain time of day. Taking an afternoon or evening walk. Habits that become part of the daily ritual of each day. Each new day that is given to us as gift by God. Offering the one who has given us the gift of the day, time in the rhythm of it to be thankful to him. Giving thanks in the ordinariness of the day for the tokens that God offers to us that demonstrate his divine presence with us. And as with the rain and sunshine of summer, a little of each making the grass grow, so too do these daily companions of rhythm help us to grow and point us back towards God. What we offer may seem inadequate, but what is important is that it is a beginning – a step along the way, an opportunity as the seasons come and go – to allow God’s love to enter and do the rest. For the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is his faithfulness. (From Lamentations 3: 22-23 - Old Testament)

Revd Jackie Taylor - Rural Dean for Woodleigh Deanery

Rector: (ring 830260 for information during the vacancy) Readers: Joyce Howitt (01364 73093), Michael Tagent (810520) Website:


Minutes of the Bigbury Parish Council meeting held in the Memorial Hall, St Ann’s Chapel on WEDNESDAY 14th June 7.30pm. PRESENT: Cllr. B Carson (in the chair), D.Cllr B Huntley, Cllrs: G Rosevear, S Smith, H Getley and Clerk R Matthews. Twenty one residents were present. Declaration of Interest The Chairman read out a statement in respect of Declaration of Interest. 1.0 Apologies for absence: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. C Case Clerk took this opportunity to advise of Cllr. R Owen’s decision to resign from the Parish Council with immediate effect. Clerk added that a notice for a Casual Vacancy would be published in the next few days. Cllr. Carson acknowledged the positive contribution made by Cllr. Owen to matters, stating she will be missed.


2.0 Minutes of previous meetings held on May 10th 2017: The minutes of the meeting held on May 10th 2017 were approved - proposer Cllr. Rosevear, seconded by Cllr. Smith and unanimously agreed by all Councillors. These were duly signed by the Chairman. 3.0

Matters arising (actions) from last meeting and not covered in this month’s agenda: Playground – Clerk confirmed a second quotation for repairs was awaited. C/F Action Clerk Playground – it was agreed the playground was in need of a major ‘make-over’ and Cllr. Rosevear agreed to investigate potential sources for grants to help with the overall cost. This is in process. C/F Action Cllr. Rosevear Bigbury on Sea Lay-By - possible improvements to / change of use. C/F Action Cllrs. Carson, Rosevear Case and Getley The future of Bigbury news – C/F Skip placement and publicity in Bigbury News – in hand. vear


Action All Councillors Action Cllr. Rose-

Car Parking and related topics Cllr. Carson welcomed Cathy Aubertin – Operational Manager (Environment Services) South Hams District Council to the meeting and thanked her for sparing the time to talk about Car Parking matters and The Warren. Cathy was supported by C.Cllr. Gilbert. Cathy stated she needed a decision from the Parish Council about increases to car parking charges. There was a community led tariff policy and the District Council needed to achieve an overall increase in revenue of 2%. Cathy further advised that most other councils had opted to increase the rates for short term parking rather than long term.


After reviewing the historical patterns for parking in Bigbury on Sea, Cathy suggested the following increases could be considered. One hour parking increase by 10p moving from £1.30 to £1.40 Two hour parking increase by 10p moving from £2.60 to £2.70 Three hour parking increase by 10p moving from £3.90 to £4.00

The following comments relating to charges and other parking related topics were made during the discussion: •

Cllr. Getley was pleased that the daily rate had not altered

Resident A asked about the possibility of free resident parking. Response - NOT possible

Resident B asked what would happen to the car park if the District Council do not pursue the option of a new lease. Response - The District Council have a desire to negotiate a new lease. C.Cllr. Gilbert commented that car parks were expensive to operate and that apart from the obvious maintenance (white lines, pay machines etc) each space attracted a business rate of £200.

Resident C indicated there was a significant level of illegal parking and couldn’t more be done to enforce payment. Response - enforcement takes place but perhaps we should consider changing the times that Enforcement Officers visit. It is also not feasible to use the Officers who empty the pay machines to enforce parking as this may compromise the overall collection, accounting and banking process.

Resident C added that coaches were also parking illegally and in some cases occupying up to the equivalent of six car spaces. Response – Enforcement Officers would be made aware of this. Cllr. Carson added that perhaps coaches could park in the alternative car park on land owned by Farmer Tucker. Response – rules and regulations didn’t currently provide this option (Certificate of lawfulness) although C.Cllr. Gilbert agreed to make tentative enquiries as to whether this could be reviewed.

Cllr.Getley commented that at certain times the car parking machines were not emptied of cash quickly enough, resulting in them not working - leading to the suspension of charges IE loss of revenue. Response – District Council would review, adding that in other parishes the Ringgo system was an alternative payment option. However that relied on a mobile phone signal which is currently NOT available in Bigbury on Sea.

Cllr. Carson asked if there was any consideration being given to the installation of a charging point as electric cars were becoming more popular. Response – this is constantly being reviewed.

Cllr. Carson stated that the winter tariff was the same as the summer tariff, asking if there was any other option. Response – if the winter tariff is reduced, the summer tariff will need to be further increased.

D.Cllr. Huntley asked if the ‘old fashioned’ system of a man on a gate collecting money was a viable alternative. Response – this is NOT an option as it brings issues with on-site security and auditing.

Resident D asked if number plate recognition systems could be introduced. Response – this was an expensive solution and a minimum capital outlay of £200k was needed in addition to the ongoing service and support charges.

Cathy commented that the review of charges in annual but this is the first time in six years that an increase is being sought.

Resident A asked if there was a season ticket option. Response – yes at a cost of £387. Resident E asked if this permit covered all car parks managed by the District Council. Response – a village permit will be available for Bigbury car park only from July 3rd at a cost of £140 per annum. Up until that date, a commuter permit is available which may be used across the District at an annual cost of £191.

Resident C asked if the District Council had factored in the loss of revenue as a consequence of half of the Warren currently being cordoned off for safety reasons. Response – yes


Cathy had reworked a number of pricing scenarios in the financial modelling tool as the meeting progressed and having also taken into account a desire to minimise the number of coins needed and avoid the 5p coin totally, suggested the following option: One hour £1.20 (was £1.30) Two hours £2.50 (was £2.60) Three hours £4.00 (was £3.90) Overnight fee eliminated (was £2.00) All day defined as 24 hours £8.00 (new tariff) Cllr. Rosevear proposed this be accepted, Cllr. Smith seconded the proposal and the Council members unanimously agreed. Cathy advised that the Warren had now been partly fenced off – this was a temporary solution whilst the lease negotiations take place. The intention is to review the options for repair and renovation in autumn 2017. • •

Cllr. Carson asked if the Warren would be maintained during this review period. Response - yes D.Cllr. Huntley commented that were issues with overnight parking. Resident C added that the ‘no overnight sleeping’ signs could be made bigger and more visible. Response – current legislation meant that there is no legal contravention and banning overnight sleeping could not be enforced. However, further consideration would be given to the issue. Cllr. Getley asked if the directional signs for the toilets could be made more visible / bigger. Response – please email C.Cllr. Gilbert for action.

Cllr. Carson thanked Cathy for sharing this information. 5.0

County Councillor’s report C.Cllr. Gilbert had just a few further topics to update: Work on the Easton to Ashford road was now scheduled to be completed this summer. The road from Totnes Cross to Halwell would be completed this evening.


Planning application 4097/16/OPA–Proposed development site at SX663 471, St Ann’s Chapel This topic had been moved up the agenda in order for C.Cllr Gilbert to listen and contribute to the discussion from a highways perspective. Resident F referred to drawing number 4187-001 version N which the Parish Council had not seen – version L was made available to the Clerk from SHDC planning. Version N clearly shows a NO RIGHT TURN sign on the approach road to St Ann’s Chapel from the direction of Bigbury on Sea. This affects all traffic requiring access to Holywell Stores, the Memorial Hall, Local housing at Hill Top, the nearby hamlets such as Easton and the route via the tidal road. Such traffic will be forced to turn around and return to Bigbury village where they will subsequently have to take the road via St Lawrence church. This road is narrower and has more bends with poorer visibility. A survey was undertaken in Hollywell Stores over a three day period and 50% of the respondents considered this option unacceptable. Version N also shows a STOPPING NOTICE which would prevent any deliveries being made to the Pickwick Inn and its cellar.

Version N also shows a changed road configuration at St Ann’s Chapel as it is approached from the direction of Ringmore. The Parish Council have considered the above and taken into account the views of residents present at the meeting, all of whom find this road scheme both unacceptable and dangerous.


The Parish Council object to this proposal on the following grounds:

Totally inadequate consideration to the established traffic flow in and around St Ann’s Chapel Lack of clarity in terms of the process namely updated plans not made available Lack of clarity on plan version N – is the NO Right Turn sign in the direction assumed Detrimental impact on local businesses (Holywell Stores and the Pickwick Inn), Memorial Hall (Community Centre), and homes in St Ann’s Chapel. Increased traffic flow on alternate route via St Lawrence Church Increased danger of traffic travelling at unopposed higher speeds through the village, irrespective of speed limit signs. Proposed by Cllr. Rosevear, seconded by Cllr. Smith and was agreed unanimously by all Councillors. 7.0 Open session Resident F observed that the grass in the playing field had not been cut for some time and needed attention. Action Clerk Resident C stated the Seafront planning proposal was shortly to be put forward and asked if it was to be discussed at this meeting as he understood the Parish Councillors were to meet with the architect in a closed meeting. There was a requirement for transparency; a point also raised by resident G. Cllr. Carson stated that the architect had asked for such a meeting as a gesture and means of assisting the process and if it was not to take place could suggest the Parish Council were not prepared to cooperate in reaching a satisfactory conclusion. As there is no current proposal, there is nothing further to discuss.

8.0 Planning 1473/17/HHO Bantavon–resubmission of planning application 0346/17/HHO The Parish Council discussed this resubmission at a recent site visit for another application and unanimously recommended support. 1444/17/FUL Tuffland – extension to agricultural building The Parish Council unanimously recommended support for this proposal. 1408/17/HHO – Little Patch, Ringmore Drive, Bigbury on sea, refurbishment and extension of the house including replacement of the roof. The Parish Councillors undertook a site visit to Little Patch and considered the development from all visual angles. They unanimously recommended support for this application.

1667/17/FUL – Merrylees, Ringmore Drive, Bigbury on sea, demolition of existing dwelling and replacement with a single dwelling. The Parish Councillors undertook a site visit to Merrylees. Resident G observed that the proposal from a second home owner had a considerable increase in mass would overshadow her house. She also observed that the existing garage was to be demolished and rebuilt with studio accommodation, which would significantly increase the occupancy. This development would also have a negative impact on her 60 year old holiday business. Resident H observed the demolition of a perfectly acceptable 1920s style property to be replaced by a building akin to a ‘leisure centre’ or ‘fun palace’. Resident A commented that such a design would add significantly to the levels of light pollution in Bigbury on Sea and have a significant detrimental impact to the immediate neighbouring properties. Cllr. Huntley considered the roof to be ½ metre too high which had a direct impact on surrounding properties. Based on the above, Cllr. Rosevear proposed the Parish Council object to this development. This was seconded by Cllr. Huntley and unanimously approved by all Councillors. The grounds for objection are: Increased mass, unsympathetic to


surroundings, unnecessarily high roof line over a roof void (as per architect) and the potential risk, in the reverse level concept, of excessive light pollution. Also, unnecessary potential accommodation instead of office/work space over the redeveloped garage complex.



1051/17/OPA – Land adjacent to Bigbury Court – outline application with all matters reserved for #2 dwellings. Residents of no.1 and no. 2 Bigbury Court wish the following to be noted: Any proposed dwellings must be of a sensible scale Any proposed dwellings must be designed with adequate sympathy to the Dovecot and its setting. The finishes on any proposed dwellings must be designed to reflect the requirements of the conservation area and that of Bigbury Court itself, wherever possible. The Parish Council voted unanimously to object to this proposal as with ‘all matters reserved’ there was no basis to make any other decision. District Councillor’s report D.Cllr. Huntley advised that in a discussion relating to Southway she had made contact with individuals who may be interested in developing the business in Bay Café. D.Cllr. Huntly added that a decision on Bay Café being classed as a community asset was expected on June 20th. D.Cllr. Huntley observed that the Bigbury on Sea bus shelter had been painted – as promised by Mr. Steve Radford of the Challaborough holiday complex. D.Cllr Huntley observed that dog owners were not observing the rules for where their animals could roam on the beach. She considers the options is either placement of bigger signs and enforcement in some way or scrapping the segregation altogether. For a future meeting. Footpath Warden and Tree Warden reports John Simes advised that National Trust have approved funding to address the issues with the path and signage on Clematon Hill and that this work will be undertaken



Clerk presented the following for payment. Cllr. Rosevear proposed this be accepted which was seconded by Cllr. Carson and all councillors agreed. Clerk was to raise cheques. £105.00 – Alan Tanner – internal audit charge £20.00 – Kingsbridge websites – domain maintenance charge £38.28 – BT group – rental cost line and broadband Memorial Hall. Paid by direct debit Clerk showed a slide of the current cash book and bank reconciliation statement showing a balance of £19260.21 Clerk showed a statement of restricted and reserved funding with a balance of £3090.06. 12.0 RNLI request to site lifeguard station in same position as previous year Cllr. Carson prosed this be accepted and communicated to RNLI. Cllr. Smith seconded the proposal and the councillors agreed unanimously to support the application. 13.0

Correspondence SHDC advised of an increase of £30 (now £130 total) in the fee to inspect the playground. Cllr Rosevear proposed this be accepted and Cllr. Smith seconded the proposal which was agreed unanimously by all Councillors. Meeting closed 09:45 pm



Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri (12 noon - 3pm and then 6pm till close

Food 12 noon - 2pm and 6pm - 8.30pm) Sat (12 noon till close - food 12 noon - 3pm and 6pm - 8.30pm) Sun (12 noon till close - food 12 noon - 3pm)


For a free quote on plans for your build project contact Matthew on 01761 436861 or mobile 07843 286857


Local Trustworthy couple offering a first class Management / Maintenance Service. Services Offered: Changeovers and laundry - Key Holding / Property checks Deep Clean - Window Cleaning - Garden Services

We also offer: Complete property maintenance from decorating to a new bathroom. We will liaise with local tradesmen for plumbing, heating and electrical problems. Holiday / Second Home and Residential. Contact Elaine or Andy to discuss your requirements

The Dolphin Inn Kingston Traditional 16th Century Inn Open all Day Beer Garden Cask Conditioned Ales Traditional Pub Food Lunch 12-3pm Dinner 6-9pm Cream Teas Bed and Breakfast Tel. 01548 810314 Craig and Leah Worthington ( formerly of The Bay View Café) are delighted to be new Proprietors of the Dolphin Inn and look forward to welcoming you

Collection and Delivery Service with Courtesy Cars Available •

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Every car that passes through our doors receives a complementary wash and vac

3 Comfortable bedrooms available all year round, with stunning views overlooking Dartmoor and surrounding countryside. Near to beaches and local facilities. Dane & Hilary Vanstone St. Ann’s Chapel, Kingsbridge, TQ& 4HQ T: 01548 810308

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• • •

• •

Areas of Expertise Tree felling and removal All aspects of tree pruning Woodland Management Hedge laying Site Clearance

BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Bringing the Community Together

Calendar of Events July 2017 Day & Time


9.15 – 10.00


Contact name

Tel. no

Body Boost

*Jill Gubbins


10.05 – 11.05


*Jill Gubbins


19.00 – 20.15


Fi Baker



17.30 - 19.30

Youth Club

Louise Pitt



9.30 – 11.45

South Hams Shrimps

Beccy Phelan

811179/ 07789111200


9.15 – 10.00

Body Strength

*Jill Gubbins


10.05 – 11.05


*Jill Gubbins


11.15 – noon

Strong & Steady (plus tea & chat)

*Jill Gubbins


Jill’s classes have stopped for the summer and will restart near the end of September Future events:

Thursday 13th July: 7.00pm Memorial Hall AGM. All welcome Thursday 20th July: Filling Station Sunday 3rd September: Garden Produce Show with a Rainbow theme. See posters round the Parish for further details. 50:100 Club (Promoted by Dane Vanstone). Tickets (£1 for the last draw of this series) are available from Holywell Stores. Buy now for your chance to win. 50% of the money goes in prizes and 50% to the Memorial Hall. Prize winners for June were John Scott (£20); Lyn Hiscox (£10) and Robbie Bristow (£5).


All fresh produce must be grown in the Parish of Bigbury N.B. There will be NO entry forms at the shops but instead you will complete one when you bring your exhibits to the Hall on 3rd September from 10.00 - 11.00 a.m. Only one exhibit per person in each class. Cost will be 50p per exhibit up to a maximum of £2 per person for any number of exhibits. The judges will do their work from 11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.; viewing of exhibits and refreshments will be available from 2.30pm. For more information about categories & exhibits see posters out and around locally or contact the telephone numbers below PRESENTATION OF PRIZES WILL BE AT 3pm JUDGE’S DECISION IS FINAL Any queries to Angie Bond (811131) or Sally Watts (810373)


June 2017 There will perhaps be rejoicing in some quarters to hear that I have decided that this will be the final Weekend Wendie. Love her or hate her, I am pleased that she has generated some debate and got people talking about The Bigbury News. However, with Rose taking a well-earned retirement from editing, I feel it is time to step down and pass on the baton too. This gives me the opportunity to look back into the archives (and I find I have been doing it long enough for there to be an actual archive!) Regular readers will know that I possess a memory of only goldfish proportions so one of the real benefits of doing this has been that I have been able to go back and relive some of the moments that have made the last four years in Bigbury for us. Early on there was Weenie having her first surf lesson thanks to the lovely team at Discovery. I also got to see the other side of the Island by kayak and then (much to my own surprise) by SUP. We have enjoyed our first and subsequent Christmases in Bigbury including the ‘Bigbury Miracle’ in 2015. A real highlight came last year when I was lucky enough to ring at one of the Kingston ringers wedding. I also remember fondly sharing homemade blackberry gin with the ringers in the churchyard on Christmas morning. And the panto was brilliant! There has been surf, golf, jigsaws, guests, Bigbury knickers, the blessing of short Bigbury phone numbers and huge Bigbury skies, Sunday lunches and emergency lemonade deliveries (thank you, Dane!). There have also been some sad times and much confusion in the wider world over the same period. We had the Paris bombings and the referendum (which I managed to avoid mentioning) and more recently terrible events in Manchester and London. And on a personal note, we said goodbye to my Mum. My parting thought as Weekend Wendie is to say thank you to those of you who have made us welcome. Thank you to Rose for her hard work as editor and for being open-minded and open-hearted enough to consider WW for inclusion in Bigbury News. Thank you to Jane and John for saying hello over the fence and for letting Weenie in with the lambs. Lovely singing in the Pickwick too, Jane! Thank you to Dane and Hilary for letting me help put the lights up on the green (even though it would probably be easier without me!). Thank you to Pam for overcoming her sadness at saying goodbye to her friends and her dislike of the new houses next to her and for being kind enough to say hello and taking the time to chat when I see her on the bus. Thank you to the Kingston ringers for letting me turn up like a bad penny and for teaching me to ring at Devon speed! Be kind to each other, residents and second home owners alike. You don’t have to like everyone but it’s an uncertain world out there and we all have to get along the best we can. I so hope someone will step in to fill Rose’s shoes as editor of The Bigbury News and I hope Resident Ronnie will continue with his contributions. I wish him luck too with his burgeoning publishing career which is, by all accounts, going from strength to strength! Good luck Ronnie and all, adieu! It’s been a blast (-;


Much love WW aka Fiona (-:

BIGBURY NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN STEERING GROUP 26th APRIL, 2017 PRESENT: Valerie Scott (Chairman), Councillor Bryan Carson, Councillor Elizabeth Huntley, Jill Gubbins, Jean Wright, Hazel Osborne, Simon Bronstein. APOLOGIES : Apologies were received from Jo Simes and Chris Franklin. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: The Minutes of the meeting held on 16th March, 2017, having been distributed to all present, were accepted with 2 amendments. REPRESENTATIONS ON DRAFT PLYMOUTH AND SOUTH WEST DEVON LOCAL PLAN: Valerie has studied the Plan and submitted representations on behalf of The Steering Group. This will now go to the Inspector for examination. The Meeting expressed their thanks to Valerie for the tremendous, hard work she has put in on this project. We are, in general, supportive of the Plan and now our plan has to be consistent with the plan we are adopting. VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT BOUNDARIES: Members were given copies of the Maps depicting the Development Boundaries for Bigbury, Bigbury On Sea and St. Ann’s Chapel (these maps are kept in the Minute Book). These boundaries are suggested by South Hams District Council. A full discussion followed on the 3 Maps and the Meeting made the following suggestions:- (a) Bigbury – Bigbury Court farm should come off. (b) Bigbury On Sea – Boundary lines were agreed and (c) St. Ann’s Chapel – The boundary line should be moved behind the Coastguards Station at the back of the Village Hall. POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SITES: There are 4 potential sites, all at St. Ann’s Chapel but the Meeting felt that we need to consult the communities on these proposals and that Site analysis needs to be carried out. It was proposed to set up an Exhibition Event on June 17th from 11.00am – 1.00pm in the Memorial Hall, this will include a presentation showing the sites available and put forward for consultation by South Hams District Council. Parishioners will be asked to vote for their preferred sites. Refreshments will be served. As there will not be a Bigbury News in May and June, we will publicise the event with posters and leaflets. PREPARATION OF POLICIES AND PROPOSALSFOR NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: We need to develop design policies and proposals and these need to be consistent with the responses to The Questionnaire. We also need to think about Landscape and Heritage issues. It was agreed that Working groups be set up in the 3 specific areas and the Committee Members will form working parties in the area that they live in. Challaborough will be invited to join the Bigbury on Sea Group. These Working Parties will be held before June 17th and Valerie will give us some points for discussion. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: (a) Valerie has had correspondence regarding grants available for the Neighbourhood Plans. We can apply for up to £9000 for preparation of The Neighbourhood Plan and a additional £6000 for allocating development sites. It was agreed that Valerie should apply for these grants. The Bay cafe application is going to Appeal It was suggested that Korniloff be made into a Village Asset and we should include in part of the Bigbury on Sea plan the recommendation that the site remain as a site for the use of the elderly. Simon reported that he had attended an AONB Meeting which was very interesting and he passed round leaflets and brochures. He said that the Local Enterprise Partnership was made up of members of Building Development Companies and thought this organisation should be disbanded. The date of the next Meeting was fixed for Tuesday 30th May.


Please come and join us for an informal performance following a day’s Singing Workshop with the talented Geraldine Latty and Carey Luce No tickets required Simply turn up to hear a few songs from the Modbury Gospel Singers as well as Geraldine and Carey 15

On Wednesday 5th April, the Korniloff Coffee Morning raised £200 for St Luke’s Hospice. Many thanks to everybody who came and supported us so generously. On Wednesday 3rd May we raised £166 for the Hope Cove Lifeboat. Thank you to all who attended and gave generously and listened to Trevor's chat about the work of the lifeboat. On Wednesday 7th June we supported South Hams Shrimps and raised £145. it was great to have the children and their mums present and lovely to see the two spectra of life together enjoying themselves.

On Wednesday 5th July we will be supporting the Bigbury Bay Beach Wheelchairs. Come and enjoy a chat and a cup of coffee with the residents, they are always pleased to see us. There is a raffle, guess the weight of a cake or the number of sweets in a jar and tombola. Together with the sale of books, Phoenix Cards, bric-abrac, jewellery, silk ware, homemade cakes, savouries and produce. We look forward to seeing you between 10.30 and noon. Our grateful thanks to Gina and Gordon, their staff (who are so helpful) and of course the residents of Korniloff for welcoming us into their lovely home and for their continuing support. Jean & Yvonne Wednesday 2nd August - Modbury Caring

At our April Meeting held at Hazel's house we discussed Bel Canto by Ann Patchet which was a novel based on a true story about a kidnap in South America and we all enjoyed it. The characters were well written and we found the book quirky, pointed, humorous, violent and romantic all at the same time and would recommend it as a very good read. In the Robert a very to look

following 2 months we read The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist by Tresell which was an early socialist treatise and which we all found sad story about how hard life was for poor working men with nothing forward to.

An autobiography on Jeremy Paxman received mixed reviews and some members chose not to read it. In May we read Black Water Lilies by Michael Bussi which we discussed when we met at Lynn's house on June 7th. This book was generally agreed to be a good choice and is a murder novel set in Monet's garden in Giverny. This was a very "different" different book with a twist in the tale and highly recommended. This month the book chosen is Big Brother by Lionel Shriver and will be discussed at our next Meeting on July 5th which will be held at Erica's house at 6.00pm - please note change of time. We all agreed to move from an afternoon to an evening meeting for this month only to avoid clashing with The Victorian tea Party.


This month six of us visited the Garden House at Buckland Monochorum near Yelverton. We met up at Helen’s house and Lynn very kindly drove Gill Peet, Rita Baker and Val Scott while Jean drove me. This was Val’s first meeting with Bigbury Ladies and we were vary happy to welcome her to our midst. As usual on our Ladies’ days out, the weather turned up trumps – it was baking hot, cloudless sunshine for the whole trip. Immediately on arrival we found a table under a large parasol and had elevenses, though it was really twelveses!!!! I have to confess that I didn’t do the full tour of the garden that the other five did as there are parts where the slopes are rather narrow and slightly steep so I took advantage of the lovely number of benches scattered around the grounds while the others toured the whole of the incredible grounds. There are a wonderful number of different tree species in the estate, not to mention the gorgeous flowers and shrubs. At one time I sat at one end of the small lake (they call it a lake but really it is a large pond) and then sat at the far end watching the beautiful dragon-flies shooting across the water. It was there that the rest of the ladies joined me and, dare I say it, Jean couldn’t’ resist taking her shoes off and cooling her feet in the water falling in from just under the little bridge. By this time, it was time to return to the main house where we had booked an outside table for lunch. There were a lot of visitors touring round the grounds which are part of a RHS scheme. Entry is £8.25 and there is a large car park where we were able to leave the two cars in the shade of some trees. At the moment the July meeting is in the air. It is a “toss up” between a visit to RHS Rosemoor which will involve hiring a minibus, or a trip to Greenway (Agatha Christie’s home. Whichever will be chosen the date will be 19th July.

Pam Trundle

Glow worms Common glow-worms are actually bioluminescent beetles. It is the females which glow most noticeably - the larvae and adult males produce only a faint glow. The larvae are predatory and hunt slugs and snails, but as adults they rarely feed. Females have only a few weeks in which to attract a mate and lay eggs. After this, they die. As well as attracting a mate, the glowing abdomen is a warning to predators to stay away - glow-worms taste bad and contain chemicals that cause vomiting. At one time you could see glow-worms all along the Warren & down the cliff path, but in recent years I haven't seen any, (no wonder there’s so many snails about!!) so imagine my excitement when, recently, letting the dogs in the garden, late, I spotted this tiny little light on the lawn, I just had to take a pic!! Making sure I replaced her where I found her… hope she found her mate & was not glowing in vain! Thank you Hazel for contributing this amusing little poem:

I wish I were a glow worm As a glow worm’s never glum


'Cause how can you be grumpy When the sun shines out your bum?

Now that we’ve officially entered the easy livin’ of summertime, there’s no excuse not to get out and enjoy the upcoming weeks of (fingers crossed) glorious weather. Pack up a picnic and hit the beach, feast with friends through the long, hazy evenings, or join us for a dance on the sand at our first beach festival: Loving the Beach. But first things first, there are a number of dates for your diary to mention: 

On Saturday 30th September, all are welcome to take part in the Bigbury on Sea beach clean: part of the South Hams Beach Clean Series. It’s hosted by Surfers Against Sewage and Less Plastic in a bid to reduce the amount of plastic in our oceans. Please meet at 10am by the ferry landing. We’re providing all heroic volunteers with free tea, coffee and hot chocolate – just bring your own reusable coffee cup to help reduce the waste. Gloves and bags will be provided. This ties in nicely with our recent launch of Can O Water replacing plastic water bottles at all of our cafes.

On Saturday 1st July, we’re heralding the start of the summer season with extending our opening hours. Join us at Venus Café from 9am for one of our famous breakfasts (which The Guardian claims is one of the top 50 breakfasts spots in the UK, and we’d agree!), and stay for an early supper (last orders 6pm) together with a glass of wine (or two) to watch the sun melt into the horizon.

Our popular Beach Huts will be re-installed in early July on the slip road ready to provide visitors to the beach with an extra point of service to make their day more relaxing.

Saturday 8th July, at Blackpool Sands we’re throwing a party and you’re invited. As well as great food and local drink, there is so much going on including three top live music acts – Mafia 4, Three Bags Full and legendary headline act Saloon Star who will play from 12 into the evening. There will also be plenty of water-sports, demos, Punch and Judy and face-painting to entertain the kids, the list goes on. Tickets cost £15 for adults and £5 for kids, available to buy today on Eventbrite.

We’re delighted to share the news that our planning permission was successfully granted to allow a new indoor area, extending our dining area by an additional 30 covers. We’re working on these plans now and can’t wait to set to work on our new look. Seasoned by the salty air, and with dreamy views out to sea, stop over at the café for a caffeine-fix and watch the world pass by, albeit very slowly. Come for the outstanding views, try our new hit product – fish arancini with chilli, coconut & ginger served with a herb and sun-dried tomato buckwheat. Our new wraps have also gone down a storm – particularly the Chicken Caesar wrap. Whatever you do, come rain or shine, we hope that this July inspires you to have fun and eat well. Martin, Andy and the whole team at Venus x


IN THE GARDEN OF FLEET HOUSE NEAR MODBURY PL21 9NZ (Entrance off the A379 Modbury Road)

SATURDAY 15 JULY 2017 Gates Open at 6pm Concert starts at 7pm Free Parking

In aid of ABF The Soldiers’ Charity The Army’s National Charity

Tickets £15 (under 16 years free) Tickets available from ABF The Soldiers’ Charity Office T: 01392 496412 E: or Luscombe Maye Estate Agents, Yealmpton Pickles Hardware Shop, Modbury South Devon Tennis Centre, Ivybridge Tubbs Pharmacy, Newton Ferrers

Refreshments available Feel free to bring your own chairs / picnics No dog other than guide dogs allowed As this is a charity event we hope you will understand that in the event of the concert being cancelled due to bad weather, there will be no refunds Registered Charity No 1146420




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