The site for great holidays in a great community; now gives the accommodation, holiday activities, many useful links and maps.
Now features community events and dates. Send any ideas for the site to
What’s on and Dates for your Diary
Editors Page News, Views & letters
Church Service times for Bigbury, Kingston and Ringmore
Message from the Minister from Michael Tagent
Parish Council Notes from the Parish Council monthly meeting
Your handy pull-out Guide to Local Business
Where’s Alfie ?? He’s hiding somewhere in the pages!!
Musings from Weekend Wendy
Bigbury Memorial Hall Reports and Diary of events
Shack Splash News from the Oyster Shack
National Trust report from Lorna Sherriff
News from all your Regular Social Meetings
The 19th Hole A report from Bigbury Golf Club
CENTREFOLD Weekend 11 /12 June Celebrations to mark H.M. Elizabeth II 90th Birthday Bigbury News is published monthly at Lucerne Ringmore Drive Bigbury-on-Sea Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 4AU Tel: 01548 810815 email: Editor - Rose Owen Treasurer - Margaret Hawes, Blue Waters, Marine Drive, BoS, TQ7 4AS - Tel: 01548 810640 All contributions and requests for advertising to the Editor Bigbury News is a voluntary run publication which is supported by donations from readers, advertising rates and a grant from the Parish Council DISCLAIMER - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure adverts and articles appear correctly, Bigbury News cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly
Dates for your Diary June: 1st
Korniloff Coffee Morning 10.00 - noon (supporting Hope Cove Inshore Lifeboat) Parish Council Meeting - Memorial Hall at 7.30pm H. M. Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations (see coloured centrefold) H. M. Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations Bigbury Ladies River Tamar Trip (see p.22) Gospel Music, Jazz & Tea - 3pm till 5pm (see p. 22) REFERNDUM VOTE at your designated Polling Station BIGBURY FUN RUN (see p.12)
8th 11th 12th 15th 19th 23rd 25th
July: 6th 13th 31st
Bigbury Memorial Hall AGM—memorial Hall at 7.00pm A Victorian Tea Party - the Old Rectory at 3pm (see p.25) GARDEN PRODUCE SHOW (see p.16)
SOUTH WEST DEVON CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION CHARTERLANDS BRANCH You are invited to a SUMMER GARDEN PARTY on FRIDAY 1ST JULY 2016 6PM FOR 6.30PM at The Old Rectory, Bigbury TQ7 4AP Guest Speaker – Gary Streeter MP Tickets £15 each Bring your own wine and glasses Raffle Tickets available from Gill Cook (810156) or Leah Worthington (810770)
Remember - this YOUR parish magazine so if any of you have any news, views or interesting articles that you would like to share, please send them to me at the Bigbury News. Either drop them into me at Lucerne, Bigbury on Sea or hand them into Holywell Stores or phone me on 01548 810815 or email: You can now find each months issue at
in ‘The Community’ section and also on the Bigbury Community website in the documents section of the Bigbury News Group.
Your Letters
Kahala Court, Embankment Road
I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all who helped me over the three-and-a-half weeks I had to prepare for my move to Kahala. I particularly want to thank Gill Middleton for the lovely farewell gathering she arranged at her house, it was so kind of her and I did enjoy meeting and having time to chat to about a dozen friends. Thank you to Jane Tucker for helping to mark all my clothes and transporting things to Kahala. To Simone Stevens for spending hours wrapping up some of my most precious items in bubble-wrap. Thank you to all who gave or sent me cards and Rose for the lovely pink silk scarf which is now adorning my headboard. My big room looks beautiful - everyone comments on it when they come in. Thank you Beth for the sweet surprise (a chocolate éclair!) in my mini fridge when I got home from the meeting at the Memorial Hall on Thursday night! I do hope I haven't missed anyone out, my brain is just not functioning very well at the moment! Please do come and visit me, I will give my new number, when I get it, to Jane and Rose, best to check first if I’m in! God Bless you all….Carol (Pink) (We are all so pleased that your move was successful and that you are happy and settled.
CHURCH FETE - AUGUST 10th 2016 There will be a meeting of anyone who is prepared to help with the Church Fete. The meeting will be at the Old Rectory, Bigbury on Thursday June 28th at 7.30pm Please come along and discuss ideas and offer your help.
CHURCH SERVICES FOR JUNE BIGBURY - KINGSTON - RINGMORE ST. LAWRENCE - BIGBURY All services start at 11.00 a.m. 5th 12th 19th 26th
Family Communion Sunday Worship Sunday Worship Holy Communion*
ST. JAMES THE LESS - KINGSTON All services start at 9.30 a.m. 5th 12th 19th 26th
Family Communion Sunday Worship Holy Communion Village Service
ALL HALLOWS - RINGMORE All services start at 9.30 a.m. (Unless otherwise stated) 5th 12th 19th 26th
Sunday Worship Celebration Service (6.00pm) Village Service Family Communion
* Service in traditional language
Korniloff Communion - Tuesday 7th at 2.30 p.m.
Message from the Minister ROYAL SERVICE Queen Elizabeth was never expected to become monarch, but to enjoy life largely out of the limelight as the elder daughter of the Duke of York.
However, the
abdication of Edward VIII changed everything, and in the moving speech recorded on her 21st birthday, Princess Elizabeth gave a clear signal about the direction her life would take. It would be a life of service. Over the years, Queen Elizabeth has amply fulfilled that vow, to the extent that even the most hardened republicans acknowledge that she has done a marvellous job. But her life of service has another dimension. A book written to celebrate The Queen’s 90th birthday is entitled “The Servant Queen, and the King she serves”. She has written the foreword, and the book records the live Christian faith which has sustained her throughout her life. many church members do so?).
The Queen attends church every week (how She is clear about her faith in Jesus Christ as
Saviour, speaking openly of him as “an inspiration”, a “role model” and “an anchor” in her life. Can we say that? To be open to public scrutiny all the time is terribly demanding. But, as one political commentator noted, The Queen never loses her temper, uses bad language or refuses to carry out an expected duty. character.
Hers is a remarkable consistency of
But every Christian is called to the highest of standards as God’s
representatives on earth. The Bible calls Christians “Christ’s ambassadors”. As such it is a fundamental duty to demonstrate by word and deed what being a Christian really means. The Queen exemplifies this, and we say a heartfelt “thank you” to her, and to the King she serves. Happy birthday, your Majesty.
Michael Tagent
This is an overview of the topics discussed and actions agreed at April’s Bigbury Parish Council meeting and Annual Parish meeting. Should you wish to read the minutes in full, please refer to Bigbury Community website at or Bigbury Parish Council notice boards. A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Memorial Hall on WEDNESDAY 11 May 2016 at 7.30 p.m. Cllrs. B Carson, B.Huntley, G.Rosevear, S.Smith, C Case, I Couper with 9 residents, C.Cllr R.Hosking and D.Cllr L.Ward attending. Election of Officers Mr Bryan Carson was elected as Chairman for the forthcoming year and Mr George Rosevear as Vice-Chairman. Election to Outside Bodies The following Councillors were elected to represent the Council as follows: Memorial Village Hall – Cllr Carson, CPRE – Cllr Rosevear, DALC – Cllr Rosevear, DPFA – Cllr Couper. Open session Mr John Simes, Footpath Warden, provided an update on the various footpaths and signs including those in need of improvement. He confirmed he was in contact with DCC on several topics. He also agreed to investigate the rationale behind the ‘DANGER’ sign on the slipway. He further expressed concerns about dog fouling at various points in the Parish and it was agreed to form a working party to investigate this further. Several residents passed comment on planning applications in respect of the 5 Tarifa Appartments and Seascape development proposals. Questions were asked as to whether the parking bay lines could be repainted at Sedgewell Slipway and whether the ‘SLOW’ sign could be repainted on the main road. Both requests would be investigated. A resident asked the Council to investigate the options to allow a shop and potentially a Post Office to reopen at Bigbury-on-Sea. The issue of summer season increase in waste and rubbish in the car park was also raised and the Council agreed to consider how this could be better managed. The poor level of broadband service was also raised with County Councillor Hosking adding to the discussion. It was agreed to consider all available technical solutions to improve the situation. This included getting a better understanding of the DSLAM technology and it was suggested that the Council invite an Openreach expert to a future meeting to gain a full understanding of all issues and potential solutions. The condition of the Tidal Road and Marine Drive was raised and it was agreed this would be reported to the Highways Dept. District Councillor Ward informed the meeting that the Housing Needs Survey was now delayed until September because of a lack of capacity. She further advised the meeting that a Planning Peer Review exercise had been undertaken and that a full report would be issued in due course. The relationship
Planning 0593/16/HHO Mr Blasby, Shoal of Furze, Aveton Gifford. Proposed extension to form a dining room. Parish Council Decision – Unanimous - Support unconditionally. 1064/16/FUL Mrs Bagley, Flat 5 Tarifa Appts. New balcony and doors to replace existing window. Parish Council decision – Unanimous – Support but with some suggestions / recommendations that the upright railings be galvanised to match the existing building and that for aesthetic reasons the balcony be full width to give a balanced appearance. 0965/16/HHO Mrs Coleman, Seascape, Parker Road. Proposed loft extension. Parish Council decision – Unanimous – Refuse/Object on the grounds of overbearing, loss of amenity, excessive mass and poor design. It was also noted that a previous application on the same property had been rejected for similar reasons. Health & Safety policy A full proposal for a Parish Council Health and Safety policy would be presented at the next meeting. Broadband for the Memorial Hall The opportunity to install a broadband service in the Memorial Hall was discussed and this would be investigated further in conjunction with the Memorial Hall Committee. CPRE As this is a community based competition, residents would be asked to put forward suggestions as to the projects that could be considered. Catering facilities The Parish Council unanimously agreed NOT to take this forward. Her Majesty The Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations. Plans are well in hand for the cream tea and pig roast and the Parish Council agreed to provide some funding to support the events which would be well publicised across the Parish, including a centre-fold in Bigbury News. Vacancy for Parish Councillor A vacancy still exists for a Parish Councillor and anyone who is interested in taking on this role should contact any Councillor or the Parish Clerk. PARISH CLERK. Richard Matthews, 10 Lower Brook Park, Ivybridge, Devon, PL21 9TZ;
CASUAL VACANCY A vacancy exists for a Parish Councillor. If you are interested in being considered for this vacancy, please write to the Parish Clerk at the above address, giving your details, how long you have
MOBILE LIBRARY Our librarian is Steve and he will be at:BoS - Cleveland Drive
12.40 –
1.25 p.m.
2.00 –
2.30 p.m.
Ringmore Church
11.50 –
12.20 a.m.
Kingston Fire Station
11.00 –
11.40 a.m.
Bigbury Green
Dates: May 17 , 29th
June 14 , July 12th,
August 9th,
Sept 6th,
October 4th, Nov 1st &
PLEASE use our mobile library. We are very lucky to have the service and don’t want to lose it through lack of support. DCC have made many cuts and libraries are one of them. We must retain this service so please use it. Some people are under the misconception you can only keep books a month – but Steve is very good, we do not have to pay fines.
MINUTES OF THE FIRST MEETING OF THE BIGBURY NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN STEERING GROUP HELD ON 25th APRIL 2016 Present: Valerie Scott, Beth Huntley, Grant Peet, Jean Wright, Jo Simes, Jill Gubbins, Simon Bronstein, Bryan Carson, Hazel Osborne. APPOINTMENTS: CHAIRMAN: Valerie Scott was proposed by Brian Carson, seconded by Beth Huntley and unanimously appointed. SECRETARY: Hazel Osbourne was proposed by Valerie Scott, seconded by Jill Gubbins and unanimously appointed. T R E A S U R E R : There were no nominations for Treasurer but it was suggested that a gentleman from Challaborough who expressed an interest in the Steering Group might act as treasurer. COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER: It was suggested that Stuart Watts might act in this capacity and Valerie Scott will ask him. PROJECT PLAN: We have received a £500 grant from the Parish Council towards expenses and a further £9000 can be claimed from the South Hams District Council if justified. The Housing Needs Survey has been prepared by SHDC and we can use this. We need to prepare a questionnaire to be delivered to every house in Bigbury and, after long discussion, it was agreed that this should be delivered with the Bigbury News and deliverers will be asked to hand the questionnaire to the householder. It was decided that people will be asked to hand in their completed questionnaires to a central point or post them to an address supplied. A separate meeting will be held to finalise these points. It was agreed that an exhibition to be held in The Memorial Hall with boards and post-it notes available and ask parishioners to write their suggestions on these notes and stick them on the boards. As the Parish Council is holding a Cream Tea on June 11th in the Hall to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday, it was decided to combine these two events. Beth agreed to compose a double-page invitation/notice for these events to go in the June Bigbury News. Members of the Steering Group will be present in the Hall to answer questions and promote discussion etc. PROJECT PLANNER: Valerie produced a Project Planner Graph which was given to all present and a copy of which is recorded in the Minute Book. This planner showed a proposed timescale of all the activities needed to prepare a draft plan showing the visions and objectives, possibly by October this year culmination in the final adoption of the plan in 2008. Working parties will be set up at a later date. DATES FOR FUTURE MEETINGS: Exhibition June 11th in The Memorial Hall. Meetings to be held at 7.00pm in Valerie Scotts house: 16th May 13th June 20th June to sort out Questionnaire
11th July to finalise Questionnaire
MINUTES OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN STEERING GROUP MEETING 16th MAY, 2016 PRESENT: Valerie Scott (Chairman) Jo Simes, Chris Franklin, Beth Huntley, Stuart Watts, Jill Gubbins, Simon Bronstein, Bryan Carson, Grant Peet, Hazel Osbourne. The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming Chris Franklin and Stuart Watts. APPOLOGIES: Apologies were received from Jean Wright. MINUTES: The Minutes of the last Meeting held on 25th April, 2016 were circulated to all present and accepted as correct. APPOINTMENT OF TREASURER: Chris Franklin was proposed by Jo Simes seconded by Valerie Scott and unanimously appointed a Treasurer. APPOINTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER: Stuart Watts agreed to act as Communication Officer and said that all the information regarding the Steering Group was now on the Bigbury Community Website. PROJECT PLAN: Valerie Scott updated the Project Plan and is in touch with Alan Storer who has been appointed by South Hams District Council in this connection. Bryan Carson spoke about the help being given by SHDC to help with the Neighbourhood Plan and The Housing Needs Survey. COMMUNITY EVENTS 11th / 12th JUNE: Beth Huntley said she had been asked to organise the Cream Tea being held in the Memorial Hall on 11th June and the Pig Roast to be held at Folly Farm on 12th June. It was agreed that we should use both these events to publicise the Neighbourhood Plan and to seek the views and wishes of the community attending these events. It was confirmed that we use Information Boards for this and ask for queries, views and suggestions to be put on post-it notes on these boards, to be analysed later by this Committee to form the basis of the Questionnaire. Simon Bronstein has arranged to borrow 6 boards from Modbury and he will be responsible for collecting and returning these. We looked into the possibility of buying more boards or flipcharts and Chris Franklin agreed to get pricings for these and report back. The following headings will be put on boards by Jill Gubbins and there will be subheadings added:TRANSPORT, HOUSING, EMPLOYMENT, COMMUNITY FACILITIES, RECREATION, INFRASTRUCTURE, OUR ENVIRONMENT, TOURISM The Committee will be present at the events to assist and encourage participation and a rota was drawn up of helpers. Beth has produced an advert which will be inserted in the middle of the June edition of Bigbury News and a copy of this is in the Minute Book. Hazel agreed to produce some posters advertising the events. The date of the next meeting is 13th June when all the ideas given on the boards
Race registration is at 12 noon in the Waterfront Bar at Challaborough Bay Holiday Park (TQ7 4HU) Entry fee for race: Entries only accepted from £10 for adults without sponsorship 12pm on Race Day. £5 for adults with sponsorship
Join us for our duck race at 2pm, £1 to enter and the winner gets a special prize.
3pm the Bigbury Fun Run Race starts 4.30 pm Presentations Music Starts from 12 noon - 10pm
with local group the “COGS”
Look out for our guest appearances from Sid and Lizzie!!!! All money raised from the Fun Run will be donated to local charities for entry forms and sponsorship forms please email: or contact Kate Wilson 01548 810310 or Mark Baxter on 01548 810771
Bouncy Castle 12
Face Painting
May Half Term News It's been a good Spring here at Discovery HQ with plenty of lessons going on and preparations for the coming season. We are all looking forward to a few more warmer days! We have loads of lessons going on over Half Term and there is plenty of availability. The Shop at Bigbury is open every day - and will be now until the end of August, so you can pop in and book lessons, hire wetsuits, boards, SUPs, kayaks or bodyboards and buy hoodies/surf hardware. The shop at Challaborough will be open over the Half Term break and then re-open again in July. During Half Term we are running the Discovery Day Surf Camp at Challaborough Tuesday 31st May-Thursday 2nd June, 9.30-3.30. The day costs £60, Devon school children get a 10% discount (£54) and Surf Club members get the day half price. Please get in touch for more information. What's New: We are again very fortunate to have had funding from Devon County Council for our special needs one-one surf lessons, and can offer these for £20 per person for an hour, discounted from the usual £45. Again this year we have invested in loads of new kit and we are really happy with the new Ocean and Earth surfboards, which are proving very popular in lessons. In April Martin ran an ASI Instructor Course and the new recruits have been busy training, with some joining us as new Instructors for the summer. That's about it for now, and we look forward to seeing you down here over the
IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING FAST BROADBAND SERVICE FOR OUR COMMUNITY This is an important request to those who are fed up with snail-paced broadband speeds. We could have an immediate solution, as all it requires is to have Open Reach install a D-Slam box in Bigbury-on-Sea. Please feel free to write what you wish, but this is a suggested format to send Dear Matt Barrow It is our understanding that if a D-Slam box is installed in Bigbury-on-Sea by Open Reach, it would cost effectively solve our community's untenable broadband problems. Please be advised I am expressing an interest in subscribing to fast
Your Letters cont.…..
“Escape” BOS
Re – Letters Bigbury News May 2016 - Providing a Balance May I, as a “second home owner” in BOS provide a balance on the situation currently obtaining within this wonderful village?
During our 8 years of ownership, we have always supported local businesses whenever possible. The numerous Sainsbury's, Tesco and similar vans in the village have been spotted at all homes during this time, even before the demise of the village store / Post Office. Similarly, on our visits to Craig at the Bay Cafe, the Pilchard (on the odd occasion it was found to be open) and other retail outlets, there was always a strong second home presence, often in excess of locals! Please accept the demise of local amenities has a detrimental effect on us too!
Do also please consider the marketing activities of your local estate agents! During the past two weeks alone, we have received flyers stating they now market BOS properties in London and stating they are actively seeking similar homes to those recently sold!
Finally, may I respectfully suggest that traditional owners consider their own position. Whilst it is all very commendable to blame second home owners for turning the village into a ghost town, will those self same people sell their future pension and / or family inheritance for a reduced figure to a local, or accept an inflated amount from a London buyer, who has recently sold their Parker Road, BoS
Hedges Can I make a plea through the News’ pages? Could owners of hedges in Bigburyon-Sea please cut their hedges back to the boundary posts which they should find somewhere in the middle of their current overgrowth? This is especially important on the various crossroads properties. Alan and Yvonne Klidjian have done a wonderful job at their property and other residents should take this as a guideline. Regulations state that there should be no shrubs planted on the verges and that no trees/shrubs etc should overhang property boundary lines. There are enormous difficulties when emerging from Ringmore Drive and Cleveland Drive because drivers cannot see up and down the roads before exiting. Also whilst attending to the hedges, it should be noted that some properties’ verges are growing out over the double yellow lines. These should be kept clear at all times. With so many cuts in the DCC budget, the County Council is looking to local residents to do such jobs themselves. By law, if owners receive letters instructing them to cut their hedges back, failure to do so means that DCC could come and cut them and bill the house owner.
Just attending to these hedges will be of enormous benefit to all of us who live
Fathers day on June the 19th Book early to avoid disappointment
For a free quote on plans for your build project contact Matthew on 01761 436861 or mobile 07843 286857
8 8
Guests coming … … need extra space? Available in Bigbury for short lets of 2+ nights A delightful two-bedroom apartment (sleeps 4 / 5)
Please Contact: Angela - 078 34825738 01453 873318
Local Trustworthy couple offering a first class Management / Maintenance Service. Services Offered: Changeovers and laundry - Key Holding / Property checks Deep Clean - Window Cleaning - Garden Services
We also offer: Complete property maintenance from decorating to a new bathroom. We will liaise with local tradesmen for plumbing, heating and electrical problems. Holiday / Second Home and Residential. Contact Elaine or Andy to discuss your requirements
The Dolphin Inn Kingston Traditional 16th Century Inn Open all Day Beer Garden Cask Conditioned Ales Traditional Pub Food Lunch 12-3pm Dinner 6-9pm Cream Teas Bed and Breakfast Tel. 01548 810314
Under New Ownership Craig and Leah Worthington ( formerly of The Bay View Café) are delighted to be new Proprietors of the Dolphin Inn and look forward to welcoming you
Collection and Delivery Service with Courtesy Cars Available
Mechanical Repairs that include
Servicing, Tyres, Exhausts, Brakes, Batteries, Clutches, Cam Belts, Diagnostics, Safety Checks, Full Bodyshop, Air Conditioning, MOT’s arranged
t 01752 898632 f 01752898659 W Strashleigh View, Lee Mill Industrial Estate, Nr. Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9GS
Open: Mon - Sat 8.30-5.30 - Sun 10.30-2.00 (Sun car sales only)
Every car that passes through our doors receives a complementary wash and vac
3 Comfortable bedrooms available all year round, with stunning views overlooking Dartmoor and surrounding countryside. Near to beaches and local facilities. Dane & Hilary Vanstone St. Ann’s Chapel, Kingsbridge, TQ& 4HQ T: 01548 810308
01548 830250 OR 07925306853
Social Membership only £15 for 2016 Our new Caterers Gerald & Steve joined us at the start of the year, having helped us through the festive season with major events. Why not try their Sunday roast dinners available every week at £9.50 for one course, £12 for two courses. Call 01548 810557 option 3 to make your reservation (booking essential). The restaurant is also open daily for lunch, with a choice of 19
June 2016
Woohoooooooo! Dr Weekend is in the house! On Friday I finally, after four and a half years, passed my PhD and am now officially Dr Weekend. I’d like to thank my husband, my daughter, my family, my colleagues, Cadburys, Rowntrees, Mars, purveyors and makers of wine, Pimms, gin and other forms of inspiration and everyone else who has supported me through the darker times *sobs* thank you, thank you everyone! *bows and leaves the stage to thunderous applause* The absolute best bit is going to be the next time I fill in a form and get to skip over the ‘Mrs’ box and tick ‘Dr’ instead. Is that very shallow?... It’s not that I don’t like being Mrs but Dr is pretty damn cool. Apparently I’ll be able to get a table anywhere, even a busy Sunday lunchtime at the Journeys End or the Oyster Shack. Although I hope nobody assumes I am a proper doctor and expects me to leap into action should someone be in some sort of painful or life threatening situation where actual skill and knowledge beyond being able to look in their ear might be required. Then Mrs Weekend will be fine (-: I’m still in the honeymoon period where I am basking in the glow of a job (reasonably) well done, minor corrections permitting. However, reality is beginning to creep in…. For nearly five years I have been using ‘I’m doing a PhD…’ as an excuse for many, many things that I was too feeble to say a straight ‘no thanks’ to before or admit that really I couldn’t be bothered. Soon I am going to have to start thinking about all the things I have been putting off and square up to them. Either that or I’m going to have to come up with some other excuse. All suggestions welcome. Preferably I would like an excuse that is worthy but that doesn’t entail as much work as an actual PhD. Please send your ideas to the address below. I will consider anything (within reason) rather than have to face up to stuff like really thinking about my tax return and doing it properly, making sure that the Weekend family all eat five portions of fruit and veg a day, getting fit……. Aaaaarrrrrgh! I feel another PhD coming on!
BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Bringing the Community Together On Sunday July 31st, we are holding our annual Garden Produce Show in the Memorial Hall. This is a few weeks earlier than previous years and involves some new classes in all the sections - Fruit and Vegetables, Flowers and Miscellaneous. See the full list in this issue for further details. We hope that our theme of the Queen’s 90 th birthday will encourage people to create some colourful flower displays as well as producing the usual fruit and vegetables, cakes and limericks. There is something for everyone from children to grandparents to bring along on the day so start planning now! Our AGM will take place on Wednesday 6th July at 7.00 p.m. – see agenda below. There will be a full report on the Hall’s activities and finances, plus an open session for you to ask any questions you want. If you are interested in joining the Committee do let me or any member of the Committee know. We need some new ideas for activities, fund raising, etc. It’s good fun and only involves about 4 to 6 committee meetings a year. Do ask any committee member for further details. After these events, we take a bit of a summer break. However, the autumn and winter will see a full programme of events, including the usual favourites together with new ones. Not least among these should some under the Villages in Action scheme. Despite some funding cuts to this, we still hope to stage at least a couple of events. Charles Harrington. Tel. 810023. Email
BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL A G M AGENDA Wednesday 6th July 2016 at 7.00 p.m. at Bigbury Memorial Hall 1.
Notice of meeting
Apologies for absence
Minutes of 2015 AGM
Matters arising from Minutes of 2015 AGM
Management Committee/Trustees’ Report and Financial Statement for year ended 31st March 2016
Appointment of members of Management Committee a.
Members standing for election/ re-election
Other nominations*
Open Forum
Bigbury Memorial Hall Calendar of Events June 2016 Day & Time Mon.
9.30 – 10.15
Contact name
Tel. no
Body Boost
*Jill Gubbins
10.30 – 11.30
*Jill Gubbins
19.00 – 20.15
Fi Baker
17.30 - 19.30
Youth Club
Louise Pitt
9.30 – 11.45
South Hams Shrimps
Kylie Worden
07845 280734
9.15 – 10.00
Body Conditioning
*Jill Gubbins
10.05 – 11.05
*Jill Gubbins
11.15 – 12.00
Strong & Steady (plus tea & chat)
*Jill Gubbins
Future events: AGM: 7.00pm Wednesday 6th July Garden Produce Show: Sunday 31st July from 10.00am. For details of the classes etc. see posters in this issue of June’s Bigbury News. 50:100 Club (Promoted by Dane Vanstone). Tickets (£2 for the 2 monthly draws until July) are available from Holywell Stores. Buy now for your chance to win. 50% of the money goes in prizes and 50% to
Seichem Reiki Reconnective Bengsten Method
My house or at yours Contact: Beth 01548 810385
Including lots of royal related categories! Sunday July 31st 2016 at the Memorial Hall Class A Fruit and Vegetables 1. Beetroot, tops trimmed to 7cms
10. Garlic corms
2. Carrot, tops trimmed to 7cms
11. Corn on the Cob
3. Courgette (any colour)
12. Tomatoes
4. Runner beans
13. Raspberries
5. Broad beans
14. Blackcurrants
6. Mange tout
15. Redcurrants
7. Cucumber
16. Gooseberries
8. Onions, trimmed and tied
17. Other vegetable of your choice 3
9. Potatoes
18. Other fruit of your choice
B Flowers (to be presented in a vase unless otherwise stated) 1. 12 sweet pea stems (any colour)
4. Royal hanging basket in red, white & blue
Three gladioli stems
5. Vase of garden flowers
One individual rose
6. Three other flowers of your choice
C Miscellaneous 1. Heaviest beetroot (trimmed to 7cms) 2. Most unusual shaped fruit or vegetable 3. Tallest sunflower (sunflower itself or a photo showing plant and height) 4. A royal crown made from any garden produce 5. A royal decorated egg (children only) 6. A cup cake with royal decoration 7. *A royal lemon drizzle cake. 8. A limerick with a royal theme *(Category C7 will be judged by public tasting when the refreshments are served.) All fresh produce must be grown in the Parish of Bigbury N.B. There will be NO entry forms at the shops but instead you will complete one when you bring your exhibits to the Hall on 31st July from 10 .00– 11.00 a.m. Only one exhibit per person in each class. Cost will be 50p per exhibit up to a maximum of £2 per person for any number of exhibits. The judges will do their work from 11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.; viewing of exhibits and refreshments (some prepared for the show competition – see C7 above) will be available from 2.30pm.
Dear Shackers, We hope you’re having a glorious springtime? We’re into the swing of it and are celebrating by launching an offer that’s not to be missed (a cracking seafood feast to share washed down with some bubbly). You’ll be delighted to hear that we are back into our al fresco summer season, open 7 days a week 12-9pm. With the warmth of summer around the corner, we’ve been giving our outdoor area a little bit of love to get in the spirit. There are reams of fairy lights being draped, rustic plant pots, hanging planted artefacts and stripes of colour being washed onto the walls. What, with the mouth-watering seafood, delicious new wines and the hubbub of energy you’ll never want to leave. We can’t wait to see you down at The Shack soon, Love Chris, Joe, Carmen, Andy and the crew Offers and events at The Oyster Shack Join us for a Cracking Seafood sharing feast for two, with bubbly for just 19.50 per p e r s o n . Starting off with a pint of hot, Old Bay spiced shell on prawns with homemade sweet chilli jam, to get the taste buds going. Next course is a two-tiered pot; the first pot celebrates an array of shellfish including Cornish mussels, delicate Salcombe crab claws and meaty crevettes all in a fragrant white wine and garlic broth. Tier two features a selection of fresh catch of the day fish, baked with tomatoes, shallots, fresh herbs & garlic, served with soft, crusty bread and all washed down with a glass of our Corte Alta Prosecco. Offer launches Monday 6th June – Friday 8th July, available Monday – Friday. To redeem this offer you must quote ‘Shack Seafood 27’ when making your reservation. Interactive Cookery Master Class | 9th July 2016 Andy will once again be taking centre stage with another of our Interactive Cookery Master Classes, this time it’s all about fish. We’ll show you how to prepare a selection of fish from scratch and let you have a go filleting your own whole fish with some great cooking techniques and recipes too. The Master Class will kick off at 9.45am with a tea or coffee and we’ll don the aprons at 10am. When it’s all done and you’re experts at filleting fish, we’ll finish off the day with a three course set menu and a nice glass of wine. Places are £50 per person and are limited. Call the team on 01548 810876 to book your place.
01548 810876 | |
At last we are seeing some beautiful sunshine, which has also meant that the grass and vegetation has started growing in abundance and our Ranger teams are out cutting the miles of footpaths and coast path around the South Devon estate. It takes our team about 5 weeks to get around the whole network of paths but please do contact us if you walk a path on National trust land in South Devon that needs cutting. The orchard is looking great at Ringmore woods and we have secured the guards around the trees to ensure that the deer in the woodland area cannot strip the bark. Thank you to John Reynolds for leading the volunteer team who help run and look after this orchard site. Fingers crossed that we have a wonderful apple yield this coming autumn. With the path works complete through the woods it is a lovely (if a bit strenuous) walk up into the orchard and a nice view looking back over towards the village. On the 1st May Ranger Lorna Sherriff held a Volunteer day at Wembury Point. Sadly no-one turned up to help with the works on site. If you would be interested in helping with some of the Ranger works the next volunteer day at Wembury is on Sunday July 24th where we will be tackling the vegetation growth along the edges of the stream in the meadow behind Wembury beach. This day is free but does need to be booked on by calling 01752 346585. We have several other events coming up in June. If you are interested in getting involved please get in touch. On Sunday 5th June we are holding Open farm Sunday at Scobbiscombe farm, Kingston 11am – 2pm. Join the tenants at Scobbiscombe Farm and the National Trust Rangers and come and see the farm animals, enjoy a farm trail and have a go at a few 50 Things to do before you’re 11 ¾ activities and more! Bring a picnic, dogs on leads welcome. This event is free and no booking required. On 25th and 26th June we have the South Milton Sands Watersports festival for a weekend of fun on the beach 12noon – 6pm. Come along and have a go at paddle boarding, open canoeing, sit on top kayaks, wild swimming and more. Fun competitions for children, beginners and experienced paddlers. Other games and stalls on the beach to enjoy. There are charges for the have go sessions. For further information please go to Please stop and have a chat to the team if you see us out working or if you have any comments about the work of the National Trust. For further information please call Lorna Sherriff on 01548 562344 or email Lorna Sherriff Area Ranger
Unfortunately we were unable to hold the Korniloff Coffee Morning at the Korniloff in May due to the home being closed for medical reasons. So Yvonne andi had a crisis meeting and decided not to cancel it but hold it at Courtlands in Cleveland Drive. Many thanks to Alan and Yvonne for their kindness and cooperation. We quickly made and put up new bunting directing people from the Korniloff to Courtlands, which seemed to work well. Although I encountered a lady at 12.30pm when I was taking down the signs saying their SATNAV had taken them nearly to Plymouth and had missed the coffee morning! Still she generously gave me a donation. We raised ÂŁ215 for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Many thanks to those who came and supported us so generously and the donations we received. We were pleased to have Paula Mountgomery, a CF nurse from Derriford Hospital who gave a very interesting and informative talk on her work and the disease. Our grateful thanks to Wendy for arranging for Paula to come. On Wednesday 1st June we will be fundraising for the Hope Cove Inshore Lifeboat and look forward to seeing you between 10.30 and noon at the Korniloff Care Home.
We had a very enjoyable and lively meeting at Julia's house when we discussed "The Paying Guests" by Sara W a t e r s . T h i s b o o k s e t i n 1 9 2 2 a n d tells of a respectable family, too poor to maintain their standards after the war and who took in lodgers. We agreed that, whilst not a particularly enjoyable book, it made compelling reading. The characters were lengthy and drawn out but well constructed and, although one of our members did not read it, the others agreed that they all wanted to read to the end to see what happened. We also discussed our second book "The Lad on Slapton Sands" which, of course, is of local interest and tells the story, through a child's eyes, of the evacuation of Slapton and the surrounding areas, to enable the American Forces to use the beaches for practice for the D-Day landings. This is a brilliantly written and an incredibly moving book which we all enjoyed and would recommend, especially for young people to read. This month we will be reading "Leaving time" by Jodi Picoult and "The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin.
Bigbury History Society Visit to Port Eliot Thursday 28th April
The photograph shows BHS members being warmly welcomed by our guide Carol, whose enthusiasm for the house and its history was infectious. Port Eliot is one of the most beautiful places in Cornwall – the house and gardens are extremely ancient and have been lived in for well over 1000 years. It was originally an Augustinian Priory with its abbey attached (which was Cornwall’s principal Cathedral) - but, after the dissolutions in the 16th century, it became the property of the Eliot family who have lived there ever since. Fortunately the present head of the Eliot family, the Earl of St Germans, was away - so we were able to see far more than is the norm. Apparently he and his third wife are not keen on visitors! The house was substantially altered in the 17 th and 18th centuries by noted architects including Sir John Soane. It has 11 staircases and 82 chimneys! Upstairs things are very much as they have been since Georgian times, full of accumulated treasures of
Bigbury Ladies Sharpham Wine and Cheese was the choice of venue for the Bigbury Ladies in May. Transport was a problem, so two men, Hans van der Heiden and Michael Holness were upgraded to Honorary Ladies for the day. The weather was showery, the company excellent, but there wasn’t much to do except eat and drink, so the most was made of that opportunity. Bigbury Ladies are joined by mans, One called Michael, one called Hans. Know the way, don’t need a sign… Off we go to Sharpham Wine. Eat and drink in sun and rain Then we potter home again. The outing in June is a boat trip up the River Tamar on the 15 th, leaving the Barbican at 12.15pm and returning by 4.45pm. The trip costs £17.50 per head. There will be a break at Calstock for approx. one hour where you can get a snack or take lunch with you; there will be a bar on board the boat.
Gospel Music, Jazz and Tea! On Sunday 19th June, 3 – 5pm, a Vintage Tea Party will be held in the grounds of The Pavilion at Modbury Recreation Ground. The entertainment will be gospel singing from the Modbury Gospel Singers and jazz from the Scarlet Ladies, with a fabulous auction of promises in the interval. Tea, cakes, sandwiches and scones will be served from vintage china cups and plates. Donations will be requested in aid of the water charity Wateraid which the Gospel Gingers are supporting as part of a massed-choir fund-raising event in Bath in July. If you wish come dressed for vintage tea! 22
Greetings from the nineteenth Hole at Bigbury The weather has once again thrown the golf calendar into disarray; as usual the fine weather that preceded Easter just wouldn’t hold long enough for our annual Gerry Cup to be played, a competition where married couples “support” each other in a foursomes medal game, and “what did you do that for” can be heard both on the course and in the bar afterwards! The competitors now eagerly wait the May Bank holiday where everyone hopes for good weather so that last years winners Maggie and Alan Best will defend their title, a title they have won on three previous occasions and are still speaking to each other! Our Honours’ board competitions are well underway and congratulations go to Caroline Hallett, Martyn Scarterfield and his partner Dominic Hussell, Matt Smallridge, Matt Barlow, Adam Keates and Paul Ellis and his partner Neil McCreery. Caroline, our captain from last year, won the Bigbury Bowl a competition open to the winners and runners up from last years competitions, her win was followed twenty four later by her nephew Matt Smallridge winning the Nettlefold cup. A great win for Matt Smallridge when having played two rounds of golf, in atrocious conditions; he topped the leader board one shot ahead of second placed Darren Mutton. Matt Barlow won the Men's President's Trophy with an excellent score of nett 62 pushing an unlucky Jeremy Andrews into second place, commented professional Nigel Blenkarne who added that he was not the only person who thought Jeremy’s nett 65, on a far from easy day, would be good enough to scoop the prize. Adam Keates carried on his great form to win the Junior President’s Trophy and two weeks later to add to his accolades he took the top slot in the Frank Ferris. Adding to their total of twice winning the Oakleigh Memorial Trophy, Paul Ellis and Neil McCreery, took the title for the third time out of five attempts. Martyn Scarterfield and Dominic Hussell played some impressive golf, after a long winter where the weather delayed many of the winter league matches, in a final against Vice Captain Ben Guest and Matt Smallridge to win the winter league’s Lawson Cup. A hole in one was a great way for Jed Spedding to help the Dartmoor League team when they played against a highly competitive team from Tavistock. Bigbury, captained by our vice captain Ben Guest, prevailed by 3 matches to 2 in a very tight match and are now top of the league after three matches. Jed and his partner Hamish McLachlan were all square standing on the 15th tee when Jed’s tee shot landed on the green, nowhere to be seen, a fantastic shot, and the ball was found sitting in the hole! A first hole in one for Jed and what an opportune moment to achieve it. Ben’s team played against Borindon a week later and took a 2 ½ : 2 ½ draw which helps them remain at the top of the league after 4 matches. Maggie Best showed us all the way when she won the first round of the Westlake Trophy. A medal competition, Maggie came in with a great nett 77 score, from second placed Jane Wain who scored nett 79, with Lorette Logie coming third on count back from Sally Errett when they both recorded nett 80. Round 2 will be played later in the summer. Kathy Ford and Anne Browse having won Saturdays foursomes competition, will go forward to represent Bigbury in the Killard Leavy competition later in the summer.
Congratulations also go to both Tracy Loveys, our professional, and Amanda Burchell. Firstly to Tracy who came tied second in the 25 th anniversary Pro Am at Minchinhampton, playing on the old course and secondly to Amanda Burchell who got through to the last eight in last weekend’s County Championship, only losing to the eventual County Champion Molly Pavey. Our captains Melanie Adcock and Denis Killen have arranged a Hogg Roast and Jazz band at the club on the 24th June to be run in aid of their chosen, charities the Devon Air Ambulance and the Kingsbridge Triangle centre. Tickets are £15 and are
K.E.D.F.A.S. Kingsbridge Estuary Decorative and Fine Art Society June talk.
The City of London and its Livery Companies Yasha Beresiner Venue: Methodist Church, 100, Fore Street, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1AW June 29th 2016 - 7 for 7.30pm June 30th 2016 -10 for 10.30am Everybody welcome – no need to be a member. £8 donation includes coffee/tea and biscuits.
St Anns Chapel | Bigbury | TQ7 4HQ Here at the Pickwick Inn we aren’t just known for our delicious Italian food or mouth-watering Sunday Lunch, but also for our regular events and special offers: SENIORS LUNCHEON CLUB Every Monday from 12 - 2:30pm we offer guests over 50 a special Seniors Luncheon Menu, 2 delicious courses for only £5. A great way to meet with friends and socialise while enjoying great food for amazing value with no joining fee – simply pop in! Our menu changes on a weekly basis, so make you way down to see what we’ve got on the menu this week. MIDWEEK MADNESS Make the most out of your Wednesday evening with our Midweek Madness offer of Pizza and a Pint for £9.95. Available from 5:30pm to 9:30pm. MONTHLY MUSIC NIGHTS Our most popular event at The Pickwick Inn is our Monthly Music Nights. On the first Friday of every month we have live music from 9-11pm. Come down and enjoy a delicious meal accompanied by live music, or simply pop in to taking in the tunes! We have some popular Summer Events returning this year, so keep an eye out on our Social Media pages and our regular emails for more information. If you aren’t already on our mailing list, make sure you send your email to so you get all the news and gossip before everyone else. Best wishes from The Pickwick Inn Bunch!
SOUTH HAMS SOCIETY – BEACH CLEANS The next beach clean will be on Saturday, 18 June, at South Milton (Thurlestone) Sands. Why not join us? Meet up at the Beach Hut at 10am. (Low water 11.30) Following the beach-clean, conditions allowing, you could always have a picnic or maybe even a swim! Remaining beach cleans for 2016 are at: Yarmer Beach and Leas Foot (16 Jul, 17 Dec), West Charleton Beach (20 Aug), Soar Mill Cove ( 17 Sep), Gara Beach (15 Oct), and South Milton (Thurlestone) Sands (12 Nov) . For more information about the South Hams Society, visit the website at http:// or contact Vivien Napper (01548 842405/07855 383601).