The site for great holidays in a great community; now gives the accommodation, holiday activities, many useful links and maps.
Now features community events and dates. Send any ideas for the site to
Front Cover: Ship in Bigbury Bay 2
What’s on and Dates for your Diary
Editors Page News, Views & letters
Pete Swann
Church Service times for Bigbury, Kingston and Ringmore
Message from the Minister from Michael Tagent
Parish Council Notes from the Parish Council monthly meeting
The 19th Hole Report from the Golf Club
Your handy pull-out Guide to Local Business
Musings from Weekend Wendy
Bigbury Memorial Hall Reports and Diary of events
Shack Splash News from the Oyster Shack
News from all your Regular Social Meetings
National Trust report from Lorna Sherriff
Where’s Alfie ?? He’s hiding somewhere in the pages!!
Bigbury News is published monthly at Lucerne Ringmore Drive Bigbury-on-Sea Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 4AU Tel: 01548 810815 email: Editor - Rose Owen Treasurer - Margaret Hawes, Blue Waters, Marine Drive, BoS, TQ7 4AS All contributions and requests for advertising to the Editor Bigbury News is a voluntary run publication which is supported by donations from readers, advertising rates and a grant from the Parish Council DISCLAIMER - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure adverts and articles appear correctly, Bigbury News cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor.
Dates for your Diary March: 2nd
Korniloff Coffee Morning supporting Modbury Caring - 10.30 - 12 noon at Korniloff Care Home, BoS
Bigbury Bookworms @ Liz’s home
Parish Council Meeting - Memorial Hall at 7.30pm
Bigbury Neighbourhood Plan Meeting - Memorial Hall at 12 noon
Film & Food Night (The Imitation Game) Memorial Hall at 7.30pm (see p.15)
Bigbury Ladies - Plymouth Museum, meet @ Helen’s 10.00
April: 6th 15th
Korniloff Coffee Morning, Korniloff Care Home, BoS at 10.30am Spilt Milk (V.I.A.) Memorial Hall at 7.30pm (see p.16)
Look out for other dates of events in and around Modbury and Kingsbridge also mentioned in articles in this magazine.
(See p.9) Kingsbridge Amateur Theatrical Society (KATS) present the musical Singin’ in the Rain based on MGM‘s acclaimed 1952 movie. 15th – 19th March 2016 at Malborough Village Hall with a Saturday matinee. Tickets available from 1st February at Kingsbridge Information Centre and online at
Remember - this YOUR parish magazine so if any of you have any news, views or interesting articles that you would like to share, please send them to me at the Bigbury News. Either drop them into me at Lucerne, Bigbury on Sea or hand them into Holywell Stores or phone me on 01548 810815 or email: You can now find each months issue at
in ‘The Community’ section and also on the Bigbury Community website in the documents section of the Bigbury News Group.
BIGBURY PARISH CLERK As many of you will already know, Pam Trundle is retiring as parish clerk after over thirty years of service in Bigbury, following ten years in Kingston. Pam had hoped to retire at the end of last year but has very kindly agreed to continue until the end of March, when the new clerk will be able to take over. On behalf of all parish councils, past and present, and the members of the community, we would like to give Pam a huge vote of thanks for so many years of committed service to what is sometimes a difficult job. We hope that she will enjoy the freedom of her retirement, and look forward to seeing her around the community just as much as ever! THANK YOU Pam. The new parish clerk will be Richard Matthews, from Ivybridge who will begin on 1st April. Those who wish to contact the council after that date will be able to get contact details nearer the time.
Hair Salon Please join us on March
is now
anytime between 10am-5pm for
refreshments, free consultation or just a nosey! We look forward to seeing you Many congratulations and best birthday wishes go to Mr Ron Easton, resident of Bigbury on Sea, who will achieve his 100th birthday on 13th March. Sending many congratulations as well to Becky and Bernard Phelan of Folly Hill, BoS for the save arrival of their son on the 25th February, a brother for Poppy, as yet to be named!
CHURCH SERVICES FOR MARCH BIGBURY - KINGSTON - RINGMORE ST. LAWRENCE - BIGBURY All services start at 11.00 a.m. 6th 13th 20th Good Friday 25th Easter Day 27th
Family Communion Sunday Worship Sunday Worship
Service at All Hallows, Ringmore
Easter Communion*
ST. JAMES THE LESS - KINGSTON All services start at 9.30 a.m. unless otherwise stated 6th 13th 20th Good Friday 25th Easter Day 27th
Family Communion Sunday Worship Holy Communion
Service at All Hallows, Ringmore 10.00am Easter Communion
ALL HALLOWS - RINGMORE All services start at 9.30 a.m. unless otherwise stated
6th 13th 20th Good Friday 25th Easter Day 27th
Sunday Worship Sunday Worship Village Service
6.00pm Choral Passiontide Service
Easter Communion
* Service in traditional language
Korniloff Communion - Tuesday 9th at 2.30 p.m.
Message from the Minister JOYCE HOWITT WRITES
No sooner have we finished celebrating Christmas than we are preparing ourselves for Easter! Seems strange doesn’t it, but this year there is just over a week between Candlemas (which in the Church year is the end of the Christmas season), and Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. For some Lent is a sort of annual MOT of willpower – giving up, or cutting back on something we like to eat, or do, during the forty days between Ash Wednesday and the Saturday of Holy Week. This is in commemoration of the forty days that Christ fasted in the wilderness which was a time of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenge in preparation for the start of his earthly ministry But Lent does not have to be just a time of restriction and gloom, it can also be a time for growing in our faith, and an opportunity to strengthen and deepen our relationships with God and those around us. This may include making changes like mending any broken relationships or forgiving those who have hurt us. For the message of Easter is that there is little to be gained by holding on to habits from the past. Easter is time to roll back the stone and look to the future with renewed hope. Easter tells us that although life is marked with uncertainties and troubles, we are never to give up. There is light at the end of the tunnel for God is in charge. Christ was raised from the dead and nothing can defeat him. He is able to bring life out of the most desperate situation, as the distraught Mary discovered on that first Easter morning after she had found that the tomb was empty. But just as the risen Christ told Mary that she must go and let the disciples know that he was alive, so he asks us too to be messengers telling others about the meaning of the resurrection, the joy of forgiveness and love and the joy of life which belief in the risen Christ brings. Have a happy Easter. Joyce
Team Rector: The Revd Neil Barker (830260: any day except Mondays) Readers: Joyce Howitt (01364 73093), Chris Lally (521587), Michael Tagent (810520) Website:
PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING. If you wish minutes in full, please look on the Bigbury website at or on the notice boards.
NOTES OF to read the Community read them
A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Memorial Hall on WEDNESDAY 10 FEBRUARY 2016 at 7.30 p.m. Cllrs. B Carson, C.Case, B.Huntley, G.Rosevear, and S.Smith attending with 12 residents Apologies for absence were received from C.Cllr R.Hosking, D.Cllr L.Ward (sick) Cllr Iain Couper and Mrs P.Trundle (sick). Open session - Resident A asked whether the planned increase in the precept to flood prevention and maintenance had a specific programme for its use. Bryan Carson said this was the case and a core group of volunteers would be put through Chapter 8 training. Work undertaken would be paid at a fixed hourly rate. - Resident B observed that preventative care should prevent flooding related incidents. Other residents added to this discussion. George Rosevear said that measures must be considered to protect the Church as the buddle hole and catch pit to the rear of 4 Bigbury Court was frequently unable to deal with silted run-off from surrounding fields. - Resident D reported that there were 74 objections lodged on the SHDC planning site re Bay View Café/Warren Cottage application. - Resident E advised that the Locality Officer, Dan Taylor, would be attending the 2nd March Coffee Morning at the Korniloff if residents wished to meet him. Minutes of January meeting were approved and signed Planning (planning applications for Bigbury parish have 05 prefix) - 3198/14/F – Avonmouth, Folly Hill – applicants had appealed the refusal by SHDC and letters relating to the appeal will be accepted up to 9th March. - 2701/15/F – Bay View Café/Warren Cottage, Bigbury on Sea; demolition and construction of 4 detached houses. Closing date was 5 th February but it seemed letters were still being accepted. District Councillor’s Report - Bryan Carson read Lindsay Ward’s report – this will be added to the minutes as an attachment. Neighbourhood Plan - Lindsay Ward had reported that following the end of the consultation period, Bigbury parish has been recognised as a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) area. A NP meeting was set for 12th March at 12.0 noon in the Memorial Hall. Lindsay also suggested that the NP group makes an application to the Sustainable Community Locality Fund where there is a grant available of up to £500.00. County Councillor’s Report - Bryan Carson read C.Cllr.Richard Hosking’s report which will be added to the minutes as Appendix 2 Financial: It was agreed to pay cheques as follows: £4.00 to Ivybridge & D.Assoc Local Councils – subscription. £54.64 to Peter Javes for fee for acting clerk at January meeting; £50 to Bigbury Memorial Hall for hire for 5 meetings; £266.91 to Mrs P.Trundle clerk’s fee; £50 to Holywell Stores for Christmas tree; £90 to Grasshopper Gardening Services for mowing village green for the year; £50 to J.Gilbert for electricity for Christmas lighting at village green.
Vacancies Snow Warden – filled – Cllr Iain Couper Tree Warden - unfilled Parish Councillor - unfilled Correspondence: - DCC impending Boundary changes were noted which would also lead to a modest reduction in councillors of two and a change in Bigbury’s representation. - Parliamentary Boundary changes–reorganisation were under consultation - Police Report from Warren Palmer stating in 2014-2015 there were 14 crimes in the parish – 9 thefts, 1 burglary, 2 assaults and 2 threatening behaviour. During 2015-2016 there were 14 crimes in the parish – 9 thefts, 3 assaults, 2 dangerous driving. Concern was also expressed about fraudsters purporting to be BT representatives requesting bank information - New Parish Clerk – the appointment of Richard Matthews as the new Parish Clerk was announced and he will take up his post from 1st April. HM the Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations – weekend of 11th and 12th June - Ideas for a parish celebration were called for and from those present there seemed to be 3 likely runners; either a party in the Memorial Hall and playing field, or similarly on the Warren. Alternatively, a Barn Dance. It was agreed to let the Memorial Hall Committee meet and report back to the March Parish Council meeting. Any Other Business: - Memorial Hall Committee: it was agreed that Bryan Carson would be the parish council representative on the Hall committee. - Parish Church pillars balls and gates – Bryan Carson reported that, following the refusal by the tradesmen to carry out the repairs under their own quote of £3,500 plus VAT, the advice of a Heritage biased architect and the services of a Heritage biased contractor had been sought and this had produced a quotatlon to carry out the required works to the required Heritage and H&S standards of £8,900 plus VAT, far more than that set aside in the current precept of £5,000. - Open Spaces Sports and Recreation (OSSR). George Rosevear pointed out that should the Parish wish to access Section 106 money within the OSSR element of the fund for additional facilities, there was a requirement to carry out an audit of existing assets and an analysis of new facilities wanted/needed. This would then sit within the Neighbourhood Plan in order to have statutory weight. - Date of next meeting WEDNESDAY 9th MARCH at 7.30 pm Meeting closed 9.45 p.m.
CASUAL VACANCY A vacancy exists for a Parish Councillor. If you are interested in being considered for this vacancy, please write to the Parish Clerk at the above address, giving your details, how long you have lived here, interests in the community etc. before 2nd March.
Bigbury Neighbourhood Plan South Hams District Council have now granted approval for the preparation of the Bigbury Neighbourhood Plan so we now need start thinking about the Vision and Objectives of the plan and how these can be achieved. As part of this process we are wanting to engage with the whole of the community including residents, land and property owners and people who own or work in businesses based in the parish. We will be holding a meeting in the Memorial Hall, St Ann’s Chapel at 12 noon on 12th March 2016 to hear people’s views on what they consider makes our area special, what they would like to see retained and/or improved and what changes, if any, people would like to see as part of the future planning for this area. We also now need to set up a Steering Group of about 8 to 10 people who will meet on a monthly basis and will be actively engaged in the preparation of the plan including the gathering of evidence and ensuring that the plan is fully reflective of the views and wishes of the community. Membership of the Steering Group will include at least two representatives from the Parish Council who will be able to provide a vital link reporting to the Parish Council about the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan and helping to ensure that other parish councillors (and the public via the parish council meetings) are kept abreast of what is happening. The rest of the Steering Group will be made up of volunteers who can bring useful skills and knowledge, and who will be able to assist in the gathering of evidence and lead consultations with the community at large. It is envisaged that individual members of the group will lead on particular projects and/or policies. If you would like to be included as a member of the Steering Group could you contact Valerie Scott, who is currently leading the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan. Please let her know the knowledge, experience and/or skills you would be able to offer to the group. For those who may not be able to commit fully to this role but may wish to assist in other ways then please also let Valerie know of your interest in doing this. Her contact details are set out below. We would like to be able to set up the Steering Group during or following the meeting on 12 March so it would be useful to know in advance from those wishing to join. However, there will be an opportunity to advise of your interest in joining the group during the meeting. Members of the group may change during the preparation of the plan as new people become interested or can offer various skills. There will be regular reporting of the progress of the plan through Parish Council meetings and other communication channels including the Bigbury News, the Bigbury Community Website, notice board updates and letter box drops. Notices will be given regarding the times of the Steering Group meetings and these will be open to all people who might wish to attend. We hope that as many parishioners as possible will be able to come to the meeting on the 12 March to give us your views on the matters that you consider to be important for the future planning of this area. Valerie Scott Address: Glen Cottage, Bigbury, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 4AP Home telephone: 01548 810336. Mobile: 07711446218 Email:
Come on with the rain: I’ve a smile on my face! Kingsbridge Amateur Theatrical Society (KATS) presents as its annual March Musical that timeless classic, the fabulous all singing all dancing, Singin’ in the Rain. Based on MGM’s acclaimed 1952 movie with Screenplay by Betty Comden and Adolph Green, the story is full of charm, comedy, romance and Hollywood glamour. All interspersed with Nacio Herb Brown and Arthur Freed’s glorious songs – Good Morning, Make ‘em Laugh Moses Supposes and the legendary Singin in the Rain to name but a few. Singin in the Rain is a gentle spoof of the turmoil that afflicted the movie industry in the late 1920s when movies went from silent to sound. Following the success of the first talkie, Al Jolson’s The Jazz Singer, the studio boss of Monumental Pictures decides, somewhat over-ambitiously, that the next film featuring stars Lockwood and Lamont must be 100% all talkie. The KATS cast includes some familiar and some new faces all of whom give the show the energy and sheer exuberance it deserves. We guarantee to send you out dancing and singing all the way home Singin in the Rain runs from 15th-19th March 2016 at Malborough Village Hall 7.30pm with a matinee on Sat. 19th at 2.30pm Tickets on sale from 1st February 2016 at Kingsbridge Information Centre and on-line at This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Josef Weinberger and Music Theatre International. SOUTH HAMS SOCIETY – BEACH CLEANS The next beach clean will be on Saturday, 26 March at West Charleton Beach. Why not join us? We’ll assemble in Marsh Lane at 12 noon. (Low Water 13.38 ) There is a 10 minute walk to this remote shingle beach and bags of rubbish should be left by the stile for the Harbour Authority to collect when the tide is right. As there is a bird-watching hide, it is not advisable to bring one's dog. You might bring a picnic if the weather is good; and dogs under supervision are OK once the clean is finished. For more information, visit the website at http:// or contact Vivien Napper (01548 842405/07855 383601) or Penny Fenton (01548 561539
The Nineteenth Hole February has proved a disappointing month weather wise for the golfers, so it was great that with only a few competitions being played on the course, the social side at the club added some alternative entertainment. For the golf, the men's section managed to play a midweek stableford on the Wednesday 10th Feb, a day which was not hijacked by the weather, some high scores were recorded and coming in with a fantastic 43 points saw Dominic Hussell (7) win the competition and take first place in div.1. second place in div.1 with 41 points, with another great score of 41 points went to Paul Weedon(13). Phil Towner (14) and Martyn Scarterfield(5) both scored 39 points, with Stuart Green(14) and Stephen Smith(14) both scoring 37 points. John Steel(23) came top of div.2 when he scored 39 points, one point ahead of second placed Paul Edgecombe(20) who recorded 38 points, with Ian Tope(16) coming third with 37 points. Whilst golf competitions and matches have been greatly affected by the appalling weather, the ladies section encouraged all their members to join in match play practice under the tutelage of our resident professional Tracy Lovey who is arguably the best lady professional in the country, with her 4 times lady professional championship title to her name. On a very cold morning 14 Ladies turned out and while playing in pairs, Tracy was on hand to impart her vast knowledge and experience of course management and strategy onto the ladies, some of whom were complete novices. The participants all came away encouraged and Tracy came away with glowing red cheeks. This Saturday's stableford was open to both men, women and juniors, the weather wasn't good and the back seven holes saw the players battling against severe winds which kept blowing the balls off the tee pegs and trolleys being shunted around and blown over. Despite these conditions talented teenager Jessica Leech(28) scored 33 points to win the ladies competition from second placed lady captain, Melanie Adcock (20) who came in one point behind on 32 points, Jackie Green(35), Anne Fowler(28) and Cathay Harrington(10) all came in 28 points. The men's scoring was higher and coming in top of the field was Jason Holtom(19) who scored a great 40 points to win on count back from second placed Stewart Fulton(10), Mick McNulty(10) came third with 37 points, both Robin Leach(12) and Mike Fulton(9) also scored 37 points. On the social front everyone entered into the spirit of Burns' night, when Stephen and Gerald produced an excellent Burns' night supper, with traditional haggis and neaps and a whisky laden raspberry flumery to round of the meal. Following long established traditions, Peter MacLachan addressed the Haggis before the meal, James Stevenson recited the Burns' poem " to a mouse" and our men's Captain Denis Killen (disguised in his tartan tam o'shanter and ginger hair) sang the beautiful "Skye Boat song"
Valentine's Day saw the bistro packed with 56 diners enjoying a lovely romantic lunch at the end of which all the ladies were presented with a red rose. We eagerly await Gerald and Stephen's Mother's Day lunch to be held on the 6th March, tickets are understandably selling fast. Finally Rob and Jill Luckens were the quiz masters for the February quiz, which was well attended and included supper and some very challenging questions, to torture the mind. A great set of questions, a great meal, a great evening!
KEDFAS - Kingsbridge Estuary Decorative and Fine Art Society March talk. Sleeping Beauties: The Irish Country Houses Tom Duncan Venue: Methodist Church, 100, Fore Street, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1AW March30thth 2016 - 7 for 7.30pm March 31st 2016 - 10 for 10.30am Everybody welcome – no need to be a member. £8 donation includes coffee/tea and biscuits. Registered Charity number 1158965
MOBILE LIBRARY Our librarian is Steve and he will be at:BoS - Cleveland Drive
12.40 –
1.25 p.m.
2.00 –
2.30 p.m.
Ringmore Church
11.50 –
12.20 a.m.
Kingston Fire Station
11.00 –
11.40 a.m.
Bigbury Green
Dates: Tuesdays – March 22 , April 19th, May 17th, June 14th, July 12th, August 9th, Sept 6th, October 4th. PLEASE, PLEASE do use our mobile library. We are very lucky to have the service and don’t want to lose it through lack of support. DCC have made many cuts and libraries are one of them. We must retain this service so please use it. Some people are under the misconception you can only keep books a month – but Steve is very good, we do not have to pay fines. Pam Trundle - Parish Clerk: Tel: 810719 Email:
A letter of Thanks Margaret Hawes and Trish Bagley came to my aid when I crashed down the steps at the west end of the Warren and saved me from a potentially worse outcome. I thank them for their efforts. It was on 14th January when I had just started out on my morning walk with Gizmo. We were walking down Marine Drive from Challaborough, arrived at the awkward steps at the entrance to the Warren footpath, as we had done for many years, I lifted my foot up to step onto the high kerb and caught the toe of my shoe on the edge. I dived over to hit my thigh on the lowest of the three steps. Unable to move my right leg I scrambled round to reach a short concrete post and haul myself to a standing position with my right leg dangling and the foot twisted to the right. At that moment Margaret came to her gate to take Tilly for a walk. As she came closer I said my leg was broken and could she drive me home. By the time she had put her dog indoors and got the car out it was obvious I could not get into the car and I was having difficulty balancing on one leg, holding a short post and starting to shiver. She put the car back and brought a chair out for me to sit at the roadside on the bend in Marine Drive. Margaret fetched a blanket and a phone and called for an ambulance. In the conversation with the 999 operator it must have become apparent I was sinking into a shocked state and this was conveyed to the operator. Margaret said an ambulance was on its way and went for more blankets. Trish, who was out walking with Jed, had arrived and helped to cover me with blankets as I sat there sinking into deeper shivering and thinking how long an ambulance would take to get to Bigbury on Sea. Gizmo was trying to get near me as possible and anxious. Trish said she would take care of him and let June know what had happened. Margaret and Trish made sure the blankets covered me well while we waited. Within 15 minutes the ambulance arrived. They had been on their way to Kingsbridge to do a pickup when they had been diverted. What a stroke of luck! They had heated the ambulance on route to me. So they lifted me in and I quickly stopped shivering. Entry into the hospital was quick and I was put in an A&E cubicle and the assessment began. I was operated on the next day for a full hip replacement. The prognosis is one of almost complete recovery over a period of three months. I am now walking about a mile a day (18-02-16) with Gizmo and a walking stick. Thanks to Margaret and Trish I was swiftly treated. Without their quick aid I could have been in dire straits. Jim Bennett
Please book early for Mothering Sunday as bookings are filling up fast and Easter Sunday is also filling up! We will be open on the Bank Holiday Monday 1
01548 550491
For a free quote on plans for your build project contact Matthew on 01761 436861 or mobile 07843 286857
THE LITTLE LODGE is no longer operating, due to the sale of the property it is part of, MERRYLEES. On behalf of my parents, Bryn and the late Beryl Evans, and myself, I wish to thank all the lovely guests we have welcomed to enjoy their holidays in our beautiful part of England. It was fun! Jill 01548 810651
Guests coming … … need extra space? Available in Bigbury for short lets of 2+ nights A delightful two-bedroom apartment (sleeps 4 / 5)
Please Contact: Angela - 078 34825738 01453 873318
Local Trustworthy couple offering a first class Management / Maintenance Service. Services Offered: Changeovers and laundry - Key Holding / Property checks Deep Clean - Window Cleaning - Garden Services
We also offer: Complete property maintenance from decorating to a new bathroom. We will liaise with local tradesmen for plumbing, heating and electrical problems. Holiday / Second Home and Residential. Contact Elaine or Andy to discuss your requirements
Collection and Delivery Service with Courtesy Cars Available
Mechanical Repairs that include
Servicing, Tyres, Exhausts, Brakes, Batteries, Clutches, Cam Belts, Diagnostics, Safety Checks, Full Bodyshop, Air Conditioning, MOT’s arranged … to all makes and models of cars
t 01752 898632 f 01752898659 W Strashleigh View, Lee Mill Industrial Estate, Nr. Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9GS
Open: Mon - Sat 8.30-5.30 - Sun 10.30-2.00 (Sun car sales only)
Every car that passes through our doors receives a complementary wash and vac
3 Comfortable bedrooms available all year round, with stunning views overlooking Dartmoor and surrounding countryside. Near to beaches and local facilities. Dane & Hilary Vanstone St. Ann’s Chapel, Kingsbridge, TQ& 4HQ T: 01548 810308
01548 830250 OR 07925306853
Social Membership only £15 for 2016 Our new Caterers Gerald & Steve joined us at the start of the year, having helped us through the festive season with major events. Why not try their Sunday roast dinners available every week at £9.50 for one course, £12 for two courses. Call 01548 810557 option 3 to make your reservation (booking essential). The restaurant is also open daily for lunch, with a choice of something light or a meal. Details of opening times for the restaurant can be found on our website
March 2016 I have my host-mojo back! Weekend Wendie girlie weekend II: The Sequel was a… success! Three of us descended on Bigbury-on-Sea early in February with a positive mental attitude and even the first puffs of what was to become Storm Imogen could not dampen our spirits. I think on previous occasions I have tried to show guests as much as possible of the loveliness South Devon has to offer which has meant I have got a bit stressed rushing around trying to fit everything in. This time we did not venture far and I let Bigbury-on-Sea speak for itself and work its magic. We relaxed and chatted. Nobody squabbled or moaned about anything even with the extreme provocation of walking to and from the Journey’s End through rain being hurled horizontally at our faces. I must confess that a few glasses of wine were consumed while we put the world to rights. We even did a jigsaw! Our ‘big night out’ was going to see the panto ‘Mother Goose’ in Kingston. We treated ourselves to a taxi so we were all able to share pre-thespian refreshment in the Dolphin and then it was across the road to the hall which had been transformed into a theatre of delights. For anyone not lucky enough to see this show then sadly you are now too late and will have to wait another 2 years for the opportunity but I can really recommend booking early for next time! All the elements were there for a proper panto…. Plenty of audience participation, a really good baddie (boo, hiss!) and two very funny henchmen, an excellent chorus, great costumes and fantastic singing, a chase, peril for the hero and heroine, ‘he’s behind you!’. I hesitate to single out any one scene but the sight of Viv entering with the balloon is something I will never be able to unsee. Comedy gold. I was crying with laughter. I even got some of the ‘in’ jokes after only 2 years of partial residency! As I have been in a few, I know a proper village pantomime takes a huge amount of work on the part of the cast and crew but there is really nothing like it and I hope we can continue to enjoy this one for many years to come. My other significant milestone this month has been the publication of the book what I wrote! This has been unbelievably exciting! The best thing happened yesterday when a mum who had bought my book last week came to tell me that her 5 year old daughter had really enjoyed it and had proudly taken it into school to show all her friends. To know that the ‘target audience’ enjoyed it is a fantastic feeling and better than all the glowing grown-up book reviews in the world (although some of those in due course would be lovely (-;). I hope one day soon to get it stocked in the mobile library. That would be a really big thrill! I cannot, of course, tell you the title as that would blow my carefully constructed secret identity. I’m sure that ship has actually sailed some time ago (love a metaphor!) but there might be some people who remain in blissful ignorance of ‘the real me’ and I don’t want to spoil it for them. If you do know who I am then feel free to accost me in the street and ask me about it and I will give you, quite literally, chapter and verse. Much love WW (-:
BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Bringing the Community Together February saw a great event at the Hall, when over fifty people came along to see local poet and humourist Matt Harvey. Matt’s unique blend of clever word play and humorous insight had everyone enthralled and laughing out loud, especially his anecdotes of his life in Totnes. Our next event is the latest in our twice yearly series of Film and Food Nights on March 16th. This time the film is the award winning The Imitation Game, telling the incredible true story of Alan Turing and his team of code breakers in the Second World War. The all star cast features Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley and Charles Dance. As last time, the Pickwick Inn are generously providing an excellent meal and, at a total cost of only £7, the evening constitutes great value. See poster for ticket details. In April – the 15th – we’re staging an event sponsored by Villages in Action when Spilt Milk Dance perform Blast From The Past, their fast paced race through seven decades of the blockbusters and bestsellers we all remember, set to a soundtrack of chart hits from 1952 until the present day. This is the first time we’ve featured a dance troupe at the Hall and it should be a great evening. Tickets are £8 (£5 children) form Holywell Stores. BYOD & glasses. See poster for further details. Charles Harrington. Tel. 810023. Email
Calendar of Events February 2016 Day & Time
Contact name
Body Boost
*Jill Gubbins
10.30 – 11.30
*Jill Gubbins
19.00 – 20.15
Fi Baker
17.30 - 19.30
Youth Club
Louise Pitt
07786 860440
9.30 – 11.45
South Hams Shrimps
Kylie Worden
07845 280734
9.15 – 10.00
Body Conditioning
*Jill Gubbins
10.05 – 11.05
*Jill Gubbins
11.15 – 12.00
Strong & Steady (plus tea & chat)
*Jill Gubbins
9.30 – 10.15
Tel. no
Future Events: Wed. 16th March: Film Night – The Imitation Game. Tickets £7 to include food from Holywell Stores. 7.30pm with film starting at 8.00pm. Friday 16th April: Spilt Milk - a Villages in Action event; 7.30pm. Tickets £8 (Child £5.50). 50:100 Club (Promoted by Dane Vanstone). Tickets (£5 for the 5 monthly draws) are available from Holywell Stores. Buy now for your chance to win. 50% of the money goes in prizes and 50% to the Memorial Hall. Lucky winners for February were Brian Parnell (£15) and Vic Gubbins (£7).
‘Royal Mail’ email Fraud This is a message sent via Wiltshire and Swindon Community Messaging. This information has been sent on behalf of Action Fraud (National Fraud Intelligence Bureau) Fraudsters are sending out virus infected emails that claim a package has been seized by HM Revenue & Customs upon arrival into the United Kingdom. The official looking scam emails claiming to be from Royal Mail contain a link to a document which will install malicious software on your computer designed to steal credentials like account names, email addresses and passwords. An example email reads: Title: Your parcel has been seized Royal Mail is sorry to inform you that a package addressed to you was seized by HM Revenue & Customs upon arrival into the United Kingdom. A close inspection deemed your items as counterfeit and the manufacturers have been notified. If your items are declared genuine then they will be returned back to you with the appropriate custom charges. You may have been a victim of counterfeit merchandise and the RM Group UK will notify you on how to get your money back. Please review the attached PDF document for more information. Document (RM7002137GB).Zip Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. To help the spread of the virus, the email also says: “you will need to have access to a computer to download and open the Zip file”. If you receive one of these emails, do not click on any links or download any attachments and report it to Action Fraud. Protect Yourself
Royal Mail will never send an email asking for credit card numbers or other personal or confidential information.
Royal Mail will never ask customers to enter information on a page that isn’t part of the Royal Mail website.
Royal Mail will never include attachments unless the email was solicited by a customer e.g. customer has contacted Royal Mail with an enquiry or has signed up for updates from Royal Mail.
Royal Mail have also stressed that they do not receive a person’s email address as part of any home shopping experience.
If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online: or by telephone: 0300 123 2040
Dear Shackers, What a wonderful first month back we have had. The days may have be a little grey in but we’ve had a glorious time welcoming so many of you back to The Shack. With spring just around the corner we’re so excited about some of the produce about to come into season. We have some brilliant demonstrations lined up for you and have now included some Saturday dates, we’d love to see you there and if there is anything in particular you would like learn please let us know! Mothering Sunday Treat your mum to something special this Mother's Day. Sunday 6th March we'll be serving an abundance of fresh, sustainable and locally caught seafood for lunch and dinner. We also have a range of locally crafted gifts available, as well as our very own personalised gift vouchers, our Master Class Cookery Demonstrations make the perfect gift for loved ones. Shack Set Menu 2 courses £14 | 3 courses £16 - Join us for this magnificent menu featuring a whole host of tasty treats. Available 7 days a week for lunch and dinner until 27th May. Excludes bank holidays and Easter holidays 19/03/16 – 17/04/16. Steak & Lobster £17! Relish in the very best of land and sea with a mouth watering rump steak, roasted lobster, garlic butter and fries for £17. Available daily until 19th March. Master Class Cookery Demonstrations, the perfect event for any food lover, culinary enthusiast or someone who wants to develop their skills in the kitchen. Spend an evening with our head chef and discover the trade secrets. Wednesday 9th March, 5.30pm - Join pastry chef Charlotte as she shares her secrets on creating some of the finest desserts and pastries. Saturday 23rd April 1030 - Learn how to prepare, from scratch some of the finest produce the South Hams has to offer, shellfish! Each event includes a drink on arrival, mouth watering tasters of the dishes created, copies of all of the recipes and two course meal for £40 per person. Gift vouchers are available for all of our events and make a perfect gift for Mother’s Day. We hope to see you at The Shack soon, warming your cockles by our roaring fire and taking advantage of some of our offers and events. Love Chris & the crew Facebook: The Oyster Shack Bigbury | Twitter @theoystershack | Instagram @theoystershack 01548 810876 | | Opening times: Monday – Saturday 12 - 3pm & 6-9pm / Sundays 12 - 3pm / open 12 - 9pm during school holidays.
On Wednesday 3rd February the ‘Thank You Tea’ was held and the residents and a few of our loyal supporters enjoyed a quiz, from which we all learnt some interesting facts about coffee and tea, together with a cuppa tea and some delicious cakes donated by Rose, Yvonne and myself. We hope to make this an annual event for February. This year starts with Modbury Caring on Wednesday 2nd March and we look forward to seeing you between 10.30 and noon. Dan Taylor, our South Hams Locality Officer will also be present to discuss with you any local issues and concerns you might have. Next month (April 6th) we will be supporting the Devon Air Ambulance Trust. We would like to give our grateful thanks to Gina and Gordon, their staff, who are so helpful, and of course, the residents of Korniloff for welcoming us into their lovely home and for their continuing support. BIGBURY BOOKWORMS We enjoyed a very interesting and lively meeting at Lynn's house last month when we discussed The Martian and Cutting the Stone. Not everyone had read "The Martian" but, after hearing how much other members enjoyed it, they decided to try it. This is a spirited, outstanding book, which totally gripped our readers and was not a "space" book at all but a story of how a man coped and faced survival after being left alone on Mars - thoroughly recommended. Our other book "Cutting the Stone" was again enjoyed by some and not others, and, as some people have not finished it (or decided to try again to read it), we will discuss it in more detail at our next meeting. Our chosen book for reading this month is The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields and hopefully we will all have finished it when we meet next on March 2nd at Liz's home.
The trip to Plymouth Museum on the 17th Feb. was postponed due to half-term activities at the museum. Several ladies met at Helens Smith’s for lunch on that day. After discussions, it has been decided that the Museum trip should now take place in March. Helen has kindly offered to host refreshments during which we can decide what to do for future outings. If you are interested please meet at Helen’s on the 16th March for 10.00 and after coffee we will set off for the Museum. Several ladies have arranged to go and see ‘Singing in the Rain’ in March performed by the Kingsbridge Armature Theatrical Society at Marlborough Village Hall. Anyone interested in going please see poster on p. 9 for details of ticket sales.
The year is speeding past already and here at The Pickwick Inn and we are ready to Spring into the new season with a brand New Menu! We are currently in the process of changing our popular Italian Menu to add in some exciting dishes and bring back some Italian Classics. Get in touch via social media, email or pop down to speak with Kate and Matt about your favourite dishes you wouldn’t want to part with and any new and exciting dishes you would like to see on our new menu! We are adding half a dozen new and exciting Pizzas to our popular range which will be available for takeaway (call us on 01548 810310) and for you to indulge in at Midweek Madness - Pizza & Pint for £9.95 every Wednesday from 5pm to 9:30pm! Mothering Sunday Day and Easter Sunday are just around the corner and it wouldn’t be the same without a delicious traditional Sunday Lunch, and no one does them better than us! Join us from 12 - 4pm and treat yourself and the family to a delicious Sunday Roast for £8.95. Roast West Country Beef, Yorkshire Puddings, Roasted Mediterranean Vegetables and our own Rich Gravy. On alternative weeks we also have Roast Chicken or Pork with all the trimmings. We have some very exciting entertainment news to bring you all… as well as our Monthly Music Nights (1st Friday of every month) we will be adding a Monthly Karaoke Night! We have been listening to you all and have decided to bring it back as a permanent evening as last year’s Karaoke was such a great success! Get practicing your favourite ballads and keep an eye out on Social Media and our website for the Launch of our Karaoke Nights! If you aren’t already on our mailing list, make sure you send your email to so you get all the news and gossip before everyone else. Best wishes from The Pickwick Inn Bunch! Twitter: @PickwickInn
Facebook: The Pickwick Inn | 01548 810310 |
Seichem Reiki Reconnective Bengsten Method
My house or at yours Contact: Beth 01548 810385 21
When will we be getting some dryer weather? The wet weather is really affecting our paths and our work now. The recent Storm Imogen brought down trees in Noss Mayo and Wembury woods which the team have been out clearing up. The stormy weather also brings in a lot more seaborne rubbish which we have to dispose costing the Trust £1000's. So thank you to any of our volunteers across our beaches that help us out with collecting the rubbish. In Bens Woods at Scobbiscombe Farm, Rangers Joel and Vicky have been undertaking woodland works in compliance with our Woodland Grant Scheme. They have halo thinned where we choose the best specimen trees and clear around those trees to allow the halo (crown) area to receive more light and space ensuring the specimen tree continues to grow well. This work has huge benefits providing more sunlight to penetrate to the lower canopy generating new saplings and brings new life for the woods. The Tuesday volunteers have done some hedge cut back along Smugglers’ path to tidy it up and thin it out a little but our work has mainly been concentrated at our South Milton Sands Property, readjusting the boardwalks and focusing of the carpark maintenance for the Half term and Easter breaks. For our next event; we will be meeting at Wembury Beach Car Park on Sunday 6th March at 10am, until 3pm. Come and help the team with some practical conservation tasks including a beach clean. Also on Saturday 19th March we will be having a beach clean event at Ayrmer Cove from 10am, until 12pm. Come and join the team and see the result of our work at this beautiful location. On the 8th April there will be another RAMM walk with the Ranger event from Wembury Beach around to Wembury Point starting at 11am until 1pm. We will be following the webcam as seem at the RAMM Exeter to pinpoint wildlife around Wembury Point. Everyone is welcome to come and experience what a day in the life of Ranger can be like come rain or shine. Please bring sturdy footwear to these days, waterproofs and a packed lunch. Booking through Sue for these events is essential. You can telephone on: 01752 346585 or email on: If you are interested in doing volunteering with us please stop and have a chat to the team if you see us out working or if you have any comments about the work of the National Trust. For further information please call Lorna Sherriff on 01548 562344 or email Anna Jones Volunteer Ranger