Bigbury News May 2016

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The site for great holidays in a great community; now gives the accommodation, holiday activities, many useful links and maps.

Now features community events and dates. Send any ideas for the site to

Front Cover: by Hilary Vanstone


What’s on and Dates for your Diary


Editors Page News, Views & letters


Church Service times for Bigbury, Kingston and Ringmore


Message from the Minister from Michael Wilkinson


Parish Council Notes from the Parish Council monthly meeting

Your handy pull-out Guide to Local Business


Musings from Weekend Wendy


Bigbury Memorial Hall Reports and Diary of events


Shack Splash News from the Oyster Shack


National Trust report from Lorna Sherriff


News from all your Regular Social Meetings

Where’s Alfie ?? He’s hiding somewhere in the pages!!

Bigbury News is published monthly at Lucerne Ringmore Drive Bigbury-on-Sea Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 4AU Tel: 01548 810815 email: Editor - Rose Owen Treasurer - Margaret Hawes, Blue Waters, Marine Drive, BoS, TQ7 4AS - Tel: 01548 810640 All contributions and requests for advertising to the Editor Bigbury News is a voluntary run publication which is supported by donations from readers, advertising rates and a grant from the Parish Council DISCLAIMER - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure adverts and articles appear correctly, Bigbury News cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly

Dates for your Diary

May: 4th 5th 11th 18th 30th

Korniloff Coffee Morning (Supporting Cystic Fibrosis) 10.30 - noon Police Commissionaire ELECTIONS at your local Polling Station Parish Council Meeting - Memorial Hall at 7.30 (BPC AGM 8.30) Bigbury Ladies visit to Sharpham Vineyard Bank Holiday BAZAAR - Memorial Hall at 2pm (see p.11)

June: 12th 25th

H. M. Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations (see below) BIGBURY FUN RUN (see below)

July: 13th 31st

A Victorian Tea Party - the Old Rectory at 3pm GARDEN PRODUCE SHOW (details next month)

Her Majesty the Queens 90th Community Birthday Bash You are all invited to celebrate our Sovereigns 90th Birthday with a

PIG ROAST at Folly Farm on Sunday 12th June, 4pm onwards

BYO picnic and drinks The roast will be carved from 5.30 at no charge

ALL WELCOME (parking and games in the field opp. Folly Farm)


Remember - this YOUR parish magazine so if any of you have any news, views or interesting articles that you would like to share, please send them to me at the Bigbury News. Either drop them into me at Lucerne, Bigbury on Sea or hand them into Holywell Stores or phone me on 01548 810815 or email: You can now find each months issue at

in ‘The Community’ section and also on the Bigbury Community website in the documents section of the Bigbury News Group.


Bigbury Bay Holiday Park, Challaborough.

Dear Editor With reference to D.Cllr Lindsay Ward comments in the April edition of Bigbury News. I do agree with D.Cllr Lindsay, the café was indeed very popular with both visitors and residents alike. It was the only indoor all weather eating house. If planning is approved, yet another nail in the coffin for Bigbury on Sea, The Parish Council should think long and hard before recommending this project to go ahead. Looking back over the years, more and more properties have been sold to second home buyers, Bigbury on Sea is slowly becoming a ghost town with properties unoccupied. So come on don't allow this beautiful property to be torn down. Regards, Robert Goodall. Editors reply…. Thank you for your is indeed a travesty that the Bay Cafe has been forced to close due to development of the site. I can assure you that the council have objected very strongly to this development, and the planning officers at SHDC have made appropriate recommendations in their refusal. BUT the tide of change (which is abhorrent to all the present - and getting fewer! - residents of BoS) will inevitably sweep away our sleepy village and in time it is lamentable to think that indeed you are correct about your ghost town scenario.


CHURCH SERVICES FOR MAY BIGBURY - KINGSTON - RINGMORE ST. LAWRENCE - BIGBURY All services start at 11.00 a.m. (Unless otherwise stated) 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th

Family Communion Sunday Worship Sunday Worship Holy Communion* Joint Holy Communion (10.30 am)

ST. JAMES THE LESS - KINGSTON All services start at 9.30 a.m. 1st 8th 15th 22nd

Family Communion Sunday Worship Holy Communion Village Service

ALL HALLOWS - RINGMORE All services start at 9.30 a.m.

1st 8th 15th 22nd

Sunday Worship Sunday Worship Village Service Family Communion

* Service in traditional language

Korniloff Communion - Tuesday 17th at 2.30 p.m.


Message from the Minister

Dear Friends Having Easter earlier in the year than usual this year, has brought the calculation of the date of this festival to the fore and made us all to think that it might be beneficial to fix the date of Easter rather keeping it as a movable feast, based on the passage of the Sun and the Moon. This would help a lot in public life such as school holidays and public holidays. The matter is already on the statute books but has to be agreed on by parliament and church authorities. This year Easter was a landmark for me as my paper decided to go on the internet rather than publishing a daily newspaper delivered each day by a news vendor. I had chosen The Independent as it originally had a Christian Editor. All the rapid changes that seem to be the feature of our modern life are due to a variety of factors such as technology, legislation and innovations, such as television and tweeting, in addition to the changing of weather and climate. The old constancies are challenged, even basic morality and God Himself can seem to be more distant. Ahead













heaven at His Ascension and then the festival called Pentecost, fifty days after The Passover/Easter (the Festival of First Fruits). The name Pentecost celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who continue to follow Jesus.

We are called to live our

lives under the guidance of the spirit of Jesus and at the same time we are given the power to do so, like the wind that propels forward a boat under sail. a full church.

It is a day for

We seek the assurance for ourselves that we can be led into the

future be the Holy Spirit of God, whose voice can be heard if we seek Him in our prayers, hearts and minds 'Through all the Changing Scenes of Life, in trouble and in joy, the praises of our God shall still our hearts and tongues employ.......' Yours in Friendship, Michael Wilkinson


This is an overview of the topics discussed and actions agreed at April’s Bigbury Parish Council meeting and Annual Parish meeting. Should you wish to read the minutes in full, please refer to Bigbury Community website at or Bigbury Parish Council notice boards. The meetings were held in the Memorial Hall, St Ann’s Chapel on WEDNESDAY 13th April 2016 at 7.00pm. Councillors Carson, Huntley, Rosevear, Smith and Case were present, along with C.Cllr Hosking and D.Cllr Ward. Parish Clerk R Matthews, retiring Parish Clerk P Trundle and fourteen members of public were also present. OPEN SESSION: The Chairman welcomed the members of the public who attended the meeting. MINUTES OF MARCH MEETING: These were approved and signed as correct with one change from the draft which should have stated, ‘Cllr Huntley reported that she had spoken to the builder on site and he had informed her that a handrail will be fitted along the side of the new concrete construction’. MATTERS ARISING: Point carried forward from March meeting in respect of repairs to Parish Council notice boards. Action: Cllr Carson PLANNING: (Applications: all prefixed by 05). 0175/16: Re-advertisement Mr Hesse: Glebe House, Easton: Erection of detached oak double garage in garden. The notice omitted to state a date by which comments on this application should be made. The Parish Clerk will refer back to the Planning Office for further updates. Action Parish Clerk CORRESPONDENCE - SEAFRONT BIGBURY-ON-SEA APPEAL: Cllr Rosevear declared a non-pecunary interest in this matter. Cllr Carson confirmed that further submissions of appeal against this planning application must be received in the planning office by April 22nd. Cllr Case added that the Council should re-endorse, through re-submission, their original comments to re-iterate their views. A resident pointed out that the revised plans included trees at the front of property as a means of softening the projected view, adding that there were no trees at all in this vicinity as they would not grow. Cllr Carson is to co-ordinate the appeal from a Parish perspective. Action Cllr Carson CORRESPONDENCE - SEVEN STONES CROSS SIGN: C.Cllr Hosking updated the meeting in respect of the missing signage, stating that the latest date for installation was July 2016 (previous estimate September 2016) and that the delay was a result of budgetary constraints. The Parish Clerk also added that in a written communication dated April 6th, C.Cllr Hosking had said, ‘I do respectfully ask Bigbury Parish Council not to take matters into their own hands as only approved signage provided by Devon County Council in accordance with the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions of 2002 can be used, even if funding is provided by the Parish Council’. All parties agreed this was an unacceptable situation. DCC would be challenged again on the timing. Action C.Cllr Hosking Another option was to try to find out if the AA could create signage. Action Parish Clerk


CORRESPONDENCE: The Council agreed to support RINGMORE HISTORICAL SOCIETY who wrote advising that in their opinion Noddon Mill, Ringmore (648/465) in Bigbury Parish, a property on National Trust land should be a listed building. Action Parish Clerk FINANCIAL: It was agreed that the following cheques should be drawn: £205.54 to South Hams District Council for payroll services and fees for May 7th 2015 election, £304.61 clerk’s fee and expenses and that the annual subscription of £135.97 to DALC be renewed. Action Parish Clerk HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY: Cllr Carson had received a copy of the Health and Safety policy for Wembury Parish Council and felt it could be adapted for use within the Bigbury parish. Councillors were asked to comment and this would become an agenda item in May. Action Parish Clerk BIGBURY-ON-SEA LAY-BY CATERING SERVICES: Cllr Carson advised the County Council were adamant the lay-by was not wide enough and was in the wrong location. Cllr Rosevear added that the Highways Office were also negative about the proposal as it was considered a safety risk. The liability position is to be checked. Action Parish Clerk It was also agreed that Cllrs Rosevear and Huntley would approach the owners of Venus Café to see whether Higher Warren might be an alternative site for the catering services. Would Venus Café be prepared to amend the covenant in respect of catering rights? Action Cllrs Huntley and Rosevear

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 2015/16 It has been an interesting year for Bigbury PC. At this time last year, all members of the Parish Council had decided not to stand for re-election. As a District Councillor I knew that the result of this would have been that the Parish would be administered by the District Council who would have had to find candidates and organize an election. As paid officers would be involved, it would have been an expensive process which would have to be paid for from Bigbury Parish Funds. I thought this was unacceptable so stood again, and with the help of Pam, managed to find three more candidates, making a quorum, and we were able to build on this. Sadly Nina Stanesby, who was such a promising councilor, felt she had to resign because of pressure of work. This means that we do now have a vacancy on the Council. As you know, a big change for the council this year is the retirement of our clerk, Pam Trundle who has been Bigury’s Parish Clerk since 1986. I would like to re-iterate my thanks on behalf of BPC for all she has done for Bigbury. I am also very pleased to welcome Richard Matthews, who lives in Ivybridge as our new parish clerk. Although new to the role he has excellent qualifications, and is very enthusiastic, and I am sure will prove to be a great asset to our team. As you all know, in the last year or so we have lost some significant businesses in the parish – the shop at Bigbury on Sea, the shop at Bigbury Village, and the Bay Café. It remains to be seen whether or not the Royal Oak will open again. Unfortunately this seems to be a sign of the times but on the bright side, Louise Pitt’s little Beauty Salon in Bigbury Village is doing well, and we are very lucky to have Dane and Hilary’s excellent store here at St Ann’s Chapel. The beach shop at Bigbury on Sea has been taken over recently by the former Hannah Biggs and her husband. Hannah spent much of her childhood living at Folly Hill, and we wish them every success.


We are looking forward to the new year, and hope to establish a computer club in the Memorial Hall which will enable people to improve their computer skills if this is something that they wish to do. In this context we thank Stuart Watts who continues to run the Bigbury Community Website. We hope to expand the usage of the website which is a valuable community asset. We have also started to work on a Neighbourhood Plan, which I am very pleased to say is led by Mrs Valerie Scott who has formed a committee to begin the process. These plans, done correctly and agreed by a majority of residents, then passed by an Inspector will form a big part of future planning decisions. Valerie will say a few words about it later. In conclusion I would like to thank the councilors, George, Sharon, Iain, Beth and Cathy for their support and commitment to the parish. I would also like to thank John Simes, footpath Warden for all his work. You will know that we lost Ginny McCabe, our tree warden last year, and she will be very sadly missed. We are also grateful for the support of C. Cllr Richard Hoskin, and D.Cllr Lindsay Ward. As a community we are very lucky to have a number of people who run activities and organize events for the benefit and enjoyment of all of us. These include Rose Owen and her team of helpers for the Bigbury News; Dane and the team for Carols on the Green and all its Trimmings; Gill Gubbins for her exercise classes; the Memorial Hall committee for the maintenance of the hall and organization of the many social entertainments held here; And I would like to thank you all for attending the parish meeting today. PARISH CLERK. The Parish Clerk is Richard Matthews of 10 Lower Brook Park, Ivybridge, Devon, PL21 9TZ; Tel: 07987 130599.

MOBILE LIBRARY Our librarian is Steve and he will be at:BoS - Cleveland Drive

12.40 –

1.25 p.m.

2.00 –

2.30 p.m.

Ringmore Church

11.50 –

12.20 a.m.

Kingston Fire Station

11.00 –

11.40 a.m.

Bigbury Green



May 17 ,


June 14 , July 12th,

August 9th,

Sept 6th,

October 4th.

PLEASE, PLEASE do use our mobile library. We are very lucky to have the service and don’t want to lose it through lack of support. DCC have made many cuts and libraries are one of them. We must retain this service so please use it. Some people are under the misconception you can only keep books a month – but Steve is very good, we do not have to pay fines. Pam Trundle - Parish Clerk: Tel: 810719 Email:


Retiring Parish Clerk

Dear Rose, Please may I through the Bigbury News, say a very big thank you to all the very kind people who contributed towards the purchase for a new laptop for me – they included present and past Parish Council chairmen, present and past Parish Councillors and other residents. I was presented with the gift at the April Parish Council meeting along with a lovely bouquet of flowers and a delicious box of Cadbury’s Milk Tray chocolates and a lovely large card signed by all who had contributed. I really did appreciate the gifts very, very much and want to extend my grateful thanks to all involved. It has seemed very strange every morning after doing household chores, not having to go to the computer to clear emails and do all the other Parish Clerk’s jobs, but I have to say I am really enjoying my new-found time. I wish Richard (Matthews) every success in taking over from me and hope that he enjoys the role as much as I enjoyed it for the past 32 years for Bigbury

Carol Pink On Monday 18th April Carol locked her front door and said a sad but fond farewell to ‘Little Patch’ in Bigbury on Sea, where she and her late husband Keith had been very happy for 23 years. So starts a new chapter in her life as she takes up residence at Kahala Court, Embankment Road, Kingsbridge. We all wish her the very best as she settles in to her new life. Carol said she would be very pleased to see any of


EMMA ‘Dolly’ Wilkins celebrated her 100th birthday in Bigbury-onSea this week surrounded by family and friends. Dolly was born in the Woolwich area of London on April 5, 1916, and was adopted at a very young age by Mr & Mrs Doffman. After leaving school at the age of 12 - as was common in those days - Dolly went to work for her father’s car sales business. It was here, at the age of 17, that she met her first husband John Roles. Dolly then left home to go and live with John and his family. They wanted to get married, but could not find Dolly’s birth certificate. So John had to pay a visit to Dolly’s former neighbours to find out her birth name. He then spent three days in Somerset House searching for Dolly’s birth certificate. When he eventually found it, Dolly and John got married at Woolwich registry office and went on to have two children, Jean and David. During the Second World War, Dolly was evacuated to Devon and spent many happy times with her sister-in-law Sissy. The two would ride up to London regularly on Sissy’s Norton motorbike, and became the best of friends. She recalls one occasion when the motorbike broke down and needed some rope to fix it. Dolly jumped off the bike and ran into someone’s garden to steal a washing line to fix it! Their mischief also saw them stealing wood from a new housing development in Newton Abbot to build an air raid shelter. This was less than successful, as the shelter flooded when it rained! Dolly and John later settled in Devon, leasing Laurel House from Lord and Lady Clifford as a bed and breakfast. Later, John became ill and died from cancer when Dolly was in her 50s. After John’s death, Dolly moved to Kingskerswell and ran the local tea rooms, where she also grew her own vegetables and apple trees in the garden. She was also a cook at Rockland’s Boys School and during the summer holidays, she would invite the boys over for tea, six at a time. In 1980, she met Burt at one of her granddaughters wedding and they themselves got married at Newton Abbot Registry office a year later. Burt had two children from his previous marriage, Les and Christine. In September 2012, Burt and Dolly moved in to Korniloff residential home in Bigbury -on-Sea, and continued their very happy married life together until Burt died in 2014.


Stalls (cakes, bric-a-brac, tombola) and many more attractions BBQ : cream Teas Come along and have a fun-filled afternoon


Shoebox Update I have been informed by Operation Christmas Child that our boxes were delivered to children in Romania. Thank you again to those who gave their generous support. Earlier this week I was pleased to receive a call from Sara Artingstall, the South and South West regional manager of Operation Christmas Child. She particularly wanted me to convey on behalf of the organisation and the children her heartfelt thanks for and appreciation of your gifts. It was very helpful to have the opportunity to discuss with her some of the questions that people have raised over the years and to learn more about the organisation. It was also good to hear that the overall number of boxes exported this year was up on previous years and that 4,259 sent by the Torquay team was an increase of 200 on last year. Even so, apparently, total numbers only supply half the need that exists. It is not too early to start collecting for this year's appeal. I look out for sales and offers and usually have quite a collection by November. If you have any questions for Sara, please contact me and I will pass them on.

STEEPLEJACKS AT WORK AT ST LAWRENCE’S BIGBURY Two steeplejacks made a thorough inspection of the spire and tower on 14 April 2016 along with the church architect, Andrew Wood. Before they left they “offered up” the cockerel to its rightful home. Hopefully it will be back there for good before too long. Alice Taylor


We will be open on the Bank Holiday Monday 1



For a free quote on plans for your build project contact Matthew on 01761 436861 or mobile 07843 286857





8 8

Guests coming … … need extra space? Available in Bigbury for short lets of 2+ nights A delightful two-bedroom apartment (sleeps 4 / 5)

Please Contact: Angela - 078 34825738 01453 873318



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3 Comfortable bedrooms available all year round, with stunning views overlooking Dartmoor and surrounding countryside. Near to beaches and local facilities. Dane & Hilary Vanstone St. Ann’s Chapel, Kingsbridge, TQ& 4HQ T: 01548 810308

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Social Membership only £15 for 2016 Our new Caterers Gerald & Steve joined us at the start of the year, having helped us through the festive season with major events. Why not try their Sunday roast dinners available every week at £9.50 for one course, £12 for two courses. Call 01548 810557 option 3 to make your reservation (booking essential). The restaurant is also open daily for lunch, with a choice of 19

Summer Winds now on p.8


May 2016 Aaaaarrrrggghhhh! So much to do, so little time! Yet again I have said ‘yes’ to at least one too many things, all of which seem to be piling up over the next two months. At work, as well as the normal business of seeing patients, I am organising an international conference which takes place in June. This involves collating notes from the speakers, making sure that all the delegates have accommodation, choosing menus (and wine – that’s the fun bit!), ensuring all dietary and other special requirements are met, making sure the faculty have flights booked and somewhere to stay when they get here etc. At University I am preparing for my PhD viva next month and writing a paper with a friend which started as a joke but has become very serious very quickly.

I’m also writing a bid for funding which

needs to be in the same day as my viva (how did that happen???). My book is out (visiting four pre-school clubs this week). I’m in a play which involves learning a mountain of lines. There is a set to build and costumes to sort out. This weekend I was freaked out to discover that the opening night is only one diary page turn away. I actually woke that night with a proper panic attack. What I need is a weekend (or a lifetime!) in Bigbury but, the very time that I need it most, I can’t come )-: On the plus side (although I hope all the above will end up as plusses too!) I have secured tickets to see Take That!!!!! Whoohoo! Not sure if I have revealed my very long TT obsession? I haven’t been concealing it on purpose. I am totally out and proud. I have been ‘with the boys’ from the beginning. Seeing them again will be my reward for all this manic activity along with a long (hopefully hot) summer in Bigbury! So, sorry WW is a bit short this month!

I hope you will forgive me.

From June

onwards I promise to write long, witty missives from the side lines of life (and I won’t go on (much) about how brilliant Take That were). Much love WW


BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Bringing the Community Together

In April we staged the latest in our events sponsored by Villages in Action. For the first time at the Hall this featured a dance troupe, Spilt Milk. It was great that over fifty people turned up. They were treated to a marvelously energetic and imaginative journey through the popular music and culture of every year from the date of the first pop music chart, 1952, until the present day. See photo.

The Villages in action is superb for us because it enables us to bring to the Hall professional performers whom, otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to afford. Details of the performers available over the next year will be available soon and news of who will be coming to the Hall will appear in Bigbury News as soon as it’s known. The main event this month is the annual Spring Bank holiday Bazaar on Monday May 30th – see poster elsewhere in this issue. All the usual stalls will be there and it’s in aid of an excellent cause – St. Lawrence Church – so do try and support it. In June, we hope to stage the latest in our ever popular series of Wine Tasting evenings, put on by Richard and Alice Taylor. The precise date is yet to be fixed but details will appear in next month’s BN. One of the main events of the summer, the Garden Produce Show, will take place on Sunday 31st July. Please note the change of the time of year for this; in the past it’s usually been in September. So there will be more flower classes and different fruit and veg, and you will need to start planting earlier. The theme this year is the Queen’s 90th Birthday. Full details of the classes will appear in next month’s BN.


Bigbury Memorial Hall Calendar of Events May 2016 Day & Time Mon.

9.30 – 10.15


Contact name

Tel. no

Body Boost

*Jill Gubbins


10.30 – 11.30


*Jill Gubbins


19.00 – 20.15


Fi Baker



17.30 - 19.30

Youth Club

Louise Pitt



9.30 – 11.45

South Hams Shrimps

Kylie Worden

07845 280734


9.15 – 10.00

Body Conditioning

*Jill Gubbins


10.05 – 11.05


*Jill Gubbins


11.15 – 12.00

Strong & Steady (plus tea & chat)

*Jill Gubbins


This month: . Spring Bank Holiday Monday 30th May. St Lawrence Church Bazaar. See poster p.11 Future events: Wine tasting: June (date to be fixed) Garden Produce Show: Sunday 31st July. Details of the classes etc. in June’s Bigbury News.

The Ruminations of Resident Ronnie - 2 The Editor has urged me to make further ruminations available, so here goes. I heard the toot outside and knew it was George taking me for my weekly shop (see Ruminations of Resident Ronnie -1). I got outside and suggested we go to Tesco’s, because I had seen their advert which said ‘Every little helps’ and, being a charitable soul, I thought ‘that’s a bit close to begging, but I don’t mind putting a few pounds of my pension towards their turnover’, but George said we were definitely going to Morrisons, because it was cheaper, so I popped back in the house for my shooting stick as my knees can hurt after waiting at the checkout.


Anyway, we got to Morrisons and went our separate ways and I met Joyce at the frozen chickens. She looked very upset , so naturally I asked her what the matter was and she said ‘They’ve taken away ….’ But she was crying so bad I couldn’t hear the rest of the sentence, so I said ‘Well, they do change where they put things from time to time. Would you like me to find a member of staff?’ Although I realised that was a bit of a risky strategy because, by the time I actually found a member of staff and persuaded them to come back to the frozen chickens, Joyce might have lost patience and wandered off. Anyway, Joyce then managed to finish her sentence which ended ‘my view of the sea’. So I asked what she meant, and between gulps, she said that she had gone up the line to visit her daughter, come home in the dark, and when she got up next morning and looked out of her bedroom window, her view of the sea had gone. Well, of course, I was a bit surprised as I thought global warming was adding to the sea level, not taking it away, but then she explained, that it was the house beneath her. Somebody from London had bought the place beneath her and, of course, knocked it down. The plans clearly stated that the height would mean she kept her view of the sea. ‘I always feel bad when I get up, since Eric died. That view is my consolation. And now it’s gone. They’ve built an extra two feet’. (Her late husband, who passed away till 2011-Editor) I knew what she meant. Sometimes when I’m missing Eleanor, and I take Wellington for a walk by the sea, it soothes me’. But I tried to be rational. ‘But surely, the planning department can do something’. (Eleanor, his late wife, died 2013. His dog Wellington’s name relates to the flashes of white on his paws-Editor) ‘I rang them. After three days, a lady got back to me. She explained that the application may have been a little woolly and with all the cuts, it may have slipped through… she had rung the builder, who said he couldn’t understand it, he stuck strictly to the plans… couldn’t I see the sea if I stood on the bed, or put a ladder on the roof?’ Joyce wailed, ‘I’m too old to climb up on the roof. Anyway, she said the council didn’t have the money to go to court… she advised me to treat it as an act of God.’ She kept crying and I wasn’t sure what hot tears would do if they came in contact with the packaging of the frozen chicken. Would there be an explosion and shards of frozen chicken flying about? Besides, she was obviously upset. I thought I should give her a hug, but then I thought what if she thought I was propositioning her? (‘Woman sexually attacked in supermarket by the frozen chickens…’), so I compromised and put my hand on her shoulder, but she gave a jump and a small cry, like a large seagull had suddenly descended on her, so that didn’t seem right… I was going to say if there was anything I could do to help, but then I thought if the Planning Department wasn’t going to do anything, there wasn’t much I was going to be able to do. So, I just said I was sorry a couple of times more and she got out her handkerchief out of her handbag, blew her nose and said she was being silly…


Photographs curtesy of Janis Rayner


Dear Shackers, We’ve had a busy few weeks down at The Shack with a hugely successful Master Class Cookery Demonstration all about how to prepare shellfish. 10 Shackers spent the afternoon with Head Chef Andy Richardson prepping all sorts of shellfish from whole Salcombe crabs to Cornish rock oysters! We teamed up with Le Vignoble down at Plymouth’s Royal William Yard for an English Wine and Seafood Tasting event. Yannick expertly paired some wonderful English wines to our scrumptious seafood platter. And it doesn’t stop there, we’ll be serving up our delicious Cornish rock oysters with lots of delectable toppings at Salcombe Crab Fest on Sunday 1st May and Modbury May Fair on Saturday 7th May 9am – 1pm. Our fantastic Shack Set Menu 2 courses £14 | 3 courses £16 is back, brimming with mouth-watering locally caught seafood and delicious seasonal produce. Featuring dishes from home cured gravadlax to whole roasted bream with wild garlic butter alongside desserts such as lemon posset & rhubarb compote or baked toffee pudding with clotted cream. Available 7 days a week for lunch and dinner until 27 th May. Excludes bank holidays. Indulge in 5 courses of seafood heaven with our Shack Tasting Menu on Friday 13th May.

Each course will be accompanied by one of our wines, matched by our

very own Joe Pinder. your place.

Starting at 7pm with canapés, give the team a call to book

£60 per person.

We hope to see you at The Shack soon, hopefully along with a little bit of sunshine and taking advantage of some of our offers and events. Love Chris, Joe, Carmen, Andy and the crew Facebook: The Oyster Shack Bigbury


Twitter @theoystershack



@theoystershack 01548 810876 | |


Opening times: Monday – Saturday 12 - 3pm & 6 - 9pm / Sundays 12 - 3pm /

April has brought with it a flurry of Wildlife across the Devon Coastline, with beetles, butterflies and birds about aplenty. Our Tuesday volunteer group and South Devon volunteers have been out with Ranger Joel working on improvements to the footpaths around Ringmore. Why not have a walk through Ringmore woods and see the work they have been doing to improve the path. Whilst walking through the woods pop in and have a look at the Orchard which after a good community orchard group event is looking in top condition – Fingers crossed for a bumper crop of fruit this year. We have several events coming up: On Sunday 1st May from 10am until 3pm come along and join the Rangers and help us look after Wembury Point. We will be clearing ragwort, checking the whole site to make sure all is safe and cleared of any debris and some footpath maintenance works. You do not have to stay for the whole day any help will be greatly appreciated. Please book on 01752 346585 or email

southde- On the 15th of May at East Soar Farm, near Malborough, we are helping to run the Big Day Out on the Farm event from 1pm until 5pm. It is free fun family event where the children can get involved in the farm trail, bug hunts, bird walks and games. No need to book just turn up and enjoy! On the 31st May at Bowcombe Creek we are joining Singing Paddles on a


trip along the Kingsbridge estuary. There are two time slots for the paddles, the first runs from 12pm - 2pm and the second is from 2pm - 4.30pm. The pricing for adults is £25 and for children ages 6 and above it will is £10. Unfortunately this event is not suitable for children under the age of 6.

Please make a booking through Sue

Beegan for this event. You can telephone on: 01752 346585 or email on: Sunday 5th June 11am – 2pm is open farm Sunday at Scobbiscombe Farm Kingston. Come and see the farm animals, enjoy a farm trail and tick off some of your '50 things to do before you're 11¾' activities and more. Bring a picnic. This is a working farm and may be muddy. Bring layers and waterproofs or sun hats depending on the weather. Please stop and have a chat to the team if you see us out working or if you have any comments about the work of the National Trust. For further information please call Lorna Sherriff on 01548 562344 or email Anna Jones Volunteer Ranger


On Wednesday 6th April the Korniloff Coffee Morning raised £235 for the Devon Air Ambulance Trust.

Many thanks to those who came

and supported us so generously and the donation we received. It was particularly nice to have Tony Cannon from DAAT who gave a very informative talk on the work of the Air Ambulance and their volunteers, plus their hope to be able to extend their flying hours to night times. On Wednesday 4th May we will be fundraising for Cystic Fibrosis and look forward to seeing there between 10.30 and noon. We would like to give our grateful thanks to Gina and Gordon, their staff, who are so helpful, and of course the residents of the Korniloff for welcoming us into their lovely home and for their continuing support.

Our April Meeting was held at my house when we discussed "Kolymsky Heights"by Lionel Davidson. This was an incredibly tense and far -fetched book and not a book most of us would normally choose to read. Some struggled with it and two members thought it was the best crime book they had ever read. We had a long, frank discussion and answered some questions on it supplied by the Lit Lovers site. Again it is a book to be recommended. This month we are reading "The Paying Guests" by Sara Waters and another short book "The Kid on Slapton Beach" by Felicity Fair Thompson and these books





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Seichem Reiki Reconnective Bengsten Method





My house or at yours Contact: Beth 01548 810385


It feels great when at last the fair weather holds long enough for the golf competitions to be played in pleasant temperatures without being bundled up in layer after layer of clothing. April saw the golf course filling up and matches well under way. Denis Killen our men's captain started the local challenges when his team took on a team from Torquay for the chance to win back the Battered Top Hat, a trophy which has been fought for against Torquay for many years. Winning the matches 4 up, the top hat now resides back in Bigbury in our new trophy cabinet for the year. A week passed and Bigbury took on the challenge from Thurlestone club, this time playing to retain the Avon Lantern, a trophy of questionable beauty, a very close match was fought, and whilst Denis's team came top with a winning score of 5 1/2 : 2 1/2 the match was much tighter than the overall score suggested, with three matches being won on the 18th. As the non playing captain of the " Men's Mail on Sunday Golf Classic" team Denis was pleased to announce that the team were now through to the 4th round having beaten the China Fleet team at their home ground 3 1/2 : 1 1/2 games and they now await the date for their next match. The ladies winter league Knockout finally came to a conclusion with a great match between our ladies' captain Melanie Adcock and Ros Hanley. The match went all the way to the 15th green where Melanie putted out to win. Last year's captain Caroline Hallett came up trumps when she won this year's Bigbury Bowl a closed competition open to contestants who were placed first or second in last year's honours' board competitions. Jane Wain, organiser of the Devon league, was pleased to have another two home wins notched up by her team, firstly with a convincing 6 : 1 win over Teign Valley and then two weeks later a 4 : 3 win over Great Torrington. The team have now completed all their home matches and will embark on their away matches early next month. The day following Danny Willets magnificent win at the Augusta Masters our seniors' winter league final took place. The sad and poignant errors by Jordon Speight over the 10th, 11th and 12th holes were almost replicated by David Fox and his partner John Elliott, reported John, the pair were leading by four holes with six to play, when their opponents, last year's winners, Stuart Green and Martin Hale staged a great finish with classy golf and the lead was cut to only one hole as they all stood on the 18th tee. The fairy tale comeback was thwarted by David and John who managed to half the 18th with a tense five foot putt to win the trophy by a whisker said John. Our season of mixed friendly matches got underway with our annual Good Friday match at home against Dainton. The weather was glorious, but sadly for Bigbury we were edged out into the runners up position by our Dainton opponents. We look forward to our return match on the August Bank Holiday


K.E.D.F.A.S. Kingsbridge Estuary Decorative and Fine Art Society

March talk. Linley, the Continuing Tradition of English Cabinet Making Nicholas Merchant Venue: Methodist Church, 100, Fore Street, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1AW May 25th 2016 - 7 for 7.30pm May 26th 2016 -10 for 10.30am Everybody welcome – no need to be a member. £8 donation includes coffee/tea and biscuits.


St Anns Chapel | Bigbury | TQ7 4HQ We have been busy here at The Pickwick Inn this last month with the launch of our ‘Seniors Luncheon Club’ and our all new and exciting Summer Menu, and it’s only the beginning! ANNUAL PICKWICK INN EVENTS We are bringing back our popular annual events again this year and they will be bigger and better than ever. Our Snail Grand National will return for its third year this October along with our Summer Beer and Cider Festival in August. Keep an eye out for the official dates of these exciting events to make sure you don’t miss out on all the fun. TRADITIONAL SUNDAY LUNCH Our new Summer Menu has received brilliant reviews with feedback from our locals and regular customers. As well as new and exciting dishes creating a buzz our new additional to the Traditional Sunday Lunch is by far the favourite. Every Sunday we are now offering a choice of THREE Traditional Roasts (yes, you read that correctly!). We have Roast Beef and Honey Roast Gammon available every Sunday with either Chicken or Pork as your third choice (available on alternative weeks). All of our roasts are served with all the trimmings and available from 12 - 4pm every Sunday. Keep an eye out on our Social Media pages and our regular emails for exciting upcoming events and special offers. If you aren’t already on our mailing list, make sure you send your email to so you get all the news and gossip before everyone else. Best wishes from The Pickwick Inn Bunch! SOUTH HAMS SOCIETY – BEACH CLEANS The next beach clean will be on Saturday, 21 May, at Gara Beach. Why not join us? Gara Beach, sometimes known as Moors' Beach as this is where Barbary pirates would come ashore on slave-raiding. Meet at the Look-Out café at 11am. LW 12.40. The path down to the beach is fairly steep but the views down the coast are quite stunning. Lumps of palm-oil were found several years ago which can be toxic to dogs. Remaining beach cleans for 2016 are at: South Milton (Thurlestone) Sands (18 Jun, 12 Nov), Yarmer Beach and Leas Foot (16 Jul, 17 Dec), West Charleton Beach (20 Aug), Soar Mill Cove ( 17 Sep) and Gara Beach (15 Oct), . For











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