Bigbury News November 2015

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The site for great holidays in a great community; now gives the accommodation, holiday activities, many useful links and maps.

Now features community events and dates. Send any ideas for the site to

Front Cover: by Rose Vaughan


What’s on and Dates for your Diary


Editors Page News, Views & letters


Church Service times for Bigbury, Kingston and Ringmore


Message from the Minister from Joyce Howitt


Parish Council Notes from the Parish Council monthly meeting


The 19th Hole Report from the Golf Club

Your handy pull-out Guide to Local Business


Shack Splash News from the Oyster Shack


Bigbury Memorial Hall Reports and Diary of events


Musings from Weekend Wendy


News from all your Regular Social Meetings

Where’s Alfie ?? He’s hiding somewhere in the pages!!

Bigbury News is published monthly at Lucerne Ringmore Drive Bigbury-on-Sea Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 4AU Tel: 01548 810815 email: Editor - Rose Owen Treasurer - Margaret Hawes, Blue Waters, Marine Drive, BoS, TQ7 4AS All contributions and requests for advertising to the Editor Bigbury News is a voluntary run publication which is supported by donations from readers, advertising rates and a grant from the Parish Council DISCLAIMER - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure adverts and articles appear correctly, Bigbury News cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor.

Dates for your Diary

November… 1st 1st 4th 4th 14th 18th 18th

SKIP at Bigbury between 10am & 1pm SKIP at Challaborough between 1.15pm & 4pm Korniloff Coffee Morning - Korniloff Care Home. 10.30 - noon (supporting South Hams Shrimps) History Soc. Cookworthy Museum Guided Tour The Berlin Air Lift (film) - Ringmore Parish Room at 7pm (see p.10) Film & Food Night (see p.18) - Memorial Hall at 7.30pm Bigbury Ladies - Bistro Pierre, Royal William Yard

December… 2nd 4th 8th 12th 16th 24th

Korniloff Coffee Morning (supporting St. Lawrence Church) 10.30 - 12pm Christmas Wine Tasting - Memorial Hall at 7pm (see p.17) History Society Meeting - Memorial Hall at 7.30pm (details below) Christmas Barrow Market - Oyster Shack between 10am - 4pm Bigbury Ladies Christmas Lunch at the California Country Inn Carols on Bigbury Green starting 6.30pm

Look out for other dates of events in and around Modbury and Kingsbridge also mentioned in articles in this magazine.



Entrance Charge is only £2-50 Tea/coffee and biscuits are included.


In last months issue it was advertised that our Locality Officer, Dan Taylor, would be coming to the Korniloff Coffee Morning on the 4th November to listen to our concerns, unfortunately Dan will not be able to be attend, it is hoped he will be able to reschedule on another date. On the 7th Oct. I attended a cookery demonstration at the Oyster Shack on smoking and curing. It was a most enjoyable evening and Andy (their head chef) was extremely knowledgeable and entertaining as he demonstrated his expertise - his tasty samples were proof of this! We finished the evening with a delicious two course meal, definitely to be recommended; there are more cookery demos coming up, so for an evening with a difference, well worth a try! While I’m thinking of the Oyster Shack don’t miss the Christmas Barrow Market which they are holding down at the ‘Shack’ on the 12th Dec. Sounds like a good opportunity to support two good charities while buying those extra little Christmas gifts! If any of you have any news, views or interesting articles that you would like to share, please send them to me at the Bigbury News. Either drop them into me at Lucerne, Bigbury on Sea or hand them into Holywell Stores or phone me on 01548 810815 or email: You can now find each months issue at

in ‘The Community’ section and also on the Bigbury Community website in the documents section of the Bigbury News Group. MOBILE LIBRARY Our librarian is Steve and he will be at:BoS - Cleveland Drive 12.40 –

1.25 p.m.

Bigbury Green

2.00 –

2.30 p.m.

Ringmore Church

11.50 – 12.20 a.m.

Kingston Fire Station

11.00 – 11.40 a.m.

Dates; 3 November; 1 December Please note the library now only visits once a month and especially note new times. PLEASE, PLEASE do use our mobile library. We are very lucky to have the service and don’t want to lose it through lack of support. DCC have made many cuts and libraries are one of them. We must retain this service so please use it. Some people are under the misconception you can only keep books a month – but Steve is very good, we do not have to pay fines. Pam Trundle - Parish Clerk: Tel: 810719 Email:




Family Communion & Baptism


Service at Kingston


Morning Prayer


Holy Communion*

ST. JAMES THE LESS - KINGSTON All services start at 9.30 a.m. unless otherwise stated


Family Communion


Remembrance Service (10.50)


Family Communion


Village Service

ALL HALLOWS - RINGMORE All services start at 9.30 a.m.


Sunday Worship


Service at Kingston


Village Service


Family Communion

* Service in traditional language 29th November - Benefice Service in East Allington (10.30 am)

Korniloff Communion - Tuesday 17th at 2.30 p.m.


Message from the Minister Preparation In the Church Year November is a month both of looking back in thanksgiving, commemoration (All Saints and All Souls) and remembrance (Remembrance Day) and looking forward to the future in hope (the beginning of Advent). The season of Advent is the season of ‘getting ready’ for Christmas, although most of the shops have been selling Christmas goods for some time now. For some this getting ready is an ordeal at best and a nightmare at worst. For the children, it is a time of excitement and anticipation but for others who will be alone at Christmas it is possibly a time of dread. Nowadays with so much hype and commercialization, the real meaning of Christmas and preparation for it gets lost. For the season of Advent – the four weeks before Christmas - is a time of preparation for the birth of Jesus. Advent is the season when we in the church prepare to celebrate that great and wondrous event wherein God gave of himself to the world, for Jesus was God’s gift to humanity, a gift which we didn’t deserve either then or now. We live in a world where in some countries the supermarket shelves are laden with good things while in other parts of the world there is rationing or simply nothing to be had. In some parts of the world there is civil war while in others nations go to war against other nations as they seek to gain supremacy and control of land or other resources. The victims are the innocent people who get caught up in it all – as we have been made very much aware of over recent months. As individuals we often fail to live in fellowship with each other, falling out even over trivial matters. Yet God doesn’t give up on us. He perseveres with us and hopes that we will respond to him in spite of our weaknesses, our stubbornness our selfishness and self-centredness. For in Jesus, that babe who was born over 2,000 years ago in Palestine in a mysterious and wonderful way, God was, and still is, with us. Through his teaching and example, Jesus shows us how to live in love and fellowship with each other, and how to respond to the vulnerable and lonely. So as we get involved with our Christmas shopping and other preparations for our festivities this year, let us try to remember the deeper meaning of Christmas as we put Christ at the centre of our CHRISTmas.

Joyce Team Rector: The Revd Neil Barker (830260: any day except Mondays) Team Readers: Joyce Howitt (01364 73093), Chris Lally (521587), Michael Tagent (810520) Website:


PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING. If you wish minutes in full, please look on the Bigbury website at or on the notice boards.

NOTES OF to read the Community read them

A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Memorial Hall on WEDNESDAY 14 OCTOBER 2015 at 7.30 p.m. Cllrs. B Carson, G.Rosevear, C Case, B Huntley, S.Smith and DCllr L.Ward attended together with 11 residents. C.Cllr R.Hosking attended for part of the meeting. Open session - Resident A enquired about the Parish Council’s response to a Certificate of Lawfulness application relating to Mt. Folly Farm. He also asked about a granite seat which has been placed along the coastal path. Beth Huntley said she found the seat very useful as, indeed, other walkers along the path would. - Resident B asked if any progress had been made about the many signs in BoS car park. A meeting is being arranged by Lindsay Ward which will also be attended by representatives of the parish council - Resident C stated that the Warren is getting severely worn down, possibly through wind damage and traffic usage. He also asked if it would be possible to have a list of amounts of precepts of every parish council in the South Hams. He also stated there were no facilities for coaches in the main BoS car park. Previously coaches used to park close to the rear bank of the car park just below Marine Drive. - Resident D reported she had noticed a flashing speed sign at Aveton Gifford. Bryan Carson explained that there had been many problems in Aveton Gifford exacerbated by bad parking and this had been placed in an endeavour to alleviate the problem. Bigbury did not experience the same problems. - John Simes (Parish Footpath Warden) reported that he will be completing his footpath survey shortly for the annual return to DCC PROW. He asked if anybody has any issues to raise, could they please contact him on or on 810693. John reported on the excellent support he receives from the local landowners and also from the DCC Footpath Warden for our region. Appreciation was expressed to John for his considerable hard work in covering the parish footpaths. Minutes of September meeting were approved and signed Matters arising Roadside advertising boards – SHDC Locality Officer (Dan Taylor) had reported that after following this matter up, he had contacted Heather Nesbitt at SHDC who had informed him that the boards advertising a block of new properties for sale at Challaborough, were not to be touched. The clerk had contacted Miss Nesbitt’s department and had left a message with her section. Other than those boards some other advertising boards had been removed. PC Jane Gerrard had actioned the Parish Council request regarding the speed of dumper trucks from a site in Warren Rd, BoS. Harraton Cross - Kitterford Cross road. The clerk had written to DCC at New ton Abbot and received a phone call from Nick Colton (who is based at Ivybridge and covers the southern area) who informed her that the letter had n o t been forwarded to him till the morning of the October parish council meeting. He will investigate the matter.


Planning (planning applications for Bigbury parish have 05 prefix) - 2084/15/F St Ann’s House, St Ann’s Chapel – installation of PV panels to rear roof slope. Councillors supported the application - 2170/15/F Spring Gardens Cottage, Bigbury – rear and side extensions and enlargement of the driveway. Councillors had no objections. District Councillor’s Report - Lindsay Ward reported that the TAP fund has been operational for 3 years and any bids for this year must be in by December. Previously applications had to be in conjunction with adjoining parishes in the same ward, but for the forthcoming bids, parish councils can apply individually. She stated that Modbury Council is thinking of applying for flashing speed sign which could possibly be made available to neighbouring parishes within the same ward. It was agreed a letter be sent to Modbury Town Council stating that Bigbury would agree to this. County Councillors' Report Richard Hosking reported that 20 partners had made a Statement of Intent regarding devolved powers to be submitted to the Government. He hoped there would be more volunteer drivers for the F17 car scheme. He has received a request from a Kingston resident stating that users would prefer it to run on a Wednesday and to go to Kingsbridge and not Ivybridge. Richard will put this to DCC in the hope that they will approve. He stated that Chapter 8 training had been available until June 2015 but he hoped he could get further training should more volunteers come forward to carry out road warden duties. Residents are urged to report any incidents of flooding on the DCC website. George Rosevear referred to an incident recently when the church was flooded as was his garden next door. Firemen had pumped out the water and local residents had carried out some work in the hope of preventing further flooding incidents. On this occasion DCC workforce refused to clear out the buddle hole at this area because it was on private land. Richard explained that the workmen should have done it as they have the powers to do so. Neighbourhood Plan - Beth Huntley reported on two meetings held over one weekend whereby it had been agreed by local residents to progress with a Neighbourhood Plan. Val Scott (who lives in Bigbury) has been asked to act as leader of the group – she is a planning consultant with special interests in heritage issues. It is hoped to make Bigbury-on-Sea a conservation area with only single-storey dwellings on the front row of properties in the village. - Lindsay Ward said it will be necessary to have a separate public meeting to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan and to invite a member of SHDC to attend to address the meeting. She suggested there should not be a focus on one particular area in the parish but to encompass the whole parish. Terms of Reference must be agreed before a start is made and must be approved by the Parish Council. A resolution was passed that the Parish Council agreed to support the Neighbourhood Plan and all parts of the parish are to be included. A meeting will be held in November after the Parish Council meeting in order to give it sufficient publicity in Bigbury News. Financial: It was agreed to pay cheques as follows: £7.79 for stationery and £694.84 for the skip at the Memorial Hall. (NB next skip SUNDAY 1st November – Bigbury village green (10.00 a.m. 1.00pm and Challaborough from 1.30 – 4.0 pm) - Bryan Carson had met with the builders who had been booked to carry out repairs to the gates and pillars to the burial ground at St Lawrence Church but the builders announced they were not now willing to fulfil the contract


Correspondence: - SHDC Section 106 training session 4th November in Totnes – George Rosevear will be attending - Grant Phillips (Kingston) had sent a copy of his letter to Gary Streeter to the Parish Council re F17 Car Scheme Reports of meetings attended by councillors and clerk - The clerk had hosted a parish clerks’ workshop in October which was attended by the clerks from Wembury, Newton & Noss, Ivybridge, Ugborough and Diptford, Kingston and herself. Subjects covered were Neighbourhood Plans, TAP funding Chapter 8 training, Planning Notifications, Parish Paths Partnership. The next meeting would be in March hosted by Newton & Noss. Topics for future meetings - A review of the current website was suggested – the clerk asked permission from councillors to include their details on the website – all were willing for their email addresses to be put on the list. - Any Other Business - Beth Huntley enquired about a pheasant shoot due to take place soon. Date of next meeting WEDNESDAY 11th NOVEMBER at 7.30 pm Please note that all items of correspondence should be addressed to the Parish Clerk: Mrs P. Trundle, Deben Reach, Parker Road, Bigbury on Sea, Kingsbridge, TQ7 4AT Tel: 810 719 Email:

GRANTS Any organisation who wishes to be considered for a grant in the next financial year, please contact the Parish Clerk before the 1st December and include a set of current accounts.

NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN There is to be a meeting to initiate the formation of a Neighbourhood Plan for Bigbury. I had hoped to be able to give details as to date and attendance of a SHDC Officer but The officer that Lindsay Ward has been trying to contact has been (and still is) on leave. So please keep an eye on the three parish noticeboards where details of the meeting in November will be posted. Pam Trundle - Clerk

SKIP The parish Council has arranged for a skip for SUNDAY 1st November


Please abide by any decisions regarding acceptance of goods by the person in charge of the skip



The parish council request:- Please DO NOT FEED the seagulls. Homeowners – please take all steps possible to prevent seagulls nesting on your rooftops. If you let out your property, please ask your guests not to put food out for the seagulls.

Footpath Warden update Residents will be delighted to know that, thanks to Devon County, a super new footbridge has been installed on the footpath that links the parishes of Ringmore and Bigbury - at the rear of the Parkdean caravan site. It is now possible to walk across and - more importantly, play Poohsticks! - rather than risk life and limb hopping across the stones. It is a real improvement that will benefit many local folks and visitors, for which many thanks to Peter Guy and his local contractor. John Simes Footpath Warden, Bigbury

Donna Harris - Local Author A new author to our area is Donna Harris who is based in Modbury. Having spent over 25 years working in the veterinary profession as a Small Animal and Equine Nurse, Donna was inspired to write about her work. Her job takes her off the 'beaten track' and gets her out and about to various parts of the beautiful South Hams countryside, where she specialises in Equine Radiography. Donna's first novel 'Should It Happen to a Vet Nurse?' was released just before Christmas last year, and is developing quite a following. 'Should It Happen to a Vet Nurse?' is a fiction based on fact book, which is a behind the scene's novel from a vet nurses point of view. It includes humorous and moving chapters with many species of animals, from cats, dogs, horses, cattle emu's and even a snake. The story starts with a thoroughbred orphan foal called Grace, and her struggle for survival, includes the nursing care that the character Elly gives her. Elly finds herself landing a job within a mixed veterinary practice which is full of highly motivated vets, and she soon finds herself sampling all the delights on offer in the South Hams, such as windsurfing in Bigbury Bay, sailing in Salcombe and Dittisham, skiing and then into the glamorous world of horseracing. The book is a light hearted sympathetic read for young teenagers looking to join the veterinary profession, up through to the older generation who enjoyed the James Herriot style of books. It also contains a number of cartoon illustrations, which were drawn by local artist Kate West. During this summer Donna became inspired to write her second book 'Should It Happen to a Barmaid?' The book was released in September, and is a light hearted adult fiction based on fact novel. Following the adventures and romance of six barmaids and the predicaments they find themselves in. With chapters also based within the South Devon countryside, towns and villages. It is written as a cheeky fun read to appeal to adults. Donna is now a self-published author and with the help of Oxford eBooks her work is available as Kindle downloads on Amazon. The paperbacks are also available on Amazon, plus though local stockist in pubs at St Ann’s Chapel, Kingston, Modbury and various shops for the paperback at St Ann’s Chapel, Sarah Ringrose and Brownston Gallery in Modbury, Loddiswell, Salcombe and Dartmouth. Donna also writes as a journalist for Devon & Cornwall Point-to-Point horseracing, and her work appears on various racing websites and local papers during the Pointto-Point season which runs from November through until June. She hopes to get started on her sequel to 'Should It Happen to a Vet Nurse?' in the New Year.



Proposal for a future Charterlands (Bigbury, Bigbury-on-Sea, Challaborough, Kingston, Ringmore & St Ann’s Chapel) Fare Car and associated Community Transport Scheme. We recommend that Richard Hosking’s (Devon County Council (DCC) Councillor for Charterlands Ward, Yealmpton Division), proposed Community Transport Scheme, is adopted to run in association with the following future replacement Fare Car scheme: The current and only retained Fare Car, namely the F7 on Saturdays to Ivybridge, is replaced by a dedicated F17 Fare Car for Charterlands only, to run on Wednesdays to Kingsbridge (to a timetable and length of stay to be agreed). This should be at no extra cost to Fare Car users or DCC, indeed DCC may well make a small saving. Following a re-evaluation of Charterlands actual F17 usage prior to its removal, this shows that based on a 4 seat capacity F17 Fare Car this was: Over a 48 week period ending 26 August 2015, 300 Passenger Trips (150 return journeys) were made at an average 3.1 passengers per trip. Over the last 24 weeks of this period, 162 Passenger Trips (81 return journeys) were made at an average of 3.4 passengers per trip. An average of 78% and 85% usage of capacity respectively, and an increasing usage which can hardly, as DCC have stated, be classed as LOW. This is versus only 21% for the retained F7 Fare Car. Other considerations are: 1. The new F17 Fare Car service to Kingsbridge would be the choice of Charterlands Fare Car users 2.

It would give a much more cost effective value for money solution for both DCC and Charterlands.


DCC would still be able to make the £7520 per annum savings they have budgeted for and which John Hart, DCC Leader, on TV recently stressed they must make for all their proposed Transport Review savings. Charterlands are fully aware that DCC have to make cuts but feel this proposal is the best way to achieve this.

So this would be a win – win solution for all parties, namely: DCC make the savings they need. Charterlands get the Fare Car service they want and can justify on usage of capacity. Richard’s Community Transport scheme would be available to supplement the new F17 Fare Car and provide a value for money service to both Ivybridge and Kingsbridge, when compared with current Taxi charges AND all that is needed is to replace the F7 Fare Car with the new F17. Graham Phillips On behalf of Charterlands Fare Car Users and Supporters 14 October 2015

Dear Editor

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

I have been working with Graham Phillips to change the fare car scheme. Please can you add a comment on the Fare car F7 that runs currently on a Saturday to Modbury and Ivybridge stating that we are hoping to change this service to the old F17 service to Kingsbridge on Wednesday. We are waiting to hear from DCC. We need people to make their views known because we feel this offers a better service to the local community. Regards Keith Bedborough



The Bay View Café What a great party it was, someone suggested it was the best ‘wake’ he had ever been to…. Very good. We would very much like to thank all of you that attended our leaving party at the Bay View, we had a great afternoon and evening and were overwhelmed by the turn out and all the very nice gifts and best wishes we received. Special thanks must go to John Tucker and his helper Les for supplying the wonderful Pig and Ram roasts, with approximately 150-170 people in attendance they did a great job in ensuring everyone had some! Also thanks must go to Martin for manning the bar, it’s been a while since Marts had a queue that long with people waiting for a drink! The musicians did a great job and we are very grateful for their support, it was very good of Brian and Paula to come all the way from London for the event to play along with John Conner, John Whurr and of course John Hawkes, what a lovely gesture, we have a framed copy of the lyrics to our special song sat in our Dining room at home taking pride of place…Thank you John very much indeed. Thank you to Dane for coming along and erecting the Marquees with the help of Roy, Alvin, Marts, Annabelle, Burt and Darren, it was nice to have so much help preparing for the party. At the end of every party comes the cleaning up, thank you to those that stayed late to help, especially Tina, Beth and Katy. Having been at the Bay View Café for six years we enjoyed the company of very many local people and visitors and indeed employed many local people. Now that the Café has come to the end of its long run of service it’s time to think about the future, I am very passionate about Bigbury and worry about the loss of amenities in recent years. We have an opportunity…… let’s not leave Bigbury behind…… Craig.

THE BERLIN AIR LIFT We are proud to be showing a 90 minute documentary film of an interview with

Guy Eddy about his adventures as a pilot during the Berlin Air Lift after the Second World War. Please support this special evening at Ringmore Parish Room Saturday 14th November 2015 19.00

Doors Open Refreshments


Introduction and Film


10 Minute Film - “The Last Britannia”


Guy Eddy available for questions 50% of the proceeds will be donated to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal - Admission: £5.00


The Nineteenth Hole October. The summer season has come to a close and for the golfers at Bigbury we now have the winners of all the summer knockout competitions. In the men’s section Martyn Scarterfield won the Scratch Trophy and Alan Maher claimed the Westlake Trophy after a long campaign culminating in a final over two rounds early Saturday morning, against his worthy opponent John Woods. The Mixed Greensomes was won by Robin Leach and his daughter Jessica and not to be up staged by her husband and daughter; Julie Leach was both the winner of the Ladies Challenge Cup and with her partner Jane Rickman, the Ladies Summer Foursomes. Alan Best and his partner Charles Harrington claimed the Gentlemen’s Greensomes title, with their respective wives also winning titles; Cathy Harrington with her partner Jane Kingsnorth won the Ladies Goodall Foursomes, while Maggie, Alan’s wife won the Westlake Medal. Earlier in the season playing as a team Maggie and Alan, won the Gerry Cup in a difficult format for marries couples, when strategic ideas may not always be in agreement. It should be said that Maggie and Alan obviously play well together as this will be the third time that they have won the title, and are still speaking to each other at the end of the competition The annual contest between the Past Captains and the Captain’s Select Team was staged on the Saturday afternoon of the England v. Australia rugby world cup match in glorious conditions and promised to be a test of nerves, selecting the Past Captains team was entrusted to the popular 2014 Captain, Harry Kerswell. More used to raising sheep than trophies, and currently unable to play, Harry bowed under the managerial pressure and elected to nip off and watch Torquay United. The match commenced and an early loss by Captain Mick Gates was quickly followed by two wins for his Select Team. The results ebbed and flowed throughout the afternoon the result was difficult to predict. On returning to the Club for the presentation dinner, Harry, having suffered his teams defeat at one game, received the news that the Select team had edged out the Past Captains by one point. A double disappointment on the day. However, after a really great setbacks are easily forgotten success……… until the Rugby captain’s team next year, and players….(in the bar).

dinner and a few drinks with the amiable company these and it was agreed that the day had been a resounding started. The onus falls on Mick Gates to select the past he has already put in hand a practise regime for the losing

Lady Captain Caroline Hallett conjured up some great weather for her Captain’s away day, which she chose to hold at Yelverton. Thirty nine of us had a great day out on the moorland course followed by a meal and prizes. Playing in teams of three, the 3-2-1 format proved popular, and the winning team was made up of Jane Wain, Rosemary Sharps and Janet Burton, when they recorded an aggregate score of 72 points. The runners up were Jane Rickman, Jane Kingsnorth and Margaret Balkwill. Vanda Irish won the straightest drive competition; Julie Leach took the prize for nearest the pin and Janet Burton claimed her second prize of the day on the 14th green. There were several “Fun” prizes given out and we all agreed we had enjoyed a great day. Caroline and Mick held a charity stableford competition in aid of Breast Cancer, all players to wear pink, and there were some great costumes seen but credit should go to Annie and Ruth in the bar and Jenny, Peggy and Christine from the restaurant who all sported their eye-catching pink lingerie for everyone to see. It has been rumoured that Martin from the restaurant could also be spotted wearing a pink bra on the course whilst he was playing, a good sport but he says it won’t be repeated! Caroline was delighted to announced that £600 was raised in total from the raffle, Jenny’s pink cakes and donations on the day. Luke Westlake, junior vice captain was the outright winner of the competition with a fantastic 45 points and he was also in the winning team with Jed Spedding and Paul Edgecombe.


We are hoping to start a Quiz night on Sunday evenings for the winter months so we will keep you all posted about that. We have a Halloween Party on the 31st of October, I know a lot of effort is going into peoples costumes, I didn't even recognise some people last year We have won gold again in the Taste of the West this year and are shortlisted with four others for dining pub of the year



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Dear Shackers, We have been so lucky this Autumn with the weather and have only just moved inside for lunches!

about an exciting new event!

We have so many incredible events and offers at The Oyster Shack not to be missed. This month we are delighted to launch our latest offer and let you know

BEAUJOLAIS NOUVEAU 19TH NOVEMBER Every year on the third Thursday of November the new Beaujolais Nouveau is released, which sparks celebrations across France with parties that can last days! So we’ve decided to have a celebration of our own! On Thursday 19th November we’ll be holding our very own Beaujolais Nouveau night with a delicious seafood sharing menu and teaming up with wine expert Yannick Loué from Le Vignoble to guide you through the specially selected of Beaujolais wines to compliment each course. Seafood Sharing Menu with wine pairings only £30 per person! S H E L L F I S H M O N D A Y S & T H U R S D A Y S Starting on 1st November we’re introducing our latest Shacktastic offer, Shellfish Mondays & Thursdays! Every Monday and Thursday up until 21st December we’re offering you a 20% discount on all our fresh whole crab, lobster and oysters! In addition we are still running our amazing £15 offer until 23rd November STEAK & LOBSTER Enjoy the very best of land and sea with a 6oz rump steak, half Salcombe lobster tail, grilled tomatoes and fries for £15. And our SHACK SET MENU is available every day right up until Christmas Eve. M A S T E R C L A S S C O O K E R Y th Cooking with Spices – Wednesday 11 November


Christmas Bake Off – Wednesday 25th November Christmas cake!

Come and make your own

Party food & canapés – Wednesdays See our website for more information.





CELEBRATE THIS CHRISTMAS This year will see the very first CHRISTMAS BARROW MARKET at The Oyster Shack! On Saturday 12th December 10am - 4pm the area underneath our bright orange sail will be transformed into a festive barrow market! There will be barrows full of fantastic Christmas gifts from local crafters and artists, as well as Christmas trees for sale, mulled wine, hot seafood treats, a raffle with amazing prizes from some of the stall holders and live cookery demonstrations throughout the day from our head chef. All in aid of our two charities The Fishermen’s Mission and The National Lobster Hatchery! With Christmas just around the corner, there's never been a better time to plan your party and can you think of a more magical place to celebrate? Visit our website for more details on parties and New Years Eve. Hope to see you very soon, Love, Chris & the Crew |Tel: 01548 810876 |e: Twitter @theoystershack / @chefandy_09 | Facebook The Oyster Shack Bigbury | Instagram @theoystershack


BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Bringing the Community Together Our winter programme of events got off to a rather disappointing start when only seventeen people turned up to see musical duo Blackheart on the 23rd. A bit puzzling as this band has been drawing much larger attendances across the West Country at venues such as the Watermark in Ivybridge. However those that did come enjoyed a great evening’s entertainment, plus very generous refreshments kindly supplied by Holywell Stores (many thanks to Dane and Hilary). More encouragingly, tickets for the other event in October (on the 28th), the Cirkus Spectakular Puppet Show, are, as I write, selling well. In November - the 18th – we are staging the latest in our popular series of Film and Food Nights. This time the film is the award winning Theory of Everything, starring Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones. The food is a chicken casserole, generously supplied by the Pickwick Inn, and will be served at 7.30, before the film. Tickets are a very reasonable £7, available form Holywell Stores. See poster in this issue for details. December (on the 4th) sees another regular event, a Wine Tasting Evening, presented in his own inimitable style by local wine expert Richard Taylor. This time the theme is Italy and, of course, there will also be the usual inventive and authentic nibbles prepared by Alice. Tickets are £10 from Holywell Stores (see poster), and tend to sell quickly. Charles Harrington. Tel. 810023. Email

Bigbury Memorial Hall Calendar of Events November 2015

Day & Time


Contact name

Tel. no


Body Boost

*Jill Gubbins


10.30 – 11.30


*Jill Gubbins


19.00 - 20.15


Fi Baker


9.30 – 10.15


9.30 – 11.45

South Hams Shrimps

Kylie Worden

07845 280734


9.15 – 10.00

Body Conditioning

*Jill Gubbins


10.05 – 11.05


*Jill Gubbins


11.15 – 12.00

Strong & Steady (plus tea & chat)

*Jill Gubbins


November Events: Wed. 18th November: Film Night ‘The Theory of Everything’. 7.30pm; film starts at 8.00pm. Tickets (£7 including a hot meal) from Holywell Stores. Future Events: Fri. 4th December: 7.00pm. Wine tasting with an Italian theme. Tickets £10 from Holywell Stores. Fri. 8th January: Quiz Night. More details next month. 50:100 Club (Promoted by Dane Vanstone). The next draw for the 50:100 Club will take place in November. Tickets (£9 for the 9 monthly draws) are available from Holywell Stores. Buy now for your chance to win. 50% of the money goes in prizes and 50% to the Memorial Hall. September’s lucky winners were Stuart Watts (£15) and Helen Smith (£7.50).




November 2015 I return after a month off. First draft of thesis is now with my supervisors who are, I suspect even as we speak, preparing acerbic comments on the deficiencies of my arguments. Never mind, at least this leaves me with a hiatus during which I can pretend I’m not even a student, let alone a student in my forties having a midlife crisis. Albeit temporarily, I have some semblance of a life back. This respite has given the Weekend family the opportunity to indulge in one of my absolute favourite things…. going out for Sunday lunch. Having been out today, I definitely think this is something that I should be doing much more often! I thank William Weekend for taking the Weekend family out for lunch. Many have said that we are frequently ‘out to lunch’ but today we went out for lunch. And how lovely it was! There can be few sweeter pleasures than embarking on an autumn Sunday morning walk which will finish in the welcoming embrace of a local hostelry to be greeted by the warmth of a log fire and the promise of a roast with all the trimmings. Mmmmmm…. In the very ideal world in which those of us privileged to live in Bigbury-on-Sea reside this will be an autumn Sunday morning wind-swept cliff top walk to Ringmore or Kingston. Even better, it will be a roast that I have not had to cook and it will be followed by a slow, slightly ‘refreshed’ amble/roll back home in time for an afternoon appointment with the sofa (for William Weekend) or lego (for Weenie Weekend) before everybody is roused in time for the Strictly results show (with Gleb – for Weekend Wendie). I asked Weenie what she liked best about Sunday lunch and she said that it was because it was ‘time spent as a family’. Actually, first she said it was having peas with salt on (oh, that we should all be so easily pleased!) but then she said the nice thing about the family which, after I had finished basking in the warm glow, made me feel a bit guilty about not doing that more often. That must be the ultimate luxury of the Sunday lunch… not the walk, the lovely food, the warm fire, the slightly drunken wander home… but the joy of spending time together; putting on hold for a few hours worries about work or study, homework or the washing up. Of course, there will be those of you reading this (hopefully somebody is!) who are working to provide our Sunday lunches and are worrying about the washing up. I salute you. You are upholding one of the great traditions of this land and giving pleasure to many people. I hope you too are able to enjoy an alternative Sunday lunch elsewhere in the week. So this is my wish to all in Bigbury-on-Sea this autumn. Go forth and have Sunday lunch…. with or without the Sunday… with or without the walk… with or without the pub… even with or without the ‘refreshment’. But definitely give yourself a few hours off over the next month or two to share a meal and spend time with friends and family. Summer is about being ‘out there’ and enjoying what the outdoors has to offer. Autumn is a time to cosy up and settle in with some Yorkshires and a bit of gravy. Enjoy! Much love WW (-:




On Wednesday the 7th October the Korniloff Coffee Morning raised £165 for the League of Friends of South Hams Hospital. Daphne gave an informative talk on its work and achievements. Many thanks to all those who attended and gave so generously. On Wednesday 4th November we will be fundraising for the local South Hams Sprimps, so we will look forward to seeing you between 10.30 and noon. Our last coffee morning this for this year will be on 2nd December when we will be fundraising for the restoration of the tower and bells of St. Lawrence Church. On sale will be homemade marmalade, jams, chutneys, Christmas logs, cakes, puddings and festive fare. We would like to give our grateful thanks to Gina and Gordon, their staff, who are so helpful and of course the residents of the Korniloff for welcoming us into their lovely home and for their continuing support. Jean

Our well attended October meeting was held in Iris's home and we discussed 2 books. The first was A Place called Winter by Patrick Gale which was a story, based on fact, about early settlers in Canada, a subject none of us knew or had read anything about. It was a fascinating story and the characters were very well-painted and we learnt a lot from it. However, we all agreed that it was not exactly an "enjoyable" read mainly because of some of the graphically described homosexual acts. The other book under discussion was Please Mr. Postman, the second book in the series by Alan Johnson. In this book the author had become a member of the Trade Union and this book was, by definition, far more political than the first one about his childhood years. It was a well written, fine piece of social history and we all agreed on it being "a good read". Our Chosen books next month are The Hare with The Amber Eyes by Edmund De Waal and a re-read of the old favourite Little Women by Louisa Alcott and we hope to discuss these when we meet on November 2nd at Erica's house. Hazel Osborne.

Kingsbridge Estuary Decorative & Fine Art Society Illustrated talk. The Golden Age of British Glass by Charles Hajdamach Venue: Methodist Church, 100, Fore Street Kingsbridge, TQ7 1AW November 25th - 7 for 7.30pm November 26th - 10 for 10.30am Everybody welcome – no need to be a member. £8 donation includes coffee/tea and biscuits. Registered Charity number 1158965


This month’s meeting of the Bigbury Ladies was on Wednesday 21 st when a party of us went to Saltram House, Plympton. Chrissie Curgenven drove Cathy and Gill (Peet), while Jane Tucker drove Rose Owen and myself. Jo Dudmesh went individually as she had an appointment in Plymouth early in the afternoon. Helen was unfortunately suffering from a bad cold so felt that she should not pass it on to the rest of us or the occupants of the car she would have travelled in. However, she kindly provided coffee when we arrived at her house to organise drivers and the November and December meetings. We arrived at Saltram and headed straight for the café for a hot drink as we had spare time till our timed entry of 12.20. The house is truly magnificent with masses of fantastic paintings – many by Sir Joshua Reynolds who was a friend of the Parker family of centuries gone by. It stands high above the River Plym in 500 acres of parkland and woods in grounds designed by an apprentice of Capability Brown. For most of our party it was a return visit but each time you go there, it seems like a first time as there is so much to take in and assimilate. Fortunately, the steps to the upper floor were lovely and shallow so were relatively easy for those of us who do not do steps/stairs easily. The National Trust do organise things so well and there is a guide in every room to answer any questions, and descriptive booklets listing all the contents in every room. From there we then called in Otter Nurseries on the way back – again – it was time for refreshment. Unfortunately, Jane, Rose and I were too late for the lunchtime menu (we had fancied a jacket potato) but “made do” with toasted teacakes which were delicious. Some of us resorted to a few purchases. November meeting – We will be going to Bistro Pierre in the Royal William Yard. Chrissie is organising this so if you wish to go, please contact her in advance on 810 482. December meeting – We will be repeating an earlier visit to California Inn where we had an excellent Christmas dinner there with lots of good company two years ago. We will need to inform “the Cali” in advance of numbers and again, we are welcoming partners along to join us for this Christmas dinner. Please let Helen Smith know in advance if you wish to join us on Wednesday 16 th December – 810 386 Pam Trundle

We send our best wishes and Many Happy Returns to David Gay who celebrated his 80th birthday on 3rd October. Also congratulations go to Brian Carson who celebrated his 80th birthday on 19th October


Bigbury History Society Eighteen members attended October’s talk by two well known Kingstonians, Merv Freeman and his (fisherman) father Viv. Their presentation was on “The History of Kingston Fire Station” for which, as time served firemen from the service, they were admirably qualified. Merv explained that the Kingston Brigade was instigated in 1949, following the Fire Services Act of 1947. At the time there were 58 stations in Devon - of which only Plymouth, Exeter and Torquay were manned full-time. The others were “on call”, previously known as “retained fire services” – except for Kingston which had no retaining fee, although firemen were paid for loss of earnings. The Kingston Fire Station is the oldest building in the Devon Fire Service, and was fitted with a new siren in 1958, to replace the church bell for callouts. In 1995 this was replaced with pocket alerts and, at this time, their Landrover Fire Engine was unique for getting to difficult areas. As years went on they were increasingly called to Road Traffic Accidents and floods, and now they have a narrow-wheel-based Mercedes engine which is well equipped for such needs. The talk was backed up with wonderful slides and records, perhaps the most interesting of these covered the callout when the Tom Cocker pub burnt down in Bigbury on Sea in March 1997. Coincidently this was on the night before the hearing for Burgh Island Causeway planning application! As you will see in this month’s BN poster, our next event follows the local theme. At great expense, and for one night only, Norman Botton will be presenting his incisive views on what previous Bigbury inhabitants achieved in WW1 - on Tuesday 8th December. Peter Cook

Carols on the Green….. December 24th 2015 6.30pm Hope you are all starting to feel a bit festive! Preparations are going well so please do come along and join us for some traditional carols, mulled wine and mince pies on Christmas Eve on the green in Bigbury. Fingers crossed for the


We’re still looking for musicians to help us so if you play any musical instrument please could you contact me or Angie Carson who will pass on your details to me. No audition necessary and no age limits (at the upper or lower end!) If









Barker, or on my mobile on 0780 858 6430.



Friends of St Lawrence’s Quiz & Curry Night – 9 October 2015 Forty local stalwarts gathered for this event. We were treated to a splendid array of curries, including Butter Chicken (a favourite), Chana Masala (chickpea), and a delicious vegetarian curry cunningly enhanced with fresh coconut, all prepared by Michael Poynter, together with rice cooked in his industrial boiler and lots of chutney, popadoms and raita.

Terry then gave us a fiendish quiz. The answers in the music round all seemed to be Cliff Richard! The winners were “5 Children & It” with a magnificent 54 points out of the maximum 60, next were “Popadoms” with 46, then “Courtiers” with 45, a tie between “Curlew” and “Wild and Spicey” at 43, and “Folly Green” a respectable finish of 40.

Lyndale Studio Unique one off oil paintings especially for you, produced from a supplied photograph. Painted on top quality canvas textured paper, and supplied in mount, ready for your choice of frame. Each painting signed. Wedding venues, Properties, pubs etc. Prices available on request. Telephone 01548 810165



On Saturday October 3rd we had a great time at the Wembury woods event. The weather was beautiful with the sunlight dappling down through the trees giving the whole area a magical quality. Activities ranged from family den building, wood turning, cooking on a camp fire, slacklining (tightrope walking), fire lighting and woodland art. Over 40 people attending, many staying for the whole day, and had a great time. Look out for this event next year. The rangers have been out recently making a final cut of the footpath gateways around Scobbiscombe Farm and installing new waymarkers to help walkers follow the definitive South West Coast Path line. The volunteer rangers worked hard in Ayrmer car park to remove and replace the chestnut rail along the car park edge. The rail acts as a good visual marker for people to park up against and can increase the parking area of the car park. We use chestnut as much as we can across the property because the wood contains natural tanings which often helps the timber last much longer than commercially produced tanalised timber. As always a massive thank you to all our volunteers who do a great job across the entire South Devon property. Please note that Lorna Sherriff has now returned from her maternity leave and is back in her Area Ranger Role. I had a great 10 months covering Lorna’s role whilst she was on leave and I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who has joined us for events, helped us out with tasks and generally made my time in the role very enjoyable. To see photos from all our recent events, future events, wildlife sighting and other property news go to our National Trust South Devon Countryside Facebook page. Please stop and have a chat to the team if you see us out working or if you have any comments about the work of the National Trust. For further information please call Lorna Sherriff on 01548 562344 or email Marc Hoskins - Area Ranger Follow us on Twitter: @NTSouthDevon and Facebook: National Trust South Devon

On Saturday 12th December we’re organising a Christmas Barrow Market at The Oyster Shack to celebrate local artists and crafts all in aid of The Fishermen’s Mission and The National Lobster Hatchery. These two charities are really important to us and we’d like to try and raise as much money as possible. To help raise money on the day we’ll be holding a raffle and all of the fees collected from the stands will go to both charities. We’ll be promoting this event through our social media pages, our monthly newsletter and from the restaurant as well. We would really appreciate your help in any way you can to let everyone know about the market. The Fishermen’s Mission help fishermen and their families in times of need and support the people who put themselves in harm’s way everyday so we can enjoy seafood and The National Lobster Hatchery help to conserve and maintain stocks of lobsters by raising baby lobsters and putting them back in the sea. If you know of anyone who might like to exhibit please ask them to get in touch with me with details of what they would like to sell. 01548 811196 | 07972 141396 | Milburn Orchard Farm, Stakes Hill, Kingsbridge, TQ7 4BE

27 Our bronze free-range turkeys are traditionally reared and prepared in the time-honoured way to give a moist, flavoursome meat for the centrepiece of your Christmas table. They meet the Golden Promise standard with welfare a top priority. For further information or to place your order please ring the Walters family in Kingston on (01548) 810259 or order online. Home-reared sausages, bacon, hams and other meats also available to order. Potatoes now available Why not join members of the South Hams Society for a beach clean? You will be made very welcome. The next beach clean is on Saturday 14 November at West Charleton Beach, more a shingle really. Meet down Marsh Lane at 12noon. Wonderful area for wading birds, miles of mudflats and a hide nearby. Not really suitable for dogs. LW 13.22 GMT Only one more beach clean scheduled for 2015: Gara (12 December). For more information, please contact Vivien Napper, t: 01548 842405 e: or visit the South Hams Society website at http://

Please help fund our growing Transport and Befriending services





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