The site for great holidays in a great community; now gives the accommodation, holiday activities, many useful links and maps.
Now features community events and dates. Send any ideas for the site to
Front Cover: by Jim Chadwick
What’s on and Dates for your Diary
Editors Page News, Views & letters
Church Service times for Bigbury, Kingston and Ringmore
Message from the Minister from Michael Tagent
Parish Council Notes from the Parish Council monthly meeting
The 19th Hole Report from the Golf Club
Your handy pull-out Guide to Local Business
Musings from Weekend Wendy
Bigbury Memorial Hall Reports and Diary of events
Shack Splash News from the Oyster Shack
News from all your Regular Social Meetings
Neighbourhood Watch Anthony Singleton Reporting
National Trust report from Lorna Sherriff
Where’s Alfie ?? He’s hiding somewhere in the pages!!
Bigbury News is published monthly at Lucerne Ringmore Drive Bigbury-on-Sea Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 4AU Tel: 01548 810815 email: Editor - Rose Owen Treasurer - Margaret Hawes, Blue Waters, Marine Drive, BoS, TQ7 4AS All contributions and requests for advertising to the Editor Bigbury News is a voluntary run publication which is supported by donations from readers, advertising rates and a grant from the Parish Council DISCLAIMER - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure adverts and articles appear correctly, Bigbury News cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor.
Dates for your Diary February: 3rd 10th 12th 17th 24th
Bigbury Bookworms. Parish Council Meeting - Memorial Hall at 7.30pm Matt Harvey, Poet & Comedian - Memorial Hall at 7.30pm (see p.10) Bigbury Ladies trip to Plymouth Museum, all welcome (see p.23) Bigbury History Society, AGM followed by a talk on ‘Castles of Devon’, Memorial Hall at 7.30pm (see p.25)
March: 2nd 16th
Korniloff Coffee Morning resumes its monthly fundraising… 10.30am Film & Food Night (The Imitation Game) Memorial Hall
April: 6th
Korniloff Coffee Morning, Korniloff Care Home, BoS at 10.30am
Look out for other dates of events in and around Modbury and Kingsbridge also mentioned in articles in this magazine.
A belated HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our readers! I chose the picture on the cover of this months issue for a very valid reason… this is what an awful lot of people want to see retained…. Sadly the march of ‘progress’ and developers think otherwise.. What I wonder do you think?????????? If any of you have any news, views or interesting articles that you would like to share, please send them to me at the Bigbury News. Either drop them into me at Lucerne, Bigbury on Sea or hand them into Holywell Stores or phone me on 01548 810815 or email: You can now find each months issue at
in ‘The Community’ section and also on the Bigbury Community website in the documents section of the Bigbury News Group.
Youth Club The Youth Club is up and running again organised by Louise Pitt (07786860440 ) on Thursday's 5.30-7.30 at the Memorial Hall Ages 7-13 Welcome
CHURCH SERVICES FOR FEBRUARY BIGBURY - KINGSTON - RINGMORE ST. LAWRENCE - BIGBURY All services start at 11.00 a.m. 7th 14th 21st 28th
Family Communion Sunday Worship Morning Prayer Holy Communion*
ST. JAMES THE LESS - KINGSTON All services start at 9.30 a.m. 7th 14th 21st 28th
Family Communion Sunday Worship Holy Communion Village Service
ALL HALLOWS - RINGMORE All services start at 9.30 a.m.
7th 14th 21st 28th
Sunday Worship Holy Communion* Village Service Family Communion
* Service in traditional language
Korniloff Communion - Wednesday 17th at 2.30 p.m.
Message from the Minister THE PATH ISN’T ALWAYS EASY Exactly 400 years ago (on 26th February 1616, to be precise), the Italian astronomer Galileo was ordered by Cardinal Bellarmine to abandon his opinion that the earth and planets revolve round the sun. Many since, like Galileo, have been attacked for expressing views deemed unacceptable. So in our own day an advert for the Lord’s Prayer is barred from cinemas (a whopping “own goal” which greatly increased its publicity!), speakers are excluded from Cambridge University for holding unpopular and “offensive” views, and students demand the removal of statues of Rhodes, because of his “colonialism”. The French writer and philosopher Voltaire once said “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. Today’s view is “you might offend someone, so keep quiet”, though, as the government has pointed out, nobody has a right not to be offended. In many parts of the world, Christians are actively persecuted because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Indeed, Christians are the most persecuted religious group world-wide, with an average of over 180 believers killed for their faith each month. Opposition may come from the state (as in, for example, Saudi Arabia or North Korea) or from terrorist groups such as Boko Haram in Nigeria or ISIS in Syria and elsewhere. In many countries, for a Muslim to embrace Christianity is to be guilty of apostasy, punishable by death. The New Testament was written against a backdrop of persecution. Believers were exhorted to stand firm and to use every opportunity to tell people the good news of Jesus. St Peter urged people to be ready to give an answer about what they believed, but to do it “with gentleness and respect”. That still holds good today and applies to every church person. So pray for those persecuted for their faith, pray for opportunities to tell people what Jesus has done, in a sincere and loving manner and pray for courage to keep going despite opposition. In other words, to live like a true follower of Jesus Christ.
Michael Tagent
Team Rector: The Revd Neil Barker (830260: any day except Mondays) Readers: Joyce Howitt (01364 73093), Chris Lally (521587), Michael Tagent (810520) Website:
PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING. If you wish minutes in full, please look on the Bigbury website at or on the notice boards.
NOTES OF to read the Community read them
A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Memorial Hall on WEDNESDAY 9 DECEMBER 2015 at 7.30 p.m. Cllrs. B Carson, C.Case, B.Huntley, S.Smith and D.Cllr L.Ward attended together with 11 residents. C.Cllr R.Hosking attended for part of the meeting. Open session -
It was reported that the Christmas lights had been greatly appreciated by residents and visitors alike and appreciation was expressed to Dane and Hilary Vanstone for the St Ann’s Chapel excellent display, the Fair Committee for Bigbury Green and various residents throughout the parish who had put up some wonderful displays. - Resident A expressed her appreciation to Lindsay Ward, the Parish Council and Val Scott for the public meeting held in the Memorial Hall to hear details about a Neighbourhood Plan. - Resident B asked what could be done about jet-skis using the bay and in some cases, quite dangerously. It was understood that they were not allowed in Bigbury Bay and nor are they allowed to use access from Sedgewell and the Tom Crocker slipways. - Resident C raised the question of Certificate of Lawfulness relating to camping at Mount Folly Farm. Both Bryan Carson and Cathy Case declared an interest. Minutes of November meeting were approved and signed Matters arising - End of Cleveland Drive, BoS: a site meeting had taken place since when the former owner of Farthings, had provided copies of Land Registry documents in her possession and she had explained that the hedge had gone straight back from the gate apart from the last 6-8ft when it went inwards to the telegraph pole. - Large advertising hoardings for properties for sale at Challaborough – matter proceeding by Enforcement Officer - Website – the website has been updated. Memorial Hall is not opposed to wi-fi being installed in the Memorial Hall if it is completely at the parish council expense. - Letters of appreciation had been sent to Nina Stanesby for her months as a Parish Councillor and to Stuart Watts for the work he did as Snow Warden.
Planning (planning applications for Bigbury parish have 05 prefix) - 246/15/F Mr & Mrs Howell, for extra windows at Thornbury, Parker Rd, BoS: a site meeting had been held - councillors disapproved of the plans. Recommendation: Refusal. - Mr & Mrs S Marshall: agricultural livestock building on land at Easton. Councillors had no objections. (UPDATE – this application has since been withdrawn). - Mr D Hext: agricultural building on land at Holywell Farm. No objections. - Mount Folly Farm: Cert. of Lawfulness – Cllrs Carson & Case declared an interest and left the room. A resident had been given permission from Mr Carson to speak during this item. He reported on his concerns on this application and said that the back fields should only have been used for 28 days a year. His concerns were backed by another resident at the meeting. - District Councillor’s Report - Lindsay Ward reported on different ways in which Affordable Housing can be provided and these are still under discussion. She referred to the Village Initiative and ways of financing community housing needs. - Neighbourhood Plan - Bryan Carson had chaired a Neighbourhood Plan public meeting on 5 th December which was well attended by residents. Val Scott and Lindsay Ward went into detail regarding the Plan and it was agreed that the whole of Bigbury parish be included in the Plan. Terms of reference will be agreed along with other items to be confirmed by a Steering Group and a formal application will be submitted. - County Councillor’s Report - Richard Hosking reported that the Support Grant is being cut in the next financial year. Some local volunteers are still waiting for a date for Ch.8 training. He said the Parish Council should regularly contact DCC for improvements to the B3392 Harraton-Kitterford Cross road. - Financial: It was agreed to pay cheques as follows: £150 to Kingsbridge Websites for update to Bigbury Community Website; £393.77 to the parish clerk for quarterly fee and expenses; £490.72 to South Hams Skip Hire for skip in Bigbury Village/Challaborough; £336 to S. Hams Newspapers for advert for the clerk’s job; £500 grant to Bigbury News; £100 donation to S. Hams CAB; £25 donation to S. Hams CVS; £48.56 to Viking for stationery. - A request was made by Sally Watts for a grant to Villages In Action and it was agreed that the Parish Council would pay £200 every year towards the cost of running this useful organisation who provide the entertainments etc. at the Memorial Hall. Correspondence: - Lord Lieutenant of the County – Patron’s lunch on Sunday 12 June 2016 to bring to a close a weekend of celebration of H.M. the Queen’s reign. He hopes local communities will host similar events to celebrate Her Majesty’s long service to the country. - Stuart Watts had sent in details of the Snow Warden’s role which is still vacant – a volunteer is needed to come forward please. - Any Other Business: - The clerk asked the Chairman to ensure he had someone to take the minutes at the January meeting due to her retirement from 1st January. Cathy Case proposed a vote of thanks to Pam for her 42 years of continuous service as a Parish Clerk. Date of next meeting WEDNESDAY 13th JANUARY at 7.30 pm
Notes of Parish Council meeting held on 13th January. Present – Bryan Carson, Cathy Case, Iain Couper, Beth Huntley, George Rosevear, Sharon Smith, Richard Hosking and Lindsay Ward. Peter Javes took the minutes. 11 residents present. Housing Needs Survey: Alex Rayhaag (SHDC) spoke on the process of a survey of housing needs in the parish. This would provide data for a neighbourhood Plan. The last survey was done in 2011 and thus needed to be done again. A letter would be sent to all households in the parish, and the survey could be completed on-line or by completing a paper form. The data would be analised by SHDC and the results given to the parish council. The survey would be started in March 2016 and it was hoped the results will be ready in June. Minutes of December meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman Urgent Matters Arising. - Casual Vacancy on Council: No application has been made for an election so the parish council is empowered to co-opt a resident to fill the vacancy. Notices have been displayed on the 3 parish notice boards inviting residents who wish to be considered to submit an application in writing. - Parish Clerk: A new clerk has accepted the position but is not available until 1 st April. Pam Trundle had agreed to serve until then. The meeting passed a vote of thanks to Pam for her service as clerk over many years. Planning - 2701/15/F Bay View Café/Warren Cottage Parish Councillors raised objections to this application on the grounds of:- Loss of the café as a commercial outlet in the village - Undue mass of the new buildings - Lack of consideration of the topography of the area - Lack of sympathetic design for the site in the village - The buildings are insufficiently set into the ground and thus too high for their position close to the sea. - The proposed buildings will invade the privacy of neighbouring houses i.e. overlook bedrooms and gardens etc. - PROPOSED, SECONDED AND AGREED to recommend refusal. - Land at Ashford, - agricultural livestock building – plans were available at the meeting but were not discussed. Financial Cheques were drawn for £42.34 for stationery and £1,000 to the maintenance of the Burial Ground. - After discussions and consideration for applications for grants, and bearing in mind the need to carry out works formerly undertaken by DCC and SHDC, it was agreed to precept for £10,000 – an increase of £2,000. County Councillor’s Report Richard Hosking reported that DCC was obliged to cut its budget for 2016-17 by £35m due to the reduction in government funding. In order to balance the budget this year it had been necessary to increase council tax by 2%. It is hoped that the Fare Car 17 service could be offered to Kingsbridge on Wednesdays. District Councillor’s Report: Lindsay Ward reported on activities at SHDC during the past month.
Drainage by Church A buddle hole fed into a catch pit near the church had been regularly maintained in past years by DCC but had been neglected by them in recent years, resulting in flooding into the church. Local volunteers had cleaned the area several times over recent months and pumped out water, dug out sludge etc. A more permanent solution would be to relocate the buddle hole and catch pit into nearby common land. C.Cllr Hosking agreed to investigate further. Date of next meeting; Wednesday 10th February 7.30 in the Memorial Hall. CASUAL VACANCY - A vacancy exists for a Parish Councillor. If you are interested in being considered for this vacancy, please write to the Parish Clerk at the above address, giving your details, how long you have lived here, interests in the community etc. before 7th February. SNOW WARDEN - A vacancy has occurred for a Snow Warden to cover the Parish and to liaise with DCC for distribution of salt in the parish. Please apply to the clerk.
Christmas Lights I am sure everyone greatly appreciated the lovely display of Christmas lights which Dane and Hilary put up around St Ann’s Chapel main area. It was very public-spirited of them and they looked even better this year – and I thought last year’s display was pretty spectacular. Also, the lights at the village green were really lovely. I have to confess, I did do detours to go back home most dark evenings to go down into lower Bigbury Village – nearly all the properties there had put up outside lights and Tony and Elise Wilson’s were a real sight to behold. It was also heartening to see the lights at Folly Farm and Martin Uren did a lovely display outside their home. Very many thanks to all who did outside lights – they do so add to the enjoyment at Christmastime period. Pam. MOBILE LIBRARY Our librarian is Steve and he will be at:BoS - Cleveland Drive
12.40 –
1.25 p.m.
2.00 –
2.30 p.m.
Ringmore Church
11.50 –
12.20 a.m.
Kingston Fire Station
11.00 –
11.40 a.m.
Bigbury Green
Dates: Tuesdays – March 22nd, April 19th, May 17th, June 14th, July 12th, August 9th, Sept 6th, October 4th. PLEASE, PLEASE do use our mobile library. We are very lucky to have the service and don’t want to lose it through lack of support. DCC have made many cuts and libraries are one of them. We must retain this service so please use it. Some people are under the misconception you can only keep books a month – but Steve is very good, we do not have to pay fines. Pam Trundle - Parish Clerk: Tel: 810719 Email:
The Bay View Cafe
The Bay View Cafe together with the oldest Village house is planned to be replaced by these large 2-storey detached houses. With another one situated behind them. Their overpowering design will dominate the existing Bay View corner at the centre of the Village There has been no effort by the Developers to blend in with the surrounding buildings. All the other properties along Marine Drive are 2 storey bungalows. The Bay View corner, situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, has a unique historical character that should be preserved as much as possible. Regrettably, one of the earliest victims of this development was the Bay View Cafe. This exceptionally successful feature of Bigbury-on-Sea is missed very much by locals as well as tourists. Apart from the Cafe we have now also lost 2 shops, a post office, a garage and a pub. Must we also lose yet another valuable asset to the area ?
Patient Advice and Complaints Did you know the local NHS has a Patient Advice and Complaints Team? NHS Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS NEW Devon CCG) patient advice and complaints team is a service to provide patients, carers, family members, the public and staff with help, advice and support with concerns or comments relating to NHS services. The team provides free and confidential help to investigate and resolve problems as they happen and aim to do this as quickly as possible. They can also organise in depth investigations of any problems relating to healthcare across a number of different services. Hearing from patients helps us to make improvements and gives us early warnings of system problems. It is very important for the CCG to hear when things are going wrong. You can contact us on the phone on 01392 267665, or 0300 123 1672 Or text us at 07789 741099 Or email
A date for your diary: KEDFAS - Kingsbridge Estuary Decorative and Fine Art Society’s February talk Newlyn and Lamorna Catherine Wallace Venue: Methodist Church, 100, Fore Street, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1AW February 24th 2016 - 7 for 7.30pm February 25th 2016 -10 for 10.30am Everybody welcome – no need to be a member. £8 donation includes coffee/tea and biscuits. Registered Charity number 1158965
IN NEED OF SPIRITUAL FUEL? TOP UP HERE The Filling Station is a new informal way of expressing the Christian faith using local mid-week monthly celebration meetings in a café style setting. In a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with tea, coffee and cake we have a worship time and a speaker. Prayer Ministry is always available. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. It is not a new church denomination but rather interdenominational fellowship which hopes to benefit the local church.
Local meeting – SOUTH HAMS FILLING STATION Bigbury Memorial Hall, St.Ann’s Chapel, Bigbury, TQ7 4HQ. Meets on 3rd Thursday most months 7.30-9.30pm. Check or call 07522 430036/ 01548 810017. Facebook – SouthHamsFillingStation. Next Meeting – Thursday 18th February Speaker – Richard Fothergill
We welcome Debby and Andrew who have moved in to Folly Hill, Bigbury on Sea and hope they will be very happy here.
Congratulations to Carolyn and Mick, (late of Bigbury on Sea Post Office) on the birth of their new grandchild. Also congratulations to Great-Granny Phyll.
Jim Bennett is recovering from a hip operation, following a fall whilst out walking his dog and we send our best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
We would like you all know that the Christingle service held on Sunday 10th January raised £94. This money will be sent to the Children's Society to help them continue their great work in helping disadvantaged children. A big thank you to all and to Michael Tagent for arranging a lovely service. Cathy
Shoes for the Kiboko School Children A really huge THANK YOU to everyone who gave such generous donations for the Kiboko Primary School in Kenya. A special thanks to David and Sandy who kindly opened their garden and gave a cream tea, and also to all the folk who supported this project.The money raised enabled me to buy all the 120 children proper school shoes, black lace up for the boys, strap-over for the girls. Every child received their shoes by Christmas Eve. The attached photo shows their delight. This could not have been achieved without your wonderful contributions. I am extremely grateful. Sincerely Jo Dudmesh
The Nineteenth Hole January 2016 Up at the golf course 2016 started off in the same fashion as 2015 finished weather-wise, wet and windy, but nothing could dampen the spirits of the members who had gathered to wish our incoming captains well at their drive in. Although the day looked like it was going to be kind, by the time the new captains had reached the first tee the patchy blue sky had turned grey and the rain set in. Not to be deterred, Denis Killen approached the green, addressed the ball, and took a swing but when club and ball made contact there was a puff of white powder from the exploding ball that had been planted for Denis. Being allowed to take another shot with a proper ball, Denis reloaded and took the first drive of his captaincy. Melanie Adcock was the next to take centre stage and a beautifully executed drive started her year well. The wind and rain were now getting stronger for the seniors’ captain Alan Evans and by the time the junior’s captain Ben Sly took his drive the wind was gale force and the rain was horizontal. It was then back to the club house to dry off and hear introductions from the four new captains. 24 hardy souls then headed back out onto the course into the near horizontal rain and gale force winds to accompany the captains for traditional 11 hole greensomes stableford. Coming in with 24 points was Richard Medlin and last years captain Mick Gates. Second place went to father and daughter Robin and Jessica Leach who came in just one point behind with 23 points. With the weather playing havoc with the golf courses, most of us kept dialling the course information line on a regular basis to hear whether we can make a dash to the course to give our clubs an airing and to blow away the cobwebs. Therefore after days of no joy it was great to hear, Andrea our office manager say “yes we are open” and a few brave souls went out on the first circus of the year. However, the good weather didn’t last, the weather clamped in and it was a return to the clubhouse to dry off. The ladies competition on the first Saturday of the year was postponed and we all ended having a coffee and chat with our new captain Melanie and her vice captain Sally Errett. Finally the weather changed and the first competition of the year was held on Wednesday, with 15 main greens in play! It was the gents Mid Week Stableford and a field of 50 competitors turned out to play in cold, and occasionally wet and windy conditions. The best score of the day, 40 points, was returned by Roger Monson followed into second place by Brian Homersham who scored 39 points. Only 3 2s were recorded and these were worth £27 each a nice start to the season. A ‘fun’ competition for the ladies was held on Saturday and took the form of ten clubs reducing each hole of the back nine to just one club and a putter for the 18th . Split into two sections Jane Rickman came in with 30 points to win the silver division closely chased by Amanda Burchell who scored 29 points for second place. The bronze division saw two players scoring 28 points, but with a slightly better back nine, Rosemary Sharps edged out Vice Captain Sally Errett to win, with Sally taking second place. The weather held fair and the sun shone for a lovely day, if only it will continue. With January drawing to a close we are holding our popular quiz night and supper, which has already sold out all tickets and our new caterers Gerald and Steve are hosting a Burn’s Night supper which is also proving tempting for the lovers of Haggis and looks like it will also be a well attended evening. February will see another quiz night and supper and for the romantics Steve and Gerald will be cooking up a Valentine’s Day lunch, and plans are afoot for a Caribbean evening in early March which we look forward to.
Valentine’s Day Menu 2016 French Onion Soup, ‘Ogleshield’ Croutons or Coconut King Prawns, Green Mango, Mint Leaf, Kaffir Lime, Glass Noodle Salad or Duck, Pigeon, Chicken Terrine, Poached Pears, Lemon Brioche, P.X Dressing ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pot Roast Cauliflower, Gyzoa Dumplings, Sweet Pea Fritters, Goats Curd or Rare Breed Organic Lamb Leg, Celeriac Cream, Salt Baked Carrots, Potato Fondant, Gem Lettuce or Steamed Cod Fillet, White Crab, Smoked Eel, Asparagus Risotto, Smoked Bacon Cream ~~~~~~~~~~ Paris Breast, Hazelnut Pastry Cream or Lemon Mousse, Baked Vanilla Cheesecake, Raspberry Sorbet or ‘Sharpham’ Brie,’ Cashel Blue’, ‘Keen’s’ Cheddar £35 per head
Just to let every one know we have heard we have been voted number 34 in the top 50 Gastro Pubs in the U.K. It seems a long way off but Mothering Sunday is the 6th of March, our diary is filling up fast, so why not treat Mum to Sunday lunch. We have a function room which will hold up to 25 comfortably, for meetings with free room hire, or if your meeting is with a small group we also have the snug, both rooms can be closed to the general public.
01548 550491
For a free quote on plans for your build project contact Matthew on 01761 436861 or mobile 07843 286857
THE LITTLE LODGE is no longer operating, due to the sale of the property it is part of, MERRYLEES. On behalf of my parents, Bryn and the late Beryl Evans, and myself, I wish to thank all the lovely guests we have welcomed to enjoy their holidays in our beautiful part of England. It was fun! Jill 01548 810651
Guests coming … … need extra space? Available in Bigbury for short lets of 2+ nights A delightful two-bedroom apartment (sleeps 4 / 5)
Please Contact: Angela - 078 34825738 01453 873318
Local Trustworthy couple offering a first class Management / Maintenance Service. Services Offered: Changeovers and laundry - Key Holding / Property checks Deep Clean - Window Cleaning - Garden Services
We also offer: Complete property maintenance from decorating to a new bathroom. We will liaise with local tradesmen for plumbing, heating and electrical problems. Holiday / Second Home and Residential. Contact Elaine or Andy to discuss your requirements
The Dolphin Inn 01548 810314 We welcome Craig to The Dolphin as our new Chef. Craig will be known by most of you from his many successful years at The Bay View Cafe at Bigbury on Sea and we are delighted that he has agreed to join us. He will be offering a varied menu based on good pub grub and Roast dinners on Sunday. There will also be theme nights to add to our entertainment. We will operate Tuesday to Sunday lunchtime but will close in Winter on Sunday evenings and on Monday except for drinks in the evening. We will also be offering a Winter Warmer Menu Tue - Thurs which will be a 2 Course meal for £10.00 and 3 Courses for £12.50 starting on the 1st December. Events for your diary in November/December are :Sunday 30th Nov Cogs will be playing from 3.00pm Friday 4th December Open Mic Night and Curry Night or "Curryoke " Wednesday 16th December Secret Santa Xmas Quiz Friday 18th December Iona & Quinn Acoustic Themed Xmas songs Wednesday 23rd December Christmas Draw Tuesday 29th December Viv's Bash with Hogwash
We will be open Christmas Day 12.00 until 2.00 pm for Drinks only and normal hours for Lunch on Boxing Day.
Collection and Delivery Service with Courtesy Cars Available
Mechanical Repairs that include
Servicing, Tyres, Exhausts, Brakes, Batteries, Clutches, Cam Belts, Diagnostics, Safety Checks, Full Bodyshop, Air Conditioning, MOT’s arranged … to all makes and models of cars
t 01752 898632 f 01752898659 W Strashleigh View, Lee Mill Industrial Estate, Nr. Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9GS
Open: Mon - Sat 8.30-5.30 - Sun 10.30-2.00 (Sun car sales only)
Every car that passes through our doors receives a complementary wash and vac
3 Comfortable bedrooms available all year round, with stunning views overlooking Dartmoor and surrounding countryside. Dane & Hilary Vanstone St. Ann’s Chapel, Kingsbridge, TQ& 4HQ T: 01548 810308
01548 830250 OR 07925306853
Social Membership only £15 for 2016 Our new Caterers Gerald & Steve joined us at the start of the year, having helped us through the festive season with major events. Why not try their Sunday roast dinners available every week at £9.50 for one course, £12 for two courses. Call 01548 810557 option 3 to make your reservation (booking essential). The restaurant is also open daily for lunch, with a choice of something light or a meal. Details of opening times for the restaurant can be found on our website
January/February 2016 Scarily, this January I was able to look back at the January 2015 Weekend Wendie. This means we have been in Bigbury nearly 2 years! I can’t quite believe that but there it is. I’m still here and there have been no complaints (that Rose is prepared to tell me anyway) so I’m still doing this! It was funny to look back on my new years’ resolutions for 2015. I can also proudly say that I did learn to tap dance (after a fashion!) although the imaginary dog walking rather fell by the wayside! 2016 is the year I hope to become Dr Weekend Wendie PhD and a published picture book author to boot. Two lifelong ambitions which I hope to be looking back on in January 2017 and seeing fulfilled as per the tap dancing. The Weekend family had a lovely Christmas and New Year in Bigbury despite the best efforts of the weather which turned out to be rather less crisp days and bright blue clear skies and rather more horizontal rain and 60mph winds. It was exciting to watch some big waves (from indoors with a hot chocolate) although it made preparations for carols on the green rather interesting, requiring as it did four people to hold down the gazebo while it was lashed securely to anything remotely solid in the hope that it would still be there come the evening. However, come 6pm on Christmas Eve we were pleased to experience what I can only describe as the ‘Bigbury Miracle’ when the hail and rain stopped (for what felt like the first time since Halloween) and the wind died down to a positive zephyr at only 20-30mph. It stayed away long enough for the good residents of Bigbury, Bigbury-on-Sea and St Anns Chapel et al to belt out a few carols and wish everyone a happy Christmas. The clouds even parted to reveal a bright clear moon allowing everyone to get home or to the pub before the weather closed in again. Massive thanks must go to Dane and Hilary for all their organisation and providing the mulled wine and mince pies and everyone else who contributed their muscles, voice or musicianship on the day. I had thought we were lucky to experience this miracle break in the weather on one occasion but, blow me down, if it didn’t happen again on New Years’ Eve. Again the wind died down and the rain stopped just in time to watch the fireworks and raise a glass of bubbly to our friends and neighbours. Standing outside with William and Weenie Weekend hearing everyone call Happy New Year to each other whilst watching the fireworks from Burgh Island was a really special moment. I am about to brave another girls weekend in Bigbury. Regular readers will know that this is where I started in July 2014. Ground rules have been laid (in the nicest possible way!). We’re going to squeeze in a panto visit too and I know a good time will be had by all…. Oh yes it will… I’ll let you know (-;
Much love WW (-:
BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Bringing the Community Together
Since the last edition of Bigbury News, we’ve had two really successful events at the Hall. In December, Richard and Alice Taylor staged the latest in their twice yearly series of Wine Tasting Evenings. There were thirty people present, which is about the maximum that this event can accommodate, and they were treated to eight exceptional wines, plus delicious nibbles. Many thanks to Richard and Alice and also Dane and Hillary at Holywell Stores. The New Year opened in fine style with our annual Quiz Night. Ten teams of six battled it out for the honour of taking the first prize. Thanks go to Robbie and Terry for presenting the quiz and, again, to Holywell Stores for supplying the pasties and wine. Our next event is poet and comic Matt Harvey, who brings his one man show “Wondermentalist” to the Hall on Friday 12th February. This comically infused, poetically enhanced interactive poetry cabaret was recently performed by him at the Edinburgh Festival and on Radio 4. Check out his website Tickets are £8 from Holywell Stores. See poster in this issue. BYO drink and glasses. Make a note of two other events are due in March and April. On March 16 th we’re staging the latest in our series of Film and Food Nights. On April 15th there is a Villages in Action event – Spilt Milk. Details of both of these will appear in next month’s Bigbury News. It’s a great pleasure to announce that the Bigbury Youth Club has restarted. This takes place every Tuesday between 5.30 and 7.30 p.m. and ages 7 to 13 are all welcome. If you’re interested, please contact Louise Pitt on 07786 860440 or simply roll up on the night. Finally, if you’ve been to the Hall since the New Year you may have noticed that the inside has been freshly painted. Many thanks to Roy and his team for a great job. Charles Harrington. Tel. 810023. Email
Bigbury Memorial Hall Calendar of Events February 2016 Day & Time
Contact name
Body Boost
*Jill Gubbins
10.30 – 11.30
*Jill Gubbins
19.00 – 20.15
Fi Baker
17.30 - 19.30
Youth Club
Louise Pitt
Wed. 9.30 – 11.45 Shrimps
South Hams
Kylie Worden
07845 280734
9.15 – 10.00
Body Conditioning
*Jill Gubbins
10.05 – 11.05
*Jill Gubbins
11.15 – 12.00
Strong & Steady
*Jill Gubbins
9.30 – 10.15
Tel. no
(plus tea & chat) * NO CLASSES between 22nd Feb and 4th March Fri. 12th February: 7.30pm Matt Harvey Poet and comedian. Tickets £8. See poster in this issue. Future Events: Wed. 16th March: Film Night – The Imitation Game. Details in March’s Bigbury News. Friday 16th April: Spilt Milk - a Villages in Action event; Further details in March’s Bigbury News. 50:100 Club (Promoted by Dane Vanstone). The next draw for the 50:100 Club will take place at the Matt Harvey evening on February 12th. Tickets (£6 for the 6 monthly draws) are available from Holywell Stores. Buy now for your chance to win. 50% of the money goes in prizes and 50% to the Memorial Hall. Lucky winners for January were Jill Gubbins (£15) and Sheila Mathieson (£7).
Community Cars / Fare Car. We have continued to look at options for a possible reinstatement of a Fare Car from the Charterlands area and had a useful meeting in December with Councillor Hosking. Details are still to be confirmed as we await possible taxi companies. However I can confirm what we are looking at putting into place. It would be a once a week Fare Car on a Wednesday arriving in Kingsbridge at 10.30 and returning at 12.30 (timings subject to confirmation). The fare would be as previously at £2.80 per single journey with the National Bus Pass not valid, no reduction for children or other categories except children under five travelling free. There would be no change to the other Fare Car, F7 The reinstated service would be subject to assessment based on the “less that daily” service criterion of £6.00 subsidy per passenger trip as per all our contracted services. There is no automatic time limit on the reinstatement period but this service would be subject to the same possible future budget scenarios or issues which may then necessitate a review of services. Based on the previous consultation and service reductions those not meeting the subsidy per passenger trip could be vulnerable. With reference to the possible voluntary/community transport options these are still being pursued and I hope will compliment the reinstated F17. Once we have confirmation of the operator in the New Year we can look at start dates and how we publicise the service. Damien Jones, Head of the Transport Co-ordination Service, Devon County Council.
Latest News By Liz Playle
The first few months of 2016 look very exciting for Kingsbridge U3A members! Speakers for the first 2 months are as follows:Friday Feb 26th
Clare Densley – “Mad about Bees” Clare has been a beekeeper since 1992, and currently works at Buckfast Abbey, where she is a Course Tutor. She modestly states “I don’t claim to be any sort of expert on bees, but they are a bit of an obsession for me!” Fortunately she is happy to share her obsession with us!
Friday March 18th (Note change of date from our usual 4th Friday due to Good Friday on 25th)
Stewart H Henchy – “A Snapshot of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew” Stewart began his long career at Kew as a student gardener. Fast forwarding 40 years, he became Assistant Curator/ Manager of the Services, Temperate and Hardy Display Sections, before retiring in 2012 to work as an International Consultant. He is the man who knows what it takes to run and care for large public display glasshouses such as the world famous Palm and Temperate houses we all know and love at Kew.
Regarding U3A Trips in the first half of 2016, Tony Westlake is planning for:
A Skittles evening at the Fisherman’s Rest, Aveton Gifford, on Jan 19th A walking tour of the historic city of Exeter on Feb 2nd A (proposed) trip to Torre Abbey on March 1st; Newton Abbot Races in the afternoon of April 5th; The Lost Gardens of Heligan on May 3rd by coach
Watch this space!! What choice and what fun!! More details and information on the meetings, trips and all the 30 odd groups can be found on the Kingsbridge Estuary U3A website kingsbridgeestuary Contacts:Membership Sec: Judy Tyler, 01548 842217 Secretary: Sylvia Griffin,, 01548 856956 Visits Organiser: Tony Westlake,, 01548 531562 Groups Organiser: Anthea McWatt, 01548581399 Parish Magazines contact: Liz Playle, 07859391791 Website:
A warm hello from all of the team here at The Oyster Shack, we hope you are all well and have had a fabulous start to 2016. We’re super excited to be opening our doors again on Wednesday 3rd February and we’re feeling fresher than ever! Chris, Joe, Andy, Carmen and the team have been busy putting their heads together to come up with some fantastic offers and events for 2016 that we can’t wait to tell you about. Shack Set Menu 2 courses £14 | 3 courses £16. Join us for this magnificent menu featuring a whole host of tasty treats. Available 7 days a week for lunch and dinner until 27th May. Excludes bank holidays and Easter holidays 19/03/16 – 17/04/16. Pancakes on us! Stop by between 2 & 6pm on Tuesday 9th February for a classic lemon and sugar pancake on us, we’d love to see you Treat a loved one this Valentine’s Day. Indulge in a romantic seafood sharing menu or choose from an abundance of dishes on our a la carte menu. 13th & 14th February. Steak & Lobster £17! Relish in the very best of land and sea with a mouth watering rump steak, half lobster tail, grilled tomatoes, garlic butter and fries for £17. Available seven days a week from 22nd February until 19th March. Master Class Cookery Demonstrations, the perfect event for any food lover, culinary enthusiast or someone who wants to develop their skills in the kitchen. Spend an evening with our head chef and discover the trade secrets. Wednesday 25th February | 6pm | Everything you need to know for preparing a range of whole fish from scratch. Wednesday 9th March | 6pm | Join pastry chef Charlotte as she shares her secrets on creating some of the finest desserts and pastries. Each evening includes tasters and nibbles, a welcome drink and two course meal for £40 per person. Visit our website or follow us on social media for more dates soon to be announced. Gift vouchers available. We hope to see you at The Shack soon, warming your cockles by our roaring fire and taking advantage of some of our offers and events. Love Chris & the crew Facebook: The Oyster Shack Bigbury Instagram @theoystershack
Twitter @theoystershack
01548 810876 | | Opening times: Monday – Saturday 12-3pm / 6-9pm Sundays 12-3pm
On Wednesday the 2nd of December the Korniloff Coffee Morning raised a magnificent sum of £825 for St. Lawrence's tower and bell restoration fund. Thank you to everybody who came and supported us so generously. Many thanks to all those people who made the lovely festive goodies and manned the stalls. There was a wonderful selection of goods, festive feel and atmosphere. During the year we have raised a total of £2,639 for mainly local charities. Each month there is a loyal band of regular supporters and Yvonne and I would like to invite you to a ‘THANK YOU TEA’ at the Korniloff on WEDNESDAY 3RD FEBRUARY at 2.30pm for a chat and quiz with the residents. We would like to give our grateful thanks to Gina and Gordon, their staff, who are so helpful, and of course, the residents of Korniloff for welcoming us into their lovely home and for their continuing support.
The Bigbury Bookworms had an pleasant afternoon when we met at Jo's house for our monthly meeting. We discussed our Christmas reading which was The Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler which was an excellent, gentle read about an American Family and, as usual, this author's description of family life was brilliant and we all enjoyed it. Two slightly more challenging books were chosen for our future reading - Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese and The Martian by Andy Weir. Our next Meeting will be on February 3rd at Lynn’s house.
Seichem Reiki Reconnective Bengsten Method
My house or at yours Contact: Beth 01548 810385 22
(I think the jury’s still out on that!) The January meeting took place in Jo Dudmesh’s lovely cottage snuggled round a lovely roaring log fire. Present were Pat Holness, Hazel Osborne, Rose van der Heiden, Jo (of course) Lynn Hiscock, Jean Wright, Rose Owen and me (Pam). Firstly, we discussed whether we should be called Bigbury Girls or Bigbury Ladies – an alternative (rude) suggestion was turned down flat!!! The decision was on Bigbury Ladies. Then a discussion took place with suggestions for the meetings in 2016 and the following were put forward – a return visit to Pierre Bistro in King William Yard; Plymouth Museum; Sharpham Vinery in June; a river trip to Calstock; Tavistock Market, Exeter, Morwellham Quay, perhaps a visit to a Kats production if there is a matinee, and to (hopefully, with Helen’s approval), a tea party at Helen’s in August. Some present had brought along a poem with them – either one they had composed, or a favourite one. Pat had composed a poem about whether we should be called Bigbury Girls or Bigbury Ladies which we hope will be able to be included in Feburary’s Bigbury News. Jo read out one bout Miss Beamish, Rose (O) read out a favourite poem of hers by Martin Armstrong, Jean read one called A Little Bit of Devon (which she did in real Devon accent and was all so true), and Hazel read out a lovely one called “When I get older”. Jo had compiled a quiz on trees which she left for us to do while she made tea – I think we were all meant to do it individually – if so, I can only say there was a certain amount of cheating going on.!!! Jean had brought along one of her very delicious cakes – a Lemon Drizzle Cake, and Pat and Jo had brought us some gorgeous flapjacks and Florentines. Any New Year resolutions were quickly dispelled as far as diets were concerned because I think we gobbled the lot up. It was decided to visit Plymouth Museum on 17 February and Lynn is organising this trip. If you are interested please contact Lynn on 810 635. Pam Trundle Ode to the Bigbury Girls! It’s not the Women’s Institute From such things we are freed. We don’t have long and boring talks We don’t wear Harris Tweed.
Quite a few titles bandied round Add to them, please feel free We’re none of us young women We Girls of Bigbury
We’ve no committee meetings Or Jerusalem to sing, But what to call this group of gals Now that’s the tricky thing!
But young at heart is what we are Although we’re mums and grans. We love our neighbour even if We hate new building plans!
So Bigbury Girls! Is that our name? Let’s brave it out, no hidin’ A rose by any other name? (Well that would be Van Heiden!)
Bigbury History Society More than thirty (mainly) locals, our biggest turnout in years, braved the wind and rain on 8th December - and they were well rewarded with a talk from our very own Norman Botton on “Bigbury during the First World War”. Dare I say it, but with due respect to others on the Society’s Committee, Oxford educated cricketer and ex History teacher Norman has more subject knowledge than the rest of us combined, and this was clearly demonstrated during his very professional presentation. The War Memorial just inside the churchyard gates (see photo insert) formed the backdrop to the talk, in which each of the eleven who had died or were killed in action were remembered – where they lived, their occupation and their service record. Norman explained that 55 local men enlisted (from a total village population of around 350 at the time), part of the three quarters of a million of their countrymen who signed up during the first few months of the war in 1914. Norman acknowledged the support from local history expert Roger Grimley and a wide variety of other resources for specific data, which he overlayed onto his own significant insight of the War, to provide a long lasting impression on a spellbound audience. It is impossible within this short report to select particular episodes from the hard times suffered not only by the soldiers and sailors, but by the Bigbury community they left behind. Perhaps two overriding points we were left with were, firstly that some of the deaths were not in Western Europe, but in Africa and the Middle East – where conflict still exists. Secondly the inordinate time it took for communications to reach home – so unlike the real-time front line reports we are now used to getting. Interestingly Norman pointed out that Bigbury had one of the first memorials in the county to be erected – a proud distinction for some of our parishioners now long gone. Peter Cook Our next talk (for your diary) is on the history of Devon’s Castles by Roger Hesketh, in the Memorial Hall at 7.30pm, on Wednesday 17th February.
Bigbury History Society Annual General Meeting 7.15 p.m. 24th February 2016 at Bigbury Memorial Hall AGENDA 1. Minutes of previous meeting 15
February 2015
2. Chairman’s Report 3. Treasurer’s Report 4. Election of Officers Present Committee – Charles Harrington (Chair) Peter Cook (Secretary) Alan Best (Treasurer) Mike Baker Norman Botton All of the above are standing for re-election. Nominations for additional Committee members. 5. AOB Charles Harrington – Chair of Committee.
Entrance Charge is only £2-50 Tea/coffee and biscuits are included.
The latest information from PCSO Warren Palmer is shown below. I never quite know what the format will be until it arrives so I will submit the following from his original so that you can digest it at your leisure. The first message has given us the types of crimes in a comparable format over a two year period. The second is a more general view of crimes over the surrounding area. 1.
2. Crimes in my areas from 1st December 2015 to 19th January 2016-01-20 MODBURY
I have received nothing from Bigbury Residents so will go directly to the usual scams which of course are a continual problem. 1. Recently we have had an increase in rural crime, particularly in the South Hams area and especially the thefts of 4x4 vehicles. There has also been an increase in other thefts i.e. power tools, quads, sheep hurdles. Areas hit to date are Bittaford, Yealmpton, Kingsbridge, Plympton, Buckfastleigh, Widecombe In The Moor, C a l l i n g t o n a n d I v y b r i d g e . P l e a s e . .ma large sum of money from her bank account which she did and later a female called and collected this money. We would urge people to be aware of this scam and not to go along with it. Please note that
police officers will never ask you for your bank details or ask you to send money to them. The Police would not phone members of the public in this way and we would ask anyone who is contacted by these people to phone the police and report it straight away on 101. 3. Residents are receiving phone calls from abroad, in particular, India, reference the owners computers needing urgent repair and that they need to accept software on their computer called Team Viewer which gives the caller remote access to control the computer. They are targeting elderly residents and requesting bank transfers in the region of £9500 to fix the problem and only when the money has been transferred. Local banks have stated that the fraudsters are aware that anything under £10,000 will not be raised as an issue by the bank. The callers purport to be calling from Micro Tech in India using the name of John or Michael WATSON or Windows Technical Support using the name of Frederick calling on number 0208 2621858. Please be aware of such calls, do not enter into any transactions or provide any personal details. Not wishing to bore anybody but let me again stress the message from the Police on these matters. If something seems too good to be true then it probably isn't. Secondly always ask questions of the caller and even then ask them to ring back when you've checked the content of the conversation etc. You probably will not hear from them again. Anthony Singleton
The Ruminations of Resident Ronnie Weekend Wendy is making such a jolly contribution to the Newsletter, I thought the odd thought of a full-time resident might be of interest. To warm up and test the waters, I thought I’d start with a couple of jokes from another long-time resident, my friend George, who told me them while we were trying to pay for our goods at the supermarket checkout: George: What film did Hitchcock make here, after two modifications to the planning application? I: I don’t know: What film did Hitchock make here, after two modifications to the planning application? George: Rear, side and front windows! I: Very funny. Start unloading your groceries George: I’m not finished. Ask me how long the filming took? I: With all those windows for the James Stewart character to look out of, I wouldn’t have thought very long. George: Wrong! A long time – there was no-one for him to watch except Christmas, Easter and three weeks in Summer! I should say I do find George’s humour a little debatable at times, but if they bring a smile to the reader’s face, perhaps these so-called jokes are worth repeating.
December 2015 Despite it being a mild winter, the December storms washed up large amounts of rubbish onto our beaches. We would like to thank all the volunteers for their effort and time in helping keep these beaches clean. The removal and appropriate disposal of litter in these quantities costs the Trust £1000’s which is money that could be better spent elsewhere. Our Tuesday volunteers have now finished the hedge laying and clearance down Smugglers Lane for this year. It has opened up the view of the sea. This form of management rejuvenates the hedge and requires minimal maintenance for roughly seven years, when the laying cycle starts again. The Ringmore orchard volunteers will be tackling the deer damage to the trees in the orchard by installing tree guards to discourage the deer grazing. Bark is part of the deer’s diet and can affect the woodland composition as well as shrub species and if the grazing is not stopped it can cause irreparable damage and the tree dies. At Scobbiscombe Farm, Kinston there are upcoming plans for new fencing around Ben’s Wood perimeter to prevent livestock venturing in to the woodland and destroying the understory species and ground flora. Bens wood can be seen from the Coast Path and permissive footpath around Scobbiscombe Farm. For our next event; we will be meeting at East Soar Car Park near Marlborough on Tuesday 16th February at 10am, until 3pm. We will be cutting back young tree stems as part of the woodland management method known as coppicing at Tor Woods near the Overbecks property, a 20 minute walk from the East Soar Car Park. Everyone is welcome and there is the chance to meet the Rangers and other volunteers. Please bring sturdy footwear, waterproofs and a packed lunch. Refreshments will be provided and no previous experience is needed, just come along and have some fun. On Friday 19th February there will be a RAMM walk with the Ranger event at Wembury beach at 11am until 1pm. We will be admiring the views and wildlife around Wembury Point as shown by the webcam in the RAMM Exeter. Everyone is welcome to come and experience the beautiful South Devon coastline. Waterproofs are recommended. January 2016 Firstly we would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. If you fancy trying something new in 2016 why not come out and volunteer on Sunday 10th January with Ranger Lorna Sherriff at Wembury Point and have a go at Scrub cutting using hand tools and burning the cut scrub on a bonfire. This work helps us manage the area and allows the maritime grassland to flourish increasing the diversity of the both flora and fauna on the site. The session is free and starts at 10am meeting in Wembury Point car park and finishes at 3pm. Wear suitable footwear and clothing for the weather, bring some gardening gloves if you have any and a packed lunch. So I know numbers attending please call 01752 346585 to book. Thank you to all the people who help keep Ayrmer Cove beach litter free, doing a bit of litter picking every time they walk the area. Your help is very much appreciated. Also thank you to our volunteers who help manage the orchard in Ringmore woods. The orchard has come on leaps and bounds this last year and thanks must go out to our volunteer orchard coordinator John Reynolds. We hope to make more progress on the orchard next year and hopefully start producing some juice from the apple harvest. Ranger Marc Hoskins who has been with this team 6 years has now left the Trust and has started up his own countryside contractor business. We wish him all the best with his venture. Please stop and have a chat to the team if you see us out working or if you have any comments about the work of the National Trust. For further information please call Lorna Sherriff on 01548 562344 or email Lorna Sherriff Area Ranger Follow us on Twitter: @NTSouthDevon and Facebook: National Trust South Devon