Bigbury News July/August 2016

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The site for great holidays in a great community; now gives the accommodation, holiday activities, many useful links and maps.

Now features community events and dates. Send any ideas for the site to

Front Cover by Carol Pink 2

What’s on and Dates for your Diary


Editors Page News, Views & letters


Church Service times for Bigbury, Kingston and Ringmore


Message from the Minister from Joyce Howitt


Parish Council Notes from the Parish Council monthly meeting

Where’s Alfie ??

Your handy pull-out Guide to Local Business

He’s hiding somewhere in the pages!! 15

Musings from Weekend Wendy


Bigbury Memorial Hall Reports and Diary of events


National Trust report from Lorna Sherriff


News from all your Regular Social Meetings


The 19th Hole A report from Bigbury Golf Club

Bigbury News is published monthly at Lucerne Ringmore Drive Bigbury-on-Sea Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 4AU Tel: 01548 810815 email: Editor - Rose Owen Treasurer - Margaret Hawes, Blue Waters, Marine Drive, BoS, TQ7 4AS - Tel: 01548 810640 All contributions and requests for advertising to the Editor Bigbury News is a voluntary run publication which is supported by donations from readers, advertising rates and a grant from the Parish Council DISCLAIMER - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure adverts and articles appear correctly, Bigbury News cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly

Dates for your Diary July:

6th 6th 6th 8th 13th 13th 14th 20th 31st

Korniloff Coffee Morning - (Supp. South Hams Shrimps - 10.30 till noon Bigbury Bookworms at Jo’s Bigbury Memorial Hall AGM — Bigbury Memorial Hall at 7.00pm Summer Wine Tasting - Memorial Hall at 7.00pm Parish Council Meeting - Bigbury Memorial Hall at 7.30pm A Victorian Tea Party - the Old Rectory at 3pm (see p.21) Broadband in the Community Meeting Memorial Hall art 7.30pm (see p.9) Bigbury Ladies - Visiting Buckfast Abby (see p.20) GARDEN PRODUCE SHOW (see p.18)

August: 3rd 10th

Korniloff Coffee Morning - (Supporting St. Luke’s Hospice) 10.30 - noon St. Lawrence’s Church Annual Fete - Bigbury Memorial Hall at 2pm (seep.24)

Kingsbridge Amateur Theatrical Society (KATS) presents Tons of Money, a comedy, by Will Evans and Arthur Valentine revised by Alan Ayckbourn. Featuring a stellar KATS cast, Tons of Money runs from 14 -17 September 2016 7.30pm at Malborough Village Hall. Tickets will be available from early August at Kingsbridge Information Centre and online at



The week-end of the royal celebrations appeared to be a great success, in addition to the notes of thanks on pages 10 to 13 I would like to add my own thanks to EVERYONE who helped in any small part to make it all such a success and especially to the team who are conducting the Neighbourhood Plan, my word! You’re all working so hard to make sure this important document truly reflects how we want to make our community fit for future generations.


Remember - this YOUR parish magazine so if any of you have any news, views or interesting articles that you would like to share, please send them to me at the Bigbury Either drop them into me at Lucerne, Bigbury on Sea or hand them into Holywell Stores or phone me on 01548 810815 or email: You can now find each months issue at

in ‘The Community’ section and also on the Bigbury Community website in the documents CHURCH/MEMORIAL HALL BAZAAR – HUGE THANKS! Heartfelt thanks to all who gave time, effort, and goodies of every kind for the annual May Bank Holiday Bazaar. We were delighted to raise £658-00, and even more delighted when the lovely folk from the Memorial Hall committee said that the church could have all the money to put towards the tower and bell fund. We were very grateful, as always, to all who manned the stalls and did all the hard graft; and to those who donated items for the stalls; and very especially to those very generous local businesses and individuals who gave prizes for the raffle; and of course to everyone who came along to support the event - you are all truly wonderful, made of the stuff that makes the world go around and communities thrive.

ST LAWRENCE CHURCH FETE - WEDNESDAY AUGUST 10TH The Annual Church Fete is being held on Wednesday August 10th and it is hoped that everyone will support this annual event. There will be snack lunches, cream teas, all sorts of stalls and games. Help is always appreciated and if you are unable to help or support in other ways, donations would be very much welcome. We have a lot of work to do on the church and its surroundings in the coming year so please help us restore our church for future generations. (see poster on p.24)



Family Communion 3rd Sunday Worship 10th Holy Communion * 24th Sunday Worship 31st August - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Family Communion 7th Sunday Worship 14th Sunday Worship 21st July

ST. JAMES THE LESS - KINGSTON All services start at 9.30 a.m. (unless otherwise stated) Family Communion 3rd Sunday Worship 10th Evensong* (6.00 pm) 24th Holy Communion 31st August - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Family Communion 7th Sunday Worship 14th Holy Communion 21st Village Service 28th July

ALL HALLOWS - RINGMORE All services start at 9.30 a.m.


3rd Sunday Worship 10th Sunday Worship 24th Family Communion 31st Village Service August - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7th Sunday Worship 14th Holy Communion* 21st Village Service * Service in traditional language Holy Communion at the Korniloff - 2.30 pm


Tues July 19th - Tues August 16th

17th July Team Service in Modbury with Bishop of Plymouth (10.30)

Message from the Minister Joyce Howitt writes We are told that loneliness is one of the problems in our society today, for although there are so many people who seem to be rushing around doing their ‘own thing’ trying to fit in so many things into their lives, there are also others who cannot rush around, or do not have anywhere to go or things to do.

Many of these may be

feeling lonely, but because they do not say anything about it no one knows.


loneliness isn’t just confined to people who are not able to get about as it is possible to feel lonely in a group or a crowd, and loneliness can affect anyone regardless of status, wealth, public success, or bustling activity. Nothing can remove our need for contact with other people, which maybe is not surprising for, as we remember, in the book of Genesis, God said that it was not good for humans to be alone. We do need our friends,

those special people who know us as we are,


understand us, who are there for us, to share our good times and our bad times, our joys and our sorrows. However, sadly there are many people who do not have these special people there for them, nor do they come under the watchful eye of members of the caring professions and charitable organisations. These are often the people, who we think are alright, because we have assumed that they have family members and friends around them for support and companionship. Making assumptions is a part of human nature. It is something that we all do from time to time about a variety of things and situations, but sadly those assumptions are sometimes wrong. Jesus never made mistakes about people because he never assumed anything about anyone. He was interested in each person, accepting them and their situation as it was, not what he thought it might be, and as followers of Jesus we are called to follow his example. needs

This means being aware of people’s

and then thinking about how we can respond to those needs rather than

assuming that they are or will be taken care of by someone else. It is better to offer and be refused, than to ignore, for the friendship, love care and compassion we show may well be the turning point in someone’s life physically, emotionally or spiritually.



PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE NOTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING. If you wish to read the minutes in full, please look on the Bigbury Community website at or read them on the parish notice boards. A meeting of the Bigbury Parish Council was held in the Memorial Hall, St Ann’s Chapel on WEDNESDAY 8th June 2016 at 7.30pm and present were Cllr B Carson (in the chair) Cllrs. B Huntley, G Rosevear, S Smith and Clerk R Matthews. D.Cllr L Ward also attended. Five residents were present. OPEN SESSION. The following topics were raised: Broadband provision. This was not an agenda item but its importance to the community meant it was discussed. However to allow the sufficient time for discussion it was agreed to organize a separate ‘broadband’ meeting at which a DCC specialist, Mr Matt Barrow, would be in attendance. Matt would give a presentation followed by the opportunity for discussion. To ensure the highest level of attendance at this event the meeting will be scheduled in three or four weeks and will be widely publicised Broadband availability within the Memorial Hall. Cllr Carson confirmed the decision that the Parish Council wished to install and pay for broadband capability to be installed in the Memorial Hall. This would be a minimum 24 month contract and D.Cllr Ward added that this type of digital inclusion project would strengthen the case for general improvements to the broadband provision in the wider community. Seven Stones Cross sign. Mr Watts, wished to thank C.Cllr Hosking for his assistance in securing the installation of the Seven Stones Cross sign ahead of the recent Bank Holiday weekend. As C.Cllr Hosking was absent, it was agreed to write a note of thanks. St Ann’s Chapel sign. Mr Watts asked that the Parish Council contact Devon Highways in respect of the ‘missing’ St Ann’s Chapel sign. General upkeep of area. Mr Peet stated that the area around the sea front and car park was not in a good state of upkeep, with litter, dogs mess and the half completed Ice Cream Parlour on the Causeway. He added that speeding was becoming a more significant safety issue to the community. Cllr Carson thanked Mr Peet for his public spirited approach of picking up the litter and asked that photos be taken, so that a stronger case could be made to SHDC for some cleaning service. D.Cllr Ward reported that the Waste Team from SHDC are aware of issues around beach car park and litter hit squads will be operating shortly. D.Clr Ward will also be reporting dog fouling to warden. Royal Oak site. Concerns at the unsightly condition of the Royal Oak site were raised and the council agreed to contact the owners. Mrs Trundle expressed concerns that Royal Mail had removed another post box from Bigbury-on-Sea and that the remaining box was in an unsafe location. It was agreed to take this matter up with Royal Mail. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: C.CLLR Hosking was absent from the meeting but had advised the Parish Clerk that Yealmpton Division has a £23k share of the


DISTRICT COUNCILOR’S REPORT: D.Cllr Ward gave an overview of the South Hams economy which will also be shared with the Neighbourhood Plan group and copied to the Parish Council. This will uploaded to the Bigbury Community website. PLANNING APPLICATIONS. The following were discussed: a. 1212/16/HHO Mr & Mrs Byrne, Fairwinds, 1 Devonshire Court, Bigbury-on-Sea. Alteration to dwelling and external terrace/patio area. Parish Council Decision – Unanimous - Support unconditionally. b. 1352/16/FUL Mr & Mrs Hutchinson, Knighton Combe, Combe Cross to Boarshead and Beyond, Aveton Gifford. Agricultural livestock building. Parish Council Decision – Unanimous – Support unconditionally. c. 1433/16/VAR. Mrs Chioccola, Westridge, Warren Road, Bigbury-on-Sea. Removal of condition previously applied Parish Council decision – Unanimous – Support unconditionally. The Parish Clerk also advised Members that a resubmission of the Seascape redevelopment was shortly to be published. The agent had provided drawings of the revised plans and these had been shared with the Councillors. 9.0

FINANCE: The Parish Clerk advised that an internal audit had been undertaken ahead of publishing the Parish accounts for 2015/2016. This showed full compliance for the past year in respect of governance and accounting practice.


HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY:The policy document had been updated and was circulated to the Councillors to review. It is expected this will approved and adopted as a ‘live’ Parish document in July 2016. TREE WARDEN: Councillor Carson proposed that Trish Bagley be appointed as Tree Warden. This was seconded by Councillor Huntley. A meeting was to be arranged with the appropriate person at SHDC.



BIGBURY-on-SEA LAY BY: The Council acknowledged the need to make better use of this facility and having discounted any option that related to use by vehicles, it was agreed to fully explore the option of fencing off the area and positioning seating where members of the public could enjoy the views over the bay and out to sea.


HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN’S 90th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS. Cllr Huntley updated the meeting on the events that would take place over the following weekend. This had been well publicised in the Bigbury News. Cllr Carson confirmed that the Parish Council had allocated funds up to £500 to support the event, including meeting the cost of the pig (Pig Roast). CORRESPONDENCE:


RNLI have submitted a proposal to relocate their operations hut during the forthcoming summer season. The Parish Council supported this but requested this be temporary and its success be reviewed at the end of the season. RNLI would be asked to discuss with Council before the start of the 2017 summer season. The Armed Forces recruitment office had requested permission to place an Army recruitment trailer in the main car park on Weds 15th June and 5th July 2016. The Council agreed to this request. Graham Cridland, Partner Ashfords LLP asked permission for the Burgh Island swim on 21st July 2016. The Council agreed subject to all other agencies being contacted.

PARISH CLERK. Richard Matthews, 10 Lower Brook Park, Ivybridge, Devon, PL21 9TZ;


MOBILE LIBRARY Our librarian is Steve and he will be at:BoS - Cleveland Drive

12.40 –

1.25 p.m.

2.00 –

2.30 p.m.

Ringmore Church

11.50 –

12.20 a.m.

Kingston Fire Station

11.00 –

11.40 a.m.

Bigbury Green



July 12 ,


August 9 ,

Sept 6th,

October 4th, Nov 1st & 29th

PLEASE use our mobile library. We are very lucky to have the service and don’t want to lose it through lack of support. DCC have made many cuts and libraries are one of them. We must retain this service so please use it. Some people are under the misconception you can only keep books a month – but Steve is very good, we do not have to pay fines.



PRESENT: Valerie Scott (Chairman), Gubbins, Hazel Osborne.

Jo Simes,

Beth Huntley, Grant Peet, Jill

APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from Jean Wright, Simon Bronstein, Chris Franklin MINUTES: The Minutes of the last meeting, having been circulated to all present, were accepted as correct. There followed a discussion on Broadband Speeds – the Parish Council have it in hand. HERITAGE ASSESSMENT. Val has contacted 3 people and has received 1 definite quote. RESULTS OF COMMUNITY EVENTS FOR THE QUEEN’S 90TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS ON 11/12 JUNE The events were very successful and at the cream tea in the memorial Hall on 11 th at the Hog Roast at the Farm on 12th, Boards were erected and people invited to give their views, ideas and complaints about the future of the villages on post-it notes. 273 notes were posted (with more to come) The post-it notes were separated into the following headings; Environment, Ecology, Transport, Community Facilities, Infrastructure, Heritage, Housing, Employment and Recreation/Leisure. The 6 people present spent the rest of the meeting sorting out the comments and noting the salient points. Hazel agreed to take them home and try and summarise them.


BROADBAND in the COMMUNITY Broadband access at acceptable speeds is an issue across the Bigbury community. AND Today’s situation is unacceptable!

Take this opportunity to be involved by attending a meeting at


Mr Matt Barrow, Stakeholder Engagement Officer connecting Devon and Somerset and Shaun Dale of the BT Group have kindly agreed to meet members of the community and share their detailed understanding of this topic. They are also willing to listen to the views of the community and take part in meaningful and positive discussions as to how this service can be improved.



The Bigbury Parish Council would like to thank these people for all their hard work and dedication in celebrating the Queens' 90th Birthday which was honoured throughout the weekend of 11/12 June 2016. On the Saturday from 11:30, coffee and cake followed by tea and scones at the Memorial Hall was attended by 50 people. Jean Wright excelled herself by cooking the most delicious cake mimicking the one cooked for Her Majesty by the winner of the TV series Bake Off, but with additional flavours of lemon and orange drizzle, fruitcake and a wonderful chocolate cake. Jean also provided the bunting and tablecloths to decorate the hall. Thank you Jean. Gill Peet cooked a wonderful coffee and walnut cake and biscuits, Sally Watts baked oat biscuits that disappeared immediately. Angie and Bryan Carson provided support throughout the whole weekend, Angela from Blooming Lovely gave us all the flowers that graced the tables, thank you Angela - very lovely. Sally Edwards Pratt organised the Queenly Quiz that ran throughout the proceedings and the winner was Ann White from Challaborough with an impressive 20/22. Second was George Rosevear from Bigbury with 17/22 and third was Iris McSherry and Pat Chadwick from Bigbury on Sea with 15/22. Well done all winners. A pleasing geographical distribution of Royal knowledge across our parish! Thank you Sally for creating and managing it. Mike Smith and his wife from the Venus Cafe at Bigbury on Sea arrived with crates of 100 huge scones, buckets of organic Strawberry and Orange jam and gave them to the community in a much appreciated generous gesture. The kitchen at the hall filled with the delicious aroma of freshly baked scones, and floury lips and yummy sighs were detected throughout the afternoon as we all tucked into scrumptious real live Devon cream teas.


Craig and Leah Worthington, freshly established at the Dolphin Inn at Kingston,

George Rosevear had miraculously elicited clotted cream, jam and scones from our local suppliers. Langage Farm kindly gave us thick clotted cream at cost which was much appreciated by the local hungries. Dane and Hilary from Holywell Stores provided all the other edibles and made available the History Society's projector which Alan Best set up to run the Queenly Quiz. Val Scott, Jo Simes, Hazel Osborne, Gill Gubbins, Grant Peet, Simon Bronstein and Stuart Watts were on hand to show guests how the Neighbourhood Plan works. Local folk didn't need much encouragement to write their wishes for their communities on the relevant boards, hopeful in the knowledge that in the next 12-18 months their wishes will become law! Lindsay Ward, our Charterhouse Ward Councillor visited and stayed for a long while, meeting the local folk. Families, couples and individuals came and went, made their mark, ate their fill and moved on. Thank you all for supporting this event in the memorial hall.

The evening of Saturday was sunny and mild. Alric Bennett had been collecting wooden pallets for days and he took them to Sedgewell Beach to create a fabulous fire on the sands. Thank you so much Alric. Villagers, families, old and young, gathered on the sands with their barbecues, grilled their suppers on the griddles, shared wine and conversation and the sunset beside the lapping waves.


from the Memorial Hall and installed them in the sumptuous marquee that Hatch Marquees had kindly left from the wedding on Folly Farm overlooking the estuary the day before. If ever a company wanted to advertise their product, Hatch Marquees did so on this occasion. A stunning marquee, 'glazed' at one end, with white sofas, round tables and chairs, a chequered dance floor and of course that most beautiful of all beautiful views over the estuary of the River Avon, on John and Jane Tuckers land. Thanks to Lynn and Jenny from Turtle Farm for the loan of your hay bales for outside seating. 130 local folk arrived to enjoy the sun and the sea, the company of friends and neighbours and the warm hospitality of John and Jane Tucker. A hog was roasted to perfection by our friendly farmer with apple sauce and bread rolls donated by Parkdean, Challaborough. The best pork in Devon was the vote of the day! Family picnics, Union Jack tablecloths, cardboard cut outs of Her Majesty added to yet more cream teas, yet more cake, a delightful musical accompaniment from John from Kingston, kindly invited by John Tucker and Craig Worthington. Sun, sea, food, drink and neighbourliness was the order of the weekend. Thank you to all who gave, thank you to all who enjoyed, and thank you to the Parish Council and its many

HER MAJESTY’S 90th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS 11th/12th JUNE Beth has written a very nice letter of thanks but I would just like to add my own congratulations and thanks to all those who put so much time and effort into making this a weekend to remember. An enormous amount of work went into organizing the events at the Memorial Hall and beach on Saturday, and at Folly Farm on Sunday by kind permission of the Tucker family. Members of the Parish Council, especially Beth Huntley, assisted by many other good folk, made it all happen, with generous donations of food from Mike Smith at the Venus Café, Langage Farm, Craig at the Dolphin, Parkdean at Challaborough, and John Tucker. And then there was the wonderful replica of that cake so beautifully and deliciously made by Jean Wright, who, thanks to everyone’s generosity, collected £300.00 towards the Church tower and bell fund On both days representatives from the Neighbourhood Plan committee, led by Val Scott, worked hard to raise the profile of, and get your views on this important project. Essentially they will be creating a document regarding the community’s preferences for all things regarding the future of the Parish of Bigbury, so it is hugely important that as many people as possible fill in the questionnaire when it comes out in the near future.


Congratulations again to all concerned!

Sea View Cottage Bigbury Village As a child of the village I would just like to say how marvellous the parish celebrations were for the Queens 90th birthday. The coffee and biscuit morning and cream tea on Saturday at the Memorial Hall had a real feel of a community getting together. Followed by a good bonfire on the beach in the evening, the embers were fantastic – just a pity Health and Safety wouldn’t allow us to cook on it! Thank you Alric for building it! On Sunday I then attended a lovely church service where we were reminded of the Queen’s faithfulness, strength and adaptability; not many of Her subjects can proclaim all these wonderful qualities in life. Then out to Folly Farm to eat up the remaining cream tea and cake. The main birthday cake was a replica of the cake which Nadiya Hussain baked for the Queen on 21st April, her actual birthday. It took me 2 hours to cut up the chocolate tier, the lemon drizzle tier and orange drizzle tier!! This was followed John’s hog roast which was very succulent with crispy crackling. Musical accompaniment was by John (from Kingston) singing. The views of the mouth of the Avon and Burgh Island were awesome in the beautiful sunshine. My most grateful thanks for all the donations given which raised £300 for the bell and tower fund of St Lawrence’s church. I sincerely hope I shall hear those bells ringing again before I pop my clogs!!



We have some fantastic Jazz here on the 24th of July at 4pm, (see page opposite) everyone welcome and come and enjoy our fantastic new garden we are open throughout the summer but booking is




For a free quote on plans for your build project contact Matthew on 01761 436861 or mobile 07843 286857





8 8

Guests coming … … need extra space? Available in Bigbury for short lets of 2+ nights A delightful two-bedroom apartment (sleeps 4 / 5)

Please Contact: Angela - 078 34825738 01453 873318



Local Trustworthy couple offering a first class Management / Maintenance Service. Services Offered: Changeovers and laundry - Key Holding / Property checks Deep Clean - Window Cleaning - Garden Services

We also offer: Complete property maintenance from decorating to a new bathroom. We will liaise with local tradesmen for plumbing, heating and electrical problems. Holiday / Second Home and Residential. Contact Elaine or Andy to discuss your requirements


The Dolphin Inn Kingston Traditional 16th Century Inn Open all Day Beer Garden Cask Conditioned Ales Traditional Pub Food Lunch 12-3pm Dinner 6-9pm Cream Teas Bed and Breakfast Tel. 01548 810314

Under New Ownership Craig and Leah Worthington ( formerly of The Bay View Café) are delighted to be new Proprietors of the Dolphin Inn and look forward to welcoming you

Collection and Delivery Service with Courtesy Cars Available 

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t 01752 898632 f 01752898659 W Strashleigh View, Lee Mill Industrial Estate, Nr. Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9GS

Open: Mon - Sat 8.30-5.30 - Sun 10.30-2.00 (Sun car sales only) 

Every car that passes through our doors receives a complementary wash and vac



3 Comfortable bedrooms available all year round, with stunning views overlooking Dartmoor and surrounding countryside. Near to beaches and local facilities. Dane & Hilary Vanstone St. Ann’s Chapel, Kingsbridge, TQ& 4HQ T: 01548 810308

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Social Membership only £15 for 2016 Our new Caterers Gerald & Steve joined us at the start of the year, having helped us through the festive season with major events. Why not try their Sunday roast dinners available every week at £9.50 for one course, £12 for two courses. Call 01548 810557 option 3 to make your reservation (booking essential). The restaurant is also open daily for lunch, with a choice of 19


July 2016 It is nearly summer when the Weekend family get to decamp for some serious, prolonged Bigbury-therapy. I can’t wait! We had a little taster over half term when the weather gods smiled on us and it was like the Mediterranean. Much body-boarding, surfing and kayaking was done and the sun shone long into the evening. William Weekend was even able to play golf… and he could see the flags from the tees for the first time in ages! It might actually have been the nicest weather we have ever had in Bigbury including last summer! After the gales and lashing rain of winter and then the gales and lashing rain of spring it was lovely to get out of the car or open the front door and not be blown off our feet. We hardly recognised the place! We cashed in our Venus loyalty points and many ice -creams were eaten while watching the hard-working instructors from Discovery push boards through the tiny waves so that people could have their first tantalising taste of surfing. During half term, I think for the first time, the Weekend family really got into the Bigbury groove. It’s only taken us two years! We didn’t try to do too much. We didn’t try to go to too many places or on too many trips out. We basically stayed in Bigbury and its environs. We walked, read, played lego, did jigsaws. I enjoyed watching the dog belonging to one of the builders working on a house down the road chilling out in the sun at lunchtime. I must confess that I did drink just a little bit of Pimms (thanks, Dane, for delivering emergency lemonade). It was bliss. We properly relaxed. Weenie Weekend was able to play and go down to the shop and beach with her friends. This is one of the great mysteries (and blessings) of Bigbury. Although we are not there all the time, I would say we see our neighbours in Bigbury more than we do back in Weekville. Weenie certainly values the ease with which she can pop over to see a friend in Bigbury (it is altogether possible that her friends parents don’t value that ease quite as much as she does!) There are children who live in our road in Weekville and we know them all but it is just that people are so busy that we don’t seem to have or make time to see them as often. I think this is such a shame that I have written it into my next picture book (out in time for Christmas!... Oh no! I’ve mentioned the C-word and it’s only July!) I’ve been trying to think about who reads Bigbury News. You might be a permanent resident of Bigbury, a (whisper it) weekender like us, an occasional visitor, working here or on holiday. For all of you, I hope you are able to find in this lovely corner of Devon, a little time to relax this summer, get outdoors, connect with friends and neighbours and enjoy everything that beautiful Bigbury has to offer. Embrace the Bigbury groove. I honestly think there is nowhere better. Much love


BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Bringing the Community Together

The bazaar held jointly with St Lawrence Church on Bank Holiday Monday 30 th May was a great success. Thank you so much to everyone who helped before during and after, and for all the donations from individuals and local businesses for the raffle and stalls. Although the fine weather may have kept some families on the beach, it did enable many to sit outside the Hall for tea. The takings were £658 which was over a £100 more than last year!

The money will be put towards repair of the

Church tower and bells.

Our next event is the AGM at 7.00pm on Wednesday July 6th. The agenda was printed in last month’s Bigbury News and is also on boards around the Parish. We have had one new nomination for the committee and if anyone else would like to join, please let Charles know. Do try and come along and give us your ideas for the Hall and any future events you would like to have there.

The ever popular Summer Wine Tasting evening with Richard Taylor will take place on Friday 8th July. Places are limited, so make sure you sign up early in Holywell Stores to avoid disappointment.

At the end of July, on Sunday July 31st, we are holding our annual Garden Produce Show.

With all the recent rain, your fruit and vegetables, as well as the

weeds, should be growing well! With our theme of the Queen’s 90 th birthday, there are lots of different categories to enter so there should be something for everyone to bring to the Hall from 10.00 – 11.00 on the morning of the 31st ready for the judges. Do come along at 2.30pm after the judges have done their work to admire the exhibits and enjoy the refreshments and you can help to decide who wins one of the categories! Further details are shown elsewhere in Bigbury News.


Bigbury Memorial Hall Calendar of Events July 2016 Day & Time Mon.

9.30 – 10.15


Contact name

Tel. no

Body Boost

*Jill Gubbins


10.30 – 11.30


*Jill Gubbins


19.00 – 20.15


Fi Baker



17.30 - 19.30

Youth Club

Louise Pitt



9.30 – 11.45

South Hams Shrimps

Kylie Worden

07845 280734


9.15 – 10.00

Body Conditioning

*Jill Gubbins


10.05 – 11.05


*Jill Gubbins


11.15 – 12.00

Strong & Steady (plus tea & chat)

*Jill Gubbins


July events: AGM: 7.00pm Wednesday 6th July Summer Wine tasting; 7.00pm Friday 8th July. Sign up in Holywell Stores. Garden Produce Show: Sunday 31st July from 10.00am. More details in this, and last, month’s Bigbury News. 50:100 Club (Promoted by Dane Vanstone). Tickets (£1 for the last monthly draw of the current issue) are available from Holywell Stores. Buy now for your chance to win. 50% of the money goes in prizes and 50% to the Memorial Hall. Lucky win-

   

Seichem Reiki Reconnective Bengsten Method

My house or at yours Contact: Beth 01548 810385






Including lots of royal related categories! Sunday July 31st 2016 at the Memorial Hall Class A Fruit and Vegetables 1. Beetroot, tops trimmed to 7cms


10. Garlic corms


2. Carrot, tops trimmed to 7cms


11. Corn on the Cob


3. Courgette (any colour)


12. Tomatoes


4. Runner beans


13. Raspberries


5. Broad beans


14. Blackcurrants


6. Mange tout


15. Redcurrants


7. Cucumber


16. Gooseberries


8. Onions, trimmed and tied


17. Other vegetable of your choice 3

9. Potatoes


18. Other fruit of your choice


B Flowers (to be presented in a vase unless otherwise stated) 1. 12 sweet pea stems (any colour)

4. Royal hanging basket in red, white & blue


Three gladioli stems

5. Vase of garden flowers


One individual rose

6. Three other flowers of your choice

C Miscellaneous 1. Heaviest beetroot (trimmed to 7cms) 2. Most unusual shaped fruit or vegetable 3. Tallest sunflower (sunflower itself or a photo showing plant and height) 4. A royal crown made from any garden produce 5. A royal decorated egg (children only) 6. A cup cake with royal decoration 7. *A royal lemon drizzle cake. 8. A limerick with a royal theme *(Category C7 will be judged by public tasting when the refreshments are served.) All fresh produce must be grown in the Parish of Bigbury N.B. There will be NO entry forms at the shops but instead you will complete one when you bring your exhibits to the Hall on 31st July from 10 .00– 11.00 a.m. Only one exhibit per person in each class. Cost will be 50p per exhibit up to a maximum of £2 per person for any number of exhibits. The judges will do their work from 11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.; viewing of exhibits and refreshments (some prepared for the show competition – see C7 above) will be available from 2.30pm.




Tickets from Holywell Stores £10.00 per person

Bring your own glasses 2 each The Master

His Assistant




Society (KATS) presents Tons


Money, a comedy, by Will Evans and Arthur





Ayckbourn. Featuring a stellar KATS cast, Tons of Money runs from 14 -17 September 2016 7.30pm at Malborough Village Hall. Tickets will be available from early






Kingsbridge and



On Sunday the 5th June, with lovely weather, we saw over 100 people come along to our Open Farm Sunday event at Scobbiscombe farm Kingston. The families enjoyed seeing all the farm animals, tractors and enjoyed making mini rafts and testing them out to see if they floated on the pond. Visitors then had the opportunity to do some pond dipping to explore the world living in the water. We have two new full time volunteers started with us. Sue Ford - volunteer Community ranger and George Blake - practical Ranger volunteer. They will be with us for a 6 month placement so if you see them out on site make sure you give them a warm welcome. These volunteer roles provide brilliant work experience as well as assist our team with the vital conservation, community work and improvement works across our South Devon property. All the footpaths across the South Devon estate have now had their first cut. With the weather being warm and wet the vegetation is growing fast again. If you do walk a path which is in urgent need of cutting please do get in touch, otherwise the paths will be monitored and scheduled into our work programme for their next cut. We have several events coming up in July and August: On Saturday 23rd July join us as we celebrate the start of the summer holidays with our Family Fun on the beach event running from 10am – 3pm. This free event (car parking charges for non NT members) is inspired by '50 things to do before you're 11ž,' come along and check out the crazy creatures in the rockpools (run by the Marine centre wardens), cook on a campfire, make some wild art and more. No need to book, just turn up and have fun. On Sunday July 24th at Wembury beach Ranger Lorna Sherriff is running a volunteer day where we will be tackling the vegetation growth along the edges of the stream in the meadow to ensure the water can run freely down through the stream. This 'have a go day' is free but does need to be booked on by calling 01752 346585. Thursday 4th August and 18th August come along and have some beach fun with the National Trust Rangers and the Marine Centre wardens with a rockpool ramble at Wembury Beach between 11am and 1pm. No need to book, just turn up on the day. Please stop and have a chat to the team if you see us out working or if you have any comments about the work of the National Trust. For further information please call Lorna Sherriff on 01548 562344 or email Lorna Sherriff Area Ranger


Korniloff Coffee Morning On Wednesday 1st June the Korniloff Coffee Morning raised £195 for the Hope Cove Lifeboat. Many thanks to those who came and supported us so generously and the donations received. It was particularly nice to have Graham Phillips from HCL who gave an interesting and informative talk on the training and work of the volunteers who man the lifeboat. On Wednesday 6th July we will be fundraising for our local South Hams Shrimps and look forward to seeing you there between 10.30 and noon. On Wednesday 3rd August we will be supporting St. Luke’s Hospice and hope to see you between 10.30 and noon We would like to give our grateful thanks to Gina, Gordon, their staff, who are so helpful, and of course the residents of the Korniloff for welcoming us into their lovely home and for their continuing support.

We all enjoyed our June Meeting but because everyone had not finished the 2 books chosen for the month, "Leaving time" by Judy Picoult and "The Life of A. J. Fikry" they were not


to next month.









However those who had read the books really enjoyed them.

The books chosen by Iris for our July reading are "Eleni" by Nicholas Gage and "Monsignor Quixote" by Graham Greene. The next Meeting will be held at Jo's house on July 6th.

A very Happy Birthday and many congratulations go to Doug Frazer of Bigbury on Sea on his 90th birthday, which he will be celebrating on 27th July. Sending Get Well Soon wishes to Lewis Friend on his recent stay in hospital….hope you will be feeling better and back home soon Lewis! Dolly Wilkins, resident of the Korniloff (who celebrated her 100th year recently) sadly passed away at the beginning of June. Sending condolences to her family. (If you know of any celebrations or other messages you wish to bestow on anyone do let


Bigbury Ladies Unusual for Bigbury Ladies it was such a wet day we decided to cancel our Tamar boat trip up to Calstock.


after coffee

and biscuits at Helen’s five of us set off to the National Trust house Antony at Torpoint, and, going via the ferry, we did still manage to have a short river trip! On arriving we all sat down to lunch before

embarking on a

tour of the house, which is still lived in by Tremayne Carew-Pole and his family. It really has a feel of being a family home, a living history, instead of a preserved heritage. Whilst Hazel and Iris enjoyed a cup of tea in the restaurant, Jane, Jean and Rose braved the gentle rain and walked around the beautiful

gardens; the fa-

mous collections of day lilies were just bursting into bloom. The Yew tree house is now down to only 2 or 3 fairies hiding in its

conical shaped

branches. A lovely

day was had by all. (Many thanks to Jean for driving) Next month on Wednesday 20th July, we are going to Buckfast Abby so please let Helen (810386) know if you are coming. Anyone is welcome to join us, meet at the Old Rectory at 11.00 am. August 17th - Cream Tea at the Old Rectory (please bring a suitable edible contribution)


Come and join the fun!!!


Greetings from the nineteenth Hole at Bigbury Huge congratulations go to Amy McSweeny and Paul Kingwell, who took the titles of Club Champions last weekend. Amy has now claimed the Ladies’ title for the ninth time in her golfing career and Paul now adds this title to his collection. After both competitors had played two gruelling rounds of golf each, Amy came in two shots ahead of Amanda Burchell to win her title whilst Paul came in five shots ahead of second placed Adam Keates to claim his title. For the ladies rose bowls were awarded to Amanda and to Julie Leach for the best morning and afternoon scores with Jason Holtom winning the handicap prize in the men’s championship. Well done to everyone who took part. Our captain’s were both due to hold there respective captains’ days on the weekend of the Queen’s official birthday and our lady captain Melanie Adcock certainly picked a great day for her captain’s day, after a cloudy start the clouds parted and the sun shone for the rest of the day, much better than the weather forecasters had predicted. All the ladies dressed up in different versions of the red, white and blue theme that was perfectly fitting for the Queen’s birthday, the colours continued in the club house with red, white and blue bunting and a lovely flower display by Hilary Newcombe. Scoring was excellent and there many prizes to be won. Melanie had the great pleasure of presenting her Vice Captain, Sally Errett with the Captain’s prize when she scored an impressive 38 points, which also awarded her a 2 shot drop in handicap. Splitting the competition into silver and bronze categories, Anne Browse was the winner of the silver division when she scored 36 points, with Linda Hanbury and Julie Leach in second and third places. Bronze A class was won by Yvonne Newton who recorded 39 points with Jane Kingsnorth coming second on count back, edging Pauline Deschamps into third place when they both scored 35 points, Carol Murphy won the Bronze B class on count back from Christine Greenfield when they both scored 32 points. The team prize went to Anne browse, Julie Leach and Pauline Deschamps, there were two nearest the pin prizes, Mary Wilcox won on the 15 th and Jane Kingsnorth won on the 17th, with Christine Price winning the prize for the drive nearest the line from the fourth tee. All in all a great day for Melanie and the ladies all had a lovely day. Unfortunately our Men’s Captain Denis Killen did not have Melanie’s luck and his day had to be postponed due to bad weather. With the original date for the playing of the Gerry cup being postponed from a wet Easter Monday, twelve couples turned out to pay in a foursome’s medal, a testing format for all concerned. Showing what an amicable couple they are, both on and off the course, last year’s winners Maggie and Alan Best took the title again for the fourth time in five years, a great achievement. With a score of 69.5, Maggie and Alan were 5 points ahead of the second placed couple, Julie and Robin Leach, who recorded a score of 74.5. Dot and Stan Kenneth came third having edged Keith and Pam Hollingsworth into fourth place on count back when both couples scored 76.5. Our past lady captains held their annual stableford competition and dinner on a


The Ruminations of Resident Ronnie 3: The English Waitress One of the disadvantages of being a single man is the increased risk of being buttonholed whilst you are trying to have a quiet pint. This happened to me recently when a UKIP evangelist collared me. ‘And when’ he exclaimed, jabbing his beer mug towards me, ‘were you last served by an English waitress?’ I want to reply ‘When did you last eat a piece of lettuce that wasn’t picked by some East European farm gang, paid pitiful wages and living in appalling conditions?’; but I didn’t because it wouldn’t make any difference to his certainties. George had decided that we needed a day out, breathing a mixture of fresh air in the countryside and Harold’s fumes.1 I was telling him about this conversation when he pulled over at a teahouse, prettily positioned on a cliff edge overlooking the bay. We entered, and the girl took our order for two cream teas. ‘Well’, said George, ‘it looks like we have found his English waitress.’ The café was empty, so she was not busy. We asked her how she got there. She said it was a long story but we said we had time. So she stood on the other side of our table. ‘Well’, she said, ‘I’ve always loved English Literature and knew before I took my GSEs, that that’s what I wanted to study and I wanted to study on a good course, so I would need three A’s, at least one with a star, so that’s what I did. I would miss parties, not go down the beach during the holidays, get called a ‘swot’. I remember going in to get the results and my hands were shaking so badly I could hardly open the envelope – but I had got the grades I needed and was accepted’. ‘And it was all I had dreamt of ... studying the Romantics in depth. And I was lucky with my tutor, Audrey, she made it all come alive. She told us once she would never let Shelley anywhere near her daughters!’ (She laughed with surely the same delight as when she had heard the remark the first time). ‘The trouble was that I was running up so much debt that I did some part-time bar work and worked full-time in the holidays, so my course work fell behind. Audrey got very strict with me. She insisted I concentrate flat out on my dissertation, which was on handovers of persons using free indirect speech in Jane Austen’s novels. What that means,’ she said, looking at George, ‘is, if you describe what’s going on inside somebody’s head, how to you signal to the reader when you’ve moved on to someone else’s consciousness?’ I could see that George was worried that he might get a free tutorial on the topic, most of which would go over his head. I had to supress a smile. ‘Do go on with your story’, he said hastily. ‘I’d finished the taught modules, so I thought I couldn’t make up the marks I lost, but Audrey said I might be OK due to ‘bulking’ of the firsts. She said the vice-chancellor’s management boys like about 25% of the year to get firsts, as



Editor – Harold: George’s pride and joy, an original MG

‘We undergrads all knew when the meeting was and hung around the coffee area. They eventually came out. Audrey was smartly dressed in a sort of Indian outfit. As she walked past me, she put her hand behind her back and raised her thumb…’ ‘Oh, well done’, I found myself exclaiming, happy to see that the years she could have enjoyed growing up hadn’t been wasted. ‘Yes, for a few days, I was in seventh heaven, and then I went to discuss my future with her. She asked me what I wanted to do, and I said I wanted to teach students to love and understand English Lit., but Audrey told me the university didn’t see much demand for that. It had to be my research and I had to get a Ph.D, before any department would hire me, and even then, I would be living on bits and pieces of teaching, till I established my name, and got a tenured job, which could take five or ten years or never, because there were far more PhD students than posts.’ ‘Well, I just couldn’t take that sort of risk. I’ve applied for lots of jobs in marketing and publishing, where they told me my skills would be useful; but the trouble is there are lots of students, living in London thanks to their parents paying for their accommodation, doing internships for no pay, and, of course, when the jobs come up, they are on the inside track…’ ‘So, I’ve ended up here. And I’m lucky. This place is open all the year round, except for two months in winter.’ She tried a smile, ‘I’ll keep on trying’. We wished her well – what else could we do? We walked along the edge of the beach. ‘Notice anything about her clothes?’ asked George.’ ‘Smart,’ I said ‘smart but a bit worn’. ‘Yes’ said George, ‘they’re the clothes she wore when she was a hopeful, going places, undergrad. They’ll be replaced by much cheaper stuff. She’s got a few months more to get out of here; after that, she’ll be out of date, with a fading CV; and the KP, who thinks of her as the princess his gran used to read him fairy stories about, and who worships the ground she walks on… gradually, she’ll SOUTH HAMS SOCIETY – BEACH CLEANS The next beach clean will be on Saturday, 16 July, at Yarmer Beach and Leas Foot. Why not join us? Meet up in car park of Thurlestone Golf Club at 10am. (Low Water 9.59) These are two lovely beaches ideal for a picnic/swim following the clean. Remaining beach cleans for 2016 are at: West Charleton Beach (20 Aug), Soar Mill Cove ( 17 Sep), Gara Beach (15 Oct), South Milton (Thurlestone) Sands (12 Nov), and Yarmer Beach and Leas Foot (17 Dec). For more information about the South Hams Society, visit the website at http:// or contact Vivien Napper (01548 842405/07855 383601).


St Anns Chapel | Bigbury | TQ7 4HQ It’s about time… Summer has officially arrived and we are marking this occasion by announcing the launch of our popular and most anticipated Annual Events: SUMMER BEER AND CIDER FESTIVAL – 26TH TO 28TH AUGUST Our Annual Summer Beer and Cider Festival returns this August over Bank Holiday Weekend. We will have 5 new ciders and 6 new real ales for you to try all weekend (Friday to Sunday) but the ‘Funday’ will take place on Saturday 27 th August. As well as the new ciders and ales for you to sample there will be live music during the day, a traditional Hog Roast, Bouncy Castle for the Children and (a Pickwick Inn very first) Open Mic Night in the evening. Fancy having a taster session? We are offering a special deal during the Summer Beer and Cider Festival: 6 Halves for £7.50! 3RD ANNUAL SNAIL GRAND NATIONAL – 14TH OCTOBER Slow and Steady wins the race. Our 3rd Annual Snail Grand National returns this year bigger and better than ever. Join us on Friday 14 th October to take part and stand

SENIORS LUNCHEON CLUB – EVERY MONDAY FROM 12 - 2:30PM Enjoy 2 Courses for £5 every Monday where you can enjoy something different each week, as our menu changes on a regular basis to reflect seasonal availability!

the chance to be crowned the Snail Grand National Champion of 2016.

Keep an eye out on our Social Media pages and our regular emails for more information on special offers and events. If you aren’t already on our mailing list, make sure you send your email to so you get all the news and gossip before everyone else. Best wishes from The Pickwick Inn Bunch!




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