The site for great holidays in a great community; now gives the accommodation, holiday activities, many useful links and maps.
Now features community events and dates. Send any ideas for the site to
Front Cover: by Carol Pink
What’s on and Dates for your Diary
Editors Page News, Views & letters
Church Services Service times for Bigbury, Kingston and Ringmore
Message from the Minister from Michael Tagent
Parish Council Notes from the Parish Council monthly meeting
Shack Splash News from the Oyster Shack
Where’s Alfie ?? Your handy pull-out Guide to Local Business
Musings by Weekend Wendie
Bigbury Memorial Hall Reports and Diary of events
The 19th Hole Report from the Golf Club
News from all your Regular Social Meetings
National Trust A report from Marc Hoskins
Modbury Events
He’s hiding somewhere in the pages!!
Bigbury News is published monthly at Lucerne Ringmore Drive Bigbury-on-Sea Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 4AU Tel: 01548 810815 email: Editor - Rose Owen Treasurer - Margaret Hawes, Blue Waters, Marine Drive, BoS, TQ7 4AS All contributions and requests for advertising to the Editor DISCLAIMER - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure adverts and articles appear correctly, Bigbury News cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor.
Dates for your Diary June... 1st 3rd 3rd 10th 19th 27th
Bigbury Bookworms at Jo Dudmesh’s home Korniloff Coffee Morning (supporting Brittle Bones) 10.30am - 12noon Victorian Tea Party - the Old Rectory at 3pm (see below) Parish Council Meeting at the Memorial Hall - 7.30pm Conservative Ass. Summer Garden Party at the Old Rectory (p.3) BIGBURY FUN RUN - Starts 3pm - The Waterfront, Challaborough, (p 12)
July… 1st 2nd 5th 9th 9th
Korniloff Coffee Morning - (supporting Brittle Bones Ass.) 10.30 - Noon History Society - Trip to Overbecks, (see p.21) Bantham Swoosh - see p.10 Wimbledon Tea Party - The Byre, Easton (p.20) Bigbury Memorial Hall AGM - Memorial Hall at 7pm
September… 6th
Bigbury Garden Produce Show
Look out for other dates of events in and around Modbury and Kingsbridge also mentioned in articles in this magazine.
Friends of St Lawrence’s - Future dates for your Diary
Friends of St Lawrence’s, Bigbury Invite you to attend
A VICTORIAN TEA PARTY Wednesday 3 June 2015 £10.00
3 pm
£ 8.00)
At The Old Rectory, Bigbury RSVP 01548 810864 (Alice)
Wednesday 3 June 2015 - Victorian Tea Party 3 pm at The Old Rectory Friday 9 October 2015 - Quiz and Curry Night at The Memorial Hall November - date to be confirmed - Musical Evening in the Church
Keep an eye on the Local Business ads section, some ads are always changing their information - like the Golf Club, and always the Oyster Shack, the Pickwick Inn, Holywell Stores and the J.E. Inn (sending many Congratulations to Tracy & Connor on their forthcoming Marriage) Servane Caps is now at ‘Unwind’ in Bigbury, good news for her local customers! And Homebuddies say “We have decided to offer free call outs for minor electrical and plumbing issues for customers who use our holiday change overs services (1st hour free, covers most issues)” We are so lucky that our local business cover such a wide range of services - why go anywhere else? Please support them, they need you as much as we need them!! If any of you have any news, views or interesting articles that you would like to share, please send them to me at the Bigbury News. Either drop them into me at Lucerne, Bigbury on Sea or hand them into Holywell Stores or phone me on 01548 810815 or email: You can now find each months issue at
in ‘The Community’ section and also on the Bigbury Community website in the documents section of the Bigbury News Group. South West Devon Conservative Association - Charterlands Branch Summer Garden Party - Friday 19 June 6pm Murder Mystery Evening - Saturday 24 October Coffee Morning and Christmas Flower Arranging - Friday 27 November
For further information please contact Gill Cook on 810156 CAN YOU SERVE YOUR COMMUNITY & HAVE A SAY IN IMPORTANT DECISIONS? COUNCILLOR VACANCIES There are three seats vacant on the parish council. If you are interested in being considered for a position as a parish councillor, please apply in writing to the parish clerk, giving some details of your background and your wish to be considered for one of the posts. Councillors serve for a term of 4 years. Clerk: Mrs P. Trundle, Deben Reach, Parker Road, Bigbury on Sea, Kingsbridge, TQ7 4AT Tel: 810 719 Email:
CHURCH SERVICES FOR JUNE BIGBURY - KINGSTON - RINGMORE ST. LAWRENCE - BIGBURY All services start at 11.00 a.m. 7th 14th 21st 28th
Family Communion Sunday Worship Morning Prayer Holy Communion*
ST. JAMES THE LESS - KINGSTON All services start at 9.30 a.m. 7th 14th 21st 28th
Family Communion Sunday Worship Family Communion Village Service
ALL HALLOWS - RINGMORE All services start at 9.30 a.m. 7th
Sunday Worship
Holy Communion*
Village Service
Family Communion
* Service in traditional language Korniloff Communion - Tuesday 17th at 2.30 p.m.
Message from the Minister WHAT DOES A CROSS MEAN? Crosses can mean very different things. A cross in a child’s school book means they got it wrong and need to do better. People often do wrong things, and this goes right back to the Garden of Eden and the first sin. We are not perfect, and need to do better. In politics – as we have seen recently – a cross indicates the person we are voting for. Which candidate should be chosen? A much more fundamental question is who we will choose to follow in life? Jesus said “follow me” – is he your choice? When we send a card to someone, we may sign off with a cross, symbolising a kiss. It’s a sign of love, but can be abused; Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus with a kiss. God’s love is not fickle or deceitful; he loves each of us, and wants to help us in our lives. In advertising many years ago, “Brand X” was the product to buy – or not. Is it as good as they say? As good as it should be? We try to be good, but often fail. But if you want something sure and guaranteed, Jesus is the answer. In churches, crosses are very special, whether as a crucifix or a bare cross. The crucifix speaks of Good Friday, with Jesus dying on the cross to secure our salvation; the bare cross proclaims Easter and the resurrection: proof that Jesus is indeed God. Love, rather than nails, held Jesus to the cross, a love that went even to death in order that sins might be forgiven – yours and mine. The truth is that God loves us so much, that he gave his one and only Son Jesus, that whoever believes in him, without exception, will have eternal life. This is life to the full, starting now and continuing into eternity. A cross may indicate a crossroad. The prayer and longing of every Christian is that their family, friends and everyone they meet may come to a crossroad in their lives when they decided to accept Jesus as their Saviour and to follow him as their Lord.
Michael Tagent
Team Rector: The Revd Neil Barker (830260: any day except Mondays) Team Readers: Chris Lally (521587), Michael Tagent (810520) Website:
PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE NOTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING. If you wish to read the minutes in full, please look on the Bigbury Community website at or read them on the notice boards. A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Memorial Hall on WEDNESDAY 13th MAY 2015 at 7.30 p.m. CllrS. B Carson, I.Couper, G.Rosevear and N.Stanesby attended. D.Cllr Lindsay Ward was also present for part of the meeting together with two residents. Apologies for absence: C.Cllr R.Hosking Election of chairman: Bryan Carson was elected chairman and then took his seat. Election of vice-chairman: George Rosevear was elected as vice-chairman. Appointment to outside bodies: Memorial Hall – Nina Stanesby CPRE: - Iain Couper DALC - Bryan Carson DPFA - George Rosevear D.Cllr Lindsay Ward reported that she would be attending the SHDC Annual Council meeting during the forthcoming week and intends to come to all the Bigbury Parish Council meetings and fulfil any follow-ups. She referred to proposals to add Ivybridge to the schedule for the once-a-week Friday bus service serving our parish and neighbouring ones and was fighting the proposal on residents’ behalf. Those responsible for the draft were working on the assumption that the bus was already going via Ivybridge and because there would not be any savings the proposal is not showing up on the website. She said it is imperative that the parish council lodges an objection and to urge C.Cllr Richard Hosking to fight this all the way. Matters arising from the minutes - Trees at treatment works Warren Rd, BoS: Bryan Carson had asked Ross Kennerley for some more trees for the boundary hedge - ‘Swan Man’ – it was reported that the daughter of a local resident had been followed by the ‘swan man’ from Bigbury to her work at Salcombe early one weekday. The matter had been reported to the police and it is essential that all incidents relating to this person are reported on the 101 number to the police. - Open Session - Mrs Gubbins congratulated the four councillors on their new appointments and wished everyone well. - Councillors were asked if anything can be done further about the seagulls. It was explained that whilst two or three residents in BoS continue to ignore requests not to do so, they are continuing to feed the gulls so it had been decided to shelve the matter for the time being. It had been previously suggested that notices be placed on SHDC bins in the car park but Iain Couper stated that during the time he had worked for SHDC down there it was apparent people ignore such notices. Car park signs, BoS: following comments by a resident present regarding notices in the car park it was agreed to seek a meeting with a SHDC representative in the car park. D.Cllr Ward will liaise on the matter
Nina Stanesby reported she had been asked by a Bigbury resident if she could request that the village green be tidied up after work to the horse trough has been completed. Bryan Carson would see John Tucker on the matter. Planning (planning applications for Bigbury parish have 05 prefix) 0921/15: Mr & Mrs Hesse, Glebe House, Easton: it was agreed to hold a site meeting. A letter from a neighbour relating to the application had been received. 1020/15: Mr & Mrs Grainger: Lavender Cottage, Bigbury: internal alterations. Councillors inspected the plans and would submit a response of support. 366/15: Mr & Mrs Willis: The Cedars, Marine Drive, BoS: It was agreed to ask that any decision be held over until councillors could inspect the plans and consider the differences in the new submission. Warren Cottage/Bay View Café: two emails had been received requesting that the parish council apply for an “Asset to the Community” to safeguard the café for the community. However, Bryan Carson pointed out that it would be necessary for the parish council to be able to prove they could purchase the café at the end of stipulated time and this would be impossible. Financial: It was agreed to pay a cheque for £30 to the Memorial Hall for hire. A discussion took place on the quotations received for repairs to the children’s play area. It was agreed to accept the quotation for repair work but not to accept the quotation covering pressure washing and re-staining of wooden surfaces Councillor vacancies: There are three vacancies on the parish council – if you are interested in filling them, please apply in writing to the parish clerk giving a background of yourself and your wish to be considered. The parish council are anxious to fill these vacancies as soon as possible and it is hoped to be able to make the appointments at the June meeting.
- Date of next meeting WEDNESDAY 10th JUNE at 7.30 pm Please note that all items of correspondence should be addressed to the Parish Clerk: Mrs P. Trundle, Deben Reach, Parker Road, Bigbury on Sea, Kingsbridge, TQ7 4AT Tel: 810 719 Email:
SEAGULL NUISANCE The parish council request:Please DO NOT FEED the seagulls. Homeowners - please take all steps possible to prevent seagulls nesting on your rooftops. If you let your property, please ask your guests not to put food out for the seagulls.
New Beach Wheel Chair There's great news that Bigbury on-sea has kindly been donated a new Beach Wheel Chair. Bill Huntington raised funds at Clifton College in Bristol, a huge thanks to Bill and Clifton College. So there are now two Beach Wheel Chairs for use at Bigbury; the other was kindly donated by Sue Bush, who sadly passed away last year. Both chairs are available to use (no charge), all year round, just ask at Discovery Surf School or the Venus Cafe, Bigbury on-sea. Martin Connolly and the Discovery Surf Team
Student needing accommodation Ivybridge college student with summer job seeks accommodation in Bigbury-on-sea / Challaborough area preferably as lodger but anything considered. From start July to start September. Considerate and friendly. Tel 07910137093
Hello Shackers! At last we are slowly getting towards summer and lunches are outside nearly every day now. We had a lovely time at the Modbury Fair market in the car park behind the White Hart. The sun shone (eventually!) and we shucked oysters and met lots of locals which was such fun! We are delighted to announce the arrival of our new website!! The Oyster Shack is there in all its glory with lovely photos, menus, booking forms, events and directions. We are so pleased with it and hope that you will find it easy to use, informative and given the dubious coverage of mobile phone signal down here, we hope you will be able to find us on the web without any difficulty wherever you are. We would love to hear what you think of it. There are just a few places left on Thursday 4th June for our ‘Seafood Tasting Menu with Wine Pairings’ event here at The Oyster Shack . We’ve devised the most delectable menu and have invited Yannick, owner of Le Vignoble, to match wines with each dish. The evening will start with an aperitif and canapés at 7pm followed by a 6 course tasting menu at 7.30pm with matching wines, so please make sure you don’t miss it. Give us a ring to book your place for only £60 per person for what is going to be a fascinating and delicious evening. Do you love fishing and cooking? Our Shack Fishing Trips are getting booked up as well. We will be setting out from Salcombe for a fantastic, fully packed day (8.30am - 5.30pm) for those that are keen to learn how to fish, shuck oysters and prepare the fish you catch. With a backdrop of the beautiful waters and bays of the South Devon coastline you will be able to learn all you need to know about seafood preparation from landing your catch to serving up a delicious meal on the plate! The dates are Saturday 11th July and Saturday 15th August with only 10 places available on each trip at £195 per person which will include breakfast, lunch, drinks and prizes for the biggest and smallest catch! Throughout June we will be adding a Tapas Menu to our usual dishes. Our Head Chef Andy has devised some delicious tapas dishes from £4.50 each with grilled local fish, selections of shellfish and other seasonal local vegetables. These dishes will be available 7 days a week, so why don’t you pop down and try some? That’s it from us for the moment, if you would like any more information on our events please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by email or phone, we hope to see you all at The Shack soon! Don’t forget the summer season is nearly upon us, so do give us a ring to book a table to avoid disappointment. Love Chris & the crew 01548 810876 | | Twitter @theoystershack / @chefandy_09 | Facebook The Oyster Shack Bigbury | Instagram @theoystershack Open 12 - 9pm | gift vouchers | take away wines | take away menu | picnics | BBQ chests | outside catering
The OSS is pleased to announce a new event on our annual event calendar: The Bantham Swoosh, a 6km swim in a sandy bottomed estuary in Devon on Sunday 5th July. This is a world class swim the estuary is shallow and can be crystal clear, giving swimmers the sensation of snorkelling over sand ridges, fallen leaves and seaweed as they swim. As you approach the end of the swim the estuary narrows, creating the 'swoosh': an increasingly fast moving body of water that carries you towards the sea. It can run at 8 knots - swim four times faster! It's exciting, invigorating, beautiful and fun. This will be a very low key event with minimal event infrastructure, all the better to enjoy ending the swim on one of the Devon's finest family surfing beaches, with picnics, family and friends. From the beach there are views of Bigbury Beach and Burgh Island, and at low tide there are miles of rock pools. The swim takes you from a narrow inland Devon river, surrounded by hills, into a different landscape on the edge of the sea. Swimmers will receive a swim hat, coach to the start, comprehensive professional safety cover and hot drink afterwards. We are delighted to announce Alpkit as supporters of this and all our other events this year - a limited edition Alpkit Airlok bag will be provided for all swimmers, along with timing chips.
DETAILS The swim will take place on Sunday 5th July on an outgoing tide. Tickets cost ÂŁ70 and are sold singly or in pairs. The finish of the swim (where parking and registration are also found!) is Bantham Beach near TQ7 3AF. Please do NOT rely on Sat-Nav to reach the event - you can download driving directions here. You'll need to be able to swim 5km confidently. The swoosh occurs as the estuary narrows at the end, making the volume of water in it speed up. You are not swooshed from start to finish. The event requires an early start! On the day registration will open around 7am, coaches will leave after 8, and the swim will begin around 9am. Registration packs can be collected the Saturday afternoon before the swim, or posted to you (for a small cost), or collected on the morning of the swim at 7am. There is a 5km upstream path for those that prefer to stretch their legs in advance of the swim, instead of using the coaches.
The event will be open to 16s and above. SKIN SWIMMERS AND WETSUITS Full length (wrist-to-ankle neoprene) wetsuits are compulsory, unless you have approval for a non-wetsuit swim from the events team. This is because the majority of swimmers will suffer hypothermia in water of the anticipated temperature (12-17 degrees) over a swim of this duration without a wetsuit, and safety cover is shared. The non-wetsuit category is for experienced swimmers who have recent experience of swims of similar and greater length without wetsuits in 2015. Forms are sent out later in the summer, which are approved at the discretion of the event manager. If you are not approved then you will need to swim in a wetsuit. The bottom line on skin swimmers is that we welcome experienced skin swimmers, who can show recent experience and acclimatisation to these distances at this temperature, but we are not the place to do your first long skin swim (or your first long skin swim in a while) as you will not have individual safety support. This rule is for everyone's safety - safety cover is shared. Groups such as the BLDSA offer swims where you provide your own safety cover, and are more appropriate for anyone trying a long distance swim without a wetsuit for the first time. All swimmers agree to abide by event rules. NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES Places are non-transferable and exchanges cannot be made. After an initial 14-day cooling off period they are also non-refundable . This means when you buy a ticket it is yours to keep! Please see our Event Terms for more information. FAQs We publish answers to Frequently Asked Questions here. Bantham is in the South Hams, the home of our other big event, the Dart10k. We have looked far and wide for a second swim to rival the Dart, many a weekend has been spent up country and in Wales... and ended up just a few miles away. The search will continue - and if you have somewhere near you that you can't understand why we're not swimming, please do contact us. We might just not know about it. JUMP IN AND JOIN US! TICKETS NOW ON SALE REGISTRATION CLOSES ON 15TH JUNE. With thanks to Christine Anderson at Surfin' Sam on Thurlstone for her wonderful image of the estuary used in the logo picture. Christine rents boards and boats at nearby Thurlstone.
THANK YOU I would like to say thank you to the person who found my car key and left it on the handrail leading up to the front door of the Korniloff. I am so pleased to get it back. For those who don’t know, at the end of a long day on Election Day – I couldn’t find my car key. Everyone was hunting around but no joy so many thanks to Mike Holness who drove me in to Plymouth to return the ballot boxes etc. and to the Korniloff staff for helping the search. Many thanks to Dane and Hilary for displaying a request for anyone finding the key to return it. I realise it was probably picked up by accident and someone possibly thought “where has that come from?” I spent a frantic 24 hours trying to get the spare key working and thanks to Bob Carter who took the immobiliser in to Quay Garage for a replacement battery and the help of a mobile immobiliser advisor, we got the car going Saturday afternoon. So – many thanks for returning the key – I got it 8 days later – a very thankful lady. Pam Trundle
............................................................ Sponsorship Forms available from all the local village pubs and shops in the Bigbury, Ringmore and Chalaborough area For more information please email / Full details on the route and the days events and activities will be on this years programme.
Posters designed by
01548 550491
For a free quote on plans for your build project contact Matthew on
Self contained, self-catering, ground floor apartment adjoining private home. Well presented, peaceful escape just for two! Conservatory with lovely sea view of Bigbury Bay. Living/dining room, TV + DVD. Well equipped kitchen. Bedroom with double bed and en-suite shower room. Linen, towels, electricity and heating included. Patio, garden use. Off road parking. Short walk to beach. Friday change-over. Open all year. Short
Guests coming … … need extra space? Available in Bigbury for short lets of 2+ nights A delightful two-bedroom apartment
Please Contact: Angela - 078 34825738 01453 873318
Local Trustworthy couple offering a first class Management / Maintenance Service. Services Offered: Changeovers and laundry - Key Holding / Property checks Deep Clean - Window Cleaning - Garden Services
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t 01752 898632 f 01752898659 W Strashleigh View, Lee Mill Industrial Estate, nr. Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9GS
Open: Mon - Sat 8.30-5.30 - Sun 10.30-2.00 (Sun car sales only)
Every car that passes through our doors receives a complementary wash and vac
3 Comfortable bedrooms available all year round, with stunning views overlooking Dartmoor and surrounding countryside. Dane & Hilary Vanstone St. Ann’s Chapel, Kingsbridge, TQ& 4HQ T: 01548 810308
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Tel: 01752 893139 Mob: 07749 454039
May/June 2015 I cannot believe it is June already. This means it is nearly the end of year 5 for Weenie Weekend. Where did that year go!? It has been a big one… there was a tenth birthday… ‘I’m a pre-teen now mum’… deep joy. For this special birthday, Weenie received a hallowed and much anticipated mobile phone. This was the realisation of a promise I made, rather lightly at the time I seem to remember, in response to a request from a five year old Weenie. ‘You can have one when you’re ten’, I said, thinking ten seemed an eternity away. Well, never make a promise (or a threat) you are not prepared to carry out was my mother’s advice when I produced offspring of my own. The die was cast. We had to get one. We managed to find a reasonably cheap, pay-as-you-go, touch screen number that fitted the bill. It was explained to Weenie that she would be paying for all the calls and texts. So much has she taken this to heart that she never replies to texts because ‘don’t you know it costs me 30p every time!?’ Another rubicon was crossed this week when Weenie asked to go to the local supermarket on her own for the first time. Not a big deal, you might think, but sadly we were not talking about popping down to Holywell Stores. Not being in Bigbury at the moment, this involves crossing a major A road and although I trust Weenie to be careful, I don’t have similar faith in the drivers rushing to get home after work. Anyway, I thought it probably was a good idea for her to experience some independence and let her go on a mission to buy a cake for tea. Off she went, leaving me wearing my best nonchalant ‘it’s-perfectly-OK-to-let-our-precious-onlychild-out-in-the-wicked-world-all-by-herself’ face in an effort not to appear to be an over-anxious mother (because that, I thought in my over-anxious mother way, would scar her for life psychologically). Five minutes later my phone rang. My heart was in my mouth as I answered… ‘Hi Mum… there’s nobody at the cake counter. What should I do?’ I was so proud that she was phoning me (spending very precious pocket money on the call too) and asking calmly for advice. Ten minutes later she was home, beaming and with cake in hand. I’m sure it tasted better because she had been to buy it herself. A final milestone for year fives will take place after half term. A local nurse is coming to school to talk to them about ‘hygiene and puberty’. We parents have been invited to a private viewing of the puberty film they will be shown. I’m pretty sure that watching this in the company of our fellow mums and dads and the teachers will rank alongside watching graphic images of lions mating on ‘Life on Earth’ with my parents when I was ten. Being fascinated by history and having a full working knowledge of the sexual predilections of the Tudor monarchy, Weenie has learned all she needs to know about matters of biology. She could probably give the lesson. This is in contrast to her best friend who, when telling me about the forthcoming talk, could not bring herself to say the words ‘sex education’ out loud and instead mouthed them in the style of Les Dawson. Several years ago, Weenie asked me how babies were made so I told her… after a pause, she said, ‘That’s disgusting’. ‘That’s why you only do it with someone you really love’, was my answer. So hopefully this is one bridge we are already at least half way across. Much less traumatic for me than the trip to the supermarket! Much love WW (-:
BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Bringing the Community Together At the time of writing, two events in May are about to take place. The first is the annual Spring Bazaar, held jointly with St. Lawrence Church on Bank Holiday Monday. Hopefully the weather was kind and there was a good turnout. Many thanks to all those willing helpers who do so much to make these events go well. The other is the latest in our series of twice yearly Wine Tasting Evenings, hosted by local wine expert Richard Taylor, assisted by Alice, on May 29 th. As I write, ticket sales are going extremely well and I’m sure the usual good time will have been had by all. Thanks to Richard, Alice and Holywell Stores. The next event at the Hall is our Annual General Meeting, to be held on Thursday July 9th at 7.00 p.m. – see formal notice in this issue. This is your chance to hear what is happening at the Hall and raise anything you want to with the Committee, so do come along. After a bit of a summer break, we resume on Sunday September 6 th with the annual Garden Produce Show, There will be the usual fruit and veg categories plus various extra ones, details of which will be publicised shortly. The theme this year is “Eggs”, so get cracking with your entries to make it an Eggstra special occasion. Other news is that we’ve just submitted our requests for events sponsored in the Villages in Action programme which, as you may know, enables small local venues such as ours to stage performances by professional entertainers. We shall know how successful we’ve been later in the summer but we’re hoping to get two events, possibly in October and the New Year. Finally, you may have noticed that we have a new sign at the entrance to the Hall and are planting new shrubs in the front flower bed. Many thanks to Turtle Produce for their help in this. Over the next couple of months we’re hoping to redecorate the Hall and replace the doorframe around the main entrance. Charles Harrington. Tel. 810023. Email
(with an Egg theme) Sunday September 6th 2015 at the Memorial Hall This year we shall continue with our usual Fruit and Vegetable Class and in addition have EGGS as a basis for many of our categories in the Miscellaneous Class. A complete list of the entry categories will appear in the July edition of Bigbury News and will also be displayed on the Memorial Hall noticeboard.
Bigbury Memorial Hall Calendar of Events May 2015 Day & Time
Contact name
Tel. no
Body Boost
*Jill Gubbins
10.30 – 11.30
*Jill Gubbins
19.00 - 20.15
Fi Baker
9.30 – 10.15
9.30 – 11.45
South Hams Shrimps
Kylie Worden
07845 280734
9.15 – 10.00
Body Conditioning
*Jill Gubbins
10.05 – 11.05
*Jill Gubbins
11.15 – 12.00
Strong & Steady (plus tea & chat)
*Jill Gubbins
# French Conversation classes with Vic Gubbins (810651) take place between 5.00 and 6.00pm on Tuesdays in the Pickwick. Future Events: Garden Produce Show: Sunday 6th September. Further details next month. 50:100 Club (Promoted by Dane Vanstone). Tickets for the penultimate monthly draw are on sale from Holywell Stores and now cost only £2. Buy now for your chance to win. 50% of the money goes in prizes and 50% to the Memorial Hall. Winners of the May draw were Helen Smith (£20) and Chris Curgenven (£10).
The Kingsbridge Estuary Decorative and Fine Arts Society.
Turner in Devon Sam Smiles Methodist Church, 100, Fore Street, Kingsbridge. June 24th - 7 for 7.30pm June 25th - 10 for 10.30am No need to be a member – all welcome – Donation £8 including a coffee or tea
Bigbury Memorial Hall ‘Bringing the community together’ A G M - AGENDA
Thursday 9th July 2015 at 7.00p.m. at Bigbury Memorial Hall 1.
Notice of meeting
Apologies for absence
Minutes of 2014 AGM
Matters arising from Minutes of 2014 AGM
Management Committee/Trustees’ Report and Financial Statement for year ended 31st March 2015
Appointment of members of Management Committee a.
Members standing for election/ re-election
Other nominations*
Open Forum
AOB *Please send any nominations with names of a proposer and seconder to the Chairman by Thursday 2nd July. Charles Harrington – Chairman.
MOBILE LIBRARY Our librarian is Steve and he will be at:BoS - Cleveland Drive Bigbury Green
12.40 –
1.25 p.m.
2.00 –
2.30 p.m.
Ringmore Church
11.50 – 12.20 a.m.
Kingston Fire Station
11.00 – 11.40 a.m.
16 June; 14 July; 11 Aug; 8 Sept.
Please note the library now only visits once a month and especially note new times. PLEASE, PLEASE do use our mobile library. We are very lucky to have the service and don’t want to lose it through lack of support. DCC have made many cuts and libraries are one of them. We must retain this service so please use it. Some people are under the misconception you can only keep books a month – but Steve is very good, we do not have to pay fines. Pam Trundle - Parish Clerk: Tel: 810719 Email:
News and ‘What’s New?’ By Liz Playle
Friday 24th July 2015
Allen Chubb: “Learn to sail a tall-ship with people who will change your life” – The Jubilee Sailing Trust Have you seen the majestic tallships “Lord Nelson” or “Tenacious” in a harbour near you? Maybe you never realised the very special part they play as the mainstay of the Jubilee Sailing Trust where every aspect of life on board is available to people of every physical ability – setting the sails, helming the ship, and even going aloft. Sign up for a JST voyage or this talk and you will know how by working together we can achieve great things.
Some future visits for 2015 June Fri 19th
RIVERMAID trip June 19th evening. Our French language group have arranged a visit by a group of French visitors (similar to U3A). They have hired the Rivermaid for the evening for a tour of the estuary with pasties and strawberries. At a cost of only £10 per head Please let me know as soon as possible if you want to come.
Tues 23rd
RHS GARDENS at ROSEMOOR: a joint Garden Appreciation visit. We will be travelling to Rosemoor by coach leaving Kingsbridge at 8.15am and returning at 6.10pm. The cost of £23 includes coach, entry fees and a guided tour. There are a few places left.
July 7th
Ugbrook House: We will be travelling in our own cars to arrive at 12 noon for a light lunch at 12.30. Followed by a guided tour of the house, which is the ancestral home of Lord Chudleigh, and a cup of tea in the orangery. Then we will be free to explore the Capability Brown landscaped gardens and lake. The cost is only £20
Sept Tues 1st
NEWTON ABBOT RACECOURSE: Twilight Races 4.45 - 6.45pm.
Membership Sec: Judy Tyler
01548 842217
Secretary: Sylvia Griffin,, 01548 856956 Website:
The 19th Hole As previously stated I would give the results of the Presidents Trophy which was played on April the 26th. Andrew Ware won with a net 64, great conditions for the day. I must say a certain Gordon Phillips came in with a net 76, very good considering this is with a 13 on the 8th hole (par 5). I hear he hit the green keepers shed two times to knock it out of bounds and it wasn't until his fourth try that he managed to stay in bounds. This is what Gordon called his “senior moment” It was great to be out with good company and a very good day was had. April the 30th saw the Bowmaker competition. This is a four ball stableford format where the best 2 scores for each hole are to count. The origins of the Bowmaker name itself comes from a company that first sponsored this type of format, it then became known as The Bowmaker. Scores came in high with the winning team from Downes Crediton having 85 points, they were 4 points clear of any other team. The 8th to the 10th of May saw the DCLGU (Devon County Ladies Golf Union) join us for the Devon Ladies County Championship, the first day saw 36 holes trying to be played. The first 18 went very well, with some excellent scores. The second 18 holes were slightly different due to the weather, the sea mist was in and out and so were the golfers! They were called in twice and in the end it became apparent the weather was going to win on the first day, so with that the first 18 holes were to count, Saturday was a lot better and so was the scoring. Sunday was a slightly late start due to inclement weather, after this the day went very well and the final being won by Chloe Howard, it was a very close match, in fact they had to play a sudden death hole as it was all square on the 18th, but Chloe (age 16, Handicap 1) won the hole and won the championship, so congratulations and the trophy went to her. I must say a quick note that on Friday one of the lady golfers got an albatross on the 8 th hole! This hole is a par 5 so she sank it in the hole for 2! Her playing partner thought she was in a good position when she put her second shot 2 foot from the pin! It was an excellent weekend. May 12th – Take 2 of the Babbage competition, this was a big day for myself and Gordon, so with that in mind we had one of Martin's superb full English breakfasts before we teed off, the match went very well with us being 2 up by the 3 rd hole, after this we kept pushing on. Gordon was playing excellently, chipping in on the 5 th hole (par 3) for 2, I didn't even have to get my putter out of the bag! So 3 up on the 12 th tee and then we won the next 2 holes, at this point I had just warmed up and started to help my playing partner. The match was won on the 15 th 5 & 3. (5 holes up and 3 to play) The Babbage competition states you have to play until the 18 th hole, so unfortunately we lost the 16th but halved the rest so at the end of 18 holes we were 4 up. Needless to say celebrations were well in order! The 14th of May was a big charity day organised by one of our members John Bower. The charity was Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, it was an excellent day with 80 people playing in the competition. It was a shot gun start, so with a delayed start due to rain the golfers went to their designated tee and waited for the signal to start. I had put a team together and was hoping to play but I had to work so I got some last minute people to take 2 places due to another person pulling out. The team was called “a brick short of a load” They played excellently and came 3 rd with 88 points. The format was full handicap stableford with the best 2 scores to count. It was a great day and just under £6000 was raised for this great charity. One quick word is that John Simes managed a hole in one! Well he was on the 5 th tee (par
3) and it went slightly off target to the left of the main green and it went in the temporary 5th green hole. So a sort of hole in one, just not the correct hole John. Good fun was had and Jenny and her team looked after the golfers very well. Would you believe it! Another hole in one! The 20 th of May saw Alan Daly have a hole in one on the 17th in the mid week medal, many congratulations Alan, the gin and whisky were flowing yet again. Because it was an official competition he qualifies to win a limited edition Hugo Boss watch! He's the 5th Bigbury member to do so. 24th May saw the Barbarians society up here, with just over 80 in the group it kept us all very busy. It was a great day with many golf tales being told. With the course booked for them until 16:15 they had plenty of time to fit all of their golf in. They did 18 holes for 1 competition and 11 holes for another competition, with lunch in between. After all of this they came in to the bar for a well deserved drink or two! Then it was onto the prize giving and a lot of good scores were had, it was a great evening in the Clubhouse and it kept me very busy. Although I will be seen behind the bar for a while longer, I'm currently looking to move on to new ventures away from the Club. It has been a pleasure having been given the opportunity of writing the 19 th hole and I'm sure there will be more news about what happens up here at Bigbury Golf Club to follow. Many thanks and chin chin, Dan
SOUTH HAMS SOCIETY Why not join members of the South Hams Society for a beach clean? You will be made very welcome. The next one is at South Milton, on Saturday 13 June. Meet at the Beach Hut at 10 am. It may even be warm enough to swim after our hard work. LW 10.03 BST Then it’s Soar Mill on 4 July. Meet in the car park behind the hotel at 2 pm. It is a superb time of year to be on this dramatic beach. The beach seems to attract an unusual amount of rubbish washed in from who knows where, so well worth the effort. LW 14.31 BST
‘Twas on the second day of May Just after half past eight. Two VIPs were being born, Both babes of high estate.
Now Princess Charlotte in her cot Is wrapped in robes of silk… The lamb’s bed is the grass – and yet Both little girls sup milk.
One was a princess dear and sweet, Her Mum - Duchess of Cam; The other on John Tucker’s farm The cutest little lamb!
So Princess Charlotte wear a crown And let us call you ‘M’am, While Farmer Tucker sees his babe Is never crown of lamb!
On Wednesday 6th May the Korn- iloff Coffee Morning raised £184 for Modbury Caring. Many thanks to all those who came and supported us, there was a lovely social atmosphere. Next month there is a slight change as Pauline, Yvonne’s sister, will be over from Cambodia and on Wednesday 3rd June we will be supporting the Women’s Groups in Cambodia. This is a thank you for all the silk scarves, bags and other goodies they produce for Yvonne to sell. I am sure there will be some new stock and of course it will be good to hear about the woman’s work from Pauline. Please do come and support us between 10.30 a.m. and noon. We will be supporting Brittle Bones on 1st July. We would like to give our grateful thanks to Gina and Gordon, their staff, who are so helpful, and of course the residents of Korniloff for welcoming us into their lovely home and for their continual support. Jean
worth the read.
At our May Meeting we discussed "Mrs de Winter" by Susan Hill which is a sequel to Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca. Some of us were put off reading this because it was advertised as a Ghost Story - which we all agreed it certainly was not. There were mixed reactions to this book, several enjoyed it, most thought it was rather drawn-out and took a long time getting anywhere, but In June we hope to read again "To Kill a Mocking Bird", these books have been ordered by The Mobile Library and will be with us on it's next visit. As an extra book this month, we are going to read "Courting Trouble" by Kathy Lette. We are also hoping to get a party together to visit " Way with Words" at Dartington in July. As our next meeting is scheduled to be on the same day as The Victorian Tea Party, we are changing the date to Monday June 1st and will meet at 2.30pm at the home of Jo Dudmesh.
Thursday 9th July To raise much needed funds for the restoration of the bells and tower at St Lawrence Church. The cost per person is £7.50 for Pimms, strawberries and cream, scones, cake etc. There will be a raffle with Wimbledon memorabilia, and the Bigbury hand-bell ringers will play.
Bigbury History Society Overbecks - By Invitation Only! Join the Bigbury History Society for a private and unique visit to Overbecks on the evening of July 2nd. Perched high above Salcombe, Overbecks has an amazing exotic garden with panoramic views over the estuary coast. Inside the Edwardian house of inventor Otto Overbeck is a small but extraordinary museum with many intriguing treasures and oddities. This will be the first time that the National Trust team at Overbecks has organised a private event and they will be extending a warm welcome to us. For many years the house was used for YHA accommodation which prevented any evening functions being organised. As it is now no longer involved with the YHA the National Trust are keen to explore opportunities to maximise the use of their facilities. So, we will have exclusive access to the house and gardens and our programme will be as follows:
6.00 p.m. Arrival and welcome drink with the opportunity to browse the shop and take in the stunning views.
6.20 p.m. Tour of the amazing “sub tropical” garden with the head gardener followed by question time.
7.00 p.m. Museum tour with senior guide.
7.45 p.m. Refreshments - wine, cheese and biscuits.
8.30 p.m. (approx) Depart.
Whilst taking refreshments, music will be provided by Overbecks “Polyphone” - an extraordinary music box playing 20” discs and dating from the 1890’s. All times are, of course, approximate as the Overbecks team have never organised such an event before but they are very keen to make this a success and it promises to be a memorable occasion. Please note that Overbecks has its own car park very close to the entrance. The cost per person is £12 and numbers are limited so please contact Charles Harrington (810023), Mike Baker (810792) or Peter Cook (810156) as soon as possible if you would like to attend.
Tuesday 9 June 13:15 to 15:15 & 16:45 to 19:15 VILLAGE HALL MARLBOROUGH
For more information visit or call 0300 123 23 23
(with apologies to Nick Nack Paddywack) “Bigbury Girls, we have fun See the sun and away we run, Here, there and everywhere, Bigbury Girls are go, Bigbury Girls are out for the day And fun to know” Yes – we have had another lovely day out again. Wednesday 20 th May saw eight of us set off from Helen’s around 10.0am with Jean (Wright) driving Helen (Smith), Hazel (Osborne) and me (Pam) and with Rita (Baker) driving Gill (Peet), Jane (Tucker) and Mo (Richter). Mid-morning saw us arriving at The Garden House on the outskirts of Crapstone, near Yelverton. Starting off with hot chocolate or coffee, we then roamed around the lovely grounds. The azaleas and rhododendrons were glorious – their colours so vibrant and varied and the many varieties of trees were a sight to behold. We all spotted a gorgeous blue flower with large petals – it looked like a wax flower but apparently was a Himalayan Lily. It doesn’t seem possible – some thought it was last year that we visited the grounds but it is 2 years since our last visit – this is known by the fact that we couldn’t enter the new arboretum in April 2013 as it was opened by the Countess of Wessex a couple of days after – a plaque to this effect verified the date of our visit. (It didn’t say that Bigbury Girls were there on 13 April but that the arboretum was opened by the Countess of Wessex). We kept meeting up with an American couple whom we had greeted in the café – they were from Seattle and told us they had phoned home the day before to learn that Seattle was covered in snow. Inevitably, out came the American camera as they had to have a record of meeting us – their new-found English friends!!! Some of us succumbed to the enticing range of plants for sale – I came away with a Japonica (can’t think of its Latin name) and some of the others also bought a variety of plants. From the Garden House, we made the small journey (just over a mile) to Buckland Abbey – home of Sir Francis Drake. Naturally, we started off with lunch in the café there before touring the house, followed by a rather loud, but well behaved group of French school children. Once the tour was over, it was time for 3 of us to climb on to the buggy back to the car park whilst the others walked, and home – again via the moor - before 4.30 . Grateful thanks, yet again to Jean and Rita for being our chauffeuses. Our next trip is to Port Eliott – just into Cornwall – on Wednesday 17 June – setting off from Helen’s about 10.00. Please let one of the above-named know if you wish to join us – you will be very welcome.
Pam Trundle
The mixed weather over the last month has been great for the wild flowers therefore the hedgerows have looked beautiful, despite the varied weather many visitors have been out and about on the stunning South Devon coast. We have had numerous complaints from walkers regarding cyclists on the Warren and Netton Cliffs. The policy of the National Trust is the same as the local authority and that is that no cycling should be undertaken on any public footpath regardless of the time of day or number of walkers on site. We understand that some paths are more accommodating for both pedestrians and cyclists, however if it is classed as a footpath then cycling is not permitted. People are free to cycle on bridleways and restricted byways. Please stop and have a chat to the team if you see us out working or if you have any comments about the work of the National Trust. For further information please call Marc Hoskins on 01548 562344 or email Marc Hoskins Area Ranger Follow us on Twitter: @NTSouthDevon and Facebook: National Trust South Devon Countryside.
We are one of almost two hundred local supporter groups across the country helping the National Trust to maintain or enhance the special places it looks after. Since 1980 the South Hams Centre have raised over £225,000 to support the National Trust’s work in the beautiful area we live in. Membership is open to all National Trust members and volunteers for just £5 a year. Join our friendly group for walks and talks, visits to gardens and houses, coffee mornings, lunches, bird watching cruises and much more. You will receive details of all our events, a regular newsletter and a priority booking form for coach trips on the programme. Coming up:
Coach trip to Axe Vale Festival Saturday 20th June
Grand summer fair, Market Hall Kingsbridge, 24th June 10am to 2 pm. Donations of books, plants and gifts gratefully received
Coach trip to Lanhydrock and Pinsla garden, 9th July
Coach trip to Honiton and Sand, 29th July
For membership details please contact Mrs. Muriel Woolmer on 01548 852591 or dmwoolmer@yahoo, For trip information contact Midge Elliott 01548 562017 For information on the summer fair contact Sam Short 01548 853195
Supplied by Modbury Messenger
Think Pink Hampers and Champers Evening Saturday 13th June, 7.30pm, Modbury Memorial Hall in aid of the Primrose Breast Cancer Tickets available from myself, Jackie and at Petty Cache For more info tel- Jackie 07748999700 or Rebecca - 07770740605
St. Georges Church Modbury - Summer Fete Saturday June 20th 2 - 5pm
Bric a Brac - Bottle Tombola - Produce - Plants Cakes - Books - Toiletries - Jewellery Stationery - Children’s Activities Everyone is welcome to this fun community afternoon Treasure Hunt, Games, Raffle and Teas **
Modbury Society Summer Party Saturday 20th June from 7pm - 9pm At Middle Traine, Brownston Street Tickets Available from Pickles - Visitors Welcome **
Modbury Barrow Market will be running on Saturday mornings from
June to September outside the Lazy Cow, Poundwell.
Local Produce - Arts - Crafts - Charity Stalls For more details and to book a barrow contact: Trish Berry at
Yes folks, it’s that time of year again to give a thought to your exhibits for the 111th Modbury Show. As usual the show takes place on the last Saturday of July the date this year is Saturday 25th July at Modbury Memorial Hall. The schedules will be available in the shops about six weeks before the show date.