Bigbury News May 2015

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The site for great holidays in a great community; now gives the accommodation, holiday activities, many useful links and maps.

Now features community events and dates. Send any ideas for the site to

Front Cover: by Carol Pink


What’s on and Dates for your Diary


Editors Page News, Views & letters


Church Services Service times for Bigbury, Kingston and Ringmore


Message from the Minister from Michael Wilkinson


Parish Council Notes from the Parish Council monthly meeting


Musings by Weekend Wendie

Where’s Alfie ?? Your handy pull-out Guide to Local Business


Bigbury Memorial Hall Reports and Diary of events


The 19th Hole Report from the Golf Club


News from all your Regular Social Meetings


Shack Splash News from the Oyster Shack


National Trust A report from Marc Hoskins


Modbury Events

He’s hiding somewhere in the pages!!

Bigbury News is published monthly at Lucerne Ringmore Drive Bigbury-on-Sea Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 4AU Tel: 01548 810815 email: Editor - Rose Owen Treasurer - Margaret Hawes, Blue Waters, Marine Drive, BoS, TQ7 4AS All contributions and requests for advertising to the Editor DISCLAIMER - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure adverts and articles appear correctly, Bigbury News cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor.

Dates for your Diary May… 6th 7th 9th 20th 25th

Korniloff Coffee Morning (supp. Modbury Caring) 10.30am - 12noon General & District Elections - a your Polling Stations SKIP - Warren Car Park, BoS 10.00am - 4.00pm Bigbury Girls outing to the Garden House & Buckland Abby Bank Holiday Monday… BAZAAR at Memorial Hall from 2pm

June... 3rd 3rd 27th

Korniloff Coffee Morning (supporting Brittle Bones) 10.30am - 12noon Victorian Tea Party - the Old Rectory at 3pm (see p.19) BIGBURY FUN RUN Look out for other dates of events in and around Kingsbridge also mentioned in articles in this magazine.

Friends of St Lawrence’s - Future dates for your Diary

Friends of St Lawrence’s, Bigbury Invite you to attend

A VICTORIAN TEA PARTY Wednesday 3 June 2015 £10.00 8.00)


3 pm


At The Old Rectory, Bigbury RSVP 01548 810864 (Alice)

Wednesday 3 June 2015 - Victorian Tea Party 3 pm at The Old Rectory Friday 9 October 2015 - Quiz and Curry Night at The Memorial Hall November - date to be confirmed - Musical Evening in the Church


I am pleased to announce that Margaret Hawes has agreed to take over the position of treasurer for BN - I thank her for taking on this commitment and welcome her to the ’team’ with open arms (!!) and look forward to working with her. Margaret’s address appears on p.1 and she will deal with all the financial arrangements. I have been asked to point out an error in the advert for the forthcoming Victorian Tea Party at the Old Rectory on Wednesday 3rd June not Thursday as previously advertised. (see p. 2) If any of you have any news, views or interesting articles that you would like to share, please send them to me at the Bigbury News. Either drop them into me at Lucerne, Bigbury on Sea or hand them into Holywell Stores or phone me on 01548 810815 or email: You can now find each months issue at

in ‘The Community’ section and also on the Bigbury Community website in the documents section of the Bigbury News Group.

CALLING ALL LADIES! Have you ever thought of going to a Women’s Institute meeting? There is one in Ringmore and we certainly don’t expect you to join at your first meeting! We are a friendly crowd who meet on the second Thursday of each month at 7.30 pm in our own W.I. Hall. Then at 8 pm we open the meeting to the whole community, so husbands/partners can come and enjoy the speaker. We have a varied programme of speakers, ranging from travel, gardens, Operation Pied Piper, the Adventure of an Austin 7 to wine tasting. If you would like to come along or want to know more, don’t hesitate to ring Jackie Tagent (President) on 810520. We look forward to seeing you.

CAN YOU SERVE YOUR COMMUNITY & HAVE A SAY IN IMPORTANT DECISIONS? As only four people put their names forward for election to the Parish Council, they have been automatically appointed to serve as councillors. The Parish Council now needs to co-opt three people to come onto the parish council. If you are willing to serve as a councillor, please will you contact me, preferably before the next parish council meeting on 13th May. It would be really good if a resident (or 2 or 3) living at Bigbury on Sea, would put their names forward - as from Election Day, there will not be a parish councillor resident in BoS, so please do consider it. Obviously, anybody resident in all areas of the parish will be very welcome to submit an application. Clerk: Mrs P. Trundle, Deben Reach, Parker Road, Bigbury on Sea, Kingsbridge, TQ7 4AT Tel: 810 719 Email:




Family Communion


Sunday Worship & Baptism


Morning Prayer


Holy Communion*

ST. JAMES THE LESS - KINGSTON All services start at 9.30 a.m. (unless otherwise stated) 3rd

Family Communion


Sunday Worship


Family Communion


Village Service


Team Family Communion (10.30)

ALL HALLOWS - RINGMORE All services start at 9.30 a.m.


Sunday Worship


Sunday Worship


Village Service


Family Communion

* Service in traditional language Korniloff Communion - Tuesday 19th at 2.30 p.m.


Message from the Minister

Dear Friends and Neighbours, In a few weeks’ time we are asked to cast our vote, so that a new government can be formed .

Historically the right to vote has taken a long time to establish itself in our country – longer for women than men. Talk of 16 years has been put forward as the age we should ask people to start voting. Renewal of Government is important, because as human beings we make wrong decisions as well as good collective ones.


choosing our elected representatives in council or parliament we need wise, thoughtful people with a readiness to seek solutions together.

Over Easter and into Pentecost we learn that renewal is a feature of God’s Kingdom. That life in all its goodness can be in God’s hands; our lives can be transformed and difficulties overcome through God’s love.

Love is the fulfilling of the law.


realisation for the early church was that through the gift of God’s Holy Spirit they could be guided in the future.

Pentecost Sunday, 24 th May, is the date of the

Deanery Confirmation Service at 6.30 pm in Malborough Church. Please pray for the candidates as they confirm their allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Make sure you cast your vote on the 7th May, Election Day.

And on 24th May,

Pentecost, join together in Church to pray for God’s Kingdom. A happy and peaceful future Michael Wilkinson

Team Rector: The Revd Neil Barker (830260: any day except Mondays) Team Readers: Chris Lally (521587), Michael Tagent (810520) Website:


PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE NOTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING. If you wish to read the minutes in full, please look on the Bigbury Community website at or read them on the notice boards. A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Memorial Hall on WEDNESDAY 8th APRIL 2015 at 7.30 p.m. Cllr S Watts (in the chair), Cllrs.M Baker, T. Boys, B Carson, P.Cook, and A.Klidjian together with C.Cllr R Hosking. 22 residents also attended Apologies for absence: Cllr R.Owen Matters arising from the minutes - Seagulls: Despite numerous requests not to feed seagulls, whilst there were a couple of irresponsible residents in Bigbury-on-Sea persisting in flouting the request, it was no point in continuing with the campaign. - Trees at treatment works Warren Rd, BoS: SWW after inspecting the boundary side for which they are responsible, have agreed they will replace the trees. - Horse trough – Peter Cook reported on a site meeting with some residents on the Green, resulting in the stone trough being sited on a plinth and filled with water. - Sedgwell,Ringmore Drive: Despite letters being sent to the SHDC Enforcement Officer, no response has been received. SHDC had initially informed the owner to submit a retrospective planning application for dormer windows, giving 28 days’ notice, but this has been ignored by the owner. - Bryan Carson had mentioned to Follaton House the finger post on the Warren should not be now showing the BoS Post Office. - Beach Wheelchairs: the clerk had seen Martin Connelly (Discovery Surf School) and had learnt that one chair is completely broken but he had been informed that two replacements will arrive shortly. -

Planning (planning applications for Bigbury parish have 05 prefix) 589/15: Mr Howell: Thornbury, Parker Rd, BoS: agreed for a site meeting to be held - 2314/14: St Moritz Hotels: Royal Oak amended application: (Bryan Carson declared an interest). It was felt that despite the Parish Council objecting to the top two houses, no improvement had been made on the amended plans now before the council. Stuart Watts read a draft response based on councillors’ views, which was approved for submission indicating objection. - 570/15: Land opposite the Pickwick: Councillors expressed their grave concerns about the danger such a development would constitute with such a dangerous corner at the Pickwick crossroads. Other objections included the visual impact, pressure of existing public services, likelihood of purchase for second homes. It was felt there was no need for further housing in St Ann’s Chapel especially with the VHI site past the Playing Field being currently pursued for affordable housing. There are a number of homes in St Anns which have been on the market for several months and which still have not been sole, so there is obviously no need for any further housing there. A previous application for the same site had been very strongly opposed before, and that opposition still stands strong. A draft response based on councillors’ comments was approved for submission recommending refusal. - Financial: It was agreed to pay a cheque for £191.76 to Community First for insurance premium.




Other matters Stuart Watts stated that although he is not seeking re-election to the parish council, he is willing to continue running the website. He was thanked for all the work he has done both as a councillor and as chairman. Date of next meeting WEDNESDAY 13th MAY at 7.30 pm - this will be the first meeting of the new Parish Council. As there were not enough candidates for the seven seats, the new council will be empowered to co-opt three new members. Ideally, we could do with 2 or 3 residents from Bigbury on Sea to give the Council some balance. If you wish to be considered for co-option, please contact the Parish Clerk. The candidates which have been appointed councillors are: Bryan Carson, Iain Couper, George Rosevear and Nina Stanesby.

ANNUAL PARISH MEETING - These are notes – full minutes on parish website. Present: as at the parish council meeting preceding this County Councillor’s Annual Report: Richard Hosking expressed his appreciation for being elected to serve the Yealmpton Division. He reported on measures taken to make cuts in the DCC budget. DCC had received a grant from Government to help towards the cost of repairing potholes. He hoped that residents are able to access the DCC website and this is the most effective way of reporting potholes. It was necessary to increase the DCC part of Council Tax to 1.9% without which they would have had to draw on reserves. He was told that regular users of the once a week bus from our area to Plymouth had been informed that there were plans to add Ivybridge to the scheduled timetable and this proposal was being fought vociferously by all the passengers. Richard Hosking said that it is important that everyone who uses the bus should write in to register their opposition. Problems of traffic speeding through St Ann’s Chapel were highlighted, particularly the area near the Memorial Hall/playing field entrance. Richard was thanked by the chairman for all his work on behalf of the parish. District Councillor’s Annual Report. Bryan Carson said that this would be his last report as he is not seeking re-election to the District Council. He reported that Lindsay Ward would be standing for election in the hope of filling his place and that now we will be included in with Modbury with Aveton Gifford now going into a different ward. It had been difficult to set the budget but councillors had managed to decide on no increase in the car park charges amongst other measures. It is hoped to save £3.7million by letting out more offices to other bodies et DCC and West Devon Council. Planning Dept is under pressure as it receives many planning applications and they are taking on agency staff. Bryan was thanked by Stuart Watts on behalf of the councillors for all his hard work over the years he has been district councillor. Chairman’s report (published elsewhere in the News) Financial Report (published elsewhere in the News) Meeting closed 9.45pm Please note that all items of correspondence should be addressed to the Parish Clerk: Mrs P. Trundle, Deben Reach, Parker Road, Bigbury on Sea, Kingsbridge, TQ7 4AT Tel: 810 719 Email:



2013-2014 9,618.44 7,469.53 4.47 197.04 1,500.00 -----------19,039.48 703.00 496.28 1,464.24 311.00 248.82 210.00 4,395.38 150.00 535.12 490.14 500.00 271.04 ----------9,775.02 6,976.39 2,813.07 9,789.46 525.00 9,264.46 9,775.02

INCOME Brought forward Precept (after DAPC sub) Bank interest SHDC recycling credits VAT refund DCC grants Refunds

EXPENDITURE Subs & donations Office expenses Clerk Hall hire & playing field expenses P3 Insurance Audit fees Environment S137s VAT Website (+BT) Bigbury News Councillors’ expenses

Deposit Account Current Account - Unpresented cheques +


19,039.48 ====== **


Precept comprises Council Tax support grant


DALC subscription

As at 1 April 2015


2014-2015 9,264.46 7,738.26 6.75 159.39 1,177.75 6,967.99 65.00 ----------25,379.60 3,900.00 1,019.80 1,494.00 121.00 1,326.91 205.33 125.00 3,256.17 725.00 494.26 415.59 106.08 ----------13,189.14 10,969.11 1,221.35 12,190.46 12,190.46 13,189.14 25,379.60 ======= 7.600.00 270.00 7,870.00 131.74 7,738.26


ANNUAL PARISH MEETING - 8TH April 2015 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT This has been my 4th year as Chairman since election in the autumn of 2011. Throughout the year I have been very grateful for the help and support of my fellow councillors and the clerk. As ever, I am very conscious of the fact that Bigbury Parish Council should act as a focus for local opinion and provide a way to get things done in the best way for our community. Therefore, I’d like to thank all those parishioners who have helped to point the way forward either by attending or participating in meetings or by taking the trouble to contact individual councillors in person; I encourage others to do the same. Our Bigbury community website (http:// continues to offer an effective but under-used method of rapid two-way communication and for maintaining awareness about local affairs. A sustainable community requires far more than the efforts of the parish council. Therefore, my thanks are offered to all people who produce and distribute Bigbury News on a regular, monthly basis; to the organisers of events such as the Fun Run and Carols on the Green; to everybody who helps in keeping our roads and beaches relatively free of litter; to all those running the Memorial Hall, its associated groups and events; to those supporting the Church; and, to the local businesses which provide employment and sustenance. Like me, many of you will recognise the importance of Holywell Stores as a focal point of our community and I’d like to specifically thank Dane, Hillary and all their staff for the many services they provide. John Simes, our Footpath Warden, continues to do an excellent job to ensure our precious footpath network is adequately maintained and safe to use and I’m pleased to report that John has just taken over the position as SW Coastal Path representative for this area. Last, but by no means least, I am grateful to County Cllr Richard Hosking, District Cllr Bryan Carson and to the police for their work on the parish’s behalf. Looking ahead, we have increased our parish precept in anticipation of cut-backs at District and County levels e.g. in road maintenance. However, we recognise the general pressures on incomes and have aimed to acquire external funding wherever possible to meet the parish’s needs e.g. for community skips and additional Lengthsman services. We have acquired some TAP funding from DCC to repair and improve our play area at St Ann’s Chapel, and from SHDC’s Sustainable Community Locality Fund to help with repairs to the graveyard gates and perimeter wall. The parish council has continued to support hoped-for improvements to communication technology within the parish as an essential component of a thriving community. As always, the most time-consuming and controversial area of activity for your parish council is in assessing and commenting upon planning applications. SHDC has asked for our view on many applications of varying degrees of complexity over the last year and it has even paid some regard to our comments in a few cases. Bigbury -on-Sea, in particular, continues to be a developers’ paradise for investment in housing , with numerous planning applications to consider - some of them quite contentious. I had hoped that communications with the planners would become better as a result of changes in their way of working following the amalgamation of SHDC with West Devon DC. Unfortunately, the reality has not lived up to the promise and it has proved extremely difficult to build effective working relationships with the planners despite our representation at several planning workshops. Staff cut-backs and the much vaunted, ITC transformation programme at district council level has not helped us to cope, as unpaid amateurs, in the wily world of


professional planners, architects and planning agents. Furthermore, I’m sad to say that changes in planning law together with an unfinished but much anticipated Local Plan from SHDC have not worked in the parish’s favour. I am beginning to think that it may have been a mistake not to proceed with a Neighbourhood Plan for Bigbury although at the time it seemed right under the circumstances. Recent changes in the planning system have meant that there is no longer a requirement for developers to provide for affordable housing by making a financial contribution in building projects of less than 6 units and no need to build on-site affordable properties in developments of more than 10 units. In small rural communities across the country this is having a devastating effect on plans for affordable housing - one local example is the recent revision of the planned development of the Royal Oak site in which the inducement of two so-called affordable properties has been removed from the plans which now include only 4 units. The South Western Housing Society would still be interested in development of the site adjacent to the Memorial Hall for around 14 houses but to date we have been unable to resolve the site’s access difficulties and we need to look at the identified, alternative, VHI sites. The recent application for outline planning permission at St Ann’s (which was not a potential VHI site) has, again, generated a lot of local resistance and I have no confidence, under the new planning regulations that the social or affordable housing components of that development would ever materialise. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the accumulation of private wealth by developers rather than enrichment of the community by meeting genuine, local or commercial needs remains the major force in planning. Finally, the future for the parish’s administration is uncertain. For a variety of reasons several councillors, including myself, will not be standing for re-election. However, I am sure that I speak for all councillors when I wish the community well. Several of us will be continuing to do ‘our bit’ in different ways and, I’m sure, will continue to help the new council whenever we are able. Stuart Watts

SEAGULL NUISANCE The parish council request:Please DO NOT FEED the seagulls. Homeowners – please take all steps possible to prevent seagulls nesting on your rooftops. If you let out your property, please ask your guests not to put food out for the seagulls.

SKIP The Parish Council has arranged for a skip at The Warren car park, Bigbury on Sea, on SATURDAY 9th MAY. from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm The skip will be manned and there are certain items which the skip provider is unable to accept, so please abide by any decision he makes. Pam Trundle: Parish Clerk


Weekend Wendie April/May 2015 I write this month basking in the glow of satisfaction following a job well done. My bunny ears and fluffy tail (see last month) attracted much attention for our litter pick! We were even ‘tweeted’! Not being on twitter or facebook (see my first Weekend Wendie last summer) I have not been able to view the result but I feel that I have crossed some sort of rubicon by having a teeny tiny presence online. Just this weekend I have been reading about how important ‘online presence’ is. I was reading an article in a newspapers weekend magazine about vloggers*. These are people who post bits of their lives online for their followers to watch/enjoy/laugh at. A bit like me writing this but with pictures and a much, much bigger potential audience (although, I am sure, not nearly as discerning). Some fortunate vloggers have so many followers that they are able to live off the advertising revenue from their posts. That is quite unlike me writing this (although I am completely and shamelessly open to bribes should any local businesses be reading this). They also get sent clothes, shoes and products to talk about on their vlogs. Ditto comment above if anyone would like to email me with offers of surfboards, wetsuits, kayaks, meals out etc. Seriously though, I would have to give the picture part some thought to maintain my ‘secret identity’. I could, as I am sure so many newspaper columnists do, include a picture of my 20 year old self. I fear the years have not been kind and, if any Bigbury News readers were to meet me on Parker Road or Marine Drive tomorrow, my anonymity would not be in jeopardy. I thought of this while reading a regular column accompanied by a photo which has remained unchanged over the 20 years that I have been reading this particular magazine. Surely, I thought, here is a prime example of using an out of date image to preserve dignity. So I looked the writer up on Google images and, blow me down, she still looks exactly the same. She must be taking extract of donkey testicle, smearing something equally unspeakable on her face or have an aging portrait in her no doubt impeccably interior-designed attic. If anyone has anything in that line that they would like endorsed by Weekend Wendie, do let me know. Apparently, one of the most popular things to post online is a ‘haul’. To me this sounds like the worst excesses of a consumer society made manifest. The vlogger goes shopping and then unpacks everything and discusses it, sharing it with their followers. I don’t think I’ve ever done a ‘haul’, online or otherwise, except maybe when me and my best friend Lisa used to go Christmas shopping with £5 and challenge each other to but as many items as possible with it. It usually covered our entire Christmas list… it was a long time ago. Now however, I read that I am perilously close to being ‘on trend’ because I enjoy a good rummage in a charity shop. There has been a backlash against hauling because of concern over the exploitation of workers who make the clothes. It is apparently now cool to buy things second hand and to swap things with friends. Don’t worry though, I don’t feel the need to share my slightly random charity shop purchases with you or my equally slightly random sense of style. I think it wise that I remain discreetly veiled behind my Wendie disguise, in print but not in pictures! Much love WW (-: *Vloggers...term given to Video Bloggers


How lovely the flowers were this Spring, the verges were covered with snowdrops then replaced by a wonderful array of primroses, more than I have ever seen before and also the beautiful star-like celandines. I thought that Bigbury Village Green looked delightful when covered by the daffodils and primroses and with the addition of the horse trough, I saw a couple sitting on the bench, just resting and taking it all in - quite idyllic. Even the churchyard looked so colourful and pretty and the Easter Flower Arrangements in the Church were lovely, our thanks and congratulations go to all those ladies involved. I feel we are truly blessed to live in this wonderful part of The South Hams. Hazel Osborne

..S.. ..P.. ..R.. ..I.. ..N.. ..G.. "I'm sure I join many in being delighted at the bursting of Spring in our hedgerows and roadsides. The Pussywillow, primroses, celandines and green appearing in trees and the well trimmed hedges, bring joy to the heart. We owe such a debt of gratitude to our hard working local Farmers who keep our beautiful countryside in such pristine condition, giving enjoyment to lucky residents and visitors alike. And what a fantastic Easter week we had with glorious hot sunshine. Our local Church of St. Lawrence in Bigbury was a sight to behold filled with all the beautiful flowers arranged by the many talented volunteers. It was wonderful to see it packed with so many worshippers, both young and old, celebrating Easter Sunday. Jean Wright kindly provided an Easter Egg Hunt/Quiz which the youngsters had fun with and refreshments were enjoyed by all. I'm sure also, I'm not alone in admiring the amazing craftsmanship going into the building of the beautiful stone wall by the pond in Bigbury village. It does one's heart good to know there are those keeping alive the old country skills, long may they do so. I wish there was a board showing the gentleman's name! I wonder when the Public Footpath from Folly Hill up to Cleveland Drive became known as 'Badger's Walk' (as mentioned at the last Parish Meeting?) Way back in the early 1950's when I first came to Bigbury-on-Sea, I understood it was called 'Lover's Walk' - probably because it was overgrown and offered the opportunity of a sneaky kiss and cuddle! This aspect was rather scuppered when my Father Owen Hammant bought the land off Miss Chubb and cleared all the brambles and undergrowth to set up a Smallholding in 1962. I even had long standing Guest in our self-catering holiday apartment call it less attractively 'The Back Passage'!! Perhaps Doug & Maryon Fraser and Harry Bardens having lived in the area the longest, can throw light in it's original name? Certainly the badgers have taken up residence en mass and regularly jump over my garden wall in the search of worms, invariably just after the grass has been cut! And now a Mole seems to have taken up residence as well! Aren't we blessed to be privileged enough to live in this magnificent part of England, greeted as we are when coming down into the Village by John Tucker's magnificent new Union Jack! I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!. Gill Middleton.





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Stalls (cakes, bric-a-brac, tombola) and many more attractions BBQ : cream Teas Come along and have a fun-filled afternoon


BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Bringing the Community Together

We’ve had a couple of events at the Hall since the last edition of Bigbury News. First was a Table Top Sale on March 28th. Unfortunately the weather was atrocious and this affected both the number of tables taken and the turnout of visitors. However there was enough interest to justify a probable repeat next year. The other event was the latest in our series of Film and Fish ‘n Chip Nights. Over 35 people enjoyed the fish and chips, provided by Ashley in a welcome return to the village, and the film, Sunshine on Leith. Thanks go to the organisers, Angie, Julian and Dane, and also the History Society, who lent their projector when the Hall’s one blew a fuse. Our next event is the annual Spring Bazaar, held jointly with St. Lawrence Church on Bank Holiday Monday, May 25th. There will be a host of the usual stalls so please come along and support these two good causes. Also coming up is another regular event, a Wine Tasting Evening, presented by local wine expert Richard Taylor and Alice. At the time of writing the date for this hasn’t been fixed but it will be in June or early July. Posters will be displayed in the usual places and tickets will be available from Holywell Stores. Richard will be presenting eight wines, accompanied by tasty and imaginative nibbles. For the quality of the wines and nibbles alone – not to mention Richard’s unique presentational style - the ticket price of £10 is great value. Finally, a provisional date of September 6th has been fixed for the annual Garden Produce Show. Further details to follow in subsequent Bigbury News. Charles Harrington. Tel. 810023. Email


Bigbury Memorial Hall Calendar of Events May 2015 Day & Time


Contact name

Tel. no


9.30 – 10.15 10.30 – 11.30 19.00 - 20.15

Body Boost Pilates Yoga

*Jill Gubbins *Jill Gubbins Fi Baker

810651 810651 831599


# South Hams Shrimps

Kylie Worden

07845 280734

Body Conditioning Pilates Strong & Steady (plus tea & chat)

*Jill Gubbins *Jill Gubbins *Jill Gubbins

810651 810651 810651



9.30 – 11.45

9.15 – 10.00 10.05 – 11.05 11.15 – 12.00

# French Conversation classes with Vic Gubbins (810651) take place between 5.00 and 6.00pm on Tuesdays in the Pickwick. These will restart after Easter on Tuesday 14th April. *No exercise classes with Jill on Bank Holiday Monday 25th May. Future Events: Bank Holiday Monday 25th May 2.00pm - Bazaar jointly with St Lawrence Church. Details to follow. Wine Tasting – to be decided but will be in June or early July. Garden Produce Show - still to be decided. 50:100 Club (Promoted by Dane Vanstone). Tickets for the monthly draws from October 2014 – July 2015 are on sale from Holywell Stores and now cost £3. Buy now for your chance to win. 50% of the money goes in prizes and 50% to the Memorial Hall. Winners of the April draw were Peter Dukes (£20) and Helen Smith (£10).


The 19th Hole The 1st of April was supposed to be the first Babbage (captain/ pro) challenge for myself and Gordon. Unfortunately Gordon dropped a brick on his foot so we had to pull out, not to worry we will play the match later in the year. As it happened I think this was a great decision as a few days later Nigel was in a match v Thurlestone and was holing putts from 30 plus feet away, not just the once but a few times! I will keep you all in the loop when our next match will be. Good Friday was our launch of the Friday 5 0'Clock club, it went very well and we also had a match meal on so the Clubhouse was very busy, it certainly kept me occupied. Whilst I'm talking about this, Tracy is extending her hours in the Pro Shop, so if any of you golfers who would like a late lesson, then a bite to eat just pop on up and see us. April the 7th saw The Dolphin v The Millbrook. Things went very well, meeting up the Clubhouse at 11am for bacon baps and coffee. 24 of us in total and we all stood ready on the first tee for midday, I was teamed up with Gordon Phillips and we were against 2 from The Millbrook. (one being the head green keeper from here, Des) I lost my match but Gordon won his so it didn't turn out to badly. The Dolphin team won 11 – 7, so celebrations were had back there, a very good day and evening was had. You can see the trophy in The Dolphin somewhere! The rest of the week was very busy with different society groups coming in and playing the course, with the great weather we have been having there have been plenty of people on the course and in the Clubhouse. We have also started doing a guest ale every week, this has gone down very well and at times hard to keep up with demand. One of our members Roy Bidwell and his wife Marjorie Celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary with us on the 11th of April. A great achievement and we wish them well for many more years to come. Saturday the 18th of April was a lovely sunny day but with gusts peaking at around 50-60 mph it became near impossible to play, so with that all matches were cancelled and the Clubhouse was packed with everyone coming in at the same time, a great atmosphere and many a tale of huge drives coming up the 11 th, with the wind in the golfers favour there was one golfer who used a driver and then a sand wedge to the 11th green! (Par 5) I think I may have needed a club in between those 2 clubs! Tuesday the 21st of April saw Fore-Business arrive. This is a group of business owners/managers who meet here once a month to play golf and to meet new people in any kind of business. They all arrive around 07:30 and meet/get to know each other over coffee and bacon baps. Then play golf and back in the Clubhouse for lunch and a quick debrief, then back to work. Its a great opportunity to meet new people and get some golf in at the same time. More people join every month so its a growing group. They also meet all over the country, so its a great networking community. If you think this could be of interest to you then take a look at their website. or contact Nigel 01548 810557 (opt 5). April has been the month of hole in ones! They say things come in 3's, well we have had a hole in one 3 times over 3 weeks! Congratulations go to Alan Evans, hole in one on the 3rd hole, John Thornton, hole in one on the 15th hole and Michael Hart with a hole in one on the 17th hole. Many bottles of whisky and gin were bought and shared with all the members.


April the 26th was the day of the Men's Presidents Trophy. I managed to get the day off and it was a full turn out, all the tee times were booked and a great day was had. This is a board competition that's played throughout the day so somebody's name will go on the board in the Clubhouse for next year. I'm not sure who won but I will let you all know next month. I'm sure you have seen our advert, but in case you haven't we are doing a steak night on May 15th, our usual specials board will run along side the steak night. We are taking bookings for this special evening so give Jenny a call on 01548 810557 (opt 3) and book a table. This is the start of our speciality nights and they will run across the summer so make sure to keep an eye on our adverts as they will change monthly to keep you all up to date. A quick update about Annie, she is still off due to her knee problems, we are hoping she will be back soon and wish her a speedy recovery. Chin Chin, Dan SOUTH HAMS SOCIETY Why not join members of the South Hams Society for a beach clean, at West Charleton, on Saturday 2 May? You will be made very welcome. Meet in Marsh Lane at 11 am for the ten minute walk to this lovely isolated patch. There is a bird hide nearby so best not to bring dogs but you could bring a picnic. We will leave rubbish by the style for Salcombe Harbour to collect when the tide is right. LW 11.54 BST More beach cleans are scheduled for 2015: South Milton (13 June, 10 October), Soar Mill (4 July, 12 September), Gara (1 August, 12 December), Yarmer/ Lease Foot (29 August) and West Charleton (14 November), . For more information, please contact Vivien Napper, t: 01548 842405 e: or visit the South Hams Society website at

This is a great day out for all the family, come along and join in the FUN! We are looking for volunteers to assist on the day and anyone interested in sponsoring the event (tshirts) Please contact Kate at the Pickwick or Dane at Holywell Stores


News and ‘What’s New?’ By Liz Playle

It’s a great time to become a member of this vibrant organization if you are retired or semi retired, as it is the start of the new membership year. So much for so little money! A few Group titbits!:Antiques Group – visit Dartmouth museum on April 16th, and hoping to go to the Roadshow at Plymouth on June 11th. Short Mat Bowls group - every alternate Saturday morning at Charleton Village hall,: next dates 11th, 25th April, and 9th May, 10-1200 Walk and Pub Lunch group - next meeting on 28th April @ Stokenham Church House Inn. Local History Group – 15th April 1030 Crabshell - Film about the raising of the Torcross tank. Church Visits group – 14th April – St Peters Stoke Fleming (See website for details:-

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Monthly Meetings These are held every month except August and December at the Methodist Church, Fore St, Kingsbridge, from 1000 –midday. News from branch and groups is followed by refreshments, with a speaker from 11 -1200. Members, guests and potential members are all very welcome to attend. Entry £1

Friday 24th April 2015

Nick Powe: “Kents Cavern and the English Riviera Geopark” Nick is the 5th generation owner of Kents Cavern and chairs the English Riviera Geopark organization. He explains the geology of Torbay; UNESCO Geopark; the Cavern excavations; and his family’s history as curators of one of Europe’s important prehistoric human settlements

F r i d a y KINGSBRIDGE ESTUARY U3A AGM followed by Guest 22nd May Speaker, Ian Varndell (Chairman): “Devon Gardens Trust” Conservation lies at the heart of the Devon Gardens Trust. They research and record the origins of Devon’s historic gardens and parks through the generations in order to give advice and support to garden owners and public authorities today. The Trust’s mission is to preserve and enhance. Friday 26th To be confirmed! June 2015


Friday 24th July 2015

Allen Chubb: “Learn to sail a tall-ship with people who will change your life” – The Jubilee Sailing Trust Have you seen the majestic tallships “Lord Nelson” or “Tenacious” in a harbour near you? Maybe you never realised the very special part they play as the mainstay of the Jubilee Sailing Trust where every aspect of life on board is available to people of every physical ability – setting the sails, helming the ship, and even going aloft. Sign up for a JST voyage or this talk and you will know how by working together we can achieve great things.

Some future visits for 2015 5th May 2nd-5th

Eden Project coach trip and tour following wonderful talk last October.

June 23rd June

Salisbury Cathedral & Wilton House (1st residential trip/holiday) Rosemoor Gardens – coach trip initiated by Garden group

7th July

Ugbrook House (Home of Lord Clifford) and Gardens (landscaped by Lancelot Brown)

Membership Sec: Judy Tyler 01548 842217 Secretary: Sylvia Griffin,, 01548 856956 Website:

MOBILE LIBRARY Our librarian is Steve and he will be at:BoS - Cleveland Drive 12.40 – 1.25 p.m. Bigbury Green 2.00 – 2.30 p.m. Ringmore Church 11.50 – 12.20 a.m. Kingston Fire Station 11.00 – 11.40 a.m. Dates; 19 May; 16 June; 14 July; 11 Aug; 8 Sept. Please note the library now only visits once a month and especially note new times. PLEASE, PLEASE do use our mobile library. We are very lucky to have the service and don’t want to lose it through lack of support. DCC have made many cuts and libraries are one of them. We must retain this service so please use it. Some people are under the misconception you can only keep books a month – but Steve is very good, we do not have to pay fines. Pam Trundle - Parish Clerk: Tel: 810719 Email:


On April Fool’s Day the Korn- iloff Coffee Morning supported the Hope Cove Inshore Lifeboat and an impressive £294 was raised! I would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who came and supported us. We were delighted to have Amanda Phillips and ladies from the Hope Cove Lifeboat and our MP Garry Streeter and Lindsay Ward, our conservative candidate, visiting. It was a most sociable couple of hours exchanging news and ideas whilst browsing through the goods on offer - jewelery , special silk goods from Cambodia (the ladies of which we will be supporting in July) books, bric-a-brac, cards, cakes and veg (John’s magnificent cauli’s!) and of course the lovely raffle. On Wednesday 6th May we will be supporting Modbury Caring and on the 3rd June Brittle Bones. Yvonne and I hope that you will be able to support these charities and look forward to seeing you between 10.30 and 12 noon. We would like to give our grateful thanks to Gina and Gordon, their staff, who are so helpful, and of course the residents of Korniloff, for welcoming us into their lovely home and for their continual support. Jean

At our April Meeting, we held a short discussion on our Book of the Month - "The Watcher in the Shadows". Quite a short discussion because no-one enjoyed this book at all. We did not realise when we decided to read it that it was a book for teenagers but even so, we thought it badly written and not at all interesting. We hope for better things next month when our chosen book is "Mrs. De Winter" by Susan Hill, this is a sequel to "Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier and has been recommended to us. We have also ordered from the mobile library "To Kill a Mocking Bird" as we thought we would like to re-read this classic prior to the publication in July of the recently discovered novel by Harper Lee, which apparently was written before Mocking Bird but has only just come to light. Our next meeting is on May 6th at the home of Pat Chadwick - new members always welcome. Hazel Osborne


Bigbury History Society Last month the Society arranged an outing to the Royal Citadel at Plymouth. 23 people turned out in glorious April sunshine and thoroughly enjoyed a fascinating two hour guided tour of this iconic fortress. The views over Plymouth Sound, the Hoe and the Tamar estuary form the ramparts were stunning. The Citadel was built in the late 17th Century and is still in use by the Ministry of Defence today. There were as many gun placements facing inland over Plymouth as there were pointing out to sea, apparently because the danger level from the city was equal to that from potential invaders – nothing much changes ! Later in the summer we shall be visiting Overbecks and arranging a guided tour round Kingsbridge. Watch out for details in Bigbury news. Charles Harrington. Tel. 810023 Email

What a delightful day, we gathered at Helens as planned and with Lynne and Jean driving we set of for the Torpoint Ferry then enjoyed the drive through the Cornish villages of Antony and Millbank and on to Mount Edgcumbe. Having sorted ourselves and spent a little time just enjoying the views we made our way down to the Orangery ready then for cup of coffee and to plan the day as we sat at the shaded tables in the lower park. Jean was determined to make the house a priority and set off straight away agreeing on a meet at 1-30ish for lunch. Most ambled through the gardens English, French, Italian, American and New Zealand and admired the National Camellia collection. Helen had found us a large table by the water, the menu at the Edgcumbe Arms is varied and tempting and it was a relaxed and contented group of friends who either walked to the gardens and house at the top of the hill or took advantage of the small shuttle bus some time later. There remained only a limited time to view the house (Jean had been wise) but enough to enjoy the atmosphere and the film also be made welcome by the enthusiastic and knowledgeable volunteers. Altogether a grand day out . The next meeting for the BG will be on 20th May, meeting at Helens for 9.30. A visit to The Garden House and Buckland Abby is planned.


Hello Shackers! It’s been a fantastic April for us with this beautiful weather and the Easter holidays, we’ve had most of our lunches outside under the sail and have even built a new seating area for up to 10 people which is perfect for parties! Last week we saw the start of our latest offers and events with great success, here’s a roundup of what you can look forward to at The Oyster Shack over the next few weeks. Firstly, back by popular demand our incredible ‘Steak & Lobster £16’ offer! Enjoy seared 6oz rump steak with half Salcombe lobster tail, skinny fries, grilled tomato & garlic butter for £16! Available Monday – Friday all day. New to The Oyster Shack we’re now serving Afternoon Tea, pop down and while away an afternoon in the sunshine with our delicious homemade cakes, scones, tea and sandwiches Monday – Friday between 3 & 6pm. Our fantastic value set menu is available daily for lunch and dinner until, 1 course £10, 2 for £12 and 3 for £14 featuring a whole host of scrumptious local seafood. All of our offers run until Friday 22nd May and all exclude the Monday May 4th Bank Holiday. On Saturday 9th May we will have an oyster bar at the Modbury May Fair Street Market from 9am – 12noon. The market will be held in the Poundwell Street car park, pop along for an oyster or enjoy to take them away, we’d love to see you! Thursday 4th June we’ll be holding a ‘Seafood Tasting Menu with Wine Pairings’ event here at The Oyster Shack . We’ve devised the most delectable menu and have invited Yannick, owner of Le Vignoble, to match our wines with each dish. The evening will start with canapés at 7pm followed by a 6 course tasting menu at 7.30pm please make sure you make a reservation to avoid disappointment. This summer we’ll be hosting a Shack Fishing Trip, setting sail from Salcombe. This is going to be a fantastic fully packed day (8.30am-5.30pm) for those that are keen to learn how to fish, shuck oysters and prepare fresh fish. On the backdrop of the beautiful waters and bays of the Devon coastline you will equip yourself with all of the knowledge that you could need to know about seafood preparation from catching to serving up a delicious meal on the plate! This will take place on Saturday June 20th with only 10 places available so early booking is essential tickets are £195 per person and will include breakfast, lunch, drinks and prizes for the biggest and smallest catch! We’re currently recruiting for a fulltime Assistant Restaurant Manager and Front of House staff, there are more details on the news pages of our website. If you know of anyone who might be interested please ask them to get in touch with us. That’s it from us for the moment, if you would like any more information on our events please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of the team, we hope to see you all at The Shack soon! Love Chris & the crew 01548 810876 | | Twitter @theoystershack / @chefandy_09 | Facebook The Oyster Shack Bigbury | Instagram @theoystershack


Open 12-9pm | gift vouchers | take away wines | take away menu | picnics | BBQ chests | outside catering

With the warm weather early this spring visitors have been taking in the scenery and sunshine on the beaches, walking the South West Coast Path, and those slightly braver have already taken to the water, without wetsuits! At this time of year when the vegetation really starts to grow the rangers start work across the property car parks to ensure good presentation and a welcoming entrance to our sites. All the property footpaths will now start to have encroaching plants strimmed back, litter removed and drainage gullies cleared out. South Milton Sands recently had a visit from our new volunteer ranger team and many hands set to work to install three new solid oak picnic benches. Further along the coast at Bolberry Down all the recent improvement work is now completed. We have finished the new circular access for all route, installed a new cattle grid and will be replacing the gateway with cleft chestnut gates made by a local woodworker. The areas that were cut hard this winter are starting to green up with lots of bluebells coming through on the slopes. These areas will take time to revert to grassland but with grazing and ongoing cutting we will see the wildflower areas develop over the year. We will also be installing chestnut posts around the top car park to define the parking area. As this area is much more open following the scrub cutting we want to make sure the parking area is clear for visitors. Please stop and have a chat to the team if you see us out working or if you have any comments about the work of the National Trust. For further information please call Marc Hoskins on 01548 562344 or email Marc Hoskins Area Ranger Follow us on Twitter: @NTSouthDevon and Facebook: National Trust South Devon Countryside.

The Kingsbridge Estuary Decorative and Fine Arts Society. Turner in Devon Sam Smiles Methodist Church, 100, Fore Street, Kingsbridge. June 24th - 7 for 7.30pm June 25th - 10 for 10.30am No need to be a member – all welcome – Donation £8 including a coffee or tea


Supplied by Modbury Messenger MODBURY MAY FAIR : Sunday May 3rd - Sunday May 10th Modbury Barrow Market, Pop-up Art featuring Modbury artists, May Fair Walks, Maypole Dancing, Modbury Mile, Pet Show, Great Modbury Bake-off, Treasure Hunt, and many more events *









South Hams Hoedown, Modbury Memorial Hall Friday 8th May at 7.30pm Modbury’s own Hot Diggety! Will provide the music Bar & BBQ, tickets £7 on the door £6 in advance (from Pickles), advanced family ticket for 4 £20 *









MODBURY MAY FAIR ROAD CLOSURES ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 SECTION 16A THE COUNTY OF DEVON TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF THROUGH TRAFFIC NOTICE is hereby given that Devon County Council has made the above titled order. No person shall cause or permit any vehicle to proceed on the sections of Affected Roads except for access to land or premises on or adjacent to those length of roads. Monday 4th May May Fair Opening Ceremony Poundwell Short Stay car park closed from 0800 - 1400 1415-1430 & 1440-1455 Town Centre (Palm Cross Green - Galpin St), Brownston Street, Dark Lane, Barracks Lane closed to all traffic - Modbury Mile Road Races Saturday 9th May 1500 - 1700* Town Centre (Palm Cross Green - Galpin St) 1600-1630 Brownston Street, 1600 – 1700 Dark Lane, Barracks Lane 1600-1610 / 1630 – 1700 Carnival Parade *Barracks Lane closed between Palm Cross Green and Long Park from 1500 Friday 8th May 1800 - Saturday 9th May 1300 Poundwell Short Stay Car Park closed for May Fair Market. Access to Poundwell from 0700 on Saturday via Church Lane & Bunker Hill only










St. Georges Church Modbury - Summer Fete Saturday June 20th 2 - 5pm




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