Bigbury News November 2017

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The site for great holidays in a great community; now gives the accommodation, holiday activities, many useful links and maps.

Now features community events and dates.

Send any ideas for the site to

Front Cover: Cranmore, Bigbury Village 2

What’s on and Dates for your Diary


Editors Page News, Views & letters


Church Service times for Aveton Gifford, Bigbury, Kingston, Modbury & Ringmore


Message from the Minister - Michael Tagent


Parish Council Draft Minutes from the monthly meeting

circa 1930

Where’s Alfie ?? Your handy pull-out Guide to Local Business

16 20 26 24

He’s hiding somewhere in the pages!!

Bigbury Memorial Hall Reports and Diary of events Neighbourhood Watch - a report from Steve Comley The 19th Hole Report from the Golf Club News from all your Regular Social Meetings

Bigbury News is published monthly by Editor - Rose Owen at Lucerne Ringmore Drive Bigbury-on-Sea Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 4AU Tel: 01548 810815 email: Treasurer: Trudy Smith, 20 Hilltop, St Ann's Chapel, TQ7 4HG Tel: 810185 All contributions and requests for advertising to the Editor Bigbury News is a voluntary run publication which is supported by a grant from the Parish Council, advertising rates and donations from readers

DISCLAIMER - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure adverts and articles appear correctly, Bigbury News cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor.

Dates for your Diary November… 1st

Korniloff Coffee Morning 10.30 - noon (supporting Children's Hospice SW)


Parish Council Meeting - Memorial Hall at 7.30pm


Mervyn Stutter (ViA) comedian, singer & guitarist ( see p.18)


Bigbury Ladies - bus trip to Dartmouth (p.25)


Bigbury History Society - Memorial Hall at 7pm (p.14)

December... 1st

Winter Wine Tasting - Memorial Hall


CAROLS ON THE GREEN - 6.30pm (p14)

Look out for other dates of events in and around Bigbury, Modbury and Kingsbridge also mentioned in articles in this magazine.


Charterlands Branch


Friday 1st December 2017 9.30am for 10.00am at

Bigbury Memorial Hall St Ann’s Chapel TQ7 4HQ



for more information call Gill Cook 810156

Ticket £5

Well, here I am, down to the penultimate issue before I hand over the reigns to an eager & excited Louise, I have to say a very small part of me will miss this end of month flurry to get your BN out on time! But I shall still be lurking unobtrusively in the background as I have agreed to join the BIGCOM committee!! email: You can find each months issue of BN online at the

Bigbury Community website

in the documents Section of the Bigbury News Group

also on Bigbury on Sea Holidays website

under ‘The Community’ heading

COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CARD You may know that Modbury Primary School produces a community Christmas card, in which people in Modbury send Christmas greetings to other locals, for a small fee as part of the school's fund raising activities. Imitation being a sincere form of flattery, we have decided to produce a Bigbury Community Christmas Card, not something tried here before as far as we know! The idea is that a pull-out card in the December issue of the Bigbury News will include your name in a list of others who get involved, to send general best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to the local community as a whole. Not only will this save you a lot of writing, but will be kinder to the environment in terms of paper and mean you don't forget anyone! All for £5 which will go to St Lawrence's Church restoration fund.

To join in: 1) please put £5 into a sealed envelope 2) on the front of the envelope print your names as you want them in the card, (e.g. Fred & Jane Village, The Village Family, Bill & Snowy the goldfish etc. Do not put any other names than your own on the envelope.). 3) please also put a telephone number on the envelope where you can be reached if there is any query about the names. 4) place your envelope into the collecting box in Holywell Stores by Saturday 18th November. (Many thanks to Hilary & Dane for providing a collection point). Thank you in anticipation of your generous support, and depending on your response, this may be starting a new Bigbury Christmas tradition!




11.00 am

Sunday Worship



10.25 am


2nd before Advent


11.00 am


Christ the King


11.00 am

Family Communion


11.00 am

Family Communion & Baptism


10.45 am



11.00 am

Sunday Worship


11.00 am

Holy Communion*


9.30 am -

Family Communion -


9.00 am

Sunday Worship


9.30 am



9.30 am

Holy Communion


10.30 am


9.30 am

Family Communion


9.30 am

Sunday Worship



9.30 am -

Sunday Worship -


9.30 am

Village service


9.30 am

Family Communion

* Service in traditional language - The “Village Service” is led by members of the congregation


Korniloff (Bigbury on Sea) Holy Communion by extension - Tues 21st at 2.30 p.m.

A Dangerous Place

Message from the Minister

The world is a violent place – you don’t need to be told! We have civil wars in large parts of north Africa and the Middle East, ethnic cleansing in Myanmar and elsewhere, suicide bombing and air strikes, and so the list goes on. There are mass shootings in America and, closer to home, bomb outrages at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester and at Parsons Green on the London Underground. Add to this the tragedies of lives lost or blighted by earthquake, hurricane or mud slide, and in the Grenfell Tower inferno; what an unstable and needy world we live in. In the midst of the darkness, there are small glimpses of light. We read of the heroism of individuals risking their lives to save others, of people working to the point of exhaustion to tend and care for those caught up in disaster, and of churches finding practical ways to demonstrate God’s love. In November we remember the Guy Fawkes plot to kill the king, a reminder of the sectarian violence in our world, and of those who suffer persecution because of their faith or their political convictions. Armistice Day then reminds us of the bravery of those who gave their lives in world wars and elsewhere – and of the large number who carry every day the life-changing effects of their injuries. Poppy Day certainly deserves our fullest support. We might ask: what can I do in the face of all this? Christians should make it a matter for regular, fervent prayer to God; we all should seek, by our actions, to donate to relief and care agencies, to look out for those needing help, and to bring reconciliation where there is hostility or bad feeling. In that way, the words in the Remembrance Service, “we will remember them” will be, not historical recollection, but a pledge for action.

Michael Tagent

Rector: (ring 830260 for information during the vacancy) Readers: Joyce Howitt (01364 73093), Michael Tagent (810520) Website:

New Team Leader It has been announced that the Reverend Matthew Rowland has been appointed Priest-inCharge and Rector-designate of the parishes of Modbury, Bigbury, Ringmore, Kingston, and Aveton Gifford in the Diocese of Exeter. Matthew is presently assistant curate in the parish of St Leonard, Exeter. Before and after his ordination in 2014, he was a secondary school teacher and later Student Minister at Christ Church, Clifton in Bristol. Matthew is married to Louise, a nurse. They have two young daughters, Emily and Isabel, and are looking forward to the birth of their third child in late November. Matthew will complete his curacy at St Leonard’s during the autumn and the family will move to Modbury early in the New Year. Subject to the completion of all legal formalities, the Bishop of Plymouth will license Matthew on the evening of Wednesday 17th January at a service in one of the churches of the Modbury mission community, at which all will be welcome. Please pray for Matt, Louise, and their children as they prepare for this new chapter in their life as a family and in Matt’s ministry as a priest. We all look forward to welcoming Matt and his family on Wednesday 17th January 2018 on the day before the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity starts.


Draft minutes of the Bigbury Parish Council meeting held in the Memorial Hall, St Ann’s Chapel on WEDNESDAY 11th October 7.30pm.

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PRESENT: Cllr. B Carson (in the chair), D.Cllr B Huntley, Cllrs: G Rosevear, C Case, S Smith and Clerk R Matthews. Nine residents were present. Declaration of Interest The Chairman read out a statement in respect of Declaration of Interest and Cllr.Rosevear duly declared an interest (see paragraph 4). Apologies for absence: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Getley. Minutes of previous meetings held on September 20th 2017 The minutes of the meeting held on September 20th 2017 were approved – proposed by Cllr. Rosevear, seconded by Cllr. Carson and unanimously agreed by all Councillors. These were duly signed by the Chairman. Matters arising (actions) from last meeting and not covered in this month’s agenda: Playground project – Cllr. Rosevear and Clerk met with Rob Sekula from SHDC and established Section 106 funds totaling circa £27,000 were held in reserve for OSSR projects (Outside Spaces, Sports and Recreation). It was established these funds could be released if a suitable playground project were submitted for consideration. Cllr. Case stated the park was last updated thirteen years ago and parts of it were now unserviceable and it seems significant damage had also been caused from grass strimming. This was to be discussed with SHDC Action Cllr. Huntley Repairs were urgently needed and one quote for just over £1000 had been received. Cllr. Case met with a second company and is awaiting a quotation. Cllr. Case will work with representatives of the Youth Club and Shrimps and will report back to the Council in December in respect of a proposal for a major upgrade. Action Cllr. Case Planning application 1667 Merrylees This application was moved towards the start of the meeting as the owner was present but needed to travel to London that evening. Cllr. Rosevear confirmed a site visit had taken place earlier in the evening and it was noted that most of the objections made in respect of the original application had been addressed by the architect. Resident A expressed concerns about the quantity of glass used in construction and the possibility the bungalow sited below would be in clear view of the new build – especially a bedroom. Resident A also commented that demolition of such a traditional building was taking away the history and character of Bigbury-on-Sea. Finally Resident A made reference to the disruption caused by such major building works, suggesting that a clause should be added to the planning recommendation that restricted demolition and construction work to the period between November and Easter. This was agreed by the Parish Council.

Cllr. Huntley made reference to the process of selecting of a suitable builder, commenting that a particular builder currently working in the area showed apparent disregard for road access, forcing traffic to divert through the car park, with at least one resultant accident. Cllr. Rosevear left the meeting room declaring a pecuniary interest as the builder is a client of his and he had not been forewarned this item was to be discussed. Cllr. Rosevear proposed the application be supported and this was seconded by Cllr. Smith. Four Councillors voted in favour and Cllr. Case abstained on the basis she was unable to make the site visit. Conditions and recommendations were to be made to SHDC Planning Office relating to removal of the glass in the top windows, increasing the frame size around the four large windows, a request for SHDC to look into the aspects of AONB new rules / recommendations on light pollution and a clause relating to the time window that demolition and construction could take place. 5.0 Open session Resident A asked if the development previously approved for Venus Café would compete with Bay Café. Cllr. Rosevear commented that the development would still be an open area and that about a dozen extra covers were created by the plan. Venus Café was much more a beach based establishment and would not compete with Bay Café, if it were to reopen. 6.0 County Councillor’s report C.Cllr. Gilbert reported the potholes in the Easton to Ashford road had been filled and the stretch in the parish of Aveton Gifford was in hand. The clearing of gulleys was becoming an issue and contributing to the pothole numbers adding there was a satisfactory system to report such defects and this had been publicised in Bigbury News and on the Community website. C.Cllr. Gilbert reminded the Councillors that the Highways Annual conference was to be held and the local venue was Rattery on November 16th. From a County Council financial perspective, unused and derelict council property to the value of £4 million had been sold this year but there was a further £7 million to be disposed of. A further £30 million had to be found from the 2018 budget but on a positive note, every school pupil in Devon was to receive an extra £80 of funding – which would be allocated to the schools themselves. Devolution was back on the Count agenda but this time without the requirement for a Mayor. More would be shared on this in coming months. To conclude, C.Cllr Gilbert shared the following facts: 19.5% of Devon residents have some form of disability 11.5% of Devon residents are classed as Carers 61.5% of Devon residents are Christian 2.5% of Devon residents are classified as being in an ethnic minority 6% / 10% of Devon residents have no heterosexual orientation 7.0 District Councillor’s report D.Cllr. Huntley offered the following statistics form the recent ‘One Council’ consultation; 3% of the population of South Hams responded 2.5% of the population of West Devon responded Results from ALL consultation channels gave the following results: South Hams – 14.02% said YES and 85.98% said NO West Devon – 44.54% said YES and 55.46% said NO Combined – 23.61% said YES and 76.39% said NO


D.Cllr. Huntley advised the appeal process in respect of the Bay Café closed for comments on Friday 13th October, adding it was hoped to move the formal meeting on December 19th from Totnes to St Ann’s Chapel. D.Cllr. Huntley advised Mr. Tom Jones from SHDC (Joint Local Plan) would be in the parish next week. D.Cllr. Huntley advised the edges of the Warren had been cut back. D.Cllr. Huntley advised a Charterlands Chatter Website had been set up and all residents of Charterlands were eligible to sign up and contribute. 8.0

Improving your technology skill – Phil Shea Cllr. Carson expressed a desire to see more use made of the broadband equipment installed at the Memorial hall and paid for by the Parish Council. Phil Shea kindly agreed to attend the meeting and share his thoughts on what could be done, indicating courses would start again in November – week commencing November 9th. The overall goal was to align computer terms and language into sensible words and the topic he would cover included computer safety, scams, security, how to send more complex e mails, print photos and cloud storage. To make the sessions cost effective and viable more people were needed and a class size of fifteen. Cllr. Smith expressed a concern that the branding was Bigbury Seniors Computer Club, suggesting the word Senior should be removed. Resident B asked if more could be done to instruct on communication techniques. Resident C commented that WhatsApp was a particularly effective means of communicating at no cost. In order to support the education process further Cllr. Carson proposed that the Parish Council pay the Hall hire charges for these training sessions. This was seconded by Cllr. Case and unanimously agreed by all Councillors.

9.0 Planning applications and related matters: K1128/W/17/3171733 – Bay Café – notice of appeal against planning refusal. Clerk confirmed that a formal letter would be sent to the Planning Inspectorate before the deadline for submissions. 3029/17/HHO – Dolphin House, Folly Hill, Bigbury-on-sea – Boundary wall alterations to form opening for new access gate. Resident A expressed concerns over safety by having a pedestrian entrance directly on to a road, considered to be dangerous. Approval of such a design would also set a precedent for other properties. Cllr. Carson proposed the application be supported with the following conditions: Highways were to be consulted by SHDC to review the safety aspects. The space is NOT to be used to park a vehicle. A fixed bar MUST be installed between the pedestrian gate and the road to eliminate any possibility that someone could inadvertently walk straight out of the property into the road. With these conditions agreed, Cllr. Rosevear seconded the proposal and the Councillors unanimously agreed. 3228/17/HHO – Glen Cottage, road from St Ann’s Chapel, Bigbury – Demolition of existing detached garage and erection of new detached garage – resubmission of application 0665/17/HHO


The Councillors had discussed this development as part of the site visit and Cllr. Carson proposed the Council support the application. This was seconded by Cllr. Huntley and agreed unanimously by all Councillors. 10.0

Neighbourhood Plan Cllr. Huntley confirmed that draft two had been completed and Cllr. Rosevear confirmed a sum of £97,578 was available for use on Affordable Housing projects under the Section 106 allocation. This was of course subject to a satisfactory plan being submitted.


Layby – Bigbury-on-Sea Clerk presented some options to redevelop the obsolete bus stop lay by. Resident A commented that the community had not been consulted on this topic, to which Cllr. Carson stated this had been an open point of discussion for eighteen months and needed to be brought to a conclusion. Clerk to draft a notice in respect of this and set a timetable. This notice to be placed on notice boards, included in Bigbury News, uploaded to the website and included on Charterlands Chatter. Action Clerk 12.0 Footpath Warden’ report Norman Botton and Trish Bagley attended for the first time in their capacity as Footpath Wardens, thanking John Simes for a very productive and professional handover. All 22 of the Parish footpaths have been walked, a distance of approximately eleven miles. Contact has been made with Ros Davies and Peter Guy at Devon County Council. Both Norman and Trish were to attend a DCC workshop at the end of November. They would use Parish Council minutes, Bigbury News, Bigbury Community website and Charterlands Chatter as a means of keeping the residents updated on all footpath and tree related matters. 13.0

Finance: Approval of payments to be made and presentation of finance statement Clerk presented the following for payment. Cllr. Smith proposed this be accepted which was seconded by Cllr. Rosevear and all councillors agreed. Clerk was to raise cheques. £38.28 – BT group – rental cost line and broadband Memorial Hall. Paid by direct debit £540.00 – R Matthews – salary July – Sep 2017 £20.00 – Bigbury Memorial Hall – hire for Parish Council meetings £120.00 – Grant Thornton – fee for external financial audit £50.00 – B Carson – Chairman’s annual expense allowance £25.00 – G Rosevear – Councillor’s annual expense allowance £25.00 – S Smith – Councillor’s annual expense allowance £25.00 – C Case –Councillor’s annual expense allowance £25.00 – B Huntley – Councillor’s annual expense allowance £25.00 – H Getley – Councillor’s annual expense allowance Resident C asked if the Councillor’s allowances were supported by receipts. Clerk confirmed the individual sums were non material and covered things such as making numerous phone calls, printing, travelling to site visits etc.


Clerk confirmed this allowance was approved as part of the budgeting process (Precept) and Cllr. Rosevear added such expense was covered under DALC guidelines Clerk showed a slide of the current cash book and bank reconciliation statement showing a balance of £24735.34 as at September 29th 2017. Clerk showed a statement of restricted and reserved funding with a balance of £3090.06. Clerk showed a new slide detailing S106 funds held by SHDC - £97,578 for affordable housing projects and £26,882 for OSSR projects. Clerk confirmed Parish accounts had been signed off by external auditors – Grant Thornton. 14.0

Casual vacancy for Parish Councillor This position is still open.


Correspondence Details of a meeting of the Avon Estuary Forum were shared – Tuesday 17th October


Agenda items for next meeting It was agreed to add Devon Air Ambulance (night landing sites) and Bigbury News to the agenda of the November meeting. It was also agreed that the start of the December meeting would be delayed until 19:45 as the hall was being used earlier for the Shrimps Christmas party.

Meeting closed 09:30 pm DATE OF NEXT MONTHLY MEETING - WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8th at 7:30 p.m. PARISH CLERK. The Parish Clerk is Richard Matthews of 10 Lower Brook Park, Ivybridge, Devon, PL21 9TZ; Tel: 07987 130599.

New Footpath Wardens After years of excellent work, the services of one volunteer John Simes, has been taken over by two new volunteers: Trish Bagley Tel: 01548 810053 - email: Norman Botton Tel: 015480810385 - email: normanbotton@ Please contact either of us if you find any problem with the footpaths that cannot be resolved there and then. We are interested in hearing about any obstructions, overgrowths, fencing and gate / style issues, poor surfaces, unclear signposting, and anything else you think needs to be addressed.

It would be helpful if you could pinpoint the problem and give its location either by stating the grid reference or give the footpath number: Failing that a description of its location will do. We can then liaise with the relevant landowner and attempt to resolve the issue. With our thanks…………Trish and Norman.


Planning Appeal re Application for 8 dwellings on site at St Ann’s Chapel A planning appeal has been made to the Secretary of State following the refusal of an outline planning permission for the erection of 8 dwellings on the site to the rear of The Chapel and Le Petit Pain in St Ann’s Chapel. The appeal is to be considered on the basis of written representations, which means that the Planning Inspector will make his or her decision based on the statements which are received and without holding an Inquiry or Hearing. It is important for those wishing to object to the proposals to submit reprerd sentations to the Planning Inspectorate by 23 November. The Planning Inspectorate will be sent copies of the representations that were made at the application stage but further representations can now be made including representations from people who have not previously made comments. If sending further representations you could just repeat comments which have been previously made, or preferably could include additional comments referring in particular to the reasons for the refusal of the application. The application was recommended for approval by the District Council’s planning officers following consultation with the highways officers at Devon County Council. However, Members of the District Council disagreed with the recommendation of their officers and voted by a large majority to refuse the application on the following grounds: 1. The proposed development is likely to generate an increase in pedestrian traffic on highways lacking adequate footways and also lacking adequate visibility at the junction of the C252 and the B3392 with consequent additional danger to all users of the road contrary to paragraph 32 of the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy DP7 of the South Hams Local Development Framework and Policy DEV 31 of the emerging Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan. 2. Having regard to the new road access points, the provision of a new relocated and wider highway and the resulting loss of Devon Hedgebanks, the proposal will fail to conserve the landscape and scenic beauty in this part of the South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty contrary to paragraph 115 of the NPPF, Policies CS9 and DP2 of the South Hams Development Framework and Policies SPT11, DEV24 and DEV27 of the emerging Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan.

Policy context The Plymouth and South West Local Plan has now reached a more advanced stage having now been submitted to the Secretary of State for examination. The Examination of this plan is due to take place in January 2018. A further reason to object to this application, which was not included in the reasons for refusal is the fact that the site is within the Undeveloped Coast and Heritage Coast and therefore subject to Policy DP2 of the Local Development Framework and Policy DEV25 of the emerging Joint Local Plan. Policy DEV25 of the Joint Local Plan states: Development will only be permitted in the Undeveloped Coast where it can be demonstrated that it requires a coastal location, it cannot reasonably be located outside the Undeveloped Coast and it protects, maintains and enhances the unique landscape and seascape qualities of the area. In this case there are other sites available for development in St Ann’s Chapel and as part of the Neighbourhood Plan process the community voted almost unanimously in favour of the site to the north west of the village, where it was considered that development could take place without resulting in highway safety issues, there would be safe access to amenities by pedestrians and there would not be a significant loss of Devon Banks.


There were no votes in favour of development on the appeal site.

Housing need Representations should primarily relate to the reasons why the appeal scheme is not acceptable if that is your view but can also refer to matters such as the Housing Needs Report prepared by South Hams Council which demonstrates that there is no need for large private houses. The local need is for affordable housing and the Neighbourhood Plan will be bringing forward a scheme for circa 10 dwellings which will be for primarily affordable housing. The appeal scheme, although in outline form, shows a scheme for 5 large private dwellings and 3 affordable dwellings. However, there is currently no guarantee that the appeal scheme will include ‘on site’ affordable housing.

Highway and pedestrian safety The alternative site to the north west of the village can be easily accessed without causing highway and pedestrian safety issues, which is the first reason for refusal of the appeal scheme. In particular there would be safe access for pedestrians, particularly children, to access the Holywell Stores, the Memorial Hall, the children’s playground, playing fields and the school bus stop.


The appeal scheme proposes a new loop road around St Ann’s Chapel to divert traffic coming from Ringmore and Challaborough to the south of the village. It will however increase the traffic on the Bigbury Road B3392 and result in more pedestrians using this dangerous stretch of road. Pedestrians wishing to access the Holywell Stores and other facilities, other than the pub, will also still need to cross this busy road and the visibility at the crossing is extremely poor, particularly when crossing back from the grass verge to the south of the Holywell Stores to the pedestrianised area in front of The Pickwick Inn as shown on the Appellant’s plans. Loss of Devon Banks The second reason for refusal refers to the loss of two significant stretches of mature Devon banks in order to provide this new loop road. The scheme involves the loss of two 40 - 50m sections of tall and mature Devon hedgerows along the B3392 and the C252. The alternative scheme to the north west of the village or indeed the development of any other site within St Ann’s Village would not result in such significant loss of hedgerows. Representations Should you wish to make representations, or modify/withdraw your previous representations, you can do so on the Appeals Casework Portal at or by emailing If you do not have access to the internet you can send 3 copies to the Planning Inspectorate at Room 3P Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN. Please quote the Appeal Reference No: APP/K1128/W/17/3182100 Representations must be received by 23rd November 2017.

For those wishing to make representations further information with regard to the appeal application can be obtained from Valerie Scott, Chairman of the Bigbury Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Valerie Scott Email: Tel: 01548 810336

The Filling Station is a new informal way of expressing the Christian faith using local mid-week monthly celebration meetings in a café style setting. In a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with tea, coffee and cake we have a worship time and a speaker. Prayer Ministry is always available. EVERYONE IS WELCOME.

Local meeting – SOUTH HAMS FILLING STATION Bigbury Memorial Hall, St. Ann’s Chapel, Bigbury, TQ7 4HQ. Meets on 3rd Thursday most months 7.30-9.30pm. Check or call 07522 430036/ 01548 810017. Facebook – SouthHamsFillingStation.

Next Meeting – Thursday 16th November Subject for the evening - ‘Social Justice and Serving the Poor’


FLU VACCINATIONS - NOW at Modbury Health Centre Flu vaccination provides the best protection against an unpredictable virus which infects many people and can cause serious illness and death each year. The vaccination is free and recommended yearly to those most at risk of flu. This includes: •Pregnant women •Anyone living with a long term medical condition •Everyone aged 65 and over •People with caring responsibilities

If there is someone you rely on to care for you, please ask them to contact their GP Practice as they may be eligible for free flu vaccination. For more information visit:




EVERYONE IS VERY WELCOME. Entrance Charge is only £2-50 Tea/coffee and biscuits are



It’s October, there are pumpkins everywhere so it must be time to think about Christmas!? Save the date in your diary and please do come along and join in some traditional carols, mulled wine and mince pies on Christmas Eve on the green in Bigbury. We’ll be looking for musicians to help us so watch out for further details in the next Bigbury News. No audition necessary and no age limits (at the upper or lower end!) If you have any queries or would like to help out in any way please contact Dane at Holywell Stores or Fiona Barker at or mobile no 0780 858 6430 or Angie Carson 810296 Hope to see you all there on Christmas Eve in good voice and good heart!

Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri (12 noon - 3pm and then 6pm till close

Food 12 noon - 2pm and 6pm - 8.30pm) Sat (12 noon till close - food 12 noon - 3pm and 6pm - 8.30pm) Sun (12 noon till close - food 12 noon - 3pm)


For a free quote on plans for your build project contact Matthew on 01761 436861 or mobile 07843 286857

01548 831686


Local Trustworthy couple offering a first class Management / Maintenance Service. Services Offered: Changeovers and laundry - Key Holding / Property checks Deep Clean - Window Cleaning - Garden Services

We also offer: Complete property maintenance from decorating to a new bathroom. We will liaise with local tradesmen for plumbing, heating and electrical problems. Holiday / Second Home and Residential. Contact Elaine or Andy to discuss your requirements

The Dolphin Inn Kingston Traditional 16th Century Inn Open all Day Beer Garden Cask Conditioned Ales Traditional Pub Food Lunch 12-3pm Dinner 6-9pm Cream Teas Bed and Breakfast Tel. 01548 810314 Craig and Leah Worthington ( formerly of The Bay View CafĂŠ) are delighted to be new Proprietors of the Dolphin Inn and look forward to welcoming you

3 Comfortable bedrooms available all year round, with stunning views overlooking Dartmoor and surrounding countryside. Near to beaches and local facilities. Dane & Hilary Vanstone St. Ann’s Chapel, Kingsbridge, TQ& 4HQ T: 01548 810308

01548 830250 OR 07925306853

• • •

• •

Areas of Expertise Tree felling and removal All aspects of tree pruning Woodland Management Hedge laying Site Clearance

BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Bringing the Community Together In October our Winter programme kicked off in fine style with the latest in our twice yearly Film and Food Nights. Over thirty people turned up to see “Lion”, an inspiring and true story, accompanied by a delicious meal provided by Kate@Folly. We hope to put on another such evening next March, so look out for details. The next event is on Thursday 9th November at 7.30 p.m. when Mervyn Stutter brings his unique blend of story telling, wit and songs to the hall in An Evening With Mervyn Stutter. Mervyn has worked in radio, TV, theatre and cabaret and pokes fun at himself and the Baby Boomer generation, a huge social group that refuses to grow old gracefully. This is an evening not to be missed and tickets are available at Holywell Stores – see poster. On December 1st we have an event which is a Christmas fixture at the Hall when local expert Richard Taylor, ably assisted by wife Alice, presents a Christmas Wine Tasting (7.00 p.m.). Richard will be featuring eight interesting wines, accompanied by his informed comment and fascinating anecdotes from a working life spent in the wine trade. Some delicious nibbles will be available as usual. The New Year will begin with another Hall favourite, the Quiz Night, on 12th January. Further details on this will appear in next month’s Bigbury News. Turning to other matters, we are delighted to say that the Bowls Club, which ceased a few years ago, will be reforming and meeting at the Hall fortnightly on a Tuesday at 7.30 p.m., starting on November 7th. Best of luck to them. Finally, it’s very gratifying to report that the 50:100 Club has now reached 100 members. A huge thank you to Mike and Rita Baker and Holywell Stores for achieving this milestone.

Charles Harrington. Tel. 810023. Email

Aqua Fitness Classes Restarting at BIC Leisure Club The weekly Aqua Fitness classes will be restarting on Tuesday 7th November under a new format.

The club doors will open for participants only at 8:45 a.m., for the class to start at 9:00 a.m prompt. Aqua workouts do not involve swimming and are non weight bearing, which makes it easier on joints. The 40 minute session will be £5 including a coffee & a healthy nibble afterwards. To join in you have to be 16+ and a member of the club.


Further information from Jill on 810651 or Howard on 810800

Calendar of Events - September 2017 Day & Time Mon.


Contact name

Tel. no


*Jill Gubbins


10.05 – 11.05


*Jill Gubbins


19.00 – 20.15


Fi Baker


17.30 - 19.30

Youth Club

Louise Pitt


Beccy Phelan

811179/ 07789111200

9.15 – 10.00



10.00 - 12.00

South Hams Shrimps


9.15 – 10.00

Body Strength

*Jill Gubbins


10.05 – 11.05


*Jill Gubbins


11.15 – noon

Strong & Steady (plus tea & chat)

*Jill Gubbins


13.00 - 15.00

Bigbury Computing

++Phil Shea

11.00 - 12.00



*Hannah Winzer

810628/ 07777665872 550712/ 07454003091

* Hannah’s classes will begin on Friday 3rd November; no class on 1st December Zumba+ takes the popular Latin-dance inspired workout of Zumba and makes it accessible for active adults, beginners or others needing modifications in their exercise routine. Zumba+ builds cardiovascular health by challenging the heart and working the muscles of the hips, legs and arms with dance moves. A specialised low intensity programme designed for beginners and active adults Proved to enhance general well being and help maintain a good quality of life Improve co-ordination, balance and flexibility Increased opportunities for social interaction For more information please call 07454003091 Check out my Facebook Page Fun Fitness with Hannah, or web site

** Jill’s classes will not run in the week beginning 30th October. ++ Phil’s classes will be starting on Thursday 9th November. November events: Thursday 9th November, 7.30pm. Mervyn Stutter – comedian, singer and guitarist. A previous Villages in Action performer. See posters; tickets £8 from Holywell Stores. Future events: Friday 1st December: Wine tasting 7.00pm £10 per ticket Friday 12th January : Quiz Night – more details next month. 50:100 Club (Promoted by Dane Vanstone). Tickets (£10) for the 10 monthly are all sold! 50% of the money goes in prizes and 50% to the Memorial Hall. October winners are Hannah Goldstein (£25); Jane Tucker (£15) and Helen Smith (£10).


BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Thursday 9th November 7.30pm

Tickets £8 from Holywell Stores or ring 01548 810373 BYOB and glasses




Theft On the evening of Wednesday 27th September 2017 the Discovery Surf School suffered a theft from their van. At least 9 Red Paddle ride stand up paddle boards were stolen after the thief smashed the lock from the back doors. Thanks to Neighbouring properties and businesses CCTV footage has been obtained recording the thief in action. The white male offender is seen to carry the boards to a vehicle nearby. This occurred shortly after the staff had locked up for the evening and is thought to have been waiting. We have obtained footage of a white van- see below. If anyone has any knowledge of the offenders or can provide any information please contact the Discovery Surf school, the police on 101 or if you wish to give anonymous information call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

Dangerous Seas! At about 0600hrs on Friday 20th October Police were called to an address in Bigbury where it was reported that a male had smashed a window, was wet and in a distressed state. They then received a further call about someone in the sea. Police, HM Coastguard, and the National Police Air Service helicopter were dispatched. One male was located with serious arm injuries and after a short time a second was located, unharmed but very cold and wet. Both men were given first aid and an ambulance called. It transpired that the two men were drunk and after a night out decided to swim back to Burgh Island Hotel where they were staying. It was pitch black, high spring tides and very rough seas. The men believe they were in the water for 2 hours before they were able to self rescue. Their ridiculously stupid actions could very easily have lost them their lives.


Neighbourhood Watch later visited the address in Bigbury on Sea to check on the occupant and the holidaymaker staying with his family ending his stay and that it was very frightening. If you see someone in danger at the coast then call 999 and ask for The Coastguard. I am really pleased to advise that both Martin and Annika Connelly have agreed to be members of Neighbourhood Watch and will assist me with providing immediate Community support in the Bigbury on Sea area. Martin can be contacted on 07813639622 and Annika 07966849986.

Please note that by being members of an active Neighbourhood Watch group you will likely qualify for a discount on your home insurance. I am currently seeking support members in Bigbury, Easton and St Anne’s Chapel. Please contact me if you are interested.

Defibrillators If anyone in the Parish has the responsibility of care and control of the various defibrillators could they kindly contact me.

Neighbourhood Watch street warning signs. I would be interested to receive details or suggestions as to where these might be placed to best serve the Parish and act as deterrents to would be thieves. Street name and lamppost number would help.

Facebook page of interest - South Hams Neighbourhood Watch - visit and like to receive useful and relevant information.

Stay Safe!


The Story of Four Little Pigs Once upon a time there were four little pigs. They had just left their Mummy down at Challons Combe Farm and arrived at Turtle Farm snuggled down in the cosy straw-covered back of the Landrover Discovery. The road tyres on the Landrover were not suitable for taking the piglets across the field to their new home and so they needed to be transferred to a link box on the back of the tractor. This presented a problem, as the top of the link box is higher than the bottom of the Landrover door – meaning there is a GAP when the door is opened. Lyn and Geoff were prepared for trouble – but it appears not well enough! When the door was opened, the four little pigs could smell the sea and two of them were so excited that they refused to go in the link box and set off for the beach! They dashed out of the farm-gate and down the lane towards Bigbury-onSea as fast their little legs could run - with Geoff chasing after them! But they could hear lots of traffic up on the main road, so thought maybe they should wait a while. They headed back the way they came and up to the top of the hill, where Lyn ushered them in to the little field she uses as a collecting ring. The two little pigs were not a bit tired and loved running round and round this field avoiding all attempts to catch them, until Lyn did manage to herd both of them into a pen and caught them. “Oh no, this is so much fun” said one little pig; “I am going to squeeze through the bars and run off again!” And promptly did. Sadly his brother was stopped from following him and he was put securely in the link box. “You have a pig running down the lane!” said a thoughtful passing motorist. “Well you catch him!” cried Geoff who was doing his best to help Lyn with the link box and was already fed up with chasing little pigs up and down the hill. The little pig in the link box was looking a bit lonely, so while Geoff enjoyed chasing down the hill again and up the other side after the other little pig, Lyn kindly took the lonely little pig back in the link box to join his two brothers, who were still in the back of the Landrover. These two were really cross to have missed all the fun and so one of them leapt out of the Landrover and ran through the farmyard and out through the farm-gate - which was still open - to see the big wide world for himself. Just then Gordon was driving past with his dogs in the back of his truck and Geoff had told him there was an oink-oink on the loose. So one of his dogs chased this little pig into the hedgerow – where he quickly disappeared. Lyn took the two remaining little pigs in the link box to put them in their shiny new home and tucked them up in nice fresh straw for the night, as it was now nearly dark. The other two naughty little pigs would have fend for themselves and stay out for the night.

Next morning the little pig from the hedgerow had found his way to join his brothers, who were still shut safely in their new home, but he had had to spend the night outside the house. Of course he didn’t want to go in the house now that it was daytime and so instead his brothers came out to play with him in the area enclosed with electric fencing.


Meanwhile there were now reports of a piglet enjoying himself on the golf course – or maybe it was doing a spot of fishing down at Cockleridge Beach. But when Lyn investigated both locations there was no little pig to be found. “Is this your pig?” demanded the gamekeeper from the Bantham Estate arriving at Turtle Farm on his quad-bike with his dogs. He had a little pig under his arm. Oh, thank you, yes; and soon all four little pigs were playing happily in the area outside their new home. Our story should happily end here, but….. “Is this your pig?” said John Tucker arriving with a little pig under his arm. When Lyn looked - the pigpen was completely empty – there were no little pigs!!! All four had gone over the wire and were on the loose again. Thank you John for that one, but where are the other three? There are two down in the scrub at the bottom of the hill and the other one is in the next field. With help from John’s dog these three little pigs are recaptured and all four are re-united. These four naughty little pigs are now securely barricaded in the barn and were still there when we last checked. Pigs can’t fly – can they, not even little ones? (Submitted by Geoff Edwards)

The Arts Society Kingsbridge Wednesday 29th/ Thursday 30th November 2017 The Arts Society Kingsbridge New Cumberland Art Gallery by Linda Collins

This new Royal Gallery houses a changing display of artworks from the Royal Collection which continues the Palace’s long history as a destination for the work of renowned artists – masterpieces by artists such as Holbein, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Caravaggio and Gainsborough. Wednesday evening lecture starts at 7pm for 7.30pm. Thursday morning lecture starts at 10am for 10.30am. Lectures held at Methodist Church, 100 Fore Street, Kingsbridge. Refreshments available before each lecture. Free for members. £8 for visitors Phone 01752830579 for more details

Portuguese Man of War As most of you will be aware, there has been an unprecedented amount of these ’deflated-balloon-like’ creatures washed up on the SW beaches due to the very strong westerly winds blowing in from the Atlantic. After speaking to a number of visitors to the local beaches, some are of the opinion that these creatures are ‘safe’ once they have expired on the beach. This is not the case, although the sting may not be lethal it can still be quite painful as one of my dogs found out recently, after licking at one, she was violently sick and quite uncomfortable for a while after. Fortunately there was no swelling and no lasting effects, but scary non the less. If you see one, please don’t touch it, if you are stung by one, the NHS website suggests carefully removing any tentacles and washing the area with SEA WATER, then bathing it in very hot water. The pain should subside after 20 minutes but seek medical help if you suffer any adverse reaction or are in pain. If an animal is involved seek veterinarian advice immediately.


On Wednesday 4th October the Korniloff Coffee Morning raised £135 for the South Hams Hospital League of Friends. Terry Andrew told us about the work of the community hospital and all the clinics which save patients the drive to Derriford or Torbay. Our grateful thanks to everybody who supported them and gave so generously. On Wednesday 1st November we will be supporting Children’s Hospice South West, we look forward to seeing you between 10.30 and noon. On Wednesday 6th December we will be supporting our church, St. Lawrence with our Christmas coffee morning. There will be traditional Christmas goodies i.e. homemade Christmas cakes, logs and puddings, biscuits, mince pies, jams, marmalade and chutneys. Also Christmas gifts, silk ware from Cambodia, Phoenix cards and of course the favourite raffle! If you are not able to join us, would you consider donating a raffle prize for our local church? Our grateful thanks as usual to Gina and Gordon, their staff and of course the residents of the Korniloff for welcoming us into their lovely home and for their continuing support. Jean & Yvonne.

We met at Hazel's house on 4th October and the book discussed was "Iris and Ruby" by Rosie Thomas. This book was set in Cairo and told the story of a Grandmother's wartime romance and being reunited with her Granddaughter after many years. Although not all members had finished this book, those who had enjoyed it and found it a light, easy Summer read and were fascinated by the descriptions of life at the edge of the desert. This was with one exception - one reader did not like it at all and found it "turgid" - this caused much merriment and we agreed that our diverse reading preferences make our monthly Book Club such an enjoyable experience. Our next book, chosen by Julia is "Excellent Women" by Barbara Pym and we will review this when we meet on November 1st at Liz's house.


For the October meeting a group of us went to the Butterfly Farm based at Dart Valley Railway at Buckfastleigh. Jo drove Hazel and Iris whilst Jean drove Helen and me. We had just missed the feeding of the otters so we had a pleasant meander through the butterfly section – a wonderful place to go if you are feeling cold!!! It was extremely hot in there – those wearing glasses couldn’t see for a minute or so as their spectacles steamed up. The range of butterflies was amazing and Hazel took loads of photos on her phone so we are hoping that one or two can be included with this report. There were a few pools with massive koi carp and goldfish plus several terrapins. From there our tummies were beginning to rumble so we walked a few minutes up to the station restaurant where the food was extremely good and reasonable. Back from there through to butterflies in time to watch the feeding of the otters at 2.00p.m. There are several pens and a very good commentary as the keeper fed the various kinds. I thought in my ignorance that there was only one type of otter but how wrong can I be! The otters had all got their own pet names and when feeding time was due they became quite showman-like. For the November meeting we are going to use our bus passes to go to Dartmouth. The plan as to catch a bus at Aveton Gifford about, have a wander around Dartmouth and back to Aveton Gifford. Please note that our Christmas Dinner will be at the Cottage Hotel, Hope Cove. This was originally scheduled for Wednesday 13th December but unfortunately they cannot accommodate us that day due to pressure of numbers of other bookings. Helen has therefore booked the following Wednesday, the 20th for the meal. If you wish to attend, please phone Helen and let her know how many of you there will be. Everyone welcome so why not start the Christmas spirit a few days early with an early Christmas dinner with us? Also, of course, we hope that there will be some gentlemen joining us that day. Pam Trundle


News from the Nineteenth Hole at Bigbury Golf Club At Bigbury Golf Club the summer knockout competitions are nearly complete and we congratulate the winners and all the competitors who took part, with some matches being played in quite challenging weather conditions. Twelve couples signed up to play in the mixed summer knockout and it was Melanie and Richard Adcock who triumphed in the final match against Jane Rickman and her partner Dave Moulding, to win the competition. Sixteen ladies played for the May Rose Bowl, which was won by Gabrielle Service in a final round against Linda Hanbury, and with eight ladies eligible to enter the Challenge Cup it was Pauline Deschamps who won the cup with Lucinda Kirkham as runner up. Dave Bogue overcame David Thorne on the final green to snatch victory in the Seniors Summer Knockout competition. In a repeat of the 2016 Scratch Cup ten gentlemen took part in the 2017 Scratch Cup and Paul Kingwell once again took the title from the James Mitchell. What a great day Ben had for his Captains’ Day last month. Over 80 competitors took part on the day and there was some excellent scores returned, most notably from Past Captain Harry Kerswell who won the overall Captains Prize, Best Past Captain and a reduction in handicap from 22 to 20. Other prize winners were Paul Kingwell, Paul Richards as Best Senior whilst the Best Junior prize went to our Junior Captain Luke Westlake. The nearest Pin Prize on the 10th hole raised over £200 for the Chestnut Appeal, Ben's chosen charity. Both our Ladies' Captain, Sally Errett and our Seniors' Captain Tony Messenger held their away days in October. Tony reported that for his day out at East Devon was a soggy occasion with the start being delayed by an hour whilst the greens dried slightly after the hail had turned the greens white! and they were only able to play from the 5th to the 18th. However everyone had a great time, Steve Ryder and his partner John Gilbert came away the winning partnership, Steve came nearest the pin , Tony was nearest the line and Terry Alderton was nearest the pin in 2 on the 18th. Sally held her day at Torquay. 28 ladies played - 9 teams of 3 plus Tracy sharing two holes with each group. We played a stableford with any 2 scores to count on each hole. It was good fun, although again, a bit drizzly, but it didn’t ruin the day. We all had a good meal once we had finished golf, and then had a short presentation to the winners Dot Kenneth, Ros Hanley and Rosemary Sharps.

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Seichem Reiki Reconnective Bengsten Method

My house or at yours Contact: Beth 01548 810385


You are invited to our OPEN DAY ! All clients, current and new.

SATURDAY 4th NOVEMBER Welcoming all ladies & gents 12noon - 1.30pm ~ Refreshments ~ Hair up demonstration by krista.. learn how to curl your own hair & discuss Christmas party 'hair up' styling even for shorter hair. ~ Discount vouchers ~ Hear about our latest promotions ~ Meet our new beauty therapist Mandi ~ Free Raffle ~ your chance to win incredible prizes up to the value of £100! ~ Christmas gifts for sale ~ New products We won't pretend that last months barber shop drop in day was a huge success as sadly it wasn't! ....but we won't be defeated....after chatting to our regular golfer clients it has been suggested that a lot of our gents in the area golf on a Wednesday morning so we havechanged the time of the drop in days to cater for this . NOVEMBER DROP IN BARBER SHOP (men only afternoon) Gents dry trim or restyle Ear / nose / brow tidy Coffee £10 THURSDAY 2nd NOVEMBER 12noon - 3pm WEDNESDAY 15th NOVEMBER 1pm - 4pm

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions regarding the open day or would like to make an appointment for hair or beauty. We look forward to seeing you soon. 01548 810000 07786860440 Louise (beauty) 07808645981 krista (hair)


Devon and Cornwall may thrive in summer, but we love how our fields, towns and shores come alive in winter. The dramatic scenery and diverse nature seems to become even more prevalent during this special time of year, don’t you think? We wanted to kick start the November round-up with a huge thank you to all the amazing volunteers and salty-dogs who braved the elements to clean Bigbury-on-Sea beach. Bin liners full of plastic, waste, and netting and cardboard were collected and saved from their destiny of being washed into the ocean. We were pleased to warm everyone’s cockles with hot drinks afterwards. As well as removing plastic from the beach, we want to encourage as many people as possible to reduce the amount of single use plastic used. That’s why we’re supporting six-year old Ella and her ‘Plastic Clever’ campaign. She has presented all of our cafes with a certificate to say that we don’t use unnecessary single use plastic, such as straws. Her mother, Anna Turns, says, “The Venus Company has been at the forefront of sourcing environmentally friendly alternatives for a long time, so we feel really proud to present them with #PlasticClever awards for their East Portlemouth cafe as well as their five other cafes and restaurants across Devon and Cornwall. The Venus team set a great example, showing what’s possible and hopefully that will continue to be inspire us all to think more responsibly about using single-use plastics. Great work!” Whether you’re rock-pooling, dog-walking, wind-surfing or sandcastle making, Bigbury-on-Sea is a great destination all year round. Our winter menu has been a hit with new dishes including veggie and beef chilli served with a dollop of sour cream and tortilla chips, and our hearty tomato and onion soup – all made freshly by our team at Venus. If you decide to pop by for a take-away tea, your drink will contribute 5p towards The Samaritans. This has helped us raise £2,400 for this wonderful charity who support so many people by being a friendly ear in their hour of need.


See you on the beach, Martin, Andy and the team


Winters coming!

Don’t get the winter Blues……..

Come and blow them away at the Pickwick Inn! Enjoy your food & drink in our cosy & friendly atmosphere! Upcoming events for you to join us and enjoy

November 3rd - Whiskey Falls - 9pm to 11pm November 4th - Fireworks, Fun and Food December 9th - The Dockneys - 9pm till 11pm New Years Eve - Five course set menu at £30 per head, DJ Roberto playing some special tunes to bring in the New Year. Our Christmas Party menu has also launched - set menu for just £18 per head. Come and celebrate in style with your friends or work colleagues.

Our quiz runs every Thursday 8pm start, £1 per person to enter Prizes every week and large cash prize for our mega quiz in January!


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