Bigbury News September 2015

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The site for great holidays in a great community; now gives the accommodation, holiday activities, many useful links and maps.

Now features community events and dates. Send any ideas for the site to

Front Cover: Foxhole painted by Jinnie in Memory of a lovely Lady


What’s on and Dates for your Diary


Editors Page News, Views & letters


Church Services Service times for Bigbury, Kingston and Ringmore


Message from the Minister from Michael Wilkinson


Parish Council Notes from the Parish Council monthly meeting


Neighbourhood Watch Report from Anthony Singleton


Musings by Weekend Wendie

Your handy pull-out Guide to Local Business


Shack Splash News from the Oyster Shack


Bigbury Memorial Hall Reports and Diary of events


News from all your Regular Social Meetings


The 19th Hole Report from the Golf Club

Where’s Alfie ?? He’s hiding somewhere in the pages!!

Bigbury News is published monthly at Lucerne Ringmore Drive Bigbury-on-Sea Kingsbridge Devon TQ7 4AU Tel: 01548 810815 email: Editor - Rose Owen Treasurer - Margaret Hawes, Blue Waters, Marine Drive, BoS, TQ7 4AS All contributions and requests for advertising to the Editor Bigbury News is a voluntary run publication which is supported by donations from readers, advertising rates and a grant from the Parish Council DISCLAIMER - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure adverts and articles appear correctly, Bigbury News cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the contents of this publication. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor.

Dates for your Diary September… 2nd 6th 9th 16th

Korniloff Coffee Morning - Korniloff Care Home, BoS., from 10.30 - noon (supporting Devon Air Ambulance) BIGBURY PRODUCE SHOW - Memorial Hall from 10.00am Parish Council Meeting - Memorial Hall at 7.30pm Bigbury Ladies River Dart trip and lunch, leaving Helens @ 9.00am

October… 1st 7th 9th 23rd 19th

Bigbury History Society - Memorial Hall at 7.30pm (see below) Korniloff Coffee Morning - Korniloff Care Home, BoS., 10.30 - noon (supporting League of Friends SHH) Friends of St Lawrence's Quiz and Curry Night - Memorial Hall at 7pm ‘Blackheart’ performing at Memorial Hall (see p.16) Angel Heart Puppet Theatre - Memorial Hall at 4.00pm (see p.16)

November… 4th 14th

Korniloff Coffee Morning - Korniloff Care Home. 10.30 - noon FOSL ‘Bigbury’s Got Talent’ St Lawrence’s Bigbury at 7pm

Look out for other dates of events in and around Modbury and Kingsbridge also mentioned in articles in this magazine.



at 7.30 pm We have arranged for Merv Freeman of Kingston H.S. to speak to us on “THE HISTORY OF KINGSTON FIRE STATION” EVERYONE IS WELCOME

Entrance Charge is only £2.50 - Tea / Coffee and biscuits are included

South West Devon Conservative Association - Charterlands Branch Murder Mystery Evening - Saturday 24 October Coffee Morning and Christmas Flower Arranging - Friday 27 November

For further information please contact Gill Cook on 810156


Margaret and I would like to express our deep appreciation and thanks to all who have sent in donations after our recent appeal. These have come from residents, home-owners and visitors and reflects the interest which all our readers share in our ‘little local mag’! I am desperately running out of artwork for the front cover, which this year has been supplied by Carol Pink, many thanks Carol for your talented pictures. So I am appealing to anyone who feels they would like to produce a picture which reflects our rural surroundings or any appropriate doodle which could be decorative!! If any of you have any news, views or interesting articles that you would like to share, please send them to me at the Bigbury News. Either drop them into me at Lucerne, Bigbury on Sea or hand them into Holywell Stores or phone me on 01548 810815 or email: You can now find each months issue at

in ‘The Community’ section and also on the Bigbury Community website in the documents section of the Bigbury News Group.


The housing development in the car park of the Royal Oak has been approved with an informal understanding that the pub will re-open, albeit in a reduced format, at some stage. The news will be of interest to many parishioners and visitors to Bigbury. Details can be found via the following link:




BIGBURY - KINGSTON - RINGMORE ST. LAWRENCE - BIGBURY All services start at 11.00 a.m.


Family Communion


Sunday Worship


Morning Prayer


Holy Communion*

ST. JAMES THE LESS - KINGSTON All services start at 9.30 a.m.


Family Communion


Sunday Worship


Family Communion


Village Service

ALL HALLOWS - RINGMORE All services start at 9.30 a.m.


Sunday Worship


Sunday Worship


Village Service


Family Communion

* Service in traditional language Korniloff Communion - Tuesday 15th Sept at 2.30 p.m.


Message from the Minister

Michael Wilkinson writes: Dear Friends and Neighbours, Many of us will have been disappointed by the weather this summer, cold days, cloudy skies and rain, with just a few days of real sunny warmth to remind us of the benevolence of our planet, if not of God himself. The papers tell us that as a nation or nations the UK enjoys enough exposure to the sun to equip us with vitamin D we need for healthy lives, especially with our manner of life these days. Before the summer the election seemed to provide optimism for a great many people – a new beginning and a fresh determination to put our house in order, economically at least. Already the changes made seem to have ignored the promises made. Reflection suggests that we need to take more notice of the nature of the world in which we live and adapt our lives accordingly, living in greater touch with nature and at the same time trying to structure the rule of law for everyone instead of just a few. Violence will in the end achieve little except stir up fear and mistrust. Amongst the voices which speak out about the future and all the changes that rulers and leaders try to bring about is that of Jesus, who spoke of this world in which we live as destined to be God's Kingdom, and called for rich and poor to work together. In a constantly changing world we need to be reminded again and again that love and understanding are our future together; that does not change. Division and separation are going to get us nowhere. My plea would be that people who once had a place for joining together to praise God and take the teaching of Jesus seriously would put aside all previous misunderstandings and come together to build the kingdom of heaven we so much desire. With all good wishes

Michael Wilkinson

Team Rector: The Revd Neil Barker (830260: any day except Mondays) Team Readers: Chris Lally (521587), Michael Tagent (810520) Website:


PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE NOTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING. If you wish to read the minutes in full, please look on the Bigbury Community website at or read them on the notice boards. A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Memorial Hall on WEDNESDAY 8th JULY 2015 at 7.30 p.m. CllrS. B Carson, G. Rosevear and N. Stanesby attended. C.Cllr Richard Hosking and D.Cllr Lindsey Ward were also present for part of the meeting together with ten residents. C.Cllr Richard Hosking was thanked by the Chairman for the grant of £1,000 towards the cost of the gate and wall of the Burial Ground in Bigbury. Richard asked that DCC be acknowledged for this award. The issue of public transport had been thoroughly discussed with the result that Ivybridge will not be added to the route of our Friday bus as was initially proposed. However, the Fare Car Scheme has not reached with the same success and Richard has asked for the discontinuation of this service to be delayed until mid-September in order to give residents a chance to submit their views. If you wish to do so, Richard can be contacted on Richard.Hosking@ He has suggested that the Community Car Scheme could be extended to the Charterlands area but volunteer drivers are needed for this and it would have to run in conjunction with the neighbouring parish councils. D.Cllr Lindsay Ward reported that she has put the subject of the District Councillors’ Locality Fund on her website. She is keen to get involved with community groups and also reported that Dan Taylor is covering our parish area and neighbouring ones, and another Locality Officer will be joining him (UPDATE; we have now learnt that this is Tim Pollard who quite a few people will know as he has worked at SHDC for a while). George Rosevear asked if Lindsay is aware of the SHDC parking charges in BoS car park as he had not realised they were so high and disproportionate for families visiting the beach every day – he also felt there should be a discount in the winter. Matters arising from the minutes - Iain Couper had attended a New Councillor training session in June Open Session - John Simes (Parish Footpath Warden) reported that his phone number and email address are now on the parish website so anybody encountering problems on the footpaths in the parish can use them as point of contact. (810693 and He was thankful for the excellent support he receives from Ros Davis in DCC office and Peter Guy, the county footpath warden. - A resident offered congratulations on the directional sign at Pond Green for St Lawrence Church and said she felt there should be a sign at the bottom of the slip road in BoS car park indicating additional exit and access to the Warren. - The subject of the boat in the layby at BoS was raised and this will be discussed at the end of the season. - A resident raised the subject of dog faeces on the Warren and overhanging bushes at Seafront, Marine Drive. - A request was made for a sign near the Folly Hill car park to indicate something like “kill your speed”, or a flashing sign which could be moved elsewhere in the village at other times.







A resident referred to a recent meeting when it was agreed to form a watch group to have regular meetings to discuss planning applications when they come in and then submit a common view-point of comments on the applications. A resident drew the councillors’ attention to several extremely large placards advertising new properties in Challaborough. The matter of the broken Bigbury sign near Bigbury Court Farmhouse had already been raised with DCC who had been informed the parish wished to retain the metal sign and not have it replaced with a modern “lightweight” one. Planning (planning applications for Bigbury parish have 05 prefix) 1229/15/F: Mr & Mrs Yin, Seafront, Marine Drive, BoS: demolition of bungalow and replace with 2 houses. A site meeting had been held and all efforts to have a meeting there with the architects had failed. Councillors agreed to oppose the houses but would not be averse to dormer bungalows. 1325/15/F: Mr & Mrs R Smith, The Old Vineyard, Easton: replacement of existing building with a bungalow on the same footprint: 2 letters of objection had been received and councillors had visited the site independently. They supported the application. Financial: It was agreed to pay cheques as follows: £49 to Kingsbridge Websites for hosting: £1 to CJL Rogers for playing field rent; £200 to Hope Cove Lifeboat for donation; £19 to Modbury Parish Council for attendance of Iain Couper at training session; £5.60 to Iain Couper for travelling expenses; £2311.20 to ABC Playgrounds for repairs to equipment in children’ play area; £30 to Bigbury Memorial Hall for hire; £120 to D Hammett for grass-cutting for one year. Councillor vacancies: There are three vacancies on the parish council – UPDATE: two people have come forward and their applications will be discussed at the start of the September meeting. If you wish to be considered for one of these three seats, please write to the clerk giving a brief resume of yourself before the end of August. Correspondence: SHDC – notification of a Town/Parish Council event on 27 July at Follaton House. George Rosevear hoped to attend. SHDC had sent details of car parking charges throughout the South Hams. SHDC had written stating that the Chairman and Vice-chairman of the Council would like to attend a parish council meeting during their year of office. Any Other Business Richard Crafter had handed a report to Bryan Carson listing vehicle registration numbers and names of company vehicles which exceeded the weight limit on the tidal road. These would be forwarded to DCC. John Tucker felt that a property on Warren Road had erected fencing over common land. Land Registry will be consulted. Date of next meeting WEDNESDAY 9th SEPTEMBER at 7.30 pm

Please note that all items of correspondence should be addressed to the Parish Clerk: Mrs P. Trundle, Deben Reach, Parker Road, Bigbury on Sea, Kingsbridge, TQ7 4AT Tel: 810 719 Email:


SKIP The Parish Council has arranged for a skip at the Memorial Hall car park for Saturday 3rd October from 10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.

SEAGULL NUISANCE The parish council request:Please DO NOT FEED the seagulls. Homeowners - please take all steps possible to prevent seagulls nesting on your rooftops. If you let your property, please ask your guests not to put food out for the seagulls. Remember SEAGULLS are VERMIN (or, as reported recently, they re “RATS WITH WINGS”) SO – DO NOT FEED THEM

COUNCILLOR VACANCIES There are three seats vacant on the parish council. If you are interested in being considered for a position as a parish councillor, please apply in writing to the parish clerk, giving some details of your background and your wish to be considered for one of the posts. Councillors serve for a term of 4 years. Clerk: Mrs P. Trundle, Deben Reach, Parker Road, Bigbury on Sea, Kingsbridge, TQ7 4AT Tel: 810 719 Email:

MOBILE LIBRARY Our librarian is Steve and he will be at:BoS = Cleveland Drive 12.40 –

1.25 p.m.

Bigbury Green

2.00 –

2.30 p.m.

Ringmore Church

11.50 – 12.20 a.m.

Kingston Fire Station

11.00 – 11.40 a.m.

Dates; 8 Sept. 6 Oct; 3 November; 1 December Please note the library now only visits once a month and especially note new times. PLEASE, PLEASE do use our mobile library. We are very lucky to have the service and don’t want to lose it through lack of support. DCC have made many cuts and libraries are one of them. We must retain this service so please use it. Some people are under the misconception you can only keep books a month – but Steve is very good, we do not have to pay fines. Pam Trundle - Parish Clerk: Tel: 810719 Email:


Greetings go to Joyce Yeomans and Diana Lyne who both celebrated their 80th birthdays recently. We send our best wishes to Lizzie and Richard Marsh from Folly Hill who were married in Bigbury Church recently. Bigbury Church was also the venue on 26th July for the Baptism of Kelly Jessica May Priest, daughter of Gavin and Hilary and sister to Bethany. Congratulations to Pat and Michael Holness who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on 7th August with a Service in Bigbury Church, when they renewed their vows, followed by a lunch in the Memorial Hall. Also Congratulations to Sally and Kevan Debonnaire from Burgh Island Causeway who celebrated their Silver Wedding on 4th August. Lewis Friend who lives in Marine Drive is at present staying at The Korniloff. Do pop in and see him. All at Bigbury on Sea were immensely saddened by the Death of Jim McSherry - the measure of his popularity was shown at his funeral, when there was standing room only. Later dozens of family, friends and neighbours celebrated his life at his wake, held in his lovely garden. (See separate eulogy on p.12) We send our sympathy to Brian McCabe from Dukes Mill on the loss of his wife Jinnie. Jinnie will be greatly missed especially for her charity work when she opened her garden in aid of St. Lukes, the floristry demonstrations she gave and the magnificent flower arrangements she created in both Ringmore and Bigbury Churches.

We send condolences to Lyn following the sudden death of Neil Sumpter on August 20th. Neil had been ill in Derriford for some time but was getting better and expected home soon.

Friends of St Lawrence’s Bigbury Events 2015 Quiz and Curry Night Friday 9th October 7.00 pm Memorial Hall

An Evening of Local Entertainment Saturday 14th November 7.00 pm St Lawrence’s Bigbury For more details see Bigbury News or Contact Alice - 01548810864 : Gill - 01548810156 : Helen - 01548810386


I have three recent crimes but nothing up to date. There were two thefts of diesel and a steel bucket stolen off a mini digger at property in Ringmore Drive. The following information messages are as always included for your information. 1.Please circulate this message to friends, family and neighbours. Police have received numerous reports across the Devon and Cornwall area regarding distraction thefts which have occurred in supermarket car parks. We believe Asian males are targeting lone females engaging them in conversation asking for directions to specific locations. Having been distracted an accomplice enters the victims car and steals cash or bank cards. Please lock your cars and keep all valuables and handbags with you if leaving your motor vehicle unattended even for a short time. We ask you to be vigilant. If you see any suspicious activity contact the Police immediately noting if you can descriptions of the offenders or registration numbers of vehicles used. 2.This message relates to Police Log No. 790 of 16th July 2015. On Thursday 16th July Police received a report of two males cold calling at properties in the Totnes area. The males were offering household cleaning products for sale from a large holdall and stated they were trying to raise funds to attend a plumbing course in September. Residents are asked to be aware and exercise caution when answering the door to unexpected callers. Do not feel pressured into purchasing items at the door. If you feel pressured closed the door and call the Police. Do not allow anyone into your home you do not know however plausible. Please advise your elderly or vulnerable neighbours. 3.People are being approached by letter and by telephone informing them they have won a large sum of money. They are then being asked to pay either monies for "insurance" purposes or as "release fees" to get the prize money released. There is no prize money and this is a variation on previous attempted frauds. Residents are recommended not to make payments any such requests and not to provide any personal information or banking details. Refer any such attempts to the Police or Trading Standards. As regards local Police activity I am told that they will be concentrating on traffic matters especially speeding offences. Although I do not expect much in the way of activity in and around Bigbury they will be operating in the wider area outside the Parish.

Anthony Singleton


Open Garden - Bramleys Bigbury-on-Sea Tuesday 18th August David and Sandy Gay were so lucky to have chosen one of the alternate glorious summer days, which has been the pattern of weather this year, to hold their Open Garden on Tuesday 18th August. Many local residents, holiday makers and friends from far and wide came to support this event which raised over ÂŁ400 for the Kiboko Primary School in Kenya which Jo Dudmesh of Bigbury has supported for many years. The cream teas ably produced by Sandy and her helpers were a great success but it was unfortunate that on this occasion Sandy's mum Minnie, who is 98 and an ace scone maker, was unable to be there as she has been very ill in hospital, she was sorely missed but we are pleased to report is now much better and is progressing well. David and Sandy`s granddaughters, Erin and Libby, managed the entry desk, organised the raffle and created the Animal Treasure Hunt for the younger children which they all enjoyed. The challenge to find the mouse at the end of the hunt proved to be a difficult one even for some frustrated parents who were attempting to help, not always so successfully, nevertheless all the children found it in the end. A very big thank you to both Hilary and Dane at Holywell Stores, Steve Chapman at Fryer Tucks and all those who generously supported this worthy cause and provided prizes for the raffle, also the many people who gave their time, and the donations received from friends who were unable to attend this event.


Sept 2015 I hope you have all had a lovely summer in Bigbury or further afield. The Weekend family managed to negotiate work and train schedules to luxuriate in spending the whole of August in Bigbury and enjoyed every moment. This included the beautiful, calm SUP days, the wilder surf days and even the jigsaw days when it seemed prudent not to venture outside. The newspapers (and other necessities), delivered with the usual unfailing efficiency by Holywell Stores, kept us in touch with the world outside but we only had to make outside contact on our own terms. Spending a long period here has also meant that we have added to our guest list so I thought it might be time to share what I have learned over the last 18 months about guest etiquette. Speaking to some long term Bigbury residents this summer I realise that there is nothing new under the sun and that everyone has a story on this subject but it also made me think there is some common experience here and it can be good to share: think of it as therapy…. Goodness knows, I think I might need some! As a guest, don’t extend your stay for longer than 2-3 nights if invited to stay for ‘the weekend’. Bring with you any special thing you need to enjoy your stay that you suspect or know your host will not have but don’t expect the host to enjoy them too. If they don’t have one, that is your clue that they probably don’t like/need/want one. This includes special pillows, nightlights for children etc. This also includes any special dietary requirements; if there is a special tea, coffee, cereal, cheese, bread etc. that you like then bring it with you. If you have anything that you cannot or will not eat then make this absolutely clear before you arrive. If you have not done this and are then served something you cannot or will not eat then this is your own fault and you will either have to a) eat it anyway or b) make yourself something else (using the special food you have conveniently brought with you). Offer to bring sheets. Assume that ‘check-out’ time on your agreed leaving day is 10am unless otherwise negotiated; give your hosts some time to reorganise things after your departure and still have some useful day left for shopping/real life. Be relaxed about activities. Enjoy each day as it comes. If there is anything special that you would like to do, discuss this with your host but don’t assume that your host will want to do it with you/arrange it for you/pay for it. As a host, make it clear (politely) when issuing invitations that ‘a weekend’ means 2-3 days. A white lie about other guests arriving/work/other commitments may be deployed if necessary. When things get tough, smile, and remember that these people are your family and friends. Presumably that is why you invited them in the first place. If you think they are weird, they probably think you are weird too. Remember that your guests will be leaving, even if their definition of a weekend is different from yours, but you are lucky enough to be able to stay here and/or come back whenever you want to. Any experiences which seem difficult or awkward at the time will probably be funny later or form the foundations of a column in the local village newsletter so every cloud has a silver lining. Finally remember that we all hope to be guests as some point - please re-read previous paragraph with that in mind (-: Much love WW

12 (-:

Jim McSherry Jim McSherry, of Seahaven, Bigbury-on-Sea, died suddenly after a brief illness on July 13 2015 aged 89. Jim and Iris McSherry have lived in Bigbury since 1994 when they moved down to look after Jean Nisbet, with whom they had been life-long friends. They have been active members of the community ever since. Jim was born in Liverpool very close to the docks at a time when the major motive power was provided by horses and the backs of labouring men. He described a place of bustle and noise and of carts piled high with produce, and of hooves sparking as the horses struggled to find their balance on the cobbles, and of people scolding drivers who drove their horses too hard. It is difficult to comprehend that so much change can take place in one lifetime. When Jim was about six his family moved to a newly built suburb, but because the school there was not completed he travelled back into town and lived with his relatives during the week and returned to his parents at weekends. Such was the communal nature of parenting at the time. Later, during the thirties, when his dad bought a van and started a mobile green grocery business Jim used to skate for miles to catch up with the van after school finished, to help his dad with the round. Jim passed his scholarship and went to Grammar School and was taught by the Christian Brothers, with whom he shared no affection, his final report simply says that he attended the school. In spite of this he passed his school cert and went to work in the post office as a telegrapher until he was old enough to volunteer for the Fleet Air Arm. He started his training as a navigator and then as a pilot but the war ended before he completed his pilot training and he finished his service as an aircraft mechanic thereby gaining yet another skill set that he was to put to very good use in later life. Nothing seemed to daunt Jim, he famously , as a roadside repair replaced the main bearing oil seal on the Standard Vanguard motor car that was towing the caravan and carrying the canoes and the rest of the family down to Salcombe for a holiday. This independence and resilience has been a way of life that has carried him right through to now. Even as he became less physically able to carry out tasks that would once have been easy so he made a tool that would enable him to master it. Jim was a brave man and not one who would compromise with principle at any stage of his career. At the age of eighteen he was awarded a medal for bravery by the Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society for diving into the Mersey from a moving ferry during the blackout to attempt the rescue of a woman he had seen falling into the river from the back of the same ferry. The river was busy with shipping and the night was black and he couldn’t find her and very sadly she drowned. It was later discovered that she had deliberately thrown herself into the river because she was pregnant but un-married and felt unable to cope; a double tragedy and a terrible reflection of a much less tolerant society, perhaps, than the one in which we now live. When he left the Fleet Air Arm Jim joined the Metropolitan Police and, over time, he rose to the rank of Chief Superintendant. His unstated mission was to serve his community well and it was a job he enjoyed greatly. He was intolerant of dishonesty, hypocrisy and injustice both inside and outside the force and was an ever present thorn in the side of authority. Once, as Chief Inspector at Brixton, he


he ordered that bus loads of riot police should stay in their busses while he walked out with two constables to talk with the leaders of a very large demonstration outside the police station and then to escort them on, what he believed, was their legitimate march of protest. When walking in plain clothes through this multi racial inner-city community he was recognised and hailed warmly by people of all colour and class. Jim let it be known frequently that the best thing he did in his life was to marry Iris and between them they brought up a family of six children, five of whom survive. The house was always busy, children were taught to cook, sew, look after a house, do the plumbing and build a moderate sized extension. There was a great sense of the value and importance of preserving and making good use of food and making jam and bottling fruit were seasonal events. You would find in their London flat trays of fruit from the wholesale market being sorted and bottled or made into jam; and the bustle of a kitchen filled with steam and trays of peaches, that were stacked higher than a seven year old child, being sorted and poached to remove their skins before bottling. Jim has made a garden wherever he and Iris have lived and when they lived in flats with no garden he made window boxes and he took it upon himself to plant out the small area in front of the flats with flowers. His garden this year, as always, has been a deliberate riot of colour. Jim talked to anyone at any time; as a child, going anywhere with him took a lifetime but his ability to communicate easily, which might be in part due to his scouse origins, has been the delight of many and helped make him the outstanding policeman that he was. For someone of such moderate height he was a giant of a man, far bigger than that which can be measured against ordinary scales and he will be very sadly missed. Iris and her family thank the many neighbours and friends who have expressed so much love and support. We are aware of how blessed we are that Iris and Jim have shared in such a caring community.

BEACH CLEAN – COCKLERIDGE: ALL WELCOME As part of the Great British Beach Clean, the Aune Conservation Association (ACA) is organising a clean up of rubbish on Cockleridge on Sunday 20th September between 3pm & 4pm (low water will be around 4.30pm) – weather permitting You can sign up via this link beachwatch/user/register Please come adequately suited and booted; see our ACA safety guidelines and further details here – If in doubt call Stuart Watts on 01548 810373. We shall be recording details of what we find to complement our previous surveys and to add to the national database maintained by the Marine Conservation Society. If you are interested in what was found on either a local or national basis in 2014, check this link - what_we_do.php/Clean+seas+and+beaches/Reports+and+downloads/ Beachwatch+results+2014


What a summer! Rain, sunshine and wind we have had it all, We are now open our usual hours Closed Mondays Tues - Friday 12-3.00 & 6.00-11.00 Sat - Food served 12.00 - 2.30 & 6.00 - 9.00 but open all day for drinks Sun - Food served 12.00 - 3.00 but open all day till 10.30 for drinks On the weekend of 25th, 26th & 27th of September we will have our usual beer festival with music on the Friday & Sat Evening Look out for the Halloween party in October on Sat 31st let’s see who comes up withthe best costume this year. We are currently looking for staff, hours to suit. contact Tracy or Conor at The Journeys End Inn We have won gold again in the taste of the west this year and are shortlisted with four others for dining pub of the year




01548 550491



For a free quote on plans for your build project contact Matthew on 01761 436861 or mobile 07843 286857





Self contained, self-catering, ground floor apartment adjoining private home. Well presented, peaceful escape just for two! Conservatory with lovely sea view of Bigbury Bay. Living/dining room, TV + DVD. Well equipped kitchen. Bedroom with double bed and en-suite shower room. Linen, towels, electricity and heating included. Pat i o , g a r de n us e . O f f r o a d p a r k i n g . S h o r t w a l k t o b e a c h . Friday change-over. Open all year. Short breaks out of season possible. Regret no under-18s, smokers or pets.


Guests coming … … need extra space? Available in Bigbury for short lets of 2+ nights A delightful two-bedroom apartment (sleeps 4 / 5)

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Every car that passes through our doors receives a complementary wash and vac



3 Comfortable bedrooms available all year round, with stunning views overlooking Dartmoor and surrounding countryside. Dane & Hilary Vanstone St. Ann’s Chapel, Kingsbridge, TQ& 4HQ T: 01548 810308





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Hello Shackers! We hope you have all had a fantastic summer. We have lots of exciting news to fit in this month. Suffice to say we have had a really busy time with lots and lots of fun outside under the sail with family parties, birthday celebrations and special occasions. It is so lovely to see so many familiar faces every year and meet lots of new ones too! As you know, The Oyster Shack had a pop-up restaurant at the Port Eliot Festival which was a huge success and our crew worked tirelessly to provide the best seafood dining experience at the Festival. In August we had our Fishing Trip with Chef Andy on board to show everyone how to cook their catches. A fabulous day out in Salcombe and luckily the sun shone and the sea was not too bumpy!

Here is the diary of events coming up for autumn and winter, so pens at the ready. On 5th October we return to our Winter Opening Hours, 12 noon to 3pm for lunch and 6pm to last orders at 9pm for dinner, every day except Sundays when we are only open for lunch. The ever-popular Shack Set Menu is back on 5th October 7 days a week as well, 1 course for £10, 2 courses for £12 and 3 courses for only £14 offering all that The Shack’s great local seafood dishes at amazing value. Back by popular demand and also starting on 5th October running until 23rd November is our brilliant offer of Steak & Lobster for only £15, 7 days a week for lunch and dinner. Following on from their success last winter, we are delighted to announce that we will be starting up our Cookery Demonstrations again. On Wednesday 7th October Chef Andy will be demonstrating Smoking & Curing and on Wednesday 16th October he will be showing you how to make Winter Warmers. There are 2 more in November and 2 in December. All the demos start at 5.30pm and are £40 per person which includes a welcome drink and dinner. If you book 4 or more demos you will receive a 10% discount. All the information for these demonstrations will be on our website. If you are looking for a great Christmas Party idea, we can create your own Cookery Demonstration to meet your specific requirements which will include a Christmas drink and our Christmas Set Menu. Please give us a ring and we would be happy to plan your Christmas party for you. I’ll leave the diary there, however watch this space as we have more exciting events and offers to tell you about. Keep in touch with us, we love to hear from you and do keep checking out our website for all the latest information, offers and news. See you soon, Love Chris & the crew 01548 810876 | | Twitter @theoystershack / @chefandy_09 | Facebook The Oyster Shack Bigbury | Instagram @theoystershack


BIGBURY MEMORIAL HALL Bringing the Community Together Not long to go now until our annual Produce Show on Sunday 6th September (details elsewhere in Bigbury News). The fruit and vegetable categories are similar to previous years with the addition of two flower categories (18 and 19). There are also a number of other exciting changes (see categories 25 – 30) all relating to eggs. These include decorating an egg (under 13 year old children only) and making a tortilla for all to taste! Further details on the posters in this issue and round the Parish. If you need some hints about presenting your produce with the aim of winning prizes, you may find the website ‘Exhibiting and Judging Vegetables’ useful. There is something for everyone to enter at this year’s Show so please come along on Sunday to make it a really EGGciting day! October sees the start of an exciting winter programme of events at the Hall. Angel Heart Puppet Theatre come to the Hall on October 29th at 4.00 p.m. They will be performing their latest show “Cirkus Spektacular”, an amazing and enchanting spectacle full of humour and tricks. This is suitable for 4 years and above and includes fun audience participation. You may remember Angel Heart visiting the Hall a few years ago with their Mazymeg and the Honeybees show, which was hugely enjoyable. Ticket details and a poster will appear in next month’s issue. Also making a welcome return to the Hall are a duo who made a great impression when they appeared here a few years ago, Blackheart. They appear on Friday October 23rd as part of their latest nationwide tour. Their mix of acoustic, multi instrument music is impossible to classify but what is not in doubt is the intensity of their material and their musical virtuosity. They’ve toured extensively in Europe and Australasia and have released three albums to date. Check out their website . Ticket details will appear in next month’s issue. This is one not to be missed. There are already several other great events planned for this winter, including a Film and Fish’n Chip Night (November), Wine Tasting Evening (December), a Quiz Evening (January) and another Villages in Action event, Spilt Milk, in March. These will be fully publicised in future issues of Bigbury News. Other news is that the garden bed at the entrance to the Hall has been revamped. There is a new sign and the area has been replanted. Many thanks to Turtle Farm for the plants, Ben Turner for the bark and Dane for generally organizing it all. In addition, we hope shortly to have the interior fully redecorated. Finally, don’t forget that tickets for the 50:100 Club will be going on sale in September at Holywell Stores, with the first draw taking place in early October – see poster. Charles Harrington. Tel. 810023. Email


Bigbury Memorial Hall Calendar of Events September 2015 Day & Time


Contact name

Tel. no


Body Boost

*Jill Gubbins


10.30 – 11.30


*Jill Gubbins


19.00 - 20.15


Fi Baker



9.30 – 10.15



9.30 – 11.45

South Hams Shrimps

Kylie Worden

07845 280734


9.15 – 10.00

Body Conditioning

*Jill Gubbins


10.05 – 11.05


*Jill Gubbins


11.15 – 12.00

Strong & Steady

*Jill Gubbins


(plus tea & chat) *Jill’s exercise classes will restart in the week beginning Monday 14th September September Events: Garden Produce Show: Sunday 6th September from 10.00. See posters in the Parish and in September’s Bigbury News. Future Events: Friday 23rd October: Blackheart; Thursday 29th October 4.00pm: Puppet Show 50:100 Club (Promoted by Dane Vanstone). The 50:100 Club will be restarting with the first draw taking place in early October. Tickets (£10 for the 10 monthly draws) will be on sale from early September from Holywell Stores. Buy now for your chance to win. 50% of the money goes in prizes and 50% to the Memorial Hall. Winners of the July draw were Prue Barry (£20) and Di Ferkin (£10).

We shall be continuing to run a 50:100 Club, to which we hope to recruit 100 subscribers, each paying £10. Lucky numbers will be drawn each month from October until next July for prizes totalling 50% of the contributions (i.e. £30, £15 and £5 - assuming 100 tickets sold). The remaining 50% will go towards further improvements to the Memorial Hall. Tickets (lucky numbers) will be on sale from September 2014 at Holywell Stores and Bigbury Village Shop. The draw will be held in the 1st week of each month, beginning in October. Organised by Angie and Julian Bond Promoted by Dane Vanstone





Including lots of egg-related categories! Sunday September 6th 2015 at the Memorial Hall Class A Fruit, Vegetables and Flowers Number in display 1. Beetroot 2. Carrots 3. Courgette (any colour) 4. Runner beans 5. Cucumber 6. Leeks 7. Onions 8. Potatoes 9. Peppers (any colour) 10. Garlic corms

3 3 3 3 2 3 3 5 2 2

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Number in display

Corn on the Cob Tomatoes Apples (Dessert) Apples (Cooking) Pears Other vegetable of your choice Other fruit of your choice One individual rose Display of flowers (same variety)

3 5 3 3 3 3 3 1 5

Class B Miscellaneous 20. Largest marrow 21. Heaviest onion 22. Longest runner bean 23. Most unusual shaped vegetable 24. Tallest sunflower (sunflower itself or a photo showing plant and height) 25. A limerick with an egg theme 26. Decorated egg (children only) 27. Flower arrangement in an egg cup 28. Six home produced eggs 29. Seagull’s nest using beach artefacts and any other materials 30. Spanish tortilla – make up your own recipe. (Category no.30 will be judged by public tasting when the refreshments are served.)

All fresh produce must be grown in the Parish of Bigbury N.B. There will be NO entry forms at the shops but instead you will complete one when you bring your exhibits to the Hall on 6th September from 10.00 – 11.00 a.m. Cost will be 50p per exhibit up to a maximum of £2 per person for any number of exhibits. The judges will do their work from 11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.; viewing of exhibits and refreshments (some prepared for the show competition – see 30 above) will be available from 2.30pm. PRESENTATION OF PRIZES WILL BE AT 3pm JUDGE’S DECISION IS FINAL Any queries to Angie Bond (811131) or Sally Watts (810373)


News and ‘What’s New?’ By Liz Playle

Come and find us at the Kingsbridge Show on Saturday 5th September in the Craft Tent. The Art group will be demonstrating their skills; there will be information about our many groups; and a chance for a chat with some members, and to join. The next monthly meeting is on Friday 25th September at the Methodist Church, Fore St, Kingsbridge, from 1000 –1200. This is our annual Open Meeting when there is no speaker, but most groups will have the group leader (or representative) available to discuss what goes on in the groups and give information. There will also be demonstrations from a few groups. So it is an ideal opportunity to come and see what the 350 current members are enjoying, what groups you may wish to join, and to bring along potential new members - (no obligation to join,----but they will probably want to!!) Joyce Drummond, the Chair, will open the meeting in her usual charismatic fashion! Very importantly, coffee and biscuits will also be available throughout the meeting! Friday 23rd October

Alan Mighall: “Keep on Walking” Alan is a keen walker and currently Chair of South Hams Ramblers. This Summer he set himself the personal challenge of walking 500 miles in 3 weeks on the Camino Way from St Jean Pied de Port in France to Santiago del Compostela in Northern Spain in aid of St. Luke’s Hospice.

Friday 27th November

Sharon Anniss – TV & Film Make-up Artist Sharon has worked on a wide range of TV programmes such as “Waking the Dead”, “Spooks”, “Holby City” and her film credits include “Anna Karenina” and “Warhorse”. Living locally she was delighted that her latest project, “The Coroner”, was filmed right here in Kingsbridge and is scheduled to be shown shortly nationwide.

The latest trip dates for your diaries are:Tuesday Sept 1st


Newton Abbot Racecourse -Twilight Races 4.45 - 6.45pm. This is a unique chance to enjoy racing on a summer evening and even perhaps to win a few pounds with tips from our very own tipster!!! This is a two for one offer at only £9 each. Please let Tony Westlake know by 21st August if you wish to come.

Tuesday October 6th

Tuesday 10th November 7pm

Fleet Air Arm Museum, Yeovilton This museum has a world-renowned collection of unique and significant aircraft from box kites and seaplanes to the Harrier and helicopters. It is the largest collection of naval aircraft on show in Europe. Please let Tony know as soon as possible if you wish to join us on this visit to this fantastic collection. The cost of entry and guided tour is £13.00 which entitles us to a discounted lunch. If there is enough demand we will hire a coach. Kents Caverns: Shakespeare - A Midsummer Night’s Dream This is a unique experience of Shakespeare interactive with the audience. Tony needs names as soon as possible please.

There is so much more information on the Kingsbridge Estuary U3A website, This is regularly updated about each group and the meetings and trips. However if you see a gap in the groups and wish to start a group yourself, contact the groups’ organiser, Anthea (581399) to discuss. The autumn newsletter is now printed, and has been given or sent out to all members. It is absolutely packed with news, photos and views! Membership Sec: Judy Tyler

01548 842217

Secretary: Sylvia Griffin,, 01548 856956 Visits Organiser: Tony Westlake, Parish Magazines contact: Liz Playle, 07859391791 Website:

The South Hams Society will have a stall in the big tent at the Kingsbridge Show on Saturday 5 September. Any volunteers to help man it would be most welcome. We aim to do 2 hour shifts, so plenty of time to visit the rest of the Show. Then, why not join members of the South Hams Society for a beach clean? You will be made very welcome. The next beach clean is on Saturday 12 September at Soar Mill Cove. Meet at 12 noon in the car park behind the hotel. The beach is still lovely and a firm favourite with families and walkers despite much of the sand being scoured away during the winter storms LW 12.20 BST Three more beach cleans are scheduled for 2015: South Milton (10 October), West Charleton (14 November) and Gara (12 December). For more information, please contact Vivien Napper, t: 01548 842405 e: or visit the South Hams Society website at


On Wednesday 1st July the Korniloff Coffee Morning raised £230 for the Brittle Bone Society. Many thanks to all those who attended and gave so generously, especially the donations. On Wednesday 5th August we raised £186 for the Children’s Hospice S.W. It was lovely to have the ladies from Ermington and Maggie gave an interesting and informative talk on the work of the Children’s Hospices in the S.W. On Wednesday 2nd September we will be supporting the Devon Air Ambulance Trust so please come along between 10.30 and noon and support this vital charity. In October we will be raising funds for the League of Friends of South Hams Hospital. We would like to give our grateful thanks to Gina and Gordon, their staff, who are so helpful, and of course the residents of the Korniloff for welcoming us into their lovely home and for their continuing support. Jean

Our July Meeting was at Hazel's house when we discussed "To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee. Most of us had read this before but we all enjoyed re-reading this very moving, beautifully written book, set in America's Deep South against a backdrop of civil rights tension and political unrest in the 1930's. The reason for this re-read was that for our August reading we have chosen "Go Set a Watchman" also by Harper Lee. This is, in fact, a prequel to Mocking Bird, set two decades later and sees the story through the eyes of "Scout" now aged 26. This book was only released on 14th July and Lynn managed to pre-book copies which arrived on 15th July. We are also hoping to read "First Lady" a book about Clementine Churchill. Some members enjoyed a visit to Way With Words at the Literary Festival at Dartington, some heard Deborah Moggach speak and 5 of us heard a speaker talking about Joyce Grenfell. The next meet will be at Julia's house on September 2nd.

On Wednesday 15th July a party of nine of us went to Kitley House foe a cream tea. Meeting at Helen’s, we sorted out the drivers with Tina Uren driving Rose Owen and myself, Chris Curgenven drove Helen Smith , Jo Dudmesh took Gill Peet and Rita Baker, and Lynn Sympter went alone as she had to go from Kitley into Plymouth. In case you have not been to Kitley, it is well worth a visit. Kitley House was built at the end of the 15th century and is 4.7 miles from the South West Coastal Path and 6.6 miles from Plymouth City Centre. It is open for breakfasts, lunches, cream teas and evening meals. We wound our way to the entrance through the lovely sweeping drive and after parking, we were shown into the dining room. Unfortunately there had been a little hiccup with the bookings so we did wait for quite a long time for our cream tea, though once it arrived, it was


very well worth the wait. Lynn had asked for the Victorian (I think it was called) tea which was huge. The rest of us had ordered the ordinary conventional cream tea. However, when it all arrived, the manager apologised for our wait and also for the fact that they had muddled our order and it was the big cream tea all round, which of course we gratefully accepted – especially as they didn’t charge us the extra for it. It was really delicious and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Usually, for the August meeting, we don’t want to drive out of the village so we went to Helen (Smith)’s with each of us taking a plate of food. Her gorgeous table was full of lovely goodies. Unfortunately with some of our usual members away on holidays or with visitors staying, there were only six of us but it certainly did not detract from the enjoyment of the occasion. Helen headed the table with Rose Owen, Lynn Sumpter, Gill Peet, Jo Dudmesh and myself seated around. We started off with a yummy mackerel pate, hand made by Jo – I’m afraid we pigged out on that, so there was nothing left in the dish for her to take back home. There was an assortment of quiches, salad with gorgeous little cherry tomatoes from Helen’s greenhouse, rolls, etc. We finished up with a lovely coffee cake made by Gill Peet – her coffee cake is to die for!!!!! In the end, we left about 3.15 all thoroughly full after our delicious lunch. We next meet on Wednesday 16th September when we are going on the river trip from Totnes to Dartmouth. We shall be leaving Helen’s at 9.00 a.m. in order to allow plenty of time for the 10.00 a.m. sailing. This time we are keeping our fingers crossed there are no accidents – we have told Helen that two of us are going to hold Helen up each side and let her paddle her feet in the air without touching the ground. Last year, Helen had a horrible fall and broke her shoulder. If you want to join us, please contact one of us or arrive at Helen’s at 9.0 a.m. on the 16 th. We are an informal group – we do not have a committee – no Chairman, Secretary etc., just a group of us local ladies meeting for a trip out (but not usually in January/February) and a general natter. So – why not join us? Pam Trundle Tel: 810 719 BIGBURY CHURCH FETE – 12TH AUGUST 2015 BIGBURY CHURCH FETE A BIG BONANZA What luck we had – after all the rain over the previous week and the following day, the day of the Fete was glorious. Visitors were queueing to get in at noon and quickly got round to look at all the goodies on offer. It was a record taking of just under £1,600. The cakes went extremely quickly, the cream teas were scoffed, the jewellery, bric-a-brac, nearly new clothes and produce snapped up. The ponies from Ringmore were a treat again and the games very popular with all ages. Everyone loves a Raffle and this was no exception. Very generous donations to the Food & Wine Stall from Holywell Stores and John Tucker helped to make this a hugely successful event. You can see the effect it had on the chef and wine bar manager – quite a happy couple at the end of it all!


Bigbury History Society The evening of July 2nd saw arriving at The National Trust’s Overbecks in Salcombe for a tour of the garden and house, followed by a wine and cheese get-together.

twenty or so members in summer casuals

Amid members’ quiet and proud comments of “we’ve got one of tho se”, Head Gardener C at Saunders explained the design concept and layo ut as we meandered around the spacious grounds and admired glorious views from the many vistas. She provided professional details of the many beautiful plants including Salvias, Agapanthus, Kniphphias and Tulbapnias. We moved on to the house, which was built in the Edwardian style in 1913, used as a convalescent home by injured soldiers during WW1, bought by Otto Overbecks in 1928 and given to the National Trust following his death in 1937. We were shown Otto’s eclectic collections and played music from discs on his Polyphon machine. The star of the show however, was his“ Rejuvinator” which provided electrical impulses – and made him a rich man. The effectiveness of the impulses were questioned, but after such an exhausting visit there were several members willing to give it a try!

Our next meeting takes place on Thursday October 1st at 7.30 p.m. when Merv Freeman of Kingston History Society will be giving a talk on The History of Kingston Fire Station. Merv is a well known character in our neighbouring village and this should be well worth seeing. Peter Cook Wimbledon Tea Party Thanks There was a wonderful turnout for the Wimbledon Tea Party at the Byre, Easton. We were blessed with glorious sunshine to enjoy our Pimms, strawberries and cream plus cakes. We were also treated to hearing the Bigbury Handbell ringers, an auction of a Wimbledon shirt plus the raffle of Wimbledon memorabilia. This all raised the magnificent sum of £800 for the tower and bell restoration fund of St Lawrence Church. Many thanks to all those who supported and gave their time and effort in making this event such a success. Jean.


Kingsbridge Estuary Decorative & Fine Art Society

Illustrated talk. SS Great Britain by Ian Caskie Venue: Methodist Church, 100, Fore Street Kingsbridge, TQ7 1AW September 23rd - 7 for 7.30pm September 24th - 10 for 10.30am Everybody welcome – no need to be a member. £8 donation includes coffee/tea and biscuits. Registered Charity number 1158965

Carols on the Green December 24th 2015 6.30pm It’s September, schools are back so it must be time to think about Christmas!? Save the date in your diary and please do come along and join in some traditional carols, mulled wine and mince pies on Christmas Eve on the Green in Bigbury. We’ll be looking for musicians to help us so watch out for further details in the next Bigbury News.

No audition necessary and no age limits (at the upper or lower end!) If you have any queries or would like to help out in any way please contact Fiona Barker at or on my mobile on 0780 858 6430. Hope to see you all there on Christmas Eve in good voice and good heart!


Greetings from the 19th Hole. We have had a very busy summer schedule up at the Bigbury Golf Club and despite the dubious weather which at times seems more like winter than summer, the golf has been good. Our two captains Caroline Hallett and Mick Gates held their annual fun days and it’s fair to say that they were a super success thanks to Caroline and Mick’s magnificent efforts. Once again the ladies enjoyed slightly better weather, in fact the sun shone gloriously as it should do in the summer albeit with the usual Bigbury breeze blowing. Caroline’s love of flowers was her theme of Flower Power and we saw flowers decked everywhere, on heads, hats, clothes and golf trolleys and bags, which set the tone for a lovely colourful day with everyone entering into the spirit. Mick Gates, in disguise as Ozzie Osborne, helped the day along as starter. There were some great scores recorded and the lucky winners were rewarded with some beautiful prizes. The Captain’s prize, a large silver picture frame, for the overall stableford winner went to Julie Leach having scored 39 points. Amanda Burchell, Faye Pannell and Gabrielle service won their divisions and were given a china cake stand each. The following day saw a change in the weather, not for the better, and the men’s scores were affected accordingly. Mick Gates’ captain’s day, in keeping with his reputation was always going to be a day when a few pennies could be won or lost. The theme was Las Vegas and the field of 120 players were encouraged to wear Stetson hats and there were some enthusiastic entrants to be seen on the course. Mick was attended by two saloon girls, Caroline Hallett and Liz Gates, wearing compromising outfits, and the red feathers from their boas could be found on the course for several days. Several opportunities to lay wagers on one’s golfing abilities were on offer, including the spectacular chance of winning a car with a hole in one. Sadly no one achieved this, although there were a few close attempts. The golf format for the day allowed for several category winners and to the strains of ‘I did it my way’. Mick presented the individual medal cup and Captain’s Prize to Paul Richards. The team prize went to Kevin Park, Paul Richards and Paul Ellis and the best past captains’ tankard went to the redoubtable Harry Kerswell. Paul Edgecombe landed the senior’s prize and Ben Sly won the junior prize. Mick raised nearly £500 for his chosen charity ‘Widows and Orphans in Rural Kenya’ The club championship has been held and member Jo Shorrocks held onto the ladies title for another year. Jo has won the title on nine occasions and has had her handicap cut to one as a consequence, this being her ambition for 2015. Amanda Burchell was declared runner up. Congratulations go to Jo and Amanda and well done to their fellow players who were sporting enough to take on 36 holes of golf. The following day the men’s championship was contested and turned out to be an exciting battle between Paul Kingwell and James Mitchell, and it took 42 holes to crown the champion. In the morning round Paul came in with the lowest gross score and took control of the match when going out in the second round with James playing catch up. However in the second round a change of fortune for James and unfortunately for Paul the brutal wind on the back 9 caught up and their aggregate scores for the 2 rounds now saw a level situation. A play off began and four holes were contested and as fate would have it both players were level at the fourth


Hole, so to the excitement of the growing crowd of supporters it was back to the first tee for the sudden death. Again the score after hole one was level and so onwards onto the second where the battle finally finished on the green and James took the championship when he sank a 7 foot putt. A great match from 2 great players. Congratulations go to James and well done to Paul for being such a worthy opponent. Our Friday 5 o’clock club has proved a success, the club house has seen the rising number of social members enjoying Jenny’s meals and where they are also able to take advantage of the small joining fee which entitles customers to sample the products from the bar at member’s rates to complement the food tasty food.

Jinny McCabe 1940 – 2015 Jinny McCabe, who moved to Bigbury with her husband Brian in 2002, died at their home at Foxhole, Duke’s Mill on 7th August from complications following a cancer diagnosis. Jinny was one of three daughters born into a farming family in Sussex and, according to her own daughter was quite a rebel at school and was always very competitive! She moved to Modbury with her three children Howard , Theresa and Andrew in the 1970’s to be housekeeper to Brian and his four children. She and Brian were married in 1976. As well as bringing up their seven children, Jinny worked as a milk recorder and was the first female road sweeper in Devon. (She was presented with an aluminium shovel by Hugh Scully on Westward television; this was to replace the heavy spade she had been provided with by the Council!) Later they moved to Windward Farm in Ringmore where Jinny continued to work on her farm and played a major part in village life. She was a very talented florist, flower arranger and artist. She and Brian moved to Foxhole in 2002 where Jinny created a beautiful cottage garden which, in recent years, she opened in aid of St. Luke’s Hospice. She will be sorely missed by her family and many friends in the neighbourhood and our condolences go to Brian and the family.



This year’s results were as follows: BIGBURY FUN RUNCUP - OVERALL Position Name Time 1 Phil Holdcroft 00:37:04 2 Hamish Gallagher 00:37:29 3 Joel Eaton 00:37:53 MARLIN SHIELD - LADIES OPEN Time Position Name 1 Emily Warren 00:48:01 2 Hannah Walters 00:49:07 3 Sophie Weeks 00:49:21 KORNILOFF CUP - U14 BOY Position Name Time 1 Jack Moss 01:03:30 2 Troy Kibbler 01:12:58 3 Leo Kibbler 01:12:59 QUICKLAM CUP - U14 GIRL 1 Zara Ellins 00:55:15 2 Rebbeca Shea 00:58:28 3 Abi Shea 01:07:30 FUN RUN LOCALS CUP - LOCAL MALE 1 Gavin Whatley 00:44:40 2 Adam Keates 00:47:27 3 Tom Blackwell 00:48:03 JENNY VANSTONE CUP - LOCAL LADY 55+ 1 Sheila Street 01:04:42 LES & MARY WALLIS CUP - LOCAL 55+ 1 Phillip Pawsey 01:07:12 2 Rod Street 01:18:35 JAIMIE PROCTOR TROPHY - YOUNGEST Sophie Parnell


This year saw the 26th running of the Fun Run, starting and finishing at Challaborough and covering a distance of 5.6 miles both on the roads and footpaths around Bigbury, St Ann’s Chapel and Ringmore. As in previous years the whole concept behind the event is to raise much needed funds for the Devon Air Ambulance and local charitable causes, this year we have raised at least £1800 with the promise of a few more pounds still to be collected.

The run attracted 120 entrants, up from 110 in 2014, alongside the more serious runners many of the entrants were in fancy dress Our thanks go to Parkdean for their support and to all the marshals and helpers who made the day such a fun one.



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