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Getting out and about

Things to do in the day

There are many free activities and clubs that are provided in communities that can be a great way of spending some time outside of your home and meeting new people. You can find out more about what is available in your area on our website www.livewellbarnsley.gov.uk.

There are also a number of day care centers that are available to older people who are at risk of becoming isolated in their homes. Day care also provides a break for family carers. There is a charge for day care and if you want to have an assessment by adult social care to find out if you qualify for some help to pay for this service you can telephone 01226 773300.

Public transport

Older people and eligible disabled people are entitled to a concessionary bus pass that allows free off-peak travel on buses, trains and trams across South Yorkshire.

For further information you can telephone Traveline on 01709 515151 or call in person at The Information Centre in Barnsley Interchange.

Blue Badge disabled parking scheme

The Council assesses people who may be eligible for a Blue Badge based on some national criteria. You can apply for or renew a Blue Badge online at https://www.gov.uk/ apply-blue-badge. For further information or to book an appointment you can telephone 01226 773555.

Access Barnsley

Access Barnsley will offer powered scooters and manual wheelchairs for hire on a daily, or half day basis. The cost of hiring a scooter or wheelchair will be £5 per day or £3 per half day. Bookings can be made up to one week in advance, either via telephone on 01226 776828 or text message to 07387750091. The service is open every Monday to Saturday between 9.30am and 4.00pm.

Dementia Gateway

Barnsley Council has put dementia central to planning and development and acknowledges dementia does not need to be the end of your active life. We know people living with dementia still have a lot to contribute to family and community life and we want to support you for as long as you feel necessary.

In Barnsley there are many organisations and groups who will support and guide you through the system and post or pre diagnosis and will direct you to the right support to enable reduced stress and anxiety and support you to come to terms with the diagnosis.

If you need help and support accessing care or have a carer or family member who cares for you they also have a right to access support and guidance.

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