1 minute read

Assessed providers of home care services

These providers are all registered with Care Quality Commission and have been assessed by the council to deliver a service across Barnsley

To look for services and support online you can visit Live Well Barnsley at https://www.livewellbarnsley.co.uk/

Live Well Barnsley is an online service directory containing information about health, wellbeing, care and support related services across the borough.

Developed by Barnsley Council and partners the site brings together a wealth of information about staying well, keeping independent and being active all in one place - making it quicker and easier for people to find.

Live Well Barnsley contains information and contact details about all types of services and activities ranging from how to get help at home with personal care and daily living tasks, to getting out and about, joining local groups, developing new interests, learning new skills and meeting others. You’ll also find support on getting and keeping suitable accommodation as well as advice on money matters.

The site also covers specific information on the support available for carers.

Whilst we have taken every care in compiling this booklet, the publishers and promoters cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies. The inclusion of any advertisement in no way endorses the services or products sold.

Whilst every care has been taken to make sure the information in this publication is up to date it is not intended to be a complete and authoritative statement of the Law on the issues covered. The publishers and the promoters cannot accept responsibility for any loss arising from the use of information contained in this publication.

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