1 minute read

Supporting people to make positive changes

SOAR is a community regeneration charity that provides services to improve a person’s health, well-being and employability.

Working in partnership with over 20 GP Surgeries and over 40 Community Partners, our social prescribing service is one of the largest in the city.

Our team consists of Social Prescribing Link Workers, Wellbeing Coaches, Welfare Coaches, Employment Coaches, Development and Volunteering teams.

Working in partnership with GP Surgeries and Community Partners, we have supported over 10,000 people since 2014.

The Social Prescribing Link Worker team triage referrals and carry out assessments over the phone or face-to- face, to find out how we can help and then use that information to signpost to a service who can best meet those needs. This service might be internal to SOAR, or external to a citywide partner.

What can SOAR offer?

• Encouragement to lead a healthy lifestyle and get involved with the local community

• Social cafes aimed at individuals with mildmoderate mental health issues, to meet others in a social setting

• Support accessing local services, and housing and benefits advice

• Getting people into employment or training

• Signposting to local Dementia memory cafes and carers support groups

For more information contact:

SOAR Health Team: 0114 213 4065

Website: www.soarcommunity.org.uk

Email: enquiries@soarcommunity.org.uk

SOAR receives a high number of referrals, so it is likely there will be a waiting time of a few weeks before someone gets in touch.

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