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Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS
QR Code:
Using your smartphone you can scan the QR code which can be located on our posters, leaflets, letters, feedback cards and business cards and this will take you to the above weblink.
Feedback Card:
You may be offered a postcard to leave your feedback.
Texts & IVMs:
A text or an interactive voice message (IVM) on your landline may be sent to you once you are discharged from hospital (responses to the survey are free). You can opt out at any time by simply replying STOP when you receive the text message or by pressing # if you receive an automated call.
How will the results be used?
We gather the results monthly and analyse them to see if action is required. The NHS will publish the results and you will be able to see the results for other hospitals to see how we compare. Wards and areas are encouraged to visually show patients what improvements have been carried out as a result of patient feedback.
Where will the results be published?
The results are published on the NHS Choices website (www.nhs.uk).
Does this replace the existing compliments or complaints procedure, or other forms of feedback used by the hospital?
No, you can still pass your compliments or complaints to your hospital in the normal way. Hospitals can continue to use existing ways of gathering feedback, in additional to the Friends and Family Test.
Where can I get more information?
For more information on the Friends and Family Test, please visit www.nhs.uk/friendsandfamily
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
Welcome to the Patient Advice and Liaison Service
We know that it can be a worrying and confusing time when you or someone you know is unwell. If you have concerns or questions about any aspect of your care, or the service you receive, it is best to first speak with a member of staff involved with your/their care. If you find that staff cannot help you, or you are not comfortable speaking with them, you can contact PALS. PALS is a confidential, on-the-spot, advice and support service for patients, relatives and carers. You can ask a friend or relative to contact us on your behalf but we must have your permission before we can discuss your personal circumstances with anyone else. PALS act independently when handling patient and family concerns, liaising with staff, managers, or relevant organisations, to negotiate immediate or prompt solutions. If necessary we can also refer patients and families to specific local or national based support agencies. PALS will:• Help answer your questions about the Trust or your care • Offer advice and support if things go wrong • Respond to your concerns if you are unhappy about any aspect of your care • Provide information about our services • Listen to your suggestions for improving our services for patients and visitors