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Helping you when you leave hospital

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Leaving hospital

Leaving hospital

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

NHS Foundation Trust

Helping you when

you leave hospital

When you are assessed for intermediate care, our staff will draw up a structured, individual care plan which will be agreed with you. What is intermediate care?

Intermediate care is a multi-disciplinary service that helps people to be as independent as possible. It provides support and rehabilitation to those at risk of hospital admission or who have been in hospital. It aims to ensure people transfer from hospital to the community in a timely way and to prevent unnecessary admissions to hospitals and residential care. Intermediate care can also provide a stepping stone to independent living. When you are assessed for intermediate care, our staff will draw up a structured, individual care plan which will be agreed with you.

Why might I need it?

You can be offered intermediate care if we think it might be unsafe for you to return home without support. You might require this service because of your current level of mobility or you might need more time to rehabilitate and gain confidence.

What kind of support can I receive?

If you are staying in hospital and require additional support after you leave, you will be assessed by our staff. We want to make sure you can stay safe and well. Support can include specialist equipment, an individual rehabilitation programme and assistance with personal care.

Who can refer me to intermediate care?

Our referrals usually come from hospital staff. They can also come from GPs, social care, district nurses and other community service staff.

What are the different parts of intermediate care?

1. Community rehabilitation – for people who do not need to go into hospital, or who are now well enough to leave it, but require some rehabilitation to enable them to maximise their independence. This is a short-term service, for a maximum of four weeks. During this time, we will regularly review your progress so we can amend your care plan to meet your needs. We aim to support you to get back to your maximum level of independence. 2. Inpatient rehabilitation Units – for people who need 24 hour support and rehabilitation in a bedded unit, who need more care and rehabilitation that can be offered to support a safe discharge home. 3. Interim care home beds – for people who are not able to return home immediately. Local care homes can provide care for a short period of time. We aim to support you so you can return home as quickly and safely as possible. 4. End of life care – for people who have a lifelimiting condition and choose to remain at home rather than stay in hospital.

More information about CPFT

Web: www.cpft.nhs.uk Twitter: @CPFT_NHS Facebook: cpftnhs/ YouTube: CPFTvideo LinkedIn: CPFT

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