BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd (BigDog) has effective governance and operational management systems in place to ensure that each client’s support is overseen efficiently.
2.1.1 Contribution to Governance
People with disability and those who support them are encouraged and supported to become involved in our service development and service management, if they choose to do so. These opportunities might include: taking part in surveys and feedback forums including design of surveys and forms input when new services or activities are being developed representation on committees or groups attending BigDog sponsored training or workshops for free or at minimal cost active membership of fundraising or activity groups
BigDog will support people with a disability and those who support them to be involved in discussions that affect them and to provide feedback about support options, program content and workshop delivery.
Information about participation opportunities are provided in multiple formats and locations including through:
Information packs
Information days
Social and special events
BigDog website
Monthly Newsletters Brochures
2.1.2 Defined Structure
BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd ACN 137 836 116 is a registered Company under the Corporations Act 2001, limited by shares, is a proprietary company and listed with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission with the date of commencement of registration the twenty-third day of June 2009 and is governed by the Constitution as determined by ASIC.
BigDog systems of risk oversight, management and internal control comply with the Corporations Act 2001 and facilitate realisation of the Company’s business objectives whilst risks are recognised, monitored and wherever possible, mitigated.
BigDog is committed to complying with all applicable laws and requires that all workers act within the law at all times in the course of their duties for the company.
2.1.3 Governance Skills and Training
BigDog identifies the skills and knowledge required for effective governance and ensures the relevant training is undertaken to address any gaps.
Company Directors
The Directors are personally liable for their own actions and for the debts of BigDog. The key responsibilities of the Directors are to set the direction for BigDog, to monitor its performance and to maintain control of BigDog, ensuring that it stays on track according to agreed priorities and planned activities. The Directors are expected to demonstrate their commitment to BigDog by attending all meetings.
Board of Directors
In the event that BigDog includes an additional Director or becomes a public company and requires three directors, BigDog is committed to providing effective training and development for all directors of the company. Professional development aims to assist them to perform their duties well, to be effective Company Directors and to provide BigDog with informed governance.
2.1.4 Strategic and Business Planning
BigDog ensures that strategic and business planning considers all legislative requirements, organisational risks, any other requirements related to operating under the NDIS, clients’ and workers needs as well as the wider organisational environment.
2.1.5 Continuous Improvement
BigDog monitors the performance of management (including responses to individual issues) to ensure continuous improvement in management practices.
BigDog recognises that continuous improvement is the means by which we are judged by our peers. It is also the means in which the quality of the governing body is measured. It is the responsibility of all parties to work collaboratively to implement the steps that will bring about productive change.
During regular board meetings, the Directors should identify:
Progress and outcomes
Major developments in ongoing policy/sector development issues
Emerging policy issues that may need to be addressed in policy/sector development work in future
Other information as required
There is a separate policy for Continuous Improvement
2.1.6 Qualified Persons
BigDog is managed by suitably qualified and experienced persons with clearly defined responsibility, authority and accountability for the provision of supports.
Directors must meet the legal requirements set forth by the jurisdiction in which the BigDog is registered. This may include being of legal age, having mental capacity, and not being disqualified from serving as a director due to criminal convictions or bankruptcy.
BigDog may seek directors with relevant experience and expertise in areas such as business management, finance, law, industry-specific knowledge, or corporate governance.
Directors are expected to act ethically and in the best interests of BigDog and its stakeholders
Directors should have a basic understanding of financial statements and accounting principles to fulfill their oversight responsibilities regarding BigDog financial performance and reporting.
Directors should possess effective communication and leadership skills.
Directors should be aware of the risks facing BigDog and have the ability to assess and mitigate these risks effectively.
Directors may be expected to engage in continuing education to stay updated on industry trends, regulatory changes, and best practices in corporate governance.
2.1.7 Delegated Responsibility and Authority
BigDog has a documented system of delegated responsibility, and authority is delegated to another suitable replacement in the absence of the usually position holder.
The directors are personally liable for their own actions and for the debts of BigDog. The key responsibilities of the directors are to set the direction for BigDog, to monitor its performance and to maintain control of BigDog, ensuring that it stays on track according to agreed priorities and planned activities. The Directors are expected to demonstrate their commitment to BigDog by attending all meetings.
The directors may at times be requested to formally represent BigDog by making statements to the media, sitting on external committees, participating in consultation processes or attending delegations to politicians or government officers.
Organisational Chart
BigDog has a visual representation of the structure of the organisation including position title and duties. A downloadable copy is available through the staff portal on our website.
2.1.8 Conflict of Interest
BigDog proactively manages and documents perceived and actual conflicts of interest, including through development and maintenance of organisational policies. There is a separate policy for Conflict of Interest.
BigDog developed and implements a vision, purpose statement, values, objectives and strategies for service delivery that reflect contemporary practice.
Our vision is the starting point for any strategic framework, it is the idea held by BigDog and other stakeholders of what we will ultimately become. It is a highly inspirational concept that serves to guide the direction and growth of BigDog and is a source of motivation for management and other workers. It is long-term in nature, conceptual in character, general in its wording, and inherently flexible to allow for changing circumstances and unforeseen opportunities or threats.
Our Motto
Our Vision
Flexible – Innovative – Responsive
Our Mission
Our mission is our statement of purpose – our reason for being. It flows directly from our Vision. It is stated clearly and unambiguously however it is important that it is not prescriptive, if it were it would not allow an ability to exercise discretion in how to achieve objectives.
To be recognised by stakeholders and the wider community in which we operate as the pre-eminent provider of quality day support services and activities
To consistently respond in a timely and meaningful manner to the wider needs of people that are socially disadvantaged, to assist them in becoming independent within their chosen community thereby enhancing their quality of life
To alleviate alienation through proactive measures to achieve economic, social and community development, while promoting and protecting the rights of the individual
To achieve responsible and sustainable growth that will facilitate the future stability of the organisation, thereby ensuring there is always a high-quality client focused service provider in the regions in which we operate
Our Values
Our values are the shared values that underpin our work as a company and our relationships with stakeholders. They are what we believe is the right way to do things and to deal with people, and what we believe about the way that, ideally, we ought to be organised. Our values determine our strategies and our operational principles.
BigDog has identified five key corporate values, those being:
1. Integrity
We behave ethically.
We are open and transparent.
We work with relationships based upon dignity and respect
We keep our commitments
2. Community
We care about our community
We operate safely.
We are environmentally responsible.
We strengthen the community in which we live
3. Initiative
We lead the way
We have courage and creativity.
We operate in the pursuit of best practice and continuous improvement.
We have discipline to manage risk.
We act decisively in a timely manner.
4. Teamwork
We work together for better results
We share ideas and talents to develop solutions
We support and rely on each other
We value clear and open communication.
5. Accountability
We take responsibility for our actions.
We live our values
We set clear goals, measure results and seek to improve
BigDog Monthly Newsletter
BigDog Style Guide
BigDog Website
Code of Conduct
Code of Practice
Human Services Quality Framework October 2021 Version 8
NDIS Practice Standards November 2021 Version 4
Organisational Chart
Strategic Plan 2022-2025
NGO Training
Creating Organisational Alignment
Leadership Foundations Part 1
Leadership Foundations Part 2
Business Names (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2001
Child Protection Reform and other Legislation Act 2022 (QLD)
Corporations Act 2001 (Cwth)
Corporations (Administrative Actions) Act 2001 (Cwth)
Corporations (Queensland) Act 1990
Disability Services Act 2006 (QLD)
Disability Services and Inclusion Act 2023 (Cwth)
National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cwth)
NDIS (Provider Registration and Practice Standards) Amendment Rules 2021
NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators
BigDog Support Services Pty Ltd (BigDog) is a registered NDIS provider and is required to apply the scheme’s practice standard and quality indicators.
The standards have been developed to create an important benchmark to assess provider performance and ensure that high quality and safe supports and services are provided to NDIS participants.
The four core modules are:
1.0 Rights and Responsibilities;
2.0 Governance and Operational Management;
3.0 The Provision of Supports; and
4.0 The Support Provision Environment.
The supplementary modules cover:
5.0 Specialist Support
5.1 High intensity daily personal activities.
5.3 Implementing behaviour support plans.
2 1 Governance and Operational Management
Each participant’s support is overseen by robust governance and operational management systems relevant (proportionate) to the size, and scale of the provider and the scope and complexity of supports delivered.
2.1.1 Opportunities are provided by the governing body for people with disability to contribute to the governance of the organisation and have input into the development of organisational policy and processes relevant to the provision of supports and the protection of participant rights.
2.1.2 A defined structure is implemented by the governing body to meet a governing body’s financial, legislative, regulatory and contractual responsibilities, and to monitor and respond to quality and safeguarding matters associated with delivering supports to participants.
2.1.3 The skills and knowledge required for the governing body to govern effectively are identified, and relevant training is undertaken by members of the governing body to address any gaps.
2.1.4 The governing body ensures that strategic and business planning considers legislative requirements, organisational risks, other requirements related to operating under the NDIS (for example Agency requirements and guidance), participants' and workers' needs and the wider organisational environment.
2.1.5 The performance of management, including responses to individual issues, is monitored by the governing body to drive continuous improvement in management practices.
2.1.6 The provider is managed by a suitably qualified and/or experienced persons with clearly defined responsibility, authority and accountability for the provision of supports.
2.1.7 There is a documented system of delegated responsibility and authority to another suitable person in the absence of a usual position holder in place.
2.1.8 Perceived and actual conflicts of interest are proactively managed and documented, including through development and maintenance of organisational policies.