2 minute read
Safety Matters
BigDog ID Cards
Queensland Dept of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors (DCDSS) 'Disability Connect' newsletter this month.
Identification requirements for disability support workers accompanying clients in the community
There has been some concern expressed about the impact on people with disability of the recent Public Health Direction regarding Home Confinement, Movement and Gathering, in particular the ability of volunteer and paid support workers to accompany clients when accessing the community. DCDSS has had some very encouraging discussions with the Queensland Police Service (QPS), which has confirmed that people working in paid or voluntary disability support services are considered to be “exempt workers” providing essential services, and they will not be required to produce identifying documents to QPS officers or prove they work for a volunteer agency or non-government organisation when they are either travelling to and from their home and place of work, or in the community supporting their clients.
This advice was provided to all QPS officers on 22nd April 2020.
Notwithstanding this positive development, DCDSS would suggest it might be prudent for workers to carry their yellow card or other identifying documents with them during the time the Public Health Direction is in force.
Staff updates
Administration Offices
From the 3rd April 2020 the administration offices will be closed to all staff and participants. Staff and participants will still be able to contact the office via the business telephone on 4632 9559 or the on call numbers outside office hours of 8 am to 4 pm.
Centre-based Group Activities
BigDog has now closed all centre-based group activities until we are given the clearance to reopen. We are doing everything we can in keeping our community participants engaged in their support and providing employment to our staff. We are hopeful of a reopening from 16th May when groups of up to 10 people are permitted and from the 13th June when larger groups will be permitted.
Safety Measures
Wall mounted hand sanitisers are now installed in Alexander Street and must be used when entering or exiting the centre. Infrared Thermometers are also available and everyone signing into a centre must have their temperature checked and be below 37.8c to enter. Safety kits have been available for some weeks now, so if you don't have yours, call and book one.
6th 9th 10th 17th
21st 29th

Adrian C Georgia G Mark R Chisato C Karen A Betty C Angus R Cailan K Sharon P
Have a great day!