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Support Worker Survey
Disability Support Workers
The findings from a national survey of 357 disability support workers (DSWs) conducted online between May and June 2020. Respondents ranged from 18-75, 83% were women, and 31% were over 50. Support workers were asked about specific work issues such as; how they managed physical distancing, COVID-19 infection control training, access

to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), testing, who they worked with and where they provided support and, the financial and psychological impacts ofworking during COVID-19. Like health and aged-care workers, DSWs can’t physically distance given the close personal contact required in their job, and when they work with an average of six different clients a week. The survey also found these workers face financial hardship. Of those who took time off due to illness, only 47% were paid, reflecting the workforce’s casual nature. Thirty-four per cent faced financial difficulties like not being able to pay an electricity, gas or phone bill on time or being unable to pay their rent. The researchers have made recommendations, including updating PPE guidelines, proactively reaching out to DSWs so they can receive the required training, ensuring they have access to pandemic leave and making sure expert health staff can provide back-up if needed. The survey reflects the situation for workers when PPE was just being made available to workers after a marked shortage in March and April. With cases now rising in Victoria PPE became compulsory for DSWs in hot spot areas.