4 minute read
Safety Matters
October is National Safe Work Month
Safe Work Australia is the national policy agency responsible for WHS and workers’ compensation arrangements in Australia. Since 2009, they run a national campaign each October to raise awareness of WHS and provide resources for Australian workplaces to run their own events. Individuals, their families and the broader community are all impacted by work-related injury and illness. Last year in Australia, Safe Work Australia preliminary data shows that around 180 people died while doing their job. Around 107,000 people made a workers’ compensation claim for serious injury or illness in 2017-18. No one should be unsafe at work and no injury or death is acceptable. There is more that we can do, and together we can make a difference. This is why, during October each year businesses, employers and workers across Australia to join National Safe Work Month and commit to building safe and healthy workplaces for all Australians. This year’s theme, Work Health and Safety through COVID-19, acknowledges and reflects the wide-reaching impacts of COVID-19 on Australian businesses, employers and workers. The National Safe Work Month theme highlights the WHS challenges, as well as the positive outcomes brought on by the pandemic and the significant role WHS plays in keeping workers safe and preventing the spread of COVID-19.
FCF Fire Safety Training
We have recently engaged FCF to manage our fire safety program which includes fire extinguisher placement and regular safety audits in our offices, homes and company cars. They have offered us free access to their online first response fire safety training. You can access the course here: Fire Safety Training (https:// firetrainingonline.fcfnational.com.au/courses/ fire-safety-training/). A token number is required and will be sent out through our email program.
Have your say
We greatly appreciate people utilising this App to let us know what they think we can do to assist in making their job more enjoyable, meaningful or appreciated. Some of this month’s suggestions include:
} I think there should be 5 minute staff meetings on update's about their clients This is not always possible, especially when there is a last minute replacement due to sickness or unavailability. There are specific instructions included on your roster for the shift. We don’t always receive reliable or detailed information about our participants, and in some cases we are not even provided with a copy of their goals. Staff can always ask for relevant details. } Cars should be more cleaner as it's very hard to see through windscreens back and front There are a lot of things that are required to maintain a fleet of vehicles and we utilise the services of an insurance broker to maintain our fleet insurance, a fleet manager to ensure that all vehicles are registered and serviced according to log book requirements, roadside assist to ensure that you are not left at the side of the road without access to help, BP to ensure that vehicles are fuelled, an account with a car cleaning centre and a sanitiser kit in each office in accordance with our COVID-19 plan. The driver’s responsibility is to ensure that they have a valid driver’s licence, that the vehicle is clean, all foreign items are removed and that passengers do not eat, drink or smoke in the vehicle. } More input on handover's if anything needs to be done or said Staff should present at a shift 10 minutes prior to commencement to ensure that an appropriate handover can be done. Be forthright and ask or check the details.
Staff Birthdays

October 2020
4th 5th 6th 8th 10th 11th 12th 21st 24th 29th
Jenteale Richard N Benoni G Louise A Rob C Merin K Geraldine Steven P Sonya C Michelle S
Have a great day!

October is Dogtober, a month-long event to raise money for Dogs for Good. This year we need your support more than ever before, so read on and see which activity is best for you.

It’s time to celebrate every dog, not only ours. Incredible things happen when you bring people and dogs together. If you have a dog in your life, you’ll know the joy and simple pleasures they can bring to us, especially during these difficult times…

Dogtober is a time for fun but has a serious outcome. We get over 5,000 requests for help each year and desperately need more funds to help more people. Please use Dogtober as an opportunity to tell others about our work. You can do this by sharing our success stories and blogs. Let’s make Dogtober the most fun month of the year!