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Editor Notes
Editor Notes
Hi everyone and welcome to a big March 2021. Lots of partnerships have been forged this month and we acknowledge the importance of working with other organisations, community groups, sporting clubs and allied businesses.
Firstly is the partnership that we have forged with the CQ Capras. Our Rockhampton office at times, looks like a football change room with all of these young, fit and determined young men working for us. With a key focus being mental health support, these young men have a positive outlook to life and this attitude is reflected in the changes that they are able to bring into the lives of those living with a mental illness. We will be working together to run a number of AllAbilities sports days and Community programs.

In This Issue
Highfields Lions AFC and again we are supporting all abilities and gender to be involved in sport. We will be working this year on developing a women’s team. WhatsUp in Disability and BigDog work together on developing the Paul Myatt Community Centre as well as the Queens Park Markets where we promote local people and their business as well as community groups and clubs to promote their activities. We are working with NGO Training Centre to develop world leading online training programs for the community sector. We are also now a registered provider for the Carer Gateway through Wellways providing Carer Respite services and accommodation. 2 Editor Notes 3 Working with the Capras 5 All Abilities Program 6 Sponsorships 7 Staff Updates 8 NDIS Updates 9 NGO Training Infographic 10 Toowoomba Community 11 Rockhampton Community 12 Safety Updates 13 Staff Updates 14 What’s happening in March 16 Something about Bella
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