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Safe and Supported
Our shared vision is that children and young people in Australia have the right to grow up safe, connected and supported in their family, community and culture. They have the right to grow up in an environment that enables them to reach their full potential. Safe and Supported: the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021–2031 was developed by the Australian Government, state and territory governments, with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives and the non-government sector. The use of the word ‘we’ represents our continuing shared commitment to support children, young people and families. The best interests of the child are at the centre of the National Framework and the subsequent Action Plans. We are committed to ongoing meaningful engagement with children, young people, parents, carers and communities. Listening to the voices of children will be key to our success. All Australians need to work together to keep children safe and to achieve the best outcomes for vulnerable children and those experiencing disadvantage. This includes all jurisdictions working together in areas such as disability, early childhood education and care, health and mental health, alcohol and other drug treatment and prevention, domestic and family violence, justice, housing and employment. The National Framework embeds the 4 Priority Reforms of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap to transform how governments work to accelerate progress. We want all children, young people, families and communities in Australia to be safe and resilient and to have the opportunity to thrive.