1 minute read
Rockhampton Group
Community Centre Christmas
Come one, come all to our Day Centre Christmas party and wear your best Christmas accessory (and smile) for a smorgasbord of fine foods (and some just plain delicious) to get you into the Spirit of the Holiday Season. Bookings are essential the fun is natural.
Staff Christmas at Stoney Creek
Everyone is welcome and it should be a great fun day! Numbers to Trey please.

BigDog Day Service Rockhampton
BigDog Community Centre 170 East Street Rockhampton 4700
Macka & Carli Phone: 4573 4611 rockhampton@bigdogsupport.com.au

It is important for participants to know how to protect their plan from criminals and other dishonest people. The first step they can take is understanding their plan. As an NDIS participant, they have a right to fully and completely understand your plan. Knowing what their plan includes, how it has been designed, what they can do with the plan and how it relates to their goals is important. If you suspect someone is doing the wrong thing with NDIS funds, you should report suspected fraud or non-compliance by: • Phone the NDIS Fraud Reporting and
Scams Helpline on 1800 650 717 • emailing fraudreporting@ndis.gov.au. You can also report to the NDIS Commission. • Phone 1800 035 544