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Child Safety
January - Face Masks
Now masks everywhere, even in the pubs when just last week ...Oh dear!
February - Effective Communication
Effective communication is essential to providing quality and safe services, and contributes to the rights of people with disabilities to have choice and control.
March - Charter of Rights
Child Safety is responsible for monitoring care arrangements to ensure the care provided is consistent with the statement of standards (Child Protection Act 1999, section 122) A number of training modules are now available on our NGO Training Portal and compulsory for those working in Child Safety.
April - Maintaining Family Connections
Family contact is primarily about the child’s needs and their right to have opportunities to develop and maintain an attachment and connection with family members and significant others when they are in care. Connecting with family is much more than just meetings between the child in care and their parents.
May - Safe and Supported
The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021-2031. Our shared vision is that children and young people in Australia have the right to grow up safe, connected and supported in their family, community and culture.
June - Circle of Relationships
Purple—Private Circle Blue—Hug Circle Green—Faraway Circle Yellow—Handshake Circle Orange –Wave Circle Red—Stranger Circle
July - Care and Support to 21
Young Queenslanders with an out-of-home care experience received life-changing news from the Palaszczuk Government’s announcing the option to remain in their current care placements till 21 years of age.
August - Playing IT Safe
Playing IT Safe is an early learning initiative, developed in partnership by the Australian Federal Police, the Alannah and Madeline Foundation and the eSafety Commissioner.
September - Invalidation
Invalidation is one of the most painful forms of abuse. It destroys confidence and individuality
October - Child Protection Act 1999
The Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs (Child Safety) has a legislative responsibility to respond to information received about harm or risk to a child
November - Blue Card Services
How to renew your Blue Card through Portal. Steven, Leanne and Maree are the Nominated Portal Users and manage blue card records and obligations for BigDog.
December - Queensland Disability Plan
Queensland’s state disability plan launched during Disability Action Week 2022 represents a new phase in action towards an accessible and inclusive state for people with disability.