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As time gets closer to the Hospice's 20th Anniversary date, 1st July, Toowoomba Hospice Chairman Graham Barron OAM was thrilled to award the first Hospice employee Mark Munro, their Administration and Fundraising Manager a certificate for 20 years of service on his anniversary date. Mark was instrumental in getting the Hospice off the ground and raising the funds needed to allow Toowoomba Hospice to provide free Palliative Care for the last 19 years. We thank you Mark!
When I arrived to interview Mark in his office he immediately printed out his speech notes and went through each of them, individually highlighting the key points in the history of the Hospice, the services offered, the financials and the volunteers.
“You know, Sister Frances Flint CSB, OAM came to Toowoomba in 1988 to set up the Diocesan Media Office as the Social Issues Convener for the Catholic Women’s League I just smiled and nodded my head.
“In July 1996, NT Euthanasia came into effect. Sister Flint was concerned as to a Christian, all life is sacred. She noted that there was no Hospice in Toowoomba for those who may not choose euthanasia if the law came to Queensland.”

“In 1997 she investigated different Hospices throughout the state and had meetings with Hospitals and Churches and the project for a Toowoomba Hospice snowballed with community support.”
“The current Hospice Chairman, Graham Barron OAM, led the fundraising drive with Sister Frances and fellow board member Bob Goldsworthy, a local Lions Club member and successfully raised the entire cost to build the facility of $1.2 million.”

The doors opened on 1st July 2003 with one