Urban building
These are 2 of the same photo but the second one I have changed it to black and white
I have cropped the picture I picked this picture to be in black and white because I thought it will really stand out in black and white
But the thing I like about this photo is that you can see the paBern of the bricks
The composi;on of this picture is balanced because there didn't’t really mix a lot of things to this.
I have edited this picture on photo shop and the only thing I did was put light screen on the picture, but you can tell it looks really different.
In the leE hand there is a lot of posi;ve side on the picture
I took the top of it because it had a lot of paBern on it, it has triangles , diamond etc.
If I was to reshoot this o would take a picture of the whole building so I can right about the angles and if there was too much light or less
These are all the same picture but I have changed the colour and the filter in most of them
The thing I liked about this picture is that is made out of all pencils and colouring penciling
The composi;on of this picture really strong because the person has put lot of stuff together
This is the picture of a half skull and I filtered it with line drawing because I think it really works with this picture
The colour around the skull really makes the white on the skull stand out a lot
Evaluate My inten;on when taking this photograph was to capture the picture that look really unique and that really stands out. I took some picture that if you edit it there will be a lot to write about.
Grant Smith St. Paul's
City of London
Margaret Difford
The Gherkin, seen through the city of London