The Swedish Guide • 2021

Page 26


European research facilities

CERN Geneva, on the border between Switzerland and France CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) is a European research facility set up in 1954 by 12 founder states, one of which was Sweden. CERN now has 23 Member States and a number of Associate Member States. At CERN, 2500 staff and some 15,000 external scientists advance the boundaries of knowledge regarding the origins of

We are Sweden’s official ILO organisation, serving European Big Science research facilities in which Sweden is a member. The focus is on Big Science facilities and fields important for Swedish science, innovation, technology and business.

our universe and its smallest building blocks, subatomic particles. The heart of the CERN facility is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a 27-kilometre circular particle accelerator. The High Luminosity project, due to come into operation in 2025, will increase the luminosity of the LHC by a power of ten. The materials budget of the High Luminosity project is nearly CHF 950 million.

ITER Cadarache, France; European procurement organisation F4E in Barcelona, Spain ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)


is a global cooperation project, funded by 35 nations, to build the world’s largest Tokamak reactor for research into

ESS Lund, Sweden

fusion energy. It will be the largest fusion experiment facility

ESS (European Spallation Source) will be a world-leading

500 MW of power from an input of 50 MW. It will be the first

multi-disciplinary research facility, based on the world’s

plant that integrates all the various technologies needed to

most powerful spallation source. ESS will enable scientific

operate a fusion reactor. Experiments at ITER are scheduled

breakthroughs in research related to materials, energy,

to begin in 2025, and the construction budget is EUR 20

health and the environment, addressing some of the most

billion. F4E (Fusion for Energy) is the EU organisation

important societal challenges of our time. ESS, currently

responsible for the EU contribution to ITER.

in the world and the first to produce net energy, producing

under construction and hosted by Sweden and Denmark, building and will operate the facility jointly. ESS expects to

ILL Grenoble, France

welcome its first researchers in 2023.

The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) is an existing spallation

is a collaboration between 13 European countries that are

facility that has been in operation for more than 45 years.

MAX IV Lund, Sweden

ILL was founded in 1972 by France, Germany, and the UK,

MAX IV is a synchrotron light facility that began operations

percent of the capacity of ILL is dedicated to fundamental

in 2016. Hosted by Lund University, it is the world’s most

research and 40% is dedicated to research into societal

brilliant synchrotron light source, capable of viewing material

challenges. The facility is undergoing a modernisation

structures atom by atom. MAX IV facilitates discoveries

programme that has increased the detection rate of the

of new structures at nanolevel, and scientists are able to

instruments by a factor of 25, and the programme is about

monitor chemical processes in real time. The facility can

to move into its second phase.

house up to 26 beamlines. At full capacity, more than 2000 scientists are expected to conduct experiments at MAX IV every year.

and there are ten further Scientific Member countries. Sixty

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