2 minute read
3 Reasons Why You Should Be Hunting Northern B.C.
By Ryan McSparran Kawdy Outfitters www.kawdyoutfitters.com
We may be biased. But there are many reasons we think northern British Columbia is the best hunting destination in North America – if not worldwide. Kawdy Outfitters owner Colin Niemeyer has been guiding stone sheep hunts here since he was a teenager. And there’s a good reason he jumped at the chance to purchase Kawdy Outfitters from legendary outfitter, Stan Lancaster when Stan decided to retire…
The remote northern edge of British Columbia offers a hunting experience that’s unparalleled elsewhere. We could ramble on about the benefits. But we’ll give you the three big reasons we think so highly of hunting northern BC:
2. There’s a High Density of Game
The next thing we enjoy most about hunting in northern B.C. is the density and variety of game that’s available to hunt. The wildlife here benefits from the remote nature of the area. This is a perfect recipe for an exciting hunt. On a 10-day hunt, it’s common for our hunters to take two different species. It takes hard work, but some of our hunters take three species in a single trip. From one camp location, you may be able to hunt moose, mountain caribou, mountain goat and stone sheep. There aren’t many places in the world that boast this kind of opportunity.
We are fortunate to hunt an area at the headwaters of the Yukon River drainage that’s so remote and expansive, it’s mind-boggling. As one of the most remote locations in North America, you could ride a horse for a week and never cross a road.

But unlike areas in the Yukon or Northwest Territories, the terrain here is well suited to hunting. Broad tundra plateaus and wide-open valleys make glassing for game much easier. Animals like moose and caribou are more highly visible here than they are in many parts of the Yukon. Our hunters can expect to see game, which leads right into our next reason…

3. The Trophy Quality is Excellent
Not only do we enjoy a high density of game, the trophy quality is just as good. Record book qualifying trophies of each species are taken each year. The remote nature of this area and the number of animals available adds up to high age classes and impressive trophy quality.
Because of these factors, nearly all of our hunts are combo hunts. We’re not just a moose outfit that kills a few caribou every year. Nor are we just a sheep outfit that takes a few goat hunters. Most of our hunters come ready for a true combination hunt. Of course each hunter has their priorities – but there’s no lack of opportunities!
For more information on hunting in northern British Columbia with Kawdy Outfitters, explore our website at www.kawdyoutfitters.com. If you’d like to speak with us about availability or any details, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1-250-306-8624 or 1-250-540-1179 (Oct 15 – July1) and 1-250-651-1189 (July 1 – Oct 15).