2012-13 Big South Basketball Media Guide

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BIG SOUTH CONFERENCE 7233 Pineville-Matthews Road, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28226 Phone: (704) 341-7990 Fax: (704) 341-7991 www.BigSouthSports.com Founded.....................................................1983 President.................................... ....................................Penelope Penelope W. Kyle Radford University Vice President .......................... ..........................Dr. Dr. A. Frank Bonner Gardner-Webb University Secretary .................................... ....................................Dr. Dr. Anne Ponder UNC Asheville Commissioner.............................. Kyle B. Kallander Associate Commissioner ....... .......James James F. Companion, Jr. Associate Commissioner ...................... ......................Dawn Dawn Turner Assistant Commissioner ..................... Mark Simpson Assistant Commissioner ......................... Chad Cook Dir. of Multimedia Development ............ Mark Bryant Asst. Director of Public Relations........... ...........Nic Nic Bowman Asst. Director of Marketing ............... Matt VanSandt Asst. Director of Compliance ...... ......Sherika Sherika Montgomery Office Manager .................................. Terri Ballard Marketing Assistant ......................... Melissa Estepp Public Relations Assistant.................... Briana Mayes Administration/Multimedia Assistant ......... Earl Laing Coordinator of Men’s Officials ................... ...................Joe Joe Forte Coordinator of Women’s Officials ...... Charlene Curtis MEMBERS (12): Campbell University, Charleston Southern University, Coastal Carolina University, Gardner-Webb University, High Point University, Liberty University, Longwood University, Presbyterian College, Radford University, UNC Asheville, Virginia Military Institute, Winthrop University. CREDITS The 2012-13 Big South Conference Basketball Media Guide was produced by the Big South Conference Public Relations Department. Copyright 2012, The Big South Conference. All Rights Reserved. Layout, Design, Writer and Editor: Mark Simpson. Cover Design and other design concepts: Nic Bowman. Assistance was provided by Mark Bryant and Briana Mayes. A special thanks to the Big South Conference Basketball Sports Information Directors and Assistant SIDs for providing material critical to this publication. Photos courtesy of Big South member institutions, Sideline Sports, WG Sports and NBAE/Getty Images. Information in this guide is accurate as of November 9, 2012. ON THE COVER The 2012-13 Big South Preseason Players of the Year, STAN OKOYE (VMI) and DeQUESHA McCLANAHAN (Winthrop).

GENERAL INFORMATION Big South Conference Directory............................. 1 Media Information ...........................................2-4 Big South History and Overview ..........................5-6 Big South Basketball Historical Timeline ................ 7-9 Big South Commissioner Kyle B. Kallander...............10 Big South Conference Hall of Fame ....................... 11 2012-13 SEASON PREVIEW Preseason All-Conference / Polls ..........................12 Men’s Basketball Preseason Notes ..................... 13-14 Men’s Composite Schedule.............................. 15-17 Men’s Basketball TV Schedule..............................17 Men’s Basketball Championship Information ............18 Women’s Basketball Preseason Notes ................ 20-21 Women’s Composite Schedule ......................... 22-24 Women’s Basketball TV Schedule .........................24 Women’s Basketball Championship Information ........25 2012-13 TEAM INFORMATION Big South Basketball Home Courts ........................27 Campbell University ...................................... 28-31 Men’s Basketball 28-29 Women’s Basketball 30-31 Charleston Southern University ........................ 33-35 Men’s Basketball 32-33 Women’s Basketball 34-35 Coastal Carolina University..............................36-39 Men’s Basketball 36-37 Women’s Basketball 38-39 Gardner-Webb University................................40-43 Men’s Basketball 40-41 Women’s Basketball 42-43 High Point University .....................................44-47 Men’s Basketball 44-45 Women’s Basketball 46-47 Liberty University .........................................48-51 Men’s Basketball 48-49 Women’s Basketball 50-51 Longwood University ..................................... 52-55 Men’s Basketball 52-53 Women’s Basketball 54-55 Presbyterian College .....................................56-59 Men’s Basketball 56-57 Women’s Basketball 58-59 Radford University ........................................60-63 Men’s Basketball 60-61 Women’s Basketball 62-63 UNC Asheville..............................................64-67 Men’s Basketball 64-65 Women’s Basketball 66-67 Virginia Military Institute ................................68-69 Men’s Basketball 68-69 Winthrop University ......................................70-73 Men’s Basketball 70-71 Women’s Basketball 72-73


2011-12 YEAR-IN-REVIEW Men’s 2011-12 Standings & Recap ..........................74 Men’s 2011-12 Season Highs / Honors .....................75 Men’s 2011-12 Statistical Leaders ...................... 76-79 Women’s 2011-12 Standings & Recap......................80 Women’s 2011-12 Season Highs / Honors.................81 Women’s 2011-12 Statistical Leaders ..................82-85 Final 2011-12 NCAA Statistical Rankings ..................86 MEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY & RECORDS Year-by-Year Standings ................................... 87-95 1,000-points, 500-rebounds.................................96 Career Records ................................................97 Individual Season Records...................................98 Team Season Records ........................................99 Single-Game Records .................................. 100-101 Annual Statistical Leaders ............................ 102-104 All-Time Honors......................................... 105-106 Annual Champions / Award Winners .................... 107 All-Time All-Academic Teams ............................. 108 All-Time Players of the Week ........................ 109-110 All-Time Freshmen of the Week...................... 111-112 Big South Tournament Records.......................113-118 Coaching History & Records................................119 Postseason History.......................................... 120 20-Win Seasons / Notable Wins ...........................121 All-Time Preseason Poll History ..................... 122-123 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY & RECORDS Year-by-Year Standings ................................ 124-132 1,000-points, 500-rebounds................................133 Career Records .............................................. 134 Individual Season Records..................................135 Team Season Records .......................................136 Single-Game Records ...................................137-138 Annual Statistical Leaders ............................ 139-141 All-Time Honors.............................................. 142 Annual Champions / Award Winners .....................143 All-Time All-Academic Teams ............................. 144 All-Time Players of the Week ........................ 145-146 All-Time Freshmen of the Week..................... 147-148 Big South Tournament Records...................... 149-154 Coaching History & Records................................155 Postseason History.......................................... 156 20-Win Seasons / Notable Wins ...........................157 All-Time Preseason Poll History ..................... 158-159

MEDIA INFORMATION BIG SOUTH CONFERENCE PUBLIC RELATIONS 7233 Pineville-Matthews Road, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28226 Phone: 704-341-7990 Fax: 704-341-7991 Web: BigSouthSports.com Twitter: @bigsouthsports MARK SIMPSON

The 2012-13 Big South Conference Men’s and Women’s Basketball Media Guide Assistant Commissioner has been prepared to assist media members in their coverage of Big South Bas- marks@bigsouth.org ketball. We trust many of your questions will be answered in the pages of this (men’s contact) guide. However, should you need additional information or assistance, please 704-574-0023 feel free to contact MARK SIMPSON (men’s) and NIC BOWMAN (women’s). We appreciate your interest in and coverage of Big South Conference men’s and women’s basketball, and look forward to working with you throughout the year.

NIC BOWMAN Assistant Director nicb@bigsouth.org (women’s contact) 828-817-5269

BRIANA MAYES Public Relations Assistant brianam@bigsouth.org

MARK BRYANT Director of Multimedia Development markb@bigsouth.org

WEEKLY REPORTS The Big South Public Relations office publishes a weekly men’s and women’s basketball report. These reports include updated standings, scores and notes from around the League. Both reports will be available by 5:00pm on Mondays. The reports are distributed to media outlets via electronic mail and are also available to the media online in PDF format at www.BigSouthSports.com, under the respective “Weekly Reports” section.

CREDENTIALS Credentials for regular-season games are the responsibility of the host institution, and such requests should be made through the respective Sports Information Director. Credentials for the 2013 VisitMyrtleBeach.com Big South Conference Basketball Championships must be requested through the League office. The Big South Conference and its member institutions reserve the right to approve or deny any and all credential requests.

WEEKLY AWARDS Each week during the season, the Conference office selects a Player and Freshman of the Week in men’s and women’s basketball. The weekly awards are announced late Monday mornings, and the weekly honorees will also be available with the weekly reports.

ANNUAL AWARDS Near the conclusion of the regular-season, select media members will be invited to vote on the men’s All-Conference and All-Freshman team, and on the women’s All-Conference and All-Freshman team. Also selected at the end of the season will be the men’s and women’s All-Academic Teams and the men’s and women’s basketball Scholar-Athlete of the Year. The end-of-season awards will be announced prior to the start of the postseason Conference Tournaments, and specific release dates will be announced later in the season.

STATISTICS Team and individual statistics for all games will be updated daily and available to the media online at BigSouthSports.com.

POSTSEASON TOURNAMENT All 12 men’s basketball teams, as well as the 11 women’s basketball teams, will compete in the VisitMyrtleBeach.com Big South Basketball Championships March 5-10, 2013. The Conference office will announce the regular-season champion and the official seedings immediately following the conclusion of regular-season play. If teams tie for first-place in the final standings, Co-Champions will be declared and a tiebreaker will be used to determine the No. 1 seed, as well as any additional seedings.

MULTIMEDIA Through a partnership with NeuLion, the Big South Conference maintains a progressive website, which contains all the latest information and statistics about the League’s members and its 19 Division I sports. The website can be accessed at www.BigSouthSports.com. The site also contains a special online Basketball Media Center, which features pertinent links to each school’s main basketball information. In addition, the Conference website contains several video elements (both free and subscription based).

TOURNAMENT AWARDS Selected working media covering the VisitMyrtleBeach.com Big South Conference Basketball Championships will be invited to vote on the All-Tournament Team. Ballots will be distributed to those individuals attending each round, and the AllTournament teams will be announced immediately following the respective championship games.

SOCIAL MEDIA The Big South Conference is very involved in Social Media, and can be followed via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and in the blogosphere. See page 4 for more details on the League’s Social Media Outlets. PRESS ROW Press Row and the media workrooms at all Big South Conference member institutions are designed to be designated work areas for media and statisticians. No cheering will be tolerated. The Big South Conference and its membership reserve the right to remove anyone from press row.








Stan Cole - Men’s Basketball SID cole@campbell.edu office - 910-893-1331 cell - 910-814-7467

Zeke Beam - Men’s Basketball SID zbeam@csuniv.edu office - 843-863-7687 cell - 843-870-0421

Sean Forrester - Men’s Basketball SID sforreste@coastal.edu office - 843-349-2840 cell - 205-540-6238

Nate Blythe - Women’s Basketball SID blythe@campbell.edu office - 910-893-1369 cell - 910-890-0513

Seth Montgomery - Women’s Basketball SID smontgomery@csuniv.edu office - 843-863-7853 cell - 828-582-8407

Cody Bays - Women’s Basketball SID cbays@coastal.edu office - 843-349-6467 cell - 843-333-1560

General Information fax - 910-893-1330 press row - 910-814-5541

General Information fax - 843-863-7676 press row - 843-863-7683

General Information fax - 843-349-2819 press row - 843-349-2528







Marc Rabb - Men’s Basketball SID mrabb@gardner-webb.edu office - 704-406-4355 cell - 704-974-3662

Jon Litchfield - Men’s Basketball SID jlitchfi@highpoint.edu office - 336-841-4065 cell - 336-848-1918

Eric Brown - Men’s Basketball SID eqbrown@liberty.edu office - 434-582-2294 cell - 434-221-8817

Kevin Davis - Women’s Basketball SID kldavis@gardner-webb.edu office - 704-406-3523 cell - 704-974-9095

Erika Carrubba - Women’s Basketball SID ecarrubb@highpoint.edu office - 336-841-4640 cell - 336-848-9192

Paul Carmany - Women’s Basketball SID pjcarmany@liberty.edu office - 434-582-2604 cell - 434-221-5575

General Information fax - 704-406-4739 press row - 704-406-4475

General Information fax - 336-841-9182 press row - 336-888-6313

General Information fax - 434-582-2076 press row - 434-582-7451







Greg Prouty - Men’s Basketball SID proutygd@longwood.edu office - 434-395-2097 cell - 434-390-0571

Simon Whitaker - Men’s Basketball SID swhitaker@presby.edu office - 864-833-8252 cell - 843-475-1129

Tom Galbraith - Men’s Basketball SID tgalbraith@radford.edu office - 540-831-5726 cell - 256-617-0988

Ashley Robbins - Women’s Basketball SID robbinsam@longwood.edu office - 434-395-2718 cell - 508-826-4113

Ryan Real - Women’s Basketball SID rtreal@presby.edu office - 864-833-8252 cell - 502-931-5651

Brian Cox - Women’s Basketball SID bcox27@radford.edu office - 540-831-5211 cell - 540-250-0624

General Information fax - 434-395-2568 press row - 434-395-2871

General Information fax - 864-833-8323 press row - 864-833-8332

General Information fax - 540-831-6095 press row - 540-831-6190







Mike Gore - Men’s Basketball SID mgore@unca.edu office - 828-251-6923 cell - 828-575-6649

Wade Branner - Men’s Basketball SID BrannerWH@vmi.edu office - 540-464-7515 cell - 540-319-1271

Brett Redden - Men’s Basketball SID reddenb@winthrop.edu office - 803-323-2129, ext. 6246 cell - 803-367-1649

Matt Pellegrin - Women’s Basketball SID mpellegr@unca.edu office - 828-251-6931 cell - 828-513-6203

Brad Salois - Secondary Men’s Contact SaloisBJ@vmi.edu office - 540-464-7015 cell - 940-642-9865

Jack Frost - Women’s Basketball SID frostj@winthrop.edu office - 803-323-2129, ext. 6245 cell - 803-984-3422

General Information fax - 828-251-6386 press row - 828-575-6649

General Information fax - 540-464-7583 press row - 540-463-6725

General Information fax - 803-323-2433 press row - 803-323-2156




9 Radford at Wake Forest Gardner-Webb at North Carolina Western Carolina at UNC Asheville Nov. 11 Charleston Southern at Arizona Nov. 12 Presbyterian at Clemson William & Mary at Liberty Nov. 14 Liberty at Georgetown Presbyterian at Georgia Tech Nov. 15 UNC Asheville vs. Tennessee VMI at Virginia Tech Nov. 17 Gardner-Webb at Iowa Nov. 20 Campbell at Cincinnati Presbyterian at Wisconsin Nov. 23 UNC Asheville at North Carolina State Nov. 25 Gardner-Webb at Illinois Nov. 28 VMI at West Virginia Nov. 29 Morgan State at Liberty Dec. 2 Georgia State at Liberty Dec. 5 High Point at Wake Forest Dec. 10 Longwood at Georgetown Dec. 15 UNC Asheville at Ohio State Dec. 18 Winthrop at Ohio State Presbyterian at Tennessee Dec. 19 Clemson at Coastal Carolina Campbell at Gonzaga Dec. 21 UNC Asheville at St. John’s Dec. 22 Radford at West Virginia Dec. 29 Presbyterian at South Carolina Jan. 5 Charleston Southern at Radford * UNC Asheville at Liberty * Jan. 12 Charleston Southern at Longwood * Coastal Carolina at Liberty * Jan. 19 VMI at Coastal Carolina * Winthrop at Campbell * Jan. 22 Longwood at Liberty * Jan. 26 Campbell at Coastal Carolina * Charleston Southern at Liberty * Jan. 29 Campbell at Liberty * Feb. 2 Liberty at Winthrop * Presbyterian at High Point * Feb. 5 Radford at Liberty * Feb. 8 UNC Asheville at VMI * Feb. 9 Liberty at Gardner-Webb * Feb. 16 VMI at Campbell * Charleston Southern at UNC Asheville * High Point at Liberty * Feb. 26 VMI at Liberty * March 2 UNC Asheville at Winthrop * March 9 Big South Semifinal Game 1 Big South Semifinal Game 2 March 10 Big South Championship Game

7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 12:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 12:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 9:00pm 7:30pm 4:00pm 1:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 11:00am 1:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 12:00pm 2:00pm 12:00pm

ESPN3 RSN WMYA-TV Pac-12 Networks ESPN3 Flames Sports Network MASN ESPN3 ESPNU ESPN3 Big Ten Network/BTN.com Fox Sports Ohio ESPN3 ESPN3 Big Ten Network Root Sports-Pittsburgh Flames Sports Network Flames Sports Network ESPN3 MASN Big Ten Network Big Ten Network SportSouth ESPN3 KQH-TV/Root Sports ESPN3 Root Sports-Pittsburgh CSS ESPN3 Flames Sports Network ESPN3 Flames Sports Network ESPNU ESPN3 Flames Sports Network ESPN3 Flames Sports Network Flames Sports Network MASN ESPN3 Flames Sports Network ESPNU ESPN3 MASN ESPN3 Flames Sports Network Flames Sports Network ESPN3 ESPN3 ESPN3 ESPN2

* - Big South Conference game

Again this season, Big South basketball will be televised locally, regionally and nationally through the Conference’s long-standing media partnerships, including agreements with the Mid-Atlantic Sports Network (MASN) and ESPN. ESPN3 will exclusively carry 14 men’s and women’s basketball games as part of a new Saturday “Game of the Week” package beginning in January 2013. ESPNU will broadcast two regular-season men’s basketball games for the first time, while MASN will televise two men’s games as well. ESPN3 will also be the home of the VisitMyrtleBeach.com Big South Basketball Championship Semifinals on Saturday, March 9. E3 will air the women’s final while ESPN2 will televsie the men’s championship on Sunday, March 10. In all, 47 men’s basketball games will be televised in 2012-13, while 20 women’s contests will be broadcast this season (see page 24 for the full women’s basketball TV schedule). The Big South Conference will again video stream all home men’s and women’s basketball games not televised in 2012-13 live on its subscription-based broadband channel, The Big South Network presented by State Farm. Last season, upgraded video streaming production efforts were implemented, as the Conference utilizes Sony HXR-NX5U NXCAM AVCHD camcorders to capture all the live action. This enhanced camera technology improved the picture quality, which allows for a transition from standard- to-high definition projects. In addition, the Conference relies on the NewTek TriCaster 850 EXTREME HD portable live production system, which allows the Big South to deliver all its live sporting events that rival network broadcast quality and give Big South fans around the world a virtual front row seat at every home Big South basketball game.

www.BigSouthSports.com is the official Internet home of the Big South Conference. The website boasts updated features and utilizes interactive technology to provide fans and media of Big South schools with the latest news and information. Fans and media can also view live game-day statistics, receive E-News updates and video features and highlights, as well as subscribe for streaming audio and video coverage on the Big South Network presented by State Farm. The Big South Network allows subscribers to view live video and audio from numerous Big South events, games, highlights, press conferences and other exclusive features. BigSouthSports.com is on the forefront of social networking, as the site features its own Twitter page, YouTube channel, Facebook presence and official blog to give Big South followers the most up-to-the-minute goings-on around the Big South Conference. BigSouthSports.com also features a mobile store, allowing fans to subscribe to news alerts, delivered via premium SMS messaging. A downloadable application for iPhone and Android mobile smartphone users is available as well. Additional downloadable products include video and audio clips and custom-branded wallpaper. The site also features an extensive online merchandise store. As noted above, live games on the Big South Network utilize a three-camera production and include more user-friendly features, such as a video portal for improved video streaming quality, replay and slow motion capability, as well as improved and enhanced graphics. As part of efforts to enrich the Big South Network for all fans, the video portal offers school-specific channels, allowing users to get their favorite team video content in one easy-to-find location.


THIS IS THE BIG SOUTH CONFERENCE Since its founding in 1983, the Big South Conference has matured into a competitive leader in college athletics, actively pursuing excellence on the field of play and in the classroom. The League’s growing presence as an NCAA Division I athletic conference is evident by athletic accomplishments on the national stage, innovative marketing and media partnerships, increased television packages, and quality athletic competition while intentionally fostering the academic, personal, social, athletic and leadership development of each student-athlete. This has evolved into the Conference’s mission of “Developing Leaders Through Athletics.” The 2012-13 academic year features the Big South’s largest membership (12) and sponsored sports (19) in its 29 years of existence.

In 2006-07, the Big South was the only Conference nationwide to have an at-large participant in the football playoffs (Coastal Carolina), a team in the Second Round of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament (Winthrop) and a No. 1 seed in the NCAA Baseball Regionals (Coastal Carolina). In fact, Coastal Carolina’s baseball program has been a No. 1 seed four out of the last eight years -- including a national seed for the first time in 2010, while the Chanticleers’ FCS playoff berth in 2006 came in just the fifth-year of the Big South’s football existence.

The Big South Conference was formed on August 21, 1983, when Charleston Southern (then Baptist College) Athletic Director HOWARD BAGWELL and Augusta President GEORGE CHRISTENBERRY began recruiting members into the Big South, receiving initial commitments from Augusta, Charleston Southern, Campbell, Coastal Carolina and Winthrop. One month later, DR. EDWARD M. SINGLETON was selected as the League’s first Commissioner and continued to solicit new members. His efforts led to the additions of Armstrong State, Radford and UNC Asheville, giving the Big South more than the required six members to constitute an official conference. The Big South’s first year of competition was in the Fall of 1984, and in September 1986, the Big South Conference was granted full-fledged NCAA Division I status.

The 2009-10 season saw Liberty’s SAM CHELANGA win two NCAA National Championships (cross country, 10,000-meter run); Coastal Carolina’s baseball team reach the Super Regionals for the second time in three years as well as being ranked No. 1 in the national RPI and as high as No. 3 in the national polls; and three women’s basketball teams reach the postseason for the first time in Conference

During its infancy and prior to securing automatic bids to NCAA Championships, the Big South made early strides in earning at-large berths in several national postseason events, including volleyball, women’s basketball and women’s golf. In 1989, GEORGE F. “BUDDY” SASSER replaced the retiring Dr. Singleton as Commissioner, and in 1990, the League received its first automatic bid -- receiving an automatic qualifier to the NCAA Baseball Championship. Under Sasser’s seven years of leadership, the Conference implemented its public relations and compliance programs, and introduced its first-ever men’s basketball television package, featuring the Big South competing among some of the finest teams in the nation.

history. In 2010-11, Chelanga won two more NCAA National Championships (cross country, outdoor 5,000-meter run), the Big South had its first automatic bid recipient in football (Coastal Carolina), UNC Asheville reached the Second Round of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament, Coastal Carolina’s women’s golf team was the first in Conference history to advance to the NCAA Championship out of Regional play, and a League-record 18 baseball players were drafted in the 2011 MLB First-Year Player Draft. This past season, the Big South had a record 41 student-athletes earn All-America distinction, while another 10 were named Academic All-Americans. The Conference also won its first football playoff game (Stony Brook), had the national women’s basketball Rookie Coach of the Year (High Point), had two men’s soccer teams reach the NCAA Tournament for the first time in a decade (Coastal Carolina, Liberty), and had a record five individuals selected for the NCAA Men’s Golf Regionals -- the most of any Division I conference in 2011-12. In addition, Liberty was the first men’s golf team in Conference history to win an NCAA Regional, and the Flames went on to finish 10th at the national event.

In August 1996, KYLE B. KALLANDER replaced Sasser as the League’s third Commissioner, and in his 16 years at the helm of the Big South, Kallander has been instrumental in aggressively promoting the Conference to new heights. The Conference has enjoyed record levels in marketing revenue during his tenure, he has brought television coverage to Big South women’s basketball, baseball, softball and men’s soccer for the first time in Conference history, as well as increased national television exposure to the League as a whole through aggressive and unique television packages.

Several former Big South student-athletes have also reached national prominence in recent years. Coastal Carolina’s AMBER CAMPBELL made the U.S. Olympic Team in 2008 and 2012, and was one of five former Big South athletes to compete in the 2008 Games; High Point’s TAMAS KOVACS qualified for the 2012 London Games; VMI’s REGGIE WILLIAMS reached the NBA with the Golden State Warriors in 2010, UNC Asheville’s TY WIGGINTON was named an American League All-Star in 2010, and Coastal Carolina’s DUSTIN JOHNSON has won six PGA Tour events since departing the Big South Conference in 2007. Four former Big South baseball players made their major league debuts in 2012, while AVERY WARLEY became the third Big South women’s basketball player to play in the WNBA.

Under Kallander’s leadership, the Big South developed and initiated its first long-range strategic plan, re-affirming the League’s vision as a distinctive athletic Conference committed to the quality of institutional life through athletic competition. He also spearheaded the efforts to add football as a championship sport, which came to fruition in 2002, and oversaw the additions of men’s and women’s indoor track & field in 1997. The Conference’s 19th championship sport -- women’s lacrosse, begins play this season with eight members. At the same time, Kallander has solidified Conference membership, as an all-time high 12 member institutions comprise the 29-year old League. Recent additions include High Point, Gardner-Webb, Presbyterian College and Longwood, plus the return of charter member Campbell University. Kallander’s long range vision has also included technological advancements, as the Conference introduced its first live video streaming event in 2005 and has since expanded its video offerings to more than 700 events annually through a partnership with the member institutions, as well as the creation of several online and social media platforms.

The Conference’s tagline, “Developing Leaders Through Athletics” was unveiled in 200809 in conjunction with the Conference’s 25th Anniversary. The League also honored its heritage with the Top 25 “Best of the Best” moments in League history from 1983-2008, with Liberty University’s 10-year women’s basketball championship run from 1996-2007 being crowned the No. 1 moment in the Big South’s first 25 years. The Conference’s on-field accomplishments have been duplicated in the classroom. Annually, more than 40 percent of Conference student-athletes are named to the Big South’s Presidential Honor Roll for maintaining a cumulative 3.0 grade-point average, and the League has had more than 100 Academic All-Americans in its 28 years of existence. Furthermore, the Big South has recorded double figure totals in NCAA Public Recognition Awards for APR progress the last three years.

In the last 15 years alone, the Big South Conference has experienced monumental growth and success in nearly every sport. During this time, the Conference has had an individual National Champion six times, has had more than 280 All-Americans, has reached the “Sweet 16” in men’s soccer, women’s basketball and baseball, has received national Top 25 rankings in football, men’s soccer, men’s basketball, women’s basketball, baseball, men’s outdoor track & field, and men’s golf, has had an individual selected to play in the NCAA Singles Championship seven times in addition to the first men’s tennis doubles at-large selection, had the first women’s golf program advance to the national finals, had the No. 1 ranked men’s golfer in the country, had the nation’s top scoring men’s basketball team five consecutive years as well as the national men’s basketball scoring leader twice, received an at-large playoff berth in the Football Championship Subdivision in 2006, has had six NFL Draft picks, and has had two institutions finish in the top 10 in the NCAA Men’s Golf Championships -- including the Conference’s highest-ever team finish in an NCAA event (fifth in 2007).


THE BIG SOUTH CONFERENCE FOOTPRINT Liberty University Lynchburg, Va.

Virginia Military Institute Lexington, Va.

Longwood University Farmville, Va.

Radford University Radford, Va. UNC Asheville Asheville, N.C.

High Point University High Point, N.C. Campbell University Buies Creek, N.C.

Winthrop University Rock Hill, S.C.

Gardner-Webb University Boiling Springs, N.C. Big South Conference Office Charlotte, N.C.

Coastal Carolina University Conway, S.C.

Presbyterian College Clinton, S.C.

Charleston Southern University Charleston, S.C.

Gardner-Webb University joined the Big South Conference full-time on July 1, 2008 ... Presbyterian College became a full-fledged NCAA Division I member on August 2, 2012 ... Charter member Campbell University re-joined the Big South Conference in 2011-12 ... Longwood University joined the League in 2012-13, pushing the membership to an all-time high 12 members ... The Big South Conference office is headquartered on the south side of Charlotte, N.C. Originally located in Myrtle Beach, S.C., the office moved to Winthrop University in 1996 on an interim basis until the Charlotte location was ready in late 1997.

Approximate Mileage Between Institutions
















































































































































261 261

KEY DATES IN BIG SOUTH BASKETBALL HISTORY MARCH 1986 - Charleston Southern wins the inaugural Big South men’s basketball Tournament to become the first Conference champion. MARCH 1987 - Radford wins the inaugural Big South women’s basketball Tournament to become the first Conference champion. JUNE 22 1987 - Campbell’s Clarence Grier is drafted in the seventh round of the NBA Draft by the Houston Rockets, the first player in Big South history to be drafted in the NBA. MARCH 1989 - Radford’s women’s basketball team is invited to the National Women’s Invitational Tournament in Amarillo, Texas, becoming the first Big South basketball program -men’s or women’s -- to appear in a postseason tournament.

MARCH 1994 - Radford wins the women’s basketball Big South Championship and receives the Conference’s first automatic bid to the NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament. SEPTEMBER 1995 - The Big South establishes a television package with FOX Sport South and Home Team Sports to broadcast several regular season basketball games. OCTOBER 1997 - The Big South announced that the Women’s Basketball Championship will be telecast live by FOX Sports South and Home Team Sports for the first time in League history.

MARCH 1991 - For the first time, the Big South Men’s Basketball Tournament Championship Game is televised live on ESPN. Coastal Carolina captures the League crown and later defeats Southwestern Athletic Conference winner Jackson State, 78-59, in a play-in game to the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. Coastal Carolina is the first Big South representative to participate in the 64-team field of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship. JUNE 1991 - The Big South receives a share of revenue from the NCAA Basketball Championships for the first time. MARCH 12, 1992 - Campbell earns the Big South’s first automatic bid to the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship.

MARCH 1998 - Liberty’s women’s basketball team is the first Big South team to finish the regular-season and Conference Tournament undefeated, as the Lady Flames post a 28-0 record entering the NCAA Tournam ent. Liberty lost to eventual national champion Tennessee in the first round. OCTOBER 1998 - The Big South secures the most aggressive television package to date. It marks the first time in League history that regular season women’s basketball games are televised. MARCH 11, 2003 - Liberty’s women’s basketball squad becomes the school’s first team to be ranked in a Division I poll, as the Lady Flames are ranked 25th in the USA Today/WBCA Coaches Poll.

MARCH 1993 - Coastal Carolina’s Tony Dunkin leaves his mark in the basketball record books, becoming the first player in NCAA history to be named a Conference Player of the Year four times.

MARCH 18, 2003 - UNC Asheville defeats Texas Southern, 92-84, in the NCAA Opening Round, becoming the first Big South basketball program to win an NCAA Tournament game. JULY 2004 - High Point men’s basketball player Danny Gathings is selected as the NCAA’s 2004 National Co-Sportsman of the Year. Radford’s Doug Day finishes his career with an NCAA career record 401 three-point field goals, a mark that would be broken four years later.

AUGUST 1993 - The Big South Conference celebrates its 10th year of existence. The Big South sends a 10-member men’s basketball All-Star team, consisting of one representative from each member school, on a five-game tour to Russia. Coastal’s Mohammed Acha is named Tournament MVP. NOVEMBER 18, 1993 - Towson State’s men’s basketball upsets Big East member St. John’s, 66-65, in the first round of the Preseason NIT. 1993-94 - Big South men’s basketball teams post four victories over Southeastern Conference schools, two wins over the ACC, a win over the Big East and a win over the Great Midwest.

AUGUST 2004 - Winthrop’s Craig Bradshaw and former Charleston Southern guard Rolando Hourruitiner compete in the 2004 Athens Olympics. Bradshaw was a member of the New Zealand National Team, while Hourruitiner started for the Puerto Rican National team. DECEMBER 2004 - Liberty women’s basketball knocks off No. 17-ranked Kansas State, 77-56, ending the Wildcats’ 35game home winning streak and marking the first time since the 2002-03 season that a Big South women’s basketball program defeated a ranked opponent. MARCH 20, 2005 - Liberty’s women’s basketball team defeats No. 4 seed Penn State in the first round of the NCAA Tournament, becoming the first Big South basketball squad -- men’s or women’s -- to advance to the second round. On March 22, the Lady Flames defeat No. 5 seed DePaul, 88-79, in the second round to advance to the “Sweet Sixteen.” Liberty becomes just the second No. 13 seed ever to advance to the Regional Semifinal of the NCAA Women’s Basketball Championship.


APRIL 7, 2005 Liberty’s women’s basketball team is ranked No. 21 in the final USA Today/ ESPN Coaches Poll, the second time in the program’s 30-year history it has cracked the Top 25. APRIL 16, 2005 - Liberty’s Katie Feenstra is drafted No. 8 overall in the WNBA Draft by the Connecticut Sun, the first Big South women’s basketball to be drafted by the WNBA. Feenstra’s rights are traded to the San Antonio Silver Stars, where she goes on to become a unanimous WNBA All-Rookie Team selection. AUGUST 31, 2005 - The Big South Conference and ESPN reach a new five-year deal to televise the Conference’s men’s basketball championship final, as well as new opportunities for other Big South sports on ESPNU. The new deal is through 2010 and is the longest in the growing partnership that began in 1991. OCTOBER 13, 2005 - The Big South announces that its men’s basketball championship semifinals will be televised live nationally on ESPNU, a first for the semifinal games. FEBRUARY 17-18, 2006 - The Big South, making its first appearance in ESPN’s four-year-old BracketBusters men’s basketball event, goes 2-1 in its three games. The wins helped push the Big South Conference four spots in the national RPI to 19th, the League’s highest-ever ranking. MARCH 11, 2006 - Liberty’s women’s basketball team wins its 10th-straight Conference Tournament title, a League record, and clinches its 10th consecutive NCAA Tournament berth, also a Big South record. FEBRUARY 16, 2007 - Winthrop defeats Missouri State, 7766, in a nationally-televised BracketBusters game on ESPN2. The Big South goes 2-1 in the event for the second-straight year. MARCH 5, 2007 - Winthrop becomes the first men’s basketball team in Big South history to be ranked in the national Top 25 polls. The Eagles debuted at No. 22 in the ESPN/USA Today Coaches Poll and No. 24 in the Associated Press poll. Entering the NCAA Tournament, Winthrop was No. 21 in the ESPN/USA Today poll, and No. 22 by the AP.

KEY DATES IN BIG SOUTH BASKETBALL HISTORY MARCH 11, 2007 - Winthrop receives a No. 11 seed in the NCAA Tournament, the Big South’s highest seeding ever in the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship. MARCH 15-17, 2007 - For the first time in Big South history, the Conference has two women’s basketball teams playing in the postseason. Regular-season champion High Point participates in the WNIT -- the second Big South team to play in the event, while Conference Tournament champion UNC Asheville competes in its first-ever NCAA Tournament. MARCH 16, 2007 - No. 11 seed Winthrop upsets No. 6 Notre Dame, 74-64, to become the first Big South men’s basketball program to advance to the second round of the NCAA Tournament. APRIL 4, 2007 For the first time in Big South history, the League finishes the men’s basketball season with the nation’s leading scoring team in VMI (100.9 points per game) and the country’s top individual scorer in VMI’s Reggie Williams (28.1). The achievement also marked just the 10th time since 1947-48 that one team led the NCAA in scoring offense and produced the nation’s individual scoring leader in the same season. APRIL 7, 2007 Winthrop’s men’s basketball team is ranked in the Top 25 in the final Associated Press and USA Today/ESPN Coaches polls, receiving a final ranking of No. 22 in both polls. OCTOBER 30, 2007 - Former Liberty women’s basketball player Katie Feenstra is officially added to the 2007-08 USA National Team roster and is considered for inclusion on the 12-member USA Olympic Team for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Feenstra helped the Detroit Shock reach the WNBA Finals during the summer, and participated in the FIBA World League Tournament earlier in the month. MARCH 14, 2008 - For the first time in Big South history, the Conference has three 20-win women’s basketball programs in the same season when Winthrop defeats Charleston Southern in the quarterfinals of the women’s basketball tournament for its 20th win of the campaign. Liberty (28) and Radford (23) also eclipsed 20 wins during the season. APRIL 7, 2008 - Big South men’s basketball finishes the 200708 as the national leader in four team statistical categories and two individual listings. VMI led the nation in scoring for the second consecutive season (91.3 points per game), while also leading the country in 3-point field goals per game (11.6) and steals per game (12.7). UNC Asheville was first in the nation in fewest personal fouls per game (14.1). Individually, VMI’s Reggie Williams (27.8 points per game) became the ninth player in NCAA Division I history to lead the nation in scoring in consecutive seasons, while UNC Asheville’s Kenny George was the national leader in field goal percentage (69.6 percent) -- the first Big South player to lead the country in that category.

SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 Former Winthrop men’s basketball player Michael Jenkins is selected as the No. 1 overall pick by the Albany Patroons in the 2008 Continental Basketball Association (CBA) draft. Big South all-time leading scorer Reggie Williams was selected in the fifth round (23rd pick overall) by the Pittsburgh Xplosion. NOVEMBER 14, 2008 VMI’s men’s basketball team defeats the Kentucky Wildcats, 111-103 at Rupp Arena to open the 2008-09 college basketball season. The victory propels the two-time defending national scoring champion Keydets back into the national spotlight, as the team goes on to receive a Top 25 vote in the Associated Press poll, as well as a No. 25 ranking in the Collegeinsider.com Mid-Major Top 25 poll, its first-ever appearance in the national poll. DECEMBER 8, 2008 - For the first time in Big South history, two men’s basketball teams are ranked in the Collegeinsider. com Mid-Major Top 25 national poll. Liberty’s first-ever appearance in the ranking came in the No. 13 position, while VMI is ranked No. 21. JANUARY 24, 2009 - VMI twins Chavis and Travis Holmes combine for 47 points against High Point and become the highest scoring twin combination in NCAA Division I history. With 3,262 combined points, the duo surpass former Keydets Damon and Ramon Williams, who set the record with 3,252 points. APRIL 6, 2009 - Big South men’s basketball finishes the 2008-09 season as the national leader in four team statistical categories and three individual listings. VMI led the nation in scoring for the third consecutive season (93.8 points per game) -- becoming just the third team in NCAA history to be the national scoring leader three straight years. VMI also led the nation in three-point field goals per game (13.7), steals per game (14.2) and turnover margin (9.5). Individually, VMI’s Chavis Holmes was tops in steals per game (3.4). The Big South also had the national leading freshman scorer and top freshman rebounder. APRIL 9, 2009 - Liberty women’s basketball player Megan Frazee is selected by the San Antonio Silver Stars in the 2009 WNBA Draft, becoming the second Big South women’s basketball player to be drafted in the professional league. Frazee is the first selection of the second round and 14th overall.

MARCH 2, 2010 – Former VMI men’s basketball player Reggie Williams signs a 10-day contract with the NBA’s Golden State Warriors, becoming just the third Big South player in Conference history to play in the NBA. Williams debuts that night at Miami, and finishes with 10 points, five rebounds and five assists. Williams is signed for the remainder of the season on March 22. APRIL 5, 2010 – VMI becomes the first team in NCAA Division I men’s basketball history to lead the nation in scoring offense for four consecutive seasons (the NCAA began tracking statistics in 1948). OCTOBER 27, 2010 – The Big South Conference has two teams ranked in the inaugural Collegeinsider.com Women’s Basketball Mid-Major Top 25 poll. Liberty is ranked No. 8 while Gardner-Webb is No. 23. DECEMBER 18-20, 2010 – Presbyterian College’s men’s basketball team is the second program in Big South Conference history to defeat an SEC team and an ACC team in the same season, as the Blue Hose achieved the feat in backto-back games. PC first knocked off the Auburn Tigers, 62-59 on Dec. 18, and then won at Wake Forest, 66-64 on Dec. 20. It gives the Big South three wins over SEC members for the first time since 1993-94. JANUARY 22, 2011 – Charleston Southern women’s basketball player Katie Tull breaks the Big South career record for three-point field goals when she makes her 264th career trey in the Lady Buccaneers’ game at Liberty. FEBRUARY 12, 2011 – Coastal Carolina’s men’s basketball team’s Big South-record 22game win streak is officially the longest in the nation after Ohio State’s 24-game win streak ends. MARCH 15, 2011 – UNC Asheville becomes the second Big South team to win a first round game in the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament when the Bulldogs defeat Arkansas-Little Rock, 81-77, in Dayton. With the victory, Asheville becomes the first Big South team with two NCAA Tournament wins.

MAY 14, 2009 - The Big South Conference announces that Campbell University will re-join the League as full members on July 1, 2011. MAY 28, 2009 - Liberty University’s 10-year Women’s Basketball championship dynasty from 1997-2006, highlighted by the Lady Flames’ “Sweet Sixteen” appearance in 2005, is unveiled as the No. 1 moment in the Big South’s first 25 years of existence. The Conference unveiled the 25th Anniversary Committee’s official Top 10 rank order of its 25 “Best of the Best” moments in Big South history as part of its concluding 25th Anniversary banquet.


APRIL 4, 2011 – VMI is named the men’s basketball national scoring champion for an unprecedented fifth consecutive season, as the Keydets led the nation with 87.9 points per game. VMI was also first in the country in three-point field goals per game (11.3).

KEY DATES IN BIG SOUTH BASKETBALL HISTORY JULY 1, 2011 – Campbell University officially re-joins the Big South Conference, giving the League a record 11 member institutions.

MARCH 12, 2012 – For the second time in three years, the Big South has three women’s basketball teams playing in the postseason. Liberty is the Conference’s NCAA Tournament participant, while High Point plays in the WNIT. Charleston Southern is an at-large selection for the WBI.

MAY 31, 2012 – The Big South Conference Council of Chief Executives selects Myrtle Beach/Coastal Carolina as the host of the men’s and women’s basketball championships for 201315. It is the first time since 2002 that both events will be played entirely at one site.

JULY 13, 2011 – Radford women’s basketball coach Tajama Abraham Ngongba is chosen to coach the U.S. Virgin Islands Senior women’s national team for the summer. The USVI squad will compete at the CBC Senior Women’s Championship Aug. 3-7 in Nassau.

MARCH 19, 2012 – For the third time in five years, Winthrop is named as the 2011-12 NCAA “Pack The House Challenge” winner for the Big South Conference. A total of 153 institutions participated and the effort attracted more than 431,000 fans. The NCAA donates $500 to the non-profit organization of each winning institution’s choice.

JUNE 11, 2012 – The Big South announces that it will have divisional play in men’s basketball for the first time in League history.

SEPTEMBER 27, 2011 – Liberty women’s basketball player Avery Warley is named to the 2011 USA Basketball Pan American Games Team, which will compete Oct. 21-25 in Guadalajara, Mexico.

MARCH 21, 2012 – High Point men’s basketball player Nick Barbour is selected as one of eight contestants for the annual 3-Point Contest as part of Final Four weekend on Thursday, March 29.

NOVEMBER 15-26, 2011 – In a 12-day span, the Big South picks up five men’s basketball wins against teams from BCS Conferences. On Nov. 15, Coastal Carolina downs LSU of the SEC, 71-63, and on Nov. 19, Presbyterian College comes back from 15 points to win at No. 20 Cincinnati of the Big East Conference. On Nov. 22, Coastal Carolina defeats Clemson of the ACC, 60-59 on a tap-in at the buzzer, and the next night, Campbell downs Iowa of the Big Ten, 77-61. UNC Asheville rounds out the victories on Nov. 26 with its 87-65 win over Utah of the Pac-12.

MARCH 26, 2012 – Campbell men’s basketball player Eric Griffin is featured on ESPN2’s “Dunks of the Year” program. Griffin was a national candidate for both the 2012 Dunk of the Year and the 2012 Dark Horse Dunker.

DECEMBER 2-4, 2011 – The Big South collects two major women’s basketball wins in a three-day span, as High Point defeats Big East member Pittsburgh, 82-75 on Dec. 2, followed by Charleston Southern’s 82-77 victory at Clemson on Dec. 4. DECEMBER 13, 2011 – Campbell’s men’s basketball team, off to its best start (8-1) in the school’s Division I era, is ranked for the first time in the Collegeinsider.com Mid-Major Top 25 Poll, marking the seventh consecutive season that a Big South member is ranked in the weekly poll. JANUARY 7, 2012 – Winthrop’s women’s basketball team is featured in a brief video for the “Your Three Words” segment of ABC’s “Good Morning America” program. Winthrop’s three words were “We Love Robin,” referring to co-host Robin Roberts. JANUARY 21, 2012 – Liberty men’s basketball player Jesse Sanders records his fourth career triple-double with 14 points, 13 assists and 10 rebounds against High Point to become the first player in NCAA Division I history with a triple-double in each of his four seasons. JANUARY 23, 2012 – The Big South Conference announces that Longwood University will join the League as full members on July 1, 2012, increasing the membership to 12 for the first time in Conference history. JANUARY 30, 2012 – For the fifth time in seven years of participation in the ESPN BracketBusters, the Big South is selected for a national television game. UNC Asheville will play at Ohio live on ESPN3 on Saturday, Feb. 13. FEBRUARY 3, 2012 – Coastal Carolina’s Sam McLaurin and Presbyterian College’s Jay Reynolds are named to the Capital One/CoSIDA Academic All-District IV Team. It is the first time since 2008-09 that the Big South has multiple All-District honorees in men’s basketball.

APRIL 3, 2012 – High Point women’s basketball coach Jennifer Hoover is named the recipient of the 2012 Spalding Maggie Dixon Division I Rookie Coach of the Year by the WBCA. Hoover led the Panthers to a 20-13 record and WNIT berth in her first season as a collegiate head coach. APRIL 3, 2012 – UNC Asheville men’s basketball player Matt Dickey is named to the 10th annual Division I-AAA Athletics Directors Association Scholar-Athlete Team. Dickey is one of 11 men’s basketball players honored. APRIL 4, 2012 - Winthrop’s Diana Choibekova finishes as the national leader in three-point field goals made per game with a Big South-record 3.9. It marks the second consecutive year that a Big South student-athlete leads the country in this category. MAY 3, 2012 – For the second-straight year, Radford women’s basketball coach Tajama Abraham Ngongba has been selected to coach the U.S. Virgin Islands Senior Women’s National Team in the summer. Ngongba will lead her squad in the Centro Basket Senior Women’s Championship in Morovis, Puerto Rico, June 12-16. MAY 17, 2012 – Liberty women’s basketball player Avery Warley is named to the 11-player roster of the WNBA’s Phoenix Mercury. Warley, who signed as a free agent on April 26, is the third Big South player to play in the WNBA.

FEBRUARY 7, 2012 – Three Big South men’s basketball players – Campbell’s Eric Griffin, Charleston Southern’s Kelvin Martin and High Point’s Shay Shine – are among 16 “underthe-radar” players nationally competing for the final spot in the 2012 Denny’s Slam Dunk Competition at the State Farm College Slam Dunk & 3-Point Challenge in New Orleans March 29 on ESPN.


BIG SOUTH COMMISSIONER KYLE B. KALLANDER Kyle B. Kallander is in his 17th year as Big South Conference Commissioner in 2012-13, a tenure that has seen year-to-year growth in marketing and television, an enhanced Internet presence as well as unparalleled success on the field and in the classroom. Kallander’s development of a long-term strategic plan, which allows the Big South to position itself as unique amongst its peers, brought football to the Big South as the 18th Conference sport in 2002 as well as women’s lacrosse this season. He has solidified membership to an all-time high 12 institutions with the recent additions of High Point, VMI, Presbyterian College, Gardner-Webb and Longwood -- as well as the return of charter member Campbell University last year. Kallander’s vision includes increases in the League’s television exposure for several sports through strong partnerships with regional and national outlets, and the spearheading of video streaming of Big South games and events on the League’s website, which began in 2005-06 and now features more than 700 events annually. This aggressive commitment to digital technology will include HD content in the near future. Kallander has presided over some of the most pivotal events in the League’s entire history both athletically and academically. During his tenure, the Big South: • Has reached the NCAA “Sweet 16” in men’s soccer, women’s basketball and baseball; • Has had six individual National Champions; • Had its first All-Americans in men’s and women’s cross country; • Had an individual reach the round of 32 in the NCAA Men’s Singles Championship; • Has started football and reached the FCS playoffs in five years and eventually gaining an automatic bid to the football postseason; • Had its first-ever national finalist for NCAA Woman of the Year; • Had members defeat the No. 1-ranked football and baseball team in the nation; • Had its first-ever NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament first round win; • Had its first-ever berth in the NCAA Baseball Super Regionals; • Has placed two teams in the NCAA Baseball Regionals five times; • Has had a baseball team earn a No. 1 seed and host an NCAA Regional and Super Regional; • Had its highest-ever team finish in an NCAA event (Coastal Carolina men’s golf, fifth in 2007); • Has had women’s basketball, men’s soccer, softball and baseball televised for the first time; • Has had a softball team reach the Regional Championship game twice; • Had its first women’s golf team advance to the NCAA Championship; • Has had two top 10 finishes in the NCAA Men’s Golf Championship; • Had a League-record 41 All-Americans in 2011-12; • Had its first FCS Playoff victory in 2011 The Conference has produced more All-Americans since Kallander took office, while increasing its share of Academic All-Americans and All-District selections. More than 40 percent of the League’s student-athletes have achieved at least a 3.0 grade point average the last eight years -- including three-straight years over 45 percent -- while several student-athletes have been recipients of various Postgraduate Scholarships during his timeframe. Kallander has also successfully integrated the Conference’s profile with the member institutions’ general student body, notably through the development of the Big South Academic Consortium, which sponsors the annual Academic College Bowl among League members and the Big South Undergraduate Research Symposium. Furthermore, the Big South began offering one male and one female graduating student-athlete a Graduate Fellowship for postgraduate studies in 2006. Named the Big South’s third commissioner on June 24, 1996, Kallander formed the Big South Marketing Group (BSMG) upon his arrival, a partnership with member institutions that enables the Conference to develop an integrated marketing strategy and offer comprehensive corporate partnership packages. More recently, the Big South Business Group (BSBG) was created, involving the Chief Financial Officers from each member institution. The BSBG explores ways that members can benefit through working together and with Conference corporate partners. Kallander has overseen a revision of the League’s governance structure and has been instrumental in securing record sponsorship revenues in the past decade, and has been innovative in developing and executing

a public relations plan for the Big South, which has resulted in increased exposure, both on a regional and national level. On the field, the Conference has added four Championship sports under Kallander -- men’s and women’s indoor track & field, football and women’s lacrosse. Nationally, Kallander has been heavily involved in several organizations and committees. He served four years on the NCAA Division I Baseball Committee and was elected Chair for the 2011-12 season. He also previously served on the NCAA/USOC Task Force, which examined the decline of Olympic sports programs at the nation’s college and universities, chaired the NCAA Olympic Sports Liaison Committee, and served on the NCAA Committee on Women’s Athletics. As a testament to his leadership, Kallander continues to secure aggressive television packages through relationships with MASN, SportSouth and ESPN/ESPNU/ESPN3, as well as partnerships with FSN and Fox College Sports. Furthermore, the Big South Television Network (BSTN) was created by Kallander in 2001 to serve as a syndicate of Conference events to a regional group of TV stations and cable networks. The partnerships have brought the Big South new and enhanced television exposure for its member institutions and student-athletes. The Conference’s online broadband channel, the Big South Network, has elevated the League’s exposure by serving a world-wide audience. Kallander came to the Big South after serving as Southwest Conference Commissioner during the 1995-96 season. Under his guidance, the Southwest generated more than $22 million in revenue, an all-time record. Kallander was also directly responsible for negotiating and implementing television agreements with CBS, Raycom and Prime Sports Southwest for the 1995-96 football and basketball seasons. He successfully administered the league’s postseason basketball tournaments, which attracted its largest attendance since 1990, and also served as Tournament Director for the 1996 NCAA Men’s Basketball Midwest Region First and Second Round Games in Dallas. Kallander began his collegiate athletics career at his alma mater, the University of Washington, in 1985, where he served as Director of Advertising & Promotions, as well as the Director of Compliance before joining the Southwest Conference in 1992 as Assistant Commissioner. Kallander received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Physical Education in 1980, and a Master of Science Degree in Kinesiology in 1982, from Washington. He is married to the former Lisa Dallosto and has two children, Stefan, 22, and Tristan, 19.


Mercer Island, Wash.


B.A. in Physical Education, University of Washington, 1980 M.S. in Kinesiology, University of Washington, 1982

Previous Commissioner, Southwest Conference Employment: 1995-96 Date of Hire:

June 24, 1996

Big South Conference Milestones: • Formation of Big South Marketing Group and the Big South Business Group, resulting in record revenue for the Conference. • Addition of new members: High Point, VMI, Presbyterian College, Gardner-Webb, Longwood, plus football-only member Stony Brook and return of charter member Campbell. • Aggressive television packages, which include coverage by ESPN, ESPN3, ESPNU, FSN, MASN and SportSouth, which have grown from year-to-year and now include football, men’s and women’s basketball, baseball, and softball. • Progressive approach to Internet presence, including the addition of live video streaming of Big South games and events on broadband Big South Network channel, which totals more than 700 annually. Also positioning Big South Network for future HD technology and content. • Formation of the Big South Television Network (BSTN), a regionalized network of television stations and cable systems. • Initiation on Strategic Planning process, allowing the League to position itself for future successes. • Addition of four new Championship sports: men’s and women’s indoor track & field in 1997, football in 2002 and women’s lacrosse in 2013. • Creation and induction of the League’s first Hall of Fame class in 2003. • Enhancement of League championships. • Creation of Big South Academic Consortium of Big South Chief Academic Officers and Faculty Athletics Representatives to develop shared academic programs and resources among member institutions. • Creation of the Big South Sportsmanship program and Graduate Fellowship program.


BIG SOUTH CONFERENCE HALL OF FAME BIG SOUTH CONFERENCE HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES 2003 CLASS (inaugural) Howard Bagwell .............................Charleston Southern Director of Athletics (1965-00) Big South Conference co-Founder Wendell Carr .................................Campbell Director of Athletics (1974-92) Dr. George A. Christenberry ..............Augusta State President (1970-86) Big South Conference Co-Founder/President (1983-86) Tony Dunkin ..................................Coastal Carolina men’s basketball player (1989-93) Ilona Fekete ..................................UNC Asheville volleyball player (1990-92) Michelle Hall .................................Coastal Carolina softball player (1990-93) Stephanie Howard ..........................Radford women’s basketball player (1986-89) Lisa Kemme ..................................Winthrop softball player (1988-91) George F. “Buddy” Sasser .................Coastal Carolina Director of Athletics (1986-89, 1996-99) Big South Conference Commissioner (1989-96) Dr. Edward M. “Dick” Singleton .......... Coastal Carolina Chancellor (1963-83) Big South Conference Commissioner (1983-89) Dante Washington...........................Radford men’s soccer player (1988-92) 2004 CLASS Holly Bottar ..................................Coastal Carolina women’s basketball player (1988-91) Luis Lopez ....................................Coastal Carolina baseball player (1991-94) Joe Spinks ....................................Campbell men’s basketball player (1990-94) John Vrooman ...............................Coastal Carolina baseball coach (1975-77, 1987-95) 2005 CLASS Doug Day......................................Radford men’s basketball player (1989-93) Sara Graziano ................................Coastal Carolina softball player (1993-94) Michelle Minton..............................Coastal Carolina softball player (1990-94) Jim Settle .....................................Charleston Southern cross country and track coach (1965-92) Shannan Wilkey..............................Radford women’s basketball player (1990-94)

The Big South Conference Hall of Fame was formed as part of the League’s 20th anniversary celebration in 2003-04. Each year the Conference will induct up to eight (8) individuals into the Hall of Fame. The Conference Hall of Fame is housed at the League Office in Charlotte, N.C., and features historical timelines, images and artwork of the League’s accomplishments and achievements over the years, including All-Americans, Annual Champions and NCAA Championship successes, as well as each enshrinee’s plaque. The inaugural class was inducted in May 2003 and consisted of 11 former student-athletes, coaches and administrators who were integral in the creation, development and early success of the Big South Conference. Inductees are enshrined as part of the League’s annual Spring Meetings. The Big South Hall of Fame now boasts 49 members. The Hall of Fame did not induct a class in 2009 due to the League’s 25th Anniversary celebration during the 2008-09 campaign.

2006 CLASS Tammy Brown ...............................Campbell women’s basketball player (1987-91) Charlene Curtis ..............................Radford women’s basketball coach (1984-90) Bryan Link ....................................Winthrop baseball player (1992-95) Hans Olsen ...................................Charleston Southern men’s tennis player/coach (1989-92, 1997-01) Chuck Taylor .................................Radford Director of Athletics (1974-96) 2007 CLASS Dr. Donald Dedmon .........................Radford President (1972-94) Big South Conference President (1986-92) Robert Dowdell..............................Coastal Carolina men’s basketball player (1987-91) Sherry Johnson ..............................Coastal Carolina softball player (1992-95) Horace Turbeville ...........................Winthrop baseball coach (1978-91) Ryan Werner .................................Liberty men’s track & field athlete (1992-96)

2010 Hall of Fame Class

2008 CLASS Peter Aluma ..................................Liberty men’s basketball player (1993-97) Jeff Greene ..................................Winthrop men’s track & field/cross country (1993-95) Tomas Malik ..................................Coastal Carolina men’s tennis player (1994-97) Janet Wooten ................................Campbell women’s golf (1991-94) Jill Young......................................UNC Asheville women’s soccer player (1993-96) 2010 CLASS Dr. Ron Bradley ..............................Radford men’s basketball coach (1991-02) Catherine Conder ...........................Coastal Carolina women’s cross country runner (1994-97) Jim Gardas ...................................Charleston Southern men’s golfer (1996-99) Guy Norcott ..................................Coastal Carolina men’s soccer player (1989-92) Kevin Pendley................................Winthrop men’s golfer (1995-98) Josh Pittman .................................UNC Asheville men’s basketball player (1994-98)

2011 Hall of Fame Class

2011 CLASS Jessica Falca .................................Coastal Carolina softball player (1996-99) Elena Kisseleva ..............................Liberty women’s basketball player (1996-00) Ty Wigginton .................................UNC Asheville baseball player (1996-98) 2012 CLASS Jason Colson .................................Winthrop baseball player (1998-01) Jerry Edwards ...............................Liberty Radio Broadcaster (1981-10) Gregg Marshall...............................Winthrop men’s basketball coach (1998-07) Becky Morgan ................................UNC Greensboro women’s golfer (1994-97) Jolene Williams..............................Coastal Carolina women’s cross country/track athlete (1996-00)

2012 Hall of Fame Class




(as voted by League head coaches and media)

(as voted by League head coaches and media) RK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

NORTH DIVISION (first-place votes) POINTS Campbell (21) ............................................................ 166 VMI (5) ..................................................................... 136 High Point (3) ............................................................. 103 Liberty ...................................................................... 98 Radford ......................................................................57 Longwood ...................................................................49

RK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

SOUTH DIVISION (first-place votes) POINTS Charleston Southern (16) ............................................... 157 Coastal Carolina (8) ..................................................... 147 UNC Asheville (5) ........................................................ 130 Winthrop .................................................................... ....................................................................67 67 Gardner-Webb ............................................................. 58 Presbyterian College ..................................................... 50

STAN OKOYE VMI Preseason Player of the Year


FIRST-TEAM Stan Okoye Darren White Anthony Raffa Trey Freeman Saah Nimley

SCHOOL VMI Campbell Coastal Carolina Campbell Charleston Southern

YR POS Sr. F Sr. G R-Sr. G Soph. G Soph. G

HT 6-6 6-4 6-1 6-2 5-8

WT 215 210 170 185 155

SECOND-TEAM Khalid Mutakabbir Jeremy Atkinson Arlon Harper Kierre Greenwood Tashan Newsome

SCHOOL Presbyterian College UNC Asheville Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina Gardner-Webb

YR POS Sr. G Sr. F Soph. G Sr. G R-Sr. G

HT 6-4 6-4 6-1 6-2 6-3

WT 190 210 170 175 200

ANTHONY RAFFA Coastal Carolina



SAAH NIMLEY Charleston Southern


(as voted by League head coaches and media)

(as voted by League head coaches and media) RK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

TEAM (first-place votes) POINTS Liberty (16)................................................................ 233 High Point (4) ............................................................. 215 Winthrop (2) .............................................................. 199 Campbell .................................................................. 159 Radford .................................................................... 154 Charleston Southern .................................................... 136 Coastal Carolina........................................................... 92 Presbyterian College ...................................................... ......................................................91 91 Gardner-Webb .............................................................. ..............................................................62 62 UNC Asheville ............................................................. 60 Longwood ...................................................................51



NAME Dequesha McClanahan Devon Brown Cheyenne Parker Da’Naria Erwin Spencer Erin Reynolds

SCHOOL Winthrop Liberty High Point Radford High Point

YR Jr. R-Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr.


HT 5-8 5-10 6-4 5-5 5-3

PRESEASON PLAYER OF THE YEAR Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop





MEN’S BASKETBALL 2012-13 PRESEASON NOTES A BIGGER BIG SOUTH IN 2012-13 The Big South Conference has an all-time high 12 member institutions in 2012-13 with the addition of Longwood University as a full member. The expansion allowed the Conference to create two six-team divisions in men’s basketball for the first time in League history. The North Division is comprised of Campbell, High Point, Liberty, Longwood, Radford and VMI, while the South Division consists of Charleston Southern, Coastal Carolina, Gardner-Webb, Presbyterian College, UNC Asheville and Winthrop. Each team will play a 16-game Conference season with 10 intra-division contests and six crossover games. In addition, the format for the Conference Tournament now includes all 12 programs, with the top two teams in each division receiving byes into the quarterfinals. MYRTLE BEACH MADNESS The 2013 VisitMyrtleBeach.com Big South Men’s and Women’s Basketball Championships will be held at Coastal Carolina University’s new on-campus arena, The HTC Center, in the first year of a threeyear agreement to host the Conference’s marquee event. It will be a combined tournament for the seventh time in League history and the first same site event since 2002 when the Conference staged its basketball postseason in Roanoke, Va. The combined tournament will feature all Big South men’s and women’s basketball teams -- 23 in total. BIG SOUTH’S PRESEASON POLL HAS NEW LOOK With a record 12 members and two divisions in 2012-13, the Big South’s first preseason poll for divisional play finds Campbell as the preseason favorite to win the North Division with Charleston Southern earning the plaudit for the South Division. The Camels, who return three starters and seven letterwinners, received 21 of the 29 first-place votes and 166 out of a possible 174 points. The Buccaneers, who return four starters and 10 letterwinners this season, tallied 157 points and 16 first-place votes. Two-time defending champion UNC Asheville was picked third in the South Division. VMI’S STAN OKOYE VOTED PRESEASON PLAYER OF THE YEAR VMI senior forward STAN OKOYE is the 2012-13 Big South Conference Preseason Men’s Basketball Player of the Year. He is the first VMI player to be voted Preseason Player of the Year since the Keydets joined the Big South in 2003. Okoye enjoyed his first All-Conference season last year as a Second-Team honoree after averaging 17.1 points that ranked third in the Big South. He was the lone player in the Conference last season to average at least 17.0 points and 7.0 rebounds, as he was eighth in the League with 7.2 boards per game. Okoye was fifth in the Big South in field goal percentage at 51.9 percent -- his third-straight year over the 50 percent threshold, and his 200 field goals made led the Conference. He also had a career-high 47 steals last season. Okoye had 12 20-point games in 2011-12 with six double-doubles, and averaged 19.5 points, 8.2 rebounds and shot 54.3 percent from the floor in Big South games. Below is a look at the 2012-13 Preseason All-Conference Team, which now features a Second-Team: First-Team Stan Okoye Darren White Anthony Raffa Trey Freeman Saah Nimley

School VMI Campbell Coastal Carolina Campbell Charleston Southern

Cl. Sr. Sr. R-Sr. Soph. Soph.

Pos. F G G G G

Second-Team Khalid Mutakabbir Jeremy Atkinson Arlon Harper Kierre Greenwood Tashan Newsome

Presbyterian College UNC Asheville Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina Gardner-Webb

Sr. Sr. Soph. Sr. R-Sr.


Ht. 6-6 6-4 6-1 6-2 5-8

Wt. 215 210 170 185 155

6-4 190 6-4 210 6-1 170 6-2 175 6-3 200

STEADY EDDIE UNC Asheville head coach EDDIE BIEDENBACH is the Big South’s all-time winningest coach for overall wins (240) and Big South victories (144), and is 269-293 in 19 years as a collegiate head coach. He became the school’s all-time victory leader on Jan. 2, 2012 with his 224th win at the helm of the Bulldogs, passing BOB HARTMAN for the career record. Biedenbach won his 250th career game with Asheville’s 88-81 win over USC Upstate on Dec. 4, 2011. CLIFF NOTES Coastal Carolina head coach CLIFF ELLIS is one victory away from winning 100 games with his fourth different Division I program. He would become just the second coach (LEFTY DRIESELL) in NCAA history to record 100-or-more wins with at least four Division I programs. Ellis is currently one of 10 coaches with 100 or more wins at three schools (South Alabama 171, Clemson 177, Auburn 186), is ninth among all active coaches with 633 Division I victories and is 35th all-time in Division I wins.


GAMES WITH 20-OR-MORE POINTS Player 20-24 25-29 30+ Total Nick Barbour, HPU 7 2 6 15 Keith Gabriel, VMI 5 3 4 12 Stan Okoye, VMI 8 4 12 Darren White, CU 4 4 2 10 Anthony Raffa, CCU 5 4 1 10 J.P. Primm, ASHE 6 3 1 10 Al’Lonzo Coleman, PC 5 3 1 9 Eric Griffin, CU 6 3 9 Andre Jones, WU 2 5 1 8 Matt Dickey, ASHE 6 1 1 8 Shay Shine, HPU 8 8 Saah Nimley, CSU 7 7 Chris Gradnigo, CCU 7 7 Kelvin Martin, CSU 4 1 1 6 Khalid Mutakabbir, PC 5 1 6 Tashan Newsome, GWU 4 1 5 Trey Freeman, CU 4 1 5 Arlon Harper, CSU 4 1 5 Mathiang Muo, CSU 3 1 4 Reggie Middleton, WU 1 2 3 Jesse Sanders, LU 3 3 David Minaya, LU 3 3 Javonte Green, RU 3 3 Chris Stephenson, ASHE 1 1 2 Lorne Merthie, CU 2 2 Jaron Lane, ASHE 2 2 Jeremy Atkinson, ASHE 2 2 Matt Morgan, WU 2 2 Sam McLaurin, CCU 1 1 Xavier Martin, HPU 1 1 Corey Law, HPU 1 1 Joel Vander Pol, LU 1 1 John Caleb Sanders, LU 1 1 Antwan Burrus, LU 1 1 Eric Washington, PC 1 1 Josh Johnson, PC 1 1 Jareal Smith, RU 1 1 R.J. Price, RU 1 1 Daniel Mitchell, RU 1 1 Keith Hornsby, ASHE 1 1 GAMES WITH 10-OR-MORE REBOUNDS Player 10-14 15-19 20+ Total Eric Griffin, CU 10 2 12 Kelvin Martin, CSU 10 2 12 Al’Lonzo Coleman, PC 10 2 12 Corey Law, HPU 6 2 8 Jesse Sanders, LU 8 8 George Valentine, WU 8 8 Sam McLaurin, CCU 5 2 7 Javonte Green, RU 7 7 Stan Okoye, VMI 5 1 6 Tashan Newsome, GWU 4 1 5 Antwan Burrus, LU 5 5 Chris Stephenson, ASHE 5 5 Darren White, CU 3 1 4 Paul Gombwer, CSU 4 4 Jon Pack, CCU 3 3 Stefon Johnson, GWU 3 3 Jeremy Atkinson, ASHE 3 3 Marvelle Harris, CU 2 2 Mike Byron, GWU 2 2 Shay Shine, HPU 2 2 Johnathan Edwards, RU 2 2 Anthony Raffa, CCU 1 1 Chris Gradnigo, CCU 1 1 Travis Elliott, HPU 1 1 David Minaya, LU 1 1 Josh Clyburn, PC 1 1 Matt Dickey, ASHE 1 1 Quinard Jackson, ASHE 1 1 Jaron Lane, ASHE 1 1 Matt Morgan, WU 1 1

MEN’S BASKETBALL 2012-13 PRESEASON NOTES STAN’S THE MAN VMI senior forward STAN OKOYE enters the 2012-13 season as the Big South’s active leading scorer with 1,480 points and leading rebounder with 672 boards. He ranks 33rd all-time in scoring and 31st in rebounding, and is on the cusp of becoming the eighth player in Big South history with 1,500 career points and 700 career rebounds. Okoye also needs 10 blocked shots for 100 in his career, and is on pace to become just the fourth player in League annals with 1,500 points, 700 rebounds and 100 blocks. NEW FACE ON THE SIDELINE The Big South has one new head coach on the sidelines, as PAT KELSEY takes over the reigns of the Winthrop Eagles. It is the fourth consecutive year that the Conference has welcomed a new head men’s basketball coach. BIG SOUTH’S 1,000-POINT CLUB Charleston Southern senior JEREMY SEXTON enters the 2012-13 season 54 points away from 1,000 in his career. He would become the 114th player on the Conference’s all-time list. Below is a look at the Big South’s active 1,000-point scorers, as well as those closing in on the milestone: 33. 1,480 Stan Okoye, VMI, Sr. 102. 1,075 Khalid Mutakabbir, Presbyterian, Sr. 946 917 838 770 766 723

Jeremy Sexton, Charleston Southern, Sr. Anthony Raffa, Coastal Carolina, R-Sr. Kierre Greenwood, Coastal Carolina, Sr. Jaron Lane, UNC Asheville, Sr. Antwan Burrus, Liberty, Sr. Corey Law, High Point, R-Sr.

HEIR APPARENTS? With the graduation of UNC Asheville’s All-Conference guard duo of MATT DICKEY and J.P. PRIMM, Charleston Southern’s sophomore backcourt of SAAH NIMLEY and ARLON HARPER are ready to replace the departed Bulldogs as the Big South’s top guard tandem. Nimley scored 420 points last season (13.5 points per game), while Harper tallied 389 markers in 2011-12 (12.5 per game). By comparison, Dickey scored 338 points (10.9 average) and Primm had 280 (9.0 a game) as freshmen in 2008-09. TREY-LINER Campbell sophomore guard and 2011-12 Big South Freshman of the Year TREY FREEMAN was first in the Conference with an 87.1 free throw percentage last season, becoming the first freshman to lead the Big South in free throw shooting since 1995-96 (UMBC’s ALHAMISI SIMMS, 88.1) and the fourth overall. MID-MAJOR MANIA The Big South has had a member ranked in the Collegeinsider.com Mid-Major Top 25 seven consecutive seasons, and had two programs receive votes in this year’s preseason poll -- UNC Asheville and Charleston Southern. Below is a look at the rankings among the Big South members: Week of Preseason

ASH CSU RV (56th) RV (60th)


TRIPLE-DOUBLES Jesse Sanders, Liberty

12 12 12 11 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

DOUBLE-DOUBLES Eric Griffin, Campbell Jesse Sanders, Liberty Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern Al’Lonzo Coleman, Presbyterian College Javonte Green, Radford Corey Law, High Point George Valentine, Winthrop Stan Okoye, VMI Sam McLaurin, Coastal Carolina Darren White, Campbell Antwan Burrus, Liberty Tashan Newsome, Gardner-Webb Jeremy Atkinson, UNC Asheville Paul Gombwer, Charleston Southern Jon Pack, Coastal Carolina Mike Byron, Gardner-Webb Shay Shine, High Point Chris Stephenson, UNC Asheville Trey Freeman, Campbell Saah Nimley, Charleston Southern Anthony Raffa, Coastal Carolina Chris Gradnigo, Coastal Carolina Stefon Johnson, Gardner-Webb David Minaya, Liberty Johnathan Edwards, Radford Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville Jaron Lane, UNC Asheville Rodney Glasgow, VMI Reggie Middleton, Winthrop Matt Morgan, Winthrop




POSTSEASON MOVES - PART I UNC Asheville head coach EDDIE BIEDENBACH is the third coach in Big South Conference history to make three appearances in the NCAA Tournament, tied with RANDY PEELE for second-most in League annals (GREGG MARSHALL is first with 7). Biedenbach is the second to have at least four postseason berths. Meanwhile, Biedenbach improved his Big South Tournament career record to 20-13 with the Bulldogs’ championship run last year, the most Conference Tournament wins in League history. POSTSEASON MOVES - PART II Coastal Carolina head coach CLIFF ELLIS made his 22nd career postseason appearance when the Chanticleers played in the Collegeinsider.com Tournament (CIT) last season. He now has one CIT berth along with eight NCAA Tournament bids and 13 NIT appearances to his credit. BACK TO THE FUTURE The Big South recorded wins over the SEC, BIG EAST and ACC last season, an accomplishment that occurred just once previously in League history. The 1993-94 season was the first time the Big South Conference defeated an SEC, BIG EAST and ACC team in the same year. Meanwhile, the Big South has collected an SEC win five out of the last six seasons, an ACC win four out of the last five seasons, and a BIG EAST win four out of the last eight seasons.






TEAMMATES WITH 20 POINTS, SAME GAME UNC Asheville (Primm 23, Lane 21 - 11/13) (Dickey 22, Stephenson 20 - 12/4) (Dickey 23, Primm 21 - 1/5) (Primm 26, Dickey 22 - 1/19) (Dickey 31, Primm 23, Atkinson 20 - 1/28) Campbell (Freeman 22, Griffin 21 - 11/11) (White 33, Griffin 24 - 11/17) (Freeman 28, White 20 - 12/1) (Griffin 25, White 22 - 1/21) Charleston Southern (Nimley 24, Harper 20 - 12/3) (Harper 22, Martin 20 - 12/28) (Harper 22, Muo 20 - 1/7) (Harper 28, Nimley 20 - 1/19) VMI (Okoye 24, Gabriel 24 - 11/19) (Okoye 23, Gabriel 20 - 1/5) (Gabriel 29, Okoye 25 - 1/19) High Point (Martin 21, Barbour 20 - 11/26) (Barbour 24, Shine 22 - 1/2) (Barbour 23, Shine 21 - 2/18) Coastal Carolina (Gradnigo 21, Raffa 21 - 11/22) (Raffa 23, Gradnigo 22 - 12/1) Presbyterian (Coleman 26, Johnson 22, Mutakabbir 20 - 2/9)


(Coleman 23, Mutakabbir 21 - 2/23) Winthrop (Jones 27, Morgan 20 - 1/7)

2012-13 MEN’S BASKETBALL COMPOSITE SCHEDULE Friday, Nov. 9 Averett at CAMPBELL.................................................................. 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at Charlotte ............................................ 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at North Carolina ................................................. 7:00pm UNC Greensboro at HIGH POINT .................................................... 7:00pm LIBERTY at Richmond ................................................................. 7:00pm RADFORD at Wake Forest ............................................................ 7:00pm Western Carolina at UNC ASHEVILLE............................................... 7:00pm Akron at COASTAL CAROLINA.........................................................7:30pm LONGWOOD at Marshall ...............................................................7:30pm Saturday, Nov. 10 VMI at The Citadel (All-Military Classic) ............................................ 4:00pm St. Andrews Presbyterian at WINTHROP .......................................... 4:00pm Covenant at GARDNER-WEBB .........................................................7:30pm Sunday, Nov. 11 UNC ASHEVILLE at UNC Wilmington................................................ 2:00pm VMI vs. Air Force/Army (All-Military Classic).................................2:00/4:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at Arizona............................................... 6:00pm Monday, Nov. 12 Northwestern State at CAMPBELL .................................................. 7:00pm William & Mary at LIBERTY........................................................... 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at Clemson........................................................... 7:00pm Cincinnati Christian at RADFORD (Eastern Kentucky Tournament) .......... 7:00pm Tuesday, Nov. 13 HIGH POINT at Appalachian State .................................................. 7:00pm Central Penn at VMI.................................................................... 7:00pm WINTHROP at Indiana State...........................................................7:05pm COASTAL CAROLINA at Mississippi .................................................. 8:00pm Wednesday, Nov. 14 Lipscomb at GARDNER-WEBB ........................................................ 6:00pm LIBERTY at Georgetown (Legends Invitational Tournament) .................. 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at Georgia Tech..................................................... 7:00pm Thursday, Nov. 15 UNC ASHEVILLE vs. Tennessee (Puerto Rico Tip-Off Tournament).......... 12:30pm Norfolk State at LONGWOOD ........................................................ 7:00pm VMI at Virginia Tech.................................................................... 7:00pm Hiwassee at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN .............................................7:30pm COASTAL CAROLINA at Tennessee Tech ........................................... 8:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at DePaul ............................................................8:30pm Friday, Nov. 16 Appalachian State at CAMPBELL .....................................................7:45pm RADFORD vs. Towson (Eastern Kentucky Tournament)......................... 8:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE vs. Akron/Oklahoma State (Puerto Rico Tip-Off Tournament) TBA Saturday, Nov. 17 VCU at Winthrop ....................................................................... 2:00pm William & Mary at HIGH POINT ...................................................... 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at Iowa .............................................................. 8:00pm RADFORD vs. Kennesaw State (Eastern Kentucky Tournament) .............. 8:00pm Sunday, Nov. 18 PRESBYTERIAN at Creighton (Las Vegas Invitational) ........................... 3:00pm LONGWOOD at Arkansas (Las Vegas Invitational)................................ 4:00pm RADFORD at Eastern Kentucky (Eastern Kentucky Tournament) ............. 5:00pm CAMPBELL at Iowa State (Global Sports Hoops Showcase) .................... 7:00pm Monday, Nov. 19 LIBERTY vs. UC-Irvine (Legends Invitational Tournament) ..................... 6:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE vs. TBA (Puerto Rico Tip-Off Tournament) ........................TBA

Tuesday, Nov. 20 GARDNER-WEBB vs. Howard (Cancun Challenge) ................................ 4:00pm CAMPBELL at Cincinnati (Global Sports Hoops Showcase) ..................... 7:00pm Lenoir-Rhyne at WINTHROP.......................................................... 7:00pm East Tennessee State at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN...............................7:30pm Johnson & Wales at COASTAL CAROLINA...........................................7:30pm LIBERTY at Sam Houston State (Legends Invitational Tournament).......... 8:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at Wisconsin (Las Vegas Invitational) ........................... 8:00pm LONGWOOD at Creighton (Las Vegas Invitational)................................8:05pm Wednesday, Nov. 21 Brevard at RADFORD .................................................................. 2:00pm LIBERTY vs. Southern Mississippi (Legends Invitational Tournament)........ 6:00pm St. Andrews Presbyterian at HIGH POINT ......................................... 7:00pm VMI at Old Dominion ................................................................... 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB vs. Austin Peay/Western Carolina (Cancun Challenge) .........TBA Friday, Nov. 23 CAMPBELL vs. North Carolina A&T (Global Sports Hoops Showcase)) ........1:30pm LONGWOOD vs. Florida A&M (Las Vegas Invitational) .......................... 2:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at North Carolina State (Puerto Rico Tip-Off Tournament) 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at Alabama ............................................. 8:00pm PRESBYTERIAN vs. Cornell (Las Vegas Invitational)...................................TBA Saturday, Nov. 24 RADFORD at The Citadel ............................................................. 2:00pm LONGWOOD vs. Cornell/PRESBYTERIAN (Las Vegas Invitational)......3:00/5:30pm PRESBYTERIAN vs. Florida A&M/LONGWOOD (Las Vegas Invitational) 3:00/5:30pm Elon at VMI............................................................................... 5:00pm Florida International at COASTAL CAROLINA ..................................... 7:00pm CAMPBELL vs. Jacksonville St./No. Arizona (Global Sports Hoops Showcase) ..TBA Sunday, Nov. 25 HIGH POINT at Indiana State..........................................................1:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at Illinois ............................................................ 4:00pm Tuesday, Nov. 27 Toccoa Falls at PRESBYTERIAN ...................................................... 7:00pm Wednesday, Nov. 28 COASTAL CAROLINA at Boston University ......................................... 7:00pm Central Penn at LONGWOOD ........................................................ 7:00pm Hampton at RADFORD ................................................................ 7:00pm VMI at West Virginia ................................................................... 7:00pm WINTHROP at Wofford ................................................................ 7:00pm College of Charleston at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN ..............................7:30pm Thursday, Nov. 29 Newberry at CAMPBELL .............................................................. 7:00pm HIGH POINT at Western Michigan ................................................... 7:00pm Morgan State at LIBERTY ............................................................. 7:00pm USC Upstate at UNC ASHEVILLE..................................................... 7:00pm Saturday, Dec. 1 Morgan State at VMI ....................................................................1:00pm Dartmouth at LONGWOOD ........................................................... 2:00pm WINTHROP at James Madison ....................................................... 4:00pm Barber Scotia at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN ........................................5:30pm Sunday, Dec. 2 Johnson & Wales at HIGH POINT.................................................... 3:00pm Georgia State at LIBERTY............................................................. 3:00pm Monday, Dec. 3 Virginia-Wise at GARDNER-WEBB.................................................... 7:00pm Virginia University of Lynchburg at VMI ............................................ 7:00pm


2012-13 MEN’S BASKETBALL COMPOSITE SCHEDULE Tuesday, Dec. 4 Robert Morris at CAMPBELL.......................................................... 7:00pm Southern Virginia at LIBERTY ........................................................ 7:00pm RADFORD at Delaware ................................................................ 7:00pm Brevard at WINTHROP ................................................................ 7:00pm The Citadel at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN...........................................7:30pm Wednesday, Dec. 5 GARDNER-WEBB at Wofford.......................................................... 7:00pm HIGH POINT at Wake Forest.......................................................... 7:00pm Thursday, Dec. 6 Boston University at COASTAL CAROLINA ......................................... 7:00pm Saturday, Dec. 8 William & Mary at RADFORD......................................................... 2:00pm Montreat at UNC ASHEVILLE ..........................................................4:30pm Tennessee Tech at GARDNER-WEBB................................................ 7:00pm VMI at Wright State .................................................................... 7:00pm Sunday, Dec. 9 PRESBYTERIAN at Furman............................................................ 3:00pm Monday, Dec. 10 LONGWOOD at Georgetown ......................................................... 7:00pm Wednesday, Dec. 12 Rio Grande at CAMPBELL ............................................................. 7:00pm North Greenville at PRESBYTERIAN ................................................ 7:00pm Lenoir-Rhyne at UNC ASHEVILLE .................................................... 7:00pm Thursday, Dec. 13 Southern Virginia at LONGWOOD ................................................... 7:00pm Toccoa Falls at COASTAL CAROLINA .................................................7:30pm Saturday, Dec. 15 UNC ASHEVILLE at Ohio State ...................................................... 12:00pm WINTHROP at Ohio .................................................................... 2:00pm LIBERTY at Howard .................................................................... 3:00pm The Citadel at GARDNER-WEBB ..................................................... 7:00pm Jacksonville State at PRESBYTERIAN ............................................... 7:00pm Sunday, Dec. 16 Western Michigan at HIGH POINT ................................................... 3:00pm Monday, Dec. 17 LONGWOOD at Canisius............................................................... 7:00pm Tuesday, Dec. 18 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at East Tennessee State.............................. 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at East Carolina ................................................... 7:00pm LIBERTY at Iona ........................................................................ 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at Tennessee ........................................................ 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at Northeastern.................................................... 7:00pm WINTHROP at Ohio State ............................................................. 7:00pm Wednesday, Dec. 19 Clemson at COASTAL CAROLINA .................................................... 7:00pm LONGWOOD at Seton Hall ............................................................ 7:00pm RADFORD at Charlotte .................................................................7:30pm CAMPBELL at Gonzaga ................................................................ 9:00pm Thursday, Dec. 20 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at Wichita State ....................................... 8:00pm Friday, Dec. 21 Eastern Kentucky at HIGH POINT ................................................... 7:00pm Milligan at LIBERTY .................................................................... 7:00pm LONGWOOD at VCU.....................................................................7:30pm UNC ASHEVILLE at St. John’s .........................................................7:30pm

Saturday, Dec. 22 COASTAL CAROLINA at College of Charleston ................................... 12:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at Appalachian State............................................... 2:00pm VMI at George Washington ........................................................... 3:00pm RADFORD at West Virginia ........................................................... 4:00pm Spalding at GARDNER-WEBB ......................................................... 7:00pm WINTHROP at Auburn ................................................................. 8:00pm CAMPBELL at Seattle .................................................................10:00pm Friday, Dec. 28 HIGH POINT at Chattanooga (Dr. Pepper Classic)................................ 7:00pm Union at LIBERTY....................................................................... 7:00pm Saturday, Dec. 29 UNC Wilmington at CAMPBELL .......................................................1:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at South Carolina ....................................................1:00pm Central Penn at RADFORD............................................................ 2:00pm HIGH POINT vs. Austin Peay/Utah Valley State (Dr. Pepper Classic) ...4:30/7:00pm Virginia Intermont at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN ..................................5:30pm Sunday, Dec. 30 Bluefield at UNC ASHEVILLE ......................................................... 2:00pm Hampton at WINTHROP............................................................... 2:00pm Greensboro College at COASTAL CAROLINA ...................................... 7:00pm Monday, Dec. 31 LIBERTY at Western Carolina ........................................................ 2:00pm Fairleigh Dickinson at LONGWOOD ................................................. 2:00pm Tuesday, Jan. 1 Montreat at PRESBYTERIAN .......................................................... 7:00pm Wednesday, Jan. 2 CAMPBELL at East Carolina .......................................................... 7:00pm RADFORD at North Carolina A&T.................................................... 7:00pm Shenandoah at VMI..................................................................... 7:00pm North Carolina Central at WINTHROP .............................................. 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at Charlotte..........................................................7:30pm Saturday, Jan. 5 COASTAL CAROLINA at LONGWOOD *.............................................. 2:00pm HIGH POINT at WINTHROP * ......................................................... 2:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at CAMPBELL *......................................................3:30pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at RADFORD * .......................................... 4:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at LIBERTY * ........................................................ 6:00pm VMI at PRESBYTERIAN * ............................................................... 7:00pm Wednesday, Jan. 9 CAMPBELL at LONGWOOD * ......................................................... 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at COASTAL CAROLINA * .......................................... 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at GARDNER-WEBB * .............................................. 7:00pm HIGH POINT at RADFORD * ........................................................... 7:00pm LIBERTY at VMI *........................................................................ 7:00pm WINTHROP at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * .........................................7:30pm Saturday, Jan. 12 WINTHROP at VMI * .....................................................................1:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at LONGWOOD * ....................................... 2:00pm RADFORD at UNC ASHEVILLE * ...................................................... 2:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA at LIBERTY *................................................... 6:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at HIGH POINT *................................................... 7:00pm CAMPBELL at PRESBYTERIAN * .......................................................7:30pm Wednesday, Jan. 16 CAMPBELL at VMI *..................................................................... 7:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA at GARDNER-WEBB *......................................... 7:00pm LIBERTY at HIGH POINT * ............................................................. 7:00pm LONGWOOD at RADFORD *........................................................... 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at WINTHROP * ..................................................... 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * ...................................7:30pm


2012-13 MEN’S BASKETBALL COMPOSITE SCHEDULE Saturday, Jan. 19 VMI at COASTAL CAROLINA * ........................................................ 11:00am WINTHROP at CAMPBELL * ............................................................1:00pm LONGWOOD at UNC ASHEVILLE * ....................................................4:30pm HIGH POINT at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * ........................................5:30pm RADFORD at GARDNER-WEBB *...................................................... 7:00pm LIBERTY at PRESBYTERIAN * ......................................................... 7:00pm

Saturday, Feb. 16 VMI at CAMPBELL *..................................................................... 2:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at UNC ASHEVILLE * .................................. 2:00pm RADFORD at LONGWOOD *........................................................... 2:00pm HIGH POINT at LIBERTY * ............................................................. 6:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at COASTAL CAROLINA *......................................... 7:00pm WINTHROP at PRESBYTERIAN * ..................................................... 7:00pm

Tuesday, Jan. 22 LONGWOOD at LIBERTY * ............................................................ 7:00pm

Tuesday, Feb. 19 CAMPBELL at RADFORD *............................................................. 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at COASTAL CAROLINA * ......................................... 7:00pm WINTHROP at GARDNER-WEBB * .................................................... 7:00pm HIGH POINT at VMI * ................................................................... 7:00pm LIBERTY at LONGWOOD * ............................................................ 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN *.....................................7:30pm

Wednesday, Jan. 23 RADFORD at CAMPBELL *............................................................. 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at PRESBYTERIAN *.................................... 7:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA at UNC ASHEVILLE * ......................................... 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at WINTHROP * .................................................... 7:00pm VMI at HIGH POINT * ................................................................... 7:00pm Saturday, Jan. 26 GARDNER-WEBB at VMI *...............................................................1:00pm HIGH POINT at UNC ASHEVILLE * ................................................... 2:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at LONGWOOD * .................................................... 2:00pm WINTHROP at RADFORD * ............................................................ 4:00pm CAMPBELL at COASTAL CAROLINA *................................................ 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at LIBERTY * ............................................ 8:00pm Tuesday, Jan. 29 CAMPBELL at LIBERTY *............................................................... 7:00pm Wednesday, Jan. 30 COASTAL CAROLINA at WINTHROP * ............................................... 7:00pm LONGWOOD at HIGH POINT *........................................................ 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at PRESBYTERIAN *................................................ 7:00pm VMI at RADFORD *...................................................................... 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * ...................................7:30pm Saturday, Feb. 2 UNC ASHEVILLE at CAMPBELL * ......................................................3:30pm RADFORD at COASTAL CAROLINA * ................................................. 7:00pm LIBERTY at WINTHROP * .............................................................. 7:00pm LONGWOOD at GARDNER-WEBB * .................................................. 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at HIGH POINT * .................................................... 7:00pm Tuesday, Feb. 5 RADFORD at LIBERTY *................................................................ 7:00pm Wednesday, Feb. 6 HIGH POINT at CAMPBELL *.......................................................... 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at COASTAL CAROLINA * ............................. 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at PRESBYTERIAN * ............................................... 7:00pm VMI at LONGWOOD *................................................................... 7:00pm WINTHROP at UNC ASHEVILLE * .................................................... 7:00pm Friday, Feb. 8 UNC ASHEVILLE at VMI * .............................................................. 7:00pm Saturday, Feb. 9 PRESBYTERIAN at RADFORD * ....................................................... 2:00pm LONGWOOD at WINTHROP *......................................................... 4:00pm CAMPBELL at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * ..........................................5:30pm COASTAL CAROLINA at HIGH POINT * .............................................. 7:00pm LIBERTY at GARDNER-WEBB * ....................................................... 7:00pm

Thursday, Feb. 21 VMI at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * ...................................................7:30pm Saturday, Feb. 23 CAMPBELL hosts SEARS BracketBusters ................................................ TBA HIGH POINT hosts SEARS BracketBusters ......................................... 7:00pm LIBERTY hosts SEARS BracketBusters ...................................................TBA PRESBYTERIAN hosts SEARS BracketBusters.......................................7:30pm UNC ASHEVILLE hosts SEARS BracketBusters......................................4:30pm WINTHROP hosts SEARS BracketBusters................................................TBA CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at SEARS BracketBusters.................................. TBA COASTAL CAROLINA at SEARS BracketBusters ........................................TBA GARDNER-WEBB at SEARS BracketBusters .............................................TBA LONGWOOD at SEARS BracketBusters ..................................................TBA RADFORD at SEARS BracketBusters ..................................................... TBA VMI at SEARS BracketBusters ............................................................. TBA Tuesday, Feb. 26 VMI at LIBERTY *........................................................................ 7:00pm Wednesday, Feb. 27 LONGWOOD at CAMPBELL * ......................................................... 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at GARDNER-WEBB * .................................. 7:00pm WINTHROP at COASTAL CAROLINA * ............................................... 7:00pm RADFORD at HIGH POINT * ........................................................... 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at UNC ASHEVILLE *................................................ 7:00pm Saturday, March 2 LONGWOOD at VMI *....................................................................1:00pm CAMPBELL at HIGH POINT *.......................................................... 4:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at WINTHROP * .................................................... 4:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * ..............................4:30pm PRESBYTERIAN at GARDNER-WEBB * ................................................4:30pm LIBERTY at RADFORD *.................................................................4:30pm

* - Big South Conference game Big South member in ALL CAPS All Times EST Dates, times and sites subject to change due to television

Schedule as of Nov. 9, 2012

Wednesday, Feb. 13 LIBERTY at CAMPBELL *............................................................... 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at WINTHROP * ........................................ 7:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA at PRESBYTERIAN * .......................................... 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at UNC ASHEVILLE * .............................................. 7:00pm HIGH POINT at LONGWOOD *........................................................ 7:00pm RADFORD at VMI *...................................................................... 7:00pm


2013 V Tuesday, March 5 First Round (Games 1-4)

Thursday, March 7 Quarterfinals (Games 5-8)

Saturday, March 9 Semifinals (Games 9-10)

Sunday, March 10 Championship (Game 11)

#4 South

Game 1 - 12:00pm

Winner Game 1

#5 North

Game 5 - 12:00pm

Winner Game 5

#1 North Game 9 - 12:00pm

Winner Game 9

#2 South

#3 North

Game 6 - 2:00pm

Game 2 - 2:00pm

Winner Game 2

Winner Game 6

#6 South Game 11 - Championship 12:00pm 2013 VisitMyrtleBeach.com Big South Men’s Basketball Champion #4 North

Game 3 - 6:00pm

Winner Game 3

#5 South

Game 7 - 6:00pm

Winner Game 7

#1 South Game 10 - 2:00pm #2 North

#3 South

Game 8 - 8:00pm

Game 4 - 8:00pm

Winner Game 4

#6 North

Winner Game 8

Winner Game 10

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL 2012-13 PRESEASON NOTES FANNING THE FLAMES -- LIBERTY TABBED PRESEASON FAVORITE IN 2012-13 For the 15th time in the last 16 seasons, Liberty is the preseason women’s basketball favorite for the 2012-13 season, as voted by the League’s head coaches and media panel. The Lady Flames received 16 of the 22 first-place votes and 233 out of a possible 242 points. Liberty welcomes back three starters and 10 letterwinners from last year’s Big South championship and NCAA Tournament squad. High Point, last year’s Tournament Runner-Up, was voted second with 215 points and collected four first-place votes, while Winthrop was picked third with 199 points and received the remaining two first-place votes. McCLANAHAN VOTED PRESEASON PLAYER OF THE YEAR Winthrop junior DEQUESHA McCLANAHAN is the 2012-13 Big South Conference Preseason Women’s Basketball Player of the Year. McClanahan is the reigning Big South Player of the Year and was the League’s Freshman of the Year in 2010-11. She led the Conference in scoring with 21.1 points and 7.2 assists last season, becoming just the second player in Big South history to lead the League in both categories. McClanahan was the first Winthrop player to lead the Big South in scoring, and had a League-best 19 20-point games in 2011-12 -- including four games with at least 30 points. In League games she averaged 21.8 points. She also tallied six double-doubles and set the Big South single-season assist record with 224. McClanahan, who grabbed 4.7 rebounds and averaged 2.0 steals per game last year, became the first player in school history to eclipse 1,000 career points prior to her junior season. PRESEASON ALL-BIG SOUTH Joining DEQUESHA McCLANAHAN on the preseason All-Conference team are Liberty’s DEVON BROWN, High Point teammates CHEYENNE PARKER and ERIN REYNOLDS, and Radford senior guard DA’NARIA ERWIN SPENCER. DESTRUCTIVE DEQUESHA Winthrop junior guard and reigning Big South Player of the Year DEQUESHA McCLANAHAN led the Big South with 21.1 points per game in 2011-12, the first player to average 20.0 points a game since Coastal Carolina’s ALISHA DILL in 2006-07. McClanahan also handed out a League-best 7.23 assists per game, the second-highest single-season average in Conference history and just behind the record of 7.4 set in 1987-88. She was also the second Big South player to average 20.0 points and 7.0 assists in the same season, joining former Radford All-American and Big South Hall of Famer STEPHANIE HOWARD, who was the first to achieve this feat in 1987-88 with 22.7 points and 7.03 assists. A BIGGER BIG SOUTH IN 2012-13 The Big South Conference has an all-time high 11 women’s basketball playing members in 2012-13 with the addition of Longwood University as a full member. The League will have an unbalanced 18-game Conference schedule this season. In addition, the format for the Conference Tournament now includes all 11 programs, with the top five teams receiving byes into the quarterfinals. NEW FACES ON THE SIDELINE The Big South has four new head coaches on the sidelines this season. FRED APPLIN is the new coach in charge of Charleston Southern, while BRENDA MOCK KIRKPATRICK takes over at UNC Asheville. High Point and Winthrop also have new leaders in place with the promotion of assistant coaches. DeUNNA HENDRIX is running the Panthers, while KEVIN COOK has the reigns of the Eagles’ program. THREE’S COMPANY For the second time in Big South history, the Conference had three teams advance to the postseason in the same year in 2011-12. Liberty was the League’s representative in the NCAA Tournament, while High Point captured the Big South’s automatic berth into the WNIT. Charleston Southern earned an at-large bid to play in the Women’s Basketball Invitational (WBI) -- the program’s second berth in the newest postseason Tournament. WHAT CAN BROWN DO FOR YOU? Liberty redshirt-senior guard/forward DEVON BROWN enters her final season with 1,441 career points and 596 career rebounds. She ranks 23rd in League history in scoring and needs 292 markers to crack the all-time Top 10. Brown is 56th on the Big South’s career rebounding list, and will likely become the 11th player in Conference history with 1,500 points and 600 rebounds early in the 2012-13 campaign. TRIPLE PLAY Winthrop’s DIANA CHOIBEKOVA set the Big South single-season record with 121 three-point field goals last season, shattering the previous record of 107 that was set in 2010-11 by Charleston Southern’s KATIE TULL. Choibekova finished with 3.90 three-pointers made per game to lead the NCAA -- the second-straight season a Big South player led the nation in that category. In addition, she tied the Big South single-game record for most three-pointers when she buried 10 against Gardner-Webb on Jan. 23.


GAMES WITH 20-OR-MORE POINTS Player 20-24 25-29 30+ Total D. McClanahan, WU 11 4 4 19 D. Erwin Spencer, RU 12 2 14 Rachelle Coward, CSU 7 2 4 13 Erin Reynolds, HPU 8 2 1 11 Shonese Jones, ASH 5 3 2 10 Shamia Brown, HPU 3 7 10 Diana Choibekova, WU 6 1 2 9 Devon Brown, LU 5 4 9 Lakeitha Alston, CSU 5 1 2 8 Ashley Buckhannon, RU 6 2 8 Cheyenne Parker, HPU 5 5 Tonisha Baker, CU 3 1 4 Avery Warley, LU 3 1 4 Lindsey Thompson, ASH 2 1 3 Mariah Pietrowski, PC 2 1 3 Samiya Wright, WU 2 1 3 Erin Bratcher, CSU 2 2 Catrina Green, GWU 2 2 Shatia Cole, CCU 2 2 Olivia Irick, CCU 2 2 Helen Terry, CSU 1 1 Anicia Dotson, CSU 1 1 Victoria Hamilton, RU 1 1 Kelli Riles, RU 1 1 Leah Wormack, ASH 1 1 Ayana Avery, RU 1 1 Kate Cloxson, CU 1 1 Grace Blaylock, ASH 1 1 Katelyn Bass, CU 1 1 Tayler Tremblay, HPU 1 1 Laura Whitt, HPU 1 1 Reagan Miller, LU 1 1 Jasmine Dale, GWU 1 1 Tolu Omotola, LU 1 1 GAMES WITH 10-OR-MORE REBOUNDS Player 10-14 15-19 20+ Total Cheyenne Parker, HPU 19 2 3 24 Avery Warley, LU 15 5 2 22 Kelli Riles, ASH 9 5 2 16 Catrina Green, GWU 9 3 12 Katelyn Bass, CU 6 1 7 Victoria Hamilton, RU 7 7 Tonisha Baker, CU 7 7 Taylor Calvert, WU 5 1 6 Devon Brown, LU 6 6 Shanika Maddox, CCU 5 5 Diana Choibekova, WU 5 5 Lakeitha Alston, CSU 4 4 Jessica Hellig, GWU 2 1 3 Jazmine Cooper, CU 3 3 Shamia Brown, HPU 3 3 Leah Wormack, ASH 3 3 TaQuoia Hammick, WU 3 3 Tolu Omotola, LU 3 3 Sherece Smith, PC 1 1 2 Katie Fitzgerald, WU 2 2 Lindsey Thompson, ASH 2 2 D. McClanahan, WU 2 2 Tiana Cannon, RU 2 2 Anicia Dotson, CSU 2 2 GAMES WITH 10-OR-MORE ASSISTS Player 10-14 15-19 20+ Total D. McClanahan, WU 5 1 6 Tonisha Baker, CU 1 1 Kate Cloxton, CU 1 1 Erin Reynolds, HPU 1 1

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL 2012-13 PRESEASON NOTES GREEN MACHINE Liberty head coach CAREY GREEN enters the 2012-13 campaign 10th all-time among active NCAA Division I women’s basketball coaches with his 75.1 career winning percentage, as he is 310-103 in 13 seasons at Liberty. His career winning percentage ranks ahead of renowned coaches C. VIVIAN STRINGER, ANDY LANDERS and SYLVIA HATCHELL. Green is the Big South’s all-time winningest coach with 310 overall wins and 171 Big South victories. He is also an impressive 35-2 in the Big South Conference Tournament with 11 championships. MID-MAJOR MANIA The Big South has had a member ranked in the Collegeinsider.com Women’s Mid-Major Top 25 in the two years of the poll’s existence. Liberty is ranked No. 20 in the 2012-13 preseason ranking, with Campbell, High Point and Winthrop all receiving votes. Below is a look at the rankings among the Big South members: Week of Preseason

LU 20

HPU WU CU RV (49th) RV (52nd) RV (56th)

BIG SOUTH’S 1,000-POINT CLUB Liberty redshirt-senior DEVON BROWN enters the 2012-13 season as the Conference’s active leading career scorer with 1,441 points, one of four active 1,000-point scorers on the court this season. High Point senior guard ERIN REYNOLDS is seven points away from becoming the 82nd player in Big South women’s basketball history to score 1,000 career points. Below is a look at the Big South’s active 1,000-point scorers, as well as those within reach of the milestone this season: 23. T-55. 74. T-76.

1,441 1,161 1,039 1,031 993 942 759 722

Devon Brown, Liberty, R-Sr. Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford, Sr. Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop, Jr. Lakeitha Alston, Charleston Southern, Sr. Erin Reynolds, High Point, Sr. Mariah Pietrowski, Presbyterian, Sr. Ashley Buckhannon, Radford, Sr. Kelli Riles, UNC Asheville, R-Sr.

BOARDWALK AND PARK PLACE High Point junior center and reigning Big South Defensive Player of the Year CHEYENNE PARKER set the Big South single-season records for rebounds (403) and blocked shots (121) last season. She is the first player in League history with more than 400 rebounds and 100 blocks in one season, and ranked fourth in the nation in both rebounds per game (12.2) and blocks per contest (3.67). Parker enters the 2012-13 season tied for 38th in the Conference record books with 643 rebounds and seventh all-time with 196 blocked shots. She is on her way to becoming the fourth Big South player with 600 rebounds and 200 rejections in a career. DOUBLE TROUBLE For the second consecutive season and the just the third time overall in Conference history, the Big South had two players average a double-double last season. Liberty’s AVERY WARLEY (12.9 points, 11.5 rebounds) and High Point’s CHEYENNE PARKER (13.0 points, 12.2 rebounds) averaged doublefigures in scoring and rebounding, joining Charleston Southern’s KATE SANFORD (11.7 points, 10.5 rebounds) and UMBC’s MONICA LOGAN (10.7 points, 10.7 rebounds) in 1996-97, and Warley (12.0 points, 11.0 rebounds) and UNC Asheville’s KELLI RILES (11.1 points, 10.3 rebounds) in 2010-11. GLASS CLEANERS For the first time in Big South history, the League had three players average at least 10 rebounds in a game in the same season in 2011-12. High Point’s CHEYENNE PARKER was the League leader with 12.21 boards per contest, followed by Liberty’s AVERY WARLEY with 11.55 -- the top two single-season rebounding averages in the Big South record book. UNC Asheville’s KELLI RILES hauled in 10.60 boards per night last season, the 10th-highest single-season average in Big South history. BOARD MEETING The Big South had seven contests last season with an individual grabbing 20 rebounds in a game. UNC Asheville’s KELLI RILES hauled in a Big South single-game record 28 boards against USC Upstate on Nov. 30, 2011, and also tallied the next highest rebounding total with 24 against Winston-Salem State on Nov. 12. High Point’s CHEYENNE PARKER had three 20-rebound games a season ago, grabbing 22 twice as well as 21. Former Liberty standout AVERY WARLEY also had two 20-rebound performances. Riles enters her senior year 22nd all-time in Big South history with 752 rebounds, and needs 48 to become the 13th player with 800, 148 to become the seventh player with 900 and 248 to become the fifth player with 1,000 career rebounds.



TRIPLE-DOUBLES Cheyenne Parker, High Point

19 15 10 8 8 7 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2

DOUBLE-DOUBLES Cheyenne Parker, High Point Avery Warley, Liberty Catrina Green, Gardner-Webb Kelli Riles, UNC Asheville Tonisha Baker, Campbell Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Devon Brown, Liberty Katelyn Bass, Campbell Lakeitha Alston, Charleston Southern Diana Choibekova, Winthrop Shanika Maddox, Coastal Carolina Shamia Brown, High Point Jazmine Cooper, Campbell Victoria Hamilton, Radford Leah Wormack, UNC Asheville Ancia Dotson, Charleston Southern

1 1

GAMES WITH 20-POINTS, 20-REBOUNDS, SAME GAME Kelli Riles, UNC Asheville Avery Warley, Liberty

3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1

GAMES WITH 20-POINTS, 10-REBOUNDS, SAME GAME Avery Warley, Liberty Devon Brown, Liberty Lakeitha Alston, Charleston Southern Catrina Green, Gardner-Webb Cheyenne Parker, Coastal Carolina Diana Choibekova, Winthrop Shamia Brown, High Point Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop

4 1

GAMES WITH 20-POINTS, 10-ASSISTS, SAME GAME Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Erin Reynolds, High Point

6 4 4 3 3 3 3

CONSECUTIVE 20-POINT GAMES Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Erin Reynolds, High Point Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville Diana Choibekova, Winthrop Avery Warley, Liberty Ashley Buckhannon, Radford

7 6 6 4 4 3 3

CONSECUTIVE 10-REBOUND GAMES Cheyenne Parker, High Point Cheyenne Parker, High Point Avery Warley, Liberty Kelli Riles, UNC Asheville Devon Brown, Liberty Victoria Hamilton, Radford Katelyn Bass, Campbell

2012-13 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL COMPOSITE SCHEDULE Friday, Nov. 9 RADFORD at Marshall................................................................. 12:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA at College of Charleston .................................... 4:00pm LONGWOOD at Richmond ............................................................ 4:00pm Lipscomb at GARDNER-WEBB ........................................................ 7:00pm LIBERTY at Duquesne (Preseason WNIT) .......................................... 7:00pm

Thursday, Nov. 22 WINTHROP vs. TBA (Hardwood Tournament of Hope)............................... TBA

Saturday, Nov. 10 Barber-Scotia at CAMPBELL ...........................................................1:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN vs. UNC Greensboro (Asheville Collegiate Invitational).. ............................................................................................. 2:00pm East Tennessee State at HIGH POINT .............................................. 2:00pm Western Carolina vs. UNC ASHEVILLE...............................................4:30pm

Saturday, Nov. 24 Paine at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN ................................................. 2:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA at IPFW......................................................... 2:00pm North Carolina Central at PRESBYTERIAN ......................................... 3:00pm CAMPBELL vs. Appalachian State (ECU Pirate Invitational) .....................4:30pm Asbury at GARDNER-WEBB ........................................................... 7:00pm RADFORD vs. Florida Atlantic/Miami (Miami Thanksgiving Tournament) ....7:30pm

Sunday, Nov. 11 PRESBYTERIAN at Clemson........................................................... 2:00pm Troy at WINTHROP ..................................................................... 2:00pm Monday, Nov. 12 CAMPBELL at Western Carolina ..................................................... 7:00pm North Carolina Central at COASTAL CAROLINA................................... 7:00pm Tennessee Temple at GARDNER-WEBB ............................................ 7:00pm Air Force at LONGWOOD.............................................................. 7:00pm Tuesday, Nov. 13 HIGH POINT at Furman ............................................................... 5:00pm RADFORD at UNC Greensboro ....................................................... 7:00pm Wednesday, Nov. 14 Southern Wesleyan at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN ................................ 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at Georgia............................................................ 7:00pm Montreat at GARDNER-WEBB ........................................................ 8:00pm Thursday, Nov. 15 LONGWOOD at North Carolina State ............................................... 7:00pm Wofford at UNC ASHEVILLE .......................................................... 7:00pm Friday, Nov. 16 North Carolina Central at CAMPBELL ...............................................5:15pm Saturday, Nov. 17 WINTHROP at Ohio State ............................................................ 12:00pm HIGH POINT at Kentucky ..............................................................1:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at UNC Greensboro............................................... 2:00pm Murray State at LONGWOOD......................................................... 2:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at Duke ............................................................... 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at Eastern Kentucky .............................................. 7:00pm Western Carolina at COASTAL CAROLINA ..........................................7:30pm Sunday, Nov. 18 Bluefield at RADFORD................................................................. 3:00pm Monday, Nov. 19 CAMPBELL at Mount St. Mary’s ...................................................... 7:00pm Columbia College at COASTAL CAROLINA ......................................... 7:00pm HIGH POINT at Xavier ................................................................. 7:00pm Southern Wesleyan at PRESBYTERIAN ............................................. 7:00pm Tuesday, Nov. 20 WINTHROP vs. Mississippi State (Hardwood Tournament of Hope)............4:30pm Southern Virginia at COASTAL CAROLINA ......................................... 5:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at Appalachian State ............................................. 6:00pm LONGWOOD at Coppin State......................................................... 6:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at North Carolina State............................... 7:00pm South Carolina State at PRESBYTERIAN ............................................ 7:00pm Montreat at UNC ASHEVILLE ......................................................... 7:00pm LIBERTY at Texas A&M ................................................................ 8:00pm Wednesday, Nov. 21 WINTHROP vs. Oregon State/UC-Santa Barbara (Hardwood Tournament of Hope). .......................................................................................2:00/4:30pm

Friday, Nov. 23 LIBERTY at Baylor ...................................................................... 8:00pm RADFORD vs. Southern Illinois (Miami Thanksgiving Tournament) ................TBA

Sunday, Nov. 25 Bluefield College at HIGH POINT .................................................... 2:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at North Carolina .................................................. 3:00pm CAMPBELL at East Carolina (ECU Pirate Invitational) ............................4:30pm Monday, Nov. 26 LONGWOOD at Pittsburgh............................................................ 7:00pm Tuesday, Nov. 27 UAB at HIGH POINT .................................................................... 7:00pm UNC Greensboro at LIBERTY ......................................................... 7:00pm South Florida at UNC ASHEVILLE.................................................... 7:00pm Wednesday, Nov. 28 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at PRESBYTERIAN *.................................... 7:00pm WINTHROP at College of Charleston ............................................... 7:00pm Friday, Nov. 30 HIGH POINT vs. Monmouth (Navy Classic)..........................................3:30pm PRESBYTERIAN at Eastern Kentucky (EKU Comfort Suites Tournament).... 7:00pm Saturday, Dec. 1 CAMPBELL at UNC ASHEVILLE * ..................................................... 2:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at Wake Forest......................................... 2:00pm PRESBYTERIAN vs. Jackson State/Marshall (EKU Comfort Suites Tournament) ............................................................................................. 2:00pm WINTHROP at Bradley..................................................................2:05pm COASTAL CAROLINA at GARDNER-WEBB *......................................... 3:00pm LIBERTY at RADFORD *................................................................ 3:00pm HIGH POINT vs. East Carolina/Navy (Navy Classic) ........................3:30/6:00pm LONGWOOD at Virginia Tech..........................................................4:30pm Monday, Dec. 3 Columbia College at CAMPBELL .....................................................11:45am UNC ASHEVILLE at USC Upstate..................................................... 5:00pm Tuesday, Dec. 4 LIBERTY at James Madison ........................................................... 7:00pm Wednesday, Dec. 5 HIGH POINT at Davidson .............................................................. 6:00pm RADFORD at North Carolina.......................................................... 7:00pm Saturday, Dec. 8 Columbia College at UNC ASHEVILLE .............................................. 2:00pm William & Mary at RADFORD..........................................................4:30pm UNC Wilmington at LIBERTY ......................................................... 7:00pm St. Augustine at WINTHROP.......................................................... 7:00pm Sunday, Dec. 9 LONGWOOD at GARDNER-WEBB .................................................... 3:00pm Tuesday, Dec. 11 Brevard at PRESBYTERIAN............................................................11:30am Wednesday, Dec. 12 South Carolina State at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN............................... 7:00pm


2012-13 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL COMPOSITE SCHEDULE Thursday, Dec. 13 Converse at COASTAL CAROLINA.................................................... 5:00pm Davidson at GARDNER-WEBB ........................................................ 7:00pm Bluefield State at LIBERTY ........................................................... 7:00pm Norfolk State at RADFORD ........................................................... 7:00pm Kennesaw State at UNC ASHEVILLE ................................................ 7:00pm

Saturday, Jan. 5 PRESBYTERIAN at CAMPBELL * .......................................................1:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at COASTAL CAROLINA * ............................. 2:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at LIBERTY * ........................................................ 3:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at HIGH POINT *....................................................3:30pm WINTHROP at LONGWOOD *......................................................... 5:00pm

Friday, Dec. 14 CAMPBELL vs. Maryland-Eastern Shore (Osprey Holiday Classic) ..............1:00pm

Monday, Jan. 7 CAMPBELL at GARDNER-WEBB *..................................................... 7:00pm

Saturday, Dec. 15 CAMPBELL vs. Jacksonville State (Osprey Holiday Classic)......................1:00pm North Carolina A&T at LIBERTY ..................................................... 2:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at North Carolina State............................................ 2:00pm LONGWOOD at Bucknell .............................................................. 4:00pm WINTHROP at North Carolina Central.............................................. 4:00pm

Tuesday, Jan. 8 WINTHROP at South Carolina State................................................ 12:00pm

Sunday, Dec. 16 North Carolina at COASTAL CAROLINA............................................. 2:00pm HIGH POINT at USC Upstate ......................................................... 3:00pm RADFORD at Clemson ................................................................. 3:00pm Monday, Dec. 17 Virginia Union at LIBERTY ........................................................... 12:00pm Trinity Baptist at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN....................................... 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at Central Florida................................................... 7:00pm Tuesday, Dec. 18 UNC ASHEVILLE vs. Bethune Cookman (Hatter Classic) ........................ 3:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA at South Carolina State ..................................... 7:00pm HIGH POINT at WINTHROP * ......................................................... 7:00pm Wednesday, Dec. 19 UNC ASHEVILLE at Stetson (Hatter Classic) ........................................1:00pm Western Carolina at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN................................... 2:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at Wofford.......................................................... 3:00pm North Florida at COASTAL CAROLINA (Myrtle Beach Convention Center)... 5:00pm Thursday, Dec. 20 LIBERTY at VCU......................................................................... 2:00pm Elon at CAMPBELL ..................................................................... 7:00pm LONGWOOD at Arizona ............................................................... 7:00pm Friday, Dec. 21 HIGH POINT at Mercer ................................................................ 7:00pm Saturday, Dec. 22 North Carolina Central at GARDNER-WEBB ....................................... 2:00pm LONGWOOD at Arizona State ........................................................ 2:00pm Friday, Dec. 28 GARDNER-WEBB at Kennesaw State................................................ 6:00pm Saturday, Dec. 29 LIBERTY at WINTHROP * ...............................................................1:00pm CAMPBELL at Wake Forest ........................................................... 2:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA at PRESBYTERIAN * .......................................... 2:00pm HIGH POINT at UNC ASHEVILLE * ................................................... 2:00pm LONGWOOD at RADFORD *............................................................4:30pm Monday, Dec. 31 College of Charleston at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN ..............................1:00pm WINTHROP at Saint Louis ............................................................. 8:00pm Wednesday, Jan. 2 WINTHROP at William & Mary ....................................................... 7:00pm Thursday, Jan. 3 COASTAL CAROLINA at CAMPBELL *................................................ 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at HIGH POINT * ....................................... 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at LONGWOOD * .................................................. 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at LIBERTY * ......................................................... 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at RADFORD * ...................................................... 7:00pm

Thursday, Jan. 10 LIBERTY at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * ............................................ 7:00pm HIGH POINT at COASTAL CAROLINA * .............................................. 7:00pm RADFORD at GARDNER-WEBB *...................................................... 7:00pm LONGWOOD at PRESBYTERIAN * .................................................... 7:00pm WINTHROP at UNC ASHEVILLE * .................................................... 7:00pm Saturday, Jan. 12 HIGH POINT at CAMPBELL *...........................................................1:00pm LONGWOOD at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * ....................................... 2:00pm LIBERTY at COASTAL CAROLINA *................................................... 2:00pm WINTHROP at GARDNER-WEBB * .................................................... 3:00pm RADFORD at PRESBYTERIAN * ....................................................... 5:00pm Thursday, Jan. 17 CAMPBELL at LONGWOOD * ......................................................... 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at WINTHROP * ........................................ 7:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA at RADFORD * ................................................. 7:00pm HIGH POINT at LIBERTY * ............................................................. 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at UNC ASHEVILLE *................................................ 7:00pm Saturday, Jan. 19 PRESBYTERIAN at WINTHROP * ......................................................1:00pm CAMPBELL at LIBERTY *............................................................... 2:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA at LONGWOOD *.............................................. 2:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at UNC ASHEVILLE * .............................................. 2:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at RADFORD * .......................................... 3:00pm Thursday, Jan. 24 RADFORD at CAMPBELL *............................................................. 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * .................................. 7:00pm WINTHROP at COASTAL CAROLINA * ............................................... 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at PRESBYTERIAN * ............................................... 7:00pm LONGWOOD at HIGH POINT *........................................................ 7:00pm Saturday, Jan. 26 WINTHROP at CAMPBELL * ............................................................1:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * .................................. 2:00pm RADFORD at HIGH POINT * ............................................................3:30pm UNC ASHEVILLE at COASTAL CAROLINA * ......................................... 4:00pm LONGWOOD at LIBERTY * ............................................................ 5:00pm Thursday, Jan. 31 LIBERTY at CAMPBELL *............................................................... 7:00pm RADFORD at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * .......................................... 7:00pm LONGWOOD at COASTAL CAROLINA *.............................................. 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at GARDNER-WEBB * .............................................. 7:00pm WINTHROP at PRESBYTERIAN * ..................................................... 7:00pm Saturday, Feb. 2 LONGWOOD at CAMPBELL * ..........................................................1:00pm WINTHROP at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * ........................................ 2:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at PRESBYTERIAN *................................................ 2:00pm LIBERTY at HIGH POINT * ..............................................................3:30pm RADFORD at COASTAL CAROLINA * ................................................. 4:00pm


2012-13 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL COMPOSITE SCHEDULE Thursday, Feb. 7 CAMPBELL at RADFORD *............................................................. 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at UNC ASHEVILLE * .................................. 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at GARDNER-WEBB * ............................................... 7:00pm HIGH POINT at LONGWOOD *........................................................ 7:00pm Saturday, Feb. 9 CAMPBELL at WINTHROP * ............................................................1:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA at UNC ASHEVILLE * ......................................... 2:00pm LIBERTY at LONGWOOD * ............................................................ 2:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at GARDNER-WEBB * ...................................4:30pm HIGH POINT at RADFORD * ............................................................4:30pm Thursday, Feb. 14 GARDNER-WEBB at CAMPBELL *..................................................... 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at COASTAL CAROLINA * .......................................... 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at HIGH POINT * ................................................... 7:00pm WINTHROP at LIBERTY * .............................................................. 7:00pm RADFORD at LONGWOOD *........................................................... 7:00pm Saturday, Feb. 16 UNC ASHEVILLE at CAMPBELL * ......................................................1:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN *.................................... 2:00pm RADFORD at LIBERTY *................................................................ 3:00pm WINTHROP at HIGH POINT * ..........................................................3:30pm GARDNER-WEBB at COASTAL CAROLINA *......................................... 4:00pm Thursday, Feb. 21 COASTAL CAROLINA at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * ............................. 5:00pm CAMPBELL at PRESBYTERIAN * ...................................................... 7:00pm HIGH POINT at GARDNER-WEBB *................................................... 7:00pm LIBERTY at UNC ASHEVILLE * ........................................................ 7:00pm LONGWOOD at WINTHROP *......................................................... 7:00pm Saturday, Feb. 23 RADFORD at WINTHROP * .............................................................1:00pm CAMPBELL at CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * ......................................... 2:00pm LONGWOOD at UNC ASHEVILLE * ................................................... 2:00pm LIBERTY at GARDNER-WEBB * ....................................................... 3:00pm HIGH POINT at PRESBYTERIAN * .................................................... 5:00pm Thursday, Feb. 28 CAMPBELL at HIGH POINT *.......................................................... 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at LONGWOOD * ....................................... 7:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA at LIBERTY *................................................... 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at WINTHROP * .................................................... 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at RADFORD * ....................................................... 7:00pm Saturday, March 2 COASTAL CAROLINA at HIGH POINT * ...............................................1:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE at WINTHROP * .....................................................1:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at LIBERTY * ............................................ 2:00pm GARDNER-WEBB at RADFORD *...................................................... 2:00pm PRESBYTERIAN at LONGWOOD * .................................................... 2:00pm

* - Big South Conference game Big South member in ALL CAPS All Times EST Dates, times and sites subject to change due to television

Schedule as of Nov. 9, 2012


2012-13 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TV SCHEDULE Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.

10 27 8 15 3 5 17 19 26

Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March

2 9 14 16 23 28 2

March 9 March 10

Western Carolina at UNC Asheville UNC Greensboro at Liberty UNC Wilmington at Liberty North Carolina A&T at Liberty Presbyterian at Liberty * UNC Asheville at Liberty * High Point at Liberty * Campbell at Liberty * UNC Asheville at Coastal Carolina * Longwood at Liberty * Longwood at Campbell * Charleston Southern at Gardner-Webb * Winthrop at Liberty * Radford at Liberty * High Point at Presbyterian * Coastal Carolina at Liberty * UNC Asheville at Winthrop * Charleston Southern at Liberty * Big South Semifinal Game 1 Big South Semifinal Game 2 Big South Championship Game

KEY: FSN - Flames Sports Network WMYA-TV 40 - Greenville/Spartanburg/Asheville

* - Big South Conference game

4:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 1:00pm 4:30pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm 8:00pm 5:00pm


2013 V Wednesday, March 6 First Round (Games 1-3)

Friday, March 8 Quarterfinals (Games 4-7)

Saturday, March 9 Semifinals (Games 8-9)

Sunday, March 10 Championship (Game 10)

#8 seed

Game 1 - 12:00pm

Winner Game 1

#9 seed

Game 4 - 12:00pm

Winner Game 4

#1 seed Game 8 - 6:00pm

Winner Game 8

#4 seed

Game 5 - 2:00pm

Winner Game 5

#5 seed

Game 10 - Championship 5:00pm 2013 VisitMyrtleBeach.com Big South Women’s Basketball Champion #7 seed

Game 2 - 6:00pm

Winner Game 2

#10 seed

Game 6 - 6:00pm

Winner Game 6

#2 seed Game 9 - 8:00pm #3 seed

#6 seed

Game 7 - 8:00pm

Game 3 - 8:00pm

Winner Game 3

#11 seed

Winner Game 7

Winner Game 9





Pope Convocation Center/Gore Arena (3,095) Press Row Phone: 910-814-5541

CSU Field House (798) Press Row Phone: 843-863-7683

The HTC Center (3,212) Press Row Phone: 843-349-2528




Paul Porter Arena (3,500) Press Row Phone: 704-406-4475

Millis Athletic Center (1,750) Press Row Phone: 336-888-6313 or 6314

Vines Center (8,085) Press Row Phone: 434-582-7451




Willett Hall (1,807) Press Row Phone: 434-395-2871

Ross E. Templeton Center (2,500) Press Row Phone: 864-833-8332

Dedmon Center (3,205) Press Row Phone: 540-831-6190




Kimmel Arena (3,200) Press Row Phone: 828-575-6649

Cameron Hall (5,029) Press Row Phone: 540-463-6725

Winthrop Coliseum (6,000) Press Row Phone: 803-323-2156



2011-12 REVIEW

Location:...............................Buies Creek, N.C. Founded:...............................................1887 Enrollment:...........................................4,663 Nickname: ...............................Fighting Camels School Colors:........................... Orange & Black President:.......................... Dr. Jerry M. Wallace Athletics Director: ............................Bob Roller Senior Woman Administrator: ......Malinda Ashcraft Faculty Athletics Representative:.......... Ken Jones Athletic Dept. Phone: .....................910-893-1327 Ticket Office Phone:...................... 910-893-1459

Overall Record: .......................................17-15 Big South Record (Finish): ..................11-7 (T-3rd) Big South Tournament: .................. Quarterfinals


Big South Regular-Season Record: ....... 74-64 (.536) Big South Regular-Season Championships: ......none Big South Tournament Record: ..............9-9 (.500) Big South Tournament Championships:.............. 1 .......................................................1992

Head Coach: .............. Robbie Laing (10th season) Alma Mater: ..........................Troy State, 1982 Career Record: .....................101-165 (9 years) School Record: ..................... 101-165 (9 years) Big South Record: ...........................11-7 (.611) Big South Tournament Record:...........0-1 (.000) Associate Head Coach: Charles Baker .............. Eastern Kentucky, 1990 Assistant Coaches: Brian Burg ........................ ........................Mount Mount Mercy, 2003 Ryan Ridder ..................... .....................Embry-Riddle, Embry-Riddle, 2008 Athletic Trainer: ........................... Troyce Solley Basketball Office Phone: .................910-893-1335 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................3/2 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................7/6 Newcomers:............................................... 9 Arena (capacity): . Pope Convocation Center (3,095)

MEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1961-62 Overall Record: ........................... 664-761 (.466) NCAA Tournament Appearances: .............1 (1992) NCAA Tournament Record: .......................... 0-1 Last postseason opponent: .......................Duke, ...1992 NCAA Tournament First Round (L, 56-82)

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Men’s Basketball Contact: ....................Stan Cole Email: ............................cole@campbell.edu Phone: ....................................910-893-1331 Cell:........................................910-814-7467 Fax: ........................................910-893-1330 Press Row:............................... 910-814-5541 Athletic Website:........................GoCamels.com Twitter: ............................. @campbell_camels

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 11 15 20 22 23 30 35 41 45

NAME Antwon Oliver Trey Freeman Darian Hooker Casey Perrin Darren White Nnadozie Onuoha Leek Leek Jordan Faciane Marvelle Harris Andrew Ryan Darius Leonard Rico McCarter Tyler Zegarzewski D.J. Mason Antonio Kalpic Trae Bremer

YR POS R-Jr. F So. G Jr. G Fr. G Sr. G Jr. G Jr. F Fr. G Jr. F R-So. G R-So. F R-So. F R-So. F Fr. F R-Jr. F Fr. C

HT 6-6 6-2 6-0 5-9 6-4 6-3 6-6 6-4 6-6 6-5 6-9 6-6 6-6 6-6 6-9 6-9

WT 185 185 170 160 210 200 215 210 215 200 225 195 205 215 220 250

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 1 Nov. 9 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 18-24 Nov. 18 Nov. 20 Nov. 23 Nov. 24 Nov. 29 Dec. 4 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Jan. 2 Jan. 5 Jan. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 29 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 March 2 March 5-10

OPPONENT TIME COKER (EXH.) 7:00pm AVERETT 7:00pm NORTHWESTERN STATE 7:00pm APPALACHIAN STATE 7:45pm at Global Sports Hoops Showcase at Iowa State 7:00pm at Cincinnati 7:00pm vs. North Carolina A&T 1:30pm vs. Jacksonville St./No. Arizona TBA NEWBERRY 7:00pm ROBERT MORRIS 7:00pm RIO GRANDE 7:00pm at Gonzaga 9:00pm at Seattle 10:00pm UNC WILMINGTON 1:00pm at East Carolina 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB * 3:30pm at Longwood * 7:00pm at Presbyterian * 7:30pm at VMI * 7:00pm WINTHROP * 1:00pm RADFORD * 7:00pm at Coastal Carolina * 7:00pm at Liberty * 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE * 3:30pm HIGH POINT * 7:00pm at Charleston Southern * 5:30pm LIBERTY * 7:00pm VMI * 2:00pm at Radford * 7:00pm BRACKETBUSTERS TBA LONGWOOD * 7:00pm at High Point * 4:00pm at Big South Championship TBA

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Racine, Wis. / Horlick (SW Tennessee CC) Virginia Beach, Va. / Kellam Washington, D.C. / Maret (Mineral Area CC) Scottsdale, Ariz. / Cactus Shadows (Maine Central Inst.) Danville, Va. / Dan River (Midland JC) * - Big South Conference game Wake Forest, N.C. / Wake Forest-Rolesville HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Khartoum, Sudan / High Point Wesleyan (Tallahassee CC) Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST Ellenwood, Ga. / Morrow Macon, Ga. / Northeast (Heat Academy) Lynden, Wash. / Rabun Gap-Nacoochee (Ga.) Raleigh, N.C. / Kestrel Heights (Kent State) Goldsboro, N.C. / Wayne Country Day (VCU) Hope Valley, R.I. / Chariho Regional Clarkton, N.C. / West Bladen Sibenik, Croatia / Wesleyan Christian (Roane State CC) Leoti, Kan. / Wichita County


GP-GS MIN 32-30 1025 31-31 938 29-27 929 23-10 538 31-26 743 32-27 780 28-2 444 31-5 340 18-0 158 25-1 340 24-1 179 4-0 8 2-0 4

FG-FGA PCT 197-379 .520 177-290 .610 143-327 .437 60-157 .382 69-161 .429 65-139 .468 36-97 .371 38-81 .469 14-30 .467 27-56 .482 17-27 .630 2-3 .667 1-1 1.000

3P-3PA 45-119 11-30 17-48 50-127 1-2 0-0 22-62 19-51 0-1 2-9 0-0 2-3 0-0

PCT .378 .367 .354 .394 .500 .000 .355 .373 .000 .222 .000 .667 .000

FT-FTA 97-147 121-213 101-116 23-29 67-95 29-53 13-21 7-16 27-36 16-24 8-11 0-0 0-0

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK .660 57 118 175 5.5 80-2 67 84 34 .568 83 185 268 8.6 100-5 46 85 73 .871 15 74 89 3.1 66-1 111 70 3 .793 8 37 45 2.0 37-0 46 29 2 .705 17 51 68 2.2 94-5 86 59 1 .547 53 133 186 5.8 92-5 34 44 31 .619 11 57 68 2.4 49-2 40 24 5 .438 9 28 37 1.2 50-2 13 10 9 .750 21 12 33 1.8 16-0 6 6 1 .667 6 31 37 1.5 31-1 45 28 2 .727 14 22 36 1.5 29-0 2 12 5 .000 0 1 1 0.3 0-0 0 0 0 .000 0 1 1 0.5 2-0 0 0 1 35 50 85 2.7 3 32 6245 846-1748 .484 169-452 .374 509-761 .669 329 800 1129 35.3 648-23 496 454 167 32 6245 796-1846 .431 217-669 .324 552-784 .704 378 714 1092 34.1 661-19 464 395 94


STL 29 29 33 17 37 22 6 4 4 12 2 1 0

PTS 536 486 404 193 206 159 107 102 55 72 42 6 2

PPG 16.8 15.7 13.9 8.4 6.6 5.0 3.8 3.3 3.1 2.9 1.8 1.5 1.0

196 2370 74.1 221 2361 73.8


KEEP AN EYE ON... #4 DARREN WHITE Sr. • F • 6-4 • 210

10th season at Campbell 101-165 (.380)

NOTES: Second-Team All-Conference last season ... First-team All-League by CollegeSportsMadness.com ... Named to NABC Honors Court and Big South Presidential Honor Roll (3.41 GPA) ... 5th among League scoring leaders (16.8), 4th in field goal % (.520), 8th in blocks (1.06) and 17th (5.8) in rebounding ... Scored in double figures 28 times in 32 games, including 10 contests of 20 or more points ... Tallied career-high 33 points in a game twice (setting a Gore Arena record in the process) –- against North Carolina A&T and vs. Methodist ... Set a school junior class record for points (536) in a year, a total that is tied for the 8th-highest in CU senior college (since 1961-62) history and 4th-most in the Division I era ... Scored 22 points (10-12 FG), with career highs of 16 rebounds and 8 assists in win over VMI ... 25 points at N.C. State ... Chosen Big South Player of the Week twice by CollegeSportsMadness.com last season.

HOMETOWN: Eufaula, Ala. ALMA MATER (YEAR): Troy State (1982) COACHING CAREER: CAMPBELL - Head Coach ...............................................2003-present Kansas State - Assistant Coach .............................................. 2000-02 Southern Mississippi - Assistant Coach ......................................1999-00 Jones County Junior College - Head Coach ................................1996-99 Auburn - Assistant Coach ......................................................1994-96 Clemson - Assistant Coach ....................................................1993-94 Georgia Southern - Assistant Coach ......................................... 1987-93 Western Kentucky - Assistant Coach ........................................1986-87 Georgia Southern - Assistant Coach .........................................1984-86 Troy State - Assistant Coach ..................................................1982-84 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Campbell was ranked No. 25 in the Collegeinsider.com Top 25 Mid-Major Poll the week of Dec. 12, 2011 following the Camels’ 8-1 start, which included a win at Iowa. • Guided Campbell to share of 2009-10 Atlantic Sun regular-season championship -- the school’s first regular-season title as a Division I member, plus school records for wins (19) and Conference wins (14). • Campbell’s 2009-10 squad secured the program’s first winning season as well as its highest Conference tournament seeding (4th) since 1995-96. • Atlantic Sun Coach of the Year in 2009-10. • Recognized as 2010 District 3 Coach of the Year by the NABC and A-Sun Coach of the Year by The Sporting News. • Led Campbell to win over Auburn in 2010-11, the Camels’ first win over an SEC foe since 1993-94. • His 2008-09 squad set or tied 14 school team and individual records. • Named A-Sun Coach of the Year in 2005-06 by Collegeinsider.com after leading Campbell to a 9-11 A-Sun record one season after a 0-20 League mark. • Four Camels have earned All-Freshman team honors during his tenure. • Has recruited or coaches six NBA players in his career, including three first round draft choices. Among his notable students is former Detroit Pistons head coach MICHAEL CURRY and current Georgia Southern head coach CHARLTON YOUNG. • Served primarily as Kansas State’s recruiting coordinator, where he was instrumental in landing back-to-back Top 25 recruiting classes. • Assistant coach under current Coastal Carolina head coach CLIFF ELLIS while at Clemson in 1993-94. • Helped Western Kentucky to a 29-9 record and Sun Belt Conference championship in 1986-87. • Played football at Vanderbilt before transferring to Troy State. ROBBIE LAING’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 2003-04 Campbell 3-24 2004-05 Campbell 2-25 2005-06 Campbell 10-18 2006-07 Campbell 14-17 2007-08 Campbell 10-20 2008-09 Campbell 14-16 2009-10 Campbell 19-11 2010-11 Campbell 12-19 2011-12 Campbell 17-15 CAREER TOTAL 101-165

2011-12 RESULTS (17-15, 11-7 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.


11-7 11-7

11 14 17 21 23 25 1 3 10 14 17 19 22 29 2 5 7 12 14 17 19 21 26 28 2 4 7 9 18 22 25 29

HOUSTON BAPTIST W, 82-68 EAST CAROLINA W, 76-74 NORTH CAROLINA A&T % W, 94-66 at Chicago State % W, 75-69 at Iowa % W, 77-61 at #25 Creighton % L, 81-104 LIBERTY * W, 96-82 HIGH POINT * W, 72-62 METHODIST W, 103-55 at Houston Baptist L, 76-87 at Virginia Tech L, 60-85 at UNC Wilmington L, 65-67 at Appalachian State L, 74-77 at North Carolina State L, 81-87 COASTAL CAROLINA * (OT) W, 70-65 at Charleston Southern * L, 73-91 at Presbyterian * W, 77-65 UNC ASHEVILLE * L, 82-89 GARDNER-WEBB * W, 74-68 at Winthrop * W, 54-51 at Radford * W, 73-65 VMI * W, 80-73 at Gardner-Webb * L, 72-78 at UNC Asheville * L, 84-95 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * W, 62-57 PRESBYTERIAN * L, 67-69 at Coastal Carolina * W, 81-75 WINTHROP * W, 67-58 at Northwestern State @ L, 86-100 at High Point * L, 60-98 at Liberty * L, 41-49 vs. No. 6 Winthrop # L, 55-71

% - Dale Howard Classic * - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game


@ - SEARS BracketBusters game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:...............................Buies Creek, N.C. Founded:...............................................1887 Enrollment:...........................................4,663 Nickname: ...............................Fighting Camels School Colors:........................... Orange & Black President:.......................... Dr. Jerry M. Wallace Athletics Director: ............................Bob Roller Senior Woman Administrator: ......Malinda Ashcraft Faculty Athletics Representative:.......... Ken Jones Athletic Dept. Phone: .....................910-893-1327 Ticket Office Phone:...................... 910-893-1459

Overall Record: ...................................... 18-12 Big South Record (Finish): .................... 11-7 (4th) Big South Tournament: .................. Quarterfinals


Big South Regular-Season Record: ....... 91-33 (.734) Big South Regular-Season Championships: .......... 2 ...................................................1988-91 Big South Tournament Record: .............12-8 (.600) Big South Tournament Championships:.............. 1 .......................................................1989

Head Coach: .......... Wanda Watkins (32nd season) Alma Mater: .......................... Campbell, 1979 Career Record: ................... 478-390 (31 years) School Record: ................... 478-390 (31 years) Big South Record: ........................ 91-33 (.734) Big South Tournament Record:..........12-8 (.600) Associate Head Coach: Mary Weiss ........................... Campbell, 1985 Assistant Coaches: Megan Hall .................. Carson-Newman, 2003 Lynisha Ochogu......................Campbell, 2009 Athletic Trainer: ............................. Craig Oates Basketball Office Phone: .................910-814-1345 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................2/3 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: .................... 12/3 Newcomers:............................................... 3 Arena (capacity): . Pope Convocation Center (3,095)

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1972-73 Overall Record: ...........................591-465 (.560) NCAA Tournament Appearances: ..................... 1 NCAA Tournament Record: .......................... 0-1 Last postseason opponent: .......................Duke, ...2000 NCAA Tournament First Round (L, 42-71)

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Women’s Basketball Contact: ............Nate Blythe Email: ......................... blythe@campbell.edu Phone: ....................................910-893-1369 Cell:....................................... 910-890-0513 Fax: ........................................910-893-1330 Press Row:............................... 910-814-5541 Athletic Website:........................GoCamels.com Twitter: .................................@GoCamelsWBB

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 4 10 11 12 14 15 21 22 24 25 30 33 40 41 50

NAME Jessica Moore Zena Lovette RaeChaun Edwards Tonisha Baker Summer Leverette Monique Spry Casey Elliott Kiera Gaines Heather Beadle Roslyn Presley Jessica Pone Ashley James Jazmine Cooper Juli Osborne Jewell Yarborough

YR Jr. Fr. R-Fr. Sr. So. R-Jr. R-So. So. Jr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Sr. So. Fr.


HT 5-8 5-7 5-4 5-8 5-7 5-7 5-9 5-11 6-3 5-11 5-9 6-1 6-0 6-0 5-11

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Jacksboro, Tenn. / Campbell County HS High Point, N.C. / Southwest Guilford HS Spring Grove, Va. / Surry County HS High Point, N.C. / T.W. Andrews HS Turkey, N.C. / Union HS Wilson, N.C. / Beddingfield HS Wilson, N.C. / Beddingfield HS Mechanicsville, Va. / West Point HS Austin, Texas / Crockett HS Petersburg, Va. / Appomattox Reg. Gov. School High Point, N.C. / Southwest Guilford HS Round Rock, Texas / Stony Point HS Fayetteville, N.C. / South View HS Kingsport, Tenn. / Dobyns Bennett HS Creedmoor, N.C. / South Granville HS

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 10 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 19 Nov. 24-25 Nov. 24 Nov. 25 Dec. 1 Dec. 3 Dec. 14-15 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Dec. 20 Dec. 29 Jan. 3 Jan. 5 Jan. 7 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 28 March 6-10

OPPONENT BARBER-SCOTIA at Western Carolina NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL at Mount St. Mary’s at ECU Pirate Invitational vs. Appalachian State at East Carolina at UNC Asheville * COLUMBIA COLLEGE at Osprey Holiday Classic vs. Maryland-Eastern Shore vs. Jacksonville State ELON at Wake Forest COASTAL CAROLINA * PRESBYTERIAN * at Gardner-Webb * HIGH POINT * at Longwood * at Liberty * RADFORD * WINTHROP * LIBERTY * LONGWOOD * at Radford * at Winthrop * GARDNER-WEBB * UNC ASHEVILLE * at Presbyterian * at Charleston Southern * at High Point * at Big South Championship

TIME 1:00pm 7:00pm 5:15pm 7:00pm 4:30pm 4:30pm 2:00pm 11:45am 1:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 4:30pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm TBA

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST


GP-GS 30-29 30-30 30-28 30-30 30-30 30-2 28-0 30-0 30-0 23-1 16-0 14-0 16-0

MIN 972 822 677 884 783 446 317 518 316 151 58 32 49

FG-FGA 172-386 146-303 125-259 56-187 58-171 67-137 48-94 39-123 31-84 14-40 4-15 2-4 0-7

PCT .446 .482 .483 .299 .339 .489 .511 .317 .369 .350 .267 .500 .000

3P-3PA PCT 26-74 .351 1-1 1.000 0-0 .000 41-136 .301 22-67 .328 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 5-32 .156 18-54 .333 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0-2 .000

FT-FTA 60-96 45-62 33-74 26-29 37-56 36-53 21-36 32-50 10-17 6-12 2-5 1-3 0-0

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS PPG .625 49 155 204 6.8 55-2 111 76 18 81 430 14.3 .726 61 143 204 6.8 59-0 51 51 15 31 338 11.3 .446 59 105 164 5.5 49-0 30 53 26 46 283 9.4 .897 4 40 44 1.5 43-1 145 87 2 31 179 6.0 .661 42 64 106 3.5 63-0 73 55 10 48 175 5.8 .679 44 40 84 2.8 36-0 22 34 7 20 170 5.7 .583 35 40 75 2.7 38-0 9 34 10 15 117 4.2 .640 50 67 117 3.9 47-0 29 63 26 24 115 3.8 .588 13 26 39 1.3 16-0 10 26 1 10 90 3.0 .500 10 26 36 1.6 15-0 10 10 7 8 34 1.5 .400 4 7 11 0.7 4-0 2 8 4 1 10 0.6 .333 2 5 7 0.5 1-0 2 10 0 3 5 0.4 .000 0 6 6 0.4 4-0 6 5 0 2 0 0.0 52 59 111 3.7 8 30 6025 762-1810 .421 113-367 .308 309-493 .627 425 783 1208 40.3 430-3 500 520 126 320 1946 64.9 30 6025 662-1786 .371 152-541 .281 324-483 .671 430 729 1159 38.6 468-x 359 555 93 258 1800 60.0




32nd season at Campbell 478-390 (.551)

NOTES: 2012 Second-Team All-Big South ... 2012 NCCSIA All-State Second-Team ... 2011 Atlantic Sun First-Team ... 2010 A-Sun Freshman Team ... Recorded 1,061 points, 501 rebounds, 250 assists and 165 steals in career ... Tallied 49 games in double figures including 8 20-point games and 2 30-point games ... Registered 10 career double-doubles (9 Reb/Pts, 1 Asst/Pts) ... Ranked 12th in scoring, 10th in rebounding, 12th in FG%, 7th in assists, 1st in steals, 12th in blocks and 3rd in assist/turnover ratio in the Big South in 2011-12 ... Two-time Big South Player of the Week honors (11/29/11 and 3/6/12) ... Named to the 2011 Georgia State Thanksgiving Classic Team.

HOMETOWN: Clayton, N.C ALMA MATER (YEAR): Campbell (1979) COACHING CAREER: CAMPBELL - Head Coach ................................................1981-present CAMPBELL - Assistant Coach..................................................1980-81 CAMPBELL - Graduate Assistant .............................................1979-80 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Enters 2012-13 as the 26th winningest active coach in Division I, and is approaching women’s basketball’s Top 50 in all-time wins. • In 2010-11 became the 10th Division I women’s basketball coach in NCAA history to coach 30 or more seasons at the same institution. • Ranks fifth in Big South history in overall wins (159) and Big South wins (91), and is 12-8 all-time in the Big South Tournament. • Guided Campbell to six consecutive Big South Championship game appearances from 1987-92, including the 1989 Conference title. • Is the Atlantic Sun’s all-time Conference wins leader, and won the 2000 A-Sun Tournament for Campbell’s lone NCAA Tournament appearance. • Won her 400th career game on Feb. 16, 2006. • Three-time Conference Coach of the Year (2 - Big South, 1 - Atlantic Sun). • Led the Lady Camels into postseason play in her first five seasons (AIAW Division II state and regional tournaments in 1982 and NAIA District 26 playoffs from 1983-86). • Was Campbell’s first female athletic scholarship recipient in 1975. • Served as team captain of the Lady Camel basketball squad as a senior and captained the softball team for three years. • Inducted into the Johnston County Sports Hall of Fame in 2008. WANDA WATKINS’ HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 1981-82 Campbell 19-10 1982-83 Campbell 14-10 1983-84 Campbell 12-12 1984-85 Campbell 19-8 1985-86 Campbell 20-7 1986-87 Campbell 20-7 1987-88 Campbell 23-5 1988-89 Campbell 17-11 1989-90 Campbell 14-14 1990-91 Campbell 22-7 1991-92 Campbell 18-10 1992-93 Campbell 16-10 1993-94 Campbell 16-11 1994-95 Campbell 15-13 1995-96 Campbell 13-14 1996-97 Campbell 14-14 1997-98 Campbell 17-10 1998-99 Campbell 17-11 1999-00 Campbell 22-9 2000-01 Campbell 22-7 2001-02 Campbell 13-15 2002-03 Campbell 9-19 2003-04 Campbell 9-18 2004-05 Campbell 9-18 2005-06 Campbell 11-18 2006-07 Campbell 8-21 2007-08 Campbell 12-18 2008-09 Campbell 12-18 2009-10 Campbell 14-16 2010-11 Campbell 13-17 2011-12 Campbell 18-12 CAREER TOTAL 478-390

2011-12 RESULTS (18-12, 11-7 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March March


10-2 11-1 7-5 8-4 12-0 10-2 11-5 11-7

12 17 19 22 25 26 29 10 14 20 21 30 2 7 9 14 21 23 28 30 4 6 11 18 20 25 27 2 5 9

MONTREAT at North Carolina Central WESTERN CAROLINA LONGWOOD at Georgia State ! vs. Eastern Kentucky ! WINSTON-SALEM STATE at UNC Wilmington at Elon at Stetson @ vs. Bethune-Cookman @ GARDNER-WEBB * UNC ASHEVILLE * at Radford * at Liberty * at High Point * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * COASTAL CAROLINA * at Presbyterian * at Winthrop * LIBERTY * RADFORD * HIGH POINT * at Coastal Carolina * at Charleston Southern * WINTHROP * (OT) PRESBYTERIAN * at UNC Asheville * at Gardner-Webb * vs. No. 5 Charleston Southern #

! - Georgia State Tournament * - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game

11-7 91-33


W, W, W, W, L, W, W, L, L, L, W, W, W, L, L, L, W, W, W, L, L, L, W, W, W, L, W, W, W, L,

75-58 59-41 59-43 48-33 56-70 64-52 72-60 73-79 88-89 55-70 62-46 62-52 82-62 70-80 61-90 65-77 70-56 58-55 53-44 73-83 45-58 59-64 89-68 47-38 76-58 66-67 68-44 74-55 64-51 53-57

@ - Stetson Tournament HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:.................................Charleston, S.C. Founded:...............................................1964 Enrollment:...........................................3,298 Nickname: .................................... Buccaneers School Colors:................................Blue & Gold President:........................Dr. Jairy C. Hunter, Jr. Athletics Director: ...........................Hank Small Senior Woman Administrator: ....Christie Faircloth-Dixon Faculty Athletics Representative:.....Todd Heldreth Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 843-863-7678 Ticket Office Phone:...................... 843-863-7213

Overall Record: ...................................... 19-12 Big South Record (Finish): ..................11-7 (T-3rd) Big South Tournament: ......................Semifinals


Big South Regular-Season Record: .... 175-215 (.449) Big South Regular-Season Championships: .......... 2 ...................................................1986-87 Big South Tournament Record: ............23-22 (.511) Big South Tournament Championships:.............. 4 ........................................... 1986-87-95-97

Head Coach: ........Barclay Radebaugh (8th season) Alma Mater: ............East Tennessee State, 1987 Career Record: .....................109-131 (8 years) School Record: ...................... 88-123 (7 years) Big South Record: ........................44-72 (.379) Big South Tournament Record:...........2-6 (.250) Assistant Coaches: BJ McKie ........................ ........................South South Carolina, 1999 Ahmad Smith ............. Appalachian State, 2004 Brad Dobbels .......... Charleston Southern, 1989 Dir. of Basketball Operations: ................J.T. Blair Athletic Trainer: .....................Lance Schuemann Basketball Office Phone: ................ 843-863-7690 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................4/1 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: .................... 10/2 Newcomers:............................................... 1 Arena (capacity): ............... CSU Field House (798)

MEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:.........................1965-66 Overall Record: ........................... 552-738 (.428) NCAA Tournament Appearances: .............1 (1997) NCAA Tournament Record: .......................... 0-1 Last postseason opponent: ......................UCLA, . 1997 NCAA Tournament First Round (L, 75-109)

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Men’s Basketball Contact: ..................Zeke Beam Email: .............................zbeam@csuniv.edu Phone: ................................... 843-863-7687 Cell:.......................................843-870-0421 Fax: ....................................... 843-863-7676 Press Row:............................... 843-863-7683 Athletic Website:.........................csusports.com Twitter: ........................................@csusports

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 9 Nov. 11 Nov. 15 Nov. 20 Nov. 23 Nov. 28 Dec. 1 Dec. 4 Dec. 18 Dec. 20 Dec. 29 Jan. 5 Jan. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 March 2 March 5-10

OPPONENT at Charlotte at Arizona HIWASSEE EAST TENNESSEE STATE at Alabama COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON BARBER SCOTIA THE CITADEL at East Tennessee State at Wichita State VIRGINIA INTERMONT at Radford * WINTHROP * at Longwood * UNC ASHEVILLE * HIGH POINT * at Presbyterian * at Liberty * GARDNER-WEBB * at Coastal Carolina * CAMPBELL * at Winthrop * at UNC Asheville * PRESBYTERIAN * VMI * at BracketBusters at Gardner-Webb * COASTAL CAROLINA * at Big South Championship

TIME 7:00pm 6:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 7:30pm 5:30pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 5:30pm 4:00pm 7:30pm 2:00pm 7:30pm 5:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 5:30pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm TBA 7:00pm 4:30pm TBA

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 0 2 4 5 10 11 12 14 15 23 24 30 33 35

NAME Arlon Harper Malcolm Bernard Sheldon Strickland Saah Nimley Jeremy Sexton Matt Kennedy Mitchell Deter Joe Williams Paul Gombwer Mathiang Muo Cedrick Bowen Thomas Odom Greg Dorleus Allie Fullah

YR POS So. G Fr. G/F Jr. G So. G Sr. G Jr. G Jr. G R-Jr. F So. F Sr. F So. F Jr. G R-So. F Jr. F/C

HT 6-1 6-5 6-0 5-8 6-2 6-3 6-3 6-5 6-6 6-5 6-5 6-3 6-9 6-8

WT 170 205 180 155 175 175 190 195 215 217 225 170 249 235

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) College Park, Ga. / Woodward Academy Middleburg, Fla. / Middleburg HS Lithonia, Ga. / Lakeside HS Lawrenceville, Ga. / Collins Hill HS Chattanooga, Tenn. / Tennessee Temple Academy Charleston, S.C. / West Ashley HS Columbia, S.C. / Ben Lippen HS Crescent, Ga. / McIntosh County Acad. (Waycross Col.) Kaduna, Nigeria / Montverde Academy (Fla.) Sydney, Australia / College of Central Florida Woodstock, Ga. / Woodstock HS Florence, S.C. / South Florence HS Oviedo, Fla. / Oviedo HS London, England / College of Central Florida

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST


GP-GS MIN 31-30 1016 31-31 966 31-26 856 31-31 835 25-6 595 31-0 450 31-9 686 25-0 281 30-22 420 9-0 18 13-0 40 12-0 51 6-0 11 1-0 0 1-0 0

FG-FGA 187-318 126-358 134-310 100-237 75-181 61-154 54-114 36-78 53-94 3-7 4-7 2-7 0-0 0-0 0-1

PCT .588 .352 .432 .422 .414 .396 .474 .462 .564 .429 .571 .286 .000 .000 .000

3P-3PA 2-8 62-184 55-137 67-154 29-85 20-60 1-4 16-34 0-1 3-6 4-7 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0

PCT .250 .337 .401 .435 .341 .333 .250 .471 .000 .500 .571 .000 .000 .000 .000

FT-FTA 100-166 106-147 66-85 38-47 40-51 14-21 46-63 19-29 22-44 2-3 0-0 1-2 0-0 0-0 0-0

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK .602 82 199 281 9.1 80-2 52 70 51 .721 31 56 87 2.8 67-1 120 81 2 .776 24 67 91 2.9 72-1 58 57 6 .809 36 89 125 4.0 77-1 30 46 9 .784 15 32 47 1.9 31-0 51 35 1 .667 14 24 38 1.2 37-0 46 32 1 .730 79 95 174 5.6 104-1 10 32 1 .655 16 36 52 2.1 31-1 19 24 0 .500 35 44 79 2.6 46-0 6 26 10 .667 0 1 1 0.1 0-0 0 0 0 .000 1 6 7 0.5 2-0 3 1 0 .500 6 5 11 0.9 14-0 0 3 1 .000 0 3 3 0.5 1-0 1 2 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 0-0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0.0 0-0 0 0 0 54 53 107 3.6 7 31 6225 835-1866 .447 259-681 .380 454-658 .690 393 710 1103 35.6 563-7 396 416 82 31 6225 809-1735 .466 214-593 .361 410-600 .683 309 753 1062 34.3 567-14 360 501 112


STL 65 23 63 21 17 15 25 9 11 0 1 1 0 0 0

PTS 476 420 389 305 219 156 155 107 128 11 12 5 0 0 0

PPG 15.4 13.5 12.5 9.8 8.8 5.0 5.0 4.3 4.3 1.2 0.9 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0

251 2383 76.9 169 2242 72.3


KEEP AN EYE ON... #5 SAAH NIMLEY Soph. • G • 5-8 • 155

8th season at Charleston Southern 88-123 (.417)

NOTES: Named Big South Freshman of the Week twice, and earned spots on the Big South All-Freshman Team, as well as the Collegeinsider. com Mid-Major Freshman AllAmerican Team ... Led team with 22 and 24 points in wins over Radford and VMI to open Big South schedule -– tallied 11 points in 59 second span to spearhead CSU’s 114-81 win over the Keydets on Dec. 3 ... Notched first double-double with 23 points and career-high 12 assists in CSU’s 88-81 comeback win at Stetson on Dec. 21 ... Poured in 24 points (20 in 2nd half) to match career-high as CSU pulled to 7-3 in league play with 77-66 win over Winthrop on Jan. 21 ... Scored all 16 of his points after halftime as CSU came from behind to down Presbyterian, 75-64, in Clinton on Jan. 28 ... Hit first five shots of the night and paced CSU with 19 points in 88-74 Big South Tournament Quarterfinals victory over Liberty on Feb. 29.

HOMETOWN: Lincolnton, N.C. ALMA MATER (YEAR): East Tennessee State (1987) COACHING CAREER: CHARLESTON SOUTHERN - Head Coach .............................2005-present Miami (Fla.) - Assistant Coach ............................................... 2004-05 Queens University - Head Coach.............................................2003-04 WINTHROP - Assistant Coach .................................................2001-03 South Carolina - Assistant Coach .............................................1994-01 Furman - Assistant Coach......................................................1990-94 Wofford - Assistant Coach .....................................................1989-90 East Tennessee State - Graduate Assistant ................................1987-88 East Tennessee State - Student Assistant ..................................1986-87 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Big South Coach of the Year in 2011-12 after leading CSU to its most overall wins (19) and Big South victories (11) since 1994-95. • Directed Buccaneers to first Big South Tournament Semifinal appearance since 2005-06. • Charleston Southern’s 35 wins the past two seasons are the program’s most in consecutive years since 1986-88 (38). • Has coached two Big South Defensive Player of the Years (KELVIN MARTIN) and two Big South Freshman of the Year winners (OMAR CARTER, JEREMY SEXTON) in his seven seasons at Charleston Southern. • Advanced to Big South Tournament Semifinals in first season. • Led Bucs past the College of Charleston for the first time since 1988 and won the “City” Championship for the first time since 1986 with wins over crosstown rivals CofC and The Citadel in 2005-06. CSU repeated the sweep in 2006-07 • Helped South Carolina to SEC title in 1997 and No. 2 seed in 1997 NCAA Tournament. • South Carolina finished 1998 ranked No. 14 nationally. • Position coach for USC’s all-time leading scorer B.J. McKIE, all-time threepoint scorer JAMEL BRADLEY and all-time steals leader CHUCK EIDSON. • Assistant coach under GREGG MARSHALL at Winthrop and helped squad to back-to-back regular-season Big South titles and NCAA Tournament appearance in 2002. • Assistant coach under FRANK HAITH at Miami. • Assistant coach under LES ROBINSON at East Tennessee State. BARCLAY RADEBAUGH’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 2003-04 Queens University 21-8 2005-06 Charleston Southern 13-16 2006-07 Charleston Southern 8-22 2007-08 Charleston Southern 10-20 2008-09 Charleston Southern 9-20 2009-10 Charleston Southern 13-17 2010-11 Charleston Southern 16-16 2011-12 Charleston Southern 19-12 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN TOTAL 88-123 CAREER TOTAL 109-131

2011-12 RESULTS (19-12, 11-7 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March

BIG SOUTH 7-9 2-12 4-10 4-14 7-11 9-9 11-7 44-72

11 13 15 19 21 1 3 5 14 17 21 28 31 2 5 7 10 12 19 21 28 2 4 9 11 14 18 23 25 29 1

at Kansas State at Wichita State BLUEFIELD MILLIGAN STETSON RADFORD * VMI * at Florida State at The Citadel at College of Charleston at Stetson ERSKINE vs. Liberty *^ at High Point * CAMPBELL * COASTAL CAROLINA * at Gardner-Webb * PRESBYTERIAN * at UNC Asheville * WINTHROP * at Presbyterian * at Campbell * at Coastal Carolina * LIBERTY * HIGH POINT * GARDNER-WEBB * WOFFORD @ at VMI * at Radford * vs. No. 5 Liberty # at No. 1 UNC Asheville #

^ - at Randolph College * - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game


L, 67-72 L, 57-85 W, 88-64 W, 89-59 W, 73-64 W, 83-73 W, 114-81 L, 51-76 W, 88-69 L, 68-70 W, 88-81 W, 96-69 W, 81-76 L, 78-88 W, 91-73 (OT) L, 77-80 L, 77-80 W, 65-58 W, 93-88 W, 77-66 W, 75-64 L, 57-62 L, 58-71 L, 74-75 W, 70-67 W, 73-58 W, 77-59 L, 81-90 W, 65-59 W, 88-74 L, 64-91

@ - SEARS BracketBusters game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:.................................Charleston, S.C. Founded:...............................................1964 Enrollment:...........................................3,298 Nickname: .................................... Buccaneers School Colors:................................Blue & Gold President:........................Dr. Jairy C. Hunter, Jr. Athletics Director: ...........................Hank Small Senior Woman Administrator: ....Christie Faircloth-Dixon Faculty Athletics Representative:.....Todd Heldreth Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 843-863-7678 Ticket Office Phone:...................... 843-863-7213

Overall Record: .......................................17-15 Big South Record (Finish): ...................9-9 (T-5th) Big South Tournament: ......................Semifinals Postseason:..........Women’s Basketball Invitational

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: ..................Fred Applin (1st season) Alma Mater: .................................Elon, 1985 Career Record: ........................13-20 (2 years) School Record: ......................... 0-0 (1st year) Big South Record: ...................................n/a Big South Tournament Record:...................n/a Assistant Coaches: Rodney Minggia ............. Georgia College, 1979 Annette Alston ................Francis Marion, 1987 Erika Lambert ........ ........College College of Charleston, 2008 Athletic Trainer: ........................... April Varnum Basketball Office Phone: ................ 843-863-7684 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................5/0 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................8/4 Newcomers:............................................... 7 Arena (capacity): ............... CSU Field House (798)

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1976-77 Overall Record: ........................... 304-650 (.319) NCAA Tournament Appearances: .................none WBI Appearances: ....................... 2 (2010, 2012) WBI Record: .............................................0-2 Last postseason opponent: ................ Minnesota, ......................2012 WBI First Round (L, 51-80) Big South Regular-Season Record: .....127-235 (.351) Big South Regular-Season Championships: ......none Big South Tournament Record: ........... 10-26 (.278) Big South Tournament Championships:..........none

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Women’s Basketball Contact: .... Seth Montgomery Email: ....................smontgomery@csuniv.edu Phone: ................................... 843-863-7853 Cell:.......................................828-582-8407 Fax: ....................................... 843-863-7676 Press Row:...............................828-582-8407 Athletic Website:.........................csusports.com Twitter: ........................................@csusports

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 10 Nov. 14 Nov. 20 Nov. 24 Nov. 28 Dec. 1 Dec. 12 Dec. 17 Dec. 19 Dec. 31 Jan. 3 Jan. 5 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 28 March 2 March 6-10

OPPONENT vs. UNC Greensboro & SOUTHERN WESLEYAN at North Carolina State PAINE at Presbyterian * at Wake Forest SOUTH CAROLINA STATE TRINITY BAPTIST WESTERN CAROLINA COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON at High Point * at Coastal Carolina * LIBERTY * LONGWOOD * at Winthrop * at Radford * UNC ASHEVILLE * GARDNER-WEBB * RADFORD * WINTHROP * at UNC Asheville * at Gardner-Webb * PRESBYTERIAN * COASTAL CAROLINA * CAMPBELL * at Longwood * at Liberty * at Big South Championship

TIME 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 4:30pm 2:00pm 5:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm TBA

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 0 3 5 10 12 14 21 22 23 24 25 30 32 33 44

NAME Kiki Rutledge Erin Bratcher Shay Jones Rachelle Coward Helen Terry Zhaquondalee’ Greer Kirklin Kirkpatrick D.J. Fowler Alyssa Mann Lakeitha Alston Monique Maximilien Christal Barnett Carra Coy Anicia Dotson Whitney Collins

YR POS HT HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) R-Sr. G 5-5 Greenville, S.C. / JL Mann HS Jr. G 5-9 Raleigh, N.C. / Ravenscroft HS Sr. G 5-6 Kernersville, N.C. / Mt. Tabor HS R-Sr. F 6-0 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia / Oak Hill Academy (Charlotte) Sr. G 5-5 Greensboro, N.C. / Dudley HS Fr. G 5-9 Greensboro, N.C. / Ben L. Smith HS Jr. G 5-11 Clyde, N.C. / Tuscola HS Jr. G 5-8 Newark, N.J. / St. Petersburg College Fr. G 5-7 Bradenton, Fla. / IMG Academy Sr. F 6-0 Myrtle Beach, S.C. / Carolina Forest HS Fr. C 6-3 Coconut Creek, Fla. / North Broward Prep So. F 5-11 Charlotte, N.C. / Colorado Mesa Univ. R-Jr. C 6-6 Summerville, S.C. / Northwood Academy (Liberty) Jr. F 5-11 Central, S.C. / Daniel HS So. C 6-2 Gastonia, N.C. / Ashbrook HS

& - at Asheville Collegiate Invitational – Asheville, N.C. * - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST


GP-GS 32-32 32-32 14-13 27-15 29-29 31-11 19-18 28-4 32-0 24-6 19-0 11-0 4-0 7-0

MIN 1138 965 372 763 723 699 558 402 367 308 127 35 10 34

FG-FGA 184-471 198-382 53-133 84-201 75-204 57-163 49-123 23-66 17-44 13-43 11-25 4-7 2-5 1-5

PCT .391 .518 .398 .418 .368 .350 .398 .348 .386 .302 .440 .571 .400 .200

3P-3PA 94-253 36-99 24-77 59-148 24-80 18-73 10-26 18-55 0-0 11-36 0-0 0-0 1-4 0-3

PCT .372 .364 .312 .399 .300 .247 .385 .327 .000 .306 .000 .000 .250 .000

FT-FTA 111-137 88-135 15-19 12-19 61-83 77-99 18-31 4-6 20-26 2-7 5-9 7-10 0-0 2-2

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS PPG .810 30 98 128 4.0 51-0 34 75 19 24 573 17.9 .652 58 122 180 5.6 106-3 54 86 19 46 520 16.3 .789 10 28 38 2.7 32-0 48 43 1 38 145 10.4 .632 25 56 81 3.0 27-0 29 38 4 31 239 8.9 .735 50 90 140 4.8 96-5 23 41 9 27 235 8.1 .778 31 63 94 3.0 58-2 66 75 4 40 209 6.7 .581 40 41 81 4.3 34-1 62 49 3 38 126 6.6 .667 12 29 41 1.5 28-0 19 34 1 18 68 2.4 .769 29 24 53 1.7 59-0 6 21 12 15 54 1.7 .286 9 20 29 1.2 12-0 10 18 3 6 39 1.6 .556 13 24 37 1.9 20-0 0 17 5 4 27 1.4 .700 2 2 4 0.4 8-0 0 4 1 1 15 1.4 .000 1 1 2 0.5 0-0 2 0 0 1 5 1.3 1.000 3 0 3 0.4 2-0 4 3 0 2 4 0.6 56 81 137 4.3 15 32 6500 771-1872 .412 295-854 .345 422-583 .724 369 679 1048 32.8 533-11 357 519 81 291 2259 70.6 32 6500 802-1848 .434 151-455 .332 432-665 .650 492 813 1305 40.8 555-x 373 634 97 264 2187 68.3




1st season at Charleston Southern

NOTES: Tied the CSU singlegame record for 3-pointers with nine vs. Liberty (1/16) ... Leads the Bucs in scoring (2nd in Big South) with 490 points and 18.1 per game ... Ranked 35th in the NCAA in PPG ... Big South Player of the Week on Jan. 3 ... Sunk a near-half court 3-pointer in the last second to lead CSU past Coastal (Jan. 28) ... Scored in double figures for 15 straight games and in 23 games overall ... Twice put up a career-high 32 points (1/28 vs. CCU, 1/16 vs. LU) ... Made a season-high 11 FT vs. Winthrop (1/2) going 11-of-12 ... Grabbed a career-high 14 boards for her first double-double with 17 points at CCU (2/25) ... Put up 30+ points three times this season and 20+ points seven times ... Sunk a season-high 11 field goals (11-of-22) vs. LU (1/16) ... Shot .500 or better nine times last season ... Her 3-point FG % of .714 vs. Winthrop was 2nd-best in Big South ... Led Big South in FT % at .810 ... 2nd (8th in NCAA) in 3FG made (2.94).

HOMETOWN: Roseboro, N.C. ALMA MATER (YEAR): Elon (1985) COACHING CAREER: CHARLESTON SOUTHERN - Head Coach ..............................2012-present East Carolina - Assistant Coach............................................... 2010-12 Washington - Assistant Coach ................................................ 2007-10 Wake Forest - Associate Head Coach ...................................... 2004-07 Texas - Assistant Coach ........................................................1998-04 Hampton - Head Coach ........................................................1995-97 Houston - Assistant Coach.....................................................1993-95 North Carolina - Assistant Coach.............................................1988-93 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Named the 15th head women’s basketball coach in CSU history on April 30, 2012. • Served as Recruiting Coordinator at East Carolina and Washington. • His Huskies’ 2008 recruiting class was ranked in the Top 15 for HoopGurlz. com and was ranked one of the top five in the then-Pac 10. • In 2006, his Wake Forest recruits ranked in the Top 30 by Blue Star Basketball Report and in the Top 25 of All-Star Girls Report’s rankings. • Helped guide the Demon Deacons to the final eight of the 2005 WNIT. • Was recognized by the Women’s Basketball Journal as one of the nation’s top assistant coaches in its 1998-99 coaching poll. • During his time at Texas, the Longhorns reached the NCAA Sweet 16 three-straight years (2002-04) and advanced to the Final Four in 2003. • While at Texas, signed three McDonald All-Americans -- NINA NORMAN, TIFFANY JACKSON and KALEE CAREY, as well as four WBCA/Nike All-American -- Norman, Jackson, Carey and EMEISHA BAILEY. • Three of his former players -- Jackson, JAMIE CAREY and EDWINA BROWN -- went on to play in the WNBA. • Signed two Nike High School All-Americans (DANIELLE DAWSON and FELECIA BRYANT) while at Hampton. • While at North Carolina, was responsible for signing SYLVIA CRAWLEY, TONYA SAMPSON and MARION JONES to the Tar Heels. • Served as an advance scout for the Washington Mystics in the summer of 2008 and the Atlanta Dream in the summers of 2009 and 2010. • Was a member of Elon’s NAIA National Championship football squad and also ran track & field in college. FRED APPLIN’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 1995-96 Hampton 10-17 1996-97 Hampton 3-3 CAREER TOTAL 13-20

2011-12 RESULTS (17-15, 9-9 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March March March March


11 12 14 19 22 26 30 4 16 20 21 31 2 7 9 14 16 21 23 28 4 6 11 13 18 20 25 2 5 9 10 16

FURMAN SOUTHERN WESLEYAN at Western Carolina VOORHEES BLUEFIELD at South Carolina State at College of Charleston at Clemson UNC WILMINGTON at Florida ! vs. Maine ! PRESBYTERIAN * WINTHROP * at Gardner-Webb * at UNC Asheville * RADFORD * LIBERTY * at Campbell * at High Point * COASTAL CAROLINA * UNC Asheville * GARDNER-WEBB * at Liberty * at Radford * HIGH POINT * CAMPBELL * at Coastal Carolina * at Winthrop * at Presbyterian * vs. No. 4 Campbell # vs. No. 1 Liberty # at Minnesota $

* - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game $ - WBI game


(OT) W, 80-78 W, 115-57 L, 65-69 W, 67-39 W, 81-43 L, 65-68 W, 64-45 W, 82-77 L, 70-72 L, 59-83 W, 78-63 W, 76-67 W, 83-78 W, 63-53 L, 68-75 W, 79-69 L, 64-79 L, 56-70 L, 58-84 W, 69-66 W, 88-70 W, 86-66 (2OT) L, 69-77 L, 66-73 W, 77-72 L, 58-76 W, 70-55 (OT) L, 75-81 L, 68-77 W, 57-53 L, 52-72 L, 51-80

! - Gator Holiday Classic HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:.................................... Conway, S.C. Founded:...............................................1954 Enrollment:........................................... 9,274 Nickname: ................................... Chanticleers School Colors:.....................Teal, Bronze & Black President:.........................Dr. David A. DeCenzo Athletics Director: ....................Hunter Yurachek Senior Woman Administrator: .............Cari Rosiek Faculty Athletics Representative: Sharon Thompson Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 843-349-2820 Ticket Office Phone:...................... 843-347-8499

Overall Record: ...................................... 19-12 Big South Record (Finish): ................... 12-6 (2nd) Big South Tournament: .................. Quarterfinals Postseason:..........Collegeinsider.com Tournament

MEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: ..................... Cliff Ellis (6th season) Alma Mater: ...................... Florida State, 1968 Career Record: ................... 711-409 (37 years) School Record: ....................... 99-60 (5 years) Big South Record: ........................ 54-32 (.628) Big South Tournament Record:...........4-5 (.444) Associate Head Coach: Don Hogan .................... South Alabama, 1983 Assistant Coaches: Benny Moss .......................... Charlotte, 2002 Mamadou N’Diaye ..................... .....................Auburn, Auburn, 2000 Dir. of Basketball Operations: ...............Matt Hurt Athletic Trainer: ..........................Dwayne Beam Basketball Office Phone: ................ 843-349-2818 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................2/3 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................6/8 Newcomers:............................................... 8 Arena (capacity): ............. The HTC Center (3,212)

MEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1974-75 Overall Record: ........................... 546-551 (.498) NCAA Tournament Appearances: ......2 (1991, 1993) NCAA Tournament Record: .......................... 0-2 NIT Appearances: ............................ 2 (2010-11) NIT Record:..............................................0-2 Last postseason opponent: ............Old Dominion, ......................2012 CIT First Round (L, 66-68) Big South Regular-Season Record: .... 204-182 (.528) Big South Regular-Season Championships: .......... 6 ....................................1988-89-90-91-10-11 Big South Tournament Record: ........... 15-22 (.405) Big South Tournament Championships:.............. 2 ...................................................1990-91

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Men’s Basketball Contact: ............. Sean Forrester Email: .........................sforreste@coastal.edu Phone: ...................................843-349-2840 Cell:.......................................205-540-6238 Fax: ....................................... 843-349-2819 Press Row:............................... 843-349-2528 Athletic Website:....................GoCCUSports.com Twitter: ...................................@GoCCUSports

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 9 Nov. 13 Nov. 15 Nov. 20 Nov. 24 Nov. 28 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 19 Dec. 22 Dec. 30 Jan. 5 Jan. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 March 2 March 5-10

OPPONENT AKRON at Mississippi at Tennessee Tech JOHNSON & WALES FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL at Boston University BOSTON UNIVERSITY TOCCOA FALLS CLEMSON at College of Charleston GREENSBORO COLLEGE at Longwood * PRESBYTERIAN * at Liberty * at Gardner-Webb * VMI * at UNC Asheville * CAMPBELL * at Winthrop * RADFORD * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * at High Point * at Presbyterian * GARDNER-WEBB * UNC ASHEVILLE * at BracketBusters WINTHROP * at Charleston Southern * at Big South Championship

TIME 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 12:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 11:00am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm TBA 7:00pm 4:30pm TBA

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 0 1 2 4 10 11 12 13 20 21 23 32 33 55

NAME Warren Gillis Tre’von James Anthony Raffa Richie Berry Charles Ashford El Hadji Ndiequene Michel Enanga Uros Ljeskovic Justin Daniel Tristian Curtis Badou Diagne Bisi Addey Ron Trapps Kierre Greenwood

YR So. Fr. R-Sr. So. Sr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Sr. Fr. Sr.


HT 6-3 6-5 6-1 6-0 6-1 6-10 6-5 6-8 6-4 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-4 6-2

WT 200 185 170 175 180 245 210 240 193 215 212 205 190 175

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) * - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Philadelphia, Pa. / Rise Academy Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST Darlington, S.C. / Mayo HS Sea Isle City, N.J. / Wildwood Catholic HS (Albany) Herndon, Va. / Stone Bridge HS Lexington, Ky. / Bryan Station HS (Vincennes) Thies, Senegal / Seeds Academy (Lake Land College) Yaounde, Cameroon / Montverde Academy Niksic, Montenegro / Nelson HS Fort Worth, Texas / Woodrow Wilson HS (Cjeoto Acad.) Nassau, Bahamas / Lamar HS Dakar, Senegal / Impact Basketball Academy Montgomery, Ala. / Robert E. Lee HS (South Mountain CC) Lancaster, S.C. / Lancaster HS (Fork Union Military Acad.) Cincinnati, Ohio / Winton Woods HS (New Creations)

2011-12 STATISTICS (returners in ALL CAPS) NAME ANTHONY RAFFA Chris Gradnigo KIERRE GREENWOOD Sam McLaurin Jon Pack Danny Nieman Willie Kirkland WARREN GILLIS Dexter Moore Brandon Crawford BISI ADDEY CHARLES ASHFORD Jordan Griffin Richie Berry TEAM COASTAL CAROLINA OPPONENTS

GP-GS 31-31 30-17 28-27 31-31 31-31 20-13 4-0 30-3 28-1 12-0 15-0 13-0 27-1 5-0

MIN 962 836 888 914 802 533 33 458 272 121 122 97 199 13

FG-FGA 184-383 172-377 108-231 137-210 85-155 32-82 4-8 48-105 33-80 13-27 16-31 9-18 11-44 1-2

PCT .480 .456 .468 .652 .548 .390 .500 .457 .413 .481 .516 .500 .250 .500

3P-3PA PCT 45-126 .357 39-113 .345 18-41 .439 0-0 .000 0-1 .000 20-54 .370 0-1 .000 3-18 .167 19-57 .333 1-1 1.000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 5-27 .185 0-1 .000

FT-FTA 105-144 63-79 77-97 36-69 49-101 4-9 7-8 13-17 9-10 12-16 5-10 9-18 3-4 0-0

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS .729 42 74 116 3.7 71-1 63 67 2 57 518 .797 44 143 187 6.2 78-0 31 68 25 19 446 .794 14 87 101 3.6 64-0 141 79 12 39 311 .522 87 146 233 7.5 76-0 30 49 36 20 310 .485 80 116 196 6.3 76-2 26 54 33 16 219 .444 10 53 63 3.2 27-0 39 31 1 9 88 .875 1 5 6 1.5 3-0 1 1 0 2 15 .765 13 43 56 1.9 52-1 33 29 2 17 112 .900 1 18 19 0.7 21-0 15 11 3 6 94 .750 8 23 31 2.6 18-0 7 8 0 4 39 .500 16 15 31 2.1 13-0 3 8 5 4 37 .500 7 13 20 1.5 14-0 4 10 1 4 27 .750 7 22 29 1.1 24-0 12 6 0 5 30 .000 0 1 1 0.2 1-0 2 2 0 1 2 27 55 82 2.6 5 31 6250 853-1753 .487 150-440 .341 392-582 .674 357 814 1171 37.8 538-5 407 428 120 203 2248 31 6250 707-1756 .403 213-603 .353 415-603 .688 349 646 995 32.1 537-10 338 381 83 210 2042


PPG 16.7 14.9 11.1 10.0 7.1 4.4 3.8 3.7 3.4 3.3 2.5 2.1 1.1 0.4 72.5 65.9


KEEP AN EYE ON... #2 ANTHONY RAFFA R-Sr. • G • 6-1 • 170

6th season at Coastal Carolina 99-60 (.623)

NOTES: 2012 Second-Team All-Big South ... NABC SecondTeam All-District ... Started in all 31 games for the Big South regular-season runner-up ... Led CCU with 16.7 points per game ... Totaled more than 1,000 career points in one year at Albany and two years at Coastal ... Named to the 2011 Big South All-Tournament Team ... Finished 6th in the Big South in ppg (16.7), 4th in steals (1.84) and 13th in FT% (72.9) in 2012 ... Grabbed a career-high 10 rebounds against LSU (11/15) ... Hit a Big South season-high 13 FGs while scoring 28 points against The Citadel (12/6) ... Scored 14-straight points to erase a nine-point second half deficit to beat Gardner-Webb, 70-56 ... Had 21 consecutive double-figure games dating back to the 2010-11 season ... Went 10-of-11 from the foul line against Presbyterian to preserve a three-point win (1/26) ... Posted double-figures in 26 of 31 games last season including a career-high 32 points at Gardner-Webb (1/28).

HOMETOWN: Chipley, Fla.

ALMA MATER (YEAR): Florida State (1968)

COACHING CAREER: COASTAL CAROLINA - Head Coach .................................................2007-present Auburn - Head Coach ....................................................................... 1994-04 Clemson - Head Coach...................................................................... 1984-94 South Alabama - Head Coach ............................................................. 1975-84 Cumberland - Head Coach ..................................................................1972-75

COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Has directed Chanticleers to three consecutive postseason appearances. • Will become second coach in NCAA Division I history to win 100 games with four different Division I programs, joining LEFTY DRIESELL (five schools). • Guided Coastal to a combined 56-13 record in 2009-10 and 2010-11, setting the Big South record for most wins in back-to-back seasons (school-record 28 wins both years). • Directed Chanticleers to a Big South-record 16 Conference wins in 2010-11. • Coastal Carolina was the first team in Big South history to improve from eighth-place the previous year to regular-season Conference champions in 2009-10. • Is the ninth winningest active Division I coach by victories (633) and is 35th all-time in Division I wins. • Has made 22 postseason appearances in his career (13 NIT, 8 NCAA, 1 CIT). • A six-time Conference Coach of the Year during his career (Sun Belt, ACC, SEC and Big South). • Led Auburn to a school-record 29-4 mark in 1998-99, as well as SEC title, No. 1 seed in NCAA Tournament and “Sweet Sixteen” appearance. • Was the 1999 SEC and National Coach of the Year by six different organizations, including the John and Nellie Wooden and Associated Press awards. • Led Clemson to the 1990 ACC title, the only one in school history. • Named ACC, NABC and USBWA District III Coach of the Year in 1990, as well as ACC and District Coach of the Year in 1987. • .671 winning percentage at South Alabama is the highest in school history. • Led South Alabama to three Sun Belt Conference Championships, two NCAA Tournament appearances and a Top 10 national ranking during his tenure. • Also served as Athletic Director at South Alabama and was inducted into the Mobile Sports Hall of Fame in 2003 for his work with the Jaguars’ basketball program. • Is an accomplished recording artist with several albums. CLIFF ELLIS’ HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL 1972-73 Cumberland 1973-74 Cumberland 1974-75 Cumberland 1975-76 South Alabama 1976-77 South Alabama 1977-78 South Alabama 1978-79 South Alabama 1979-80 South Alabama 1980-81 South Alabama 1981-82 South Alabama 1982-83 South Alabama 1983-84 South Alabama 1984-85 Clemson 1985-86 Clemson 1986-87 Clemson 1987-88 Clemson 1988-89 Clemson 1989-90 Clemson 1990-91 Clemson 1991-92 Clemson 1992-93 Clemson 1993-94 Clemson 1994-95 Auburn 1995-96 Auburn 1996-97 Auburn 1997-98 Auburn 1998-99 Auburn 1999-00 Auburn 2000-01 Auburn 2001-02 Auburn 2002-03 Auburn 2003-04 Auburn 2007-08 Coastal Carolina 2008-09 Coastal Carolina 2009-10 Coastal Carolina 2010-11 Coastal Carolina 2011-12 Coastal Carolina COASTAL CAROLINA TOTAL DIVISION I TOTAL CAREER TOTAL

OVERALL 20-5 34-2 24-5 18-9 17-10 18-10 20-7 23-6 25-6 12-16 16-12 22-8 16-13 19-15 25-6 14-15 19-11 24-8 11-17 14-14 17-13 18-16 16-13 19-13 16-15 16-14 29-4 24-10 18-14 12-16 22-12 14-14 13-15 11-20 28-7 28-6 19-12 99-60 633-397 711-409

2011-12 RESULTS (19-12, 12-6 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March


6-8 5-13 15-3 16-2 12-6 54-32

11 12 15 18 22 26 1 3 6 16 19 22 31 2 7 12 14 17 21 26 28 4 7 9 11 14 18 23 25 29 13

COVENANT W, 96-54 METHODIST W, 104-61 LSU W, 71-63 SPALDING W, 87-43 at Clemson W, 60-59 at Florida International L, 62-64 VMI * W, 87-78 LIBERTY * W, 78-68 at The Citadel W, 80-58 LYNCHBURG COLLEGE W, 86-61 at East Carolina L, 51-76 COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON L, 70-77 at High Point * W, 55-52 at Campbell * (OT) L, 65-70 at Charleston Southern * (OT) W, 80-77 GARDNER-WEBB * W, 65-63 PRESBYTERIAN * W, 81-63 at UNC Asheville * L, 81-88 RADFORD * W, 82-62 at Presbyterian * W, 52-49 at Gardner-Webb * W, 70-56 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * W, 71-58 CAMPBELL * L, 75-81 HIGH POINT * L, 65-70 at Winthrop * L, 57-67 UNC ASHEVILLE * W, 74-69 TENNESSEE TECH @ L, 71-77 at Liberty * L, 57-61 at VMI * W, 81-64 vs. No. 7 VMI # L, 68-85 at Old Dominion $ L, 66-68

* - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game $ - Collegeinsider.com Tournament


@ - SEARS BracketBusters game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:.................................... Conway, S.C. Founded:...............................................1954 Enrollment:........................................... 9,274 Nickname: ................................... Chanticleers School Colors:.....................Teal, Bronze & Black President:.........................Dr. David A. DeCenzo Athletics Director: ....................Hunter Yurachek Senior Woman Administrator: .............Cari Rosiek Faculty Athletics Representative: Sharon Thompson Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 843-349-2820 Ticket Office Phone:...................... 843-347-8499

Overall Record: .......................................13-15 Big South Record (Finish): ....................6-12 (8th) Big South Tournament: .................. Quarterfinals

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: .............. Alan LeForce (16th season) Alma Mater: .......................Cumberland, 1957 Career Record: ...................454-390 (30 years) School Record: ....................215-211 (15 years) Big South Record: .......................94-118 (.443) Big South Tournament Record:..........9-15 (.375) Assistant Coaches: Mark Kost .......................... Notre Dame, 1995 Shameka Montgomery .... UNC Wilmington, 2003 Lori Whitaker ................ ................Coastal Coastal Carolina, 2010 Dir. of Basketball Operations: ........ Austin Mefford Athletic Trainer: .......................Ashley Raymond Basketball Office Phone: ................ 843-349-2931 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................2/3 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: .................... 10/5 Newcomers:............................................... 3 Arena (capacity): ............. The HTC Center (3,212)

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1974-75 Overall Record: ...........................430-588 (.422) NCAA Tournament Appearances: .................none Last postseason opponent: ..........................n/a Big South Regular-Season Record: .....150-212 (.414) Big South Regular-Season Championships: ......none Big South Tournament Record: ........... 14-26 (.350) Big South Tournament Championships:..........none

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Women’s Basketball Contact: .............. Cody Bays Email: .............................cbays@coastal.edu Phone: ...................................843-349-6467 Cell:........................................843-333-1560 Fax: ....................................... 843-349-2819 Press Row:............................... 843-349-2528 Athletic Website:....................GoCCUSports.com Twitter: ...................................@GoCCUSports

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 9 Nov. 12 Nov. 17 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 13 Dec. 16 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 29 Jan. 3 Jan. 5 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 March 2 March 6-10

OPPONENT at College of Charleston NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL WESTERN CAROLINA COLUMBIA COLLEGE SOUTHERN VIRGINIA at IPFW at Gardner-Webb * CONVERSE NORTH CAROLINA at South Carolina State NORTH FLORIDA ^ at Presbyterian * at Campbell * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * HIGH POINT * LIBERTY * at Radford * at Longwood * WINTHROP * UNC ASHEVILLE * LONGWOOD * RADFORD * at UNC Asheville * PRESBYTERIAN * GARDNER-WEBB * at Charleston Southern * at Liberty * at High Point * at Big South Championship

TIME 4:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 5:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 5:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 5:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm 1:00pm TBA

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 1 4 5 10 11 21 22 23 25 32 35 40 44

NAME AJ Jordan Jena Hamrick Shatia Cole Keyaurna Wilson Corinne Holland Courtney Greene Savanah Pippin Kayla Cook Alexx Puckett Angelica Henry Ressa Borkovich Katelyn Connor DJ Hunter

YR So. Fr. So. R-Fr. So. Fr. So. Jr. Jr. Jr. Fr. Jr. R-Fr.


HT 5-8 5-6 5-5 5-10 5-10 5-4 6-2 5-10 6-1 5-5 6-2 6-2 5-11

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Harriman, Tenn. / Coalfield HS Fort Wayne, Ind. / Homestead HS Myrtle Beach, S.C. / Myrtle Beach HS Myrtle Beach, S.C. / Myrtle Beach HS Fairfax, Va. / Oakton HS Manning, S.C. / Manning HS Bristol, Va. / Virginia HS Jeanette, Pa. / Jeanette HS Indianapolis, Ind. / Brebeuf Jesuit HS Indianapolis, Ind. / Arsenal Technical HS Traverse City, Mich. / Traverse City West HS Ashland, Ky. / Paul G. Blazer HS Myrtle Beach, S.C. / Myrtle Beach HS

^ - at Myrtle Beach Convention Center * - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST


GP-GS 28-28 27-20 19-16 26-8 28-4 27-2 26-24 28-28 23-6 22-2 18-0 22-2 19-0 1-0

MIN 812 634 496 495 465 411 510 634 395 205 165 219 157 2

FG-FGA 117-301 104-258 54-129 58-164 55-166 53-140 54-154 57-159 23-54 18-54 13-35 16-41 4-25 0-0

PCT 3P-3PA PCT .389 44-122 .361 .403 33-94 .351 .419 1-2 .500 .354 8-46 .174 .331 7-32 .219 .379 11-43 .256 .351 14-56 .250 .358 1-6 .167 .426 3-10 .300 .333 1-2 .500 .371 0-2 .000 .390 0-1 .000 .160 3-18 .167 .000 0-0 .000

FT-FTA 46-64 42-53 23-41 47-68 34-40 23-36 5-11 7-12 17-19 21-28 10-14 4-11 0-0 0-0

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS .719 29 90 119 4.3 52-2 57 89 4 39 324 .792 37 59 96 3.6 85-1 50 84 5 50 283 .561 65 69 134 7.1 40-1 8 38 12 20 132 .691 18 54 72 2.8 47-1 54 66 1 29 171 .850 23 42 65 2.3 36-0 28 47 4 19 151 .639 22 61 83 3.1 17-0 19 39 1 15 140 .455 29 47 76 2.9 36-0 42 36 3 14 127 .583 31 69 100 3.6 77-3 8 34 34 42 122 .895 37 43 80 3.5 44-2 6 18 11 27 66 .750 21 13 34 1.5 36-1 3 17 12 8 58 .714 10 28 38 2.1 10-0 7 23 6 9 36 .364 19 23 42 1.9 17-0 10 11 10 10 36 .000 2 11 13 0.7 8-0 17 13 0 5 11 .000 0 0 0 0.0 0-0 0 1 0 0 0 58 73 131 4.7 10 28 5600 626-1680 .373 126-434 .290 279-397 .703 401 682 1083 38.7 505-11 309 526 103 287 1657 28 5600 596-1533 .389 104-350 .297 400-613 .653 362 712 1074 38.4 394-x 295 523 98 315 1696


PPG 11.6 10.5 6.9 6.6 5.4 5.2 4.9 4.4 2.9 2.6 2.0 1.6 0.6 0.0 59.2 60.6


KEEP AN EYE ON... #5 SHATIA COLE Soph. • G • 5-5

16th season at Coastal Carolina 215-211 (.505)

NOTES: Earned Big South All-Freshman Team honors ... Tied the CCU record with four Big South Freshman of the Week plaudits ... Starting point guard in 20 of 27 game played ... Finished the season 21st in the League in scoring and 11th in steals ... Made an immediate impact as she came off the bench to lead CCU to an opening day win with a gamehigh 19 points, which included four 3-pointers ... Scored in double-digits 15 times ... Set season-high with 22 points at Charleston Southern, including two key treys in the final 17 seconds of play ... Team-high 50 steals helped CCU to 502 points off turnovers ... CCU’s second leading 3-point shooter with 33 makes ... CCU held a +78 scoring advantage when Cole was on the floor ... Scored 20 points against High Point on Jan. 21 ... Led CCU in scoring nine times, including five straight from Jan. 21-Feb. 6 ... Scored 14 points in the Big South Tournament quarterfinals.

HOMETOWN: Williamsburg, Ky. ALMA MATER (YEAR): Cumberland College (1957) COACHING CAREER: COASTAL CAROLINA - Head Women’s Coach ....................... 1997-present East Tennessee State - Head Men’s Coach .................................1990-96 East Tennessee State - Assistant Men’s Coach.............................1986-90 College of Charleston - Head Men’s Coach................................. 1971-80 Furman - Assistant Men’s Coach..............................................1968-71 Cumberland College - Assistant Men’s Coach.............................. 1961-62 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Big South’s fourth-winningest coach in League games (94) and second in overall wins (215). • Is the only head coach to accumulate 200 wins as a Division I men’s and women’s coach. • Recorded his 400th career win Nov. 14, 2008 vs. Erskine. • Led Coastal to first 20-win season at Division I level in 1999-00 and school’s first since 1982-83. • Has led Chanticleers to Big South Championship Semifinals seven times and to the title game three times. • Big South Coach of the Year (1999). • Posted 108-70 record (.607) as East Tennessee State’s men’s coach, the highest winning percentage in school history with at least four years at ETSU. • Won two SoCon regular-season championships, two SoCon tournament championships and made two NCAA Tournament berths. • ETSU ranked as high as No. 10 in Associated Press poll in 1990-91. • NABC District Coach of the Year in 1991. • Went 131-109 as head men’s coach at College of Charleston, and served as CofC Athletics Director seven years. • Inducted into four Halls of Fame in his career (Cumberland, College of Charleston, East Tennessee State and Williamsburg (Ky.) High School). ALAN LeFORCE’S WOMEN’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 1997-98 Coastal Carolina 9-18 1998-99 Coastal Carolina 18-10 1999-00 Coastal Carolina 20-10 2000-01 Coastal Carolina 14-13 2001-02 Coastal Carolina 11-18 2002-03 Coastal Carolina 13-15 2003-04 Coastal Carolina 13-15 2004-05 Coastal Carolina 9-18 2005-06 Coastal Carolina 18-10 2006-07 Coastal Carolina 18-11 2007-08 Coastal Carolina 16-12 2008-09 Coastal Carolina 16-14 2009-10 Coastal Carolina 17-13 2010-11 Coastal Carolina 10-19 2011-12 Coastal Carolina 13-15 COASTAL CAROLINA TOTAL 215-211 CAREER TOTAL 454-390

2011-12 RESULTS (13-15, 6-12 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March March

BIG SOUTH 5-7 6-4 9-5 8-6 5-9 6-8 6-8 4-10 7-7 9-5 4-8 8-8 7-9 4-12 6-12 94-118

11 14 19 22 28 30 11 18 29 31 2 7 9 14 16 21 23 28 4 6 11 13 18 20 25 2 5 9

SOUTHERN VIRGINIA COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON ST. ANDREWS at Western Carolina at North Florida COKER CONVERSE SOUTH CAROLINA STATE ^ USC UPSTATE WINTHROP * PRESBYTERIAN * at UNC Asheville * at Gardner-Webb * LIBERTY * RADFORD * at High Point * at Campbell * at Charleston Southern * GARDNER-WEBB * UNC ASHEVILLE * at Radford * at Liberty * CAMPBELL * HIGH POINT * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * at Presbyterian * at Winthrop * at No. 2 High Point #

* - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game


W, W, W, W, L, W, W, L, W, W, W, L, L, L, W, L, L, L, W, W, L, L, L, W, L, L, L, L,

83-68 59-36 90-42 66-56 37-67 63-53 84-55 59-61 61-56 58-54 52-49 60-69 63-73 45-82 58-56 65-80 55-58 66-69 54-40 74-58 43-55 54-66 38-47 59-58 55-70 52-56 47-84 57-78

^ - at Myrtle Beach Convention Center HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:........................... Boiling Springs, N.C. Founded:...............................................1905 Enrollment:...........................................4,300 Nickname: ..............................Runnin’ Bulldogs School Colors:.................. Scarlet, White & Black President:...........................Dr. A. Frank Bonner Athletics Director: .........................Chuck Burch Senior Woman Administrator: ...........Pam Scruggs Faculty Athletics Representative:......... Chris Davis Athletic Dept. Phone: ................... 704-406-4340 Ticket Office Phone:..................... 704-406-4340

Overall Record: ...................................... 12-20 Big South Record (Finish): ...................6-12 (10th) Big South Tournament: .....................First Round

MEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: ............ Chris Holtmann (3rd season) Alma Mater: ...............................Taylor, 1994 Career Record: ....................... 23-41 (2 years) School Record: ....................... 23-41 (2 years) Big South Record: .........................12-24 (.333) Big South Tournament Record:...........0-2 (.000) Assistant Coaches: Jay McAuley............................ Georgia, 2005 Mike Netti ............................. Syracuse, 2002 Takayo Siddle .................. ..................Gardner-Webb, Gardner-Webb, 2009 Dir. of Basketball Operations: ..........Paul Hemrick Athletic Trainer: .............................Jon Mitchell Basketball Office Phone: ............... 704-406-4348 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................3/2 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................7/7 Newcomers:............................................... 7 Arena (capacity): ...........Paul Porter Arena (3,500)

MEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1969-70 Overall Record: ...........................720-509 (.586) NCAA Tournament Appearances: .................none Last postseason opponent: .........Georgia College, .....2000 NCAA Division II Tournament (L, 81-92) Big South Regular-Season Record: ....... 26-46 (.361) Big South Regular-Season Championships: ......none Big South Tournament Record: ..............0-3 (.000) Big South Tournament Championships:..........none

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Men’s Basketball Contact: ...................Marc Rabb Email: ................... mrabb@gardner-webb.edu Phone: ...................................704-406-4355 Cell:....................................... 704-974-3662 Fax: .......................................704-406-4739 Press Row:.............................. 704-406-4475 Athletic Website:........................gwusports.com Twitter Feed: .............................. @GWUsports

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 0 2 3 4 5 10 11 15 23 24 30 33 35 54

NAME Donta Harper Tyler Strange Tashan Newsome Logan Stumpf Onzie Branch Max Landis Isaiah Ivey Jarvis Davis Naji Hibbert Kevin Hartley Adam Sweeney Corey Hensley Jerome Hill Mike Byron

YR POS So. F So. G R-Sr. G Fr. G Jr. F So. G Fr. G R-So. G R-Sr. G Sr. F R-Fr. G So. F Fr. F Jr. C

HT 6-6 5-9 6-3 6-6 6-6 6-2 6-2 6-0 6-5 6-6 6-1 6-8 6-5 6-11

WT 180 175 200 185 215 175 190 180 190 235 180 220 210 250

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Winterville, N.C. / South Central HS Leominster, Mass. / Notre Dame Prep Albany, N.Y. / Colonie HS (Mississippi Valley State) Harrisburg, Pa. / Cedar Cliff HS Topeka, Kan. / Topeka HS (Cloud County CC) Indianapolis, Ind. / Perry Meridian HS Georgetown, Ky. / Scott County HS Columbia, S.C. / Ridgeview HS (UCF) Baltimore, Md. / DeMatha Catholic HS (Texas A&M) Klein, Texas / Klein Collins HS (Collin College) Madison, Ohio / Madison HS Candler, N.C. / Hargrave Military Academy Adel, Ga. / Cook County HS San Antonio, Texas / Churchill HS

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 9 Nov. 10 Nov. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 17 Nov. 20-21 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 25 Dec. 3 Dec. 5 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 18 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 March 2 March 5-10

OPPONENT TIME at North Carolina 7:00pm COVENANT COLLEGE 7:30pm LIPSCOMB 6:00pm at DePaul 8:30pm at Iowa 8:00pm at Cancun Challenge vs. Howard 4:00pm vs. Austin Peay/Western Carolina TBA at Illinois 4:00pm VIRGINIA-WISE 7:00pm at Wofford 7:00pm TENNESSEE TECH 7:00pm THE CITADEL 7:00pm at East Carolina 7:00pm SPALDING 7:00pm at Campbell * 3:30pm UNC ASHEVILLE * 7:00pm at High Point * 7:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA * 7:00pm RADFORD * 7:00pm at Winthrop * 7:00pm at VMI * 1:00pm at Charleston Southern * 7:30pm LONGWOOD * 7:00pm at Presbyterian * 7:00pm LIBERTY * 7:00pm at UNC Asheville * 7:00pm at Coastal Carolina * 7:00pm WINTHROP * 7:00pm at BracketBusters TBA CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN * 4:30pm at Big South Championship TBA

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST


GP-GS 29-27 31-23 28-13 32-28 32-19 32-22 32-11 32-2 30-12 16-1 15-1 20-1 7-0 9-0

MIN 777 790 584 857 680 592 713 458 618 117 103 128 28 31

FG-FGA 123-304 101-265 75-220 100-203 58-154 67-127 63-172 66-124 44-123 20-30 15-43 13-31 3-6 1-2

PCT .405 .381 .341 .493 .377 .528 .366 .532 .358 .667 .349 .419 .500 .500

3P-3PA 11-57 56-167 45-133 0-0 10-36 0-0 34-104 0-8 20-66 0-0 15-42 0-0 0-0 0-1

PCT .193 .335 .338 .000 .278 .000 .327 .000 .303 .000 .357 .000 .000 .000

FT-FTA 100-140 36-53 39-52 43-66 60-82 45-70 17-29 35-59 20-37 10-15 0-2 6-10 3-4 0-1

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS .714 63 141 204 7.0 64-4 47 46 7 23 357 .679 2 36 38 1.2 46-0 45 50 0 19 294 .750 9 48 57 2.0 37-1 48 35 0 26 234 .652 83 123 206 6.4 86-4 14 37 16 24 243 .732 21 61 82 2.6 69-1 54 48 3 28 186 .643 63 80 143 4.5 55-2 8 40 35 3 179 .586 44 86 130 4.1 97-4 33 53 6 33 177 .593 31 43 74 2.3 53-1 22 50 6 25 167 .541 7 51 58 1.9 53-0 87 53 1 37 128 .667 12 11 23 1.4 17-0 3 7 8 2 50 .000 1 11 12 0.8 7-0 3 7 0 2 45 .600 7 14 21 1.1 26-1 1 9 1 0 32 .750 3 4 7 1.0 4-0 2 0 1 0 9 .000 0 1 1 0.1 5-0 9 3 0 0 2 61 53 114 3.6 9 32 6475 749-1804 .415 191-614 .311 414-620 .668 407 763 1170 36.6 619-18 376 447 84 222 2103 32 6475 751-1716 .438 177-553 .320 459-698 .658 337 759 1096 34.2 558-5 425 429 108 205 2138


PPG 12.3 9.5 8.4 7.6 5.8 5.6 5.5 5.2 4.3 3.1 3.0 1.6 1.3 0.2 65.7 66.8


KEEP AN EYE ON... #3 TASHAN NEWSOME R-Sr. • G • 6-3 • 200

3rd season at Gardner-Webb 23-41 (.359) HOMETOWN: Nicholasville, Ky. ALMA MATER (YEAR): Taylor (1994) COACHING CAREER: GARDNER-WEBB - Head Coach ........................................ 2010-present Ohio - Assistant Coach .........................................................2008-10 GARDNER-WEBB - Associate Head Coach.................................. 2004-08 GARDNER-WEBB - Assistant Coach.......................................... 2003-04 Taylor - Assistant Coach........................................................1999-03 Geneva College - Assistant Coach ...........................................1998-99 Taylor - Graduate Assistant ................................................... 1997-98 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Gardner-Webb led the Big South in three-point defense in 2011-12, holding opponents to 32.0 percent from beyond the arc. • Directed GWU to 59-57 win at Coastal Carolina on Feb. 15, 2011, which snapped CCU’s national-leading and Big South-record 22-game win streak. • Spent two seasons as lead assistant at Ohio, helping the Bobcats win the 2010 MAC Tournament and an upset of No. 3 seed Georgetown in the first round -- Ohio’s first NCAA win since 1983. • During his 12 seasons on the bench, has been a part of five Conference championships. • Was key figure in securing the top recruiting classes in the MAC while at Ohio, according to ESPN.com. • Ohio led the Mid-American Conference in scoring, assist/turnover ratio and defensive rebounding in 2009-10. • As an assistant at Gardner-Webb, helped the Runnin’ Bulldogs lead the Atlantic Sun in three-point defense in 2007-08. • Part of GWU coaching staff that pulled off memorable upsets of East Carolina (2004, 2005), Minnesota (2005) and Kentucky (2007). • Helped Gardner-Webb win the Atlantic Sun regular-season championship in 2004-05. • His recruiting efforts landed 2008 All-American and A-Sun Player of the Year THOMAS SANDERS, Academic All-American AARON LINN and 2010 MAC Freshman of the Year D.J. COOPER. • Was an NAIA All-American guard at Taylor in 1994. CHRIS HOLTMANN’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 2010-11 Gardner-Webb 11-21 2011-12 Gardner-Webb 12-20 CAREER TOTAL 23-41

BIG SOUTH 6-12 6-12 12-24

NOTES: Emerged as one of the most physical guards in the Big South Conference ... Led Gardner-Webb in both scoring (12.3 ppg) and rebounding (7.0 rpg) ... Scored in double figures in 20 of the last 21 games ... Led team with 14.0 ppg in League play ... Made five game-winning baskets last season, including four in League play ... Scored a career-high 33 points at UNC Asheville (2/23), the most points in a game by a GWU player since the move to Division I ... Scored 24 points at Wake Forest (12/18) ... Had 21 points and 11 rebounds at Coastal Carolina (1/12) ... Scored 21 points on 10-of-15 shooting at Liberty (2/2) ... Scored 19 points in win at Radford (12/31) ... Has three double-doubles on the year, most recently a 13-point, 13-rebound effort in a win over VMI (2/11) ... Had at least eight rebounds in 13 different games ... Led Gardner-Webb with 100 made free throws (71.4%).

2011-12 RESULTS (12-20, 6-12 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.

11 13 16 19 21 23 26 27 1 3 6 10 18 22 31 2 7 10 12 14 19 26 28 2 4 9 11 14 18 23 25 27

at Clemson L, at Lipscomb W, LEES-McRAE W, at South Carolina State L, at Indiana % L, at Butler % L, vs. Savannah State % L, at Chattanooga % (OT) W, UNC ASHEVILLE * L, WINTHROP * W, ALICE LLOYD COLLEGE W, SOUTH CAROLINA STATE W, at Wake Forest L, at East Carolina L, at Radford * W, at VMI * L, HIGH POINT * (OT) W, CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * W, at Coastal Carolina * L, at Campbell * L, at Winthrop * L, CAMPBELL * W, COASTAL CAROLINA * L, at Liberty * L, at High Point * (OT) L, RADFORD * L, VMI * W, at Charleston Southern * L, DELAWARE STATE @ W, at UNC Asheville * L, PRESBYTERIAN * L, at No. 8 High Point # L,

% - Hoosier Invitational * - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game


44-65 74-71 91-61 68-73 49-73 66-68 66-72 76-74 60-66 62-60 87-57 87-57 59-67 55-69 61-55 72-76 65-61 80-77 63-65 68-74 54-56 78-72 56-70 58-63 77-81 54-58 77-61 58-73 57-56 61-71 62-68 58-68

@ - SEARS BracketBusters game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:........................... Boiling Springs, N.C. Founded:...............................................1905 Enrollment:...........................................4,700 Nickname: ..............................Runnin’ Bulldogs School Colors:.................. Scarlet, White & Black President:...........................Dr. A. Frank Bonner Athletics Director: .........................Chuck Burch Senior Woman Administrator: ...........Pam Scruggs Faculty Athletics Representative:......... Chris Davis Athletic Dept. Phone: ................... 704-406-4340 Ticket Office Phone:..................... 704-406-4340

Overall Record: ........................................4-25 Big South Record (Finish): ..................3-15 (T-9th) Big South Tournament: ................ Did not qualify

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: .................Rick Reeves (9th season) Alma Mater: ......................Indiana State, 1981 Career Record: ...................389-363 (26 years) School Record: ..................... 122-125 (8 years) Big South Record: .......................100-78 (.562) Big South Tournament Record:..........16-7 (.696) Associate Head Coach Dean Walsh..................Maryville College, 1989 Assistant Coaches: Blake DuDonis ................. Gardner-Webb, 2011 Dominique Hudson ........... Gardner-Webb, 2011 Dir. of Basketball Operations: ...........Cierra Harris Athletic Trainer: ........................Stephenie Stark Basketball Office Phone: ............... 704-406-4348 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................3/2 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................6/9 Newcomers:............................................... 8 Arena (capacity): ...........Paul Porter Arena (3,500)

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1975-76 Overall Record: ...........................430-544 (.441) NCAA Tournament Appearances: ............. 1 (2011) NCAA Record............................................0-1 WNIT Appearances: .............................1 (2010) WNIT Record: ........................................... 0-1 Last postseason opponent: .............. Miami (Fla.), ...2011 NCAA Tournament First Round (L, 62-80) Big South Regular-Season Record: .......36-30 (.545) Big South Regular-Season Championships: .......... 1 .......................................................2010 Big South Tournament Record: .............. 7-2 (.778) Big South Tournament Championships:.............. 1 ....................................................... 2011

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Women’s Basketball Contact: .............Kevin Davis Email: ...................kldavis@gardner-webb.edu Phone: ...................................704-406-3523 Cell:.......................................704-974-9095 Fax: .......................................704-406-4739 Press Row:.............................. 704-406-4475 Athletic Website:........................gwusports.com Twitter: ..................................... @GWUsports

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 9 Nov. 12 Nov. 14 Nov. 17 Nov. 20 Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 9 Dec. 13 Dec. 19 Dec. 22 Dec. 28 Jan. 3 Jan. 5 Jan. 7 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 28 March 2 March 6-10

OPPONENT LIPSCOMB TENNESSEE TEMPLE MONTREAT at UNC Greensboro at Appalachian State ASBURY COASTAL CAROLINA * LONGWOOD DAVIDSON at Wofford NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL at Kennesaw State at Longwood * at High Point * CAMPBELL * RADFORD * WINTHROP * at UNC Asheville * at Presbyterian * at Charleston Southern * UNC ASHEVILLE * PRESBYTERIAN * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * at Campbell * at Coastal Carolina * HIGH POINT * LIBERTY * at Winthrop * at Radford * at Big South Championship

TIME 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 3:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 4:30pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm TBA

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 3 5 10 11 12 15 22 23 24 25 31 33 40 42 --

NAME Monica Compton Lana Doran Doreen Richardson Olivia Parker Savannah Douglass Chariah Harris Candace Brown Jessica Heilig Mayhana Dunovant Tabby Koerner Catrina Green Jasmine Dale Tierney Twing Alicia Quinn Kim McKenney

YR POS HT HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Fr. G 5-9 Glenville, N.Y. / Scota-Glenville HS Fr. G 5-9 Northhamptonshire, England / Southfield HS Fr. G 5-6 Salisbury, N.C. / Salisbury HS Fr. F 6-0 Charlotte, N.C. / Providence Day School Fr. F 6-0 Buckhead, Ga. / Gatewood HS So. F 5-11 Chino Hills, Calif. / Chino Hills HS Fr. G 5-9 Hinton, W.Va. / Summers County HS So. F 5-10 Salisbury, N.C. / Salisbury HS So. G 5-5 Charlotte, N.C. / Butler HS Jr. G/F 6-0 Concord, N.C. / Jay M. Robinson HS Jr. C 6-1 Greensboro, N.C. / Western Guilford HS Jr. G 5-9 LaVergne, Tenn. / LaVergne HS Fr. C 6-5 Verona, Wis. / Verona Area HS Fr. F 6-1 Charlotte, N.C. / Phillip O’Berry Academy Sr. G/F 5-11 Flint, Mich. / Faithway Christian HS

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST

2011-12 STATISTICS (returners in ALL CAPS) NAME CATRINA GREEN JASMINE DALE KiKi Smith Brianna Dillard JESSICA HEILIG MAYHANA DUNOVANT Eliana Scanlon Anna Dill Jalynn Bradburn Breynna Winkler TABBY KOERNER CHARIAH HARRIS Cierra Harris Chaylia Coleman Amber Knox TEAM GARDNER-WEBB OPPONENTS

GP-GS 29-27 29-26 29-20 29-28 29-24 29-6 27-2 7-5 8-0 29-2 26-4 20-0 15-0 26-1 9-0

MIN 891 821 716 896 708 538 404 81 58 255 234 101 50 89 8

FG-FGA 127-279 91-304 61-196 61-192 48-160 41-150 31-135 7-20 4-18 26-61 9-46 5-12 3-11 3-11 0-6

PCT .455 .299 .311 .318 .300 .273 .230 .350 .222 .426 .196 .417 .273 .273 .000

3P-3PA 0-0 46-151 13-36 0-9 0-1 20-63 7-44 0-3 1-9 0-0 0-3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-2

PCT .000 .305 .361 .000 .000 .317 .159 .000 .111 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

FT-FTA 72-147 43-59 50-71 49-72 54-112 18-28 26-41 5-6 9-12 8-12 8-13 6-12 2-4 3-4 0-0

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS .490 128 125 253 8.7 94-2 6 45 48 28 326 .729 30 55 85 2.9 48-0 28 86 2 35 271 .704 20 51 71 2.4 66-2 45 116 8 40 185 .681 33 129 162 5.6 88-5 59 88 3 61 171 .482 69 97 166 5.7 56-0 16 63 11 12 150 .643 7 24 31 1.1 43-0 47 78 0 38 120 .634 7 23 30 1.1 24-0 23 55 0 20 95 .833 4 5 9 1.3 4-0 4 9 2 1 19 .750 8 5 13 1.6 4-0 3 5 1 6 18 .667 24 30 54 1.9 34-0 4 15 4 6 60 .615 13 28 41 1.6 28-0 6 32 2 7 26 .500 8 14 22 1.1 9-0 0 8 1 3 16 .500 3 7 10 0.7 6-0 0 2 0 1 8 .750 4 7 11 0.4 16-0 4 13 5 6 9 .000 0 0 0 0.0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 70 88 158 5.4 21 29 5850 517-1601 .323 87-321 .271 353-593 .595 428 688 1116 38.5 520-9 245 636 87 264 1474 29 5850 738-1746 .423 157-459 .342 389-608 .640 432 777 1209 41.7 486-x 417 508 109 352 2022


PPG 11.2 9.3 6.4 5.9 5.2 4.1 3.5 2.7 2.3 2.1 1.0 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.0 50.8 69.7



9th season at Gardner-Webb 122-125 (.494)

NOTES: Named to the College Sports Madness 2012 Big South All-Conference Second-Team ... Led GWU with 11.2 points and 8.7 rebounds per game ... Posted a team-high 326 points and 253 rebounds ... Led the team with a 45.5 field goal percentage ... Recorded 48 blocks and 28 steals ... Her 48 blocks placed her in a tie for fourth-place overall in GWU’s Division I single-season record book ... Also hauled in a teamhigh 128 offensive rebounds, which ranks second overall in GWU’s Div. I season-single history ... Posted a team-high 72 made free throws last season ... Attempted 147 free throws, which ranks fifth in GWU’s Div. I single-season history ... Poured in double digit points in 20 different contests ... Posted 10 double-doubles last season ... Had a careerhigh 22 points and 16 rebounds in the loss at Asheville ... Also had 21 points and 14 rebounds in the home loss to CSU.

HOMETOWN: Morgantown, Ind.

ALMA MATER (YEAR): Indiana State (1981)

COLLEGIATE COACHING CAREER: GARDNER-WEBB - Head Coach ..................................................... 2004-present Southern Mississippi - Head Coach ....................................................... 1999-04 LIBERTY - Head Coach ...................................................................... 1990-99 Florida - Assistant Coach ................................................................... 1989-90 Cumberland - Head Coach ................................................................. 1986-89 Brescia (Ky.) College - Head Coach....................................................... 1985-86 Indiana State - Student Assistant ......................................................... 1978-80

COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • First coach in Big South history to take two Conference member institutions to the NCAA Tournament (Liberty in 1997-99, Gardner-Webb in 2011). • First coach in Conference history to win 20 games as well as a regular-season championship with two different Big South schools. • First coach in Big South history to take teams to the NCAA Tournament and WNIT. • Is second in Big South history with four NCAA Tournament appearances. • Has taken teams to the postseason six times at the Division I level -- including threestraight NCAA trips with Liberty (1997-99) as well as Gardner-Webb’s first-ever NCAA berth in 2011, plus WNIT appearances with Southern Mississippi (2000) and GWU (2010). • Led Gardner-Webb to the Conference Tournament Semifinals in six-straight seasons, including berths in three Big South Championship games from 2009-11. • Ranks second in Big South history with 100 League wins and third with 196 overall wins. • Is a four-time Big South Coach of the Year (1993-97-98 at Liberty; 2010 at GWU), • Directed the Bulldogs to the best home record in the school’s Division I history (14-2) in 2009-10, while the 28 overall wins was GWU’s most since moving to Division I (2000-01). • Led GWU to the Big South Championship game as a No. 6 seed in 2008-09, GardnerWebb’s first season in the Conference. • In 1997-98, directed Liberty to a 28-0 record entering the NCAA Tournament before falling to eventual national champion Tennessee. • Earned his 300th career win on Feb. 15, 2007 with a 61-47 victory over Stetson. • 80 of Reeves’ former players have gone onto the coaching ranks, joining staffs in the SEC, Big South, Conference USA, Missouri Valley, MAC and SoCon. • Was Brescia (Ky.) College’s first head women’s basketball coach. • Led Cumberland University to three top 20 finishes at the NAIA level. • Inducted into the Cumberland University Athletic Hall of Fame on Oct. 5, 2012. • 1988-89 NAIA District 24 Coach of the Year. RICK REEVES’ HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL 1990-91 Liberty 1991-92 Liberty 1992-93 Liberty 1993-94 Liberty 1994-95 Liberty 1995-96 Liberty 1996-97 Liberty 1997-98 Liberty 1998-99 Liberty 1999-00 Southern Mississippi 2000-01 Southern Mississippi 2001-02 Southern Mississippi 2002-03 Southern Mississippi 2003-04 Southern Mississippi 2004-05 Gardner-Webb 2005-06 Gardner-Webb 2006-07 Gardner-Webb 2007-08 Gardner-Webb 2008-09 Gardner-Webb 2009-10 Gardner-Webb 2010-11 Gardner-Webb 2011-12 Gardner-Webb GARDNER-WEBB TOTAL BIG SOUTH TOTAL CAREER TOTAL

OVERALL 12-16 12-17 16-12 13-14 7-20 5-22 22-8 28-1 21-8 17-13 12-16 11-17 14-15 14-13 9-18 14-16 14-17 13-18 17-15 28-5 23-11 4-25 122-125 196-157 389-363

2011-12 RESULTS (4-25, 3-15 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March

BIG SOUTH 7-5 10-6 10-8 5-11 2-12 9-5 12-0 9-1

7-9 15-1 11-5 3-15 36-30 100-78

12 15 19 21 25 26 3 10 18 28 30 2 7 9 14 16 21 28 30 4 6 11 13 18 20 25 27 2 5

at #20 North Carolina L, 44-109 KENNESAW STATE L, 48-68 APPALACHIAN STATE L, 41-69 at Davidson L, 46-67 vs. #6 Duke ! L, 31-97 vs. Southern California ! L, 41-82 WOFFORD L, 50-58 at #13 Louisville L, 27-92 at Lipscomb L, 65-76 at North Carolina Central W, 56-45 at Campbell * L, 52-62 at High Point * L, 41-63 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * L, 53-63 COASTAL CAROLINA * W, 73-63 at Presbyterian * L, 43-54 at Winthrop * L, 48-86 at UNC Asheville * L, 62-74 RADFORD * L, 50-63 LIBERTY * L, 51-78 at Coastal Carolina * L, 40-54 at Charleston Southern * L, 66-86 WINTHROP * L, 55-65 PRESBYTERIAN * (OT) L, 57-59 UNC ASHEVILLE * W, 69-52 at Longwood L, 65-76 at Liberty * L, 44-76 at Radford * (OT) W, 59-55 HIGH POINT * L, 46-66 CAMPBELL * L, 51-64

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


! - Bahamas Junkanoo Jam


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:.................................High Point, N.C. Founded:...............................................1924 Enrollment:...........................................4,400 Nickname: ........................................Panthers School Colors:............................Purple & White President:................................Dr. Nido Qubein Athletics Director: ..........................Craig Keilitz Senior Woman Administrator: ............ April Wines Faculty Athletics Representative:...Greggory Hundt Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 336-841-9281 Ticket Office Phone:...................... 336-841-9276

Overall Record: ...................................... 13-18 Big South Record (Finish): ................. 8-10 (T-6th) Big South Tournament: .................. Quarterfinals

MEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: ................Scott Cherry (4th season) Alma Mater: ....................North Carolina, 1993 Career Record: ....................... 40-52 (3 years) School Record: ....................... 40-52 (3 years) Big South Record: ........................ 25-29 (.463) Big South Tournament Record:........... 2-3 (.400) Assistant Coaches: Ahmad Dorsett ................ ................George George Mason, 2000 Neill Berry ........... ...........Southeastern Southeastern Louisiana, 2005 Trey Brown .....................South Carolina, 2010 Dir. of Basketball Operations: ............Clint Walker Athletic Trainer: ........................Geoffrey Staton Basketball Office Phone: ................ 336-841-9329 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................2/3 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................6/4 Newcomers:............................................... 7 Arena (capacity): .................. Millis Center (1,750)

MEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1927-28 Overall Record: ..........................1294-975 (.570) NCAA Tournament Appearances: .................none Last postseason opponent: ............ Salem-Teikyo, ..... 1997 NCAA Division II Tournament (L, 82-91) Big South Regular-Season Record: ...... 89-115 (.436) Big South Regular-Season Championships: ......none Big South Tournament Record: ............10-11 (.476) Big South Tournament Championships:..........none

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Men’s Basketball Contact: ...............Jon Litchfield Email: .........................jlitchfi@highpoint.edu Phone: ...................................336-841-4605 Cell:....................................... 336-848-1918 Fax: ....................................... 336-841-9182 Press Row:............................... 336-888-6313 Athletic Website:..............highpointpanthers.com Twitter: ................................@highpointsports

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 0 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 15 20 21 22 23 40 41

NAME John Brown Dejuan McGaughy Derrell Edwards Justin Cheek Cliff Cornish Devante Wallace Haiishen McIntyre Tre Duncan Allan Chaney Lorenzo Cugini Corey Law Quincy Drye Adam Weary Jairus Simms Landon Harris Branimir Mikulic

YR R-Fr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Fr. So. Fr. So. R-Sr. Fr. R-Sr. So. Fr. Sr. Sr. Sr.


HT 6-7 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-8 6-5 6-2 5-11 6-9 6-6 6-6 6-2 6-2 6-1 6-5 6-8

WT 200 190 200 185 240 180 165 195 235 220 215 185 195 180 215 225

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 3 Nov. 9 Nov. 13 Nov. 17 Nov. 21 Nov. 25 Nov. 29 Dec. 2 Dec. 5 Dec. 16 Dec. 21 Dec. 28-29 Dec. 28 Dec. 29 Jan. 5 Jan. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 March 2 March 5-10

OPPONENT TIME MARS HILL (EXH.) 7:00pm UNC GREENSBORO 7:00pm at Appalachian State 7:00pm WILLIAM & MARY 7:00pm ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN 7:00pm at Indiana State 1:00pm at Western Michigan 7:00pm JOHNSON & WALES 3:00pm at Wake Forest 7:00pm WESTERN MICHIGAN 3:00pm EASTERN KENTUCKY 7:00pm at Dr. Pepper Classic at Chattanooga 7:00pm vs. Austin Peay/Utah Valley State TBA at Winthrop * 2:00pm at Radford * 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB * 7:00pm LIBERTY * 7:00pm at Charleston Southern * 5:30pm VMI * 7:00pm at UNC Asheville * 2:00pm LONGWOOD * 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN * 7:00pm at Campbell * 7:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA * 7:00pm at Longwood * 7:00pm at Liberty * 6:00pm at VMI * 7:00pm BRACKETBUSTERS 7:00pm RADFORD * 7:00pm CAMPBELL * 4:00pm at Big South Championship TBA

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Jacksonville, Fla. / Oldsmar Christian Columbus, Ohio / Mario-Franklin (Mercyhurst-North East) Baltimore, Md. / Dunbar HS (South Plains College) * - Big South Conference game Charlotte, N.C. / Ardrey Kell HS HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Glen Burnie, Md. / North County Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST Baltimore, Md. / Dunbar HS Harrisburg, Pa. / Harrisburg Millersville, Md. / Princeton Day Academy Baltimore, Md. / New London (Virginia Tech) Stow, Ohio / St. Vincent-St. Mary’s Chesapeake, Md. / Deep Creek Durham, N.C. / Northern Memphis, Tenn. / Ridgeway Winston-Salem, N.C. / North Forsyth Mocksville, N.C. / Davie County Siroki Brijeg, Herzegovina / HKK Siroki (Sante Fe College)


GP-GS MIN 31-31 1014 31-29 973 30-20 769 31-12 639 30-25 836 31-8 476 28-2 433 31-15 572 29-13 461 8-0 14 8-0 19 21-0 93 1-0 1

FG-FGA 185-415 157-345 112-194 60-165 55-141 53-133 37-93 38-91 35-88 3-8 4-11 7-14 0-0

PCT 3P-3PA PCT .446 108-223 .484 .455 62-156 .397 .577 0-2 .000 .364 12-43 .279 .390 40-106 .377 .398 21-54 .389 .398 17-48 .354 .418 0-0 .000 .398 1-12 .083 .375 1-4 .250 .364 0-2 .000 .500 1-6 .167 .000 0-0 .000

FT-FTA 155-187 107-132 60-117 52-78 18-22 10-24 20-30 13-40 11-17 1-5 0-0 1-2 0-0

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK .829 16 63 79 2.5 65-0 42 53 11 .811 37 130 167 5.4 79-1 92 72 14 .513 91 126 217 7.2 83-3 20 47 21 .667 14 42 56 1.8 58-1 81 55 2 .818 24 99 123 4.1 76-2 31 34 11 .417 29 59 88 2.8 46-1 22 29 10 .667 13 31 44 1.6 43-0 13 28 2 .325 39 65 104 3.4 75-0 10 21 13 .647 13 25 38 1.3 38-1 74 36 1 .200 1 3 4 0.5 1-0 1 1 0 .000 2 2 4 0.5 1-0 1 1 1 .500 5 13 18 0.9 11-0 2 1 2 .000 0 0 0 0.0 0-0 0 0 0 54 68 122 3.9 8 31 6300 746-1698 .439 263-656 .401 448-654 .685 338 726 1064 34.3 577-9 389 386 88 31 6300 747-1716 .435 219-656 .334 463-685 .676 370 724 1094 35.3 563-12 418 373 92


STL 34 36 22 14 9 17 9 14 13 2 1 3 0

PTS PPG 633 20.4 483 15.6 284 9.5 184 5.9 168 5.6 137 4.4 111 4.0 89 2.9 82 2.8 8 1.0 8 1.0 16 0.8 0 0.0

174 2203 71.1 201 2176 70.2


KEEP AN EYE ON... #20 COREY LAW R-Sr. • F • 6-6 • 215

4th season at High Point 40-52 (.435)

NOTES: Law was the Panthers’ top forward in 2011-12, averaging 9.5 points and a team-high 7.2 rebounds ... Led the team in rebounding for the third season in a row and has 575 in his career (7.1 average) ... Led the team in rebounding 18 times and posted six doubledoubles in 2011-12 ... Tied his career high with 15 rebounds twice, including a 21-point, 15-rebound performance against Campbell on Dec. 3, 2011 ... Ranks 51st all-time in Big South history with 575 career rebounds, and based on his career average, could end his final season among the League’s all-time Top 15 rebounders.

HOMETOWN: Ballston Spa, N.Y. ALMA MATER (YEAR): North Carolina (1993) COACHING CAREER: HIGH POINT - Head Coach..............................................2009-present South Carolina - Assistant Coach ............................................ 2008-09 Western Kentucky - Assistant Coach ........................................2007-08 George Mason - Assistant Coach .............................................2003-07 Tennessee Tech - Assistant Coach ...........................................2002-03 George Mason - Assistant Coach .............................................1999-02 Middle Tennessee State - Assistant Women’s Coach .....................1998-99 Bishop McGuinness HS (N.C.) - Head JV/Assistant Varsity Coach ...... 1997-98 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Is the 11th head basketball coach in High Point history. • Had the nation’s leading three-point shooter last season in NICK BARBOUR (Big South-record 48.4 percent). • Led Panthers to Big South Tournament Semifinals as a No. 7 seed in 2011, the school’s first Semifinal appearance since 2008. • Spent 10 seasons as an assistant coach prior to taking over the Panthers, helping compile a 210-107 record in that span. • Served as an assistant coach to DARRIN HORN for two seasons -- first at Western Kentucky and later at South Carolina, where he was the top assistant with the Gamecocks. • Helped South Carolina to a 21-10 finish and the SEC Eastern Division title in 2008-09, as well as an NIT berth. • Assisted WKU to a 29-7 mark in 2007-08 that included a Sun Belt title, No. 23 final national ranking and trip to the “Sweet Sixteen.” • Served seven seasons (two stints) at George Mason alongside former head coach JIM LARRANAGA. • Helped the Patriots earn four postseason bids (two NCAA, two NIT), including an at-large berth in 2006 that led to a Final Four appearance. • Never had a losing season as an assistant coach or as a player. • Began his coaching career in 1997-98 as the head JV and assistant varsity coach at Bishop McGuinness (N.C.) High School, and spent one season as an assistant women’s coach at Middle Tennessee State. • Played one season of professional basketball for the AEL Basketball Club in Limassol, Cyprus. • As a collegiate player, was a member of four “Sweet Sixteen” squads and won a national title at North Carolina. SCOTT CHERRY’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 2009-10 High Point 15-15 2010-11 High Point 12-19 2011-12 High Point 13-18 CAREER TOTAL 40-52

2011-12 RESULTS (13-18, 8-10 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.

BIG SOUTH 10-8 7-11 8-10 25-29

12 14 18 22 26 29 3 7 10 17 21 31 2 5 7 12 14 17 19 21 26 28 2 4 9 11 14 18 22 27 29

BRIDGEWATER COLLEGE at Purdue at UCF TENNESSEE TECH THE CITADEL at Hampton at Campbell * WAKE FOREST AVERETT at Marshall WOFFORD COASTAL CAROLINA * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * at Presbyterian * at Gardner-Webb * WINTHROP * UNC ASHEVILLE * at Radford * at VMI * LIBERTY * at UNC Asheville * at Winthrop * PRESBYTERIAN * GARDNER-WEBB * at Coastal Carolina * at Charleston Southern * RADFORD * at Stephen F. Austin @ CAMPBELL * No. 9 GARDNER-WEBB # at No. 1 UNC Asheville #

* - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament


(OT) (OT)



W, L, L, L, W, L, L, L, W, L, W, L, W, W, L, W, L, L, L, L, L, W, L, W, W, L, W, L, W, W, L,

95-52 65-67 72-84 57-62 80-72 64-68 62-72 83-87 89-53 59-79 87-79 52-55 88-78 63-57 61-65 64-54 79-86 66-85 77-88 78-84 70-90 52-47 62-65 81-77 70-65 67-70 71-62 62-69 98-60 68-58 61-86

@ - SEARS BracketBusters game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:.................................High Point, N.C. Founded:...............................................1924 Enrollment:...........................................4,400 Nickname: ........................................Panthers School Colors:............................Purple & White President:................................Dr. Nido Qubein Athletics Director: ..........................Craig Keilitz Senior Woman Administrator: ............ April Wines Faculty Athletics Representative:...Greggory Hundt Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 336-841-9281 Ticket Office Phone:...................... 336-841-9276

Overall Record: ...................................... 20-13 Big South Record (Finish): ................... 13-5 (2nd) Big South Tournament: ......................Runner-Up Postseason:...........................................WNIT

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: ............DeUnna Hendrix (1st season) Alma Mater: ......................... Richmond, 2007 Career Record: ......................... 0-0 (1st year) School Record: ......................... 0-0 (1st year) Big South Record: ...................................n/a Big South Tournament Record:...................n/a Assistant Coaches: Kevin Nicholls............... ...............North North Greenville, 2002 Colby Tilley................. .................Appalachian Appalachian State, 1972 Erin Hawkins ..................... .....................Morgan Morgan State, 2011 Athletic Trainer: ......................... Brittni Thomas Basketball Office Phone: ................ 336-841-4661 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................3/2 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................8/4 Newcomers:............................................... 4 Arena (capacity): .................. Millis Center (1,750)

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1967-68 Overall Record: ........................... 669-512 (.566) NCAA Tournament Appearances: .................none WNIT Appearances: ..................... 2 (2007, 2012) WNIT Record: ...........................................0-2 Last postseason opponent: ... North Carolina State, ................... 2012 WNIT First Round (L, 78-88) Big South Regular-Season Record: ...... 112-78 (.589) Big South Regular-Season Championships: .......... 1 .......................................................2007 Big South Tournament Record: ............12-13 (.480) Big South Tournament Championships:..........none

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Women’s Basketball Contact: ........Erika Carrubba Email: ......................ecarrubb@highpoint.edu Phone: ...................................336-841-4640 Cell:....................................... 336-848-9192 Fax: ....................................... 336-841-9182 Press Row:............................... 336-888-6313 Athletic Website:..............highpointpanthers.com Twitter: ................................@highpointsports

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 1 2 3 4 10 14 15 22 32 33 34 42 52

NAME Tayler Tremblay Lexi Patterson Erin Reynolds Stacia Robertson Lindsay Puckett Kendra Wallace Ashante Richard Jazmin Cromartie Tabitha Fudge Tori Cook Jatzmin Johnson Cheyenne Parker Kamille Lisonbee

YR Jr. So. Sr. R-So. R-So. Gr. So. Sr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Jr. R-Sr.


HT 5-5 5-6 5-3 6-2 5-11 5-9 5-4 6-0 6-2 5-9 6-1 6-4 6-7

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Boca Raton, Fla. / St. Andrew’s Salem, Va. / Oak Hill Academy Beckley, W.Va. / Woodrow Wilson Grand Island, Neb. / Grand Island (South Dakota) Eden, N.C. / Rockingham County Hurricane, W.Va. / Nitro (USC Upstate) Durham, N.C. / Northern Clemmons, N.C. / Parkland Miller Grove, Ga. / Miller Grove Clemmons, N.C. / West Forsyth Concord, N.C. / Thomasville Prep Queens, N.Y. / Southwest Guilford Providence, Utah / Mountain Crest (Marshall)

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 4 Nov. 10 Nov. 13 Nov. 17 Nov. 19 Nov. 25 Nov. 27 Nov. 30-D1 Nov. 30 Dec. 1 Dec. 5 Dec. 16 Dec. 18 Dec. 21 Dec. 29 Jan. 3 Jan. 5 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 28 March 2 March 6-10

OPPONENT TIME WINSTON-SALEM STATE (EXH.) 2:00pm EAST TENNESSEE STATE 2:00pm at Furman 5:00pm at Kentucky 1:00pm at Xavier 7:00pm BLUEFIELD COLLEGE 2:00pm UAB 7:00pm at Navy Classic vs. Monmouth 3:30pm vs. East Carolina/Navy 3:30/6:00pm at Davidson 6:00pm at USC Upstate 3:00pm at Winthrop * 7:00pm at Mercer 7:00pm at UNC Asheville * 2:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB * 3:30pm at Coastal Carolina * 7:00pm at Campbell * 1:00pm at Liberty * 7:00pm LONGWOOD * 7:00pm RADFORD * 3:30pm LIBERTY * 3:30pm at Longwood * 7:00pm at Radford * 4:30pm UNC ASHEVILLE * 7:00pm WINTHROP * 3:30pm at Gardner-Webb * 7:00pm at Presbyterian * 5:00pm CAMPBELL * 7:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA * 1:00pm at Big South Championship TBA

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST


GP-GS 33-33 33-33 33-32 33-31 33-33 29-0 33-1 7-0 22-0 14-0 13-2 21-0 9-0 26-0 3-0

MIN 1146 989 956 999 908 532 434 25 120 106 150 63 33 158 7

FG-FGA PCT 204-422 .483 190-518 .367 161-322 .500 93-247 .377 66-213 .310 63-178 .354 22-44 .500 2-2 1.000 11-25 .440 6-18 .333 3-14 .214 6-14 .429 3-16 .188 7-41 .171 1-1 1.000

3P-3PA 0-0 43-123 0-3 9-30 40-138 29-97 0-0 0-0 6-9 1-2 0-2 0-0 1-9 5-24 0-0

PCT .000 .350 .000 .300 .290 .299 .000 .000 .667 .500 .000 .000 .111 .208 .000

FT-FTA 126-194 103-142 108-170 62-85 32-44 14-23 10-22 7-12 4-5 5-7 7-12 5-6 0-0 1-3 0-0

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS .649 120 104 224 6.8 56-1 39 73 5 72 534 .725 30 78 108 3.3 94-5 142 149 9 88 526 .635 153 250 403 12.2 93-4 25 90 121 68 430 .729 51 78 129 3.9 58-0 124 82 3 40 257 .727 35 74 109 3.3 58-1 45 57 12 27 204 .609 25 43 68 2.3 56-0 32 33 9 36 169 .455 20 51 71 2.2 45-0 5 28 7 11 54 .583 4 8 12 1.7 3-0 1 2 0 0 11 .800 9 3 12 0.5 8-0 4 10 0 1 32 .714 7 8 15 1.1 6-0 4 10 3 4 18 .583 6 7 13 1.0 16-0 6 14 0 5 13 .833 7 16 23 1.1 12-0 1 5 5 2 17 .000 0 4 4 0.4 3-0 3 4 0 0 7 .333 2 15 17 0.7 16-0 17 28 1 9 20 .000 0 0 0 0.0 0-0 0 0 0 1 2 57 80 137 4.2 5 33 6625 838-2075 .404 134-437 .307 484-725 .668 526 819 1345 40.8 524-11 448 590 175 364 2294 33 6625 820-2019 .406 123-403 .305 353-553 .638 496 847 1343 40.7 630-x 399 691 110 325 2116


PPG 16.2 15.9 13.0 7.8 6.2 5.8 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 69.5 64.1



1st season as High Point head coach

NOTES: Named to Big South All-Tournament, Second-Team All-Conference and SecondTeam NCCSIA All State squads ... Tied the HPU Division I single-season record with 88 steals ... Led the team and finished third in the Big South in assists with 4.3 per game ... Led the team and finished second in the Big South in steals with 2.7 per game ... Averaged 15.9 points per game, seventh best in the League ... Tied the HPU Division I single-game record with 36 points in win over Pittsburgh, the most scored in a game by a Big South player last season ... Led HPU with 27 points and set a Big South Championship game record with five three pointers against Liberty in the Big South Tournament ... Scored in double figures in 26 games and at least 20 points in 11 games, including the final five games of the season.

HOMETOWN: Kokomo, Ind. ALMA MATER (YEAR): Richmond (2007) COACHING CAREER: HIGH POINT - Head Coach.............................................. 2012-present HIGH POINT - Assistant Coach .................................................2011-12 Jacksonville - Assistant Coach ................................................ 2007-11 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Named the ninth head coach in HPU history on May 18, 2012. • Helped lead the Panthers to a 20-13 record and the school’s second WNIT appearance in her first season as an assistant in 2011-12. • Under her guidance, all HPU’s guards improved last season in various statistical categories. • While at Jacksonville, the Dolphins advanced to the Atlantic Sun Championship game in three of her four seasons as an assistant. • JU’s 23-9 record in 2007-08 was the program’s best overall record in school history. • Helped REGINA OMOITE finish her career as one of the top floor leaders in the history of the Jacksonville program, setting records for career and singleseason assists. • Played at Richmond under JOANNE BOYLE, who is now the head coach at Virginia. • Served as team captain and helped the Spiders to an NCAA Tournament appearance as well as WNIT semifinals. • Played professionally for the Jacksonville Cougars of the Women’s Blue Chip Basketball League in the summer of 2008. DeUNNA HENDRIX’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL First season as a head coach

2011-12 RESULTS (20-13, 13-5 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March March March March March


11 16 18 20 25 2 4 19 20 28 29 31 2 7 9 14 21 23 28 30 4 6 11 18 20 25 27 2 5 9 10 11 15

at VCU W, at Virginia L, DAVIDSON W, LONGWOOD W, MERCER L, PITTSBURGH W, at #22 Vanderbilt L, vs. Georgia State ! L, vs. Central Arkansas ! L, vs. UMBC @ W, vs. Cincinnati @ L, UNC ASHEVILLE * W, GARDNER-WEBB * W, at Liberty * (OT) W, at Radford * W, CAMPBELL * W, COASTAL CAROLINA * W, CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * W, at Winthrop * W, at Presbyterian * W, RADFORD * L, LIBERTY * L, at Campbell * L, at Charleston Southern * L, at Coastal Carolina * L, PRESBYTERIAN * W, WINTHROP * W, at Gardner-Webb * W, at UNC Asheville * W, No. 7 COASTAL CAROLINA # W, No. 6 RADFORD # W, No. 1 LIBERTY # L, at North Carolina State $ L,

* - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game $ - WNIT game


82-67 41-68 82-69 73-51 67-75 82-75 54-70 68-79 56-69 62-51 40-62 89-49 63-41 73-69 81-65 77-65 80-65 84-58 58-53 63-51 61-66 65-73 68-89 72-77 58-59 60-53 81-50 66-46 74-56 78-57 85-70 73-81 78-88

! - Bahamas Classic @ - Hilton Garden Inn Hokie Classic HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:.................................. Lynchburg, Va. Founded:............................................... 1971 Enrollment:..........................................12,500 Nickname: ..........................................Flames School Colors:........................Red, White & Blue Chancellor: .............................Jerry Falwell, Jr. Athletics Director: ...........................Jeff Barber Senior Woman Administrator: ........Meredith Eaker Faculty Athletics Representative:.........Bill Gribbin Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 434-582-2100 Ticket Office Phone:......................434-582-SEAT

Overall Record: ...................................... 14-18 Big South Record (Finish): ..................... 9-9 (5th) Big South Tournament: .................. Quarterfinals

MEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: .................. Dale Layer (4th season) Alma Mater: ..............................Eckerd, 1980 Career Record: ................... 318-240 (19 years) School Record: ....................... 48-47 (3 years) Big South Record: ........................ 32-22 (.593) Big South Tournament Record:...........0-3 (.000) Assistant Coaches: Jason Eaker ............ Texas-Pan American, 2004 Brian Joyce.............. Oklahoma Christian, 1995 Vince Walden .......................Longwood, 2001 Dir. of Basketball Operations: ........... Matt Olinger Athletic Trainer: ........................Aaron Schreiner Basketball Office Phone: ................ 434-582-2337 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................5/2 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................8/3 Newcomers:............................................... 7 Arena (capacity): ................. Vines Center (8,085)

MEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1972-73 Overall Record: ...........................572-602 (.487) NCAA Tournament Appearances: .....2 (1994, 2004) NCAA Tournament Record: .......................... 0-2 CIT Appearances: ................................1 (2009) CIT Record:.............................................. 1-1 Last postseason opponent: ..........James Madison, ................... 2009 CIT Quarterfinals (L, 65-88) Big South Regular-Season Record: .....167-151 (.525) Big South Regular-Season Championships: .......... 2 ...................................................1997-04 Big South Tournament Record: ............17-19 (.472) Big South Tournament Championships:.............. 2 ...................................................1994-04

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Men’s Basketball Contact: .................. Eric Brown Email: ..........................eqbrown@liberty.edu Phone: ................................... 434-582-2294 Cell:....................................... 434-221-8817 Fax: ....................................... 434-582-2076 Press Row:................................434-582-7451 Athletic Website:.................. LibertyFlames.com Twitter: ...................................@libertyflames

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 0 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 15 21 22 24 32 33 42

NAME Jarred Jourdan Davon Marshall Kelly Assinesi Casey Roberts Wesley Alcegaire Chad Donley Andrew Smith Tomasz Gielo Larry Taylor Ethan Layer Joel Vander Pol Tavares Speaks Antwan Burrus JR Coronado John Caleb Sanders Sommy Ogukwe

YR POS So. G Jr. G So. G Jr. G Fr. G/F R-So. G So. F So. F Fr. G So. G R-Jr. C Sr. G Sr. F Jr. F Jr. G R-So. F

HT 6-5 5-11 6-0 6-3 6-5 6-2 6-9 6-9 6-1 6-1 6-10 6-4 6-6 6-8 6-0 6-7

WT 215 170 170 190 185 175 225 225 170 160 225 185 235 245 180 230

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 9 Nov. 12 Nov. 14-21 Nov. 14 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 29 Dec. 2 Dec. 4 Dec. 15 Dec. 18 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 Dec. 31 Jan. 5 Jan. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 22 Jan. 26 Jan. 29 Feb. 2 Feb. 5 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 26 March 2 March 5-10

OPPONENT at Richmond WILLIAM & MARY at Legends Classic at Georgetown vs. UC-Irvine at Sam Houston State vs. Southern Mississippi MORGAN STATE GEORGIA STATE SOUTHERN VIRGINIA at Howard at Iona MILLIGAN UNION COLLEGE at Western Carolina UNC ASHEVILLE * at VMI * COASTAL CAROLINA * at High Point * at Presbyterian * LONGWOOD * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * CAMPBELL * at Winthrop * RADFORD * at Gardner-Webb * at Campbell * HIGH POINT * at Longwood * BRACKETBUSTERS VMI * at Radford * at Big South Championship

TIME 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 6:00pm 8:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm TBA 7:00pm 4:30pm TBA

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Oakland, Calif. / James Hogan HS (Las Positas College) Niagara Falls, N.Y. / Niagara Falls (Monroe College) Greenville, S.C. /St. Joseph’s Catholic LaVale, Md. / Allegany HS (Allegany College) * - Big South Conference game Miami, Fla. / Archbishop Curley Notre Dame HS HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Baker, Fla. / Baker HS (Northwest Florida State College) Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST Pompano Beach, Fla. / Highlands Christian Szczecin, Poland / SMS Cetniewo Sports Academy Englewood, Fla. / North Port HS Forest, Va. / Liberty Christian Academy Fort Myers, Fla. / Evangelical Christian Raleigh, N.C. / Green Hope (Cape Fear CC) Winterville, N.C. / South Central Caracas, Venezuela / Central Park Christian (Palm Beach St.) Sugar Land, Texas / Home Schooled Abuja, Nigeria / Bethel Christian Academy


GP-GS 29-28 32-32 32-13 32-31 32-27 29-7 21-15 16-3 30-0 26-3 22-0 10-0 14-0 24-0 7-1

MIN 912 1123 839 954 979 448 321 128 156 276 96 47 61 72 13

FG-FGA 141-353 124-255 130-296 148-280 134-296 46-82 30-58 15-33 17-47 10-48 11-16 2-8 1-6 2-7 0-5

PCT .399 .486 .439 .529 .453 .561 .517 .455 .362 .208 .688 .250 .167 .286 .000

3P-3PA 16-69 16-45 61-168 1-2 5-23 0-0 6-16 4-11 15-43 0-9 0-0 0-1 0-2 1-4 0-2

PCT .232 .356 .363 .500 .217 .000 .375 .364 .349 .000 .000 .000 .000 .250 .000

FT-FTA 66-88 135-172 49-73 60-83 53-68 42-71 5-6 6-14 5-9 19-26 3-6 3-5 4-10 4-6 0-0

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK .750 21 92 113 3.9 70-0 34 44 0 .785 87 162 249 7.8 65-0 255 88 4 .671 12 75 87 2.7 73-1 44 51 1 .723 78 122 200 6.3 80-1 19 51 36 .779 24 83 107 3.3 74-1 24 51 3 .592 33 67 100 3.4 64-1 5 26 19 .833 15 27 42 2.0 23-0 8 17 5 .429 7 11 18 1.1 15-0 2 7 3 .556 0 7 7 0.2 19-0 7 5 0 .731 6 36 42 1.6 35-1 33 23 0 .500 7 13 20 0.9 11-0 2 8 6 .600 3 4 7 0.7 4-0 1 2 0 .400 1 3 4 0.3 13-0 0 0 0 .667 0 0 0 0.0 5-0 5 5 0 .000 0 1 1 0.1 3-0 0 0 0 57 52 109 3.5 8 32 6425 811-1790 .453 125-395 .316 454-637 .713 351 755 1106 34.6 555-5 439 386 77 32 6425 838-1834 .457 223-634 .352 384-558 .688 336 722 1058 33.1 559-9 434 375 100


STL 20 38 23 18 37 5 4 4 5 13 0 0 1 1 0

PTS 364 399 370 357 326 134 71 40 54 39 25 7 6 9 0

PPG 12.6 12.5 11.6 11.2 10.2 4.6 3.4 2.5 1.8 1.5 1.1 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.0

169 2201 68.8 188 2283 71.3


KEEP AN EYE ON... #24 ANTWAN BURRUS Sr. • F • 6-6 • 235

4th season at Liberty 48-47 (.505)

NOTES: Led Liberty in blocked shots and finished fifth in the conference ... Second on the team in rebounding and 15th in the Big South ... 12th in the Conference in offensive boards with 78 ... Posted double scoring figures in 22 games last season ... Four double-doubles on the year ... Instrumental in Liberty’s season turnaround, helping the Flames win nine of its last 12 Conference games ... Posted 13 points in the Flames 75-74 win at Charleston Southern ... Hit the game-winning shot, a 30-point three-pointer at the buzzer. The play was featured at No. 2 on Sports Center’s Top 10 plays ... Posted 15 points in Conference wins over High Point, Radford, Presbyterian College and VMI ... Closed out the regular-season tying a career-high in points with 20 versus Campbell, helping the Flames clinch the No. 5 seed in the Conference standings.

HOMETOWN: Gainesville, Fla. ALMA MATER (YEAR): Eckerd College (1980) COACHING CAREER: LIBERTY - Head Coach ..................................................2009-present Marquette - Assistant Coach ................................................. 2008-09 LIBERTY - Assistant Coach.....................................................2007-08 Colorado State - Head Coach ................................................ 2000-07 Colorado State - Assistant Coach.............................................1998-00 Queens College - Head Coach ................................................1989-98 Eckerd College - Assistant Coach.............................................1983-89 Eastern Kentucky - Assistant Coach .........................................1982-83 Eckerd College - Assistant Coach.............................................1980-82 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Named Liberty’s eighth head basketball coach on April 8, 2009. • Big South Coach of the Year in 2010-11 after leading Flames to schoolrecord 13 Conference wins -- becoming Liberty’s first Coach of the Year honoree. • Coached Liberty’s first-ever Big South Player of the Year in JESSE SANDERS in 2010-11. • Helped Marquette to 25-10 record and second round appearance in NCAA Tournament in 2008-09. • Member of Flames’ staff in 2007-08 that led Liberty to its best regularseason finish since 2004. • Coached NBA First Round draft choice JASON SMITH while at Colorado State. • Several of Layer’s recruiting classes at Colorado State were ranked among the top 40 nationally by various publications. • Led Colorado State to 2003 Mountain West Conference championship and school’s first NCAA Tournament appearance in 13 years. • Posted a 103-106 record in seven seasons as Colorado State head coach. • As an assistant at Colorado State, helped the Rams reach the NIT in 1999. • Spent nine seasons as head coach at Queens College in Charlotte, where he also served as athletics director and started the basketball program from scratch in 1989. • Has enjoyed a 100 percent graduation rate of all players who finish their eligibility in 18 seasons as a head coach. • Started his coaching career as an assistant at his alma mater under his former coach, JIM HARLEY. DALE LAYER’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 1989-90 Queens College 11-17 1990-91 Queens College 20-8 1991-92 Queens College 14-13 1992-93 Queens College 20-8 1993-94 Queens College 14-12 1994-95 Queens College 17-10 1995-96 Queens College 25-6 1996-97 Queens College 22-7 1997-98 Queens College 24-6 2000-01 Colorado State 15-13 2001-02 Colorado State 12-18 2002-03 Colorado State 19-14 2003-04 Colorado State 13-16 2004-05 Colorado State 11-17 2005-06 Colorado State 16-15 2006-07 Colorado State 17-13 2009-10 Liberty 15-16 2010-11 Liberty 19-13 2011-12 Liberty 14-18 LIBERTY TOTAL 48-47 CAREER TOTAL 318-240

2011-12 RESULTS (14-18, 9-9 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.


10-8 13-5 9-9 32-22

9 11 14 18 19 20 26 1 3 6 10 17 20 28 31 2 7 10 12 14 21 26 28 2 4 9 11 14 18 23 25 29

at #19/20 Texas A&M % RANDOLPH COLLEGE at William & Mary EASTERN KENTUCKY % LEHIGH % WILLIAM & MARY % at Georgia State at Campbell * at Coastal Carolina * UNC WILMINGTON VIRGINIA INTERMONT HAMPTON MONTREAT at Richmond vs. Charleston Southern *^ PRESBYTERIAN * at UNC Asheville * at VMI * RADFORD * WINTHROP * (OT) at High Point * at Winthrop * at Radford * GARDNER-WEBB * UNC ASHEVILLE * at Charleston Southern * at Presbyterian * VMI * at Morgan State @ COASTAL CAROLINA * CAMPBELL * vs. No. 4 Charleston Southern #

% - 2K Sports Classic * - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game


L, W, W, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, W, W, W, L, L, L, L, L, W, L, W, L, W, W, L, W, W, W, L, W, W, L,

59-81 81-58 75-72 65-73 80-90 64-65 50-72 82-96 68-78 68-77 78-60 74-65 91-78 61-77 76-81 56-63 75-98 57-71 69-64 61-64 84-78 63-65 67-65 63-58 51-65 75-74 77-64 78-69 69-81 61-57 49-41 74-88

^ - at Randolph College @ - SEARS BracketBusters game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:.................................. Lynchburg, Va. Founded:............................................... 1971 Enrollment:..........................................12,500 Nickname: ...................................Lady Flames School Colors:........................Red, White & Blue Chancellor: .............................Jerry Falwell, Jr. Athletics Director: ...........................Jeff Barber Senior Woman Administrator: ........Meredith Eaker Faculty Athletics Representative:.........Bill Gribbin Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 434-582-2100 Ticket Office Phone:...................... 434-582-SEAT

Overall Record: ....................................... 24-9 Big South Record (Finish): .....................16-2 (1st) Big South Tournament: ...................... Champion Postseason:.......................... NCAA Tournament

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: ...............Carey Green (14th season) Alma Mater: ..................Coastal Carolina, 1979 Career Record: ....................310-103 (13 years) School Record: ....................310-103 (13 years) Big South Record: ....................... 171-19 (.900) Big South Tournament Record:..........35-2 (.946) Assistant Coaches: Alexis Sherard ....................St. Michael’s, 1993 Heather Stephens................... Wyoming, 2003 Andrea Bloodworth......................Calvin, 1998 Dir. of Basketball Operations: ...........Sarah Boruta Athletic Trainer: .............................. Ben Galley Basketball Office Phone: ................ 434-582-2907 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................3/2 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: .................... 10/2 Newcomers:............................................... 4 Arena (capacity): ................. Vines Center (8,085)

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1975-76 Overall Record: ........................... 581-431 (.574) NCAA Tournament Appearances: ....................14 ..(1997-98-99-00-01-02-03-04-05-06-08-09-10-12) NCAA Tournament Record: .........................2-14 WNIT Appearances: ............................. 1 (2011) Last postseason opponent: ..............Notre Dame, ... 2012 NCAA Tournament First Round (L, 43-74) Big South Regular-Season Record: ......235-67 (.778) Big South Regular-Season Championships: ......... 13 ........1998-99-00-01-02-03-04-05-06-08-09-11-12 Big South Tournament Record: .............44-7 (.863) Big South Tournament Championships:.............14 ... 1997-98-99-00-01-02-03-04-05-06-08-09-10-12

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Women’s Basketball Contact: ......... Paul Carmany Email: ....................... pjcarmany@liberty.edu Phone: ................................... 434-582-2604 Cell:....................................... 434-221-5575 Fax: ....................................... 434-582-2076 Press Row:................................434-582-7451 Athletic Website:.................. LibertyFlames.com Twitter: ...................................@libertyflames

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 1 3 4 5 10 11 14 21 22 24 30 32 34 40 44 55

NAME LaKendra Washington Sadalia Ellis Ellee Rollins Reagan Miller Jaymee Fisher-Davis Julia Winn Jessi Edmonds Emily Frazier Tolu Omotola Jasmine Gardner Brittany Campbell Terika Lunsford Katelyn Adams Devon Brown Catherine Kearney Ashley Rininger

YR Sr. Fr. So. So. Fr. Fr. Fr. R-So. R-Sr. Jr. R-Sr. Sr. R-Fr. R-Sr. So. R-Fr.


HT 5-8 5-6 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-4 5-11 5-7 6-3 6-2 6-0 5-9 6-5 5-10 6-6 6-4

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Milwaukee, Wis. / The Hope School Houston, Texas / Cypress Falls HS Elkton, Md. / Caravel Academy Sanger, Texas / Sanger HS Matthews, N.C. / Butler HS Littleton, N.H. / Littleton HS Asheville, N.C. / Carolina Day School Magnolia, Texas / Home School Houston, Texas / Bellaire HS (Texas Christian) Memphis, Tenn. / Mitchell HS Rustburg, Va. / Brookville HS Suffolk, Va. / Lakeland HS (Albany) Burnsville, Minn. / Minnehaha Academy Waynesboro, Va. / Waynesboro HS Monroeville, N.J. / Gloucester County Christian Canton, Ohio / GlenOak HS

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 9-18 Nov. 9 Nov. 11-18 Nov. 11-18 Nov. 20 Nov. 23 Nov. 27 Dec. 1 Dec. 4 Dec. 8 Dec. 13 Dec. 15 Dec. 17 Dec. 20 Dec. 29 Jan. 3 Jan. 5 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 28 March 2 March 6-10

OPPONENT at Preseason WNIT at Duquesne at TBA at TBA at Texas A&M at Baylor UNC GREENSBORO at Radford * at James Madison UNC WILMINGTON BLUEFIELD STATE NORTH CAROLINA A&T VIRGINIA UNION at VCU at Winthrop * PRESBYTERIAN * UNC ASHEVILLE * at Charleston Southern * at Coastal Carolina * HIGH POINT * CAMPBELL * LONGWOOD * at Campbell * at High Point * at Longwood * WINTHROP * RADFORD * at UNC Asheville * at Gardner-Webb * COASTAL CAROLINA * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * at Big South Championship

TIME 7:00pm TBA TBA 8:00pm 8:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 12:00pm 2:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm 3:30pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm TBA

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST

2011-12 STATISTICS (returners in ALL CAPS) NAME GP-GS MIN FG-FGA PCT 3P-3PA PCT FT-FTA PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS PPG DEVON BROWN 31-29 889 171-411 .416 28-116 .241 154-195 .790 77 140 217 7.0 54-1 86 89 17 61 524 16.9 Avery Warley 33-33 922 156-272 .574 0-0 .000 114-167 .683 160 221 381 11.5 82-2 20 78 55 32 426 12.9 REAGAN MILLER 33-33 1086 96-273 .352 56-156 .359 51-64 .797 7 58 65 2.0 45-0 131 129 1 31 299 9.1 TOLU OMOTOLA 33-32 848 101-235 .430 1-8 .125 60-97 .619 84 134 218 6.6 54-1 20 55 19 30 263 8.0 Danika Dale 33-33 912 98-225 .436 14-43 .326 45-83 .542 65 115 180 5.5 69-4 102 125 33 58 255 7.7 LaKENDRA WASHINGTON 28-0 489 71-153 .464 28-69 .406 17-24 .708 17 38 55 2.0 44-0 32 48 2 45 187 6.7 CATHERINE KEARNEY 33-1 519 48-103 .466 1-1 1.000 36-62 .581 66 59 125 3.8 48-0 10 35 26 12 133 4.0 JASMINE GARDNER 33-0 394 49-96 .510 0-1 .000 29-48 .604 48 55 103 3.1 47-0 4 39 10 13 127 3.8 TERIKA LUNSFORD 32-4 490 41-131 .313 2-17 .118 16-33 .485 23 40 63 2.0 31-0 18 51 1 20 100 3.1 ELLEE ROLLINS 21-0 126 1-16 .063 1-6 .167 6-12 .500 4 10 14 0.7 8-0 8 14 0 3 9 0.4 TEAM 60 81 141 4.3 17 LIBERTY 33 6675 832-1915 .434 131-417 .314 528-785 .673 611 951 1562 47.3 482-8 431 680 164 305 2323 70.4 OPPONENTS 33 6675 688-1999 .344 214-717 .298 311-471 .660 446 600 1046 31.7 613-x 403 557 75 344 1901 57.6



KEEP AN EYE ON... #40 DEVON BROWN R-Sr. • G/F • 5-10

14th season at Liberty 310-103 (.751)

NOTES: Three-time First-Team All-Big South honoree ... Made the 2012 Big South AllTournament Team ... Named a 2011-12 All-State performer by both VaSID (First-Team) and the Richmond Times-Dispatch (Second-Team) ... Last season, ranked second in the Big South in free throw percentage, fourth in scoring, sixth in rebounding and ninth in steals ... Scored in double figures in 18 of 21 games against Big South opponents in 2011-12, while notching seven 20-point games and four double-doubles in those contests ... Scored a team-high 24 points and grabbed a team and career-high 14 rebounds in the 2012 Big South Championship title game win over High Point ... Ranks first among active Big South players with 1,441 career points and third with 596 career rebounds.

HOMETOWN: Louisville, Tenn. ALMA MATER (YEAR): Coastal Carolina (1979) COACHING CAREER: LIBERTY - Head Coach .................................................. 1999-present Clemson - Assistant Coach ....................................................1987-99 Jackson State CC - Head Coach ..............................................1984-87 Roane State CC - Assistant Coach............................................1979-81 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Flames’ 16 Big South wins in 2011-12 is a Conference record. • Is the Big South’s and Liberty’s all-time winningest women’s basketball coach with 310 overall wins and 171 Conference victories. • One of two head coaches in Big South history to take teams to the NCAA Tournament and WNIT. • His 75.1 winning percentage ranks 10th among active NCAA Division I coaches, ahead of renowned coaches C. VIVIAN STRINGER, ANDY LANDERS and SYLVIA HATCHELL. • Has averaged 23.8 wins per year as Liberty’s head coach. • Tied Big South single-season win record with 28 victories in 2007-08. • First coach with 100 regular-season Conference wins (171). • Five-time Big South Coach of the Year (2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009). • Three-time VaSID (Virginia All-State) Coach of the Year (2003-05-06). • Has advanced to NCAA postseason in 24 of the last 26 seasons, including first seven seasons as LU’s head coach. • Liberty was ranked No. 21 in final WBCA/USA Today coaches poll following its “Sweet Sixteen” run in 2005, as well as No. 25 in final 2003 poll. • Owns a 35-2 record in the Big South Tournament with 11 championships. • First Big South coach to lead basketball program -- men’s or women’s -- to “Sweet Sixteen” of NCAA Tournament. • Lady Flames have ranked in the top 25 nationally for team GPA four times. • 12-year stint as assistant at Clemson saw 11 NCAA Tournament appearances, four “Sweet Sixteen” runs and one Elite Eight berth. • Tigers also made one WNIT appearance. • Helped Clemson notch 45 wins over Top 25 programs during his tenure. • Tennessee Junior College Athletic Association Coach of the Year (1986). • Inducted into the Blount County (Tenn.) Hall of Fame. CAREY GREEN’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 1999-00 Liberty 23-8 2000-01 Liberty 18-12 2001-02 Liberty 23-8 2002-03 Liberty 26-4 2003-04 Liberty 25-7 2004-05 Liberty 26-7 2005-06 Liberty 25-6 2006-07 Liberty 19-12 2007-08 Liberty 28-4 2008-09 Liberty 24-9 2009-10 Liberty 27-6 2010-11 Liberty 22-11 2011-12 Liberty 24-9 LIBERTY TOTAL 310-103

2011-12 RESULTS (24-9, 16-2 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March March March March

BIG SOUTH 12-2 12-2 13-1 14-0 14-0 13-1 13-1 10-4 11-1 15-1 14-2 14-2 16-2 171-19

11 15 18 22 25 26 1 7 10 15 20 31 7 9 14 16 21 23 28 30 4 6 11 13 18 20 25 27 2 9 10 11 18

at UNC Greensboro VCU at North Carolina A&T VIRGINIA-WISE vs. #12 Oklahoma ! vs. Lipscomb ! JAMES MADISON at Virginia GLENVILLE STATE VIRGINIA UNION at Richmond at Radford * HIGH POINT * (OT) CAMPBELL * at Coastal Carolina * at Charleston Southern * PRESBYTERIAN * WINTHROP * at UNC Asheville * at Gardner-Webb * at Campbell * at High Point * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * (2OT) COASTAL CAROLINA * at Winthrop * at Presbyterian * GARDNER-WEBB * UNC ASHEVILLE * RADFORD * vs. No. 8 UNC Asheville # vs. No. 5 Charleston Southern # vs. No. 2 High Point # at Notre Dame $

* - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game $ - NCAA Tournament game


W, 61-46 L, 47-52 L, 74-81 W, 82-39 L, 45-76 W, 70-27 L, 58-62 L, 38-64 W, 116-65 W, 82-37 L, 54-66 W, 76-68 L, 69-73 W, 90-61 W, 82-45 W, 79-64 W, 59-39 W, 74-49 W, 78-56 W, 78-51 W, 58-45 W, 73-65 W, 77-69 W, 66-54 L, 69-71 W, 69-64 W, 76-44 W, 84-53 W, 72-66 W, 71-50 W, 72-52 W, 81-73 L, 43-74

! - Vanderbilt Thanksgiving Tournament HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:................................... Farmville, Va. Founded:...............................................1839 Enrollment:........................................... 4,185 Nickname: .........................................Lancers School Colors:.............................. Blue & White Interim President:.......................Marge Connelly Athletics Director: ...........................Troy Austin Senior Woman Administrator: ....Michelle Meadows Faculty Athletics Representative:. Consuelo Alvarez Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 434-395-2057 Ticket Office Phone:.......................434-395-2138

Overall Record: ................... 10-21 (Independent)

MEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1976-77 Overall Record: ........................... 479-520 (.479) First year of Full-Fledged Division I: ..........2007-08 Record in Division I Era:....................60-95 (.387) NCAA Tournament Appearances (DII): ............... 3 ........................................1994, 1995, 2001 NCAA Tournament Record (DII): .................... 2-4 Last postseason opponent: ............ Queens (N.C.) ....2001 NCAA Div. II Tournament (L, 76-77 - OT)

MEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: ................Mike Gillian (10th season) Alma Mater: ...............North Adams State, 1986 Career Record: ...................... 85-189 (9 years) School Record: ...................... 85-189 (9 years) Big South Record: ...................................n/a Big South Tournament Record:...................n/a Assistant Coaches: Doug Thibault...................... Boise State, 1998 Tim Fudd ............................. American, 1996 Ricky Yahn....................Wheeling Jesuit, 2007 Athletic Trainer: .............................. Josh Beard Basketball Office Phone: ................ 434-395-2838 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................1/4 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................7/4 Newcomers:............................................... 6 Arena (capacity): ................... Willett Hall (1,807)

Big South Regular-Season Record: ..................n/a Big South Regular-Season Championships: ........n/a Big South Tournament Record: ......................n/a Big South Tournament Championships:............n/a

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Men’s Basketball Contact:.................Greg Prouty Email: ..................... proutygd@longwood.edu Phone: ................................... 434-395-2097 Cell:....................................... 434-390-0571 Fax: ....................................... 434-395-2568 Press Row:............................... 434-395-2871 Athletic Website:............... longwoodlancers.com Twitter: .............................@LongwoodLancers

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 1 2 3 10 12 13 14 20 21 22 30 35 44

NAME Nik Brown Lucas Woodhouse Anthony Taylor Stephen Shockley Tristan Carey David Robinson Michael Kessens Karl Ziegler Mark Parker Jeylani Dublin Frank Holloway Kirk Staine Jeff Havenstein

YR POS Fr. G Fr. G R-So. G Sr. G Jr. G Jr. G Fr. F Fr. F Jr. G/F R-So. F So. F Fr. F Jr. F

HT 6-3 6-1 6-2 6-0 6-4 6-4 6-9 6-5 6-7 6-6 6-6 6-6 6-8

WT 200 155 210 185 185 190 205 205 214 225 250 175 225

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Ashburn, Va. / Middleburg Academy Greenlawn, N.Y. / Harborfields Egg Harbor Township, N.J. / Egg Harbor Township Leesburg, Va. / Heritage Colonial Beach, Va. / Colonial Beach HS (La Salle) Chesterfield, Va. / Cosby Nyon, Switzerland / Lycee Europe Robert Schumann Annandale, Va. / Fishburne Military School Clayton, N.C. / West Johnston Brooklyn, N.Y. / Millbrook School Alexandria, Va. / Robert E. Lee HS (Garrett College) Baldwin, N.Y. / Baldwin Mt. Airy, Md. / Linganore

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 9 Nov. 15 Nov. 18-24 Nov. 18 Nov. 20 Nov. 23 Nov. 24 Nov. 28 Dec. 1 Dec. 10 Dec. 13 Dec. 17 Dec. 19 Dec. 21 Dec. 31 Jan. 5 Jan. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 22 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 March 2 March 5-10

OPPONENT TIME at Marshall 7:30pm NORFOLK STATE 7:00pm at Las Vegas Invitational at Arkansas 4:00pm at Creighton 8:05pm vs. Florida A&M 2:00pm vs. Cornell/Presbyterian 3:00/5:30pm CENTRAL PENN 7:00pm DARTMOUTH 2:00pm at Georgetown 7:00pm SOUTHERN VIRGINIA 7:00pm at Canisius 7:00pm at Seton Hall 7:00pm at VCU 7:30pm FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON 2:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA * 2:00pm CAMPBELL * 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * 2:00pm at Radford * 7:00pm at UNC Asheville * 4:30pm at Liberty * 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN * 2:00pm at High Point * 7:00pm at Gardner-Webb * 7:00pm VMI * 7:00pm at Winthrop * 4:00pm HIGH POINT * 7:00pm RADFORD * 2:00pm LIBERTY * 7:00pm at BracketBusters TBA at Campbell * 7:00pm at VMI * 1:00pm at Big South Championship TBA

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST


GP-GS MIN 31-31 1055 31-27 981 31-31 999 24-2 495 31-31 910 13-0 127 22-7 281 4-0 19 20-0 121 28-0 369

FG-FGA 245-480 161-367 115-293 53-131 78-229 17-37 25-70 3-7 6-18 11-32

PCT .510 .439 .392 .405 .341 .459 .357 .429 .333 .344

3P-3PA 23-75 55-156 85-220 28-72 38-133 14-29 3-9 0-0 6-14 0-1

PCT .307 .353 .386 .389 .286 .483 .333 .000 .429 .000

FT-FTA 88-123 39-59 34-49 50-62 20-40 4-6 19-29 1-2 7-10 7-15

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS PPG .715 78 207 285 9.2 98-6 41 72 27 30 601 19.4 .661 38 119 157 5.1 82-5 104 70 22 32 416 13.4 .694 16 60 76 2.5 56-1 79 40 0 28 349 11.3 .806 11 28 39 1.6 48-1 29 16 0 6 184 7.7 .500 54 152 206 6.6 61-0 37 68 7 11 214 6.9 .667 2 8 10 0.8 6-0 3 7 0 0 52 4.0 .655 8 19 27 1.2 11-0 23 43 0 9 72 3.3 .500 0 2 2 0.5 2-0 0 1 1 1 7 1.8 .700 1 11 12 0.6 12-0 12 8 1 4 25 1.3 .467 15 47 62 2.2 49-0 9 15 9 7 29 1.0 43 57 100 3.3 6 31 6225 826-1905 .434 265-759 .349 359-531 .676 292 768 1060 34.2 495-15 481 410 68 163 2276 73.4 31 6225 962-1981 .486 302-760 .397 391-599 .653 344 882 1226 39.5 512-- 557 353 92 229 2617 84.4



KEEP AN EYE ON... #12 TRISTAN CAREY Jr. • G • 6-4 • 185

10th season at Longwood 85-189 (.310)

NOTES: 2012 All-Independent Team by head coaches and SIDs ... Led team in assists, steals and dunks ... Posted 20 double-figure scoring games, one 30-point game, five 20-point games and three double-doubles ... Led team in scoring with 17 points off the bench against Navy (Nov. 11) in his first game with the program, adding seven rebounds and two blocks ... Had team-high 19 points, along with six rebounds and two blocks at Nevada (Nov. 22) while making his first start for Longwood ... Posted a double-double with 19 points and 10 rebounds, adding eight assists vs. South Carolina State (Dec. 2) while making his first start at home ... Scored team season-best and career-high 30 points against VMI (Dec. 12), making 6-12 three-point field goals ... Had 25 points at Eastern Kentucky (Jan. 22) ... Scored 20 points at Vanderbilt (Dec. 19), making 6-8 three-pointers.

HOMETOWN: Ayer, Mass. ALMA MATER (YEAR): North Adams State (1986) COACHING CAREER: LONGWOOD - Head Coach ............................................. 2003-present George Mason - Assistant Coach .............................................1997-03 Bowling Green - Assistant Coach.............................................1996-97 American International - Assistant Coach ..................................1989-95 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Named Longwood’s seventh men’s basketball coach on May 2, 2003. • Has gone 63-49 at home, including 60-29 over the past seven years. • Since receiving Division I certification in 2007-08, the program is 60-95 overall and 46-19 at home. • Longwood’s 17-14 record in 2008-09 was its best under Gillian and the highest win total since beginning Division I scheduling in 2004-05 and the most wins for the program since 2000-01. • Named the 2009 Independents Coach of the Year by Collegeinsider.com. • Served as an assistant coach at George Mason under JIM LARRANAGA. • Played a role in the recruitment of several members of the Mason team that reached the Final Four in 2006. • Helped George Mason to a 100-74 overall record with a 66-34 CAA record in his six seasons, including two CAA Tournament titles (1999, 2001) and two regular-season crowns (1999, 2000). • Also coached under Larranaga for one season at Bowling Green before moving with him to GMU. • BGSU went 22-10, won the MAC regular-season title in 1996-97 and earned an NIT berth. • Coached under current Indiana Pacers assistant coach JIMMY POWELL while with American International, helping the Yellow Jackets to a 117-58 overall record and 75-33 mark in the Northeast-10 Conference. • Served as team captain his junior and senior seasons at North Adams State. MIKE GILLIAN’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 2003-04 Longwood 5-22 2004-05 Longwood 1-30 2005-06 Longwood 10-20 2006-07 Longwood 9-22 2007-08 Longwood 9-22 2008-09 Longwood 17-14 2009-10 Longwood 12-19 2010-11 Longwood 12-19 2011-12 Longwood 10-21 CAREER TOTAL 85-189

2011-12 RESULTS (10-21) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.


11 13 15 18 22 25 26 2 3 12 19 23 29 30 3 7 11 14 16 22 24 2 6 11 15 18 20 22 25 27 29

NAVY VIRGINIA INTERMONT CANISIUS at Brigham Young & at Nevada & vs. Prairie View A&M & vs. UMKC & SOUTH CAROLINA STATE at Virginia VMI at Vanderbilt SETON HALL at Chattanooga % vs. Hampton % at Army NJIT at Brown at Dartmouth at Fairleigh Dicksinon at Eastern Kentucky at Florida Gulf Coast SOUTHERN VIRGINIA at South Carolina State SEATTLE WASHINGTON ADVENTIST NORTH DAKOTA at Norfolk State VIRGINIA-WEISE at NJIT at Gonzaga at Seattle

& - Chicago Invitational Challenge % - Dr. Pepper Classic


L, W, L, L, L, W, L, W, L, W, L, L, L, L, L, W, W, L, W, L, L, W, L, L, W, L, L, W, L, L, L,

70-78 91-73 83-87 60-92 78-80 70-67 53-93 92-81 53-86 110-89 71-99 61-87 50-85 79-82 77-96 85-70 79-77 67-83 87-83 71-78 58-101 103-84 58-74 99-100 90-88 59-67 52-66 85-74 51-94 60-92 74-111



2011-12 REVIEW

Location:................................... Farmville, Va. Founded:...............................................1839 Enrollment:........................................... 4,185 Nickname: .........................................Lancers School Colors:.............................. Blue & White Interim President:.......................Marge Connelly Athletics Director: ...........................Troy Austin Senior Woman Administrator: ....Michelle Meadows Faculty Athletics Representative:. Consuelo Alvarez Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 434-395-2057 Ticket Office Phone:.......................434-395-2138

Overall Record: .....................7-22 (Independent)

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:............................. 1920 Overall Record: ............................543-517 (.512) First year of Full-Fledged Division I: ..........2007-08 Record in Division I Era:.................... 47-99 (.322) NCAA Tournament Appearances (DII): ............... 4 ................................ 1995, 1996, 1997, 2003 NCAA Tournament Record (DII): .................... 2-4 Last postseason opponent: ............Glenville State ..2003 NCAA Div. II East Regional Final (L, 53-61)

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: ................. Bill Reinson (3rd season) Alma Mater: ............................Phoenix, 2000 Career Record: ........................13-39 (2 years) School Record: ........................13-39 (2 years) Big South Record: ...................................n/a Big South Tournament Record:...................n/a Assistant Coaches: Wanisha Smith .............................Duke, 2008 Sarah Williams ................ ................James James Madison, 2009 Adria Crawford ...................Georgetown, 2012 Athletic Trainer: ...........................Chris Denault Basketball Office Phone: ................ 434-395-2891 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................4/1 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................5/8 Newcomers:............................................... 9 Arena (capacity): ................... Willett Hall (1,807)

Big South Regular-Season Record: ..................n/a Big South Regular-Season Championships: ........n/a Big South Tournament Record: ......................n/a Big South Tournament Championships:............n/a

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Women’s Basketball Contact: ........Ashley Robbins Email: ................... robbinsam@longwood.edu Phone: ....................................434-395-2718 Cell:....................................... 508-826-4113 Fax: ....................................... 434-395-2568 Press Row:............................... 434-395-2871 Athletic Website:............... longwoodlancers.com Twitter: .............................@LongwoodLancers

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 1 3 4 5 10 15 20 21 22 23 25 32 33 34

NAME Daeisha Brown Crystal Smith Raven Williams Mieke Elkington Erin Neal Chelsea Coward Kyndal Skersick Jaclyn Reagan Khalilah Ali Jessica Parker Deborah Headen Rianna Frazer Milena Bubnjevic Langeda Bontemps

YR Fr. Sr. Fr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Fr. Fr. Fr. R-Fr. Fr. So. Jr. Fr.


HT 5-3 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-7 6-1 5-9 5-9 6-0 6-2 5-9 5-4 6-1 6-4

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Richmond, Va. / Huguenot Richmond, Va. / Meadowbrook Richmond, Va. / Monacan Hamilton, New Zealand / Cochise (Ariz.) College Durham, N.C. / Hillside Mechanicsville, Va. / Hanover Orlando, Fla. / Boone Crossville, Tenn. / Cumberland County Suffolk, Va. / Woodrow Wilson Clayton, N.C. / Clayton Herndon, Va. / Herndon Baltimore, Md. / Seton Keough Leskovac, Serbia / Northwest Florida State College Miami, Fla. / North Miami Beach

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 6 Nov. 9 Nov. 12 Nov. 15 Nov. 17 Nov. 20 Nov. 26 Dec. 1 Dec. 9 Dec. 15 Dec. 20 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Jan. 3 Jan. 5 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 28 March 2 March 6-10

OPPONENT at VCU (EXH.) at Richmond AIR FORCE at North Carolina State MURRAY STATE at Coppin State at Pittsburgh at Virginia Tech at Gardner-Webb at Bucknell at Arizona at Arizona State at Radford * GARDNER-WEBB * WINTHROP * at Presbyterian * at Charleston Southern * CAMPBELL * COASTAL CAROLINA * at High Point * at Liberty * at Coastal Carolina * at Campbell * HIGH POINT * LIBERTY * RADFORD * at Winthrop * at UNC Asheville * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * PRESBYTERIAN * at Big South Championship

TIME 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 4:30pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 4:30pm 7:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm TBA

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST

2011-12 STATISTICS (returners in ALL CAPS) NAME CRYSTAL SMITH Brittanni Billups CHELSEA COWARD ERIN NEAL Mina Jovanovic MIEKE ELKINGTON Heather Tobeck Morgan Smith Megan Baltzell LEEANN SULLIVAN RIANNA FRAZER Kacie Oliver Courtney Long TEAM LONGWOOD OPPONENTS

GP-GS 28-23 27-25 28-26 24-23 10-10 28-21 22-5 14-6 21-2 16-1 27-3 18-0 17-0

MIN 889 771 849 674 291 781 369 272 237 113 382 117 55

FG-FGA 100-346 112-276 98-280 74-185 35-81 49-189 38-83 17-63 11-38 10-18 10-34 2-15 0-5

PCT 3P-3PA PCT .289 30-133 .226 .406 0-0 .000 .350 13-62 .210 .400 5-26 .192 .432 0-0 .000 .259 19-68 .279 .458 7-14 .500 .270 3-22 .136 .289 1-2 .500 .556 0-0 .000 .294 5-11 .455 .133 0-2 .000 .000 0-2 .000

FT-FTA 83-118 74-95 79-107 72-111 9-20 16-34 12-16 10-17 31-43 9-13 5-8 3-4 0-0

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS .703 10 75 85 3.0 64-1 111 136 2 58 313 .779 73 122 195 7.2 53-1 20 80 38 22 298 .738 42 104 146 5.2 74-1 26 72 19 25 288 .649 14 51 65 2.7 80-2 59 70 3 54 225 .450 10 23 33 3.3 33-2 10 31 4 9 79 .471 50 85 135 4.8 50-1 44 65 2 40 133 .750 28 44 72 3.3 52-2 6 24 35 8 95 .588 13 31 44 3.1 24-0 5 22 9 11 47 .721 21 21 42 2.0 21-0 1 20 1 3 54 .692 13 12 25 1.6 11-0 1 3 0 3 29 .625 5 25 30 1.1 24-0 29 30 0 9 30 .750 9 0 9 0.5 9-0 3 2 0 5 7 .000 0 5 5 0.3 4-0 1 2 1 1 0 66 88 154 5.3 11 29 5800 556-1613 .345 83-342 .243 403-586 .688 354 686 1040 35.9 499-10 316 568 114 248 1598 29 5800 744-1818 .409 147-455 .323 381-553 .689 483 796 1279 44.1 506-x 418 499 107 323 2016


PPG 11.2 11.0 10.3 9.4 7.9 4.8 4.3 3.4 2.6 1.8 1.1 0.4 0.0 55.1 69.5



3rd season at Longwood 13-39 (.250)

NOTES: In 2011-12, led the Lancers in seven categories, including minutes (889), three-point field goals (30), free throws (83), assists (111), steals (58), points (313) and points per game (11.2) ... Her junior season was her best yet for three-point field goals, free throws (83), and total field goals (100) ... Also set career highs for steals (58) and rebounds (85) last season ... Set seven single-game career-highs in 2011-12, notching 11 assists at Murray State (1/23), nine field goals vs. NJIT (1/14), and seven steals at Air Force (1/7) ... Registered a season-high 24 points at Air Force (1/7) and vs. Richmond (2/13) ... Currently ranks seventh on Longwood’s all-time career list for free throw percentage (.723).

HOMETOWN: Mesa, Ariz. ALMA MATER (YEAR): Phoenix (2000) COACHING CAREER: LONGWOOD - Head Coach ............................................. 2010-present LONGWOOD - Assistant Men’s Coach........................................2002-10 LONGWOOD - Assistant Women’s Coach ...................................2002-03 UNC Greensboro - Assistant Men’s Coach ................................. 2000-02 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Appointed head women’s basketball coach on April 12, 2011. • Took over as the women’s interim head coach on Dec. 6, 2010. • Was an assistant coach with the Lancers’ men’s program since 2002 prior to taking over the women’s squad. • Is in his 11th overall season as a basketball coach at Longwood in 2012-13. • Also served as an assistant women’s coach with the Lancers for the final 13 games of 2002-03 (27-5) under long-time head coach SHIRLEY DUNCAN. • Helped Longwood to an 11-2 record in the final 13 games of 2002-03 while winning the CVAC Tournament and advancing to the NCAA Division II East Regional. • Served as an assistant under current Iowa head coach FRAN McCAFFERY while at UNC Greensboro. • Helped the Spartans to a 39-23 overall record, the 2001 Southern Conference Tournament Championship and NCAA Tournament berth and 2002 NIT appearance. BILL REINSON’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 2010-11 Longwood ^ 6-17 2011-12 Longwood 7-22 CAREER TOTAL 13-39

2011-12 RESULTS (7-22) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.


^ - served as interim head coach

11 13 17 20 22 27 30 3 15 18 19 20 22 28 31 2 4 7 10 14 16 21 23 25 6 9 13 20 26

at #11 Georgetown CORNELL GEORGE MASON at High Point at Campbell at #9 Miami at William & Mary RADFORD at Marshall at Wright State % vs. Central Michigan % vs. Southeast Missouri % at Cincinnati at #3 Notre Dame at Appalachian State COPPIN STATE at San Diego State at Air Force at Utah Valley State NJIT at IPFW DARTMOUTH at Murray State at Eastern Kentucky at Savannah State at North Carolina State RICHMOND GARDNER-WEBB at NJIT

% - Wright State Invitational


L, W, L, L, L, L, L, W, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, W, L, W, L, W, L, L, L, L, L, W, W,

45-56 68-61 58-80 51-73 33-48 43-92 43-76 73-59 48-62 44-77 59-70 52-56 54-70 26-92 54-64 51-73 37-79 59-48 59-64 72-71 54-73 86-76 77-86 62-80 41-53 45-74 59-72 76-65 69-66



2011-12 REVIEW

Location:..................................... Clinton, S.C. Founded:...............................................1880 Enrollment:...........................................1,200 Nickname: ...................................... Blue Hose School Colors:.............................Garnet & Blue President:.................................Dr. Claude Lilly Athletics Director: ..........................Brian Reese Senior Woman Administrator: ............Dee Nichols Faculty Athletics Representative:....... Craig Powell Athletic Dept. Phone: ....................864-833-8240 Ticket Office Phone:......................864-833-8240

Overall Record: ...................................... 14-15 Big South Record (Finish): ................. 8-10 (T-6th) Big South Tournament: ......n/a (eligible in 2012-13)

MEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: ..............Gregg Nibert (24th season) Alma Mater: ................. Marietta College, 1979 Career Record: ...................376-307 (23 years) School Record: ...................376-307 (23 years) Big South Record: ........................ 26-46 (.361) Big South Tournament Record:...................n/a Associate Head Coach: Justin Smith....................South Carolina, 2002 Assistant Coaches: Sean Dixon .............Presbyterian College, 2007 Brooks Savage ...................... ......................Tennessee, Tennessee, 2008 Athletic Trainer: ........................... Nelson Jones Basketball Office Phone: ................864-833-8245 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................1/4 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................8/5 Newcomers:............................................... 5 Arena (capacity): .......... Templeton Center (2,500)

MEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:............................. 1913 Overall Record: .........................1165-1081 (.519) First year of Division I Transition: .............2007-08 First year of Full-Fledged Division I: ...........2012-13 Record in Division I Era:...................49-101 (.327) NCAA Tournament Appearances (DII): ............... 3 ............................................. (1996-03-06) NCAA Tournament Record (DII): .................... 4-3 Last postseason opponent: Georgia College & State ..2006 NCAA Div. II Regional Semifinal (L, 58-77) Big South Regular-Season Record: ....... 26-46 (.361) Big South Regular-Season Championships: ......none Big South Tournament Record: ......................n/a Big South Tournament Championships:............n/a

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Men’s Basketball Contact: ............Simon Whitaker Email: ........................ swhitaker@presby.edu Phone: ...................................864-833-8252 Cell:........................................843-475-1129 Fax: .......................................864-833-8323 Press Row:...............................864-833-8332 Athletic Website:...................... gobluehose.com Twitter: ................................@BlueHoseSports

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 1 2 3 4 5 10 13 20 21 24 25 31 33 44

NAME Joshua Clyburn Shea Jones Matthew Citron Austin Anderson Ryan Hargrave Russell McCray William Truss Ryan McTavish Jordan Downing Khalid Mutakabbir Jarvis Thibodeaux Mac Lake Eric Washington Jake Campbell

YR POS Jr. F/C Fr. G Fr. F Fr. G Sr. F So. G So. C So. G/F R-So. G/F Sr. G Fr. F So. F So. G Fr. C

HT 6-8 6-1 6-7 6-5 6-6 5-11 6-7 6-5 6-5 6-4 6-8 6-3 5-10 7-0

WT 221 165 215 165 235 175 257 202 200 190 205 181 173 245

2012-13 SCHEDULE

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Charlotte, N.C. / Victory Christian Center School Weston, Fla. / Cypress Bay Atlanta, Ga. / Woodward Academy Piedmont, S.C. / Wren Taylorsville, N.C. / Alexander Central HS Columbia, S.C. / Spring Valley Birmingham, Ala. / Vestavia Hills Mt. Airy, Md. / South Carroll Huntersville, N.C. / Hopewell HS (Davidson) Suwanee, Ga. / Peachtree Ridge HS Houston, Texas / St. Pius X Prosperity, S.C. / Mid Carolina Columbia, S.C. / Keenan Centerville, Ohio / Centerville

DATE Nov. 6 Nov. 12 Nov. 14 Nov. 18-24 Nov. 18 Nov. 20 Nov. 23 Nov. 24 Nov. 27 Dec. 9 Dec. 12 Dec. 15 Dec. 18 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Jan. 1 Jan. 5 Jan. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 March 2 March 5-10

OPPONENT ERSKINE (EXH.) at Clemson at Georgia Tech at Las Vegas Invitational at Creighton at Wisconsin vs. Cornell vs. Florida A&M/Longwood TOCCOA FALLS at Furman NORTH GREENVILLE JACKSONVILLE STATE at Tennessee at Appalachian State at South Carolina MONTREAT VMI * at Coastal Carolina * CAMPBELL * at Winthrop * LIBERTY * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * at Longwood * UNC ASHEVILLE * at High Point * GARDNER-WEBB * at Radford * COASTAL CAROLINA * WINTHROP * at Charleston Southern * BRACKETBUSTERS at UNC Asheville * at Gardner-Webb * at Big South Championship

TIME 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 8:00pm TBA TBA 7:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm TBA 7:00pm 4:30pm TBA

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST

2011-12 STATISTICS (returners in ALL CAPS) NAME GP-GS MIN FG-FGA PCT 3P-3PA PCT FT-FTA PCT OFF DEF Al’Lonzo Coleman 29-29 883 163-302 .540 2-11 .182 163-249 .655 77 177 KHALID MUTAKABBIR 29-29 1055 147-335 .439 33-111 .297 71-94 .755 22 68 Pierre Miller 29-25 830 84-189 .444 51-125 .408 23-27 .852 10 48 Josh Johnson 27-26 825 70-170 .412 49-133 .368 23-26 .885 11 74 ERIC WASHINGTON 29-12 666 60-151 .397 12-46 .261 45-54 .833 22 61 Jay Reynolds 29-19 564 46-66 .697 0-0 .000 30-35 .857 30 30 JOSHUA CLYBURN 26-3 346 34-70 .486 0-0 .000 19-38 .500 25 59 Tyler Deihl 15-0 106 15-28 .536 13-26 .500 1-2 .500 0 5 RYAN HARGRAVE 17-0 139 15-36 .417 8-22 .364 7-10 .700 3 11 WILLIAM TRUSS 18-0 100 16-31 .516 0-1 .000 6-12 .500 9 13 RYAN McTAVISH 27-2 267 11-43 .256 3-18 .167 6-9 .667 7 17 RUSSELL McCRAY 8-0 20 0-3 .000 0-0 .000 2-7 .286 2 3 MAC LAKE 6-0 24 0-1 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0 1 TEAM 36 36 PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE 29 5825 661-1425 .464 171-493 .347 396-563 .703 254 603 OPPONENTS 29 5825 716-1537 .466 147-418 .352 339-482 .703 275 581


REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK 254 8.8 95-5 51 85 13 90 3.1 65-2 58 64 6 58 2.0 34-0 57 37 0 85 3.1 45-0 41 25 10 83 2.9 51-1 89 65 3 60 2.1 62-4 3 26 8 84 3.2 35-2 5 27 8 5 0.3 7-0 6 5 0 14 0.8 19-0 2 4 1 22 1.2 13-0 0 7 1 24 0.9 24-0 2 16 2 5 0.6 5-0 6 5 0 1 0.2 2-0 3 0 0 72 2.5 8 857 29.6 457-14 323 374 52 856 29.5 499-10 273 308 78

STL 33 31 14 18 21 5 1 0 0 4 4 0 0

PTS PPG 491 16.9 398 13.7 242 8.3 212 7.9 177 6.1 122 4.2 87 3.3 44 2.9 45 2.6 38 2.1 31 1.1 2 0.3 0 0.0

131 1889 65.1 166 1918 66.1


KEEP AN EYE ON... #24 KHALID MUTAKABBIR Sr. • G • 6-4 • 190

24th season at Presbyterian College 376-307 (.551)

NOTES: Went a career-tying 4-for-6 in three-pointers, finishing second in scoring against Montreat with 18 ... Scored in double-figures for the second game in a row with 14 against Western Carolina ... Hit a career-high 25 points off a best 11 field goals, including the gamewinning three-pointer with 7.6 seconds at No. 20 Cincinnati ... Scored 20 against High Point and 23 against Coastal Carolina ... Tied his career-high with four three-pointers against the Chanticleers ... Started in all 29 games and was second on the team in scoring with 13.7 ... Earned Big South Player of the Week honors Nov. 21 ... Was 15th in the League in scoring, 11th in field goal percentage (.439) and first in minutes played (36.38) ... Moved up to second in the PC Division I era record books in points (1,075) scoring average (11.8), free throws (193) and assists (204) ... In the top five in three-pointers (98), rebounds (290), steals (99) and games started (90).

HOMETOWN: Grove City, Ohio ALMA MATER (YEAR): Marietta College (1979) COACHING CAREER: PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE - Head Coach .............................. 1989-present Furman - Assistant Coach......................................................1984-89 PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE - Assistant Coach ................................1981-84 Rice - Assistant Coach..........................................................1979-81 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Directed PC to a 56-54 win at No. 20 Cincinnati on Nov. 19, 2011. • Led the Blue Hose to back-to-back wins over Auburn and Wake Forest in 2010-11, becoming the second program in Big South history to defeat an SEC team and ACC team in the same season. • Is the winningest coach in program history, breaking the all-time wins record during the 1996-97 season in PC’s 72-59 victory over Embry-Riddle. • Has compiled six 20-win seasons during his tenure at PC. • His Blue Hose teams finished in the top four in the South Atlantic Conference standings 14 times, and won the SAC Championship twice (1992-93, 199697). • Two-time SAC Coach of the Year (1993, 1997). • Guided the Blue Hose to the NAIA Tournament in 1993 and NCAA Division II Tournament in 1996, 2003 and 2006. • Only coach in the history of the SAC to lead his squad to the “Sweet Sixteen” of the NCAA Division II Tournament (2006). • Received an at-large NCAA Tournament berth in 2003. • Named SAC Coach of the Year, South Carolina Coach of the Year and NAIA District 26 Coach of the Year in 1993. • Began his coaching career at Rice as an assistant coach to future NBA head coach MIKE SCHULER. GREGG NIBERT’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 1989-90 Presbyterian College 17-13 1990-91 Presbyterian College 12-16 1991-92 Presbyterian College 18-13 1992-93 Presbyterian College 27-5 1993-94 Presbyterian College 14-13 1994-95 Presbyterian College 15-14 1995-96 Presbyterian College 19-11 1996-97 Presbyterian College 20-7 1997-98 Presbyterian College 16-12 1998-99 Presbyterian College 20-10 1999-00 Presbyterian College 12-15 2000-01 Presbyterian College 19-10 2001-02 Presbyterian College 12-16 2002-03 Presbyterian College 27-9 2003-04 Presbyterian College 16-12 2004-05 Presbyterian College 18-11 2005-06 Presbyterian College 25-10 2006-07 Presbyterian College 20-9 2007-08 Presbyterian College 5-25 2008-09 Presbyterian College 12-17 2009-10 Presbyterian College 5-26 2010-11 Presbyterian College 13-18 2011-12 Presbyterian College 14-15 DIVISION I TOTAL 49-101 CAREER TOTAL 376-307

2011-12 RESULTS (14-15, 8-10 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.


-9-9 2-16 7-11 8-10 26-46

11 12 14 17 19 21 1 3 13 20 22 28 31 2 5 7 12 14 21 26 28 2 4 9 11 14 18 23 25

MONTREAT W, 103-73 at #6/6 Duke L, 55-96 EASTERN KENTUCKY W, 78-50 WESTERN CAROLINA L, 73-80 at #20/20 Cincinnati W, 56-54 at Davidson L, 54-68 WINTHROP * L, 56-59 RADFORD * W, 72-64 at South Carolina L, 58-66 FURMAN W, 75-71 NAVY W, 58-42 ARMY W, 71-64 at VMI * (OT) L, 70-78 at Liberty * W, 63-56 HIGH POINT * L, 57-63 CAMPBELL * L, 65-77 at Charleston Southern * L, 58-65 at Coastal Carolina * L, 63-81 UNC ASHEVILLE * L, 58-66 COASTAL CAROLINA * L, 49-52 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * L, 64-75 at High Point * W, 65-62 at Campbell * W, 69-67 VMI * W, 94-74 LIBERTY * L, 64-77 at Winthrop * W, 48-45 at Jacksonville State @ L, 48-67 at Radford * W, 77-64 at Gardner-Webb * W, 68-62

* - Big South Conference game @ - SEARS BracketBusters game




2011-12 REVIEW

Location:..................................... Clinton, S.C. Founded:...............................................1880 Enrollment:...........................................1,200 Nickname: ...................................... Blue Hose School Colors:.............................Garnet & Blue President:.................................Dr. Claude Lilly Athletics Director: ..........................Brian Reese Senior Woman Administrator: ............Dee Nichols Faculty Athletics Representative:....... Craig Powell Athletic Dept. Phone: ....................864-833-8240 Ticket Office Phone:......................864-833-8240

Overall Record: ...................................... 14-15 Big South Record (Finish): ....................8-10 (7th) Big South Tournament: ......n/a (eligible in 2012-13)

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: ................Ronny Fisher (5th season) Alma Mater: .............................Furman, 1990 Career Record: ........................32-85 (4 years) School Record: ........................32-85 (4 years) Big South Record: ........................ 17-49 (.258) Big South Tournament Record:...................n/a Assistant Coaches: India Elliott ................................ Coker, 2007 Corey Mullins....... Middle Tennessee State, 2003 Athletic Trainer: ............................Heide Burgin Basketball Office Phone: ................864-833-8248 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................5/0 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: .................... 10/1 Newcomers:............................................... 3 Arena (capacity): .......... Templeton Center (2,500)

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1977-78 Overall Record: ........................... 472-422 (.528) First year of Division I Transition: .............2007-08 First year of Full-Fledged Division I: ...........2012-13 Record in Division I Era:...................34-109 (.238) NCAA Tournament Appearances (DII): ............... 6 ................................. (1994-95-98-99-00-02) NCAA Tournament Record (DII): .................... 2-6 Last postseason opponent: ............ Virginia State, ......2002 NCAA Division II First Round (L, 56-65) Big South Regular-Season Record: ....... 17-49 (.258) Big South Regular-Season Championships: ......none Big South Tournament Record: ......................n/a Big South Tournament Championships:............n/a

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Women’s Basketball Contact: .............. Ryan Real Email: ..............................rtreal@presby.edu Phone: ...................................864-833-8252 Cell:........................................502-931-5651 Fax: .......................................864-833-8323 Press Row:...............................864-833-8332 Athletic Website:...................... gobluehose.com Twitter: ................................@BlueHoseSports

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 1 2 3 5 10 11 15 20 21 22 23 34 40 42 51

NAME Noelle Carter Kasey Hobbie Sherece Smith Dria David Karlee Taylor Chelsea Parker Katelyn Grisillo Devin Fothergill Keyonna Allen Shonda Burnside Megan Schaaf Olivia Towers-Solis Taryn Richard Cassidy Glenn Mariah Pietrowski

YR So. R-Fr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Fr. Sr. R-Fr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Fr. Fr. Sr.


HT 6-0 5-7 5-8 5-8 5-6 6-0 5-4 5-10 6-0 6-3 6-0 5-11 5-11 5-11 6-2

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Neptune, N.J. / Neptune HS Spring Lake, N.J. / Red Bank Catholic HS Clemson, S.C. / D.W. Daniel HS Lawrenceville, Ga. / Central Gwinnett HS Asheville, N.C. / A.C. Reynolds HS Asheville, N.C. / Asheville School Charleston, S.C. / Bishop England HS Somerset, Ky. / Southwestern HS Forest Park, Ga. / Forest Park HS Gray Court, S.C. / Laurens HS Ellicott City, Md. / Mt. Hebron HS Dacula, Ga. / Mill Creek HS Palm City, Fla. / Martin County HS Blue Island, Ill. / Providence Catholic HS Elizabethton, Tenn. / Elizabethton HS

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 11 Nov. 14 Nov. 17 Nov. 19 Nov. 20 Nov. 24 Nov. 28 Nov. 30-D1 Nov. 30 Dec. 1 Dec. 11 Dec. 15 Dec. 17 Dec. 29 Jan. 3 Jan. 5 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 28 March 2 March 6-10

OPPONENT TIME at Clemson 2:00pm at Georgia 7:00pm at Duke 7:00pm SOUTHERN WESLEYAN 7:00pm SOUTH CAROLINA STATE 7:00pm NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL 3:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * 7:00pm at EKU Comfort Suites Tournament at Eastern Kentucky 7:00pm vs. Jackson State/Marshall 2:00pm BREVARD 11:30pm at North Carolina State 2:00pm at Central Florida 7:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA * 2:00pm at Liberty * 7:00pm at Campbell * 1:00pm LONGWOOD * 7:00pm RADFORD * 5:00pm at UNC Asheville * 7:00pm at Winthrop * 1:00pm GARDNER-WEBB * 7:00pm WINTHROP * 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE * 2:00pm at Gardner-Webb * 7:00pm at Coastal Carolina * 7:00pm at Charleston Southern * 2:00pm CAMPBELL * 7:00pm HIGH POINT * 5:00pm at Radford * 7:00pm at Longwood * 2:00pm at Big South Championship TBA

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST

2011-12 STATISTICS (returners in ALL CAPS) NAME GP-GS MIN FG-FGA MARIAH PIETROWSKI 29-29 804 131-259 KARLEE TAYLOR 29-26 883 96-246 DRIA DAVID 27-25 802 86-196 SHERECE SMITH 29-29 885 66-180 SHONDA BURNSIDE 29-17 540 73-212 Kristen Stevens 29-3 538 47-151 DEVIN FOTHERGILL 29-10 655 37-95 CHELSEA PARKER 29-6 407 39-94 OLIVIA TOWERS-SOLIS 14-0 67 8-17 MEGAN SCHAAF 20-0 108 12-29 NOELLE CARTER 21-0 136 9-33 TEAM PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE 29 5825 604-1512 OPPONENTS 29 5825 583-1532

PCT .506 .390 .439 .367 .344 .311 .389 .415 .471 .414 .273

3P-3PA 0-0 63-173 7-38 1-7 0-1 38-124 5-17 7-22 0-0 0-3 2-8

PCT .000 .364 .184 .143 .000 .306 .294 .318 .000 .000 .250

FT-FTA 71-96 26-30 68-88 42-73 25-55 6-6 25-42 15-21 3-4 1-2 2-5

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS .740 64 97 161 5.6 49-0 23 54 19 20 333 .867 6 52 58 2.0 26-0 37 51 0 24 281 .773 50 61 111 4.1 77-7 73 82 12 53 247 .575 58 93 151 5.2 47-0 64 63 8 40 175 .455 32 87 119 4.1 68-1 35 73 26 20 171 1.000 6 35 41 1.4 18-0 20 28 1 14 138 .595 14 56 70 2.4 51-3 53 55 7 31 104 .714 26 47 73 2.5 53-0 23 32 10 14 100 .750 3 7 10 0.7 7-0 3 5 2 2 19 .500 9 16 25 1.3 6-0 3 13 3 3 25 .400 5 13 18 0.9 17-0 7 9 7 4 22 47 59 106 3.7 18 .399 123-393 .313 284-422 .673 320 623 943 32.5 419-11 341 483 95 225 1615 .381 116-357 .325 347-506 .686 391 633 1024 35.3 417-x 282 499 84 261 1629


PPG 11.5 9.7 9.1 6.0 5.9 4.8 3.6 3.4 1.4 1.3 1.0 55.7 56.2



5th season at Presbyterian College 32-85 (.274)

NOTES: Ranked third in overall field-goal percentage (.506, 131-259) ... Scored a career-high 26 points against Charleston Southern in the team’s season finale (3/5) ... Grabbed a season-high eight rebounds in three Big South Conference games coming against UNC Asheville (2/11), Radford (2/18) and High Point (2/25) ... Scored her 900th career point in 2011-12 and became PC’s leader in Division I points (942) and rebounds (470) ... Scored 21 points against USC Upstate and tallied 20 against Winthrop (2/4) ... Ranked in the top 20 in scoring (16th), rebounding (17), field goal percentage (third), blocked shots (12) and offensive rebounds (14) in overall statistics ... Scored in double-figures in 15 out of 29 games.

HOMETOWN: Fairview, N.C. ALMA MATER (YEAR): Furman (1990) COACHING CAREER: PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE - Head Women’s Coach..................2008-present PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE - Associate Head Men’s Coach ................2007-08 PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE - Assistant Men’s Coach ....................... 2000-07 North Greenville - Assistant Men’s Coach ..................................1998-00 Conway (S.C.) High School - Head Boy’s Coach............................1993-97 PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE - Assistant Coach ................................1990-93 Furman - Student Assistant ...................................................1989-90 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Named PC’s sixth women’s basketball coach on April 13, 2008. • Led PC to its most Big South wins last season, as well as exceeding the overall win total from the previous year for the fourth consecutive season. • Recruited and coached two Big South All-Freshman team members, including the Big South’s 2009-10 Freshman of the Year (MARIAH PIETROWSKI). • Presbyterian College was the Big South’s Women’s Basketball Team Sportsmanship Award winner in 2008-09 and 2009-10. • Took over the PC women’s basketball program in 2008 after 11 seasons as an assistant coach with the Blue Hose men’s program. • Was part of 199 wins during his time with the men’s basketball team, including 142 since his return in 2000-01. • The Blue Hose men had an overall record of 199-136 with Fisher on staff. • Member of coaching staff that helped PC reach NCAA Division II Tournament twice (2003, 2006). • Also member of staff that claimed the South Atlantic Conference championship and advanced to the NAIA National Tournament in 1992-93. • Led Conway (S.C.) High School to quarterfinals of the South Carolina state playoffs in 1993-94.

2011-12 RESULTS (14-15, 8-10 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March

RONNY FISHER’S COLLEGIATE HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL BIG SOUTH 2008-09 Presbyterian College 4-25 1-15 2009-10 Presbyterian College 5-25 3-13 2010-11 Presbyterian College 9-20 5-11 2011-12 Presbyterian College 14-15 8-10 CAREER TOTAL 32-85 17-49

11 15 17 19 22 27 29 2 13 16 19 31 2 7 14 16 21 23 28 30 4 11 13 18 20 25 27 2 5

at Charlotte FURMAN ALLEN at South Carolina State at #15 North Carolina at South Carolina NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL at USC Upstate COLUMBIA COLLEGE MONTREAT at Alabama at Charleston Southern * at Coastal Carolina * WINTHROP * GARDNER-WEBB * UNC ASHEVILLE * at Liberty * at Radford * CAMPBELL * HIGH POINT * at Winthrop * at UNC Asheville * at Gardner-Webb * (OT) RADFORD * LIBERTY * at High Point * at Campbell * COASTAL CAROLINA * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN *

* - Big South Conference game


L, L, W, W, L, L, W, W, W, W, L, L, L, L, W, W, L, L, L, L, W, W, W, W, L, L, L, W, W,

42-58 47-63 65-28 53-50 38-61 24-52 64-48 72-64 92-45 84-44 47-65 67-76 49-52 62-70 54-43 62-54 39-59 29-53 44-53 51-63 63-60 62-45 59-57 52-49 64-69 53-60 44-68 56-52 77-68



2011-12 REVIEW

Location:..................................... Radford, Va. Founded:............................................... 1910 Enrollment:........................................... 9,370 Nickname: ....................................Highlanders School Colors:...............................Red & White President:..............................Penelope W. Kyle Athletics Director: .................... Robert Lineburg Senior Woman Administrator: .....Stephanie Ballein Faculty Athletics Representative:......... Betty Dore Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 540-831-6194 Ticket Office Phone:.....................540-831-RUTX

Overall Record: ........................................6-26 Big South Record (Finish): ................... 2-16 (11th) Big South Tournament: .....................First Round

MEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1974-75 Overall Record: ........................... 573-505 (.532) NCAA Tournament Appearances: ..................... 2 ............................................. (1998, 2009) NCAA Tournament Record: .......................... 0-2 Last postseason opponent: ...........North Carolina, . 2009 NCAA Tournament First Round (L, 58-101)

MEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: ................. Mike Jones (2nd season) Alma Mater: ............................ Howard, 1990 Career Record: .......................... 6-26 (1 year) School Record: .......................... 6-26 (1 year) Big South Record: ...........................2-16 (.111) Big South Tournament Record:...........0-1 (.000) Assistant Coaches: Kyle Getter............................. .............................Hanover, Hanover, 2001 Chris Hawkins.......................... Radford, 1993 J.D. Byers...................... ......................Lebanon Lebanon Valley, 2005 Dir. of Basketball Operations: ...........Garrett Kelly Athletic Trainer: ..............................Chad Hyatt Basketball Office Phone: ................ 540-831-5125 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................3/2 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................6/7 Newcomers:............................................... 7 Arena (capacity): ..............Dedmon Center (3,215)

Big South Regular-Season Record: .....214-173 (.553) Big South Regular-Season Championships: .......... 4 ...........................................1998-00-01-09 Big South Tournament Record: ........... 22-24 (.478) Big South Tournament Championships:.............. 2 ...................................................1998-09

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Men’s Basketball Contact: ..............Tom Galbraith Email: ....................... tgalbraith@radford.edu Phone: ...................................540-831-5726 Cell:....................................... 256-617-0988 Fax: .......................................540-831-6095 Press Row:............................... 540-831-6190 Athletic Website:................RadfordAthletics.com Twitter: .................................... @ru_athletics

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 00 1 2 5 10 11 12 15 21 25 30 32 33 55

NAME Kion Brown Taj Owens Javonte Green Rashun Davis R.J. Price Ya Ya Anderson Allen Dickerson Lucas Dyer Matt Murphy Blake Smith Jalen Carethers Juwan Wells Kyle Noreen Brandon Holcomb

YR Fr. Fr. So. Fr. So. Fr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Sr. So. Fr. So. R-Fr.


HT 6-8 5-10 6-4 6-0 6-0 6-2 6-2 6-8 6-6 6-4 6-8 6-6 6-5 6-7

WT 215 155 180 160 170 180 180 215 300 175 185 190 185 200

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Richmond, Va. / Fork Union Military Academy Chesapeake, Va. / Great Bridge HS Alberta, Va. / Brunswick HS Charlotte, N.C. / Davidson Day School Mechanicsville, Va. / Atlee HS Palmyra, Va. / Fluvanna County HS Radford, Va. / Fork Union Military Academy Richmond, Va. / Deep Run HS Alexandria, Va. / Edison HS Charlotte, N.C. / United Faith Christian Academy Burlington, N.C. / Hugh M. Cummings HS La Plata, Md. / La Plata HS Minneapolis, Minn. / Minnesota Transitions Center Murrieta, Calif. / Vista Murrieta HS

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 9 Nov. 12-18 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 17 Nov. 18 Nov. 21 Nov. 24 Nov. 28 Dec. 4 Dec. 8 Dec. 19 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Jan. 2 Jan. 5 Jan. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 5 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 March 2 March 5-10

OPPONENT at Wake Forest at Comfort Suites Invitational CINCINNATI CHRISTIAN vs. Towson vs. Kennesaw State at Eastern Kentucky BREVARD at The Citadel HAMPTON at Delaware WILLIAM & MARY at Charlotte at West Virginia CENTRAL PENN at North Carolina A&T CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * HIGH POINT * at UNC Asheville * LONGWOOD * at Gardner-Webb * at Campbell * WINTHROP * VMI * at Coastal Carolina * at Liberty * PRESBYTERIAN * at VMI * at Longwood * CAMPBELL * at BracketBusters at High Point * LIBERTY * at Big South Championship

TIME 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 5:00pm 2:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:30pm 4:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm TBA 7:00pm 4:30pm TBA

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST

2011-12 STATISTICS (returners in ALL CAPS) NAME R.J. PRICE JAVONTE GREEN Jareal Smith Johnathan Edwards Brian Darden BLAKE SMITH Tolga Cerrah Chance Smith KYLE NOREEN Daniel Mitchell Lukas Winegarner JALEN CARETHERS ALLEN DICKERSON Devin Cole TEAM RADFORD OPPONENTS

GP-GS 32-32 32-22 32-31 22-20 11-0 26-0 30-21 32-12 31-20 32-2 20-0 22-0 13-0 3-0

MIN 957 705 858 509 178 435 569 692 654 495 185 99 53 5

FG-FGA 119-347 126-270 93-282 70-160 20-60 50-123 62-125 46-128 39-116 43-128 17-43 12-28 2-9 0-0

PCT .343 .467 .330 .438 .333 .407 .496 .359 .336 .336 .395 .429 .222 .000

3P-3PA 62-169 6-31 37-133 0-4 18-41 16-52 0-0 24-85 26-81 11-51 1-4 0-1 1-7 0-0

PCT .367 .194 .278 .000 .439 .308 .000 .282 .321 .216 .250 .000 .143 .000

FT-FTA 57-92 68-110 75-97 50-88 15-18 25-30 27-60 8-12 7-14 10-18 9-13 6-10 2-2 0-0

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS .620 11 93 104 3.3 62-0 118 87 3 41 357 .618 88 126 214 6.7 88-1 18 54 16 44 326 .773 22 57 79 2.5 71-1 57 64 4 25 298 .568 40 73 113 5.1 61-2 12 37 13 11 190 .833 4 6 10 0.9 13-0 11 13 0 3 73 .833 23 61 84 3.2 48-0 17 31 6 29 141 .450 48 52 100 3.3 98-6 14 42 9 14 151 .667 15 33 48 1.5 69-1 48 44 0 22 124 .500 16 45 61 2.0 45-0 25 17 5 24 111 .556 20 43 63 2.0 56-1 19 17 5 17 107 .692 21 25 46 2.3 30-0 1 17 12 1 44 .600 5 14 19 0.9 26-0 1 5 6 3 30 1.000 1 2 3 0.2 2-0 2 5 1 0 7 .000 0 0 0 0.0 0-0 1 1 0 0 0 81 32 113 3.5 11 32 6400 699-1819 .384 202-659 .307 359-564 .637 395 662 1057 33.0 669-12 344 445 80 234 1959 32 6400 726-1622 .448 166-456 .364 577-811 .711 350 823 1173 36.7 518-8 365 484 134 219 2195


PPG 11.2 10.2 9.3 8.6 6.6 5.4 5.0 3.9 3.6 3.3 2.2 1.4 0.5 0.0 61.2 68.6


KEEP AN EYE ON... #10 R.J. PRICE Soph. • G • 6-0 • 170

2nd season at Radford 6-26 (.188)

NOTES: Big South All-Freshman Team selection in 2011-12 ... Second freshman in school history to lead the team in scoring ... First freshman in school history to lead the team in scoring, assists and steals ... Two-time Big South Freshman of the Week (11/15, 1/10) ... Started all 30 games at point guard ... Scored in double figures 20 times, including a personal-best 22 at Maryland (12/23) ... Had 10 games with five or more assists, including a season-high 10 in Radford’s win at Gardner-Webb (2/9) ... Ranked among Conference freshmen leaders in scoring (4th), assists (3rd), steals (2nd), 3-pointers made (1st) and assist/turnover ratio (3rd) ... Ranked among League leaders in scoring (25th), assists (7th), steals (10th), 3-pointers made (6th) and assist/turnover ratio (7th) ... Averaged 13.3 points, 3.1 rebounds, 4.5 assists and 1.9 steals, while shooting just under 40 percent from 3-point range over his last 16 regular season games.

HOMETOWN: Silver Spring, Md. ALMA MATER (YEAR): Howard (1990) COACHING CAREER: RADFORD - Head Coach..................................................2011-present VCU - Assistant Coach ..........................................................2009-11 Georgia - Assistant Coach .....................................................2003-09 West Virginia - Assistant Coach...............................................2002-03 Richmond - Assistant Coach.................................................. 2000-02 Furman - Assistant Coach......................................................1997-00 Howard - Assistant Coach .....................................................1994-97 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Named Radford’s seventh men’s basketball coach on June 15, 2011. • Produced two Big South All-Freshman Team players (R.J. PRICE, JAVONTE GREEN) in his first season at Radford. • Spent two seasons at VCU before taking over the Highlanders, including the magical run to the 2011 Final Four with wins over USC, Georgetown, Purdue, Florida State and Kansas. • Helped lead Rams to 55 wins in his two years on SHAKA SMART’s staff, the highest total over any two-year span in program history. • Spent six years as an assistant on DENNIS FELTON’s staff at Georgia, and helped UGA reach the 2008 NCAA Tournament after the sixth-seeded Bulldogs won four games in three days to complete the most improbable SEC Championship run in Conference history. • Selected by Rivals.com as one of the nation’s top recruiters in 2005. • Assistant coach under JOHN BEILEIN at Richmond (2000-02) and at West Virginia (2002-03). • Helped Richmond to a pair of 20-win seasons and three-straight NIT berths. • Began his coaching career as a high school coach in 1990 at Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C. • Was a four-year standout at Howard, where he forged his connection with Howard alum Felton. • Jones’ father, JIMMY JONES, was a star guard in the ABA from 1967-74 and played for the NBA’s Washington Bullets from 1974-77. MIKE JONES’ HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 2011-12 Radford 6-26

2011-12 RESULTS (6-26, 2-16 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.


11 12 14 16 19 20 23 1 3 6 10 17 20 23 31 2 5 12 14 17 19 21 26 28 2 9 11 14 18 23 25 27

DELAWARE SHENANDOAH at Penn State % CENTRAL PENN COLLEGE vs. Long Island % vs. Marist % at #2/2 Kentucky % at Charleston Southern * at Presbyterian * CHARLOTTE GEORGE MASON at Cincinnati EASTERN MICHIGAN at Maryland GARDNER-WEBB * UNC ASHEVILLE * at Winthrop * at Liberty * at VMI * HIGH POINT * CAMPBELL * at Coastal Carolina * VMI * LIBERTY * WINTHROP * at Gardner-Webb * at UNC Asheville * at High Point * BINGHAMTON @ PRESBYTERIAN * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * at #7 VMI #

% - Hall of Fame Tip-Off * - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game


W, 58-54 W, 79-50 L, 46-62 W, 78-49 L, 59-81 L, 47-60 L, 40-88 L, 73-83 L, 64-72 L, 49-57 L, 61-76 L, 70-101 L, 48-52 L, 60-65 L, 55-61 L, 56-66 L, 54-70 L, 64-69 L, 76-80 W, 85-66 L, 65-73 L, 62-82 L, 60-65 L, 65-67 L, 63-77 W, 58-54 L, 62-88 L, 62-71 W, 64-59 L, 64-77 L, 59-65 L, 53-55

@ - SEARS BracketBusters game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:..................................... Radford, Va. Founded:............................................... 1910 Enrollment:........................................... 9,370 Nickname: ....................................Highlanders School Colors:...............................Red & White President:..............................Penelope W. Kyle Athletics Director: .................... Robert Lineburg Senior Woman Administrator: .....Stephanie Ballein Faculty Athletics Representative:......... Betty Dore Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 540-831-6194 Ticket Office Phone:.....................540-831-RUTX

Overall Record: ...................................... 16-15 Big South Record (Finish): ...................9-9 (T-5th) Big South Tournament: ......................Semifinals

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach:.Tajama Abraham Ngongba (5th season) Alma Mater: ..............George Washington, 1997 Career Record: ........................46-71 (4 years) School Record: ........................46-71 (4 years) Big South Record: ........................ 34-32 (.515) Big South Tournament Record:...........1-4 (.200) Assistant Coaches: Felicia Hardy .................... ....................Northeastern, Northeastern, 2000 Danielle Dawson......................Hampton, 1999 Victoria Best ................................. .................................MIT, MIT, 1999 Dir. of Basketball Operations: ........ Lindsay Walter Athletic Trainer: ..................................Aya Ieki Basketball Office Phone: ................ 540-831-5123 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................5/0 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: .................... 12/0 Newcomers:............................................... 3 Arena (capacity): ..............Dedmon Center (3,215)

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1971-72 Overall Record: ........................... 622-477 (.566) NCAA Tournament Appearances: .....3 (1994-95-96) NCAA Tournament Record: .......................... 0-3 WNIT Appearances: ..................... 2 (1989, 2008) WNIT Record: ........................................... 2-2 Last postseason opponent: ..........James Madison, ...................2008 WNIT First Round (L, 58-80) Big South Regular-Season Record: .... 230-132 (.635) Big South Regular-Season Championships: .......... 5 ....................................... 1987-88-89-90-92 Big South Tournament Record: ........... 33-17 (.660) Big South Tournament Championships:.............. 9 ........................1987-88-90-91-92-93-94-95-96

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Women’s Basketball Contact: ...............Brian Cox Email: ...........................bcox27@radford.edu Phone: ................................... 540-831-5211 Cell:.......................................540-250-0624 Fax: .......................................540-831-6095 Press Row:............................... 540-831-6190 Athletic Website:................RadfordAthletics.com Twitter Feed: ............................. @ru_athletics

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 9 Nov. 13 Nov. 18 Nov. 23-24 Nov. 23 Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 5 Dec. 8 Dec. 13 Dec. 16 Dec. 29 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 Feb. 28 March 2 March 6-10

OPPONENT TIME at Marshall 12:00pm at UNC Greensboro 7:00pm BLUEFIELD 3:00pm at Miami Thanksgiving Tournament vs. Southern Illinois 7:30pm vs. Florida Atlantic/Miami TBA LIBERTY * 3:00pm at North Carolina 7:00pm WILLIAM & MARY 4:30pm NORFOLK STATE 7:00pm at Clemson 3:00pm LONGWOOD * 4:30pm UNC ASHEVILLE * 7:00pm at Gardner-Webb * 7:00pm at Presbyterian * 5:00pm COASTAL CAROLINA * 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * 3:00pm at Campbell * 7:00pm at High Point * 3:30pm at Charleston Southern * 7:00pm at Coastal Carolina * 4:00pm CAMPBELL * 7:00pm HIGH POINT * 4:30pm at Longwood * 7:00pm at Liberty * 3:00pm at Winthrop * 1:00pm PRESBYTERIAN * 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB * 2:00pm at Big South Championship TBA

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 3 4 5 10 12 13 14 15 21 22 24 30 33 42 50

NAME Aisha Foy Ashia Holmes Ayana Avery Diani Mason Breshara Gordon Rachael Ross Victoria Hamilton Ashley Buckhannon Sarah Tabb Da’Naria Erwin Spencer Jordynn Gaymon Katherine Brockett Kiera McIvor Ema Reskoska La-She’ Walker

YR POS HT HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Fr. G 5-6 Virginia Beach, Va. / Princess Anne So. G 5-8 Salisbury, N.C. / Salisbury So. G 5-5 Cleveland, N.C. / West Rowan Fr. G 5-8 Queens, N.Y. / Bishop Ford So. G 5-6 Norfolk, Va. / Lake Taylor Fr. C 6-3 Naperville, Ill. / Waubonsie Sr. G 5-10 St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands / Antilles School Sr. G 5-9 Wytheville, Va. / George Wythe Sr. F 6-1 Chesapeake, Va. / StoneBridge School Sr. G 5-5 Charlotte, N.C. / East Mecklenburg So. F 6-1 Indian Trail, N.C. / Sun Valley Sr. F 6-1 Geelong, Australia / Kardinia International College So. G 5-9 Greensboro, N.C. / James B. Dudley Sr. C 6-4 Ohrid, Macedonia / Veritas Christian Academy (N.C.) So. C 6-2 Roanoke, Va. / Greenbrier East (W.Va.)

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST

2011-12 STATISTICS (returners in ALL CAPS) NAME GP-GS MIN FG-FGA PCT 3P-3PA PCT FT-FTA PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK DA’NARIA ERWIN SPENCER 31-31 1017 208-453 .459 14-49 .286 108-144 .750 19 64 83 2.7 79-4 119 98 5 ASHLEY BUCKHANNON 31-31 1068 157-416 .377 66-208 .317 75-98 .765 30 58 88 2.8 64-3 100 99 7 VICTORIA HAMILTON 28-28 813 88-235 .374 0-6 .000 39-55 .709 86 125 211 7.5 58-0 52 75 2 AYANA AVERY 31-0 464 81-215 .377 48-146 .329 13-16 .813 17 39 56 1.8 30-0 23 37 2 SARAH TABB 29-27 625 51-131 .389 0-0 .000 41-58 .707 65 87 152 5.2 72-3 9 37 26 Tiana Cannon 30-10 370 47-117 .402 0-0 .000 17-41 .415 44 45 89 3.0 52-1 6 34 2 ASHIA HOLMES 26-14 534 38-107 .355 0-5 .000 17-26 .654 41 44 85 3.3 72-1 49 42 7 JORDYNN GAYMON 21-0 221 30-58 .517 0-1 .000 9-17 .529 29 42 71 3.4 44-1 0 19 18 KATHERINE BROCKETT 28-7 270 28-83 .337 15-45 .333 5-10 .500 16 23 39 1.4 28-0 8 23 1 EMA RESKOSKA 25-2 219 23-56 .411 0-0 .000 1-3 .333 12 30 42 1.7 31-0 8 24 11 BRESHARA GORDON 5-1 43 3-10 .300 0-1 .000 3-5 .600 0 4 4 0.8 6-0 6 7 0 LA-SHE’ WALKER 25-2 274 16-46 .348 0-0 .000 9-17 .529 25 28 53 2.1 40-1 4 9 14 KIERA McIVOR 27-2 307 14-50 .280 2-6 .333 3-12 .250 27 28 55 2.0 28-1 7 23 2 TEAM 86 83 169 5.5 8 RADFORD 31 6225 784-1977 .397 145-467 .310 340-502 .677 497 700 1197 38.6 604-15 391 535 97 OPPONENTS 31 6225 671-1685 .398 134-399 .336 522-756 .690 443 792 1235 39.8 507-x 373 645 108


STL 73 80 48 27 34 19 44 7 10 5 1 18 10

PTS PPG 538 17.4 455 14.7 215 7.7 223 7.2 143 4.9 111 3.7 93 3.6 69 3.3 76 2.7 47 1.9 9 1.8 41 1.6 33 1.2

376 2053 66.2 297 1998 64.5



5th season at Radford 46-71 (.393)

NOTES: League’s third leading scorer at 17.4 points per game and was also fifth in assists at 3.8 ... She had double-figure scoring in 26 of 31 games and 14 games of 20 or more ... Became RU’s 19th 1,000-point scorer in a 24-point effort at Campbell ... Currently ranks seventh all-time in career assists (278) and 10th in steals (183), only the fourth player to make the list in both categories ... With four more points, she will become the third player to don the Red and White and rank in the Top-10 in points, assists and steals ... Dished out five or more assists in 10 games last season ... Was ninth in the Conference in field goal percentage at 46 percent and fourth in free throw percentage at 75 percent ... Also ranked fourth in the Big South in steals per game (2.4) and fifth in assist/turnover ratio (1.2) ... Big South All-Tournament and All-Conference First-Team selection in 2011-12.

HOMETOWN: St. Croix, Virgin Islands ALMA MATER (YEAR): George Washington (1997) COACHING CAREER: RADFORD - Head Coach.................................................2008-present George Washington - Assistant Coach ..................................... 2004-08 VCU - Assistant Coach ..........................................................2002-04 Richmond - Assistant Coach...................................................2001-02 U.S. Virgin Islands Junior National Team - Assistant Coach .................2001 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Named Radford’s sixth women’s basketball coach on May 7, 2008. • Led Highlanders to Big South Tournament Semifinals last season as the No. 6 seed, the team’s first appearance berth since 2008. • Voted Big South Coach of the Year in 2010-11 after leading Radford to its most Big South wins (11) since 1993-94 and an eight-win overall improvement from 2009-10. • Served as head coach of the U.S. Virgin Islands Senior National Team in the Summer of 2011. • Has had the Big South’s Defensive Player of the Year (2009), four AllConference players and one All-Freshman team honoree in her four seasons as Radford’s coach. • Led Radford to third-place finish in the Big South in first season as coach. • During her nine-year tenure as a player and coach at George Washington, was part of 252 Colonial victories, with four “Sweet Sixteen” appearances. • Played a role in more than half of GW head coach JOE McKEOWN’s 468 wins in those nine years. • Was instrumental in the development of Atlantic 10 All-Conference players JESSICA ADAIR, JESSICA SIMMONDS and ANNA MONTANANA. • Also mentored Colonial All-American KIMBERLY BECK. • Helped recruit 2006 CAA Rookie of the Year QUANITRA HOLLINGSWORTH to VCU. • Tutored future A-10 All-Conference performers EBONY TANNER and KATE FLAVIN while at Richmond. • Was standout player at George Washington from 1994-97, setting a school record with 2,134 career points. • Named a Kodak First-Team All-American in 1997 after leading GW to a 28-6 record and East Regional Final in the NCAA Tournament. • Honorable Mention All-American in 1996, was the A-10 Player of the Year in 1997 and the Conference’s Rookie of the Year in 1994. • Drafted with the seventh pick in the fourth round of the inaugural WNBA Draft by the Sacramento Monarchs in 1997, and played with the Monarchs and Detroit Shock (1998) during her WNBA career. • Member of coaching staff that helped the U.S. Virgin Islands Women’s Junior National Team to a Gold Medal in the 2001 Caricom Junior Basketball Championship in Nassau, Bahamas. • Served as team captain for the U.S. Virgin Islands Women’s Senior National Team. • Inducted into the George Washington Athletics Hall of Fame in 2004.

2011-12 RESULTS (16-15, 9-9 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March March

TAJAMA ABRAHAM NGONGBA’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL BIG SOUTH 2008-09 Radford 10-18 9-7 2009-10 Radford 6-22 5-11 2010-11 Radford 14-16 11-5 2011-12 Radford 16-15 9-9 CAREER TOTAL 46-71 34-32

12 16 19 21 26 3 7 10 16 18 22 31 7 9 14 16 21 23 28 30 4 6 11 13 18 20 25 27 2 9 10

EASTERN MENNONITE W, 100-42 WINSTON-SALEM STATE W, 69-46 USC UPSTATE W, 85-52 UNC GREENSBORO W, 75-67 at George Washington L, 59-83 at Longwood L, 59-73 at Wake Forest L, 67-90 vs. Wofford ! W, 63-46 at Norfolk State W, 80-68 at Virginia L, 43-92 DAVIDSON L, 68-81 LIBERTY * L, 68-76 CAMPBELL * W, 80-70 HIGH POINT * L, 65-81 at Charleston Southern * L, 69-79 at Coastal Carolina * L, 56-58 WINTHROP * L, 64-66 PRESBYTERIAN * W, 53-29 at Gardner-Webb * W, 63-50 at UNC Asheville * W, 72-62 at High Point * W, 66-61 at Campbell * W, 64-59 COASTAL CAROLINA * W, 55-43 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * W, 73-66 at Presbyterian * L, 49-52 at Winthrop * L, 56-67 UNC ASHEVILLE * W, 79-67 GARDNER-WEBB * (OT) L, 55-59 at Liberty * L, 66-72 vs. No. 3 Winthrop # W, 62-56 vs. No. 2 High Point # L, 70-85

* - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game


! - Collegiate Basketball Invitational HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:.................................. Asheville, N.C. Founded:...............................................1927 Enrollment:...........................................3,700 Nickname: ........................................ Bulldogs School Colors:.......................Royal Blue & White Chancellor: ............................. Dr. Anne Ponder Athletics Director: ...........................Janet Cone Senior Woman Administrator: .............. Terri Brne Faculty Athletics Representative:.......Herman Holt Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 828-251-6459 Ticket Office Phone:...................... 828-251-6904

Overall Record: ...................................... 24-10 Big South Record (Finish): .....................16-2 (1st) Big South Tournament: ...................... Champion Postseason:.......................... NCAA Tournament

MEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: ........Eddie Biedenbach (17th season) Alma Mater: .............North Carolina State, 1968 Career Record: ................... 269-293 (19 years) School Record: ................... 240-242 (16 years) Big South Record: ...................... 144-96 (.600) Big South Tournament Record:........ 20-13 (.606) Associate Head Coach: Nick McDevitt................... ...................UNC UNC Asheville, 2001 Assistant Coaches: Brett Carey..................... UNC Asheville, 2002 Kevin Easley........................Austin Peay, 2001 Athletic Trainer: ...............................Tim White Basketball Office Phone: ................ 828-251-6826 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................1/4 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................9/7 Newcomers:............................................... 7 Arena (capacity): ............... Kimmel Arena (3,200)

MEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:.........................1964-65 Overall Record: ...........................688-678 (.504) NCAA Tournament Appearances: ..................... 3 ...................................... (2003, 2011, 2012) NCAA Tournament Record: .......................... 2-3 NIT Appearances: ................................1 (2008) NIT Record:..............................................0-1 Last postseason opponent: ..................Syracuse, 2012 NCAA Tournament Second Round (L, 65-72) Big South Regular-Season Record: .... 202-180 (.529) Big South Regular-Season Championships: .......... 5 ........................................1997-98-02-08-12 Big South Tournament Record: ...........28-23 (.549) Big South Tournament Championships:.............. 4 ............................................1989-03-11-12

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Men’s Basketball Contact: ................... Mike Gore Email: ...............................mgore@unca.edu Phone: ................................... 828-251-6923 Cell:.......................................828-575-6649 Fax: ....................................... 828-251-6386 Press Row:...............................828-575-6649 Athletic Website:....................uncabulldogs.com Twitter Feed: ............................ #ashevilledogs

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 0 2 3 4 5 11 14 15 22 31 32 33 35 42 45 55

NAME Zack Davis Marcus Neely Drew Combs Keith Hornsby Jaron Lane Josh Seligson Mike Bedulskis Jeremy Atkinson Corey Littlejohn Sam Hughes Will Weeks D.J. Cunningham Jon Nwannunu Alex Biggerstaff Jaleel Roberts Trent Meyer

YR Fr. Fr. Fr. So. Sr. R-Jr. Fr. Sr. So. Fr. Fr. R-Jr. Sr. Fr. So. Jr.


HT 6-3 6-4 5-10 6-4 6-4 6-3 6-9 6-4 6-3 6-4 6-6 6-10 6-8 6-4 7-0 6-3

WT 185 205 165 190 170 205 220 210 180 205 220 240 225 185 220 165

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Charlotte, N.C. / United Faith Christian Academy Fort Lauderdale, Fla. / Cardinal Gibbons Wilmington, N.C. / Ashley HS Williamsburg, Va. / Oak Hill Academy Greenville, N.C. / D.H. Conley HS Raleigh, N.C. / St. David’s School Vilnius, Lithuania / The Phelps School Elm City, N.C. / Fike (Louisburg College) Columbia, S.C. / Heathwood Hall School Battleboro, N.C. / Greenfield School Charlotte, N.C. / Christ School Waterford, Ohio / Waterford HS Merrillville, Ind. / Merrillville HS (Vincennes JC) Burnsville, N.C. / Mountain Heritage HS Evans, Ga. / Greensboro Day School Fort Lauderdale, Fla. / Windermere Prep School

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 5 Nov. 9 Nov. 11 Nov. 15-23 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 19 Nov. 23 Nov. 29 Dec. 8 Dec. 12 Dec. 15 Dec. 18 Dec. 21 Dec. 30 Jan. 2 Jan. 5 Jan. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 March 2 March 5-10

OPPONENT TIME BREVARD (EXH.) 7:00pm WESTERN CAROLINA 7:00pm at UNC Wilmington 2:00pm at Puerto Rico Tip-Off Tournament vs. Tennessee 12:30pm vs. Akron/Oklahoma State TBA vs. TBA TBA at North Carolina State 7:00pm USC UPSTATE 7:00pm MONTREAT 4:30pm LENOIR-RHYNE 7:00pm at Ohio State 12:00pm at Northeastern 7:00pm at St. John’s 7:30pm BLUEFIELD 2:00pm at Charlotte 7:30pm at Liberty * 6:00pm at Gardner-Webb * 7:00pm RADFORD * 2:00pm at Charleston Southern * 7:30pm LONGWOOD * 4:30pm COASTAL CAROLINA * 7:00pm HIGH POINT * 2:00pm at Presbyterian * 7:00pm at Campbell * 3:30pm WINTHROP * 7:00pm at VMI * 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB * 7:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * 2:00pm at Coastal Carolina * 7:00pm BRACKETBUSTERS 4:30pm PRESBYTERIAN * 7:00pm at Winthrop * 4:00pm at Big South Championship TBA

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST


GP-GS MIN 34-34 1130 34-33 1088 33-32 949 34-30 1006 26-4 652 34-34 690 34-1 430 23-0 208 16-0 86 29-0 285 17-0 83 8-0 24 23-2 144 10-0 23 11-0 26

FG-FGA 152-339 158-367 161-332 136-249 100-174 71-137 50-115 20-46 14-31 23-55 14-19 5-7 13-21 2-5 1-10

PCT .448 .431 .485 .546 .575 .518 .435 .435 .452 .418 .737 .714 .619 .400 .100

3P-3PA PCT 62-169 .367 75-205 .366 20-61 .328 15-44 .341 15-44 .341 9-20 .450 15-42 .357 0-0 .000 2-2 1.000 10-33 .303 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0-0 .000 0-1 .000 0-8 .000

FT-FTA 182-210 133-158 80-106 111-151 84-106 25-59 21-33 21-26 8-10 5-8 2-4 2-5 3-7 3-4 2-6

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS PPG .867 26 87 113 3.3 76-2 124 81 2 50 548 16.1 .842 18 94 112 3.3 84-0 142 81 2 64 524 15.4 .755 62 147 209 6.3 100-3 90 98 23 40 422 12.8 .735 69 154 223 6.6 70-0 76 51 6 40 398 11.7 .792 34 72 106 4.1 49-1 28 36 10 18 299 11.5 .424 49 64 113 3.3 82-3 31 25 11 18 176 5.2 .636 28 35 63 1.9 38-0 18 20 6 18 136 4.0 .808 21 22 43 1.9 34-1 6 14 10 2 61 2.7 .800 7 9 16 1.0 9-0 9 13 0 5 38 2.4 .625 9 12 21 0.7 23-0 31 12 1 14 61 2.1 .500 6 15 21 1.2 17-0 3 5 9 3 30 1.8 .400 7 10 17 2.1 2-0 2 2 4 1 12 1.5 .429 6 25 31 1.3 20-0 4 5 4 7 29 1.3 .750 1 1 2 0.2 5-0 0 4 0 1 7 0.7 .333 1 2 3 0.3 3-0 2 2 0 2 4 0.4 33 52 85 2.5 7 34 6825 920-1907 .482 223-629 .355 682-893 .764 377 801 1178 34.6 612-10 566 456 88 283 2745 80.7 34 6825 865-1949 .444 234-671 .349 462-695 .665 415 718 1133 33.3 734-15 501 539 107 223 2426 71.4



KEEP AN EYE ON... #15 JEREMY ATKINSON Sr. • F • 6-4 • 210

17th season at UNC Asheville 240-242 (.498)

NOTES: Member of Big South All-Tournament team last season as he helped lead Bulldogs to second-straight Big South Championship ... Led Bulldogs in rebounding ... Fourth-leading scorer and will be Asheville’s top scorer coming back from last year’s club ... Named Big South Player of the Week once as he led Dogs to victories at Campbell and High Point ... Scored in double figures in 19 different games ... Led Asheville in doubledoubles with three ... Had sensational Big South Tournament as he averaged 17 points, eight rebounds and five assists in three tourney games ... Shot 57.7 percent (15-of-26) from the field and 88.0 (22-of-25) from the free throw line during the tournament ... Finished second on team in field goal percentage.

HOMETOWN: Pittsburgh, Pa. ALMA MATER (YEAR): North Carolina State (1968) COACHING CAREER: UNC ASHEVILLE - Head Coach ......................................... 1996-present North Carolina State - Assistant Coach .....................................1993-96 Georgia - Assistant Coach ..................................................... 1981-89 Davidson - Head Coach ........................................................1978-81 North Carolina State - Assistant Coach ..................................... 1970-78 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Is the longest-tenured men’s basketball coach in Big South history (17 years), and is the Conference’s all-time winningest coach for overall wins (240) and Big South victories (144). • Only coach in Big South history to win two NCAA Tournament games. • First coach in Big South history to take teams to the NCAA Tournament (2003, 2011, 2012) and NIT (2008). • Three-time Big South Coach of the Year (1997, 2002, 2008). • UNC Asheville has reached Semifinals of Big South Tournament in 12 of his 16 seasons. • Five-time regular-season champion, and six appearances in Conference Tournament title game (three Championships). • Directed UNC Asheville to school-record 24 wins in 2011-12 and tied Big South record for most Conference victories (16). • Asheville won 2003 Big South Tournament and captured League’s first-ever NCAA Tournament win with Opening Round victory against Texas Southern. • Selected as the Big South’s representative on the National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) Congress. • Played and coached at North Carolina State, where he recruited foundation of 1974 national championship squad -- notably DAVID THOMPSON, TOMMY BURELSON and MONTE TOWE. • First-team All-ACC selection in 1966 and 1968. • Voted as the N.C. State Player of the Decade for the 1960s. • Played a year in NBA with Los Angeles Lakers and Phoenix Suns. • Drafted by St. Louis Hawks (NBA) after junior year at N.C. State, but elected to return to school. • Drafted by Los Angeles Lakers (NBA), New York Nets (ABA) and Dallas Cowboys (NFL) following his senior season. • Inducted into the East Boros, Pa. Hall of Fame in 1998. • Member of USA Today Top 25 voting panel. EDDIE BIEDENBACH’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 1978-79 Davidson 8-19 1979-80 Davidson 8-18 1980-81 Davidson 13-14 1996-97 UNC Asheville 18-10 1997-98 UNC Asheville 19-9 1998-99 UNC Asheville 11-18 1999-00 UNC Asheville 11-19 2000-01 UNC Asheville 15-13 2001-02 UNC Asheville 13-15 2002-03 UNC Asheville 15-17 2003-04 UNC Asheville 9-20 2004-05 UNC Asheville 11-17 2005-06 UNC Asheville 9-19 2006-07 UNC Asheville 12-19 2007-08 UNC Asheville 23-10 2008-09 UNC Asheville 15-16 2009-10 UNC Asheville 15-16 2010-11 UNC Asheville 20-14 2011-12 UNC Asheville 24-10 UNC ASHEVILLE TOTAL 240-242 CAREER TOTAL 269-293

2011-12 RESULTS (24-10, 16-2 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March March


11-3 11-1 5-5 7-7 9-5 10-4 7-7 6-10 8-8 6-10 6-8 10-4 10-8 11-7 11-7 16-2 144-96

11 13 16 21 24 25 26 1 4 15 20 28 31 2 5 7 12 14 17 19 21 26 28 2 4 11 14 18 23 25 29 1 3 15

at North Carolina State #1/1 NORTH CAROLINA MARS HILL BREVARD vs. #4/4 Connecticut % vs. College of Charleston % vs. Utah % at Gardner-Webb * USC UPSTATE MONTREAT at Tennessee at Western Carolina at Winthrop * (OT) at Radford * VMI * LIBERTY * at Campbell * at High Point * COASTAL CAROLINA * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * at Presbyterian * HIGH POINT * CAMPBELL * at VMI * at Liberty * RADFORD * at Coastal Carolina * at Ohio @ GARDNER-WEBB * WINTHROP * #8 HIGH POINT # #4 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN # #7 VMI # vs. No. 1 Syracuse $

% - Battle 4 Atlantis * - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game


L, 75-84 L, 75-91 W, 126-75 W, 89-48 L, 63-73 L, 66-68 W, 87-65 W, 66-60 W, 88-81 W, 109-61 L, 68-72 L, 67-86 W, 73-68 W, 66-56 W, 94-85 W, 98-75 W, 89-82 W, 86-79 W, 88-81 L, 88-93 W, 66-58 W, 90-70 W, 95-84 W, 89-86 W, 65-51 W, 88-62 L, 69-74 L, 62-81 W, 71-61 W, 67-55 W, 86-61 W, 91-64 W, 80-64 L, 65-72

@ - SEARS BracketBusters game $ - NCAA Tournament HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:.................................. Asheville, N.C. Founded:...............................................1927 Enrollment:...........................................3,700 Nickname: ........................................ Bulldogs School Colors:.......................Royal Blue & White Chancellor: ............................. Dr. Anne Ponder Athletics Director: ...........................Janet Cone Senior Woman Administrator: .............. Terri Brne Faculty Athletics Representative:.......Herman Holt Athletic Dept. Phone: .................... 828-251-6459 Ticket Office Phone:...................... 828-251-6904

Overall Record: ........................................7-23 Big South Record (Finish): ..................3-15 (T-9th) Big South Tournament: .................. Quarterfinals


Big South Regular-Season Record: .... 123-239 (.340) Big South Regular-Season Championships: ......none Big South Tournament Record: .............9-25 (.265) Big South Tournament Championships:.............. 1 .......................................................2007

Head Coach: . Brenda Mock Kirkpatrick (1st season) Alma Mater: ...................... Wake Forest, 2001 Career Record: ......................... 0-0 (1st year) School Record: ......................... 0-0 (1st year) Big South Record: ...................................n/a Big South Tournament Record:...................n/a Assistant Coaches: Honey Brown .........................Maryville, 1994 Janell Crayton ........................Davidson, 2006 Russ Gardiner Dir. of Basketball Operations: ....Jennifer Brazelton Athletic Trainer: .........................James Westfall Basketball Office Phone: ................ 828-251-6907 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................4/1 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: .................... 10/2 Newcomers:............................................... 4 Arena (capacity): ............... Kimmel Arena (3,200)

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1975-76 Overall Record: ........................... 365-618 (.371) NCAA Tournament Appearances: .............1 (2007) NCAA Tournament Record: .......................... 0-1 Last postseason opponent: ........................ LSU, .. 2007 NCAA Tournament First Round (L, 39-77)

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Women’s Basketball Contact: ......... Matt Pellegrin Email: ............................mpellegr@unca.edu Phone: ....................................828-251-6931 Cell:....................................... 828-707-0302 Fax: ....................................... 828-251-6386 Press Row:...............................828-575-6649 Athletic Website:....................uncabulldogs.com Twitter Feed: ............................ #ashevilledogs

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 3 4 5 10 13 14 15 20 22 23 24 25 30 42

NAME Marissa Riley Tacey Trammell Rachel McGirt Brittany Gwyn Kelli Riles Tyler Smith Jeannie Buckner Leah Wormack Gentry Manley Abra Sickles Grace Blaylock Blake Cokes Paige Love Shonese Jones

YR POS HT HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Fr. G 5-11 Mooresville, N.C. / Lake Norman So. G 5-2 Robbinsville, N.C. / Robbinsville HS Fr. C 6-1 Durham, N.C. / Jordan So. G 5-7 High Point, N.C. / High Point Central R-Sr. F 6-1 Ellenwood, Ga. / Redan HS Fr. F 5-11 Port Tobacco, Md. / St. Mary’s Ryken So. F 6-0 Johns Island, S.C. / Humanities and Sciences Academy So. F 6-1 Cumberland, Md. / Allegany Sr. G 5-10 Asheville, N.C. / Roberson HS Jr. C 6-4 Harrodsburg, Ky. / Mercer County HS Sr. G 5-7 Blue Ridge, Va. / Lord Botetourt HS Jr. F 6-1 Dayton, Ohio / Trotwood-Madison HS Fr. G 5-8 North Wilkesboro, N.C. / Wilkes Central So. G 5-2 Etowah, N.C. / Brevard HS

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 10 Nov. 15 Nov. 17 Nov. 20 Nov. 25 Nov. 27 Dec. 1 Dec. 3 Dec. 8 Dec. 13 Dec. 18-19 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 29 Jan. 3 Jan. 5 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 7 Feb. 9 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 March 2 March 6-10

OPPONENT WESTERN CAROLINA ^ WOFFORD at Eastern Kentucky MONTREAT at North Carolina SOUTH FLORIDA CAMPBELL * at USC Upstate COLUMBIA COLLEGE KENNESAW STATE at Hatter Classic vs. Bethune-Cookman at Stetson HIGH POINT * at Radford * at Liberty * WINTHROP * PRESBYTERIAN * GARDNER-WEBB * at Charleston Southern * at Coastal Carolina * at Gardner-Webb * at Presbyterian * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * COASTAL CAROLINA * at High Point * at Campbell * LIBERTY * LONGWOOD * at Winthrop * at Big South Championship

TIME 4:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 5:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 4:30pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 1:00pm TBA

^ - Collegiate Basketball Invitational - Asheville, N.C. * - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST


GP-GS 30-27 30-23 24-23 10-9 30-21 30-6 30-16 30-16 8-0 15-4 15-1 28-4 19-0

MIN 888 838 625 290 799 480 727 639 96 125 82 288 123

FG-FGA 176-431 109-317 98-196 28-77 87-172 64-132 49-178 43-140 5-33 6-18 7-15 9-52 5-21

PCT .408 .344 .500 .364 .506 .485 .275 .307 .152 .333 .467 .173 .238

3P-3PA 53-129 44-152 0-0 10-21 0-0 0-3 46-156 15-47 0-3 1-4 0-0 1-22 0-0

PCT .411 .289 .000 .476 .000 .000 .295 .319 .000 .250 .000 .045 .000

FT-FTA 62-87 66-75 58-81 19-27 74-94 47-75 8-13 16-20 2-8 4-7 2-6 10-23 8-14

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS .713 33 66 99 3.3 66-3 59 86 2 40 467 .880 37 83 120 4.0 60-2 87 107 3 26 328 .716 51 77 128 5.3 76-4 14 46 28 13 254 .704 16 19 35 3.5 17-0 25 28 3 11 85 .787 93 225 318 10.6 57-0 23 78 11 27 248 .627 63 52 115 3.8 58-0 19 35 4 14 175 .615 25 74 99 3.3 45-0 50 39 2 31 152 .800 8 33 41 1.4 41-0 61 67 1 32 117 .250 2 6 8 1.0 9-0 8 19 0 11 12 .571 7 12 19 1.3 18-0 4 6 4 5 17 .333 5 9 14 0.9 19-0 3 7 0 1 16 .435 20 27 47 1.7 47-1 11 31 2 10 29 .571 5 6 11 0.6 18-0 0 9 3 2 18 65 64 129 4.3 10 30 6000 686-1782 .385 170-537 .317 376-530 .709 430 753 1183 39.4 531-10 364 568 63 223 1918 30 6000 824-1979 .416 176-544 .324 419-594 .705 493 766 1259 42.0 486-x 467 434 136 298 2243


PPG 15.6 10.9 10.6 8.5 8.3 5.8 5.1 3.9 1.5 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 63.9 74.8


KEEP AN EYE ON... #42 SHONESE JONES Soph. • G • 5-2

1st season at UNC Asheville

NOTES: Was named the Big South Freshman of the Year last season, while earning a sport on the Big South’s All-Freshman Team ... Was named the Big South Conference’s Freshman of the Week three times last year, while also earning Player of the Week honors once ... Led the Bulldogs and was ninth in the league in scoring, averaging 15.6 points per game ... Was fifth in the League in scoring in Conference games with a mark of 17.1 ppg ... Scored a career-high 30 points twice last season, against South Carolina State on Dec. 19 and against Radford on Jan. 30 ... Reached double digits in 23 contests last season, including nine 20-point performances ... Posted a career-high five assists twice last season ... Posted a career-high six 3-pointers against Winthrop on Feb. 13 ... Pulled down a career-high 11 rebounds against Coastal on Jan. 7 ... Started 27 games last season for Asheville, the most of any Bulldog.

HOMETOWN: Waynesville, N.C. ALMA MATER (YEAR): Wake Forest (2001) COACHING CAREER: UNC ASHEVILLE - Head Coach ......................................... 2012-present Florida - Assistant Coach ...................................................... 2007-12 Charlotte - Assistant Coach .................................................. 2005-07 Jacksonville - Assistant Coach ............................................... 2004-05 Georgia Tech - Assistant Coach ..............................................2002-04 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Named head coach on May 7, 2012. • Spent five seasons as an assistant to AMANDA BUTLER at Florida, helping the Gators to five consecutive postseason appearances, including two NCAA Tournament berths. • Also coached under Butler at Charlotte for two seasons, helping the 49ers to 40 wins, a share of the 2006 Atlantic-10 regular-season championship and a pair of postseason berths. • Coached post players her final two seasons at Florida after handling guards her first three years in Gainesville. • Aslo coached guards at Charlotte, helping SAKELLIE DANIELS earn FirstTeam All-Atlantic 10 Conference honors in 2006 and WENDY STYWALT a place on the A-10 All-Rookie Team in 2007. • In first year as an assistant coach in 2002-03, helped Georgia Tech win 20 games and earn a bid into the NCAA Tournament for just the second time in program history. • Played collegiately at Wake Forest where she was a two-time captain and averaged 7.2 points and 5.1 rebounds during her four-year career. • Garnered Honorable Mention All-ACC honors in 2000-01 after averaging 10.1 points and 6.2 rebounds per game as a senior. • Appeared in all 111 contests with 57 starts during her time at Wake. • Also voted CoSIDA Academic All-District First-Team and was a four-year member of the ACC Student-Athlete Honor Roll. • Played professionally in France for Nantes-Reze 44 during the 2001-02 season.

2011-12 RESULTS (7-23, 3-15 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March March


12 16 19 21 27 30 10 17 19 21 28 31 2 7 9 14 16 21 28 30 4 6 11 13 18 25 27 2 5 9

WINSTON-SALEM STATE at Western Carolina MONTREAT at Furman at George Mason USC UPSTATE APPALACHIAN STATE @ at Kennesaw State at South Carolina State MERCER BREVARD at High Point * at Campbell * COASTAL CAROLINA * CHARLESTON SOUTNERN * at Winthrop * at Presbyterian * GARDNER-WEBB * LIBERTY * RADFORD * at Charleston Southern * at Coastal Carolina * PRESBYTERIAN * WINTHROP * at Gardner-Webb * at Radford * at Liberty * CAMPBELL * HIGH POINT * vs. No. 1 Liberty #

* - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game


W, L, W, L, L, L, L, L, L, W, W, L, L, W, W, L, L, W, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L,

83-74 53-65 73-64 59-71 59-88 66-73 71-85 79-83 82-92 76-75 74-62 49-89 62-82 69-60 75-68 68-84 54-62 74-62 56-78 62-72 70-88 58-74 45-62 68-79 52-69 67-79 53-84 55-74 56-74 50-71

@ - Collegiate Basketball Invitational HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:...................................Lexington, Va. Founded:...............................................1839 Enrollment:...........................................1,600 Nickname: .........................................Keydets School Colors:.....................Red, Yellow & White Superintendent: ........ General J.H. Binford Peay III Athletics Director: .........................Donny White Senior Woman Administrator: ...........Elizabeth Igo Faculty Athletics Representative:.....Col. Tom Baur Athletic Dept. Phone: ....................540-464-7251 Ticket Office Phone:......................540-464-7266

Overall Record: .......................................17-16 Big South Record (Finish): ................. 8-10 (T-6th) Big South Tournament: ......................Runner-Up


Big South Regular-Season Record: .......56-92 (.378) Big South Regular-Season Championships: ......none Big South Tournament Record: .............. 8-7 (.533) Big South Tournament Championships:..........none

Head Coach: ............Duggar Baucom (8th season) Alma Mater: ....................UNC Charlotte, 1995 Career Record: ..................... 141-129 (9 years) School Record: .....................104-110 (7 years) Big South Record: ........................ 49-67 (.422) Big South Tournament Record:........... 8-6 (.571) Associate Head Coach: Daniel Willis ...................... ......................Lenoir-Rhyne, Lenoir-Rhyne, 2001 Associate Coach/Recruiting Coordinator: Jason Allison ............................ Liberty, 1999 Assistant Coach: Ryan Mattocks............................. Duke, 2011 Athletic Trainer: .........................Lance Fujiwara Basketball Office Phone: ................540-464-7384 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................3/2 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................9/4 Newcomers:............................................... 4 Arena (capacity): ................Cameron Hall (5,000)

MEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:.........................1908-09 Overall Record: ..........................823-1400 (.370) NCAA Tournament Appearances: ..... 3 (1964-76-77) NCAA Tournament Record: .......................... 3-3 Last postseason opponent: ................. Kentucky, .............1977 NCAA “Sweet Sixteen” (L, 78-93)

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Men’s Basketball Contact: ..............Wade Branner Email: ..........................BrannerWH@vmi.edu Phone: ...................................540-464-7515 Cell:........................................540-319-1271 Fax: .......................................540-464-7583 Press Row:...............................540-463-6725 Secondary Contact: ......................... Brad Salois Email: .............................. SaloisBJ@vmi.edu Phone: ...................................540-464-7015 Cell:.......................................940-642-9865 Athletic Website:...................... VMIKeydets.com Twitter Feed: .....................................@vmisid

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 1 3 4 5 11 12 14 23 24 30 32 34 35 40

NAME Rodney Glasgow Brian Brown Christian Burton Drew Absher Stan Okoye Gavin Stephenson Joe Carr Dorian Albritton D.J. Covington Nick Gore Phillip Anglade Jarid Watson Tim Marshall Jordan Weethee *

YR POS HT WT HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Jr. G 5-10 170 Brooklyn, N.Y. / Good Counsel School So. G 5-11 185 Kings Mountain, N.C. / Kings Mountain So. G 5-10 170 Virginia Beach, Va. / Kellam Jr. G 5-10 170 Mocksville, N.C. / Davie County (The Gunnery) Sr. F 6-6 215 Raleigh, N.C. / Knightdale Fr. G 6-3 185 Columbia, Md. / Atholton Sr. G 6-3 190 Houston, Texas / The Woodlands Fr. F 6-4 210 Bronx, N.Y. / Davidson Day School (N.C.) Jr. F 6-9 235 Virginia Beach, Va. / Norfolk Academy Sr. F 6-6 220 Waynesboro, Va. / Waynesboro (The Hill School) Fr. F 6-5 210 Long Island, N.Y. / Davidson Day School (N.C.) Fr. C 6-7 215 Burtonsville, Md. / Springbrook Fr. G 6-3 185 Virginia Beach, Va. / Landstown So. F 6-6 220 Greensboro, N.C. / High Point Christian

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 3 Nov. 10-11 Nov. 10 Nov. 11 Nov. 13 Nov. 15 Nov. 21 Nov. 24 Nov. 28 Dec. 1 Dec. 3 Dec. 8 Dec. 22 Jan. 2 Jan. 5 Jan. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 26 March 2 March 5-10

OPPONENT TIME FROSTBURG STATE (EXH.) 7:00pm at All-Military Classic at The Citadel 4:00pm vs. Air Force/Army 2:00/4:00pm CENTRAL PENN 7:00pm at Virginia Tech 7:00pm at Old Dominion 7:00pm ELON 5:00pm at West Virginia 7:00pm MORGAN STATE 1:00pm VIRGINIA UNIV. OF LYNCHBURG 7:00pm at Wright State 7:00pm at George Washington 3:00pm SHENANDOAH 7:00pm at Presbyterian * 7:00pm LIBERTY * 7:00pm WINTHROP * 1:00pm CAMPBELL * 7:00pm at Coastal Carolina * 11:00am at High Point * 7:00pm GARDNER-WEBB * 1:00pm at Radford * 7:00pm at Longwood * 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE * 7:00pm RADFORD * 7:00pm at Campbell * 3:30pm HIGH POINT * 7:00pm at Charleston Southern * 7:30pm at BracketBusters TBA at Liberty * 7:00pm LONGWOOD * 1:00pm at Big South Championship TBA

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST

* - injured and will not play in 2012-13


GP-GS MIN 33-29 944 32-29 924 33-33 1023 33-4 703 33-0 485 27-19 592 31-14 562 24-9 362 32-19 462 19-3 127 22-0 156 27-6 245 6-0 11 9-0 29

FG-FGA 192-448 200-385 103-237 73-185 76-178 58-140 53-129 45-82 49-111 10-23 13-43 17-32 2-3 1-10

PCT .429 .519 .435 .395 .427 .414 .411 .549 .441 .435 .302 .531 .667 .100

3P-3PA 75-234 17-64 33-103 51-147 50-124 21-77 19-57 0-0 10-43 0-0 7-32 0-0 0-1 0-6

PCT .321 .266 .320 .347 .403 .273 .333 .000 .233 .000 .219 .000 .000 .000

FT-FTA 117-157 130-194 83-113 69-89 17-21 30-37 38-52 31-39 30-47 9-15 0-0 6-15 2-3 2-2

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK .745 27 88 115 3.5 75-0 62 73 41 .670 59 172 231 7.2 88-2 64 87 22 .735 19 102 121 3.7 71-1 106 83 7 .775 28 55 83 2.5 38-0 19 24 1 .810 28 43 71 2.2 49-0 26 30 3 .811 8 40 48 1.8 50-1 75 36 0 .731 25 57 82 2.6 62-1 26 28 7 .795 25 39 64 2.7 51-1 5 15 16 .638 26 38 64 2.0 62-2 37 33 6 .600 9 6 15 0.8 24-0 4 1 3 .000 9 7 16 0.7 12-0 5 7 0 .400 28 33 61 2.3 33-0 7 9 18 .667 0 2 2 0.3 0-0 0 4 0 1.000 1 3 4 0.4 3-0 2 3 0 46 56 102 3.2 5 33 6625 892-2006 .445 283-888 .319 564-784 .719 338 741 1079 32.7 618-9 438 438 124 33 6625 979-2027 .483 201-585 .344 501-718 .698 414 891 1305 39.5 650-10 525 536 81


STL 59 47 42 14 8 24 44 8 16 2 3 4 2 0

PTS PPG 576 17.5 547 17.1 322 9.8 266 8.1 219 6.6 167 6.2 163 5.3 121 5.0 138 4.3 29 1.5 33 1.5 40 1.5 6 1.0 4 0.4

273 2631 79.7 221 2660 80.6


KEEP AN EYE ON... #11 STAN OKOYE Sr. • F • 6-6 • 215

8th season at VMI 104-110 (.486)

NOTES: Led team in rebounding (7.2 ) and was second in scoring (17.1) ... Had 12 20-point games on the season and six double-doubles ... Led or co-led VMI in scoring 11 times and has led or co-led VMI in rebounding 19 times ... In overall games, ranked third in the Big South in scoring (17.1), 9th in rebounding (7.2), 3rd in FG pct. (.519), and 7th in steals (1.5), 12th in blocks (.78), and 4th in defensive rebounds (5.1) ... Ranked second in the Big South in League games in scoring (19.5), 4th in rebounding (8.2), 3rd in FG pct. (.543), and 4th in defensive rebounds (5.8) ... Scored a season-high 27 points against PC, Dec. 31 and pulled down a career-high 18 rebounds at Campbell, Jan. 21 ... Blocked 3 shots and had a career-high 7 assists against GWU, Jan. 2 ... Hit 11 of 16 shots against HPU, Jan. 19 ... His dunk at Ohio State was ESPN’s No. 1 Top Ten Play, Nov. 23 ... Scored in double figures in 28 games, including 19 straight.

HOMETOWN: Charlotte, N.C. ALMA MATER (YEAR): UNC Charlotte (1995) COACHING CAREER: VMI - Head Coach ........................................................2005-present Tusculum College - Head Coach..............................................2003-05 Western Carolina - Assistant Coach......................................... 2000-03 Northwestern State - Assistant Coach ......................................1998-99 Mars Hill - Assistant Coach ....................................................1996-98 Davidson - Assistant Coach....................................................1995-96 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Has led VMI to Big South Tournament Semifinals four out of the last six years, including three Championship game appearances -- with two coming as lower seeds (No. 7 in 2012; No. 6 in 2007). • VMI led NCAA Division I in scoring five consecutive seasons (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011), the only team in NCAA Division I history to lead in scoring offense five consecutive years. • Is already the second-winningest coach in VMI history after seven seasons and is ninth all-time in Big South history. • Directed Keydets to thrilling season-opening win at Kentucky in 2008-09. • VMI earned its first ranking in the Collegeinsider.com Mid-Major Top 25 poll in 2008-09, reaching as high as No. 11. • VMI went 24-8 in 2008-09, the second-most wins in school history and tied for the third-highest win total in Big South Conference annals. • Named NABC District III Coach of the Year and was a finalist for the Collegeinsider.com Hugh Durham Coach of the Year award in 2008-09. • Turned VMI into nation’s leading scoring team in 2006-07 at 100.9 points per game, as well as nation’s leading scorer in REGGIE WILLIAMS, who has spent the past three seasons in the NBA. • VMI set NCAA records in three-point field goals, attempts, threes per game and steals in 2006-07, and broke the national record for threes per game in 2008-09. • Keydets’ 14 wins in 2006-07 was program’s highest total since the 1997-98 season. • VMI has been voted the Big South men’s basketball team sportsmanship award winner three times (2006, 2007 and 2009). • Directed Tusculum to regular-season and South Atlantic Conference Tournament championship, the program’s first. • Led Pioneers to first-ever NCAA Tournament berth as well. • South Atlantic Conference Coach of the Year (2004). • Assisted on Davidson’s SoCon championship team in 1995-96. • Three-year member of Western Carolina staff, where he recruited current NBA player KEVIN MARTIN. • Former North Carolina state trooper and city of Charlotte police officer. DUGGAR BAUCOM’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 2003-04 Tusculum College 19-8 2004-05 Tusculum College 18-11 2005-06 VMI 7-20 2006-07 VMI 14-19 2007-08 VMI 14-15 2008-09 VMI 24-8 2009-10 VMI 10-19 2010-11 VMI 18-13 2011-12 VMI 17-16 VMI TOTAL 104-110 CAREER TOTAL 141-129

2011-12 RESULTS (17-16, 8-10 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March


2-14 5-9 6-8 13-5 5-13 10-8 8-10 49-67

11 12 15 19 23 1 3 6 8 10 12 22 31 2 5 7 10 14 19 21 26 2 4 9 11 14 18 23 25 27 29 1 3

vs. The Citadel % W, at Air Force % L, ALICE LLOYD COLLEGE W, UMBC W, at #3/3 Ohio State L, at Coastal Carolina * L, at Charleston Southern * L, at #14/15 Pittsburgh L, CENTRAL PENN COLLEGE W, MILLIGAN W, at Longwood L, at Old Dominion L, PRESBYTERIAN * (OT) W, GARDNER-WEBB * W, at UNC Asheville * L, at Winthrop * L, LIBERTY * W, RADFORD * W, HIGH POINT * W, at Campbell * L, at Radford * W, UNC ASHEVILLE * L, WINTHROP * W, at Presbyterian * L, at Gardner-Webb * L, at Liberty * L, WILLIAM & MARY @ W, CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * W, COASTAL CAROLINA * L, #10 RADFORD # W, vs. #2 Coastal Carolina # W, vs. #6 Winthrop # W, at #1 UNC Asheville # L,

% - All-Military Classic * - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game


103-100 65-75 101-74 84-79 74-107 78-87 81-114 70-97 109-86 122-73 89-110 73-81 78-70 76-72 85-94 84-91 71-57 80-76 88-77 73-80 65-60 86-89 86-79 74-94 61-77 69-78 73-65 90-81 64-81 55-53 85-68 75-55 64-80

@ - SEARS BracketBusters game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:................................... Rock Hill, S.C. Founded:...............................................1886 Enrollment:...........................................6,306 Nickname: ...........................................Eagles School Colors:.............................Garnet & Gold President:..................... Dr. Anthony J. DiGiorgio Athletics Director: ........................Tom Hickman Senior Woman Administrator: ...... Norma McDuffie Faculty Athletics Representative:.... Evelyne Weeks Athletic Dept. Phone: .....................803-323-2129 Ticket Office Phone:...................... 803-323-2345

Overall Record: ...................................... 12-20 Big South Record (Finish): ................. 8-10 (T-6th) Big South Tournament: ......................Semifinals

MEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1978-79 Overall Record: ........................... 556-476 (.539) NCAA Tournament Appearances: ..................... 9 ..................... (1999-00-01-02-05-06-07-08-10) NCAA Tournament Record: .......................... 1-9 Last postseason opponent: ..... Arkansas-Pine Bluff .............. 2010 NCAA Opening Round (L, 44-61)

MEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: ................... Pat Kelsey (1st season) Alma Mater: ...............................Xavier, 1998 Career Record: ......................... 0-0 (1st year) School Record: ......................... 0-0 (1st year) Big South Record: ...................................n/a Big South Tournament Record:...................n/a Assistant Coaches: Mark Prosser ............................. Marist, 2002 Brian Thornton .......................... Xavier, 2006 Tony Hanson ...................North Carolina, 2005 Dir. of Basketball Operations: .......... Steve Struble Athletic Trainer: ................................ Jeff Lahr Basketball Office Phone: ... 803-323-2129, ext. 6221 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................1/4 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................9/5 Newcomers:............................................... 4 Arena (capacity): ......... Winthrop Coliseum (6,000)

Big South Regular-Season Record: .....214-176 (.549) Big South Regular-Season Championships: .......... 7 ...............................1999-02-03-05-06-07-08 Big South Tournament Record: ............35-17 (.673) Big South Tournament Championships:.............10 ................... 1988-99-00-01-02-05-06-07-08-10

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Men’s Basketball Contact: ...............Brett Redden Email: .......................reddenb@winthrop.edu Phone: ...................... 803-323-2129, ext. 6246 Cell:........................................803-367-1649 Fax: ........................................803-323-2433 Press Row:................................803-323-2156 Athletic Website:................. winthropeagles.com Twitter Feed: ................................ @WUEagles

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 14 15 20 21 22 23 31 34

NAME Brandon Vega Gideon Gamble Andre Smith Joab Jerome Keon Moore Reggie King James Bourne Shola Diop Derrick Henry Donovan Carter Torrell Priest Steve Johnson Larry Brown Tevin Prescott Christian Farmer

YR POS Jr. G R-Sr. G So. G Jr. F R-So. G Sr. G So. F/C Jr. C/F So. G R-Jr. F Sr. G Jr. C So. F Fr. F Jr. G

HT 5-10 6-7 5-10 6-5 6-5 6-2 6-8 6-9 6-3 6-5 6-2 6-8 6-6 6-5 6-5

WT 160 195 180 197 190 215 240 230 200 215 185 225 210 180 190

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Miami, Fla. / North Miami Beach HS (Snow CC) Atlanta, Ga. / Westlake HS Tampa, Fla. / Blake HS Marietta, Ga. / Wheeler HS Windsor, N.C. / Bertie County HS (Catawba College) Novelty, Ohio / The Christ School (N.C.) Alexandria, Va. / Bishop O’Connell HS Sydney, Australia / Mesa (Ariz.) HS (Yuba CC) Covington, Ga. / Newton HS Ladson, S.C. / Porter-Gaud HS Yonkers, N.Y. / Fort Mill HS Fayetteville, N.C. / 71st HS (Brunswick CC) Red Spring, N.C. / Fork Union Military Academy Hartsville, S.C. / Hartsville HS Charlotte, N.C. / Vance HS (Tallahassee CC)

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 10 Nov. 13 Nov. 17 Nov. 20 Nov. 28 Dec. 1 Dec. 4 Dec. 15 Dec. 18 Dec. 22 Dec. 30 Jan. 2 Jan. 5 Jan. 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Feb. 27 March 2 March 5-10

OPPONENT ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN at Indiana State VCU LENOIR-RHYNE at Wofford at James Madison BREVARD at Ohio at Ohio State at Auburn HAMPTON NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL HIGH POINT * at Charleston Southern * at VMI * PRESBYTERIAN * at Campbell * GARDNER-WEBB * at Radford * COASTAL CAROLINA * LIBERTY * at UNC Asheville * LONGWOOD * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * at Presbyterian * at Gardner-Webb * BRACKETBUSTERS at Coastal Carolina * UNC ASHEVILLE * at Big South Championship

TIME 4:00pm 7:05pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 2:00pm 7:00pm 2:00pm 7:30pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 1:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm TBA 7:00pm 4:00pm TBA

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST


GP-GS MIN 32-32 1109 32-32 1021 32-32 1039 32-19 720 1-0 4 29-17 699 30-0 350 29-6 398 32-12 536 22-9 156 25-1 186 17-0 79 5-0 17 21-0 150 2-0 8 1-0 4

FG-FGA 182-421 140-367 115-216 106-238 2-3 43-110 44-129 34-104 33-71 18-49 19-41 10-15 3-6 5-22 0-1 0-0

PCT .432 .381 .532 .445 .667 .391 .341 .327 .465 .367 .463 .667 .500 .227 .000 .000

3P-3PA 53-156 47-135 0-0 5-24 0-1 3-20 18-66 21-73 0-0 10-24 0-2 0-0 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-0

PCT .340 .348 .000 .208 .000 .150 .273 .288 .000 .417 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

FT-FTA 95-119 81-115 39-74 49-74 1-2 44-62 7-10 6-11 26-46 10-19 1-11 2-6 0-0 9-14 0-1 0-0

PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK .798 21 81 102 3.2 66-1 54 77 9 .704 28 100 128 4.0 84-3 136 78 13 .527 91 161 252 7.9 84-2 25 43 33 .662 64 75 139 4.3 71-3 11 36 15 .500 0 0 0 0.0 2-0 0 0 0 .710 35 68 103 3.6 62-2 56 42 16 .700 12 32 44 1.5 52-2 10 22 9 .545 1 25 26 0.9 36-0 37 18 1 .565 32 50 82 2.6 56-0 3 30 0 .526 6 9 15 0.7 14-1 1 12 0 .091 19 29 48 1.9 35-0 1 7 4 .333 7 6 13 0.8 9-0 2 3 1 .000 2 4 6 1.2 2-0 0 1 2 .643 2 13 15 0.7 18-0 9 16 1 .000 0 2 2 1.0 2-0 4 1 0 .000 0 1 1 1.0 1-0 0 1 0 53 51 104 3.3 6 32 6475 754-1793 .421 157-506 .310 370-564 .656 373 707 1080 33.8 594-14 349 393 104 32 6475 704-1583 .445 217-576 .377 487-686 .710 283 768 1051 32.8 545-4 411 447 109


STL 37 46 50 6 0 22 8 16 10 3 10 2 0 5 2 0

PTS PPG 512 16.0 408 12.8 269 8.4 266 8.3 5 5.0 133 4.6 113 3.8 95 3.3 92 2.9 56 2.5 39 1.6 22 1.3 6 1.2 19 0.9 0 0.0 0 0.0

217 2035 63.6 173 2112 66.0


KEEP AN EYE ON... #4 JOAB JEROME Jr. • F • 6-5 • 197

1st season at Winthrop

HOMETOWN: Cincinnati, Ohio ALMA MATER (YEAR): Xavier (1998) COACHING CAREER: WINTHROP - Head Coach ............................................... 2012-present Xavier - Associate Head Coach ...............................................2009-11 Wake Forest - Assistant Coach............................................... 2004-09 Wake Forest - Director of Basketball Operations .........................2001-04 Elder High School - Assistant Coach .........................................1998-01 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Named head coach on March 29, 2012. • During his two years at Xavier, the Musketeers had back-to-back 20-win seasons and NCAA Tournament appearances. • Helped Xavier win 26 games in 2009-10 en route to a share of the Atlantic 10 regular-season championship and reach the Sweet 16 as an at-large No. 6 seed. • The 26 wins in 2009-10 were the fourth-most in school history. • The 2010-11 Musketeers also earned an at-large NCAA Tournament berth as a No. 6 seed. • Helped coach Third-Team AP All-American TU HOLLOWAY while at Xavier. • Spent eight seasons at Wake Forest coaching under the late SKIP PROSSER and then DINO GAUDIO. • During his time at Wake, the Demon Deacons averaged 21 wins per year, made five NCAA Tournament appearances, one NIT berth, a No. 1 national ranking in two different seasons and an ACC regular-season championship. • Worked with current NBA players CHRIS PAUL, JOSH HOWARD, DARIUS SONGALIA, JAMES JOHNSON, JEFF TEAGUE, AL-FAROUQ AMINU and ISHMAEL SMITH while at Wake. • In 2010, College Bound Hoops ranked Kelsey eighth in the nation among college basketball assistants. • Began his coaching career at his prep alma mater, Cincinnati’s Elder High School as an assistant under for Xavier guard JOE SCHOENFELD. • Played three seasons under Prosser (1996-98), helping the Musketeers reach two NCAA Tournaments. • Served as team co-captain in 1997-98 and was voted the team’s Most Inspirational Player in 1996 and 1998. PAT KELSEY’S HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL First season as a head coach


NOTES: Started 17 of the 29 games in which he played as a sophomore last season ... Finished second on the team with 56 assists ... Dished out careerhigh nine assists vs. Campbell on Feb. 29 in the quarterfinals of the Big South Tournament ... Scored in double-figures three times which included a careerhigh 14 points vs. Presbyterian College on Feb. 14 ... Grabbed a career-high nine rebounds against VMI on Jan. 7 ... Pulled down five or more rebounds in nine games ... Recorded a career-high three steals on Jan. 5 vs. Radford and had five games of two or more steals ... Had second best free throw percentage on the team at .710 ... Averaged career-best 4.6 points per game ... Saw action in all 30 games as a freshman in 2010-11.

2011-12 RESULTS (12-20, 8-10 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March

12 15 18 19 21 26 1 3 11 15 17 20 27 31 5 7 12 14 17 19 21 26 28 2 4 9 11 14 18 25 29 1

EASTERN KENTUCKY at Virginia % vs. #19/21 Marquette % vs. Drake % vs. Drexel % CENTRAL PENN COLLEGE at Presbyterian * at Gardner-Webb * VIRGINIA-WISE at Jacksonville at Clemson at Western Michigan at Georgia UNC ASHEVILLE * RADFORD * VMI * at High Point * at Liberty * CAMPBELL * GARDNER-WEBB * at Charleston Southern * LIBERTY * HIGH POINT * at Radford * at VMI * at Campbell * COASTAL CAROLINA * PRESBYTERIAN * at Appalachian State @ at UNC Asheville * vs. #3 Campbell # vs. #6 VMI #

% - Paradise Jam * - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game


L, 59-71 L, 48-69 L, 73-95 L, 62-66 L, 45-68 W, 107-68 W, 59-56 L, 60-62 W, 79-70 W, 59-45 L, 40-60 L, 55-60 (OT) L, 86-92 (OT) L, 68-73 W, 70-54 W, 91-84 L, 54-64 (OT) W, 64-61 L, 51-54 W, 56-54 L, 66-77 W, 65-63 L, 47-52 W, 77-63 L, 79-86 L, 58-67 W, 67-57 L, 45-48 L, 64-76 L, 55-67 W, 71-55 L, 55-75

@ - SEARS BracketBusters game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS


2011-12 REVIEW

Location:................................... Rock Hill, S.C. Founded:...............................................1886 Enrollment:...........................................6,306 Nickname: ...........................................Eagles School Colors:.............................Garnet & Gold President:..................... Dr. Anthony J. DiGiorgio Athletics Director: ........................Tom Hickman Senior Woman Administrator: ...... Norma McDuffie Faculty Athletics Representative:.... Evelyne Weeks Athletic Dept. Phone: .....................803-323-2129 Ticket Office Phone:...................... 803-323-2345

Overall Record: ...................................... 18-13 Big South Record (Finish): ....................12-6 (3rd) Big South Tournament: .................. Quarterfinals

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HISTORY First year of Basketball:......................... 1969-70 Overall Record: ...........................486-672 (.420) NCAA Tournament Appearances: .................none WNIT Appearances: .............................1 (2009) WNIT Record: ........................................... 0-1 Last postseason opponent: ............. Georgetown, ................... 2009 WNIT First Round (L, 45-73)

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL QUICK FACTS Head Coach: .................. Kevin Cook (1st season) Alma Mater: ............................. Urbana, 1983 Career Record: ........................47-55 (4 years) School Record: ......................... 0-0 (1st year) Big South Record: ...................................n/a Big South Tournament Record:...................n/a Assistant Coaches: Christena Hamilton ....................Temple, 2004 Liberty Del Rosario .... ....Notre Notre Dame College, 2002 Matthew Huddleston ......... Valdosta State, 2010 Dir. of Basketball Operations: ...... Kenneth Proctor Athletic Trainer: ................................Eby Krebs Basketball Office Phone: ... 803-323-2129, ext. 6232 Starters Returning/Lost: ..............................4/1 Letterwinners Returning/Lost: ......................5/5 Newcomers:............................................... 7 Arena (capacity): ......... Winthrop Coliseum (6,000)

Big South Regular-Season Record: .... 126-236 (.348) Big South Regular-Season Championships: ......none Big South Tournament Record: ............12-26 (.316) Big South Tournament Championships:..........none

MEDIA RELATIONS INFORMATION Women’s Basketball Contact: .............. Jack Frost Email: ...........................frostj@winthrop.edu Phone: ...................... 803-323-2129, ext. 6245 Cell:.......................................803-984-3422 Fax: ........................................803-323-2433 Press Row:................................803-323-2156 Athletic Website:................. winthropeagles.com Twitter Feed: ................................ @WUEagles

2012-13 NUMERICAL ROSTER NO. 1 3 4 5 12 14 20 22 24 30 31 33

NAME Aliyah Kilpatrick Christina Solmon Schaquilla Nunn Tiffany Charles Diana Choibekova Ashley Porter Taylor Calvert Dequesha McClanahan Samiya Wright Pamela Decheva Zoe Vernon Juliette Lewis

YR Fr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Sr. Fr. So. Jr. R-So. So. Fr. Fr.


HT 5-8 6-2 6-3 5-7 5-11 6-2 5-11 5-8 5-8 6-1 6-1 6-3

HOMETOWN / HIGH SCHOOL (PREVIOUS) Matthews, N.C. / Oak Hill Academy Waltham Park, Jamaica / Tallahassee Community College Fayetteville, N.C. / Fayette County HS Miami, Fla. / Monsignor Pace New York, N.Y. / Baruch College HS (Daytona State College) Winston-Salem, N.C. / Carver HS San Antonio, Texas / Byron P. Steele II HS Oak Ridge, Tenn. / Oak Ridge HS Oswego, Ill. / Oswego HS Sofia, Bulgaria / South Carolina Chapel Hill, N.C. / Carolina Friends HS Columbia, S.C. / Spring Valley HS

2012-13 SCHEDULE DATE Nov. 11 Nov. 17 Nov. 20-22 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 22 Nov. 28 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 18 Dec. 29 Dec. 31 Jan. 2 Jan. 5 Jan. 8 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 14 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 28 March 2 March 6-10

OPPONENT TIME TROY 2:00pm at Ohio State 12:00pm at Hardwood Tournament of Hope vs. Mississippi State 4:30pm vs. Oregon St./UC-Santa Barbara TBA vs. TBA TBA at College of Charleston 7:00pm at Bradley 2:05pm ST. AUGUSTINE 7:00pm at North Carolina Central 4:00pm HIGH POINT * 7:00pm LIBERTY * 1:00pm at Saint Louis 8:00pm at William & Mary 7:00pm at Longwood * 5:00pm at South Carolina State 12:00pm at UNC Asheville * 7:00pm at Gardner-Webb * 3:00pm CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * 7:00pm PRESBYTERIAN * 1:00pm at Coastal Carolina * 7:00pm at Campbell * 1:00pm at Presbyterian * 7:00pm at Charleston Southern * 2:00pm CAMPBELL * 1:00pm at Liberty * 7:00pm at High Point * 3:30pm LONGWOOD * 7:00pm RADFORD * 1:00pm GARDNER-WEBB * 7:00pm UNC ASHEVILLE * 1:00pm at Big South Championship TBA

* - Big South Conference game HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS Dates, times and sites subject to change. All times EST

2011-12 STATISTICS (returners in ALL CAPS) NAME GP-GS MIN FG-FGA PCT 3P-3PA PCT FT-FTA PCT OFF DEF REB AVG PF-FO AST TO BLK STL PTS DEQUESHA McCLANAHAN 31-31 1073 230-646 .356 42-144 .292 151-205 .737 40 106 146 4.7 67-2 224 175 0 63 653 DIANA CHOIBEKOVA 31-27 1074 161-494 .326 121-388 .312 48-73 .658 59 143 202 6.5 64-1 38 66 8 40 491 SAMIYA WRIGHT 31-25 1116 140-354 .395 64-168 .381 66-83 .795 42 75 117 3.8 40-0 52 65 2 38 410 TaQuoia Hammick 26-4 540 64-102 .627 0-0 .000 26-45 .578 76 93 169 6.5 75-2 8 29 11 16 154 Katie Fitzgerald 28-11 517 48-108 .444 0-2 .000 13-17 .765 74 47 121 4.3 40-1 12 19 3 28 109 TAYLOR CALVERT 30-17 658 45-77 .584 0-0 .000 19-43 .442 76 101 177 5.9 43-1 12 30 3 34 109 Kaitlyn Rubino 31-22 501 49-82 .598 1-3 .333 12-17 .706 51 56 107 3.5 38-0 7 22 12 21 111 TIFFANY CHARLES 31-6 374 29-88 .330 0-3 .000 25-41 .610 20 38 58 1.9 28-0 33 44 3 28 83 Mary Hathaway 18-12 281 10-40 .250 8-30 .267 1-3 .333 19 32 51 2.8 17-0 10 11 4 11 29 Kelsey Corcoran 5-0 11 2-4 .500 0-0 .000 0-2 .000 2 0 2 0.4 2-0 1 2 0 1 4 Dee Gray 24-0 105 2-15 .133 0-1 .000 2-2 1.000 10 15 25 1.0 6-0 2 3 0 5 6 TEAM 96 77 173 5.6 12 WINTHROP 31 6250 780-2010 .388 236-739 .319 363-531 .684 565 783 1348 43.5 420-7 399 478 46 285 2159 OPPONENTS 31 6250 757-1892 .400 207-619 .334 290-428 .678 416 751 1167 37.6 459-x 482 507 165 231 2011


PPG 21.1 15.8 13.2 5.9 3.9 3.6 3.6 2.7 1.6 0.8 0.3 69.6 64.9



1st season as Winthrop head coach

NOTES: 2011-12 Big South Conference Player of the Year ... Led League in scoring at 21.1 ppg ... Led League in assists at 7.2 apg ... Only 2nd player in Conference history to lead League in scoring and assists ... First-ever Winthrop player to lead League in scoring ... 11th nationally in scoring and 2nd in assists ... League-best 19 20-point games ... Set school record for total points (653) and scoring average (21.1) in a season ... 2010-11 Big South Freshman of the Year ... Twotime Player of the Week and NetScouts Big South Player of the Week ... Had 4 30-point games ... Tied school record for 30-point games in a season ... 1st player school history to have 3 30-point games in a four-game stretch ... Set Big South and school record for single-season assists with 224 ... First Winthrop player to reach 1,000 career points before junior season ... 7 double-doubles ... 6 games with 10 or more assists ... Led League in free throw attempts.

HOMETOWN: Freemont, Ohio ALMA MATER (YEAR): Urbana (1983) COACHING CAREER: WINTHROP - Head Coach ............................................... 2012-present WINTHROP - Assistant Coach ..................................................2011-12 Gallaudet - Head Coach ....................................................... 2007-11 Nigerian National Team - Head Coach ..................................... 2006-07 Houston Comets - Assistant Coach ..........................................1997-07 Houston - Associate Head Coach.............................................1995-97 Garden City Community College - Head Coach ........................... 1993-95 Kansas - Assistant Coach....................................................... 1983-93 COACHING & CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • Named Winthrop’s 14th women’s basketball coach on June 5, 2012. • Spent the 2011-12 season as an assistant coach on the Lady Eagles’ staff, and helped Winthrop to an 18-13 record in a season which saw 45 school records broken. • Prior to joining Winthrop, was head coach at Gallaudet University, the world’s only all-deal university. • Named WBCA Region III Coach of the Year in 2010-11 after leading Gallaudet to 24-4 record. • Served as an assistant coach for the WNBA’s Houston Comets for 11 seasons, winning the first four WNBA championships while advancing to the playoffs nine out of the first 10 years. • Also served as an assistant coach for the victorious West squad in the WNBA’s first three All-Star Games. • Accompanied Comets on four different White House visits to meet President’s GEORGE H. W. BUSH, BILL CLINTON and GEORGE W. BUSH. • Four Comets players coached by Cook -- SHERYL SWOOPES, DAWN STALEY, CYNTHIA COOPER and TINA THOMPSON -- were named to the WNBA’s Top 15 players of All-Time. • Served as an assistant under Hall of Famer MARIAN E. WASHINGTON while at Kansas, helping the Jayhawks to four Conference championships, four NCAA Tournament appearances and two WNIT berths. • Guided Garden City CC to consecutive postseason berths with the 1994-95 team ranked as high as No. 12 in the national polls. • Coached the Nigerian National Team in the 2006 World Championships and to the Silver Medal of the 2007 All-Africa Games. • Received the WBCA’s prestigious Carol Eckman Award in 2010. • Inducted into the Urbana University Hall of Fame in October, 2010. KEVIN COOK’S NCAA HEAD COACHING RECORD YEAR SCHOOL OVERALL 2007-08 Gallaudet 3-21 2008-09 Gallaudet 6-19 2009-10 Gallaudet 14-12 2001-11 Gallaudet 24-4 CAREER TOTAL 47-55

2011-12 RESULTS (18-13, 12-6 Big South) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. March March March


13 18 19 20 23 27 1 10 14 17 21 28 31 2 7 14 16 21 23 28 30 4 11 13 18 20 25 27 2 5 9

at Troy BRADLEY ! NIAGARA ! STETSON ! at Wichita State VCU at Davidson SOUTH CAROLINA STATE at Monmouth at Fordham NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL at Mercer at Coastal Carolina * at Charleston Southern * at Presbyterian * UNC ASHEVILLE * GARDNER-WEBB * at Radford * at Liberty * HIGH POINT * CAMPBELL * PRESBYTERIAN * at Gardner-Webb * at UNC Asheville * LIBERTY * RADFORD * at Campbell * (OT) at High Point * CHARLESTON SOUTHERN * (OT) COASTAL CAROLINA * vs. No. 6 Radford #

* - Big South Conference game # - Big South Tournament game


W, L, W, L, L, L, L, W, W, L, W, W, L, L, W, W, W, W, L, L, W, L, W, W, W, W, W, L, W, W, L,

80-66 61-71 82-47 72-74 69-71 52-69 65-80 67-59 88-54 53-76 79-40 88-74 54-58 78-83 70-62 84-68 86-48 66-64 49-74 53-58 83-73 60-63 65-55 79-68 71-69 67-56 67-66 50-81 81-75 84-47 56-62

! - Winthrop Classic HOME GAMES IN ALL CAPS

2011-12 MEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-IN-REVIEW Team xy-UNC Asheville Coastal Carolina Campbell Charleston Southern Liberty Winthrop VMI Presbyterian College ** High Point Gardner-Webb Radford

W 16 12 11 11 9 8 8 8 8 6 2

Big South L PCT 2 .889 6 .667 7 .611 7 .611 9 .500 10 .444 10 .444 10 .444 10 .444 12 .333 16 .111

W 24 19 17 19 14 12 17 14 13 12 6

Overall L PCT 10 .706 12 .613 15 .531 12 .613 18 .438 20 .375 16 .515 15 .483 18 .419 20 .375 26 .188

Home 15-2 12-4 11-2 12-2 9-7 7-5 13-2 7-8 10-6 9-4 5-11

Road 8-5 7-7 6-12 5-10 5-9 4-11 1-14 7-7 3-12 3-15 1-13

Neu 1-3 0-1 0-1 2-0 0-2 1-4 3-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-2

L10 7-3 3-7 3-7 5-5 7-3 3-7 5-5 6-4 6-4 2-8 2-8

Streak L1 L2 L4 L1 L1 L1 L1 W2 L1 L3 L3

FIRST ROUND Mon., Feb. 27 (at higher seed) #7 VMI .................................55 #10 Radford .......................... 53 #8 High Point.........................68 #9 Gardner-Webb ...................58

QUARTERFINALS Wed., Feb. 29 (at Asheville) #7 VMI .................................85 #2 Coastal Carolina .................68

** - Presbyterian College was not eligible for the Big South postseason tournament

#6 Winthrop ..........................71 #3 Campbell .........................55

x - Big South Regular-Season champion y - Big South Tournament champion

#1 UNC Asheville ....................86 #8 High Point......................... 61 #4 Charleston Southern............88 #5 Liberty ............................ 74

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Matt Dickey Sr. G UNC Asheville Nick Barbour Sr. G High Point Jesse Sanders Sr. G Liberty Kelvin Martin Sr. F Charleston Southern Eric Griffin Sr. F Campbell Al’Lonzo Coleman R-Sr. F/C Presbyterian Second Team J.P. Primm Sr. G UNC Asheville Stan Okoye Jr. F VMI Anthony Raffa R-Jr. G Coastal Carolina Darren White Jr. G Campbell Chris Gradnigo R-Sr. F Coastal Carolina ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Trey Freeman G Campbell Saah Nimley G Charleston Southern Arlon Harper G Charleston Southern R.J. Price G Radford Javonte Green F Radford PLAYER OF THE YEAR Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Trey Freeman, Campbell DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern COACH OF THE YEAR Barclay Radebaugh, Charleston Southern ALL-ACADEMIC TEAM Sam McLaurin, Coastal Carolina Mike Byron, Gardner-Webb Landon Harris, High Point Jesse Sanders, Liberty Jay Reynolds, Presbyterian College Tolga Cerrah, Radford Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville Stan Okoye, VMI

Week Nov. 15 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 26

Choice Hotels Player of the Week Jaron Lane, UNC Asheville Khalid Mutakabbir, Presbyterian Eric Griffin, Campbell Andre Jones, Winthrop Nick Barbour, High Point Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern Al’Lonzo Coleman, Presbyterian Chris Stephenson, UNC Asheville Jeremy Atkinson, UNC Asheville Lorne Merthie, Campbell J.P. Primm, UNC Asheville Al’Lonzo Coleman, Presbyterian Jesse Sanders, Liberty Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern Nick Barbour, High Point

Week Nov. 15 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 26

The CRONS Brand Freshman of the Week R.J. Price, Radford Trey Freeman, Campbell Max Landis, Gardner-Webb Saah Nimley, Charleston Southern Trey Freeman, Campbell Arlon Harper, Charleston Southern Saah Nimley, Charleston Southern R.J. Price, Radford Max Landis, Gardner-Webb Arlon Harper, Charleston Southern Javonte Green, Radford Trey Freeman, Campbell Devante Wallace, High Point Donta Harper, Gardner-Webb Arlon Harper, Charleston Southern

SEMIFINALS Thurs., March 1 (at Asheville) #7 VMI .................................75 #6 Winthrop ..........................55 #1 UNC Asheville ....................91 #4 Charleston Southern............64

CHAMPIONSHIP Sat., March 3 (at Asheville) #1 UNC Asheville ....................80 #7 VMI .................................64

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM J.P. Primm, UNC Asheville (MVP) Jeremy Atkinson, UNC Asheville Chris Stephenson, UNC Asheville Stan Okoye, VMI Keith Gabriel, VMI

Collegeinsider.com Tournament Tuesday, March 13 - First Round at Old Dominion .....................68 COASTAL CAROLINA ................66

NCAA TOURNAMENT Second Round - Pittsburgh, Pa. Thursday, March 15 #1 Syracuse...........................72 #16 UNC ASHEVILLE ................65





POINTS 44 Nick Barbour, High Point vs. Campbell, Feb. 22

POINTS 126 UNC Asheville vs. Mars Hill, Nov. 16

FIELD GOALS 13 Darren White, Campbell vs. North Carolina A&T, Nov. 17 13 Anthony Raffa, Coastal Carolina at The Citadel, Dec. 6

MARGIN OF VICTORY 51 UNC Asheville (126) vs. Mars Hill (75), Nov. 16

FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 27 Keith Gabriel, VMI at Campbell, Jan. 21 FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 10 FG made) 90.9 Eric Griffin (10-11), Campbell at Iowa, Nov. 23 THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS 8 Mathiang Muo, Charleston Southern vs. High Point, Feb. 11 THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 15 Keith Gabriel, VMI at Campbell, Jan. 21 THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 7 3FG made) 72.7 Mathiang Muo (8-11), Charleston Southern vs. High Point, Feb. 11 FREE THROWS 15 Saah Nimley, Charleston Southern vs. Liberty, Dec. 31 15 Keith Gabriel, VMI vs. Winthrop, Feb. 4 15 Nick Barbour, High Point vs. Campbell, Feb. 22 FREE THROW ATTEMPTS 21 Eric Griffin, Campbell at Northwestern State, Feb. 18 FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 10 FT made) 100.0 Trey Freeman (12-13), Campbell vs. East Carolina, Nov. 14 REBOUNDS 18 Stan Okoye, VMI at Campbell, Jan. 21 18 Al’Lonzo Coleman, Presbyterian at Winthrop, Feb. 14 ASSISTS 16 Jesse Sanders, Liberty vs. Montreat, Dec. 20 STEALS 7 Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern vs. Stetson, Nov. 21 7 Kierre Greenwood, Coastal Carolina vs. Presbyterian, Jan. 14 7 Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville vs. Campbell, Jan. 28

FIELD GOALS 49 UNC Asheville vs. Mars Hill, Nov. 16 FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 88 VMI vs. Central Penn College, Dec. 8 FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 68.1 Coastal Carolina (32-47) vs. Spalding, Nov. 18 THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS 16 VMI vs. Winthrop, Feb. 4 THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 43 VMI vs. Alice Lloyd College, Nov. 15 THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 10 3FG made) 68.8 High Point (11-16) vs. Charleston Southern, Jan. 2 FREE THROWS 38 UNC Asheville vs. Radford, Feb. 11 FREE THROW ATTEMPTS 47 VMI vs. Milligan, Dec. 10 FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 10 FT made) 100.0 Liberty (18-18) vs. Hampton, Dec. 17 REBOUNDS 57 Radford vs. Central Penn College, Nov. 16 ASSISTS 38 UNC Asheville vs. Mars Hill, Nov. 16 STEALS 21 VMI vs. Central Penn College, Dec. 8 BLOCKED SHOTS 13 Gardner-Webb vs. Alice Lloyd College, Dec. 6

BLOCKED SHOTS 6 Eric Griffin, Campbell at Iowa, Nov. 23 6 Antwan Burrus, Liberty vs. Campbell, Feb. 25

2011-12 NATIONAL HONORS & AWARDS NICK BARBOUR, High Point • NABC annual 3-point field goal competition participant • NABC All-District 3 Team (1st Team) • NCCSIA University Division All-State (1st Team) TOLGA CERRAH, Radford • VaSID University Division Academic All-State MATT DICKEY, UNC Asheville • Associated Press Honorable Mention All-America • NABC All-District 3 Team (1st Team) • NCCSIA University Division All-State (1st Team) • NABC Honors Court • I-AAA Athletic Directors Associate Scholar-Athlete Team TREY FREEMAN, Campbell • Collegeinsider.com Mid-Major Freshmen All-America Team ERIC GRIFFIN, Campbell • Signed to Los Angeles Lakers Summer League team • NABC All-District 3 Team (1st Team) • NCCSIA University Division All-State (1st Team) JEREMY HARN, UNC Asheville • NABC Honors Court KELVIN MARTIN, Charleston Southern • Collegeinsider.com Riley Wallace All-America Senior Team • Collegeinsider.com Mid-Major Defensive All-America Team • NABC All-District 3 Team (2nd Team)

SAM McLAURIN, Coastal Carolina • Capital One/CoSIDA Academic All-District 4 (1st Team) SAAH NIMLEY, Charleston Southern • Collegeinsider.com Mid-Major Freshmen All-America Team J.P. PRIMM, UNC Asheville • NABC All-District 3 Team (1st Team) • NCCSIA University Division All-State (1st Team) ANTHONY RAFFA, Coastal Carolina • NABC All-District 3 Team (2nd Team) JAY REYNOLDS, Presbyterian • Capital One/CoSIDA Academic All-District 4 (1st Team) JESSE SANDERS, Liberty • Lowe’s Senior CLASS Award candidate • Collegeinsider.com Riley Wallace All-America Senior Team • NABC All-District 3 Team (2nd Team) • VaSID University Division All-State (2nd Team) DARREN WHITE, Campbell • NABC Honors Court STAN OKOYE, VMI • VaSID University Division All-State (Honorable Mention)


FINAL 2011-12 MEN’S BASKETBALL INDIVIDUAL STATS (OVERALL) To be ranked, a player must appear in at least 75.0% of his team’s games.

SCORING AVERAGE 1. BARBOUR, Nick - HPU 2. GABRIEL, Keith - VMI 3. OKOYE, Stan - VMI 4. COLEMAN, Al’Lonzo - PC 5. WHITE, Darren - CAM 6. RAFFA, Anthony - COASTAL 7. DICKEY, Matt - ASH 8. JONES, Andre - WU 9. GRIFFIN, Eric - CAM 10. SHINE, Shay - HPU 11. PRIMM, J.P. - ASH 12. MARTIN, Kelvin - CSU 13. GRADNIGO, Chris - COASTAL 14. FREEMAN, Trey - CAM 15. MUTAKABBIR, Khalid - PC 16. NIMLEY, Saah - CSU 17. STEPHENSON, Chris - ASH 18. MIDDLETON, Reggie - WU 19. MINAYA, David - LIBERTY 20. HARPER, Arlon - CSU

GP 31 33 32 29 32 31 34 32 31 31 34 31 30 29 29 31 33 32 29 31

3FG 108 75 17 2 45 45 62 53 11 62 75 2 39 17 33 62 20 47 16 55

FT 155 117 130 163 97 105 182 95 121 107 133 100 63 101 71 106 80 81 66 66

PTS 633 576 547 491 536 518 548 512 486 483 524 476 446 404 398 420 422 408 364 389

AVG 20.4 17.5 17.1 16.9 16.8 16.7 16.1 16.0 15.7 15.6 15.4 15.4 14.9 13.9 13.7 13.5 12.8 12.8 12.6 12.5

REBOUNDING AVERAGE 1. MARTIN, Kelvin - CSU 2. COLEMAN, Al’Lonzo - PC 3. GRIFFIN, Eric - CAM 4. VALENTINE, George - WU 5. SANDERS, Jesse - LIBERTY 6. McLAURIN, Sam - COASTAL 7. LAW, Corey - HPU 8. OKOYE, Stan - VMI 9. NEWSOME, Tashan - GWU 10. GREEN, Javonte - RAD 11. ATKINSON, Jeremy - ASH 12. JOHNSON, Stefon - GWU 13. STEPHENSON, Chris - ASH 14. PACK, Jon - COASTAL 15. BURRUS, Antwan - LIBERTY 16. GRADNIGO, Chris - COASTAL 17. HARRIS, Marvelle - CAM 18. GOMBWER, Paul - CSU 19. WHITE, Darren - CAM 20. SHINE, Shay - HPU

FIELD GOAL PCT (min. 5.0 made per game) 1. GRIFFIN, Eric - CAM 2. MARTIN, Kelvin - CSU 3. COLEMAN, Al’Lonzo - PC 4. WHITE, Darren - CAM 5. OKOYE, Stan - VMI 6. RAFFA, Anthony - COASTAL 7. GRADNIGO, Chris - COASTAL 8. SHINE, Shay - HPU 9. BARBOUR, Nick - HPU 10. MUTAKABBIR, Khalid - PC

GP 31 31 29 32 32 31 30 31 31 29

FG 177 187 163 197 200 184 172 157 185 147

FGA 290 318 302 379 385 383 377 345 415 335

PCT .610 .588 .540 .520 .519 .480 .456 .455 .446 .439

3-POINT FIELD GOAL PCT (min. 2.0 made per game) 1. BARBOUR, Nick - HPU 2. MUO, Mathiang - CSU 3. SHINE, Shay - HPU 4. PRIMM, J.P. - ASH 5. NIMLEY, Saah - CSU 6. GABRIEL, Keith - VMI

GP 31 31 31 34 31 33

3FG 108 67 62 75 62 75

FGA 223 154 156 205 184 234

FREE THROW PCT (min. 2.5 made per game) 1. FREEMAN, Trey - CAM 2. DICKEY, Matt - ASH 3. PRIMM, J.P. - ASH 4. BARBOUR, Nick - HPU 5. SHINE, Shay - HPU 6. JONES, Andre - WU 7. GREENWOOD, Kierre - COASTAL 8. LANE, Jaron - ASH 9. SANDERS, Jesse - LIBERTY 10. GABRIEL, Keith - VMI

GP 29 34 34 31 31 32 28 26 32 33

FT 101 182 133 155 107 95 77 84 135 117 GP 31 33 34 31 31 31 32 32 34 27

3-POINT FIELD GOALS MADE PER GAME 1. BARBOUR, Nick - HPU 2. GABRIEL, Keith - VMI 3. PRIMM, J.P. - ASH 4. MUO, Mathiang - CSU 5. NIMLEY, Saah - CSU SHINE, Shay - HPU 7. PRICE, R.J. - RAD 8. SANDERS, John Caleb - LIBERTY 9. DICKEY, Matt - ASH 10. JOHNSON, Josh - PC

FG 185 192 200 163 197 184 152 182 177 157 158 187 172 143 147 126 161 140 141 134

DEF 199 177 185 161 162 146 126 172 141 126 154 123 147 116 122 143 133 95 118 130

TOT 281 254 268 252 249 233 217 231 204 214 223 206 209 196 200 187 186 174 175 167

AVG 9.1 8.8 8.6 7.9 7.8 7.5 7.2 7.2 7.0 6.7 6.6 6.4 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.2 5.8 5.6 5.5 5.4


GP 32 28 32 34 31 29 32 34 33 29

AST 255 141 136 142 120 111 118 124 106 89

AVG 7.97 5.04 4.25 4.18 3.87 3.83 3.69 3.65 3.21 3.07

PCT .484 .435 .397 .366 .337 .321

STEALS PER GAME 1. MARTIN, Kelvin - CSU 2. HARPER, Arlon - CSU 3. PRIMM, J.P. - ASH 4. RAFFA, Anthony - COASTAL 5. GABRIEL, Keith - VMI 6. VALENTINE, George - WU 7. DICKEY, Matt - ASH 8. OKOYE, Stan - VMI 9. MIDDLETON, Reggie - WU 10. UPSHUR, Quinton - VMI

GP 31 31 34 31 33 32 34 32 32 31

STL 65 63 64 57 59 50 50 47 46 44

AVG 2.10 2.03 1.88 1.84 1.79 1.56 1.47 1.47 1.44 1.42

FTA 116 210 158 187 132 119 97 106 172 157

PCT .871 .867 .842 .829 .811 .798 .794 .792 .785 .745

BLOCKED SHOTS 1. GRIFFIN, Eric - CAM 2. MARTIN, Kelvin - CSU 3. GABRIEL, Keith - VMI 4. McLAURIN, Sam - COASTAL 5. BURRUS, Antwan - LIBERTY 6. BYRON, Mike - GWU 7. PACK, Jon - COASTAL 8. WHITE, Darren - CAM 9. VALENTINE, George - WU 10. HARRIS, Marvelle - CAM

GP 31 31 33 31 32 32 31 32 32 32

BLK 73 51 41 36 36 35 33 34 33 31

AVG 2.35 1.65 1.24 1.16 1.13 1.09 1.06 1.06 1.03 0.97

3FG 108 75 75 67 62 62 62 61 62 49

AVG 3.48 2.27 2.21 2.16 2.00 2.00 1.94 1.91 1.82 1.81



GP 31 29 31 32 32 31 30 32 29 32 34 32 33 31 32 30 32 31 32 31

GP 32 28 34 32 29 34 31 29 32 33

AST 255 141 142 136 111 124 120 89 118 106

OFF 82 77 83 91 87 87 91 59 63 88 69 83 62 80 78 44 53 79 57 37

AVG TRN 8.0 88 5.0 79 4.2 81 4.3 78 3.8 70 3.6 81 3.9 81 3.1 65 3.7 87 3.2 83

AVG RATIO 2.8 2.90 2.8 1.78 2.4 1.75 2.4 1.74 2.4 1.59 2.4 1.53 2.6 1.48 2.2 1.37 2.7 1.36 2.5 1.28

FINAL 2011-12 MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM STATS (OVERALL) SCORING OFFENSE 1. UNC Asheville 2. VMI 3. Charleston Southern 4. Campbell 5. Coastal Carolina 6. High Point 7. Liberty 8. Gardner-Webb 9. Presbyterian College 10. Winthrop 11. Radford

GP 34 33 31 32 31 31 32 32 29 32 32

PTS 2,745 2,631 2,383 2,370 2,248 2,203 2,201 2,103 1,889 2,035 1,959

AVG 80.7 79.7 76.9 74.1 72.5 71.1 68.8 65.7 65.1 63.6 61.2

3-POINT PERCENTAGE 1. High Point 2. Charleston Southern 3. Campbell 4. UNC Asheville 5. Presbyterian College 6. Coastal Carolina 7. VMI 8. Liberty 9. Gardner-Webb 10. Winthrop 11. Radford

SCORING DEFENSE 1. Coastal Carolina 2. Winthrop 3. Presbyterian College 4. Gardner-Webb 5. Radford 6. High Point 7. Liberty 8. UNC Asheville 9. Charleston Southern 10. Campbell 11. VMI

GP 31 32 29 32 32 31 32 34 31 32 33

PTS 2,042 2,112 1,918 2,138 2,195 2,176 2,283 2,426 2,242 2,361 2,660

AVG 65.9 66.0 66.1 66.8 68.6 70.2 71.3 71.4 72.3 73.8 80.6

3-POINT FG MADE PER GAME 1. VMI 2. High Point 3. Charleston Southern 4. UNC Asheville 5. Radford 6. Gardner-Webb 7. Presbyterian College 8. Campbell 9. Winthrop 10. Coastal Carolina 11. Liberty

GP 31 31 32 34 29 31 33 32 32 32 32

3FG 3FGA PCT 263 656 .401 259 681 .380 169 452 .374 223 629 .355 171 493 .347 150 440 .341 283 888 .319 125 395 .316 191 614 .311 157 506 .310 202 659 .307

BLOCKED SHOTS 1. Campbell 2. Coastal Carolina 3. VMI 4. Winthrop 5. High Point 6. Charleston Southern 7. Gardner-Webb 8. UNC Asheville 9. Radford 10. Liberty 11. Presbyterian College

GP 32 31 33 32 31 31 32 34 32 32 29

BLK 167 120 124 104 88 82 84 88 80 77 52

AVG 5.22 3.87 3.76 3.25 2.84 2.65 2.63 2.59 2.50 2.41 1.79

AVG 8.58 8.48 8.35 6.56 6.31 5.97 5.90 5.28 4.91 4.84 3.91

ASSISTS 1. UNC Asheville 2. Campbell 3. Liberty 4. VMI 5. Coastal Carolina 6. Charleston Southern 7. High Point 8. Gardner-Webb 9. Presbyterian College 10. Winthrop 11. Radford

GP 34 32 32 33 31 31 31 32 29 32 32

AST 566 496 439 438 407 396 389 376 323 349 344

AVG 16.65 15.50 13.72 13.27 13.13 12.77 12.55 11.75 11.14 10.91 10.75

3FG 3FGA PCT 177 553 .320 217 669 .324 219 656 .334 201 585 .344 234 671 .349 147 418 .352 223 634 .352 213 603 .353 214 593 .361 166 456 .364 217 576 .377

STEALS 1. UNC Asheville 2. VMI 3. Charleston Southern 4. Radford 5. Gardner-Webb 6. Winthrop 7. Coastal Carolina 8. Campbell 9. High Point 10. Liberty 11. Presbyterian College

GP 34 33 31 32 32 32 31 32 31 32 29

STL 283 273 251 234 222 217 203 196 174 169 131

PCT 8.32 8.27 8.10 7.31 6.94 6.78 6.55 6.13 5.61 5.28 4.52

GP 33 31 31 34 32 32 29 32 32 31 32 GP 32 32 31 33 34 29 32 31 31 32 32

3FG 283 263 259 223 202 191 171 169 157 150 125

SCORING MARGIN 1. UNC Asheville 2. Coastal Carolina 3. Charleston Southern 4. High Point 5. Campbell 6. VMI 7. Presbyterian College 8. Gardner-Webb 9. Winthrop 10. Liberty 11. Radford

GP 34 31 31 31 32 33 29 32 32 32 32

OFF 80.7 72.5 76.9 71.1 74.1 79.7 65.1 65.7 63.6 68.8 61.2

DEF 71.4 65.9 72.3 70.2 73.8 80.6 66.1 66.8 66.0 71.3 68.6

MAR +9.4 +6.6 +4.5 +0.9 +0.3 -0.9 -1.0 -1.1 -2.4 -2.6 -7.4

3-POINT FG DEFENSE 1. Gardner-Webb 2. Campbell 3. High Point 4. VMI 5. UNC Asheville 6. Presbyterian College 7. Liberty 8. Coastal Carolina 9. Charleston Southern 10. Radford 11. Winthrop

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 1. Coastal Carolina 2. Campbell 3. UNC Asheville 4. Presbyterian College 5. Liberty 6. Charleston Southern 7. VMI 8. High Point 9. Winthrop 10. Gardner-Webb 11. Radford

GP 31 32 34 29 32 31 33 31 32 32 32

FG 853 846 920 661 811 835 892 746 754 749 699

FGA 1753 1748 1907 1425 1790 1866 2006 1698 1793 1804 1819

PCT .487 .484 .482 .464 .453 .447 .445 .439 .421 .415 .384

REBOUNDING OFFENSE 1. Coastal Carolina 2. Gardner-Webb 3. Charleston Southern 4. Campbell 5. UNC Asheville 6. Liberty 7. High Point 8. Winthrop 9. Radford 10. VMI 11. Presbyterian College

GP REB 31 1,171 32 1,170 31 1,103 32 1,129 34 1,178 32 1,106 31 1,064 32 1,080 32 1,057 33 1,079 29 857

AVG 37.8 36.6 35.6 35.3 34.6 34.6 34.3 33.8 33.0 32.7 29.6

TURNOVER MARGIN 1. VMI 2. Charleston Southern 3. UNC Asheville 4. Winthrop 5. Radford 6. Liberty 7. High Point 8. Gardner-Webb 9. Coastal Carolina 10. Campbell 11. Presbyterian College

FIELD GOAL DEFENSE 1. Coastal Carolina 2. Campbell 3. High Point 4. Gardner-Webb 5. UNC Asheville 6. Winthrop 7. Radford 8. Liberty 9. Presbyterian College 10. Charleston Southern 11. VMI

GP 31 32 31 32 34 32 32 32 29 31 33

FG 707 796 747 751 865 704 726 838 716 809 979

FGA 1756 1846 1716 1716 1949 1583 1622 1834 1537 1735 2027

PCT .403 .431 .435 .438 .444 .445 .448 .457 .466 .466 .483

REBOUNDING DEFENSE 1. Presbyterian College 2. Coastal Carolina 3. Winthrop 4. Liberty 5. UNC Asheville 6. Campbell 7. Gardner-Webb 8. Charleston Southern 9. High Point 10. Radford 11. VMI

GP 29 31 32 32 34 32 32 31 31 32 33

AVG 29.5 32.1 32.8 33.1 33.3 34.1 34.2 34.3 35.3 36.7 39.5

OFFENSIVE REBOUNDS 1. Gardner-Webb 2. Charleston Southern 3. Radford 4. Winthrop 5. Coastal Carolina 6. UNC Asheville 7. Liberty 8. High Point 9. Campbell 10. VMI 11. Presbyterian College

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE GP 1. UNC Asheville 34 2. VMI 33 3. Liberty 32 4. Presbyterian College 29 5. Charleston Southern 31 6. High Point 31 7. Coastal Carolina 31 8. Campbell 32 9. Gardner-Webb 32 10. Winthrop 32 11. Radford 32

FTM 682 564 454 396 454 448 392 509 414 370 359

FTA 893 784 637 563 658 654 582 761 620 564 564

PCT .764 .719 .713 .703 .690 .685 .674 .669 .668 .656 .637

REBOUNDING MARGIN 1. Coastal Carolina 2. Gardner-Webb 3. Liberty 4. UNC Asheville 5. Charleston Southern 6. Campbell 7. Winthrop 8. Presbyterian College 9. High Point 10. Radford 11. VMI

OPP MAR 32.1 +5.7 34.2 +2.3 33.1 +1.5 33.3 +1.3 34.3 +1.3 34.1 +1.2 32.8 +0.9 29.5 +0.0 35.3 -1.0 36.7 -3.6 39.5 -6.8

AST/TURNOVER RATIO 1. UNC Asheville 2. Liberty 3. Campbell 4. High Point 5. VMI 6. Charleston Southern 7. Coastal Carolina 8. Winthrop 9. Presbyterian College 10. Gardner-Webb 11. Radford

GP 31 32 32 34 31 32 32 29 31 32 33


AVG 37.8 36.6 34.6 34.6 35.6 35.3 33.8 29.6 34.3 33.0 32.7

REB 856 995 1,051 1,058 1,133 1,092 1,096 1,062 1,094 1,173 1,305

GP 33 31 34 32 32 32 31 32 31 32 29

GP 34 32 32 31 33 31 31 32 29 32 32

AVG OPPT MAR 13.3 16.2 +2.97 13.4 16.2 +2.74 13.4 15.9 +2.44 12.3 14.0 +1.69 13.9 15.1 +1.22 12.1 11.7 -0.34 12.5 12.0 -0.42 14.0 13.4 -0.56 13.8 12.3 -1.52 14.2 12.3 -1.84 12.9 10.6 -2.28 GP 32 31 32 32 31 34 32 31 32 33 29

REB 407 393 395 373 357 377 351 338 329 338 254

AVG 12.72 12.68 12.34 11.66 11.52 11.09 10.97 10.90 10.28 10.24 8.76

AST 566 439 496 389 438 396 407 349 323 376 344

TRN 456 386 454 386 438 416 428 393 374 447 445

RAT 1.24 1.14 1.09 1.01 1.00 0.95 0.95 0.89 0.86 0.84 0.77

FINAL 2011-12 MEN’S BASKETBALL INDIVIDUAL STATS (BIG SOUTH) To be ranked, a player must appear in at least 75.0% of his team’s games.

SCORING AVERAGE 1. BARBOUR, Nick - HPU 2. OKOYE, Stan - VMI 3. GABRIEL, Keith - VMI 4. COLEMAN, Al’Lonzo - PC 5. DICKEY, Matt - ASH 6. PRIMM, J.P. - ASH 7. RAFFA, Anthony - COASTAL 8. GRADNIGO, Chris - COASTAL 9. SHINE, Shay - HPU 10. JONES, Andre - WU 11. MARTIN, Kelvin - CSU 12. WHITE, Darren - CAM 13. FREEMAN, Trey - CAM 14. NEWSOME, Tashan - GWU MUTAKABBIR, Khalid - PC 16. NIMLEY, Saah - CSU 17. GRIFFIN, Eric - CAM 18. MINAYA, David - LIBERTY GREEN, Javonte - RAD 20. HARPER, Arlon - CSU

GP 18 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 15 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

3FG 63 8 45 1 30 45 25 29 34 27 0 20 9 8 18 38 5 6 5 33

FT 101 81 72 101 119 72 65 32 68 42 63 49 56 80 46 74 52 48 47 46

PTS 386 331 325 310 307 295 290 289 282 277 273 259 211 252 252 248 247 236 236 235

AVG 21.4 19.5 18.1 17.2 17.1 16.4 16.1 16.1 15.7 15.4 15.2 14.4 14.1 14.0 14.0 13.8 13.7 13.1 13.1 13.1

REBOUNDING AVERAGE 1. COLEMAN, Al’Lonzo - PC 2. MARTIN, Kelvin - CSU VALENTINE, George - WU 4. OKOYE, Stan - VMI 5. GRIFFIN, Eric - CAM 6. NEWSOME, Tashan - GWU SANDERS, Jesse - LIBERTY 8. MCLAURIN, Sam - COASTAL 9. JOHNSON, Stefon - GWU 10. GRADNIGO, Chris - COASTAL GREEN, Javonte - RAD 12. ATKINSON, Jeremy - ASH 13. BURRUS, Antwan - LIBERTY STEPHENSON, Chris - ASH 15. LAW, Corey - HPU 16. PACK, Jon - COASTAL HARRIS, Marvelle - CAM 18. GOMBWER, Paul - CSU 19. WHITE, Darren - CAM 20. SHINE, Shay - HPU

FIELD GOAL PCT (min. 5.0 made per game) 1. GRIFFIN, Eric - CAM 2. MARTIN, Kelvin - CSU 3. COLEMAN, Al’Lonzo - PC 4. OKOYE, Stan - VMI 5. GREEN, Javonte - RAD 6. WHITE, Darren - CAM 7. GRADNIGO, Chris - COASTAL 8. SHINE, Shay - HPU 9. RAFFA, Anthony - COASTAL 10. BARBOUR, Nick - HPU

GP 18 18 18 17 18 18 18 18 18 18

FG 95 105 104 121 92 95 114 90 100 111

FGA 163 185 189 223 182 194 235 190 213 237

PCT .583 .568 .550 .543 .505 .490 .485 .474 .469 .468

3-POINT FIELD GOAL PCT (min. 2.0 made per game) 1. BARBOUR, Nick - HPU 2. MUO, Mathiang - CSU 3. SANDERS, John Caleb - LIBERTY 4. MILLER, Pierre - PC 5. MERTHIE, Lorne - CAM 6. PRIMM, J.P. - ASH 7. PRICE, R.J. - RAD 8. JOHNSON, Josh - PC 9. GABRIEL, Keith - VMI 10. NIMLEY, Saah - CSU

GP 18 18 18 18 16 18 18 16 18 18

3FG 63 44 37 36 37 45 39 32 45 38

FGA 121 92 88 87 91 111 98 81 133 117

FREE THROW PCT (min. 2.5 made per game) 1. FREEMAN, Trey - CAM 2. DICKEY, Matt - ASH 3. LANE, Jaron - ASH 4. SHINE, Shay - HPU 5. BARBOUR, Nick - HPU 6. PRIMM, J.P. - ASH 7. GREENWOOD, Kierre - COASTAL 8. GABRIEL, Keith - VMI 9. ATKINSON, Jeremy - ASH 10. SANDERS, Jesse - LIBERTY

GP 15 18 15 18 18 18 16 18 18 18

FT 56 119 51 68 101 72 54 72 57 66 GP 18 18 18 18 16 18 18 18 18 16

3-POINT FIELD GOALS MADE PER GAME 1. BARBOUR, Nick - HPU 2. GABRIEL, Keith - VMI PRIMM, J.P. - ASH 4. MUO, Mathiang - CSU 5. MERTHIE, Lorne - CAM 6. PRICE, R.J. - RAD 7. NIMLEY, Saah - CSU 8. SANDERS, John Caleb - LIBERTY 9. MILLER, Pierre - PC JOHNSON, Josh - PC

FG 111 121 104 104 79 89 100 114 90 104 105 95 73 82 94 68 95 91 92 78

DEF 120 121 107 100 97 92 92 94 73 98 78 90 73 84 60 66 75 53 62 73

TOT 170 163 163 139 140 139 139 135 126 125 125 124 118 118 111 108 108 106 93 92

AVG 9.4 9.1 9.1 8.2 7.8 7.7 7.7 7.5 7.0 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.6 6.6 6.5 6.0 6.0 5.9 5.2 5.1


GP 18 16 18 18 18 18 15 18 18 16

AST 149 78 85 77 71 70 58 63 57 48

AVG 8.28 4.88 4.72 4.28 3.94 3.89 3.87 3.50 3.17 3.00

PCT .521 .478 .420 .414 .407 .405 .398 .395 .338 .325

STEALS PER GAME 1. HARPER, Arlon - CSU 2. MARTIN, Kelvin - CSU 3. PRIMM, J.P. - ASH VALENTINE, George - WU 5. MIDDLETON, Reggie - WU 6. BURKS, Ron - VMI 7. GREEN, Javonte - RAD RAFFA, Anthony - COASTAL PRICE, R.J. - RAD GABRIEL, Keith - VMI

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

STL 37 36 33 33 32 29 28 28 28 28

AVG 2.06 2.00 1.83 1.83 1.78 1.61 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56

FTA 64 137 60 81 121 87 66 89 74 86

PCT .875 .869 .850 .840 .835 .828 .818 .809 .770 .767


GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

BLK 37 30 23 23 22 21 18 18 17 16

AVG 2.06 1.67 1.28 1.28 1.22 1.17 1.00 1.00 0.94 0.89

3FG 63 45 45 44 37 39 38 37 36 32

AVG 3.50 2.50 2.50 2.44 2.31 2.17 2.11 2.06 2.00 2.00



GP 18 18 18 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 17 18 18 18 18 18

GP 18 18 16 18 15 16 18 18 18 18

AST 149 85 78 71 58 48 77 70 63 57

OFF 50 42 56 39 43 47 47 41 53 27 47 34 45 34 51 42 33 53 31 19

AVG TRN 8.3 47 4.7 42 4.9 45 3.9 41 3.9 36 3.0 33 4.3 53 3.9 49 3.5 46 3.2 59

AVG RATIO 2.6 3.17 2.3 2.02 2.8 1.73 2.3 1.73 2.4 1.61 2.1 1.45 2.9 1.45 2.7 1.43 2.6 1.37 3.3 0.97

FINAL 2011-12 MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM STATS (BIG SOUTH) SCORING OFFENSE 1. UNC Asheville 2. Charleston Southern VMI 4. Campbell 5. Coastal Carolina 6. High Point 7. Liberty 8. Gardner-Webb 9. Presbyterian College 10. Radford 11. Winthrop

GP PTS AVG 18 1,448 80.4 18 1,389 77.2 18 1,389 77.2 18 1,285 71.4 18 1,276 70.9 18 1,261 70.1 18 1,212 67.3 18 1,166 64.8 18 1,160 64.4 18 1,147 63.7 18 1,132 62.9

3-POINT PERCENTAGE 1. High Point 2. UNC Asheville 3. Charleston Southern 4. Campbell 5. Coastal Carolina 6. Presbyterian College 7. Liberty 8. Radford 9. Gardner-Webb 10. VMI 11. Winthrop

SCORING DEFENSE 1. Winthrop 2. Presbyterian College 3. Coastal Carolina 4. Gardner-Webb 5. Liberty 6. High Point 7. UNC Asheville 8. Radford 9. Campbell 10. Charleston Southern 11. VMI

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

PTS AVG 1,142 63.4 1,187 65.9 1,196 66.4 1,207 67.1 1,251 69.5 1,260 70.0 1,280 71.1 1,286 71.4 1,290 71.7 1,309 72.7 1,457 80.9

3-POINT FG MADE PER GAME 1. Charleston Southern 2. High Point 3. VMI 4. Radford 5. UNC Asheville 6. Presbyterian College 7. Gardner-Webb 8. Campbell 9. Coastal Carolina 10. Winthrop 11. Liberty

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

3FG 3FGA PCT 148 368 .402 118 309 .382 150 400 .375 97 264 .367 93 260 .358 105 306 .343 70 207 .338 121 361 .335 102 322 .317 145 468 .310 83 272 .305

BLOCKED SHOTS 1. Campbell 2. Coastal Carolina 3. Winthrop 4. VMI 5. High Point 6. Charleston Southern 7. Gardner-Webb UNC Asheville 9. Liberty 10. Radford 11. Presbyterian College

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

BLK 84 70 63 58 51 48 47 47 46 42 34

AVG 4.67 3.89 3.50 3.22 2.83 2.67 2.61 2.61 2.56 2.33 1.89

AVG 8.33 8.22 8.06 6.72 6.56 5.83 5.67 5.39 5.17 4.61 3.89

ASSISTS 1. UNC Asheville 2. Campbell 3. Liberty 4. Charleston Southern 5. Coastal Carolina 6. High Point 7. VMI 8. Radford 9. Gardner-Webb 10. Winthrop 11. Presbyterian College

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

AST 304 279 235 224 222 210 205 204 198 196 188

AVG 16.89 15.50 13.06 12.44 12.33 11.67 11.39 11.33 11.00 10.89 10.44

3FG 3FGA PCT 127 407 .312 114 354 .322 116 352 .330 118 349 .338 106 313 .339 101 292 .346 119 332 .358 125 345 .362 119 314 .379 95 246 .386 92 233 .395

STEALS 1. UNC Asheville 2. VMI 3. Winthrop 4. Radford 5. Charleston Southern 6. Gardner-Webb 7. Campbell 8. Coastal Carolina 9. High Point 10. Liberty 11. Presbyterian College

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

STL 149 136 134 132 128 115 108 101 94 73 66

PCT 8.28 7.56 7.44 7.33 7.11 6.39 6.00 5.61 5.22 4.06 3.67

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

3FG 150 148 145 121 118 105 102 97 93 83 70

SCORING MARGIN 1. UNC Asheville 2. Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina 4. High Point 5. Campbell 6. Winthrop 7. Presbyterian College 8. Liberty 9. Gardner-Webb 10. VMI 11. Radford

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

OFF 80.4 77.2 70.9 70.1 71.4 62.9 64.4 67.3 64.8 77.2 63.7

DEF MAR 71.1 +9.3 72.7 +4.4 66.4 +4.4 70.0 +0.1 71.7 -0.3 63.4 -0.6 65.9 -1.5 69.5 -2.2 67.1 -2.3 80.9 -3.8 71.4 -7.7

3-POINT FG DEFENSE 1. Campbell 2. Coastal Carolina 3. Liberty 4. High Point 5. Gardner-Webb 6. VMI 7. Charleston Southern 8. UNC Asheville 9. Winthrop 10. Presbyterian College 11. Radford

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 1. UNC Asheville 2. Coastal Carolina 3. Campbell 4. Presbyterian College 5. Liberty 6. Charleston Southern 7. High Point 8. VMI 9. Winthrop 10. Radford 11. Gardner-Webb

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

FG 471 478 462 408 446 475 422 470 428 409 407

FGA 965 1008 983 879 987 1055 953 1073 1018 994 994

PCT .488 .474 .470 .464 .452 .450 .443 .438 .420 .411 .409

REBOUNDING OFFENSE 1. Coastal Carolina 2. Gardner-Webb 3. Campbell 4. Charleston Southern 5. Liberty 6. Winthrop 7. UNC Asheville 8. High Point 9. VMI 10. Presbyterian College 11. Radford

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

REB 678 658 632 624 620 619 604 589 577 549 547

AVG 37.7 36.6 35.1 34.7 34.4 34.4 33.6 32.7 32.1 30.5 30.4

TURNOVER MARGIN 1. Charleston Southern 2. Winthrop 3. VMI 4. UNC Asheville 5. Radford 6. High Point 7. Liberty 8. Campbell 9. Gardner-Webb 10. Coastal Carolina 11. Presbyterian College

FIELD GOAL DEFENSE 1. Coastal Carolina 2. Campbell 3. Winthrop 4. Gardner-Webb 5. High Point 6. UNC Asheville 7. Liberty 8. Radford 9. Presbyterian College 10. Charleston Southern 11. VMI

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

FG 415 435 381 427 425 458 468 411 446 472 538

FGA 1053 1024 884 974 967 1028 1050 897 945 999 1088

PCT .394 .425 .431 .438 .440 .446 .446 .458 .472 .472 .494

REBOUNDING DEFENSE 1. Presbyterian College 2. UNC Asheville 3. Winthrop 4. Charleston Southern 5. Coastal Carolina 6. Liberty 7. High Point 8. Gardner-Webb 9. Campbell 10. Radford 11. VMI

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

REB 510 582 589 602 605 612 614 619 634 647 683

AVG 28.3 32.3 32.7 33.4 33.6 34.0 34.1 34.4 35.2 35.9 37.9

OFFENSIVE REBOUNDS 1. Gardner-Webb 2. Winthrop 3. Charleston Southern 4. Coastal Carolina 5. Radford 6. Campbell 7. VMI 8. Liberty 9. High Point 10. UNC Asheville 11. Presbyterian College

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE GP 1. UNC Asheville 18 2. VMI 18 3. Liberty 18 4. High Point 18 5. Charleston Southern 18 6. Coastal Carolina 18 7. Presbyterian College 18 8. Gardner-Webb 18 9. Campbell 18 10. Radford 18 11. Winthrop 18

FTM 388 304 250 269 289 227 239 250 264 208 193

FTA 486 419 351 380 414 330 348 379 409 324 301

PCT .798 .726 .712 .708 .698 .688 .687 .660 .645 .642 .641

REBOUNDING MARGIN 1. Coastal Carolina 2. Presbyterian College 3. Gardner-Webb 4. Winthrop 5. UNC Asheville Charleston Southern 7. Liberty 8. Campbell 9. High Point 10. Radford 11. VMI

OPP MAR 33.6 +4.1 28.3 +2.2 34.4 +2.2 32.7 +1.7 32.3 +1.2 33.4 +1.2 34.0 +0.4 35.2 -0.1 34.1 -1.4 35.9 -5.6 37.9 -5.9

AST/TURNOVER RATIO 1. UNC Asheville 2. Campbell 3. Liberty 4. Charleston Southern 5. Coastal Carolina 6. High Point 7. Winthrop 8. VMI 9. Radford 10. Presbyterian College 11. Gardner-Webb

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18


AVG 37.7 30.5 36.6 34.4 33.6 34.7 34.4 35.1 32.7 30.4 32.1

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

AVG OPPT MAR 12.3 15.2 +2.89 12.9 15.1 +2.17 13.7 15.5 +1.78 14.0 15.4 +1.39 13.7 14.7 +1.00 12.8 12.2 -0.67 11.4 10.6 -0.83 12.9 11.8 -1.06 13.5 12.3 -1.17 13.2 10.6 -2.56 12.6 9.7 -2.94 GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

REB 225 216 211 196 193 191 190 189 180 177 162

AVG 12.50 12.00 11.72 10.89 10.72 10.61 10.56 10.50 10.00 9.83 9.00

AST 304 279 235 224 222 210 196 205 204 188 198

TRN 252 232 206 221 237 231 232 247 246 227 243

RAT 1.21 1.20 1.14 1.01 0.94 0.91 0.84 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.81

2011-12 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-IN-REVIEW Team xy-Liberty High Point Winthrop Campbell Charleston Southern Radford Presbyterian College ** Coastal Carolina UNC Asheville Gardner-Webb

W 16 13 12 11 9 9 8 6 3 3

Big South L PCT 2 .889 5 .722 6 .667 7 .611 9 .500 9 .500 10 .444 12 .333 15 .167 15 .167

W 24 20 18 18 17 16 14 13 7 4

Overall L PCT 9 .727 13 .606 13 .581 12 .600 15 .531 15 .516 15 .483 15 .464 23 .233 25 .138

Home 11-3 12-4 10-5 10-3 11-3 9-5 9-5 12-3 7-8 2-10

Road 10-5 7-6 8-7 6-8 4-11 5-10 5-10 1-11 0-14 2-13

Neu 3-1 1-3 0-1 2-1 2-1 2-0 0-0 0-1 0-1 0-2

L10 8-2 6-4 7-3 6-4 3-7 5-5 6-4 3-7 0-10 2-8

Streak L1 L2 L1 L1 L2 L1 W2 L4 L12 L2

MARCH 9-11 Millis Center - High Point, N.C. QUARTERFINALS Friday, March 9 #1 Liberty ............................ 71 #8 UNC Asheville....................50 #5 Charleston Southern............57 #4 Campbell ......................... 53 #2 High Point.........................78 #7 Coastal Carolina .................57

** - Presbyterian College was not eligible for the Big South postseason tournament

#6 Radford............................62 #3 Winthrop ..........................56

x - Big South Regular-Season Champion y - Big South Tournament Champion

SEMIFINALS Saturday, March 10 ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Dequesha McClanahan G Soph. Winthrop Avery Warley C R-Sr. Liberty Shamia Brown F Sr. High Point Devon Brown G/F R-Jr. Liberty Da’Naria Erwin Spencer G Jr. Radford Second Team Rachelle Coward F Jr. Charleston Southern Cheyenne Parker C Soph. High Point Tonisha Baker F Jr. Campbell Erin Reynolds G Jr. High Point Diana Choibekova G Jr. Winthrop ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Shonese Jones G UNC Asheville Reagan Miller G Liberty Shatia Cole G Coastal Carolina Leah Wormack C UNC Asheville Kiera Gaines G Campbell PLAYER OF THE YEAR Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Shonese Jones, UNC Asheviile DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Cheyenne Parker, High Point COACH OF THE YEAR Marlene Stollings, Winthrop ALL-ACADEMIC TEAM Amanda O’Neill, Campbell Rachelle Coward, Charleston Southern Taylor Epley, Coastal Carolina Brianna Dillard, Gardner-Webb Laura Whitt, High Point Terika Lunsford, Liberty Karlee Taylor, Presbyterian College Katherine Brockett, Radford Lindsey Thompson, UNC Asheviile Kaitlyn Rubino, Winthrop

Week Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 March 6

Choice Hotels Player of the Week Shamia Brown, High Point Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford Tonisha Baker, Campbell Lakeitha Alston, Charleston Southern Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville Rachelle Coward, Charleston Southern Lindsey Thompson, UNC Asheville Diana Choibekova, Winthrop Cheyenne Parker, High Point Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Cheyenne Parker, High Point Tonisha Baker, Campbell

Week Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 March 6

The CRONS Brand Freshman of the Week Shatia Cole, Coastal Carolina Leah Wormack, UNC Asheville Reagan Miller, Liberty Leah Wormack, UNC Asheville Kiera Gaines, Campbell Shatia Cole, Coastal Carolina Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville Leah Wormack, UNC Asheville Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville Shatia Cole, Coastal Carolina Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville Shatia Cole, Coastal Carolina Reagan Miller, Liberty Reagan Miller, Liberty Reagan Miller, Liberty Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville

#1 Liberty ............................72 #5 Charleston Southern............52 #2 High Point.........................85 #6 Radford............................70

CHAMPIONSHIP Sunday, March 11 #1 Liberty ............................ 81 #2 High Point.........................73

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Avery Warley, Liberty (MVP) Devon Brown, Liberty Cheyenne Parker, High Point Erin Reynolds, High Point Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford

WNIT First Round - Raleigh, N.C. Thursday, March 15 at North Carolina State ............88 HIGH POINT ..........................78

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL INVITATIONAL First Round - Minneapolis, Minn. Friday, March 16 at Minnesota .........................80 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN ......... 51

NCAA TOURNAMENT First Round - South Bend, Ind. Sunday, March 18

CO-SCHOLAR-ATHLETE OF THE YEAR Rachelle Coward, Charleston Southern Brianna Dillard, Gardner-Webb

#1 Notre Dame ...................... 74 #16 LIBERTY..........................43





POINTS 36 Erin Reynolds, High Point vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 2

POINTS 116 Liberty vs. Glenville State, Dec. 10

FIELD GOALS 13 Shamia Brown, High Point at VCU, Nov. 11 13 Tonisha Baker, Campbell at UNC Asheville, March 2

MARGIN OF VICTORY 58 Radford (100) vs. Eastern Minnonite (42), Nov. 12 58 Charleston Southern (115) vs. Southern Wesleyan (57), Nov. 12

FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 34 Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop at UNC Asheville, Feb. 13

FIELD GOALS 48 Liberty vs. Glenville State, Dec. 10

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 10 FG made) 84.6 Lakeitha Alston (11-13), Charleston Southern vs. High Point, Feb. 18

FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 93 Coastal Carolina vs. St. Andrew’s, Nov. 19

THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS 10 Diana Choibekova, Winthrop vs. Gardner-Webb, Jan. 16

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 65.5 Campbell (38-58) vs. High Point, Feb. 11

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 23 Diana Choibekova, Winthrop at Liberty, Jan. 23

THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS 17 Winthrop vs. Gardner-Webb, Jan. 16

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 7 3FG made) 60.0 Diana Choibekova (9-15), Winthrop vs. Niagara, Nov. 19

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 40 Charleston Southern at Liberty, Feb. 11

FREE THROWS 14 Devon Brown, Liberty vs. Coastal Carolina, Feb. 13

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 10 3FG made) 61.9 Campbell (13-21) vs. UNC Asheville, Jan. 2

FREE THROW ATTEMPTS 20 Erin Reynolds, High Point vs. Pittsburgh, Dec. 2

FREE THROWS 32 Gardner-Webb at Coastal Carolina, Jan. 9

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 10 FT made) 100.0 Kelli Riles (13-13), UNC Asheville vs. Winston-Salem State, Nov. 12

FREE THROW ATTEMPTS 51 Liberty vs. Virginia Union, Dec. 15 51 Gardner-Webb vs. Coastal Carolina, Jan. 9

REBOUNDS 28 Kelli Riles, UNC Asheville vs. USC Upstate, Nov. 30 ASSISTS 15 Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop vs. Campbell, Jan. 30 STEALS 9 Erin Reynolds, High Point vs. Coastal Carolina, Jan. 21 BLOCKED SHOTS 10 Cheyenne Parker, High Point at Winthrop, Jan. 28

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 10 FT made) 100.0 High Point (14-14) at Campbell, Feb. 11 REBOUNDS 72 Liberty vs. Glenville State, Dec. 10 ASSISTS 28 Campbell vs. Winston-Salem State, Nov. 29 STEALS 25 Radford vs. Liberty, Dec. 31 BLOCKED SHOTS 12 High Point at Winthrop, Jan. 28

2011-12 NATIONAL HONORS & AWARDS TONISHA BAKER, Campbell • NCCSIA University Division All-State (2nd Team)

REAGAN MILLER, Liberty • VaSID University Division All-State Rookie of the Year

DEVON BROWN, Liberty • Richmond Times-Dispatch All-State Team (2nd Team) • VaSID University Division All-State (1st Team)

CHEYENNE PARKER, High Point • NCCSIA University Division All-State (1st Team)

SHAMIA BROWN, High Point • NCCSIA University Division All-State (1st Team) DA’NARIA ERWIN SPENCER, Radford • Richmond Times-Dispatch All-State Team (Honorable Mention) • VaSID University Division All-State (2nd Team)

ERIN REYNOLDS, High Point • NCCSIA University Division All-State (2nd Team) AVERY WARLEY, Liberty • Signed by WNBA Phoenix Mercury as a free agent • Team USA member for 2011 Pan American Games • Richmond Times-Dispatch All-State Team (2nd Team) • VaSID University Division All-State (2nd Team)

JENNIFER HOOVER, High Point • WBCA Maggie Dixon Division I National Rookie Coach of the Year


FINAL 2011-12 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL INDIVIDUAL STATS (OVERALL) To be ranked, a player must appear in at least 75.0% of his team’s games.

SCORING AVERAGE GP 1. McCLANAHAN, Dequesha - WU 31 2. COWARD, Rachelle - CSU 32 3. ERWIN SPENCER, Da’Naria - RAD 31 4. BROWN, Devon - LIBERTY 31 5. ALSTON, Lakeitha - CSU 32 6. BROWN, Shamia - HPU 33 7. REYNOLDS, Erin - HPU 33 8. CHOIBEKOVA, Diana - WINTHROP 31 9. JONES, Shonese - ASHE 30 10. BUCKHANNON, Ashley - RAD 31 11. BAKER, Tonisha - CAM 30 12. WRIGHT, Samiya - WINTHROP 31 13. PARKER, Cheyenne - HPU 33 14. WARLEY, Avery - LIBERTY 33 15. IRICK, Olivia - COASTAL 28 16. PIETROWSKI, Mariah - PC 29 17. BASS, Katelyn - CAM 30 18. GREEN, Catrina - GWU 29 19. THOMPSON, Lindsey - ASHE 30 20. WORMACK, Leah - ASHE 24

3FG 42 94 14 28 36 0 43 121 53 66 26 64 0 0 44 0 1 0 44 0

FT 151 111 108 154 88 126 103 48 62 75 60 66 108 114 46 71 45 72 66 58

PTS 653 573 538 524 520 534 526 491 467 455 430 410 430 426 324 333 338 326 328 254

AVG 21.1 17.9 17.4 16.9 16.3 16.2 15.9 15.8 15.6 14.7 14.3 13.2 13.0 12.9 11.6 11.5 11.3 11.2 10.9 10.6

REBOUNDING AVERAGE 1. PARKER, Cheyenne - HPU 2. WARLEY, Avery - LIBERTY 3. RILES, Kelli - ASHE 4. GREEN, Catrina - GWU 5. HAMILTON, Victoria - RAD 6. BROWN, Devon - LIBERTY 7. BASS, Katelyn - CAM BAKER, Tonisha - CAM 9. BROWN, Shamia - HPU 10. OMOTOLA, Tolu - LIBERTY 11. CHOIBEKOVA, Diana - WINTHROP 12. HAMMICK, TaQuoia - WINTHROP 13. CALVERT, Taylor - WINTHROP 14. HEILIG, Jessica - GWU 15. ALSTON, Lakeitha - CSU 16. DILLARD, Brianna - GWU 17. PIETROWSKI, Mariah - PC 18. COOPER, Jazmine - CAM 19. DALE, Danika - LIBERTY 20. WORMACK, Leah - ASHE

FIELD GOAL PCT (min. 4.0 made per game) 1. WARLEY, Avery - LIBERTY 2. ALSTON, Lakeitha - CSU 3. PIETROWSKI, Mariah - PC 4. PARKER, Cheyenne - HPU WORMACK, Leah - ASHE 6. BROWN, Shamia - HPU 7. COOPER, Jazmine - CAM 8. BASS, Katelyn - CAM 9. ERWIN SPENCER, Da’Naria - RAD 10. GREEN, Catrina - GWU

GP 33 32 29 33 24 33 30 30 31 29

FG 156 198 131 161 98 204 125 146 208 127

FGA 272 382 259 322 196 422 259 303 453 279

PCT .574 .518 .506 .500 .500 .483 .483 .482 .459 .455

3-POINT FIELD GOAL PCT (min. 1.5 made per game) 1. JONES, Shonese - ASHE 2. BRATCHER, Erin - CSU 3. WRIGHT, Samiya - WINTHROP 4. COWARD, Rachelle - CSU 5. TAYLOR, Karlee - PC 6. IRICK, Olivia - COASTAL 7. MILLER, Reagan - LIBERTY 8. AVERY, Ayana - RAD 9. BUCKHANNON, Ashley - RAD 10. CHOIBEKOVA, Diana - WINTHROP

GP 30 27 31 32 29 28 33 31 31 31

3FG 53 59 64 94 63 44 56 48 66 121

FGA 129 148 168 253 173 122 156 146 208 388

FREE THROW PCT (min. 2.5 made per game) 1. COWARD, Rachelle - CSU 2. BROWN, Devon - LIBERTY 3. DAVID, Dria - PC 4. ERWIN SPENCER, Da’Naria - RAD 5. McCLANAHAN, Dequesha - WINTHROP 6. REYNOLDS, Erin - HPU 7. WARLEY, Avery - LIBERTY 8. ALSTON, Lakeitha - CSU 9. BROWN, Shamia - HPU 10. PARKER, Cheyenne - HPU

GP 32 31 27 31 31 33 33 32 33 33

FT 111 154 68 108 151 103 114 88 126 108 GP 31 32 27 29 31 31 30 33 29 28


FG 230 184 208 171 198 204 190 161 176 157 172 140 161 156 117 131 146 127 109 98

DEF 250 221 225 125 125 140 143 155 104 134 143 93 101 97 122 129 97 105 115 77

TOT 403 381 318 253 211 217 204 204 224 218 202 169 177 166 180 162 161 164 180 128

AVG 12.2 11.5 10.6 8.7 7.5 7.0 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.6 6.5 6.5 5.9 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.3

ASSISTS PER GAME 1. McCLANAHAN, Dequesha - WINTHROP 2. CLOXTON, Kate - CAM 3. REYNOLDS, Erin - HPU 4. MILLER, Reagan - LIBERTY 5. ERWIN SPENCER, Da’Naria - RAD 6. TREMBLAY, Tayler - HPU 7. BAKER, Tonisha - CAM 8. BUCKHANNON, Ashley - RAD 9. DALE, Danika - LIBERTY 10. THOMPSON, Lindsey - ASHE

GP 31 30 33 33 31 33 30 31 33 30

AST 224 145 142 131 119 124 111 100 102 87

AVG 7.23 4.83 4.30 3.97 3.84 3.76 3.70 3.23 3.09 2.90

PCT .411 .399 .381 .372 .364 .361 .359 .329 .317 .312

STEALS PER GAME 1. BAKER, Tonisha - CAM 2. REYNOLDS, Erin - HPU 3. BUCKHANNON, Ashley - RAD 4. ERWIN SPENCER, Da’Naria - RAD 5. BROWN, Shamia - HPU 6. DILLARD, Brianna - GWU 7. PARKER, Cheyenne - HPU 8. McCLANAHAN, Dequesha - WINTHROP 9. BROWN, Devon - LIBERTY 10. DAVID, Dria - PC

GP 30 33 31 31 33 29 33 31 31 27

STL 81 88 80 73 72 61 68 63 61 53

AVG 2.70 2.67 2.58 2.35 2.18 2.10 2.06 2.03 1.97 1.96

FTA 137 195 88 144 205 142 167 135 194 170

PCT .810 .790 .773 .750 .737 .725 .683 .652 .649 .635

BLOCKED SHOTS 1. PARKER, Cheyenne - HPU 2. WARLEY, Avery - LIBERTY 3. GREEN, Catrina - GWU 4. EPLEY, Taylor - COASTAL 5. WORMACK, Leah - ASHE 6. DALE, Danika - LIBERTY 7. BURNSIDE, Shonda - PC TABB, Sarah - RAD 9. COOPER, Jazmine - CAM GAINES, Kiera - CAM

GP 33 33 29 28 24 33 29 29 30 30

BLK 121 55 48 34 28 33 26 26 26 26

AVG 3.67 1.67 1.66 1.21 1.17 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.87 0.87

3FG 121 94 59 63 66 64 53 56 46 44

AVG 3.90 2.94 2.19 2.17 2.13 2.06 1.77 1.70 1.59 1.57



GP 33 33 30 29 28 31 30 30 33 33 31 26 30 29 32 29 29 30 33 24

GP 30 33 30 31 31 33 31 33 33

AST 145 124 111 224 119 131 100 142 102

OFF 153 160 93 128 86 77 61 49 120 84 59 76 76 69 58 33 64 59 65 51

AVG TRN 4.8 87 3.8 82 3.7 76 7.2 175 3.8 98 4.0 129 3.2 99 4.3 149 3.1 125

AVG RATIO 2.9 1.67 2.5 1.51 2.5 1.46 5.6 1.28 3.2 1.21 3.9 1.02 3.2 1.01 4.5 0.95 3.8 0.82

FINAL 2011-12 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM STATS (OVERALL) SCORING OFFENSE 1. Charleston Southern 2. Liberty 3. Winthrop 4. High Point 5. Radford 6. Campbell 7. UNC Asheville 8. Coastal Carolina 9. Presbyterian College 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 32 33 31 33 31 30 30 28 29 29

PTS 2,259 2,323 2,159 2,294 2,053 1,946 1,918 1,657 1,615 1,474

AVG 70.6 70.4 69.6 69.5 66.2 64.9 63.9 59.2 55.7 50.8

3-POINT PERCENTAGE 1. Charleston Southern 2. Winthrop 3. UNC Asheville 4. Liberty 5. Presbyterian College 6. Radford 7. Campbell 8. High Point 9. Coastal Carolina 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 32 31 30 33 29 31 30 33 28 29

SCORING DEFENSE 1. Presbyterian College 2. Liberty 3. Campbell 4. Coastal Carolina 5. High Point 6. Radford 7. Winthrop 8. Charleston Southern 9. Gardner-Webb 10. UNC Asheville

GP 29 33 30 28 33 31 31 32 29 30

PTS 1,629 1,901 1,800 1,696 2,116 1,998 2,011 2,187 2,022 2,243

AVG 56.2 57.6 60.0 60.6 64.1 64.5 64.9 68.3 69.7 74.8

3-POINT FG MADE PER GAME 1. Charleston Southern 2. Winthrop 3. UNC Asheville 4. Radford 5. Coastal Carolina 6. Presbyterian College 7. High Point 8. Liberty 9. Campbell 10. Gardner-Webb GP 30 28 33 33 30 29 32 31 31 29

3FG 3FGA PCT 295 854 .345 236 739 .319 170 537 .317 131 417 .314 123 393 .313 145 467 .310 113 367 .308 134 437 .307 126 434 .290 87 321 .271

BLOCKED SHOTS 1. High Point 2. Liberty 3. Campbell 4. Coastal Carolina 5. Presbyterian College 6. Radford 7. Gardner-Webb 8. Charleston Southern 9. UNC Asheville 10. Winthrop

GP 33 33 30 28 29 31 29 32 30 31

BLK 175 164 126 103 95 97 87 81 63 46

AVG 5.30 4.97 4.20 3.68 3.28 3.13 3.00 2.53 2.10 1.48

AVG 9.22 7.61 5.67 4.68 4.50 4.24 4.06 3.97 3.77 3.00

ASSISTS 1. Campbell 2. High Point 3. Liberty 4. Winthrop 5. Radford 6. UNC Asheville 7. Presbyterian College 8. Charleston Southern 9. Coastal Carolina 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 30 33 33 31 31 30 29 32 28 29

AST 500 448 431 399 391 364 341 357 309 245

AVG 16.67 13.58 13.06 12.87 12.61 12.13 11.76 11.16 11.04 8.45

3FG 3FGA PCT 152 541 .281 104 350 .297 214 717 .298 123 403 .305 176 544 .324 116 357 .325 151 455 .332 207 619 .334 134 399 .336 157 459 .342

STEALS 1. Radford 2. High Point 3. Campbell 4. Coastal Carolina 5. Liberty 6. Winthrop 7. Gardner-Webb 8. Charleston Southern 9. Presbyterian College 10. UNC Asheville

GP 31 33 30 28 33 31 29 32 29 30

STL 376 364 320 287 305 285 264 291 225 223

PCT 12.13 11.03 10.67 10.25 9.24 9.19 9.10 9.09 7.76 7.43

GP 32 31 30 31 28 29 33 33 30 29

3FG 295 236 170 145 126 123 134 131 113 87

SCORING MARGIN 1. Liberty 2. High Point 3. Campbell 4. Winthrop 5. Charleston Southern 6. Radford 7. Presbyterian College 8. Coastal Carolina 9. UNC Asheville 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 33 33 30 31 32 31 29 28 30 29

OFF 70.4 69.5 64.9 69.6 70.6 66.2 55.7 59.2 63.9 50.8

DEF 57.6 64.1 60.0 64.9 68.3 64.5 56.2 60.6 74.8 69.7

MAR +12.8 +5.4 +4.9 +4.8 +2.2 +1.8 -0.5 -1.4 -10.8 -18.9

3-POINT FG DEFENSE 1. Campbell 2. Coastal Carolina 3. Liberty 4. High Point 5. UNC Asheville 6. Presbyterian College 7. Charleston Southern 8. Winthrop 9. Radford 10. Gardner-Webb

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 1. Liberty 2. Campbell 3. Charleston Southern 4. High Point 5. Presbyterian College 6. Radford 7. Winthrop 8. UNC Asheville 9. Coastal Carolina 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 33 30 32 33 29 31 31 30 28 29

FG 832 762 771 838 604 784 780 686 626 517

FGA 1915 1810 1872 2075 1512 1977 2010 1782 1680 1601

PCT .434 .421 .412 .404 .399 .397 .388 .385 .373 .323

REBOUNDING OFFENSE 1. Liberty 2. Winthrop 3. High Point 4. Campbell 5. UNC Asheville 6. Coastal Carolina 7. Radford 8. Gardner-Webb 9. Charleston Southern 10. Presbyterian College

GP 33 31 33 30 30 28 31 29 32 29

REB 1562 1348 1345 1208 1183 1083 1197 1116 1048 943

AVG 47.3 43.5 40.8 40.3 39.4 38.7 38.6 38.5 32.8 32.5

TURNOVER MARGIN 1. Charleston Southern 2. Radford 3. High Point 4. Campbell 5. Winthrop 6. Presbyterian College 7. Coastal Carolina 8. Liberty 9. Gardner-Webb 10. UNC Asheville

FIELD GOAL DEFENSE 1. Liberty 2. Campbell 3. Presbyterian College 4. Coastal Carolina 5. Radford 6. Winthrop 7. High Point 8. UNC Asheville 9. Gardner-Webb 10. Charleston Southern

GP 33 30 29 28 31 31 33 30 29 32

FG 688 662 583 596 671 757 820 824 738 802

FGA 1999 1786 1532 1533 1685 1892 2019 1979 1746 1848

PCT .344 .371 .381 .389 .398 .400 .406 .416 .423 .434

REBOUNDING DEFENSE 1. Liberty 2. Presbyterian College 3. Winthrop 4. Coastal Carolina 5. Campbell 6. Radford 7. High Point 8. Charleston Southern 9. Gardner-Webb 10. UNC Asheville

GP 33 29 31 28 30 31 33 32 29 30

REB 1046 1024 1167 1074 1159 1235 1343 1305 1209 1259

AVG 31.7 35.3 37.6 38.4 38.6 39.8 40.7 40.8 41.7 42.0

OFFENSIVE REBOUNDS 1. Liberty 2. Winthrop 3. Radford 4. High Point 5. Gardner-Webb 6. UNC Asheville 7. Coastal Carolina 8. Campbell 9. Charleston Southern 10. Presbyterian College

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE 1. Charleston Southern 2. UNC Asheville 3. Coastal Carolina 4. Winthrop 5. Radford 6. Presbyterian 7. Liberty 8. High Point 9. Campbell 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 32 30 28 31 31 29 33 33 30 29

FTM 422 376 279 363 340 284 528 484 309 353

FTA 583 530 397 531 502 422 785 725 493 593

PCT .724 .709 .703 .684 .677 .673 .673 .668 .627 .595

REBOUNDING MARGIN 1. Liberty 2. Winthrop 3. Campbell 4. Coastal Carolina 5. High Point 6. Radford 7. UNC Asheville 8. Presbyterian College 9. Gardner-Webb 10. Charleston Southern

AVG 47.3 43.5 40.3 38.7 40.8 38.6 39.4 32.5 38.5 32.8

OPP 31.7 37.6 38.6 38.4 40.7 39.8 42.0 35.3 41.7 40.8

MAR +15.6 +5.8 +1.6 +0.3 +0.1 -1.2 -2.5 -2.8 -3.2 -8.0

AST/TURNOVER RATIO 1. Campbell 2. Winthrop 3. High Point 4. Radford 5. Presbyterian College 6. Charleston Southern 7. UNC Asheville 8. Liberty 9. Coastal Carolina 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 33 31 30 28 33 31 30 29 29 32


GP 32 31 33 30 31 29 28 33 29 30

GP 30 31 33 31 29 32 30 33 28 29

AVG OPPT MAR 16.2 19.8 +3.59 17.3 20.8 +3.55 17.9 20.9 +3.06 17.3 18.5 +1.17 15.4 16.4 +0.94 16.7 17.2 +0.55 18.8 18.7 -0.11 20.6 16.9 -3.73 21.9 17.5 -4.41 18.9 14.5 -4.47 GP 33 31 31 33 29 30 28 30 32 29

REB 611 565 497 526 428 430 401 425 369 320

AVG 18.52 18.23 16.03 15.94 14.76 14.33 14.32 14.17 11.53 11.03

AST 500 399 448 391 341 357 364 431 309 245

TRN 520 478 590 535 483 519 568 680 526 636

RAT 0.96 0.83 0.76 0.73 0.71 0.69 0.64 0.63 0.59 0.39

FINAL 2011-12 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL INDIVIDUAL STATS (BIG SOUTH) To be ranked, a player must appear in at least 75.0% of his team’s games.

SCORING AVERAGE GP 1. McCLANAHAN, Dequesha - WU 18 2. COWARD, Rachelle - CSU 18 3. ERWIN SPENCER, Da’Naria - RAD 18 BROWN, Devon - LIBERTY 18 5. JONES, Shonese - ASHE 18 6. ALSTON, Lakeitha - CSU 18 7. BROWN, Shamia - HPU 18 8. CHOIBEKOVA, Diana - WINTHROP 18 9. REYNOLDS, Erin - HPU 18 10. BAKER, Tonisha - CAM 18 11. BUCKHANNON, Ashley - RAD 18 12. WRIGHT, Samiya - WINTHROP 18 13. IRICK, Olivia - COASTAL 18 14. PARKER, Cheyenne - HPU 18 15. GREEN, Catrina - GWU 18 PIETROWSKI, Mariah - PC 18 17. WARLEY, Avery - LIBERTY 18 18. WORMACK, Leah - ASHE 14 19. BASS, Katelyn - CAM 18 20. TAYLOR, Karlee - PC 18

3FG 29 54 13 16 35 21 0 70 20 16 39 40 33 0 0 0 0 0 1 45

FT 87 81 59 94 36 52 68 21 46 40 42 40 32 55 50 54 61 40 32 15

PTS 392 347 320 320 307 299 296 283 282 274 271 254 229 227 218 218 217 166 213 190

AVG 21.8 19.3 17.8 17.8 17.1 16.6 16.4 15.7 15.7 15.2 15.1 14.1 12.7 12.6 12.1 12.1 12.1 11.9 11.8 10.6

REBOUNDING AVERAGE 1. PARKER, Cheyenne - HPU 2. WARLEY, Avery - LIBERTY 3. RILES, Kelli - ASHE 4. GREEN, Catrina - GWU 5. BASS, Katelyn - CAM 6. BROWN, Devon - LIBERTY 7. HAMILTON, Victoria - RAD 8. CHOIBEKOVA, Diana - WINTHROP 9. CALVERT, Taylor - WINTHROP 10. HAMMICK, TaQuoia - WINTHROP 11. HEILIG, Jessica - GWU 12. BAKER, Tonisha - CAM OMOTOLA, Tolu - LIBERTY 14. BROWN, Shamia - HPU 15. DILLARD, Brianna - GWU PIETROWSKI, Mariah - PC COOPER, Jazmine - CAM 18. WORMACK, Leah - ASHE 19. ALSTON, Lakeitha - CSU 20. DALE, Danika - LIBERTY

FIELD GOAL PCT (min. 4.0 made per game) 1. WARLEY, Avery - LIBERTY 2. ALSTON, Lakeitha - CSU 3. BROWN, Shamia - HPU 4. WORMACK, Leah - ASHE 5. PARKER, Cheyenne - HPU 6. BASS, Katelyn - CAM 7. PIETROWSKI, Mariah - PC 8. COOPER, Jazmine - CAM 9. BAKER, Tonisha - CAM 10. ERWIN SPENCER, Da’Naria - RAD

GP 18 18 18 14 18 18 18 18 18 18

FG 78 113 114 63 86 90 82 74 109 124

FGA 137 218 220 124 173 183 170 158 234 267

PCT .569 .518 .518 .508 .497 .492 .482 .468 .466 .464

3-POINT FIELD GOAL PCT (min. 1.5 made per game) 1. MILLER, Reagan - LIBERTY 2. TAYLOR, Karlee - PC 3. JONES, Shonese - ASHE 4. COWARD, Rachelle - CSU 5. IRICK, Olivia - COASTAL 6. WRIGHT, Samiya - WINTHROP 7. BUCKHANNON, Ashley - RAD 8. CLOXTON, Kate - CAM 9. McCLANAHAN, Dequesha - WINTHROP 10. CHOIBEKOVA, Diana - WINTHROP

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

3FG 39 45 35 54 33 40 39 28 29 70

FGA 92 115 91 146 90 114 115 83 90 227

FREE THROW PCT (min. 2.5 made per game) 1. BROWN, Devon - LIBERTY 2. COWARD, Rachelle - CSU 3. JONES, Shay - CSU 4. WORMACK, Leah - ASHE 5. DOTSON, Anicia - CSU 6. ERWIN SPENCER, Da’Naria - RAD 7. REYNOLDS, Erin - HPU 8. McCLANAHAN, Dequesha - WINTHROP 9. PIETROWSKI, Mariah - PC 10. WARLEY, Avery - LIBERTY

GP 18 18 17 14 18 18 18 18 18 18

FT 94 81 59 40 47 59 46 87 54 61 GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18


FG 138 106 124 105 118 113 114 96 108 109 95 87 82 86 84 82 78 63 90 65

DEF 148 122 128 74 96 86 61 90 68 61 69 82 68 52 77 61 62 45 69 62

TOT 236 204 175 157 131 130 108 124 122 118 117 111 111 108 101 101 101 78 100 99

AVG 13.1 11.3 9.7 8.7 7.3 7.2 7.2 6.9 6.8 6.6 6.5 6.2 6.2 6.0 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.5


GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

AST 138 86 78 77 73 68 65 61 60 60

AVG 7.67 4.78 4.33 4.28 4.06 3.78 3.61 3.39 3.33 3.33

PCT .424 .391 .385 .370 .367 .351 .339 .337 .322 .308

STEALS PER GAME 1. REYNOLDS, Erin - HPU 2. BAKER, Tonisha - CAM 3. BROWN, Shamia - HPU 4. BUCKHANNON, Ashley - RAD 5. DILLARD, Brianna - GWU 6. PARKER, Cheyenne - HPU 7. ERWIN SPENCER, Da’Naria - RAD 8. HAMILTON, Victoria - RAD 9. McCLANAHAN, Dequesha - WINTHROP BROWN, Devon - LIBERTY

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 15 18 18

STL 55 49 46 45 44 43 42 30 34 34

AVG 3.06 2.72 2.56 2.50 2.44 2.39 2.33 2.00 1.89 1.89

FTA 116 101 75 51 62 78 63 120 76 91

PCT .810 .802 .787 .784 .758 .756 .730 .725 .711 .670

BLOCKED SHOTS 1. PARKER, Cheyenne - HPU 2. WARLEY, Avery - LIBERTY 3. GREEN, Catrina - GWU 4. WORMACK, Leah - ASHE 5. DALE, Danika - LIBERTY 6. BURNSIDE, Shonda - PC 7. TABB, Sarah - RAD 8. GAINES, Kiera - CAM COOPER, Jazmine - CAM 10. EPLEY, Taylor - COASTAL

GP 18 18 18 14 18 18 17 18 18 18

BLK 74 36 35 18 22 20 16 16 16 14

AVG 4.11 2.00 1.94 1.29 1.22 1.11 0.94 0.89 0.89 0.78

3FG 70 54 45 40 39 39 35 33 30 29

AVG 3.89 3.00 2.50 2.22 2.17 2.17 1.94 1.83 1.67 1.61



GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 15 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 14 18 18

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

AST 73 86 65 138 68 60 60 77 78 61

OFF 88 82 47 83 35 44 47 34 54 57 48 29 43 56 24 40 39 33 31 37

AVG TRN 4.1 40 4.8 55 3.6 42 7.7 98 3.8 60 3.3 53 3.3 55 4.3 77 4.3 83 3.4 68

AVG RATIO 2.2 1.83 3.1 1.56 2.3 1.55 5.4 1.41 3.3 1.13 2.9 1.13 3.1 1.09 4.3 1.00 4.6 0.94 3.8 0.90

FINAL 2011-12 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM STATS (BIG SOUTH) SCORING OFFENSE 1. Liberty 2. High Point Charleston Southern 4. Winthrop 5. Campbell 6. Radford 7. UNC Asheville 8. Coastal Carolina 9. Presbyterian College 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

PTS 1,329 1,273 1,273 1,247 1,182 1,153 1,093 998 987 960

AVG 73.8 70.7 70.7 69.3 65.7 64.1 60.7 55.4 54.8 53.3

3-POINT PERCENTAGE 1. Campbell 2. Liberty 3. Charleston Southern 4. Presbyterian College 5. Winthrop 6. Radford 7. Coastal Carolina 8. UNC Asheville 9. High Point 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

SCORING DEFENSE 1. Liberty 2. Presbyterian College 3. High Point 4. Campbell 5. Radford 6. Coastal Carolina 7. Winthrop 8. Gardner-Webb 9. Charleston Southern 10. UNC Asheville

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

PTS 1,037 1,051 1,085 1,102 1,117 1,124 1,168 1,183 1,288 1,340

AVG 57.6 58.4 60.3 61.2 62.1 62.4 64.9 65.7 71.6 74.4

3-POINT FIELD GOALS MADE 1. Charleston Southern 2. Winthrop 3. UNC Asheville 4. Coastal Carolina 5. Radford 6. Liberty Presbyterian College 8. Campbell 9. High Point 10. Gardner-Webb GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

3FG 3FGA PCT 78 216 .361 80 223 .359 163 462 .353 80 232 .345 141 439 .321 84 265 .317 88 279 .315 96 325 .295 71 243 .292 60 214 .280

BLOCKED SHOTS 1. High Point 2. Liberty 3. Campbell 4. Radford Presbyterian College 6. Gardner-Webb 7. Coastal Carolina 8. Charleston Southern 9. UNC Asheville 10. Winthrop

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

BLK 106 92 66 63 63 59 52 43 35 23

AVG 5.89 5.11 3.67 3.50 3.50 3.28 2.89 2.39 1.94 1.28

AVG 9.06 7.83 5.33 4.89 4.67 4.44 4.44 4.33 3.94 3.33

ASSISTS 1. Campbell 2. High Point 3. Liberty 4. Winthrop 5. Presbyterian College 6. UNC Asheville 7. Radford 8. Coastal Carolina Charleston Southern 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

AST 298 262 257 236 221 220 209 191 191 160

AVG 16.56 14.56 14.28 13.11 12.28 12.22 11.61 10.61 10.61 8.89

3FG 3FGA PCT 94 330 .285 73 250 .292 66 221 .299 126 404 .312 120 365 .329 74 222 .333 89 261 .341 113 331 .341 100 283 .353 86 231 .372

STEALS 1. High Point 2. Radford 3. Campbell 4. Gardner-Webb 5. Winthrop 6. Liberty 7. Coastal Carolina 8. Charleston Southern 9. UNC Asheville 10. Presbyterian

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

STL 226 220 199 178 167 160 158 140 128 127

PCT 12.56 12.22 11.06 9.89 9.28 8.89 8.78 7.78 7.11 7.06

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

3FG 163 141 96 88 84 80 80 78 71 60

SCORING MARGIN 1. Liberty 2. High Point 3. Campbell 4. Winthrop 5. Radford 6. Charleston Southern 7. Presbyterian College 8. Coastal Carolina 9. Gardner-Webb 10. UNC Asheville

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

OFF 73.8 70.7 65.7 69.3 64.1 70.7 54.8 55.4 53.3 60.7

DEF 57.6 60.3 61.2 64.9 62.1 71.6 58.4 62.4 65.7 74.4

MAR +16.2 +10.4 +4.4 +4.4 +2.0 -0.8 -3.6 -7.0 -12.4 -13.7

3-POINT FG DEFENSE 1. Campbell 2. Coastal Carolina 3. High Point 4. Liberty 5. Winthrop 6. Presbyterian College 7. Gardner-Webb 8. UNC Asheville 9. Charleston Southern 10. Radford

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 1. Liberty 2. Campbell 3. High Point 4. Charleston Southern 5. Presbyterian College 6. Radford 7. Winthrop 8. UNC Asheville 9. Coastal Carolina 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

FG 469 460 481 415 370 444 451 402 368 324

FGA 1000 1044 1121 1009 920 1107 1183 1070 1028 1031

PCT .469 .441 .429 .411 .402 .401 .381 .376 .358 .314

REBOUNDING OFFENSE 1. Liberty 2. Winthrop 3. High Point 4. Gardner-Webb 5. UNC Asheville 6. Campbell 7. Coastal Carolina 8. Radford 9. Charleston Southern 10. Presbyterian College

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

REB 825 800 721 716 701 660 658 640 593 570

AVG 45.8 44.4 40.1 39.8 38.9 36.7 36.6 35.6 32.9 31.7

TURNOVER MARGIN 1. Radford 2. High Point 3. Campbell 4. Charleston Southern 5. Winthrop 6. Presbyterian College 7. Gardner-Webb 8. Coastal Carolina 9. Liberty 10. UNC Asheville

FIELD GOAL DEFENSE 1. Liberty 2. Campbell 3. Winthrop 4. Coastal Carolina 5. High Point 6. Presbyterian College 7. Radford 8. Gardner-Webb 9. UNC Asheville 10. Charleston Southern

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

FG 368 417 428 391 431 374 375 433 491 476

FGA 1087 1073 1089 988 1086 941 936 1058 1165 1090

PCT .339 .389 .393 .396 .397 .397 .401 .409 .421 .437

REBOUNDING DEFENSE 1. Liberty 2. Presbyterian College 3. Winthrop 4. Campbell 5. High Point 6. Coastal Carolina 7. Radford 8. Charleston Southern 9. UNC Asheville 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

REB 535 639 683 692 696 702 707 727 747 756

AVG 29.7 35.5 37.9 38.4 38.7 39.0 39.3 40.4 41.5 42.0

OFFENSIVE REBOUNDS 1. Winthrop 2. Liberty 3. Gardner-Webb 4. High Point 5. Radford 6. UNC Asheville 7. Coastal Carolina 8. Campbell 9. Charleston Southern 10. Presbyterian College

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE 1. Charleston Southern 2. Coastal Carolina 3. UNC Asheville 4. Liberty 5. High Point 6. Winthrop 7. Presbyterian College 8. Radford 9. Campbell 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

FTM 280 174 193 311 240 204 167 181 184 252

FTA 382 242 274 445 352 311 255 279 292 411

PCT .733 .719 .704 .699 .682 .656 .655 .649 .630 .613

REBOUNDING MARGIN 1. Liberty 2. Winthrop 3. High Point 4. Campbell 5. Gardner-Webb 6. Coastal Carolina 7. UNC Asheville 8. Radford 9. Presbyterian College 10. Charleston Southern

OPP MAR 29.7 +16.1 37.9 +6.5 38.7 +1.4 38.4 -1.8 42.0 -2.2 39.0 -2.4 41.5 -2.6 39.3 -3.7 35.5 -3.8 40.4 -7.4

AST/TURNOVER RATIO 1. Campbell 2. Winthrop 3. High Point 4. Radford 5. Presbyterian College 6. Liberty 7. UNC Asheville 8. Charleston Southern 9. Coastal Carolina 10. Gardner-Webb

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18


AVG 45.8 44.4 40.1 36.7 39.8 36.6 38.9 35.6 31.7 32.9

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

AVG OPPT MAR 16.1 21.2 +5.11 17.4 21.6 +4.17 16.9 18.6 +1.61 16.6 18.1 +1.44 15.4 16.7 +1.28 17.1 16.2 -0.83 19.7 18.4 -1.28 18.5 16.6 -1.94 21.1 16.4 -4.67 18.8 13.9 -4.89 GP 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

REB 345 305 295 280 267 250 232 220 199 198

AVG 19.17 16.94 16.39 15.56 14.83 13.89 12.89 12.22 11.06 11.00

AST 298 236 262 209 221 257 220 191 191 160

TRN 305 278 314 289 307 380 338 299 333 354

RAT 0.98 0.85 0.83 0.72 0.72 0.68 0.65 0.64 0.57 0.45





Three-Point Field Goal Percentage 1. Nick Barbour, High Point.......................................48.4 Triple-Doubles T-1. Jesse Sanders........................................................1 Three-Point Field Goals Per Game 2. Nick Barbour, High Point.......................................3.48 Assists Per Game 3. Jesse Sanders, Liberty .......................................... 8.0 Field Goal Percentage 6. Eric Griffin, Campbell.......................................... 61.0 10. Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern .........................58.8 Assist-Turnover Ratio 7. Jesse Sanders, Liberty ...........................................2.9 Points Per Game 12. Nick Barbour, High Point.......................................20.4 Free Throw Percentage 26. Trey Freeman, Campbell ...................................... 87.1 28. Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville ...................................86.7 Blocked Shots Per Game 26. Eric Griffin, Campbell..........................................2.35 Steals Per Game 29. Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern ...........................2.1 33. Arlon Harper, Charleston Southern..........................2.03 Rebounds Per Game 46. Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern ..........................9..1

TEAM (TOP 50) Scoring Offense 5. UNC Asheville....................................................80.7 8. VMI ................................................................. 79.7 22. Charleston Southern............................................ 76.9 39. Campbell ......................................................... 74.1 Three-Point Field Goal Percentage 6. High Point ........................................................ 40.1 30. Charleston Southern............................................38.0 46. Campbell ......................................................... 37.4 Assists Per Game 7. UNC Asheville.................................................... 16.6 20. Campbell .........................................................15.5 Free Throw Percentage 9. UNC Asheville.................................................... 76.4 Field Goal Percentage 10. Coastal Carolina .................................................48.7 11. Campbell .........................................................48.4 14. UNC Asheville....................................................48.2 Three-Point Field Goals Per Game 13. VMI .................................................................. 8.6 18. High Point ......................................................... 8.5 20. Charleston Southern............................................. 8.4 Blocked Shots Per Game 15. Campbell .......................................................... 5.2 Rebound Margin 22. Coastal Carolina ................................................. +5.7 Assist-Turnover Ratio 24. UNC Asheville.................................................... 1.24 Steals Per Game 25. UNC Asheville..................................................... 8.3 28. VMI .................................................................. 8.3 40. Charleston Southern..............................................8.1 Turnover Margin 25. VMI ................................................................. +3.0 27. Charleston Southern............................................ +2.7 41. UNC Asheville.................................................... +2.4 Scoring Margin 32. UNC Asheville.................................................... +9.4 Field Goal Percentage Defense 33. Coastal Carolina .................................................40.3

Three-Point Field Goals Per Game 1. Diana Choibekova, Winthrop ...................................3.9 8. Rachelle Coward, Charleston Southern..................... 2.94 Assists Per Game 2. Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop .............................7.2 38. Kate Cloxton, Campbell ........................................ 4.8 Triple-Doubles 2. Cheyenne Parker, High Point .....................................1 Blocked Shots Per Game 4. Cheyenne Parker, High Point .................................3.67 Rebounds Per Game 4. Cheyenne Parker, High Point .................................12.2 7. Avery Warley, Liberty .......................................... 11.5 12. Kelli Riles, UNC Asheville ......................................10.6 Double-Doubles 5. Cheyenne Parker, High Point ................................... 19 Points Per Game 11. Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop ........................... 21.1 37. Rachelle Coward, Charleston Southern..................... 17.9 49. Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford ............................ 17.4 Three-Point Field Goal Percentage 13. Erin Bratcher, Charleston Southern ......................... 39.9 23. Samiya Wright, Winthrop...................................... 38.1 37. Rachelle Coward, Charleston Southern..................... 37.2 Field Goal Percentage 21. Lakeitha Alston, Charleston Southern ...................... 51.8 Steals Per Game 42. Tonisha Baker, Campbell ......................................2.70 45. Erin Reynolds, High Point...................................... 2.67

TEAM (TOP 50) Rebound Margin 1. Liberty ...........................................................+15.6 30. Winthrop..........................................................+5.8 Three-Point Field Goals Per Game 4. Charleston Southern............................................. 9.2 10. Winthrop............................................................7.6 Assists Per Game 10. Campbell .........................................................16.7 Field Goal Percentage Defense 12. Liberty ............................................................34.4 Steals Per Game 13. Radford ........................................................... 12.1 Scoring Margin 18. Liberty ...........................................................+12.8 Blocked Shots Per Game 20. High Point ......................................................... 5.3 28. Liberty ............................................................. 5.0 Field Goal Percentage 21. Liberty ............................................................43.4 42. Campbell ......................................................... 42.1 Three-Point Field Goal Percentage 31. Charleston Southern............................................34.5 Assist-Turnover Ratio 31. Campbell .........................................................0.96 Scoring Offense 37. Charleston Southern............................................70.6 38. Liberty ............................................................70.4 43. Winthrop.......................................................... 69.6 44. High Point ........................................................ 69.5 Turnover Margin 37. Charleston Southern...........................................+3.59 39. Radford ..........................................................+3.55 Won-Lost Percentage 39. Liberty ............................................................72.7


MEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 1985-86 School Charleston Southern Winthrop Augusta Radford UNC Asheville Campbell Armstrong State Coastal Carolina

Big South W L PCT 5 1 .833 5 3 .625 4 4 .500 3 4 .429 4 2 .667 3 5 .600 4 3 .571 1 7 .125

1986-87 Overall W L PCT 21 9 .700 20 9 .690 13 17 .433 11 17 .393 20 9 .690 8 19 .296 15 12 .556 10 17 .370

School Charleston Southern Campbell UNC Asheville Radford Winthrop Coastal Carolina Armstrong State Augusta

Big South W L PCT 12 2 .857 10 4 .714 5 3 .625 7 7 .500 1 7 .125 4 4 .500 2 6 .333 3 11 .214

1987-88 Overall W L PCT 21 9 .700 17 13 .557 15 11 .577 17 14 .548 8 20 .286 12 16 .429 6 22 .214 8 19 .296

There was no round-robin schedule during the 1985-86 regular season. Standings were determined by the Dunkel rating system.

There was no round-robin schedule during the 1986-87 regular season. Standings were determined by the Dunkel rating system.

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM Ben Hinson Jr. G Charleston Southern William Calvin So. F Coastal Carolina Clarence Grier Jr. F Campbell Bernard Innocent Sr. F Charleston Southern Donald Johnson Jr. F Armstrong State Jeff Jones Sr. F UNC Asheville Roderick Lane Sr. F Armstrong State Fred McKinnon Sr. F Winthrop Allen Washington Sr. F Winthrop Pat DiServio Sr. C Radford Eric Juratic Jr. C Augusta

Clarence Grier Ben Hinson Tony Fairley Ted Houpt Donald Johnson Jeff Hodson Tim Penn Van Wilkins William Calvin Henry Wilson

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM Sr. F Campbell Sr. G Charleston Southern Sr. G Charleston Southern Sr. G Winthrop Sr. G Armstrong State Sr. G Augusta Sr. G Radford Sr. G UNC Asheville Jr. F Coastal Carolina So. C Campbell

School Coastal Carolina Charleston Southern Radford Winthrop UNC Asheville Augusta Campbell

Big South W L PCT 9 3 .750 8 4 .667 8 4 .667 5 7 .417 5 7 .417 4 8 .333 3 9 .250

Overall W L PCT 17 11 .607 17 12 .586 16 14 .533 17 13 .567 13 15 .464 8 18 .308 11 16 .407

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM William Calvin Sr. F Coastal Carolina Ricky Chatman Sr. F UNC Asheville Tim Daniels So. F Augusta Donnell Howard Sr. F Radford Vincent Jackson Sr. F Augusta Oliver Johnson Sr. F Charleston Southern Dee Riley Sr. F Charleston Southern Aswan Wainwright Jr. F Radford Derek Wilson Jr. F Coastal Carolina Henry Wilson Jr. F Campbell Heder Ambroise Jr. C Charleston Southern

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Fred McKinnon, Winthrop

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Clarence Grier, Campbell

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Derek Wilson, Coastal Carolina

COACH OF THE YEAR Tommy Gaither, Charleston Southern

COACH OF THE YEAR Billy Lee, Campbell

CO-COACH OF THE YEAR Gary Edwards, Charleston Southern Russ Bergman, Coastal Carolina

1986 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 3-5, 1986 Savannah Civic Center - Savannah, Ga. Quarterfinals (2) Winthrop 76 ..................... (7) Armstrong State 72 (OT) (3) Augusta 67...................................... (6) Campbell 55 (5) UNC Asheville 64................................ (4) Radford 62 (1) Charleston Southern 71 ..............(8) Coastal Carolina 70 Semifinals (3) Augusta 87 ......................................(2) Winthrop 79 (1) Charleston Southern 65.......... (5) UNC Asheville 64 (OT) Championship (1) Charleston Southern 68........................ (3) Augusta 60

1987 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 26-28, 1987 Savannah Civic Center - Savannah, Ga. Quarterfinals (1) Charleston Southern 78........................ (8) Augusta 59 (2) Campbell 92 ...........................(7) Armstrong State 86 (4) Radford 71.......................................(5) Winthrop 69 (3) UNC Asheville 73......................(6) Coastal Carolina 68 Semifinals (1) Charleston Southern 91........................ (4) Radford 70 (2) Campbell 79 .............................. ..............................(3) (3) UNC Asheville 76 Championship (1) Charleston Southern 64...................... (2) Campbell 63

1988 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 3-5, 1988 Winthrop Coliseum - Rock Hill, S.C. Quarterfinals (3) Radford 96........................................ (6) Augusta 82 (2) Charleston Southern 69...................... (7) Campbell 61 (4) Winthrop 63 ...............................(5) UNC Asheville 58 Semifinals (3) Radford 91..................(2) Charleston Southern 82 (OT) (4) Winthrop 75............................(1) Coastal Carolina 40 Championship (4) Winthrop 71 ...................................... (3) Radford 56

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Ben Hinson (MVP) Jr. G Charleston Southern Bernard Innocent Sr. F Charleston Southern Eric Rogers Sr. G Augusta Eric Juratic Jr. C Augusta Byron Samuels Sr. F UNC Asheville Allen Washington Sr. F Winthrop

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Ben Hinson (MVP) Sr. G Charleston Southern Heder Ambroise So. F Charleston Southern Oliver Johnson Jr. F Charleston Southern Clarence Grier Sr. F Campbell Henry Wilson So. C Campbell Van Wilkins Sr. G UNC Asheville

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM John Weiss (MVP) Sr. G Winthrop Shaun Wise So. G Winthrop Greg Washington Jr. F Winthrop Aswan Wainwright Jr. F Radford Oliver Johnson Sr. F Charleson Southern Heder Ambroise Jr. C Charleston Southern





MEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 1988-89 School Coastal Carolina Campbell Charleston Southern UNC Asheville Radford Winthrop Augusta

Big South W L PCT 9 3 .750 8 4 .667 6 6 .500 6 6 .500 5 7 .417 5 7 .417 3 9 .250

1989-90 Overall W L PCT 14 14 .500 18 12 .600 12 16 .429 16 14 .533 15 13 .538 16 13 .552 5 23 .179

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM Henry Wilson Sr. F Campbell Shaun Wise Jr. G Winthrop Phil Young Jr. G Radford Brad Childress Jr. G Campbell Sean Smith Jr. G Winthrop Tim Daniels Jr. F Augusta Milton Moore Jr. F UNC Asheville Richard Scantlebury Sr. F Coastal Carolina Derek Wilson Sr. F Coastal Carolina Heder Ambroise Sr. C Charleston Southern

School Coastal Carolina Campbell UNC Asheville Winthrop Charleston Southern Augusta Radford

Big South W L PCT 11 1 .917 7 5 .583 7 5 .583 6 6 .500 4 8 .333 4 8 .333 3 9 .250

1990-91 Overall W L PCT 23 6 .793 15 13 .536 18 12 .600 19 10 .655 9 19 .321 8 20 .286 7 22 .241

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Tony Dunkin Fr. F Coastal Carolina Robert Dowdell Jr. G Coastal Carolina Milton Moore Sr. F UNC Asheville Darryl Hall Sr. F Charleston Southern DuWayne Cheatam Jr. C Coastal Carolina Second Team Brad Childress Sr. G Campbell Doug Day Fr. G Radford George Henson So. G Winthrop Brian Schmall So. G Augusta Shaun Wise Sr. G Winthrop

School Coastal Carolina Radford Augusta Davidson Winthrop UNC Asheville Charleston Southern Campbell

Big South W L PCT 13 1 .929 12 2 .857 9 5 .643 6 8 .429 5 9 .357 4 10 .286 4 10 .286 3 11 .214

Overall W L PCT 24 8 .750 22 7 .759 14 16 .467 10 19 .345 8 20 .286 8 20 .286 9 19 .321 9 19 .321

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Tony Dunkin So. F Coastal Carolina Robert Dowdell Sr. G Coastal Carolina Doug Day So. G Radford Derek Stewart So. F Augusta Ron Shelburne Sr. C Radford Second Team George Henson Jr. G Winthrop Rod Gourdine Sr. G Campbell Jason Zimmerman Fr. G Davidson Keenan Mann Jr. F Augusta Joe Spinks Fr. F Campbell Harvey Minor So. F Charleston Southern Brent Keck Sr. C UNC Asheville Detlef Musch So. C Davidson

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Henry Wilson, Campbell

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina

COACH OF THE YEAR Russ Bergman, Coastal Carolina

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina

COACH OF THE YEAR Russ Bergman, Coastal Carolina

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Joe Spinks, Campbell CO-COACH OF THE YEAR Clint Bryant, Augusta Oliver Purnell, Radford

1989 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 2-4, 1989 Winthrop Coliseum - Rock Hill, S.C. Quarterfinals (2) Campbell 90 ..................................... (7) Augusta 84 (4) UNC Asheville 62 ................................ (5) Radford 58 (6) Winthrop 81 ...................... (3) Charleston Southern 68 Semifinals (4) UNC Asheville 88...................... (1) Coastal Carolina 76 (2) Campbell 78 .................................... ....................................(6) (6) Winthrop 55 Championship (4) UNC Asheville 93 .............................. (2) Campbell 78

1990 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 1-3, 1990 Winthrop Coliseum - Rock Hill, S.C. Quarterfinals (7) Radford 68 ..................................... (2) Campbell 44 (3) UNC Asheville 79................................ (6) Augusta 73 (4) Winthrop 61 ...................... (5) Charleston Southern 53 Semifinals (1) Coastal Carolina 62 ............................(4) Winthrop 49 (3) UNC Asheville 78................................ (7) Radford 72 Championship (1) Coastal Carolina 76 ......................(3) UNC Asheville 73

1991 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 28-March 2, 1991 Civic Center of Anderson - Anderson, S.C. Quarterfinals (1) Coastal Carolina 83 ........................... (8) Campbell 46 (4) Davidson 63 .....................................(5) Winthrop 48 (2) Radford 75........................ (7) Charleston Southern 70 (3) Augusta 62 ................................(6) UNC Asheville 53 Semifinals (1) Coastal Carolina 58 ............................ (4) Davidson 55 (3) Augusta 69 ....................................... (2) Radford 56 Championship (1) Coastal Carolina 89 ............................. (3) Augusta 54

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Milton Moore (MVP) Jr. F UNC Asheville Harvey Shropshire Jr. F UNC Asheville Brent Keck So. C UNC Asheville Mark Mocnik Fr. G Campbell Henry Wilson Sr. F Campbell Greg Washington Sr. F Winthrop

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Milton Moore (MVP) Sr. F UNC Asheville Robert Dowdell Jr. G Coastal Carolina Eddie Lesaine So. F Coastal Carolina Tony Dunkin Fr. F Coastal Carolina George Henson So. G Winthrop

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Tony Dunkin (MVP) So. F Coastal Carolina Brian Penny Sr. G Coastal Carolina Robert Dowdell Sr. G Coastal Carolina Keenan Mann Jr. F Augusta Derek Stewart So. F Augusta



POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament Play-In -- Jackson, Miss. COASTAL CAROLINA 84 ......................... Jackson State 53 NCAA Tournament First Round Southeast Regional -- Louisville, Ky. #2 Indiana 79......................... .........................#15 #15 COASTAL CAROLINA 69


MEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 1991-92 School Radford Liberty Campbell Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina Davidson UNC Asheville Winthrop

Big South W L PCT 12 2 .857 10 4 .714 7 7 .500 7 7 .500 6 8 .428 6 8 .428 6 8 .428 2 12 .142

1992-93 Overall W L PCT 20 9 .689 22 7 .758 19 12 .612 16 14 .533 12 19 .387 11 17 .392 9 19 .321 6 22 .214

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Tony Dunkin Jr. F Coastal Carolina Darnell Sneed Jr. G Charleston Southern Doug Day Jr. G Radford Julius Nwosu Jr. C Liberty Joe Spinks So. F Campbell Second Team Mark Hailey Jr. C Winthrop Robert Watson Sr. F UNC Asheville Chris Hawkins Sr. G Radford Keith Ferguson Jr. F Liberty Detlef Musch Jr. C Davidson PLAYER OF THE YEAR Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina

School Towson State Coastal Carolina # Campbell Liberty Radford UMBC Charleston Southern Winthrop UNC Asheville UNC Greensboro

Big South W L PCT 14 2 .875 12 4 .750 10 6 .625 9 7 .562 8 8 .500 7 9 .437 5 11 .312 5 11 .312 2 14 .125 -- ----

1993-94 Overall W L PCT 18 9 .667 22 10 .687 12 15 .444 16 14 .533 16 15 .516 12 16 .428 9 18 .333 14 16 .467 4 23 .148 10 17 .370

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Tony Dunkin Sr. F Coastal Carolina Joe Spinks Jr. F Campbell Julius Nwosu Sr. C Liberty Terrance Alexander So. G Towson State Devin Boyd Sr. G Towson State Second Team Darnell Sneed Sr. G Charleston Southern Parish Hickman Sr. F Liberty Doug Day Sr. G Radford Eddie Gay Sr. C Winthrop Mark Hailey Sr. C Winthrop

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Joe Spinks Sr. F Campbell KeKe Hicks Jr. G Coastal Carolina Terrance Alexander Jr. G Towson State Matt Hildebrand Sr. G Liberty Don Burgess Sr. F Radford Second Team Eric Burks Jr. G Charleston Southern T.L. Latson So. F Charleston Southern Ralph Blalock So. G Towson State Tyrone Travis Sr. F Radford Scott Neely Jr. G Campbell ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Anthony Walker Fr. G Radford Jeff Daniels Fr. F Charleston Southern Peter Aluma Fr. C Liberty Michael Keyes Fr. G Towson State Steve Napper Fr. F Winthrop

COACH OF THE YEAR Ron Bradley, Radford

CO-ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Dan Pogue, Campbell T.L. Latson, Charleston Southern Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro COACH OF THE YEAR Terry Truax, Towson State

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round East Regional -- Greensboro, N.C. #1 Duke 82 .......................................#16 CAMPBELL 56

Overall W L PCT 21 9 .700 20 8 .714 20 9 .689 18 12 .600 15 12 .555 15 11 .576 9 18 .333 6 21 .222 4 23 .148 3 24 .111

# - Victories recorded by Coastal Carolina were forfeited when ineligible players participated.

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Mark Mocnik (MVP) Jr. F Campbell Billy Ellison So. C Campbell Joe Spinks So. F Campbell Bernard Nelson Sr. F Charleston Southern Darnell Sneed Jr. G Charleston Southern

Big South W L PCT 15 3 .833 13 5 .722 12 6 .667 12 6 .667 11 7 .611 10 8 .556 7 11 .389 5 13 .278 3 15 .167 3 15 .167

# - Victories recorded by Coastal Carolina were forfeited when ineligible players participated. No Conference champion was declared for 1992-93.

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Scott Neely, Campbell

1992 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 5-7, 1992 Civic Center of Anderson - Anderson, S.C. Quarterfinals (3) Campbell 69 .................................... (6) Davidson 60 (2) Liberty 85 ................................ (7) UNC Asheville 54 (1) Radford 80.......................................(8) Winthrop 54 (4) Charleston Southern 58..............(5) Coastal Carolina 54 Semifinals (4) Charleston Southern 88 ........................(1) Radford 83 (3) Campbell 53 ...................................... (2) Liberty 51 Championship (3) Campbell 67...................... (4) Charleston Southern 53

School Towson State Radford Campbell Liberty UNC Greensboro * Coastal Carolina *# Charleston Southern UMBC Winthrop UNC Asheville

1993 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 3-6, 1993 North Charleston Coliseum - North Charleston, S.C. First Round (8) Winthrop 101 .............................(9) UNC Asheville 87 Quarterfinals (6) UMBC 85 ........................................ (3) Campbell 67 (2) Coastal Carolina 79 ............. (7) Charleston Southern 66 (8) Winthrop 83................................(1) Towson State 79 (5) Radford 73......................................... (4) Liberty 69 Semifinals (8) Winthrop 87...................................... (5) Radford 69 (2) Coastal Carolina 66 ................................ (6) UMBC 59 Championship (2) Coastal Carolina 78 ............................ ............................(8) (8) Winthrop 65 ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Tony Dunkin (MVP) Sr. F Coastal Carolina Mohammed Acha Jr. F Coastal Carolina KeKe Hicks So. G Coastal Carolina Eddie Gay Sr. F Winthrop Mark Hailey Sr. C Winthrop POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round West Regional -- Tucson, Ariz. #1 Michigan 84....................... .......................#16 #16 COASTAL CAROLINA 53

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Joe Spinks, Campbell ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Anthony Walker, Coastal Carolina CO-COACH OF THE YEAR Billy Lee, Campbell Terry Truax, Towson State 1994 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 4-7, 1994 North Charleston Coliseum - North Charleston, S.C. Quarterfinals (1) Towson State 64..........................(8) UNC Asheville 56 (4) Liberty 82 ........................ (5) Charleston Southern 71 (2) Campbell 79 ....................................(7) Winthrop 71 (3) Radford 81........................................... (6) UMBC 78 Semifinals (4) Liberty 63 ..................................(1) Towson State 58 (2) Campbell 72 ......................................(3) Radford 61 Championship (4) Liberty 76....................................... (2) Campbell 62 * - Coastal Carolina and UNC Greensboro were not eligible for the Conference tournament ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Peter Aluma (MVP) Fr. C Liberty Darryl Williams Sr. G Liberty Scott Neely Sr. G Campbell Joe Spinks Sr. F Campbell Tyrone Travis Sr. F Radford POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round East Regional -- Landover, Md. #1 North Carolina 71 ..............................#16 LIBERTY 51


MEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 1994-95 School UNC Greensboro Charleston Southern UMBC Radford Liberty UNC Asheville Towson State Winthrop Coastal Carolina

Big South W L PCT 14 2 .875 12 4 .750 10 6 .625 9 7 .563 7 9 .438 7 9 .438 6 10 .375 4 12 .250 3 13 .188

1995-96 Overall W L PCT 23 6 .793 19 10 .655 13 14 .481 16 12 .571 12 16 .429 11 16 .407 12 15 .444 7 20 .259 6 20 .231

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Eric Burks Sr. G Charleston Southern Scott Hartzell Jr. G UNC Greensboro Ralph Blalock Jr. G Towson State Eric Cuthrell Jr. F UNC Greensboro KeKe Hicks Sr. G Coastal Carolina Second Team Peter Aluma So. C Liberty Anthony Walker So. G Radford Pascal Fleury Sr. C UMBC Jason Dixon Sr. F Liberty Brett Larrick So. G Charleston Southern ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Derrick Nix Fr. F UNC Greensboro Kevin Robinson Fr. F Radford Larry Jackson Fr. G Liberty Ralph Biggs Fr. G Towson State Greg Smith Fr. G Coastal Carolina

School UNC Greensboro Liberty UNC Asheville Charleston Southern Radford Winthrop UMBC Coastal Carolina

Big South W L PCT 11 3 .786 9 5 .643 9 5 .643 9 5 .643 8 6 .571 6 8 .429 3 11 .214 1 13 .071

1996-97 Overall W L PCT 20 10 .667 17 12 .586 18 10 .643 15 13 .536 14 13 .519 7 19 .269 5 22 .185 5 21 .192

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team T.L. Latson Sr. F Charleston Southern Peter Aluma Jr. C Liberty Eric Cuthrell Sr. F UNC Greensboro Josh Kohn Sr. G UNC Asheville Jason Lansdown Sr. G Radford Second Team Brian Brunson Sr. C UNC Greensboro Scott Hartzell Sr. G UNC Greensboro Larry Jackson So. G Liberty Brett Larrick Jr. G Charleston Southern Tony Thompson Sr. G UMBC ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Tyson Waterman Fr. G Winthrop Leslie Ballard Fr. F Radford Lee Grant Fr. G Coastal Carolina Alhamisi Simms Fr. G UMBC Marcus White So. G Liberty

School UNC Asheville Liberty Radford Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina UNC Greensboro Winthrop UMBC

Big South W L PCT 11 3 .786 11 3 .786 8 6 .571 7 7 .500 6 8 .429 6 8 .429 5 9 .357 2 12 .143

Overall W L PCT 18 10 .643 23 9 .719 15 13 .536 17 13 .567 11 16 .407 10 20 .333 12 15 .444 5 22 .185

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Josh Pittman Jr. G UNC Asheville Peter Aluma Sr. C Liberty Brett Larrick Sr. G Charleston Southern Errol McPherson Sr. G Charleston Southern Anthony Walker Sr. G Radford Second Team Eric Bowens Sr. F Radford Maurice Ingram Sr. C Coastal Carolina Kevin Martin So. F UNC Asheville Tyson Waterman So. G Winthrop Marcus White Jr. G Liberty ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Isaac Green Fr. F UMBC Rian Everett Fr. G Radford Gerald King Fr. G Coastal Carolina Marlin Parker Fr. G Charleston Southern Jason Womble Fr. G UMBC

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Eric Burks, Charleston Southern

PLAYER OF THE YEAR T.L. Latson, Charleston Southern

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Josh Pittman, UNC Asheville

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Derrick Nix, UNC Greensboro

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Tyson Waterman, Winthrop


COACH OF THE YEAR Gary Edwards, Charleston Southern

COACH OF THE YEAR Randy Wiel, UNC Asheville

COACH OF THE YEAR Eddie Biedenbach, UNC Asheville

1995 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 3-5, 1995 Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va. Quarterfinals (1) UNC Greensboro 75............................(8) Winthrop 51 (4) Radford 63.................................(5) UNC Asheville 47 (2) Charleston Southern 85................. (7) Towson State 55 (6) Liberty 57............................................(3) UMBC 54 Semifinals (1) UNC Greensboro 71............................. (4) Radford 59 (2) Charleston Southern 60 ........................ (6) Liberty 58 Championship (2) Charleston Southern 68 ............. .............(1) (1) UNC Greensboro 67

1996 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 29-March 2, 1996 Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va. Quarterfinals (1) UNC Greensboro 78.................. (8) Coastal Carolina 67 (4) Charleston Southern 55........................(5) Radford 52 (3) UNC Asheville 69 .............................. (6) Winthrop 61 (2) Liberty 74........................................... (7) UMBC 52 Semifinals (1) UNC Greensboro 69.............(4) Charleston Southern 60 (2) Liberty 73 ................................ (3) UNC Asheville 60 Championship (1) UNC Greensboro 79..............................(2) Liberty 53

1997 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 26-March 1, 1997 Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va. Quarterfinals (1) UNC Asheville 54 ................................... (8) UMBC 51 (4) Charleston Southern 67.............. ..............(5) (5) Coastal Carolina 51 (3) Radford 78............................. (6) UNC Greensboro 76 (2) Liberty 83 ...................................... (7) Winthrop 69 Semifinals (4) Charleston Southern 67................. .................(1) (1) UNC Asheville 57 (2) Liberty 85 ........................................ (3) Radford 73 Championship (4) Charleston Southern 64 ........................ (2) Liberty 54

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Scott Hartzell (MVP) Sr. G UNC Greensboro Eric Cuthrell Sr. F UNC Greensboro Jeremy Davis Jr. G UNC Greensboro Peter Aluma Jr. C Liberty Marcus White So. G Liberty

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Peter Aluma (MVP) Sr. C Liberty Rolando Hourruitiner Sr. F Charleston Southern Brett Larrick Sr. G Charleston Southern Larry Jackson Jr. G Liberty Corey Reed Jr. G Radford

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Southeast Regional -- Orlando, Fla. #2 Cincinnati 66 .......................#15 UNC GREENSBORO 61

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Midwest Regional -- Auburn Hills, Mich. #2 UCLA 109 .................. #15 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN 75

Eric Burks (MVP) Brett Larrick Derrick Nix Eric Cuthrell Antoine Dalton

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Sr. G Charleston Southern So. G Charleston Southern Fr. F UNC Greensboro Jr. F UNC Greensboro Sr. F Radford POSTSEASON RESULTS None


MEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 1997-98 School UNC Asheville Radford UMBC Liberty Coastal Carolina Winthrop Charleston Southern

Big South W L PCT 11 1 .917 10 2 .833 6 6 .500 5 7 .417 4 8 .333 4 8 .333 2 10 .167

1998-99 Overall W L PCT 19 9 .679 20 10 .667 14 14 .500 11 17 .393 8 19 .296 7 20 .259 5 22 .185

School Winthrop Radford UNC Asheville Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina Liberty Elon High Point

Big South W L PCT 9 1 .900 8 2 .800 5 5 .500 4 6 .400 4 6 .400 0 10 .000 -- ----- ----

1999-00 Overall W L PCT 21 8 .724 20 8 .714 11 18 .379 12 16 .429 7 20 .259 4 23 .148 11 16 .407 10 16 .385

School Radford Winthrop Coastal Carolina UNC Asheville Elon * High Point * Liberty Charleston Southern

Big South W L PCT 12 2 .857 11 3 .786 7 7 .500 7 7 .500 7 7 .500 5 9 .357 4 10 .286 3 11 .214

Overall W L PCT 18 10 .643 21 9 .700 10 18 .357 11 18 .379 13 15 .464 11 17 .393 14 14 .500 8 21 .276

* - Elon and High Point were not eligible for the Conference tournament. ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Josh Pittman Sr. F UNC Asheville Larry Jackson Sr. G Liberty Kevin Martin Jr. F UNC Asheville Robert Stevenson Sr. C UNC Asheville Corey Reed Sr. G Radford Second Team Adam Larrick Jr. G Charleston Southern Rodney Dupre’ Sr. G Coastal Carolina Rich Giddens Fr. G UMBC Kennedy Okafor Fr. F UMBC Kevin Robinson Sr. F Radford ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Kennedy Okafor R-Fr. F UMBC Marcus Stewart Fr. F/C Coastal Carolina Rich Giddens Fr. G UMBC Terence Ward Fr. G UMBC Robbie Waldrop Fr. G Winthrop

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Kevin Martin Sr. F UNC Asheville Heson Groves Sr. F Winthrop Tyson Waterman R-Jr. G Winthrop Adam Larrick Sr. G Charleston Southern Leslie Ballard Sr. G Radford Second Team DeLawn Grandison Jr. G Liberty Mike Matthews Sr. G UNC Asheville Roger Toxey So. G Winthrop Rian Everett Jr. G Radford Ryan Charles Jr. C Radford ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Steve Miles Fr. G Coastal Carolina Andrey Savtchenko Fr. C Radford Correy Watkins Fr. F Radford Chris Caldwell Fr. G Liberty Jamaal Bennett Fr. G Liberty

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Jason Williams Jr. F Radford Ryan Charles Sr. C Radford Tyson Waterman R-Sr. G Winthrop Greg Lewis Jr. F Winthrop Matt Gladieux Sr. G Coastal Carolina Second Team Nick Mitchell Jr. F Charleston Southern Brendon Rowell So. G Elon Geordie Cullen So. C High Point Carl Williams Sr. F Liberty Andre Smith Fr. G UNC Asheville ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Andre Smith Fr. G UNC Asheville James Seegars Fr. G Charleston Southern Clint Reed Fr. F Coastal Caorlina Brendon Carter Fr. G UNC Asheville Raymond Arrington Fr. G Radford

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Josh Pittman, UNC Asheville

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Kevin Martin, UNC Asheville

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Jason Williams, Radford


ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Steve Miles, Coastal Carolina

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Andre Smith, UNC Asheville


COACH OF THE YEAR Gregg Marshall, Winthrop

COACH OF THE YEAR Pete Strickland, Coastal Carolina

1998 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 25-28, 1998 Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va. Quarterfinals (2) Radford 75........................ (7) Charleston Southern 68 (3) UMBC 67 .........................................(6) Winthrop 55 (4) Liberty 78 ..............................(5) Coastal Carolina 70 Semifinals (1) UNC Asheville 46 ................................. (4) Liberty 42 (2) Radford 88...........................................(3) UMBC 69 Championship (2) Radford 63................................. (1) UNC Asheville 61

1999 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 25-27, 1999 Asheville Civic Center - Asheville, N.C. Quarterfinals (4) Charleston Southern 87..............(5) Coastal Carolina 67 (3) UNC Asheville 106 ............................... (6) Liberty 98 Semifinals (1) Winthrop 70 ....................... .......................(4) (4) Charleston Southern 61 (2) Radford 92.................................(3) UNC Asheville 79 Championship (1) Winthrop 86 ....................................... .......................................(2) (2) Radford 74

2000 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 2-4, 2000 Asheville Civic Center - Asheville, N.C. Quarterfinals (4) UNC Asheville 77................................. (5) Liberty 66 (6) Charleston Southern 83..............(3) Coastal Carolina 71 Semifinals (4) UNC Asheville 78 .................................(1) Radford 71 (2) Winthrop 90...................... (6) Charleston Southern 65 Championship (2) Winthrop 75 ...............................(4) UNC Asheville 62

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Kevin Robinson (MVP) Sr. F Radford Ryan Charles So. C Radford Corey Reed Sr. G Radford Kevin Martin So. F UNC Asheville Josh Pittman Sr. F UNC Asheville

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Heson Groves (MVP) Sr. F Winthrop Tyson Waterman R-Jr. G Winthrop Leslie Ballard Sr. G Radford Kevin Martin Sr. F UNC Asheville Adam Larrick Sr. G Charleston Southern

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Greg Lewis (MVP) Jr. F Winthrop Tyson Waterman R-Sr. G Winthrop Robbie Waldrop Jr. G Winthrop Brett Carey Jr. G UNC Asheville Andre Smith Fr. G UNC Asheville

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Southeast Regional -- Landover, Md. #1 Duke 99 ........................................#16 RADFORD 63

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Midwest Regional -- Indianapolis, Ind. #1 Auburn 80.................................... #16 WINTHROP 41

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round West Regional -- Tuscon, Ariz. #3 Oklahoma 74 ................................ #14 WINTHROP 50


MEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 2000-01 School Radford Winthrop UNC Asheville Coastal Carolina Charleston Southern Liberty Elon * High Point *

Big South W L PCT 12 2 .857 11 3 .786 9 5 .643 6 8 .429 6 8 .429 5 9 .357 4 10 .286 3 11 .214

2001-02 Overall W L PCT 19 10 .655 18 13 .581 15 13 .536 8 20 .286 10 19 .345 13 15 .464 9 20 .310 8 20 .286

School Winthrop UNC Asheville Radford Charleston Southern Elon Coastal Carolina High Point Liberty Birmingham-Southern

Big South W L PCT 10 4 .714 10 4 .714 9 5 .643 8 6 .571 7 7 .500 5 9 .357 5 9 .357 2 12 .143 -- ----

2002-03 Overall W L PCT 19 12 .613 13 15 .464 15 16 .484 12 17 .414 13 16 .448 8 20 .286 11 19 .367 5 25 .167 13 14 .481

School Winthrop Liberty Charleston Southern Elon UNC Asheville Radford Coastal Carolina High Point Birmingham-Southern

Big South W L PCT 11 3 .786 8 6 .571 8 6 .571 8 6 .571 7 7 .500 6 8 .429 5 9 .357 3 11 .273 -- ----

Overall W L PCT 20 10 .667 14 15 .483 14 14 .500 12 15 .444 15 17 .469 10 20 .333 13 15 .464 7 20 .259 19 9 .679

* - Elon and High Point were not eligible for the Conference tournament. ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Torrey Butler Jr. F Coastal Carolina Brendon Rowell Jr. G Elon Andrey Savtchenko Jr. C Radford Jason Williams Sr. F Radford Marcus Stewart Jr. F Winthrop Second Team O.J. Linney Sr. F Charleston Southern Chris Caldwell Jr. G Liberty Nathan Day Sr. F Liberty Brett Carey Sr. G UNC Asheville Derrick Knox Jr. G/F Winthrop ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Tyrone Walker Fr. F Winthrop Ed O’Neil Fr. G Charleston Southern Alvin Green Fr. G Coastal Carolina B.J. Haigler Fr. G Radford Billy Allen Fr. F UNC Asheville

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Greg Lewis Sr. F Winthrop Brendon Rowell Jr. G Elon Dustin Van Weerdhuizen Jr. G High Point Andrey Savtchenko Sr. C Radford Andre Smith Jr. G Radford Second Team Ed O’Neil So. G Charleston Southern Chris Caldwell Sr. G Liberty Raymond Arrington Jr. G Radford Correy Watkins Sr. F Radford Tyrone Walker So. F Winthrop ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Joe Knight Fr. G High Point Kevin Warczynski Fr. F Charleston Southern Jackson Atoyebi Fr. F Elon Travis Eisentrout Fr. G Liberty Olumuyiwa Popoola Fr. G Radford

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Torrey Butler Sr. F Coastal Carolina Gabe Martin Jr. G Liberty Andre Smith Sr. G UNC Asheville Ben McGonagil Sr. C UNC Asheville Tyrone Walker Jr. F Winthrop Pierre Wooten Sr. G Winthrop Second Team Charles White Sr. F Charleston Southern Kevin Warzynski So. F Charleston Southern Ed O’Neil Jr. G Charleston Southern Joe Knight So. G High Point Danny Gathings So. F High Point ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Whit Holcomb-Faye G Radford Scottie Rice G Elon Rasmi Gamble C Elon Jeremy Monceaux G Liberty Billy Houston C Winthrop

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Torrey Butler, Coastal Carolina

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Greg Lewis, Winthrop

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Tyrone Walker, Winthrop

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Joe Knight, High Point

COACH OF THE YEAR Jim Platt, Charleston Southern

COACH OF THE YEAR Eddie Biedenbach, UNC Asheville

2001 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 1-3, 2001 Roanoke Civic Center - Roanoke Va. Quarterfinals (5) Charleston Southern 77 ............. .............(4) (4) Coastal Carolina 64 (6) Liberty 60 ................................. .................................(3) (3) UNC Asheville 48 Semifinals (1) Radford 65 ........................ (5) Charleston Southern 62 (2) Winthrop 67 ............................... (6) Liberty 62 (2OT) Championship (2) Winthrop 67 ................................ (1) Radford 65 (OT)

2002 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 28-March 2, 2002 Roanoke Civic Center - Roanoke, Va. Quarterfinals (1) Winthrop 66 ....................................... (8) Liberty 59 (5) Elon 83 ............................ (4) Charleston Southern 64 (7) High Point 72 .............................(2) UNC Asheville 71 (3) Radford 81..............................(6) Coastal Carolina 66 Semifinals (1) Winthrop 77 ...........................................(5) Elon 66 (7) High Point 72 ..............................(3) Radford 70 (OT) Championship (1) Winthrop 70 ................................... (7) High Point 48

2003 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 4, 7-8, 2003 Quarterfinals (Home Sites of Higher Seeds) (1) Winthrop 80 ................................... (8) High Point 64 (5) UNC Asheville 68............................... ...............................(4) (4) Elon 66 (OT) (2) Liberty 63 ....................... (7) Coastal Carolina 61 (OT) (6) Radford 65........................ (3) Charleston Southern 62 Semifinals (at Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va.) (5) UNC Asheville 81 ........................ (1) Winthrop 80 (OT) (6) Radford 55......................................... (2) Liberty 52 Championship (at Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va.) (5) UNC Asheville 85 .................................(6) Radford 71

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Andrey Savtchenko (MVP) Jr. C Radford Tyrone Walker Fr. F Winthrop Derrick Knox Jr. G/F Winthrop Jason Williams Sr. F Radford Chris Caldwell Jr. G Liberty

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Greg Lewis (MVP) Sr. F Winthrop Pierre Wooten Jr. G Winthrop Jay Wallace Sr. F/C High Point Joe Knight Fr. G High Point Correy Watkins Jr. G Radford

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Andre Smith (MVP) Sr. G UNC Asheville Alex Kragel Sr. G UNC Asheville Bryan McCullough So. F UNC Asheville Ben McGonagil Sr. C UNC Asheville Raymond Arrington Sr. G Radford

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament Opening Round Dayton, Ohio Northwestern State 71 ............................. WINTHROP 67

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round South Regional - Greenville, S.C. #1 Duke 84 ...................................... #16 WINTHROP 37

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament Opening Round Dayton, Ohio UNC ASHEVILLE 92.......................Texas Southern 84 (OT)

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Torrey Butler, Coastal Carolina FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford COACH OF THE YEAR Gregg Marshall, Winthrop

NCAA Tournament First Round South Regional - Birmingham, Ala. #1 Texas 82................................ #16 UNC ASHEVILLE 61


MEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 2003-04 School Liberty Birmingham-Southern * High Point Winthrop Coastal Carolina Radford UNC Asheville VMI Charleston Southern

Big South W L PCT 12 4 .750 12 4 .750 10 6 .625 10 6 .625 8 8 .500 7 9 .438 6 10 .375 4 12 .250 3 13 .188

2004-05 Overall W L PCT 18 15 .545 20 7 .741 19 11 .633 16 12 .571 14 15 .483 12 16 .429 9 20 .310 6 22 .214 6 22 .214

School Winthrop Liberty UNC Asheville Birmingham-Southern Radford High Point Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina VMI

Big South W L PCT 15 1 .938 11 5 .688 8 8 .500 7 9 .438 7 9 .438 7 9 .438 7 9 .438 7 9 .438 3 13 .188

2005-06 Overall W L PCT 27 6 .818 13 15 .464 11 17 .393 16 14 .533 12 16 .429 13 18 .419 13 17 .433 10 19 .345 9 18 .333

School Winthrop Coastal Carolina Birmingham-Southern Radford High Point Charleston Southern UNC Asheville Liberty VMI

Big South W L PCT 13 3 .813 12 4 .750 12 4 .750 9 7 .563 8 8 .500 7 9 .438 6 10 .375 3 13 .188 2 14 .125

Overall W L PCT 23 8 .742 20 10 .667 19 9 .679 16 13 .552 16 13 .552 13 16 .448 9 19 .321 7 23 .233 7 20 .259

* - Birmingham-Southern was not eligible for the Conference tournament. ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Torrey Butler Sr. F Coastal Carolina Danny Gathings Jr. F High Point Gabe Martin Sr. G Liberty E.J. Gallup Sr. G Coastal Carolina Jakob Sigurdarson Jr. G Birmingham-Southern Whit Holcomb-Faye So. G Radford Second Team Ed O’Neil Sr. G Charleston Southern Tyrone Walker Sr. F Winthrop Radee Skipworth Sr. F VMI Larry Blair Fr. G Liberty Grant Davis Sr. F Birmingham-Southern ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Larry Blair G Liberty David Dees G/F Liberty K.J. Garland G UNC Asheville Moses Sonko F Coastal Carolina Torrell Martin G Winthrop

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Pele Paelay Jr. G Coastal Carolina David Dees So. G/F Liberty Torrell Martin So. G Winthrop Larry Blair So. G Liberty James Shuler Jr. F Winthrop Second Team Jakob Sigurdarson Sr. G Birmingham-Southern Chris Oliver So. F Radford Bryan McCullough Sr. F UNC Asheville Kurtis Rice Sr. F Charleston Southern Leo Lightbourne Sr. F Liberty ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Jack Leasure G Coastal Carolina Reggie Williams F VMI Chris Gaynor G Winthrop Arizona Reid F High Point Josh Fox F Radford

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Danny Gathings, High Point

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Pele Paelay, Coastal Carolina

FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Larry Blair, Liberty

FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina

COACH OF THE YEAR Duane Reboul, Birmingham-Southern

COACH OF THE YEAR Gregg Marshall, Winthrop

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Jack Leasure So. G Coastal Carolina Larry Blair Jr. G Liberty Arizona Reid So. F High Point Torrell Martin Jr. G Winthrop James Shuler Sr. F Winthrop Second Team Whit Holcomb-Faye Sr. G Radford Chris Oliver Jr. F Radford James Collins Sr. G Birmingham-Southern Pele Paelay Sr. G Coastal Carolina Reggie Williams So. F VMI ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Michael Ellis G UNC Asheville Joseph Harris F Coastal Carolina Travis Holmes G VMI Anthony Smith G Liberty Justin Dunn F High Point PLAYER OF THE YEAR Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Michael Ellis, UNC Asheville DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Issa Konare, High Point COACH OF THE YEAR Duane Reboul, Birmingham-Southern

2004 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 2, 4, 6, 2004 at highest seeds Quarterfinals (1) Liberty 60......................... (8) Charleston Southern 54 (4) Coastal Carolina 67 ............................. (5) Radford 62 (2) High Point 75...........................................(7) VMI 43 (6) UNC Asheville 49...............................(3) Winthrop 46 Semifinals (1) Liberty 88...............................(4) Coastal Carolina 73 (2) High Point 63..............................(6) UNC Asheville 49 Championship (1) Liberty 89...................................... (2) High Point 44

2005 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 1, 3, 5, 2005 at highest seeds Quarterfinals (1) Winthrop 74 ............................ ............................(8) (8) Coastal Carolina 62 (4) Birmingham-Southern 69 ...................... (5) Radford 40 (7) Charleston Southern 66 ........................ (2) Liberty 60 (6) High Point 98....................... (3) UNC Asheville 93 (OT) Semifinals (1) Winthrop 78 ..................... .....................(4) (4) Birmingham-Southern 64 (7) Charleston Southern 58 ..................... .....................(6) (6) High Point 55 Championship (1) Winthrop 68 ...................... (7) Charleston Southern 46

2006 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 28, March 2, 4, 2006 Quarterfinals (at highest seeds) (1) Winthrop 93 ....................................... (8) Liberty 52 (5) High Point 87..................................... (4) Radford 84 (2) Coastal Carolina 78 ......................(7) UNC Asheville 62 (6) Charleston Southern 97.......(3) Birmingham-Southern 76 Semifinals (at Winthrop Coliseum - Rock Hill, S.C.) (1) Winthrop 77 ................................... (5) High Point 65 (2) Coastal Carolina 73 ..............(6) Charleston Southern 67 Championship (at highest remaining seed) (1) Winthrop 51 ............................(2) Coastal Carolina 50

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Danny Gathings (MVP) Jr. F High Point Larry Blair Fr. G Liberty Gabe Martin Sr. G Liberty Zione White Jr. G High Point K.J. Garland Fr. G UNC Asheville

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Torrell Martin (MVP) So. G Winthrop James Shuler Jr. F Winthrop Kurtis Rice Sr. F Charleston Southern Terrell Brown Jr. G Charleston Southern Jakob Sigurdarson Sr. G Birmingham-Southern

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Torrell Martin (MVP) Jr. G Winthrop Chris Gaynor So. G Winthrop Craig Bradshaw Jr. F Winthrop Moses Sonko Jr. F Coastal Carolina Pele Paelay Sr. G Coastal Carolina

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round East Rutherford Regional - Buffalo, N.Y. #1 St. Joseph’s 82 ..................................#16 LIBERTY 63

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Albuquerque Regional - Tucson, Ariz. #3 Gonzaga 74 .................................. #14 WINTHROP 64

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Washington, D.C. Regional - Greensboro, N.C. #2 Tennessee 63................................ #15 WINTHROP 61


MEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 2006-07 School Winthrop High Point Liberty Coastal Carolina UNC Asheville VMI Radford Charleston Southern

Big South W L PCT 14 0 1.000 11 3 .786 8 6 .571 7 7 .500 6 8 .429 5 9 .357 3 11 .214 2 12 .143

2007-08 Overall W L PCT 29 5 .853 22 10 .688 14 17 .452 15 15 .500 12 19 .387 14 19 .424 8 22 .267 8 22 .267

School UNC Asheville Winthrop High Point Liberty VMI Coastal Carolina Radford Charleston Southern

Big South W L PCT 10 4 .714 10 4 .714 8 6 .571 7 7 .500 6 8 .429 6 8 .429 5 9 .357 4 10 .286

2008-09 Overall W L PCT 23 10 .697 22 12 .647 17 14 .548 16 16 .500 14 15 .483 13 15 .464 10 20 .333 10 20 .333

School Radford VMI Liberty UNC Asheville Winthrop Gardner-Webb Presbyterian College * Coastal Carolina High Point Charleston Southern

Big South W L PCT 15 3 .833 13 5 .722 12 6 .667 10 8 .556 9 9 .500 9 9 .500 9 9 .500 5 13 .278 4 14 .222 4 14 .222

Overall W L PCT 21 12 .636 24 8 .750 23 12 .657 15 16 .484 11 19 .367 13 17 .433 12 17 .414 11 20 .355 9 21 .300 9 20 .310

* - Presbyterian College was not eligible for the Conference tournament due to its transition to Division I. ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Arizona Reid Jr. F High Point Larry Blair Sr. G Liberty Reggie Williams Jr. F VMI Michael Jenkins Jr. G Winthrop Craig Bradshaw Sr. F/C Winthrop Second Team Chris Oliver Sr. F Radford Torrell Martin Sr. G Winthrop Moses Sonko Sr. F Coastal Carolina Jack Leasure Jr. G Coastal Carolina Donnell Covington Sr. G Charleston Southern ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Joshua Mack G Coastal Carolina Amir Johnson G Radford Eugene Harris G High Point Shelton Carter G Charleston Southern Donovan Jones G UNC Asheville

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Arizona Reid Sr. F High Point Reggie Williams Sr. F VMI Bryan Smithson R-Sr. G UNC Asheville Jack Leasure Sr. G Coastal Carolina Alex McLean Sr. F Liberty Second Team Chris Gaynor Sr. G Winthrop Michael Jenkins Sr. G Winthrop Kenny George R-Jr. C UNC Asheville K.J. Garland R-Sr. G UNC Asheville Chavis Holmes Jr. G VMI ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Omar Carter F Charleston Southern Jamarco Warren G Charleston Southern Anthony Breeze F Coastal Carolina Charles Corbin C Winthrop Jeremy Anderson G Liberty

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Art Parakhouski Jr. C Radford Chavis Holmes Sr. G VMI Joseph Harris R-Jr. F Coastal Carolina Anthony Smith Sr. G Liberty Joey Lynch-Flohr Jr. F Radford Second Team Seth Curry Fr. G Liberty Reid Augst Sr. F UNC Asheville Al’Lonzo Coleman So. F/C Presbyterian College Travis Holmes Sr. G VMI Aaron Linn Sr. G Gardner-Webb ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Seth Curry G Liberty Nick Barbour G High Point Joshua Henley F Gardner-Webb Matt Dickey G UNC Asheville Jesse Sanders G Liberty

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Arizona Reid, High Point

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Arizona Reid, High Point

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Art Parakhouski, Radford

FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Joshua Mack, Coastal Carolina

FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Omar Carter, Charleston Southern

FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Seth Curry, Liberty



DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Mantoris Robinson, Winthrop

COACH OF THE YEAR Gregg Marshall, Winthrop

COACH OF THE YEAR Eddie Biedenbach, UNC Asheville

COACH OF THE YEAR Brad Greenberg, Radford

2007 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 27, March 1, 3, 2007 Quarterfinals (at highest seeds) (2) High Point 90..................................... (7) Radford 73 (6) VMI 79 .............................................. (3) Liberty 78 (1) Winthrop 72 ...................... (8) Charleston Southern 42 (5) UNC Asheville 77...................... ......................(4) (4) Coastal Carolina 64 Semifinals (at Winthrop Coliseum - Rock Hill, S.C.) (6) VMI 91 .......................................... (2) High Point 81 (1) Winthrop 79 ............................... ...............................(5) (5) UNC Asheville 60 Championship (at highest remaining seed) (1) Winthrop 84 ............................................ (6) VMI 81

2008 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 4, 6, 8, 2008 Quarterfinals (at highest seeds) (2) Winthrop 76 ...................................... (7) Radford 45 (3) High Point 59...........................(6) Coastal Carolina 56 (1) UNC Asheville 87 ................ (8) Charleston Southern 63 (4) Liberty 103 .............................................(5) VMI 88 Semifinals (at Justice Center - Asheville, N.C.) (2) Winthrop 61 ....................................(3) High Point 53 (1) UNC Asheville 75 ................................. (4) Liberty 57 Championship (at highest remaining seed) (2) Winthrop 66...............................(1) UNC Asheville 48

2009 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 3, 5, 7, 2009 Quarterfinals (at highest seeds) (2) VMI 96 ................................... ...................................(7) (7) Coastal Carolina 76 (3) Liberty 88 ................................ (6) Gardner-Webb 77 (1) Radford 82..................................... (8) High Point 58 (4) UNC Asheville 76 ............................... ...............................(5) (5) Winthrop 68 Semifinals (at Dedmon Center - Radford, Va.) (2) VMI 78 .............................................. (3) Liberty 58 (1) Radford 94................................. .................................(4) (4) UNC Asheville 86 Championship (at highest remaining seed) (1) Radford 108 ............................................ ............................................(2) (2) VMI 94

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Craig Bradshaw (MVP) Sr. F/C Winthrop Michael Jenkins Jr. G Winthrop Reggie Williams Jr. F VMI Travis Holmes So. G VMI K.J. Garland Jr. G UNC Asheville Eugene Harris Fr. G High Point

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Michael Jenkins (MVP) Sr. G Winthrop Chris Gaynor Sr. G Winthrop Andy Buechert Jr. F Winthrop K.J. Garland R-Sr. G UNC Asheville Bryan Smithson R-Sr. G UNC Asheville

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Art Parakhouski (MVP) Jr. C Radford Kenny Thomas Sr. G Radford Joey Lynch-Flohr Jr. F Radford Chavis Holmes Sr. G VMI Austin Kenon So. G VMI

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Charlotte Regional - Denver, Colo. #4 Washington State 71....................... #13 WINTHROP 40

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round South Regional - Greensboro, N.C. #1 North Carolina 101 ...........................#16 RADFORD 58

NIT First Round Columbus, Ohio at #1 Ohio State 84 ....................... #8 UNC ASHEVILLE 66

Collegeinsider.com Postseason Tournament (CIT) First Round at LIBERTY 79................................................ ................................................Rider Rider 64 Quarterfinals James Madison 88 ................................... ...................................at at LIBERTY 65

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First/Second Rounds St. Louis Regional - Spokane, Wash. #11 WINTHROP 74.............................. #6 Notre Dame 64 #3 Oregon 75.................................... #11 WINTHROP 61


MEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 2009-10 School Coastal Carolina Radford Winthrop UNC Asheville High Point Liberty Charleston Southern VMI Gardner-Webb Presbyterian College *

Big South W L PCT 15 3 .833 13 5 .722 12 6 .667 11 7 .611 10 8 .556 10 8 .556 7 11 .389 5 13 .278 5 13 .278 2 16 .111

2010-11 Overall W L PCT 28 7 .800 19 12 .613 19 14 .576 15 16 .484 15 15 .500 15 16 .484 13 17 .433 10 19 .345 8 21 .276 5 26 .161

* - Presbyterian College was not eligible for the Conference tournament due to its transition to Division I. ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Art Parakhouski Sr. C Radford Joseph Harris R-Sr. F Coastal Carolina Nick Barbour So. G High Point Chad Gray R-Jr. F Coastal Carolina Jamarco Warren Jr. G Charleston Southern Second Team Joey Lynch-Flohr Sr. F Radford Austin Kenon Jr. G VMI Kyle Ohman Sr. G/F Liberty Mantoris Robinson R-Sr. F Winthrop John Williams R-Jr. F UNC Asheville ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Jeremy Sexton G Charleston Southern Stan Okoye F VMI Evan Gordon G Liberty Kierre Greenwood G Coastal Carolina Blake Smith G Radford PLAYER OF THE YEAR Art Parakhouski, Radford FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Jeremy Sexton, Charleston Southern DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Mantoris Robinson, Winthrop COACH OF THE YEAR Cliff Ellis, Coastal Carolina 2010 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 2, 4, 6, 2010 Quarterfinals (at highest seeds) (2) Radford 64 ................. (7) Charleston Southern 61 (OT) (3) Winthrop 80....................................... (6) Liberty 72 (1) Coastal Carolina 82 ...................................(8) VMI 73 (4) UNC Asheville 84............................. (5) High Point 73 Semifinals (at Kimbel Arena - Conway, S.C.) (3) Winthrop 61 ...................................... (2) Radford 46 (1) Coastal Carolina 92 ......................(4) UNC Asheville 73 Championship (at highest remaining seed) (3) Winthrop 64............................ (1) Coastal Carolina 53 ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Mantoris Robinson (MVP) R-Sr. F Winthrop Reggie Middleton So. G Winthrop Matt Morgan R-So. C Winthrop Chad Gray R-Jr. F Coastal Carolina Logan Johnson R-Sr. G/F Coastal Carolina POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament Opening Round Dayton, Ohio Arkansas-Pine Bluff 61 ............................. WINTHROP 44 NIT First Round Birmingham, Ala. #2 UAB 65.............................. #7 COASTAL CAROLINA 49

School Coastal Carolina Liberty UNC Asheville VMI Winthrop Charleston Southern High Point Presbyterian College * Gardner-Webb Radford ^

Big South W L PCT 16 2 .889 13 5 .722 11 7 .611 10 8 .556 9 9 .500 9 9 .500 7 11 .389 7 11 .389 6 12 .333 0 16 .000

2011-12 Overall W L PCT 28 6 .824 19 13 .594 20 14 .588 18 13 .581 13 17 .433 16 16 .500 12 19 .387 13 18 .419 11 21 .344 1 24 .040

* - Presbyterian College was not eligible for the Conference tournament due to its transition to Division I. ^ - denotes 4 wins (2 Conference wins) vacated as determined by NCAA Committee on Infractions ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Jesse Sanders Jr. G Liberty Austin Kenon Sr. G VMI Chad Gray R-Sr. F Coastal Carolina Jamarco Warren Sr. G Charleston Southern Matt Dickey Jr. G UNC Asheville Second Team Nick Barbour Jr. G High Point Kelvin Martin Jr. F Charleston Southern John Brown R-Jr. F Liberty J.P. Primm Jr. G UNC Asheville Evan Gordon So. G Liberty ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM D.J. Covington F/C VMI Sheldon Strickland G Charleston Southern Luke Davis G Gardner-Webb Rodney Glasgow G VMI Jareal Smith G Radford PLAYER OF THE YEAR Jesse Sanders, Liberty

School UNC Asheville Coastal Carolina Campbell Charleston Southern Liberty Winthrop VMI Presbyterian College * High Point Gardner-Webb Radford

Big South W L PCT 16 2 .889 12 6 .667 11 7 .611 11 7 .611 9 9 .500 8 10 .444 8 10 .444 8 10 .444 8 10 .444 6 12 .333 2 16 .111

Overall W L PCT 24 10 .706 19 12 .613 17 15 .531 19 12 .613 14 18 .438 12 20 .375 17 16 .515 14 15 .483 13 18 .419 12 20 .375 6 26 .188

* - Presbyterian College was not eligible for the Conference tournament due to its transition to Division I. ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Matt Dickey Sr. G UNC Asheville Nick Barbour Sr. G High Point Jesse Sanders Sr. G Liberty Kelvin Martin Sr. F Charleston Southern Eric Griffin Sr. F Campbell Al’Lonzo Coleman R-Sr. F/C Presbyterian Second Team J.P. Primm Sr. G UNC Asheville Stan Okoye Jr. F VMI Anthony Raffa R-Jr. G Coastal Carolina Darren White Jr. G Campbell Chris Gradnigo R-Sr. F Coastal Carolina ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Trey Freeman G Campbell Saah Nimley G Charleston Southern Arlon Harper G Charleston Southern R.J. Price G Radford Javonte Green F Radford PLAYER OF THE YEAR Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville


FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Trey Freeman, Campbell

DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern

DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern

COACH OF THE YEAR Dale Layer, Liberty

COACH OF THE YEAR Barclay Radebaugh, Charleston Southern

2011 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 1, 3 , 5, 2011 Quarterfinals (at highest seeds) (7) High Point 66 ..................................... (2) Liberty 60 (3) UNC Asheville 72................ (6) Charleston Southern 63 (1) Coastal Carolina 83 ..................... (8) Gardner-Webb 72 (4) VMI 78 ............................................ ............................................(5) (5) Winthrop 73 Semifinals (at Kimbel Arena - Conway, S.C.) (3) UNC Asheville 62 ............................. (7) High Point 45 (1) Coastal Carolina 89 ................................... ...................................(4) (4) VMI 81 Championship (at highest remaining seed) (3) UNC Asheville 60...................... (1) Coastal Carolina 47

2012 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 27, 29, March 1, 3 2012 First Round (at highest seeds) (7) VMI 55 ............................................ (10) Radford 53 (8) High Point 68............................. (9) Gardner-Webb 58 Quarterfinals (at Kimmel Arena - Asheville, N.C.) (7) VMI 85 ...................................(2) Coastal Carolina 68 (6) Winthrop 71 .................................... (3) Campbell 55 (1) UNC Asheville 86 ..............................(8) High Point 61 (4) Charleston Southern 88 ........................ (5) Liberty 74 Semifinals (at Kimmel Arena - Asheville, N.C.) (7) VMI 75 ............................................(6) Winthrop 55 (1) UNC Asheville 91 ................ (4) Charleston Southern 64 Championship (at highest remaining seed) (1) UNC Asheville 80 ......................................(7) VMI 64

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Matt Dickey (MVP) Jr. G UNC Asheville J.P. Primm Jr. G UNC Asheville John Williams R-Sr. F UNC Asheville Chad Gray R-Sr. F Coastal Carolina Anthony Raffa R-So. G Coastal Carolina Sam McLaurin R-So. F Coastal Carolina POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Dayton, Ohio #16 UNC ASHEVILLE 81 .....#16 Arkansas-Little Rock 77 (OT) NCAA Tournament Second Round Southeast Regional - Washington, D.C. #1 Pittsburgh 74 .......................... #16 UNC ASHEVILLE 51 NIT First Round - Tuscaloosa, Ala. #1 Alabama 68........................ #8 COASTAL CAROLINA 44


ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM J.P. Primm (MVP) Sr. G UNC Asheville Jeremy Atkinson Jr. F UNC Asheville Chris Stephenson Sr. G/F UNC Asheville Stan Okoye Jr. F VMI Keith Gabriel Sr. G VMI POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament Second Round Pittsburgh, Pa. #1 Syracuse 72............................ #16 UNC ASHEVILLE 65 Collegeinsider.com Postseason Tournament (CIT) First Round - Norfolk, Va. at Old Dominion 68 ...................... COASTAL CAROLINA 66

MEN’S BASKETBALL 1,000-POINT, 500-REBOUND CLUBS 1,000-POINT CLUB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.

2,556 2,211 2,151 2,121 2,069 2,065 2,027 1,968 1,925 1,893 1,856 1,778 1,767 1,754 1,738 1,733 1,715 1,711 1,689 1,660 1,659 1,635 1,622 1,604 1,601 1,547 1,539 1,539 1,518 1,495 1,492 1,483 1,480 1,467 1,467 1,461 1,456 1,452 1,444 1,439 1,411 1,393 1,391 1,387 1,384 1,363 1,340 1,332 1,313 1,288 1,269 1,267 1,262 1,261 1,253 1,252 1,248

Reggie Williams, VMI, 2004-08 Larry Blair, Liberty, 2003-07 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina, 1989-93 Nick Barbour, High Point, 2008-12 Arizona Reid, High Point, 2004-08 Chavis Holmes, VMI, 2005-09 Doug Day, Radford, 1989-93 Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern, 2007-11 Keith Gabriel, VMI, 2008-12 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina, 2004-08 Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford, 2002-06 Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville, 2008-12 Austin Kenon, VMI, 2007-11 Anthony Smith, Liberty, 2005-09 Brett Larrick, Charleston Southern, 1993-97 Travis Holmes, VMI, 2005-09 Peter Aluma, Liberty, 1993-97 Joe Spinks, Campbell, 1990-94 J.P. Primm, UNC Asheville, 2008-12 LaShawn Coulter, Winthrop, 1990-95 Chris Oliver, Radford, 2003-07 Mark Mocnik, Campbell, 1988-93 KeKe Hicks, Coastal Carolina, 1992-95 Henry Wilson, Campbell, 1985-89 Anthony Walker, Radford, 1993-97 Josh Pittman, UNC Asheville, 1994-98 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro, 1992-96 Larry Jackson, Liberty, 1994-98 T.L. Latson, Charleston Southern, 1992-96 Andre Smith, UNC Asheville, 1999-03 Derek Wilson, Coastal Carolina, 1985-89 Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern, 2008-12 STAN OKOYE, VMI, 2009-present Josh Kohn, UNC Asheville, 1992-96 Torrey Butler, Coastal Carolina, 1998-03 Tyson Waterman, Winthrop, 1995-00 Raymond Arrington, Radford, 1999-03 Don Burgess, Radford, 1990-94 Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina, 2005-10 Milton Moore, UNC Asheville, 1986-90 Eugene Harris, High Point, 2006-10 Brian Schmall, Augusta/Radford, 1988-90, 91-93 Chris Caldwell, Liberty, 1998-02 Torrell Martin, Winthrop, 2003-07 Mark Hailey, Winthrop, 1989-93 K.J. Garland, UNC Asheville, 2003-08 Kevin Martin, UNC Asheville, 1996-99 Ron Shelburne, Radford, 1987-91 Tyrone Travis, Radford, 1989-94 Andre Jones, Winthrop, 2008-12 Ben Hinson, Charleston Southern, 1985-87 Joey Lynch-Flohr, Radford, 2006-10 Tyrone Walker, Winthrop, 2000-04 Danny Gathings, High Point, 2002-05 Michael Jenkins, Winthrop, 2004-08 Keenan Mann, Augusta, 1988-91 Heder Ambroise, Charleston Southern, 1985-89

1,152 1,013 968 954 859 845 823 820 816 815 785 783 755 745 725 724 718 712 706 706 704 702 701 692 684 682 676 675 675 675 672 666 660 648

Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina, 2005-10 Arizona Reid, High Point, 2004-08 Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern, 2008-12 Joe Spinks, Campbell, 1990-94 Eric Cuthrell, UNC Greensboro, 1992-96 Chris Oliver, Radford, 2003-07 Andrey Savtchenko, Radford, 1998-02 Reggie Williams, VMI, 2004-08 Correy Watkins, Radford, 1998-02 Jesse Sanders, Liberty, 2008-12 Heder Ambroise, Charleston Southern, 1985-89 Art Parakhouski, Radford, 2008-10 Aswan Wainwright, Radford, 1985-89 Kevin Robinson, Radford, 1994-98 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina, 1989-93 Henry Wilson, Campbell, 1985-89 Tyrone Travis, Radford, 1989-94 Derek Wilson, Coastal Carolina, 1985-89 William Calvin, Coastal Carolina, 1985-88 Brent Keck, UNC Asheville, 1987-91 T.L. Latson, Charleston Southern, 1992-96 Joshua Henley, Gardner-Webb, 2008-11 Tyrone Walker, Winthrop, 2000-04 Chad Steele, Winthrop, 1993-97 John Williams, UNC Asheville, 2007-11 Peter Aluma, Liberty, 1994-97 George Valentine, Winthrop, 2007-12 Mark Hailey, Winthrop, 1989-93 Maurice Ingram, Coastal Carolina, 1994-97 Cruz Daniels, High Point, 2006-10 STAN OKOYE, VMI, 2009-present Joey Lynch-Flohr, Radford, 2006-10 Jeff Daniels, Charleston Southern, 1993-97 Charles Corbin, Winthrop, 2007-11

58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 70. 71. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112.

1,246 1,245 1,243 1,240 1,235 1,231 1,229 1,224 1,208 1,202 1,200 1,200 1,198 1,195 1,195 1,186 1,185 1,181 1,178 1,176 1,173 1,170 1,169 1,167 1,164 1,160 1,158 1,145 1,141 1,141 1,139 1,123 1,120 1,110 1,106 1,105 1,099 1,087 1,085 1,084 1,079 1,078 1,078 1,076 1,075 1,067 1,063 1,044 1,043 1,028 1,026 1,020 1,019 1,018 1,000 1,000

Matt Hildebrand, Liberty, 1991-94 David Oliver, Charleston Southern, 1987-91 Kenny Thomas, Radford, 2005-09 Darnell Sneed, Charleston Southern, 1991-93 Jesse Sanders, Liberty, 2008-12 Brendon Rowell, Elon, 1999-02 Amir Johnson, Radford, 2006-10 Greg Washington, Winthrop, 1985-89 Brian Penny, Coastal Carolina, 1987-91 Robert Dowdell, Coastal Carolina, 1987-91 Andrey Savtchenko, Radford, 1998-02 Matt Murrer, VMI, 2003-07 Vincent Jackson, Augusta, 1985-89 Nick Mitchell, Charleston Southern, 1997-01 Art Parakhouski, Radford, 2008-10 Brent Keck, UNC Asheville, 1987-91 Reggie Middleton, Winthrop, 2008-12 Bryan McCullough, UNC Asheville, 2001-05 Pele Paelay, Coastal Carolina, 2002-06 Jason Williams, Radford, 1997-01 Dustin Van Weerdhuizen, High Point, 2000-03 Stephen Barber, Radford, 1988-92 John Williams, UNC Asheville, 2007-11 Moses Sonko, Coastal Carolina, 2003-07 Al’Lonzo Coleman, Presbyterian, 2008-12 James Shuler, Winthrop, 2002-06 Craig Bradshaw, Winthrop, 2003-07 Chris Stephenson, UNC Asheville, 2008-12 Robert Watson, UNC Asheville, 1988-92 Kyle Ohman, Liberty, 2006-10 Eric Burks, Charleston Southern, 1993-95 Correy Watkins, Radford, 1998-02 Reid Augst, UNC Asheville, 2005-09 William Calvin, Coastal Carolina, 1985-88 Chris Moore, Charleston Southern, 2004-08 Brad Childress, Campbell, 1986-90 Jason Lansdown, Radford, 1992-96 Clarence Grier, Campbell, 1985-87 DuWayne Cheatam, Coastal Carolina, 1987-91 Aswan Wainwright, Radford, 1985-89 Eddie Gay, Winthrop, 1989-93 Kevin Robinson, Radford, 1994-98 Adam Larrick, Charleston Southern, 1995-99 Brian Brunson, UNC Greensboro, 1992-96 KHALID MUTAKABBIR, Presbyterian, 2009-present Mike Jefferson, High Point, 2005-08 Michael Sparks, VMI, 2008-12 Olumuyiwa Popoola, Radford, 2001-05 Leslie Ballard, Radford, 1995-99 Ryan Charles, Radford, 1996-00 Scooter Alexander, Towson State, 1992-95 Carlo Wilkins, Winthrop, 1990-94 Pierre Wooten, Winthrop, 1998-03 Ralph Blalock, Towson State, 1992-95 Brandon Newby, Coastal Carolina, 1999-04 Chris Gaynor, Winthrop, 2004-08

500-REBOUND CLUB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

31. 32. 33. 34.

35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 44. 45. 46. 47. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67.


647 637 635 630 627 614 599 592 592 591 590 588 580 580 576 575 575 573 567 566 563 562 557 548 542 541 533 531 530 528 525 522 512

Sam McLaurin, Coastal Carolina, 2008-12 Eddie Gay, Winthrop, 1989-93 Al’Lonzo Coleman, Presbyterian, 2008-12 Sanders Jackson, Campbell, 1985-89 Keenan Mann, Augusta, 1988-91 Don Burgess, Radford, 1990-94 Danny Gathings, High Point, 2002-05 Oliver Johnson, Charleston Southern, 1986-88 Mantoris Robinson, Winthrop, 2006-10 Chad Mohn, UNC Asheville, 2002-06 Travis Holmes, VMI, 2005-09 Robert Watson, UNC Asheville, 1988-92 Moses Sonko, Coastal Carolina, 2003-07 Anthony Smith, Liberty, 2005-09 Matt Murrer, VMI, 2003-07 DuWayne Cheatam, Coastal Carolina, 1987-91 COREY LAW, High Point, 2009-present Craig Bradshaw, Winthrop, 2003-07 Nick Mitchell, Charleston Southern, 1997-01 Greg Washington, Winthrop, 1985-89 Ben McGonagil, UNC Asheville, 1999-03 Chris Stephenson, UNC Asheville, 2008-12 Alex McLean, Liberty, 2006-08 Robert Stevenson, UNC Asheville, 1994-98 Greg Lewis, Winthrop, 1999-02 Ron Shelburne, Radford, 1987-91 Stephen Barber, Radford, 1988-92 Brian Brunson, UNC Greensboro, 1992-96 Jonathan Clifton, UNC Greensboro, 1992-96 Ron Burks, VMI, 2008-12 Torrell Martin, Winthrop, 2003-07 Reggie McIntyre, Radford, 2003-07 Tony Darden, Coastal Carolina, 1998-03

MEN’S BASKETBALL CAREER RECORDS POINTS SCORED 2,556 Reggie Williams, VMI 2,211 Larry Blair, Liberty 2,151 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina 2,121 Nick Barbour, High Point 2,069 Arizona Reid, High Point 2,065 Chavis Holmes, VMI 2,027 Doug Day, Radford 1,968 Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern 1,925 Keith Gabriel, VMI 1,893 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina

2004-08 2003-07 1989-93 2008-12 2004-08 2005-09 1989-93 2007-11 2008-12 2004-08

FREE THROW ATTEMPTS 703 Reggie Williams, VMI 677 Peter Aluma, Liberty 674 Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford 656 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina 620 Nick Barbour, High Point 605 Andre Smith, UNC Asheville 582 Andrey Savtchenko, Radford 578 Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville 569 J.P. Primm, UNC Asheville 562 Chavis Holmes, VMI

POINTS PER GAME (min. 1000 PTS) 22.82 Reggie Williams, VMI 21.75 Darnell Sneed, Charleston Southern 21.15 Ben Hinson, Charleston Southern 20.68 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina 20.53 KeKe Hicks, Coastal Carolina 20.34 Eric Burks, Charleston Southern 20.13 Clarence Grier, Campbell 18.67 Art Parakhouski, Radford 18.32 Scooter Alexander, Towson State 18.12 Larry Blair, Liberty

2004-08 1991-93 1985-87 1989-93 1992-95 1993-95 1985-87 2008-10 1992-95 2003-07

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 300 FT, 2.50 pg) 90.4 Matt Hildebrand, Liberty (349-386) 1991-94 84.3 Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville (487-578) 2008-12 84.2 Don Burgess, Radford (336-399) 1990-94 81.4 Austin Kenon, VMI (316-388) 2007-11 80.1 Anthony Walker, Radford (317-396) 1993-97 79.5 Jamarco Warren, Chas. So. (311-391) 2007-11 79.3 Larry Blair, Liberty (382-482) 2003-07 79.1 James Shuler, Winthrop (420-531) 2002-06 79.1 J.P. Primm, UNC Asheville (450-569) 2008-12 78.5 Nick Barbour, High Point (487-620) 2008-12

ASSISTS 727 607 604 567 563 561 559 552 543 520

Jesse Sanders, Liberty 2008-12 J.P. Primm, UNC Asheville 2008-12 Amir Johnson, Radford 2006-10 Chris Gaynor, Winthrop 2004-08 Brian Schmall, Augusta/Radford 1988-90, 91-93 Robert Dowdell, Coastal Carolina 1987-91 Mike Fayed, Winthrop 1991-95 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro 1992-96 Brad Childress, Campbell 1986-90 K.J. Garland, UNC Asheville 2003-08

FIELD GOALS 933 Reggie Williams, VMI 864 Arizona Reid, High Point 801 Larry Blair, Liberty 775 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina 715 Doug Day, Radford 664 Chavis Holmes, VMI 660 Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern 660 Nick Barbour, High Point 654 Keith Gabriel, VMI 647 Joe Spinks, Campbell

2004-08 2004-08 2003-07 1989-93 1989-93 2005-09 2007-11 2008-12 2008-12 1990-94

THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS 411 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina 401 Doug Day, Radford 349 Austin Kenon, VMI 337 Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern 314 Nick Barbour, High Point 311 Keith Gabriel, VMI 309 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro 306 Chavis Holmes, VMI 296 Josh Kohn, UNC Asheville 295 Mark Mocnik, Campbell

2004-08 1989-93 2007-11 2007-11 2008-12 2008-12 1992-96 2005-09 1992-96 1988-93

STEALS 309 304 259 248 243 241 239 224 223 221 221

Travis Holmes, VMI Chavis Holmes, VMI Chris Gaynor, Winthrop J.P. Primm, UNC Asheville Brad Childress, Campbell Ed O’Neil, Charleston Southern Robert Dowdell, Coastal Carolina Chris Caldwell, Liberty Andre Smith, UNC Asheville Larry Blair, Liberty Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern

FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 1,926 Larry Blair, Liberty 1,874 Reggie Williams, VMI 1,782 Doug Day, Radford 1,705 Arizona Reid, High Point 1,635 Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern 1,582 Nick Barbour, High Point 1,569 Keith Gabriel, VMI 1,524 Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford 1,509 Chavis Holmes, VMI 1,493 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina

2003-07 2004-08 1989-93 2004-08 2007-11 2008-12 2008-12 2002-06 2005-09 2004-08

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 1,068 Doug Day, Radford 1,009 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina 933 Keith Gabriel, VMI 917 Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern 910 Austin Kenon, VMI 795 Chavis Holmes, VMI 780 Raymond Arrington, Radford 780 Nick Barbour, High Point 777 Eugene Harris, High Point 747 Mark Mocnik, Campbell

1989-93 2004-08 2008-12 2007-11 2007-11 2005-09 1999-03 2008-12 2006-10 1988-93

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 400 FG and 4.00 FG pg) 61.8 Heder Ambroise, CSU (486-786) 1985-89 56.1 Art Parakhouski, Radford (451-804) 2008-10 56.1 Joseph Harris, CCU (592-1056) 2005-10 54.6 Henry Wilson, Campbell (621-1138) 1985-89 54.1 Matt Murrer, VMI (473-875) 2003-07 54.0 Kelvin Martin, CSU (574-1062) 2008-12 53.4 Danny Gathings, High Point (507-949) 2002-05 53.4 Moses Sonko, Coastal Carolina (475-890) 2003-07 52.8 Peter Aluma, Liberty (632-1196) 1993-97 52.5 Greg Washington, Winthrop (480-914) 1985-89

2004-08 1994-97 2002-06 1989-93 2008-12 1999-03 1998-02 2008-12 2008-12 2005-09

3-POINT FIELD GOAL PCT (min. 200 3FG, 2.00 pg) 45.5 Corey Reed, Radford (232-510) 1994-98 43.9 Scott Hartzell, UNCG (309-704) 1992-96 43.0 Dave Mooney, CCU (202-470) 1985-88 40.7 Jack Leasure, CCU (411-1009) 2004-08 40.4 Josh Kohn, UNC Asheville (296-732) 1992-96 40.3 Nick Barbour, High Point (314-780) 2008-12 39.5 Mark Mocnik, Campbell (295-747) 1988-93 38.8 Torrell Martin, Winthrop (225-580) 2003-07 38.7 KeKe Hicks, Coastal Carolina (275-711) 1992-95 38.5 Anthony Walker, Radford (220-572) 1993-97 38.5 Chavis Holmes, VMI (306-795) 2005-09

FIELD GOALS PER GAME (min. 400 FG) 8.33 Reggie Williams, VMI 8.30 Ben Hinson, Charleston Southern 7.93 Van Wilkins, UNC Asheville 7.88 Darnell Sneed, Charleston Southern 7.76 Clarence Grier, Campbell 7.50 Eric Burks, Charleston Southern 7.45 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina 7.20 Arizona Reid, High Point 7.05 Art Parakhouski, Radford 6.63 KeKe Hicks, Coastal Carolina

2004-08 1985-87 1985-87 1991-93 1985-87 1993-95 1989-93 2004-08 2008-10 1992-95

THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS PER GAME (min. 200 3FG) 3.51 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina 2004-08 3.48 KeKe Hicks, Coastal Carolina 1992-95 3.43 Doug Day, Radford 1989-93 3.32 Austin Kenon, VMI 2007-11 2.79 Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern 2007-11 2.77 Dave Mooney, Coastal Carolina 1985-88 2.73 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro 1992-96 2.72 Josh Kohn, UNC Asheville 1992-96 2.64 Nick Barbour, High Point 2008-12 2.58 Raymond Arrington, Radford 1999-03

FREE THROWS 513 Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford 494 Reggie Williams, VMI 487 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina 487 Nick Barbour, High Point 487 Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville 461 Andre Smith, UNC Asheville 451 Peter Aluma, Liberty 450 J.P. Primm, UNC Asheville 431 Chavis Holmes, VMI 420 James Shuler, Winthrop

2002-06 2004-08 1989-93 2008-12 2008-12 1999-03 1994-97 2008-12 2005-09 2002-06

REBOUNDS 1,152 Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina 1,013 Arizona Reid, High Point 968 Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern 954 Joe Spinks, Campbell 859 Eric Cuthrell, UNC Greensboro 845 Chris Oliver, Radford 823 Andrey Savtchenko, Radford 820 Reggie Williams, VMI 816 Correy Watkins, Radford 815 Jesse Sanders, Liberty


2005-10 2004-08 2008-12 1990-94 1992-96 2003-07 1998-02 2004-08 1998-02 2008-12

REBOUNDS PER GAME (min. 500 REB) 12.23 Art Parakhouski, Radford 10.03 Oliver Johnson, Charleston Southern 8.94 William Calvin, Coastal Carolina 8.84 Alex McLean, Liberty 8.77 Maurice Ingram, Coastal Carolina 8.60 Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina 8.59 Joe Spinks, Campbell 8.47 Al’Lonzo Coleman, Presbyterian 8.44 Arizona Reid, High Point 8.42 Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern

2008-10 1986-88 1985-88 2006-08 1994-97 2005-10 1990-94 2008-12 2004-08 2008-12

2005-09 2005-09 2004-08 2008-12 1986-90 2000-04 1987-91 1999-02 1999-03 2003-07 2008-12

BLOCKED SHOTS 366 Peter Aluma, Liberty 297 Cruz Daniels, High Point 255 John Williams, UNC Asheville 215 Tyrone Travis, Radford 204 Pascal Fleury, UMBC 190 C.J. Walker, UNC Asheville 183 Eric Cuthrell, UNC Greensboro 166 Derek Stewart, Augusta 164 Nosa Obasuyi, Radford 163 Robert Stevenson, UNC Asheville 163 Adam Earnhardt, UNC Asheville

1994-97 2006-10 2007-11 1989-94 1993-95 2003-07 1992-96 1989-91 1998-02 1994-98 1997-01

GAMES PLAYED 134 Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina 131 Michael Jenkins, Winthrop 131 George Valentine, Winthrop 130 Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville 130 J.P. Primm, UNC Asheville 129 Chris Gaynor, Winthrop 128 Anthony Smith, Liberty 127 Justin Burton, Winthrop 127 Jesse Sanders, Liberty 127 Chris Stephenson, UNC Asheville

2005-10 2004-08 2007-12 2008-12 2008-12 2004-08 2005-09 2007-11 2008-12 2008-12

MINUTES PLAYED 4,178 Anthony Smith, Liberty 4,143 Amir Johnson, Radford 4,143 Jesse Sanders, Liberty 4,123 Larry Blair, Liberty 4,093 Brad Childress, Campbell 4,047 J.P. Primm, UNC Asheville 3,992 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina 3,961 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro 3,961 Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville 3,915 Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern

2005-09 2006-10 2008-12 2003-07 1986-90 2008-12 2004-08 1992-96 2008-12 2007-11

active players in bold italics

MEN’S BASKETBALL INDIVIDUAL SEASON RECORDS POINTS SCORED 928 Reggie Williams, VMI 759 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina 742 Arizona Reid, High Point 739 Clarence Grier, Campbell 707 Seth Curry, Liberty 695 Reggie Williams, VMI 681 Chavis Holmes, VMI 679 Larry Blair, Liberty 677 Ben Hinson, Charleston Southern 671 Arizona Reid, High Point

2006-07 1992-93 2007-08 1986-87 2008-09 2007-08 2008-09 2005-06 1986-87 2006-07

FREE THROW ATTEMPTS 283 Art Parakhouski, Radford 272 Devin Boyd, Towson State 267 Reggie Williams, VMI 249 Andrey Savtchenko, Radford 249 Al’Lonzo Coleman, Presbyterian 235 Peter Aluma, Liberty 234 Kevin Martin, UNC Asheville 229 Adam Larrick, Charleston Southern 225 Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford 218 Eric Burks, Charleston Southern

POINTS PER GAME 28.1 Reggie Williams, VMI 27.8 Reggie Williams, VMI 24.6 Clarence Grier, Campbell 23.9 Arizona Reid, High Point 23.7 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina 23.1 Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford 23.0 Darnell Sneed, Charleston Southern 23.0 Devin Boyd, Towson State 22.6 Ben Hinson, Charleston Southern 22.6 Larry Blair, Liberty

2006-07 2007-08 1986-87 2007-08 1992-93 2005-06 1992-93 1992-93 1986-87 2005-06

FIELD GOALS 338 Reggie Williams, VMI 304 Arizona Reid, High Point 287 Clarence Grier, Campbell 285 Arizona Reid, High Point 274 Fred McKinnon, Winthrop 269 Reggie Williams, VMI 263 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina 260 Ben Hinson, Charleston Southern 250 Art Parakhouski, Radford 243 Seth Curry, Liberty

2006-07 2007-08 1986-87 2006-07 1985-86 2007-08 1992-93 1986-87 2009-10 2008-09

FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 636 Reggie Williams, VMI 583 Seth Curry, Liberty 579 Larry Blair, Liberty 573 Clarence Grier, Campbell 571 Arizona Reid, High Point 560 Arizona Reid, High Point 538 Larry Blair, Liberty 537 Fred McKinnon, Winthrop 511 Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford 509 Reggie Williams, VMI

2006-07 2008-09 2005-06 1986-87 2007-08 2006-07 2006-07 1985-86 2005-06 2007-08

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 5.00 FG per game) 69.6 Kenny George, UNC Asheville (151-217) 2007-08 66.4 Heder Ambroise, CSU (164-247) 1988-89 63.3 Heder Ambroise, CSU (171-270) 1987-88 62.8 Eddie Gay, Winthrop (194-309) 1992-93 62.0 Allen Washington, Winthrop (189-305) 1985-86 61.5 Julius Nwosu, Liberty (203-330) 1992-93 61.0 Rod Lane, Armstrong State (172-282) 1985-86 61.0 Eric Griffin, Campbell (177-290) 2011-12 60.3 William Coley, UNC Asheville (144-239) 1994-95 60.0 Greg Washington, Winthrop (168-280) 1988-89 FIELD GOALS PER GAME 10.76 Reggie Williams, VMI (269 in 25) 2007-08 10.24 Reggie Williams, VMI (338 in 33) 2006-07 9.81 Arizona Reid, High Point (304 in 31) 2007-08 9.57 Clarence Grier, Campbell (287 in 30) 1986-87 9.45 Fred McKinnon, Winthrop (274 in 29) 1985-86 8.91 Arizona Reid, High Point (285 in 32) 2006-07 8.67 Ben Hinson, Charleston So. (260 in 30) 1986-87 8.22 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina (263 in 32) 1992-93 8.15 Van Wilkins, UNC Asheville (212 in 26) 1986-87 8.07 Darnell Sneed, Charleston So. (218 in 27) 1992-93 FREE THROWS 214 Devin Boyd, Towson State 182 Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford 182 Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville 179 Adam Larrick, Charleston Southern 176 Reggie Williams, VMI 174 Kevin Martin, UNC Asheville 174 Chavis Holmes, VMI 171 Robert Dowdell, Coastal Carolina 169 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina 163 Al’Lonzo Coleman, Presbyterian

1992-93 2005-06 2011-12 1998-99 2006-07 1998-99 2008-09 1989-90 1992-93 2011-12

REBOUNDS PER GAME 13.35 Art Parakhouski, Radford 11.41 Oliver Johnson, Charleston Southern 11.35 Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina 11.18 Art Parakhouski, Radford 11.03 Arizona Reid, High Point 10.75 John Brown, Liberty 10.30 Joshua Henley, Gardner-Webb 10.10 Greg Lewis, Winthrop 10.00 Allen Washington, Winthrop 10.00 Andrey Savtchenko, Radford

2009-10 1987-88 2008-09 2008-09 2007-08 2010-11 2008-09 2001-02 1985-86 2000-01

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 2.50 FT per game) 92.5 Matt Hildebrand, Liberty (149-161) 1993-94 91.2 Matt Hildebrand, Liberty (114-125) 1991-92 89.8 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro (97-108) 1994-95 88.9 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro (72-81) 1992-93 88.3 Larry Jackson, Liberty (98-111) 1997-98 88.1 Alhamisi Simms, UMBC (74-84) 1995-96 87.9 Don Burgess, Radford (109-124) 1992-93 87.2 Ted Houpt, Winthrop (75-86) 1986-87 87.1 Kevin Warzynski, CSU (81-93) 2002-03 87.1 Trey Freeman, Campbell (101-116) 2011-12

ASSISTS 270 255 224 216 216 207 201 191 183 183

Tony Fairley, Charleston Southern Jesse Sanders, Liberty TeeJay Bannister, Liberty Brian Schmall, Radford Mike Jefferson, High Point Dan Pogue, Campbell Robert Dowdell, Coastal Carolina K.J. Garland, UNC Asheville Mike Fayed, Winthrop Jesse Sanders, Liberty

1986-87 2011-12 2007-08 1992-93 2007-08 1993-94 1989-90 2007-08 1992-93 2010-11

THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS 125 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina 119 Austin Kenon, VMI 117 Doug Day, Radford 116 Doug Day, Radford 115 KeKe Hicks, Coastal Carolina 111 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina 108 Chavis Holmes, VMI 108 Nick Barbour, High Point 106 Doug Day, Radford 102 Dave Mooney, Coastal Carolina 102 Seth Curry, Liberty

ASSISTS PER GAME 9.64 Tony Fairley, Charleston Southern 7.97 Jesse Sanders, Liberty 7.39 Dan Pogue, Campbell 7.23 TeeJay Bannister, Liberty 6.97 Brian Schmall, Radford 6.97 Mike Jefferson, High Point 6.93 Robert Dowdell, Coastal Carolina 6.50 Dana Harris, UMBC 6.25 Jeff Lippard, UNC Asheville 6.10 Mike Fayed, Winthrop

1986-87 2011-12 1993-94 2007-08 1992-93 2007-08 1989-90 1992-93 1990-91 1992-93

STEALS 114 111 109 107 105 97 90 87 78 77

1986-87 2006-07 1989-90 1999-00 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 2008-09 2008-09 1988-89

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 314 Doug Day, Radford 305 Austin Kenon, VMI 298 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina 294 Seth Curry, Liberty 290 Doug Day, Radford 282 KeKe Hicks, Coastal Carolina 282 Fred Robinson, VMI 277 Chavis Holmes, VMI 269 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina 268 Doug Day, Radford

2009-10 1992-93 2006-07 2001-02 2011-12 1995-96 1998-99 1998-99 2005-06 1994-95

2005-06 2008-09 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 2007-08 2006-07 2011-12 1990-91 1987-88 2008-09

1992-93 2008-09 2005-06 2008-09 1991-92 1993-94 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 1990-91

3-POINT FIELD GOAL PCT (min. 2.50 3FG per game) 48.4 Nick Barbour, High Point (108-223) 2011-12 48.3 Dave Mooney, Coastal Carolina (100-207) 1986-87 47.6 Corey Reed, Radford (78-164) 1996-97 46.8 Scott Neely, Campbell (81-173) 1993-94 46.4 James Collins, B’ham-Southern (70-151) 2005-06 45.7 Skip Saunders, UMBC (80-175) 1992-93 45.6 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro (73-160) 1992-93 44.2 Josh Kohn, UNC Asheville (92-208) 1993-94 44.1 Chavis Holmes, VMI (83-188) 2008-09 43.9 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro (93-212) 1994-95 THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS PER GAME 4.42 KeKe Hicks, Coastal Carolina 4.17 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina 4.03 Doug Day, Radford 3.96 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina 3.74 Doug Day, Radford 3.72 Austin Kenon, VMI 3.66 Doug Day, Radford 3.64 Dave Mooney, Coastal Carolina 3.57 Dave Mooney, Coastal Carolina 3.48 Nick Barbour, High Point REBOUNDS 414 Art Parakhouski, Radford 369 Art Parakhouski, Radford 352 Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina 344 John Brown, Liberty 342 Arizona Reid, High Point 336 Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina 331 Oliver Johnson, Charleston Southern 313 Greg Lewis, Winthrop 309 Andrey Savtchenko, Radford 309 Joshua Henley, Gardner-Webb


1993-94 2005-06 1991-92 2007-08 1992-93 2008-09 1990-91 1987-88 1986-87 2011-12

2009-10 2008-09 2008-09 2010-11 2007-08 2009-10 1987-88 2001-02 2001-02 2008-09

Tony Fairley, Charleston Southern Travis Holmes, VMI Robert Dowdell, Coastal Carolina Carl Williams, Liberty Chavis Holmes, VMI Chris Gaynor, Winthrop Chavis Holmes, VMI Travis Holmes, VMI Willie Bell, VMI Brad Childress, Campbell

BLOCKED SHOTS 124 Pascal Fleury, UMBC 113 Peter Aluma, Liberty 97 Peter Aluma, Liberty 97 Peter Aluma, Liberty 93 Kenny George, UNC Asheville 86 Derek Stewart, Augusta 86 C.J. Walker, UNC Asheville 83 Cruz Daniels, High Point 82 John James, Towson State 82 John Williams, UNC Asheville

1994-95 1995-96 1994-95 1996-97 2007-08 1990-91 2003-04 2008-09 1993-94 2009-10

MINUTES PLAYED 1,277 Seth Curry, Liberty 1,270 Anthony Smith, Liberty 1,217 K.J. Garland, UNC Asheville 1,205 Khalid Mutakabbir, Presbyterian 1,199 Amir Johnson, Radford 1,198 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina 1,173 Kyle Ohman, Liberty 1,163 Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville 1,132 Pierre Miller, Presbyterian 1,130 Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville

2008-09 2008-09 2007-08 2010-11 2008-09 1992-93 2008-09 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12

GAMES PLAYED 35 Anthony Smith, Liberty 35 Kyle Ohman, Liberty 35 Johnny Stephene, Liberty 35 Seth Curry, Liberty 35 Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina 35 Mario Edwards, Coastal Carolina 35 Kierre Greenwood, Coastal Carolina 35 Logan Johnson, Coastal Carolina 35 Sam McLaurin, Coastal Carolina

2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10

To be ranked, a player must appear in 75% of his team’s games

MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM SEASON RECORDS POINTS SCORED 3,331 VMI 3,002 VMI 2,745 UNC Asheville 2,726 VMI 2,649 VMI 2,644 Liberty 2,631 VMI 2,597 Coastal Carolina 2,584 Coastal Carolina 2,569 VMI

2006-07 2008-09 2011-12 2010-11 2007-08 2008-09 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2009-10

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 53.0 Winthrop (927-1749) 52.0 Liberty (790-1518) 51.2 UNC Asheville (805-1573) 50.8 Charleston So. (937-1846) 50.2 Radford (793-1580) 49.7 Winthrop (753-1515) 48.8 Charleston So. (858-1757) 48.8 Liberty (845-1731) 48.8 UNC Asheville (901-1846) 48.7 four teams tied with

SCORING OFFENSE 100.9 VMI 93.8 VMI 91.3 VMI 88.6 VMI 87.9 VMI 83.6 Winthrop 83.3 Charleston Southern 81.8 UMBC 81.5 Charleston Southern 81.3 Radford

2006-07 2008-09 2007-08 2009-10 2010-11 1992-93 1993-94 1992-93 1986-87 1992-93

THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS 442 VMI 438 VMI 351 VMI 336 VMI 335 VMI 321 Liberty 288 Liberty 283 VMI 278 Winthrop 277 Charleston Southern

FEWEST POINTS ALLOWED 1,741 Campbell 1,760 Birmingham-Southern 1,782 Winthrop 1,794 Birmingham-Southern 1,825 Coastal Carolina 1,835 Elon 1,837 UNC Asheville 1,839 UMBC 1,839 Charleston Southern 1,841 Charleston Southern

1985-86 2003-04 2003-04 2005-06 1996-97 2002-03 1996-97 1994-95 2002-03 2003-04

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 1,383 VMI 2006-07 1,224 VMI 2008-09 1,045 VMI 2007-08 1,026 VMI 2009-10 979 VMI 2010-11 893 Liberty 2008-09 888 VMI 2011-12 773 Winthrop 2006-07 772 Liberty 2007-08 748 Charleston Southern 2007-08

SCORING DEFENSE 58.5 Winthrop 59.4 Winthrop 60.1 Coastal Carolina 61.2 Winthrop 61.4 Winthrop 61.4 Winthrop 61.6 Winthrop 61.8 Winthrop 62.3 Liberty 62.7 High Point

2007-08 2004-05 2009-10 2005-06 2006-07 2009-10 1987-88 2000-01 1996-97 2007-08

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 45.1 Charleston So. (166-368) 1987-88 44.9 Charleston So. (93-207) 1986-87 44.4 Campbell (115-259) 1986-87 43.0 Charleston So. (151-351) 1989-90 43.0 B’ham-Southern (243-565) 2003-04 42.0 Liberty (146-347) 1991-92 41.4 Campbell (126-304) 1988-89 40.8 UNC Greensboro (205-503) 1995-96 40.7 Coastal Carolina (224-551) 1999-00 40.6 UMBC (161-397) 1992-93

SCORING MARGIN +13.7 Coastal Carolina +13.4 Winthrop +12.3 Coastal Carolina +12.2 Winthrop +11.0 UNC Greensboro +10.4 Liberty +9.7 Winthrop +9.5 Radford +9.3 UNC Asheville +8.8 Birmingham-Southern

2009-10 2006-07 2010-11 2005-06 1994-95 1991-92 1985-86 1993-94 2011-12 2003-04

THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS PER GAME 13.69 VMI 2008-09 13.39 VMI 2006-07 11.59 VMI 2007-08 11.55 VMI 2009-10 11.32 VMI 2010-11 9.23 Charleston Southern 2007-08 9.17 Liberty 2008-09 9.00 Birmingham-Southern 2003-04 9.00 Liberty 2007-08 8.70 UNC Asheville 1992-93

FIELD GOALS 1,176 VMI 1,009 VMI 966 Coastal Carolina 945 VMI 937 Charleston Southern 935 VMI 930 Coastal Carolina 927 Winthrop 923 Winthrop 920 UNC Asheville

2006-07 2008-09 2009-10 2007-08 1986-87 2010-11 2010-11 1985-86 2006-07 2011-12

FREE THROWS 682 UNC Asheville 576 UNC Asheville 576 Coastal Carolina 564 VMI 560 Radford 546 Radford 546 VMI 538 Towson State 537 VMI 529 Winthrop

FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 2,696 VMI 2,279 VMI 2,125 VMI 2,120 VMI 2,083 VMI 2,022 Coastal Carolina 2,006 VMI 2,003 Liberty 1,984 Radford 1,975 Radford

2006-07 2008-09 2007-08 2009-10 2010-11 2009-10 2011-12 2008-09 1989-90 1992-93

FREE THROW ATTEMPTS 893 UNC Asheville 832 Coastal Carolina 825 Radford 815 VMI 810 UNC Asheville 784 VMI 783 Liberty 773 Radford 768 Charleston Southern 766 Radford

1985-86 1991-92 1987-88 1986-87 1993-94 1988-89 1985-86 1992-93 2007-08

2006-07 2008-09 2010-11 2007-08 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2011-12 2006-07 2007-08

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE 77.6 Charleston So. (408-526) 76.4 UNC Asheville (682-893) 76.1 UNC Asheville (506-665) 75.5 Charleston So. (456-604) 75.4 UNC Asheville (417-553) 75.3 UNC Asheville (528-701) 75.0 Towson State (377-503) 74.8 Winthrop (433-579) 74.6 Charleston So. (350-469) 74.4 Coastal Carolina (381-512)

1992-93 2011-12 2002-03 2010-11 1987-88 1999-00 1994-95 1988-89 2002-03 2005-06

STEALS 490 453 376 369 340 310 303 301 298 293

VMI VMI Liberty VMI Radford UNC Asheville Radford VMI Winthrop Charleston Southern

2006-07 2008-09 1999-00 2007-08 1998-99 2010-11 1993-94 2009-10 2005-06 1993-94

FIELD GOAL DEFENSE 38.2 Coastal Carolina (767-2008) 38.9 Liberty (697-1791) 39.4 Winthrop (660-1677) 39.6 Winthrop (684-1726) 39.6 Coastal Carolina (796-2011) 39.7 UNC Asheville (662-1667) 39.7 Radford (766-1928) 39.7 Winthrop (695-1749) 39.9 Winthrop (660-1656) 39.9 Radford (832-2084)

2009-10 1996-97 1999-00 2007-08 2010-11 2000-01 2009-10 2009-10 2004-05 2008-09

STEALS PER GAME 14.85 VMI 14.16 VMI 13.43 Liberty 12.72 VMI 10.85 Charleston Southern 10.82 Radford 10.44 UNC Asheville 10.38 VMI 10.22 Coastal Carolina 9.89 Charleston Southern

2006-07 2008-09 1999-00 2007-08 1993-94 1993-94 1994-95 2009-10 1985-86 2002-03

THREE-POINT DEFENSE 27.5 Coastal Carolina (184-670) 29.7 Winthrop (180-607) 30.3 Radford (119-393) 30.3 High Point (183-629) 30.5 Winthrop (177-580) 30.8 B’ham-Southern (166-539) 30.9 Winthrop (223-721) 31.1 UNC Greensboro (157-505) 31.3 Charleston So. (191-611) 31.3 VMI (147-470) 31.3 Liberty (215-686)

2009-10 2009-10 1995-96 2006-07 1999-00 2003-04 2007-08 1994-95 1994-95 2004-05 2009-10

BLOCKED SHOTS 196 UNC Asheville 178 UNC Asheville 167 Campbell 165 UNC Asheville 163 Liberty 160 Radford 156 Coastal Carolina 155 Liberty 155 Winthrop 154 Radford

2007-08 2009-10 2011-12 1997-98 1996-97 2001-02 2009-10 1995-96 2002-03 2008-09

BLOCKED SHOTS PER GAME 5.94 UNC Asheville 5.89 UNC Asheville 5.74 UNC Asheville 5.56 UMBC 5.34 Liberty 5.22 Armstrong State 5.22 Campbell 5.21 Liberty 5.17 Winthrop 5.16 Radford

2007-08 1997-98 2009-10 1994-95 1995-96 1985-86 2011-12 1994-95 2002-03 2001-02

GAMES PLAYED 35 Liberty 35 Coastal Carolina 34 Winthrop 34 Winthrop 34 Coastal Carolina 34 UNC Asheville 34 UNC Asheville 33 Liberty 33 Winthrop 33 VMI 33 UNC Asheville 33 Radford 33 Winthrop 33 VMI

2008-09 2009-10 2006-07 2007-08 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2003-04 2004-05 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2011-12

OVERALL WINS 29 Winthrop (29-5) 28 Coastal Carolina (28-7) 28 Coastal Carolina (28-6) 27 Winthrop (27-6) 24 Coastal Carolina (24-8) 24 VMI (24-8) 24 UNC Asheville (24-10) 23 Coastal Carolina (23-6) 23 UNC Greensboro (23-6) 23 Liberty (23-9) 23 Winthrop (23-8) 23 UNC Asheville (23-10) 23 Liberty (23-12)

2006-07 2009-10 2010-11 2004-05 1990-91 2008-09 2011-12 1989-90 1994-95 1996-97 2005-06 2007-08 2008-09

REBOUNDS 1,375 Coastal Carolina 1,372 Radford 1,340 Radford 1,339 Coastal Carolina 1,279 Winthrop 1,276 Winthrop 1,262 VMI 1,247 Liberty 1,239 Radford 1,237 Liberty

2009-10 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2006-07 2009-10 2006-07 2008-09 2001-02 2010-11

REBOUND MARGIN +7.4 Radford +7.2 UNC Greensboro +7.1 Coastal Carolina +6.6 Winthrop +6.4 Radford +5.9 Coastal Carolina +5.8 Liberty +5.7 Birmingham-Southern +5.7 Coastal Carolina +5.6 Coastal Carolina

2009-10 1993-94 2010-11 2006-07 2008-09 1987-88 2010-11 2003-04 2011-12 2009-10

2011-12 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 2008-09 1987-88 2008-09 1992-93 2006-07 1989-90

ASSISTS 681 590 581 572 567 566 541 537 531 530

VMI Charleston Southern VMI UNC Asheville Winthrop UNC Asheville Coastal Carolina Charleston Southern Liberty High Point

2006-07 1986-87 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 2011-12 2009-10 1985-86 2008-09 2006-07

2011-12 2010-11 2008-09 2006-07 2010-11 2011-12 1991-92 1987-88 1999-00 1988-89

ASSISTS PER GAME 20.64 VMI 19.67 Charleston Southern 18.16 VMI 18.07 Armstrong State 17.90 Charleston Southern 17.86 VMI 17.33 UNC Asheville 17.13 Liberty 17.04 Campbell 16.93 UMBC

2006-07 1986-87 2008-09 1985-86 1985-86 2007-08 2007-08 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93


BIG SOUTH WINS 16 Coastal Carolina (16-2) 16 UNC Asheville (16-2) 15 Towson State (15-3) 15 Winthrop (15-1) 15 Radford (15-3) 15 Coastal Carolina (15-3) 14 Towson State (14-2) 14 UNC Greensboro (14-2) 14 Winthrop (14-0) 13 six times

2010-11 2011-12 1993-94 2004-05 2008-09 2009-10 1992-93 1994-95 2006-07

MEN’S BASKETBALL SINGLE-GAME RECORDS - INDIVIDUAL MOST POINTS SCORED All Games 46 Devin Boyd, Towson State vs. UMBC (2-27-93) 45 Melvin Branham, Winthrop vs. Charleston Southern (1-10-94) 45 Reggie Williams, VMI vs. Virginia Intermont (11-15-06) Big South Games 46 Devin Boyd, Towson State vs. UMBC (2-27-93) 45 Melvin Branham, Winthrop vs. Charleston Southern (1-10-94) 44 Nick Barbour, High Point vs. Campbell (2-22-12)

MOST FREE THROWS All Games 22 Devin Boyd, Towson State vs. UMBC (2-27-93) 22 Andre Smith, UNC Asheville vs. Elon (2-1-03) 19 Matt Hildebrand, Liberty vs. Charleston Southern (2-19-94) Big South Games 22 Devin Boyd, Towson State vs. UMBC (2-27-93) 22 Andre Smith, UNC Asheville vs. Elon (2-1-03) 19 Matt Hildebrand, Liberty vs. Charleston Southern (2-19-94)

MOST FIELD GOALS All Games 20 Fred McKinnon, Winthrop vs. Morris (11-29-85) 19 Dwayne Jackson, Charleston Southern at VMI (1-13-07) 19 Reggie Williams, VMI vs. Southern Virginia (1-8-08) Big South Games 19 Dwayne Jackson, Charleston Southern at VMI (1-13-07) 17 Melvin Branham, Winthrop vs. Charleston Southern (1-10-94) 17 Larry Blair, Liberty vs. Coastal Carolina (2-12-07) 17 Arizona Reid, High Point at VMI (3-1-08)

MOST FREE THROW ATTEMPTS All Games 26 Devin Boyd, Towson State vs. UMBC (2-27-93) 26 Andre Smith, UNC Asheville vs. Elon (2-1-03) 25 Kyle Ohman, Liberty vs. High Point (2-20-10) Big South Games 26 Devin Boyd, Towson State vs. UMBC (2-27-93) 26 Andre Smith, UNC Asheville vs. Elon (2-1-03) 25 Kyle Ohman, Liberty vs. High Point (2-20-10) HIGHEST FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 13 made) All Games 100.0 Gabe Martin (18-18), Liberty vs. Florida Atlantic (12-20-02) 100.0 James Shuler (18-18), Winthrop vs. High Point (2-23-06) 100.0 Whit Holcomb-Faye (16-16), Radford vs. Winthrop (1-14-06) 100.0 TeeJay Bannister (16-16), Liberty at Radford (2-2-08) 100.0 Tim Daniels (13-13), Augusta vs. South Carolina State (1-25-89) 100.0 Bryan Smithson (13-13), UNC Asheville at Winthrop (3-1-08) Big South Games 100.0 James Shuler (18-18), Winthrop vs. High Point (2-23-06) 100.0 Whit Holcomb-Faye (16-16), Radford vs. Winthrop (1-14-06) 100.0 TeeJay Bannister (16-16), Liberty at Radford (2-2-08) 100.0 Bryan Smithson (13-13), UNC Asheville at Winthrop (3-1-08)

MOST FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS All Games 33 Joe Spinks, Campbell vs. Liberty (3-7-94) 31 Fred McKinnon, Winthrop vs. Morris (11-29-85) 31 Dwayne Jackson, Charleston Southern at VMI (1-13-07) Big South Games 31 Dwayne Jackson, Charleston Southern at VMI (1-13-07) 29 Willie Simpson, UNC Asheville vs. Winthrop (2-12-86) 29 Reggie Williams, VMI vs. High Point (1-10-07) HIGHEST FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 10 made) All Games 100.0 Tim Daniels (11-11), Augusta vs. Charleston Southern (1-21-89) 100.0 Aswan Wainwright (10-10), Radford vs. Augusta (3-3-88) 100.0 Eddie Gay (10-10), Winthrop vs. Coppin State (11-23-91) 100.0 Billy Ellison (10-10), Campbell vs. Mount Olive (2-6-92) 100.0 Tom Gallaher (10-10), Radford vs. UMBC (2-10-93) Big South Games 100.0 Tim Daniels (11-11), Augusta vs. Charleston Southern (1-21-89) 100.0 Tom Gallaher (10-10), Radford vs. UMBC (2-10-93) 92.3 Art Parakhouski (12-13), Radford vs. UNC Asheville (1-2-10)

MOST REBOUNDS All Games 25 Arizona Reid, High Point vs. VMI (2-24-07) 23 Allen Washington, Winthrop vs. Piedmont (11-30-85) 22 six players tied with Big South Games 25 Arizona Reid, High Point vs. VMI (2-24-07) 22 Steve Napper, Winthrop vs. UMBC (1-29-94) 22 Moses Sonko, Coastal Carolina vs. VMI (2-3-77) 22 Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina vs. VMI (2-14-09) 22 Art Parakhouski, Radford at VMI (2-2-10)

MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS All Games 12 David McMahan, Winthrop vs. Coastal Carolina (1-15-96) 12 Michael Jenkins, Winthrop vs. North Greenville (11-10-06) 11 Jeff Hodson, Augusta vs. Armstrong State (1-28-86) 11 Doug Day, Radford vs. Central Connecticut (12-12-90) 11 Doug Day, Radford vs. Morgan State (12-9-92) 11 Scott Neely, Campbell vs. Coastal Carolina (1-29-94) Big South Games 12 David McMahan, Winthrop vs. Coastal Carolina (1-15-96) 11 Jeff Hodson, Augusta vs. Armstrong State (1-28-86) 11 Scott Neely, Campbell vs. Coastal Carolina (1-29-94)

MOST ASSISTS All Games 22 Tony Fairley, Charleston Southern vs. Armstrong State (2-9-87) 20 Tony Fairley, Charleston Southern vs. Coastal Carolina (2-2-87) 20 Dana Harris, UMBC vs. St. Mary’s (Md.) (12-12-92) Big South Games 22 Tony Fairley, Charleston Southern vs. Armstrong State (2-9-87) 20 Tony Fairley, Charleston Southern vs. Coastal Carolina (2-2-87) 16 Dan Pogue, Campbell vs. UNC Asheville (2-8-93)

MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS All Games 20 Jeff Hodson, Augusta vs. Coastal Carolina (1-24-86) 20 Chris Harvey, Radford vs. Allentown (1-6-93) 20 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina at VMI (2-9-08) Big South Games 20 Jeff Hodson, Augusta vs. Coastal Carolina (1-24-86) 20 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina at VMI (2-9-08) 19 Austin Kenon, VMI vs. High Point (1-24-09)

MOST STEALS All Games 11 Travis Holmes, VMI vs. Bridgewater College (1-18-07) 10 Tony Fairley, Charleston Southern vs. UNC Asheville (1-29-87) 10 Tony Fairley, Charleston Southern vs. Armstrong State (2-9-87) 10 Dustin Van Weerdhuizen, High Point vs. Warren Wilson (11-27-01) Big South Games 10 Tony Fairley, Charleston Southern vs. UNC Asheville (1-29-87) 10 Tony Fairley, Charleston Southern vs. Armstrong State (2-9-87) 9 Ed O’Neil, Charleston Southern vs. Coastal Carolina (1-13-04)

HIGHEST THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 7 made) All Games 100.0 Sheldon Strickland (7-7), Charleston So. vs. College of Charleston (12-15-10) 90.9 Nick Barbour (10-11), High Point vs. UNC Pembroke (11-14-09) 87.5 Anthony Smith (7-8), Liberty vs. Longwood (11-27-07) Big South Games 77.8 Chris Moore (7-9), Charleston Southern at VMI (1-5-06) 77.8 Amir Johnson (7-9), Radford vs. Coastal Carolina (2-11-08) 72.7 Omar Collington (8-11), UNC Asheville vs. Birmingham-Southern (1-7-06) 72.7 Mathiang Muo (8-11), Charleston Southern vs. High Point (2-11-12)

MOST BLOCKED SHOTS All Games 10 Pascal Fleury, UMBC vs. Winthrop (1-29-94) 10 Kenny George, UNC Asheville vs. Lees-McRae (11-11-07) 10 Kenny George, UNC Asheville at Campbell (11-17-07) 9 D.J. Covington, VMI vs. Southern Virginia (11-23-10) Big South Games 10 Pascal Fleury, UMBC vs. Winthrop (1-29-94) 8 Derek Stewart, Augusta vs. Radford (1-10-90) 7 several players tied with


MEN’S BASKETBALL SINGLE-GAME RECORDS - TEAM MOST POINTS SCORED All Games 156 VMI vs. Virginia Intermont (11-15-06) 156 VMI vs. Columbia Union (11-28-07) 151 VMI vs. Central Penn College (11-29-10) Big South Games 122 Liberty vs. VMI (1-27-07) 118 Liberty at VMI (2-21-07) 117 VMI at Liberty (1-27-07) FEWEST POINTS ALLOWED All Games 21 Coastal Carolina vs. Georgia Southern (1-2-97) 23 High Point vs. Warren Wilson (11-19-07) 31 Charleston Southern vs. Florida Christian (12-1-07) Big South Games 32 Coastal Carolina vs. VMI (1-26-04) 37 Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston Southern (2-22-93) 37 Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston Southern (2-20-10) MOST COMBINED POINTS All Games 271 VMI (144) vs. Southern Virginia (127), 11-20-06 251 VMI (156) vs. Virginia Intermont (95), 11-15-06 247 VMI (156) vs. Columbia Union (91), 11-28-07 Big South Games 239 Liberty (122) vs. VMI (177), 1-27-07 226 Liberty (118) at VMI (108), 2-21-07 221 Radford (114) vs. VMI (107), 2-14-07 MOST FIELD GOALS All Games 61 Davidson vs. Warren Wilson (12-9-91) 60 VMI vs. Virginia Intermont (11-15-06) 58 VMI vs. Southern Virginia (11-20-06) Big South Games 49 Coastal Carolina at VMI (12-3-09) 47 Liberty at VMI (2-21-07) 46 Coastal Carolina vs. UMBC (1-14-93) 46 High Point at VMI (1-10-07) MOST FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS All Games 118 VMI vs. Virginia Intermont (11-15-06) 116 VMI vs. West Virginia Wesleyan (11-18-09) 114 VMI vs. West Virginia Wesleyan (11-14-07) Big South Games 91 Charleston Southern vs. Winthrop (1-10-94) 88 VMI vs. Charleston Southern (1-13-07) 88 Coastal Carolina vs. VMI (2-3-07) 88 VMI vs. Charleston Southern (2-11-08) HIGHEST FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE All Games 75.4 Radford (49-65) vs. Emory & Henry (1-7-08) 70.5 UNC Asheville (31-44) vs. Coastal Carolina (1-9-95) 70.0 Campbell (28-40) vs. Brooklyn (1-20-86) 70.0 UNC Asheville (57-81) vs. Voorhees (11-28-87) Big South Games 70.5 UNC Asheville (31-44) vs. Coastal Carolina (1-9-95) 66.0 UNC Asheville (31-47) vs. Campbell (1-30-88) 65.9 Coastal Carolina (29-44) vs. Radford (1-21-12) MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS All Games 24 VMI vs. Southern Virginia (1-29-09) 22 VMI vs. Lees-McRae (12-6-06) 21 three times Big South Games 21 VMI vs. Charleston Southern (1-13-07) 19 VMI vs. Radford (2-5-08) 19 VMI at Coastal Carolina (2-14-09) MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS All Games 63 VMI vs. West Virginia Wesleyan (11-18-09) 61 VMI vs. Virginia Intermont (11-15-06) 59 VMI vs. Southern Virginia (11-20-06) Big South Games 56 VMI vs. Charleston Southern (1-13-07) 54 VMI vs. Radford (2-21-09) 53 VMI at High Point (2-28-09)

HIGHEST THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 10 made) All Games 80.0 UNC Asheville (12-15) vs. Voorhees (11-26-88) 76.5 Radford (13-17) vs. Virginia Commonwealth (12-2-96) 72.2 UNC Asheville (13-18) at Radford (3-5-09) Big South Games 68.8 Radford (11-16) vs. UNC Asheville (1-10-04) 68.8 High Point (11-16) vs. Charleston Southern (1-2-12) 66.7 UNC Asheville (10-15) at Winthrop (1-6-11) 66.7 Radford (10-15) vs. High Point (1-17-12) MOST FREE THROWS All Games 40 Towson State vs. UMBC (2-27-93) 39 Radford vs. Methodist (12-7-85) 39 Winthrop vs. St. Francis (11-27-89) Big South Games 40 Towson State vs. UMBC (2-27-93) 38 UMBC vs. Charleston Southern (1-23-93) 38 UNC Asheville vs. Radford (2-11-12) MOST FREE THROW ATTEMPTS All Games 60 High Point vs. Ferrum (11-13-10) 53 UMBC vs. Charleston Southern (1-23-93) 53 Charleston Southern vs. Stetson (12-18-99) Big South Games 53 UMBC vs. Charleston Southern (1-23-93) 50 Liberty vs. Charleston Southern (2-12-05) 49 four times HIGHEST FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 13 made) All Games 100.0 UNC Asheville (24-24) vs. High Point (2-18-00) 100.0 Liberty (18-18) vs. Hampton (12-17-11) 100.0 three teams tied with 13-13 Big South Games 100.0 UNC Asheville (24-24) vs. High Point (2-18-00) 100.0 Charleston Southern (13-13) at Liberty (1-11-93) 95.8 Radford (23-24) vs. Winthrop (1-14-06) MOST REBOUNDS All Games 70 Charleston Southern vs. Toccoa Falls (11-30-09) 66 Coastal Carolina vs. Limestone (1-14-88) 65 three times Big South Games 65 Radford at VMI (2-21-09) 62 Radford at VMI (2-2-10) 61 Liberty at VMI (2-21-07) MOST ASSISTS All Games 39 Davidson vs. Warren Wilson (12-9-91) 39 VMI vs. Virginia Intermont (11-15-06) 38 VMI vs. West Virginia Wesleyan (11-14-07) 38 UNC Asheville vs. Mars Hill (11-16-11) Big South Games 34 Charleston Southern vs. Armstrong State (2-9-87) 33 Liberty vs. VMI (1-27-07) 32 Coastal Carolina vs. UMBC (1-14-93) MOST STEALS All Games 35 VMI vs. Virginia Intermont (11-15-06) 28 VMI vs. Southern Virginia (11-20-06) 28 VMI vs. Columbia Union (11-28-07) Big South Games 23 VMI vs. Charleston Southern (1-13-07) 22 Towson State vs. Charleston Southern (1-25-93) 21 VMI vs. Radford (1-25-07) 21 VMI vs. High Point (1-24-09) MOST BLOCKED SHOTS All Games 17 High Point vs. Youngstown State (12-19-08) 16 UNC Asheville at Campbell (11-17-07) 15 UNC Asheville vs. Lees-McRae (11-11-07) 15 UNC Asheville vs. Montreat (12-31-07) Big South Games 13 Winthrop vs. UNC Asheville (1-11-06) 12 Liberty vs. Winthrop (1-18-97) 12 Radford vs. High Point (1-19-02) 12 Winthrop vs. VMI (1-6-07)


MEN’S BASKETBALL ANNUAL LEADERS - INDIVIDUAL SCORING AVERAGE 1985-86 Fred McKinnon, Winthrop 1986-87 Clarence Grier, Campbell 1987-88 Oliver Johnson, Charleston Southern 1988-89 Henry Wilson, Campbell 1989-90 Darryl Hall, Charleston Southern 1990-91 Doug Day, Radford 1991-92 Darnell Sneed, Charleston Southern 1992-93 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina 1993-94 KeKe Hicks, Coastal Carolina 1994-95 KeKe Hicks, Coastal Carolina Eric Burks, Charleston Southern 1995-96 Peter Aluma, Liberty 1996-97 Brett Larrick, Charleston Southern 1997-98 Josh Pittman, UNC Asheville 1998-99 Kevin Martin, UNC Asheville 1999-00 Jason Williams, Radford 2000-01 Torrey Butler, Coastal Carolina 2001-02 Dustin Van Weerhuizen, High Point 2002-03 Danny Gathings, High Point 2003-04 Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford 2004-05 Pele Paelay, Coastal Carolina 2005-06 Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford 2006-07 REGGIE WILLIAMS, VMI 2007-08 Reggie Williams, VMI 2008-09 Chavis Holmes, VMI 2009-10 Art Parakhouski, Radford 2010-11 Desmond Holloway, Coastal Carolina 2011-12 Nick Barbour, High Point

GP 29 30 29 27 28 29 30 32 26 25 29 29 30 28 29 24 26 30 24 27 29 29 33 25 31 31 26 31

PTS 613 739 537 500 509 585 618 759 582 527 612 547 599 516 634 435 505 495 448 473 488 669 928 695 681 662 480 633

AVG 21.1 24.6 18.5 18.5 18.2 20.2 20.6 23.7 22.4 21.1 21.1 18.9 20.0 18.4 21.9 18.1 19.4 16.5 18.7 17.5 16.8 23.1 28.1 27.8 22.0 21.4 18.5 20.4

REBOUNDING AVERAGE 1985-86 Allen Washington, Winthrop 1986-87 William Calvin, Coastal Carolina 1987-88 Oliver Johnson, Charleston Southern 1988-89 Heder Ambroise, Charleston Southern 1989-90 Darryl Hall, Charleston Southern 1990-91 Joe Spinks, Campbell 1991-92 Joe Spinks, Campbell 1992-93 Mark Hailey, Winthrop 1993-94 Joe Spinks, Campbell 1994-95 Eric Cuthrell, UNC Greensboro 1995-96 Eric Cuthrell, UNC Greensboro 1996-97 Chad Steele, Winthrop 1997-98 Kennedy Okafor, UMBC 1998-99 Heson Groves, Winthrop 1999-00 Clint Walker, Elon 2000-01 Andrey Savtchenko, Radford 2001-02 Greg Lewis, Winthrop 2002-03 Danny Gathings, High Point 2003-04 Grant Davis, Birmingham-Southern 2004-05 Leo Lightbourne, Liberty Chris Oliver, Radford 2005-06 Chris Oliver, Radford 2006-07 Arizona Reid, High Point 2007-08 Arizona Reid, High Point 2008-09 Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina 2009-10 ART PARAKHOUSKI, Radford 2010-11 John Brown, Liberty 2011-12 Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern

GP 29 28 29 28 28 28 31 30 28 29 30 27 28 28 28 29 31 24 27 28 28 28 32 31 31 31 32 31

REB 290 263 331 239 250 262 261 289 245 284 276 220 260 211 214 290 313 182 230 197 196 279 304 342 352 414 344 281

AVG 10.0 9.4 11.4 8.5 8.9 9.4 8.4 9.6 8.8 9.8 9.2 8.1 9.3 7.5 7.6 10.0 10.1 7.6 8.5 7.0 7.0 10.0 9.5 11.0 11.4 13.4 10.8 9.1

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 5.00 per game) 1985-86 Allen Washington, Winthrop 1986-87 Ben Hinson, Charleston Southern Henry Wilson, Campbell 1987-88 Heder Ambroise, Charleston Southern 1988-89 Heder Ambroise, Charleston Southern 1989-90 DuWayne Cheatam, Coastal Carolina 1990-91 Harvey Minor, Charleston Southern 1991-92 Billy Ellison, Campbell 1992-93 Eddie Gay, Winthrop 1993-94 Tyrone Travis, Radford 1994-95 William Coley, UNC Asheville 1995-96 Peter Aluma, Liberty 1996-97 Peter Aluma, Liberty 1997-98 Josh Pittman, UNC Asheville Marlin Parker, Charleston Southern 1998-99 Delawn Grandison, Liberty 1999-00 Ryan Charles, Radford 2000-01 O.J. Linney, Charleston Southern 2001-02 Correy Watkins, Radford 2002-03 Danny Gathings, High Point 2003-04 Danny Gathings, High Point 2004-05 Chris Oliver, Radford 2005-06 Chris Oliver, Radford 2006-07 Moses Sonko, Coastal Carolina 2007-08 KENNY GEORGE, UNC Asheville 2008-09 Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina 2009-10 Art Parakhouski, Radford 2010-11 Stan Okoye, VMI 2011-12 Eric Griffin, Campbell

FG 189 260 167 171 164 159 116 140 194 169 144 194 184 191 140 155 171 146 163 190 189 159 189 188 151 190 250 193 177

FGA 305 495 318 270 247 285 200 244 307 295 239 355 358 419 307 320 325 261 306 333 356 293 375 336 217 330 430 376 290

PCT 62.0 52.5 52.5 63.3 66.4 55.8 58.0 57.4 62.8 57.3 60.3 54.6 51.4 45.6 45.6 48.4 52.6 55.9 53.3 57.1 53.1 54.3 50.4 56.0 69.6 57.6 58.1 51.3 61.0

THREE-POINT FG PERCENTAGE (min. 2.50 per game) 1986-87 Dave Mooney, Coastal Carolina 1987-88 Dave Mooney, Coastal Carolina 1988-89 Brian Penny, Coastal Carolina 1989-90 no player met per game minimum 1990-91 Doug Day, Radford 1991-92 Mark Mocnik, Campbell 1992-93 Skip Saunders, UMBC 1993-94 Scott Neely, Campbell 1994-95 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro 1995-96 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro 1996-97 Corey Reed, Radford 1997-98 Corey Reed, Radford 1998-99 Leslie Ballard, Radford 1999-00 Matt Gladieux, Coastal Carolina 2000-01 Raymond Arrington, Radford 2001-02 Raymond Arrington, Radford 2002-03 Joe Knight, High Point 2003-04 E.J. Gallup, Coastal Carolina 2004-05 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina 2005-06 James Collins, Birmingham-Southern 2006-07 Michael Jenkins, Winthrop 2007-08 Eugene Harris, High Point 2008-09 Chavis Holmes, VMI 2009-10 Nick Barbour, High Point 2010-11 Austin Kenon, VMI 2011-12 NICK BARBOUR, High Point

3FG 100 102 69

3FGA 207 263 166

PCT 48.3 38.8 41.6

106 96 80 81 93 76 78 98 92 74 79 91 62 86 85 70 100 90 83 73 93 108

268 229 175 173 212 174 164 235 244 174 204 240 154 198 200 151 241 209 188 182 222 223

39.6 41.9 45.7 46.8 43.9 43.7 47.6 41.7 37.7 42.5 38.7 37.9 40.3 43.4 42.5 46.4 41.5 43.1 44.1 40.1 41.9 48.4

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 2.50 per game) 1985-86 Billy Myers, Radford 1986-87 Ted Houpt, Winthrop 1987-88 Rod Cousin, Radford 1988-89 Brandt Williams, UNC Asheville 1989-90 Brian Schmall, Augusta 1990-91 Jason Zimmerman, Davidson 1991-92 Matt Hildebrand, Liberty 1992-93 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro 1993-94 MATT HILDEBRAND, Liberty 1994-95 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro 1995-96 Alhamisi Simms, UMBC 1996-97 Rolando Hourruitiner, Charleston Southern 1997-98 Larry Jackson, Liberty 1998-99 Tyson Waterman, Winthrop 1999-00 Andrew Toole, Elon 2000-01 Ben McGonagil, UNC Asheville 2001-02 Alvin Green, Coastal Carolina 2002-03 Kevin Warzynski, Charleston Southern 2003-04 Jakob Sigurdarson, Birmingham-Southern 2004-05 Jakob Sigurdarson, Birmingham-Southern 2005-06 James Shuler, Winthrop 2006-07 Bryan Smithson, UNC Asheville 2007-08 Bryan Smithson, UNC Asheville 2008-09 Grayson Flittner, Gardner-Webb 2009-10 Austin Kenon, VMI 2010-11 Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern 2011-12 Trey Freeman, Campbell

FT 100 75 135 77 125 82 114 72 149 97 74 86 98 84 84 74 74 81 84 154 157 98 101 68 133 123 101

FTA 122 86 159 90 151 95 125 81 161 108 84 104 111 101 99 89 93 93 97 187 186 115 121 80 158 142 116

PCT 82.0 87.2 84.9 85.6 82.8 86.3 91.2 88.9 92.5 89.8 88.1 82.7 88.3 83.2 84.8 83.1 79.6 87.1 86.6 82.4 84.4 85.2 83.5 85.0 84.2 86.6 87.1

GP 23 28 28 28 29 28 28 31 28 27 30 32 30 28 29 28 29 25 28 27 31 32 31 33 29 32 32

AST 112 270 157 167 201 175 168 216 207 159 149 181 131 124 148 126 122 125 165 132 139 162 224 172 166 183 255

AVG 4.9 9.6 5.6 6.0 6.9 6.3 6.0 7.0 7.4 5.9 5.0 5.7 4.4 4.4 5.1 4.5 4.2 5.0 5.9 4.9 4.5 5.1 7.2 5.2 5.7 5.7 8.0

ASSISTS PER GAME 1985-86 Rod Cousin, Radford 1986-87 TONY FAIRLEY, Charleston Southern 1987-88 Greg Moody, Coastal Carolina 1988-89 Robert Dowdell, Coastal Carolina 1989-90 Robert Dowdell, Coastal Carolina 1990-91 Jeff Lippard, UNC Asheville 1991-92 Jeff Lippard, UNC Asheville 1992-93 Brian Schmall, Radford 1993-94 Dan Pogue, Campbell 1994-95 Mike Fayed, Winthrop 1995-96 Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro 1996-97 Marcus White, Liberty 1997-98 Rian Everett, Radford 1998-99 Adam Larrick, Charleston Southern 1999-00 Tyson Waterman, Winthrop 2000-01 Beau Wallace, Liberty 2001-02 Ed O’Neil, Charleston Southern 2002-03 Ed O’Neil, Charleston Southern 2003-04 Richard Little, VMI 2004-05 Matt Coward, VMI 2005-06 Chris Gaynor, Winthrop 2006-07 Mike Jefferson, High Point 2007-08 TeeJay Bannister, Liberty 2008-09 Amir Johnson, Radford 2009-10 Amir Johnson, Radford 2010-11 Jesse Sanders, Liberty 2011-12 Jesse Sanders, Liberty


MEN’S BASKETBALL ANNUAL LEADERS - INDIVIDUAL STEALS PER GAME 1985-86 William Calvin, Coastal Carolina 1986-87 TONY FAIRLEY, Charleston Southern 1987-88 Heder Ambroise, Charleston Southern 1988-89 Brad Childress, Campbell 1989-90 Robert Dowdell, Coastal Carolina 1990-91 Robert Dowdell, Coastal Carolina Chris Hawkins, Radford 1991-92 J.J. Foster, Coastal Carolina 1992-93 Dana Harris, UMBC 1993-94 Eric Burks, Charleston Southern 1994-95 Ralph Blalock, Towson State 1995-96 Anthony Walker, Radford 1996-97 Marcus White, Liberty 1997-98 Rodney Dupre’, Coastal Carolina 1998-99 Adam Larrick, Charleston Southern 1999-00 Carl Williams, Liberty 2000-01 Beau Wallace, Liberty 2001-02 Chris Caldwell, Liberty 2002-03 Ed O’Neil, Charleston Southern 2003-04 Ed O’Neil, Charleston Southern 2004-05 Pele Paelay, Coastal Carolina 2005-06 Akeem Scott, High Point 2006-07 Travis Holmes, VMI 2007-08 Chris Gaynor, Winthrop 2008-09 Chavis Holmes, VMI 2009-10 Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern 2010-11 Blake Smith, Radford 2011-12 Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern

GP 23 28 29 30 29 32 29 31 26 27 24 27 32 27 28 28 28 30 25 28 29 29 33 34 31 31 27 31

STL 63 114 60 77 109 73 67 69 72 69 60 53 72 66 61 107 72 72 66 63 70 64 111 97 105 64 66 65

AVG 2.7 4.1 2.1 2.6 3.8 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.0 2.3 2.4 2.2 3.8 2.6 2.4 2.6 2.3 2.4 2.2 3.4 2.9 3.4 2.1 2.4 2.1

BLOCKED SHOTS PER GAME 1985-86 Tim Sellars, Armstrong State 1986-87 Henry Wilson, Campbell 1987-88 Henry Wilson, Campbell 1988-89 Milton Moore, UNC Asheville 1989-90 Derek Stewart, Augusta 1990-91 Derek Stewart, Augusta 1991-92 Julius Nwosu, Liberty 1992-93 John James, Towson State 1993-94 Pascal Fleury, UMBC 1994-95 PASCAL FLEURY, UMBC 1995-96 Peter Aluma, Liberty 1996-97 Peter Aluma, Liberty 1997-98 Robert Stevenson, UNC Asheville 1998-99 Adam Earnhardt, UNC Asheville 1999-00 Adam Earnhardt, UNC Asheville 2000-01 Adam Earnhardt, UNC Asheville 2001-02 Nosa Obasuyi, Radford 2002-03 Josh Grant, Winthrop 2003-04 C.J. Walker, UNC Asheville 2004-05 C.J. Walker, UNC Asheville 2005-06 Issa Konare, High Point 2006-07 Cruz Daniels, High Point 2007-08 Kenny George, UNC Asheville 2008-09 Cruz Daniels, High Point 2009-10 John Williams, UNC Asheville 2010-11 D.J. Covington, VMI 2011-12 Eric Griffin, Campbell

GP 21 30 27 30 28 30 29 26 25 27 29 32 28 29 30 28 31 29 29 26 29 32 28 30 30 25 31

BLK 54 52 47 45 80 86 52 63 80 124 113 97 69 49 57 40 74 66 86 68 70 65 93 83 82 57 73

AVG 2.6 1.7 1.7 1.5 2.9 2.9 1.8 2.4 3.2 4.6 3.9 3.0 2.5 1.7 1.9 1.4 2.4 2.3 3.0 2.6 2.4 2.0 3.3 2.8 2.7 2.3 2.4

Bold Italics denotes record holders



Year 1987

Category Player, school Total Steal Average ................... Tony Fairley, Charleston Southern ...............4.07

Year 1991

Category Most Improved

School Radford

Total 15.0


3FG Per Game .................. Doug Day, Radford ..................................4.03


Most Improved




Steal Average ................... Carl Williams, Liberty ..............................3.82


Steals Average




Scoring Average ................ Reggie Williams, VMI................................28.1 Steals Per Game ................ Travis Holmes, VMI .................................. 3.4


3FG Percentage





Scoring Average ................ Reggie Williams, VMI................................27.8 Field Goal Percentage......... Kenny George, UNC Asheville.....................69.6


Steals Per Game ................ Chavis Holmes, VMI ................................. 3.4

Scoring Offense 3FG Per Game Assists Per Game Steals Per Game


100.9 13.4 20.6 14.8


Rebounds Per Game ........... Art Parakhouski, Radford ..........................13.4 Double Doubles ................. Art Parakhouski, Radford ...........................26



3FG Percentage................. Nick Barbour, High Point ...........................48.4 Triple Doubles .................. Jesse Sanders, Liberty ...............................1

Scoring Offense 3FG Per Game Steals Per Game Personal Fouls Per Game


91.3 11.6 12.7 14.1


Scoring Offense 3FG Per Game Steals Per Game Turnover Margin


93.8 13.7 14.2 +9.5


Scoring Offense 3FG Per Game 3FG Defense

VMI VMI Coastal Carolina

88.6 11.6 27.5


Scoring Offense 3FG Per Game


87.9 11.3



REGGIE WILLIAMS was the first player in Big South history to lead the nation in scoring in 2006-07, and he was just the ninth player in NCAA Division I history to lead the nation in scoring in consecutive seasons in 2006-07 and 2007-08.

CHAVIS (left) and TRAVIS (right) HOLMES became the highest scoring twin brother combination in NCAA Division I history on Jan. 24 with 3,261 points, surpassing former Keydets RAMON and DAMON WILLIAMS, who had 3,252. The Holmes Twins finished their careers with a combined record total of 3,798 points.

FAST FACT: The 2006-10 VMI Keydets became the first program in NCAA Division I history to lead the nation in scoring offense four consecutive seasons. The streak ended at five.


MEN’S BASKETBALL ANNUAL LEADERS - TEAM SCORING OFFENSE 1985-86 Winthrop 1986-87 Charleston Southern 1987-88 Charleston Southern 1988-89 Radford 1989-90 UNC Asheville 1990-91 Radford 1991-92 Radford 1992-93 Winthrop 1993-94 Charleston Southern 1994-95 UNC Greensboro 1995-96 Radford 1996-97 Radford 1997-98 Radford 1998-99 Radford 1999-00 Elon 2000-01 Radford 2001-02 Radford 2002-03 UNC Asheville 2003-04 Birmingham-Southern 2004-05 High Point 2005-06 High Point 2006-07 VMI 2007-08 VMI 2008-09 VMI 2009-10 VMI 2010-11 VMI 2011-12 UNC Asheville

GP 29 30 29 28 30 29 29 30 27 29 27 28 30 28 28 29 31 32 27 31 29 33 29 32 29 31 34

PTS 2,313 2,445 2,253 2,195 2,337 2,124 2,250 2,508 2,250 2,206 2,016 2,047 2,271 2,195 2,083 2,110 2,204 2,320 1,998 2,310 2,187 3,331 2,649 3,002 2,569 2,726 2,745

AVG 79.8 81.5 77.7 78.4 77.9 73.2 77.6 83.6 83.3 76.1 74.7 73.1 75.7 78.4 74.4 72.8 71.1 72.5 74.0 74.5 75.4 100.9 91.3 93.8 88.6 87.9 80.7

SCORING DEFENSE 1985-86 Campbell 1986-87 Winthrop 1987-88 Winthrop 1988-89 Winthrop 1989-90 Coastal Carolina 1990-91 Coastal Carolina 1991-92 Liberty 1992-93 Coastal Carolina Liberty 1993-94 Campbell 1994-95 UNC Greensboro 1995-96 Liberty 1996-97 Liberty 1997-98 UNC Asheville 1998-99 Winthrop 1999-00 Winthrop 2000-01 Winthrop 2001-02 Winthrop 2002-03 Winthrop 2003-04 Winthrop 2004-05 Winthrop 2005-06 Winthrop 2006-07 Winthrop 2007-08 WINTHROP 2008-09 Presbyterian College 2009-10 Coastal Carolina 2010-11 Coastal Carolina 2011-12 Coastal Carolina

GP 27 28 30 29 29 32 29 32 30 29 29 29 32 28 29 30 31 31 30 28 33 31 34 34 29 35 34 31

PTS 1,741 1,929 1,849 1,889 2,025 2,069 1,915 2,268 2,127 1,928 1,882 1,889 1,992 1,872 1,875 1,941 1,917 2,018 1,942 1,782 1,961 1,897 2,088 1,990 1,867 2,103 2,178 2,042

AVG 64.5 68.9 61.6 65.1 69.8 64.7 66.0 70.9 70.9 66.5 64.9 65.1 62.3 66.9 64.7 64.7 61.8 65.1 64.7 63.6 59.4 61.2 61.4 58.5 64.4 60.1 64.1 65.9

REBOUNDING 1985-86 Armstrong State 1986-87 Radford 1987-88 Coastal Carolina 1988-89 Radford 1989-90 UNC Asheville 1990-91 Radford 1991-92 Liberty 1992-93 UMBC 1993-94 UNC Greensboro 1994-95 UNC Greensboro Charleston Southern 1995-96 Coastal Carolina 1996-97 Winthrop 1997-98 UNC Asheville 1998-99 Winthrop 1999-00 Winthrop 2000-01 Radford 2001-02 Radford 2002-03 Winthrop 2003-04 High Point 2004-05 High Point 2005-06 VMI 2006-07 VMI 2007-08 VMI 2008-09 Radford 2009-10 RADFORD 2010-11 Coastal Carolina 2011-12 Coastal Carolina

GP 27 26 28 28 30 29 29 28 27 29 29 26 27 28 29 30 29 31 30 30 31 27 33 29 33 31 34 31

REB 1,083 1,028 1,085 1,047 1,235 1,111 1,096 1,143 1,136 1,180 1,179 969 1,044 1,081 1,034 1,171 1,095 1,235 1,114 1,131 1,223 1,009 1,262 1,116 1,372 1,340 1,339 1,171

AVG 40.1 39.5 38.8 37.4 41.2 38.3 37.8 40.8 42.1 40.7 40.7 37.3 38.7 38.6 35.7 39.0 37.8 39.8 37.1 37.7 39.5 37.4 38.2 38.5 41.6 43.2 39.4 37.8

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 1985-86 WINTHROP 1986-87 Charleston Southern 1987-88 UNC Asheville 1988-89 Winthrop 1989-90 Winthrop 1990-91 Coastal Carolina 1991-92 Liberty 1992-93 Liberty 1993-94 Radford 1994-95 Radford 1995-96 Radford 1996-97 UNC Asheville 1997-98 Radford 1998-99 UNC Asheville 1999-00 Elon 2000-01 UNC Asheville 2001-02 UNC Asheville 2002-03 High Point 2003-04 Birmingham-Southern 2004-05 Birmingham-Southern Winthrop 2005-06 High Point Birmingham-Southern 2006-07 Liberty 2007-08 UNC Asheville 2008-09 Radford 2009-10 Coastal Carolina 2010-11 Coastal Carolina 2011-12 Coastal Carolina

FGM 927 937 805 753 730 858 790 845 793 741 759 690 803 756 767 640 690 674 680 644 767 792 650 895 901 884 966 930 853

FGA 1,749 1,846 1,573 1,515 1,498 1,821 1,518 1,731 1,580 1,620 1,608 1,480 1,710 1,597 1,648 1,417 1,529 1,519 1,411 1,446 1,724 1,714 1,408 1,862 1,846 1,917 2,022 1,915 1,753

PCT 53.0 50.8 51.2 49.7 48.7 47.1 52.0 48.8 50.2 45.7 47.2 46.6 47.0 47.3 46.5 45.2 45.1 44.4 48.2 44.5 44.5 46.2 46.2 48.1 48.8 46.1 47.8 48.6 48.7

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE 1985-86 Radford 1986-87 Augusta 1987-88 UNC Asheville 1988-89 Winthrop 1989-90 Winthrop 1990-91 Radford 1991-92 Charleston Southern 1992-93 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN 1993-94 Radford 1994-95 Towson State 1995-96 Radford 1996-97 Radford 1997-98 UMBC 1998-99 UNC Asheville 1999-00 UNC Asheville 2000-01 Coastal Carolina 2001-02 High Point 2002-03 UNC Asheville 2003-04 Coastal Carolina 2004-05 Birmingham-Southern 2005-06 Coastal Carolina 2006-07 Liberty 2007-08 Liberty 2008-09 VMI 2009-10 Liberty 2010-11 Charleston Southern 2011-12 UNC Asheville

FTM 445 338 417 433 529 463 390 408 466 377 340 367 420 500 528 425 425 506 383 479 381 421 380 546 468 456 682

FTA 609 479 553 579 719 680 563 526 643 503 463 516 589 697 701 604 600 665 541 664 512 598 518 742 669 604 893

PCT 73.1 70.5 75.4 74.8 73.5 68.0 69.2 77.6 72.5 75.0 73.4 71.1 71.3 71.7 75.3 70.4 70.8 76.1 70.8 72.1 74.4 70.4 73.4 73.6 70.0 75.5 76.4

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 1986-87 Charleston Southern 1987-88 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN 1988-89 Campbell 1989-90 Charleston Southern 1990-91 Coastal Carolina 1991-92 Liberty 1992-93 UMBC 1993-94 UNC Asheville 1994-95 Radford 1995-96 UNC Greensboro 1996-97 Radford 1997-98 Radford 1998-99 UNC Asheville 1999-00 Coastal Carolina 2000-01 UNC Asheville 2001-02 Radford 2002-03 Coastal Carolina 2003-04 Birmingham-Southern 2004-05 Winthrop 2005-06 Birmingham-Southern 2006-07 Winthrop 2007-08 Liberty 2008-09 UNC Asheville 2009-10 Coastal Carolina 2010-11 Presbyterian College 2011-12 High Point

3FG 93 166 126 151 170 146 161 175 165 205 214 244 132 224 142 204 168 243 220 212 278 288 212 184 218 263

3FGA 207 368 304 351 437 347 397 438 423 503 528 636 370 551 392 562 458 565 604 576 773 772 589 512 558 656

PCT 44.9 45.1 41.4 43.0 38.9 42.0 40.6 40.0 39.0 40.8 40.5 38.4 35.7 40.7 36.2 36.3 36.7 43.0 36.4 36.8 36.0 37.3 36.0 35.9 39.0 40.1


ALL-TIME MEN’S BASKETBALL HONORS 1992-93 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

ASSOCIATED PRESS ALL-AMERICAN Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina ......Honorable Mention Torrey Butler, Coastal Carolina .....Honorable Mention Greg Lewis, Winthrop.................Honorable Mention Torrey Butler, Coastal Carolina .....Honorable Mention Danny Gathings, High Point ..........Honorable Mention Pele Paelay, Coastal Carolina .......Honorable Mention Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina......Honorable Mention Arizona Reid, High Point .............Honorable Mention Arizona Reid, High Point .............Honorable Mention Art Parakhouski, Radford ............Honorable Mention Art Parakhouski, Radford ............Honorable Mention Jesse Sanders, Liberty................Honorable Mention Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville ..........Honorable Mention

PLAYBOY ALL-AMERICAN 1988-89 Derek Wilson, Coastal Carolina BASKETBALL TIMES ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM 2008-09 Seth Curry, Liberty .................................1st Team COLLEGEINSIDER.COM MID-MAJOR ALL-AMERICAN 2006-07 Craig Bradshaw, Winthrop 2007-08 Arizona Reid, High Point (Honorable Mention) 2008-09 Seth Curry, Liberty Anthony Smith, Liberty (Honorable Mention) 2009-10 Art Parakhouski, Radford COLLEGEINSIDER.COM MID-MAJOR DEFENSIVE ALL-AMERICAN 2009-10 Mantoris Robinson, Winthrop 2010-11 Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern 2011-12 Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern COLLEGEINSIDER.COM MID-MAJOR FRESHMEN ALL-AMERICAN 2011-12 Trey Freeman, Campbell Saah Nimley, Charleston Southern COLLEGEINSIDER.COM RILEY WALLACE ALL-AMERICA SENIOR REAM 2011-12 Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern Jesse Sanders, Liberty COLLEGEHOOPS.NET MID-MAJOR ALL-AMERICAN 2007-08 Arizona Reid, High Point ..........................1st Team Reggie Williams, VMI ..............................2nd Team 2008-09 Art Parakhouski, Radford ........................2nd Team Seth Curry, Liberty ................................ 4th Team Chavis Holmes, VMI................................ 4th Team 2009-10 Art Parakhouski, Radford .........................1st Team Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina.....Honorable Mention 2010-11 Chad Gray, Coastal Carolina .........Honorable Mention Jesse Sanders, Liberty................Honorable Mention COLLEGEHOOPS.NET ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM 2008-09 Seth Curry, Liberty ................................2nd Team COLLEGEHOOPS.NET MID-MAJOR ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM 2007-08 Omar Carter, Charleston Southern.............2nd Team 2008-09 Seth Curry, Liberty .................................1st Team Nick Barbour, High Point ......................... 3rd Team COLLEGEINSIDER.COM NATIONAL MOST VALUABLE PLAYER 2006-07 Chris Gaynor, Winthrop COLLEGEHOOPS.NET MID-MAJOR FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR 2008-09 Seth Curry, Liberty


NBA DRAFT PICKS Clarence Grier, Campbell .......Rockets (7th RD, 151st)

NBA PLAYERS Julius Nwosu, Liberty .......................San Antonio Spurs (1992) Peter Aluma, Liberty.............................. Phoenix Suns (1998) Reggie Williams, VMI ................. Golden State Warriors (2010-) HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS Eric Hall, Radford (2005-09) ..............................2010-present John Williams, UNC Asheville (2007-11) ................2011-present COLLEGEINSIDER.COM HUGH DURHAM MID-MAJOR COACH OF THE YEAR 2006-07 Gregg Marshall, Winthrop 2008-09 Duggar Baucom, VMI (Finalist) Brad Greenberg, Radford (Finalist) 2009-10 Cliff Ellis, Coastal Carolina (Finalist) 2010-11 Cliff Ellis, Coastal Carolina (Finalist)


CLAIR BEE COACH OF THE YEAR AWARD 2008-09 Brad Greenberg, Radford (Finalist)

RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH ALL-STATE 1996-97 Peter Aluma, Liberty 2007-08 Reggie Williams, VMI ...............................1st Team Chavis Holmes, VMI....................Honorable Mention 2008-09 Art Parakhouski, Radford .........................1st Team Chavis Holmes, VMI.................................1st Team Seth Curry, Liberty ................................2nd Team Travis Holmes, VMI ................................2nd Team 2009-10 Art Parakhouski, Radford .........................1st Team 2010-11 Jesse Sanders, Liberty................Honorable Mention

NABC DISTRICT COACH OF THE YEAR 2008-09 Duggar Baucom, VMI (District 3)

VaSID PLAYER OF THE YEAR 2009-10 Art Parakhouski, Radford

RED AUERBACH COLLEGE COACH OF THE YEAR 2009-10 Brad Greenberg, Radford (Finalist)

VaSID COACH OF THE YEAR 1991-92 Jeff Meyer, Liberty 2008-09 Brad Greenberg, Radford





UNITED STATES BASKETBALL WRITERS ASSOCIATION ALL-DISTRICT 2006-07 Arizona Reid, High Point ..........................1st Team 2009-10 Art Parakhouski, Radford .........................1st Team

1996-97 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

2009-10 2010-11


NABC ALL-DISTRICT Peter Aluma, Liberty..............................2nd Team Arizona Reid, High Point .........................2nd Team Reggie Williams, VMI ..............................2nd Team Reggie Williams, VMI ...............................1st Team Arizona Reid, High Point .........................2nd Team Chavis Holmes, VMI.................................1st Team Anthony Smith, Liberty............................1st Team Seth Curry, Liberty ................................2nd Team Grayson Flittner, Gardner-Webb................2nd Team Art Parakhouski, Radford ........................2nd Team Art Parakhouski, Radford .........................1st Team Desmond Holloway, Coastal Carolina...........1st Team Chad Gray, Coastal Carolina ......................1st Team Jamarco Warren, CHarleston Southern ........1st Team Jesse Sanders, Liberty............................2nd Team Evan Gordon, Liberty .............................2nd Team Stan Okoye, VMI ....................................2nd Team Nick Barbour, High Point ..........................1st Team Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville .......................1st Team Eric Griffin, Campbell..............................1st Team J.P. Primm, UNC Asheville ........................1st Team Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern............2nd Team Anthony Raffa, Coastal Carolina................2nd Team Jesse Sanders, Liberty............................2nd Team

NABC ANNUAL ALL-STAR GAME PARTICIPANTS 2006-07 Torrell Martin, Winthrop 2009-10 Art Parakhouski, Radford

VaSID ROOKIE OF THE YEAR 2008-09 Seth Curry, Liberty 2009-10 Evan Gordon, Liberty 2010-11 D.J. Covington, VMI

1991-92 1993-94 1996-97 1997-98 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2007-08


2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

VaSID (VIRGINIA ALL-STATE) Julius Nwosu, Liberty .............................2nd Team Matt Hildebrand, Liberty.........................2nd Team Peter Aluma, Liberty...............................1st Team Kevin Robinson, Radford .........................2nd Team Corey Reed, Radford ..............................2nd Team Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford....................2nd Team Larry Blair, Liberty ................................2nd Team David Dees, Liberty ...............................2nd Team Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford.....................1st Team Larry Blair, Liberty .................................1st Team Reggie Williams, VMI ...............................1st Team Alex McLean, Liberty..............................2nd Team TeeJay Bannister, Liberty ............Honorable Mention Seth Curry, Liberty .................................1st Team Chavis Holmes, VMI.................................1st Team Art Parakhouski, Radford .........................1st Team Anthony Smith, Liberty...............Honorable Mention Art Parakhouski, Radford .........................1st Team Austin Kenon, VMI .....................Honorable Mention Jesse Sanders, Liberty............................2nd Team Austin Kenon, VMI .....................Honorable Mention Jesse Sanders, Liberty............................2nd Team Stan Okoye, VMI ........................Honorable Mention

NCCSIA (NORTH CAROLINA ALL-STATE) 2007-08 Arizona Reid, High Point ..........................1st Team Bryan Smithson, UNC Asheville .................2nd Team 2008-09 Nick Barbour, High Point .........................2nd Team Cruz Daniels, High Point ..........................2nd Team 2009-10 Nick Barbour, High Point ..........................1st Team 2010-11 Nick Barbour, High Point .........................2nd Team 2011-12 Nick Barbour, High Point ..........................1st Team Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville .......................1st Team Eric Griffin, Campbell..............................1st Team J.P. Primm, UNC Asheville ........................1st Team

NABC ANNUAL SLAM DUNK COMPETITION PARTICIPANTS 1993 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina 2011 John Williams, UNC Asheville (Runner-Up)




DICK VITALE’S “DIAPER DANDY OF THE WEEK” 2008-09 Seth Curry, Liberty ......................... Dec. 1, Jan. 19

NCAA SPORTSMAN OF THE YEAR 2004-05 Danny Gathings, High Point (co-winner)

DICK VITALE’S “SHOCK OF THE WEEK” 2008-09 VMI (co-winner) ....................................... Nov. 17

SENIOR CLASS AWARD CANDIDATES 2007-08 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina 2011-12 Jesse Sanders, Liberty

1991 1993 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

CBS CHEVROLET PLAYER OF THE GAME Robert Dowdell, Coastal Carolina (Play-in Game) Brian Penny, Coastal Carolina (vs. Indiana) Mohammed Acha, Coastal Carolina (vs. Michigan) Torrell Martin, Winthrop (vs. Gonzaga) Torrell Martin, Winthrop (vs. Tennessee) Craig Bradshaw, Winthrop (vs. Notre Dame) Torrell Martin, Winthrop (vs. Oregon) Taj McCullough, Winthrop (vs. Washington State) Joey Lynch-Flohr, Radford (vs. North Carolina)



OLYMPIANS Craig Bradshaw, New Zealand (Winthrop) Rolando Hourruitiner, Puerto Rico (Charleston So.)

1998 2008

NCAA POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Corey Reed, Radford Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina



1989 2001

ANSON-MOUNT SCHOLAR ATHLETE OF THE YEAR Derek Wilson, Coastal Carolina Eyo Effiong, Winthrop

ALL-TIME MEN’S BASKETBALL HONORS 1985-86 1994-95 1996-97 1997-98 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

CoSIDA ACADEMIC ALL-AMERICA Billy Myers, Radford ...................Honorable Mention Ralf Melis, UNC Asheville ......................... 3rd Team Corey Reed, Radford.............................. 3rd Team Corey Reed, Radford...............................1st Team Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina..................2nd Team Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina...................1st Team Aaron Linn, Gardner-Webb........................1st Team

CoSIDA ACADEMIC ALL-DISTRICT Billy Myers, Radford ................................1st Team Ralf Melis, UNC Asheville ..........................1st Team Corey Reed, Radford...............................1st Team Corey Reed, Radford...............................1st Team Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina...................1st Team Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina...................1st Team Giedrius Knysas, Charleston Southern .........1st Team 2007-08 Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina...................1st Team 2008-09 Aaron Linn, Gardner-Webb........................1st Team Giedrius Knysas, Charleston Southern .........1st Team Phillip Martin, Radford .............................1st Team 2009-10 Logan Johnson, Coastal Carolina ................1st Team 2011-12 Sam McLaurin, Coastal Carolina .................1st Team Jay Reynolds, Presbyterian .......................1st Team 1985-86 1994-95 1996-97 1997-98 2005-06 2006-07

NCAA PUBLIC RECOGNITION AWARD FOR HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN DIVISION I 2009 Winthrop I-AAA ATHLETIC DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION SCHOLAR-ATHLETE TEAM 2004-05 Shema Mbyirukira, Birmingham-Southern 2005-06 Chad Mohn, UNC Asheville 2008-09 Phillip Martin, Radford 2011-12 Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville NABC HONOR’S COURT 2004-05 Shema Mbyirukira, Birmingham-Southern Bucky McMillan, Birmingham-Southern Rostislav Vergun, Birmingham-Southern Trent Drafts, Charleston Southern Matthijs Reinders, Coastal Carolina Clint Nagel, Coastal Carolina Colin Stevens, Coastal Carolina Tadas Mankevicius, VMI 2005-06 Bucky McMillan, Birmingham-Southern Tadas Mankevicius, VMI Fred Robinson, VMI 2006-07 Russell Monroe, Liberty 2007-08 Walt Allen, Presbyterian Giedrius Knysas, Charleston Southern 2008-09 Aaron Linn, Gardner-Webb Auryn MacMillan, Gardner-Webb Kyle Ohman, Liberty Phillip Martin, Radford Lazar Trifunovic, Radford Cole Wilder, Radford 2009-10 Walt Allen, Presbyterian David Campbell, High Point Logan Johnson, Coastal Carolina 2011-12 Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville Jeremy Harn, UNC Asheville Darren White, Campbell VaSID ACADEMIC ALL-STATE 2008-09 Phillip Martin, Radford 2009-10 Jeremy Anderson, Liberty Phillip Martin, Radford 2010-11 Jeremy Anderson, Liberty 2011-12 Tolga Cerrah, Radford


MEN’S BASKETBALL ANNUAL AWARD WINNERS SEASON 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

REGULAR-SEASON CHAMPION(S) Charleston Southern Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Radford Towson State Towson State UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Asheville, Liberty UNC Asheville Winthrop Radford Radford Winthrop, UNC Asheville Winthrop Birmingham-Southern, Liberty Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop UNC Asheville, Winthrop Radford Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina UNC Asheville

TOURNAMENT CHAMPION Charleston Southern Charleston Southern Winthrop UNC Asheville Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Campbell Coastal Carolina # Liberty Charleston Southern UNC Greensboro Charleston Southern Radford Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop UNC Asheville Liberty Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop Radford Winthrop UNC Asheville UNC Asheville

TOURNAMENT RUNNER-UP Augusta Campbell Radford Campbell UNC Asheville Augusta Charleston Southern Winthrop Campbell UNC Greensboro Liberty Liberty UNC Asheville Radford UNC Asheville Radford High Point Radford High Point Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina VMI UNC Asheville VMI Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina VMI

# - no Conference champion was declared during 1992-93 PLAYER OF THE YEAR 1985-86 Fred McKinnon 1986-87 Clarence Grier 1987-88 Derek Wilson 1988-89 Henry Wilson 1989-90 Tony Dunkin 1990-91 Tony Dunkin 1991-92 Tony Dunkin 1992-93 Tony Dunkin 1993-94 Joe Spinks 1994-95 Eric Burks 1995-96 T.L. Latson 1996-97 Josh Pittman 1997-98 Josh Pittman 1998-99 Kevin Martin 1999-00 Jason Williams 2000-01 Torrey Butler 2001-02 Greg Lewis 2002-03 Torrey Butler 2003-04 Danny Gathings 2004-05 Pele Paelay 2005-06 Jack Leasure 2006-07 Arizona Reid 2007-08 Arizona Reid 2008-09 Art Parakhouski 2009-10 Art Parakhouski 2010-11 Jesse Sanders 2011-12 Matt Dickey

Winthrop Campbell Coastal Carolina Campbell Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Campbell Charleston Southern Charleston Southern UNC Asheville UNC Asheville UNC Asheville Radford Coastal Carolina Winthrop Coastal Carolina High Point Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina High Point High Point Radford Radford Liberty UNC Asheville

DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR 2005-06 Issa Konare High Point 2006-07 Travis Holmes VMI 2007-08 Kenny George UNC Asheville 2008-09 Mantoris Robinson Winthrop 2009-10 Mantoris Robinson Winthrop 2010-11 Kelvin Martin Charleston Southern 2011-12 Kelvin Martin Charleston Southern SCHOLAR-ATHLETE OF THE YEAR 1996-97 Corey Reed Radford 1997-98 Corey Reed Radford 1998-99 Adam Larrick Charleston Southern 1999-00 Matt Gladieux Coastal Carolina 2000-01 Andrey Savtchenko Radford 2001-02 Mirko Mandic Charleston Southern 2002-03 Pierre Wooten Winthrop 2003-04 Shema Mybirukira Birmingham-Southern 2004-05 Shema Mybirukira Birmingham-Southern 2005-06 Jack Leasure Coastal Carolina 2006-07 Jack Leasure Coastal Carolina 2007-08 Jack Leasure Coastal Carolina 2008-09 Aaron Linn Gardner-Webb 2009-10 Phillip Martin Radford 2010-11 Walt Allen Presbyterian College 2011-12 Tolga Cerrah Radford

COACH OF THE YEAR 1985-86 Tommy Gaither 1986-87 Billy Lee 1987-88 Gary Edwards Russ Bergman 1988-89 Russ Bergman 1989-90 Russ Bergman 1990-91 Clint Bryant Oliver Purnell 1991-92 Ron Bradley 1992-93 Terry Truax 1993-94 Billy Lee Terry Truax 1994-95 Gary Edwards 1995-96 Randy Wiel 1996-97 Eddie Biedenbach 1997-98 Tom Sullivan 1998-99 Gregg Marshall 1999-00 Pete Strickland 2000-01 Jim Platt 2001-02 Eddie Biedenbach 2002-03 Gregg Marshall 2003-04 Duane Reboul 2004-05 Gregg Marshall 2005-06 Duane Reboul 2006-07 Gregg Marshall 2007-08 Eddie Biedenbach 2008-09 Brad Greenberg 2009-10 Cliff Ellis 2010-11 Dale Layer 2011-12 Barclay Radebaugh

Charleston Southern Campbell Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Augusta Radford Radford Towson State Campbell Towson State Charleston Southern UNC Asheville UNC Asheville UMBC Winthrop Coastal Carolina Charleston Southern UNC Asheville Winthrop Birmingham-Southern Winthrop Birmingham-Southern Winthrop UNC Asheville Radford Coastal Carolina Liberty Charleston Southern

BIG SOUTH TEAM SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD (COACH) 2005-06 VMI (Duggar Baucom) 2006-07 VMI (Duggar Baucom) 2007-08 Radford (Brad Greenberg) 2008-09 Gardner-Webb (Rick Scruggs) VMI (Duggar Baucom) 2009-10 Gardner-Webb (Rick Scruggs) 2010-11 Liberty (Dale Layer) 2011-12 Liberty (Dale Layer) Presbyterian (Gregg Nibert)


ROOKIE/FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR 1989-90 Tony Dunkin Coastal Carolina 1990-91 Joe Spinks Campbell 1991-92 Scott Neely Campbell 1992-93 Dan Pogue Campbell T.L. Latson Charleston Southern Scott Hartzell UNC Greensboro 1993-94 Anthony Walker Coastal Carolina 1994-95 Derrick Nix UNC Greensboro 1995-96 Tyson Waterman Winthrop 1996-97 Isaac Greeb UMBC 1997-98 Kennedy Okafor UMBC 1998-99 Steve Miles Coastal Carolina 1999-00 Andre Smith UNC Asheville 2000-01 Tyrone Walker Winthrop 2001-02 Joe Knight High Point 2002-03 Whit Holcomb-Faye Radford 2003-04 Larry Blair Liberty 2004-05 Jack Leasure Coastal Carolina 2005-06 Michael Ellis UNC Asheville 2006-07 Joshua Mack Coastal Carolina 2007-08 Omar Carter Charleston Southern 2008-09 Seth Curry Liberty 2009-10 Jeremy Sexton Charleston Southern 2010-11 D.J. Covington VMI 2011-12 Trey Freeman Campbell BIG SOUTH TOURNAMENT MVP 1985-86 Ben Hinson 1986-87 Ben Hinson 1987-88 John Weiss 1988-89 Milton Moore 1989-90 Milton Moore 1990-91 Tony Dunkin 1991-92 Mark Mocnik 1992-93 Tony Dunkin 1993-94 Peter Aluma 1994-95 Eric Burks 1995-96 Scott Hartzell 1996-97 Peter Aluma 1997-98 Kevin Robinson 1998-99 Heson Groves 1999-00 Greg Lewis 2000-01 Andrey Savtchenko 2001-02 Greg Lewis 2002-03 Andre Smith 2003-04 Danny Gathings 2004-05 Torrell Martin 2005-06 Torrell Martin 2006-07 Craig Bradshaw 2007-08 Michael Jenkins 2008-09 Art Parakhouski 2009-10 Mantoris Robinson 2010-11 Matt Dickey 2011-12 J.P. Primm

Charleston Southern Charleston Southern Winthrop UNC Asheville UNC Asheville Coastal Carolina Campbell Coastal Carolina Liberty Charleston Southern UNC Greensboro Liberty Radford Winthrop Winthrop Radford Winthrop UNC Asheville High Point Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop Radford Winthrop UNC Asheville UNC Asheville

ALL-TIME MEN’S BASKETBALL ALL-ACADEMIC TEAMS 1996-97 Brett Larrick .......................Charleston Southern Andrew Hinton ......................... Coastal Carolina Mark Reed ...........................................Liberty Marc Lay .............................................. UMBC Vincent Krieger............................ UNC Asheville Matt Javit................................UNC Greensboro Corey Reed .........................................Radford Andrew McFalls .................................. Winthrop 1997-98 Adam Larrick ......................Charleston Southern Andrew Hinton ......................... Coastal Carolina Mark Reed ...........................................Liberty Michael van Veen ................................... UMBC Vincent Krieger............................ UNC Asheville Corey Reed .........................................Radford Marcus Laster .................................... Winthrop 1998-99 Adam Larrick ......................Charleston Southern Andrew Hinton ......................... Coastal Carolina Joey Schwetz .......................................... Elon Nathan Day ..........................................Liberty Rian Everett ........................................Radford 1999-00 Mirko Mandic.......................Charleston Southern Matt Gladieux........................... Coastal Carolina Morgan Bell............................................. Elon Brooks Lee ......................................High Point Nathan Day ..........................................Liberty Nick McDevitt .............................. UNC Asheville Ryan Charles .......................................Radford Eyo Effiong ....................................... Winthrop 2000-01 Mirko Mandic.......................Charleston Southern Ross Sims ............................................... Elon Tim Wilson ......................................High Point Nathan Day ..........................................Liberty Andrey Savtchenko ...............................Radford Nick McDevitt .............................. UNC Asheville Eyo Effiong ....................................... Winthrop 2001-02 Mirko Mandic.......................Charleston Southern Marko Durovic .......................... Coastal Carolina Ross Sims ............................................... Elon Mantas Ingatavicius ............................High Point Rob Attaway ........................................Liberty Andrey Savtchenko ...............................Radford Alex Kragel ................................. UNC Asheville 2002-03 Shema Mbyirukira............... Birmingham-Southern Trent Drafts ........................ Charleston Southern Clint Nagel............................... Coastal Carolina Ross Sims ............................................... Elon Brent Halsch ....................................High Point Ryan Mantlo .........................................Liberty Olumuyiwa Popoola ..............................Radford Alex Kragel ................................. UNC Asheville Pierre Wooten ................................... Winthrop

2003-04 Shema Mybirukira............... Birmingham-Southern Trent Drafts ........................Charleston Southern Clint Nagel............................... Coastal Carolina Brent Halsch ....................................High Point Ryan Mantlo .........................................Liberty Olumuyiwa Popoola ..............................Radford Chad Mohn ................................. UNC Asheville Tadas Mankevicius ..................................... VMI Alex Spotts ....................................... Winthrop 2004-05 Shema Mybirukira............... Birmingham-Southern Clint Nagel............................... Coastal Carolina Chad Mohn ................................. UNC Asheville Tadas Mankevicius ..................................... VMI 2005-06 Bucky McMillan .................. Birmingham-Southern Trent Drafts ........................Charleston Southern Jack Leasure ............................ Coastal Carolina Russell Monroe .....................................Liberty Chad Mohn ................................. UNC Asheville Tadas Mankevicius ..................................... VMI 2006-07 Giedrius Knysas....................Charleston Southern Jack Leasure ............................ Coastal Carolina Troy Bowen......................................High Point Russell Monroe .....................................Liberty K.J. Garland................................ UNC Asheville Fred Robinson........................................... VMI 2007-08 Giedrius Knysas....................Charleston Southern Jack Leasure ............................ Coastal Carolina Matt Boswell ....................................High Point Kyle Ohman .........................................Liberty Walt Allen...........................Presbyterian College Phillip Martin.......................................Radford K.J. Garland................................ UNC Asheville Adam Lonon............................................. VMI 2008-09 Giedrius Knysas....................Charleston Southern Logan Johnson.......................... Coastal Carolina Aaron Linn ..................................Gardner-Webb Dave Campbell .................................High Point Kyle Ohman .........................................Liberty Al’Lonzo Coleman.................Presbyterian College Phillip Martin.......................................Radford 2009-10 Logan Johnson.......................... Coastal Carolina Auryn MacMillan...........................Gardner-Webb Dave Campbell .................................High Point Jeremy Anderson ..................................Liberty Walt Allen...........................Presbyterian College Phillip Martin.......................................Radford Adam Lonon............................................. VMI 2010-11 Sam McLaurin........................... Coastal Carolina Jon Moore ..................................Gardner-Webb Dave Campbell .................................High Point Jeremy Anderson ..................................Liberty Walt Allen...........................Presbyterian College Evan Faulkner......................................Radford Matt Dickey ................................ UNC Asheville


2011-12 Sam McLaurin........................... Coastal Carolina Mike Byron..................................Gardner-Webb Landon Harris...................................High Point Jesse Sanders .......................................Liberty Jay Reynolds .......................Presbyterian College Tolga Cerrah .......................................Radford Matt Dickey ................................ UNC Asheville Stan Okoye .............................................. VMI

ALL-TIME MEN’S BASKETBALL PLAYERS OF THE WEEK Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28

1986-87 Clarence Grier, Charleston Southern Ben Hinson, Charleston Southern Donald Johnson, Armstrong State Van Wilkins, UNC Asheville Donnell Howard, Radford Tim Penn, Radford Ben Hinson, Charleston Southern Tony Fairley, Charleston Southern Tim Penn, Radford Clarence Grier, Campbell Ben Hinson, Charleston Southern

Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 27

1987-88 Henry Wilson, Campbell Derek Wilson, Coastal Carolina Ricky Chatman, UNC Asheville Ron Shelburne, Radford Aswan Wainwright, Radford Tyrone Gross, Augusta Oliver Johnson, Charleston Southern Aswan Wainwright, Radford Oliver Johnson, Charleston Southern William Calvin, Coastal Carolina

Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Dec. 28 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 27 March 4

1988-89 Phil Young, Radford Phil Young, Radford Phil Young, Radford Brian Penny, Coastal Carolina Milton Moore, UNC Asheville Henry Wilson, Campbell Sean Smith, Winthrop Milton Moore, UNC Asheville Milton Moore, UNC Asheville

Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Dec. 22 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 March 4

1989-90 DuWayne Cheatam, Coastal Carolina Milton Moore, UNC Asheville Vernon Brooks, Radford Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina Shaun Wise, Winthrop Brian Schmall, Augusta Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina Darryl Hall, Charleston Southern Darryl Sanders, UNC Asheville Robert Dowdell, Coastal Carolina Brad Childress, Campbell Doug Day, Radford Brad Childress, Campbell Milton Moore, UNC Asheville

Nov. 26 Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 2 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25

1990-91 Rod Gourdine, Campbell Ron Shelburne, Radford Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina Doug Day, Radford Doug Day, Radford Keenan Mann, Augusta Doug Day, Radford George Henson, Winthrop Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina Derek Stewart, Augusta Doug Day, Radford

Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 24 March 2

Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 9 Feb. 15 Feb. 23 March 1

1991-92 Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina Stephen Barber, Radford Doug Day, Radford Julius Nwosu, Liberty Don Burgess, Radford Darnell Sneed, Charleston Southern Doug Day, Radford Julius Nwosu, Liberty Darnell Sneed, Charleston Southern Darnell Sneed, Charleston Southern Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina Doug Day, Radford Detlef Musch, Davidson 1992-93 Joey Hart, Coastal Carolina Eddie Gay, Winthrop Skip Saunders, UMBC Julius Nwosu, Liberty Doug Day, Radford Devin Boyd, Towson State LaShawn Coulter, Winthrop Darnell Sneed, Charleston Southern Mohammed Acha, Coastal Carolina Doug Day, Radford Devin Boyd, Towson State Tony Dunkin, Coastal Carolina Devin Boyd, Towson State

Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 27

1993-94 Joe Spinks, Campbell Mohammed Acha, Coastal Carolina Eric Burks, Charleston Southern Don Burgess, Radford Joe Spinks, Campbell Melvin Branham, Winthrop Tyrone Travis, Radford Scott Neely, Campbell Ralph Blalock, Towson State KeKe Hicks, Coastal Carolina T.L. Latson, Charleston Southern Matt Hildebrand, Liberty Eric Burks, Charleston Southern

Dec. 5 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 1 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26

1994-95 KeKe Hicks, Coastal Carolina Peter Aluma, Liberty Ralph Blalock, Towson State KeKe Hicks, Coastal Carolina Antoine Dalton, Radford Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro LaShawn Coulter, Winthrop Eric Burks, Charleston Southern Ralph Blalock, Towson State Anthony Walker, Radford Eric Wyatt, UMBC Eric Cuthrell, UNC Greensboro

Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 1 Jan. 8 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 24

1995-96 Peter Aluma, Liberty Peter Aluma, Liberty Marcus White, Liberty Brett Larrick, Charleston Southern T.L. Latson, Charleston Southern Andrew McFalls, Winthrop David McMahan, Winthrop Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro T.L. Latson, Charleston Southern Josh Kohn, UNC Asheville Peter Aluma, Liberty Peter Aluma, Liberty

Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 10 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6


Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 9 Feb. 17

1996-97 Errol McPherson, Charleston Southern Anthony Walker, Radford Corey Reed, Radford Josh Pittman, UNC Asheville Kevin Martin, UNC Asheville Peter Aluma, Liberty Josh Pittman, UNC Asheville Errol McPherson, Charleston Southern Rolando Hourruitiner, Charleston So. Brett Larrick, Charleston Southern

Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23

1997-98 Leslie Ballard, Radford Robert Stevenson, UNC Asheville Kevin Robinson, Radford Kennedy Okafor, UMBC Josh Pittman, UNC Asheville Josh Pittman, UNC Asheville Rodney Dupre’, Coastal Carolina Robert Stevenson, UNC Asheville Marlin Parker, Charleston Southern Larry Jackson, Liberty Corey Reed, Radford Josh Pittman, UNC Asheville Leslie Ballard, Radford

Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23

1998-99 Kevin Martin, UNC Asheville Adam Larrick, Charleston Southern Leslie Ballard, Radford Adam Larrick, Charleston Southern Rian Everett, Radford Kevin Martin, UNC Asheville Kevin Martin, UNC Asheville Adam Larrick, Charleston Southern Tyson Waterman, Winthrop Adam Larrick, Charleston Southern Tyson Waterman, Winthrop Leslie Ballard, Radford

Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28

1999-00 Geordie Cullen, High Point Correy Watkins, Radford Brett Carey, UNC Asheville Greg Lewis, Winthrop Robbie Wladrop, Winthrop Jason Williams, Radford Greg Lewis, Winthrop Matt Osikowicz, UNC Asheville Brendon Rowell, Elon Jason Williams, Radford Tyson Waterman, Winthrop Nick Mitchell, Charleston Southern

Nov. 27 Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 13 Feb. 19

2000-01 Marcus Stewart, Winthrop Chris Caldwell, Liberty Maurice Watkins, Liberty Andre Smith, UNC Asheville Torrey Butler, Coastal Carolina Brendon Rowell, Elon Andre Smith, UNC Asheville Torrey Butler, Coastal Carolina Jason Williams, Radford Brett Carey, UNC Asheville Andrey Savtchenko, Radford

ALL-TIME MEN’S BASKETBALL PLAYERS OF THE WEEK Nov. 26 Dec. 4 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 8 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25

2001-02 Raymond Arrington, Radford Andrey Savtchenko, Radford Alvin Green, Coastal Carolina Brandon Newby, Coastal Carolina Tyrone Walker, Winthrop Raymond Arrington, Radford Andrey Savtchenko, Radford Antonio Darden, Coastal Carolina Greg Lewis, Winthrop Antonio Darden, Coastal Carolina Andre Smith, UNC Asheville Greg Lewis, Winthrop

Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 24 March 3

2002-03 Torrey Butler, Coastal Carolina Tyrone Walker, Winthrop Andre Smith, UNC Asheville Pierre Wooten, Winthrop Danny Gathings, High Point Danny Gathings, High Point Ed O’Neil, Charleston Southern Kevin Warzynski, Charleston Southern Ben McGonagil, UNC Asheville Kevin Warzynski, Charleston Southern Jason Sarchet, Liberty Pierre Wooten, Winthrop Ed O’Neil, Charleston Southern

Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 March 1

Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 27

2003-04 Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford Danny Gathings, High Point Tyrone Walker, Winthrop Shema Mybirukira, Birmingham-So. E.J. Gallup, Coastal Carolina Brandon Newby, Coastal Carolina Tyrone Walker, Winthrop Grant Davis, Birmingham-Southern Olumuyiwa Popoola, Radford Bryan McCullough, UNC Asheville Danny Gathings, High Point Gabe Martin, Liberty Marcus Cooke, Winthrop E.J. Gallup, Coastal Carolina Tyrone Walker, Winthrop 2004-05 Chris Oliver, Radford Torrell Martin, Winthrop Larry Blair, Liberty Zione White, High Point Jakob Sigurdarson, Birmingham-So. Kurtis Rice, Charleston Southern Kurtis Rice, Charleston Southern Leo Lightbourne, Liberty Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford Bryan McCullough, UNC Asheville Leo Lightbourne, Liberty Torrell Martin, Winthrop James Shuler, Winthrop James Collins, Birmingham-Southern Brandon Jeffers, Radford

Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 26

Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 27 Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 2 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 25

Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 26 Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 2 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 March 2

Nov. 17 Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 March 1

2005-06 Arizona Reid, High Point Craig Bradshaw, Winthrop Arizona Reid, High Point Chris Oliver, Radford Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina Thomas Viglianco, Birmingham-Southern Chris Oliver, Radford Omar Collington, UNC Asheville Reggie Williams, VMI Chris Oliver, Radford Moses Sonko, Coastal Carolina Chris Moore, Charleston Southern Craig Bradshaw, Winthrop James Collins, Birmingham-Southern Larry Blair, Liberty Torrell Martin, Winthrop 2006-07 Michael Jenkins, Winthrop Torrell Martin, Winthrop Reggie Williams, VMI Giedrius Knysas, Charleston Southern Chris Oliver, Radford Arizona Reid, High Point Torrell Martin, Winthrop Moses Sonko, Coastal Carolina Reggie Williams, VMI Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina Arizona Reid, High Point Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina Reggie Williams, VMI Craig Bradshaw, Winthrop Dwayne Jackson, Charleston Southern Craig Bradshaw, Winthrop Arizona Reid, High Point Alex McLean, Liberty 2007-08 Kenny George, UNC Asheville Chris Gaynor, Winthrop Kenny George, UNC Asheville Chris Moore, Coastal Carolina Alex McLean, Liberty Kenny Thomas, Radford Reggie Williams, VMI Chris Gaynor, Winthrop Chavis Holmes, VMI Kenny George, UNC Asheville Bryan Smithson, UNC Asheville Reggie Williams, VMI Arizona Reid, High Point K.J. Garland, UNC Asheville Kenny Thomas, Radford Travis Holmes, VMI Reggie Williams, VMI Martell McDuffy, Radford Arizona Reid, High Point 2008-09 Travis Holmes, VMI Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern Seth Curry Travis Holmes, VMI Chavis Holmes, VMI Grayson Flittner, Gardner-Webb Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina Chavis Holmes, VMI Austin Kenon, VMI Seth Curry, Liberty Anthony Smith, Liberty Kyle Ohman, Liberty Art Parakhouski, Radford Reid Augst, UNC Asheville Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina Art Parakhouski, Radford John Williams, UNC Asheville Art Parakhouski, Radford


Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 23 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 28

Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 27

Nov. 15 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 26

2009-10 Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina Nick Barbour, High Point Art Parakhouski, Radford Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina Joey Lynch-Flohr, Radford Chad Gray, Coastal Carolina Art Parakhouski, Radford Eugene Harris, High Point Jeremy Sexton, Charleston Southern Art Parakhouski, Radford Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina John Williams, UNC Asheville Art Parakhouski, Radford Mario Edwards, Coastal Carolina 2010-11 Jon Moore, Gardner-Webb Desmond Holloway, Coastal Carolina Nick Barbour, High Point Robbie Dreher, Winthrop Austin Kenon, VMI Mike Holmes, Coastal Carolina Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern Jesse Sanders, Liberty Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville Austin Kenon, VMI Desmond Holloway, Coastal Carolina Khalid Mutakabbir, Presbyterian College Desmond Holloway, Coastal Carolina Evan Gordon, Liberty Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern Jaron Lane, UNC Asheville 2011-12 Jaron Lane, UNC Asheville Khalid Mutakabbir, Presbyterian Eric Griffin, Campbell Andre Jones, Winthrop Nick Barbour, High Point Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern Al’Lonzo Coleman, Presbyterian Chris Stephenson, UNC Asheville Jeremy Atkinson, UNC Asheville Lorne Merthie, Campbell J.P. Primm, UNC Asheville Al’Lonzo Coleman, Presbyterian Jesse Sanders, Liberty Kelvin Martin, Charleston Southern Nick Barbour, High Point

ALL-TIME MEN’S BASKETBALL ROOKIES/FRESHMEN OF THE WEEK Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25

1990-91 LaShawn Coulter, Winthrop Don Burgess, Radford Carlo Wilkins, Winthrop LaShawn Coulter, Winthrop Joe Spinks, Campbell Joe Spinks, Campbell Janko Narat, Davidson Jeff Lippard, UNC Asheville Joe Spinks, Campbell Joe Spinks, Campbell Joe Spinks, Campbell

Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 24 March 2

1991-92 Frank Harris, Davidson Frank Harris, Davidson George Spain, Davidson Jason Stowe, UNC Asheville Scott Neely, Campbell Scott Neely, Campbell Scott Neely, Campbell Jason Stowe, UNC Asheville Frank Harris, Davidson Frank Harris, Davidson Frank Harris, Davidson Scott Neely, Campbell Frank Harris, Davidson

Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 24 Feb. 1 Feb. 9 Feb. 15 Feb. 23 March 1

1992-93 Josh Kohn, UNC Asheville T.L. Latson, Charleston Southern Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro T.L. Latson, Charleston Southern Skeet Woolard, UNC Greensboro Stace Bell, UNC Greensboro Eric Bowens, Radford Scott Hartzell, UNC Greensboro Dan Pogue, Campbell David Jackson, UNC Greensboro Ralph Blalock, Towson State

Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 10 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 27

Dec. 5 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 1 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26

1993-94 Brett Larrick, Charleston Southern Anthony Walker, Radford Jeff Daniels, Charleston Southern Steve Napper, Winthrop Anthony Walker, Radford Anthony Walker, Radford Jeff Daniels, Charleston Southern Steve Napper, Winthrop Peter Aluma, Liberty Anthony Walker, Radford Anthony Walker, Radford Brett Larrick, Charleston Southern 1994-95 Derrick Nix, UNC Greensboro Matt Pugh, Coastal Carolina Larry Jackson, Liberty Corey Reed, Radford Greg Smith, Coastal Carolina Chibi Johnson, Radford Larry Jackson, Liberty Ralph Biggs, Towson State Kevin Robinson, Radford Derrick Nix, UNC Greensboro Kevin Robinson, Radford Derrick Nix, UNC Greensboro

Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 1 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 24

1995-96 Tyson Waterman, Winthrop Alhamisi Simms, UMBC Jay Boykin, Liberty Leslie Ballard, Radford Alhamisi Simms, UMBC Lee Grant, Coastal Carolina Tyson Waterman, Winthrop Andrew Hinton, Coastal Carolina Tyson Waterman, Winthrop Alhamisi Simms, UMBC Tyson Waterman, Winthrop

Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 9 Feb. 17

1996-97 Isaac Green, UMBC Isaac Green, UMBC Jason Womble, UMBC Andres Amaya, Charleston Southern Gerald King, Coastal Carolina Isaac Green, UMBC Isaac Green, UMBC Jason Womble, UMBC Gerald King, Coastal Carolina Rian Everett, Radford

Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23

1997-98 Rich Giddens, UMBC Kennedy Okafor, UMBC Kennedy Okafor, UMBC Marcus Stewart, Coastal Carolina Marcus Stewart, Coastal Carolina Terence Ward, UMBC Carl Moser, Coastal Carolina Rich Giddens, UMBC Kennedy Okafor, UMBC Rich Giddens, UMBC Robbie Waldrop, Winthrop Robbie Waldrop, Winthrop Terence Ward, UMBC

Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23

1998-99 Pierre Wooten, Winthrop Andrey Savtchenko, Radford Andrey Savtchenko, Radford Jamaal Bennett, Liberty Andrey Savtchenko, Radford O.J. Linney, Charleston Southern Steve Miles, Coastal Carolina Jamaal Bennett, Liberty Chris Caldwell, Liberty Torrey Butler, Coastal Carolina Steve Miles, Coastal Carolina Namiah Williams, Charleston Southern

Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28

1999-00 Brandon Cater, UNC Asheville Clint Reed, Coastal Carolina James Seegars, Charleston Southern Louvon Sneed, Liberty Colin Shaw, UNC Asheville Andre Smith, UNC Asheville Raymond Arrington, Radford Raymond Arrington, Radford Raymond Arrington, Radford Andre Smith, UNC Asheville Andre Smith, UNC Asheville Andre Smith, UNC Asheville

Nov. 27 Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 13 Feb. 19

2000-01 Allan Lovett, UNC Asheville Anthony Moore, Winthrop Anthony Moore, Winthrop Alvin Green, Coastal Carolina Anthony Moore, Winthrop Allan Lovett, UNC Asheville Tyrone Walker, Winthrop Tyrone Walker, Winthrop Tyrone Walker, Winthrop Tyrone Walker, Winthrop Tyrone Walker, Winthrop

Nov. 26 Dec. 4 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 8 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25

2001-02 Joe Knight, High Point Bryan McCullough, UNC Asheville Joe Knight, High Point Travis Eisentrout, Liberty Travis Eisentrout, Liberty Kevin Warzynski, Charleston Southern Joe Knight, High Point Joe Knight, High Point Jackson Atoyebi, Elon Jackson Atoyebi, Elon Joe Knight, High Point Steven Cornette, High Point

Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 24 March 3

2002-03 Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford Scottie Rice, Elon Rasmi Gamble, Elon Jeremy Monceaux, Liberty Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford Jeremy Monceaux, Liberty Rasmi Gamble, Elon Jeremy Monceaux, Liberty Billy Houston, Winthrop Chad Mohn, UNC Asheville Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford Scottie Rice, Elon Whit Holcomb-Faye, Radford

Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 March 1

2003-04 Chris Oliver, Radford Larry Blair, Liberty Larry Blair, Liberty K.J. Garland, UNC Asheville Torrell Martin, Winthrop David Dees, Liberty K.J. Garland, UNC Asheville David Dees, Liberty K.J. Garland, UNC Asheville Larry Blair, Liberty Torrell Martin, Winthrop David Dees, Liberty Landon Quick, High Point

Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 27


2004-05 Reggie Williams, VMI Chris Gaynor, Winthrop Reggie Williams, VMI Reggie Williams, VMI Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina Chris Gaynor, Winthrop Josh Fox, Radford Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina Chris Gaynor, Winthrop Jack Leasure, Coastal Carolina Reggie Williams, VMI Reggie Williams, VMI

ALL-TIME MEN’S BASKETBALL ROOKIES/FRESHMEN OF THE WEEK Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 26

2005-06 Justin Dunn, High Point Anthony Smith, Liberty Chavis Holmes, VMI Reid Augst, UNC Asheville Anthony Smith, Liberty Travis Holmes, VMI Melvin Crowder, High Point Michael Ellis, UNC Asheville Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina Michael Ellis, UNC Asheville Joseph Harris, Coastal Carolina Justin Dunn, High Point Michael Ellis, UNC Asheville

Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 27 Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 2 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 25

2006-07 Amir Johnson, Radford Amir Johnson, Radford Joshua Mack, Coastal Carolina B.J. Jenkins, Liberty Kyle Moore, Winthrop Joshua Mack, Coastal Carolina Joshua Mack, Coastal Carolina Eugene Harris, High Point Joshua Mack, Coastal Carolina Amir Johnson, Radford Donovan Jones, UNC Asheville Shelton Carter, Charleston Southern Eugene Harris, High Point Amir Johnson, Radford Eugene Harris, High Point

Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 26 Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 2 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 March 2

2007-08 Jamaraco Warren, Charleston Southern Anthony Breeze, Coastal Carolina Omar Carter, Charleston Southern Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern Omar Carter, Charleston Southern Omar Carter, Charleston Southern Austin Kenon, VMI Austin Kenon, VMI Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern Omar Carter, Charleston Southern Charles Corbin, Winthrop Jeremy Anderson, Liberty Anthony Breeze, Coastal Carolina Omar Carter, Charleston Southern Tovi Bailey, Charleston Southern Omar Carter, Charleston Southern

Nov. 17 Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 March 1

2008-09 Keith Gabriel, VMI Joshua Henley, Gardner-Webb Jesse Sanders, Liberty Seth Curry, Liberty Keith Gabriel, VMI Joshua Henley, Gardner-Webb Steadman Short, High Point Chris Stephenson, UNC Asheville Matt Dickey, UNC Asheville Andre Jones, Winthrop Andre Jones, Winthrop Nick Barbour, High Point Jesse Sanders, Liberty Chase Holmes, Presbyterian College Joshua Henley, Gardner-Webb

Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 28

2009-10 Blake Smith, Radford Blake Smith, Radford Kierre Greenwood, Coastal Carolina Jeremy Sexton, Charleston Southern Antwan Burrus, Liberty Jeremy Sexton, Charleston Southern Evan Gordon, Liberty Jeremy Sexton, Charleston Southern Kierre Greenwood, Coastal Carolina Stan Okoye, VMI Stan Okoye, VMI Blake Smith, Radford Danny Nieman, Coastal Carolina Stan Okoye, VMI Kierre Greenwood, Coastal Carolina Kierre Greenwood, Coastal Carolina

Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 27

2010-11 Luke Davis, Gardner-Webb Sheldon Strickland, Charleston Southern Luke Davis, Gardner-Webb Rodney Glasgow, VMI D.J. Covington, VMI Sheldon Strickland, Charleston Southern Rodney Glasgow, VMI John Caleb Sanders, Liberty Mike Byron, Gardner-Webb Du’Vaughn Maxwell, High Point Toles Hartman, UNC Asheville Jareal Smith, Radford D.J. Covington, VMI D.J. Covington, VMI D.J. Covington, VMI

Nov. 15 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 26

2011-12 R.J. Price, Radford Trey Freeman, Campbell Max Landis, Gardner-Webb Saah Nimley, Charleston Southern Trey Freeman, Campbell Arlon Harper, Charleston Southern Saah Nimley, Charleston Southern R.J. Price, Radford Max Landis, Gardner-Webb Arlon Harper, Charleston Southern Javonte Green, Radford Trey Freeman, Campbell Devante Wallace, High Point Donta Harper, Gardner-Webb Arlon Harper, Charleston Southern

Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 23 Jan. 4 Jan. 11

Note: The Big South Rookie of the Week and Rookie of the Year awards were re-named Freshman of the Week and Freshman of the Year beginning in 2002-03.


MEN’S BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT RECORDS INDIVIDUAL RECORDS MOST POINTS SCORED - Game 35 Jamaal Bennett, Liberty vs. UNC Asheville, Quarterfinals, 1999 35 Kenny Thomas, Radford vs. UNC Asheville, Semifinals, 2009 Quarterfinals 35 Jamaal Bennett, Liberty vs. UNC Asheville, 1999 Semifinals 35 Kenny Thomas, Radford vs. UNC Asheville, 2009 Finals 34 Austin Kenon, VMI vs. Radford, 2009 Tournament 92 Mark Hailey, Winthrop vs. Coastal Carolina (12), Radford (32), Towson State (27), UNC Asheville (21), 1993

MOST REBOUNDS - Game 19 Heson Groves, Winthrop vs. Radford, Finals, 1999 Quarterfinals 18 Julius Nwosu, Liberty vs. Radford, 1993 Semifinals 18 Bernard Nelson, Charleston Southern vs. Radford, 1992 18 Art Parakhouski, Radford vs. Winthrop, 2010 Finals 19 Heson Groves, Winthrop vs. Radford, 1999 Tournament 52 Mark Hailey, Winthrop vs. Coastal Carolina (11), Radford (16), Towson State (12), UNC Asheville (13), 1993

MOST ASSISTS - Game 14 TeeJay Bannister, Liberty vs. VMI, Quarterfinals, 2008 Quarterfinals 14 TeeJay Bannister, Liberty vs. VMI, 2008 Semifinals 10 Dan Pogue, Campbell vs. Radford, 1994 Finals 10 Chris Gaynor, Winthrop vs. VMI, 2007 Tournament 24 Mike Fayed, Winthrop vs. Coastal Carolina (9), Radford (5), Towson State (5), UNC Asheville (5), 1993

MOST FIELD GOALS - Game 13 Henry Wilson (13-21), Campbell vs. Augusta, Quarterfinals, 1989 13 Milton Moore (13-18), UNC Asheville vs. Coastal Carolina, Finals, 1990 13 Brandon Newby (13-15), Coastal Carolina vs. Liberty, Semifinals, 2004 Quarterfinals 13 Henry Wilson (13-21), Campbell vs. Augusta, 1989 Semifinals 13 Brandon Newby (13-15), Coastal Carolina vs. Liberty, 2004 Finals 13 Milton Moore (13-18), UNC Asheville vs. Coastal Carolina, 1990 Tournament 35 Mark Hailey, Winthrop vs. Coastal Carolina (6), Radford (12), Towson State (10), UNC Asheville (7), 1993

MOST FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS - Game 33 Joe Spinks (11-33), Campbell vs. Liberty, Finals, 1994 Quarterfinals 29 Scooter Alexander (11-29), Towson State vs. Winthrop, 1993 Semifinals 27 Arizona Reid (8-27), High Point vs. Winthrop, 2008 Finals 33 Joe Spinks (11-33), Campbell vs. Liberty, 1994 Tournament 64 Mark Hailey, Winthrop vs. Coastal Carolina (13), Radford (18), Towson State (18), UNC Asheville (15), 1993

HIGHEST FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 10 made) - Game 100.0 Aswan Wainwright (10-10), Radford vs. Augusta, Quarterfinals, 1988 Quarterfinals 100.0 Aswan Wainwright (10-10), Radford vs. Augusta, 1988 Semifinals 86.7 Brandon Newby (13-15), Coastal Carolina vs. Liberty, 2004 Finals 72.2 Milton Moore (13-18), UNC Asheville vs. Coastal Carolina, 1990

MOST FREE THROWS - Game 14 Jerry Echenique (14-18), High Point vs. UNC Asheville, Quarterfinals, 2005 14 Mike Jefferson (14-16), High Point vs. Radford, Quarterfinals, 2007 Quarterfinals 14 Jerry Echenique (14-18), High Point vs. UNC Asheville, 2005 14 Mike Jefferson (14-16), High Point vs. Radford, 2007 Semifinals 12 Henry Wilson (12-16), Campbell vs. UNC Asheville, 1987 Finals 13 Tyson Waterman (13-14), Winthrop vs. Radford, 1999 Tournament 23 Kenny Thomas, Radford vs. High Point (6), UNC Asheville (10), VMI (7), 2009

MOST FREE THROW ATTEMPTS - Game 18 Jerry Echenique (14-18), High Point vs. UNC Asheville, Quarterfinals, 2005 Quarterfinals 18 Jerry Echenique (14-18), High Point vs. UNC Asheville, 2005 Semifinals 16 Henry Wilson, Campbell vs. UNC Asheville, 1987 Finals 14 Keith Ison (9-14), Campbell vs. Charleston Southern, 1992 14 Tyson Waterman (13-14), Winthrop vs. Radford, 1999 Tournament 30 Kenny Thomas, Radford vs. High Point (6), UNC Asheville (11), VMI (13), 2009

HIGHEST FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 10 made) - Game 100.0 Jeremy Atkinson (11-11), UNC Asheville vs. CSU, Semifinals, 2012 100.0 Matt Hildebrand (10-10), Liberty vs. Campbell, Finals, 1994 100.0 Steve Miles (10-10), Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston Southern, 1999 100.0 Eyo Effiong (10-10), Winthrop vs. UNC Asheville, Finals, 2000 Quarterfinals 100.0 Steve Miles (10-10), Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston Southern, 1999 Semifinals 100.0 Jeremy Atkinson (11-11), UNC Asheville vs. Charleston Southern, 2012 Finals 100.0 Matt Hildebrand (10-10), Liberty vs. Campbell, 1994 100.0 Eyo Effiong (10-10), Winthrop vs. UNC Asheville, 2000

MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS - Game 8 Austin Kenon (8-19), VMI vs. Radford, Finals, 2009 Quarterfinals 7 Mark Mocnik (7-11), Campbell vs. Augusta, 1989 7 Steven Rush (7-18), UNC Asheville vs. High Point, 2005 7 Kyle Ohman (7-9), Liberty vs. VMI, 2008 Semifinals 7 Scott Neely (7-9), Campbell vs. Radford, 1994 7 Eugene Harris (7-14), High Point vs. VMI, 2007 7 Eugene Harris (7-12), High Point vs. Winthrop, 2008 Finals 8 Austin Kenon (8-19), VMI vs. Radford, 2009 Tournament 16 Mark Mocnik, Campbell vs. Augusta (7), Winthrop (4), UNC Asheville (5), 1989



MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS - Game 19 Austin Kenon (8-19), VMI vs. Radford, Finals, 2009 Quarterfinals 18 Steven Rush (7-18), UNC Asheville vs. High Point, 2005 Semifinals 18 Doug Day (6-18), Radford vs. Charleston Southern, 1992 Finals 19 Austin Kenon (8-19), VMI vs. Radford, 2009 Tournament 35 Austin Kenon, VMI vs. Coastal Carolina (8), Liberty (8), Radford (19), 2009

HIGHEST THREE-POINT PERCENTAGE (min. 7 made) - Game 77.8 Scott Neely (7-9), Campbell vs. Radford, Semifinals, 1994 77.8 Kyle Ohman (7-9), Liberty vs. VMI, Quarterfinals, 2008 Quarterfinals 77.8 Kyle Ohman (7-9), Liberty vs. VMI, 2008 Semifinals 77.8 Scott Neely (7-9), Campbell vs. Radford, 1994 Finals 63.6 Larry Blair (7-11), Liberty vs. High Point, 2004

MOST BLOCKED SHOTS - Game 8 Pascal Fleury, UMBC vs. Liberty, Quarterfinals, 1995 Quarterfinals 8 Pascal Fleury, UMBC vs. Liberty, 1995 Semifinals 6 Peter Aluma, Liberty vs. Radford, 1997 6 John Williams, UNC Asheville vs. Radford, 2009 Finals 6 John Williams, UNC Asheville vs. Coastal Carolina, 2011

MOST STEALS - Game 7 Chavis Holmes, VMI vs. Coastal Carolina, Quarterfinals, 2009 Quarterfinals 7 Chavis Holmes, VMI vs. Coastal Carolina, 2009 Semifinals 6 Torrell Martin, Winthrop vs. High Point, 2006 Finals 6 Pierre Wooten, Winthrop vs. Radford, 2001

MOST MINUTES PLAYED - Game 50 Nathan Day, Liberty vs. Winthrop, Semifinals, 2001 50 Chris Caldwell, Liberty vs. Winthrop, Semifinals, 2001 50 Beau Wallace, Liberty vs. Winthrop, Semifinals, 2001 Quarterfinals 45 Gino Groover, Armstrong State vs. Winthrop, 1986 45 Donald Johnson, Armstrong State vs. Winthrop, 1986 45 Fred McKinnon, Winthrop vs. Armstrong State, 1986 45 Allen Washington, Winthrop vs. Armstrong State, 1986 45 Jamarco Warren, Charleston Southern at Radford, 2010 45 Amir Johnson, Radford vs. Charleston Southern, 2010 Semifinals 50 Nathan Day, Liberty vs. Winthrop, 2001 50 Chris Caldwell, Liberty vs. Winthrop, 2001 50 Beau Wallace, Liberty vs. Winthrop, 2001 Finals 41 Jason Williams, Radford vs. Winthrop, 2001

MOST POINTS SCORED - Game 108 Radford vs. VMI (94), Finals, 2009 Quarterfinals 106 UNC Asheville vs. Liberty (98), 1999 Semifinals 94 Radford vs. UNC Asheville (86), 2009 Finals 108 Radford vs. VMI (94), 2009 Tournament 336 Winthrop, 1993 (4 games)

MOST POINTS SCORED IN A HALF - Game 64 Liberty vs. UNC Asheville, Quarterfinals, 1999 (2nd half) Quarterfinals 64 Liberty vs. UNC Asheville, 1999 (2nd half) Semifinals 55 UNC Asheville vs. Radford, 2009 (2nd half) Finals 58 Radford vs. VMI, 2009 (2nd half)

FEWEST POINTS SCORED - Game 40 Coastal Carolina vs. Winthrop (75), Semifinals, 1988 40 Radford vs. Birmingham-Southern (69), Quarterfinals, 2005 Quarterfinals 40 Radford vs. Birmingham-Southern (69), 2005 Semifinals 40 Coastal Carolina vs. Winthrop (75), 1988 Finals 44 High Point vs. Liberty (89), 2004

FEWEST POINTS SCORED IN A HALF - Game 12 Radford vs. Birmingham-Southern, Quarterfinals, 2005 (1st half) Quarterfinals 12 Radford vs. Birmingham-Southern, 2005 (1st half) Semifinals 13 Winthrop vs. Campbell, 1989 (1st half) Finals 18 Radford vs. UNC Asheville, 2003 (1st half) 18 Coastal Carolina vs. Winthrop, 2006 (1st half) 18 UNC Asheville vs. Winthrop, 2008 (1st half)

MARGIN OF VICTORY - Game 45 Liberty (89) vs. High Point (44), Finals, 2004 Quarterfinals 41 Winthrop (93) vs. Liberty (52), 2006 Semifinals 35 Winthrop (75) vs. Coastal Carolina (40), 1988 Finals 45 Liberty (89) vs. High Point (44), 2004

HIGHEST FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE - Game 65.3 Winthrop (32-49) vs. Charleston Southern, Quarterfinals, 1989 Quarterfinals 65.3 Winthrop (32-49) vs. Charleston Southern, 1989 Semifinals 62.2 Coastal Carolina (23-37) vs. Winthrop, 1990 Finals 59.6 UNC Asheville (34-57) vs. Campbell, 1989

MOST FIELD GOALS - Game 39 Radford (39-70) vs. VMI, Finals, 2009 Quarterfinals 38 Radford (38-63) vs. Augusta, 1988 Semifinals 35 Charleston Southern (35-62) vs. Radford, 1992 35 Coastal Carolina (35-71) vs. UNC Asheville, 2010 Finals 39 Radford (39-70) vs. VMI, 2009 Tournament 123 Winthrop, 1993 (4 games)



LOWEST FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 10 attempts) - Game

88 UNC Asheville (33-88) vs. High Point, Quarterfinals, 2005 Quarterfinals 88 UNC Asheville (33-88) vs. High Point, 2005 Semifinals 75 Winthrop (31-75) vs. UNC Asheville, 2003 Finals 78 Campbell (22-78) vs. Liberty, 1994 Tournament 260 Winthrop, 1993 (4 games)

30.8 UNC Asheville (8-26) vs. Augusta, Quarterfinals, 1991 Quarterfinals 30.8 UNC Asheville (8-26) vs. Augusta, 1991 Semifinals 42.1 Winthrop (8-19) vs. UNC Asheville, 2003 Finals 41.7 Augusta (5-12) vs. Coastal Carolina, 1991

FEWEST FIELD GOALS - Game 11 Radford (11-52) vs. Birmingham-Southern, Quarterfinals, 2005 Quarterfinals 11 Radford (11-52) vs. Birmingham-Southern, 2005 Semifinals 14 UNC Asheville (14-46) vs. Liberty, 1998 Finals 15 High Point (15-59) vs. Liberty, 2004

FEWEST FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS - Game 37 Coastal Carolina (23-37) vs. Winthrop, Semifinals, 1990 37 Charleston Southern (18-37) vs. Winthrop, Finals, 2005 Quarterfinals 42 UNC Asheville (18-42) vs. Winthrop, 1988 42 Charleston Southern (21-42) vs. Coastal Carolina, 1992 42 Charleston Southern (21-42) vs. Liberty, 2005 Semifinals 37 Coastal Carolina (23-37) vs. Winthrop, 1990 Finals 37 Charleston Southern (18-37) vs. Winthrop, 2005

FEWEST FREE THROWS - Game 2 Liberty (2-5) vs. Campbell, Semifinals, 1992 Quarterfinals 3 six times, last by Charleston Southern (3-4) vs. Winthrop, 2007 Semifinals 2 Liberty (2-5) vs. Campbell, 1992 Finals 3 Charleston Southern (3-8) vs. Winthrop, 2005

FEWEST FREE THROW ATTEMPTS - Game 4 Charleston Southern (3-4) at Winthrop, Quarterfinals, 2007 4 Liberty (3-4) vs. VMI, Quarterfinals, 2007 Quarterfinals 4 Charleston Southern (3-4) at Winthrop, 2007 4 Liberty (3-4) vs. VMI, 2007 Semifinals 5 Liberty (2-5) vs. Campbell, 1992 5 High Point (4-5) vs. Winthrop, 2006 Finals 8 Liberty (6-8) vs. UNC Greensboro, 1996 8 Charleston Southern (3-8) vs. Winthrop, 2005

HIGHEST THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 10 made) - Game LOWEST FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE - Game 21.2 Radford (11-52) vs. Birmingham-Southern, Quarterfinals, 2005 Quarterfinals 21.2 Radford (11-52) vs. Birmingham-Southern, 2005 Semifinals 25.0 Radford (15-60) vs. Winthrop, 2010 Finals 25.4 High Point (15-59) vs. Liberty, 2004

72.2 UNC Asheville (13-18) vs. Radford, Semifinals, 2009 Quarterfinals 71.4 Campbell (10-14) vs. Augusta, 1989 Semifinals 72.2 UNC Asheville (13-18) vs. Radford, 2009 Finals 55.0 Coastal Carolina (11-20) vs. Winthrop, 1993

MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS - Game HIGHEST FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 13 made) - Game 100.0 Liberty (13-13) vs. High Point, Finals, 2004 Quarterfinals 90.5 Charleston Southern (19-21) vs. Liberty, 1994 Semifinals 93.8 Towson State (15-16) vs. Liberty, 1994 Finals 100.0 Liberty (13-13) vs. High Point, 2004 MOST FREE THROWS - Game 37 High Point (37-43) vs. Radford, Quarterfinals, 2007 Quarterfinals 37 High Point (37-43) vs. Radford, 2007 Semifinals 36 UNC Asheville (36-41) vs. Radford, 2000 Finals 27 UNC Asheville (27-31) vs. Radford, 2003 27 Radford (27-39) vs. VMI, 2009 Tournament 75 Winthrop, 1993 (4 games)

MOST FREE THROW ATTEMPTS - Game 43 High Point (37-43) vs. Radford, Quarterfinals, 2007 Quarterfinals 43 High Point (37-43) vs. Radford, 2007 Semifinals 41 UNC Asheville (36-41) vs. Radford, 2000 Finals 39 Radford (27-39) vs. VMI, 2009 Tournament 111 Winthrop, 1993 (4 games)

17 Liberty (17-35) vs. VMI, Quarterfinals, 2008 Quarterfinals 17 Liberty (17-35) vs. VMI, 2008 Semifinals 15 High Point (15-39) vs. VMI, 2007 Finals 16 VMI (16-50) vs. Radford, 2009 Tournament 41 VMI (41-121), 2009

MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS - Game 50 VMI (16-50) vs. Radford, Finals, 2009 Quarterfinals 42 VMI (15-42) vs. Coastal Carolina, 2009 Semifinals 39 High Point (15-39) vs. VMI, 2007 Finals 50 VMI (16-50) vs. Radford, 2009 Tournament 121 VMI (41-121), 2009

MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS MADE, HALF - Game 11 UNC Asheville (11-15) vs. Radford, Semifinals, 2009 (2nd half) Quarterfinals 10 Liberty (10-26) vs. VMI, 2008 (1st half) Semifinals 11 UNC Asheville (11-15) vs. Radford, 2009 (2nd half) Finals 9 VMI (9-22) vs. Radford, 2009 (1st half)




5.6 Winthrop (1-18) vs. UNC Asheville, Quarterfinals, 2004 Quarterfinals 5.6 Winthrop (1-18) vs. UNC Asheville, 2004 Semifinals 6.3 UNC Asheville (1-16) vs. Charleston Southern, 1997 Finals 7.1 High Point (1-14) vs. Liberty, 2004

12 Radford vs. UNC Asheville, Semifinals, 2009 Quarterfinals 9 High Point vs. UNC Asheville, 2002 Semifinals 12 Radford vs. UNC Asheville, 2009 Finals 10 Liberty vs. Campbell, 1994 10 Radford vs. VMI, 2009 Tournament 28 Radford, 2009 (3 games)

MOST REBOUNDS - Game 58 High Point vs. UNC Asheville, Quarterfinals, 2005 Quarterfinals 58 High Point vs. UNC Asheville, 2005 Semifinals 51 Radford vs. High Point, 2002 Finals 57 Radford vs. VMI, 2009 Tournament 171 Winthrop, 1993 (4 games)

MOST FOULS - Game 32 Radford vs. High Point, Quarterfinals, 2007 Quarterfinals 32 Radford vs. High Point, 2007 Semifinals 30 Charleston Southern vs. Radford, 1988 Finals 29 VMI vs. Radford, 2009

MOST OFFENSIVE REBOUNDS - Game 27 Radford vs. High Point, Semifinals, 2002 Quarterfinals 25 Towson State vs. Winthrop, 1993 25 Radford vs. High Point, 2007 Semifinals 27 Radford vs. High Point, 2002 Finals 26 Campbell vs. Liberty, 1994

LARGEST REBOUND MARGIN - Game 26 Radford (57) vs. VMI (31), Finals, 2009 Quarterfinals 22 Charleston Southern (54) vs. Augusta (32), 1987 Semifinals 20 Coastal Carolina (44) vs. VMI (24), 2011 Finals 26 Radford (57) vs. VMI (31), 2009

FEWEST REBOUNDS - Game 17 UNC Asheville vs. Radford, Quarterfinals, 1986 Quarterfinals 17 UNC Asheville vs. Radford, 1986 Semifinals 19 Liberty vs. UNC Asheville, 2008 Finals 22 Radford vs. Winthrop, 1988

MOST ASSISTS - Game 27 UNC Asheville vs. Liberty, Quarterfinals, 1999 Quarterfinals 27 UNC Asheville vs. Liberty, 1999 Semifinals 22 Radford vs. UMBC, 1998 22 Radford vs. UNC Asheville, 2009 Finals 25 Coastal Carolina vs. Augusta, 1991 Tournament 71 Winthrop, 1993 (4 games)

FEWEST FOULS - Game 8 Winthrop vs. Charleston Southern, Quarterfinals, 2007 Quarterfinals 8 Winthrop vs. Charleston Southern, 2007 Semifinals 10 Coastal Carolina vs. Winthrop, 1990 10 UNC Asheville vs. Liberty, 1998 Finals 10 Coastal Carolina vs. Augusta, 1991 10 VMI vs. Winthrop, 2007

MOST PLAYERS FOULED OUT - Game 4 UNC Asheville vs. Winthrop, Quarterfinals, 1988 4 Charleston Southern vs. Radford, Semifinals, 1988 Quarterfinals 4 UNC Asheville vs. Winthrop, 1988 Semifinals 4 Charleston Southern vs. Radford, 1988 Finals 3 Augusta vs. Charleston Southern, 1986

MOST TURNOVERS - Game 27 Radford vs. VMI, Finals, 2009 Quarterfinals 26 Charleston Southern vs. Coastal Carolina, 2000 Semifinals 26 UNC Asheville vs. Radford, 1999 Finals 27 Radford vs. VMI, 2009

FEWEST TURNOVERS - Game 3 UNC Greensboro vs. Liberty, Finals, 1996 Quarterfinals 5 five times, last by Coastal Carolina vs. VMI, 2010 Semifinals 7 Winthrop vs. Radford, 2010 7 VMI vs. Coastal Carolina, 2011 Finals 3 UNC Greensboro vs. Liberty, 1996

MOST STEALS - Game 19 VMI vs. Coastal Carolina, Quarterfinals, 2009 Quarterfinals 19 VMI vs. Coastal Carolina, 2009 Semifinals 17 Radford vs. UNC Asheville, 1999 Finals 17 VMI vs. Radford, 2009 Tournament 46 VMI, 2009 (3 games)


MEN’S BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT RECORDS TOURNAMENT GAME - TWO TEAMS MOST COMBINED POINTS Quarterfinals 204 UNC Asheville (106) vs. Liberty (98), 1999 Semifinals 180 Radford (94) vs. UNC Asheville (86), 2009 Finals 202 Radford (108) vs. VMI (94), 2009

FEWEST COMBINED POINTS Quarterfinals 95 Winthrop (46) vs. UNC Asheville (49), 2004 Semifinals 88 Liberty (42) vs. UNC Asheville (46), 1998 Finals 101 Winthrop (51) vs. Coastal Carolina (50), 2006

HIGHEST COMBINED FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE Quarterfinals 56.3 Charleston Southern (31-50) vs. Birmingham-Southern (23-46), 2006 Semifinals 56.7 Augusta (35-59) vs. Winthrop (33-61), 1986 Finals 53.3 UNC Asheville (34-57) vs. Campbell (30-63), 1989

MOST COMBINED FIELD GOALS Quarterfinals 73 Radford (38-63) vs. Augusta (35-73), 1988 Semifinals 63 Charleston Southern (35-62) vs. Radford (28-60), 1992 63 VMI (32-66) vs. High Point (31-73), 2007 Finals 68 Radford (39-70) vs. VMI (29-76), 2009

MOST COMBINED FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS Quarterfinals 157 UNC Asheville (33-88) vs. High Point (31-69), 2005 Semifinals 139 VMI (32-66) vs. High Point (31-73), 2007 Finals 146 Radford (39-70) vs. VMI (29-76), 2009

HIGHEST COMBINED FREE THROW PERCENTAGE Quarterfinals 86.2 Liberty (8-8) vs. Winthrop (17-21), 2006 Semifinals 87.1 Towson State (15-16) vs. Liberty (12-15), 1994 Finals 82.9 Winthrop (24-29) vs. Radford (10-12), 1999

MOST COMBINED FREE THROWS Quarterfinals 53 Charleston Southern (28-38) vs. Coastal Carolina (25-54), 2000 Semifinals 53 UNC Asheville (36-41) vs. Radford (17-26), 2000 Finals 47 UNC Asheville (27-31) vs. Radford (20-28), 2003 47 Radford (27-39) vs. VMI (20-25), 2009

MOST COMBINED FREE THROW ATTEMPTS Quarterfinals 74 Birmingham-Southern (24-39) vs. Charleston Southern (23-35), 2006 Semifinals 68 Radford (27-37) vs. UNC Asheville (23-31), 1999 68 Winthrop (32-40) vs. Elon (19-28), 2002 Finals 64 Radford (27-39) vs. VMI (20-25), 2009

LOWEST COMBINED FREE THROW PERCENTAGE Quarterfinals 41.2 UNC Asheville (8-26) vs. Augusta (13-25), 1991 Semifinals 50.0 Winthrop (11-23) vs. Coastal Carolina (7-13), 1988 Finals 56.9 Campbell (21-34) vs. Charleston Southern (8-17), 1992

FEWEST COMBINED FREE THROWS Quarterfinals 10 Liberty (3-4) vs. VMI (7-11), 2007 Semifinals 13 Campbell (11-20) vs. Liberty (2-5), 1992 13 High Point (5-9) vs. UNC Asheville (8-12), 2011 Finals 14 Charleston Southern (9-14) vs. Campbell (5-10), 1987

FEWEST COMBINED FREE THROW ATTEMPTS LOWEST COMBINED FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE Quarterfinals 33.6 UNC Asheville (16-46) vs. Winthrop (20-61), 2004 Semifinals 28.6 Liberty (16-59) vs. UNC Asheville (14-46), 1998 Finals 33.1 Charleston Southern (22-64) vs. Liberty (18-57), 1997

FEWEST COMBINED FIELD GOALS Quarterfinals 35 Winthrop (17-47) vs. UNC Asheville (18-42), 1988 35 Radford (18-46) vs. Charleston Southern (17-47), 1996 Semifinals 30 Liberty (16-59) vs. UNC Asheville (14-46), 1998 Finals 34 Coastal Carolina (18-51) vs. Winthrop (16-43), 2006

FEWEST COMBINED FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS Quarterfinals 84 Charleston Southern (17-34) vs. Winthrop (22-43), 1990 Semifinals 84 Coastal Carolina (20-37) vs. Winthrop (20-47), 1990 Finals 89 Charleston Southern (18-37) vs. Winthrop (20-52), 2005

Quarterfinals 15 Liberty (3-4) vs. VMI (7-11), 2007 Semifinals 21 High Point (5-9) vs. UNC Asheville (8-12), 2011 Finals 24 Charleston Southern (9-14) vs. Campbell (5-10), 1987

MOST COMBINED THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS Quarterfinals 29 Liberty (17-35) vs. VMI (12-30), 2008 Semifinals 27 High Point (15-39) vs. VMI (12-30), 2007 Finals 24 VMI (12-34) vs. Winthrop (12-35), 2007

MOST COMBINED THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS Quarterfinals 77 VMI (15-42) vs. Coastal Carolina (10-35), 2009 Semifinals 69 High Point (15-39) vs. VMI (12-30), 2007 Finals 69 Winthrop (12-35) vs. VMI (12-34), 2007

HIGHEST COMBINED 3-POINT PERCENTAGE (min. 10 made combined) Quarterfinals 63.6 Radford (9-14) vs. Winthrop (5-8), 1992 Semifinals 62.5 UNC Asheville (13-18) vs. Radford (7-14), 2009 Finals 48.6 Winthrop (11-22) vs. Charleston Southern (7-15), 2005



W 35 28 23 22 17 15 10 9 8 5 4 2 1 1 1 1 0 0

L 17 23 22 24 19 22 11 9 7 2 6 6 2 2 2 3 2 3

PCT .673 .549 .511 .478 .472 .405 .476 .500 .533 .714 .400 .250 .333 .333 .333 .250 .000 .000

GAMES 52 51 45 46 36 37 21 18 15 7 10 8 3 3 3 4 2 3

CHAMPIONSHIPS 10 (1988-99-00-01-02-05-06-07-08-10) 4 (1989-03-11-12) 4 (1986-87-95-97) 2 (1998-09) 2 (1994-04) 2 (1990-91) 1 (1992) 1 (1996) -

CHAMPIONSHIP GAME APPEARANCES 11 (1988-93-99-00-01-02-05-06-07-08-10) 8 (1989-90-98-00-03-08-11-12) 6 (1986-87-92-95-97-05) 6 (1988-98-99-01-03-09) 4 (1994-96-97-04) 6 (1990-91-93-06-10-11) 2 (2002-04) 4 (1987-89-92-94) 3 (2007-09-12) 2 (1995-96) 2 (1986-91)

current Big South members in BOLD CAPS

HEAD-TO-HEAD TOURNAMENT RECORDS (current members only) CAMPBELL vs. ... Charleston Southern.............1-2 Coastal Carolina ................. 0-1 Liberty .............................1-1 Radford.............................1-1 UNC Asheville.....................1-1 Winthrop...........................2-1

W1 L1 L1 W1 L1 L1

Current Tournament Streak...............L2 Last Semifinal Appearance.............1994 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN vs. ... Campbell ..........................2-1 Coastal Carolina ................. 6-2 High Point......................... 1-0 Liberty ............................ 4-2 Radford............................ 3-6 UNC Asheville.....................2-3 Winthrop.......................... 0-6

L1 L1 W1 W2 L4 L3 L6

W1 W1 W1 L1 L3 W1 L1 L1 L3

Current Tournament Streak...............L2 Last Semifinal Appearance............. 2011 GARDNER-WEBB vs. ... Coastal Carolina ................. 0-1 High Point......................... 0-1 Liberty ............................ 0-1

L1 W1 W1 W1 L1 L3 L1 L4

Current Tournament Streak...............L1 Last Semifinal Appearance............. 2011

Current Tournament Streak...............L1 Last Semifinal Appearance.............2012 COASTAL CAROLINA vs. ... Campbell ......................... 1-0 Charleston Southern............ 2-6 Gardner-Webb ................... 1-0 High Point......................... 0-1 Liberty ............................ 0-3 Radford.............................1-1 UNC Asheville.................... 3-4 VMI ..................................2-2 Winthrop.......................... 2-4

HIGH POINT vs. ... Charleston Southern............ 0-1 Coastal Carolina ................. 1-0 Gardner-Webb ................... 1-0 Liberty .............................1-1 Radford............................ 3-1 UNC Asheville.................... 3-3 VMI ..................................1-1 Winthrop.......................... 0-4

L1 L1 L1

LIBERTY vs. ... Campbell ..........................1-1 Charleston Southern............ 2-4 Coastal Carolina ................. 3-0 Gardner-Webb ................... 1-0 High Point..........................1-1 Radford.............................1-2 UNC Asheville.................... 3-4 VMI ..................................1-2 Winthrop.......................... 1-4

W1 L2 W3 W1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L4

Current Tournament Streak...............L4 Last Semifinal Appearance.............2009 RADFORD vs. ... Campbell ..........................1-1 Charleston Southern............ 6-3 Coastal Carolina ..................1-1 High Point..........................1-3 Liberty .............................2-1 UNC Asheville.................... 4-5 VMI ..................................1-1 Winthrop.......................... 2-6

L1 W4 L1 W1 W1 W1 L1 L5

Current Tournament Streak...............L2 Last Semifinal Appearance.............2010

Current Tournament Streak...............L3 Last Semifinal Appearance.............. n/a


UNC ASHEVILLE vs. ... Campbell ..........................1-1 Charleston Southern............ 3-2 Coastal Carolina ................. 4-3 High Point......................... 3-3 Liberty ............................ 4-3 Radford............................ 5-4 VMI ................................. 1-0 Winthrop.......................... 4-5

W1 W3 W1 W3 W1 L1 W1 W1

Current Tournament Streak..............W6 Last Semifinal Appearance.............2012 VMI vs. ... Coastal Carolina ..................2-2 High Point..........................1-1 Liberty .............................2-1 Radford.............................1-1 UNC Asheville .................... 0-1 Winthrop...........................2-1

W1 W1 W1 W1 L1 W2

Current Tournament Streak............... L1 Last Semifinal Appearance.............2012 WINTHROP vs. ... Campbell ..........................1-2 Charleston Southern............ 6-0 Coastal Carolina ................. 4-2 High Point......................... 4-0 Liberty ............................ 4-1 Radford............................ 6-2 UNC Asheville .................... 5-4 VMI ..................................1-2

W1 W6 W3 W4 W4 W5 L1 L2

Current Tournament Streak............... L1 Last Semifinal Appearance.............2012

MEN’S BASKETBALL COACHING HISTORY COACH EDDIE BIEDENBACH Ron Bradley Gregg Marshall Russ Bergman Randy Peele Billy Lee Gary Edwards Jeff Meyer CLIFF ELLIS DUGGAR BAUCOM Bart Lundy Randy Dunton BARCLAY RADEBAUGH Pete Strickland Terry Truax Brad Greenberg DALE LAYER Jim Platt Byron Samuels Duane Reboul ^ Steve Vacendak Dan Keeney Mark Simons ^ GREGG NIBERT Mike Dement ^ SCOTT CHERRY Don Doucette Earl Hawkins Oliver Purnell Buzz Peterson Ritchie McKay Randy Wiel Joe Davis Tommy Gaither Clint Bryant Tom Conrad Jerry Steele ^ Jerry Green Bob McKillop Rick Scruggs Michael Hopkins CHRIS HOLTMANN ROBBIE LAING Tom Sullivan Mel Hankinson Neal Cody Bart Bellairs Nield Gordon Martin Vanover Renny Bryner Raleigh Pastrick MIKE JONES

SCHOOL UNC Asheville Radford Winthrop Coastal Carolina UNC Greensboro / Winthrop Campbell Charleston Southern Liberty Coastal Carolina VMI High Point Liberty Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina Towson State Radford Liberty Charleston Southern Radford Birmingham-Southern Winthrop Winthrop Elon Presbyterian College UNC Greensboro High Point UNC Asheville UMBC Radford Coastal Carolina Liberty UNC Asheville Radford Charleston Southern Augusta Charleston Southern High Point UNC Asheville Davidson Gardner-Webb Coastal Carolina Gardner-Webb Campbell UMBC Liberty Augusta VMI Winthrop Augusta Armstrong State Armstrong State Radford

YEARS (SEASONS) 1996-present (16) 1991-02 (11) 1998-07 (9) 1985-94 (9) 1995-97 / 2007-12 (7) 1985-94 (9) 1987-96 (9) 1991-97 (6) 2007-present (5) 2005-present (7) 2003-09 (6) 1997-98, 2002-07 (6) 2005-present (7) 1998-05 (7) 1992-95 (3) 2007-11 (4) 2009-present (3) 2000-05 (5) 2002-07 (5) 2003-06 (3) 1986-92 (6) 1992-98 (6) 1999-03 (4) 2008-present (4) 1993-95 (2) 2009-present (3) 1988-93 (5) 1992-95 (3) 1988-91 (3) 2005-07 (2) 2007-09 (2) 1993-96 (3) 1985-88 (3) 1986-87 (2) 1988-91 (3) 1996-00 (4) 1999-03 (4) 1985-88 (3) 1990-92 (2) 2008-10 (2) 1994-98 (4) 2010-present (2) 2011-present (1) 1995-98 (3) 1998-02 (4) 1986-88 (2) 2002-05 (2) 1985-86 (1) 1985-86 (1) 1985-86 (1) 1986-87 (1) 2011-present (1)

BIG SOUTH 144-96 109-47 104-24 75-39 * 65-49 63-57 62-66 58-34 54-32 49-67 48-46 47-41 44-72 42-56 35-15 33-33 ** 32-22 32-42 32-44 31-17 30-48 27-63 26-30 26-46 25-9 25-29 25-43 22-28 20-18 19-11 19-13 19-29 18-15 17-3 16-22 16-34 16-40 14-12 14-16 14-22 14-42 12-24 11-7 11-29 11-41 7-19 7-25 5-3 4-4 3-4 2-6 2-16

PCT .600 .699 .813 .658 .570 .525 .484 .630 .628 .422 .511 .534 .379 .429 .700 .500 .593 .432 .421 .646 .385 .300 .464 .361 .735 .463 .368 .440 .526 .633 .594 .396 .545 .850 .421 .320 .286 .538 .467 .389 .250 .333 .611 .275 .212 .269 .219 .625 .500 .429 .250 .111

OVERALL 240-242 193-124 194-83 149-112 * 107-112 129-128 115-139 108-70 99-60 104-110 96-87 77-102 88-123 70-127 51-33 51-68 ** 48-47 55-89 58-87 55-30 74-98 51-113 47-66 44-76 38-18 40-52 55-88 31-51 44-42 35-25 39-28 32-50 44-45 42-18 27-59 42-72 37-76 48-35 21-36 21-38 30-76 23-41 17-15 24-58 36-77 16-37 15-40 20-9 13-17 15-12 6-22 6-26

PCT .498 .609 .700 .571 .489 .502 .453 .607 .623 .486 .525 .430 .417 .355 .607 .429 .505 .382 .400 .647 .430 .311 .416 .367 .679 .435 .385 .378 .512 .583 .582 .390 .494 .700 .314 .368 .319 .578 .368 .356 .283 .359 .531 .293 .318 .302 .273 .690 .433 .556 .214 .188

TOURNAMENT PCT 20-13 .606 11-10 .524 19-2 .905 8-6 .571 10-4 .714 9-8 .643 7-8 .467 9-5 .643 4-5 .444 8-6 .571 6-6 .500 5-5 .500 2-6 .250 1-7 .125 1-3 .250 4-2 .667 0-3 .000 3-5 .375 2-5 .286 1-2 .333 5-5 .500 2-6 .250 1-2 .333 --2-1 .667 2-3 .400 5-4 .556 1-3 .250 2-3 .400 2-2 .500 2-2 .500 1-3 .250 3-3 .500 3-0 1.000 2-3 .400 5-3 .625 2-2 .500 2-3 .400 1-2 .333 0-1 .000 0-3 .000 0-2 .000 0-1 .000 1-3 .250 1-4 .200 0-2 .000 0-1 .000 1-1 .500 2-1 .667 0-1 .000 0-1 .000 0-1 .000

Active Big South coaches in BOLD CAPS ^ - Records listed are based on years as an official Conference opponent only. * - Victories recorded by Coastal Carolina were forfeited when ineligible players participated during the 1992-93 and 1993-94 seasons. ** - denotes 4 wins (2 Conference wins) vacated as determined by NCAA Committee on Infractions.


overall wins 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

240 194 193 149 129 115 108 107 104 99

EDDIE BIEDENBACH, UNC Asheville Gregg Marshall, Winthrop Ron Bradley, Radford Russ Bergman, Coastal Carolina Billy Lee, Campbell Gary Edwards, Charleston Southern Jeff Meyer, Liberty Randy Peele, UNCG/Winthrop DUGGAR BAUCOM, VMI CLIFF ELLIS, Coastal Carolina

1. 2. 4. 6.

7 3 3 2 2 1

Gregg Marshall, Winthrop Randy Peele, UNCG/Winthrop EDDIE BIEDENBACH, UNC Asheville Tommy Gaither, Charleston Southern Russ Bergman, Coastal Carolina several tied with



7 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

Gregg Marshall, Winthrop Randy Peele, UNCG/Winthrop EDDIE BIEDENBACH, UNC Asheville Russ Bergman, Coastal Carolina Billy Lee, Campbell Jeff Meyer, Liberty Tom Conrad, Charleston Southern Ron Bradley, Radford Randy Dunton, Liberty Brad Greenberg, Radford

MEN’S BASKETBALL NCAA TOURNAMENT HISTORY The Big South Conference first secured an automatic bid to the NCAA Championship in 1992, and has sent its postseason tournament champion to the Big Dance every year since, with the exception of 1995. The first Big South member to advance to the Tournament was Coastal Carolina in 1991, when the Chanticleers defeated Jackson State in a Play-In game to earn its Tournament berth. In 1992, charter member Campbell earned the League’s first automatic bid. The 2006-07 Winthrop Eagles earned the highest seed ever bestowed upon a Big South school as a No. 11 seed. UNC Asheville was the first Big South program to win a men’s tournament game with its Opening Round victory vs. Texas Southern in 2003. Winthrop became the first member to advance to the NCAA Tournament Second Round with its resounding 74-64 win over Notre Dame in 2007. Below is a look at the League’s annual NCAA Tournament pairings, as well as results in the NIT and Collegeinsider.com Postseason Tournaments. 1991 - #15 COASTAL CAROLINA at Southeast Regional - Louisville, Ky. March 14 #2 Indiana L, 69-79

2006 - #15 WINTHROP at Washington, D.C. Regional - Greensboro, N.C. March 16 #2 Tennessee L, 61-63

1992 - #16 CAMPBELL at East Regional - Greensboro, N.C. March 19 #1 Duke L, 56-82

2007 - #11 WINTHROP at St. Louis Regional - Spokane, Wash. March 16 #6 Notre Dame W, 74-64 March 18 #3 Oregon L, 61-75

1993 - #16 COASTAL CAROLINA at West Regional - Tucson, Ariz. March 19 #1 Michigan L, 53-84

2008 - #13 WINTHROP at Charlotte Regional - Denver, Colo. March 20 #4 Washington State L, 40-71

1994 - #16 LIBERTY at East Regional - Landover, Md. March 18 #1 North Carolina L, 51-71

2009 - #16 RADFORD at South Regional - Greensboro, N.C. March 19 #1 North Carolina L, 58-101

1996 - #15 UNC GREENSBORO at Southeast Regional - Orlando, Fla. March 15 #1 Cincinnati L, 61-66

2010 - WINTHROP at Opening Round - Dayton, Ohio March 16 Arkansas-Pine Bluff L, 44-61

1997 - #15 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN at Midwest Regional - Auburn Hills, Mich. March 13 #2 UCLA L, 75-109

2011 - #16 UNC ASHEVILLE at First Round - Dayton, Ohio March 15 #16 Arkansas-Little Rock W, 81-77 (OT)

1998 - #16 RADFORD at Southeast Regional - Landover, Md. March 13 #1 Duke L, 63-99 1999 - #16 WINTHROP at Midwest Regional - Indianapolis, Ind. March 11 #1 Auburn L, 41-80

#16 UNC ASHEVILLE at Southeast Regional - Washington, D.C. March 17 #1 Pittsburgh L, 51-74 2012 - UNC ASHEVILLE at Second Round - Pittsburgh, Pa. March 15 #1 Syracuse L, 65-72

2000 - #14 WINTHROP at West Regional - Tucson, Ariz. March 16 #3 Oklahoma L, 50-74 2001 - WINTHROP at Opening Round - Dayton, Ohio March 13 Northwestern State L, 67-71 2002 - #16 WINTHROP at South Regional - Greenville, S.C. March 14 #1 Duke L, 37-84 2003 - UNC ASHEVILLE at Opening Round - Dayton, Ohio March 18 Texas Southern W, 92-84 (OT) #16 UNC ASHEVILLE at South Regional - Birmingham, Ala. March 21 #1 Texas L, 61-82 2004 - #16 LIBERTY at East Rutherford Regional - Buffalo, N.Y. March 18 #1 St. Joseph’s L, 63-82 2005 - #14 WINTHROP at Albuquerque Regional - Tucson, Ariz. March 17 #3 Gonzaga L, 64-74

Current Members Appearances UNC Asheville 3 Winthrop 9 Coastal Carolina 2 Liberty 2 Radford 2 Campbell 1 Charleston Southern 1

Won Lost 2 3 1 9 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1

Best Finish 2nd Round 2nd Round 1st Round 1st Round 1st Round 1st Round 1st Round

Former Members UNC Greensboro

Won Lost 0 1

Best Finish 1st Round

Appearances 1


School #8 UNC Asheville #7 Coastal Carolina #8 Coastal Carolina

First Round at #1 Ohio State (L, 66-84) at #2 UAB (L, 49-65) at #1 Alabama (L, 44-68)


School Liberty Coastal Carolina

First Round vs. Rider (W, 79-64) at Old Dominion (L, 66-68)

Second Round vs. James Madison (L, 65-88)


MEN’S BASKETBALL 20-WIN SEASONS, NOTABLE NON-LEAGUE WINS MEN’S BASKETBALL 20-WIN SEASONS School No. Winthrop 8 Coastal Carolina 6 Radford 5 UNC Asheville 4 Liberty 3 Charleston Southern 2 UNC Greensboro 2 Towson State 1 Campbell 1 Birmingham-Southern 1 High Point 1 VMI 1

29 28 27 24





Years 1986-99-00-02-05-06-07-08 1990-91-93-06-10-11 1991-92-94-98-09 1986-08-11-12 1992-97-09 1986-87 1995-96 1994 1994 2004 2007 2009 MOST WINS, SEASON Winthrop Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Winthrop Coastal Carolina VMI UNC Asheville Coastal Carolina UNC Greensboro Liberty Winthrop UNC Asheville Liberty Radford Liberty Coastal Carolina High Point Winthrop Charleston Southern Charleston Southern Towson State Winthrop Winthrop Radford Winthrop UNC Asheville Radford Radford Campbell UNC Greensboro Radford Radford Winthrop Birmingham-Southern Coastal Carolina UNC Asheville

2006-07 2009-10 2010-11 2004-05 1990-91 2008-09 2011-12 1989-90 1994-95 1996-97 2005-06 2007-08 2008-09 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 2006-07 2007-08 1985-86 1986-87 1993-94 1998-99 1999-00 2008-09 1985-86 1985-86 1991-92 1993-94 1993-94 1995-96 1997-98 1998-99 2002-03 2003-04 2005-06 2010-11

CONSECUTIVE 20-WIN SEASONS 4 Winthrop 2004-08 2 Charleston Southern 1985-87 2 Radford 1990-92 2 Winthrop 1998-00 2 Coastal Carolina 2009-11 2 UNC Asheville 2010-12


Big South Team Winthrop Winthrop

Opponent (score) Miami (W, 63-55) East Carolina (W, 66-52)


Campbell UNC Asheville Coastal Carolina

East Carolina (W, 77-50) California (W, 58-53) Wake Forest (W, 106-104)


Campbell Coastal Carolina Radford

East Carolina (W, 59-50) Cincinnati (W, 73-72) East Carolina (W, 88-75)


Campbell Davidson

East Carolina (W, 80-72) Miami (W, 66-62)


Towson State Campbell Campbell Coastal Carolina Radford

St. John’s (W, 66-65) North Carolina State (W, 72-69) South Carolina (W, 73-72) South Carolina (W, 88-74) LSU (W, 73-72)


Towson State Towson State

West Virginia (W, 81-78) Louisville (W, 81-69)


Charleston Southern

UNLV (W, 63-55)


UNC Greensboro Charleston Southern UNC Asheville UNC Asheville

Arizona State (W, 55-53) South Carolina (W, 85-81) South Carolina (W, 80-74) New Mexico State (W, 65-64)



Virginia (W, 69-64)


Liberty Radford Winthrop

Virginia Tech (W, 62-61) Virginia Tech (W, 62-60) Missouri (W, 51-46)


Liberty Radford Radford

Virginia Tech (W, 61-56) Hampton (W, 74-70) East Carolina (W, 63-56)



Clemson (W, 66-61)


Coastal Carolina

East Carolina (W, 90-71)



Georgia (W, 80-60)


Winthrop VMI Winthrop

Providence (W, 60-54) Virginia Tech (W, 72-68) East Carolina (W, 70-55)


Charleston Southern UNC Asheville Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop

College of Charleston (W, 82-77) Eastern Kentucky (W, 83-77) Marquette (W, 71-64) East Carolina (W, 70-48) Northern Illinois (W, 98-97)


Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina Radford VMI Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop

College of Charleston (W, 84-90) Wright State (W, 70-63) Richmond (W, 67-50) Richmond (W, 93-84) Mississippi State (W, 74-63) Northern Illinois (W, 72-62) Old Dominion (W, 71-65) Missouri State (W, 77-66) Notre Dame (W, 74-64)


Winthrop Winthrop UNC Asheville

Georgia Tech (W, 79-73) Miami, Fla. (W, 76-70) South Carolina (W, 61-58)


VMI Liberty Liberty

Kentucky (W, 111-103) Virginia (W, 86-82) George Mason (W, 69-66)


Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Radford

College of Charleston (W, 70-59) Indiana State (W, 77-62) George Mason (W, 80-53)


Coastal Carolina Presbyterian Presbyterian UNC Asheville Winthrop

LSU (W, 78-69 ) * Auburn (W, 62-59) Wake Forest (W, 66-64) Auburn (70-69) * Wake Forest (W, 83-74)


Coastal Carolina Presbyterian Coastal Carolina Campbell UNC Asheville

LSU (W, 71-63) Cincinnati (W, 56-54) Clemson (W, 60-59) Iowa (W, 77-61) Utah (W, 87-65)

active 20-win streaks in bold italics

TWO TEAMS TO WIN 20 GAMES IN REGULAR-SEASON (PRIOR TO CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT) 1990-91 Coastal Carolina, Radford 2006-07 Winthrop, High Point 2008-09 VMI, Liberty

* - overtime



Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (12) ..........................................123 Charleston Southern (4) ........................... 114 Campbell .............................................. 80 UNC Asheville ......................................... 58 Armstrong State ...................................... 58 Augusta ................................................ 55 Winthrop................................................51 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 37

1986-87 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Augusta (9) ........................................... 114 Charleston Southern (2) ............................ 92 Coastal Carolina (2).................................. 85 Radford (3) ............................................ 81 Campbell .............................................. 69 UNC Asheville......................................... 63 Armstrong State ...................................... 44 Winthrop............................................... 28

1987-88 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (6) ............................................ 83 Coastal Carolina (4).................................. 79 Campbell (3) .......................................... 78 UNC Asheville (1) ..................................... 57 Charleston Southern................................. 42 Winthrop............................................... 38 Augusta .................................................15

1988-89 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Team (first-place votes) Points Campbell (4) .......................................... 82 Radford (5) ............................................ 75 Winthrop (3)........................................... 73 Charleston Southern (2) .............................67 UNC Asheville......................................... 48 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 28 Augusta .................................................19

1989-90 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Team (first-place votes) Points UNC Asheville (9)..................................... 90 Coastal Carolina (5).................................. 84 Radford................................................. 77 Winthrop............................................... 45 Campbell .............................................. 35 Charleston Southern................................. 33 Augusta ................................................ 28

1990-91 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Coastal Carolina (15)................................ 127 Charleston Southern (1)............................. 94 UNC Asheville......................................... 77 Radford................................................. 68 Davidson ............................................... 64 Campbell .............................................. 60 Winthrop............................................... 53 Augusta ................................................ 33

1991-92 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Coastal Carolina (12)................................123 Radford (3) ........................................... 103 Davidson (1) ..........................................100 Campbell .............................................. 73 UNC Asheville......................................... 56 Liberty ................................................. 46 Winthrop................................................41 Charleston Southern................................. 34

1992-93 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (9) ............................................ 139 Towson State (6)..................................... 137 Radford (1)............................................ 125 Campbell (2) ......................................... 124 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 88 Charleston Southern..................................74 UMBC ................................................... 63 Winthrop............................................... 34 UNC Asheville......................................... 26

1993-94 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. T-8. T-8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Coastal Carolina (9).................................152 Towson State (5) .................................... 136 UMBC (4) .............................................. 125 Campbell .............................................108 Radford................................................. 95 Liberty ..................................................74 Winthrop................................................51 UNC Asheville......................................... 36 Charleston Southern................................. 36

1994-95 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Team (first-place votes) Points UNC Greensboro (9) ................................148 Towson State (7) .................................... 142 Liberty (2) ............................................ 120 Charleston Southern................................ 103 Radford................................................. 99 UMBC ................................................... 73 UNC Asheville......................................... 55 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 43 Winthrop............................................... 31

1995-96 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points UNC Greensboro (16) ............................... 128 Radford................................................. 92 Charleston Southern................................. 91 Liberty ................................................. 90 UNC Asheville......................................... 68 UMBC ................................................... 46 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 37 Winthrop............................................... 24

1996-97 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (13) ........................................... 124 Radford (2) ...........................................108 UNC Greensboro (1) ................................. 84 Charleston Southern................................. 77 Winthrop............................................... 57 UNC Asheville......................................... 56 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 42 UMBC ................................................... 28

1997-98 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Team (first-place votes) Points UNC Asheville (13) ................................... 95 Radford (1)............................................. 78 Liberty ................................................. 69 UMBC ................................................... 52 Charleston Southern................................. 39 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 35 Winthrop............................................... 24

1998-99 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (9) ............................................ 68 UNC Asheville (2)..................................... 59 Charleston Southern................................. 48 Coastal Carolina (1) .................................. 32 Liberty ................................................. 28 Winthrop................................................17

1999-00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (6) .............................................61 Winthrop (2)........................................... 55 UNC Asheville......................................... 47 Liberty ................................................. 32 Charleston Southern................................. 27 High Point.............................................. 24 Elon ..................................................... 22 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 20

2000-01 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Winthrop (10) ........................................ 120 Radford (5) ...........................................107 UNC Asheville......................................... 93 Liberty ................................................. 83 Coastal Carolina (1) .................................. 59 Elon ..................................................... 52 Charleston Southern................................. 33 High Point.............................................. 29


2001-02 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Winthrop (11)......................................... 116 Radford (3) ...........................................107 UNC Asheville ......................................... 83 Coastal Carolina (1) .................................. 69 Liberty ................................................. 58 Charleston Southern................................. 45 Elon ..................................................... 40 High Point.............................................. 22

2002-03 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points UNC Asheville (8).................................... 118 Winthrop (6).......................................... 113 Charleston Southern................................. 73 High Point (1).......................................... 72 Elon ..................................................... 69 Coastal Carolina (1) .................................. 66 Radford................................................. 43 Liberty ................................................. 22

2003-04 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Team (first-place votes) Points Winthrop (14) ........................................ 157 Liberty (3) ............................................ 133 Birmingham-Southern .............................. 111 Radford................................................101 VMI (1) .................................................. 70 UNC Asheville ......................................... 69 High Point.............................................. 27 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 55 Charleston Southern................................. 49

2004-05 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Team (first-place votes) Points Birmingham-Southern (8)..........................150 High Point (7) ........................................142 Liberty (2) ............................................ 127 Winthrop............................................... 99 UNC Asheville ......................................... 88 Radford (1)............................................. 81 VMI ...................................................... 47 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 42 Charleston Southern................................. 34

2005-06 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Team (first-place votes) Points Winthrop (32) ........................................288 Coastal Carolina .....................................201 UNC Asheville ........................................200 Liberty ................................................173 High Point............................................. 159 Birmingham-Southern ..............................154 Radford................................................ 115 Charleston Southern................................. 88 VMI ...................................................... 62

2006-07 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Winthrop (30) ........................................240 Coastal Carolina .....................................187 High Point............................................. 182 Charleston Southern................................ 121 Liberty ................................................ 117 UNC Asheville ........................................100 Radford................................................. 87 VMI ...................................................... 46

2007-08 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points High Point (15) ....................................... 216 Winthrop (14) ........................................ 214 VMI ..................................................... 147 Coastal Carolina .....................................134 UNC Asheville ........................................ 119 Liberty ................................................108 Charleston Southern................................. 63 Radford................................................. 43

2008-09 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Team (first-place votes) Points Winthrop (9)..........................................202 Radford (7) ...........................................189 Gardner-Webb (3) ...................................188 Liberty (2) ............................................ 148 High Point (1)......................................... 132 Charleston Southern (1)............................128 VMI (1) ................................................. 110 Coastal Carolina .....................................107 UNC Asheville ......................................... 83 Presbyterian College ................................ 33

ALL-TIME MEN’S BASKETBALL PRESEASON POLL HISTORY 2009-10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (23) .........................................239 UNC Asheville ........................................ 191 Winthrop (1) .......................................... 179 Gardner-Webb ....................................... 130 VMI ..................................................... 125 High Point............................................. 124 Liberty ................................................ 119 Coastal Carolina ..................................... 118 Charleston Southern................................. 53 Presbyterian College ................................ 42

2010-11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Team (first-place votes) Points Coastal Carolina (10) ...............................206 Winthrop (5).......................................... 191 UNC Asheville (4).................................... 181 Presbyterian College (4) ........................... 159 High Point............................................. 139 Liberty (1)............................................. 124 Charleston Southern................................ 115 VMI ...................................................... 85 Radford................................................. 83 Gardner-Webb ........................................ 32

2011-12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Team (first-place votes) Points UNC Asheville (18) ..................................257 Coastal Carolina (5) .................................230 VMI (1) ................................................. 193 Liberty ................................................190 Winthrop.............................................. 160 High Point (1)......................................... 135 Presbyterian College ............................... 134 Charleston Southern................................ 117 Campbell ............................................. 116 Gardner-Webb ........................................ 78 Radford................................................. 40

2012-13 Team (first-place votes) Points North Division 1. Campbell (21) ........................................166 2. VMI (5) ................................................. 136 3. High Point (3) ........................................ 103 4. Liberty ................................................. 98 5. Radford................................................. 57 6. Longwood ............................................. 49 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

South Division Charleston Southern (16) .......................... 157 Coastal Carolina (8)................................. 147 UNC Asheville (5).................................... 130 Winthrop................................................67 Gardner-Webb ........................................ 58 Presbyterian College ................................ 50

From 1985-04, head coaches and SIDs voted on the preseason poll. Beginning in 2005, a media panel joined the preseason voting. In 2008, the SIDs no longer voted on preseason or postseason honors.


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 1986-87 School Radford Campbell Augusta Winthrop UNC Asheville Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina

Big South W L PCT 11 1 .917 10 2 .833 8 4 .667 5 7 .417 4 8 .333 4 8 .333 0 12 .000

1987-88 Overall W L PCT 18 12 .600 20 7 .741 15 11 .577 7 18 .280 6 20 .231 6 20 .231 0 24 .000

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM Regina McKeithan Jr. C Campbell Gina Arp Sr. F Augusta Wendy Beecher Fr. C UNC Asheville Denise Ford So. F Campbell Stephanie Howard So. G Radford Joyce Sampson Sr. C Radford Kim Segars So. C Winthrop Julie Skinner Jr. G Campbell Lori Taylor So. F Winthrop Lisa White Sr. F Augusta Terri Woodruff Sr. F Coastal Carolina

School Radford Campbell Augusta Winthrop UNC Asheville Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina

Big South W L PCT 11 1 .917 11 1 .917 5 7 .417 5 7 .417 4 8 .333 3 9 .250 3 9 .250

1988-89 Overall W L PCT 21 8 .724 23 5 .821 11 14 .440 13 16 .448 11 14 .440 8 19 .296 7 19 .269

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM Stephanie Howard Jr. G Radford Wendy Beecher So. C UNC Asheville Karen Bowles So. F Radford Cathy Coker Sr. F Charleston Southern Denise Ford Jr. F Campbell Meechio Kornegay Sr. F UNC Asheville Reginia McKeithan Sr. C Campbell Kim Segars Jr. C Winthrop Julie Skinner Sr. G Campbell Kim Turner Sr. F Augusta

School Radford Augusta Campbell Coastal Carolina Winthrop UNC Asheville Charleston Southern

Big South W L PCT 12 0 1.000 7 5 .583 7 5 .583 6 6 .500 6 6 .500 3 9 .250 1 11 .083

Overall W L PCT 25 7 .781 11 14 .440 17 11 .607 14 14 .500 11 17 .393 7 19 .269 2 27 .069

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM Stephanie Howard Sr. G Radford Debbie Born So. C Augusta Holly Bottar Fr. G Coastal Carolina Karen Bowles Jr. F Radford Tammy Brown So. C Campbell Denise Ford Sr. F Campbell Rhonda Grant So. C Coastal Carolina Fran Leverette Jr. F Augusta Kim Segars Sr. C Winthrop Patrinda Toney So. G Radford

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Regina McKeithan, Campbell

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Stephanie Howard, Radford

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Stephanie Howard, Radford

CO-COACH OF THE YEAR Lowell Barnhart, Augusta Wanda Watkins, Campbell

COACH OF THE YEAR Charlene Curtis, Radford

COACH OF THE YEAR Gina Markland, Coastal Carolina

1987 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 3-7, 1987 Dedmon Center - Radford, Va. Quarterfinals (3) Augusta 84 ........................(6) Charleston Southern 74 (2) Campbell 83 ...........................(7) Coastal Carolina 64 (5) UNC Asheville 69...............................(4) Winthrop 56 Semifinals (1) Radford 89.................................(5) UNC Asheville 68 (2) Campbell 74...................................... (3) Augusta 70 Championship (1) Radford 71...................................... (2) Campbell 59

1988 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 27-March 1, 1988 Carter Gymnasium - Buies Creek, N.C. Quarterfinals (2) Campbell 95 ...........................(7) Coastal Carolina 54 (6) Charleston Southern 69........................ (3) Augusta 61 (4) Winthrop 77............................... ...............................(5) (5) UNC Asheville 62 Semifinals (2) Campbell 93 ..................... (6) Charleston Southern 80 (1) Radford 86....................................... .......................................(4) (4) Winthrop 63 Championship (1) Radford 100 .................................... (2) Campbell 81

1989 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 23-25, 1989 Dedmon Center - Radford, Va. Quarterfinals (3) Campbell 64 ..............................(6) UNC Asheville 45 (4) Coastal Carolina 73 ............................(5) Winthrop 65 (7) Charleston Southern advances by default * Semifinals (3) Campbell 89 ..................... (7) Charleston Southern 65 (1) Radford 93 ..............................(4) Coastal Carolina 54 Championship (3) Campbell 58 ......................................(1) Radford 53 * Augusta was involved in an accident en route to the tournament and did not compete.

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Stephanie Howard (MVP) So. G Radford Sheryl Absher Jr. G Radford Darlene Adkins Sr. F Radford Denise Ford So. F Campbell Regina McKeithan Jr. C Campbell Gina Arp Sr. F Augusta


ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Regina McKeithan (MVP) Sr. C Campbell Karen Bowles So. F Radford Stephanie Howard Jr. G Radford Carole Smith Fr. G Radford Denise Ford Jr. F Campbell Julie Skinner Sr. G Campbell Kim Segars Jr. C Winthrop POSTSEASON RESULTS None

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Denise Ford (MVP) Sr. F Campbell Cyndi Hicks Sr. F Campbell Tammy Brown So. C Campbell Stephanie Howard Sr. G Radford Rhonda Grant So. C Coastal Carolina Holly Bottar Fr. G Coastal Carolina

POSTSEASON RESULTS WNIT San Diego State 99 ............................RADFORD 92 (2OT) RADFORD 70 .................................... Richmond 67 (OT) Consolation RADFORD 91 .............................................. DePaul 83 Third-Place: Radford


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 1989-90 School Radford Campbell Augusta UNC Asheville Winthrop Coastal Carolina Charleston Southern

Big South W L PCT 12 0 1.000 8 4 .667 8 4 .667 6 6 .500 4 8 .333 3 9 .250 1 11 .083

1990-91 Overall W L PCT 20 9 .690 14 14 .500 13 16 .448 10 17 .370 6 23 .207 4 24 .143 1 26 .037

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Tammy Brown Jr. F Campbell Debbie Born Jr. C Augusta Patrinda Toney Jr. G Radford Karen Bowles Sr. F Radford Holly Bottar So. G Coastal Carolina Second Team Tresa Norman Sr. F Charleston Southern Laurie Hood So. C Campbell Paige Cardel Sr. G Radford Wendy Beecher Sr. C UNC Asheville Becky Barbary Sr. F Winthrop

School Campbell Radford Augusta UNC Asheville Coastal Carolina Winthrop Charleston Southern

Big South W L PCT 12 0 1.000 8 4 .667 8 4 .667 6 6 .500 6 6 .500 2 10 .167 0 12 .000

1991-92 Overall W L PCT 22 7 .759 13 17 .433 11 18 .379 8 19 .296 9 19 .321 3 24 .111 0 28 .000

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Tammy Brown Sr. F Campbell Debbie Born Sr. C Augusta Laurie Hood Jr. C Campbell Tara McMinn So. F UNC Asheville Holly Bottar Jr. G Coastal Carolina Second Team Melissa Herbert So. F Coastal Carolina Roz Groce Jr. G Radford Becky Harden Jr. F Radford Gladys Burke Sr. F Augusta Tammy Jones So. C Winthrop

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Tammy Brown, Campbell

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Tammy Brown, Campbell

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Tara McMinn, UNC Asheville

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Shannan Wilkey, Radford

COACH OF THE YEAR Charlene Curtis, Radford

COACH OF THE YEAR Wanda Watkins, Campbell

1990 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 8-10, 1990 Justice Center - Asheville, N.C. Quarterfinals (2) Campbell 84 ..................... (6) Charleston Southern 63 (3) Augusta 62 .............................(7) Coastal Carolina 54 (5) Winthrop 75...............................(4) UNC Asheville 60 Semifinals (1) Radford 68....................................... .......................................(5) (5) Winthrop 46 (2) Campbell 71 ..................................... (3) Augusta 67 Championship (1) Radford 69 ...................................... (2) Campbell 65

1991 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 7-9, 1991 Dedmon Center - Radford, Va. Quarterfinals (5) Coastal Carolina 76 ......................(4) UNC Asheville 70 (3) Augusta 71.......................................(6) Winthrop 61 (2) Radford 82........................ (7) Charleston Southern 45 Semifinals (1) Campbell 70............................(5) Coastal Carolina 55 (2) Radford 93........................................ (3) Augusta 71 Championship (2) Radford 65...................................... (1) Campbell 64

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Karen Bowles (MVP) Sr. F Radford Patrinda Toney Jr. G Radford LaTonya McConico Jr. F Radford Lisa Allison Fr. F Campbell Tammy Brown Jr. C Campbell

Roz Groce (MVP) Becky Harden Tammy Brown Laurie Hood Debbie Born


ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Jr. G Radford Jr. F Radford Sr. F Campbell Jr. C Campbell Sr. C Augusta



School Radford Campbell Liberty UNC Asheville Winthrop Coastal Carolina Charleston Southern

Big South W L PCT 11 1 .917 10 2 .833 7 5 .583 5 7 .417 3 9 .250 3 9 .250 2 10 .167

Overall W L PCT 20 9 .690 18 10 .643 12 17 .414 7 20 .259 6 23 .207 7 20 .259 2 26 .071

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Laurie Hood Sr. C Campbell Patrinda Toney Sr. G Radford Jeri Wiley Sr. G Liberty Tammy Jones Jr. C Winthrop Holly Bottar Sr. G Coastal Carolina Second Team Becky Harden Sr. F Radford Roz Groce Sr. F Radford Lisa Allison Jr. F Campbell Bryanna Owen So. F Charleston Southern Shelly Hall Jr. F UNC Asheville CO-PLAYER OF THE YEAR Laurie Hood, Campbell Patrinda Toney, Radford ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Angie Johnson, Liberty COACH OF THE YEAR Luby Lichonczak, Radford

1992 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 12-14, 1992 Dedmon Center - Radford, Va. Quarterfinals (5) Winthrop 66............................... ...............................(4) (4) UNC Asheville 59 (2) Campbell 76...................... (7) Charleston Southern 63 (3) Liberty 78 .............................. ..............................(6) (6) Coastal Carolina 65 Semifinals (1) Radford 97....................................... .......................................(5) (5) Winthrop 69 (2) Campbell 73 ................................(3) Liberty 68 (OT) Championship (1) Radford 85 ...................................... (2) Campbell 77

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Patrinda Toney (MVP) Sr. G Radford Tammie Crown Jr. C Radford Laurie Hood Sr. C Campbell Jeri Wiley Sr. G Liberty Wendy Johnson Sr. C Liberty


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 1992-93 School UNC Greensboro Radford Campbell Towson State UMBC Liberty Coastal Carolina Charleston Southern Winthrop UNC Asheville

Tammie Crown Danielle Barry Vickie Henson Missy Quille Shannan Wilkey Anna Barrington Micky Haywood Melissa Herbert Kim Lewis Shonta Tabourn

Big South W L PCT 14 2 .875 12 4 .750 11 5 .687 10 6 .625 10 6 .625 10 6 .625 8 8 .500 6 10 .375 5 11 .313 0 16 .000

1993-94 Overall W L PCT 19 10 .655 17 11 .607 16 10 .615 12 16 .429 11 16 .407 16 12 .571 11 17 .393 10 18 .357 6 21 .222 0 27 .000

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Sr. C Radford Jr. F Towson State Jr. C UNC Greensboro Jr. G UMBC Jr. G Radford Second Team So. G Liberty Sr. G UNC Greensboro Jr. F Coastal Carolina Jr. C Coastal Carolina Sr. G Campbell PLAYER OF THE YEAR Tammie Crown, Radford

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern CO-COACH OF THE YEAR Lynne Agee, UNC Greensboro Rick Reeves, Liberty

School UNC Greensboro UMBC Radford Campbell Towson State Liberty Coastal Carolina UNC Asheville Charleston Southern Winthrop

Vickie Henson Danielle Barry Missy Quille Shannan Wilkey Melissa Herbert Tammy Jones Chrissy Kelly Shannon Ward Nicky Coleman Ginny Holloway Vicki Giffin Becky Lastinger Michelle Wyms Amanda Frazier Serena King

Big South W L PCT 13 5 .722 12 6 .667 12 6 .667 11 7 .611 11 7 .611 10 8 .556 10 8 .556 5 13 .278 4 14 .222 2 16 .111

1994-95 Overall W L PCT 17 12 .586 15 13 .536 18 12 .600 16 11 .593 17 11 .607 13 14 .481 14 14 .500 8 20 .286 5 22 .185 3 24 .111

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Sr. C UNC Greensboro Sr. F Towson State Sr. G UMBC Sr. G Radford Sr. F Coastal Carolina Second Team Sr. C Winthrop So. G Charleston Southern Jr. F Towson State Jr. C Campbell Jr. G Liberty ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Fr. F UNC Asheville Fr. G Campbell Fr. C Liberty Fr. G UNC Asheville Fr. G UNC Greensboro

School UNC Greensboro Towson State Radford UMBC Coastal Carolina UNC Asheville Liberty Charleston Southern Winthrop

Big South W L PCT 14 2 .875 13 3 .813 10 6 .625 8 8 .500 7 9 .438 7 9 .438 5 11 .313 5 11 .313 3 13 .188

Overall W L PCT 21 10 .677 15 13 .536 15 15 .500 12 15 .444 12 16 .429 10 17 .370 7 20 .259 8 20 .286 4 23 .148

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Trinette Tucker So. F Towson State Eunice French Sr. C UMBC Chrissy Kelly Jr. G Charleston Southern Vicki Giffin So. F UNC Asheville Ginny Holloway Sr. G Liberty Second Team Julie Moore Jr. F UNC Greensboro Alisa Moore Jr. C UNC Greensboro Tanja Belair Jr. F Towson State Jenny Goode Sr. G Radford Tameka Tender Jr. G Coastal Carolina ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Katherine Kitchin Fr. F Winthrop LaTona Joyner Fr. G Towson State Christy McNeil Fr. G UNC Asheville Rebecca McNeil Fr. F Radford Jan Jacob Fr. F UMBC

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Vickie Henson, UNC Greensboro

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Trinette Tucker, Towson State

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Katherine Kitchin, Winthrop


COACH OF THE YEAR Ellen Fitzkee, Towson State

1993 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 10-12, 21, 1993 Dedmon Center - Radford, Va. First Round (8) Charleston Southern 61.......................(9) Winthrop 57 (7) Coastal Carolina 72.................... (10) UNC Asheville 49 Quarterfinals (4) Towson State 70....................................(5) UMBC 55 (1) UNC Greensboro 58............. (8) Charleston Southern 55 (6) Liberty 66 ...................................... (3) Campbell 57 (2) Radford 81..............................(7) Coastal Carolina 62 Semifinals (1) UNC Greensboro 81.......................(4) Towson State 69 (2) Radford 70......................................... (6) Liberty 62 Championship (2) Radford 62............................. (1) UNC Greensboro 57

1994 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 9-12, 1994 Spectator Gymnasium - Greensboro, N.C. First Round (7) Coastal Carolina 67 .......................... (10) Winthrop 51 (8) UNC Asheville 74 ................ (9) Charleston Southern 57 Quarterfinals (3) Radford 80......................................... (6) Liberty 70 (2) UMBC 63 ................................(7) Coastal Carolina 44 (5) Towson State 65............................... (4) Campbell 64 (1) UNC Greensboro 77......................(8) UNC Asheville 74 Semifinals (3) Radford 72...........................................(2) UMBC 63 (1) UNC Greensboro 74....................... .......................(5) (5) Towson State 69 Championship (3) Radford 83............................. (1) UNC Greensboro 78

1995 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 8-11, 1995 Dedmon Center - Radford, Va. First Round (8) Charleston Southern 69.......................(9) Winthrop 50 Quarterfinals (1) UNC Greensboro 78............. (8) Charleston Southern 70 (5) Coastal Carolina 65 ................................(4) UMBC 55 (2) Towson State 77.................................. (7) Liberty 69 (3) Radford 85.................................(6) UNC Asheville 74 Semifinals (1) UNC Greensboro 85...................(5) Coastal Carolina 57 (3) Radford 90................................. (2) Towson State 73 Championship (3) Radford 68............................. (1) UNC Greensboro 63

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Shannan Wilkey (MVP) Jr. G Radford Tammie Crown Sr. C Radford Micky Haywood Sr. G UNC Greensboro Vickie Henson Jr. C UNC Greensboro Ginny Coleman So. G Liberty

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Shannan Wilkey (MVP) Sr. G Radford Mindy Ballinger So. G Radford Samantha Gilbert Sr. F Radford Alisa Moore So. C UNC Greensboro Vickie Henson Sr. C UNC Greensboro

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Alisa Moore (MVP) Jr. C UNC Greensboro Jenny Goode Sr. G Radford Dede Logeman Jr. F Radford Lisa Howard Jr. G Radford Jai Cole So. G UNC Greensboro

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round West Region -- West Lafayette, Ind. #1 Purdue 103 ....................................#16 RADFORD 56

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round East Region -- Charlottesville, Va. #6 Florida 89 ......................................#11 RADFORD 49



WOMEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 1995-96 School UNC Greensboro Radford UMBC Coastal Carolina Winthrop Charleston Southern UNC Asheville Liberty

Big South W L PCT 12 2 .857 10 4 .719 9 5 .643 7 7 .500 7 7 .500 5 9 .357 4 10 .286 2 12 .143

1996-97 Overall W L PCT 17 10 .630 17 12 .586 12 15 .444 10 17 .370 13 15 .464 11 17 .393 6 21 .222 5 22 .185

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Chrissy Kelly Sr. G Charleston Southern Vicki Giffin Jr. F UNC Asheville Lisa Howard Sr. G Radford Alisa Moore Sr. C UNC Greensboro Tameka Tender Sr. F Coastal Carolina Second Team Samantha Cerny Jr. F Coastal Carolina Jennifer Churchill Fr. C Winthrop Kendra Damann So. G UMBC Dede Logemann Sr. F Radford Julie Moore Sr. F UNC Greensboro ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Kim Hairston Fr. G Radford Jennifer Churchill Fr. C Winthrop Samantha Ferguson Fr. G UNC Greensboro Monica Logan Fr. C UMBC Leigh-Ann Pursifull Fr. F Winthrop

School UNC Greensboro Liberty UNC Asheville Charleston Southern Radford Winthrop Coastal Carolina UMBC

Big South W L PCT 13 1 .929 9 5 .643 8 6 .571 8 6 .571 7 7 .500 7 7 .500 3 11 .214 1 13 .071

1997-98 Overall W L PCT 20 9 .690 22 8 .733 14 13 .519 12 14 .462 12 16 .429 11 17 .393 7 20 .259 4 23 .148

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Vicki Giffin Sr. F UNC Asheville Melinda Goodson Fr. G UNC Greensboro Elena Kisseleva Fr. F Liberty Meredith Luebbers Sr. F Coastal Carolina Sharon Wilkerson Fr. G Liberty Second Team Jennifer Churchill So. C Winthrop Kendra Damann Jr. F UMBC Kim Hairston So. G Radford Monica Logan So. C UMBC Jennifer Steadman Sr. F Charleston Southern ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Elena Kisseleva Fr. F Liberty Melinda Goodson Fr. G UNC Greensboro Emily Hill Fr. G UNC Asheville Kate Sanford Fr. C Charleston Southern Sharon Wilkerson Fr. G Liberty

School Liberty Radford Coastal Carolina Charleston Southern UMBC UNC Asheville Winthrop

Big South W L PCT 12 0 1.000 10 2 .833 5 7 .417 5 7 .417 4 8 .333 4 8 .333 2 10 .167

Overall W L PCT 28 1 .966 14 14 .500 9 18 .333 12 16 .429 7 20 .259 7 22 .241 5 22 .185

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Elena Kisseleva So. F Liberty Crystal Carpenter Jr. G Charleston Southern Sharon Wilkerson So. G Liberty Emily Hill So. G UNC Asheville Lori Mitchell Jr. G Radford Second Team Kate Sanford So. F/C Charleston Southern Sarah Wilkerson So. G Liberty Kendra Damann Sr. G/F UMBC Jennifer Churchill Jr. C Winthrop Leigh-Ann Pursifull Jr. G/F Winthrop ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Brooke Weisbrod Fr. G Coastal Carolina Amy Hannis Fr. G Charleston Southern Lisa O’Connor Fr. G Coastal Carolina Irene Sloof Fr. G Liberty Meredith Smith Fr. F/C Winthrop

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Elena Kisseleva, Liberty

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Kim Hairston, Radford

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Elena Kisseleva, Liberty

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina

COACH OF THE YEAR Robin Muller, Winthrop

COACH OF THE YEAR Rick Reeves, Liberty

COACH OF THE YEAR Rick Reeves, Liberty

1996 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 7-9, 1996 Dedmon Center - Radford, Va. Quarterfinals (1) UNC Greensboro 84 ............................. (8) Liberty 40 (5) Winthrop 81............................(4) Coastal Carolina 71 (6) Charleston Southern 60...........................(3) UMBC 55 (2) Radford 98................................. .................................(7) (7) UNC Asheville 65 Semifinals (5) Winthrop 72........................... (1) UNC Greensboro 69 (2) Radford 93........................ (6) Charleston Southern 75 Championship (2) Radford 85.......................................(5) Winthrop 83

1997 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 27-March 1, 1997 Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va. Quarterfinals (1) UNC Greensboro 68................................(8) UMBC 50 (5) Radford 77 ....................... (4) Charleston Southern 57 (6) Winthrop 70 ...............................(3) UNC Asheville 60 (2) Liberty 71...............................(7) Coastal Carolina 61 Semifinals (1) UNC Greensboro 83............................. (5) Radford 70 (2) Liberty 63 .......................................(6) Winthrop 50 Championship (2) Liberty 89 ............................. (1) UNC Greensboro 82

1998 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 26-28, 1998 Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va. Quarterfinals (2) Radford 77 ..................................... (7) Winthrop 72 (6) UNC Asheville 60 ...................... ......................(3) (3) Coastal Carolina 59 (4) Charleston Southern 57..................... .....................(5) (5) UMBC 51 (OT) Semifinals (1) Liberty 64......................... (4) Charleston Southern 54 (6) UNC Asheville 81 .................................(2) Radford 74 Championship (1) Liberty 65..................................(6) UNC Asheville 53

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Anne Cox (MVP) So. G/F Winthrop Dede Logemann Sr. F Radford Lisa Howard Sr. G Radford Jennifer Churchill Fr. C Winthrop Misty Mooring Fr. G Winthrop

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Elena Kisseleva (MVP) Fr. F Liberty Jennifer Churchill So. C Winthrop Melinda Goodson Fr. G UNC Greensboro Sharon Wilkerson Fr. G Liberty Sarah Wilkerson Fr. G Liberty

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Emily Hill (MVP) So. G UNC Asheville Elena Kisseleva So. F Liberty Sarah Wilkerson So. G Liberty Sharon Wilkerson So. G Liberty Lori Mitchell Jr. G Radford

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round East Region -- Knoxville, Tenn. #1 Tennessee 97..................................#16 RADFORD 56

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Mideast Region -- Norfolk, Va. #1 Old Dominion 102 ..............................#16 LIBERTY 52

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Mideast Region -- Knoxville, Tenn. #1 Tennessee 102 ..................................#16 LIBERTY 58


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 1998-99 School Liberty Coastal Carolina Radford Charleston Southern Winthrop UNC Asheville High Point Elon

Big South W L PCT 9 1 .900 6 4 .600 5 5 .500 4 6 .400 4 6 .400 2 8 .200 -- ----- ----

1999-00 Overall W L PCT 21 8 .724 18 10 .643 11 17 .393 18 10 .643 11 16 .407 5 23 .179 10 17 .370 4 23 .148

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Elena Kisseleva Jr. F Liberty Crystal Carpenter Sr. G Charleston Southern Sharon Wilkerson Jr. G Liberty Kate Sanford Jr. C Charleston Southern Lori Mitchell Sr. G Radford Second Team Jennifer Grant Jr. C Radford Sarah Wilkerson Jr. G Liberty Cheri McNeil Jr. F Coastal Carolina Brooke Weisbrod So. G Coastal Carolina Leigh-Ann Pursifull Sr. G/F Winthrop ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Katie LaRue Fr. G CharlestonSouthern K’Shaki Short Fr. G UNC Asheville Tynisha King Fr. F UNC Asheville Rachel Young Fr. G Liberty Charlotta Wennefors Fr. G Winthrop

School Liberty Radford Coastal Carolina UNC Asheville Elon Winthrop Charleston Southern High Point

Big South W L PCT 12 2 .857 9 5 .643 9 5 .643 8 6 .571 6 8 .429 5 9 .357 4 10 .286 3 11 .214

2000-01 Overall W L PCT 23 8 .742 11 17 .393 20 10 .667 9 17 .346 14 15 .483 9 19 .321 9 19 .321 6 22 .214

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Sharon Wilkerson Sr. G Liberty Catrice Horton Jr. G Radford Elena Kisseleva Sr. F Liberty Kate Sanford Sr. C Charleston Southern Cheri McNeil Sr. F Coastal Carolina Second Team Jennifer Grant Sr. C Radford Sarah Farley Sr. G Liberty Michelle Fricke Fr. F/C Liberty Loretta Lawson Jr. G Elon Charlotta Wennefors So. G Winthrop ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Michelle Fricke Fr. F/C Liberty Nikki Reddick Fr. G Coastal Carolina Jayme Chikos Fr. G Elon Jessica Guarneri Fr. C UNC Asheville Tonisha Jackson Fr. C UNC Asheville

School Liberty Elon Charleston Southern High Point Coastal Carolina Radford Winthrop UNC Asheville

Big South W L PCT 12 2 .857 8 6 .571 8 6 .571 8 6 .571 8 6 .571 5 9 .357 4 10 .286 3 11 .214

Overall W L PCT 18 12 .600 16 14 .533 15 14 .517 14 15 .483 14 13 .519 10 18 .357 8 20 .286 6 21 .222

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Brooke Weisbrod Sr. G Coastal Carolina Michelle Fricke So. F/C Liberty Catrice Horton Sr. G Radford Jessica Guarneri So. C UNC Asheville Charlotta Wennefors Jr. G Winthrop Second Team Erin Jedlikowski So. F Charleston Southern Alison Bach Sr. F Coastal Carolina Loretta Lawson Sr. G Elon Nicki Fauntleroy Fr. F High Point Rachel Young Jr. G Liberty ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Nicki Fauntleroy Fr. F High Point Marta Losonczy Fr. C/F Charleston Southern Holly Andrews Fr. G Elon Monique Leonard Fr. G Liberty Kristina Palaimaite Fr. F Liberty

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Elena Kisseleva, Liberty

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Katie LaRue, Charleston Southern

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Michelle Fricke, Liberty

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Nicki Fauntleroy, High Point

COACH OF THE YEAR Alan LeForce, Coastal Carolina

COACH OF THE YEAR Carey Green, Liberty

CO-COACH OF THE YEAR Fred Francello, Charleston Southern Joe Ellenburg, High Point

1999 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 25-27, 1999 Asheville Civic Center - Asheville, N.C. Quarterfinals (4) Charleston Southern 72 ......................(5) Winthrop 61 (3) Radford 66.................................(6) UNC Asheville 61 Semifinals (1) Liberty 70......................... (4) Charleston Southern 55 (2) Coastal Carolina 70 ............................. (3) Radford 49 Championship (1) Liberty 68...............................(2) Coastal Carolina 55

2000 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 2-4, 2000 Asheville Civic Center - Asheville, N.C. Quarterfinals (5) Elon 58 ..................................... .....................................(4) (4) UNC Asheville 39 (1) Liberty 67...................................... (8) High Point 49 (7) Charleston Southern 75 ....................... (2) Radford 52 (3) Coastal Carolina 75 ............................(6) Winthrop 55 Semifinals (1) Liberty 68.............................................. (5) Elon 51 (3) Coastal Carolina 73 ............. (7) Charleston Southern 62 Championship (1) Liberty 74 ............................... ...............................(3) (3) Coastal Carolina 64

2001 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 28-March 3, 2001 Roanoke Civic Center - Roanoke, Va. Quarterfinals (1) Liberty 57..................................(8) UNC Asheville 49 (4) High Point 65...........................(5) Coastal Carolina 60 (2) Elon 67 ...........................................(7) Winthrop 53 (3) Charleston Southern 65..................(6) Radford 60 (OT) Semifinals (1) Liberty 74 ...................................... (4) High Point 55 (2) Elon 67 ............................ (3) Charleston Southern 53 Championship (1) Liberty 52.............................................. (2) Elon 47

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Elena Kisseleva (MVP) Jr. F Liberty Sarah Wilkerson Jr. G Liberty Sharon Wilkerson Jr. G Liberty Cheri McNeil Jr. F Coastal Carolina Elisa Fellers Sr. C UNC Asheville

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Elena Kisseleva (MVP) Sr. F Liberty Sarah Farley Sr. G Liberty Alison Bach Jr. F Coastal Carolina Cheri McNeil Sr. F Coastal Carolina Kate Sanford Sr. C Charleston Southern

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Michelle Fricke (MVP) So. F/C Liberty Kristina Palaimaite Fr. F Liberty Rachel Young Jr. G Liberty Loretta Lawson Sr. G Elon Jessica Guarneri So. C UNC Asheville

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Mideast Region -- Athens, Ga. #3 Georgia 73 .......................................#14 LIBERTY 52

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round East Region -- Baton Rouge, La. #3 LSU 77 ............................................ ............................................#14 #14 LIBERTY 54

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round East Region -- Athens, Ga. #2 Georgia 77.......................................#15 LIBERTY 48

Elon and High Point, not eligible for the Tournament, played an exhibition, won by Elon, 58-54.


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 2001-02 School Liberty Elon Radford High Point Charleston Southern Winthrop Coastal Carolina UNC Asheville

Big South W L PCT 13 1 .929 10 4 .714 8 6 .571 7 7 .500 6 8 .429 6 8 .429 5 9 .357 1 13 .071

2002-03 Overall W L PCT 23 8 .742 15 13 .536 11 16 .407 13 15 .464 12 16 .429 11 18 .379 11 18 .379 1 27 .036

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Holly Andrews So. G Elon Nikki Reddick So. G Coastal Carolina Meribeth Feenstra Jr. C Liberty Amanda Neby So. F Radford Jessica Guarneri Jr. C UNC Asheville Second Team Cesurian Champagne Sr. G/F Charleston Southern Jayme Chikos Jr. G Elon Mary Brewer Sr. C High Point Misty Brockman Jr. G High Point Narelle Henry So. G High Point ALL-ROOKIE TEAM Kristal Tharp Fr. G/F Liberty Amanda Eckberg Fr. C Charleston Southern Katie Feenstra Fr. C Liberty Stephanie Walker Fr. G Liberty Ashley Sharpton Fr. G UNC Asheville

School Liberty Elon High Point Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina Radford Winthrop UNC Asheville

Big South W L PCT 14 0 1.000 11 3 .786 8 6 .571 7 7 .500 6 8 .429 5 9 .357 5 9 .357 0 14 .000

2003-04 Overall W L PCT 26 4 .867 19 10 .655 18 12 .600 13 15 .464 13 15 .464 9 18 .333 10 18 .357 3 25 .107

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Katie Feenstra So. C Liberty Nikki Reddick Jr. G Coastal Carolina Holly Andrews Jr. G Elon Kristal Tharp So. G/F Liberty Amanda Neby Jr. F Radford Second Team Marea Daniels Sr. G Charleston Southern Jayme Chikos Sr. G Elon Misty Brockman Sr. G High Point Narelle Henry Jr. G High Point Tonisha Jackson Jr. C UNC Asheville ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Erica McCoy F Charleston Southern Keena Wicker F Charleston Southern Kristal Hood G UNC Asheville Jessica Anger C Winthrop Arin Kress G Winthrop

School Liberty UNC Asheville High Point Radford Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina Birmingham-Southern Winthrop

Big South W L PCT 14 0 1.000 9 5 .643 8 6 .571 7 7 .500 7 7 .500 6 8 .429 3 11 .214 2 12 .143

Overall W L PCT 25 7 .781 19 9 .679 14 14 .500 15 14 .517 11 17 .393 13 15 .464 13 17 .433 5 22 .185

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Katie Feenstra Jr. C Liberty Tonisha Jackson Sr. C UNC Asheville Charlena Martin Jr. G High Point Katie O’Dell So. F High Point Nikki Reddick Sr. G Coastal Carolina Second Team Lindsay Boyett Sr. G Birmingham-Southern Taryn Causey Jr. G Radford Lisa Crandall Sr. F Charleston Southern Kristal Hood So. G UNC Asheville Amanda Neby Sr. F Radford ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Brittany Hendley G UNC Asheville Robin Kantin G Radford Gene’t Moore G Winthrop Katie Ralls G High Point Sarah Stephens F Radford

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Holly Andrews, Elon

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Katie Feenstra, Liberty

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Katie Feenstra, Liberty

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Kristal Tharp, Liberty

FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Kristal Hood, UNC Asheville

FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Brittany Hendley, UNC Asheville

COACH OF THE YEAR Kristen Holt, Radford

COACH OF THE YEAR Carey Green, Liberty

COACH OF THE YEAR Betsy Blose, UNC Asheville

2002 TOURNAMENT RESULTS Feb. 27-March 2, 2002 Roanoke Civic Center - Roanoke, Va. Quarterfinals (1) Liberty 76.................................. ..................................(8) (8) UNC Asheville 52 (5) Charleston Southern 74..................... (4) High Point 69 (7) Coastal Carolina 66.................................. ..................................(2) (2) Elon 64 (6) Winthrop 54...................................... (3) Radford 50 Semifinals (1) Liberty 54......................... (5) Charleston Southern 41 (7) Coastal Carolina 58............................ ............................(6) (6) Winthrop 56 Championship (1) Liberty 57............................... ...............................(7) (7) Coastal Carolina 33

2003 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 5, 8-9, 2003 Quarterfinals (Home Sites of Higher Seeds) (1) Liberty 70..................................(8) UNC Asheville 39 (5) Coastal Carolina 77............. (4) Charleston Southern 72 (2) Elon 73 ...........................................(7) Winthrop 61 (3) High Point 59......................................(6) Radford 45 Semifinals (at Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va.) (1) Liberty 78...............................(5) Coastal Carolina 68 (3) High Point 80..........................................(2) Elon 66 Championship (at Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va.) (1) Liberty 84.......................................(3) High Point 71

2004 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 9, 11, 13, 2004 at highest seeds Quarterfinals (1) Liberty 81........................................(8) Winthrop 47 (5) Radford 58........................ (4) Charleston Southern 57 (6) Coastal Carolina 68 .......................... (3) High Point 62 (7) Birmingham-Southern 56............... ...............(2) (2) UNC Asheville 49 Semifinals (1) Liberty 82......................................... (5) Radford 59 (7) Birmingham-Southern 55............(6) Coastal Carolina 49 Championship (1) Liberty 54........................ ........................(7) (7) Birmingham-Southern 41

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Nikki Reddick (MVP) So. G Coastal Carolina Katie Feenstra Fr. C Liberty Kristal Tharp Fr. G Liberty Cesurian Champagne Sr. G/F Charleston Southern Stephanie Pannell So. F/C UNC Asheville

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Katie Feenstra (MVP) So. C Liberty Kristal Tharp So. G Liberty Misty Brockman Sr. G High Point Narelle Henry Jr. G High Point Nikki Reddick So. G Coastal Carolina

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Katie Feenstra (MVP) Jr. C Liberty Kristina Palaimaite Sr. F Liberty Lindsay Boyett Sr. G B’ham-Southern Nikki Reddick Sr. G Coastal Carolina Kylie Williamson Sr. G Radford

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round East Region -- Athens, Ga. #3 South Carolina 69 .............................. ..............................#14 #14 LIBERTY 61

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round East Region -- Norfolk, Va. #4 Vanderbilt 54....................................#13 LIBERTY 44

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round West Region -- Philadelphia, Pa. #3 Georgia 78 ....................................... .......................................#14 #14 LIBERTY 53


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 2004-05 School Liberty High Point UNC Asheville Birmingham-Southern Charleston Southern Radford Coastal Carolina Winthrop

Big South W L PCT 13 1 .929 11 3 .786 8 6 .571 7 7 .500 7 7 .500 6 8 .429 4 10 .286 0 14 .000

2005-06 Overall W L PCT 26 7 .788 17 12 .586 18 12 .600 13 15 .464 13 15 .464 12 16 .429 9 18 .333 2 26 .071

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Katie Feenstra Sr. C Liberty Katie O’Dell Jr. F High Point Taryn Causey Sr. G Radford Charlena Martin Sr. G High Point Kristal Tharp Sr. G/F Liberty Second Team Kristal Hood Jr. G UNC Asheville Keena Wicker Jr. F Charleston Southern Kim Turner Jr. G/F Coastal Carolina Daina Staugaitiene Sr. G Liberty Rima Margeviciute Sr. F Liberty ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Corrie Fertitta F Radford Kelli Darden C Radford Stacy Shepard C UNC Asheville Allyson Fasnacht G Liberty Raven Truslow G High Point

School Liberty High Point Coastal Carolina Winthrop Radford Birmingham-Southern UNC Asheville Charleston Southern

Big South W L PCT 13 1 .928 9 5 .642 7 7 .500 7 7 .500 7 7 .500 6 8 .429 6 8 .429 1 13 .071

2006-07 Overall W L PCT 25 6 .806 20 10 .667 18 10 .643 14 15 .483 14 14 .500 12 16 .429 15 13 .536 7 21 .250

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Katie O’Dell Sr. F High Point Sarah Stephens Jr. C Radford Allyson Fasnacht So. G Liberty Kristal Hood Sr. G UNC Asheville Iva Milevoj Sr. G Winthrop Second Team Kim Turner Sr. G/F Coastal Carolina Stacey Anthony Sr. G Birmingham-Southern Ashley Fann Fr. F Winthrop Alisha Dill Jr. G Coastal Carolina Katie Ralls Jr. G High Point ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Ashley Fann F Winthrop Moriah Frazee F Liberty Johnette Walker G Radford Tiffany Rodd G/F Winthrop Ashley Thornton G/F Birmingham-Southern

School High Point Radford Liberty UNC Asheville Coastal Carolina Birmingham-Southern Charleston Southern Winthrop

Big South W L PCT 11 3 .786 10 4 .714 10 4 .714 9 5 .643 9 5 .643 3 11 .214 2 12 .143 2 12 .143

Overall W L PCT 18 12 .600 20 11 .645 19 12 .613 21 12 .636 18 11 .621 8 22 .267 10 20 .333 6 26 .188

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Alisha Dill Sr. G Coastal Carolina Megan Frazee So. G/F Liberty Kelli Darden So. C Radford Candyce Sellars Sr. G High Point Reba Ross Jr. F Birmingham-Southern Second Team Corrie Fertitta Jr. F Radford Amanda Elder Sr. F UNC Asheville Keena Wicker Sr. F Charleston Southern Leslie Cook Sr. G High Point Johnette Walker So. G Radford ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Kyla Jones G UNC Asheville Marisah Henderson G Birmingham-Southern Lacey Lyons F Coastal Carolina Amanda Stull G Coastal Carolina Devin Rivers F/C Coastal Carolina

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Katie Feenstra, Liberty

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Katie O’Dell, High Point

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina

FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Corrie Fertitta, Radford

FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Ashley Fann, Winthrop

FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Kyla Jones, UNC Asheville

COACH OF THE YEAR Tooey Loy, High Point

DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Roli-Ann Nikagbatse, Liberty


COACH OF THE YEAR Carey Green, Liberty

COACH OF THE YEAR Tooey Loy, High Point

2005 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 8, 11-12, 2005 Quarterfinals (at highest seeds) (1) Liberty 83........................................(8) Winthrop 36 (4) Birmingham-Southern 60...... (5) Charleston Southern 45 (2) High Point 55...........................(7) Coastal Carolina 41 (3) UNC Asheville 47 .................................(6) Radford 32 Semifinals (at Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va.) (1) Liberty 80........................(4) Birmingham-Southern 44 (3) UNC Asheville 75............................. (2) High Point 53 Championship (at Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va.) (1) Liberty 88..................................(3) UNC Asheville 41

2006 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 7, 10-11, 2006 Quarterfinals (at highest seeds) (1) Liberty 62......................... (8) Charleston Southern 46 (4) Winthrop 55 ...................................... (5) Radford 44 (2) High Point 100 ........................... (7) UNC Asheville 89 (3) Coastal Carolina 50............ ............(6) (6) Birmingham-Southern 35 Semifinals (at Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va.) (1) Liberty 53........................................(4) Winthrop 45 (2) High Point 65........................... (3) Coastal Carolina 61 Championship (at Vines Center - Lynchburg, Va.) (1) Liberty 53...................................... (2) High Point 50

2007 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 8-10, 2007 Justice Center - Asheville, N.C. Quarterfinals (8) Winthrop 57....................................(1) High Point 50 (4) UNC Asheville 65 ......................(5) Coastal Carolina 51 (2) Radford 81........................ (7) Charleston Southern 61 (3) Liberty 70 .......................(6) Birmingham-Southern 58 Semifinals (4) UNC Asheville 64...............................(8) Winthrop 53 (2) Radford 57......................................... (3) Liberty 55 Championship (4) UNC Asheville 67 ................................ (2) Radford 57

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Katie Feenstra (MVP) Sr. C Liberty Daina Staugaitiene Sr. G Liberty Rima Margeviciute Sr. F Liberty Stacy Shepard Fr. C UNC Asheville Charlena Martin Sr. G High Point

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Allyson Fasnacht (MVP) So. G Liberty Rachel Hammond Fr. G Liberty Katie O’Dell Sr. F High Point Leslie Cook Jr. G High Point Ashley Fann Fr. F Winthrop

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Amanda Elder (MVP) Sr. F UNC Asheville Brittany Hendley Sr. G UNC Asheville Kelli Darden Jr. F/C Radford Johnette Walker So. G Radford Megan Frazee So. G/F Liberty Ashley Fann So. F Winthrop

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First/Second Rounds Chattanooga Regional -- College Park, Md. #13 LIBERTY 78 ................................... #4 Penn State 70 #13 LIBERTY 88 ........................................#5 DePaul 79

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round San Antonio Regional -- Chicago, Ill. #4 DePaul 63 ....................................... #13 LIBERTY 48

NCAA Tournament Regional Semifinals “Sweet Sixteen” Chattanooga Regional -- Chattanooga, Tenn. #1 LSU 90 ............................................#13 LIBERTY 48

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Fresno Regional -- Austin, Texas #3 LSU 77 .................................. #14 UNC ASHEVILLE 39 WNIT First Round Charlotte, N.C. Charlotte 72.........................................HIGH POINT 45


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 2007-08 School Liberty Radford Winthrop High Point Coastal Carolina Charleston Southern UNC Asheville

Big South W L PCT 11 1 .917 8 4 .667 7 5 .583 6 6 .500 4 8 .333 3 9 .250 3 9 .250

2008-09 Overall W L PCT 28 4 .875 23 12 .657 20 12 .625 15 15 .500 16 12 .571 8 22 .267 12 18 .400

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Megan Frazee Jr. G/F Liberty Kelli Darden Sr. C Radford Ashley Fann Jr. F Winthrop Moriah Frazee Jr. F Liberty Pam Tolbert Jr. G Charleston Southern Second Team Johnette Walker Jr. G Radford Mackenzie Maier Fr. F High Point Ashton Barton Sr. G UNC Asheville Vicky Blanchard Sr. G Coastal Carolina Courtney Watkins Sr. G Liberty ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Mackenzie Maier F High Point Taleia Moton G Radford Jurica Hargraves G High Point Crystal Robinson G Charleston Southern Sydnei Moss G/F Coastal Carolina Francis Fields G High Point PLAYER OF THE YEAR Megan Frazee, Liberty

School Liberty High Point Radford Winthrop Coastal Carolina Gardner-Webb UNC Asheville Charleston Southern Presbyterian College *

Big South W L PCT 15 1 .938 10 6 .625 9 7 .563 9 7 .563 8 8 .500 7 9 .438 7 9 .438 6 10 .375 1 15 .063

2009-10 Overall W L PCT 24 9 .727 15 16 .484 10 18 .357 16 16 .500 16 14 .533 17 15 .531 10 20 .333 12 18 .400 4 25 .138

School Gardner-Webb Liberty High Point Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina Winthrop Radford Presbyterian College * UNC Asheville

Big South W L PCT 15 1 .938 14 2 .875 9 7 .563 9 7 .563 7 9 .438 7 9 .438 5 11 .313 3 13 .188 3 13 .188

Overall W L PCT 28 5 .848 27 6 .818 17 14 .548 17 14 548 17 13 .567 13 18 .419 6 22 .214 5 25 .167 8 22 .267

* - Presbyterian College was not eligible for the Conference tournament due to its transition to Division I.

* - Presbyterian College was not eligible for the Conference tournament due to its transition to Division I.

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Megan Frazee Sr. G/F Liberty Ashley Fann Sr. F Winthrop Taleia Moton So. G Radford Jurica Hargraves So. G High Point Ana Baker Sr. G UNC Asheville Second Team Pam Tolbert Sr. G Charleston Southern Mackenzie Maier So. F High Point Margaret Roundtree Jr. F Gardner-Webb Sydnei Moss So. G/F Coastal Carolina Laura Povilonyte R-Jr. F Gardner-Webb ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Shamia Brown F High Point Ali Schwagmeyer F Charleston Southern Linda Aughburns F UNC Asheville Kiki Rutledge G Charleston Southern Kylee Beecher F Liberty

ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Margaret Roundtree Sr. F Gardner-Webb Dominique Hudson Jr. G Gardner-Webb Devon Brown R-Fr. G Liberty Avery Warley R-So. F Liberty Shanice Cole Sr. F Winthrop Second Team Katie Tull Jr. G Charleston Southern Kelsey Wasmer R-Jr. G Charleston Southern Sydnei Moss Jr. G/F Coastal Carolina Courtney Epps Jr. G Gardner-Webb Kymesha Alston R-Sr. F Radford Amanda Stull Sr. G Coastal Carolina ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Mariah Pietrowski C Presbyterian College Da’Naria Erwin Spencer G Radford Helen Terry G Charleston Southern Dria David G Presbyterian College Jelena Antic G/F Liberty

FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Mackenzie Maier, High Point

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Megan Frazee, Liberty


FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Shamia Brown, High Point

COACH OF THE YEAR Carey Green, Liberty

DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Johnette Walker, Radford COACH OF THE YEAR Carey Green, Liberty

PLAYER OF THE YEAR Margaret Roundtree, Gardner-Webb FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Mariah Pietrowski, Presbyterian College DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Amanda Stull, Coastal Carolina COACH OF THE YEAR Rick Reeves, Gardner-Webb

2008 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 14-16, 2008 Justice Center - Asheville, N.C. Quarterfinals (4) High Point 62........................... (5) Coastal Carolina 51 (2) Radford 72 ....................... (7) UNC Asheville 64 (2OT) (3) Winthrop 76 ....................... .......................(6) (6) Charleston Southern 41 Semifinals (1) Liberty 80....................................... .......................................(4) (4) High Point 43 (2) Radford 50.......................................(3) Winthrop 44 Championship (1) Liberty 66......................................... (2) Radford 65

2009 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 13-15, 2009 Millis Center - High Point, N.C. Quarterfinals (1) Liberty 74......................... (8) Charleston Southern 64 (4) Winthrop 67............................(5) Coastal Carolina 48 (6) Gardner-Webb 61 ............................... (3) Radford 50 (2) High Point 72 .............................(7) UNC Asheville 67 Semifinals (1) Liberty 61........................................(4) Winthrop 42 (6) Gardner-Webb 78 .............................(2) High Point 76 Championship (1) Liberty 51................................. (6) Gardner-Webb 50

2010 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 12-14, 2010 Millis Center - High Point, N.C. Quarterfinals (1) Gardner-Webb 77 ........................(8) UNC Asheville 65 (5) Coastal Carolina 52 ............. (4) Charleston Southern 44 (2) Liberty 70 ........................................ (7) Radford 52 (3) High Point 68............................. (6) Winthrop 65 (OT) Semifinals (1) Gardner-Webb 64 .....................(5) Coastal Carolina 56 (2) Liberty 73 ..................................... (3) High Point 55 Championship (2) Liberty 68 ................................ (1) Gardner-Webb 66

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Megan Frazee (MVP) Jr. G/F Liberty Molly Frazee Jr. F Liberty Kelli Darden Sr. C Radford Taleia Moton Fr. G Radford Jurica Hargraves Fr. G High Point

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Megan Frazee (MVP) Sr. G/F Liberty Moriah Frazee Sr. G/F Liberty Dominique Hudson So. G Gardner-Webb Margaret Roundtree Jr. F Gardner-Webb Mackenzie Maier So. F High Point

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Devon Brown (MVP) R-Fr. G Liberty Amber Mays Sr. G Liberty Margaret Roundtree Sr. F Gardner-Webb Dominique Hudson Jr. G Gardner-Webb Shamia Brown So. F High Point Shanice Cole Sr. F Winthrop

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Greensboro Regional -- Norfolk, Va. #5 Old Dominion 82................................#12 LIBERTY 62

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Raleigh Regional -- Baton Rouge, La. #3 Louisville 62 .....................................#14 LIBERTY 42

WNIT First Round Harrisonburg, Va. James Madison 80 .................................... RADFORD 58

WNIT First Round Washington, D.C. Georgetown 73 ...................................... WINTHROP 45

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Kansas City Regional -- Louisville, Ky. #4 Kentucky 83 .....................................#13 LIBERTY 77 WNIT First Round Charlotte, N.C. Charlotte 74 ....................................GARDNER-WEBB 60 Women’s Basketball Invitational First Round Charleston, S.C. #1 Appalachian State 62 ..... #8 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN 47


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL YEAR-BY-YEAR STANDINGS 2010-11 School Liberty Radford Gardner-Webb High Point Charleston Southern UNC Asheville Winthrop Presbyterian College * Coastal Carolina

Big South W L PCT 14 2 .875 11 5 .688 11 5 .688 9 7 .563 8 8 .500 5 11 .313 5 11 .313 5 11 .313 4 12 .250

2011-12 Overall W L PCT 22 11 .667 14 16 .467 23 11 .676 16 15 .516 14 16 .467 12 18 .400 13 18 .419 9 20 .310 10 19 .345

* - Presbyterian College was not eligible for the Conference tournament due to its transition to Division I. ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Katie Tull Sr. G Charleston Southern Avery Warley R-Jr. C Liberty Da’Naria Erwin Spencer So. G Radford Dominique Hudson Sr. G Gardner-Webb Devon Brown R-So.G/F Liberty Second Team Monique Hudson Sr. G Gardner-Webb Kelsey Wasmer R-Sr. G Charleston Southern Shamia Brown Jr. F High Point Kendall Shepard Sr. G UNC Asheville Sydnei Moss Sr. G/F Coastal Carolina ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Dequesha McClanahan G Winthrop Cheyenne Parker F/C High Point Karlee Taylor G Presbyterian College Emily Frazier G Liberty Catrina Green C Gardner-Webb PLAYER OF THE YEAR Katie Tull, Charleston Southern FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Avery Warley, Liberty COACH OF THE YEAR Tajama Abraham Ngongba, Radford

School Liberty High Point Winthrop Campbell Charleston Southern Radford Presbyterian College * Coastal Carolina UNC Asheville Gardner-Webb

Big South W L PCT 16 2 .889 13 5 .722 12 6 .667 11 7 .611 9 9 .500 9 9 .500 8 10 .444 6 12 .333 3 15 .167 3 15 .167

Overall W L PCT 24 9 .727 20 13 .606 18 13 .581 18 12 .600 17 15 .531 16 15 .516 14 15 .483 13 15 .464 7 23 .233 4 25 .138

* - Presbyterian College was not eligible for the Conference tournament due to its transition to Division I. ALL-CONFERENCE TEAM First Team Dequesha McClanahan So. G Winthrop Avery Warley R-Sr. C Liberty Shamia Brown Sr. F High Point Devon Brown R-Jr. G/F Liberty Da’Naria Erwin Spencer Jr. G Radford Second Team Rachelle Coward Jr. F Charleston Southern Cheyenne Parker So. C High Point Tonisha Baker Jr. F Campbell Erin Reynolds Jr. G High Point Diana Choibekova Jr. G Winthrop ALL-FRESHMAN TEAM Shonese Jones G UNC Asheville Reagan Miller G Liberty Shatia Cole G Coastal Carolina Leah Wormack C UNC Asheville Kiera Gaines G Campbell PLAYER OF THE YEAR Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR Cheyenne Parker, High Point COACH OF THE YEAR Marlene Stollings, Winthrop

2011 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 11-13, 2011 Millis Center - High Point, N.C. Quarterfinals (1) Liberty 51...............................(8) Coastal Carolina 44 (4) High Point 77..................... (5) Charleston Southern 49 (7) Winthrop 59...................................... (2) Radford 38 (3) Gardner-Webb 69 ........................(6) UNC Asheville 58 Semifinals (1) Liberty 76...................................... (4) High Point 55 (3) Gardner-Webb 59 ............................. (7) Winthrop 44 Championship (3) Gardner-Webb 67 ................................ (1) Liberty 66

2012 TOURNAMENT RESULTS March 9-11, 2012 Millis Center - High Point, N.C. Quarterfinals (1) Liberty 71..................................(8) UNC Asheville 50 (5) Charleston Southern 57...................... (4) Campbell 53 (2) High Point 78........................... ...........................(7) (7) Coastal Carolina 57 (6) Radford 62.......................................(3) Winthrop 56 Semifinals (1) Liberty 72......................... (5) Charleston Southern 52 (2) High Point 85......................................(6) Radford 70 Championship (1) Liberty 81...................................... (2) High Point 73

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Dominique Hudson (MVP) Sr. G Gardner-Webb Monique Hudson Sr. G Gardner-Webb Sandra Vaitkute R-Sr. C Gardner-Webb Avery Warley R-Jr. C Liberty Jelena Antic So. G/F Liberty

ALL-TOURNAMENT TEAM Avery Warley (MVP) R-Sr. C Liberty Devon Brown R-Jr. G/F Liberty Cheyenne Parker So. C High Point Erin Reynolds Jr. G High Point Da’Naria Erwin Spencer Jr. G Radford

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Dayton Regional -- Charlottesville, Va. #3 Miami (Fla.) 80 ........................#14 GARDNER-WEBB 62

POSTSEASON RESULTS NCAA Tournament First Round Raleigh Regional -- South Bend, Ind. #1 Notre Dame 74.................................. ..................................#16 #16 LIBERTY 43

WNIT First Round Charlotte, N.C. Charlotte 62..............................................LIBERTY 56

WNIT First Round Raleigh, N.C. North Carolina State 88........................... HIGH POINT 78 Women’s Basketball Invitational First Round Minneapolis, Minn. #2 Minnesota 80................ ................#7 #7 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN 51


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL 1,000-POINT, 500-REBOUND CLUBS 1,000-POINT CLUB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 78. 79. 80. 81.

2,154 2,026 2,020 1,893 1,883 1,866 1,845 1,827 1,750 1,733 1,715 1,703 1,603 1,598 1,590 1,545 1,522 1,517 1,475 1,453 1,448 1,442 1,441 1,401 1,342 1,333 1,331 1,330 1,329 1,323 1,303 1,295 1,293 1,286 1,277 1,274 1,265 1,258 1,238 1,234 1,233 1,226 1,220 1,219 1,215 1,209 1,180 1,177 1,174 1,173 1,169 1,165 1,163 1,162 1,161 1,161 1,160 1,147 1,139 1,119 1,100 1,095 1,087 1,082 1,081 1,080 1,079 1,075 1,072 1,058 1,055 1,049 1,042 1,039 1,037 1,031 1,031 1,017 1,014 1,005 1,004


Elena Kisseleva, Liberty, 1996-00 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina, 1999-04 Patrinda Toney, Radford, 1987-92 Tammy Brown, Campbell, 1987-91 Megan Frazee, Liberty, 2005-09 Debbie Born, Augusta, 1987-91 Katie Feenstra, Liberty, 2001-05 Stephanie Howard, Radford, 1986-89 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern, 1992-96 Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty, 1996-00 Shannan Wilkey, Radford, 1990-94 Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville, 1993-97 Ashley Fann, Winthrop, 2005-09 Pam Tolbert, Charleston Southern, 2005-09 Shamia Brown, High Point, 2008-12 Holly Bottar, Coastal Carolina, 1988-92 Laurie Hood, Campbell, 1988-92 Kim Segars, Winthrop, 1986-89 Melissa Herbert, Coastal Carolina, 1989-94 Avery Warley, Liberty, 2008-12 Wendy Beecher, UNC Asheville, 1986-90 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern, 2007-11 DEVON BROWN, Liberty, 2009-present Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina, 1997-01 Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina, 2003-07 Tammy Jones, Winthrop, 1989-94 Sarah Wilkerson Farley, Liberty, 1996-00 Jurica Hargraves, High Point, 2007-11 Sydnei Moss, Coastal Carolina, 2007-11 Katie O’Dell, High Point, 2002-06 Kristal Hood, UNC Asheville, 2002-06 Keena Wicker, Charleston Southern, 2002-07 Amanda Neby, Radford, 2000-04 Kate Sanford, Charleston Southern, 1996-00 Jennifer Churchill, Winthrop, 1995-99 Kendra Damann, UMBC, 1994-98 Joy Taylor, Charleston Southern, 1996-00 Kim Lewis, Coastal Carolina, 1990-94 Johnette Walker, Radford, 2005-09 Emily Hill, UNC Asheville, 1996-01 Regina McKeithan, Campbell, 1986-88 Tiffany Rodd, Winthrop, 2005-09 Charlotta Wennefors, Winthrop, 1998-02 Kelli Darden, Radford, 2004-08 Corrie Fertitta, Radford, 2004-08 Alisa Moore, UNC Greensboro, 1992-96 Ginny Coleman Holloway, Liberty, 1991-95 Kelsey Wasmer, Charleston Southern, 2008-11 Rebecca McNeil, Radford, 1994-98 Leigh-Ann Pursifull, Winthrop, 1995-99 Dominique Hudson, Gardner-Webb, 2008-11 Jennifer Grant, Radford, 1996-00 Kelli Tull, Radford, 1996-00 Denise Ford, Campbell, 1986-89 Kristal Tharp, Liberty, 2001-05 DA’NARIA ERWIN SPENCER, Radford, 2009-present Jennifer Steadman, Charleston Southern, 1992-97 Moriah Frazee, Liberty, 2005-09 Ashton Barton, UNC Asheville, 2004-08 Mackenzie Maier, High Point, 2007-11 Holly Andrews, Elon, 2000-03 Tonisha Jackson, UNC Asheville, 1999-04 Kendall Shepard, UNC Asheville, 2007-11 Jessica Guarneri, UNC Asheville, 1999-02 Julie Moore, UNC Greensboro, 1992-96 Lindsey Thompson, UNC Asheville, 2008-12 Bryanna Owen, Charleston Southern, 1990-94 Carmen Thomas, Winthrop, 1991-95 Karen Bowles, Radford, 1986-90 Misty Brockman, High Point, 1999-03 Tammie Crown, Radford, 1989-93 Marea Daniels, Charleston Southern, 1999-03 Becki Barbary, Winthrop, 1986-90 DEQUESHA McCLANAHAN, Winthrop, 2010-present Becky Harden, Radford, 1988-92 Tara McMinn, UNC Asheville, 1989-92 LAKEITHA ALSTON, Charleston Southern, 2009-present Lindsey Montgomery, UNC Asheville, 2007-11 Francean Leverette, Augusta, 1986-90 Crystal Carpenter, Charleston Southern, 1997-99 Revonda Whitley, Winthrop, 1990-94

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 40. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 61. 62. 63. 65. 66. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 85.


1,282 1,127 1,033 1,012 951 915 894 894 876 870 838 808 791 781 777 777 774 771 770 764 758 752 745 743 737 735 723 720 718 716 714 690 685 670 668 667 664 643 643 640 640 633 629 628 625 617 616 613 611 607 604 601 599 599 597 596 595 588 586 586 582 578 573 573 570 569 569 568 563 561 555 551 550 547 544 543 540 540 518 517 514 509 506 506 500

Avery Warley, Liberty, 2008-12 Kate Sanford, Charleston Southern, 1996-00 Katie Feenstra, Liberty, 2001-05 Karen Bowles, Radford, 1986-90 Megan Frazee, Liberty, 2005-09 Corrie Fertitta, Radford, 2004-08 Wendy Beecher, UNC Asheville, 1986-90 Ashley Fann, Winthrop, 2005-09 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty, 1996-00 Tammy Jones, Winthrop, 1989-94 Jennifer Grant, Radford, 1996-00 Tammy Brown, Campbell, 1987-91 Julie Moore, UNC Greensboro, 1992-96 Kim Lewis, Coastal Carolina, 1990-94 Monica Logan, UMBC, 1995-98 Lindsey Montgomery, UNC Asheville, 2007-11 Stacy Shepard, UNC Asheville, 2004-08 Denise Ford, Campbell, 1986-89 Kelli Darden, Radford, 2004-08 Debbie Born, Augusta, 1987-91 Jennifer Steadman, Charleston Southern, 1992-97 KELLI RILES, UNC Asheville, 2009-present Shamia Brown, High Point, 2008-12 Crystal Brown, Coastal Carolina, 2000-04 Alisa Moore, UNC Greensboro, 1992-96 Tammie Crown, Radford, 1989-93 Amanda Neby, Radford, 2000-04 Tonisha Jackson, UNC Asheville, 1999-04 Becki Barbary, Winthrop, 1986-90 Eunice French, UMBC, 1992-95 Jennifer Churchill, Winthrop, 1995-99 Katie O’Dell, High Point, 2002-06 Sydnei Moss, Coastal Carolina, 2007-11 Jessica Guarneri, UNC Asheville, 1999-02 Anestha Blakeney, Elon, 1999-03 Laurie Hood, Campbell, 1988-92 Keena Wicker, Charleston Southern, 2002-07 Becky Harden, Radford, 1988-92 CHEYENNE PARKER, High Point, 2010-present Holly Bottar, Coastal Carolina, 1988-927 Jennifer Shevenock, Charleston Southern, 1996-00 Kim Segars, Winthrop, 1986-89 Amber Manuel, High Point, 2004-08 Tara McMinn, UNC Asheville, 1989-92 Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty, 1996-00 Lynn Smith, Coastal Carolina, 1986-91 Meredith Luebbers, Coastal Carolina, 1993-97 Sarah Stephens, Radford, 2003-07 Melissa Herbert, Coastal Carolina, 1989-94 Bryanna Owen, Charleston Southern, 1990-94 Revonda Whitley, Winthrop, 1990-94 Moriah Frazee, Liberty, 2005-09 Stacey Milton, Winthrop, 1993-97 Katherine Kitchin, Winthrop, 1994-98 LaTroya Pope, Gardner-Webb, 2008-11 DEVON BROWN, Liberty, 2009-present Mackenzie Maier, High Point, 2007-11 Nicole Sampson, UNC Asheville, 1997-01 Regina McKeithan, Campbell, 1986-88 Kristina Palaimaite, Liberty, 2000-04 TaQuoia Hammick, Winthrop, 2008-12 Mary Brewer, High Point, 1999-02 Amanda Elder, UNC Asheville, 2003-07 Jolandra Crump, Winthrop, 2002-06 Sherri Rickman, Radford, 1999-03 Sheena West, UNC Asheville, 1990-94 Meredith Smith, Winthrop, 1997-01 Aretha Barnes, UNC Asheville, 1986-90 Johnette Walker, Radford, 2005-09 Carmen Thomas, Winthrop, 1991-95 Rebecca McNeil, Radford, 1994-98 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina, 1999-04 Joy Taylor, Charleston Southern, 1996-00 Meribeth Feenstra Anderson, Liberty, 1999-03 Kelly Shutters Gray, Coastal Carolina, 1996-00 Rhonda Grant, Coastal Carolina, 1987-89 Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville, 1993-97 Crystal Greene, Winthrop, 1997-01 Shannan Wilkey, Radford, 1990-94 Erica McCoy, Charleston Southern, 2002-06 Dee Godette, UNC Asheville, 1990-94 Courtney Brown, Coastal Carolina, 2001-05 Wendy Herbert, Charleston Southern, 1991-95 Kristal Hood, UNC Asheville, 2002-06 Michelle Fricke, Liberty, 1999-02

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL CAREER RECORDS POINTS SCORED 2,154 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 2,026 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 2,020 Patrinda Toney, Radford 1,893 Tammy Brown, Campbell 1,883 Megan Frazee, Liberty 1,866 Debbie Born, Augusta 1,845 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 1,827 Stephanie Howard, Radford 1,750 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 1,733 Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty

1996-00 1999-04 1987-92 1987-91 2005-09 1987-91 2001-05 1986-89 1992-96 1996-00

FREE THROW ATTEMPTS 818 Debbie Born, Augusta 799 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 728 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 717 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 604 Vicki Griffin, UNC Asheville 589 Johnette Walker, Radford 564 Tammy Brown, Campbell 530 Leigh-Ann Pursifull, Winthrop 525 Kelli Tull, Radford 518 Ashley Fann, Winthrop 518 Megan Frazee, Liberty

POINTS PER GAME (min. 1000 PTS) 22.42 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 21.24 Stephanie Howard, Radford 18.50 Kim Segars, Winthrop 18.46 Megan Frazee, Liberty 18.10 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 17.95 Crystal Carpenter, Charleston Southern 17.77 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 17.44 Debbie Born, Augusta 17.12 Patrinda Toney, Radford 16.93 Katie Feenstra, Liberty

1986-88 1986-89 1986-89 2005-09 1996-00 1997-99 1999-04 1987-91 1987-92 2001-05

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 250 FT) 85.6 Taryn Causey, Radford (261-305) 84.0 Tammie Crown, Radford (279-332) 81.5 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston So. (593-728) 80.5 Megan Frazee, Liberty (417-518) 78.9 Shannan Wilkey, Radford (355-450) 78.5 LaKeshia Bryant, CSU (270-344) 78.4 Lisa Allison, Campbell (352-449) 77.7 Emily Hill, UNC Asheville (285-367) 77.4 Stephanie Howard, Radford (294-380) 77.4 Kristal Hood, UNC Asheville (388-501)

FIELD GOALS 778 Patrinda Toney, Radford 764 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 741 Tammy Brown, Campbell 723 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 717 Stephanie Howard, Radford 684 Megan Frazee, Liberty 661 Laurie Hood, Campbell 660 Shannan Wilkey, Radford 647 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 646 Debbie Born, Augusta

1987-92 2001-05 1987-91 1996-00 1986-89 2005-09 1988-92 1990-94 1999-04 1987-91

THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS 314 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern 263 Tiffany Rodd, Winthrop 239 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 229 Jurica Hargraves, High Point 223 Pam Tolbert, Charleston Southern 209 Kelsey Wasmer, Charleston Southern 203 Kylie Williamson, Radford 203 Lindsey Thompson, UNC Asheville 196 Lacey Lyons, Coastal Carolina/Winthrop 180 Patrinda Toney, Radford

FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 1,849 Patrinda Toney, Radford 1,842 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 1,741 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 1,674 Holly Bottar, Coastal Carolina 1,531 Pam Tolbert, Charleston Southern 1,492 Shannan Wilkey, Radford 1,481 Stephanie Howard, Radford 1,423 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 1,385 Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty 1,370 Megan Frazee, Liberty

1987-92 1996-00 1999-04 1988-92 2005-09 1990-94 1986-89 1992-96 1996-00 2005-09

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 893 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern 746 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 737 Tiffany Rodd, Winthrop 710 Pam Tolbert, Charleston Southern 666 Lindsey Thompson, UNC Asheville 634 Jurica Hargraves, High Point 608 Kylie Williamson, Radford 577 Kelsey Wasmer, Charleston Southern 571 Lacey Lyons, Coastal Carolina/Winthrop 564 Patrinda Toney, Radford

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 400 FG) 62.2 Katie Feenstra, Liberty (764-1228) 60.3 Avery Warley, Liberty (572-948) 58.4 Alisa Moore, UNC Greensboro (471-806) 57.8 Tammy Brown, Campbell (741-1281) 55.4 Jennifer Churchill, Winthrop (469-847) 53.5 Kim Segars, Winthrop (639-1194) 53.2 Debbie Born, Augusta (646-1215) 52.9 Kate Sanford, Charleston So. (507-959) 52.1 Tammy Jones, Winthrop (529-1016) 51.9 Karen Bowles, Radford (448-864)

2001-05 2008-12 1992-96 1987-91 1995-99 1986-89 1987-91 1996-00 1989-94 1986-90

3-POINT FIELD GOAL PCT (min. 150 3FG) 36.3 Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty (172-474) 1996-00 36.2 Kelsey Wasmer, Charleston So. (209-577) 2008-11 36.1 Jurica Hargraves, High Point (229-634) 2007-11 35.8 Kristal Tharp, Liberty (151-422) 2001-05 35.7 Stacey Anthony, B’ham-So. (155-434) 2003-06 35.7 Tiffany Rodd, Winthrop (263-737) 2005-09 35.2 Katie Tull, Charleston So. (314-893) 2007-11 34.3 Lacey Lyons, CCU/Winthrop (196-571) 2006-11 33.7 Brittany Hendley, UNC Asheville (168-498) 2003-07 33.4 Kylie Williamson, Radford (203-608) 1999-04

FIELD GOALS PER GAME (min. 400 FG) 8.47 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 8.34 Stephanie Howard, Radford 7.79 Kim Segars, Winthrop 7.01 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 6.71 Megan Frazee, Libert 6.59 Patrinda Toney, Radford 6.56 Tammy Brown, Campbell 6.12 Laurie Hood, Campbell 6.08 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 6.04 Debbie Born, Augusta

1986-88 1986-89 1986-89 2001-05 2005-09 1987-92 1987-91 1988-92 1996-00 1987-91

THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS PER GAME (min. 150 3FG) 2.88 Loretta Lawson, Elon 1999-01 2.80 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern 2007-11 2.30 Kelsey Wasmer, Charleston Southern 2008-11 2.27 Tiffany Rodd, Winthrop 2005-09 2.10 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 1999-04 1.89 Stacey Anthony, Birmingham-Southern 2003-06 1.89 Pam Tolbert, Charleston Southern 2005-09 1.86 Jurica Hargraves, High Point 2007-11 1.78 Kylie Williamson, Radford 1999-04 1.76 Amanda Mills, Presbyterian 2008-11

FREE THROWS 605 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 593 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 574 Debbie Born, Augusta 493 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 451 Johnette Walker, Radford 448 Vicki Griffin, UNC Asheville 417 Megan Frazee, Liberty 411 Tammy Brown, Campbell 388 Kristal Hood, UNC Asheville 365 Wendy Beecher, UNC Asheville

1996-00 1992-96 1987-91 1999-04 2005-09 1993-97 2005-09 1987-91 2002-06 1986-90

REBOUNDS 1,282 Avery Warley, Liberty 1,127 Kate Sanford, Charleston Southern 1,033 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 1,012 Karen Bowles, Radford 951 Megan Frazee, Liberty 915 Corrie Fertitta, Radford 894 Wendy Beecher, UNC Asheville 894 Ashley Fann, Winthrop 876 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 870 Tammy Jones, Winthrop


1987-91 1996-00 1992-96 1999-04 1993-97 2005-09 1987-91 1995-99 1996-00 2005-09 2005-09

2003-05 1989-93 1992-96 2005-09 1990-94 2001-05 1989-93 1996-01 1986-89 2002-06

2007-11 2005-09 1999-04 2007-11 2005-09 2008-11 1999-04 2008-12 2006-11 1987-92

2007-11 1999-04 2005-09 2005-09 2008-12 2007-11 1999-04 2008-11 2006-11 1987-92

2008-12 1996-00 2001-05 1986-90 2005-09 2004-08 1986-90 2005-09 1996-00 1989-94

REBOUNDS PER GAME (min. 500 REB) 10.65 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 1986-88 10.44 Rhonda Grant, Coastal Carolina 1987-89 10.34 Kate Sanford, Charleston Southern 1996-00 10.21 CHEYENNE PARKER, High Point 2010-present 9.71 Monica Logan, UMBC 1995-98 9.71 Avery Warley, Liberty 2008-12 9.48 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2001-05 9.32 Megan Frazee, Liberty 2005-09 9.29 Denise Ford, Campbell 1986-89 8.93 Jessica Guarneri, UNC Asheville 1999-02 ASSISTS 612 578 559 549 526 502 501 500 498 467

Jayme Chikos, Elon Shonta Tabourn, Campbell Shelia Bailey, Winthrop Stephanie Howard, Radford Sarah Wilkerson Farley, Liberty Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern Dominique Hudson, Gardner-Webb Holly Bottar, Coastal Carolina Johnette Walker, Radford Joy Taylor, Charleston Southern

1999-03 1989-93 1988-92 1986-89 1996-00 1992-96 2008-11 1988-92 2005-09 1996-00

STEALS 348 307 304 301 300 281 271 269 267 252

Johnette Walker, Radford Shelia Bailey, Winthrop Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty Shonta Tabourn, Campbell Stephanie Howard, Radford Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina Sarah Wilkerson Farley, Liberty Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern Ana Baker, UNC Asheville Jayme Chikos, Elon

2005-09 1988-92 1996-00 1989-93 1986-89 1997-01 1996-00 1992-96 2005-09 1999-03

BLOCKED SHOTS 306 Mackenzie Maier, High Point 2007-11 293 Kelli Darden, Radford 2004-08 257 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2001-05 225 Wendy Beecher, UNC Asheville 1986-90 223 Meribeth Feenstra Anderson, Liberty 1999-03 209 Katie White, Coastal Carolina 2007-11 196 CHEYENNE PARKER, High Point 2010-present 183 Tammy Jones, Winthrop 1989-94 182 Shaunte Small, Charleston Southern 2004-08 166 Avery Warley, Liberty 2008-12 GAMES PLAYED 132 Shelly Hankins, Winthrop 132 Avery Warley, Liberty 127 Courtney Watkins, Liberty 126 Shamia Brown, High Point 125 Michelle Parker, Liberty 125 Rachel McLeod, Liberty 124 Daina Staugaitiene, Liberty 124 Allyson Fasnacht, Liberty 124 Ashley Fann, Winthrop 123 Ashley Haugtvedt, Winthrop 123 Jessica Fansler, Winthrop 123 Jurica Hargraves, High Point 123 Danika Dale, Liberty

2005-10 2008-12 2004-08 2008-12 2003-07 2007-11 2001-05 2004-08 2005-09 2005-09 2006-10 2007-11 2008-12

MINUTES PLAYED 3,923 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 3,898 Johnette Walker, Radford 3,869 Holly Bottar, Coastal Carolina 3,860 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 3,852 Ashley Fann, Winthrop 3,837 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern 3,814 Pam Tolbert, Charleston Southern 3,737 Joy Taylor, Charleston Southern 3,725 Corrie Fertitta, Radford 3,712 Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty

1992-96 2005-09 1988-92 1996-00 2005-09 2007-11 2005-09 1996-00 2004-08 1996-00

active players in bold italics

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL INDIVIDUAL SEASON RECORDS POINTS SCORED 693 Tammy Brown, Campbell 674 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 660 Stephanie Howard, Radford 657 Stephanie Howard, Radford 655 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 653 Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop 652 Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina 648 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 640 Shannan Wilkey, Radford 621 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina

1990-91 2003-04 1988-89 1987-88 1987-88 2011-12 2006-07 1996-97 1993-94 2001-02

FREE THROW ATTEMPTS 260 Debbie Born, Augusta 258 Debbie Born, Augusta 238 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 234 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 233 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 226 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 224 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 224 Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina 220 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 211 Tammy Brown, Campbell

POINTS PER GAME 23.9 Tammy Brown, Campbell 23.4 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 22.7 Stephanie Howard, Radford 22.5 Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina 21.6 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 21.4 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 21.4 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 21.3 Patrinda Toney, Radford 21.3 Shannan Wilkey, Radford 21.2 Laurie Hood, Campbell

1990-91 1987-88 1987-88 2006-07 1996-97 1986-87 2001-02 1991-92 1993-94 1991-92

FIELD GOALS 291 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 269 Tammy Brown, Campbell 254 Stephanie Howard, Radford 252 Laurie Hood, Campbell 249 Kim Segars, Winthrop 247 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 242 Shannan Wilkey, Radford 241 Stephanie Howard, Radford 231 Patrinda Toney, Radford 230 Melissa Herbert, Coastal Carolina 230 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 230 Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop

2003-04 1990-91 1988-89 1991-92 1987-88 1987-88 1993-94 1987-88 1991-92 1993-94 2004-05 2011-12

FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 646 Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop 544 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 541 Patrinda Toney, Radford 538 Stephanie Howard, Radford 535 Stephanie Howard, Radford 531 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 527 Shannan Wilkey, Radford 519 Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina 518 Erin Reynolds, High Point 495 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty

2011-12 1996-97 1991-92 1987-88 1988-89 2001-02 1993-94 2006-07 2011-12 1998-99

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 4.5 FG per game) 67.1 Katie Feenstra, Liberty (230-343) 2004-05 65.7 Katie Feenstra, Liberty (291-443) 2003-04 62.3 Patrice Ross, Augusta (124-199) 1987-88 62.0 Avery Warley, Liberty (155-250) 2010-11 60.9 Alisa Moore, UNC Greensboro (184-302) 1994-95 60.3 Avery Warley, Liberty (149-247) 2009-10 59.8 Tammy Brown, Campbell (269-450) 1990-91 59.7 Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville (172-288) 1993-94 59.0 Vickie Henson, UNCG (187-317) 1993-94 58.7 Vickie Henson, UNCG (199-339) 1992-93 FIELD GOALS PER GAME 9.28 Tammy Brown, Campbell (269 in 29) 9.09 Katie Feenstra, Liberty (291 in 32) 9.00 Laurie Hood, Campbell (252 in 28) 8.88 Stephanie Howard, Radford (222 in 25) 8.82 Regina McKeithan, Campbell (247 in 28) 8.59 Kim Segars, Winthrop (249 in 29) 8.31 Stephanie Howard, Radford (241 in 29) 8.21 Melissa Herbert, CCU (230 in 28) 8.11 Regina McKeithan, Campbell (219 in 27) 8.07 Shannan Wilkey, Radford (242 in 30) FREE THROWS 194 Debbie Born, Augusta 185 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 183 Debbie Born, Augusta 182 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 181 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 172 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 172 Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina 167 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 161 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 159 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty

1990-91 2003-04 1991-92 1986-87 1987-88 1987-88 1987-88 1993-94 1986-87 1993-94

1989-90 1995-96 1990-91 1997-98 1994-95 1996-97 2006-07 2001-02 1987-88 1998-99

REBOUNDS PER GAME 12.21 Cheyenne Parker, High Point 11.55 Avery Warley, Liberty 11.54 Kate Sanford, Charleston Southern 11.42 Wendy Johnson, Liberty 11.30 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 11.03 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 11.00 Avery Warley, Liberty 10.89 Eunice French, UMBC 10.70 Monica Logan, UMBC 10.60 Kelli Riles, UNC Asheville

2011-12 2011-12 1998-99 1991-92 1986-87 2003-04 2010-11 1994-95 1996-97 2011-12

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 2.5 FT per game) 90.1 Tracey DeLong, Charleston So. (82-91) 1995-96 88.9 Crystal Carpenter, CSU (112-126) 1998-99 88.0 Lindsay Boyett, B’ham-Southern (81-92) 2003-04 87.8 Megan Frazee, Liberty (151-172) 2007-08 86.4 Tammie Crown, Radford (121-140) 1992-93 86.4 Taryn Causey, Radford (140-162) 2004-05 85.0 Kim Hairston, Radford (108-127) 1996-97 85.0 Crystal Carpenter, CSU (85-100) 1997-98 84.7 Janelle Van Acker, CCU (72-85) 1998-99 84.6 Taryn Causey, Radford (121-143) 2003-04

ASSISTS 224 207 206 204 194 184 181 181 179 176

2011-12 1988-89 1987-88 1987-88 2010-11 1991-92 1988-89 2001-02 2005-06 1992-93

THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS 121 Diana Choibekova, Winthrop 107 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern 100 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern 94 Rachelle Coward, Charleston Southern 91 Loretta Lawson, Elon 83 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 79 Loretta Lawson, Elon 76 Kelsey Wasmer, Charleston Southern 74 Crystal Carpenter, Charleston Southern 74 Tiffany Rodd, Winthrop

ASSISTS PER GAME 7.36 Julie Skinner, Campbell 7.23 Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop 7.03 Stephanie Howard, Radford 6.77 Shonta Tabourn, Campbell 6.70 Jayme Chikos, Elon 6.64 Julie Skinner, Campbell 6.57 Shonta Tabourn, Campbell 6.47 Stephanie Howard, Radford 6.46 Shelia Bailey, Winthrop 6.44 Mary Chavous, Augusta

1987-88 2011-12 1987-88 1992-93 2001-02 1986-87 1991-92 1988-89 1990-91 1988-89

STEALS 121 108 106 105 104 104 103 99 97 95

1987-88 1987-88 2007-08 1986-87 1988-89 1993-94 1992-93 1999-00 1999-00 2000-01

1989-90 1990-91 2001-02 1997-98 1996-97 1987-88 1994-95 2006-07 1995-96 1990-91

2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2011-12 1999-00 2002-03 2000-01 2008-09 1998-99 2006-07

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 388 Diana Choibekova, Winthrop 2011-12 301 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern 2010-11 286 Loretta Lawson, Elon 1999-00 280 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern 2009-10 255 Loretta Lawson, Elon 2000-01 253 Rachelle Coward, Charleston Southern 2011-12 248 Pam Tolbert, Charleston Southern 2008-09 232 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 2002-03 217 Pam Tolbert, Charleston Southern 2007-08 216 Mallory Morring, Birmingham-Southern 2006-07 3-POINT FIELD GOAL PCT (min. 1.5 3FG per game) 50.8 Joy Galloway, Charleston So. (65-128) 1988-89 47.1 Amanda Stull, Coastal Carolina (49-104) 2009-10 45.3 Yolanda Brown, Charleston So. (62-137) 1987-88 44.4 Mackenize Maier, High Point (44-99) 2010-11 43.5 Tamara Ruzic, Charleston So. (47-108) 2002-03 42.0 Lindsay Boyett, B’ham-So. (58-138) 2003-04 41.8 Lori Mitchell, Radford (51-122) 1997-98 41.1 Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville (53-129) 2011-12 40.9 Samantha Ferguson, UNCG (65-159) 1995-96 40.9 Marta Losonczy, Charleston So. (45-110) 2000-01 THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS PER GAME 3.90 Diana Choibekova, Winthrop 3.57 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern 3.22 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern 3.14 Loretta Lawson, Elon 3.07 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 2.94 Rachelle Coward, Charleston Southern 2.74 Wendy Dieterlen, Charleston Southern 2.64 Crystal Carpenter, Charleston Southern 2.63 Ashley Woods, UNC Asheville 2.63 Loretta Lawson, Elon

2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 1999-00 2002-03 2011-12 1996-97 1998-99 1990-91 2000-01

REBOUNDS 403 Cheyenne Parker, High Point 381 Avery Warley, Liberty 363 Avery Warley, Liberty 353 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 323 Kate Sanford, Charleston Southern 331 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 318 Kelli Riles, UNC Asheville 305 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 303 Megan Frazee, Liberty 298 Stacy Shepard, UNC Asheville

2011-12 2011-12 2010-11 2003-04 1998-99 2004-05 2011-12 1986-87 2007-08 2007-08

Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Stephanie Howard, Radford Julie Skinner, Campbell Stephanie Howard, Radford Dominique Hudson, Gardner-Webb Shonta Tabourn, Campbell Stephanie Howard, Radford Jayme Chikos, Elon Iva Milevoj, Winthrop Shonta Tabourn, Campbell

Julie Skinner, Campbell Stephanie Howard, Radford Johnette Walker, Radford Julie Skinner, Campbell Stephanie Howard, Radford Shannan Wilkey, Radford Shanta Tabourn, Campbell Cheri McNeil, Coastal Carolina Jayme Chikos, Elon Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina

BLOCKED SHOTS 121 Cheyenne Parker, High Point 98 Kelli Darden, Radford 91 Mackenzie Maier, High Point 85 Kelli Darden, Radford 84 Mackenzie Maier, High Point 84 Mackenzie Maier, High Point 83 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 80 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 79 Joyce Sampson, Radford 77 Meribeth Feenstra, Liberty 77 Meribeth Feenstra, Liberty

2011-12 2007-08 2009-10 2006-07 2008-09 2010-11 2003-04 2004-05 1986-87 2000-01 2001-02

MINUTES PLAYED 1,192 Johnette Walker, Radford 1,146 Shamia Brown, High Point 1,143 Taleia Moton, Radford 1,138 Rachelle Coward, Charleston Southern 1,130 Monique Hudson, Gardner-Webb 1,125 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern 1,118 Corrie Fertitta, Radford 1,116 Samiya Wright, Winthrop 1,103 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern 1,102 Dominique Hudson, Gardner-Webb

2007-08 2011-12 2007-08 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2007-08 2011-12 2010-11 2010-11

GAMES PLAYED 35 Kelli Darden, Radford 35 Johnette Walker, Radford 35 Corrie Fertitta, Radford 35 Vandy Pullen, Radford 34 Taleia Moton, Radford 34 Denay Wood, Radford 34 Monique Hudson, Gardner-Webb 34 Jasmine Dale, Gardner-Webb 34 Brianna Dillard, Gardner-Webb

2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11

To be ranked, a player must appear in 75% of her team’s games


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM SEASON RECORDS POINTS SCORED 2,527 Radford 2,341 Radford 2,334 Liberty 2,323 Liberty 2,318 Radford 2,301 Campbell 2,294 High Point 2,293 Liberty 2,263 Gardner-Webb 2,259 Charleston Southern

1988-89 2007-08 2004-05 2011-12 1987-88 1987-88 2011-12 2007-08 2009-10 2011-12

SCORING OFFENSE 82.2 Campbell 79.9 Radford 79.0 Radford 77.7 Campbell 77.4 Radford 76.4 Radford 75.7 UNC Greensboro 74.6 Charleston Southern 73.9 Radford 73.8 UNC Greensboro 73.8 Liberty

1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 1986-87 1991-92 1995-96 1996-97 1987-88 1997-98 1995-96 1997-98

FEWEST POINTS ALLOWED 1,534 UNC Asheville 1,562 Coastal Carolina 1,572 UMBC 1,593 Coastal Carolina 1,597 Coastal Carolina 1,598 Augusta 1,613 UMBC 1,620 Coastal Carolina 1,627 Coastal Carolina 1,629 Presbyterian

2003-04 2007-08 1994-95 2004-05 2005-06 1987-88 1995-96 1998-99 2006-07 2011-12

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 49.6 UNC Greensboro (813-1640) 48.2 Campbell (825-1711) 48.2 Liberty (837-1737) 47.8 Augusta (716-1496) 47.7 Campbell (930-1950) 47.3 UNC Greensboro (804-1698) 46.9 Liberty (865-1845) 46.7 Winthrop (771-1651) 45.9 Radford (875-1906) 45.9 Liberty (816-1778)

1993-94 1990-91 2009-10 1986-87 1987-88 1992-93 2004-05 1988-89 1986-87 2007-08

THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS 295 Charleston Southern 263 Charleston Southern 260 Charleston Southern 246 Charleston Southern 236 Winthrop 204 Coastal Carolina 194 Birmingham-Southern 192 High Point 191 High Point 191 High Point

2011-12 2009-10 2008-09 2010-11 2011-12 2002-03 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 2010-11

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 858 Charleston Southern 2009-10 854 Charleston Southern 2011-12 781 Charleston Southern 2008-09 773 Charleston Southern 2010-11 739 Winthrop 2011-12 652 Birmingham-Southern 2006-07 613 High Point 2006-07 580 Charleston Southern 2007-08 579 Charleston Southern 2000-01 578 Birmingham-Southern 2005-06

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE 76.4 Coastal Carolina (398-521) 1999-00 75.4 Charleston Southern (507-672)1995-96 74.9 UNC Asheville (447-597) 1995-96 74.2 Radford (392-528) 2003-04 73.6 Radford (518-704) 1992-93 73.5 UNC Asheville (453-616) 1996-97 73.5 Radford (389-529) 2000-01 73.0 Coastal Carolina (362-496) 1998-99 72.9 Winthrop (419-575) 2000-01 72.8 Coastal Carolina (319-438) 1990-91 72.8 Liberty (525-721) 2007-08 FIELD GOAL DEFENSE 32.8 Liberty (633-1931) 33.8 Liberty (621-1836) 33.9 Winthrop (610-1800) 34.1 Liberty (616-1808) 34.4 Liberty (583-1697) 34.4 Liberty (688-1999) 34.5 Liberty (616-1785) 34.6 Winthrop (596-1723) 34.7 Liberty (600-1730) 34.9 Charleston So. (613-1757) 34.9 Liberty (631-1807) THREE-POINT DEFENSE 23.0 Liberty (47-204) 23.6 Liberty (96-406) 23.8 Towson State (45-189) 24.9 UMBC (48-193) 24.9 UNC Asheville (96-385) 25.3 UNC Asheville (41-162) 25.3 Liberty (153-604) 26.2 Presbyterian (103-393) 26.4 Elon (107-406) 26.4 UNC Asheville (115-435)

2009-10 2008-09 2010-11 1995-96 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2007-08 2005-06 2007-08

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 44.2 Charleston Southern (88-199) 1987-88 39.4 Charleston Southern (123-312)1988-89 37.7 UNC Greensboro (55-146) 1992-93 37.1 Radford (129-348) 1997-98 36.9 Gardner-Webb (169-458) 2009-10 36.5 Campbell (19-52) 1988-89 36.5 UNC Greensboro (38-104) 1993-94 36.0 Radford (107-297) 1987-88 35.7 UNC Asheville (81-227) 1996-97 35.6 Liberty (138-388) 1999-00 35.6 High Point (192-540) 2005-06

2009-10 2007-08 1987-88 1997-98 2004-05 1988-89 2002-03 2011-12 2003-04 1986-87

THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS PER GAME 9.22 Charleston Southern 2011-12 8.67 Charleston Southern 2008-09 8.48 Charleston Southern 2009-10 8.20 Charleston Southern 2010-11 7.61 Winthrop 2011-12 7.29 Coastal Carolina 2002-03 6.93 Birmingham-Southern 2005-06 6.40 High Point 2005-06 6.37 High Point 2006-07 6.22 Coastal Carolina 2000-01

FIELD GOALS 1,020 Radford 930 Campbell 928 Radford 875 Radford 865 Liberty 848 Radford 845 Campbell 841 Radford 840 Liberty 838 High Point

1988-89 1987-88 1987-88 1986-87 2004-05 1995-96 1986-87 1991-92 2003-04 2011-12

FREE THROWS 608 Radford 570 Liberty 555 Radford 531 UNC Greensboro 528 Liberty 525 Liberty 524 Liberty 519 UNC Asheville 518 Radford 509 Radford

2007-08 1997-98 1993-94 1994-95 2011-12 2007-08 1996-97 2006-07 1992-93 1991-92

ASSISTS 559 537 527 525 518 509 500 494 492 491

FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 2,342 Radford 2,132 Radford 2,077 Radford 2,075 High Point 2,052 Gardner-Webb 2,010 Winthrop 1,977 Radford 1,968 Radford 1,951 Charleston Southern 1,950 Campbell

1988-89 1987-88 2007-08 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 1990-91 2008-09 1987-88

FREE THROW ATTEMPTS 885 Radford 820 Radford 802 UNC Asheville 798 UNC Greensboro 796 Liberty 795 Liberty 785 Liberty 763 UNC Greensboro 759 Liberty 725 High Point

2007-08 1993-94 2006-07 1994-95 1996-97 1997-98 2011-12 1996-97 2000-01 2011-12

ASSISTS PER GAME 19.18 Campbell 18.17 UNC Greensboro 18.10 UNC Greensboro 18.03 UNC Greensboro 17.04 Campbell 16.97 Campbell 16.93 Campbell 16.67 Campbell 16.56 Coastal Carolina 16.46 Charleston Southern

SCORING DEFENSE 50.0 Liberty 52.6 Liberty 53.9 Liberty 54.7 UMBC 54.7 Liberty 54.8 UNC Asheville 54.9 Liberty 54.9 Liberty 55.8 Liberty 55.8 Coastal Carolina SCORING MARGIN +17.2 Liberty +16.8 Liberty +16.1 Campbell +16.1 Liberty +15.8 Liberty +15.7 Radford +15.4 Liberty +12.8 Liberty +12.5 Liberty +11.8 Campbell

REBOUNDS 1,562 Liberty 1,473 Liberty 1,444 Liberty 1,436 Radford 1,423 Liberty 1,400 Liberty 1,394 Radford 1,364 Liberty 1,355 Liberty 1,355 Liberty REBOUND MARGIN +15.6 Liberty +13.9 Liberty +13.8 Liberty +12.8 Liberty +12.6 Liberty +11.7 Liberty +11.3 Liberty +10.7 Liberty +10.6 Liberty +10.1 Liberty


UNC Greensboro Campbell UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro Liberty Radford Campbell Liberty Campbell Gardner-Webb

2004-05 2003-04 2007-08 2007-08 2002-03 2011-12 2008-09 2009-10 2005-06 1998-99 2010-11

1993-94 1997-98 1992-93 1992-93 2003-04 1993-94 2007-08 2010-11 2000-01 2007-08

2011-12 2004-05 2010-11 1988-89 2003-04 1996-97 2007-08 2005-06 2007-08 2008-09

2011-12 2009-10 2004-05 2010-11 2008-09 2003-04 2002-03 2006-07 2005-06 2007-08

1994-95 1987-88 1993-94 1992-93 2004-05 1988-89 2011-12 2007-08 1990-91 2010-11

1987-88 1993-94 1992-93 1994-95 1986-87 1990-91 1988-89 2011-12 1995-96 1986-87

STEALS 442 423 391 384 383 377 376 365 365 364

Radford Radford Coastal Carolina Radford High Point Liberty Radford Birmingham-Southern Radford High Point

1988-89 2007-08 1999-00 1987-88 2002-03 2009-10 2011-12 2004-05 2010-11 2011-12

STEALS PER GAME 13.81 Radford 13.24 Radford 13.04 Birmingham-Southern 13.03 Coastal Carolina 12.77 High Point 12.75 Campbell 12.64 Towson State 12.57 Coastal Carolina 12.33 Campbell 12.25 UNC Asheville

1988-89 1987-88 2004-05 1999-00 2002-03 1987-88 1993-94 1998-99 1986-87 1993-94

BLOCKED SHOTS 208 High Point 196 Radford 175 High Point 171 High Point 166 Gardner-Webb 165 Liberty 165 High Point 164 Liberty 155 Liberty 149 Liberty

2010-11 2007-08 2011-12 2009-10 2010-11 2001-02 2008-09 2011-12 2002-03 2004-05

BLOCKED SHOTS PER GAME 6.70 High Point 5.60 Radford 5.52 High Point 5.32 Liberty 5.32 High Point 5.30 High Point 5.17 Liberty 4.97 Liberty 4.88 Gardner-Webb 4.73 Liberty

2010-11 2007-08 2009-10 2001-02 2008-09 2011-12 2002-03 2011-12 2010-11 2000-01

GAMES PLAYED 35 Radford 34 Gardner-Webb 33 Liberty 33 UNC Asheville 33 Liberty 33 Gardner-Webb 33 Liberty 33 Liberty 33 High Point 33 Liberty

2007-08 2010-11 2004-05 2006-07 2008-09 2009-10 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12

OVERALL WINS 28 Liberty (28-1) 28 Liberty (28-4) 28 Gardner-Webb (28-5) 27 Liberty (27-6) 26 Liberty (26-4) 26 Liberty (26-7) 25 Radford (25-7) 25 Liberty (25-7) 25 Liberty (25-6) 24 Liberty (24-9) 24 Liberty (24-9)

1997-98 2007-08 2009-10 2009-10 2002-03 2004-05 1988-89 2003-04 2005-06 2008-09 2011-12

BIG SOUTH WINS 16 Liberty (16-2) 15 Liberty (15-1) 15 Gardner-Webb (15-1) 14 UNC Greensboro (14-2) 14 UNC Greensboro (14-2) 14 Liberty (14-0) 14 Liberty (14-0) 14 Liberty (14-2) 14 Liberty (14-2) 13 UNC Greensboro (13-5) 13 Towson State (13-3) 13 UNC Greensboro (13-1) 13 Liberty (13-1) 13 Liberty (13-1) 13 Liberty (13-1) 13 High Point (13-5)

2011-12 2008-09 2009-10 1992-93 1994-95 2002-03 2003-04 2009-10 2010-11 1993-94 1994-95 1996-97 2001-02 2004-05 2005-06 2011-12

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL SINGLE-GAME RECORDS - INDIVIDUAL MOST POINTS SCORED All Games 42 Stephanie Howard, Radford vs. Charleston Southern (2-21-87) 41 Stephanie Howard, Radford vs. Virginia Tech (2-10-88) 40 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina vs. Radford (2-1-03) 40 Katie Feenstra, Liberty vs. Winthrop (2-3-04) Big South Games 42 Stephanie Howard, Radford vs. Charleston Southern (2-21-87) 40 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina vs. Radford (2-1-03) 40 Katie Feenstra, Liberty vs. Winthrop (2-3-04) MOST FIELD GOALS All Games 17 Stephanie Howard, Radford vs. Charleston Southern (2-21-87) 17 Katie Feenstra, Liberty vs. Winthrop (2-3-04) 15 four players tied with Big South Games 17 Stephanie Howard, Radford vs. Charleston Southern (2-21-87) 17 Katie Feenstra, Liberty vs. Winthrop (2-3-04) 15 three players tied with MOST FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS All Games 36 Stephanie Howard, Radford vs. San Diego State (3-23-89) 34 Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop vs. UNC Asheville (2-13-12) 32 Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop vs. Charleston Southern (3-2-12) Big South Games 34 Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop vs. UNC Asheville (2-13-12) 32 Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop vs. Charleston Southern (3-2-12) 31 Regina McKeithan, Campbell vs. Charleston Southern (1-16-88) HIGHEST FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 10 made) All Games 100.0 Stephanie Howard (10-10), Radford vs. Charleston Southern (2-10-88) 92.3 Stephanie Howard (12-13), Radford vs. UNC Asheville (3-6-87) 91.7 Shamia Brown (11-12), High Point vs. Elon (1-15-09) Big South Games 100.0 Stephanie Howard (10-10), Radford vs. Charleston Southern (2-10-88) 85.7 Katie Feenstra (12-14), Liberty at Coastal Carolina (3-5-05) 84.6 Lakeitha Alston (11-13), Charleston Southern High Point (2-18-12) MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS All Games 10 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina at Winthrop (2-15-03) 10 Diana Choibekova, Winthrop vs. Gardner-Webb (1-16-12) 9 five times Big South Games 10 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina at Winthrop (2-15-03) 10 Diana Choibekova, Winthrop vs. Gardner-Webb (1-16-12) 9 Rachelle Coward, Charleston Southern vs. Liberty (1-16-12) MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS All Games 23 Diana Choibekova, Winthrop vs. Liberty (1-23-12) 22 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina at Winthrop (2-15-03) 19 Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty vs. Charleston Southern (1-18-99) 19 Loretta Lawson, Elon vs. Georgia Tech (11-26-99) Big South Games 23 Diana Choibekova, Winthrop vs. Liberty (1-23-12) 22 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina at Winthrop (2-15-03) 19 Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty vs. Charleston Southern (1-18-99) HIGHEST THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 7 made) All Games 77.8 Lacey Lyons (7-9), Winthrop vs. Southern Wesleyan (12-28-10) 70.0 Kelsey Wasmer (7-10), Charleston Southern vs. UNC Asheville (2-19-11) 66.7 Nikki Reddick (8-12), Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston Southern (3-5-03) 66.7 Mallory Morring (8-12), Birmingham-Southern at Savannah State (1-6-07) Big South Games 70.0 Kelsey Wasmer (7-10), Charleston Southern vs. UNC Asheville (2-19-11) 66.7 Nikki Reddick (8-12), Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston Southern (3-5-03) 58.8 Diana Choibekova (10-17), Winthrop vs. Gardner-Webb (1-16-12)

MOST FREE THROWS All Games 19 Regina McKeithan, Campbell vs. Winthrop (1-27-87) 19 Debbie Born, Augusta vs. Charleston Southern (2-4-91) 19 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina at Charleston Southern (3-1-03) Big South Games 19 Regina McKeithan, Campbell vs. Winthrop (1-27-87) 19 Debbie Born, Augusta vs. Charleston Southern (2-4-91) 19 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina at Charleston Southern (3-1-03) MOST FREE THROW ATTEMPTS All Games 24 Debbie Born, Augusta vs. Radford (3-8-91) 22 six times Big South Games 22 Jodi Wingrove, Winthrop vs. Coastal Carolina (1-27-90) 22 Debbie Born, Augusta vs. Charleston Southern (2-4-91) 22 Kim Lewis, Coastal Carolina vs. Campbell (2-17-92) 22 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina vs. High Point (1-12-02) 22 Tonisha Jackson, UNC Asheville vs. High Point (2-1-03) HIGHEST FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 13 made) All Games 100.0 Chrissy Kelly (16-16), Charleston Southern vs. UMBC (1-16-93) 100.0 Lisa Allison (15-15), Campbell vs. Drexel (12-30-92) 100.0 Kelli Riles (13-13), UNC Asheville vs. Winston-Salem State (11-12-11) Big South Games 100.0 Chrissy Kelly (16-16), Charleston Southern vs. UMBC (1-16-93) MOST REBOUNDS All Games 28 Kelli Riles, UNC Asheville vs. USC Upstate (11-30-11) 24 Kelli Riles, UNC Asheville vs. Winston-Salem State (11-12-11) 23 Theresa Bream, Liberty vs. St. Peter’s (12-4-92) 23 Jennifer Grant, Radford vs. Coastal Carolina (2-5-00) 23 Avery Warley, Liberty vs. Charleston Southern (2-11-12) Big South Games 23 Jennifer Grant, Radford vs. Coastal Carolina (2-5-00) 23 Avery Warley, Liberty vs. Charleston Southern (2-11-12) 22 Kelli Riles, UNC Asheville at Radford (2-5-11) 22 Cheyenne Parker, High Point vs. Coastal Carolina (1-21-12) 22 Cheyenne Parker, High Point at Winthrop (1-28-12) MOST ASSISTS All Games 18 Yolanda Brown, Charleston Southern vs. UNC Asheville (2-12-86) 18 Karen Bowles, Radford vs. Campbell (1-25-88) 17 Stephanie Howard, Radford vs. Charleston Southern (1-9-88) Big South Games 18 Yolanda Brown, Charleston Southern vs. UNC Asheville (2-12-86) 18 Karen Bowles, Radford vs. Campbell (1-25-88) 17 Stephanie Howard, Radford vs. Charleston Southern (1-9-88) MOST STEALS All Games 10 Julie Skinner, Campbell vs. Charlotte (1-31-87) 10 Sheila Bailey, Winthrop vs. UNC Asheville (2-20-90) 10 Tanya Belair, Towson State vs. Winthrop (12-17-93) 10 Jayme Chikos, Elon vs. Averett (12-1-99) 10 Jayme Chikos, Elon vs. Greensboro College (1-7-00) 10 Narelle Henry, High Point vs. Arkansas-Little Rock (11-24-01) Big South Games 10 Sheila Bailey, Winthrop vs. UNC Asheville (2-20-90) 10 Tanya Belair, Towson State vs. Winthrop (12-17-93) 9 Stephanie Howard, Radford vs. Augusta (2-12-87) 9 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern vs. Winthrop (3-7-11) 9 Erin Reynolds, High Point vs. Coastal Carolina (1-21-12) MOST BLOCKED SHOTS All Games 10 Tammy Jones, Winthrop vs. Coastal Carolina (2-11-92) 10 Mackenzie Maier, High Point at Campbell (12-1-10) 10 Cheyenne Parker, High Point at Winthrop (1-28-12) Big South Games 10 Tammy Jones, Winthrop vs. Coastal Carolina (2-11-92) 10 Cheyenne Parker, High Point at Winthrop (1-28-12) 9 Mackenzie Maier, High Point vs. UNC Asheville (3-6-11)


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL SINGLE-GAME RECORDS - TEAM MOST POINTS SCORED All Games 127 Winthrop vs. Southern Virginia (11-24-03) 125 High Point vs. Emory & Henry (11-16-08) 119 Coastal Carolina vs. Southern Virginia (2-26-03) Big South Games 111 Radford vs. Charleston Southern (1-9-88) 106 High Point vs. UNC Asheville (3-6-11) 100 Campbell vs. Radford (2-3-92)

HIGHEST THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 10 made) All Games 71.4 Liberty (10-14) vs. Winthrop (3-8-05) 71.4 Liberty (10-14) vs. Charleston Southern (2-18-08) 68.8 High Point (11-16) vs. Charleston Southern (3-11-11) Big South Games 71.4 Liberty (10-14) vs. Charleston Southern (2-18-08) 66.7 UNC Asheville (10-15) at Charleston Southern (1-23-06) 66.7 Radford (10-15) vs. Liberty (3-3-07)

FEWEST POINTS ALLOWED All Games 18 Liberty at Winthrop (2-15-10) 19 Liberty vs. Virginia Union (11-16-10) 20 Coastal Carolina vs. Southern Virginia (11-13-09) Big South Games 18 Liberty at Winthrop (2-15-10) 23 Radford vs. Charleston Southern (2-26-90) 24 Liberty at Charleston Southern (2-19-05)

MOST FREE THROWS All Games 47 Campbell vs. Radford (2-3-92) 41 Winthrop vs. Furman (12-2-89) 39 Campbell vs. Winthrop (1-21-87) Big South Games 47 Campbell vs. Radford (2-3-92) 39 Campbell vs. Winthrop (1-21-87) 35 UNC Asheville vs. Winthrop (2-17-07)

MOST COMBINED POINTS All Games 200 Campbell (94) vs. UNC Wilmington (106), 1-31-90 192 Charleston Southern (97) vs. North Texas (95), 11-29-08 190 Coastal Carolina (96) vs. Radford (94), 2-1-03 Big South Games 190 Coastal Carolina (96) vs. Radford (94), 2-1-03 181 Augusta (97) vs. UNC Asheville (84), 1-29-91 180 UMBC (91) vs. Charleston Southern (89), 1-16-93

MOST FREE THROW ATTEMPTS All Games 61 Winthrop vs. Furman (12-2-89) 59 Campbell vs. Radford (2-3-92) 51 Campbell vs. Winthrop (1-21-87) 51 Liberty vs. Virginia Union (12-15-11) 51 Gardner-Webb vs. Coastal Carolina (1-9-12) Big South Games 59 Campbell vs. Radford (2-3-92) 51 Campbell vs. Winthrop (1-21-87) 51 Gardner-Webb vs. Coastal Carolina (1-9-12)

MOST FIELD GOALS All Games 56 Winthrop vs. Southern Virginia (11-24-03) 49 High Point vs. Emory & Henry (11-16-08) 48 Liberty vs. Glenville State (12-10-11) Big South Games 44 Radford vs. Charleston Southern (1-9-88) 41 UNC Greensboro vs. UNC Asheville (2-11-94) 40 UNC Asheville vs. Charleston Southern (2-24-90) MOST FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS All Games 94 Radford at Coastal Carolina (2-1-03) 93 Winthrop vs. Southern Virginia (11-24-03) 93 Coastal Carolina vs. St. Andrew’s (11-19-11) 93 Liberty vs. Glenville State (12-10-11) Big South Games 94 Radford at Coastal Carolina (2-1-03) 84 Radford vs. UNC Asheville (12-1-90) 84 Liberty vs. Towson State (2-11-93)

HIGHEST FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 13 made) All Games 100.0 UNC Asheville (23-23) vs. Winthrop (3-5-10) 100.0 Charleston Southern (18-18) vs. College of Charleston (1-24-91) 100.0 Radford (18-18) vs. Marshall (11-17-07) Big South Games 100.0 UNC Asheville (23-23) vs. Winthrop (3-5-10) 100.0 High Point (14-14) at Campbell (2-11-12) 95.7 Charleston Southern (22-23) at UNC Asheville (2-22-08) MOST REBOUNDS All Games 72 Charleston Southern vs. Southern Virginia (1-12-04) 72 Liberty vs. Glenville State (12-10-11) 71 Radford at Coastal Carolina (2-1-03) Big South Games 71 Radford at Coastal Carolina (2-1-03) 65 Liberty vs. Gardner-Webb (2-12-11) 64 Gardner-Webb at Radford (2-27-12)

HIGHEST FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE All Games 71.9 UNC Greensboro (41-57) vs. UNC Asheville (2-11-94) 70.2 Liberty (33-47) at Charleston Southern (2-23-09) 67.3 Liberty (33-49) vs. Charleston Southern (2-18-08) Big South Games 71.9 UNC Greensboro (41-57) vs. UNC Asheville (2-11-94) 70.2 Liberty (33-47) at Charleston Southern (2-23-09) 67.3 Liberty (33-49) vs. Charleston Southern (2-18-08)

MOST ASSISTS All Games 37 Winthrop vs. Southern Virginia (11-24-03) 33 Liberty vs. Virginia Union (11-30-07) 32 UNC Asheville vs. Montreat (1-4-07) Big South Games 31 Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston Southern (3-4-92) 30 UNC Greensboro vs. Winthrop (2-17-93) 30 High Point vs. UNC Asheville (3-6-11)

MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS All Games 18 Charleston Southern at UNC Asheville (2-19-11) 18 High Point vs. UNC Asheville (3-6-11) 17 Charleston Southern at High Point (2-9-09) 17 Charleston Southern at North Carolina (11-29-09) 17 Winthrop vs. Gardner-Webb (1-16-12) Big South Games 18 Charleston Southern at UNC Asheville (2-19-11) 18 High Point vs. UNC Asheville (3-6-11) 17 Charleston Southern at High Point (2-9-09) 17 Winthrop vs. Gardner-Webb (1-16-12)

MOST STEALS All Games 29 Coastal Carolina vs. Southern Virginia (11-13-09) 26 Winthrop vs. Southern Virginia (11-25-02) 26 Winthrop vs. Converse (12-14-02) 26 UNC Asheville vs. Charleston Southern (1-23-07) Big South Games 26 UNC Asheville vs. Charleston Southern (1-23-07) 25 Radford vs. UNC Asheville (2-24-96) 25 Radford vs. Liberty (12-31-11)

MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS All Games 48 Charleston Southern at North Carolina (11-29-09) 42 Charleston Southern at Presbyterian (1-30-10) 40 three times Big South Games 42 Charleston Southern at Presbyterian (1-30-10) 40 Charleston Southern vs. Winthrop (2-2-09) 40 Charleston Southern at Liberty (2-11-12)

MOST BLOCKED SHOTS All Games 16 High Point at Campbell (12-1-10) 15 High Point vs. Radford (3-4-11) 13 Liberty vs. Elon (1-28-03) 13 Gardner-Webb vs. Tennessee Temple (11-29-08) 13 High Point vs. Charleston Southern (1-2-10) Big South Games 15 High Point vs. Radford (3-4-11) 13 Liberty vs. Elon (1-28-03) 13 High Point vs. Charleston Southern (1-2-10)


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL ANNUAL LEADERS - TEAM SCORING OFFENSE 1986-87 Campbell 1987-88 CAMPBELL 1988-89 Radford 1989-90 UNC Asheville 1990-91 Campbell 1991-92 Radford 1992-93 Radford 1993-94 Radford 1994-95 UNC Greensboro 1995-96 Radford 1996-97 UNC Greensboro 1997-98 Liberty 1998-99 Charleston Southern 1999-00 Liberty 2000-01 Charleston Southern 2001-02 High Point 2002-03 Liberty 2003-04 Liberty 2004-05 Liberty 2005-06 High Point 2006-07 Radford 2007-08 Liberty 2008-09 Charleston Southern 2009-10 Gardner-Webb 2010-11 High Point 2011-12 Charleston Southern

GP 27 28 28 26 29 29 28 30 31 29 29 29 28 31 29 28 30 32 33 30 31 32 30 33 31 32

PTS 2,098 2,301 2,215 1,912 2,142 2,245 1,980 2,197 2,236 2,216 2,200 2,140 1,611 2,143 1,952 1,532 2,103 2,197 2,334 1,992 2,123 2,293 2,074 2,263 2,136 2,259

AVG 77.7 82.2 79.1 73.5 73.9 77.4 70.7 73.2 72.1 76.4 75.9 73.8 70.3 69.1 67.3 54.7 70.1 68.7 70.7 66.4 68.5 71.7 69.1 68.6 68.9 70.6

SCORING DEFENSE 1986-87 Radford 1987-88 Campbell 1988-89 Radford 1989-90 Radford 1990-91 Campbell 1991-92 Campbell 1992-93 Liberty 1993-94 UMBC 1994-95 UMBC 1995-96 UMBC 1996-97 Liberty 1997-98 Liberty 1998-99 Coastal Carolina 1999-00 Coastal Carolina 2000-01 Liberty 2001-02 Liberty 2002-03 Liberty 2003-04 UNC Asheville 2004-05 Liberty 2005-06 Liberty 2006-07 Coastal Carolina 2007-08 Liberty 2008-09 Liberty 2009-10 LIBERTY 2010-11 Liberty 2011-12 Presbyterian College

GP 30 28 28 27 29 28 28 28 27 27 29 29 28 30 30 31 30 28 33 31 29 32 33 33 33 29

PTS 1,908 1,850 1,707 1,568 1,874 1,834 1,719 1,707 1,572 1,613 1,816 1,673 1,620 1,705 1,807 1,785 1,641 1,534 1,811 1,729 1,627 1,757 1,735 1,649 1,778 1,629

AVG 63.6 66.1 61.0 58.1 64.6 65.5 61.4 61.0 58.2 59.7 62.6 57.7 57.9 56.8 60.2 57.6 54.7 54.8 54.9 55.8 56.1 54.9 52.6 50.0 53.9 56.2

REBOUNDING 1986-87 Campbell 1987-88 Campbell 1988-89 Radford 1989-90 Radford 1990-91 Campbell 1991-92 Liberty 1992-93 Towson State 1993-94 Liberty 1994-95 Liberty 1995-96 UNC Greensboro 1996-97 Liberty 1997-98 Charleston Southern 1998-99 Charleston Southern 1999-00 Charleston Southern 2000-01 Liberty 2001-02 Elon 2002-03 Liberty 2003-04 Liberty 2004-05 Liberty 2005-06 Liberty 2006-07 Liberty 2007-08 UNC Asheville 2008-09 Liberty 2009-10 Liberty Gardner-Webb 2010-11 Liberty 2011-12 LIBERTY

GP 28 28 28 27 29 27 27 28 27 26 29 28 28 27 30 28 30 32 33 31 31 30 33 33 33 33 33

REB 1,275 1,248 1,256 1,238 1,353 1,322 2,138 1,116 1,170 1,120 1,331 1,162 1,286 1,203 1,275 1,205 1,335 1,423 1,473 1,364 1,311 1,337 1,357 1,318 1,316 1,444 1,562

AVG 45.5 44.6 44.9 45.9 45.1 45.6 44.2 41.3 43.6 43.1 45.9 41.5 45.9 44.6 42.5 43.0 44.5 44.5 44.6 44.0 42.3 44.6 41.1 39.9 39.9 43.8 47.3

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 1986-87 Augusta 1987-88 Campbell 1988-89 Winthrop 1989-90 Campbell 1990-91 Campbell 1991-92 Radford 1992-93 UNC Greensboro 1993-94 UNC GREENSBORO 1994-95 UNC Greensboro 1995-96 Radford UNC Greensboro 1996-97 UNC Greensboro 1997-98 Radford 1998-99 Charleston Southern 1999-00 Liberty 2000-01 Radford 2001-02 High Point 2002-03 Liberty 2003-04 Liberty 2004-05 Liberty 2005-06 UNC Asheville 2006-07 Liberty 2007-08 Liberty 2008-09 Liberty 2009-10 Liberty 2010-11 Liberty High Point 2011-12 Liberty

FGM 716 930 771 654 825 841 804 813 801 848 678 785 738 687 780 596 726 778 840 865 625 735 816 779 837 740 788 832

FGA 1,496 1,950 1,651 1,434 1,711 1,885 1,698 1,640 1,804 1,922 1,539 1,781 1,754 1,611 1,781 1,530 1,773 1,794 1,861 1,845 1,496 1,725 1,778 1,710 1,737 1,791 1,910 1915

PCT 47.8 47.7 46.7 45.6 48.2 44.6 47.3 49.6 44.4 44.1 44.1 44.1 42.1 42.6 43.8 39.0 40.9 43.4 45.1 46.9 41.8 42.6 45.9 45.6 48.2 41.3 41.3 43.4

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE 1986-87 UNC Asheville 1987-88 Charleston Southern 1988-89 Campbell 1989-90 UNC Asheville 1990-91 Coastal Carolina 1991-92 Radford 1992-93 Radford 1993-94 Liberty 1994-95 Towson State 1995-96 Charleston Southern 1996-97 UNC Asheville 1997-98 UNC Asheville 1998-99 Coastal Carolina 1999-00 COASTAL CAROLINA 2000-01 Radford 2001-02 Radford 2002-03 Liberty 2003-04 Radford 2004-05 Radford 2005-06 High Point 2006-07 Liberty 2007-08 Liberty 2008-09 Liberty 2009-10 UNC Asheville 2010-11 UNC Asheville 2011-12 Charleston Southern

FTM 336 366 380 437 294 509 518 410 429 507 453 429 362 398 393 261 427 392 375 364 450 525 395 454 473 422

FTA 484 535 536 615 406 705 704 589 625 672 616 594 496 521 533 384 614 528 526 528 640 721 576 640 674 583

PCT 69.4 68.4 70.9 71.0 72.4 72.1 73.5 69.6 68.6 75.4 73.5 72.2 73.0 76.4 73.7 68.0 69.5 74.2 71.3 68.9 70.3 72.8 68.6 70.9 70.2 72,4

THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 1987-88 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN 1988-89 Charleston Southern 1989-90 Coastal Carolina 1990-91 UNC Asheville 1991-92 UNC Asheville 1992-93 UNC Greensboro 1993-94 UNC Greensboro 1994-95 UNC Asheville 1995-96 Radford 1996-97 UNC Asheville 1997-98 Radford 1998-99 Charleston Southern 1999-00 Liberty 2000-01 Coastal Carolina 2001-02 Liberty 2002-03 Coastal Carolina 2003-04 Radford 2004-05 Liberty 2005-06 High Point 2006-07 Liberty 2007-08 Liberty 2008-09 Liberty 2009-10 Gardner-Webb 2010-11 High Point 2011-12 Charleston Southern

3FG 88 120 98 125 99 55 38 109 125 81 129 139 138 168 147 204 155 136 192 181 136 115 169 191 295

3FGA 199 293 282 353 316 146 104 319 362 227 349 422 388 527 435 574 481 383 540 540 410 337 458 544 854

PCT 44.2 41.0 34.7 35.4 31.3 37.6 36.5 34.2 34.5 35.7 37.0 32.9 35.6 31.9 33.8 35.5 32.2 35.5 35.6 33.5 33.2 34.1 36.9 35.1 34.5


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL ANNUAL LEADERS - INDIVIDUAL SCORING AVERAGE 1986-87 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 1987-88 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 1988-89 Stephanie Howard, Radford 1989-90 Debbie Born, Augusta 1990-91 TAMMY BROWN, CAMPBELL 1991-92 Patrinda Toney, Radford 1992-93 Shannan Wilkey, Radford 1993-94 Shannan Wilkey, Radford 1994-95 Trinette Tucker, Towson State 1995-96 Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 1996-97 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 1997-98 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 1998-99 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 1999-00 Cheri McNeil, Coastal Carolina 2000-01 Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina 2001-02 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 2002-03 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina 2003-04 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2004-05 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2005-06 Katie O’Dell, High Point 2006-07 Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina 2007-08 Megan Frazee, Liberty 2008-09 Megan Frazee, Liberty 2009-10 Devon Brown, Liberty 2010-11 Katie Tull, Charleston Southern 2011-12 Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop

GP 27 28 32 29 29 29 28 30 21 27 28 30 29 29 29 27 29 27 32 32 29 29 32 25 33 30 31

PTS 578 655 660 598 693 619 485 640 404 435 451 648 592 546 409 531 621 560 674 569 416 652 595 496 566 481 653

AVG 21.4 23.4 20.6 20.6 23.9 21.3 17.3 21.3 19.2 16.1 16.1 21.6 20.4 18.8 14.1 19.7 21.4 20.7 21.1 17.8 14.3 22.5 18.6 19.8 17.3 16.0 21.1

REBOUNDING AVERAGE 1986-87 Regina McKeithan, Campbell 1987-88 Rhonda Grant, Coastal Carolina 1988-89 Rhonda Grant, Coastal Carolina 1989-90 Tammy Brown, Campbell 1990-91 Tammy Brown, Campbell 1991-92 Wendy Johnson, Liberty 1992-93 Stephanie Finley, Winthrop 1993-94 Danielle Barry, Towson State 1994-95 Eunice French, UMBC 1995-96 Alisa Moore, UNC Greensboro 1996-97 Monica Logan, UMBC 1997-98 Monica Logan, UMBC 1998-99 Kate Sanford, Charleston Southern 1999-00 Kate Sanford, Charleston Southern 2000-01 Jessica Guarneri, UNC Asheville 2001-02 Jessica Guarneri, UNC Asheville 2002-03 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2003-04 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2004-05 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2005-06 Corrie Fertitta, Radford 2006-07 Megan Frazee, Liberty 2007-08 Stacy Shepard, UNC Asheville 2008-09 Megan Frazee, Liberty 2009-10 Lindsey Montgomery, UNC Asheville 2010-11 Avery Warley, Liberty 2011-12 CHEYENNE PARKER, HIGH POINT

GP 27 26 26 28 29 26 27 28 27 26 27 26 28 28 22 28 28 32 32 28 31 30 25 29 33 33

REB 305 268 275 272 282 297 253 243 294 224 289 257 323 271 202 274 254 353 331 226 264 298 247 294 363 403

AVG 11.3 10.3 10.6 9.7 9.7 11.4 9.4 8.7 10.9 8.6 10.7 9.9 11.5 9.7 9.2 9.8 9.1 11.0 10.3 8.1 8.5 9.9 9.9 10.1 11.0 12.2

FG 222 124 225 202 269 173 199 172 184 155 168 128 152 159 157 146 170 291 230 138 175 126 185 149 155 156

FGA 408 199 391 371 450 304 339 288 302 268 298 250 285 334 298 290 299 443 343 307 321 217 355 247 250 272

PCT 54.4 62.3 57.5 544 59.8 56.9 58.7 59.7 60.9 57.8 56.4 51.2 53.3 47.6 52.7 50.3 56.9 65.7 67.1 45.0 54.5 58.1 52.1 60.3 62.0 57.4

FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 4.5 FG per game) 1986-87 Stephanie Howard, Radford 1987-88 Patrice Ross, Augusta 1988-89 Kim Segars, Winthrop 1989-90 Debbie Born, Augusta 1990-91 Tammy Brown, Campbell 1991-92 Tammy Jones, Winthrop 1992-93 Vickie Henson, UNC Greensboro 1993-94 Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville 1994-95 Alisa Moore, UNC Greensboro 1995-96 Dede Logemann, Radford 1996-97 Melinda Goodson, UNC Greensboro 1997-98 Jennifer Grant, Radford 1998-99 Kate Sanford, Charleston Southern 1999-00 Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty 2000-01 Erin Jedlikowski, Charleston Southern 2001-02 Mary Brewer, High Point 2002-03 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2003-04 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2004-05 KATIE FEENSTRA, LIBERTY 2005-06 Sarah Stephens, Radford 2006-07 Reba Ross, Birmingham-Southern 2007-08 Moriah Frazee, Liberty 2008-09 Megan Frazee, Liberty 2009-10 Avery Warley, Liberty 2010-11 Avery Warley, Liberty 2011-12 Avery Warley, Liberty

THREE-POINT FG PERCENTAGE (min. 1.5 3FG per game) 1987-88 Yolanda Brown, Charleston Southern 1988-89 JOY GALLOWAY, CHARLESTON SOUTHERN 1989-90 Holly Bottar, Coastal Carolina 1990-91 Ashley Woods, UNC Asheville 1991-92 Cynthia Thomson, Liberty 1992-93 Dawn Coleman, Liberty 1993-94 Amanda Frazier, UNC Asheville 1994-95 Amanda Frazier, UNC Asheville 1995-96 Samantha Ferguson, UNC Greensboro 1996-97 Wendy Dieterlen, Charleston Southern Elena Kisseleva, Liberty 1997-98 Lori Mitchell, Radford 1998-99 Crystal Carpenter, Charleston Southern 1999-00 Alison Bach, Coastal Carolina 2000-01 Marta Losonczy, Charleston Southern 2001-02 Holly Andrews, Elon 2002-03 Tamara Ruzic, Charleston Southern 2003-04 Lindsay Boyett, Birmingham-Southern 2004-05 Stacey Anthony, Birmingham-Southern 2005-06 Stacey Anthony, Birmingham-Southern 2006-07 Brittany Hendley, UNC Asheville 2007-08 Tiffany Rodd, Winthrop 2008-09 Kelsey Wasmer, Charleston Southern 2009-10 Amanda Stull, Coastal Carolina 2010-11 Mackenzie Maier, High Point 2011-12 Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville

3FG 62 62 58 71 56 44 53 43 65 63 48 51 74 67 45 47 47 58 50 68 69 73 76 49 44 53

3FGA 137 128 176 209 167 138 167 115 159 177 135 122 194 189 110 117 108 138 126 170 185 195 191 104 99 129

PCT 45.3 50.8 33.0 34.0 33.5 31.9 31.7 37.4 40.9 35.6 35.6 41.8 38.1 35.4 40.9 40.2 43.5 42.0 39.7 40.0 37.3 37.4 39.8 47.1 44.4 41.1

FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 2.5 FT per game) 1986-87 Gina Arp, Augusta 1987-88 Stephanie Howard, Radford 1988-89 Mary Chavous, Augusta 1989-90 Tammy Brown, Campbell 1990-91 Melissa Herbert, Coastal Carolina 1991-92 Tammie Crown, Radford 1992-93 Tammie Crown, Radford 1993-94 Amy Nigro, Campbell 1994-95 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 1995-96 TRACEY DeLONG, CHARLESTON SOUTHERN 1996-97 Kim Hairston, Radford 1997-98 Crystal Carpenter, Charleston Southern 1998-99 Crystal Carpenter, Charleston Southern 1999-00 Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty 2000-01 Charlotta Wennefors, Winthrop 2001-02 Katie LaRue, Charleston Southern 2002-03 Amanda Neby, Radford 2003-04 Lindsay Boyett, Birmingham-Southern 2004-05 Taryn Causey, Radford 2005-06 Kristal Hood, UNC Asheville 2006-07 Megan Frazee, Liberty 2007-08 Megan Frazee, Liberty 2008-09 Johnette Walker, Radford 2009-10 Da’Naria Erwin-Spencer, Radford 2010-11 Kendall Shepard, UNC Asheville 2011-12 Rachelle Coward, Charleston Southern

FT 115 120 108 132 86 94 121 84 181 82 108 85 112 76 132 75 122 81 140 126 105 151 107 66 120 111

FTA 152 146 135 178 113 118 140 101 224 91 127 100 126 92 157 98 155 92 162 152 136 172 134 85 152 137

PCT 75.6 82.2 80.0 74.2 76.1 79.7 86.4 83.2 80.8 90.1 85.0 85.0 88.9 82.6 84.1 76.5 78.7 88.0 86.4 82.9 77.2 87.8 79.9 77.6 78.9 81.0

ASSISTS PER GAME 1986-87 Julie Skinner, Campbell 1987-88 JULIE SKINNER, CAMPBELL 1988-89 Stephanie Howard, Radford 1989-90 Shelia Bailey, Winthrop 1990-91 Shelia Bailey, Winthrop 1991-92 Shonta Tabourn, Campbell 1992-93 Shonta Tabourn, Campbell 1993-94 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 1994-95 Ginny Holloway, Liberty 1995-96 Meredith Luebbers, Coastal Carolina 1996-97 Meredith Luebbers, Coastal Carolina 1997-98 Joy Taylor, Charleston Southern 1998-99 Sarah Wilkerson, Liberty 1999-00 Annie Miller, High Point 2000-01 Catrice Horton, Radford 2001-02 Jayme Chikos, Elon 2002-03 Jayme Chikos, Elon 2003-04 Taryn Causey, Radford 2004-05 Taryn Causey, Radford 2005-06 Iva Milevoj, Winthrop 2006-07 Marisah Henderson, Birmingham-Southern 2007-08 Yvonne van Daalen, Winthrop 2008-09 Frances Fields, High Point 2009-10 Dominique Hudson, Gardner-Webb 2010-11 Dominique Hudson, Gardner-Webb 2011-12 Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop

GP 25 28 32 28 24 28 26 27 27 27 27 28 29 28 28 27 29 29 28 29 30 32 30 33 33 31

AST 105 206 207 140 155 184 176 158 143 160 149 161 127 150 129 181 170 123 116 179 142 158 146 155 194 224

AVG 4.2 7.4 6.5 5.0 6.5 6.6 6.8 5.9 5.3 5.9 5.5 5.8 4.4 5.4 4.6 6.7 5.9 4.2 4.1 6.2 4.7 4.9 4.9 4.7 5.9 7.2


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL ANNUAL LEADERS - INDIVIDUAL STEALS PER GAME 1986-87 Julie Skinner, Campbell 1987-88 JULIE SKINNER, CAMPBELL 1988-89 Stephanie Howard, Radford 1989-90 Shelia Bailey, Winthrop 1990-91 Shelia Bailey, Winthrop 1991-92 Shonta Tabourn, Campbell 1992-93 Shonta Tabourn, Campbell 1993-94 Shannan Wilkey, Radford 1994-95 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 1995-96 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern 1996-97 Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty 1997-98 Sarah Wilkerson, Liberty 1998-99 Cheri McNeil, Coastal Carolina 1999-00 Cheri McNeil, Coastal Carolina 2000-01 Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina 2001-02 Narelle Henry, High Point 2002-03 Marea Daniels, Charleston Southern 2003-04 Taryn Causey, Radford 2004-05 Taryn Causey, Radford 2005-06 Johnette Walker, Radford 2006-07 Johnette Walker, Radford 2007-08 Johnette Walker, Radford 2008-09 Johnette Walker, Radford 2009-10 Amanda Stull, Coastal Carolina 2010-11 Monique Hudson, Gardner-Webb 2011-12 Tonisha Baker, Campbell

GP 25 28 32 28 24 28 26 30 28 28 28 29 28 29 27 28 28 29 28 28 31 35 28 29 34 30

STL 105 121 104 91 65 78 103 104 77 75 78 79 84 99 95 81 82 85 86 78 83 106 81 89 90 81

AVG 4.2 4.3 3.3 3.3 2.7 2.8 4.0 3.5 2.8 2.7 2.8 2.7 3.0 3.4 3.5 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.1 2.8 2.6 3.0 2.8 3.1 2.6 2.7

BLOCKED SHOTS PER GAME 1986-87 Joyce Sampson, Radford 1987-88 Wendy Beecher, UNC Asheville 1988-89 Wendy Beecher, UNC Asheville 1989-90 Wendy Beecher, UNC Asheville 1990-91 Jill Hilton, Radford 1991-92 Tammy Jones, Winthrop 1992-93 Caprice Hightower, Towson State 1993-94 Tammy Jones, Winthrop 1994-95 Dede Logemann, Radford 1995-96 Dede Logemann, Radford 1996-97 Monica Logan, UMBC 1997-98 Kim Cruise, Radford 1998-99 Kate Sanford, Charleston Southern 1999-00 Mary Brewer, High Point 2000-01 Meribeth Feenstra, Liberty 2001-02 Meribeth Feenstra, Liberty 2002-03 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2003-04 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2004-05 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2005-06 Kelli Darden, Radford 2006-07 Kelli Darden, Radford 2007-08 Kelli Darden, Radford 2008-09 Mackenzie Maier, High Point 2009-10 Mackenzie Maier, High Point 2010-11 Mackenzie Maier, High Point 2011-12 CHEYENNE PARKER, HIGH POINT

GP 30 25 26 27 30 29 28 27 30 29 27 24 28 28 30 31 28 32 32 28 31 35 31 31 27 33

BLK 79 67 51 66 49 55 46 52 52 41 47 34 31 53 77 77 71 83 80 57 85 98 84 91 84 121

AVG 2.6 2.7 2.0 2.4 1.6 1.9 1.6 1.9 1.7 1.2 1.7 1.4 1.1 1.9 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.5 2.0 2.7 2.8 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.7

Bold italics denotes record holders



Year 2004

Category Player, school Total FG Percentage.............. Katie Feenstra, Liberty .....................65.7

Year 1997

Category School Total Most Improved ..................Liberty ...............................15.5


FG Percentage.............. Katie Feenstra, Liberty ..................... 67.1


FG Defense.......................Charleston Southern ............. 34.9


3FG Per Game.............. Katie Tull, Charleston Southern............3.6


Most Improved ..................UNC Asheville...................... 16.0 Rebound Margin.................Liberty ...............................11.7


3FG Per Game.............. Diana Choibekova, Winthrop ...............3.9 2005

FG Defense.......................Liberty .............................. 32.8 Rebound Margin.................Liberty ...............................13.8


Rebound Margin.................Liberty ...............................13.9


Rebound Margin.................Liberty ...............................15.6

FAST FACT: KATIE FEENSTRA was just the second player in NCAA history at the time to lead the nation in field goal percentage in back-to-back seasons.

FAST FACT: UNC ASHEVILLE’s 16.0 game improvement in 2003-04 was the third-best year-toyear improvement in NCAA Division I history at the time, as the Bulldogs finished 19-9 after going 3-25 in 2002-03.


ALL-TIME WOMEN’S BASKETBALL HONORS ALL-AMERICA 1986-87 Stephanie Howard, Radford ..................... 3rd Team 1987-88 Regina McKeithan, Campbell.....................1st Team Stephanie Howard, Radford ....................2nd Team

1987-88 1988-99 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

AMERICAN WOMEN’S SPORTS FEDERATION FAST BREAK ALL-AMERICAN Regina McKeithan, Campbell....................2nd Team Tammy Brown, Campbell ................ Special Mention Denise Ford, Campbell ................... Special Mention Tammy Brown, Campbell ........................ 4th Team Tammy Brown, Campbell ........................2nd Team Laurie Hood, Campbell........................... 3rd Team Tammie Crown, Radford ......................... 3rd Team Lisa Allison, Campbell..................... Special Mention

ASSOCIATED PRESS ALL-AMERICAN 2003-04 Katie Feenstra, Liberty ...............Honorable Mention 2004-05 Katie Feenstra, Liberty ...............Honorable Mention 2008-09 Megan Frazee, Liberty................Honorable Mention



KODAK/WBCAALL-AMERICA REGION II 2003-04 Katie Feenstra, Liberty ALL-SOUTHEAST REGION 1987-88 Julie Skinner, Campbell JOHN R. WOODEN WOMEN’S AWARD CANDIDATE 2004-05 Katie Feenstra, Liberty STATE FARM WADE TROPHY CANDIDATE 2004-05 Katie Feenstra, Liberty BAYER ADVANTAGE SENIOR CLASS AWARD LIST 2004-05 Katie Feenstra, Liberty COLLEGIATE BASKETBALL AWARD OF EXCELLENCE “WATCH LIST” 2004-05 Katie Feenstra, Liberty Kristal Tharp, Liberty

2007 2011

TEAM USA PARTICIPANTS Katie Feenstra.......... FIBA World League Tournament Avery Warley, Liberty..............Pan American Games



2005 2009

WNBA DRAFT PICKS Katie Feenstra, Liberty ............Connecticut (1st, 8th) Megan Frazee, Liberty.......... San Antonio (2nd, 14th)

2004 2007 2012

1991-92 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2003-04 2004-05

2005-06 2006-07 2007-08


2009-10 2010-11 2011-12

WNBA Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina....... Tryout, Charlotte Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina.....Pre-Draft Camp Invitee Avery Warley, Liberty.......Signed by Phoenix Mercury VaSID (VIRGINIA ALL-STATE) Wendy Johnson, Liberty .........................2nd Team Elena Kisseleva, Liberty ..........................2nd Team Elena Kisseleva, Liberty ...........................1st Team Elena Kisseleva, Liberty ..........................2nd Team Elena Kisseleva, Liberty ..........................2nd Team Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty .......................2nd Team Michelle Fricke, Liberty ..........................2nd Team Katie Feenstra, Liberty ............................1st Team Katie Feenstra, Liberty ...........................1st Team Kristal Tharp, Liberty ............................2nd Team Taryn Causey, Radford............................2nd Team Megan Frazee, Liberty............................2nd Team Megan Frazee, Liberty.............................1st Team Kelli Darden, Radford .............................2nd Team Megan Frazee, Liberty.............................1st Team Moriah Frazee, Liberty ...........................2nd Team Kelli Darden, Radford .............................2nd Team Megan Frazee, Liberty.............................1st Team Moriah Frazee, Liberty ...............Honorable Mention Taleia Moton, Radford ................Honorable Mention Devon Brown, Liberty..............................1st Team Avery Warley, Liberty..............................1st Team Avery Warley, Liberty..............................1st Team Devon Brown, Liberty.............................2nd Team Devon Brown, Liberty..............................1st Team Avery Warley, Liberty.............................2nd Team Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford...............2nd Team

VaSID PLAYER OF THE YEAR 2003-04 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2004-05 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2008-09 Megan Frazee, Liberty (Co-Player)

1997-98 2002-03 2004-05 2005-06

VaSID COACH OF THE YEAR Rick Reeves, Liberty Carey Green, Liberty Carey Green, Liberty Carey Green, Liberty

VaSID ROOKIE OF THE YEAR 2008-09 Avery Warley, Liberty 2009-10 Devon Brown, Liberty 2011-12 Reagan Miller, Liberty RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH STATE OF VIRGINIA PLAYER OF THE YEAR 2003-04 Katie Feenstra, Liberty 2007-08 Megan Frazee, Liberty 2008-09 Megan Frazee, Liberty

2003-04 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11


RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH ALL-STATE Katie Feenstra, Liberty Megan Frazee, Liberty Megan Frazee, Liberty Megan Frazee, Liberty Devon Brown, Liberty Avery Warley, Liberty.............................2nd Team Devon Brown, Liberty.................Honorable Mention Da’Naria Erwin Spencer ..............Honorable Mention Devon Brown, Liberty.............................2nd Team Avery Warley, Liberty.............................2nd Team Da’Naria Erwin Spencer ..............Honorable Mention

NCCSIA (NORTH CAROLINA ALL-STATE) 2004-05 Charlena Martin, High Point .....................2nd Team Katie O’Dell, High Point ..........................2nd Team 2006-07 Candyce Sellars, High Point.......................1st Team Leslie Cook, High Point ...........................2nd Team 2007-08 Mackenzie Maier, High Point......................1st Team 2008-09 Mackenzie Maier, High Point.....................2nd Team 2009-10 Dominique Hudson, Gardner-Webb .............1st Team Margaret Roundtree, Gardner-Webb............1st Team 2010-11 Dominique Hudson, Gardner-Webb .............1st Team Monique Hudson, Gardner-Webb ...............2nd Team 2011-12 Shamia Brown, High Point.........................1st Team Cheyenne Parker, High Point .....................1st Team Tonisha Baker, Campbell .........................2nd Team Erin Reynolds, High Point ........................2nd Team NCAA WOMAN OF THE YEAR STATE WINNERS 2000-01 Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina ......South Carolina

1993-94 1998-99 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10

CoSIDA ACADEMIC ALL-AMERICA Samantha Gilbert, Radford ......................2nd Team Jennifer Grant, Radford .......................... 3rd Team Kristal Tharp, Liberty .............................2nd Team Leslie Cook, High Point ........................... 3rd Team Leslie Cook, High Point ............................1st Team Megan Frazee, Liberty............................2nd Team Megan Frazee, Liberty.............................1st Team Amanda Stull, Coastal Carolina ................. 3rd Team

CoSIDA ACADEMIC ALL-DISTRICT 1993-94 Samantha Gilbert, Radford .......................1st Team 1998-99 Jennifer Grant, Radford ...........................1st Team 2003-04 Kristal Tharp, Liberty ..............................1st Team Kylie Williamson, Radford .........................1st Team Katie Feenstra, Liberty ...........................2nd Team Amanda Neby, Radford ...........................2nd Team 2004-05 Kristal Tharp, Liberty ..............................1st Team 2005-06 Leslie Cook, High Point ............................1st Team Iva Milevoj, Winthrop .............................2nd Team 2006-07 Leslie Cook, High Point ............................1st Team Allyson Fasnacht, Liberty .........................1st Team Megan Frazee, Liberty.............................1st Team 2007-08 Megan Frazee, Liberty.............................1st Team Moriah Frazee, Liberty ............................1st Team Allyson Fasnacht, Liberty ........................2nd Team 2008-09 Megan Frazee, Liberty.............................1st Team Amanda Stull, Coastal Carolina ..................1st Team Moriah Frazee, Liberty ...........................2nd Team Rachel Hammond, Liberty.......................2nd Team 2009-10 Amanda Stull, Coastal Carolina ..................1st Team 2010-11 Katie White, Coastal Carolina ....................1st Team Mackenzie Maier, High Point.....................2nd Team


VaSID ACADEMIC ALL-STATE 2002-03 Amanda Neby, Radford ...............Honorable Mention 2007-08 Allyson Fasnacht, Liberty Megan Frazee, Liberty Moriah Frazee, Liberty 2008-09 Megan Frazee, Liberty I-AAA ATHLETIC DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION SCHOLAR-ATHLETE TEAM 2005-06 Iva Milevoj, Winthrop 2010-11 Grace Blaylock, UNC Asheville SENIOR CLASS AWARD CANDIDATES 2007-08 Allyson Fasnacht, Liberty 2008-09 Megan Frazee, Liberty

2007 2009


WBCA ACADEMIC NATIONAL TOP 25 TEAM HONOR ROLL 1997-98 Radford ...................................................... 4th Winthrop....................................................10th 1998-99 Radford ......................................................2nd Winthrop....................................................11th Liberty ......................................................12th 1999-00 Liberty ......................................................13th 2000-01 Radford ......................................................2nd 2005-06 Liberty ....................................................T-14th 2006-07 Liberty ....................................................... 7th 2007-08 Liberty ......................................................14th 2008-09 Charleston Southern ................................... T-21st

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL ANNUAL AWARD WINNERS SEASON 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 PLAYER OF THE YEAR 1986-87 Regina McKeithan 1987-88 Stephanie Howard 1988-89 Stephanie Howard 1989-90 Tammy Brown 1990-91 Tammy Brown 1991-92 Laurie Hood Patrinda Toney 1992-93 Tammy Crown 1993-94 Vickie Henson 1994-95 Trinette Tucker 1995-96 Chrissy Kelly 1996-97 Vicki Griffin 1997-98 Elena Kisseleva 1998-99 Elena Kisseleva 1999-00 Sharon Wilkerson 2000-01 Brooke Weisbrod 2001-02 Holly Andrews 2002-03 Katie Feenstra 2003-04 Katie Feenstra 2004-05 Katie Feenstra 2005-06 Katie O’Dell 2006-07 Alisha Dill 2007-08 Megan Frazee 2008-09 Megan Frazee 2009-10 Margaret Roundtree 2010-11 Katie Tull 2011-12 Dequesha McClanahan

REGULAR-SEASON CHAMPION(S) Radford Radford, Campbell Radford Radford Campbell Radford UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty High Point Liberty Liberty Gardner-Webb Liberty Liberty

Campbell Radford Radford Campbell Campbell Campbell Radford Radford UNC Greensboro Towson State Charleston Southern UNC Asheville Liberty Liberty Liberty Coastal Carolina Elon Liberty Liberty Liberty High Point Coastal Carolina Liberty Liberty Gardner-Webb Charleston Southern Winthrop

ROOKIE/FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR 1989-90 Tara McMinn UNC Asheville 1990-91 Shannan Wilkey Radford 1991-92 Angie Johnson Liberty 1992-93 Chrissy Kelly Charleston Southern 1993-94 Vicki Griffin UNC Asheville 1994-95 Katherine Kitchin Winthrop 1995-96 Kim Hairston Radford 1996-97 Elena Kisseleva Liberty 1997-98 Brooke Weisbrod Coastal Carolina 1998-99 Katie LaRue Charleston Southern 1999-00 Michelle Fricke Liberty 2000-01 Nicki Fauntleroy High Point 2001-02 Kristal Tharp Liberty 2002-03 Kristal Hood UNC Asheville 2003-04 Brittany Hendley UNC Asheville 2004-05 Corrie Fertitta Radford 2005-06 Ashley Fann Winthrop 2006-07 Kyla Jones UNC Asheville 2007-08 Mackenzie Maier High Point 2008-09 Shamia Brown High Point 2009-10 Mariah Pietrowski Presbyterian College 2010-11 Dequesha McClanahan Winthrop 2011-12 Shonese Jones UNC Asheville

TOURNAMENT CHAMPION Radford Radford Campbell Radford Radford Radford Radford Radford Radford Radford Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty UNC Asheville Liberty Liberty Liberty Gardner-Webb Liberty

COACH OF THE YEAR 1986-87 Lowell Barnhart Wanda Watkins 1987-88 Charlene Curtis 1988-89 Gina Markland 1989-90 Charlene Curtis 1990-91 Wanda Watkins 1991-92 Luby Lichonczak 1992-93 Lynne Agee Rick Reeves 1993-94 Kathy Solano 1994-95 Ellen Fitzkee 1995-96 Robin Muller 1996-97 Rick Reeves 1997-98 Rick Reeves 1998-99 Alan LeForce 1999-00 Carey Green 2000-01 Fred Francello Joe Ellenburg 2001-02 Kristen Holt 2002-03 Carey Green 2003-04 Betsy Blose 2004-05 Tooey Loy 2005-06 Carey Green 2006-07 Tooey Loy 2007-08 Carey Green 2008-09 Carey Green 2009-10 Rick Reeves 2010-11 Tajama Ngongba 2011-12 Marlene Stollings

Augusta Campbell Radford Coastal Carolina Radford Campbell Radford UNC Greensboro Liberty UMBC Towson State Winthrop Liberty Liberty Coastal Carolina Liberty Charleston Southern High Point Radford Liberty UNC Asheville High Point Liberty High Point Liberty Liberty Gardner-Webb Radford Winthrop

SCHOLAR-ATHLETE OF THE YEAR 1996-97 Vicki Giffin UNC Asheville 1997-98 Elena Kisseleva Liberty 1998-99 Crystal Carpenter Charleston Southern 1999-00 Jennifer Grant Radford 2000-01 Brooke Weisbrod Coastal Carolina 2001-02 Charlotta Wennefors Winthrop 2002-03 Gina Rosser High Point 2003-04 Kristal Tharp Liberty 2004-05 Kristal Tharp Liberty 2005-06 Leslie Cook High Point 2006-07 Leslie Cook High Point 2007-08 Allyson Fasnacht Liberty 2008-09 Megan Frazee Liberty 2009-10 Amanda Stull Coastal Carolina 2010-11 Katie White Coastal Carolina 2011-12 Rachelle Coward Charleston Southern Brianna Dillard Gardner-Webb


TOURNAMENT RUNNER-UP Campbell Campbell Radford Campbell Campbell Campbell UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro Winthrop UNC Greensboro UNC Asheville Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Elon Coastal Carolina High Point Birmingham-Southern UNC Asheville High Point Radford Radford Gardner-Webb Gardner-Webb Liberty High Point DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR 2005-06 Roli-Ann Nikagbatse Liberty 2006-07 Kelli Darden Radford 2007-08 Kelli Darden Radford 2008-09 Johnette Walker Radford 2009-10 Amanda Stull Coastal Carolina 2010-11 Avery Warley Liberty 2011-12 Cheyenne Parker High Point BIG SOUTH TOURNAMENT MVP 1986-87 Stephanie Howard 1987-88 Regina McKeithan 1988-89 Denise Ford 1989-90 Karen Bowles 1990-91 Roz Groce 1991-92 Patrinda Toney 1992-93 Shannan Wilkey 1993-94 Shannan Wilkey 1994-95 Alisa Moore 1995-96 Anne Cox 1996-97 Elena Kisseleva 1997-98 Emily Hill 1998-99 Elena Kisseleva 1999-00 Elena Kisseleva 2000-01 Michelle Fricke 2001-02 Nikki Reddick 2002-03 Katie Feenstra 2003-04 Katie Feenstra 2004-05 Katie Feenstra 2005-06 Allyson Fasnacht 2006-07 Amanda Elder 2007-08 Megan Frazee 2008-09 Megan Frazee 2009-10 Devon Brown 2010-11 Dominique Hudson 2011-12 Avery Warley

Radford Campbell Campbell Radford Radford Radford Radford Radford UNC Greensboro Winthrop Liberty UNC Asheville Liberty Liberty Liberty Coastal Carolina Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty UNC Asheville Liberty Liberty Liberty Gardner-Webb Liberty

BIG SOUTH TEAM SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD (COACH) 2005-06 Birmingham-Southern (Brad Hodge) 2006-07 Charleston Southern (Julie Goodenough) 2007-08 Charleston Southern (Julie Goodenough) 2008-09 Presbyterian College (Ronny Fisher) 2009-10 Presbyterian College (Ronny Fisher) 2010-11 UNC Asheville (Betsy Blose) 2011-12 Campbell (Wanda Watkins)

ALL-TIME WOMEN’S BASKETBALL ALL-ACADEMIC TEAMS 1996-97 Jennifer Steadman................Charleston Southern Meredith Luebbers..................... Coastal Carolina Flori Willie ...........................................Liberty Monica Logan ........................................ UMBC Vicki Giffin.................................. UNC Asheville Jennifer Lewis ..........................UNC Greensboro Dana Schnell .......................................Radford Katherine Kitchin ............................... Winthrop

2003-04 Amy Woods....................... Birmingham-Southern Amanda Ekberg ...................Charleston Southern Crystal Brown........................... Coastal Carolina Emily Mills .......................................High Point Kristal Tharp ........................................Liberty Kylie Williamson ...................................Radford Arin Kress......................................... Winthrop

1997-98 Joy Taylor...........................Charleston Southern Janelle Van Acker ...................... Coastal Carolina Elena Kisseleva .....................................Liberty Kendra Damann ..................................... UMBC Candy Credito ............................. UNC Asheville Jennifer Grant .....................................Radford Leigh-Ann Pursifull .............................. Winthrop

2004-05 Pam Thornborrow .............. Birmingham-Southern Amanda Ekberg ...................Charleston Southern Courtney Brown ........................ Coastal Carolina Emily Mills .......................................High Point Kristal Tharp ........................................Liberty Jesse Brunjak ......................................Radford Amanda Elder.............................. UNC Asheville Katie Kilcollin .................................... Winthrop

1998-99 Crystal Carpenter .................Charleston Southern Brooke Weisbrod ....................... Coastal Carolina Mary Parker Coleman ................................ Elon Annie Miller .....................................High Point Elena Kisseleva .....................................Liberty Candy Credito ............................. UNC Asheville Jennifer Grant .....................................Radford Mandy Britt....................................... Winthrop

2005-06 Reba Ross......................... Birmingham-Southern Erica McCoy ........................Charleston Southern Amber Rose ............................. Coastal Carolina Leslie Cook ......................................High Point Allyson Fasnacht....................................Liberty Shavon Earp ........................................Radford Ashton Barton ............................. UNC Asheville Iva Milevoj ........................................ Winthrop

1999-00 Joy Taylor...........................Charleston Southern Brooke Weisbrod ....................... Coastal Carolina Mariam McLeod ....................................... Elon Annie Miller .....................................High Point Elena Kisseleva .....................................Liberty Denise Wilbanks ........................... UNC Asheville Jennifer Grant .....................................Radford Meredith Smith .................................. Winthrop

2006-07 Reba Ross......................... Birmingham-Southern Rachel Potts........................Charleston Southern C.J. Ware ................................ Coastal Carolina Leslie Cook ......................................High Point Megan Frazee .......................................Liberty Shavon Earp ........................................Radford Ana Baker................................... UNC Asheville Ashley Fann ...................................... Winthrop

2000-01 Erin Jedlikowski ...................Charleston Southern Brooke Weisbrod ....................... Coastal Carolina Erin Green.............................................. Elon Gina Rosser......................................High Point Becky Blesch........................................Liberty Amanda Maks ......................................Radford Denise Wilbanks ........................... UNC Asheville Meredith Smith .................................. Winthrop

2007-08 Tina Carvalho ......................Charleston Southern C.J. Ware ................................ Coastal Carolina Amy Will .........................................High Point Allyson Fasnacht....................................Liberty Amy Jones..........................Presbyterian College Johnette Walker ..................................Radford Ana Baker................................... UNC Asheville Ashley Fann ...................................... Winthrop

2001-02 Erin Jedlikowski ...................Charleston Southern Whitney Shearer ....................... Coastal Carolina Milica Milosavljevic.................................... Elon Mary Brewer ....................................High Point Meribeth Feenstra .................................Liberty Kylie Williamson ...................................Radford Kelsey Dawson............................. UNC Asheville Charlotta Wennefors ........................... Winthrop

2008-09 Tina DeCarvalho ..................Charleston Southern Amanda Stull............................ Coastal Carolina Laura Povilonyte ..........................Gardner-Webb Mackenzie Maier ...............................High Point Megan Frazee .......................................Liberty Amanda Mills.......................Presbyterian College Johnette Walker ..................................Radford Lindsey Montgomery ..................... UNC Asheville Ashley Fann ...................................... Winthrop

2002-03 Amy Woods....................... Birmingham-Southern Lisa Crandall .......................Charleston Southern Whitney Shearer ....................... Coastal Carolina Jayme Chikos .......................................... Elon Gina Rosser......................................High Point Kristal Tharp ........................................Liberty Amanda Neby......................................Radford Joanne Stephenson....................... UNC Asheville Stephanie Pannell............................... Winthrop

2009-10 Kelsey Wasmer ....................Charleston Southern Amanda Stull............................ Coastal Carolina Meranda Burnett ..........................Gardner-Webb Mackenzie Maier ...............................High Point Kylee Beecher ......................................Liberty Amanda Mills.......................Presbyterian College Kaylyn Crosier .....................................Radford Lindsey Montgomery ..................... UNC Asheville Lacey Lyons ...................................... Winthrop


2010-11 Kelsey Wasmer ....................Charleston Southern Katie White.............................. Coastal Carolina Brianna Dillard.............................Gardner-Webb Mackenzie Maier ...............................High Point Rachel McLeod .....................................Liberty Amanda Mills.......................Presbyterian College Kaylyn Crosier .....................................Radford Grace Blaylock............................. UNC Asheville Lacey Lyons ......................................Winthrop 2011-12 Amanda O’Neill..................................Campbell Rachelle Coward ..................Charleston Southern Taylor Epley ............................. Coastal Carolina Brianna Dillard.............................Gardner-Webb Laura Whitt .....................................High Point Terika Lunsford .....................................Liberty Karlee Taylor.......................Presbyterian College Katherine Brockett ...............................Radford Lindsey Thompson ........................ UNC Asheville Kaitlyn Rubino ................................... Winthrop


Feb. 3 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 March 6

1989-90 Patrinda Toney, Radford Shelly Leonard, Coastal Carolina Alicia Bumpas, Campbell Tammy Brown, Campbell Tammy Brown, Campbell Tara McMinn, UNC Asheville Patrinda Toney, Radford Tammy Brown, Campbell Debbie Born, Augusta Patrinda Toney, Radford Holly Bottar, Coastal Carolina Patrinda Toney, Radford Karen Bowles, Radford

Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 2 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18

1990-91 Lisa Allison, Campbell Tammy Brown, Campbell Tammy Brown, Campbell Carole Smith-Perry, Radford Laurie Hood, Campbell Tammy Brown, Campbell Tammy Brown, Campbell Tammy Brown, Campbell Tara McMinn, UNC Asheville Debbie Born, Augusta Tammy Brown, Campbell

Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 24 March 2 March 10

1991-92 Laurie Hood, Campbell Patrinda Toney, Radford Laurie Hood, Campbell Patrinda Toney, Radford Patrinda Toney, Radford Bryanna Owen, Charleston Southern Wendy Johnson, Liberty Tammy Jones, Winthrop Lisa Allison, Campbell Lisa Allison, Campbell Patrinda Toney, Radford Shelly Hall, UNC Asheville Shelly Hall, UNC Asheville Patrinda Toney, Radford

Dec. 3 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29

Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 23 March 1 March 8

Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 10 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 27

1992-93 Theresa Bream, Liberty Tammie Crown, Radford Vickie Henson, UNC Greensboro Lisa Allison, Campbell Micky Haywood, UNC Greensboro Danielle Barry, Towson State Vickie Henson, UNC Greensboro Tammie Crown, Radford Vickie Henson, UNC Greensboro Shannan Wilkey, Radford Shannan Wilkey, Radford Missy Quille, UMBC Vickie Henson, UNC Greensboro 1993-94 Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern Shannan Wilkey, Radford Tanya Belair, Towson State Danielle Barry, Towson State Vickie Henson, UNC Greensboro Melissa Herbert, Coastal Carolina Micky Coleman, Campbell Missy Quille, UMBC Shannan Wilkey, Radford Shannon Ward, Towson State Melissa Herbert, Coastal Carolina Shannan Wilkey, Radford Melissa Herbert, Coastal Carolina Vickie Giffin, UNC Asheville

Dec. 5 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 1 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 March 5

1994-95 Vickie Giffin, UNC Asheville Jai Cole, UNC Greensboro Tanya Belair, Towson State Julie Moore, UNC Greensboro Trinette Tucker, Towson State Trinette Tucker, Towson State Marcie Napier, UNC Asheville Eunice French, UMBC Chrissy Kelly, Charleston Southern Julie Moore, UNC Greensboro Ginny Holloway, Liberty Ginny Holloway, Liberty Alisa Moore, UNC Greensboro

Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 1 Jan. 8 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 25 March 3

1995-96 Samantha Cerny, Coastal Carolina Dede Logemann, Radford Michelle Wyms, Liberty Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville Meredith Luebbers, Coastal Carolina Kendra Damann, UMBC Lisa Howard, Radford Kim Hairston, Radford Dede Logemann, Radford Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville Alisa Moore, UNC Greensboro Julie Moore, UNC Greensboro

Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 9 Feb. 17

Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 20 Feb. 23

Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 21 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23

1996-97 Vickie Giffin, UNC Asheville Elena Kisseleva, Liberty Kelli Tull, Radford Elena Kisseleva, Liberty Monica Logan, UMBC Kim Hairston, Radford Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville Joy Taylor, Charleston Southern Meredith Luebbers, Coastal Carolina Rebecca Viverette, UNC Greensboro Elena Kisseleva, Liberty Jennifer Churchill, Winthrop 1997-98 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty Elena Kisseleva, Liberty Crystal Carpenter, Charleston Southern Serena Hampton, UMBC Jennifer Grant, Radford Emily Hill, UNC Asheville Jennifer Grant, Radford Elena Kisseleva, Liberty Jennifer Grant, Radford Kate Sanford, Charleston Southern Leigh-Ann Pursifull, Winthrop Elena Kisseleva, Liberty Lori Mitchell, Radford 1998-99 Crystal Carpenter, Charleston Southern Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty Elena Kisseleva, Liberty Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty Kate Sanford, Charleston Southern Jennifer Grant, Radford Kate Sanford, Charleston Southern Jennifer Grant, Radford Lori Mitchell, Radford Leigh-Ann Pursifull, Winthrop Elena Kisseleva, Liberty Elena Kisseleva, Liberty


Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28

1999-00 Loretta Lawson, Elon Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty Nicole Sampson, UNC Asheville Elena Kisseleva, Liberty Cheri McNeil, Coastal Carolina Annie Miller, High Point Michelle Fricke, Liberty Alison Bach, Coastal Carolina Jennifer Grant, Radford Catrice Horton, Radford Anestha Blakeney, Elon Tonisha Jackson, UNC Asheville

Nov. 28 Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 13 Feb. 19 Feb. 27

2000-01 Michelle Fricke, Liberty Tonisha Jackson, UNC Asheville Kylie Williamson, Radford Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina Loretta Lawson, Elon Charlotta Wennefors, Winthrop Jessica Guarneri, UNC Asheville Staci Mueller, Charleston Southern Izzy Medhanie, UNC Asheville Charlotta Wennefors, Winthrop Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina

Nov. 26 Dec. 2 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26

2001-02 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina Amanda Neby, Radford Holly Andrews, Elon Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina Jessica Guarneri, UNC Asheville Jayme Chikos, Elon Holly Andrews, Elon Holly Andrews, Elon Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina Amanda Neby, Radford Misty Brockman, High Point Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina

Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 24 March 3

2002-03 Kia Bell, Winthrop Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina Amanda Neby, Radford Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina Kristal Tharp, Liberty Misty Brockman, High Point Marea Daniels, Charleston Southern Marea Daniels, Charleston Southern Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina Kristal Tharp, Liberty Katie Feenstra, Liberty Katie Feenstra, Liberty Amanda Neby, Radford

Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 March 1 March 8

2003-04 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina Katie Feenstra, Liberty Katie Feenstra, Liberty Amanda Neby, Radford Katie Feenstra, Liberty Katie Feenstra, Liberty Katie Feenstra, Liberty Katie Feenstra, Liberty Lisa Crandall, Charleston Southern Katie Feenstra, Liberty Katie Feenstra, Liberty Katie O’Dell, High Point Katie Feenstra, Liberty Tonisha Jackson, UNC Asheville

ALL-TIME WOMEN’S BASKETBALL PLAYERS OF THE WEEK Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 4 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 March 7

2004-05 Katie O’Dell, High Point Rima Margeviciute, Liberty Kristal Hood, UNC Asheville Keena Wicker, Charleston Southern Erica McCoy, Charleston Southern Katie Feenstra, Liberty Taryn Causey, Radford Taryn Causey, Radford Katie Feenstra, Liberty Keena Wicker, Charleston Southern Keena Wicker, Charleston Southern Katie Feenstra, Liberty Charlena Martin, High Point Katie Feenstra, Liberty Katie O’Dell, High Point

Feb. 27 March 5

2005-06 Kristal Hood, UNC Asheville Megan Frazee, Liberty Candyce Sellars, High Point Ashton Barton, UNC Asheville Kim Turner, Coastal Carolina Katie Ralls, High Point Corrie Fertitta, Radford Megan Frazee, Liberty Karolina Piotrkiewicz, Liberty Katie O’Dell, High Point Reba Ross, Birmingham-Southern Allyson Fasnacht, Liberty Stacy Anthony, Birmingham-Southern Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina Kelli Darden, Radford Corrie Fertitta, Radford

Nov. 13 Nov. 21 Nov. 27 Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 2 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 March 5

2006-07 Sarah Stephens, Radford Megan Frazee, Liberty Megan Frazee, Liberty Pam Tolbert, Charleston Southern Megan Frazee, Liberty Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina Mallory Morring, Birmingham-Southern Johnette Walker, Radford Candyce Sellars, High Point Megan Frazee, Liberty Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina Kelli Darden, Radford Kelli Darden, Radford Alisha Dill, Coastal Carolina Brittany Hendley, UNC Asheville

Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20

2007-08 Vicky Blanchard, Coastal Carolina Tiffany Rodd, Winthrop Nov. 20 Ana Baker, UNC Asheville Nov. 26 Megan Frazee, Liberty Dec. 3 Pam Tolbert, Charleston Southern Dec. 10 Moriah Frazee, Liberty Dec. 17 Johnette Walker, Radford Jan. 2 Corrie Fertitta, Radford Jan. 7 Megan Frazee, Liberty Jan. 14 Jessica Monroe, UNC Asheville Jan. 21 Megan Frazee, Liberty Jan. 28 Ashley Fann, Winthrop Feb. 4 Moriah Frazee, Liberty Feb. 11 Megan Frazee, Liberty Feb. 18 Tiffany Rodd, Winthrop Feb. 25 Megan Frazee, Liberty March 3 Johnette Walker, Radford March 10 Megan Frazee, Liberty

Nov. 17 Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 23 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 March 2 March 9

2008-09 Megan Frazee, Liberty Amanda Stull, Coastal Carolina Jessica Monroe, UNC Asheville Lindsey Montgomery, UNC Asheville Mackenzie Maier, High Point Pam Tolbert, Charleston Southern Megan Frazee, Liberty Pam Tolbert, Charleston Southern Jurica Hargraves, High Point Megan Frazee, Liberty Rachel Hammond, Liberty Tiffany Rodd, Winthrop Megan Frazee, Liberty Megan Frazee, Liberty Megan Frazee, Liberty Ashley Fann, Winthrop

Nov. 17 Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 March 2 March 9

2009-10 Amanda Stull, Coastal Carolina Devon Brown, Liberty Katie Tull, Charleston Southern Monique Hudson, Gardner-Webb Frances Fields, High Point Margaret Roundtree, Gardner-Webb Lindsey Montgomery, UNC Asheville Dominique Hudson, Gardner-Webb Denay Wood, Radford Avery Warley, Liberty Devon Brown, Liberty Kelsey Wasmer, Charleston Southern Margaret Roundtree, Gardner-Webb Kelsey Wasmer, Charleston Southern Shanice Cole, Winthrop Avery Warley, Liberty

Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Jan. 4 Jan. 12 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 March 1 March 8

2010-11 Monique Hudson, Gardner-Webb Katie Tull, Charleston Southern Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford Avery Warley, Liberty Mackenzie Maier, High Point Kendall Shepard, UNC Asheville Kelli Riles, UNC Asheville Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford Katie Tull, Charleston Southern Avery Warley, Liberty Sydnei Moss, Coastal Carolina Kelli Riles, UNC Asheville Avery Warley, Liberty Kelsey Wasmer, Charleston Southern Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford Avery Warley, Liberty

Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 March 6

2011-12 Shamia Brown, High Point Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford Tonisha Baker, Campbell Lakeitha Alston, Charleston Southern Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville Rachelle Coward, Charleston Southern Lindsey Thompson, UNC Asheville Diana Choibekova, Winthrop Cheyenne Parker, High Point Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford Da’Naria Erwin Spencer, Radford Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Cheyenne Parker, High Point Tonisha Baker, Campbell

Nov. 12


ALL-TIME WOMEN’S BASKETBALL ROOKIES/FRESHMEN OF THE WEEK Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 18

1990-91 DeShonia Williams, Winthrop Shannan Wilkey, Radford Shannan Wilkey, Radford Shannan Wilkey, Radford Shannan Wilkey, Radford Kara Harkness, Winthrop Becky Harden, Radford Chanisse Cachie, Radford Lynn Nester, UNC Asheville

Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Jan. 6 Jan. 27 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 March 2 March 10

1991-92 Kathi Weaver, Winthrop Annette Aaron, Radford Annette Aaron, Radford Angel Donley, Radford Annette Aaron, Radford Sara Larsen, Radford Ginny Coleman, Liberty Carmen Thomas, Winthrop Katie Lamport, Radford Ginny Coleman, Liberty

Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 23 March 1 March 8

1992-93 Tonia Matter, UMBC Tacha Woods, Liberty Lisa Howard, Radford Julie Moore, UNC Greensboro Beth Stockwell, Campbell Stephanie Finley, Winthrop Stephanie Finley, WInthrop Areece Primus, Coastal Carolina Beth Stockwell, Campbell Beth Stockwell, Campbell Beth Stockwell, Campbell Julie Moore, UNC Greensboro Julie Moore, UNC Greensboro

Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 10 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 27

1993-94 Meredith Luebbers, Coastal Carolina Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville Tori Moten, UMBC Kim Schaffrick, Towson State Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville Becky Lastinger, Campbell Vicki Giffin, UNC Asheville Nakia Bridges, Radford

Dec. 5 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 1 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 March 5

1994-95 LaTonya Joyner, Towson State Rebecca McNeil, Radford Keri Johnson, Liberty Katherine Kitchin, Winthrop Samantha Cerny, Coastal Carolina Katherine Kitchin, Winthrop Jan Jacob, UMBC Tracey DeLong, Charleston Southern Rebecca McNeil, Radford Jennifer Castle, Winthrop Ann Cox, Winthrop Tracey DeLong, Charleston Southern Tracey DeLong, Charleston Southern

Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 1 Jan. 8 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 25 March 3

1995-96 Monica Logan, UMBC Kim Hairston, Radford Leigh-Ann Pursifull, Winthrop Kim Hairston, Radford Jennifer Churchill, Winthrop Sam Ferguson, UNC Greensboro Leigh-Ann Pursifull, Winthrop Jennifer Churchill, Winthrop Kim Hairston, Radford Jennifer Churchill, Winthrop Monica Logan, UMBC Jennifer Churchill, Winthrop Monica Logan, UMBC

Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 9 Feb. 17

1996-97 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty Sarah Wilkerson, Liberty Melinda Goodson, UNC Greensboro Emily Hill, UNC Asheville Kate Sanford, Charelston Southern Melinda Goodson, UNC Greensboro Sharon Wilkerson, Liberty Melinda Goodson, UNC Greensboro Elena Kisseleva, Liberty

Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 20 Feb. 23

1997-98 Shareon Patterson, Charleston Southern Amy Hannis, Charleston Southern Meredith Smith, Winthrop Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina Amy Hannis, Charelston Southern Irene Sloof, Liberty Lisa O’Connor, Coastal Carolina Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina Brooke Weisbrod, Coastal Carolina Lauren Pedde, Charleston Southern Meredith Smith, Winthrop Amanda Maks, Radford

Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 21 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23

1998-99 Katie LaRue, Charleston Southern Charlotta Wennefors, Winthrop Charlotta Wennefors, Winthrop Krystal Reeves, Liberty Michelle Rodriguez, Coastal Caorlina Rachel Young, Liberty Katie LaRue, Charleston Southern Katie LaRue, Charleston Southern Katie LaRue, Charleston Southern Charlotta Wennefors, Winthrop Katie LaRue, Charleston Southern Katie LaRue, Charleston Southern

Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28

1999-00 Michelle Fricke, Liberty Jessica Guarneri, UNC Asheville Anestha Blakeney, Elon Jessica Guarneri, UNC Asheville Jessica Guarneri, UNC Asheville Jayme Chikos, Elon Erin Green, Elon Erin Green, Elon Michelle Fricke, Liberty Michelle Fricke, Liberty Michelle Fricke, Liberty Michelle Fricke, Liberty

Nov. 28 Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 13 Feb. 19 Feb. 27

2000-01 Debbie Ruiz, High Point Monique Leonard, Liberty Nicki Fauntleroy, High Point Kristina Palaimaite, Liberty Holly Andrews, Elon Marta Losonczy, Charleston Southern Nicki Fauntleroy, High Point Lisa Crandall, Charleston Southern Whitney Shearer, Coastal Carolina Lakeisha Bryant, Charleston Southern Nicki Fauntleroy, High Point Nicki Fauntleroy, High Point

Nov. 26 Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 7 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26

2001-02 Ashley Sharpton, UNC Asheville Amanda Ekberg, Charleston Southern Lindsey Roche, UNC Asheville Daina Stagaitiene, Liberty Stephanie Walker, Liberty Kristal Tharp, Liberty Katie Feenstra, Liberty Katie Feenstra, Liberty Brianne Gray, Elon Kristal Tharp, Liberty Kristal Tharp, Liberty Stephanie Walker, Liberty

Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 24 March 3

2002-03 Kristal Hood, UNC Asheville Kristal Hood, UNC Asheville Kristal Hood, UNC Asheville Kristal Hood, UNC Asheville Arin Kress, Winthrop Erica McCoy, Charleston Southern Keena Wicker, Charleston Southern Keena Wicker, Charleston Southern Arin Kress, Winthrop Keauna Vinson, High Point Jessica Anger, Winthrop Jessica Anger, Winthrop Erica McCoy, Charleston Southern

Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 March 1 March 8

2003-04 Jordan Barnes, Winthrop Robin Kantin, Radford Michelle Parker, Liberty Brittany Hendley, UNC Asheville Gene’t Moore, Winthrop Amanda Behnke, Winthrop Brittany Hendley, UNC Asheville Katie Ralls, High Point Gene’t Moore, Winthrop Robin Kantin, Radford Sarah Stephens, Radford Tameika Brooks, Winthrop Brittany Hendley, UNC Asheville Robin Kantin, Radford

Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 4 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 March 7


2004-05 Stacy Shepard, UNC Asheville Stacy Shepard, UNC Asheville Serena White, Radford Stacy Shepard, UNC Asheville Allyson Fasnacht, Liberty Corrie Fertitta, Radford Corrie Fertitta, Radford Kelli Darden, Radford Allyson Fasnacht, Liberty Kelli Darden, Radford Raven Truslow, High Point Ashton Barton, UNC Asheville Kelli Darden, Radford Stacy Shepard, UNC Asheville Kelli Darden, Radford


Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 23 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 27 March 5

2005-06 Megan Frazee, Liberty Moriah Frazee, Liberty Ashley Fann, Winthrop Ashley Fann, Winthrop Megan Frazee, Liberty Ashley Fann, Winthrop Pam Tolbert, Charleston Southern Johnette Walker, Radford Ashley Thornton, Birmingham-Southern Ashley Fann, Winthrop Rebecca Lightfoot, Liberty Ashley Thornton, Birmingham-Southern Moriah Frazee, Liberty Ashley Fann, Winthrop Tiffany Rodd, Winthrop

Nov. 13 Nov. 21 Nov. 27 Dec. 4 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 2 Jan. 8 Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Jan. 29 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 March 5

2006-07 Marisah Henderson, Birmingham-Southern Amanda Stull, Coastal Carolina Lacey Lyons, Coastal Carolina Jessica Fansler, Winthrop Marisah Henderson, B’ham-Southern Devin Rivers, Coastal Carolina Lacey Lyons, Coastal Carolina Marisah Henderson, Birmingham-Southern Kyla Jones, UNC Asheville Amanda Stull, Coastal Carolina Kyla Jones, UNC Asheville Tina DeCarvalho, Charleston Southern Ashlee Samuels, High Point Kyla Jones, UNC Asheville Marisah Henderson, Birmingham-Southern Kyla Jones, UNC Asheville

Nov. 12 Nov. 20 Nov. 26 Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Jan. 2 Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 March 3 March 10

2007-08 Sydnei Moss, Coastal Carolina Taleia Moton, Radford Lindsey Montgomery, UNC Asheville Jurica Hargraves, High Point Lindsey Mongomery, UNC Asheville Taleia Moton, Radford Jurica Hargraves, High Point Amy Dodd, High Point Crystal Robinson, Charleston Southern Mackenzie Maier, High Point Mackenzie Maier, High Point Francis Fields, High Point Mackenzie Maier, High Point Jurica Hargraves, High Point Mackenzie Maier, High Point Sydnei Moss, Coastal Carolina

Nov. 17 Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 23 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 March 2 March 9

2008-09 Shamia Brown, High Point Ali Schwagmeyer, Charleston Southern Ali Schwagmeyer, Charleston Southern Shamia Brown, High Point Kylee Beecher, Liberty Kiki Rutledge, Charleston Southern Shamia Brown, High Point Lindsey Thompson, UNC Asheville Shamia Brown, High Point Tonika Webb, Gardner-Webb Ali Schwagmeyer, Charleston Southern Linda Aughburns, UNC Asheville Shamia Brown, High Point Ali Schwagmeyer, Charleston Southern Shamia Brown, High Point Kiki Rutledge, Charleston Southern

Nov. 28 Dec. 5

Nov. 17 Nov. 24 Dec. 1 Dec. 8 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 23 March 2 March 9

2009-10 Mariah Pietrowski, Presbyterian College Mariah Pietrowski, Presbyterian College LaKendra Washington, Liberty Mary Hathaway, Winthrop Mariah Pietrowski, Presbyterian College Helen Terry, Charleston Southern Ashley Buckhannon, Radford Jelena Antic, Liberty Jelena Antic, Liberty Dria David, Presbyterian College Mariah Pietrowski, Presbyterian College Erin Reynolds, High Point Da’Naria Erwin-Spencer, Radford Da’Naria Erwin-Spencer, Radford Ashley Buckhannon, Radford Jelena Antic, Liberty

Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Jan. 4 Jan. 12 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 March 1 March 8

2010-11 Cheyenne Parker, High Point Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Emily Frazier, Liberty Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Cheyenne Parker, High Point Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Emily Frazier, Liberty Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Cheyenne Parker, High Point Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Cheyenne Parker, High Point Cheyenne Parker, High Point Cheyenne Parker, High Point Dequesha McClanahan, Winthrop Karlee Taylor, Presbyterian College Cheyenne Parker, High Point

Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 28 March 6

2011-12 Shatia Cole, Coastal Carolina Leah Wormack, UNC Asheville Reagan Miller, Liberty Leah Wormack, UNC Asheville Kiera Gaines, Campbell Shatia Cole, Coastal Carolina Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville Leah Wormach, UNC Asheville Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville Shatia Cole, Coastal Carolina Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville Shatia Cole, Coastal Carolina Reagan Miller, Liberty Reagan Miller, Liberty Reagan Miller, Liberty Shonese Jones, UNC Asheville

Note: The Big South Rookie of the Week and Rookie of the Year awards were re-named Freshman of the Week and Freshman of the Year beginning in 2002-03.



HIGHEST FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 10 made) - Game 92.3 Stephanie Howard (12-13), Radford vs. UNC Asheville, Semifinals, 1987 Quarterfinals 83.3 Katie Feenstra (10-12), Liberty vs. UNC Asheville, 2002 Semifinals 92.3 Stephanie Howard (12-13), Radford vs. UNC Asheville, 1987 Finals 90.9 Carole Smith (10-11), Radford vs. Campbell, 1988

MOST POINTS SCORED - Game 39 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston So. Quarterfinals, 2003 Quarterfinals 39 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston Southern, 2003 Semifinals 36 Vickie Henson, UNC Greensboro vs. Towson State, 1993 Finals 33 Patrinda Toney, Radford vs. Campbell, 1992 Tournament 90 Regina McKeithan, Campbell vs. Coastal Carolina (27), Charleston Southern (33), Radford (30), 1988

MOST FREE THROWS - Game 16 Elena Kisseleva (16-17), Liberty vs. UNC Greensboro, Finals, 1997 Quarterfinals 13 Trinette Tucker (13-17), Towson State vs. Liberty, 1995 13 Jennifer Churchill (13-17), Winthrop vs. UNC Asheville, 1997 Semifinals 15 Debbie Born (15-24), Augusta vs. Radford, 1991 Finals 16 Elena Kisseleva (16-17), Liberty vs. UNC Greensboro, 1997 Tournament 28 Elena Kisseleva, Liberty vs. Coastal Carolina (8), Winthrop (4), UNC Greensboro (16), 1997

MOST REBOUNDS - Game 22 Karen Bowles, Radford vs. Campbell, Finals, 1990 22 Avery Warley, Liberty vs. Charleston Southern, Semifinals, 2012 Quarterfinals 21 Wendy Johnson, Liberty vs. Coastal Carolina, 1992 Semifinals 22 Avery Warley, Liberty vs. Charleston Southern, 2012 Finals 22 Karen Bowles, Radford vs. Campbell, 1990 Tournament 48 Avery Warley, Liberty vs. Coastal Carolina (19), High Point (13), Gardner-Webb (16), 2011


MOST ASSISTS - Game 13 Julie Skinner, Campbell vs. Radford, Finals, 1988 Quarterfinals 11 Kim Hairston, Radford vs. Charleston Southern, 1997 Semifinals 12 Julie Skinner, Campbell vs. Charleston Southern, 1988 Finals 13 Julie Skinner, Campbell vs. Radford, 1988 Tournament 33 Julie Skinner, Campbell vs. Coastal Carolina (8), Charleston Southern (12), Radford (13), 1988

MOST FIELD GOALS - Game 14 Katie Feenstra (14-18), Liberty vs. Radford, Semifinals, 2004 Quarterfinals 13 Kim Segars (13-24), Winthrop vs. UNC Asheville, 1988 13 Kim Segars (13-19), Winthrop vs. Coastal Carolina, 1989 Semifinals 14 Katie Feenstra (14-18), Liberty vs. Radford, 2004 Finals 13 Regina McKeithan (13-26), Campbell vs. Radford, 1988 Tournament 34 Regina McKeithan, Campbell vs. Coastal Carolina (8), Charleston Southern (13), Radford (13), 1988

24 Debbie Born (15-24), Augusta vs. Radford, Semifinals, 1991 Quarterfinals 17 Trinette Tucker (13-17), Towson State vs. Liberty, 1995 17 Jennifer Churchill (13-17), Winthrop vs. UNC Asheville, 1997 Semifinals 24 Debbie Born (15-24), Augusta vs. Radford, 1991 Finals 17 Elena Kisseleva (16-17), Liberty vs. UNC Greensboro, 1997 Tournament 31 Debbie Born, Augusta vs. Radford (24), Winthrop (7), 1991

HIGHEST FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 10 made) - Game 100.0 Jaime Davis (10-10), Coastal Carolina vs. Radford, Semifinals, 1999 Quarterfinals 91.7 Dede Logemann (11-12), Radford vs. UNC Asheville, 1995 Semifinals 100.0 Jaime Davis (10-10), Coastal Carolina vs. Radford, 1999 Finals 94.1 Elena Kisseleva (16-17), Liberty vs. UNC Greensboro, 1997


MOST FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS - Game 31 Regina McKeithan (13-31), Campbell vs. Charleston So., Semifinals, 1988 Quarterfinals 28 Dequesha McClanahan (11-28), Winthrop vs. Radford, 2012 Semifinals 31 Regina McKeithan (13-31), Campbell vs. Charleston Southern, 1988 Finals 30 Patrinda Toney (12-30), Radford vs. Campbell, 1992 Tournament 71 Regina McKeithan, Campbell vs. Coastal Carolina (14), Charleston Southern (31), Radford (26), 1988

8 Nikki Reddick (8-12), Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston So., Q’finals, 2003 Quarterfinals 8 Nikki Reddick (8-12), Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston Southern, 2003 Semifinals 6 Holly Bottar (6-15), Coastal Carolina vs. Campbell, 1991 6 Alison Bach (6-15), Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston Southern, 2000 6 Jurica Hargraves (6-11), High Point vs. Liberty, 2008 Finals 5 Jeannie Bierce (5-10), Campbell vs. Radford, 1988 5 Erin Reynolds (5-8), High Point vs. Liberty, 2012 Tournament 11 Alison Bach, Coastal Carolina vs. Liberty (1), Charleston Southern (6), Winthrop (4), 2000 11 Nikki Reddick, Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston Southern (8), Liberty (3), 2003



MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS - Game 15 Holly Bottar (6-15), Coastal Carolina vs. Campbell, Semifinals, 1991 15 Alison Bach (6-15), Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston So., Semifinals, 2000 Quarterfinals 14 Kate Jasinski (6-14), Coastal Carolina vs. Winthrop, 2009 Semifinals 15 Holly Bottar (6-15), Coastal Carolina vs. Campbell, 1991 15 Alison Bach (6-15), Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston Southern, 2000 Finals 10 Jeannie Bierce (5-10), Campbell vs. Radford, 1988 10 Misty Brockman (2-10), High Point vs. Liberty, 2003 Tournament 31 Alison Bach, Coastal Carolina vs. Liberty (8), Charleston Southern (15), Winthrop (8), 2000

HIGHEST THREE-POINT PERCENTAGE (min. 5 made) - Game 71.4 Lisa Howard (5-7), Radford vs. Charleston Southern, Semifinals, 1996 Quarterfinals 66.7 Nikki Reddick (8-12), Coastal Carolina vs. Charleston Southern, 2003 Semifinals 71.4 Lisa Howard (5-7), Radford vs. Charleston Southern, 1996 Finals 62.5 Erin Reynolds (5-8), High Point vs. Liberty, 2012

MOST POINTS SCORED - Game 100 Radford vs. Campbell (81), Finals, 1988 100 High Point vs. UNC Asheville (89), Quarterfinals, 2006 Quarterfinals 100 High Point vs. UNC Asheville (89), 2006 Semifinals 97 Radford vs. Winthrop (69), 1992 Finals 100 Radford vs. Campbell (81), 1988 Tournament 276 Radford, 1996 (3 games)

MOST POINTS SCORED IN A HALF - Game 54 UNC Asheville vs. High Point, Quarterfinals, 2006 (2nd half) Quarterfinals 54 UNC Asheville vs. High Point, 2006 (2nd half) Semifinals 53 UNC Greensboro vs. Towson State, 1993 (2nd half) Finals 52 Radford vs. Campbell, 1988 (2nd half) 52 UNC Greensboro vs. Liberty, 1997 (1st half) 52 Liberty vs. UNC Asheville, 2005 (2nd half)



7 Mackenzie Maier, High Point vs. UNC Asheville, Quarterfinals, 2009 Quarterfinals 7 Mackenzie Maier, High Point vs. UNC Asheville, 2009 Semifinals 6 Cheyenne Parker, High Point vs. Radford, 2012 Finals 5 Cheyenne Parker, High Point vs. Liberty, 2012

32 Radford vs. UNC Asheville (47), Quarterfinals, 2005 Quarterfinals 32 Radford vs. UNC Asheville (47), 2005 Semifinals 41 Charleston Southern vs. Liberty (54), 2002 Finals 33 Coastal Carolina vs. Liberty (57), 2002



8 Julie Skinner, Campbell vs. Coastal Carolina, Quarterfinals, 1987 Quarterfinals 8 Julie Skinner, Campbell vs. Coastal Carolina, 1987 Semifinals 6 seven times, last by Monique Leonard, Liberty vs. Charleston So,, 2002 Finals 6 Julie Skinner, Campbell vs. Radford, 1988 6 Tolu Omotola, Liberty vs. Gardner-Webb, 2011

MOST MINUTES PLAYED - Game 49 Ana Baker, UNC Asheville vs. Radford, Quarterfinals, 2008 Quarterfinals 49 Ana Baker, UNC Asheville vs. Radford, 2008 Semifinals 44 Lisa Allison, Campbell vs. Liberty, 1992 Finals 40 20 times

11 UNC Asheville vs. Liberty, Quarterfinals, 2001 (1st half) 11 Birmingham-Southern vs. Liberty, Finals, 2004 (1st half) Quarterfinals 11 UNC Asheville vs. Liberty, 2001 (1st half) Semifinals 14 Winthrop vs. Liberty, 2006 (1st half) Finals 11 Birmingham-Southern vs. Liberty, 2004 (1st half)

MARGIN OF VICTORY - Game 47 Liberty (83) vs. Winthrop (36), Quarterfinals, 2005 47 Liberty (88) vs. UNC Asheville (41), Finals, 2005 Quarterfinals 47 Liberty (83) vs. Winthrop (36), 2005 Semifinals 39 Radford (93) vs. Coastal Carolina (54), 1989 Finals 47 Liberty (88) vs. UNC Asheville (41), 2005

HIGHEST FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE - Game 62.7 UNC Asheville (32-51) vs. UNC Greensboro, Quarterfinals, 1994 Quarterfinals 62.7 UNC Asheville (32-51) vs. UNC Greensboro, 1994 Semifinals 59.6 Liberty (28-47) vs. High Point, 2008 Finals 60.9 Radford (42-69) vs. Campbell, 1988

MOST FIELD GOALS - Game 42 Radford (42-69) vs. Campbell, Finals, 1988 42 Radford (42-82) vs. Coastal Carolina, Semifinals, 1989 Quarterfinals 37 Campbell (37-78) vs. Coastal Carolina, 1988 Semifinals 42 Radford (42-82) vs. Coastal Carolina, 1989 Finals 42 Radford (42-69) vs. Campbell, 1988 Tournament 107 Campbell, 1988 (3 games)




86 Campbell (39-86) vs. Charleston Southern, Semifinals, 1988 Quarterfinals 80 Charleston Southern (28-80) vs. UNC Greensboro, 1995 Semifinals 86 Campbell (39-86) vs. Charleston Southern, 1988 Finals 77 Campbell (31-77) vs. Radford, 1988 77 Liberty (28-77) vs. High Point, 2012 Tournament 241 Campbell, 1988 (3 games)

49 Radford (31-49) vs. Liberty, Quarterfinals, 1994 49 Liberty (31-49) vs. Coastal Carolina, Quarterfinals, 1997 Quarterfinals 49 Radford (31-49) vs. Liberty, 1994 49 Liberty (31-49) vs. Coastal Carolina, 1997 Semifinals 38 Radford (29-38) vs. UMBC, 1994 38 Liberty (28-38) vs. High Point, 2001 Finals 39 Liberty (23-39) vs. Elon, 2001 39 Liberty (24-39) vs. High Point, 2003 Tournament 114 Radford, 1884 (3 games)

FEWEST FIELD GOALS - Game 10 Coastal Carolina (10-58) vs. Liberty, Finals, 2002 Quarterfinals 12 UNC Asheville (12-44) vs. Liberty, 2003 12 Coastal Carolina (12-61) vs. High Point, 2005 12 Radford (12-63) vs. UNC Asheville, 2005 Semifinals 14 Radford (14-42) vs. Coastal Carolina, 1999 14 Radford (14-54) vs. Winthrop, 2008 Finals 10 Coastal Carolina (10-58) vs. Liberty, 2002

LOWEST FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 10 attempts) - Game 18.2 UMBC (2-11) vs. UNC Greensboro, Quarterfinals, 1997 Quarterfinals 18.2 UMBC (2-11) vs. UNC Greensboro, 1997 Semifinals 42.9 Elon (9-21) vs. Charleston Southern, 2001 Finals 37.5 Liberty (6-16) vs. High Point, 2006



38 Radford (18-38) vs. UNC Greensboro, Finals, 1993 38 Liberty (19-38) vs. Coastal Carolina, Quarterfinals, 2011 Quarterfinals 38 Liberty (19-38) vs. Coastal Carolina, 2011 Semifinals 41 UNC Greensboro (23-41) vs. Towson State, 1994 41 Liberty (16-41) vs. Winthrop, 2006 Finals 38 Radford (18-38) vs. UNC Greensboro, 1993

2 UMBC (2-11) vs. UNC Greensboro, Quarterfinals, 1997 2 Charleston Southern (2-2) vs. Liberty, Quarterfinals, 2009 2 Charleston Southern (2-2) vs. Liberty, Semifinals, 2012 Quarterfinals 2 UMBC (2-11) vs. UNC Greensboro, 1997 2 Charleston Southern (2-2) vs. Liberty, 2009 Semifinals 2 Charleston Southern (2-2) vs. Liberty, 2012 Finals 5 Radford (5-8) vs. UNC Asheville, 2007

LOWEST FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE - Game 17.2 Coastal Carolina (10-58) vs. Liberty, Finals, 2002 Quarterfinals 19.0 Radford (12-63) vs. UNC Asheville, 2005 Semifinals 21.5 Charleston Southern (17-79) vs. Elon, 2001 Finals 17.2 Coastal Carolina (10-58) vs. Liberty, 2002

HIGHEST FREE THROW PERCENTAGE (min. 13 made) - Game 93.8 Coastal Carolina (15-16) vs. Liberty, Finals, 2000 93.8 UNC Asheville (24-26) vs. High Point, Quarterfinals, 2006 Quarterfinals 93.8 UNC Asheville (24-26) vs. High Point, 2006 Semifinals 89.5 Charleston Southern (17-19) vs. Radford, 1996 Finals 93.8 Coastal Carolina (15-16) vs. Liberty, 2000 MOST FREE THROWS - Game 34 High Point (34-40) vs. UNC Asheville, Quarterfinals, 2006 Quarterfinals 34 High Point (34-40) vs. UNC Asheville, 2006 Semifinals 31 UNC Greensboro (31-36) vs. Towson State, 1993 Finals 27 Liberty (27-36) vs. UNC Greensboro, 1997 27 UNC Greensboro (27-36) vs. Liberty, 1997 Tournament 79 Radford, 1994 (3 games)

FEWEST FREE THROW ATTEMPTS - Game 2 Charleston Southern (2-2) vs. Liberty, Quarterfinals, 2009 2 Charleston Southern (2-2) vs. Liberty, Semifinals, 2012 Quarterfinals 2 Charleston Southern (2-2) vs. Liberty, 2009 Semifinals 2 Charleston Southern (2-2) vs. Liberty, 2012 Finals 8 Radford (5-8) vs. UNC Asheville, 2007

HIGHEST THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 8 made) - Game 71.4 Liberty (10-14) vs. Winthrop, Quarterfinals, 2005 Quarterfinals 71.4 Liberty (10-14) vs. Winthrop, 2005 Semifinals 47.1 High Point (8-17) vs. Coastal Carolina, 2006 Finals 57.1 Liberty (8-14) vs. Coastal Carolina, 2000

MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS - Game 14 Coastal Carolina (14-25) vs. Charleston Southern, Quarterfinals, 2003 Quarterfinals 14 Coastal Carolina (14-25) vs. Charleston Southern, 2003 Semifinals 12 Charleston Southern (12-37) vs. Liberty, 2012 Finals 8 Liberty (8-16) vs. UNC Greensboro, 1997 8 Liberty (8-14) vs. Coastal Carolina, 2000 Tournament 24 Coastal Carolina (24-51), 2003 (2 games)




37 Charleston Southern (12-37) vs. Liberty, Semifinals, 2012 Quarterfinals 36 Radford (4-36) vs. Charleston Southern, 2000 Semifinals 37 Charleston Southern (12-37) vs. Liberty, 2012 Finals 24 High Point (7-24) vs. Liberty, 2003 Tournament 67 Charleston Southern (21-67) vs. Campbell (9-30), Liberty (12-37), 2012

28 Radford vs. Campbell, Finals, 1988 Quarterfinals 24 Campbell vs. Coastal Carolina, 1988 24 Radford vs. UNC Asheville, 1996 Semifinals 26 Campbell vs. Charleston Southern, 1988 26 Radford vs. Coastal Carolina, 1989 Finals 28 Radford vs. Campbell, 1988 Tournament 64 Liberty, 2005 (3 games)

MOST THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS MADE, HALF - Game 8 four times, last by CSU (8-17) vs. Liberty, Q’finals, 2009 (2nd half) Quarterfinals 8 Coastal Carolina (8-15) vs. Charleston Southern, 2003 (1st half) 8 High Point (8-16) vs. UNC Asheville, 2006 (1st half) 8 Charleston Southern (8-17) vs. Liberty, 2009 (2nd half) Semifinals 8 Coastal Carolina (8-16) vs. Liberty, 2003 (2nd half) Finals 6 Campbell (6-11) vs. Radford, 1988 (2nd half) 6 Liberty (6-8) vs. UNC Greensboro, 1997 (1st half)

LOWEST 3-POINT FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE (min. 10 attempts) - Game 0.0 Coastal Carolina (0-12) vs. UNC Greensboro, Semifinals, 1995 0.0 UNC Asheville (0-10) vs. Elon, Quarterfinals, 2000 Quarterfinals 0.0 UNC Asheville (0-10) vs. Elon, 2000 Semifinals 0.0 Coastal Carolina (0-12) vs. UNC Greensboro, 1995 Finals 9.1 Coastal Carolina (1-11) vs. Liberty, 2002

MOST REBOUNDS - Game 61 Radford vs. Charleston Southern, Quarterfinals, 1991 61 Winthrop vs. UNC Asheville, Quarterfinals, 1992 Quarterfinals 61 Radford vs. Charleston Southern, 1991 61 Winthrop vs. UNC Asheville, 1992 Semifinals 60 Radford vs. Augusta, Semifinals, 1991 Finals 56 Liberty vs. High Point, 2012 Tournament 164 Radford, 1991 (3 games)

MOST OFFENSIVE REBOUNDS - Game 30 Liberty vs. Charleston Southern, Semifinals, 2012 Quarterfinals 27 Radford vs. Gardner-Webb, 2009 Semifinals 30 Liberty vs. Charleston Southern, 2012 Finals 29 Radford vs. Campbell, 1989 29 Liberty vs. High Point, 2012

LARGEST REBOUND MARGIN - Game 30 Radford (60) vs. Augusta (30), Semifinals, 1991 Quarterfinals 28 Radford (61) vs. Charleston Southern (33), 1991 Semifinals 30 Radford (60) vs. Augusta (30), 1991 Finals 28 Liberty (55) vs. Birmingham-Southern (27), 2004

FEWEST REBOUNDS - Game 15 Winthrop vs. Liberty, Semifinals, 2009 Quarterfinals 19 Coastal Carolina vs. Liberty, 2011 Semifinals 15 Winthrop vs. Liberty, 2009 Finals 25 Gardner-Webb vs. Liberty, 2009

MOST STEALS - Game 22 Radford vs. Winthrop, Semifinals, 1990 22 Coastal Carolina vs. UNC Asheville, First Round, 1993 22 Birmingham-Southern vs. Charleston Southern, Quarterfinals, 2005 Quarterfinals 22 Birmingham-Southern vs. Charleston Southern, 2005 Semifinals 22 Radford vs. Winthrop, 1990 Finals 15 Coastal Carolina vs. Liberty, 2000 Tournament 42 Radford, 1991 (3 games)

MOST BLOCKED SHOTS - Game 11 Radford vs. Charleston Southern, Quarterfinals, 1991 11 Elon vs. Charleston Southern, Semifinals, 2001 Quarterfinals 11 Radford vs. Charleston Southern, 1991 Semifinals 11 Elon vs. Charleston Southern, 2001 Finals 8 Radford vs. Winthrop, 1996 8 Liberty vs. Coastal Carolina, 2002 Tournament 23 Radford, 1991 (3 games)

MOST FOULS - Game 35 Liberty vs. Radford, Quarterfinals, 1994 Quarterfinals 35 Liberty vs. Radford, 1994 Semifinals 28 three times, last by Radford vs. High Point, 2012 Finals 29 UNC Greensboro vs. Liberty, 1997

MOST TURNOVERS - Game 31 UMBC vs. UNC Greensboro, Quarterfinals, 1997 Quarterfinals 31 UMBC vs. UNC Greensboro, 1997 Semifinals 29 Radford vs. Augusta, 1991 Finals 27 Campbell vs. Radford, 1987

FEWEST TURNOVERS - Game 7 Radford vs. Coastal Carolina, Semifinals, 1989 7 Towson State vs. Liberty, Quarterfinals, 1995 7 Charleston Southern vs. Radford, Quarterfinals, 2001 7 Coastal Carolina vs. High Point, Quarterfinals, 2004 7 Gardner-Webb vs. Liberty, Finals, 2009 Quarterfinals 7 Towson State vs. Liberty, 1995 7 Charleston Southern vs. Radford, 2001 7 Coastal Carolina vs. High Point, 2004 Semifinals 7 Radford vs. Coastal Carolina, 1989 Finals 7 Gardner-Webb vs. Liberty, 2009


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT RECORDS TOURNAMENT GAME - TWO TEAMS MOST COMBINED POINTS Quarterfinals 189 High Point (100) vs. UNC Asheville (89), 2006 Semifinals 173 Campbell (93) vs. Charleston Southern (80), 1988 Finals 181 Radford (100) vs. Campbell (81), 1988

FEWEST COMBINED POINTS Quarterfinals 79 UNC Asheville (47) vs. Radford (32), 2005 Semifinals 94 Radford (50) vs. Winthrop (44), 2008 Finals 90 Liberty (57) vs. Coastal Carolina (33), 2002

HIGHEST COMBINED FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE Quarterfinals 59.3 Charleston Southern (34-57) vs. Augusta (36-61), 1987 Semifinals 53.3 Campbell (28-51) vs. Augusta (29-56), 1990 Finals 50.0 Radford (42-69) vs. Campbell (31-77), 1988 50.0 Radford (34-61) vs. Winthrop (28-63), 1996

MOST COMBINED FIELD GOALS Quarterfinals 70 Charleston Southern (34-57) vs. Augusta (36-61), 1987 Semifinals 68 Campbell (39-86) vs. Charleston Southern (29-68), 1988 68 Radford (42-82) vs. Coastal Carolina (20-53), 1989 Finals 73 Radford (42-69) vs. Campbell (31-77), 1988

MOST COMBINED FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS Quarterfinals 148 UNC Asheville (22-78) vs. Winthrop (27-70), 1992 Semifinals 154 Campbell (39-86) vs. Charleston Southern (29-68), 1988 Finals 146 Radford (42-69) vs. Campbell (31-77), 1988 146 Radford (30-73) vs. Campbell (29-73), 1992

LOWEST COMBINED FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE Quarterfinals 26.4 Radford (12-63) vs. UNC Asheville (17-47), 2005 Semifinals 29.1 Elon (26-69) vs. Charleston Southern (17-79), 2001 Finals 25.9 Coastal Carolina (10-58) vs. Liberty (18-50), 2002

FEWEST COMBINED FIELD GOALS Quarterfinals 29 Radford (12-63) vs. UNC Asheville (17-47), 2005 Semifinals 31 Winthrop (15-54) vs. Liberty (16-41), 2006 Finals 28 Elon (14-50) vs. Liberty (14-49), 2001 28 Coastal Carolina (10-58) vs. Liberty (18-50), 2002

HIGHEST COMBINED FREE THROW PERCENTAGE Quarterfinals 95.0 Coastal Carolina (8-8) vs. Augusta (11-12), 1990 Semifinals 85.7 Charleston Southern (10-11) vs. Liberty (14-17), 1999 Finals 84.8 Birmingham-Southern (15-17) vs. Liberty (13-16), 2004

MOST COMBINED FREE THROWS Quarterfinals 58 UNC Asheville (24-26) vs. High Point (34-40), 2006 Semifinals 48 Coastal Carolina (27-34) vs. Radford (21-27), 1999 Finals 54 Liberty (27-36) vs. UNC Greensboro (27-36), 1997

MOST COMBINED FREE THROW ATTEMPTS Quarterfinals 76 Radford (31-49) vs. Liberty (18-27), 1994 Semifinals 61 Coastal Carolina (27-34) vs. Radford (21-27), 1999 Finals 72 Liberty (27-36) vs. UNC Greensboro (27-36), 1997

LOWEST COMBINED FREE THROW PERCENTAGE Quarterfinals 45.5 UMBC (2-11) vs. UNC Greensboro (13-22), 1997 Semifinals 53.1 Coastal Carolina (7-14) vs. Birmingham-Southern (10-18), 2004 Finals 54.5 Liberty (14-26) vs. Gardner-Webb (10-18), 2011

FEWEST COMBINED FREE THROWS Quarterfinals 9 Charleston Southern (2-2) vs. Liberty (7-12), 2009 Semifinals 14 Coastal Carolina (4-7) vs. Winthrop (10-16), 2002 Finals 17 Liberty (6-16) vs. High Point (11-13), 2006

FEWEST COMBINED FREE THROW ATTEMPTS Quarterfinals 14 Charleston Southern (2-2) vs. Liberty (7-12), 2009 Semifinals 21 Birmingham-Southern (6-8) vs. Liberty (11-13), 2005 Finals 29 Liberty (6-16) vs. High Point (11-13), 2006

MOST COMBINED THREE-POINT FIELD GOALS Quarterfinals 18 Coastal Carolina (14-25) vs. Charleston Southern (4-17), 2003 Semifinals 17 Charleston Southern (12-37) vs. Liberty (5-16), 2012 Finals 13 Campbell (7-17) vs. Radford (6-10), 1988

MOST COMBINED THREE-POINT FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS Quarterfinals 53 Radford (6-23) vs. Winthrop (6-30), 2012 Semifinals 53 Charleston Southern (12-37) vs. Liberty (5-16), 2012 Finals 40 Radford (7-19) vs. Liberty (5-21), 2008

FEWEST COMBINED FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS Quarterfinals 87 Coastal Carolina (14-49) vs. Liberty (19-38), 2011 Semifinals 88 Winthrop (15-44) vs. Liberty (21-44), 2009 Finals 99 Radford (18-38) vs. UNC Greensboro (21-61), 1993 99 Elon (14-50) vs. Liberty (14-49), 2001

HIGHEST COMBINED 3-POINT PERCENTAGE (min. 10 made combined) Quarterfinals 48.5 High Point (11-16) vs. Charleston Southern (5-17), 2011 Semifinals 47.8 Radford (9-14) vs. Charleston Southern (2-9), 1996 Finals 48.1 Campbell (7-17) vs. Radford (6-10), 1988



W 44 33 14 12 12 12 10 9 9 7 4 3 3 3 1

L 7 17 26 8 13 26 26 5 25 2 4 3 4 4 6

PCT GAMES CHAMPIONSHIPS .863 51 14 (1997-98-99-00-01-02-03-04-05-06-08-09-10-12) .660 50 9 (1987-88-90-91-92-93-94-95-96) .350 40 .600 20 1 (1989) .480 25 .429 38 .278 36 .643 14 .265 34 1 (2007) .778 9 1 (2011) .500 8 .500 6 .429 7 .429 7 .143 7 -

CHAMPIONSHIP GAME APPEARANCES 15 (1997-98-99-00-01-02-03-04-05-06-08-09-10-11-12) 12 (1987-88-89-90-91-92-93-94-95-96-07-08) 3 (1999-00-02) 6 (1987-88-89-90-91-92) 3 (2003-06-12) 1 (1996) 4 (1993-94-95-97) 3 (1998-05-07) 3 (2009-10-11) 1 (2001) 1 (2004)

current Big South members in BOLD CAPS

HEAD-TO-HEAD TOURNAMENT RECORDS (current members only) CAMPBELL vs. ... Charleston Southern............ 4-1 Coastal Carolina ................. 3-0 Liberty .............................1-1 Radford............................ 1-5 UNC Asheville.................... 1-0

L1 W3 L1 L3 W1

Current Tournament Streak...............L4 Last Semifinal Appearance.............1992 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN vs. ... Campbell ......................... 1-4 Coastal Carolina ................. 0-3 High Point..........................1-1 Liberty ............................ 0-6 Radford............................ 2-5 UNC Asheville.................... 0-1 Winthrop.......................... 3-1

W1 L3 L1 L6 L2 L1 L1

Current Tournament Streak...............L1 Last Semifinal Appearance.............2012 COASTAL CAROLINA vs. ... Campbell ......................... 0-3 Charleston Southern............ 3-0 Gardner-Webb ................... 0-1 High Point......................... 1-5 Liberty ............................ 0-7 Radford.............................1-2 UNC Asheville.....................2-2 Winthrop ......................... 4-2

L3 W3 L1 L4 L7 W1 L2 L1

Current Tournament Streak...............L3 Last Semifinal Appearance.............2010

GARDNER-WEBB vs. ... Coastal Carolina ................. 1-0 High Point......................... 1-0 Radford............................ 1-0 Liberty .............................1-2 UNC Asheville.................... 2-0 Winthrop.......................... 1-0

W1 W1 W1 W1 W2 W1

Current Tournament Streak..............W3 Last Semifinal Appearance............. 2011 HIGH POINT vs. ... Charleston Southern.............1-1 Coastal Carolina ................. 5-1 Gardner-Webb ................... 0-1 Liberty ............................ 0-8 Radford............................ 2-0 UNC Asheville.....................2-1 Winthrop...........................1-1

W1 W4 L1 L8 W2 W2 W1

W1 W6 W7 L1 W8 W2 W6 W5

Current Tournament Streak..............W3 Last Semifinal Appearance.............2012 29



MOST CONSECUTIVE CHAMPIONSHIPS WON Liberty (1997-98-99-00-01-02-03-04-05-06)

W3 W2 L1 L1 L2 L2 W1 W1

Current Tournament Streak............... L1 Last Semifinal Appearance.............2012

Current Tournament Streak...............L1 Last Semifinal Appearance.............2012 LIBERTY vs. ... Campbell ..........................1-1 Charleston Southern............ 6-0 Coastal Carolina ................. 7-0 Gardner-Webb ....................2-1 High Point......................... 8-0 Radford............................ 3-3 UNC Asheville.................... 6-0 Winthrop.......................... 5-0

RADFORD vs. ... Campbell ......................... 5-1 Charleston Southern............ 5-2 Coastal Carolina ..................2-1 Gardner-Webb ................... 0-1 High Point......................... 0-2 Liberty ............................ 3-3 UNC Asheville .................... 5-3 Winthrop...........................7-3

UNC ASHEVILLE vs. ... Campbell ......................... 0-1 Charleston Southern............ 1-0 Coastal Carolina ..................2-2 Gardner-Webb ................... 0-2 High Point..........................1-2 Liberty ............................ 0-6 Radford............................ 3-5 Winthrop.......................... 2-4

L1 W1 W2 L2 L2 L6 L1 W1

Current Tournament Streak...............L5 Last Semifinal Appearance.............2007 WINTHROP vs. ... Charleston Southern.............1-3 Coastal Carolina ................. 2-4 Gardner-Webb ................... 0-1 High Point..........................1-1 Liberty ............................ 0-5 Radford............................ 3-7 UNC Asheville .................... 4-2

W1 W1 L1 L1 L5 L1 L1

Current Tournament Streak...............L2 Last Semifinal Appearance............. 2011

MOST CONSECUTIVE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME APPEARANCES 10 Radford (1987-88-89-90-91-92-93-94-95-96) 10 Liberty (1997-98-99-00-01-02-03-04-05-06)


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL COACHING HISTORY COACH CAREY GREEN RICK REEVES Luby Lichonczak ALAN LeFORCE WANDA WATKINS Tooey Loy Lynne Agee Gina Markland Betsy Blose Charlene Curtis Fred Francello Jeri Porter Julie Goodenough Bud Childers Lowell Barnhart Brenda Paul ^ Ellen Fitzkee TAJAMA NGONGBA Kathy Solano Robin Muller Stephanie Yelton Ray Ingram Kathleen Weber Lalon Jones Cheryl Nix RONNY FISHER Ann Ellerbe Copeland Germaine McAuley Jennifer Hoover Marlene Stollings Joe Ellenburg ^ Mary Ann Meyers Sue Furnary Janine Hoffman ^ Brad Hodge Kristen Holt Jack Jordan Steve Taylor Carol Meegan Jody Gilden John Jacumin

SCHOOL Liberty Liberty / Gardner-Webb Radford Coastal Carolina Campbell High Point UNC Greensboro Coastal Carolina UNC Asheville Radford Charleston Southern Radford Charleston Southern Winthrop Augusta Elon Towson State Radford UMBC Winthrop Charleston Southern UNC Asheville UNC Asheville UNC Asheville Winthrop Presbyterian College Winthrop Winthrop High Point Winthrop High Point UNC Asheville UMBC Birmingham-Southern Birmingham-Southern Radford Charleston Southern Charleston Southern Charleston Southern Charleston Southern Charleston Southern

YEARS (SEASONS) 1999-present (13) 1991-99 (8) / 2008-pres. (4) 1990-01 (11) 1997-present (15) 1986-94 / 2011-present (10) 2001-11 (10) 1992-97 (5) 1986-97 (11) 2002-12 (10) 1986-90 (4) 1993-01 (8) 2002-08 (6) 2006-12 (6) 2004-11 (7) 1986-91 (5) 1999-03 (4) 1992-95 (3) 2008-present (4) 1993-98 (5) 1993-00 (7) 2001-06 (5) 1993-97 (4) 1997-02 (4) 1989-92 (4) 2000-04 (4) 2008-present (4) 1986-89 (3) 1989-93 (4) 2011-12 (1) 2011-12 (1) 1999-01 (2) 1986-89 (3) 1992-93 (1) 2003-05 (2) 2005-07 (2) 2001-02 (1) 1991-93 (2) 1986-87 (1) 1987-88 (1) 1988-89 (1) 1989-91 (2)

BIG SOUTH 171-19 100-78 99-53 94-118 91-33 88-56 66-12 56-94 53-95 46-2 45-67 43-39 37-55 37-65 36-24 35-21 34-16 34-32 34-40 30-68 28-42 24-38 18-46 17-35 17-39 17-49 16-20 14-38 13-5 12-6 11-17 11-25 10-6 10-18 9-19 8-6 8-20 4-8 3-9 1-11 1-23

PCT .900 .562 .651 .443 .734 .611 .864 .373 .358 .958 .401 .524 .402 .363 .600 .625 .680 .515 .459 .306 .400 .387 .281 .327 .304 .258 .444 .269 .722 .667 .393 .306 .625 .357 .321 .571 .286 .333 .250 .083 .042

OVERALL 310-103 196-157 158-158 215-211 159-92 163-135 75-41 95-204 125-172 84-36 90-132 93-85 78-105 84-131 60-73 64-52 44-40 46-71 50-86 55-136 56-84 38-71 28-110 25-83 34-78 32-85 31-51 21-91 20-13 18-13 20-37 24-53 11-16 26-32 20-38 11-16 12-39 6-20 8-19 2-27 1-60

PCT .751 .555 .500 .505 .633 .557 .647 .318 .421 .700 .405 .522 .426 .391 .451 .552 .524 .393 .368 .288 .400 .349 .203 .231 .304 .274 .378 .188 .606 .581 .351 .312 .407 .448 .345 .407 .235 .231 .296 .069 .016

TOURNAMENT 35-2 16-7 20-5 9-15 12-8 9-10 9-5 5-11 5-9 7-1 6-8. 5-6 1-6 5-7 3-4 4-4 3-3 1-4 1-5 3-7 1-5 1-4 2-5 0-4 1-4 -1-3 2-4 2-1 0-1 1-2 1-3 0-1 3-2 0-2 0-1 1-2 0-1 1-1 0-1 0-2

PCT .946 .696 .800 .375 .600 .474 .643 .313 .357 .875 429 .454 .143 .417 .429 .500 .500 .200 .167 .300 .167 .200 .286 .000 .200 -.250 .333 .667 .000 .333 .250 .000 .600 .000 .000 .333 .000 .500 .000 .000

Active Big South coaches in BOLD CAPS ^ - Records listed are based on years as an official Conference opponent only.


overall wins 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

310 215 196 163 159 158 125 95 93 90

CAREY GREEN, Liberty ALAN LeFORCE, Coastal Carolina RICK REEVES, Liberty / Gardner-Webb Tooey Loy, High Point WANDA WATKINS, Campbell Luby Lichonczak, Radford Betsy Blose, UNC Asheville Gina Markland, Coastal Carolina Jeri Porter, Radford Fran Francello, Charleston Southern

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

11 6 4 3 1 1

CAREY GREEN, Liberty Luby Lichonczak, Radford RICK REEVES, Liberty / Gardner-Webb Charlene Curtis, Radford WANDA WATKINS, Campbell Betsy Blose, UNC Asheville



11 4 3 1

CAREY GREEN, Liberty RICK REEVES, Liberty / Gardner-Webb Luby Lichonczak, Radford Betsy Blose, UNC Asheville

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL NCAA TOURNAMENT HISTORY The Big South Conference’s first member institution to advance to the NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament was Big South champion Radford in 1994, its first of three consecutive appearances in the Big Dance. Liberty earned a Big South-record 10 consecutive Tournament berths from 1997-2006. The Radford Highlanders earned the League’s highest seed ever in 1995 as a No. 11 seed in the East Region. In addition, Liberty received its highest seed ever in 2008 as a No. 12 seed in the Tournament, and in 2005, became the first Big South basketball program -- men’s or women’s -- to reach the “Sweet Sixteen” in the NCAA Basketball Championships. Meanwhile, the Big South has advanced to the WNIT six times in its history. In fact, the Conference had three teams qualify for the postseason for the first time in League history in 2010. Below is a look at the Big South’s annual pairings in the NCAA Tournament as well as results in the WNIT and Women’s Basketball Invitational. 1994 - #16 RADFORD at West Region - West Lafayette, Ind. March 17 #1 Purdue L, 56-103

2006 - #13 LIBERTY at San Antonio Regional - Chicago, Ill. March 18 #4 DePaul L, 48-63

1995 - #11 RADFORD at East Region - Charlottesville, Va. March 16 #6 Florida L, 49-89

2007 - #14 UNC ASHEVILLE at Fresno Regional - Austin, Texas March 17 #3 LSU L, 39-77

1996 - #16 RADFORD at East Region - Knoxville, Tenn. March 16 #1 Tennessee L, 56-97

2008 - #12 LIBERTY at Greensboro Regional - Norfolk, Va. March 23 #5 Old Dominion L, 62-83

1997 - #16 LIBERTY at Mideast Region - Norfolk, Va. March 14 #1 Old Dominion L, 52-102

2009 - #14 LIBERTY at Raleigh Regional - Baton Rouge, La. March 22 #3 Louisville L, 42-62

1998 - #16 LIBERTY at Mideast Region - Knoxville, Tenn. March 14 #1 Tennessee L, 58-102

2010 - #13 LIBERTY at Kansas City Regional - Louisville, Ky. March 20 #4 Kentucky L, 77-83

1999 - #14 LIBERTY at Mideast Region - Athens, Ga. March 13 #3 Georgia L, 52-73

2011 - #14 GARDNER-WEBB at Dayton Regional - Charlottesville, Va. March 20 #3 Miami (Fla.) L, 62-80

2000 - #14 LIBERTY at East Region - Baton Rouge, La. March 17 #3 LSU L, 54-77

2012 - #16 LIBERTY at Raleigh Regional - South Bend, Ind. March 18 #1 Notre Dame L, 43-74

2001 - #15 LIBERTY at East Region - Athens, Ga. March 16 #2 Georgia L, 48-77 2002 - #14 LIBERTY at East Region - Athens, Ga. March 16 #3 South Carolina L, 61-69 2003 - #13 LIBERTY at East Region - Norfolk, Va. March 22 #4 Vanderbilt L, 44-54 2004 - #14 LIBERTY at West Region - Philadelphia, Pa. March 20 #3 Georgia L, 53-78 2005 - #13 LIBERTY at Chattanooga Regional - College Park, Md. March 20 #4 Penn State W, 78-70 March 22 #5 DePaul W, 88-79 #13 LIBERTY at Chattanooga Regional Semifinals - Chattanooga, Tenn. March 26 #1 LSU L, 48-90

School Liberty Radford UNC Asheville Gardner-Webb

Appearances 14 3 1 1

Won 2 0 0 0

Lost 14 3 1 1

Best Finish Sweet Sixteen 1st Round 1st Round 1st Round


School Radford High Point Radford Winthrop Gardner-Webb Liberty High Point

First Round San Diego State (L, 92-99 - 2OT) Charlotte (L, 45-72) James Madison (L, 58-80) Georgetown (L, 45-73) Charlotte (L, 60-74) Charlotte (L, 56-62) North Carolina State (L, 78-88)

Year 2010 2012

School #8 Charleston Southern #7 Charleston Southern

First Round vs. #1 Appalachian State (L, 47-62) at #2 Minnesota (L, 51-80)

Second Round Richmond (W, 70-67 - OT)

Consolation DePaul (W, 91-83)



WOMEN’S BASKETBALL 20-WIN SEASONS / NOTABLE WINS WOMEN’S BASKETBALL 20-WIN SEASONS School Liberty Radford Campbell UNC Greensboro Gardner-Webb High Point Coastal Carolina UNC Asheville Winthrop

No. 14 6 3 2 2 2 1 1 1


27 26 25

24 23




Years 1997-98-99-00-02-03-04-05-06-08-09-10-11-12 1988-89-90-92-07-08 1987-88-91 1995-97 2010-11 2006-12 2000 2007 2008 MOST WINS, SEASON Liberty Liberty Gardner-Webb Liberty Liberty Liberty Radford Liberty Liberty Liberty Liberty Campbell Liberty Liberty Radford Gardner-Webb Campbell Liberty Liberty Radford UNC Greensboro Liberty UNC Asheville Campbell Radford Radford UNC Greensboro Coastal Carolina High Point Radford Winthrop High Point

1997-98 2007-08 2009-10 2009-10 2002-03 2004-05 1988-89 2003-04 2005-06 2008-09 2011-12 1987-88 1999-00 2001-02 2007-08 2010-11 1990-91 1996-97 2010-11 1987-88 1994-95 1998-99 2006-07 1986-87 1989-90 1991-92 1996-97 1999-00 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2011-12

CONSECUTIVE 20-WIN SEASONS 5 Liberty 2002-06 5 Liberty 2007-12 4 Liberty 1997-00 3 Radford 1988-90 2 Campbell 1987-88 2 Radford 2006-08 2 Gardner-Webb 2009-11

active 20-win streaks in bold italics


Big South Team Campbell Campbell Radford

Opponent (score) Charlotte (W, 84-67) South Florida (W, 80-62) North Carolina (W, 92-81)


Campbell Radford Radford Radford Radford

Charlotte (W, 65-62) Kansas State (W, 74-61) George Washington (W, 63-56) North Carolina (W, 72-70) DePaul (W, 91-83)



Georgia Tech (W, 82-75)



Virginia Tech (W, 75-72)


UNC Greensboro UNC Greensboro

South Florida (W, 74-67) Virginia Tech (W, 63-54)



Virginia Tech (W, 81-64)


Liberty Liberty Radford UNC Asheville

Akron (W, 96-90) Long Beach State (W, 66-55) Virginia Tech (W, 84-83) Charlotte (W, 55-41)



Kentucky (W, 80-76)


Coastal Carolina Coastal Carolina Liberty Liberty

Wake Forest (W, 72-60) Marshall (W, 70-58) Wake Forest (W, 64-40) West Virginia (W, 69-57)


Liberty Radford

West Virginia (W, 78-67) Ohio (W, 92-77)



Virginia (W, 77-69)


Liberty Liberty Liberty

Kansas State (W, 77-56) Penn State (W, 78-70) DePaul (W, 88-79)



Southern Mississippi (W, 71-60)


Birmingham-Southern Liberty Radford UNC Asheville Winthrop

Southern Mississippi (W, 70-60) Virginia (W, 75-71) Virginia Tech (W, 67-60) Wake Forest (W, 58-53) Memphis (W, 83-60)


Liberty Liberty Liberty Radford Winthrop

Houston (W, 70-61) Xavier (W, 61-56) Ball State (W, 68-56) Wake Forest (W, 52-44) East Carolina (W, 66-61)



Virginia Tech (W, 45-43)


Gardner-Webb High Point Liberty

Purdue (W, 56-55) Florida (W, 75-68) Tulane (W, 63-52)


High Point Liberty Winthrop

American (W, 60-59) VCU (W, 59-57) Colorado State (W, 58-56)


Charleston Southern High Point High Point

Clemson (W, 82-77) VCU (W, 82-67) Pittsburgh (W, 82-75)



Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (14) ........................................... 98 Winthrop............................................... 70 Campbell .............................................. 69 Charleston Southern................................. 62 UNC Asheville ......................................... 38 Augusta ................................................ 31 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 24

1987-88 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (12) ........................................... 96 Campbell (2) .......................................... 85 Winthrop............................................... 62 Augusta ................................................ 55 UNC Asheville ......................................... 46 Charleston Southern................................. 26 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 22

1988-89 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (14) ........................................... 98 Campbell ...............................................76 Winthrop............................................... 75 UNC Asheville ......................................... 52 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 45 Augusta ................................................ 27 Charleston Southern..................................19

1989-90 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (14) ........................................... 98 Campbell .............................................. 78 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 69 UNC Asheville ......................................... 52 Winthrop............................................... 42 Augusta ................................................ 39 Charleston Southern..................................14

1990-91 1. 2. 3. T-4. T-4. 6. 7.

Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (11) ........................................... 95 Campbell (3) .......................................... 84 Augusta ................................................ 64 UNC Asheville ......................................... 49 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 49 Winthrop............................................... 36 Charleston Southern..................................15

1991-92 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (14) ........................................... 98 Campbell .............................................. 80 Liberty ................................................. 58 UNC Asheville ......................................... 54 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 47 Winthrop............................................... 38 Charleston Southern..................................17

1992-93 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (13) .......................................... 193 UNC Greensboro (4) ................................ 169 Campbell (2) ......................................... 155 Liberty ................................................ 116 Towson State......................................... 114 UMBC .................................................. 108 Winthrop (1) ........................................... 99 UNC Asheville ......................................... 63 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 49 Charleston Southern................................. 34

1993-94 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Team (first-place votes) Points UNC Greensboro (11) ............................... 191 Radford (7) ...........................................184 Towson State (2) ....................................144 Campbell ............................................. 120 UMBC .................................................. 111 Liberty ................................................108 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 88 Winthrop............................................... 79 Charleston Southern................................. 49 UNC Asheville ......................................... 26

1994-95 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (12) ..........................................154 UNC Greensboro (6) ................................148 UNC Asheville........................................102 UMBC ................................................... 96 Towson State.......................................... 93 Liberty ................................................. 91 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 49 Charleston Southern................................. 47 Winthrop............................................... 30

1995-96 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points UNC Greensboro (10) ...............................122 Radford (6) ........................................... 118 UMBC ................................................... 84 UNC Asheville......................................... 77 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 57 Liberty ..................................................51 Charleston Southern................................. 37 Winthrop............................................... 30

1996-97 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (13) .......................................... 124 UNC Greensboro (2) ................................104 Winthrop (1) .......................................... 103 UMBC ....................................................74 UNC Asheville......................................... 54 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 49 Liberty ................................................. 38 Charleston Southern................................. 30

1997-98 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (11) ............................................ 94 Radford (3) ............................................ 82 Winthrop............................................... 63 Charleston Southern..................................61 UMBC ................................................... 33 UNC Asheville......................................... 30 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 29

1998-99 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (10) ............................................ 69 Radford (2) .............................................61 Charleston Southern................................. 38 UNC Asheville......................................... 36 Winthrop............................................... 28 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 20

1999-00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (8) ............................................. 64 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 52 Radford................................................. 45 Charleston Southern................................. 38 UNC Asheville......................................... 29 Winthrop............................................... 28 High Point...............................................17 Elon ......................................................15

2000-01 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (6) ............................................ 112 Coastal Carolina (6) ................................. 110 Elon (2) ................................................. 90 UNC Asheville (1) ..................................... 72 Radford (1)............................................. 69 Winthrop............................................... 52 Charleston Southern................................. 39 High Point.............................................. 32

2001-02 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (13) ........................................... 116 Elon (1) ................................................102 Charleston Southern (1)............................. 70 High Point.............................................. 65 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 63 UNC Asheville......................................... 47 Winthrop............................................... 42 Radford................................................. 35


2002-03 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (16) ...........................................128 Elon .................................................... 103 High Point.............................................. 75 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 72 Winthrop............................................... 65 Radford................................................. 63 Charleston Southern................................. 53 UNC Asheville ..........................................17

2003-04 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (16) ...........................................128 Birmingham-Southern ............................... 89 High Point.............................................. 87 Coastal Carolina .......................................76 Charleston Southern................................. 65 Radford................................................. 62 Winthrop............................................... 42 UNC Asheville ......................................... 28

2004-05 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (16) ...........................................128 High Point............................................. 107 UNC Asheville ......................................... 91 Radford................................................. 66 Charleston Southern................................. 62 Birmingham-Southern ............................... 56 Winthrop............................................... 37 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 29

2005-06 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (14) ...........................................189 High Point (9) ........................................ 181 UNC Asheville (2).................................... 163 Radford................................................ 112 Birmingham-Southern ............................... 95 Coastal Carolina (1) .................................. 72 Charleston Southern................................. 69 Winthrop............................................... 55

2006-07 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. T-7. T-7.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (21) ...........................................202 High Point (4) ........................................ 178 Winthrop.............................................. 136 Coastal Carolina ..................................... 117 Radford (1)............................................ 115 UNC Asheville ........................................100 Birmingham-Southern ............................... 44 Charleston Southern................................. 44

2007-08 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Team (first-place votes) Points Radford (16) .......................................... 162 Liberty (9) ............................................156 UNC Asheville........................................ 113 High Point.............................................. 81 Winthrop............................................... 80 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 77 Charleston Southern................................. 31

2008-09 Team (first-place votes) Points 1. Liberty (17) ........................................... 169 2. Winthrop (1) .......................................... 143 3. High Point............................................. 129 4. Radford (1)............................................ 116 5. UNC Asheville ......................................... 75 T-6. Coastal Carolina ...................................... 73 T-6. Gardner-Webb ........................................ 73 8. Charleston Southern................................. 55 9. Presbyterian College ................................ 22 2009-10 T-1. T-1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (9) ............................................160 High Point (7) ........................................160 Gardner-Webb (4) ................................... 147 Coastal Carolina .....................................101 Charleston Southern................................. 86 Winthrop............................................... 84 Radford................................................. 80 UNC Asheville......................................... 57 Presbyterian College ................................ 25


Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (13) ........................................... 172 Gardner-Webb (7) ................................... 163 High Point............................................. 128 Charleston Southern................................ 121 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 98 Radford................................................. 75 Winthrop............................................... 69 UNC Asheville ......................................... 43 Presbyterian College ................................ 33

2011-12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (19) ...........................................199 High Point (1).........................................160 Radford................................................ 157 Gardner-Webb ....................................... 143 Winthrop............................................... 94 Campbell .............................................. 77 Charleston Southern................................. 75 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 68 Presbyterian College .................................67 UNC Asheville ......................................... 60

2012-13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Team (first-place votes) Points Liberty (16) ...........................................233 High Point (4) ........................................ 215 Winthrop (2)..........................................199 Campbell ............................................. 159 Radford................................................154 Charleston Southern................................ 136 Coastal Carolina ...................................... 92 Presbyterian College ................................ 91 Gardner-Webb ........................................ 62 UNC Asheville ......................................... 60 Longwood ..............................................51

From 1986-04, head coaches and SIDs voted on the preseason poll. Beginning in 2005, a media panel joined the preseason voting. In 2008, the SIDs no longer voted on preseason or postseason honors.


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