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Bullseye Speckle Park 1: Is It Worth It? The Canadian Western Agribition

news and views from bigwigstudfarm.com's Martin Luitingh: one man's opinions

Is It Worth It? Is there value in visiting the Canadian Western Agribition for Australian cattle breeders? A Speckle Park perspective from Martin Luitingh
GENETICS If it is your intention to visit the CWA to source genetics - it is well worth it -provided you have studied the genetics, know exactly which and why you want those genetics, and what exactly you hope they will add to your stud or commercial herd. This means looking at what’s on sale, identifying the people you'd like to speak to, and (of course, as we all love) pitching up and comparing the sometimes-sophisticated marketing with your own expert 'bullseye' on what you like in an animal.
This year I selected a spectacular dozen before arriving at Regina. After walking the stalls, it came down to 4 favourites, and happily, and as per our breeding plan, we were successful in securing 2 of those 4. One was a rank outsider - and though I like the pedigree - the photograph of Enticing was not enticing at all. In the flesh though, she was beautiful: I fell in love and we bought her. Conversely - high on our list was a young bull that in every respect ticked all the boxes - and I was excited to see him. Unfortunately, he had bad feet and had to be crossed off my list.
My take out ? if you’re going to buy animals or genetics it is critical first to see the animal 'in the flesh'.