82nd IMESA Conference & Exhibition
The Institute of Municipal Engineering of Southern Africa IMESA promotes. The interests of municipal engineers and their profession with the aim of expanding the kledge and best practices in all Local Government municipalities. IMESA hosts an annual Conference across South Africa. In 2018 Port Elizabeth will be hosting this exceptional event.
ďƒź Our conferences are attended by all municipal officials with an interest in the infrastructure and engineering sector, Councillors, consulting engineers, suppliers, contractors and various other service providers. ďƒź Our Conference and Exhibition run parallel. ďƒź Papers presented at the conference are technically reviewed by a panel of expert engineers and technologists.
ďƒźIssues, solutions and findings relevant to the industry are presented and discussed based on a well thought out theme. ďƒźDelegates are given the opportunity to debate the challenges facing engineers in the municipal environment.
ďƒźThe Exhibition showcases various services and products of suppliers, service providers, consulting engineers, water boards, various professional bodies and forums.
Delegates attending the conference have access to these exhibits and can familiarize themselves with the companies, forums, products, innovations and techniques. The exhibitors have an opportunity to introduce new products and documentation creating a platform where delegates can acquire information. The annual IMESA Conference & Exhibition is a key event in any engineer’s calendar.
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